Download - Drive book discussion group

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Kevin R. ThomasManager, Training & Development

[email protected]

Book Discussion Group

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• You’ll be able to:– Describe the key

components of motivation:• Autonomy• Mastery • Purpose

– For everyone, take charge of your own motivation

– For managers, how to increase motivation by connecting to its key components.

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• Confidentiality

• Participation

• Listening

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1 • Introductions

2 • Review Key Concepts

3 • Study Groups and Debrief

4 • Peer Coaching

5 • Conclusion

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1 • Introductions

2 • Review Key Concepts

3 • Study Groups and Debrief

4 • Peer Coaching

5 • Conclusion

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1 • Introductions

2 • Review Key Concepts

3 • Study Groups and Debrief

4 • Peer Coaching

5 • Conclusion

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Basic Principles

• “enjoyment-based intrinsic motivation, namely how creative a person feels when working on the project, is the most pervasive driver [of discretionary effort].”Example: Open Source Software Development

• “we’re intrinsically motivated purpose maximizers, not extrinsically motivated profit maximizers.”

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Limited Uses for Rewards

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• People perform better when they can choose:– Task – what they do

– Time – when they do it

– Team – who they do it with

– Technique – how they do it

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• “Even in low-autonomy jobs, employees can create new domains for mastery.”Example: Office maintenance person

• Mastery mindset:– Incremental theory of

intelligence– Prizes learning goals over

performance goals– Welcomes effort as a way of

improving at something that matters.

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Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi: The Flow State

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• “Humans seek … to be part of a cause greater and more enduring than themselves.”

• “Williams seek to provide the finest possible liberal arts education by nurturing in students the academic and civic virtues, and their related traits of character.”

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1 • Introductions

2 • Review Key Concepts

3 • Study Groups and Debrief

4 • Peer Coaching

5 • Conclusion

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1 • Introductions

2 • Review Key Concepts

3 • Study Groups and Debrief

4 • Peer Coaching

5 • Conclusion

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Peer Coaching Process

• Present the case (xx minutes)– Frame the issue– Provide relevant background info– Give your point of view– Specify the help you want

• Clarifying questions (xx minutes)• Discussion (xx minutes)

– Discussants speak to each other, not the presenter.– Presenter is silent, reserve judgment and comments.

• Presenter debrief (xx minutes)– Summarize impressions– Identify which ideas you may pursue

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1 • Introductions

2 • Review Key Concepts

3 • Study Groups and Debrief

4 • Peer Coaching

5 • Conclusion

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Related Courses

• You and Your Boss

• Coaching and Facilitating Professional Development

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Kevin R. ThomasManager, Training & Development

[email protected]

• Program evaluation link will be sent by email.• You’ll get a link to a course page with all the materials.