Download - DRIDER (SORCERER - Anthony · SQ Drider Traits, Drider Weapon Proficiency, Skills Climb +19, Perception +12, Spellcraft +11 (+15),

Page 1: DRIDER (SORCERER - Anthony · SQ Drider Traits, Drider Weapon Proficiency, Skills Climb +19, Perception +12, Spellcraft +11 (+15),

DRIDER (SORCERER) Male Drider CE Large (8ft 4in) Aberration DEFENSES

Initiative +2; Senses Darkvision 60ft, Perception +11 Hit Points 45 (6HD; 6d8+18); Armor Class 21, touch 11, flat-footed 19; plus Cover: AC+4

(-1 size, +6 natural, +2 Dex, +4 armor) Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +8; Spell Resistance 17 Speed 30ft; Climb 15ft; Acrobatics +3, Stealth +12 DEFENSIVE EFFECTS

Mage Armor (Spell/1st) +4 Armor bonus to AC; Ongoing 6h;

Invisibility (Sp) +2 Attacks, 50% Miss, Defender loses Dexterity bonuses to AC; Pinpoint: Perception/Sound DC30; Ongoing 6m (D) or until it attacks;

Levitate (Sp) Range 40ft; One willing creature or object (up to 600lbs); As a move action, may move up to 20ft per round; Attacking causes instability: -1 to attack on round 1; -2 on round two, etc. up to –5; A full round spent stabilizing brings the next attack back to –1; Ongoing 6m (D);


Base Attack +4; Combat Maneuver Bonus +10 Space 10ft Reach 5ft Spell Caster Level CL6; Spell-Like Abilities Caster Level CL6 Spontaneous Casting (Spells Only)

3rd (4/day): 2nd (6/day): 1st (7/day):

Common Attack Tactics This drider hides and uses invisibility if it detects intruders. It generally stays on the walls clambering over the top to gain cover from its enemies and using it’s spells beginning with a lightning bolt to alert the Alchemist inside the tower. It will use it’s suggestion on a heavily ar-mored type (preferably a non-elf).


+6 melee; 1d4+3 (20/x2) plus drider venom: Fort DC 16 negates; or Str –1d6; Also, after 1m, Fort DC16 negates; Str –1d6;

Drezz’k, Mwk, Slashing Blade Two-handed

+6 melee; 2d6+3 (20/x2)

Drezz’k, Mwk and Bite Full Attack

+4/+4 melee; 2d6+3 (slashing blade) (20/x3) and 1d8+1 (spear) (20/x3) and +1 melee (bite) 1d4+1 (20/x2) plus plus drider venom: Fort DC 16 negates; or Str –1d6; Also, after 1m, Fort DC16 negates; Str –1d6;

Shortbow, Mwk

+6 melee; Range 60ft; 1d8 (20/x3)

Lightning Bolt (Spell/3rd)

Automatic hit vs. area; Range 0ft; Line 120ft by 5ft; Reflex DC16 half or 6d6 electricity damage to all creature or objects (objects take ½ damage from electricity before applying hardness); If the bolt breaks a barrier, it will continue be-yond it, otherwise it stops (e.g. does not bounce); Instanta-neous;

Dispel Magic (Sp) 1/day

Automatic hit vs. one creature, object or Burst 20ft. Radius; Range 160ft, No Spell Resistance, No Save; or one of the following effects: Targeted Dispel (creature): dispel +6 vs. DC11 plus target’s caster level negates; check for each on-going effect; Conjured creatures affected disappear; Instanta-neous; Targeted Dispel (object): dispel +6 vs. DC11 plus item’s caster level negates; or all magical properties sup-pressed; Ongoing 1d4r; Area Dispel: dispel +6 vs. DC11 plus caster level negates; or dispel starting with the highest level spell or spell-like ability (with a target or point of origin) in the area continuing to dispel against each subsequently weaker spells in the area until one fails; Instantaneous; Counterspell: Ready an action to dispel +6 vs. DC11 plus caster level negates; or spell is counterspelled; Instantane-ous;

Suggestion (Sp) 1/day, [Mind-Affecting, Enchantment]

Automatic hit vs. one creature; Range 40ft, Will DC16 negates; or Reasonable Suggestion: The affected creature will follow the course of action if not immediately discernable as self-destructive; Examples: “See there! That one which you have thought a friend is in fact a doppelganger and your mortal en-emy! Kill it and take its head off before it kills you all!”; Ongo-ing 6h or until complete;

Magic Missile (Spell/1st) Automatic hit vs. up to three creatures within 15ft of each

other; Range 160ft; No Save; Three missiles; each does 1d4+1 force damage; Instantaneous;

Page 2: DRIDER (SORCERER - Anthony · SQ Drider Traits, Drider Weapon Proficiency, Skills Climb +19, Perception +12, Spellcraft +11 (+15),

Web (Spell/2nd)

Automatic hit vs. area with two or more solid opposed points (such as two opposing walls); Range 160ft; Spread 20ft ra-dius; Reflex DC16 negates or grappled: Cannot move and take a –4 penalty to their Dexterity. –2 penalty on all attack rolls and combat maneuver checks unless made to Escape (CMB check vs. DC16). Can take no action that requires two hands to perform. Attempts to cast a spell must make a Spellcraft check (DC 15 + the spell’s level) or lose the spell. Cannot make attacks of opportunity; The entire area of the web is considered difficult terrain. Webs provide cover (5ft of web; +4 AC) or Total Cover (20ft of webs; no line of effect, cannot attack). Any fire can set the webs alight and burn away one 5-foot square in 1 round. All creatures within flam-ing webs take 2d4 points of fire damage from the flames; Ongoing 60m;

Ray of Enfeeblement (Spell/1st)

+5 ranged touch; Range 40ft, No Save; Strength Drain: 1d6+3 points (20/x2); Strength cannot drop below 1. Ongoing 6r;

Darkness (Sp) 1/day

+5 melee touch (automatic hit vs. unattended objects); Range: object touched (moves with object); Emanation 20ft radius; No Save; No Spell Resistance; Only creatures with darkvi-sion or those that bring lighted objects inside the area can see through the darkness; Ongoing 6m (D);

Faerie Fire (Sp) 1/day

Automatic hit vs. area; Range: 640ft; Burst 5ft radius (2 x 2 squares; 4sq); No Save; All creatures and objects glow softly (as a candle; 5ft radius shadowy illumination (2 x 2 squares; 4sq, 20% miss if just using this light to see by), and –1 per-ception per foot of distance) and do not benefit from con-cealment caused by darkness, blur, displacement, invisibility, or similar effects. Ongoing 6m (D);


Str 15, Dex 15, Con 16, Int 15, Wis 16, Cha 16

Spell-Like Abilities:

1/Day dancing lights, clairvoyance/clairaudience, darkness, faerie fire, detect good, detect law, detect magic, dispel magic, feather fall, levitate, suggestion

Known Spells (7, 4, 2, 1):

3rd Level: lightning bolt

2nd Level: invisibility, web

1st Level: mage armor, magic missile, ray of enfeeblement, silent image

0 Level (Sp): (At-Will) daze, detect magic, ghost sound, mage hand, ray of frost, read magic, resistance

Feats Combat Casting, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus (bite)

SQ Drider Traits, Drider Weapon Proficiency,

Skills Climb +19, Perception +12, Spellcraft +11 (+15), Stealth +12

Languages Common, Elven, Undercommon

Gear masterwork drezz’k (drider weapon), masterwork short-bow, 20 arrows, spell component pouch;

Drezz’k A drezz’k is a special weapon given to driders when they are created. It is a large-sized double weapon with a heavy slashing blade on one end and a sharp piercing point on the other. The slashing blade has a few protrusions mak-ing the weapon capable of disarming foes (+2 to disarm attempts). These are always masterwork weapons. Cost: 600gp