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Dribble Fast to Win

Category: Soccer Dribbling Drills

Goal: This soccer dribbling drill focuses on improving the players' decision making under pressure in possession and developing the fast, accurate technical performing.

U10-U12 Difficulty Level 4


Place 3 balls in a small square and 4 cones, which are the same distance from the square as shown. Each attackers stand by one cone, the defender possesses himself anywhere outside of the small square. The soccer dribbling exercise can be performed several groups. The exercise starts for the coach's sign. Duration is 1-3 minutes, it depends on the age group.


The attackers can score a point when they sprint to the small square, get a ball, dribble it back and forth rounding their own cone. The winner is the attacker who scores the most points.

Set Up Soccer Dribbling Drill

Page 2: Dribble Fast to Win

The attackers can score a point when they sprint to the small square, get a ball, dribble it back and forth rounding their own cone. The attackers must perform the action fast to escape from the defender. After the action the attackers can vary the cones to start but only 1 attacker stays by 1 cone. The defender can move and defend only outside

the small square. When the defender intercepts the ball the attacker must place it back to the square and restart the attack from one of the cones.

Coaching Points

Try to dribble at maximum speed Use feints and deceptive movements to beat the defender when needed Take it competitive Often touch the ball Defender has to intercept as many balls as can Take care of the correct intensity, avoid the overload Break the progression when it is needed and give a resting period

Set Up

Number of players: 4 - 16

Time: 10 - 15 min


Small Cones: 8 Vests: 4 Balls: 3