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Page 1: Dragon Monthly--February

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Volume 8

february Issue 7

Dragon Monthly

Division 4 West

Region 3

Cnh district

Page 2: Dragon Monthly--February

Happy February, my beautiful dragons! The year is coming to an end,

and that means District Convention is coming up! DCON is the biggest

event of the year, and you do not want to miss out! This year, we will be

traveling up north to Sacramento for a 3 day, 2 night convention. Since

DCON is up north this year, it will be more expensive, so please save

your money! I promise it will be worth it. There is no better way to con-

clude a GOLDEN year or service than a weekend with your fellow Cali-

fornia-Nevada-Hawaii Key Clubbers!

I hope that you all attend Conclave and our January DCM on January

25th! Come meet the 2014-2015 Division 4 West Lieutenant Governor

and meet other Key Clubbers in Region 3, as well. I know you all want

to shower your next LTG with lots of love (something I did not get...just

kidding). This year is going by extremely fast, and we have less than 3

months left together. Do you know what the best way to end the 2013-

2014 Key Club term is? ATTEND DISTRICT CONVENTION! It's going to be 8

hours on a bus with Division 4 West, a 3-day, 2-night convention with

Key Clubbers across California, Nevada, and Hawaii, an awards cere-

mony, Governor's Ball, and more! DCON is definitely something you

should experience as a Key Club member, so start saving your money.

It's the best way to start spring break (for Huntington Beach and Foun-

tain Valley District schools) and end spring break (for Santa Ana

schools). You don't regret attending DCON because it will be a

GOLDEN experience for you!

As the year is coming to an end, all of us will be electing our 2014-2015

club boards very soon. If you want to run for something, don't let any-

thing hold you back! The experience of running is something really in-

spiring, and even if you do not get elected, you will take something out

of it. :)

With Lots of Love,

Katrina Nguyen

2013-2014 Lt. Governor

Words from LTG

Page 3: Dragon Monthly--February

Edison High School.

School of the Month

Conclave 2014

Date: Saturday, January 25th

Time: 8AM-1PM

Location: Orange Coast College- Science Hall

Parking: free in Lot E, south end of campus on Merrimac Way

between Harbor and Fairview. Student drop-off and pick-up at

walkway between Lewis Building and Library.

Who: Region 3 Key Club

What: We will be electing the 2014-2015 Division 4 West Lt. Gov-


Attire: Delegates, please wear business casual. General atten-

dees, you may choose to wear your Key Club t-shirt or a nice


DCM at 1:30PM! We have limited seating. If you are not interested in coming to Conclave,

please attend our DCM instead. This will give you the chance to meet the

Lt. Governor Elect and ask him/her any questions you may have! Con-

clave is a long process; you will have to sit through candidates' speeches

and caucusing for about 4 hours.

Page 4: Dragon Monthly--February

Children's Miracle Network is one of our preferred charities since 1997.

The money that we as Key Clubbers raise goes directly to benefit

more than 170 children's hospital that are linked with Children's Mira-

cle Network. The break down of our fundraising for CMN is to train

staff, purchase up-today's equipment, conduct research and as well

as providing healthcare to those families who cannot afford it. Hospi-

talized infants and children need special care and we help save 14

million children annually! Every boy and girl like you and me whom

are facing life-threatening injuries, birth defects, and cancer.

There are simple ways that even YOU can help. For example, making

cards, lending books, creating videos for them to enjoy and many


Children’s Miracle Network

President Obama speaks to kids from Children’s Miracle Network.

Written by Tina Nguyen, Marina High, D04W Executive Assistant, .




Deadline: February 20, 2014


Recipients receiving scholarships from their Kiwanis Club.

Caring, Our Way of Life.

Kiwanis Scholarship Foundation

Page 5: Dragon Monthly--February

Amanda Lee, Member, Fountain Valley High School.

Dragon of the Month

Amanda Lee receiving Club level Member of the Month for January.

Officer of the Month

Emily Lam with Elizabeth Stanton presenting Elizabeth Stanton’s Great Big

World on Junior Achievement Day at Vista View.

Emily Lam, Vice President, Fountain Valley High School.

Page 6: Dragon Monthly--February

The CNH Key Club Member Recognition Committee would like to

present YOU with a leadership opportunity. They are now accept-

ing applications to become a district judge. ANY dues-paid mem-

ber in good standing can apply to become a district judge. BEEing

a District Judge is a wonderful opportunity to practice leadership

and teamwork skills.

There are two types of judging: District Judging (application

due Saturday, February 1, 2014), and On-Site Judging,

(application due Saturday, March 1, 2014).

Application link:



You will be judging applications across the CNH Key Club District

that showcase individual members, clubs, advisors, and service

projects. This is a great opportunity to get more involved with Key

Club on a different level.

Do you have your GOLDEN ticket yet?

District Judging Application

Date: April 11th-April 13th

Location: Sacramento Convention Center

What: It is a three-day convention where Key

Clubbers from all over the California-Nevada-

Hawaii Key Club District come together to cele-

brate the conclusion to a year in Key Club!

There will be workshops, a dance, general ses-

sions, and an award ceremony.

Talk to your Club President if you’re interested!

Brochure from District Convention 2013.

Do you have your GOLDEN ticket yet?

District Convention 2014

Page 7: Dragon Monthly--February

Date: Sunday, February 2nd

Time: 3AM

Estimated ending time: 12PM-1PM depending

on how quickly everyone can clean up

Location: Huntington Beach Sports Complex

Clubs will be transported to their assigned water sta-

tion via buses. Once the marathon starts, members

will set up the tables, hand out water, cheer on run-

ners, etc.

Dress in layers you can easily take on and off! It is very

cold in the morning, but it gets really hot later on in

the day.

February Event—Fundraises for DCON.

Surf City Marathon

Runners starting to run at Surf City Marathon 2013.

February Event—DCM.

February DCM/Sandwich-Making

Date: Saturday, February 22nd

Time: 2PM-4PM

Location: FV Rec Center

What: In addition to our DCM, we will

be making PB&J sandwiches to do-

nate to the OC Rescue Mission! Please bring any supplies if you can

(knives, peanut butter, jelly, bread,

gloves, etc.)

Come for important DCON updates,

as well!