Download - Draft4 part 3

Page 1: Draft4 part 3

5 bullet points of what is going to happen in the whole film

• John and Lily got engage and move in together• Lily becomes very over protective and thinks that John is cheating on her• They always argue on simple things• John’s old friend (Nevaeh) text’s him to meet up, and Lily read it and

become’s suspicious • John picks up the phone and meet up with Nevaeh. He doesn’t know that

Lily is following him and Lily ended the relationship and John explains that him and Nevaeh are just friends

• Tries to work thing out and they’re not engage anymore

Part K

Page 2: Draft4 part 3

5 bullet points of what is going to happen in the opening sequence

[Shows the date and time]• John and Lily meet up in the park, because he is going to say something

important to Lily. • He proposed to her, and she was speechless, shocked, and happy.• Shoe accepted his proposal, he put the ring to her finger.

[Next day: Shows the date and time]• John was on the same park with his close friend Nevaeh, talking and

playing around (like what friends do).• Lily saw them, shocked and gets jealous, because she doesn’t know who

Nevaeh is.

Part K

Page 3: Draft4 part 3

• Ina (girl character) is sitting in front of the laptop looking through the internet (Facebook)

• She went to an album of pictures of her and her boyfriend (fiancée).• She became very happy seeing their pictures together and having a great time.

However all these changed when she got a message from someone who she doesn’t know

• After talking to the stranger she became curious about her boyfriend John and what is he finding from her.

• In the end, she couldn’t take the curiosity anymore and she argued with her boyfriend and broke up with him when she finds out that he have another woman.

Part K5 bullet points of what is going to

happen in the whole film for draft 2

Page 4: Draft4 part 3

• The girl character (Ina) will be looking through Facebook looking at her and her boyfriend/husband-to-be’s pictures.

• While looking through the last 3 pictures she will get a flashback of what happened in each of the pictures, showing what kind of memories they had together.

• After looking at the pictures she had a message from a girl who she doesn’t know.• The person started talking to her as if the stranger wants her to know something.• Ina became curious about what the information from the person will be and the

stranger told her its about her boyfriend.

Part K

5 bullet points of what is going to happen in the opening sequence for draft 2

Page 5: Draft4 part 3

5 bullet points of what is going to happen in the opening sequence for draft 3 and 4

Girlfriend and Boyfriend Relationship• Female character remembering her past with her boyfriend/ fiancée • She looked at their pictures on her Facebook account• Picture 1 (Flashback) of her and boyfriend playing about in the grassy land• Picture 2 (flashback) of her and boyfriend walking around the street

holding each other• Picture 3 (flashback) of her and boyfriend looking at each other and her

boyfriend proposed to her.• She had a message on Facebook chat from her friend and her friend is

going to tell her a secret

Part K

Page 6: Draft4 part 3

5 bullet points of what is going to happen in the whole film for draft 3 and 4

• Ina (girl character) is sitting in front of the laptop looking through the internet (Facebook)

• She went to an album of pictures of her and her boyfriend (fiancée).• She became very happy seeing their pictures together and having a great

time. However all these changed when she got a message from someone who she doesn’t know

• After talking to the her friend she became curious about her fiancée.• In the end, she couldn’t take the curiosity anymore and she argued with

him and broke up with him when she finds out that he have another woman.

Part K