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Davis Brightmon Marsh

Ms. Ingram

UWRT 1103


Marijuana Scheduling and Reform

Everyone has an opinion on the legalization of marijuana. These opinions are

formed from personal experiences, advancements in research and also just good old

rumors. No matter what your view, there will always be defining factors on the subject

and I hope to hit on them through my research. Marijuana has been misinterpreted and

falsely accused for too long. There is a drug out there that is completely natural and has

a list of medical values yet is still recognized to be as bad as heroin, LSD, MDMA, etc,

according to the FDA’s drug scheduling system. Marijuana has actual research that

shows its medical value which parts of our country have recognized and taken charge to

legalize marijuana for medicinal use or, in some states, recreational use. With parts of

the "United" States decriminalizing this drug, other states continue to give prison

sentences that ruin people's lives. How can such a innovative country seem to be stuck

in the past. A drug that has been proven to have medical value and shown no significant

harm to anyone's health should not be labeled as a schedule I drug.

Schedule I drugs are defined as the following: "Drugs with no current accepted

medical use and a high potential for abuse. Schedule I drugs are the most dangerous

drugs of all the drug schedules with potentially severe psychological or physical

dependence."(2.) Marijuana was placed under this schedule in the 1970's. It was

believed to be just as dangerous as all other hard drugs, more or less due to the fact no

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research had been done or even been able to be pursued. To this day, Marijuana

continues to be difficult to study and experiment with due to federal restrictions. It is

easily understandable that Marijuana would be placed in this schedule when no studies

were possible and the war on drugs was more prominent than ever. What about now

though? We have states in the U.S that have legalized not only medically, but

recreationally. There are numerous reasons Marijuana needs to be rescheduled, the

first being the fact that the definition of a schedule I drug is having no medical value.

According to NORML, an organization dedicated to the reform of laws regarding

Marijuana usage: "Modern research suggests that cannabis is a valuable aid in the

treatment of a wide range of clinical applications. These include pain relief -- particularly

of neuropathic pain (pain from nerve damage) -- nausea, spasticity, glaucoma, and

movement disorders. Marijuana is also a powerful appetite stimulant, specifically for

patients suffering from HIV, the AIDS wasting syndrome, or dementia."(1.)

With such substantial evidence supporting marijuana's medical value, there is no

reason it should remain under its current classification. Hopefully, in the time coming,

there will be a reform on this drug and the people around the United States will be able

to accept a new classification, so that we can reap the benefits of medicinal marijuana.

(1.) " - Working to Reform Marijuana Laws." Medical Use. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Sept.


I believe this source was able to show the research that was valuable to my paper. The article talks

about how the strain on legislation is affecting americans and their health. It is nice to see there is

studies working towards informing others about the benefits and the problems people are facing

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without it. They go on to list the medical benefits that the population would be able to receive and

how it has the ability to change people's lives for the better. The site also includes health

organizations that are supporting the cause and granting medical access to people that need it.

(2.)"DEA / Drug Scheduling." DEA / Drug Scheduling. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Sept. 2015.

On this website the author includes the FDA’s drug scheduling system. By doing this I was able to

include definitions in my research to have an impact behind my reasoning. My whole argument is

taken place with the information on this page. Without these laws and systems that are put in place

my argument would be no more, I would have no reason for this paper. They explain what reasons

the drugs are located where and the criminal charges for each. All the information helped me gather

the proper research to talk about and an argument that is also a world wide argument currently.