Download - Dr. ZX Operating ManualDr. ZX Operating Manual · Dr. ZX Operating ManualDr. ZX Operating Manual A. EPVC_Mid B. EPVC_Large C. HMS_LargeMid Performs Self-diagnosis, sensor output monitoring

  • Dr. ZX Opera t ing ManualDr. ZX Opera t ing ManualDr. ZX Opera t ing ManualDr. ZX Opera t ing Manual

    A. EPVC_MidA. EPVC_MidA. EPVC_MidA. EPVC_Mid

    B. EPVC_LargeB. EPVC_LargeB. EPVC_LargeB. EPVC_Large

    C. HMS_LargeMidC. HMS_LargeMidC. HMS_LargeMidC. HMS_LargeMid

    Per forms Self-diagnosis, sensor ou tput monitor ing etc. on ZX70 to ZX370MTH, EX60 toEX370 Dash -2/-3/-5, and same range of F ia t -Hitach i models.

    Per forms Self-diagnosis, sensor ou tput monitor ing etc. on ZX450 to ZX850H, EX400 toEX800 Dash-3/-5, and same range of F ia t -Hitach i models.

    Per forms ICX Self-diagnosis, ICX set -up on ZX70 to ZX850H. SINO


  • A. EPVCA. EPVCA. EPVCA. EPVC----MidMidMidMid 1, H ow t o Con n ect 1, H ow t o Con n ect 1, H ow t o Con n ect 1, H ow t o Con n ect t h e P a lm t o t h e Ma ch in e viat h e P a lm t o t h e Ma ch in e viat h e P a lm t o t h e Ma ch in e viat h e P a lm t o t h e Ma ch in e via Dr.ZX Con n ect or Dr.ZX Con n ect or Dr.ZX Con n ect or Dr.ZX Con n ect or 1-1, Pa lm with Dr.ZX software. 1-2, HotSync® Ser ia l cable (Purchase from loca l market ) 1-3, Dr.ZX communica t ion cable (Hitach i un ique par t , p/no. 4476512)



  • 2, H ow t o Con n ect 2, H ow t o Con n ect 2, H ow t o Con n ect 2, H ow t o Con n ect t h e P a lm t o t h e Ma ch in e viat h e P a lm t o t h e Ma ch in e viat h e P a lm t o t h e Ma ch in e viat h e P a lm t o t h e Ma ch in e via Dr.ZX Con n ect or Dr.ZX Con n ect or Dr.ZX Con n ect or Dr.ZX Con n ect or Connect Dr.ZX 4 pin connector to the machine. STD Cab US Cab

    Communica t ion Cable (p/no. 4476512)

    HotSync® ser ia l cable



  • 3, E P VC3, E P VC3, E P VC3, E P VC----Mid Oper a t in g Ma n u a lMid Oper a t in g Ma n u a lMid Oper a t in g Ma n u a lMid Oper a t in g Ma n u a l This manual is applicable for ZX70 to ZX370MTH, and EX60 to EX370 dash 2/-3/-5 and F ia t -Hitach i models. 3333----1, St a r t P r ogr a m1, St a r t P r ogr a m1, St a r t P r ogr a m1, St a r t P r ogr a m

    Tap “Dr.ZXDr.ZXDr.ZXDr.ZX” icon .

    Tap “EPVC_MidEPVC_MidEPVC_MidEPVC_Mid”.

    Main menu will be displayed. SINO


  • 3333----2, Oper a t ion Ma n u a l2, Oper a t ion Ma n u a l2, Oper a t ion Ma n u a l2, Oper a t ion Ma n u a l Each manual shows the necessary procedures to be used before sta r t ing each mode. 3333----2222----1, Oper a t ion Mode1, Oper a t ion Mode1, Oper a t ion Mode1, Oper a t ion Mode This mode is used to ca r ry ou t the following funct ions. -Self-diagnost ic -Monitors/Records and Replays of cer ta in funct ions -Specia l funct ion (1) (2) (3)

    Tap “Op. MOp. MOp. MOp. Modeodeodeode”. Tap “Opera t ion MOpera t ion MOpera t ion MOpera t ion Manua lanua lanua lanua l”.

    The procedure for using the opera t ion mode willbe displayed. Tap “ESCESCESCESC” to return to the mainmenu. SI



  • 3333----2222----2, Ser vice Mode2, Ser vice Mode2, Ser vice Mode2, Ser vice Mode This mode is used to ca r ry ou t the following funct ions. -Display engine learn ing da ta -Change engine speed. -Change lubr ica t ion in terva ls -Change user mode display in monitor panel (1) (2) (3)

    Tap “Op. Manua lOp. Manua lOp. Manua lOp. Manua l”. Tap “Service ModeService ModeService ModeService Mode”.

    The procedure for using the service mode will be displayed.Tap “ESCESCESCESC” to return to the “Select Manual Screen”. Tap“ESC”“ESC”“ESC”“ESC” aga in to return to main menu. SINO


  • 3333----2222----3, E n gin e 3, E n gin e 3, E n gin e 3, E n gin e Lea r n in gLea r n in gLea r n in gLea r n in g Mode Mode Mode Mode This procedure illust ra tes how to ca r ry ou t engine lea rn ing. (1) (2) (3)

    Tap “Op. Manua lOp. Manua lOp. Manua lOp. Manua l”. Tap “Engine Lea rn ing ModeEngine Lea rn ing ModeEngine Lea rn ing ModeEngine Lea rn ing Mode”.

    The procedure for engine learn ing mode will bedisplayed. Tap “ESCESCESCESC” to return to the “SelectManual Screen”. Tap “ESC”“ESC”“ESC”“ESC” aga in to return to mainmenu.



  • 3333----3, 3, 3, 3, SelfSelfSelfSelf----Dia gn ost icDia gn ost icDia gn ost icDia gn ost ic NoteNoteNoteNote Following explana t ions a re based on the ZX200. Screens will vary by model. P lease confirm that the “Operat ion Mode” procedure has been completed, refer to 3.2.1 F ig 3. (1) Main menu (2) Model name (3) Funct ion menu (4)-1 No fa ilure detected

    Tap “St a r tSt a r tSt a r tSt a r t ”. If displayed model is thesame as the unit undertest , t ap “Cor rectCor r ectCor r ectCor r ect ”.

    Tap “SelfSelfSelfSelf----Diagnost icDiagnost icDiagnost icDiagnost icResu lt sResu lt sResu lt sResu lt s”

    If no fa ilu re is detected, left screen will bedisplayed. Tap “ESCESCESCESC” for return to the funct ionmenu.



  • (4)-2 Fa ilure detected If any fa ilu res a re detected, er ror codes will be displayed as below. (4)-2-1 Fa ilu re detected (4)-2-2 Deta il of er ror code (4)-2-3 Ret ry screen

    Tap “Deta ilsDeta ilsDeta ilsDeta ils” todisplay error codeinformat ion .

    Tap up-ar row or down-ar row to scrolldisplay error in format ion . Tap “ESCESCESCESC” togo to the ret ry screen .

    Up-Arrow/Down-ar row

    Tap “Ret ry BRet ry BRet ry BRet ry B” to re-t ryself-diagnost ic. Tap “ESCESCESCESC” toreturn to funct ion menu. SI



  • 3333----4,4,4,4, Mon it or in g/Recor din g P r essu r e et c. Mon it or in g/Recor din g P r essu r e et c. Mon it or in g/Recor din g P r essu r e et c. Mon it or in g/Recor din g P r essu r e et c. NoteNoteNoteNote Following explana t ions a re based on the ZX200. Screens will vary by model. P lease confirm that the “Operat ion Mode” procedure has been completed, refer to 3.2.1 F ig 3. (1) Main menu (2) Model name (3) Funct ion menu (4) Enter model code & s/no. (5) Monitor it em select ing menu.

    Tap “St a r tSt a r tSt a r tSt a r t ”. If displayed model is thesame as the un it under t est ,t ap “Cor rectCor r ectCor r ectCor r ect ”.

    Tap “Mon itor DisplayMon itor DisplayMon itor DisplayMon itor Display”.

    Enter model code and s/no. After en ter ingtap “OKOKOKOK” to go to the monitor -select ingmenu. If no model code and/or s/no a reentered, no monitor ing da ta can berecorded. Ensure Engine is running in order toEnsure Engine is running in order toEnsure Engine is running in order toEnsure Engine is running in order toMon itor Select It emsMonitor Select It emsMonitor Select It emsMonitor Select It ems

    Tap the red squares to select da ta . You can selectup to four (4) it ems at one t ime. Tapupupupup----a r row/downar row/downar row/downar row/down ----a rrowarrowarrowarrow to scroll the menu. Tap“Star tSta r tSta r tSta r t” to sta r t monitor ing, t ap “ClearClearClearClear” to cancelselected it em, and tap “ESCESCESCESC” to return to theen ter model code and s/no screen .

    Up-ar row/Down-ar row



  • (6) Monitor ing screen (7) Sta r t recording (8) Select Data bank (9) Confirmat ion

    Tap “HoldHoldHoldHold” to stop thegraph.

    Tap “RecordRecordRecordRecord” to sta r t recording, graph will sta r tmoving a fter th ree (3) seconds. NotNotNotNot eeee If no model code and/or s/no are en tered, the recordbut ton will not appear.

    Tap number to select a da ta bank, which will keep therecorded monitor ing da ta .

    If selected data bank is empty the left screen will be displayed. Tap “WriteWriteWriteWrite” to record da ta .If selected data bank already has data , the r ight screen will be displayed. If you wantoverwrite recoded data in th is bank, t ap “Overwr iteOverwr iteOverwr iteOverwr ite”. Tap ”ESCESCESCESC” to return to the da tabank select ing menu.



  • (10) (11) Comment en ter ing screen (12) Data record confirmat ion screen

    Tap “CommentCommentCommentComment” to go to the next screen . Even if youhave no comments please tap “CommentCommentCommentComment ”.

    Enter your comments in here.

    After enter ing your comments or if you have nocomments to en ter, t ap “OKOKOKOK”

    Tap “OKOKOKOK” to record the da ta to the da ta bank you haveselected. If you wish to return to the comment en t ry screen,tap “ESCESCESCESC”.



  • 3333----5, Repla yin g Recor ded Da t a5, Repla yin g Recor ded Da t a5, Repla yin g Recor ded Da t a5, Repla yin g Recor ded Da t a (1) Main menu (2) Data bank select ing screen -1 (3) Data bank select ing screen -2 (4) Replaying

    Tap “Record DispRecord DispRecord DispRecord Disp” to sta r t replay.

    There are 16 da ta banks in the Pa lm; on lyeight (8) can be displayed on the screen a tone t ime. Tap the up-ar row/down-ar row todisplay 2nd screen of da ta .

    Tap a number to select the da ta bank youwant to replay. After select ing the da tabank, t ap “P lay BackPlay BackPlay BackPlay Back” to sta r t replay. If you want to clea r the data bank, t apthe number you want to clear, and tap“DelDelDelDel” to clea r the da ta bank

    Tap “H oldHoldHoldHold” to stop replay. Tap “ESCESCESCESC” to return to the da ta bank select ion screen .



  • 3333----6, Specia l F u n ct ion6, Specia l F u n ct ion6, Specia l F u n ct ion6, Specia l F u n ct ion NoteNoteNoteNote Following explana t ions a re based on the ZX200. Screens will vary by model. P lease confirm that the “Operat ion Mode” procedure has been completed, refer to 3.2.1 F ig 3. (1) Main menu (2) Model name (3) Funct ion menu (4) Specia l Funct ion Menu

    Tap “St a r tSt a r tSt a r tSt a r t ”. If the displayed model issame as the unit undertest , t ap “Cor rectCor r ectCor r ectCor r ect ”.

    Tap “Specia l Funct ionSpecia l Funct ionSpecia l Funct ionSpecia l Funct ion”.

    Tap “ESCESCESCESC” to return to main menu. SINO


  • 3333----6666----1, Specia l F u n ct ion 1, Specia l F u n ct ion 1, Specia l F u n ct ion 1, Specia l F u n ct ion ––––WU Dea ct iva t ionWU Dea ct iva t ionWU Dea ct iva t ionWU Dea ct iva t ion Sta r t the engine while the Hydraulic Oil temperature is cold; the machines computer will increase the engine low idle rpm from the standard low idle rpm to warm-up the Hydrau lic Oil. “WU Deact iva t ion” means, cancel th is funct ion . (1) Specia l funct ion menu (2) Confirmat ion screen (3) Deact iva t ion complete screen

    Tap “WU Deact iva t ionWU Deact iva t ionWU Deact iva t ionWU Deact iva t ion” to deact iva te (stop) thewarm-up funct ion .

    Tap “ExecuteExecuteExecuteExecute” to sta r t deact iva t ion (stop the warm-upfunct ion).

    When deact iva t ion is selected the left screen will bedisplayed. Tap “ESCESCESCESC” to return to the special funct ionmenu. SINO


  • 3333----6666----2, Specia l F u n ct ion m en u 2, Specia l F u n ct ion m en u 2, Specia l F u n ct ion m en u 2, Specia l F u n ct ion m en u ––––E CO Con tE CO Con tE CO Con tE CO Con t r ol Dea ct iva t ionr ol Dea ct iva t ionr ol Dea ct iva t ionr ol Dea ct iva t ion ECO cont rol reduces the h igh idle rpm while a ll control levers/peda ls are in the neut ra l posit ion ; th is reduces noise level and fuel consumpt ion. ECO deact iva t ion will cancel th is funct ion . (1) Specia l funct ion menu (2) Confirmat ion screen (3) Deact iva t ion complete screen

    Tap “ECO Deact iva t ionECO Deact iva t ionECO Deact iva t ionECO Deact iva t ion” to deact iva te (stop) thisfunct ion .

    Tap “ExecuteExecuteExecuteExecute” to sta r t deact iva t ion (stop the ECOfunct ion)

    When deact iva t ion is selected the left screen will bedisplayed. Tap “ESCESCESCESC” to return to the special funct ionmenu. SINO


  • 3333----7, Displa y E n gin e 7, Displa y E n gin e 7, Displa y E n gin e 7, Displa y E n gin e Lea r n in gLea r n in gLea r n in gLea r n in g Da t a & An gle Sen sor Da t a & An gle Sen sor Da t a & An gle Sen sor Da t a & An gle Sen sor Cor r ect ionCor r ect ionCor r ect ionCor r ect ion Va lu e Va lu e Va lu e Va lu e NoteNoteNoteNote Following explana t ions a re based on the ZX200. Screens will vary by model. P lease confirm that the “Operat ion Mode” procedure has been completed, refer to 3.2.1 F ig 3. (1) Main menu (2) Model name confirmat ion (3) Service mode checking screen .

    Tap “St a r tSt a r tSt a r tSt a r t ”.

    If displayed model is cor rect , t ap “Cor r ectCor r ectCor r ectCor r ect ”.

    Tap “RecheckedRecheckedRecheckedRechecked” to confirm you a re in service mode. SINO


  • (4) (5) Funct ion menu (6) Learn ing da ta display menu (7)-1 Display EC motor stop posit ion .

    Tap “Specia l FunctSpecia l FunctSpecia l FunctSpecia l Funct ionionionion”.

    Tap “Lea rn ing Da ta DisplayLea rn ing Da t a DisplayLea rn ing Da t a DisplayLea rn ing Da t a Display”.

    Tap “ESCESCESCESC” to return to the funct ion menu.

    Tap “EC Motor Stop Posit ionEC Motor Stop Posit ionEC Motor Stop Posit ionEC Motor Stop Posit ion”.SI



  • (7)-2 Display informat ion (8)-1 Display EC motor maximum speed posit ion (8)-2 Display informat ion

    Tap “ESCESCESCESC” to return to the learn ing da ta displaymenu.

    Tap “EC Motor Maximum Speed Posit ionEC Motor Maximum Speed Posit ionEC Motor Maximum Speed Posit ionEC Motor Maximum Speed Posit ion”.

    Tap “ESCESCESCESC” to return to the learn ing da ta displaymenu.



  • (9)-1 Display boom angle sensor cor rect ion va lue (9)-2 Display informat ion (10)-1 Display a rm angle sensor cor rect ion va lue (10)-2 Display informat ion

    Tap “Boom Angle Sensor Boom Angle Sensor Boom Angle Sensor Boom Angle Sensor Cor rect ionCor rect ionCor rect ionCor rect ion Va lue Va lue Va lue Va lue”.

    Tap “ESCESCESCESC” to return to the learn ing da ta displaymenu.

    Tap “Arm Angle Sensor Cor r ect ion Va lueArm Angle Sensor Cor r ect ion Va lueArm Angle Sensor Cor r ect ion Va lueArm Angle Sensor Cor r ect ion Va lue”.

    Tap “ESCESCESCESC” to return to the learn ing da ta displaymenu. SINO


  • 3333----8, P a r a m et er s Adju st m en t8, P a r a m et er s Adju st m en t8, P a r a m et er s Adju st m en t8, P a r a m et er s Adju st m en t NoteNoteNoteNote -Following explana t ions a re based on the ZX200. Screen will vary by model. P lease confirm that the “Operat ion Mode” procedure has been completed, refer to 3.2.1 F ig 3. and engine-learn ing switch is “ONONONON” posit ion . (1) Main menu (2) Model name confirmat ion (3) Service mode checking screen .

    Tap “St a r tSt a r tSt a r tSt a r t ”.

    If the displayed model is cor rect , t ap “Cor r ectCor r ectCor r ectCor r ect ”.

    Tap “RecheckedRecheckedRecheckedRechecked” to confirm you a re in service mode. SINO


  • (4) (5) Funct ion menu (6) Password en ter ing screen (7) It em menu

    Tap “Specia l Funct ionSpecia l Funct ionSpecia l Funct ionSpecia l Funct ion”.

    Tap “Pa rameter ChangeParameter ChangeParameter ChangeParameter Change”.

    Enter password, and tap “OKOKOKOK”. Tap “ESCESCESCESC” to return tofunct ion menu.

    Tap the up-arrow/down-ar row to selectthe 2nd screen of “Select It em”. Tap“ESCESCESCESC” to return to the funct ion menu.



  • 3333----8888----1, P a r a m et er Adju st m en t (E n gin e Speed)1, P a r a m et er Adju st m en t (E n gin e Speed)1, P a r a m et er Adju st m en t (E n gin e Speed)1, P a r a m et er Adju st m en t (E n gin e Speed) Following procedures a re based on “Li speed adjustment”; the screen will vary depending on selected it em. (1) It em menu (2) Adjust ing screen (3) F igure confirming screen (4) Adjustment completed screen .

    Tap “Li speed Li speed Li speed Li speed adjustmen tadjustmen tadjustmen tadjustmen t ”.

    Enter figures, and tap “Execut ionExecut ionExecut ionExecut ion”. Tap “ESCESCESCESC” toreturn to the it em menu.

    Confirm figures you wish to adjust and tap“Execu t eExecu t eExecu t eExecu t e” to make adjustment .

    After the adjustment is complete, left screen will bedisplayed. Tap “ESCESCESCESC” to return to the It em Menu.



  • 3333----9, Ch a n gin g Th e User Mode Displa y on Mon it or P a n el9, Ch a n gin g Th e User Mode Displa y on Mon it or P a n el9, Ch a n gin g Th e User Mode Displa y on Mon it or P a n el9, Ch a n gin g Th e User Mode Displa y on Mon it or P a n el NoteNoteNoteNote -Following explana t ions a re based on the ZX200. Screens will vary by model. This sect ion descr ibes how to set -up the displayed informat ion on the hour-meter display. P lease confirm that the “Operat ion Mode” procedure has been completed, refer to 3.2.1 F ig 3.and engine-learn ing switch is “ONONONON” posit ion . Following explana t ions is based on display “EEEE nginenginenginengine A A A Actua lctua lctua lctua l Speed Speed Speed Speed”. (1) Main menu (2) Model name confirmat ion (3) Service mode checking screen .

    Tap “St a r tSt a r tSt a r tSt a r t ”.

    If the displayed model is cor rect , t ap “Cor r ectCor r ectCor r ectCor r ect ”.

    Tap “RecheckedRecheckedRecheckedRechecked” to confirm you a re in the servicemode.



  • (4) (5) Funct ion menu (6) It em menu (7) Display / No Display select ing menu

    Tap “Specia l Funct ionSpecia l Funct ionSpecia l Funct ionSpecia l Funct ion”.

    Tap “Mon itor DisplayMon itor DisplayMon itor DisplayMon itor Display”.

    Tap “EngineEngineEngineEngine Act Act Act Act ua l Speedual Speedual Speedual Speed“. Tap “ESCESCESCESC” to return tofunct ion menu.

    Tap “DispDispDispDisp” to display engine actua l speed on the hourmeter display. If you do not wish to show engineactua l speed, t ap “No DispNo DispNo DispNo Disp”.



  • (8) Confirming screen (9) Completed screen

    Confirm informat ion you wish to display, and tap“Execu t eExecu t eExecu t eExecu t e”. Tap “ESCESCESCESC” to return to it em menu

    If the set -up is completed, left screen will be displayedTap “ESCESCESCESC” to return to the It em Menu.



  • 3333----10, Ch a n gin g P a sswor d10, Ch a n gin g P a sswor d10, Ch a n gin g P a sswor d10, Ch a n gin g P a sswor d NoteNoteNoteNote -If you change your password, the new password will apply to all Dr.ZX software, even changing password on EPVC-Mid. (1) Main menu (2) Enter cur ren t password (3) Enter new password

    Tap “PasswordPasswordPasswordPassword”.

    Enter curren t password, and tap “ExecuteExecuteExecuteExecute”. Tap“ESCESCESCESC” to return to the main menu. NOTE. In it ia l pa ssword is zx2000 (loweNOTE. In it ia l pa ssword is zx2000 (loweNOTE. In it ia l pa ssword is zx2000 (loweNOTE. In it ia l pa ssword is zx2000 (lower ca se zx)r ca se zx)r ca se zx)r ca se zx)

    Enter new password, and tap “Execu t eExecu t eExecu t eExecu t e”.



  • (4) New password confirming screen (5) Completed screen

    Enter new password aga in to confirm new password,and tap “Execu t eExecu t eExecu t eExecu t e”

    If password has been changed, left screen will bedisplayed. Tap “ESCESCESCESC” to return to the main menu.



  • B. EPVCB. EPVCB. EPVCB. EPVC----La rgeLargeLargeLarge 1,1,1,1, H ow t o Con n ect H ow t o Con n ect H ow t o Con n ect H ow t o Con n ect t h e P a lm t o t h e Ma cht h e P a lm t o t h e Ma cht h e P a lm t o t h e Ma cht h e P a lm t o t h e Ma ch in e viain e viain e viain e via Dr.ZX Con n ect or Dr.ZX Con n ect or Dr.ZX Con n ect or Dr.ZX Con n ect or 1-1, Pa lm with Dr.ZX software. 1-2, HotSync® Ser ia l cable (Purchase from loca l market ) 1-3, Dr.ZX communica t ion cable (Hitach i un ique par t , p/no. 4476512)



  • 2, H ow t o Con n ect 2, H ow t o Con n ect 2, H ow t o Con n ect 2, H ow t o Con n ect t h e P a lm t o t h e Ma ch in e viat h e P a lm t o t h e Ma ch in e viat h e P a lm t o t h e Ma ch in e viat h e P a lm t o t h e Ma ch in e via Dr.ZX Con n ect or Dr.ZX Con n ect or Dr.ZX Con n ect or Dr.ZX Con n ect or Connect Dr.ZX 4 pin connector to the machine STD Cab US Cab

    Communica t ion Cable (p/no. 4476512)

    HotSync® ser ia l cable



  • 3, E P VC3, E P VC3, E P VC3, E P VC----La r ge Oper a t in g Ma n u a lLa r ge Oper a t in g Ma n u a lLa r ge Oper a t in g Ma n u a lLa r ge Oper a t in g Ma n u a l This manual applies to the ZX450 to ZX850H and EX400-5 to EX800H-5. 3333----1, St a r t P r ogr a m1, St a r t P r ogr a m1, St a r t P r ogr a m1, St a r t P r ogr a m

    Tap “Dr.ZXDr.ZXDr.ZXDr.ZX” icon .

    Tap “EPVC_LargeEPVC_LargeEPVC_LargeEPVC_Large”.

    The Main menu will be displayed.



  • 3333----2, Oper a t ion Ma n u a l2, Oper a t ion Ma n u a l2, Oper a t ion Ma n u a l2, Oper a t ion Ma n u a l Each manual shows the necessary procedures to be used before sta r t ing each mode. (a ) Opera t ion Mode This mode will be used to ca r ry ou t the following funct ions. -Self-diagnost ic -Monitors/Records and Replays of cer ta in funct ions -Specia l funct ion (1) (2) (3)

    Tap “Op. MOp. MOp. MOp. Modeodeodeode”. Tap “Opera t ion MOpera t ion MOpera t ion MOpera t ion Manua lanua lanua lanua l”.

    The procedure for using the “Opera t ion Mode” willbe displayed. Tap “ESCESCESCESC” to return to the mainmenu. SI



  • (b) Service Mode This mode will be used to ca r ry ou t the following funct ions. -Display engine learn ing da ta -Change engine speed. -Change lubr ica t ion in terva l -Change user mode display in monitor panel (1) (2) (3)

    Tap “Op. ManuOp. ManuOp. ManuOp. Manu a la la la l”. Tap “Service ModeService ModeService ModeService Mode”.

    The procedure for using the “Service Mode” will bedisplayed. Tap “ESCESCESCESC” to return to the main menu.



  • (c) Engine Learn ing Mode This procedure illust ra tes how to ca r ry ou t engine lea rn ing. (1) (2) (3)

    Tap “Op. Manua lOp. Manua lOp. Manua lOp. Manua l”. Tap “Engine Lea rn ing ModeEngine Lea rn ing ModeEngine Lea rn ing ModeEngine Lea rn ing Mode”.

    The procedure for engine learn ing mode will bedisplayed. Tap “ESCESCESCESC” to return to main menu.



  • 3333----3, 3, 3, 3, SelfSelfSelfSelf----Dia gn ost icDia gn ost icDia gn ost icDia gn ost ic NoteNoteNoteNote Following explana t ions a re based on the ZX450. Screens will vary by model. P lease confirm that the “Operat ion Mode” procedure has been completed, refer to 3.2 F ig 3. (1) Main menu (2) Model name (3) Funct ion menu (4)-1 No fa ilure detected

    Tap “St a r tSt a r tSt a r tSt a r t ”. If the displayed model is sameas the un it on test , t ap“Cor rectCor r ectCor r ectCor r ect ”.

    Tap “SelfSelfSelfSelf----Diagnost icDiagnost icDiagnost icDiagnost icResu lt sResu lt sResu lt sResu lt s”

    If no fa ilu re is detected, left screen will bedisplayed. Tap “ESCESCESCESC” for return to the funct ionmenu.



  • (4)-2 Fa ilure detected If any fa ilu re is detected, er ror codes will be shown as below. (4)-2-1 Fa ilu re detect (4)-2-2 Deta il of er ror code (4)-2-3 Ret ry screen

    Tap “Deta ilsDeta ilsDeta ilsDeta ils” toshow er ror codeinformat ion .

    Tap the up-ar row or down-ar row todisplay error in format ion . Tap “ESCESCESCESC” togo to the ret ry screen .

    Up-Arrow/Down-ar row

    Tap “Ret ry BRet ry BRet ry BRet ry B” to re-t ryself-diagnost ic. Tap “ESCESCESCESC” toreturn to funct ion menu. SI



  • 3333----4, Mon it or in g/Re4, Mon it or in g/Re4, Mon it or in g/Re4, Mon it or in g/Recor din g P r essu r e et c.cor din g P r essu r e et c.cor din g P r essu r e et c.cor din g P r essu r e et c. NoteNoteNoteNote FollowingFollowingFollowingFollowing explana t ionsexplana t ionsexplana t ionsexplana t ions a r e based on a r e ba sed on a r e ba sed on a r e ba sed on the t he t he t he ZX450. Screen ZX450. Screen ZX450. Screen ZX450. Screen ssss will va ry by model. will va ry by model. will va ry by model. will va ry by model. P lease confirm that the “Operat ion Mode” procedure has been completed, refer to 3.2 F ig 3. (1) Main menu (2) Model name (3) Funct ion menu (4) Enter model code and s/no.

    Tap “St a r tSt a r tSt a r tSt a r t ”. If the displayed model issame as the unit on test , t ap“Cor rectCor r ectCor r ectCor r ect ”.

    Tap “Mon itor DisplayMon itor DisplayMon itor DisplayMon itor Display”.

    Enter model code and s/no. After en ter ingtap “OKOKOKOK” to go to the monitor select ionmenu. If no model code and/or ser ia l no a reentered no monitor ing da ta can berecorded.



  • (5) Monitor it em select ing menu. (6) Monitor ing screen (7) Sta r t recording (8) Select Data bank

    Tap the red squares to select da ta . You can selectup to four (4) it ems at one t ime. Tapupupupup----a r row/downar row/downar row/downar row/down ----a rrowarrowarrowarrow to scroll the menu. Tap“Star tSta r tSta r tSta r t” to sta r t monitor ing, t ap “ClearClearClearClear” to cancelselected it em, and tap “ESCESCESCESC” to return to theen ter model code and s/no screen .

    Up-ar row/Down-ar row

    Tap “HoldHoldHoldHold” to stopgraph.

    Tap “RecordRecordRecordRecord” to star t recording, the graph will sta r tmoving a fter th ree (3) seconds. NoteNoteNoteNote If no model code and/or s/no are en tered, the recordbut ton will not appear.

    Tap number to select a da ta bank, which will keep therecorded monitor ing da ta .



  • (9) Confirmat ion (10) (11) Comment en ter ing screen (12) Data record confirmat ion screen

    If the selected da ta bank is empty, left screen will be displayed. Tap “WriteWriteWriteWrite” to recordda ta . If selected da ta bank a lready has data , r igh t screen will be displayed. If youwant to overwr ite recoded data in th is bank, t ap “OverwriteOverwriteOverwriteOverwrite”. Tap ”ESCESCESCESC” to return toda ta bank select ing menu.

    Tap “CommentCommentCommentComment” to go to the next screen . Even if youhave no comments please tap “CommentCommentCommentComment ”.

    Enter your comments here.

    When you have fin ished enter ing your comments orif there a re no comments to en ter, t ap “OKOKOKOK”

    Tap “OKOKOKOK” to record the da ta to the da ta bank youselected. If you want to return to the comment ent ryscreen , t ap “ESCESCESCESC”.



  • 3333----5, Replaying Recorded Da ta5, Replaying Recorded Da ta5, Replaying Recorded Da ta5, Replaying Recorded Da ta (1) Main menu (2) Data bank select ing screen -1 (3) Data bank select ing screen -2 (4) Replaying

    Tap “Record Disp.” to sta r t r eplay.

    There a re 16 data banks in the Pa lm;only eigh t (8) can be displayed on thescreen at one t ime. Tap theup-ar row/down-ar row to display 2nd

    screen of da ta .

    Tap a number to select the da ta bank youwant to replay. After select ing the da tabank, t ap “P lay BackPlay BackPlay BackPlay Back” to sta r t replay. If you want to clea r the data bank, t apthe number you want to clear, and tap“DelDelDelDel” to clea r the da ta bank

    Tap “H oldHoldHoldHold” to stop replay. Tap “ESCESCESCESC” to return to da ta bank select ion screen .



  • 3333----6, Specia l F u n ct ion6, Specia l F u n ct ion6, Specia l F u n ct ion6, Specia l F u n ct ion NoteNoteNoteNote Following explana t ions a re based on the ZX450. Screens will vary by model. P lease confirm that the “Operat ion Mode” procedure has been completed, refer to 3.2 F ig 3. (1) Main menu (2) Model name (3) Funct ion menu (4) Specia l Funct ion Menu

    Tap “St a r tSt a r tSt a r tSt a r t ”. If displayed model issame as the un it ontest , t ap “Cor rectCor r ectCor r ectCor r ect ”.

    Tap “Specia l Funct ionSpecia l Funct ionSpecia l Funct ionSpecia l Funct ion”.



  • 3333----6666----1, Specia l F u n ct ion 1, Specia l F u n ct ion 1, Specia l F u n ct ion 1, Specia l F u n ct ion ––––WU Dea ct iva t ionWU Dea ct iva t ionWU Dea ct iva t ionWU Dea ct iva t ion Sta r t the engine while the Hydraulic Oil temperature is cold; the machines computer will increase the engine low idle rpm from the standard low idle rpm to warm-up the Hydrau lic Oil. “WU Deact iva t ion” means, cancel th is funct ion . (1) Specia l funct ion menu (2) Confirmat ion screen (3) Deact iva t ion complete screen

    Tap “WU Deact iva t ionWU Deact iva t ionWU Deact iva t ionWU Deact iva t ion” to sta r t this funct ion. (Stopthe warm-up funct ion)

    Tap “ExecuteExecuteExecuteExecute” to sta r t deact iva t ion. (Stop thewarm-up funct ion)

    When deact ivat ion is completed, left screen willdisplay. Tap “ESCESCESCESC” to return to the specia l funct ionmenu. SINO


  • 3333----6666----2, Specia l F u n ct ion m en u 2, Specia l F u n ct ion m en u 2, Specia l F u n ct ion m en u 2, Specia l F u n ct ion m en u ––––E CO Con t r ol Dea ct iva t ionE CO Con t r ol Dea ct iva t ionE CO Con t r ol Dea ct iva t ionE CO Con t r ol Dea ct iva t ion ECO control reduces the h igh idle rpm while a ll control levers/pedals a re in the neut ra l posit ion ; th is reduces noise level and fuel consumpt ion. ECO deact iva t ion will cancel th is funct ion . (1) Specia l funct ion menu (2) Confirmat ion screen (3) Deact iva t ion complete screen

    Tap “ECO Deact iva t ionECO Deact iva t ionECO Deact iva t ionECO Deact iva t ion” to sta r t th is funct ion .

    Tap “ExecuteExecuteExecuteExecute” for sta r t deact iva t ion (Stop the ECOFunct ion)

    When deact iva t ion is completed, left screen will bedisplayed. Tap “ESCESCESCESC” to return to specia l funct ionmenu. SINO


  • 3333----6666----3, Specia l F u n ct ion Men u 3, Specia l F u n ct ion Men u 3, Specia l F u n ct ion Men u 3, Specia l F u n ct ion Men u ––––Ma x. Disp. H oldin gMa x. Disp. H oldin gMa x. Disp. H oldin gMa x. Disp. H oldin g (1) Specia l funct ion menu (2) (3) Confirmat ion screen

    Tap “Pump Pump Pump Pump Adjustmen tAdjustmen tAdjustmen tAdjustmen t” to sta r t th is funct ion .

    Tap “Max. Disp. HoldingMax. Disp. HoldingMax. Disp. HoldingMax. Disp. Holding”




  • 3333----7, Displa y E n gin e 7, Displa y E n gin e 7, Displa y E n gin e 7, Displa y E n gin e Lea r n in gLea r n in gLea r n in gLea r n in g Da t a Da t a Da t a Da t a NoteNoteNoteNote Following explana t ions a re based on the ZX450. Screens will vary by model. P lease confirm that the “Operat ion Mode” procedure has been completed, refer to 3.2 F ig 3. (1) Main menu (2) Model name confirmat ion (3) Service mode checking screen .

    Tap “St a r tSt a r tSt a r tSt a r t ”.

    If the displayed model is cor rect , t ap “Cor r ectCor r ectCor r ectCor r ect ”.

    Tap “RecheckedRecheckedRecheckedRechecked” to confirm you a re in the servicemode. SINO


  • (4) (5) Funct ion menu (6) Engine learn ing da ta display menu (7)-1 Display EC motor stop posit ion .

    Tap “Specia l Funct ionSpecia l Funct ionSpecia l Funct ionSpecia l Funct ion”.

    Tap “Lea rn ing Da ta DisplayLea rn ing Da t a DisplayLea rn ing Da t a DisplayLea rn ing Da t a Display”.

    Tap “ESCESCESCESC” to return to the funct ionmenu.

    Tap “EC Motor Stop Posit ionEC Motor Stop Posit ionEC Motor Stop Posit ionEC Motor Stop Posit ion”.SINO


  • (7)-2 Display informat ion (8)-1 Display EC motor maximum speed posit ion (8)-2 Display informat ion

    Tap “ESCESCESCESC” to return to engine lea rn ing data displaymenu.

    Tap “EC Motor Maximum Speed Posit ionEC Motor Maximum Speed Posit ionEC Motor Maximum Speed Posit ionEC Motor Maximum Speed Posit ion”.

    Tap “ESCESCESCESC” to return to the engine lea rn ing da tadisplay menu.



  • 3333----8, P a r a m et er s Adju st m en t8, P a r a m et er s Adju st m en t8, P a r a m et er s Adju st m en t8, P a r a m et er s Adju st m en t Note Following explana t ions a re based on the ZX450. Screens will vary by model. P lease confirm that the “Operat ion Mode” procedure has been completed, refer to 3.2 F ig 3.and engine-learn ing switch is “ONONONON” posit ion . (1) Main menu (2) Model name confirmat ion (3) Service mode checking screen .

    Tap “St a r tSt a r tSt a r tSt a r t ”.

    If the displayed model is cor rect , t ap “Cor r ectCor r ectCor r ectCor r ect ”.

    Tap “RecheckedRecheckedRecheckedRechecked” to confirm you a re in the servicemode. SINO


  • (4) (5) Funct ion menu (6) Password en ter ing screen (7) It em menu

    Tap “Specia l Funct ionSpecia l Funct ionSpecia l Funct ionSpecia l Funct ion”.

    Tap “Pa rameter ChangeParameter ChangeParameter ChangeParameter Change”.

    Enter password, and tap “OKOKOKOK”. Tap “ESCESCESCESC” to return tofunct ion menu.

    Tap up-ar row/down-ar row to scroll to the other Select screens. Tap“ESCESCESCESC” to return to funct ion menu.



  • 3333----8888----1, P1, P1, P1, P a r a m et er Adju st m en t (E n gin e Speed)a r a m et er Adju st m en t (E n gin e Speed)a r a m et er Adju st m en t (E n gin e Speed)a r a m et er Adju st m en t (E n gin e Speed) The following procedures are based on “Li speed adjustment”. screens will va ry by it ems selected. (1) It em menu (2) Adjust ing screen (3) F igure confirming screen (4) Adjustment completed screen .

    Tap “Li speed Li speed Li speed Li speed adjustmen tadjustmen tadjustmen tadjustmen t ”.

    Enter figures, and tap “Execut ionExecut ionExecut ionExecut ion”. Tap “ESCESCESCESC” toreturn to it em menu.

    Confirm figures you are going to adjust , andtap “Execu t eExecu t eExecu t eExecu t e” to make the adjustment .

    After adjustment is completed, left screen will bedisplayed. Tap “ESCESCESCESC” to retu rn to it em menu.



  • 3333----8888----2, P a r a m et er 2, P a r a m et er 2, P a r a m et er 2, P a r a m et er Adju st m en tAdju st m en tAdju st m en tAdju st m en t (E xclu din g E n gin e Speed) (E xclu din g E n gin e Speed) (E xclu din g E n gin e Speed) (E xclu din g E n gin e Speed) To reflect adjusted parameter(s) to cont roller, you have to ca r ry ou t “Act . /Deact . of pa rameters”. The following explana t ions a re based on the standard lubr ica t ion in terva ls. (1) It em menu (2) Adjust ing screen (3) Adjusted figure confirming screen

    Tap “Lubr ica t ion In t erva l (STANDARLubr ica t ion In t erva l (STANDARLubr ica t ion In t erva l (STANDARLubr ica t ion In t erva l (STANDARDDDD))))”.

    Enter figures, and tap “Execut ionExecut ionExecut ionExecut ion”. Tap “ESCESCESCESC” toreturn to it em menu.

    Confirm figures you are going to adjust , andtap “Execu t eExecu t eExecu t eExecu t e” to make adjustment . SINO


  • (4) (5) It em menu (6) Funct ion menu (7) Adjust ing funct ion confirming screen

    Tap “ESCESCESCESC” to return to the select ion menu.

    Tap “ESCESCESCESC” to return to thefunct ion menu

    Tap “Act /Deact . of ParametersAct /Deact . of ParametersAct /Deact . of ParametersAct /Deact . of Parameters” to reflect the adjustedfigure to the cont roller.

    Tap “ActActActAct .” to reflect the adjusted figure to thecont roller. Tap “ESCESCESCESC” to return to funct ion menu. SINO


  • (8) Confirming screen (9) Completed screen

    When you a re ready to reflect the adjusted figure tothe cont roller, t ap “Execu t eExecu t eExecu t eExecu t e”.

    When the adjustments have been reflected to thecont roller the left screen will be displayed. Tap “ESC”to return to funct ion menu.



  • 3333----9, Ch a n gin g t h e User Mode Displa y on Mon it or P a n el9, Ch a n gin g t h e User Mode Displa y on Mon it or P a n el9, Ch a n gin g t h e User Mode Displa y on Mon it or P a n el9, Ch a n gin g t h e User Mode Displa y on Mon it or P a n el NoteNoteNoteNote FollowingFollowingFollowingFollowing explana t ionsexplana t ionsexplana t ionsexplana t ions a r e based on a r e ba sed on a r e ba sed on a r e ba sed on the t he t he t he ZX450. Screen ZX450. Screen ZX450. Screen ZX450. Screen ssss will va ry by model. will va ry by model. will va ry by model. will va ry by model. This sect ion descr ibes how to set -up the displayed informat ion on hour-meter. P lease confirm that the “Operat ion Mode” procedure has been completed, refer to 3.2 F ig 3.and engine-learn ing switch is “ONONONON” posit ion . Following explana t ions a re based on display “EEEE nginenginenginengine A A A Actua lctua lctua lctua l Speed Speed Speed Speed”. (1) Main menu (2) Model name confirmat ion (3) Service mode checking screen .

    Tap “St a r tSt a r tSt a r tSt a r t ”.

    If the displayed model is cor rect , t ap “Cor r ectCor r ectCor r ectCor r ect ”.

    Tap “RecheckedRecheckedRecheckedRechecked” to confirm you a re in service mode.



  • (4) (5) Funct ion menu (6) It em menu (7) Display / No Display select ing menu

    Tap “Specia l Funct ionSpecia l Funct ionSpecia l Funct ionSpecia l Funct ion”.

    Tap “Monitor Display ChanMonitor Display ChanMonitor Display ChanMonitor Display Chan gegegege”.

    Tap “EngineEngineEngineEngine Actua l Speed Actua l Speed Actua l Speed Actua l Speed“. Tap “ESCESCESCESC” to return tothe funct ion menu.

    Tap “DispDispDispDisp” to display engine actua l speed on the hourmeter display. If you wish not to show engine actua lspeed, t ap “No DispNo DispNo DispNo Disp”.



  • (8) Confirming screen (9) Completed screen

    Confirm the in format ion you want to display, and tap“Execu t eExecu t eExecu t eExecu t e”. Tap “ESCESCESCESC” to return to the it em menu

    If set -up is completed, left screen will be displayed.Tap “ESCESCESCESC” to return to the it em menu.



  • 3333----10, Ch a n gin g P a sswor d10, Ch a n gin g P a sswor d10, Ch a n gin g P a sswor d10, Ch a n gin g P a sswor d NoteNoteNoteNote If you change your password, the new password will apply to a ll Dr.ZX software, even changing password on EPVC-Large only. (1) Main menu (2) Enter cur ren t password (3) Enter new password

    Tap “PasswordPasswordPasswordPassword”.

    Enter curren t password, and tap “ExecuteExecuteExecuteExecute”. Tap“ESCESCESCESC” to return to main menu. NOTE. In it ia l pNOTE. In it ia l pNOTE. In it ia l pNOTE. In it ia l password is zx2000 (lower ca se zx)a ssword is zx2000 (lower ca se zx)a ssword is zx2000 (lower ca se zx)a ssword is zx2000 (lower ca se zx)

    Enter new password, and tap “Execu t eExecu t eExecu t eExecu t e”.



  • (4) New password confirming screen (5) Completed screen

    Enter new password aga in to confirm the newpassword, and tap “Execu t eExecu t eExecu t eExecu t e”

    If password has been changed, left screen will bedisplayed. Tap “ESCESCESCESC” to return to main menu.



  • C. HMS_LargeMidC. HMS_LargeMidC. HMS_LargeMidC. HMS_LargeMid 1, Necessa r y Tools1, Necessa r y Tools1, Necessa r y Tools1, Necessa r y Tools 1-1, Pa lm with Dr.ZX software. 1-2, HotSync® Ser ia l cable (Purchase from loca l market ) 1-3, Dr.ZX communica t ion cable (Hitach i un ique par t , p/no. 4476512)



  • 2, H ow t o Con n ect 2, H ow t o Con n ect 2, H ow t o Con n ect 2, H ow t o Con n ect P a lm a n d P a lm a n d P a lm a n d P a lm a n d Dr.ZX wit h ICX Con n ect orDr.ZX wit h ICX Con n ect orDr.ZX wit h ICX Con n ect orDr.ZX wit h ICX Con n ect or Connect Dr.ZX with ICX 4 pins connector in the cab. STD Cab US Cab

    Pa lm

    Communica t ion Cable (p/no. 4476512)

    HotSync® ser ia l cable



  • 3. ICX3. ICX3. ICX3. ICX In it ia lIn it ia lIn it ia lIn it ia l Set t in g P r ocedu r e Set t in g P r ocedu r e Set t in g P r ocedu r e Set t in g P r ocedu r e Perform ICX in it ia l set t ing, before the deliver of the equipment to customer or, a fter replacing ICX. Following is in it ia lizing procedure.



  • 4. St a r t H MS_La r geMid4. St a r t H MS_La r geMid4. St a r t H MS_La r geMid4. St a r t H MS_La r geMid 4-1, Turn on the Pa lm, and tap “DDDDR.ZXR.ZXR.ZXR.ZX” icon . 4-2, Tap “H MS_LargeMidHMS_LargeMidHMS_LargeMidHMS_LargeMid”. 4-3, The screen below will be displayed.



  • 5, Da t a Down loa d5, Da t a Down loa d5, Da t a Down loa d5, Da t a Down loa d To Download da ta tha t is stored in the ICX. 5-1, Tap “Communica t ion St a r tCommunica t ion St a r tCommunica t ion St a r tCommunica t ion St a r t ”. 5-2, Tap “Da ta DownloadDa ta DownloadDa ta DownloadDa ta Download”. 5-3, Tap “Da ta DownloadDa ta DownloadDa ta DownloadDa ta Download”.



  • 5-4, The following screen will be display, and the download will sta r t au tomat ica lly. 5-5, When the downloading has fin ished (normally), the following screen will be displayed Tap “OKOKOKOK”. 5-6, Tap “ESC”.



  • 6, St a r t ICX Set6, St a r t ICX Set6, St a r t ICX Set6, St a r t ICX Set ----u p P r ogr a mu p P r ogr a mu p P r ogr a mu p P r ogr a m 6-1, Tap “SetSetSetSet ----ICXICXICXICX”. 6-2, Password input screen will be displayed, en ter password, and tap “OK”. 6-3, ICX set -up program main screen will be displayed. Tap “St a r tSt a r tSt a r tSt a r t ”.



  • 7, E n t er in g Tim e Differ en ce7, E n t er in g Tim e Differ en ce7, E n t er in g Tim e Differ en ce7, E n t er in g Tim e Differ en cessss fr om UTC (GMT) fr om UTC (GMT) fr om UTC (GMT) fr om UTC (GMT) To set the t ime difference between loca l t ime and UTC (GMT) 7-1, Tap “ICX In it ia l Set t ingICX In it ia l Set t ingICX In it ia l Set t ingICX In it ia l Set t ing”. 7-2, Tap “En ter Time Diff. F rom UTCEnter Time Diff. F rom UTCEnter Time Diff. F rom UTCEnter Time Diff. F rom UTC” 7-3, Tap “Cor rectCor r ectCor r ectCor r ect .



  • 7-4, Use the Up-arrow or Down-ar row to search ing for the t ime difference. After select ion , t ap “OKOKOKOK”. 7-5, Tap “OKOKOKOK”. 7-6, Tap “ESCESCESCESC” to qu it t ime difference set t ing.



  • 8, Set Loca l Tim e8, Set Loca l Tim e8, Set Loca l Tim e8, Set Loca l Tim e Check loca l t ime shown in ICX, and adjust if necessary. 8-1, Tap “En ter Da t e and TimeEnter Da te and TimeEnter Da te and TimeEnter Da te and Time”. 8-2, If the loca l t ime is wrong, t ap “CorrectCorrectCorrectCorrect” for cor rect ion. If loca l t ime is correct , t ap “ESCESCESCESC” to qu it loca l t ime set t ing. 8-3, Tap da te input space.



  • 8-4, Tap the gra ffit i input a rea . 8-5, Enter da te If the loca l da te is 01 Aug. 2002, then en ter “2002/08/022002/08/022002/08/022002/08/02” 8-6, After en ter ing the da te, t ap “DoneDoneDoneDone”. 8-7, Tap t ime input space.



  • 8-8, Tap the gra ffit i input a rea . 8-9, Enter t ime. If the loca l t ime is 13:00:00, then input “13:00:0013:00:0013:00:0013:00:00”. 8-10, After en ter ing the t ime, t ap “DoneDoneDoneDone”. 8-11, Tap “OKOKOKOK”.



  • 8-12, Tap “OK”. 8-13, Tap “OKOKOKOK”. 8-14, Tap “ESC” to qu it loca l t ime set t ing.



  • 9, Set Model Code 9, Set Model Code 9, Set Model Code 9, Set Model Code a n da n da n da n d E qu ipm en t Ser ia l Nu m ber sE qu ipm en t Ser ia l Nu m ber sE qu ipm en t Ser ia l Nu m ber sE qu ipm en t Ser ia l Nu m ber s If you a re going to set the model code and/or equipment ser ia l number to a machine a lready working, fir st per form a da ta download before sta r t ing the set -up procedure. This will prevent any da ta lost . 9-1, Tap “En ter Model and SeEn ter Model and SeEn ter Model and SeEn ter Model and Ser ia l No.r ia l No.r ia l No.r ia l No.”. 9-2, Tap “OKOKOKOK”. 9-3, Tap “Cor rectCor r ectCor r ectCor r ect ”.



  • 9-4, Tap model input space. 9-5, Tap the gra ffit i input a rea . 9-6 Enter model code. P lace “0” (zero), before the first character of the th ree (3) digit s model code wr it ten on namepla te. Example; Namepla te (10 digit s); if it is 1G6P123456, en ter “01G601G601G601G6”. Nameplate (17 digit s); if it is HCM1G600P123456, en ter “01G601G601G601G6” Tap “0000”, “1111”, and tap “abcabcabcabc” to enter let ter s. If you want to cor rect input figures, t ap Right -a r row for delete.



  • 9-7, Tap “ccccapapapap” to en ter capita l let t er s. 9-8, Tap “GGGG”, and tap “123123123123” to en ter numbers. 9-9, Tap “6666”, and tap “DoneDoneDoneDone”.



  • 9-10, Tap equipment ser ia l number input space. 9-11, Tap the gra ffit i input a rea . 9-12, Enter six (6) digits of equ ipment ser ia l number writ t en on namepla te, and tap “DoneDoneDoneDone”. Example; Namepla te (10 digit s); if it is 1G6P123456, en ter “123456123456123456123456”. Nameplate (17 digit s); if it is HCM1G600P123456, en ter “123456123456123456123456”



  • 9-13, Tap “OKOKOKOK”. 9-14, Tap “OKOKOKOK”. 9-15, When changing/set t ing model code and/or ser ia l number, you have to clear ICX in terna l memory to prevent any download er ror. Tap “Clea rClea rClea rClea r”. 9-16, The following screen will be displayed, please wait .



  • 9-17, Tap “OKOKOKOK”. 9-18, Tap “ESCESCESCESC” to qu it model code and equipment ser ia l number set t ing.



  • 10, 10, 10, 10, Syn ch r on izeSyn ch r on izeSyn ch r on izeSyn ch r on ize In t er n a l (ICX) a n d E xt er n a l H In t er n a l (ICX) a n d E xt er n a l H In t er n a l (ICX) a n d E xt er n a l H In t er n a l (ICX) a n d E xt er n a l H ou r ou r ou r ou r MMMMet eret eret eret er 10-1, Tap “In t erna l H our Meter SeIn t erna l Hour Meter SeIn t erna l Hour Meter SeIn t erna l Hour Meter Set t ingt t ingt t ingt t ing”. 10-2, If the in ternal hour meter and the external hour meter show differen t figures, t ap “SetSetSetSet” synchronizing. If both figures show same figures, t ap “ESCESCESCESC” to quit hour meter synchronizing funct ion . 10-3, If you tapped “Set”, the following screen will be displayed. Tap “OKOKOKOK” to qu it hour meter synchronizing.



  • 11, ICX Self11, ICX Self11, ICX Self11, ICX Self----Dia gn osisDia gn osisDia gn osisDia gn osis Before sta r t ing the ICX self-diagnosis, tu rn on the key switch and wait for a per iod of more than one (1) minute. Otherwise the ICX cannot per form an accurate self-diagnosis. 11-1, Tap “ICX DiagnosisICX DiagnosisICX DiagnosisICX Diagnosis”. 11-2, If there a re no fault s, the following screen will be displayed. Tap “ESCESCESCESC” to qu it the self-diagnosis funct ion . 11-3, If the ICX detect s any er ror(s), fau lt code(s) will be displayed. Tap “Deta ilersDeta ilersDeta ilersDeta ilers” to check the deta ils of the error code, and tap “ESCESCESCESC” to qu it ICX self-diagnosis funct ion .



  • 12, Set t in g Down loa din g Oper a t or s Na m e12, Set t in g Down loa din g Oper a t or s Na m e12, Set t in g Down loa din g Oper a t or s Na m e12, Set t in g Down loa din g Oper a t or s Na m e If you want to set or change the downloading opera tors name, follow the procedure below. 12-1, Tap “ICX In it ia l Set t ingICX In it ia l Set t ingICX In it ia l Set t ingICX In it ia l Set t ing”. 12-2, Tap “En ter En t er En t er En t er DownloadedDownloadedDownloadedDownloaded Opera tor Opera tor Opera tor Opera tor ’’’’s Names Names Names Name”. Screen 1 Screen 2 Screen 3 12-3, Tap “Cor rectCor r ectCor r ectCor r ect ”.



  • 12-4, Tap name input space. 12-5, Tap the gra ffit i input a rea . 12-6, Enter name and tap “DoneDoneDoneDone”. 12-7, Tap “OKOKOKOK”.



  • 12-8, Tap “OKOKOKOK”. 12-9, Tap “ESCESCESCESC” to quit download opera tors name changing funct ion .



    NoteNoteNoteNoteNoteNoteNoteNoteNoteFollowing explanations are based on the ZX450. Screens will var...NoteNoteNoteFollowing explanations are based on the ZX450. Screens will var...NoteFollowing explanations are based on the ZX450. Screens will var...Note