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Page 1: Dps analysis

This small paragraph summaries the whole article. It talks about what the article would be talking about.

The article has been split equally into four columns which conforms to DPS conventions.This goes in dept with what the topics that the artist has been interviewed on.

The artist has done 7 different poses which the magazine editors has made a banner for the DPS. The images has been edited to be black and white to make the large image of the artist (8th image) to stand out more.

The large image of the artist is a full body shot. She is wearing a bright coloured dress to make her stand out from the whole DPS. Her red dress is the most that stands out as the rest of the page uses black fonts apart from the blue font for the summary.

This bold text is a quote that the interviewer chose as a highlight of the interview as it was interesting and it caught their attention which they thought would catch readers attention.It is highlighted to show it is one of the important points in the interview.

This DPS conforms to DPS conventions however, it does not have a headline unlike other double page spreads. Also the headline is what catches the readers attention, but without it readers would have to go straight to reading the article.

Page 2: Dps analysis

The headline links to a graffiti type font which also has a contrast to the art/writings on Soulja Boy’s face. The colour of the fonts used in the headline are the same colours used to graffiti over Soulja Boy’s face.

The magazine’s logo is on the top right corner, this conforms to magazine conventions as it shows that this article is by them.

The columns in this article are equal and the layout is one of the basic layouts magazine use when making double page spreads, also mainly double page spreads use the minimum of two columns.

The camera shot used is a close-up mid shot of Soulja Boy with his head facing the towards the right hand side.He stands out in front of the light blue/white background because of his complexion and the graffiti on his face.

The red and black font colours makes it stand out in front of the white background which catches the readers attention.

For the headline they use a quote that Soulja Boy has said or a quote that the interviewer or fans/readers has said about him. The use of the words “Shooting star!” refers to how he became a star in the media world.

Large use of a letter for the beginning of the article conforms with magazine conventions as it makes the article more attractive and interesting.

This small paragraph summaries what the article of Soulja Boy is about to make readers want to read on.