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Dowsers Society of NSW Inc.Newsletter

September 2012

Vol 24 Issue 9

Table of Contents

2 September 16th, 2012 - Robb Tilley3 From the Editor 4 Practical Dowsing Afternoon 6 Dimensions of Health 11 Changing Earth Energies 14 Dowsing Seminar 15 Seminar Registration form 17 Common Cinnamon 19 My World - As a Dowser22 Stepping Up to It24 Water Prayer 25 Library News 26 October 21st, 2012 - Greg Simmons

Views expressed in articles are the opinion of the individual writer only, not necessarily the collective view of the Society.

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From the EditorWe are very glad to announce the dates of our new seminar (see page 14). An occasion to learn more about dowsing, or to start on the way to dis-covering a new possibility. An occasion not to be missed.

Of course things are changing around us, visibly or invisibly. The visible we can see, the invisible we need special tools to perceive. Dowsing is one of the tools at our disposal.

Remember the quote from Dr Ibrahim Karin : “Those who can see the invisible, can do the impossible”. Dowsing gives you the eyes, the ears, the feel for what is around you in a subtle and invisible way.

Yes, things are changing rapidly, outside it is obvious: Look up, look at the shape of the clouds, read the papers, watch the news and you will see that the picture is not good. If it was your child and he came back year after year with fail marks, you would probably disown him. Well, look at our civilisation, the track record is totally abysmal, what do you do, you cannot disown it.

But behind the scene there is great progress, it just has not surfaced in the media yet, but it will. Already we see dishonest bankers in trouble. Some years ago it would have been un-imaginable, and yet now it is a reality.

You will not have long to wait to see more of this, to see more honesty more transparency, more truth. I remember in school, many years ago, someone brought some marbles. Within less that a week, marbles had invaded the playground.

There is a saying : “It is possible to stop a gun, to stop a tank, but it is not possible to stop an idea who’s time has come”. Well, the time for peace, for truth has come, take note, and play your part.

Until next time.


Speaker for September 16th, 2012Poltergeists and Hauntings

- Robb Tilly -

Robb is a member of the Australian Institute of Parapsycho-logical Research, Inc.

Robb is a businessman with considerable experience investigating poltergeist activity and hauntings.

Apparition is a general term for a visual experience in which there appears to be present a person or animal (deceased or living) who is in fact out of sensory range of the witness.

Ghost is a popular term for an apparition of a dead person.

Haunting is a popular term for apparitions and other associated phenomena (raps, cold spots, etc.) at a particular locality, generally a building. Reports come from all cultures and ages.

Robb will talk about his extensive experience with these phem-nomena.

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Practical Dowsing Afternoon

For our last meeting, the Committee had decided that it would be use-ful and enjoyable to practise our dowsing skills and learn new ones.

And what a great day it was.

The 40 plus members and visitors appeared to enjoy all that was on offer.

We started with short DVDs of Joey Korn demonstrating the power of energy and the use of intention and prayer to boost and expand energy. (Joey’s books and DVDs are to be found in our library, if anyone is inter-ested in following him up).

Everyone then dispersed to the many tables of activities set up for our exploration.

Jim was teaching “Learn how to dowse” for beginners and others, and was besieged. Marie had devised well-disguised games and puzzles to test our dowsing skills, and Helen was demonstrating her energetic healing techniques at her table.

Margaret and Martine were showing how to dowse for health, and Norm had set up his measuring equipment and devices for ensuring maximum bio-electricity. Jane had plants and presentations for dowsing for garden-ing.

At another table, a box of bits and pieces and strings were available for making your own pendulum. Fred was our audio-visual expert and Sally, our co-ordinator, kept the wheels rolling.

Gordon manned the table selling pendulums and rods and Marilyn, our Librarian, and Amalia, kept the Book Sale buzzing. For the first time ever, every one of the many books went home with happy dowsers.

Lowana successfully dowsed to find the ‘Hidden Pendulum’, and the lucky door prize, a book, was won by a first time visitor.

The afternoon tea, was scrumptious (thanks as usual to members’ contri-butions), and the intense chatter and laughter attested to the high levels of energy and engagement in the room.

Many thanks to all those who planned and manned the day, and to all those who came along ready to participate and share with others.

Robyn Lee

Happy are those who dream dreams and are ready to pay the price

to make them come true.

Leon J. Suenes

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Dimensions of HealthBy Fay Palmer

Reprinted from Dowsing Today, the Journal of the British Society, June 2008

As a BSD Registered Practitioner, I dowse at a clinic where I treat cli-ents. They largely arrive through word of mouth, and bring with

them all manner of mental, emotional and physical conditions, ranging from eczema, cellulitis, weight problems, foot & leg ulcers and rheuma-toid arthritis, to depression, trauma & panic attacks.

There are often many factors involved, from the medical understanding of the condition to energetic malfunctioning within the subtle energy bodies. This malfunctioning may arise from our genetic material, from life’s general ups and downs and from our connection to the earth itself. All of these and many other factors are taken into account when I take on a client.

I was contacted by a lady to see if I could help with her bad back. She had an injury 18 months earlier and several lower lumber vertebrae were out of alignment. She used to be active and led a hectic life. She had gained two stone in weight, her blood pressure was high, she could not walk without the aid of a stick and she lived with constant pain.

Her doctor had given her painkillers, physiotherapy had failed to help and little else could be done. She was at the end of her tether and felt that such incapacity in her sixties did not bode well. As usual I said I was more than willing to try but couldn’t promise a miracle.

At my first encounter with ‘Beryl’ (I’ve changed her name) I was aware that there was more to her distress than she had informed me about, and this was very readable in her chakra system and in particular sections within the aura. I ought at this point to make it clear to readers that I am fortunate to be able to see the nonphysical energy systems of the world

around us. This includes the animal, vegetable and mineral subtle energy bodies, so auras, chakras, earth en-ergies and many, other energetic phenomena on numerous levels are visible to me through the naked eye, not in my mind’s eye.

They are as real to me as the solids of the world, it’s just that they are not as solid. I can see the colours, patterns and frequency of the ener-gies; touch, feel, hear and manipulate them.

Beryl’s emotional level of her aura was clouded with fear and her heart chakra showed a linking wound. Both stemmed from the physical injury in her back. It was not the same kind of ‘distress’ that is normally mani-fest in the energy structures from living with pain. The fear and trauma from the incident were holding her energies in a kind of stasis.

She was perpetually living in the moment of impact, stuck in time almost and her body was unable to recover. I tactfully explained to Beryl what I could see and indicated that she may like to discuss the cause of the in-jury. At this point she confessed that she had not in fact had an accident, but had been assaulted.

This had been perpetrated by her husband completely out of the blue, a man who had never before raised a hand to her in all their years of mar-riage. He had been in a trance like state and had subsequently not been able to explain his actions. She felt he did not realise what he had done and she had not been able to broach it with him. He had failed to apolo-gise and she lived with worry that it may happen again. The shadow of the subject hung over them both.

The whole topic and the daily results of the outburst were still very ‘raw’

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emotionally, hence the wound in her heart chakra and aura.

There are several basic steps I take when working on a client before I take the more specific action that each person requires for their con-dition.

First I checked her electromag-netic field, which I perceive as ac-

cessible at four points near the base of the spine. It is through here that I believe we draw in energy from the earth. It is our ‘plug socket’ that pro-vides us with our electrical current, our spark. Malfunctioning in the field can leave us feeling lost and disconnected. Breakages of the cording from ourselves to the earth are often seen in cases of depression. The cords themselves link us to our birthplace, our home, and also our ances-tral home and carry information of an inherited nature.

However breakages in the field within the body itself I find, in cases of MS, and to a degree in ME, but the breakdown points differ. I pinpoint-ed and located the exact access points using my pendulum and checked which of the four were working, and what the rate of flow of energy should be into these points.

I do this using the strength of the swing of the pendulum as a represent-ative of the degree of flow, and I continue working on the point until my pendulum stops and I know I’ve done enough. This is the basic technique I use on all the subtle energy bodies. Beryl’s electromagnetic points had been damaged in the assault, she had lost her connection to ‘place’ and was therefore feeling isolated and vulnerable, and depression was creep-ing up on her in her moods. Stimulating these points energetically and recreating the link to the earth was the first step.

I then checked to see whether she was suffering from any form of geo-

pathic stress and whether she had any attached entities. She had neither but at this point I saw that her husband did in fact have an entity at-tached.

Thirdly I moved on to look at the energetic fields around her chromo-somes. This was a little weak in places but showed no glaring problems, (inherited conditions eg, are normally quite visible at this point) but these did need a bit of a boost to remind the body of its true state of ‘well-ness’ and encourage the regeneration process.

I then began to clear & balance her chakra system. I could not remove all the blockages from her whole life’s experience in one session, but concen-trated on those created by and since the assault. These were situated in the sacral and solar plexus centres due to the physical impact and also in the heart chakra due to the betrayal. There were smaller blockages in the throat chakra created by her inability to talk through the incident with her husband, and to some degree her two higher chakras as she mentally replayed the scenario and sought for solutions and reasons. Most of these blockages had not yet become so ingrained as to be too difficult to re-move, and her whole chakra system balanced out quite readily.

From this I was able to clear out the emotional and mental layers of en-ergy within the aura, balance the structure of the aura and re instate a more beneficial flow of energy through the chakras and the aura as a working system.

Finally I had to work on the flow of energy up the spinal column to re-move the breakages, and the memory of the attack, on a cellular ener-getic level. In other words, stop Beryl being stuck at the moment of im-pact and allow her energies to move forward into recovery.

During the session Beryl experienced many physical, mental and emo-tional states. She experienced temperature fluctuations, feelings of energy moving up and down her limbs and around the torso, she felt elated and an overwhelming sense of release and relief. Although at times she expe-

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rienced some discomfort as the energies began to realign themselves, on the whole it was a very emotionally and physically uplifting experience for her.

At the close of the session I informed her that her husband had a ‘nega-tive energy form’ located in his aura, (it was not really appropriate with this client to mention entities) and I said he would feel better for having it removed; it may have influenced his actions. I duly did this before the close of the session, permission granted.

Beryl contacted me some time later to make an appointment for her hus-band. When I asked how she was, the answer amazed me. The evening of the treatment she had felt extremely tired and had gone to bed early. To her amazement she awoke in the morning after sleeping through, with-out pain.

She then sat up in bed, swung her legs over the side, stood up, put on her slippers and set off to find her husband. He was amazed to see her, as all the things she had just done she had not been able to do since the injury. She continued to improve over the coming weeks. When she had visited her doctor, her blood pressure had gone down, she had started to exercise again, could walk unaided and had been able to return to the gym. Her husband seemed like a changed man, his moods had improved and he was much more caring and communicative.

Beryl’s case study is not only a wonderful success story for her return to health, but also shows on how many levels our ‘health’ exists and all the factors that can contribute to its failure and our recovery process. Our exposure to environmental factors and locations, relationships, the ac-tions of others, life’s general ‘wear and tear’ and when key incidents occur all play their part. It is important to locate all the parts of the jigsaw that link to a specific problem if a full recovery is ever to be achieved.

Fay may be contacted on [email protected]

Changing Earth Energiesby Frank Prescott,

reprinted from the Canadian Quester, Summer 2001

It is with some hesitation that I put this piece forward for possible pub-lication. It is not the result of a planned project but rather a series of

observations over a four year period, which in some cases I did not pur-sue with scientific rigour, and left many questions unasked. However, I moved to this farm eighteen years ago from another in East Lancashire where we had had earth energy problems. When we moved in I did a survey of the house, buildings and land to see whether there were prob-lems here too. There was nothing untoward. The house and buildings contained one or two spirals but no lines (which in those days I would have called ley lines), and whilst there were lines crossing the land there did not appear to be anything particularly significant.

Fourteen years later, I was walking across a four acre grass field with my wife, who does not dowse but feels earth energy when walking through it. “My word” said my wife, “that energy is strong”. We had walked through a powerful band of energy about three yards across and flowing from west to east. This puzzled me, because I was, and am, sure that it had not been there when I had done the original survey. Looking at it again a lit-tle later I found that the line originated within the same field. By this I mean that it came out of the ground at a particular spot.

In late 1997, whilst idly following this line on a map to see where it went, my attention was drawn repeatedly to another point in the same field. This did not seem to be connected to the line, but the pendulum was insistent that I take notice of it. On the ground, the point did not seem to be related to any other forms of earth energy which I had come across, and its characteristics were as follows: at ground level it had a round shape about a yard across; the above ground energy formed an inverted cone. There was no lateral movement of the energy; ie it did not form a vortex, as it had no spin.

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There was a vertical movement of energy, in both directions at the same time. The energy codes black on the Mager rosette. It seemed to have a beneficial effect on men but an adverse effect on women when standing in it. The energy is vibrating at the same rate as uvarovite, and at a rate complementary (whatever that means) to flint.

I dowsed to see if this was a recent arrival and was told that it dated from 1995. As I looked around I found half a dozen similar structures on the farm, with apparent emergence dates between 1994 and 1997.

They included some which, whilst similar to that analysed above, coded yellow/red (orange?) on the Mager rosette, and were beneficial to women and had an adverse effect on men. They were vibrating at the same rate as flint, and at a rate “complementary” to some other stone which I nev-er identified.

During 1998 these phenomena proliferated until in this local area at least they were everywhere. Subsequent family business took me to London, where there were many, and to Dorset, where there were few.

During 1999 the new circular energy spots began to disappear and ad-ditional new lines began to form, crossing parts of the farm. These did not appear to be traditional earth energies, but to have taken the place of the circular features. By this time the line about which this story started had changed shape to become a narrow fan, and had acquired spirals curling off its edges. It no longer seemed to have a focus.

In 1987 we had turned a cowshed into an office, and my chair had ended up on one of the spirals mentioned above. For twelve years I had sat there happily, but in late 1991, I began to feel uneasy and no longer comfort-able. I was now sitting directly in the path of a black energy line. Track-ing it upstream led me to a place about two hundred yards from the house, where it came up out of the ground. I duly turned it into some-thing more compatible, and all was well for several months. On one oc-casion since it had reverted to black and had to be attended to again.

I have also noted another emer-gent line near the house but flowing away from it, and have no reason to believe that this is an isolated case. Well, that has kept you out of mischief for a few minutes but what does it all mean?

The newly emergent lines, I think, are reasonably clear and simple. They have all the characteristics of traditional earth energies, and seem to be the result of physical movements within the earth which have altered the course of deep underground water, which in some cases is still finding new routes (or blockages). When we come to the circular spots and their subsequent lines, we are in a different arena entirely.

Dowsing for concepts is doubly dangerous, because apart from the com-plete lack of verification there is the problem of whose concepts they are, and whether or not I understand the answers anyway! The following is therefore put before you for interest only, without comment and not as the definitive answer to anything.

When I first found the circular energies I asked a lot of questions to which I got a lot of negatives, but out of which came:• They were manifestations of the consciousness of the Earth;• It was trying to tell us something;• It was a sort of warning, although not of physical catastrophe;

We should change the way we think towards a greater use of the intui-tion.

With the disappearance of the circles and their replacement with lines came the thought, “If you are not going to take any notice, I give up” But perhaps this is not the last word.

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Dowsing Sem

inar- 4 different segm

ents with M

aggie Lowe and Col Zwan -

Investigative & Map D

owsing, Energy Lines, Water & M

ineral, Lost Items & Pets

Registration form I would like to register for the D

owsing Seminar

on the 14th of October 2012

Title: First name: Surnam


Address line 1:

Address line 2:

Suburb: State: Postcode:

Telephone: Mobile:

Enclosed is my cheque or m

oney order for $

- Dowsing Seminar -October 14th, 2012

With Maggie Lowe and Col Zwan

This seminar is a great opportunity for anyone to get into dowsing with some experienced dowsers. The benefits of dowsing are

limitless and Maggie and Col will cover many different techniques using dowsing from different angles. This seminar will benefit both beginners and experienced dowsers.

When:The Seminar Registration will begin at 9:30 am for a 10:00 am start, on Sunday October 14th 2012.

Where:Community Hall, 44 Gladesville Road, Hunters Hill, Sydney, NSW, see back of newsletter for directions. (In the same room as our monthly meetings)

Who should attend:Beginners as well as experienced dowsers are invited. A lot of new mate-rial will be presented and everyone, regardless of their level of proficiency will benefit.The participants will receive a comprehensive seminar manual and morning & afternoon tea will be provided.

Cost:The Seminar cost is $120 for members and $140 for non-members. Non-members will have the opportunity to join the Society on the day at a discounted price.

Both Maggie and Col have been dowsers for many years and have a lot of experience to share. Their methods will also appeal to everyone interested in dowsing.

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Common Cinnamon

Common Uses: Air Fresh-eners, Candida, Colds,

Culinary, Diabetes, Digestion, Flu, Fungus, Insect repellent, Nausea, Tonic.

Properties: Analgesic, Anti-in-flammatory, Antibacterial, An-tifungal, Antioxidant, Antiper-spirant/Deodorants, Antispasmodic, AntiViral, Aphrodisiac, Aromatic, Astringent, Digestive, Hypotensive, Insect repellents, Vermifuge.

Studies have shown that just 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon per day can low-er LDL cholesterol.

Several studies suggest that cinnamon may have a regulatory effect on blood sugar, making it especially beneficial for people with Type 2 diabe-tes.

Cinnamon is a powerful antibiotic. In some studies, cinnamon has shown an amazing ability to stop medication-resistant yeast infections.

In a study published by researchers at the U.S. Department of Agricul-ture in Maryland, cinnamon reduced the proliferation of leukaemia and lymphoma cancer cells.

It has an anti-clotting effect on the blood. In a study at Copenhagen Uni-versity, patients given half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder combined with one tablespoon of honey every morning before breakfast, had sig-nificant relief in arthritis pain after one week and could walk without pain within one month.

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When added to food, it inhibits bacterial growth and food spoilage, mak-ing it a natural food preservative. One study found that smelling cinna-mon boosts cognitive function and memory.

Researchers at Kansas State University found that cinnamon fights the E. coli bacteria in unpasteurized juices. It is a great source of manganese, fiber, iron, and calcium.

Note on Identification

‘Cassia’ is an herb which looks and tastes like cinnamon and can be found on some store shelves labeled as cinnamon when actually it does not car-ry the health benefits of true ‘Ceylon cinnamon’.

The first step in using cinnamon safely is knowing what you are getting. Cassia contains higher amounts of coumarin than true cinnamon and coumarin is responsible for some of the side effects.

QuotesPeasants have believed in dowsing,

and scientists used to believe that dowsing was only a belief of peasants.

Now there are so many scientists

who believe in dowsing that the suspicion comes to me

that it may only be a myth after all.

~ Charles Fort

My World - as a DowserBy John Richardson

Welcome to my world - the world of dowsing. Where the road signs may differ, but the destination is the same!

MIND POWER. I have since an early age believed in the power of the mind. My wife and I went to a live show by a person who was perform-ing different feats of mind power. There was no stage and he was working at our floor level approximately three metres distance, directly in front of where we were seated.

One part of the show was his bending metal forks and spoons, and the audience were invited to participate by holding the handles of the cutlery whilst he performed this feat. One of the people involved was a young boy, who held a spoon handle between his cupped hands, whilst the showman put one of his hands on the boy’s hands and held his other hand some 15 centimetres away from the exposed metal.

The handle bent and part of the spoon fell to the floor. The showman immediately picked it up and put it into the boy’s cupped hands and told him to take both parts back to his parents nearby. The boy did not show any discomfort of the metal being hot.

Later I was able to obtain a stainless steel fork that had been bent and twisted during the demonstration. The metal has no heat staining at the bent sections and is very stiff and strong. It remains a tangible reminder for me that everything is possible.

When you read about other peoples’ energy work, often it tends to col-our your way of working with energy! To all the dowser authors who when they read what I write please allow me to thank you all (past and present) for your unselfish help along the way.

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Understand, I do not claim anything of those authors as mine, I am showing the way and means I use in my efforts to help others.


I want you to imagine you are at a stream just before a waterfall. Go to a safe position where you cannot come to harm. Look into the water, watch the water moving over the streambed to where it comes to the rock ledge and falls, “OOPS” mentally you fall with it. Don’t worry - you are NOW in another world not subject to gravity or harm - go back in your mind and re-live that sensation as you fall - you enter into the pure sensation of controlled falling, falling, falling and any energy blocks you have fall away from you and are gone.

See the mist from the waterfall floating in the air all around you - float with it - floating with the mist. The air currents are rising, the mist and you rise with them - as you rise the *energy halo around your head (eve-ryone has one) expands and releases your congested negative mind energy from where it was distorting your energy form. Your body energy form now expands back to its proper configuration.*

Feel your mind expand in its freedom - positive thoughts flood through you! When you are ready - return to this dimension - a new person in all respects - note how you now feel lighter than before.

Always be positive in your outlook on life to enjoy health in body, mind and spirit!

Thank you for visiting my world - as a dowser.

Until next time, enjoy!

John Richardson. (02) 6643 38I3

*Betty Shine “Mind Waves” and “Mind to Mind” *

Dowsing In The NewsReprinted from The American Dowers Quarterly Fall 2004

Imagine Crystal Stop Signs! After trying everything from road signs to resurfacing, the motorway authority of Austria called on the Druids to

restore the energy balance to a stretch of the autobahn known for fatal accidents.

Using one ton quartz pillars inserted into the earth alongside the road, the Druids, an ancient order of priests, started a secret two year experiment to see whether the giant crystals had any effect on the number of car wrecks. The gigantic quartz stones were thought to have an acupuncture like influence on the earth, balancing out the energy fields and restoring a sense of calm and well being to the road.

Gerald Knobloch, the Archdruid in charge of the experiment, claimed to have found disturbing energy patterns beneath the ground using a divin-ing rod - primarily around a river that had been artificially (man made) forced to flow against its natural course. His hope was that the quartz would restore the energy balance in the area.

After two years, the study found that the number of accidents occurring on that stretch of road fell from an average of six a year to zero. Some at-tribute this fall in accidents to the quartz pillars, while others remain skeptical about the “earth acupuncture.” Whether the fall in fatalities is due to the acupuncture, the motorway authority appears convinced of the energy balancing idea - the Druids have been commissioned to take their technique to other hazardous locations around Austria.

“The New Times.” 2003, October. p. 11.

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Stepping Up to It!

H ere is a story too good not to share:

One day a farmer’s donkey fell down into a well.

The animal cried piteously for hours as the farmer tried to figure out what to do.

Finally, he decided the animal was old, and the well needed to be cov-ered up anyway. It just wasn’t worth it to retrieve the donkey.

He invited all his neighbours to come over and help him. They all grabbed a shovel and began to shovel dirt into the well. At first, the donkey real-ised what was happening and cried horribly. Then, to everyone’s amaze-ment he quieted down.

A few shovels later the farmer finally looked down the well. He was as-tonished at what he saw. With each shovel of dirt that hit his back, the donkey was doing something amazing. He would shake it off and take a step up.

As the farmer’s neighbours continued to shovel dirt on top of the animal, he would shake it off and take a step up.

Pretty soon, everyone was amazed as the donkey stepped up over the edge of the well and happily trotted off!!


Life is going to shovel dirt on you, all kinds of dirt. The trick to getting out of the well is to shake it off, and take a step up.

Each of our troubles is a stepping stone. We can get out of the deepest wells just by not stopping, never giving up.

Shake it off, and take a step up!

Remember the five simple rules of happiness:

1- Free your heart from hatred

2- Free your mind from worries

3- Live simply

4- Give more

5- Expect less

QuotesA good speech has a beginning,

a middle and an end, the best example being,

“I love you.” ~Robert Brault ~

Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love.

~Albert Einstein ~

Love does not consist of gazing at each other, but in looking together in the same direction.

~Antoine de Saint-Exupery

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The Water PrayerReprinted from the American Society of Dowsers

Quarterly Newsletter, Fall 2004

I call on the divine powers of nature,our guides and angels, to bless this water

and provide it with the proper frequencies to remove unnatural impurities and energies;

to remove the detrimental and unneeded organisms,miasms, prions, and toxins in our bodies;

to balance our chakras, energy patterns and meridians;to gently cleanse all waste material from our cells & bodies;

and to draw us closer to our highest potentialas loving spiritual beings while raising

our level of consciousness continuouslyand bestowing health and comfort to our physical bodies.

Let each drop bless & charge every other drop it contacts,on and on.

I call on this program to be installed continuously for nowand into the future for as long as is appropriate

for each individual.

In deep gratitude, amen.

Speaker for October 21st, 2012Diagnosis Through Dowsing

- Greg Simmons -We are on the verge of truly uncovering the amazing capacity of unconditional love, in all of its creative individualistic formats to transform imbalance; of course the reverse is provable too, when we see distortion and lack of symmetry with traumatic emotional input.

Most of Greg’s work is based on identify-ing and releasing the emotions around conflict/shock imprints, and their emo-tional attachment. Then seeking out the patterning beliefs/feelings that are taken on in early childhood 0 to 6 years.

As we close the current creation cycle in this, 2012, my understand-ing of the new paradigm is to perceive with your spirit eyes, releasing old judgemental, control influences in conscious/subconscious.Greg will talk about the following subjects:Earthbounds - assistance to the light.Entity removal - whether possession or in house.Clearing of negative emotional influences in rooms or homes.Resolving issues with past over loved ones.

He says: “I feel one of my most important understandings that I have practically discovered in my work, is our perceived relationship with self, which dictates our relationship to all else.”

Page 14: Dowsers Society of NSW Inc. Newsletter September...Dowsers Society of NSW Inc. Newsletter September 2012 Vol 24 Issue 9 Table of Contents 2 September 16th, 2012 - Robb Tilley 3 From

Page 26 Dowsers Society of NSW – September 2012

Please arrive at the meeting early so as not to disturb and be seated by 2:00 pm

Bus Services: Transport Enquiries: 131 500From City, Central : Bus # 501 from Central to Rozelle then Bus # 506 to Hunters Hill

From City, Circular Quay : Bus # 506

From Chatswood : Bus # 536

Venue for MeetingsCommunity Hall, 44 Gladesville Road, Hunters Hill

Date of MeetingsThird Sunday of every month, except December (2nd Sunday)Time: 2:00pm to 5:00 pm