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NORCO 2011

Office of Institutional Effectiveness

Web Resources:

Need Help? Contact Dr. Jim Thomas ([email protected]) orDavid Torres ([email protected]) )

Last Revised: February 2012


Table of Contents

A. Mission and Relationship to the College …………………………………. 3

B. History …………………………………………………………………….. 3

C. Data and Environmental Scan ……………………………………………. 5

D. Programs and Curriculum ………………………………………………… 6

E. Student Outcomes Assessment …………………………………………… 8

F. Collaboration with Other Units …………………………………………… 9

G. Outreach …………………………………………………………………… 10

H. Long Term Major Resource Planning …………………………………….. 10

I. Summary ………………………………………………………………….. 10

J. Recommendations to the Program Review Committee…………………… 12

Appendix A. ESL Chart

Appendix B. ESL Special Topic Courses

Appendix C. ESL Student Questionnaire

Appendix D Course Placement Data

Appendix E. Rubrics

Appendix F. ESL 55 Common Final Test Bank Summary

Appendix G. Scoring Rubric: ESL 55 Common Final


English as a Second Language Program Review Norco 2011

A. Mission and Relationship to the College(s)

ESL Mission Statement

The English as a Second Language Program in the Riverside Community College District serves

the diverse student population of the surrounding communities -- Norco, Moreno Valley, and

Riverside -- as well as international students by providing affordable education in academic

English to students limited in their English proficiency. Through a variety of credit classes, ESL

offers instruction in the many language skills necessary to succeed academically at the college

level or to gain more proficiency for employment or job advancement. The ESL program

promotes self-reliance, cross-cultural awareness, and critical and independent thinking through

three constituent colleges.

B. History

ESL (2002-2011)

In the beginning, ESL was not a separate discipline of the English and Speech Communication

Department. As a result, the first program review for the discipline was produced in 2002. Since

2002, the ESL discipline has been restructuring and building up the ESL program to meet the

needs of underserved and underrepresented student populations in the District. Due to the

changes within the English Discipline curriculum and changes to the graduation requirements,

the ESL discipline has had to realign its writing curriculum. We have also realigned the ESL

reading/vocabulary courses with the Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) of the Reading

discipline’s courses. In the academic year 2010-2011, the ACCJC granted independent status to

Moreno Valley College and Norco College creating a three-college system within the district.

Norco College and Moreno Valley College are in the process of developing an intensive ESL



2007-2011 update

Program staffing has shrunk from eight to six full-time faculty members teaching an average of

7.517 FTE per semester. In the same time period (from Fall to Fall), student enrollment in ESL

courses decreased by 17% from 888 to 737 after hitting a high of over 1,000 students in 2005.

We believe that our enrollment numbers were affected by an overall downturn in community

college enrollment statewide due to a cut in the number of sections offered. Nevertheless,

overall efficiency has increased in ESL courses.

The following chart briefly summarizes comparative changes from 2007-2011 in the areas of

curriculum (number of different ESL courses offered by the college), number of part-time ESL

faculty, number of students served per semester, and number of sections offered district-wide

and on a per-college basis. All course offerings have decreased due to state-wide cuts. The

number of part-time faculty teaching classes has increased due to full-time faculty reassigned

time. The FTEF in 2007 was 743.73 and decreased to 721.21 in 2009 (latest figures available).

At the same time, the efficiency level, 508.63 for 2007 and 588.13 for 2009, increased


Areas/Loci of Growth in ESL Discipline

2007 2011 % Change (2007-


Number of separate courses offered

(total from each college)

36 28 -22%

Number of part-time faculty teaching

ESL classes

16 20 +25%

Number of students enrolled in ESL

classes, academic year

2943 2442 -17%

Number of sections of ESL offered

(total), fall semester

68 51 -25%

Number of sections

Riverside City College

47 37 -21%

Number of sections 14 8 -42%4

Moreno Valley College

Number of sections

Norco College

7 6 -14%

There were no recommendations in the unit’s 2007 report.

C. Data Analysis and Environmental Scan

In 2007 as the economy took a downturn, many new students enrolled in RCCD ESL classes.

Many of these new students were not prepared for the rigor of academic classes. As a result,

although enrollment increased, both the retention and success rates decreased. In 2008 and 2009

as enrollment decreased, due to reduced class offerings, success and retention rates increased. In

2009 (latest data available), the success rate was 71.1% and the retention rate was 88.3%. Since

2000, the retention rate has decreased approximately 6.5%; however, the success rate has

increased almost 8%. The discipline revised the ESL course SLOs to better align with the

English department SLOs for smoother student matriculation. The discipline instituted a writing

sample in the first week of classes to verify correct course placement.

Table 1.5

ARCC Report 2011 Riverside Community College District

2005-2006 to2007-2008

2006-2007 to2008-2009

2007-2008 to2009-2010

ESL Improvement Rate

46.1% 45.2% 48.9%

Conclusions from the Environmental Scan Data:

A 2010 program survey stated that one in 7 ESL students was international, with the rest being

citizens or permanent residents/refugees. Among this latter group, a “surprisingly high eighty-

two percent had high school degrees.” This is a clear indication of inadequate language

competency of generation 1.5 students (those who grew up in immigrant families and are

“between the languages.”) These students have not acquired adequate language skills in K-12, 5

which led to their placement into ESL classes; this fact is no longer a surprise for ESL

instructors. According to the survey, the population of potential ESL students will continue to

grow rapidly in RCCD’s area, which means that enrollment demand in ESL at Norco will

continue to grow, but, unfortunately, an increasing number of students will be turned away due

to the lack of classes.


All offered ESL sections have high efficiency, and some fill to the full capacity with wait lists.

Norco College has one full-time instructor and three dedicated part-time faculty. All instructors

participate in an ongoing SLO assessment. There is one ESL tutor, who offers assistance to ESL

54 and ESL 55 students in class and outside of class. The new Learning Resource Center can

accommodate more ESL students.


In recent years, the number of ESL course offerings at Norco College has decreased due to the

District financial situation. At this point, only core classes (ESL 51-55) are being offered every

fall and spring semester. One ESL class (ESL 55) is scheduled for Winter 2012. Without

offering reading/vocabulary and oral skills classes, the program is not complete.


In 2008-2009 school year, the full-time ESL instructor conducted workshops on various

grammar and writing topics for ESL 54 and 55 students.

In Summer 2011, the full-time ESL instructor did a presentation about Norco ESL options for

Step Ahead Program students to raise their awareness of ESL classes; as a result, many of the

students took the PTESL and registered for an ESL class.

D. Programs and Curriculum

1. The sequence of interrelated courses in Grammar/Writing, Reading/Vocabulary, and Oral

Skills was designed by the ESL Discipline to provide students with the well-rounded

language skills necessary for mainstreaming into English 50, as well as cognitive, study

skills, and critical thinking skills essential for success in college-level transfer courses. 6

However, the program now offers only five levels of core courses in academic Writing

and Grammar skills (ESL 51-55.) Unfortunately, a three-level sequence of recommended

co-requisite courses in Reading and Vocabulary (ESL 71-73) and Oral Skills (ESL 91-93)

have not been offered due to recent budget cuts. Therefore, ESL students taking the

writing & grammar series are not able to augment their reading or oral skills. This makes

the inclusion of reading and vocabulary content in the 55, 54, 53, and 52 classes a

necessity to ensure student success as they matriculate to English courses.

2. Revisions: *ESL 51-55 have been approved by discipline and department. They were

sent forward to the technical review committee of Curriculum Committee, who

recommended that the revised PTESL cut scores be put in place prior to implementing

the new course sequence. Therefore, these courses are pending completion of the PTESL

revision, validation of new cut scores, and approval of the curriculum committee. The

course outlines of record currently on CurricuNet reflect the old CORs. However, the

SLOs, text books, and assignments have been updated for all courses.

The PTESL is currently being revised to include writing, reading and vocabulary as well

as grammar and listening skills. It is in the process of being computerized to allow

students better access to scheduling of testing and to streamline the process, which is

linked to Accuplacer. The test must complete an item analysis and cultural bias study,

after which new cut scores can be validated.

3. The reduction of ESL courses has minimized the access that non-native speakers have to

vocational certificates, degree completion, and transfer to other institutions.

4. All course SLOs and course outlines have been reviewed annually on a rotating schedule

since 1994. Recommended texts for all courses are updated on a rotation schedule.

Course Outlines of Record and Date Last Reviewed:

* ESL 51 Basic Writing and Grammar—April, 2007 (pending courses approved in 2010)

* ESL 52 Low-Intermediate Writing/Grammar—April, 2007 (pending courses approved in 2010)


* ESL 53 Intermediate Writing/ Grammar—April, 2007(pending courses approved in 2010)

* ESL 54 High-Intermediate Writing/Grammar—April, 2007(pending courses approved in 2010

* ESL 55 Advanced Writing/Grammar—April , 2007(pending courses approved in 2010)

ESL 65 American Classroom Culture—February 17, 2011

ESL 71 Basic Reading/Vocabulary—February 17, 2011

ESL 72 Intermediate Reading/Vocabulary—February 17, 2011

ESL 73 High-Intermediate Reading/Vocabulary—February 17, 2011

ESL 90A Improving Note taking in College Classes—February 17, 2011

ESL 90C Preposition Review—February 17, 2011

ESL 90D Verb Tense Review—April, 2007

ESL 90E Academic Vocabulary—February 17, 2011

ESL 90G Mastering Articles: A, An, and The—February 17, 2011

ESL 90H Phrases and Clauses—April, 2007

ESL 90I Punctuation Review—February 17, 2011

ESL 90J Spelling Review—February 17, 2011

ESL 90K Introduction to Using the Internet—February 17, 2011

ESL 91 Beginning Oral Communication—January 21, 2011

ESL 92 Intermediate Oral Communication January 21, 2011

ESL 93 Advanced Oral Communication—June 13, 2011

ESL 95 Pronunciation and Accent Reduction—February 17, 2011

ESL 801 ESL Support for Career and Technical Programs—2011

E. Student Learning Outcomes Assessment

The ESL faculty has been actively involved in assessment of students at the entry/proficiency

stage since 1993. Due to the limitations of commercial placement instruments, we created our

own placement test (PTESL), applied for, and received full approval from the state of California.

The PTESL is currently being computerized for greater accuracy in placement and ease of

testing. In this academic year, the Discipline has been working on adding reading, vocabulary,

and writing sections to it. Hopefully, the new computerized version of the test will be available

in the next academic year. 8

The placement percentages for each level (ESL 51-55) are broken down in Appendix D, ESL

Course Placements for 2008-2010.

Assessment Projects:

The English as a Second Language discipline has engaged in several ongoing, district-wide

assessment projects since Spring 2005: rubric development and first-week writing samples for

ESL 51, 52, 53, 54, and 55; and the ESL 54 & ESL 55 Common Final Projects. SLOs are

regularly assessed for any ESL course offered. Assessment has led to significant changes in how

instructors approach teaching the courses. For example, analyzing the results of ESL 55

Common Final Exam led to multiple discussions about how to prepare students to respond to the

readings under the pressure of time in test situations.  As a result, ESL 55 instructors started

dedicating more time in class to improving student response writing and giving students more

integrated practice with writing-based grammar. The ESL discipline also began collecting new

prompts for the ESL 55 Common Final exam.

F. Collaboration with Other Units Including Instructional, Student Services or Administrative Units (Internal)

The ESL discipline has been maintaining dialogue with the English and Reading disciplines for

better alignment of course offerings. The ESL faculty is active in providing counseling and

information to other units in the college which deal frequently with non-native speakers of

English. The following activities occur on an ongoing basis:

ongoing coordination with department chairs and/or assistant chairs at all three colleges in

scheduling ESL courses;

regular observation and mentoring of part-time faculty.

G. Outreach Activities


In Norco College, community ESL presentations and ESL One-Stop orientations have become

extremely valuable, not only in obtaining the current information about the demographics but

also in projecting the future needs for class offerings and scheduling.

The ESL discipline also participates in several programs that serve a variety of ESL students

within the college and community:

I. Title V individual grant (Moreno Valley and Norco);

II. Title V cooperative grant (Moreno Valley and Norco);

III. Student Success Committee

H. Long Term Major Resource Planning

The new LRC (Learning Resource Center) provides an adequate space and resources for ESL

students. However, there are no ESL tutors available in the LRC.

I. Summary

Recently, Institutional Research finished the “ESL Sequence Completion Patterns, 2000-2010.”

The data in the report confirmed the faculty’s observations over the years that there are basically

two different types of students in our courses.

At the lower levels are those students just beginning to learn English. The overall sequence

completion rate (from ESL 51 to ESL 55) is 3.7% . The pass rate for students in ESL 51 is also

the lowest of all the courses – 55%. This confirms the anecdotal information that the majority of

students at the lower level have the goal of improving their language skills for personal or

professional reasons. These personal goals may require that they progress through only one or

two levels of ESL before they achieve the goal. Since their goals are undefined, they are difficult

to measure. Only a few of the younger students in the lower levels seem to be seeking a college


After discussion regarding this distinction between student goals at these different entry points

and the change in repeatability that will occur in Summer 2012, the discipline has concluded that 10

it would be best for students to provide ESL 51 and possibly ESL 52 in a non-credit format.

This would allow students entering this course sequence to repeat the courses to fulfill non-

academic goals while shortening the “pipeline” of the academic sequence. This would also

provide an area for students to develop their academic language skills when they are not ready

for the rigors of the academic program.

On the other hand, those students who test into ESL 53 or higher usually have specific goals that

include a certificate or degree from an institution of higher learning. The higher the entry level,

the higher the completion rate. From ESL 53 to ESL 55, the completion rate is 25%. The pass

rate for the students in ESL 53 was between 74% and 86% depending on the semester. Those

students who started our program at ESL 54 had a completion rate of 49.7% and course pass

rates in the 80 percentiles.

According to Dr. Koh’s December 8, 2009 report, studying the success of ESL students

matriculating to English 50 between Spring 06-08, students who enrolled in subsequent courses

had high pass rates. However, the number of students who chose not to enroll in the subsequent

courses decreased as the level of course increased. (i.e. 58 students enrolled in ESL 54 (46 of

the 58 passed), 25 of those who passed enrolled in ESL 55 (21 of the 25 passed), 8 out of the 21

who passed enrolled in English 50 (7 of the 8 passed), 3 of the 7 who passed enrolled in English

1A (3 of 3 passed).

With this in mind, the discipline would like to shorten the sequence of academic courses that

students must take to progress to certificate or degree completion. A first step in doing this is to

create a locally approved certificate program for ESL students completing a series of ESL

courses. This would create a motivation for students to complete the sequence, take reading

courses that will help them when they enroll in English 50/English 1A and give them

documentation of their coursework completion for the workplace.

Where we are as a Discipline in 2011 depends upon the District’s vision in regard to the growing

second language community in Riverside County. The ESL Discipline desires to be of service to

the non-native English speaking community in terms of facilitating equality of access and

enabling parity of success in ESL students’ particular choice of vocational, transfer, certificate,


special program, and/or career plans. The discipline also wishes:

to serve the District as an information resource for second-language issues;

to serve vocational, transfer, and special programs/faculty as an information resource and

support program;

to provide assistance as needed to Student Services, Counseling, and matriculation

programs and staff in matters related to ESL students/programs.

In order to reach its goals, the Discipline needs assistance in the following


allocate budget to continue offering a full range of courses;

continue outreach activities in local high schools and adult schools;

provide training for tutors with an emphasis on ESL.

ESL students are a population that faces many challenges, and quite often these challenges

prevent them from being fully involved in the whole range of college activities. The ESL

Discipline is constantly working on raising awareness of special/particular needs of ESL students

across College/disciplines among non-ESL faculty, counselors, admissions staff, and

administrative personnel. This mission is closely connected with developing a Comprehensive

Enrollment Management Plan. We believe that even after three colleges have become

independent, the ESL Discipline needs to focus on the integrity in planning, directing, and


J. Recommendations to the Program Review Committee



Appendix A


Appendix B



ESL 90A Outlining and Note-taking for College Classes I 1 unitThis course teaches students how to listen to lectures and organize their notes in order to

improve their grades.

ESL 90C Preposition Review 1unitThis course reviews prepositions with lectures and practice exercises. Phrasal verbs (which use

prepositions) and idioms that include prepositions will also be studied.

ESL 90D Verb Tense Review 2 unitsThis course will review all the basic verb tenses regularly used in academic English.

ESL 90E Academic Vocabulary 1 unitThis course provides instruction and practice in communicative activities to understand and use

high-frequency academic vocabulary.

ESL 90G Mastering Articles: A, An, and The 1 unitThis course provides a review of and practice with using articles.

ESL 90H Phrases and Clauses 1 unitThis course provides instruction and practice in writing well-structured sentences by learning how

to use phrases and clauses with proper punctuation.

ESL 90I Punctuation Review 1 unitThis course covers all of the rules and applications of punctuation in order to improve the

students’ understanding and use of punctuation.

ESL 90J Spelling Review 1 unitThis course reviews the basic spelling rules in English as well as the exceptions to those rules. It

also covers the most common problem words.

ESL 90K Introduction to Using the Internet 1 unitThis course is designed to familiarize students with the functions of the internet including using

search engines, email, uploading, downloading, and how to participate in on-line classes.

Appendix C


ESL Student Questionnaire

All of this information is confidential (private), and the answers are optional (you can choose to answer or not).

General Information Questions

1. What is your native language? If you do not speak one of these languages, leave this question blank and go to question 2.

a. Spanish b. Vietnamese c. Japanese d. Korean e. Chinese (any dialect)

2. What is your native language group? Leave this question blank if you answered the question above.

a. Middle Eastern (Farsi, Arabic, Hebrew, etc.)b. Eastern European (Russian, Polish, Armenian, Turkish, etc.)c. Western European (French, German, Italian, Portuguese, etc.)d. Southeast Asian (Indonesian, Hindi, Urdu, Malay, Cambodian, etc.)e. Another language (African, Polynesian, etc.)

3. How many hours per week do you work at your job(s)?

a. 0 hours --I don’t have a job.b. 1-20 hours (part time) c. 21-39 hours (part time)

d. 40 hours (full-time)e. More than 40 hours per week

4. What is your age?

a. 16- 21 b. 22 - 29 c. 30 - 39 d. 40 - 49 e. 50 or older

5. How long have you studied English in your life (in school or with a tutor or private teacher, etc.)?

a. 0 - 6 months b. 6 months - 2 years c. 3 - 5 years d. 6 - 8 years e. 9 or more years

6. How long have you been living in the United States?

a. 0 - 6 months b. 6 months - 2 years c. 3 - 5 years d. 6 - 10 years e. 11 or more years

7. What is the highest level of school you had completed before starting classes at RCC? (If less than elementary school, leave this question blank.)

a. Elementary (primary school)b. Junior high (middle school)c. High school (secondary school)

d. Some college, not finishede. Completed a college degree

8. How many years did you attend American high school?

a. I didn’t attend American high school b. Less than one year c. 1 - 2 years d. 2 - 3 years e. 4 years

9. What do you plan to do in the future? If you have no plan for college classes after studying ESL, leave this question blank. Otherwise, please choose one answer.

a. Get a certificate from RCC—Career and Technical Education (Early Childhood Education, Cosmetology, Welding, Automotive, Dental Assistant)

b. Get an AA degree from RCCc. Transfer to a university or other college d. College classes for my current jobe. College classes to improve my English

10. What kind of fees are you paying for your classes? Pick one or more answers.


a. I am paying international fees.

b. I am paying California resident fees.

c. I have a scholarship.

d. I have some financial aid

11. How many units of college classes in other areas (non-ESL) are you taking this semester?a. 1/2 - 1 unit b. 2 - 5 units c. 6 - 9 units d. 12 or more units e. None

Technology Questions

12. Do you need to improve your typing to do your college work?a. Yes b. No

13. How often do you use the Internet?a. Never b. rarely c. Often d. Every day

Resource Questions

14. Have you met with an RCC counselor to develop a student educational plan?a. Yes b. No c. I plan to meet with a counselor next semester.

If you have used these resources, please indicate how helpful they were.If you have NOT used these resources, skip that question.

15. ESL Lab in the Writing Center a. Very helpful b. Helpful c. Somewhat helpful c. Not helpful

16. Directed Learning Activities in the ESL Laba. Very helpful b. Helpful c. Somewhat helpful c. Not helpful

17. Computer programs in the ESL Laba. Very helpful b. Helpful c. Somewhat helpful c. Not helpful

18. Instructor conferences in the ESL Laba. Very helpful b. Helpful c. Somewhat helpful c. Not helpful

19. The main Writing and Reading Center (WRC)a. Very helpful b. Helpful c. Somewhat helpful c. Not helpful

20. Instructor conferences in the main Writing and Reading Centera. Very helpful b. Helpful c. Somewhat helpful c. Not helpful

21. Tutoring in the main Writing and Reading Centera. Very helpful b. Helpful c. Somewhat helpful c. Not helpful

22. What would be the best time for you to use the ESL Lab? a. 8:00 a.m. -11:00 a.m. b. 11:00 a. m. -2:00 p.m. c. 2:00 p.m.- 5:00 p.m. d. evening

23. How did you hear about RCC’s ESL program?

a. Class schedule or advertisement.b. My friends told me.c. My employer suggested it.d. Adult school or high school


e. Internet (RCC Website

24. Have the ESL courses you have taken at RCC helped you understand American culture, especially in the college environment?

a. A lot b. Some c. A little d. Not at all



Appendix DCourse Placements for 3/1/10 through 9/1/10

FTCS* that enrolled in Fall 2010

DistrictMoreno Valley Norco Riverside

ESL AssessedAssessed and

EnrolledAssessed and

EnrolledAssessed and

EnrolledAssessed and


ESL 51 42 6.4% 12 4.2% 1 1.9% 4 8.5% 7 3.8%

ESL 52110 16.8% 33 11.5% 8 14.8% 7 14.9% 18 9.7%

ESL 53141 21.6% 60 20.9% 8 14.8%

10 21.3% 42 22.6%

ESL 54144 22.1% 84 29.3% 12 22.2%

13 27.7% 59 31.7%

ESL 55216 33.1% 98 34.1% 25 46.3%

13 27.7% 60 32.3%

Total:653 100.0%

287 100.0% 54 100.0%

47 100.0%

186 100.0%

Course Placements for 3/1/09 through 9/1/09FTCS* that enrolled in Fall 2009

DistrictMoreno Valley Norco Riverside

ESL AssessedAssessed and

EnrolledAssessed and

EnrolledAssessed and

EnrolledAssessed and


ESL 51 49 5.3% 20 4.7% 5 6.8% 2 2.9% 13 4.3%

ESL 52124 13.5% 44 10.4% 6 8.1%

17 24.3% 25 8.3%

ESL 53138 15.0% 67 15.9% 11 14.9% 6 8.6% 53 17.6%

ESL 54187 20.4%

102 24.2% 12 16.2%

18 25.7% 77 25.6%

ESL 55420 45.8%

189 44.8% 40 54.1%

27 38.6%

133 44.2%

Total:918 100.0%

422 100.0% 74 100.0%

70 100.0%

301 100.0%

Course Placements for 3/1/08 through 9/1/08FTCS* that enrolled in Fall 2008

DistrictMoreno Valley Norco Riverside

ESL AssessedAssessed and

EnrolledAssessed and

EnrolledAssessed and

EnrolledAssessed and


ESL 51 92 9.4% 35 7.9% 13 11.9% 6 10.5% 16 5.3%ESL 52 122 12.5% 38 8.6% 14 12.8% 5 8.8% 20 6.6%

ESL 53 147 15.1% 51 11.6% 11 10.1%11 19.3% 33 10.9%

ESL 54 183 18.8% 85 19.3% 15 13.8% 7 12.3% 68 22.4%


ESL 55 430 44.1% 232 52.6% 56 51.4%28 49.1% 166 54.8%

Total: 974 100.0% 441 100.0%109 100.0%

57 100.0% 303 100.0%


Appendix E. Rubrics ESL 51-55ESL 51 GRADING GUIDELINES

A B C D FCONTENT Good development on

the assigned topic Good development on the

assigned topic Basic development

on the assigned topic

Inadequate development on the assigned topic

Failure to communicate on the assigned topic

ORGANIZATION Basic organization Attempted organization Attempted organization

No organization (little distinction between a list and a paragraph)

No organization


Clear sentence structure Appropriate vocabulary

for the topic with minimal word form errors

Few subject/verb agreement

Use of simple and compound sentences

Awareness & control of simple tenses that have been taught in the class

Clear sentence structure Appropriate vocabulary

for the topic with some word form errors

Some s/v agreement errors

Attempted use of compound sentences

Basic awareness of simple tenses that have been taught in the class

with some errors in use

Minor errors in sentence structure

Attempted use of vocabulary for the topic with word form errors

Some s/v agreement errors

Little sentence variety

Basic awareness of simple tenses that have been taught in the class

with some errors in use

Errors in sentence structure

Misused vocabulary for the topic

Multiple s/v agreement errors

No sentence variety No awareness of


Errors in sentence structure

Misused vocabulary for the topic

Multiple s/v agreement errors

No sentence variety No awareness of


MECHANICS Proper use of basic punctuation that has been taught in class (periods, commas, question marks)

Correct spelling

Few errors in use Correct spelling

Some errors in use Some spelling

Irregular use Spelling errors

significantly obscure the meaning

Irregular use or lack of use

Spelling errors significantly obscure the meaning

FORMAT Correct visual aspects of homework (name, date, class, page orientation…)

Correct visual aspects of homework

Minor errors in visual aspects of homework

Multiple errors in visual aspects of homework

Lack of awareness of visual aspects of homework



A B C D FCONTENT Clear, appropriate opening

sentence on assigned topic Sufficient development Clear and appropriate

concluding sentence

Appropriate opening sentence on assigned topic

Relatively clear support sentences

Concluding sentence

Basic opening sentence on assigned topic

Minimal support for the topic sentences

Concluding sentence

No opening sentence on assigned topic

Insufficient or unrelated support sentences

Weak concluding sentence

Failure to communicate on the assigned topic

ORGANIZATION Logical organization General coherence

Attempted organization Attempted organization

No organization No organization


Clear sentence structure Appropriate vocabulary for

the topic Correct subject/verb

agreement Use of simple and

compound sentences Attempted use of complex

sentences Basic awareness & control

of tenses discussed in class with minor errors in use

Minor errors in sentence structure

Generally appropriate vocabulary for the topic with minimal word form errors

Few s/v agreement errors Use of simple sentences

and attempted use of compound sentences

Basic awareness & control of tenses discussed in class with some errors in use

Some errors in sentence structure

Attempted use of vocabulary with some word form errors

Some s/v agreement errors

Little sentence variety

Basic awareness & control of tenses discussed in class with some errors in use

Repeated errors

Errors in sentence structure (fragments & run-ons)

Basic vocabulary with word form errors

Multiple s/v agreement errors

Little sentence variety

No awareness of tenses & multiple errors

Errors in sentence structure (fragments & run-ons)

Misused vocabulary Multiple s/v agreement

errors Little or no sentence

variety Little or no awareness of

tenses & multiple errors

MECHANICS Proper use of punctuation as studied in class

Correct spelling

Few errors in punctuation use

A few spelling errors

Some errors in use Some spelling


Irregular use Spelling errors

significantly obscure the meaning

Irregular use or lack of use

Spelling errors significantly obscure the meaning

FORMAT Correct visual aspects of homework

Correct visual aspects of homework

Minor errors in visual aspects of homework

Errors in visual aspects of homework

Lack of awareness of visual aspects of homework



A B C D FCONTENT Clear, appropriate opening

sentence on assigned topic Strong support of topic

sentence Effective development Clear and appropriate

concluding sentence

Appropriate opening sentence on assigned topic

Relative, clear support of topic sentence

Adequate development Appropriate concluding


Basic opening sentence on assigned topic

Basic support of topic sentence

Adequate development

Basic concluding sentence

No or weak opening sentence on assigned topic

Insufficient or unrelated support sentences

Weak concluding sentence

Failure to communicate adequately on the assigned topic

Not enough to evaluate

ORGANIZATION Strong focus Logical, effective

organization Effective transitions

Strong focus Attempted organization Effective transitions

Adequate focus Attempted

organization Adequate


Weak focus Lack of or weak

organization Weak transitions

Weak focus Lack of organization Weak transitions


Effective word choice & usage

Effective use of basic & complex construction

Few errors of agreement, tense, number, word order/function, etc.

Basic awareness & control of tenses with minor errors in use

Effective word choice & usage

Use of basic & complex construction with minor errors

Few errors of agreement, tense, number, word order/function, etc.

Basic awareness & control of tenses with minor errors in use

Adequate word choice and usage

Limited use of basic & complex construction with some errors

General errors of agreement, tense, number, word order/function, etc

Basic awareness & control of tenses with some errors in use

Errors in sentence structure

Little sentence variety

Inadequate word choice and usage

Multiple word form errors

Multiple errors of agreement, tense, number, word order/function,

No awareness of tenses & errors

Errors in sentence structure

Little or no sentence variety

Misused vocabulary Multiple word form

errors Multiple errors of

agreement, tense, number, word order/function, etc.

Little or no awareness of tenses & multiple errors

MECHANICS Proper use of punctuation Correct spelling

Few errors in use Minor spelling

Some errors in use Some spelling


Irregular use Spelling errors

significantly obscure the meaning

Irregular use or lack of use

Spelling errors significantly obscure the meaning

FORMAT Correct visual aspects of homework

Correct visual aspects of homework

Minor errors in visual aspects of homework

Errors in visual aspects of homework

Lack of awareness of visual aspects of homework




CONTENT Engaging opening on assigned topic

Thesis or topic sentence (w/ controlling idea)

Through and knowledgeable development of thesis

Clear and appropriate conclusion/ sentence

Appropriate opening on assigned topic

Thesis or topic sentence (w/ controlling idea)

Through development of thesis

Clear and appropriate conclusion/ sentence

Basic opening on assigned topic

Thesis or topic sentence (w/ controlling idea)

Adequate development

Appropriate conclusion/ sentence

No or weak opening

Insufficient or unrelated support

Inadequate development

Weak conclusion/ concluding sentence

Failure to communicate adequately on the assigned topic (non-substantive)

Not enough to evaluate

No or weak opening

Insufficient or unrelated support

Inadequate development

Weak conclusion/ concluding sentence


Logical, effective sequencing

Strong unity & coherence

Effective & fluent transitions

Strong focus

Logical sequencing

Strong unity & coherence

Effective transitions

Adequate focus

Attempted organization & sequencing

Adequate transitions

Weak focus

Lack of or weak organization & sequencing

Weak transitions

Weak focus

Lack of organization

Weak transitions


Clear word/idiom choice & usage

Clear word/idiom choice & usage

Adequate word/idiom choice & usage

Inadequate word/idiom choice & usage

Inadequate word/idiom choice & usage


Clear expression

Adequate range

Use of complex construction

Few errors of agreement, tense, number, word order/function, etc.

Control of tenses with minor errors in use

Clear expression

Adequate range

Use of complex construction w/ few errors

Few errors of agreement, tense, number, word order/function, etc.

Control of tenses with minor errors in use

Basic fluency

Limited use of complex construction w/ some errors in sentence structure

General errors of agreement, tense, number, word order/function, etc.

Basic awareness & control of tenses with some errors in use

Lack of basic fluency

Errors in sentence structure (fragments & run-ons)

Little sentence variety

Some word form errors

Some errors of agreement, tense, number, word order/function, etc.

Errors in verb tense usage

Lack of basic fluency

Errors in sentence structure (fragments & run-ons)

Little or no sentence variety

Misused vocabulary

Multiple word form errors

Multiple errors of agreement, tense, number, word order/function, etc.

Little or no awareness of tenses & multiple errors

MECHANICS Proper use of punctuation

Correct spelling

Few errors in use Minor spelling

Some errors in use

Some spelling errors

Irregular use Spelling errors

significantly obscure the meaning

Irregular use or lack of use

Spelling errors significantly obscure the meaning

FORMAT Correct visual aspects of homework (such as MLA)

Correct visual aspects of homework

Minor errors in visual aspects of homework

Errors in visual aspects of homework

Lack of awareness of visual aspects of homework


CONTENT Relevant to assigned Relevant to assigned Relevant to Tangential to Failure to



Engaging opening

Well developed thesis

Through and knowledgeable development of support


Logical and relevant conclusion


Adequate opening

Well developed thesis

Clear development of support


Logical and relevant conclusion

assigned topic

Adequate opening

Clear thesis

Development of support

Appropriate conclusion


Weak opening

Insufficient or unrelated support

Inadequate development

Weak conclusion

communicate adequately on the assigned topic (non-substantive)

Tangential to or off topic

Weak opening

Insufficient and unrelated support

Inadequate development

Weak conclusion


Logical, effective sequencing


Strong unity & coherence

Effective & fluent transitions

Strong focus

Logical sequencing

Strong unity & coherence


Effective transitions

Adequate focus

Attempted organization & sequencing

Minor errors in unity & coherence

Adequate transitions

Weak focus

Lack of or weak organization & sequencing

Weak unity and lack of coherence

Weak transitions

Weak focus

Lack of organization

Weak transitions



Effective word/idiom choice & usage

Effective word/idiom choice & usage

Adequate word/idiom

Inadequate word/idiom

Inadequate word/idiom choice &


Fluent expression

Sophisticated range

Effective use of complex construction

Few errors of agreement, tense, number, word order/function, etc.

Control of tenses with minor errors in use

Fluent expression

Adequate range

Use of complex construction w/ few errors

Few errors of agreement, tense, number, word order/function, etc.

Control of tenses with minor errors in use

choice & usage

Basic fluency

Limited use of complex construction w/ some errors

General errors of agreement, tense, number, word order/function, etc.

Basic awareness & control of tenses with some errors in use

choice & usage Lack of basic

fluency Errors in

sentence structure (fragments & run-ons)

Little sentence variety

Some word form errors

Some errors of agreement, tense, number, word order/function, etc.

Errors in verb tense usage


Lack of basic fluency

Errors in sentence structure (fragments & run-ons)

Little or no sentence variety

Misused vocabulary

Multiple word form errors

Multiple errors of agreement, tense, number, word order/function, etc.

Little or no awareness of tenses & multiple errors

MECHANICS Proper use of punctuation

Correct spelling

Few errors in use Minor spelling

Some errors in use

Some spelling errors

Irregular use Spelling errors

significantly obscure the meaning

Irregular use or lack of use

Spelling errors significantly obscure the meaning

FORMAT Correct visual aspects of homework

Correct visual aspects of homework

Minor errors in visual aspects of homework

Errors in visual aspects of homework

Lack of awareness of visual aspects of homework


ESL 51 ESL 52 ESL 53 ESL 54 ESL 55


Sentences & basic paragraphs(6-10 short writings)

Basic paragraphs(6-10 short paragraphs & in-class


Structured paragraphs(5-7 paragraphs & in-class


Basic Essays(1-3 paragraphs, 4-6 essays &

in-class essays)

Advanced Essays(6-8 essays and in-class essays)

A Good development on assigned topic

Clear language Application of rules taught in

the class

Good development on assigned topic

Clear language & some organization

Few errors in spelling, vocab., sentence, and tense

Application of rules taught in the class

Clear structure Good development on

assigned topic Clear language Sentence variety Fluent vocabulary use Minor errors in


Clear thesis Complete development Clear command of

discourse type Clear writing & sentence

variety Fluent vocabulary use Minor errors in


Clear thesis Complete development with clear

command of discourse type Near native fluency & vocabulary Sophisticated sentence structure Minor errors in mechanics & form

B Good development on assigned topic

Some language, spelling & sentence boundary errors

Application of rules taught in the class

Good development on assigned topic

Generally clear language with some spelling, vocab., sentence, & tense errors

Application of rules

Clear structure Good development on

assigned topic Clear writing & use of

sentence variety/transitions

Good vocabulary use Limited errors in


Clear thesis Strong control of

discourse Clear writing & use of

sentence variety/transitions

Good vocabulary use Limited errors in


Clear thesis Strong control of discourse type Good fluency Good use of sentence variety,

transitions, and vocabulary Limited errors in mechanics & form

C Development of topic Some language, spelling &

sentence boundary errors Application of rules taught in

the class with some repeated errors

Development of topic Generally clear language

with some spelling, vocab., sentence, & tense errors

Application of rules with some repeated errors

Basic structure & some development of topic

Generally clear language & attempted use of sentence variety/transitions

Some errors in mech/form

Clear thesis Basic control of

discourse Clear writing &

attempted use of sentence variety/transitions

Some errors in mech/form

Clear thesis Minimal control of discourse type Good fluency Good sentence variety, transitions, and

vocabulary Some errors in mechanics & form

D Inadequate development of topic

Many language, spelling & sentence boundary errors

No application of rules taught in the class

Inadequate development of topic

Unclear language with multiple spelling, sentence, vocabulary, & tense errors

No application of rules taught in the class

Inadequate development Unclear language Weak sentence variety,

transitions Severe grammar

problems Errors in mechanics &


Inappropriate thesis Inability to apply

discourse Limited development Weak sentence variety,

transitions Severe grammar

problems Errors in mech/ form

Lack of appropriate thesis Inability to apply discourse type Limited development and

communication Weak sentence variety, transition, and

vocabulary Severe grammar problems Errors in mechanics & form

F Failure to communicate on assigned topic (blank, unintelligible or inappropriate writing)


Appendix FESL 55 Common Final Test Bank SummarySpring 2006, Fall 2006, and Spring 2007 (Or Spring 2006 – present)

Type of Questions Grammatical Focus Required


Number in

Test Bank

Multiple Choice 25 @ 2 pts



Gerunds & Infinitives 8 59

Connectives 5 24

Adverb Clauses 3 12

Appositives & Adjective


3 10

Conditional sentences 6 25

Error Correction 10 @ 2 pts



Noun Clauses 2 10

Adjective Clauses 3 10

Gerunds & Infinitives 3 10

Conditionals 2 14

Sentence Combination 7 @ 2 pts



Adjective Clauses 7 17

Sentence Completion 8@ 2 pts each 27

Noun Clauses 2 8

Adverb Clauses 4 12

Combination Clauses 2 7


Appendix GScoring Rubric: ESL 55 Common Final

Outstanding Evidence


Clear Evidence(B-3)

Adequate Evidence


Inadequate Evidence


Little or No Evidence

(F-0)Content(SLO #3)

This essay clearly responds to the reading with a well developed thesis, thorough and knowledgeable development of support, and a logical and relevant conclusion.

This essay responds to the reading with a clear thesis, logical development of support, and an adequate conclusion.

This essay responds to the reading with a clear thesis, development of support with minor errors, and an adequate conclusion.

This essay does not clearly respond to the reading or is missing an essential component of content: a clear thesis, development of support or a conclusion.

This essay does not respond to the reading and does not adequately develop content.

Organization (SLO # 2)

This essay has a strong focus and an engaging opening. It uses effective evidence from the text and demonstrates strong unity and coherence in the thorough development of ideas.

This essay has a strong focus and adequate opening. It uses limited evidence from the text and demonstrates unity and coherence in the development of ideas.

This essay has a clear focus and adequate opening. It uses minimal evidence from the text but demonstrates unity and coherence in development of ideas.

This essay may lack an opening or clear focus. It uses minimal or no evidence from the text or misuses the evidence. Generally, it lacks unity and coherence or development of ideas.

This essay lacks the structure of an essay. It uses no evidence from the text or misuses evidence. It fails to have a clear focus and may lack any substantive development.

Language Use/Vocabulary (SLO #1 & 3)

This essay uses effective and fluent language that is almost entirely free from errors and demonstrates complex construction.

This essay uses effective and fluent language with minor errors and some complex construction.

This essay uses clear language with minor errors and limited use of complex construction.

This essay does not use clear language or includes frequent errors that obscure the meaning of the language.

This essay demonstrates a lack of vocabulary and ability to create clear sentences.

Mechanics (SLO #1)

This essay is almost entirely free from spelling, punctuation and syntax errors.

This essay contains few errors in spelling, punctuation, and syntax, but the meaning remains clear and easy to read.

This essay contains frequent minor and a few major errors in spelling, punctuation and syntax but the meaning remains clear.

This essay contains frequent minor and major errors in spelling punctuation and syntax that interfere in the clarity of the language.

This essay contains frequent minor and major errors in spelling punctuation and syntax that make it unintelligible.