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M "W*m m M T U Wa k f I S


. C II 0 --..U l> ' 0 F 1;.' J E W E L L E It S

; W h e r e c h o o s i n g i s

;••. p a r t o f t h e p l e a s u r e .I* 2 Barkers Pool, Sheffield. 17 H igh Stree t, Doncaster.

' A lso Brights, Scarborough S t Barbara C attle , York.

Estab. 1754 No. 44,168

The country's biggest selling regional morning newspaper

SATURDAY AUGUST 5 1989 PRICE 27p. Tel. LEEDS 432701


□ □

v ln the second part of a vflook at changes in the

penal system, MICHAEL HICKLING h ears d is ­

quiet among prison offi- ’-cers and looks, at a new i^deal for young offenders ■facing jail.'

S e a s o n f o r

g r o u s i n g

T he G lo rio u s T w e lfth looks lik e being bad for both grouse and guns th is y e a r . FRE D E R IC M ANBY reports on how s h e e p , w o r m a n d weather.bother our m ost fam ous bird.


. . 'V

S t a r r i n g r o l e sMichael York has built his career on accepting roles against the advice of his agent, as Anne Caborn discovered when he talked to TUESDAY STYLE about h is . latest film; The Return of the Musketeers. This week the continuing debate about the LeedS Look in architecture is re­viewed by John Yates.

; • ■ □ □ □ . : :

P r o b l e m p i t

b a c k f i r e s , •■ ■■:

The Selby coalfield was . to be,British Coal’s golden egg, bu t i t is looking m ore like the curate’s egg as i t is b e s e t w ith p r o b le m s . ROBIN MORGAN, Indus; t r i a l C o r r e s p o n d e n t, investigates.

□ □

Leeds houses one of. the world’s, great collection of an tiq u e fu rn itu re . DEREK HUDSON meets the . newcomer respon-. sible for repairing the ravages of time and other enemies.

\ . □ □ ' "

Officer suspended as inquiry report blames for Hillsborough tragedy



SOUTH YORKSHIRE’S Chief Constable, Mr Peter Wright, yesterday offered to resign ■after the report of the Hills­b orou gh d isa ste r in q u iry iblamed his force for the 'traged y w h ic h k i l le d 95 [soccer fans.I H is a n n o u n c e m e n t ca m e o n ly hours after he suspended;the m an in .

, -fcommarid of; th e match:," Chief S u p t; D avid D uck ie^eld , in v esti-. igations . by the ' D irector of Public • P rosecutions in to crim inal liability . and alleged u n tru th s: .

■ '"'Most senior members of South York- • shire Police Authority, which: will. con-.:

sider.. Mr Wright’s .resignation; were unavailable for, comment last night but one, Goun.Clarence Swindell, said: "It will come to a show of hands but I have no doubt it will be the saddest meeting I will have attended in my political career.”. -!;Coun Choudry Walayat, spokesman for

: the Sheffield City Council members on the authority, said: “It is a very, very

' dfelicate issue. If another Chief Constable comes it will be'no easy matter for him to take-over. Peter Wright knows his job; .• ■ •

. ./...‘‘There has ,been no direct criticism of him. I;'believe : he has taken a very d ig n if ie d c o u rse by o ffe r in g h is resignation. . . :i.i“I have yet to read the full report but

'the police have been blamed and we are (hot very happy about, the outcome. But I will be consulting fully with my collea­gues before we decide on our course of action.” -

. : Another authority member, Coun Ron-.. aid Gillies,' said: ! ‘I 1 don’t want to . Comment until I have read the full report.'

’But as far as I am concerned Peter Wright has been one of the best. Chief Constables we have had;” ■ .: " Lawyers also confirmed that the police ,and Sheffield Wednesday could face manslaughter- proceedings' o n . top of .‘compensation claims Sot millions of pounds in the wake of the report which concludes: “The- main, reason for the

.RESIGN OFFER: South Yorkshire Chief Constable, Mr Peter Wright

MAKING HIS POINT: Lord Justice Taylor. who headed the inquiry, explains a photograph at a Press conference yesterday, showing the west terraces at 2.50pm bn the tragic afternoon.

Families of


d is a s te r w as th e fa ilu re o f :pb lice control.” .,.' C ■.

Lord Justice Taylor refused to become embroiled in what should happen to Mr Wright. He told a Press conference before Mr Wright had announced his resignation

: offer that he had made no criticism of the Chief Constable, saying: “What happens about his, position is not for me. ; ■

“l ean only make the findings based on . what I found happened and ; why it happened. It is for;others to decide what

; action needs to be taken, if any.” Meariwhile the Home Secretary, Mr

' Douglas Hurd, has ordered a. full report from Mr Wright on the conduct of his men both during the match and at ,tHe inquiry, and oh the action he intends to the light of the inquiry findings.

The chairman of South Yorkshire .Police Authority, Sir Jack Layden, is considering Mr Wright’s offer to resign,

Ch Supt DUCKENFIELD vl'.Under suspension,

given in a personal letter written immedi­ately after reading the damning report.

Sir Jack, who was away from home last night, has already publicly expressed his wish for MrWright to keep his job.-But the final decision will rest with a full meeting of the authority’s 18 members to be held later this month.

Mr Hurd called Mr Wright’s resignation _ ^ _____offer a typically dignified and honour- for the officers under ydufecommand. able response, and described him as an . “The fact that we are otodsM^ha’ outstanding chief officer of police with a ” ■ 1 • -

the force, and : preiiitted that many officers would have difficulty accepting its findings. v . v.- ' ;

He said: “Tlie tjlame seems to be primarily placed-faffiyl arid squarely on- the police. Given the'-eyents and report, my offer to resign is thfeonly action I feel

Yorkshire P o s t Reporter ^THE families of the Hillsborough terrace victims last night praised Lord Justice Taylor’s report for pulling no punches in criticising, those responsible and for making strong recommendations to pre­vent a repeat of Britain’s worst sporting'

, disaster.■ The \ secretary of the Hillsborough Family Support Group, Mr Barry Devon- side, whose 18-year-old son, Christopher,

distinguished record of achievement..' But the Home Secretary’s comments,

which fell short of urging him to reconsider his offer, were being inter­preted in Westminster last night as a. tacit acceptance that the Chief Constable should resign if he thought that the correct course of action.

Mr Wright accepted the report but was clearly shocked by the level of criticism of

can be properly takehlby me. If you are /; ^ d in the crush, described the report as Chief Constable you take responsibility v,?£y- h o n e s t ”.

— j — ^ "It is.not the whitewashhave ’ that a lo t'of.;Merseyside

contributed to the terrible"Tragedy, bf ,,PePPl6had^ticipated.W e Hillsborough is a m atter of prBfourid • .S3nfTa V^?te,Lord Justice sadness to all members of the force, arid iaylor, he said. , , both personally arid on their behalf I once .^SgeaR J^^m ^yerpool, again exterid my. heartfelt regret to those who have lost loved ones or sufferedinjury.J "The fact that police have been blamed

is incidental to the core of the agony of Continued on Page 17.Editorial comment — P.14;

;*• INDEXArts/Entertainment... .......'19Barker’s Yorkshire.... ........ 15Business Post.....;....... ...... 4-5Classified....18 & 2nd sectionEditorial Comment.... ....... 14Fanning. Post....i........ :...... 6-7Hillsborough Inquiry ...... 17Home News........2, 3, 7, 8,'16Seeds Show Special... ...... 13Letters to the Editor. .......14Sport.................... .1.19-21World News .......15

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'.On the New York Stock Exchange yesterday, the .Dow Jo n es In d u s tr ia l Average closed at 2653.45, a fall of 8.16. U.P.I. ; :

TODAY'S WEATHERMairily dry.. } ' - Four-day forecast^— P.2. ?

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ANIMAL experts issued an alert to parents through-■ .out the country yesterday after a Yorkshire baby was savaged to death' by a family pet. ;

RSPCA, .officials believe :the .ferocious attack was launched by the Stafford­shire bull terrier, named Buster, in a fit of jealous rage.

Leaders of the charity fear the .tragedy will, be r e p e a te d u n le s s . th e Government heeds its calls for. a national dog registra­tion scheme.' Meanwhile police were making inquiries into the death of. the nine-month- o 1 d g i r l , J e n n i f e r Pearson.

She died at her. home in -

Cooper Street, Hyde Park, Doncaster, on Thursday in spite of desperate efforts by neighbours to snatch her from the dog’s jaws.

■Pathologists at Doncas­ter Royal Infirmary car-' ried out a post-mortf examination yesterday.

Horrific injuries were inflicted, by the terrier, which has . already been destroyed by a veterinary surgeon.

■ ■■ Jennifer is the second young :girl to be. 'killed by - dogs this year, A Scottish toddler was attacked by ‘two rottweilers.

A spokesman for the RSPCA said: ‘•‘'Stafford-, shire terriers identify very s tro n g ly w ith h u m an beings. . ■

Y orkshire P os t Reporter“They can be aggressive

and territorial with in­t r u d e r s , a n d .c a n fee l threatened by additions to

post-mortem r; the family group—includ- ■ ing newborn babies.

“The dog situation in this country is totally out of control.: “Until we have a regis­tra tio n system we are

. going to have more of these . terrible stories. Our cam- , paign for such a system will continue.” ' ' '

The RSPCA is also, giv­ing parents a more gerieral warning not to leave small children alone with dogs of any breed or size, even i f . the / animals have never

.shown .any th rea ten in g . behaviour.

Even the most trusted family pet can become a k ille r, a spokesw om an

. said.'. Ms Amanda^ Aviss said:

“This very tragic incident ’ highlights, the -importance of never leaving pets and' children to g e th er u n a t­te n d e d ; p a r t i c u la r ly babies. . .'; “A baby should never be left with a dog, no matter how trusted and friendly the pet is and no matter how many years it has been iri the family.'

“Dogs are not rational— yoU cannot predict their behaviour.

“ A g a in s t a y o u n g , .defenceless baby even a .

little Y orkshire te rr ie r . could be dangerous.”

Y esterday, J e n n ife r’s parents, Mr Kevin Pearson and his wife, 'Tracey, who

.: witnessed the attack, were' staying with relatives and' were still too upset \to comment. . ■

They are expected. to attend next Tuesday’s full in q u e s t on J e n n ife r ’s death.

Meanwhile an 11-year- ■ old schoolboy who was savaged by an alsation was recovering in hospital yes­terday after an operation.

Gavin Wilson was stand­ing on a neighbour’s wall at Gateshead, • Tyne and Wear, 'when the: dog at­tacked him,1 bitirig him on 'the face and lips.

, Mr Devoriside blamed the police, Sheffield Wednes­day 'and. the' perimeter fences, which will also be dealt with by Lord Justice Taylor later.

“Without those fences on April 15, we believe the

; vast majority of -people .who died would. still be alive today.”

He added: “Mr Wright’s offer to resign is-right and proper. - , .

“The hierarchy of . the Sheffield police have been seen riot to do their job. It was left to younjj and inexperienced people on ' the fence to face things they should never have had to faice. They had no‘ leadership or directlori.” ;

■ Yesterday the leader of LiverpoolCity Couricil, Mr Keva Coombes, welcomed Lord Justice .Taylor’s ex- oneratiori of most Liver­pool fans from the criti­cisms levelled at therii by som e p o lic e o ff ic e rs shortly after ;the disaster.

“The report seems to be fa ir and b a lan ced and makes it clear that who­ever is to blame it was not Liverpool, its people, sup­porters, or club,’- he said.

onTHE . Lebanese' hostage crisis eased yesterday, but American warships re­mained poised to strike if pro-Irariian kidnappers kill, another captive; ‘ .

Israel was last night awaiting a promised message from Beirut terrorists, who are moving towards a prisoner swap. And Irari’s president, Mr-Ali Rafsanjam, said he was ready to help to free hostages if . Washington would take a sensible attitude. •,

President Bush reacted swiftly. “I’m encouraged;” he said. “But I don’t want to get the hopes of the hostages’ loved ones up again only to have those hopes: dashed.” ' ' .

Meanwhile the peace efforts continued with a trip to the heart of the south Beirut slums by the United Nations envoy, Mr Marrack Gouldirig.

He went, to meet three officials of Hezbollah, the main pro-Iranian Shi’ite

I n ­

group. One of its top meriibers is Sheik Abdel-Karim Obeid whose capture in an

. Israeli commando raid a week ago ignited the crisis. •

Mr Rafsanjani told Mr Bush in a speech in Tehran yesterday: “You cannot solve : •anything by bullying and arrogant ap­proaches. Take a sensible attitude and we will help solve the problems, so that

. people of the region may live in peace and friendship.” : . -

'■ Iran is thought to have strong influence over Shi’ite Moslem militants holding Western captives.' ' :.

Mr Bush said Mr Rafsanjani’s sermon offered hope, adding: "I want to explore it to the fullest.” , ' .

Tension in the Middle East eased after a threat to kill the American hostage, Mr Joseph Cicippio, was lifted by his captors, t h e R e v o 1 u t i.o ri a r y . J u s t i c e Organisation. yvr*

-W -

At a news conference yesterday in Christian East Beii-ut, Elham Ghandour, the Lebanese wife of Mr Cicippio, thanked all those who mediated to spare her husband’s life

Israel Radio said the Tel Aviv govern­ment expected to receive through the Red Cross a list o f . prisoners who the kidnappers, now want freed from Israeli . prisons.

.., The Israeli prime^'minister, Mr Yitzhak Shamir, said: “We are waiting for proposals and we hope we will get some proposals. If th ey let . us carry out the exchange we will be very happy.”

The Justice group and the Organisation of the Oppressed of the World, which said it hanged the American maririe, Lt-Col. William Higgins, on Monday in reprisal: for Obeid’s seizure, are part of a network of Shi’ite Moslem extremists believed to

hold riiost of the four British and other Western captives. •.

Reports in the United .States yesterday said Mr Bush had beeri ready to order air

.. strikes.against suspected guerilla strong­holds in Lebanon if- kidnappers had carried out their threat to kill Mr Cicippio On Thursday. Carrier-borne aircraft of the

. US Sixth Fleet in. the eastern Mediter­ranean: are within striking distance of possible targets."But at a Press conference Mr Bush

refused to talk about possible retaliation. "If I hadmade such a decision I expect this would be the last place I’d be talking about it,” he said. . ■' Algeria’s ambassador to Lebanon said yesterday his country was negotiating the release of all Western hostages and the prospects for success had improved urider Iran’s new president.Editorial comment — P.14.

AN ARAB terrorist who blew himself up with his own v bomb in a London hotel was planning to kill' the author o’f The Satanic Verses, Salman'Rushdie, it-- was claimed last night.. . ' .. . •'

.A group in Beirut claimed that more of its “martyrs” would follow until Rushdie and anyone supporting h im — including Mrs Thatcher — was killed. P.3.

Dockers’ deadline; REBEL dockers a t L iverpool w ere

given a fresh deadline to sign new contracts after voting at a,mass meeting to stay on strike. P .7 .. . 1:

Surgery cancelledA SHORTAGE ' o f ' trained nurses has ■meant vital heart operations have had>to. be cancelled at Leeds Gerieral Infirm ary The trying .to recruit lS mdre specialist staff. P.2; • • •

: >. . ■ ■>■■■' >t-Kinnpck’s need...THE LABOUR leader, Mr Neil Kinnock, will rely on the big unions in the face of major challenges at th is ' year’s party conferende. _ P.16. :

Halifax in charge^THE Halifax;Building Society has taken over 'r.Sspbnsibility; for i:a'; ihulti-million

■ pourid.flats project iri;Lbndon^Docklands for;which it' had already lent £25m before the developer h it difficulties. P.4. • *,'

Cricket attack rENGLISH cricketers planning to tour South Africa were described as mercen­aries by the country’s church leader, Archbishop Desmond Tutu. P.15.

Pair back insideTWO of th e G rea t T ra in R obbery gang were returned to jail for cocaine trafficking. The drugs were valued at riiore than £500,000. P.8.

Tenants warned f:■ TENANTS on a South Yorkshire council' estate are being threatened with court, action and eviction for tampering with>| new heating system. Back Page. "«




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passions mLITTLE did they appreciate' it at the time, but the Italian women trendily parading the piazzas in their nightshirts have kicked up, a bureaucratic storm in Brussels which has, outraged-the fashion-, able bedwear elite of. Pudsey.; It might be permissible when tn Rome, but in Pudseyi'you 4o.


What wholesome'Yorkshire folk do. And that means nightshirts .are, for ,sleeping in, not for •displaying to all and. sundry, r

WW Textiles,-a local im porter. of nightshirts,from' the Far East,

is-fighting a-rearguard action , against the Italian clothing firm " which triggered the fashion fad ' and is forcing the'hand of the European Community to define nightshirts as dresses., Pudsey'sM P, Sir Giles Shaw,

:while not deriding the decision of ■Italian women' to flaunt their.: night attire, said, yesterday: “To■ say it is absurd is an understate­ment. It’s perfectly plain that nightshirts are not dresses and

■ certainly, should; n o t. be,' cate­gorised as such. .The; outcome , would .be harm to. the develop­m en t of im p o rt and" ex p o rt businesses.”

Under the proposal being dis­cussed a t in o rd in a te len g th within the Brussels corridors of power, ■ loose-fitting nightshirts exceeding 30cm would be encom­passed within the EC quota l im i ts on im p o r ts s e t fo r dresses. , - \

Customs and Excise has said that, waisted nightshirts would remain within the more generous EC limit for nightdresses, but Sir Giles has been quick to remind them that nightshirts are popu­lar specifically, because they are , loose-fitting., The merchandise director of WW Textiles, Mr Terry Horner,

said: “It’s plainly ridiculous as the people who buy the garments are perfectly', entitled to wear them- where and when they want. ‘ ■

‘,‘Some men wear boxer shorts to the beach and T-shirts as vests in winter. If some women really do want to. wear nightshirts outside that’s fine, I suppose, but why should we be penalised?”

- X • - . -He doubted, however,1 whether

motifs like a pair of sleeping kittens sported bn nightwear sold by his firm were the ideal adornment for the fashion-con­scious by day.

Jjeeds hospital advertises for more specialist nurses

S SHORTAGE of tra in ed nurses bias m eant v ita l h ea rt oper­a tions have had to. be cancelled a t Leeds G eneral Infirm ary. ■'Health chiefs have responded to the crisis by mounting a nationwide ' advertising campaign in an attempt tp make up the shortfall of 15 oardio-thoracic nurses. ' r ■ ■ i'-They are. anxious to /recruit the specialist staff by March, when the


■ The director of nursing for re­gional specialities, Mrs Lynne Cro­sier, said: “It is a very stressful area of working. Fortunately.the Depart- mentof Health has, iri the last week, approved ■ flexible' pay levels for cairdio-thoracic n u rses and an-.

^ ^ nounced ah extra' £1,000' a yearE S f plans’to serup '^new fow -bed ‘ bonus, which should-prove a useful intensive care u n it.' ,

a nationwide•„ Leeds has . built , reputation through the skill-of its

. heart surgeons. .Five transplant operations have

been carried out this.year. at the LGI and.KillingbeckiHospital as the city,. Battles to become the country’s fifth transplant centre,' : i{The shortage of skilled nurses is affecting all' the / country’s heart centres:

incentive.’1' She said the intensive care'unit at ■ the LG I; needed a quota of 66 ■ specialist,nurses; there are 51 at present. ■ / , .- -“Some. life-threatening .surgery has had to be postponed,” she said. , ' •

“In the case, of a' transplant operation at the moment; we would have to rely on the goodwill of the

current nursing staff, to do the overtime.”

Mr Andrew Murday, a consultant thoracic surgeon who carried out

■ the first transplant in Leeds on May■ 5, said: “Not all nurses want to work in the heart surgery field. It is tense,

■ difficult and highly skilled work.“But .we'are doing, all we can to

. recruit more. In actual fact, we have . still managed to do more open-heart

operations this, year — more, than .600 — than ever before.”

Life-saving transplant operations at two other top hospitals are being cancelled because of a lack of intensive care facilities.

Medical. staff claim there have been .no heart, orr.heart and lung transplants at. Pap worth Hospital, or ■ liver transplants at Adden- brooke’s Hospital in Cambridge, for; the .last two weeks. ■ •

' ■ They say th is : is . because the intensive care beds at both hosp'itals

are full. 1 A spill-over ward at Pap-

w orth, Cambridgeshire, designed to take patients still needing urgent medi­cal care,' was due to be opened last year, but re­mains empty because of a lack of trained nurses.

ove '- the -Tories v has -. M eanw hile Mr -Paddy As hdo w n ’ s° ■ Democrats,- oh five'per cent, and Dr David

H B C ^w srught. p°E.of.polls .published:. Owen’s SDP, ohi’twopercent, continue to1 " j ■ languish behind the Greens, who are on*ThlS IS four pomts. down on lts: ' ninp'n'pr hp'fif ....

4buble-figure lead a month ago. But' Mrs •' ^ , \ r -■Xhatcher-s personal popularity remains' The Greens enjoy a.higher share of the at its lowest", ebb since., the ' General ' vote than - the two centre parties-, p u t . Election. .together. . • - .

Labour,dropped a smgle point from its - The percentages, with last month’s in 45 per cent ratmg a month,agq',while the , . brackets, are: Labour 44 per cent (45 p e r . Tories gained three points over the period cent), Conservatives 38 (35), Greens mne from their35 per cent July figure - -'their r - (nine), - SLD five: (five),, SDP; two,: (two), lowest level of, this,-Parliament. > others two (four). ; -> C^ eiVativ6 showing is good news; '. :T H e n u m b er s a t is f ie d 'w ith M rs 'fer Mrs Thatcher. Most of the survey was Thatcher’s leadership has risen by two conducted after, her reshuffle and T o ir per cent to 37 per cent since July. But 56. Kusmess .^managers^ believe that, with per cent: remain dissatisfied with, herv; inflation, now- peaking,thej; are. climbing leadership; still the highest level since the ’ out of the trough of the. late,;spring and .General Election. - rarly-summer. - ~ 7 ' '£ ’V Mr Kinnock, who ied Mrs Thatcher in^ n ? in+SJl’ susEects that the onset the popularity ratings last month, slipped rf;ppll tax and the prospect of- increased— three points arid is now one point behind

^ , contlniie t0 ®rode T°ry her. . But those dissatisfied w ith X s popularity and keep the Opposition leadership have increased by four per

cent since July to 148 per cent..P e rso n a l p o p u la r i ty

ratings for Mr Ashdown (18 per cent) "and Dr Owen (24 per cent) remain un­changed but those dissatis­fied with Dr Owen’s leader- ship have increased by one point to 48 per cent. ,

The voting in ten tio n sample was made up of 6,784 people polled be­tween July. 19 and 30 by Audience Selection, Gal­lu p , H a rris ; Mori, and NOP..

The leadership satisfac­tion sample was made up of 5,731 people polled by all th e s e e x c e p t H a r r is C onference prev iew —; P.16.

comfortably ahead.

Dark mystery o f •’s black eye

WHITEHALL observers were faced with a mystery la s t. night — that of the black: eye: being sported by the Employment Minister, Mr Timothy 'Eggar.2 Officials revealed that Mr Eggar, 37, was the victim of an,unknown assailant in an incident about a week ago, which was; being investigated by the police;•B ut no other details were, being-given — not even Which of Mr Eggar’s eyes was damaged, where it happened or the or nature of the incident. He had been' forking at his office all week.* Mr Eggar, who lists Ms recreations as ski-ing, village ericket and simple gardening, was proinoted in Mrs Thatcher’s ministerial reshuffle last morith. He had been Urider-Secretary at the Foreign Office since.1985.



S U N D A U G U S T 6 T H


1 0 .3 0 A M . T O 5 .0 0 P .M .

The Yorkshire Evening Post, in association w ith BatleySports Centre; hopes to provide a n . answer fo a ll those ..

nd o ld - who say “ there’s nothing fo r us to do”people - young and by staging a a t B atley S p o rts C en tre ,

W indm ill L ane, B atley

; A ttractions include: W hite Rose Aikido Club, ' V: . ,B atley Sports C entre K ara te Club, Tang-Soo Do,G ym nastics Club, M odern Sequence Dancing, Batley Barbelles, BoathoUse Volley Club, Snorkelling'-Club, Aerobics, Batley •' Buggy Club, Canoeing, R.N.L.I., Steam 'Roller, B urn G liding Club. Wakefield Railway.M odellers Society, Girl Guides,

• Spenborough Model E ngineers/H ornet Microlights, .Keighley and • W orth Valley Railway, Ravensthorpe Cycling. Club, Collectors Club of Huddersfield, W est Yorkshire AntiqueCollectors Society, ■ K irklees:Model;Boat Club, West Yorkshire Fire Service, Leeds & Bradford Model Racing Yacht Club, Embroideiy, Camping arid C aravanningC lub, Almondbury Handbell Ringers, Huddersfield& Cigarette^ Card Club, S.U.D.A.C., Lacemakers, North Yorkshire Moors Railway/, Bradford Barbershop Singers, Bannerworks, Yoikshire Ship. E nthusiasts, F air Organ, Leeds & District

; Traction Engine Club, Leeds Leisure Services, , .Operation Innervator,. ,

EASIEST DIRECTIONS:From M62 - Junction 27 take A62 signposted Huddersfield - Turn left at first set of traffic lights -

; Liver transplants at'Ad- denbrooke’s have already been stopped by a shortage of blood for . transfusions this year, but it is the first tim e tra n s p la n ts have been completely.halted at Papworth. - -

Kidney transplants at Addenbrooke's were - also Mt earlier in the year by a severe shortage of donor organs. .■; C o-ordinators expect there: .will be little more than “ half the predicted number of kidney trans­plants this year because of the. shortage. , y

The East l Angliari ;: Re­gional Health Authority : blamed a backlog in both

..hospitals’ intensive- care u n i t s ta x d e la y in g - operations:; ;; ,i':..

A Papw orth H ospital spokeswoman said they had been forced to refuse 11 offers of donor hearts..

The h o s p ita l h as 88 patients waiting for heart or heart-lung transplants, but operatioris are being held up because of pres­sure ori its seven intensive care beds.. ■

At Addenbrooke’s liver tra n sp la n ts have been stopped because intensive care beds have been taken up by other patients.- Later, a Health Minister, Lord Trafford, said: “It is simply untrue that trans­plants have been halted — although some operations have had to be delayed.”

Heeley in video appealTHE solicitor, defending the man charged with m urdering liine-year-old Annette Wade yesterday appealed for anyone who made a home video record­ing on Blackpool pleasure beach on the day of the c h ild ’s d ea th to com e forward. .,

Mir Andrew Greensmith said'John Geoffrey Heeley said he recalled seeing people using a camera on the beach on July 18 and he might appear on a home video recording.

.Heeley, handcuffed, to two: police officers, was making his secorid appear­ance at Fleetwood Magis­trates’'Court charged with, the murder of Annette, whose badly burned body was found in a field near her home in Blackpool Old R o a d , C a r l e t o n , Lancashire. ',.'H e.W as f u r th e r r e ­

manded in,custody for a week.


what two can do

TWIN toucans have been hatched for the first time in a British zoo, it was disclosed yesterday...

The fledglings survived being trampled in their shells by their naturally clumsy parents, and are now being hand:reared

■ a t L i n t o n Z oo in ' Cambridgeshire. K eepers once doub ted

w hether the p aren ts,' Pablo and Bonita, 'would

produce any more young because Pablo ' had to undergo an operation to

.remove a'possibly fatal - tumour from his leg.' „ The c h ic k s :w ere born- : blind; naked, pink and

helpless and have a long way to go before they grow the coloured beak a n d b la c k c o a t of.

; feathers which became famous in a Iong-rUn- ning Guinness advertis­ing campaign. - ,

But Linton staff are draw- . ing on their: experience

two years ago when, along with Rhyl Zoo in Wales, they successfully hatched and reared a

. single toucan each for t h e f i r s t t im e in Europe.

L in to n ’s co-ow ner and . director, Miss Kim Sim-

moris, said:‘'The parents are very clumsy. We had to monitor Pablo and Bonita very carefully , a f te r th e eggs w ere, laid.

“Both took it in 'tu rn to incubate the eggs and we

■, Waited, five, days until • both were out of the nest

box before we could . remove the eggs without. c a u s My? a n y . disturbance.” v

The chicks hatched iri an incubator from eggs half

— the. size of normal dom- « estic ones.It Will be September before : they go on public display

but visitors to Linton can see th e c h ic k s ’ brother, Mirus, who cel-, ebrates his second birth­day next week.

m . i m m m m

tV' I

. AH?

¥ ■v,-*Wm

>. '

FAMILY LINE-UP: THE Queen M other is jo ined by o th e r m em bers of th e R oyal Fam ily outsidje., C larence H ouse yesterday on h er 89th b irth d ay — th e occasion fo r a leng thy w alkabout.

TH E Q u e e n . M o th e r received noisy congratula­tions from hundreds of children, and a smart mili­tary, salute from one, on

■ her 89th birthday. - -i Seven-year-old. B arry

Millard charmed the Royal greatgrandmother when he inarched up to her wearing a perfect replica of ■ an Irish Guards uniform,

Payirig his birthday trib­ute before the real Irish Guards V made their:! tra­d itional m arch-past, he presented her with flowers encased iri glass. ■

He then smartly SEduted before turning on his heel and marching back into the . .crowd. The Queen M o th e r b eam ed w ith delight. .

B arry , from Fulham , West London/ was among hundreds of children al­lowed through the barriers to give her flowers.

“I knew, how to salute and I have been able to march since I was very little,” he said later.

He said he wanted to join the -Irish Guards when he-

the Queen MotSer out of his pocket money. , *

, ; J Barry joiped the crowds 'y^utsidie ClSr6nce’*pouse,. "•'her Loriddri Hoirie, with his

grandmother, Mrs -Freda LaWrie"; who'Jj6kang iy described, .herself as-' his Mtman. . ' :.’ The army of admirers begari arriving before 5am. Many of them come every year. ■ -■ . ■ •

The 'Queen Mother : did .not disappoint them. She


Some: carried elaborate bouquets While others.'-had just one flower.

Latershe. reappeared.'at the gates to see the Iria i. Guards’ march-past led By their mascot, Connor, ’an Irish wolfhound.', • ,V: ■ ^

In , tiriie-honoured; t ^ l dition the band broke intg; several refrains of .Happy' Birthday while the crowd sang the; words. YMpi

The Queen'Mother niajk have entered her 90th,year,°' but this did riot deter hen from a lengthy w alkabout talking to members -of tne" 3,000-strorig crowd. She was followed by one of.h,eK pet corgies. Dash.: V:■ , By the erid of the waj,kSif . bout, her butler and aide® took it in turns to collfe'dt' armfuls of flowers. ~

The Queen, .the: Pririclb . arid Princess of Wales,, the Duke and Duchess of York, Prince Edward; Viscoigit Linley: and; .Lady:; Sarah-

. A rm strong-Jones latCT, joined her; at Clareneg House. v ■ • -iSiS ■

The family posed hap-

| ROYAL WAVE: >A greeting for 3,000 well-wishers.

appeared on the balcony of I Clarence House with a ■ wave and a smile. .

The crowd broke into a chant _of> Happy. Birthday as she later reappeared.on the pavement below:

The weather was perfect and the Queen Mother had chosen a cool-looking

dress iri a blue^lilac arid yellow floral, priritj with’ a lilac 'h a t ;decorated with feathers arid a tiny net.<.; She spent 25 minutes collecting flow ers from childreri who gathered 1 around her and .appeared to have a kind word for all of them. ■

pother arid the Queen':’P4P^r.‘h I '• -.TfierQUeeri.'wore'alt^ 'qfioise.'m^ss;,^the’'Ef£p&e^ of Wales was in a:: blue floral silk dress aridVthe Duchess, of York in. bright green." i

The; Queen, the DuKo and Duchess arid Priricfe's's] Beatrice; Jater travelled1 to Portsiriouth to join Britain nia - for' a" ‘cruise to . the Western Isles at the begin- ning of their traditional summer holiday. . ■'

1 1

GENERAL SITUATION: A relatively shallow^ showery depression over the Atlantic is drifting slowly eastwards to be centred close to the Hebrides by the erid of today. This will bring: an increasing shower risk to northern England as the weekend progresses.: . , .;


... w m m




A: Mainly dry and bright with a. l it t le sunsh ine , bu t a few showers on the northern Pen- nines in the afternoon. Max. 20C (68F). Light to moderate south-

'erly windSi ' ;C and D: Dry and warm'with

, sunny spells. Max. 22C (72F). Light southerly winds,

. B and E:: Dry and warm with' good sunny periods. Max. 22C

, (/2F). Light mainly southerly winds; but a refreshing sea breeze will penetrate some way inland in the afternoon. O u tlo o k fo r to m o rro w : Warm with sunny spells after the rapid dispersal of early mist patches, but also some scattered showers. ....

: Monday:. Warm with, sunny i n t e r va l s ' .and sca t t e red showers..'..Tuesday: Scattered showers, but becoming brighter.


. H e. agreed to be re­manded on that date in his absence to A ugust 15, when the court was told a committal date might be set.

Reporting restrictions were lifted.

M a n re m a n d e d o v e r d e a th s

A irian appeared yester­day before magistrates at Lewes, Sussex, charged with the murder in New- h av eri o f Mr S te p h e n Hadler, 72, and his wife, Iris, 74.

p e n is R o b erts , 39, a driller w ho' conies from Birkenhead, Merseyside; but gave his address as a caravan site in Newhaven, Sussex, was remanded in custody until August 9.

Cold Front

Warm Front



1-10, 15: Dry. w ith long sunny spells. Wind light and variable, becoming mainly southerly. Max. 26C. (79F):

11*13,16,17: Sunny spells and .afawshowers. Wind light west to south-west backing southerly later. Max. 24C' (75F).

14, 18-20: Mainly dry. withsunny spells at'first, becoming rather cloudy w ith showers later. Wind light to moderate, south­westerly. Max. 23C (73F).

21-26, 29: Mostly, cloudy with showers or ionger spells of rain. Some bright or sunny spells later. Wind fight apd.variable, becom­ing light to moderate, MUth' to south-westerly later.. Max. 22C (72F).

27, 28*. Mostly cloudy with showers. Wind light and variable,’ . becoming mainly south-easterly. Max. 17C (63F).


Amsterdam...... „ 19 66 ,sunnyAthens.!.......’...... . 29' 84 'fa ir.Barcelona....!.... .“ 26 79. fairBelfast.;.......... .17 63 sunnyBelgrade,....;..... . ; 21, 70 fairBerlin..:............ . 15 59 cloudyBiarritz....,...,........ . 23. 73 fair .8russels........... . 21- 70 sunnyCape Town..... .. 21 70 sunnyCardiff..;......i... 21 70. fair- •)Chicago............ . 32 90 cloudyCologne........... ; 20 68 sunnv-Copenhagen.... .. 17 63 cloudyDublin.............. . « 20 68 sunny'Edinburgh....... r 19 66 fairGeneva............ . 23 73 sunnyGibraltar........... . 28 82 fair •;Glasgow.......... . . : 16 61 cloudyGuernsey.........Hong, Kong.....

.. 21* .. 30



Innsbruck........ 21 70 sunnyJersey.;............ . 25 77 sunnytLas Palmas...... . / 26 1 79 sunny-Lisbon.1.......... ... 24 75. cloudyLondon........... . 21 .70 sunnyLos Angeles.... ,. ” 28 .82 claar 'Luxembourg.... ... 19 66 • cloudyMadrid............. . . . 27. 81: fairMajorca........... . , 29 84. sunnyMalaga............ . • .‘ 31 88 sunnyMalta.,.,;.......... , 29 84 fair- 'Melbourne.:.,...... ... n/aMiami......... ....... '33 91 ‘fairMoscow.......... 18 ■'84 cloudyMunich........... .. 21 ■ 70 sunny,Naples............. 28 82 sunny.Nassau............ 31 88 sunnyNew York...,,..... .. 29 84’ cloudyNice......-........... . .25 77 sunnvOslo... ............ / : 13 ' 55 cloudyParis............... . 25 77 -sunny


. -. , -;-i3


Doncaster.........Hull .......Leeming .Leeds.. ;......Lincoln.............Manchester....;..,,Sheffield............Whitby...'.....:.;.:.... Yortt ...


C . F ■ - .19 68 sunny ',19 66 sunny |18 64' sunny ■,

. 19 66 sunny i19 68 sunny .116 61 cloudy. '■

. . 19 66 sunny !

. ‘ 17 63 - sunny I19 66 sunny i


. Ughta ,: ‘ On"(pm) ‘ . • Off. (am)Hull 9.21 • * 4.54 VLeeds..:.....:......... 9,26’ 4.59 'Sheffield.'.... - 9.24 - 5.00:

' London. , 9.12 5.02H ^h tides.


LAST NIGHT'S SATELLITE PICTURE: England and Wales are almost, cloud • free but to the west of the British Isles we can see the showery, weather system which will slowly edge towards us.Picture taken by METEOSAT at 15.00 hours GMT.

i i l l lr■. y > > vy

Middlesbrough...Scarborough.......Skegness...,:. .Whitby'....!

.am 1.52

-. 121 10.09 •/9.15•

pm 2.10 ‘ 7.65"

10.53 9.46

. 7.07 7.29 9.41 7.19 v

Sea Pasugest SlighL'The Moon: First'Quarter, August 9.


Bridlington Skegness...; jClacton.............






Brighton....;.';.;..Shanklin.:......Bournemouth... Torquay .


Sun Rain Max.%:hr. in. C F

.... 11.2 15 6 t c:9

.... n/a • • u .1 1 .4 ' - 18 :64..,.12.1 21 70 *'s,«

12.2 23 73tt .7 -• 22 ‘ n &

...; 12.1 . - 23; 7-3

...I,- n/a ' * *11.8 • 24 75

... -13.9 •- 25 77... 8.8 24 75...; 9.8 ....•'n/a

25 77.

..*4.... 7.7 17 63

6.6 - 17 63.... 5.8 18.. 64»>V,.7 6.3 18 64.... 9.6’ 18 64 j..... 9.6 18 64^

Page 3: Download the document (33.5 MB)


j^N 'A rab te rro ris t who blew him self u p 'w ith h is ow n bomb in a London

■Verses au tho r, Salm an R ushdie, it. was. claim ed la s t n ight. ' / , ..;"A group in Beirut claimed more of its

; “martyrs” would follow until Mr Rushdie and anyone supporting him — including Mrs ThatcHer — is killed.. r A chilling hand-written statement from the . Organisation ■ of the Stragglers of Islam was delivered to Beirut’s an-Nahar newspaper...

’It named the terrorist as Gharib. although he booked in at the 18-room

Beverley Hotel on Tuesday as Mr Mazeh, paying £93 in cash. '

i Mr Rushdie was .sentenced to death - (earlier this year by the late Ayatollah i Khomeini of Iran for his book, which ; Moslems claim is, insulting to their j religion','He is now in hiding- with ■i reported police, protection.

The Beirut statement said: “Moslems.• mourn their first martyr, Gharib, who

died while preparing 'a daring attack against the apostate Salman Rushdie:

“If the first martyr fell on his way to the target, the following martyrs will hit the target. No one will be at rest.”.. The bomber's battered body was still

wedged last night between the third and

FAMILY NOTICES LEEDS 388388 = - — =' Notices of;Birthfl, Enpgeraenta, Marriages, At Homes, Deaths, In Memoriam, also Acknowledgements •’ are chared from 7,4p' per line. They muat be authenticated by the name and addreBB of the. sender/.* Announcements inserted m Social and Personal are charged at £2-76 per line.


V,6 L L A N S Photography.established -1949. One of

. ‘Y orkshire’s better wedding photographers. Tel. Harro*

. g a t e (6423) 862626 for ' \ f r e e brochure. ,

PHOTOGRAPHY t h a t Will ensure y o u r special day

. r e m a i n s more than a • memory. For a profes­

sional s e r v i c e contact .Y orkshire Post Studios and-ask- ft>r our -b r o c h u r e

dftfng' f u 1 K 'detalls. Tele- •phone-432701; ext. 1360. •.?


' ATKIN. — To Greg and Lucy ( n e e Coleman) a s o n . Frederick Jordan Jackson,

-o n Thursday August 3, at d lh e > | Beverley Westwood

-Hospital, a b ro ther, for ‘ JElolae. • ‘


l riM R l p . T. NOTTINGHAM V^M ISS J . P. DROWLEYTo ■ - - -

1. eiigat ,ithe><bc ;M6in ;

To Jannlne and Paul, con- X ^ t u 1 a t l.o n a on y o u r

, ngagem ent. wishing .you all ' ,ithe><best.fdr the future. Love, ;Mom and. Dad.-vHR. MARK 5 . IBBOTSON

1 EMMA J . MANN■ -M r. and Mrs. Aian Seaton . rM ann of.-6, Oakbum Road, JUUey, have much pleasure In .announcing the engagem ent, ;0HfVit'h‘e I t daughter Emma Jayne/ to; Mark Scott, son of ••MP-r: and M r s . WlUlam H. Ibbotson. T h e . M i l l House', B ell Busk. Sklpton. . <

MR. 5. MILNER iv*<* MISS P. TRIFFITT .John , and Sheila Trlffltt. of

Spain, formerly of Y eadlngham .' h a v e .. pleasure

. In .-'announcing ' the engage-* - .m e n t o f-th e ir only daughter.'

.Patricia,; to Stephen.- only son 'd f jF red and Mary Milner, of -I*e?ds. >1 •, -V"


• , )[‘MR.:A. M. m u ir h e a d .’ tv jM IS S S. J . OSBORNE . r 'T h e m arriage took p lace on

.J S c ry -2 9 ; a t St,. M a r y ' s C hurch/' Boston Spa. of Mr..

. A l ' e x a n d e r M uirhead. of 'Rlym pton. Sussex and ■ MIbs JS a 'r a h Osborne. of.-Boston .Spa. Y orkshire.. n


5 WARIEANNC BARKER : t/.THe: m arriage took 'place at S t .> r ,P .e t e r ps i . C h u r c h i

‘Hajrtshead. on’S aturday . Ju ly .29. 19B9. between Andrew;;

; eldest son o f Mr. and Mrs/.B,- <AV,a‘ d e r> o f Roberttow n^and .Vlctorla-;Marleanne,<youngeat, (J a u g h te ro f 'M rs :N . B arker5 aiidc the -late1 'Mry N ,':B arker’.

-oEJiartshead.. , ,* ’F. j . r WHITWORTH.’ , j iVri)M I5S A. J; DOWNEY- '

u g u s t 4. at C h r I s t . Church. Helme. Huddersfield, »Jtrapk Julian, only son of B i/r .s / S. M. W hitworth o f.

, Meltham. Huddersfield and the-late M r.-F. G.. W hitworth,

'td jA llson Jayne, only daugh­te r , .;o f Mr; and Mrs. R.- J;• Klhnlsh o f Beaumont * Park, Huddersfield. ■



H appy 1st W edding

AnniversaryA ll m y lo v e (a n d

m o st o f m y m o n ey ) D ian e XXX


B U T L INC y ril a n d ;

r ia m .


'Thank you Miri for filly happy years of love and care.




i; CLARK ■ ’ ,: Are happylto announce

their Golden Wedding Anniversary.

Married August 5th 1939 atLofthouse Parish ■' ; Church

“Veo Grallas"

C L A R K .



' C ongratulations on y o u r G olden W edding A nniversary

' Lots o/LoveTeny and Angela, Margaret and John, Jackie, Julie,

Emma, John and Ben,'


CLAY. — On August .3. 1989, peacefully, a t h e r home. rVeU, Head, Halifax, Nelliepea

’• WeL( • H e l e n j " C la y ” ( n e e Copley), the dearly loved wife of the late J a m e s

..Reginald.Clay, a dear aunt' and-’, great-aun t. and loving an d much loved friend ofm an y .. No flowers please

> but If desired, donations m ay be sent to the V isiting '

.‘N u r s e S e r v i c e for Christian Scientists, c /o Mr; FT Drake (treasu re r), lO ; Holt Close, Adel. Leeds

C.LS16 8DT. Tel. Inquiries^Halifax 54094. v ' •

LEGGOTT.I — Agedl'82f'years, f E v e l y n , passed; a w a y peacefully. August 2. 1989.

v dearest mum o f Mavis and ' .Ann,. In-laws A rthur .and..

: B r y a n ; devo ted ' nan of P au l (In A u s t r a l i a ) . A ndrew and Peter. Rest In p e a c e Eve. - R e s t i n g A nnlsons Private Chapel. Wltham. Cortege 1 e a v e s

. residence' a t 2 p.m.. - for s e r v i c e and Interm ent, E astern Cem etery a t 2.30

: p.m. Fondest l o v e , will never be forgotten.

MORLAND. — A ugust.4. a t a H arrogate ' nursing home, aged 82 y e a r s . Hilda.

- dearly loved wife of the : late Cyril Taylor Morland.

form erly o f Pannal Green. Service a t the H arrogate Crem atorium . Tuesday, A u ju s t 8. 1 p.m. ;

NORTH — On August 3. In* hospital and o f Bam fleld Dewsbury, M arjorie. A. N o r t h * , d e a r s ister of K a t h l e e n M. N orth .of London. All e n q u i r i e s (0924) 454476. -

ROWLING - A u g u s t 3.

Reacefully, a t Gracelana ' u r s 1 n g H o m e .

Gulsborough, A rthur Reg­inald. beloved husband of the late Annie, very dear fa the r o f John, father-in- law of Sheila and . d e a r

* . “ . '202 DEATHS

WALKER. — On August 4.1989/ In hospital, Charles

. S tan ley-'(S tan). - of 3. The / Shrubberies,/C llffe, n e a r ..•’ Selby, ( f o r m e r l y of

Flatflelds. Howden); the• dearly loved husband of G ertrude a n d 'd e a r dad of George. In-law of Eliza­beth.. loving g randdad .o f

. Stephen, Gordon, DaVld:• Judle and J a c k i e and

g reat-granddad of Daniel. Funeral service and crem a- tlori a t York Crematorium, on • Wednesday. August 9. a t 2.30 p.m. FamUy flowers* o n l y p lease ,' If desired, donations may. be given In lieu and left on. a plate a t

, : the crem atorium in aid of the British H eart Founda?. tion.


BOOTHROYD. — Mrs. Muriel Boothroyd and F a m i l y

-w ish to ’ thank the friends • and form er colleagues of

the late Stanley Boothroyd fo r their, cards, letters and donations, and for. their kindness and, sympathy

DUDDING. — Elizabeth. M argaret and Family wish to c o n v e y their m o s t

. sincere thanks to all re la t­ives. . friends, neighbours and colleagues fo r their expressions of sympathy, flowers, letters and cards and donations to Cancer Research, received during the ir recent bereavem ent. Thank you to Mr. Frank A rcher fo r his efficient caring funeral arrange- • m ents and- to Rev. Jonn

r Davis fo r .the service. A special thank you also to Mr. Richard Everatt fo r his touching tribute to Don. Finally, a special t h a n k you from Liz to the Sup­po rt Network of York and

■. se lby Social Services. TAYLOR. Mrs Emma Taylor,

Jean , John and. Families,' would like ito convey their

sincere thanks to all re la t­ives and- friends fo r the kind expressions of sym­pathy. floral tributes and donations fo r the benefit o f - th e League of l Friend­ship, Dewsbury, received

' during t h e 1 r recent sad bereavement.. Also to -the doctors and staff a t th e ' Accident and ' Em ergency D epartm ent. Dewsbury D istrict Hospital, fo r their kind and prom pt attention.

. To the Rev. Ian Wildey for h is comforting funera l se r­vice and to the s ta ff and family of George Brooke fo r efficiency, and klnd- n e s s . 14 Track Mount Batloy. •

•211 FUNERAL : : ' / DKECT08S

granddad o f Rachel -and Tlcky. Funeral, service in

G ulsborough . Evangelical1ch u rch . Fountain Street, a t 1 0 . 3 0 a.m. on Monday.

: August 7. p rior to inter*! ment. Gulsborough Ceme- - tery. W i l l friends please

m eet a t church. No flowers ; by request. A collection j plate a t c h u rc h 'fo r dona­

tions In lieu If so desired i fo r C hildrens’ Cancer Re- ; search. -

SNOWDEN. — On August. 3. 1989. peacefully a t home, a g e d 69 y e a r s . Frank

. Ronald, much loved* hua- - band, fa ther and grand-- f a t h e r . . Funeral service Lothersdale M e t h o d i s t Chapel, 2.30 p.m. on Tues­day, A u g u s t 8. ' Family

- flow ers only. Donations. If desired, to Lothersdale

; M ethodist Chapel/

SPOONER — On Ju ly 31 In Hereford, a g e.d 78 yrs. Raymond .Henry,- husband of the late Isabelle and

. beloved fa ther of Jacqule and Angela: Cremation a t Hereford; on August 7 a t 2

{>.m. Service of Thanksglv- ng a t S t R obert's Church, Pannal, H arrogate. T hurs-

. day August 10 a t 12 noon.

B. BERNARD: & SONS' LTDi^ Private Chapels o f Repose,r' 1-3, P rospect Road/ Scar­borough. T el. 361152 '( 2 4 hou rs).

DODSWORTH Funeral* Ser­vice, (Est. 1848). Malton a n d York. Tel. M a l t o n 600178 day o r night. P ri­va te Chapel.

ERNEST BRIGHAM (Funeral D i r e c t o r s ) Ltd.. Max 'Robinson MBIE, MBIFD, 51.. St. John Street. Brid­lington 675124 24 hours.

F. KNEESHAW & SONS 58. Richmond Street, Bridling­ton (0262) 673334.

P. KNEESHAW & SONS. 58. Richmond S tr e e t Bridling­ton. (0262) 673334/ ‘

J . G. F I E L D E R & SON Funeral Directors, 48. - 50..

Clarence St.. York 654460. 24 hrs. Private Chapels. Personal attention.

J . RYMER, Funeral Service. York. E s t 1S48. 15 and 17Penleys Grove Street. Tel. Y ork 6 2 4 3 2 0 day and night. P rivate Chapel. .

SUDDABYS Funeral Direc­t o r s . C r o w n H o t e l .

. Wheelgate. Malton. - T e l . Malton 692038.



■ — faUnpd.Donations In fieu of flowefs will bo grafefdiy received -

'A iMSiatuf card I * in yo u r, r is m * to th * b * rt» Y 4 d

.fa m ily .


(The Whyte-Watsonfiurner Cancer Reaearch Trust)

U riiv e rs iiy o f B rad fo fd . 2 1 . a a r e m o n l , !

B ra d fo rd BD7 1BG. ;

ARTHRITIS Research Cam-

& a l g n . 16. Studley Rd.. arrogate. 569469. w i l l

tratefully acknowledgeo n a t l o n s . In . lieu of




T h e r e w a s n o J a c k p o t W i n n e r t h i s w e e k

K ingsley Close,c £1,000 BO N A N ZA B O N U S P R IZ E

M rs. J. W ood, M oorside A venue, R ipon , N o rth Y orkshire. . ,. J

£200 W N G A C R O SS P R IZ E

M r. 'F . P arro ttj, L eeds.R oad , T horpe W il­loughby^ Selby. '

£50 P E N S IO N E R P R IZ E ,

M r. N : K eddle, B radford R oad, S tannin- . gley, Pudsey, L eeds' ;

'.T h e - follow ing ru n n e rs - up will each -receive £22 72 being th e ir share o f the ’ •'£250 runners up p rize m oney.,,M r;.. D . Jo rd o n , C hurch R o ad , A rm ley,.

Leeds 12. . ' . '■ M r. G . W . B ooth, Springw ell Avenue,

Sw illington, Leeds 26.

M r. M . U pton,O utw ood, W akefield.M r. G . Brook, P ildacre L ane, Ossett,-- W est Y orkshire.M r. I. J . : Beckw ith, S kipton R ise, : G arfo rth , Leeds.M r. R . Thom pson, C hurch L ane, Cross G ates, Leeds 15.M rs: M, Scott, O w ler Lane, Sheffield S4 8G F. \M rs. R . C alvert, B irchlands G rove, W ilsden, B radford.M rs. J. Sundram , O ld P ark R oad , Leeds 8.M rs. C . H arper, B radford R oad, E ast A rdsley, N r. W akefield.M rs. S. Thom pson, H eath C rescent, Leeds LSI I 8U N . :

A p art from a Jackpot W inner all w inners are notified by p o s t

fourth, floors of the hotel in ' Sussex Gardens, Paddington, - while forensic experts searched the area for further clues, including his passport, which has still not been recovered;. . ,.. The body is likely to be removed today, for examination by. a -Home Office pathologist, Dr Iain West. '

Anti-terrorist detectives disclosed th a t, the bomb contained 51b of military-type plastic explosive, but not’ Semtex as at first thought. . ;; . ..’

It was being worked on by;the man in. room. 303 of the hotel on Thursday afternoon when it blew up in his. face, blasting out windows and damaging three floors of the five-storey building.

The man, believed to be an Arab of French Moroccan extraction, was in his early 20s and travelling on .a French

, passport. Hotel staff said he was quiet and tried to keep his face hidden.

Scotland Yard said last night: “We are., aware of the claims being made, but the ’ name being, used is not the name on the register. V '

“We have no photograph- of’ him because, the passport has not been recovered,!’; Detectives and builders worked at the hotel all day removing buckets full of debris for examination.- Meanwhile, the secretary of a Bradford

mosque has called on the BBC to make a' TV documentary showingIslam in' a more positive light, following the controversial screening of Blasphemers Banquet.

Mr Mohammed Siddique, who is sec­retary. of the Jamiyat Tabligh-Ul-Islam Mosque in Bradford, has written to the director general of the BBC, Mr Michael Checkland, urging the corporation to put .the record'straight- Moslems in Bradford condemned the screening of Mr'Tony Harrison’s Blas­phemer’s Banquet, in which actors, portraying famous banned writers;of the past, including Voltaire, supported Mr Rushdie. •• . ’ .


On 35 patientsHEALTH officials were yesterday contacting 35 patients, operated'on by a surgeon found to be suffer­ing from hepatitis B.! The doctor, who has no t. been named, was yester- ■ day recovering in an isola­tion unit at 'the Queen’s Medical Centre hospital complex ih: Nottingham, where he works.

A consultant virologist, • Dr Simon Pugh, said a ll35 - patients had ;been. ident-' ified’ and were being of­fered vaccine. , ■

He said:. "We think the- risk to them is,low, but. even so we are offering.thei

.vaccines. We think we ■ have identified anybody who could conceivably be at risk.” '

But he would not give any details about! the doc­tor, who earned out the operations at the 1,300-bed City Hospital, which is part of the medical centre complex. . 1 . ■

The doctor’s condition w as sa id to be q u ite comfortable.

He became ill a week ago, and it is thought he could have been infectious for a month before that. .

Dr Pugh described hepa­titis B, whicli affects th e . liver, as an occupational hazard for surgeons: •

It is not known exactly how the doctor cbntracted it. ■ ' •

Passport m ove

wasA STUDY, of the Gpvernment’s £7m passport computer system, designed to speed up applications, found it increased delays, a union* claimed, yesterday. ,f ;;; ';

The Civil arid iPubiic Services Association;' -the biggest Civil Sendee ^uniofii' said the' indepen­dent investigation by Coopers and- Lybrand discqvered the'.compu­terisation scheme was- critically flawed and had contributed to a huge' backlog of 500,000 forms.'

The CPS A. national officer, Mr Eddie Spence, ;said , the study ■ accused the Home Office of a lack of c o n su lta tio n and fo rw ard planning. . . . . . .

He saidthe findings justifiedthe: fqur:weefc strike byiiverpoolstaff and; --industrial;. ■: action; a t five other" Centres which''ended'1 in' June.

“It is a disgrace — both to the public and our hardworking mem-; bership—that:it h'as long’ to .establish . that- the employer bungled the introduction of this computer system,” he said.

“The record; .shows it was the CPSA who argued for more trial runs, greater trade union involve-’ ment and proper training. Of

course we met with a brick wall.” " -V:

He said the study found there was’ irisufficient user manage1 ment and staff involvement, pre­mature and- untimely implemen­tation in Liverpool and a need for a fundamental review of (the) pass­port process. ..... .

- The Home' Office declined to comment, saying-it had-not yet

. received, the full report.A review of the Pimis computer

.system Passport Issuing and ’ Management Information System — and • extra staff had'.,been; demanded by the 'CPSA before it agreed to cd l off its action.

Computers have already been installed'.at Liverpool and Glas­gow, where staff had claimed they led. to a 15 per-cent • drop in efficiency at a time, when appli­cations were growing.

They were also due to -be operating by-the end of the year in- the four other centres Belfast, N ew port, P e te rb o ro u g h and London —-but have been post­poned indefinitely.

Delays for non-urgent appli- ■ cations have increased at some offices since.the dispute in spite of emergency, measures.

New baked beans scareTHE HP food company is investi­gating the ^discovery of, , a ' 2iri broken bolt in a can of. baked beans, just a fortnight after, glass' was found in other cans.

The bolt was found by a Barns­ley woman'. about 'to serve the beans to her teenage daughter and • two ‘friends. The1 can came from

the production line at the HP plant in N orth W alsharii, N orfolk, where the glass-spiked, tins were made. .Police are investigating.# The' Asda supermarket chain has removed Galloway pate from its 130 stores sifter hygiene officers found a packet contaminated with listeria m a Barnsley store.


prison .:officerA PRISON officer faces a 1 three:year wait to see if h e , is clear of the AIDS virus i following an accident as he;‘ saved the life of a prisoner -1 i t w a s 1 d i s c l o s e d * yesterday; L-J

The 33-year-old father > undergoing counselling1 and blood ; tests after ai needle used on the 'HIVi positive ' inmate became"1 stuck in his thumb. .. ‘

The accident .happened when the officer went to the aid of the prisoner, sayl' to be a drug addict, who had slashed'his an .apparent-suicide attem pt

The officer, who works at. Dartmoor Prison in Devon, managed to stem the, flo.w of the inmatejs blood while a doctor in- j e c t e d^vh i m f o r ,..:>a transfusion. *

The officer says he was then,pricked by the needle used on the inmate. It p lu n g e d th r o u g h hi-s gloves and ah inch into hi& thumb; ;• The officer said the fuil

im plications were only; just sinking in —four days after it happened on Moo-f day, adding: “I am absol­utely terrified and quite devastated by it all.”

He will'undergo regular tests, but' it will be thre'e years before doctors'can be certain that he has" not; . contracted the virus.' ■ T*



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A' regular com petito r in o u r Pick , the S pot com petition , M rs. Ju lia W ood (p ictu red) has earm arked h er £1,000 B onanza Bonus Prize | |s » . ; : fo r a trip to A m erica w ith herhusband , George,- to see their, f ' *>son m Idaho . ■ ,Mrs!. W ood, w ho is a pensioner,•was am azed .b y th e news o f her w in a t h e r hom e in M oprside Avenue, R ipon. ‘T h a t is super | news’ she said. I t w as a case of keep try ing fo r M rs. W oodJ who reads the Y orkshire P ost every ' day and alw ays has a go a t the com petition. '

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Telephone: Leeds 432701:

|DBS iiet^oikdoubles

“I ;;. ; ■. ■ '•. DBS MANAGEMENT, the

*' tluddersfleld-based group ■'’••which has emerged as

■ ; 'Britain's fastest growing ‘•-'and largest network “of '''-independent financial in- - lite rm ed ia rie s ', h as a n ­n o u n c e d doubled pre-tax , profits of £152,000, against

. ' ’’£75,000. - ■ ■ ■ ' .The profits growth is

? even better than it looks as ~ th e group has.yet to.have a :'• •full year’s m em bership rjfrom 50 new recruits dur- ‘-irig the^year. . - ■ ■

This growth in member- ship brought the total to.

•*150 and since the March '-year end it- has risen . further to 170. Members -."Work on an autonomous -b a s isu s in g the' central -'D B S s e r v i c e s a n d

■ ^expertise. v- Mr Kenneth Davy, who.- ‘ feet up DBS in 1979,- says.

that geographically Hud-:?-dersfield is an admirable •:Jj)lace from which, to run a

n a tionw ide netw ork of '■'-independent financial. ad-

. "'Visors. ’''. "' ' ■" ■DBS intends to go for a

[.'•quote on the USM within two years.

^THE 600 GROUP isprovid- '■^iiig £22*840 sponsorship Kfinance to the 30th Interna­t io n a l Youth Skill. Olym-

p ic s a t th e N a t io n a l —Exhibition Centre,.. Birm-

; ingham, froni August 28 to : 31; In addition, 600; Group

w ill le n d m o re th a n £300,000 of equipment to the project while a subsidi­ary; Startrite, will be sup­plying 27 . bandsaws and

; drilling machines for.; use. in a w id e r a n g e o f competitions... ■ ‘ - : "■

W. H. SMITH,- the High 'Street retailer;- yesterday o b ta in e d H igh C o u rt

' injunctions ’ ag ainstfive directors and senior execu-

. tives . of- its - Our Price . record subsidiary. This five; • have been restrained from' taking advantage of their

' current positions to set up a competing record busi­ness with City backing.

NORTON OPAX, the Har­rogate printing group, now. holds 2.6 per cent in the g a m e s g r o u p , ’ J o h n Waddington. It acquired

. the 2.1mTshares'.through; transactionsatan ayerage price of 19&p.,Norton con­firms it has no present, intention of: m aking. an 'offer’for Waddington.'

CORTON BEACH h a sreceived 93.2 per cent ac­ceptances for its £13.6mbid

■ for the Batley-based motor ■ d is tr ib u to r , Lyon and

■ Lyon. While- still waiting for confirmation that Lyon

..arid"/ Lyon’s. Ford' dealer­ship will continue, Corton

. Beach announced that- it plans to ;go ahead with its offer. !

City Editor JOHN HEFFERNAN 23-27 Tudor Street EC4. Telephone 01-583-9199

been frozen must have given the Halifax a nasty turn for a few

. hours. Themeasure of what was at stake i s ‘that a less-well'heeled cred ito r; desperate to salvage whatever: could be recovered at

HALIFAX, BUILDING SOCIETY that-by . 1991 the Docklands hous- ' property developments and has will this, ’ weekend. be concluding ing market will have improved arid added fuel to what has come to benegotiations with the contractors- it will get out without l o s s . < known as -The Great Debate ontocontinue work on the collapsed The next step for the Halifax will •’ insolvencypractice." ■.«S.n i 01Jl P ° cklan<is be to find out how much deposit •! In the Kentish collapse, the key.Wharf, flat project of th e . stock intending buyers Mve .paid (a, ■*—•market quoted Kentish Property '.minimum ' o f £8;000'. a flat is- Group. .. believed to have been asked) and

■•.: The Halifax had provided more '; whether they intend-to complete than £25m towards the scheme and purchase.. ;; V -. .. ;: , . . ' ; .tookvoyer respqhsiblity for;it on . sirice' the_prices for the flats a t’

. Monday evening when an order for ..; Burrell:’S', Wharf (on ...the Isle of ,■ffl;8dm m stiatprto-l».ap^ m ted.- Dogs) range, from £75,000.,up to

Ar>t i9Rfi was £160tm a£d the London residen- iMarwick M cLiritoefcwereap- ":yfas WpKtog-ataltematiyetial market has turr d-sour, quite, ipointed just/before Kentish.-petiv its nwn proposals which wouldafew may think be tter of it; Of the !tioned on Monday for the appoint- ^reiver m administrative ------------'v““ “300 properties being built, .100 are |ment of administrative receivers, a - ,For thi<; rp'a-?rm ipnriprc am n « ' u n d e k s to o d t o h a v e b e.’e n 1.move-which is likened’by' -* 0^ tms-reason lenders are now pre-sold. jth e ‘US Chapter 11 under -which' a

The UK arm of the Californian 'com pany can seek p ro tec tio n

under, the Insolvency. Act 1986 was refused in the High Court. ; \ ■ Forr-the Halifax, which ? on a regular basis provides finance to residential property developers arid has 400 projects' involving ' some £400m on its books at

insolvency point^is that the two big wnatever^co .lenders hadfixed charges, but n o t, on1je:Jru? ^ have‘sought to have floating ."charges over the assets, sold the site and estimates suggest Under the Insolvency Act 1986 the -; that would have; realised only apowers pf lenders differ accprdirig ‘ n(™il?al ’S&ure of £3m. •;• .;to whatkindof charge they hold on However, with a floatmg charge,the assets. a petition by the,

, ? ! ? ^ ^ | ^ i ^ ^ o m P e a t : £ ^ ( S ^ trSveS be '

THE : High Street giant,Boots, yesterday launched an increased £900m take­over bid for the Ward White retail group, which W ard W h ite /g iy e ri’Sts takes in the Pay less DIY uncertain, prospectson'its chain and Fads stores. own.

Mr Gunn claimed

looked very -hard' at^its businesses and are cer that our increased offejrs place a full' v’aluatiOnion

■ MriGunn claimed - ^ r d r richer than the first hostile \ White,-in its defence, jyasbid, the . new- offer was'M immediately rejected by Mr Philip Birch's group.

Mr Birch said the board was looking at alternative

deal for W h i te

bank giant, Security Pacific’, is*the. ja ^ in s t its creditors, if.-it has taspend.another £20m to (otliej. Crider.invoived, with £17m’:'cornplete the project, is -minimal;

Moreover, it has long experience of such situations and can afford to take a cool long terin view. 5 •••

;. Since completion ofthe project is ________ r _____ _______two years away the odds are good \ a bad. fright to other lenders on

In the UK, once a. company already . out .and another £7m ' j petitions- to appoint an adminis- needed to complete. ■.. . ; trator the, secured .creditors.,are

Although the Halifax^ has every- ! effectively frozen in regard to what thinig under control, the situation they can do, except with the that developedthis week has given ‘ permission of the , court.

' The prospect that:it might have

usually advised to seek a floating charge' in addition to a fixed charge.. Administrative receivers

: have, iri fact, been appointed by other creditors, who hold floating'

/charges to three of the smaller Kentish subsidiaries. The Kentish Group'itself is-hot directly affec--

• ted, : even though the bulk of its development portfolio is now in


mean a , better W a rd ' •

. shareholders;The .new Boots. offer,

coming just a month after the first sally,: is worth 445p in cash a share com- i.pared with the 400p being S 1 * pham-offered four weeks.ago.

offering a case of very-tftin- jam toiriorrow. : e ’

• At the time of the “first hostile Boots’ bid Mr Bi^ch said his. company had teen approached by a numbeil of

E' arties-bfferingfurids.^jia uyout. ’ :i;T', •.Among other group&tje-

lieved to be" contenders1# ^ a rival bid for-Ward Wiate are W- H. Smith, whafljSyn


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in f306m■ S W O O p : ' : ; - ,

GEC arid,Siemens yester-. day’ confirmed that they had bought another 113 million Plessey shares in a £’3,06m s to c k m a rk e t ■ swoop;, taking their .holdr ing to .29.99 per cent.. -This ’is. -the:, maximum permitted by law- at this stage. - . . . .

The market raid-yester­day was staged after they announced their “full, and fin a l.’1’- offeT of 270p a- shared

Plessey has rejected the ■ £2bn .bid, but yesterday its .shares slipped Ip to 266p.



Cocktail of

loansunwise“I’m sorry countries.”


THE M illio n a ire pub-, lisher, Mr Robert Maxw.eU,

sured they were “comfort­able” about. having him as

: HAPPY birthday " Savoy , Hotel: Today this remarkr ■ able. hotel . is celebrating the 100th anniversary of its opening: with' a-Birthday

, Ball ton igh t, includ ing -r fireworks on the Thames', ;;.arid a ■ children’s party

toriiorrow.. It was built by the impre-’;.

' s a r io , R ichard D’ O yly'.. Carte, with' the profits ' from Gilbert & Sullivan’s-

production'bf the Mikado at his Savoy Theatre and where a fresh presentation returns next month.

ese businessm en w hat pleases him most is, the sharp rise in the number, of visitors from: the regions

, who use the hotel; partly a factor of its close proxi­mity to the City.' Mr Shepard’s own career

began with Biilmers cider, - moved onto running a p roperty compariy. and •subsequently the Dorches­ter and iit/^as an outburst

Mr Birch-saidr: “Boots is still trying to buy Ward White on-the cheap. ■ •

“ In th e fa c e of an unacceptable offer from Boots we. have a duty to examine alternative pro­posals to improve share­holder value:” . <:• It is believed that one '

option being considered by ; Mr Birch is a managem ent. buyout of the group.

Immediately after ■ the a n n o u n c e m e n t of th e renewed assault and . the W ard W hite announce­ment, the-latter’s1 shares jumped lOp to 449p.

The Boots chairman, M r. Robert 'G unn, said the-

' increased offer was final.. He sa id : “ We h a v e

10.65 . per White! .

cent of Ward

THE Barik of Englandfflas sold its 25.5 per cent share­holding in Portals1 I&ld- ings; speciality; m aker^of banknote paper, iri' a ® al worth more than

FREEMAN GROUP:" tax profits for six mo; e n d in g J u n e 30 £1,252,000, -compared^- £1,016,000 • last tim e^’in ­terim dividend ’is.;'2.75p (2.25P); •■-‘■■■.; :/. - ;■■■■•■. ... .. V,'«w .OCEANA CO NSOLI­DATED: Pre-tax profi&ior year to -,March 31.v^ere £69,000, c o m p a re d '^ h£479,000 last time. Filial (dividend is '1.25p ,( l;2 ^ , .

of protest he made over that hotel’s sale to Arab interests which led to the

t o ^ ( ^ - M e n o t ’ S ; ha&bought al4.5.per,cerit a big shareholder: infra rival bidder "tin S ™ b°Ught the

deal until,yesterday;

. '.'The Savoy’s managingino- a rivni KiHiior fn in -suuie lii mry Anorew t/ioya 'ne Dougux xne shares ;.director. is Mr: .'Giles She- u n e wouia.jine: io com ‘a’hieher offer' ‘ '"W ebber’s'R eally 'U sefu l' holding because of. his r'^pard, who has, to keep'an and work at the; hotel.,:’-

mu- u company, it was confirmed'' corivictioniof the ^ value of • eye on the. group’s other. He certainlv is a maiyesterday. ■ ............

Mr Maxwell said stake,: worth .more£10m, was:a friendly - , • , . . _ T • ,

The shareholding, in the ■ CROWN EYEGLASS; ’the m s in a l lo w e d h is b a th totheatre,, compariy.-.iwliich , optics specialist: of Black- iuvv-;.v-) -

. employs''”Pririee’.3Edw^d, ''r :b u rri/L a n c 5 , predicts•••'!‘'?he SavoyvUnJike(other h a s beeri sb'ld',by;:-the ''record business' in the>.•■grande hotels, ’neyer*' dis- fom er iriariagirig director, - current year andvaiiiiS:fi>r ’ rooraSJ'Nor doesMr Brian Brolly, who quit - rapid ’e^pahsiori. iri Scan- it.: book m .package toiir l a s t O c to b e r w ith an ! dinavia over the next three parties. You haveto serve £800,000 handshake. ’ i years; Pre-tax profits’inthe up an amusing cocktail of

year ended March.31 were P® 0 P j ,e , ” s a y s- M r downihowever—£111,000, - .Shepara. compared . with £226,000 last -time on respective

of: £2.5m. and

The chairman of Ples­sey, Sir John Clark, said th e p r ic e w as to ta l ly Inadequate^,. . . . r

OSPREY COMMUNICA; T IO N S is. to a c q u ir e R ayner, an advertising agency, for art initial consi­deration of £607,500 to be satisfied by the issue of 712,789 new Osprey ordin­ary- shares to-the vendors Rayner. '.

P ro fits befo re ta x of Rayner for the year to April 30 were £123,000; against £39,000 in the pre­vious year. Turnover in­creased .by 30 per cent to £1..45m over th e sam e . period. Net assets . were £29,000. ;

THE Sun A llian ce , in ­surance group yesterday bought out the 13 per cent

Savoy’s then chairman. Sir , CoPHugh Wortter, asking k m \ yif he would. like; to come’ t ?, nen trep ren eu r,‘-.Mr John

„ . Spalvins. 'He certainly is a man It bought the entire hold-

Spalvins’ Adelaide: St§a{n- ship company began brfiid- ing up its,holding in i'987, gave the deal cautious approval. :>. ' ' : _‘Mt said it welcomed'TS^n Alliance as!; a.-'-lbrig-tertn investor with a sharehold-

Mr Maxwell said that after being offered the shares he approached the company’s management and completed- th e ’;„deal ~ yesterday after being as-

tumovers £1.7m. '

.'overflow.'"•■.'.Elton John-^irisisted on | -writing out a cheque ’to ■

coyer the dainage, which perhaps tells you some-.; thing- about the type of : guests the hotel attracts and why it is-so special. ■

. A nd' although patron^ YORKSHIRE BANK has ised by .: American film . joined the SWITCH debit stars and increasingly the card scheme and the LINK : more discerning Japan-. ’ cash dispenser network.

begunthe day. at 418p, jumped to426p, but Sun ' Alliance • THE Scarborough Bijnd- made.. it' , 'clespf. that ■ the -airig-i Society has allocaredpurchase-was. not the pre­lude to: a ’bid.

“We view this as a long terrn investment,” said a spokesman. “ We have no intention of making a M l bid.”

C o m m erc ia l U n io n ,. which has had the threat of a . takeover- bid hanging over it ever since t o ,

up to £10iri for mortgages on properties with agricul- t i i r a l tric tiO ns.'The -society’s usual leiidtfig terms apply with a 2 '» r

. cen t ir ite re s t ra te vpre- mium,-, a maximuiri''/’8.5. times annual salary miflii- plier arid up to 85 per ftSit of valuation. : r : ;: V


MIDSUMMER LEISUREyesterday confirmed that exploratory talks about' m a k in g an o f fe r -for Leisure Investments have been ended. Midsummer said they will continue t h e i r p ro g ra m m e of organic growth, and selec­tive acquisition to further.

m ark e t pu rchases of Budgen , shares.,. ■ -

Between March 15 and April .10

SECRET buying of Budgeni shares . by William Low torpedoed the

r iv a l tu p e ^ te tc h ^ te a ^ e d ^ y Between marcn it. ana'Apru.iu aTorkshirem an,. Mr ;Johri m l

At'yesterday’s annual meeting nearJy Per .^ n t of the,Mr Fletcher tOld' Budgen share- , Con P?57 ,s share capital. : ,.......; holders that he had been reluctan t, On T h u rsd ay th e Takeo ver to hand over price sensitive, irifor-. Panel—the City watchdog on bids

a -v- v n s a t i o n to help merger negotia- and • deals — ;criticised, .Low’sdevelop their leisure retail- . tions along after, he became aw are 'm erchant bank advisers/SQ War- mg division. ■ that Low had been making secret bur g for failing,to exercise, due care

in formulating its abortive bid attempt for-Budgen.. 1

T,he Panel considered th a t , Low/Warburg team should have sought more details on the state of

; Budgen’s finances before riiaking its offer. -

B udgen’s adv isers have ex ­pressed surprise that they were . not pushed to provide key material relevant to J the bid during- their; discussions with the Low camp.

That included a balance sheet and a formal profit forecast for 1989/90.

On the question of whether legal action might ensue, Mr, Fletcher said that “the company 'reserved its opinion” but in an aside added, “you know how Ifeel,-if the chance presents itself then we will act.’! He refused to reveal the extent of the costs incurred during the discussions-with: Low, however City sources estimate, these at around £500,000. ; .

. F r - S E ‘ I N D E X 2 3 2 7 . 5 , -


• . , . Fall -BRITISH PI/N OS'

Consols2 i 27 -5 /164 4 3 -1 /8Conversions

1 /163 /32 .

3 i , War-

3JExchequer24 9d ; .1 1 9 0 ,12 99-02 1 3 - 1 / 4

. .■■' .114 15 97 124-21/32 +

Funding-99-04 58-S /32 -t-

5 j . 87-91 v ; / 93 ^ - . 6 93 86-25 /32 > -

T reasury 1 2 IL 9 0 131 -1 /2 +2 i I t 01 128-13/16 +25 IL 16 113-1/32 + 25 • .. , 2 7 -1 /8 -3 90 - 9 5 -1 /8 1 +.5 86-89 98-11/16 -" 66*1/2 ,•+

865-8 "

65-27/32 -

■ . 3 8 -1 /2 -

93 -99 -3 /16110t l /8 >

54 08-12 -7 J - 12 /1581 87-90 83 97 9 92-96 9 9 4 ■ i. 1 0 9 2 12J13 90 , 1 5 i . 98

Gas 3 90-95

•fO. 9 7 -1 /8 . 92-27/32 • 1 94*11/16 -

94-19/32 ' 9 7 -7 /8 •

0 3 - 121-7/32 - 100-1/8 - 130-9 /M +

1 /32


1 /1 6 . 96-

1/85 /3 21/81/8

i / 43 /3 23 /3 21 /161 /3 2 ’


.1/16 s

0 51 /321 /161 /3 2

' S tan Chart ' 536 T S B ,2 1 1Union Disc 540 Warbrg Gp 373 Westpac Gp 250 • .Wintrust - 455 .

UP 21.2; FT INDEX ,1940.8, UP 16.8. DEALINGS BEGAN JULY 31, ENC).'AUGUST 11 /SETTLEM ENT AUGUST 21. 1 i 5.4. (JANUARY, 1987. = 100). V ; ■

+ 1 . + 8 - 13


7 6 -1 /4 i

LOCAL AUTHORITIESV ' Bham 133f ' T « £ 3 .GLC63 • 3li

£102 , £89 •

Leeds 131 £122Lpool 3J ' .£32

Stock. Price • +o r - :

' .AUSTRALIANS .Bond Corn B H N orth ;* B.H Prop • C R A • M etana . MIMHldgs Pan Coritl Renlson W Mining ” Wslde Pet .

37* -134 • 458./ 471 . 151 f 111

97 393 ‘

' 291 132

- ; 3; + , 2 + 9

+ ;10 + .4 + 4


A bbey N ational 1544 - . iAlld Irish 177 - 1"

% ANZ Gp 240 + 4BWDSecs 99 *

I Barclays Brwrt Shply

510 + 5350 •

5 CaterAln* 395 : 'F irst Nat 230 *•+ 2h- G errard N 264 +- 1 'Goode Dnt 133 • + 1

► GPG pic 33J Hambros 209* Hong.K ong. 43

% Ireland ■ 247 4 - 1V Josph Leo

Klelnwort495330 + . 3

j LloydsMldfland

3 7 7 ‘ • + .4 341 • ‘ ’2 '

Morgan Nat Aus Bk

•320 •+. .7 '* 290 + 7< Nat W 7% P rf 69 ; *, ;: .

N at West 325 .4 - . 4\ - Provident “ 335' • .1 '

Rchld Hldgs ’ 218 " ■'Ryl Scotland 431 + : 5*) Scahdnvn 158

,u Schraders £123 .+ 4 107Scotland

Allied Lyons BassBelhaven . BoddJigtns -

r Bulrner ; Burtonwd .

' Devenlsh 1 G re e n a ll ;.

. G reene Kng /

. Guinness H lghlndD s Macallan.G M arston . >(. Scot New •

.Vaux W hltbrd rA’ Wolv Dudly Youngs

522 £102 .5 5 . + ' 2

. 182 + 2 \179 + 1-252 ‘

. »531 348 528 577 237 450 225 384 326 375 449 535

+ 1 + 10 +

.+• 1

*'+- .2; + 8, “ 5:+ 1

BUILDING & ROADSAMEC ' '• ‘ ?456 ; :-Am cllffe 2 2 8 ! •

..•■Attwoods’ . ;492 -Bailey Ben 114B arratt Dev 1181 .

. Bea2e r CH 182 + jBellway ‘ 203 Blue Circle 271BPB Inds 256 * -Brynt Hldgs 107‘ ' •C ap e ln d s 211C ondor ' r 895 '

- C R H .2 1 8 - 1Costaln • • (322 + 2

f1+ . 2 .

’ Flnlan Gro " " i-S t ;. Hew'den-WL 1 Hewetson ■Higgs HUi

v Ibstock •.Lalng J ‘A’

. M gnt Sths -M arley* v Miller Stanley 290

.M oorfleld Est, .121 M rshlsH fx 270

. 218 (322

-84 127 * +141 334.164 310

{305 i 158

2 + .1 + 1'. + 1 + .2

* + 1.McAJplne A '

• McCUur s tn Meyer, in t Mowlem NewarthlU

: N S M Persimmon P h o en x T b r” Ralne Ind ■ Rush & T R M C RedJand Rugby Shoff Ins Shorco Tarm ac Tay Homes Tylr Wdrw Tilbury Gp • Travis & P ! Turriff Vlbroplant Ward Gp Wlmpey

& 4384160 ,-r ^404 • + 1 :416 + 3 “£23 .120 * - 2:146 +

2J- 1‘ + 3- -1

78 991

' 382 741 587 195 140 220308 - 1121 - 1

. 303 4 -658 - 2220 366 222 365

.2 7 8 . + 1

CHEMICALS PLASTICSAlld ColtdsAmershmBlagdenBrentB T PCoaliteCroda * ■ '1• Ellis & Evrd Fisons . >• Glaxo '

• Hickson Hbescht I C I

168 • 464 • -200 + 159 154 *476 * +2501' +

•216• 348j

£15J 274 1002 £128

931\i ’21


,'Laporte •. Leigh in ts P o w ersc r. Rentokll

•-Wellcome'. York Chem.

480 340 139

. 391 514 383

+ 2 + 2

+ 67 - 4


AB Electric . Acorn

Amstrad Apricot' '

•Arlen ••• Astec'.--

^ludio Fid A uto Secs H1CC •

, H owthrpe: .* I3 T /

C & W ‘Cam b Eiec Oamblnst *•

. (Chloride > - C ray Eltnc .

. C rystalate DaJeElect Dowding.& M El Data P r • E ictroCom Elctrnc Mc ; '

i Eurothrm- Farneli . Ferranti.FKI Babck .. D E C (SA Int 1 K odelnt

■ • Lee Refrig . Life Sc Ini •

Loglca Mlcrovltec Mitel, ‘ Oceonlcs , O x lnstm ts PhlllpsL p Plessey • 1Racal RacalTlcm

- Sanderson El Shrw d Cmp Sunlelgh S T C Su ter Eiec Telemtrix

.. T h o rn '«, Tunstall - U E I

Unltech United S d . VG Inst ; •Volex G rp-

382 27 701

. 72 87 51 60

269 538

• 218 . .,255.

525 216

" 59 ‘ 39

109 ‘• 94 1 37 ..

77 90

' 204110 337 152

82177274 121 190, 298 '

85. -350

38 206-

, 29 . 274 . £121 266 424 353 292 105

83 375

"189 45

'835 v275 698 345 133 368 415

, + 117 -3 .

- 1• + IS'• - 1,• - 1 • + 6-. ■ . . 2

:+ 1 '

2* + 31

• +

• - \2y 2 ,

;s.- 1• + ’7

* +. 8‘ ■

. + - ii

2 '*

* 14 - 1 .3 --

/ + ;.5 ■•


Argyll tG rp‘, ■ ABFood

.A s d a ’Grp Asis Fish Batleys • B udgens-- ' B arr AG Brthwlck Brake Bros Cadbry Sch C arrs Millg Clifford Drs Dalepak ' FeedexAg F isher A . Fitch Lovll •

..Gateway Geest Grand Met Hazelwd HUIsdn Hlds Hughes Fd ' Iceland

• Kwlk Save . Lawrie Low Wm M atthews B - M orrison W M tC hrlotte Nestle

.2 4 1 386

-191 173 112 .120 620

42 255 * 433

"2 0 5 557. 116• 33 106 275

i 231 305

' 610 267 290• 42 365 5461-

■ £273 , 288 66

171 87


“ 2 +. 1 + 2 -.- !•-+ 1-

- -M :l + .2 + 12

1' + . 2 :. ; + . j



Nichols V ’ Normans N th Foods N urdln Pk Queen’s Mt REA Hldgs R H M Sainsbu ry . Salvesen Savoy 'A* Stakls Tate Z yle Tesco Thorntons . TH Forte UnJgate U td^ iscu it

255.:..... .63 •

348 • +182 «. + ' 1181.^ -

228 T455 - +

. 2841 1551 8651091 * + 2 i 290 2041 143 3471 409

. 396

+ . 2+ ‘3

+ H


+ , 3

•Abbeycrest '■ 210 • Aid Irtn rsW p 76 Anglo Utd . 571Anal ASD ASW Hldgs :A A H ABB Knt Hs Add Cons

, ADT Group Adwesti. . A P V Armstg Eq A vonR bbr Baird Wm BBA Grp > B arr & WA

.123 270

'4 0 3 , 133 411

197 211 151 185 564 233 211 525 370 275 • 375 ■

■ •+. 2*. •V‘: i-’+ 2 • -• 1

•AB arrettH .

. Beaverco v . ^Beauford Gp box Benson Gp„ . 30 BUIamJ •Black, Peter

•B ootH ir.- B ram m er , Bras way.'. Bram pton .

Brook Serv Brook Tool Brafrd Inti BlbbyBlckwd Hid -

, Blue A rrow xuoi Bookr.McC.-H!- 469 Booth Ind • 117Boots Bowater Boxmore

-Brldon .iauH-iBrwn Twse .:217 B E T : - - 307BOC Grp 521B T R

. B lit Steel

145 171 514 •252' '

76 107 227

353 157 154 591


+ 1 • ,>, 1 ’• - . 1- ■ •' X

301 500 115.. 204-

418 • 751:

176 296

60 291 '

721 420 .

721661407 2 3 '298

Brit Syphon Brit Vita . 1 Bullers Pic Cam pari ■ C aparo lnd Castle Com CatUes Hid

. Capital Grp C ard o Eng Chemrlng ChrtsOes . « o Clayton Son 245 Coated El 31 . C Hosp Gr ■ 226 Concentrc . 319 • CookW m . . 3 6 9 Cooksn'Gp. 369 Cooper F r 186

.Corfon Beach 64 •Cosalt •• - 267-C ransw lckH 93

C rest Nlch 213 . D algety . , , 417

Davies New 725 Davy Corp * 280Delta —D esoutter D bsn.Park Diploma Dowty

+ 1.•• + 2

+<■ 1.”- i;

- 2 -* 5 .

+ 7.-+ 9 .

+ 3 . - ■ 1 • * + .2 6- 1

. “ 5r .1 ,

+ . 1 ’

+ 1 •+ .44.


t +

2’2''' I-’' 2

4 , ij'.1\

Dyson J . 4 J 163 :• + . 2"


E Produce Edbro Elders IXL EUlott B v Elswick Eng China

. Ersklne Hse Eurocopy Evered E xpam tln t Fenner JH Firth G M Frgsn Ind Finlay J Folkes Foseco •" Green J G E IG esttn r 'A ’ Glynwed Gramp Hldgs.

; G K N ; Hall Engj ! Hanson Tst

Heywood W Honeysuckle Hrsn Crsfld Hawker Hepworth H estalr Hopklnson Howden Gp Ibex Hldgs ISA Inti

. I M I lnchcape JeyesJohnsn C lnr Jhnsn & Fth Johnsn M at . Jones Ship - • Kalon Gp -• Keep T rust. . Kershaw A

354 400 140 117

181 475. 220 152 160 227 •179 „ • 123 278 116

81 374 . 106 150 272 305 - 219- 437': 550 232 291 '83 >168 739 . 310 232

79 165 178144 238 293 243 671


381535 . 6 7 5 ,

+ 2 + 1*.4- . 2,• •• - .1•’ r ; 2


• : 2 '■■ 4-.


* + '‘*2 ’ *■+ 2 + 1

7 + . 5 .+ -4

1. •+ 13 -+ 1 . r . 1

+ -3J - 4 + 3+ 3 '

Laird Go Lee A rtnur Ldn lrttG p . Lonrho. - Low B onar Lyon & Lyon Mainmet Man Bmze MB Group McKchne * Meld Rsll Meggltt M etalC losr.

• M etalrax Moss T st i M S Intnl Mollns

* M orgn Cru ' Neepsend. Nelli J Norcros Nu-Swift Ind Parkfleld

■ P a trsn Z *Ar Pearson Pentland P ittard G P o rte r Chad Polyplpe P ronin P F S . Plucngtn Br PoUyPeck

■Pow ell Duff Prieat Prowtlng • Rank Org P ans S im s . Reckitt C Reed Austin Renishaw *’ Renold Rlchdson w R obnsnTho

.' 270 -- +• 146 •.

- 244 ' * ■ v ■ 288 212 -

.418 . .. 80- . 268 ; ; 208 •. + 334 • r 148 • +126 :+ 177

95 « . 42 ' •' +

155 “ • .216 +

i +284

63 215 302 520 404 317 764 118 233 109 142 ■ ■+61

2361.* - 305 • -394-

271 * - 1 3 8 ';971 203 - £112'; •• 256 229 :1021 *68 474

i 11i

- 3

R ockw are' •Ropner R opner ‘A* Ross Cath

Scapa Grp ScotH er.T Sears Securlcor Securty Svc • Securigrd Senior Eng - Severfield R Sharp & Law Sidlaw •. Slebe Grmn SUentnlght Slme Darby

.; Simon . "S inclair Gld

■ Sketchley , Smith N ph - S m l t h k i>

Splrax Srco ;- . Spring Ram

Staveiey Steetley, .. Stylo .

• Sycam ore. Syltone . TACE . Telfos- Th’nton G W Tomkins • TozerKem Trlmoco-. . Porter, Chad \ Triplex Lyd

‘T I Grp . ' T & N

. Unlgroup U nilever ••

' Upton E& S• Vfckers

V intenG rp Vosper Wagon In d '

.•Waterford Watmough W eirG p . Wellman-

; Whessoe W hitecrft ... , Whittington Williams J Wilms Hds Windsor/ Wolseley \

v WP P v - -Yale & Vlr

.600 Group

664 166 164

.1 8 6 : S-Z

167 190 1341 855 565

;■ 291 • 67 126 -

58 ,174. 531


419•' 93 ‘ 439

yl354582 249 106

•214 444 300

36 323 238 233 185 278 1264

345 109.. 172 469 251

45 646 .7 68

238 185 259 371 '

72 407 319

454 153 . 319 :

52 49

274 ■ '44: ' 297: 704 347- 1331

- ♦+‘ 1 ' 24

+ * +

- 2 - 1 . ~ -1 •• r 2 + : 1 - 5 ’•

+ 1-.~ 11 Beech + , 8 + ' 1 ‘ + 1

.+ 5 . + 1

.+ 2 . •••+. 5


Mecca . 168 Mid Lsure * 229Really Usfl. 652 Saga Hols 300 W mblyPlc 112 .


Anglo Am , - ' AA Gold. . ' 'B lyvoor Buffets C hartr Con Cons Gold De Beers Drlefnteln Free State Geevor Gopeng Harmony . ' Impala Kloof • -v ' Libanon - M alayan

. Mlnorco Renlson,Gld . R T 2 Rstnbrg St Helena' ' V aalR f ; Welkom

. Wstn At Ws tn Dp . Zam Copper

£143 £45 j 166 719 563 +£14] 890 . 682

•553 75

. 7 5 ., •. 307. ,£134. 544 i 122 t 68 955 393 ; 539. f £101 ' •440 £522 336

67 £212


“ 3 1+ 11

■H - + 6 + .6tia *+ 7 + 9

+ 4

• +‘'.8 ' + 1+ 3 + 10 + •- 9- 2•+ a + 3 + 1* ' 4


B P ■Brit Gas '1 Burmah Calor Gp < Clyde Ptrlm Enterprse GoalLasmo " •' Norsk Hdro Prem ier Ryl Dutch

. Santos . Shell . U ltra m a r '.

299 .* + 5 2074 • + 2 630 + 5

,4 2 6 • + 2• 157 604 lO l 510 £121'1091 * +

• £41§ ’ +• 182 +

• 431 +330’ +

- 5

- 1




B ritannic ” 463 Com.Union 422 Diamond Gp G enAcc G rdn.R Ex H eath CE Hobg R GdrLgf& Gen ___Lloyds Abbey 274 Ldn & Man 301 Marsh. McL Pearl Prudential R efuge .Ryl Ins Hds Sedgwick SunA tlnce Sun Life Trade

, WiUls.Fbr

'+ , 5 '+ 41-:. + ■'■: '• i ' +. 10

• +• . 3 .

+ + +

£413-* +

199 .514439254300£103

+ 3 + 9 + 16 - 1 - 84

Idmny- . 219


Brent Wlkr ' 394Chrysalis • 171' • , Euroleisure 102 - 1First Lsure * 210 '■

.K unlck ..: = 674 + • 4 -Ladbroke 336 * + 4

Assoc Ppr B arker C Bunzl Coates Br D Mall Tst ; De/La Rue Domino Ptg D R G E M A P Fllofax Jarv is Po rter • Johnston P r Maxwell CC News Inti N rtn Opax Portals Reed Jnt . Reuters SaatchI Sm lthD S Smurflt J Thom son . Trlnihf Hids

‘ NevUtd News Wace Gp Wadngtn J

202 ' 106 145 280 £65 305 237 •559 263

41 120 143 198 384 167

r3 l4 -440 •934 •316 366 •450 £10 207 .475 419 •198 .

+ 1

+ • l :+ - 1-N- •1 4 v .

+ 1 + 4- 7

- 2 + 1 - 1- - 1 + 14 + 7 + 29 + ' 2;+ 20 + 4

PROPERTYArlington Bfd Prop Tr BUton PreyBrit Land.Brixtn-EstCltlgroveClayformConnellsContrl Secs

343 + 2127 • ‘508 + 1380- .•

304 + 1205 • . - : 1

57,. Edmond Hldfls 381 Egertn Tst ‘ 160 t - Evans Leeds 253 *

Gt Portland Greycoat Hambro C Ham rsn Lalng

340 531

45 • 796 . 529 598 580:

Lalng L an d sec s MEPC Mntlelgh Parkdale

• Rsehaugh- Scot Met SheafbankS loughE st ___

•Town Centre 112


174 • +,135"664165 * +

38 353



ChlUlngtn. 156Cons P lant 64 + 2Highlands 54Kuala Lpr . , 87* - 2


- Ashley L Bentalls Burton Cantors . Chrterhall

• Church Cltyvlslon Courts ‘A’

- Dewhlrst I j Dixons DunhiU Em pire S tr Fine A rt • GUS *A‘ - K ingfisher ' Lloyds Chm Lwndes Qy M & S , • - Menzles J Next :• Owen & Rob Pentos

' R ainers Gp Smith ‘A* ■ Sock Shop

. Storehse Tie Rack Ward White

98 -289265 +700 221 •

340 • -235 +197 -

414 ♦ 166379 +181 278.£114 368 213

30 219 * +384 ' +145

58 •115 259 -345 ‘ ' -

91 • -148 •


+. 7 : + 18


Body coteBolton Gd *Brit Mohalr-Coats VyllaCourtldsD aw sonln tDrummndExecutexFoster “JGent SRGeo InghamHaggas-J Hlckng Pen t 1

176 '


9 2 .


Appleyard A b P o r ts .Avis BAA Brit Aero Brit Alrwys BSG Int Cen Mtr Auc Chnl T\in

• Cook DC Cowle Davis G E R F Eurotnl •FR Grp Jag u a r ' Kwlk-Fit Lancaster Lex Service . LookersL u c a s .........Ma Ship c n l N F C Norex Ocean . P A O P erry Grp Plaxton . Rolls Royce Smiths Ind Tlphook T rnsprt Dv

/ W estland

163 649 •574 .370 »• 708 197 •

804 143 :>180 113 134 ” •' 178; .427 •*864 258 399 112134 360 • 207 V 676 £23 • 250.

16 363 686: 204 236 t 1844 314 473. t 288135

+ .6 . + 4 '

.+ 3 ,+ 13 + 14- 2

; 1- : 2 ■; +: ;i- 1+ 1

+ . 1 -+ -4 -i t .n ,

+'. l-- A + 6 + 1

TEXTILESAlbion • Allied Tex


Hollas Gp . IlHngwrth

. Jerom e S Lamont LeedsG p Lister

. Lyles S Parkland • *A’.Ram ar Readicut Sandersoii M Summ er Int S E E T . S irdar Storm grd Tootal Yorklyde

BAT Ind Rothmn Int


826625 ,.ig.J


56 • • +.:*Xi£113 : + ^163 v + M

.2 9 0 • + ^ ’4 VW

176 644

. 413 ~ 74238

324 + • 1 hlEdln Invat t 210 '•-*+ .145E d ln b u n jh F T 444 ■ IElectra Inv 3124 + 145PPmiiQAPi' T ' " - 1 1

• AltXn Hume Alliance A m rcnT st Ang O 'seas B rit Arrow

.B r Assets B rit Cwlth' • B r Invest Candover Cent S h rw d ' Close Bros

• Dnd Ln T st

Ferguson J, F stscoA m "Forgn & C

• Globe. »•■ Govett Atl?'

Hend Adirin.•. L nM ct Sec’

M A I Pic Nthn Am Scot Am

' Send Allnce Smith New

..TR T rust ' :v oWltan .; *•’- xi><5 . York Trust.. 56

p 1488 160 195 172 745 121 103 482 119 £104 117 . 1604 152

+ 1 5% f 1

+ 1


Anglia TV B order TV ■>- Capital Central TV •. Gramp TV . G rnada Gp . H T V . LWT‘A,; V : Scottish TV T S W T V SThames TV rV-AM Tyne Tees U lster TV* Yorks-TV;

308 *• 52 ' • 847 813

69 -372 { .

109 227 513 .88 275 •555 207. 459 135 - 322

- 1 + 3

- 1 + 4

’ • Ex Dividend t Ex Rights

Ex O thers ' * Ex Capital

■M '6.

Page 5: Download the document (33.5 MB)



u y sTHE £13m. acquisitionoffour-European hotels from Ladbrokes 'has ? furthered

LEEDS U N n^R SriY has :.acquired..£1.5ffi from. the . sale of its controlling in-

r-'-'--' v - . • • • ' . terest in ORAC to the .Netherlands and .they Gommunications,; which

. Palace and Koinfort HotelsinDerirriark in - -will: be •usedfo'.fund new : H arrogate-b :ase.dP rincipal.H o.tels,,„ the £13m deal. ; : ...

: ?^m 'bition tbibel3ome one of 'the tdp teh '^ '-ln th e 'ce ritreo rA m ste rd am ^ th eP ark ^ ^d -k cad e i groups i n . the United Kingdom hotel Hotel has 186 bedrooms and caters both ORAC — Organic Reac-,

market. ' 4; '•. : for businessmen and holidaymakers. : tions A'iccessedvby Com-- The/ group. ^founded in ,1985.;byl MrV;:; : It is plannedtam akeit-the centre of a ..puter-.-^ is-ian^intelligent Michael Purtill. haSibeeii acquiring'city an4;shoppirig development:* database system devel^ cen tre p ro p ertie s and re fu rb ish in g , area, v ‘ ' V ‘ ; iVJope'd'chemists:them. ':'V - X On. the coast, 40km from Amsterdam,^‘-at• the-imiversity and has-* . It’s hotels in.the UK are The Imperial,#- the 88-bedroom Noordzee Hotel at Noor- b een m ark e ted by th e

Harrogate, /the Royal ‘Kings Arms ;at;f\w ijkkaan is.a conference hotel. : • University of Leeds Iridiis ;]^< ^a/'lU e ''W ^stgate^N ew ^rtrS car- ' In Denmark, the two .h o te lsa re th e t r i a l S e rv ic e s (ULIS)borough’s ; Hot e l.S t; Nicholas, arid the 160-bed Palace: Hoty,::in.:the:,city,centre;;'Operatiqh;,0 -i>r -.

: Douglas, Aberdeen. > close .to; the Tivoli; Gardens^ and Hhev - It provides' qiiick • arid,f The group has now added the Park and • Komfort; Hotel with-203 bedrooms- v£. • accurate^aissistance to re-’-

T h e G 'roup w il l ^be search chemists synthe?investing heavily in a long- sising new o re x is tin g-term .refurbishment pror . compounds andis of parti-

• gramme for all four Euro- ' ■ •peari hotels;'. /

The group m anaging : director, -Mr: Purtill, said:.

■; '"The- move into Europe .v.; was an obvious step. We ■. ■:■■■: are continually looking to:.

, expand both in the UK and • TtrTO .in Europe’ ; n ■ ' .UIiIS';‘Set'':-'it> .,up!’'3sv-.£i‘; ‘‘Obviously,,. 1992,wilL.. ;c?mpany, offering the serf

.•...bring down the barriers.-! ■ •'wcetomdustryml987 -v. . b e t w e e n t h e UK a n d

cular interest in the phar-. m ? c , e u t i c a l • ••- a n d agri-chemical industries.'

, It was originally devel- ’ oped from work supported ■ by grktits ;from- ithe • Wott- ; son Foundation. ;. ;

/ s^Veri ' per cen t; /or , the 15,500 iri the same .period: ' A Harrogate company is January-June period, but a this year. m'akimra namp for itself in

Xfmttted la s t. A direct flight to. Pans the competitive .field: of., ^fflight ' ah a t .it . ;had . :lost : has boosted 44 v fn'oto^. wflfraritipq ivrnlii'ip '

^business t.o Capital Air- . per cent, with..passenger ■ w a r r a n t v S e r v i c e s.Tltoes onIthe. Beifast route loadsincreasingfrom6,400 station: Square, has coinl

where fierce competition m the half year last year to : nlpfpH twn mainr nrfor*ftfras developedbetween the 9,300 n o w .A m ste rd am one help s1 th eN a tio n a i'.b'.two. / \ . routesarealsocarrying23 Gearbox Exchange, of ■

Sources m the aviation' p e r c e n t , m o r e Bradford* industry-suggest that Air passengers. V . -\:' - ■•■•'■•j !e. ^'s!,:B elfast i-husiness is Total passerigers carried The other is an order to ‘ f l^ n lS-per^ent. EarUer . on Leeds-Bradford :flights:: supply warranties for the

.week Capitalclaimed • in the six- -months were, contract mre^ease fleet of witliriow. had.60 per cent.of 74,798, com pared w ith ;Motohire, of- East Parade, ’.^uie y o rk sh ire -B e lfa s t. 69,736inthecorrespbriding ' Harrogate. ,.' y •‘'business.' V ; period of 1988. j • .._ ^However, big '.increases ■ :. T ra ff ic th ro u g h t h e ; -The Swedish company, A oh other Air UK routes out H um berside aiirport in- SKF; and Dormer Tools;. “ OT^eeds-Bradford have creased by 11 per cent: ;■:;■ has launched ari/envirpn-' '.M ore than off-set< the de- . The airline’is total dom- mentally friendly factory. - i‘r#lijieVon :the..[Nor,thern : esticpassengerbusiriessih' Designed by Husband and ,f;j[rplarifl flights. - . theperiod.wasupbySOper Co,theSheffieldarchitectst ’ “We are using.,our re- cent to 591,000 and its I ^djcoifeulting engineers,;

. better effect on in te rn a tio n a l traffid, a t m cojlaooration with Mar- ' jo it-h er-ro u tes,” sa id a 251,600, u p by 27 p e r . tin Barnes Project Man- ‘W okeshiari.. ■ : i - cent. = ■. agement, the single storey,, ‘ .'The: boom in .financial Big gains on Scottish M.OMsq ft £5.5m project is

. ;V^rvices in bothLeeds and ;services frorii Gatwick', 'bo rdered-by Longacr.e jp i'd iriburgh is p robably ; which Air;UK took, over 'Way,- Owlthoroe Greeri- - ^sponsible for a ' 58 per ■ lastr October, are respon- way: .iand.:. Rother Valley ' ie rit' increase in.. passen- . < sible.: for part of those Way, ■ and ^overldoks the

gers on the airline’s Edin- increases. Rother yalley. Park. ■ - .


restaurants ana! wine1 bars-

>. . *"Hv


>.y V ■&.. ’if .

■Jdj; v r.y.


• AT' - /

. BERMUDA BOUND: The Selby sh ipbu ilder, C ochranes, yesterday launched th e 3,200hp tug , F aith fu l, w hich is th e second\of tw o ;40 to n b o lla rd pu ll, 30 m etre long tu g s ordered fo r th e D epartm ent of M arine an d P o rt Services in .B erm uda. A fter o u tfittin g , th e vessel w ill be delivered to B erm uda in

‘ A pril I990, th u s com pleting th e o rder, w hich is valued a t a to ta l of £3.5m fo r th e tw o tugs. The e a rlie r b u il t tu g , Pow erful; h as been op era tin g in B erm uda since A pril th is year. ) v

s newBEAZER HOMES (Yorkshire) ha^ ap- ‘ Raveni 29, who joined the group in 1987, pointed a -new. sales arid marketing ■ previously he was financial controller::.

?id Crossland, of Wake- '. • v': director; Mr :David, Crossland,, of Wake- ’field, who previously was with Corner­stone and Wimpey Homes.

DENTON MOTORS, the Otiey car firm specialising in Mercedes, Porsche. SMW and Jaguar cars; has'appointed Mr Stuart ' „_in? yv^ » ri?la 5jewery,. CLARKS, has Cayton .as sales director. He was. pre- appointed Mr Ian Keimy to the board. Mr viously sales .manager. ' Kenny, who joined the company as an

....... accountant -five 'years ago,.has been'■ The SPRING RAM CORPORATION has company secretary for two years. •

The Leeds building; contractor, C.J.

Mr 'Arthur; Jones, 55, has been ap­pointed house building manager for the 'PO TT Y B U IL D IN G G R O U P, o f Bradford.

. The Wakefield brewery, CLARKS, has

appoinjgd Mr Martin. Croxen, .34,. as»Monoff!«r* . • > D i •' 4-"L%n

an ^ other CTbiSxoniDanies ■ geways as chief estimator,surveyor andana. otner;-p-oup companies. . . . Mr Alastair J, Henderson as termThe secretary is ftlr Mark contract ihanager." u

Selective buying as prices bubble

Sterling .slumped1’ against the .dollar following stronger'US'jobs

data for July. . =:The. dollart -however,' pushed

...ahead on the.ngures;: . . ; :Against the dollar, the pound

■; dropped 2.70 cents to 1.6150, from its ...last close'6f'1.6420.-'-;,,.^

In ■ terms ' of - the '. Dmarlt, it managed a small gain 3.0631, from. 3.0624 after a high,of 3.0710.

The- effective ■ exchange . rate index - eased1 0.1 .;.to‘ 91.9. ‘from'.,its overnight close, after a high of 92.1. (January 1985 = 100). -

£60,000;.solicitors orrockB andCo,

rooms, withdrawn, solicitors Craris-Christie & rCo.,: in a c review of the market, said- gjestaurantsi'ih: the rural ^jareas of' North :and West

wick Watson,^ Leeds. .15-Granby ........— ’ ” iugh

•Doncastehf 59 Wellingtons Road, :-V;leeds,'jdevelopmenti site'’.witH: d&

rmlsfiion.forre- ' cpntained^'flat; ■Isoif /Harrison,,-

Gildersome, Leeds. 60/62 Ringsway,- Gariorth; Leeds,' two,'ShpEfiunlts ■with first floor. malaonette, .with­drawn, ..solicitors OwenJ/BriggB, Huddebfield:2, CkimptonRow, HeSb- hills,:Leeds,.comer1 shop and self contained maisonette, V£25,ooo;: 17 Bcllbrooke Grove, Harchills, Leeds,

'jnodemised--*, .three: : bedroomed: Grove, Headingley, Leeds, .throii : 'through terrace house, withdraw*

, , . . . . . M d J t e n t ' ' soUc'tors Giahame Stowe Sateson,9¥qrkshire,and:high.turn-g.gver leasehold busmesses. ' f maisonette, £30,000; solicitors GraT r « S ’'

; m e re still in demand; but ; £3i,ooo,;Eo S v S i 3Vffliany- prospective .buyers .resUehtiai: ^

were: unable t0 irsell; then:: ■ uMtsproducmgmactualbrpoten- meht'

. . * • *t ■ >. iyirflO,*pCt' T6SC ■ GXC1US1V6, .sWltll*.ffir. LEEDS: By Eddisons: 53; Beech* " drawn; . solidtors -Howard Gohen,.J . lrA.kMi'- l-TT « f Ji; 'T b(10 f Ol

‘dramatic , ■ maisonettes,' withdrawn and sold'. “ 3 50. 83, .Garnet Terrace, Dewi g iu m p i. • a I : • privately ? afterwards: ; solicitors " ' jD ^^.R pa^ Ijeed^.^hot fooa\take-\^ T h ^ f irn iV r '^ r ic 'n f iF ir 'o CastleSanderson,Lee^.7 m rt]ev ::‘,§w3y shTO withlivtngaccommo--

^ h e f:n ^ . s . rl ;f ie a s i 0 m c e ; , Avenue, - : Leeds, • • shop - ?wiffi:. £21,000; soUcftors .Davidlanager; Mr Chris: Morik- ,; maisonette over, £25,000. 9, Hartley . Yablon Minton. Ellis, Leeds.;.3, "an, .1 said: a“In ' traditibn- ; Avetluei Leeds, furnished, through: Belvedere Mount, Dewsbury. Road,w m ipfi-rp iiA prV tia l v a liip -terrace house,- withdrawn and m id 1 -pee^, furnished residentiafinvest-.

afterwards; Vsolicitors :V - p r o d u c in g r£10,892-;per year eas-T -North Leeds, Har- Kiorrish and Co,.Ix»ds.' .. ' exclusive, £33,B00... 16 Rowland

Mate, and . York free- LEEDS: By Eddiiions.-Plot' for :i- . ^ h e d DrlS Sden& ^V M tm eht SI' J> ld :re s tau ra n t . p r i c e s detached, bungalow ladloinirig ’2,v 0 ductog Save mcreasedin M e.m th : : : ^ 11? ^ I .£24,000; sqiidtors Pearlman Grazin; •fee domestic,market. 3 Ct a l t m & 8S ' '.C ' S f l f e ^ s f e o ^

auction, solid- ,... Croft,Pudsey;12 lock-up garages at ..Billingbauk. IMve: and ■ Someridale ^ S s?;;Bl e y :^d s ;-w ith d ra 'w n '\: solicitors Walker, Morris, • Scott Turnbull, -Bradford, -v: - v •C o n s e r v a t i v e a n d ro a l is t ic dwellings and car; parking,-' sold-

t h a n l a s t y e a r . T h e ir m e m - 1 privately before auction; solicitors o r ie s a r e f u l l o f th e b u o y - ® a kf^ feeds,- . , , va r i t - h i d h n r i p p I o v p / c -, Building plot for a single dwelt- ..*} . ^ 5 ? A e y e iS ing at Dark Lane, Mayor's Walk,

achieved in 1988. v P o n te frac t, saldprivately beforeS “ W o fool th a f rlnriintT+Vio auction; solicitors Coates:and Co,- ( v W e ^ l^ -tlia f rC lim n g -tlie Leeds. 72 Crossgates.Road; Leeds,

n e x t SIX m o n th s th e m a r : retail unit dmded .into- offices,-

F i g u r e g r o u p

£500. At a Henry Spencer and Sons sale, of European ceramics and glass, at-

: ket will continue to Karderi. rapper flopr.m ^onette, .b ^ e m m t;.te R e tfo rd salerooms; an?SKTl9S i:. • '- i m t i l ' i h f e r ^ - f a l ^ !f a l l :'-A t!''V.“ S t j '™ i.^ * te c h e a - ,? tw e ,| cenmry Staffordshire pottery fig-’ -UltctKht.xdLa.b icu i. a t withdrawn; soU dtors'Bry^eads,-; ,., urei^rpup was sold for £500. ■■■

BbSTON SPA: By Carter Jonas;'l,: GOOLK: By'Neville E. Townendj'Ctierry Tree Cottages,1 Mdor-End.V." plot 'of 840 sq yd at Main'Street,!' Boston Spa, three bedroomeM semi-.. .- . Gowdall, with outlinedetached, country-cottage^ £93,000; :

. solidtors, Grays, Yoi-k. .. .; . .

has three reception rooms and fiver ru am im ji oucci,,-. : bedrooms, plus a two-storey coach!: itiine consent for aj-.-. house with; adjoining- stable- and', i;plotof890sqydatS -. stores. . , -V.' , Aontlineconsentior!. ' r - .

■ , - i J C - :GjOOLE: By Neville E.: Towriend; • building plot of 525 sq yd at Park Lane,’ Barlow,'with ouu for a d welling, £29,100.'

SHEFFIELD: By GA-Property'Ser-i

le consent'

,.:.dwel]ing,£27,500;. . . .Main Street with outline consent fori a dwelling, £26,500; plot of 915 sq yd i ’

1 at Main Street with outline consent;; for a dwelling, £26,000; plot'of 940 sq’ : yd at -Main;. Street with- outline?

. consent for a dwelling, £26,000;'plot; of 915;sq yd. at Main Street-withf

: •-■■■ - ■ - V ’ f 1 outline consent for a • dwelling,;•; • •'. '• * ’.•••£25 000 ’• ’ ■* 1

OXENHOPE: By Dacre Son and ;'’?-; Hartley;1 7, 9 and 19, Shaw Top,- GOOLE; By Neville E.JToiynend;-.7i..:.. ••. OSenhope, Keighley, three stone ..Bell .Lane,. Rawcliffe, . one bed-?' 1 11116

built cottages, all. let on tolly- : roomed terrace cottage,-£20,500. :f . TOeel,-Ecclesfield, Sheffield,-four- : protected- 'residential' -tenancies:; V ; . v c , ; , - / oedrpomed double fronted detached-

with present net income of Z1&Q0';::‘BEVERLEY: By Dee and Atkinson; !- • ilF01111, °^a^°u one acre:-Mr year exclusive of rates;-19 Shaw,' i Londesborough; Rectory, Georeian!i : :S^®ES5l^P*W W JM liS to!don. Top—£25,000.;7and9;SliawTop-^ property ini 0.72 acres of w ^ e d - . . W S*?. development,vsold pri-

! ...........w. • —Ua'r . vately before auction; .solicitors'—UK-. - (11__L I B l l J -

vicqfi "Saxtons: Summerley ■ Green Farm.-Summerlf y Lowe Road; Sum-' merley Apperknowle, Derbyshire,’ four-bedroomed detached house int; four -acres'.w ith double garage -' block, stable block, two loose boxes- and a hay barn, withdrawn; solici­tors—^Graysons. Sheffield.'

£12,500; . solicitors, Wright Wright, Keighley. -

and;;- Sens, auctionedfbr £291,000: Thel abuse,'a grade two, listed building^- *

Ji ■•-. V'.'




A dvertisers a re requested to ensure j / th a t ,they are fajmiliar w ith the . condi- •*:■ tions M'lnch apply to the acceptance o f :..: advertisem ents fo r publication in. the : -

Y orkshire Post and Yorkshire Evening

' i ^i ' - v ■ Full conditions alre displayed a t; o u r ! :

Leeds office; and they are also :'- published, eveiy M onday. Copies are .. :

available oh request; :

Slater Elllotts, Sheaield:.- - Lan d a t Fenton Street, Ecking-: ■ton, near Shefneid, ;with outline :. planning consent far ofye bungalow, > -soldprivately before auction;solici-i . tors -. — Taylor and - Emmet,

Sheffield. , ..

ditioriaL. The insurance reporting season' . begins ■ next week.

PRICES continued to.bub- ..ble. in Stock Markets yes­terday shrugging aside dis- .. .. .4 .. - a p p o i n t i n g . . : : US :-. p e w h e re :Rhannaceuti- , “ 9006

employment/data. , . I1 shares cameinto their Holland 3.4510 - 3.4547':.»:r;Buyirig-V' ' * nwn-. ^noTn^r?-'.-o- - - -driver;-and. j

stocks took- a back seat, . ; ^ 6vii. .:- -, >7 - ~ ^ . 3 9

Wellcomecuuuay;snuug as-Amuugc -^ 9^ ■ the , r.*»Yos'. y 'Steamishto^old its^ l3^er s I ia re ^ h a v ^ ..b e e n ;d e - 1

i ’cent- holding in : Commer- Pre s s ed^for s0 me tim e • Switzerland 2.5413 - 2.6446 c i a 1 U n i 011 10 S u ri - bounced back 67p to 514p. ' ireiand i ,1507 - 1.1517AIIiqupo •• • -**< • j - V •jl‘ ECU/£' 1.4780,*.1.4785•Amance. i ^ ^ - • Ward White:wasfa late • Australia.2.1260 * 2.1 2 7 0 •. -

-Rimipurs: that the :Ad« ^feature as Boots launched: New zeaiand;2j34o -:2.73m;;.steam stake- was - on: the ' • itsexpectedfinaloffer. The : 'move swept..the market -sharesroSeto^SOp.before ?.un5-fTthe moming, boost- • ■ slipping 449fp, 4 |p .

,,mg CU ; shares .to ;,450p .at :v. above the Bobts:cashSffe£' one.stage. , . -...... .; - Boots rallied 5p to 304p. •

News that.Sun AIlianGe . . ElsewhereDelaRuefost was the buyer, and.that its . i 5p to 304p as hopes of a bid

> m e rg e d •holding total-,, faded irivth'e w&e of the c ling 14.5 , cent .was- a:; shareholders’ approvai' to •: lohg-term in v e s tm e n t, sell the Crosfleld Jsubsidi-'cooled, th e .en thusiasm '• ary to Du Pont; ■som ewhat. Com m ercial i:;-. -V

; Union ended lOp firmer, at- + wa w?+Oo'^0+' 427p, while Sun Alliance f ® bid-.te^et;-lo stjp to soop.; ;- , . v

merits. Royal,; where -Aa- steam is owner of an eight

; :182p fas the latter denied:

G e n e r a l ,A ‘c c id e h t J . Mount Charlotte may use! 'climbed37ptoi053p'asthe; its 'st^e-asjaplatform for

Australia 2.X15A u B t r i a . ..... ... 21.10'Belgium.......:..;.;.......... .....r.. 63;40C£Uiada..:.'.?i..v...S.;.':...„ :.v;..v/;-i:875.Demnark.:..:.’..;.:...:” .... .h..';.. 11/79■Eire.,;;...:.;.;...::v.^.....F i n l a n d __ .......i.:.6.84 -France 10.18,Germany .W 3;01 ,Greece.:..:...::.!.,...:.;.......;:.....;:..258 •Holland^.;:...':..:..........Hong Kong ..,...,...;.....; 12;55r:IsraBl........', ’3.00'itaiy ;..:...-.: 2175 ;JapaHi......_..i;.::..;.... .. 224..Malta:.-..;..'...-:.-...-..:.-....:.-. 0.544-.New Zealand.;;:;:.......'... 2 ;72‘Norway....................... 11.10,Portugal.......... ............ 253-South Africa..-..:::.:.:..... 4;40-Spain1...........i.:;'.;:-.......-... ..;‘188. -Sweden'.'.;...;:.;-;..-........... 10.39 .S witzerland.'.. . . . ;Turkey.,;,.....:'.'..’;;/...,..... United States....;-:.:......

3400 - 1.605 •Yu gnslayjfl •,;,, ■; {, i ' , \ .::.'.?:;307001'-

Approxiiiiate rates'at which'- • :;curreucy'ls .sold to the public b y , ' ■ the' National'Westminster Bank.’

FISH - •••-_HCLL ,; i~ Supplies ;700 stone;: •Pnces per; stone: North! Sea over-j

322- * Cqt?. £8'20 t0 l ^ o c * : W rksUre iierieraii:3; ■ Bid 68^3,;offer;72..,ree !: ■-y ' :-v ^ : .. . yield 2.49 per cent

Unit Trust


prlces-(per tonne unless otherwise stated). y

.: COPPER HG:. Cash £1622- :£1624: Three months £1612-£1613:

TIN: ■ Cash $9400-$9420. -Three' months J9440-SS450. • : r;- . - l . -t;: U5AD: Cash- £429-£431: Three ' .'■■■ ;

:^ S w - « a a s s g 5 a a s f .-AtifSftKiVT™.W-l. :• £12.60, haddock £5to.£14.60,conger: . : '

■Three months:$ i7 7 0 -$ 1 7 7 1 .^ ,:y;

':'Three^^thsC 0M llt^ '^ 75; ■■ fc-nionkfteh'£5>to' £14,:*-v■ :-: coalilsh.£1.60 .to £2.80,!;roker £1- to

GOLD, (per 02.) *371.; £8.60, plaice £2,40: £15,60;' whiting f — _______:- iiitcrnjTT-«»-.DnvVo' .'• ' ’■ ; .£1-6° to £8.00.::- - :■ - : f.- ■ Gold eased from overnight peaks

i : v ; : : '- - r - X : -. in early trading, but was still fixedYf S v J s ^ h T 4-75- - : '-.. . I ■. - : > • -- ' V- at $371.55. The better than expected

.. . ... p e r< ,■ YUIM DK Equity Income Trust ■".'-Bid'65.04, offer 69.19' ...j '

yield 4.32 per cent YUTM-InU Growth Trust

.ii Bid 52.93, offer 56.56 ;Yield 0.75 per ce'nt ■


* POTATOES- ’Prices, ex-farm, reported'bjf the

Potato Marketing Board’s recorded infonnation servioe at; Pontefract yesterday.': ' , ; . \ ■ -,

Supplies .were light, but'! suffi-V dent to meet, a limited demand.; Prices remained similar,:.:withv£100-£105 per, tonne generally ijeing ‘

........................... to £110 ..small -:


.319 tonnes, agaihst-lSS last week. •' ■ Subdued offtake.‘did.;hot bring;

many-operations. Support’ was forthcoming ‘in..certain' specialist' styles, notably in the. Middle E ast-. era range..; ■ ■;.'- ' ,

US ; jobs report,- also' pressured: prices later.. : ; i .:W

, , - The afternoon fix was $370:50, ,up -: one dollar from Thursday's close.-;

■' The metal steadied slightly at the - : finish, with a final spread of $370.75: — 371.15. .- . >V;':.V

;g r a in , , Grain futures

London closing prices'Potato futures ' . . .. . ...

London .potato futures'm arket' .-W heat--closing prices (hilo/dose/volume): -'. S e p te m b e r £106.85 November £136,0-£133.1, £135.0, 43; November - ' £110.45Eebruary" close £151.5, -0 ; '.April:' January. - £113.95 .£225.0£205.0,.£205.9,857: May close March : £117.10. ’ £225.(1, 0. Ear lies': -All- positions /M ay. '£ 1 2 0 .2 5 unquoted. . . . | June . . £122.10

Dealers reported quiet trading on - the London Option Market. • .

Calls were:produced in: Smith- New..Court;'.-. MX. .Laboratories; Sumner Holdings: De La Rue; Morgan Grenfell; Scottish & New-

- 'castle and Goodman"Group.- :. . Put s were arranged in Far East -

- 'u . ■ Res and doubles were completed in : ' Reuters.

-Barley . : £10250

£106.60 ; £109^0.

£112^5 ; £114.70

Big boost for

NEW investment in wool processing iri Austraha is expected to add $54m a year to the value of wool exports.. ..I - •’

.: 'A T he,: secretary of the Australian Department of, Primary Industries arid Energy, Mr-Geoff Miller; says about $l42m is being; invested;-"mainly^through joint ■ venture projects, <to increase the processing of raw wool in:Austraha.. V

This ;would: take the proportion of,processed wool exported froin 24 to 32 per cent. . . : . : : .

• Seven :processing plants .are involved,- mainly in. country areas, and four are engaged, in joint ventures with overseas woolproces- - '" ' 'sors. ■: /■■-'-; Greensfields Woolscour,' of Victoria, has a joint venture; with the Danish com p a n y ,. B io ch a n d Behrens, and ,‘TianF, Jin province in China. ;

Swan River Wo'ol Comb­ing, ■ of Western Australia, and Riveriria Woo! Coinb- ing, of New South Wales, have: a partnership :with Chargeurs, of France, and Dalgety P roprie tary , of V ic to ria , w ith N ippon Keori, of japan.

The announcement of the projects to. increase ra w w ool p ro c e s s in g coincides with a statement by the Australian Bureau of Statistics that Austra­lian wool production in 1989/90is expected to break all records.

■ : : The'bureau saysproduc- tiori is eicpectefl to:increase by ahriost severiiper cent to a,record 1,004,880 ionries;-

;w ith : wool yield '.alsoj.exf •pectedtoreacha record1 of 4;7kg a sheep. ’-- r; -f-


packetsJA HULL-BASED firm of chartered occupational psychologists is helping the Post Office to sort Britain’s mail-faster. .

A director of Newland Park Associates, Dr Dave v B a r t r Sniy h a s - b e e n awarded, a contract by the . Post; Office to develop a coding system for new machinery to sort packets.'

-.The-work includes writing computer programmes to t r a in , s ta ff- to : use: t h e v equipment. : ;' ■ The c o n tra c t, w o rth aliriost. £25,000, is Dr Bar- trarii’s third project for the Post Office since 1986 and brings the total awarded for his. work to improve -.:. sorting systems to more than £60,000. - - ; ; ,

In the past, .because of their size, packets have ;. been sorted by hand in a t im e -c o n s u m in g a n d .laborious process and has commissioned D rBartram . to develop a coding system for the address, which can be typed into the machine . which'win then autoinati- : caUy file it in the correct mail bag. .:;: r..

:. Dr Bartram said: “What makes things: difficult,is ! that the operator has .to place each packet on to the machine, so he or she only, has one free :hand to: type with. • . ■

“We have to avoid long codes because that takes timeandiricreasesthe risk fatigue , for the.• operator. , Arid we needed 160 differ­ent placedcodes devised so : th a t th e o p e ra to r can remember -them easily,”, he added. :-;'V ’ ; ' : - -

The Post Office plans to start training operators for the new. packet sorting .

. equipment next month in Coventry. -vV:-

: r

f \

W ool an d Textile Indus try C o rre sp on den t

GEOFF SAMPSON t Tel: Bradford 721574


REPRESENTATIVES of 35 United Kingdom wool tex­tile' companies will visit Japan dn a-seUihg mission early in November.. .. -The- d ire c to r , of, t l i e ,

Natiorial Wool Textile Ex­p o r t C o rp o ra tio n , Mr G e o ffre y : R ich a r dso n , w r i t in g in th e l a t e s t edition of Textile Forecast, says the iriissiori will be :the. largest; collective sell-; irig group the industry has put into Japan since ,'the-: B ritish .Overseas Trade Board missions scheme was inaugurated in 1965.

To spread word of . the mission’s preserice' in'. the Japanese market, the ex­port corporation is. arrang- . irig a prestige reception at the New Otari ■ Hotel in Tokyo, to which all leading im porters, w holesalers and g arm en t riianufac- turers will be invited.

The presence of the xriis-! sion will give the i oppor­tunity fo r'ta lks. with the Japan Textile Importers Association on the holding of a promotion in 1990 -7-:' one of the biennial'prbmd: tions held in Japan for the past 20 years.

It is : a refiection of the industry’s iiiteritioh to .eh:; large its: Japanese trade in to th e>N in e tie s and beyond/ improyirig on; last; year’s record Japanese ex­port eariiings of £94.2m..

Record year at National Floorcoverings;! M S 0 k e i! ;:^ r i : :W « W f .W - - ^ ib a rM n W K rtim a lF lo ii . . :

Securities .Market. .Riddings in'Derbyshire and em-the -Uriiisted ............. ............................................. .....,. has announced record:- ploys 180 ^prople^flt T i s ^ d ^ r i £e?wtefor the year eridingDecem- acknowledgedasthe UK’s leading; <her 1 9 8 8 . - shpp‘heVr ^ “block- f lo o ^ e ^ n r '^ pq,fflS?sipned, --v ; of.Granwood Stonewood — his:

,?9? H eckm ondw ike C arpe ts, '-of':-^^familycompany-^whichwasthen —. 1 -— — a j.-u .iu .! ! , . : . . , . . . . ;.]isfed-on the Stock.Excharige. : '

f,!- Now, 20 years later, the companyv . ... . -™*v»,«v.u <Wu,ulIuB, mjoWi ulc;.;lias.a'--new--m jaflim !m tvl^^ a -;

cp .p P ^n y .w h i c h w a s The division-also. has a signifi- coiripahy was acquired in 1979 bv 'h ea lth y share of three niche .iCTeatedlastautmmby.aderiierger cant ; and- expanding;--operatiori- ' Granwood Holdmgs, wMclizhsB'r'i'miarkets and buoyant; corporate-' ftom GrMWood. Holdings, .incor- m anufacturing: chem icals, a'd-' subseq.Uently invested-heavily in • profitability. -porates three tradirig. '^divisions: -: hesives ,and resins ‘for: related-! the1 operation.' . : ' ■’ The flotation next'year is seen as ■Granwood - Floonng,,. Heckmorid-, industries, The. carpets division produces- S n ^ tu ra l p ro g re ss io n in th ew ike FB an d H eckm ondw ike T Heckmondwike FB is based,atv high -quality tTaditional :carpets Sro u P’s 'd e v e lo p m en t, w hich -

i v'.' : v ■:, ' Liversedge, West- Yorkshire, arid u n d e r-c o n tra c t, p r ifn a rily t o . should allow it to take a higher;, Thf flotation- plans .are being ciurently.einploys 110 people. T he^l e.i s u re . a n d c o m m e r c i a 1 .profile, both in terxris of awareness‘»;npnnjprl hy. rno -T:iQonQi inf - -pT'l’Pf’.iTIPl a( t.7Tr»,Hr 4c nrir’tvei-


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M p : l l. ■ V'- r

CONTRARY geribusmineral fe for Uttle of the nitrate content inwater, supplies.

This has been

‘’i*. '-r

WHEN Mr Bernard Hog­garth thinks forward to 'ie next 10; vears, he. sees

figures1,nve;pr, six., s' isrbecause ‘he ;be-

remaining because already the ;

inhere wi]lbe: afour-way - split of resporisibility^with

ftaeedingcstock.. improved 'Jbv'.five.' or'six.companies, ajfes sold.on behalf.of/the :«l&]>mexrby t f iv 6,- o r \ s ix . ^bganisations'.to five or six 'Tiieati:processors>who;mLL

. ^supply/ifive: or > six retailer Jfefoups

it is largest sup?pliers of pigs to the meat

.. i n d u s t r y . ■ ; v v7=-;?■ - :^;; 'Jt'.';also^"6 f£iBl ■ia■.';wicle■

ieves!‘;that /• thei -P1?-iusti^:;-atJeaCh level from farmers includingbreed-

t6?:retaili'w ill:'be • - .........................^ tiM e d :;by- five'or., six.

KwUrM ultinthewhole ’.alsofdeveloping. a large■. p ld u s tr y ' w ork ing-very businessin trading.dryingIfflS ch’closer together and ;. arid. storing of grain.•IBsome cases, full integra-. ..r. improved profits despite

' 3' year ! of spending/on insumer.- ■ ■ v. :. 7V'- ■ ^acquiring' an abattoir and

J jmeat processing plant was i a measureiofjthe:strength -o f Cranswick Mill, now a

£60m turnover, .specialist p ig fa rM rig . com pany which manufacturers over 75,000 torines-of compound feed1, ^trades-thousands (of

v .tonnes • ~ of; :graih’ oilseed ; rape, peas and beans' and : markets over 650,000 pigs a : ...year, .v;--: ,:.^r :": y ■ - Based (at Driffield, .near. ' ,:to the heart of the most pig

. densearea of.Britain ana sone? of?;the;;prime' cereal

growing, areas,' the coiri- ! pany has how opened up in : the other,' main pigs" and I 'g ra in iv reg io n :y : E a s t Anglia:-;-. : f t - ■: v '

v • ' With Tucks of Burston the company' has formed

, Crariswick Tuck' Market­ing which will offer what is

,... claimed to be the country’s ... largest^- and most compre- fX :hensto(frs6rvice bfpigm ar: Jf^lMtirifetb^loiM'fiamners.;

- Mr Rod Tuck a director ti''6 f:' ;CTM.;'. says . the '-new :.-,;compahy. is essential for ;.y.his .fSed\ mill customers ’ ."who will not be [charged fpr v? the service.'.V: ;',He .was concerned that;

. jrBmffieidiivsaid jWhatu.was 'sefear to'him’,:andto-others in the front.line pf;the pig

jmdustry,. was the need fpr / i rmbxe integration. ■ r

^•.j'aip^B^'areto'eatjDcidte ork. bacon andpigm eat rpducts everyone must be

T&pkuig tp. learn■; from-the yjext: stage' Tofr! the .prodiic- arfoiOine; esp,ecially,vin' the- rtuiking., ;6f ...; technologies. : ®iB’‘is^ ti# -i^ lB l¥ d l^ o f.: whether the industry fall: ■

•-lng^into "fewer hands is; good'or bad.” ' * ■ r n i ' .;

Mr'. Hoggarth' is- a ’W - lieverithatthe'. r at'iohalis a-‘

: tipn is for the good arid! Hleedsfo1Katpen1auickly''toi ^ve'fever^brte A ^‘slice'of: ths'CBks^' ■** »,

It was":n’eede.dfsp\'thati everyone 'hafl!<'the^confi-i dence tor invest for .the! fu tfeg res^c |a llf ' atjlfann- andprocessor levels where: profits had been scarce for;

niardoo :lo h g ;^ i :?A' A i yyi There,was a,;

, st.;iogical::. progression,;;the genetic i skills.. of. the

Jibr6ederjfi the marketeer’s; mSSibwliedgesr’b f .th 6 :: meat; ©Mdustry< arid-the jretailers’i

. .soKperience of 'consumer: Qiifeedis.iu ;' .V:'.'.-.

Mr- .Hoggarth believes- ,JtfeaKGtfahswickMillwillbe; fokmeiiof jthej fivei|br;:isi^ •'iiriarketing.'orgaiiisatibns-

and East Anglia. - • * t ;S ^ i i i s f f l i f f M e h c e : y a h '! ished overnight when the

n e w c o m p'a n y . w a s f o r in e d , ’ ,s ay,s ,.M r

: Hoggarth.. - “Trust: and: mutual re- •f-spect' between- Granswick ... andi Tucks, w ill benefit ^ b b t'h-i, c o hi p a h i e s ’-i; c u s -

tomers giving them more ' m u sc le in .th e .m ark e t .place.”.

.3jjpT .weather, made, extra; work" at ' WhiteXSmocks.;:

^ i g s ,ia-.p,ur .in t^nsivei j^ u se s l 'Ju rn e ^ lazyi *andr .syoul’i no£bbthefc;tp-inovei .[butside' ihtb~thedmigmgj — ---ges/. ithey-'-.normallyj

liat meMt .we'Hadto l i . p u t : t h ^ ; p ^ , t j 5 i ' c e ;

Oh’ Thursday mornings s»*e .moved ;23 fltters 'aged- iSK^and'a half-iweeks’jintPi iM eff' ifeedingV acccnimo-; « ffiftibn"Ther^;: they" .will;,

stay until 22 weeks old.,No? vmgs have been lost due to,-

j^usesljoallow 'better, airs j M s s a g e , r / ' a n d Y P r b ^

.’ffidis'terriaihed.'satisfactory. I

.Jffie 3)500.: birds producing! (jp g ^ b r: broilir atcheries *

just hope, they’ll retrieve the barley results. Slurry

has been, spread on the ■: stubble and disced in . - f;

%Fogg or aftermath on the v hay neld- i s : mowing only.

slbMy.iWe plan to^takejai; fc u t orbagsuage thenbuy' r-sbme store lambs in late ^■September. ■-• '.SOur son and his wife" i.afianaged ten days holiday^ KifltTlemnark, ,and my wife “fdid'?I: rspent.’ -z '.'week I'.in, J in o rth eriv S co tlan d ;;;It:

means a lot of extra work ' when just one. is left to -> cope with the considerable: ■daily routine: that; ihten:! sive stcck entails; blit-it is well-.wbrth while;1.

eeh'sayihg'how well; the- ijih te i :l).arje:ji;r. rbbked. ■

ijgielil'M.the end was very ; cflsappointing, arid it’s 'n o ' consolation th a t all barley. groWers in; the ^area have1 similar stojies, After th is ! ex^lttence^nb'bhe iis.fbre- casting wheat yields. We


t i i-.' V: *} ^ i' 'V :

SPRAYING! -MVpcjpf' ;Vjj^QTAXP.HAULM,gii i ' - l . 3 A N D 'i ;n ;-v i ’;.

w fe i .iN S E E b 'v ; '- ; ^ rD E SS |C A T IO N3 ft; 0 S .yea ip .^parience--,,i;

lqr‘'W ID E B bO M S ,;' r‘‘ ONLY' PURE NEW :9 f;v<;A c«D '/iP R iliE D :'.!,6 r;

iCsi'sl ; V»i;^ H R I S P R Y O R

^ ^ P O T A T O E S 't

ia^ Bishopthoipo, - >;

top! pricedNETHER SILTON: By G W Darwin, on behalf of M WDarwin and Sons. A two-storey stone-built bam at:

auction.; public-

■ i CLITHEROE , :Beechthorpe bam, 'Waddlngtori;:£100,000. 7 i ,, .>

Bonny :Bar.Gate ta rn arid land, ■near .Waddington,' ’ w ith' ancillary bulldln^'in a-setnne of:123 acres £210,000. .9.13 acres' or pasture land !£31,000.'5.35 acres' of pasture land £20,000. \ .

Both barns have outline planning

Iwelllngs; ,The auctioneers were. Richard

Turner and .Son, 1 Waddington :Road, Clltheroe. r ‘

n F s u m s a leASHBOURNE; By Bagshaws; Alton Hall Farm,-Kirk Ire ton; Derbyshire.' Dairy • farm with three-bedroomed' bungalow about 140-acres ofgrass- lanif and up to 500,000 litres o: quota,'Sola for £515,000. ‘

£638; a iri a c reGISBURN:-By Richard Turner and Son; Stock rearing land at Bracken-, hurst, :,Bblt6ii-by-Bowland, Clith- eroe, ijitl^-access from' Grunsa^U

ofbetween' jTosslde aiid Bolton’ Bowlahd;., about,. 21:93-acres .. meadow and pasture;land sold for £14,000 (£638'iper!acre)i'about 51.01- acres-,of 'pasture' sold ,for .'£27,000' (£500); about 50.16 acres of pasture land sold for £32,000 (£638): V.

^ c°Ver cr°P ° f mustard in theand BASE; S;L im burgerhpfJtesearch^ lp®H^ch :7ear bariey -stubbie.' This^ also provided-.a -S ta tion , near M annheim , G erm any, '-: ,■ .Nevertheless, Dr; K arl^ednch-ltum ^ci^^^fi^ W n manurp when olouehed in

Boars & Gilts now available



§ ; S E P t lb T A N K S .101 F il t e r B E b s -s V l N X E R C E P T O R S . ^

3f/S ILAG E LIQ U O R , « « --fr- T A N K S -:flB C e s s ' p o o l s :;

f 1': Generally available ■1! If& fSiyEx s ta t i c - '«v»;til iliyo » > •'■‘I'.


Tel. 0757 70613B

where there is possibly even more public tn< --'—j A « --i—

mer,sion .Service,

! ssVfe \ S i f £ ^ S v t- ^ t m a n u r e when ploughed'in v Station the yield improve ? during the spring: ■ t " ' . wheat, malting barley,

£> beheveg.fflat.. fertil^er. .., pnr minimising nitrate leaching in the potatoes has ranged fror■ manufacturers are duty bound to mini-.

fore very little of it leaches.In trials a t . Limburgerhof Research

rovement for whiter sugar beet and

potatoes has ranged from 3 to 6 per cent and above that produced by an am-

concem over the perceived water nitrate problem than in Britain.

Their work, has shown tM t the prob lem’s ; main cause is the breakdown of

m i r l ^ s ^ ^ ^ a lR f f b r o i^ f t a t best 'Onewayofdoingthis, demonstrated by ;Ca nitrificaflon inhibitor.' ■ soil prone to leaching, the new fertiliserwav-;tb minimise lpaphing is to :CTow ' ihis :cbmpany,s trials, is to minimise the ••. Basammon 25 Extra .will undergo trials v -reducM total nitrate leaching by 27 per h e ith v ' vigorous crops and once crop period that the lahd Carriesno crop. Once - .- on a range of arable crops iri Britain in cent. Ari added advaritage in .the case of W n v p r 1s ' r p n in v p r i ' l p . a c h i n B - D r o e r e s s e s ' croP cover j^ removed. hitrate leaching ' 1990 and is expected t 6 be commercially wheat, which normally receives three or a n ln e - pm ovea leacnuig progrebses. increases about'three-fold.-• ■ »-.-> - availablethe foUovringyear. i : . four doses of nitrogen in the spring, was

■ >!); • . . ' - ; ! . ,\ ' ; Ohe of( the, wprst situatipns is when , .’a e inhibitor, Ehsar'(dicyandiamide); that only two appircations of Basan^ U. ;. works by.preventing the soju bacterium, were required, thIn continuous trial at Limburgerhof, an, spring-sown crpps likesugar beet. peas oi1;

annuial leaching loss of 46 lb ,an acre of .. linseed,; follow- i ^ t e r -b^ley, sm (^;t]te' . . from transforming am- ■ machinery costs. saving labour and

• ! r r i • O'VV ..■■I. %

‘ .-t-y ^> .r-

Jp , 'v:* Cl.-; -V’i.

AFTER seeing their, num- l-bers dwindle in the last decade, arid looking as though the breed’s popu­larity was. heading-,for the d o id ru m s , 1989 m u s t: surely rarik as a celebra-

?,to^yeaif;fbr'Dairy,Shbrt-, horn cattle breeders: ;• ;- .Cattle registrdtions are up, arid the breed beat the big dairybreeds tow inthe Burke Trophy at the Royal: Show a month ago. And a successful', World. Short­horn Conference was held in Edinburgh in June. ... There are still - many breeders of quality Short-

horn cattle arourid i^^^ i Mr Ian Sleightholme is a dedicated Dairy Shorthorn enthusiast, wnb-Jeels -the breed has still plenty to offer.: For: many years his father was a celebrated county breeder, arid lari has 'stayed loyal to the breed, but not as a milk producer.

N ot h a v in g th e b e s t dairying set-up on his farm near; ScarboroughV la ri finds his Dairy Shorthorns equally as beneficial and as good for suckled calf production. ,. - "'rHearidhis m fe Siiei who came from New’ Zealand in 1974* farin" deep in the Langdale’’Forest area, at L ow /Farm iC rosscliffe. -Theycross theircowswith. ■the Continental Sim m er tal i and Charolais beef bulls to produce the calves which suckle their dams lo r about 10 rrionths before

b e i n g s o tl d -:o ri‘ -t o<. - finishers. -. 'V;. . •. ?' -

Although the farm had'a;: milk- quotar- when they ?: bought iti 'circumstances r- - were not really suitable for'

riiilking, so the;qubta wias t

. They also share a pedi--; ■• gree Dairy Shorthorn bull ; v; AvithUMr;:GeorgeCPetty- of V ;; Broomfield: - Farm ;' Stain-

sacre, hear, Whitby, which ■ they - use to breed -their

: .heifer replacements, and- some occasionally for sale, i

w h ic h f in d a r e a d y:' market. -;y,‘v.V w,:;;V ■ - I '■ . Ian’s father; Aifred, bred5 '. Dairy SHorthprris through-1

; out his farming ' career, .- :v milking BOv' cows . ’in ’ his }- Y oulthorpe H erd ,- riear^-• B is h o p W ilto n 'o r i th e ;

Yorkshire Wolds. - ^ 4. In-1986/87-before it was *•.

: d i s p e r s e d th e ; h e r d ;;• averaged- 5,905 kg ‘.(l;300 =.

,; galls) a t ' 3;58£]^ri:-:t;ent'; butterfat‘ d 3:28per?rarit >;r; proteiri iri a .calvirig index ;

of-363 days.. V-i. ;:;y'.: -,"?■■ Mr Sleightholme sold his -

xi herd wKenhe retireidirithe 1 ' sprinigof last year;;whendt j, / .a ttra c te d an^exbelleritj;

, trade, the cows averaging ( around £800 and w itha top !. p r i c e o f i ; i 0 0 :g r i s f o r i Youltho^iAutum h-Rose i

;. ,19th which^weritritblGurit-’s vbria breeders.’G?.'A.-*uDent-

V a n d S o i is o f - C R ir j ) y % Stephen \

A remiarkablefrature-at i r' thesale-. iwasTthatICthree |

cows when sbld ereVeach | cari^g^their»l3thra3alfi {

■ • and'slboked fe'M*gobd^£i§; S

'. v lan and-: Siie^Sleighth1 5 ' olriie bought Low Fanriiiri ’

the autumn four years ago t and moved there iri; the '

following, spring, <'.taking< som eoftheD airy^ Shorfc hom cows with,them .... :; tJn fb r tu n a te ly , th e y foiindthey could not afford' toicompete in the :bidding. at-the sale,-but haVe man-' aged to increase Tiuriibera from dispersal arid: other private sales since..,;,. r . |^lrious'tblceep'thehefd. strain goirig, Ian took over the transfer of the- Youlth- oroe, prefix1 'iirimediately;. following the sale, arid the ctfuple now.have around 2 0 !

lowers m their-bwn herd. •■At preserit after, using:

the Cnarblais bull for- a tiriiej they have gone back tojiserving’the . cows with^ the Dairy Shorthom bull' which they share; Ybulth- orpe Prince; Laiirilet.-? ! .

Ian said:: “Some of the cows were getting on and we’ didn’t -want -to ’lose the s t r a in |;'o r::run :.ou t: ,o f ■ replacements or heifersio-

the-; bre.ed’s. hard iness,, and ifroni its'thriftiness in feed consumption.. It is well;

■known for itsdividend of ^producing.equivalent milk .yields on less feed ' than : jsome-other d£^;breeds. : 1 ', “We donrnot feed-' the i suckled calves any concen- strates’ cfer' Soni! ' In the ’summer they are put and -‘ get grass, and in the winter Hhey have .-.hay,-! It; isr-.the- I s ame for - the- co ws .'W eare svirtuall^, self^srifficierit,' |b u t o n a lo w - iin p u t •system.> "The -older.., cow sget: ■p u lle d d o w r i a l i t t ie ^through the wiriter but they soon get well fleshed

liddulph;.;Buckley. Group— 1,'L B: Shim well

S.- J. Buckley; 3,oG. -

-M r -Ism S ie ig h th b lm e w i th v 's o m e .ro f h is ^ Y o n l th o r p e T l ie r d o fC p ^ d ig re e ; ''S h o r th o ir is ." ' : -S.--- ' y - x .

s l — -up again in the summer, as , 3 byres so it is alsb easler to

.orthoms do.” i S feed, , when working. on.The.Sleighthblmes’farmjj; your own.;. , .

/is' situated in a .'very-at-{.^. • But he did make soirie: .tractive,, but nevertheless;', good baled silage last year,- a - Less-;: Favoured Area,; > when it proved rather too

• surrounded on all sides by; u wet toimake any quality /Nbrth Ybrkshire forestry. r< hay: He finished up with 96

-; it has 70 acres-in grass-.% wrapped big bales from M d' which' coritainsi 30;1I five acres. -

; of, soine-very, rolighv % ; As with . h is . prudent hin pastures. Mr Slelghth-; j cbncentrAte feed policy, he olme exercises, a; regular, /. follows.a similar rule i r i .

„ poUcy. of pasture improve- ;- fertilising his land and ; . m e ii t , :w hieK in c lu d e s S does' not rely bn the arti-

spm ereiseedingeachyearj| ficiial bag. ;;j

^ s s ^ i x t u r e erm an^ n t; ^ ' '^ e regularly every:grass mixrare. _ . ; ; y e a r e sp ec ia lly cn th e

_ . ____pctash atter takingwinter when water stands-; V off the grass.for h a y . . .

:; He.ajspriiucksthe fields althoughIanhas improved ; - ViGavilv after cuttincr and

' it no end by^suti-soiling. i t S r o i m d■ Blit • it*-still *■ cuts?• up bTdfy : go tM t h e ^ S d u t t h e

. m eanstn& cowsiiavetobei ^innincr ........ .. .brought in no later thaia\ . J ; - r

^mid-Nqvember. 'i i He is a firm believer in^“We caii leiaye.-a-.’few ;

, heifers out, and of, course;

:breediiig_ewes. J a n has . a; . .-flock; of .pedigree . Jacobs,,

half of which ne puts to the p e d ig ree tu p to ' b reed •replacements: plus a few

Viginrihers for seue. The rest' are put to I the Suffolk and

; the lairibs sold either fat or as stores..- v ’ I ;

.. He r u n s 60 m 'a iriiy S co tch B lack face .arid; Swaledale eweswithsome

. belng bred pure and: the r e s t a s .h a lfb re d s . th e

: lambs; going for breeding/. This: year like ■ many-

. sheepmen he has enjoyed a, goodlambingseason with- m a n y lam b p a irs j . b u t. unfortunately, m ost were, wethers with" very • few,r ghnmeK;.. ;

: , “We have: between -60. and 70 halfbredlam bsbut;

: if we have a - dozen gim- 'mers we shall be lucky, < and those that we . have were nearly all singles.”

The couple als o, keep a; further 30 Hebridean and, Manx hiU ewes,’which are| clas’sed/inthe.rare ;breeds? categoryl: H ebreeds somel

tp to. feedjntiiexgrass | just keptfori :growifig- and ? i- Vv

- we/riefeded'Vfery^few hay f >; This helps to reduce any1? bales^di help 'it but]’’ lari i undue worm or fluke prob-.

:. ;s^tr'Vv't;?^«taL : • : t i 'iems.Md yes-thefields a- . ■i-Heiprefers-ihay to silag^ 5 le s t ' from each, type pf

which also suits the farm; ? s to c k . T h ey a re th e n . Conserved' hay,.>hefifeelsj t changed round thfe follow-' can be kept longer, and -I ing year, r f - i r i . i ; stores better..Most of,;theVn. i As well as the cows the : cows are tied up .lnvthe j fa rm .ca-rries b y e r lOO

fiuie to he sold' tb tKe raie- ;?iDtefe;efed- e n th u s ia s ts ,. ari6 ] , .crosses the rest with the; ^Suffolk.;; ,.. ' t o fact ,they are into the -

-Vrarebreed.syniiromejarid: as 'well as the sheep; they:

. keep a few ginger coloured; ■ TainWbrth, arid Gloucester1

; Old iSpo.t -sows; .some An-: : cona fowls, plus a pony,:

some goats andi a donkey.

* v* Jf. >>. . **....

INSIDE. JOB: Farmer Colin Newlove-has clinched an inside job for. his SOryear^old tractor. Inmates a t Fullr Sutton Prison; near York, ' are: to renovate th e Standard : Fordson tractor as part of their engineering training. ;Mr Newlove,"from LSw Marishes, near-Pickering, North Yorkshire said the Governor welcomed the chance of providing something different for the prisoners to worlt-on.'T expect it will take" theinqnitea long time but I hope they don’t stretch the work too much. ” He hopes to ; .exhibit the tractor a t shows next year, ■ •: : : ; i ; :


.'ABm:bfl80tigns seta new' market recordattheNorth- E a s t1 of\England Jersey

: -Cattle Club’S third annual \show and.)s^e.'at ]

itwasm adebyM r.R. W:; Swales, Apperley.: Bridge/; Bradford, for the reservei -cham pioriheifervK en-, . tucky Pharoah’s Joyfully,; & freshly-calved daughter

. of Chalkney Glen Pharoah,: from the herd of Mr and? Mrs-R.W.fGlear, Sudbury,',

•Suffolk, ;; ■ :. ■ , - . . ^Aiiciibrieier Mr K eith;

F le riiin g to n .o f .JBr.utonv Knowles, who conducted’ the sale1 in corijuctibri with- Wharfedale Farmers’Auc-; tiori Mattsaid:'"It'Was-the:

;;highest::priceLeyer'.paicLat the niart for a dairy female ofanyhreied.’’ ■ y i^ '-f / "■■ii

i : .Earlierj C.-RJ CawstOn, of? - B u n g ay ,-SiiffoH c/'hadf ; given-1400 guineas for the’ * supreme ^.'chairipicn',0 thei freshly-c ai vedE ller din e Rebel’s Carroza. by Eller-' dirie Coronet's:Rerel, and? •out o f a ; 6:52 : per cent ■'butterfiat. dam: '■: v: ■

Lancashire awardS/.j '.’.’■HE'-'

: 5 ^ ; - ' : ''% ':’:'v ■ • v .o d ': :A '^ h a n d le r f ro m E a sb y ,? ::.'. Qualifying rounds:

; G r e a t A y t o r i , C h d ^ l e s .. -•, n ,n n j. 'D rt^rrii ’ v 'H a n is o n .i N e lli .84, 2, G eo rg e-.M it-; Cutler, won; ..the. Rpyalt:• chell,-'Elint:83;i3 Mike Perrings,. L an cash ire Show tr ia l ’ frank,B3;4,chrisBrown,Bob,B2;s, w ith his;severi-iyear-old •:d o g S h e e n a . , - _ ^ “ | ; 8?aUy' 81-' 7' Jim m

fi T h e t r i a i w a s h e ld o v e r .

Charles Cutler,'Sheena, 83; 4, Jim Witter,Floyd; 83; 5 ,Timothy Long-

" ' ,6,-Tot Longton;;Fran,ngton; Becca, 82. :j

Sunday — 'lV'Tliomas ;£ongtoh, Gem.-M; 2; Clarence.Storey, Leaf,,

; 3, Thomas Longton, Tweed, 83; Hm Longton; Glen, 83; 5, Brian

Dodd, Laddie, 82; 6 "Tim Longton,


results i:-* ■ - --i-M,..- -RESULTS from Bakewell Show included: : „ /

- .SHEEP • :na : :-Derbyshire Gritstone: Rani, itwo shear or over -±' 1, C: ItlM ltchell,' Holmebridge, ; Huddersfleldpod 2, . S.Charles, Bradwell, SheDield;®D. Eggleton, Meltham; Huddersfield. , Shearling ram -H- 1,. P.Wheeltdn,. High-Dlsley,-Stocln>ort;',2, A.-3S.

:. Heathcote, Rainaw, Macclesfield; 3, ‘ : VD. Egglton. Ram.lamb ^ l t ;C.R. ■Mitchell; 2, D.Eggleton; 3, Gl)lxon , and Son, Linthwaite, Huddersfield.. V Ewe', two shear or over to . have •. rearedlambs in 1989 — l ;andi3. P. Wheelton; 2, D. Esgleton: Shearling - ewe.— 1, D. Egeleton; 2, G. Dixon and Son; 3, P.' Wneelton., Ewe lEunb -

1, D. Eggleton: 2, A: S.Heathcote;: . 3,-G. Dixon and ston;Group^■X ,r'Ol -

rgleton; 2,:P.Wheelton; :3,'C^'R. . ' [tcheiL-'.:1:.-: . . .Jacob: Ram, shearlineor overi— .

1, Mrs Jean'BlackneU, uxlcshall, Staffs; 2, E.M. Coulthard, Sutton ;. Coldfleld.vWestiMldlands; 3, J.-.W. ' Shemwell and.Son,.Chesterfield. ; Ram lamb. bom In 1989— 1,-H iH , ; and Miss-K.'Stennett,' Chesterffild; V2, -Mrs- W. A. Johnstone; Lough- , borough^Leicester; 3, Mrs J. Btabk- nell: Shearling ewe—1, J.W.Sheln- . well and Son; 2, E. M. Coulthard; 3, : Mrs: J.;BlacknelL E w eitha tlhas-., reared . a: lamb i n ' 1989 — lj':E. M.Coulthard;2, MrsJean Blacknell;3, M. H. and Mlss K .StennettBwe - lamb, bom in 1989 — 1, J. W. Shamwell and Son; 2, N. H/ and Miss - K. Stennett;3, MrsW.A. Johnstone. Group—1; Mrs Jean Blacknell: KE.;

. M. Coulthard; 3, J. W. Shemwell'aiSd . :Son: - : : riD-

Suffolk: Ram; sheading or 'over .- l and 3; I. B. Shimwell and Sons;, s

BakewelL 2, P. Ruddock, Worksop.. . Ram lamb — 1, S. J. Buckley, Doveholes, Biixtori; 2, J. R: and J. A .. Irving, Whitgrcave,i:Sta(rord;. 3, ■G.Blddulph,: Gawsworth, Maccles- : field; Ram lamb .to be ahowniun- . trimmed—. li'G. Blddulph;’2,-Li O; and D. G. Brailsford,' Alton, Chester-. field; 8; L B) Shimwell and Sods.Ewe lamb ,— 1', L. G.and D.eG. ; Brailsford; 2, G. Biddulph; S. J.' R. . and J. A; Ihring. Pair of untrimmtd shearling ewes .in'good breeding - condition — 1; I. B.Shimwell aild :. Sons;; 2, G. BIddulph; 3, S.orJ. Buckley. Group— ‘ ' aiid Sons; 2, S.- J Biddulph.

Texel: Ram, shearling or ovef-W- l. Boden and Davis, Stockport; 2IG. . and M. Startin, Croxall, Lichflela;^, ' A . F. Sablre, Hartington, Buktob.Ram lamb, bom inl989—-HBodin and Davis; 2, Mrs V. S. Doe, - Mlddleton-by-Youlgreave, Ba­kewell; 3/ Mr and Mis P.-T. Moore,' . ■ Macclesfield.-:Shearllng:ewe::-V l,: Boden and Davis Limited; 2, G.:and.M: Startin; 3, Mrs V::S..Doe; .Ewe' that has reared a lamb In'1 9 8 9 ^ , ,Boderi arid1 Davis,. 2, G. andicM. Startta;'. 3;;'J. -and‘B. G;':Williams,. Sandon,'Staffs. Ewe lamb, bdmijn:1989 — L Boderi,and DavisiJSnF. Weston, Tideswell. Buxton; 3; J®E. . V Young, Kirk Langley, Derby/1- oi

Butchers’ F a t‘lam bs: Three butchers lambs, 38 kg or under/Etv live weight — 1 and 2,' P.Slatelr, Preatbury, Cheshire; 3, P. Ritter and. : Sons; PeakjForest, Buxton:-Three :. . butchers lambs; 38 kg and oveftgv live weight—land 2,P: Slater,®?. . Ritter and Sons.-: '-liW. :..

■ GOATS -.'.nvs ': Female that has borne a kid;-aiw

age, ln-milk; entered in the.Toggen- - burg or Britlsh/Toggenburg section or register of the Herd Book—1 dffd 3,' Mrs M: L. Turnbull, Mansfl&ld; •Wobdhouse.uNotts].'2 ,-Mrs: FJcD.- Clarke,' Matlock, DerbyshiiB.'IFt-,• male that has borne a ldd; "any. agi, ' in-mllk; entered in the Saaneri'Sr British Saanen section or register'of ■ the- .Herd : Book -—: -l,-.- Mrs i;M. Hardman, Sheffield;. 2, Mrs J.' Will­iamson, Brackenfield, Derbyshire;3 / Mrs L. M. Thompson;-Gains­borough, Lincs. . - - -- •, Female that has bome a kld. any age, in-milk. entered in the British ' Alpine section or ,register,of jthe Herd Book— 1, N. Stubbs, Matlock, Derbyshire;.: 2, and:':HIs$B.' - Collins,’ Elswlck, Preston, Lancs;'3,Mrs A.Heathcote,-North’Muskhan),. -Newark,-Notts. Female .tbat.'hftsr; borae ,,a ;:kld,-Lany., age,~ ln-mllk, x

" in-the/An^o-Numanr^C-,S UUU U1 ■ U1 U1C u c t u u<- T v2 a n d 3, Mrs'A.~E.-FetErsTl

Dale. Matlock.: -■ " - ,■*■ Female that has bome a kld|-any

age, in-milk, entered ih:the Golden Guemseyt or.,.English.;-Querns». section or register of the Herd Boot — 1 and - 2, ; Mrs .M., ToVinroe, Mansfield, Notts; 3; Mrs C.A.Lanft Bantry, Notts;'- Female that hat bome.a-kid.-iany, age, in-milk, a n other variety 'l.t^S tubbs; 2, M; f t ' M I^^W L ndley , .Derbyshire; |

: Goatling that !has not bome f kid, over, a year,but,not exceedii

’two. eritered -in the Toggenbu. section'of the; Herd Book.—.1,: A Hooper, Ekestori',-Derby; ■ 2' and' j Mrs.M: L. TumbuH. Goatling th£.

■ has not bome a kid, over a year bu not exceedlng' two. ,but entered ii the - Saanen - section 'or ' British

:Saanen section of the Herd Book 4{1 and 3, Mrs M. L.,Thompson; 2, Me an d ; Mrs . Rudkin,,-, Romuejg Stockport. : ■ ■ ' '.ft ■■■..'i GoatUrig that has rio^borriea'kity over a year but not exceeding two? entered inthe.B ritlshA lpineseoi ' tion of the Herd B ook^ 1 and 2, N Stubbs; 3, C. A. Woodward, Ilkeston. Derby: Goatling-thathas not boma

; ■ three, days on th e ; ground1;. riear Preston arid for the

championship award the :ton,Gei,82V 6;j i two top dogs fromeach day 82; 7. Tim L°iigt'w ere.,selected,,.to j t a k e : — ’

; Jo h n H arriso n . 'from Shap, Cumbrian- qualified; his Nell twice, so the third placed dog, seven-year-old Sheena, handled byA jMr -;Cutler, became eligible.

4, Tim Longton; Glen, 83; 5, Brian Dodd, Laddie, 82; 6 "Tim Longton, Becca 81; .7, Alan Elliott, ’Glen, 81.

. i Doubles;, Classes;;:,Judge Jack Gumbley. 130 points. .'■ Friday—,1, Tim Longton, Becca arid Glen, 106; 2, Pat' Noble, Sally and Fleck, 88; 3, Timothy,Longton, Gel and'Cap, 83.'. • :',V • •■'■-

— ■■■" ■^ ! i ; .:Tiiri.:I»rigtori, Glen, 118; 2, Timothy

g ^ . r& ^ e “ a n d ''; se t" .a - ' . ^ S ' l ^ o ^ T w ^ d §e:3, r s t a n d a r d t h a t - w a s n o t -no. • ■:■ b e tte re ld;;-bringiri'g ',the: : -; ^ , day ^ ’J™ Lo"Bt°n.®Scca> +rnr>Viu t n V n rlro W re : - •. ■ >;and Glen, 119; 2, Timothy Longton, tropny to XOrKSmre. ,-- ;,G el/ and<-Cap; 116;. 3, Thomas

S ' ’ r e s u l t s ^ ‘ Longton. Tweed and Gem, 114., Ryedale ShoW'trial (72 entries,

Royal Lancashire ■ Show , trial judge Mary Heaton. lOO points)— 1,iB?; Doug Reynolds. chmnpion. John Holiday,: Moss,-89;-2, Johnip.doublegatherl60points) — !, • SuttlU,Nap,87;3,GordohRogerson,

Charles ,Cutler, Sheena, 133; 2, JohnHarrisonrNell, 115; 3, Thomas Lorigton, Gem, 113; 4, John-Holll- :: day, J ta , 93; 5,: Clarence.'Storey,'

V I ia f, 88; 6,. George Mitchell, F lin t, Lassie,|

Don, 85; 4, Norman Darrell, Flynn, 84; 5;-Ian Murdoch,' Getri, 84; '6, George Redpath, Mist,.83; .7, Peter

: Collin,; Beh,i 83; 8, Graeme Guy, 82; 9, Olive Bailey, NeU,

.Com pet’» ; • VI*-;' - I'


cyliiiders br bulk-

itiveMy in g -

■ m -.. TFUDcmr.

.Trident House; Maner Way, 0**en, Wail York* WFB6JN!

©(0924)2jT .t s e r ,


A WILL is vital for anyone • -This,, means -that|- ;With' the . man, take advantage of-cheap-in-, i . In-'.a willi'ijsuchi-a trust, “be ' with assets to pass on to the next - - advantage of hindsight, riew bene^ -' siiirarice schemes. ' ; ‘ it for : two years or ten . years. carigeneration—but for fanners with/ , added arid the w ill. . It is not strictly true to say, that achieve a great deal. - : I - :land and hand down it . ' “improved” iarid-updated to 'take ■•: the Inheritance’ Tax-tlureshold is : Wheri a person makes si will is doubly unportant. . ■ ' . . advantage pf.the.'.exemptions in ... £ iio ,o 0 0 . 1t i s , . i n f a c t , , £2 2 0 ,0 0 0 ,— ,,..they;dbn’t know. when they;are:;. Dying intestate proves costly in ' legislation..;; ; o. --.i- -.- '■•; - one ' estate ' of ■ the current iril going to die — inoney can'be'put:terms.of time and 'mnryn'r ... . •• - j . .

. . . Marple Bridge: Double Gather (66 : entries,• J judge Douglas. Fisher, ' 160pbints). — '1 , Albert Keeling,

' Drift;140; 2,’Alf Kyme, Garry, 127; 3, , ■: Jolin .Squires,.Craig, ■ 124;' 4, Allan .. . Heaton, flash , 123; 5,.Jim Cropper,

■ Cap;:122; 6,;Alari;Leak, Roy, 121; 7, - ■ Dennis Hudson, -Lad, 120; 8, Bill ' HeslopVZac, 116:;' '

anxious whosho- 1 !:>■:<

cu rreritriil going tod ie — inoneycan'beput? me mpney, asiae . ^ ^ necessary tP have made a rate barid tp the children and m te the trusts arid-paid put either

fr°>®.the trauma-for relatives, of ' wiii'iin 'the"first place tb benefit*? anbther;tp the,,widpw;free 'pf-tax: to the sppuse br-tp the children..jffif UP tne ?state as tairiy as . from the new adv^tagesV; and^tiiat doeis not; include-; the/:50; ?i; ‘ 31i4 trustees cari sdso discrimiri-:

p v,ano nn hoarir,™ nr. .Wills,^^cari; coritain jai .great.;:^per^^^;cerit’reh'ef,.bn-theVfiaMv«;i^ ate'against chfidren:who ^ not-jt h f f i S t e a y on . deal pf mumbo-jumbp such as the.':. . , If.. a, - - ^ 8 - ,a-' share ' b e ^ y e lp n the farm. , , , .

It not o S v ^ ^ CT^dfather - P.9 v?.r ,c’?’.apP-?p.ri ^ 0?1' , , , , ,o f , his: .estate,.to,:.Ms„:son,.-,that.,,>.-IfaftoerworkswithW ssonsit: ^ ^ X S i s a y S S : 'This may:be utterly'incompre-l„;;shOTe,.can be used to prpvide any is wprto remembering the annual

lulomake one hut alsohis--; hensible. to the .;laymah, but it i ^daughters :withva reasbriablerin- eiremphon. f -< uiamaKe one, out aisoms .givesexecutors vitalpowers when come. ^:.i. v ■ It may be used irisurance.

t r y ^ tb;fu]fil ,thejtesfafbr,’s wish "'1!he-'-;das8 '.’wliBnkiBivdaui^iter • premium on the son’s life or giveri______________ . to pass.': on; without ' could expect her complete share ' to thejson,for,<.a:.policy

. - ■ • ■ causing hardship^tb hisjwidow. ,., have‘,gone —Especially.-if a :very farm ers life.-- - .......-sons who may be running his farm The average Will, which leaves* - valuable .; share--m- farmland does ; At .the: very rleast -it' sh ____and 1 ^ grandsons over 18 who are .,ev.erythirigto thejwife; can mean ..not aptually yield very.much. arranged for accountants to make ,

a m^jor involvement in fjjjancikl disaster on h e r . ,d e a th v : : iri thik situatibri; a will provides' ^ proper transfer , to , the sons ;:^ •' even with 50 per cent tax relief on the,opportunity to leave/a daugh- . f r o m th e , f a t h e r s': ca p i t a 1 ■

Vacant p^sessibn farmland and a ter- a - legacy but: -at the--same amount.' !,■ "teri-yek period iri which-lo pay off time ;SUi*yiving sons-the It is in. the farmer, s, business to r

the tax. ' . ' ' ;1' i r . ' ■ ' • right to pay th e ir: sister over a ensure that what he sows yields a :: Before m aidng: h il will the number of years, possibly com*, good ^harvest. .The pojicyfarmer should look'at h is/estatl pensating her. with:mtefesf. , ? m ^ ^ d ^ ^ a d m i n i ^ 'andseeifit'.isppssible;toequalise , The d isc re tio n a ry t r u s t —his. assets w ith his.,wife; - ; although it caused, a ninnljer bf , ei^ureV fhat Ws sPuMv^^^^^ a^l ,

nroblems'some-.vears: aeo — has n it;; '


mightaffect' theirw ill.-The "consequences of, divorce,

arid re-marriageare aparticularly.. im p o r ta n t;fa c to r to h e a r inmind. ■ ; . ■ ' ' . , _ ............ ............... 'As so few" people'. do' keep-. ; /He. caneither convey part of the" .problems 'someryears: ago: their' solicitors up tb date, how- farm' to 'her .or. put, it into joint, proved to be particularly useful, ever, new legislation has recently, .names., :c. . i ; - ' Under the terms, of this 'trust,been.passed which' provides the . Equally, he. cari take advantage trustees have-ttie bptibn to distri- opportunity to alter the will up , . of the. new, seven-year M es and. w bute the trust furidrasthey decide totwo years after .the death of the., g ivea share to his soil.-; • beit^-.e 'en .’l.t '.h e& s.p ec ified

’ ' The son can then,/as/a young. ..beneficiaries. .;- ., . ................testator.'

well-p'rovided. for iri the future, without any additibrial financial burden;ori thiem”;f sfv; -1',' -.

Mr Till is "a pfirtt^r in the Yorkshire and Humberside legal .practice of-.Denison Till.. .

a kid, over a year but'riot e: two, .entered in the Anglo-Nubii section of the Herd Book -^.land3 Mrs A. E. Petera; 2, Mrs M. F Matldck,.Derbyshire. : i. .

: Goatling that has. not bomej'a ■ kid,' over a year but not exceeding'' two, entered in the.Golden.Guema sey. or English Guernsey section,of the Herd Book —, l and: 2,'MrS. M3 Townroe. Goatling .that'’ has>poii bome a kld, over a year but nDE excM'dlrigtwb,:ariy;otner.varieiji-S • 1, Mrs F.' D„ Clarke; ,2, -Mre Rfij Hardinan;'3; C.rA. Woodward. . 9 ■

Female Kid over two months, bufi. " not exceeding ayear,'entered in th a . Toggenburg orBritlsh Toggenbur®. section of Uie Herd Book— 1, Misa R. M. Wlnkle, Ashbourne, DerbyS shire; 2, Mrs F. D.Clarke; 3, Mra J. H2 Snell, Wesslrigton,, Derbyshire. FeS. male Kid over two irioriths', but n o n ;' exceeding a year, entered in thf? Saanen or British Saanen section os ' the Herd Book t - 1, Mrs L. M3 ' Thompson; 2, Mrs J: 'M;; Breckin*- ■ Retford; Notts; 3, Mrs ; J | .. Williamson/ vi;':: -; 9 ,■ Female kid over two months, buy

not exceeding a year, entered in tha British Alpine sectiomof the Herd Book—1,N. Stubbs; 2,'Robert Fields Mansfield. Notts.-Female kid oveq two months: ibut not-.exci

Downing,Leek.Stairs/a,'Miss P. A§ - Wilson, Alderswasley,.Derbyshire!-. :. ? Female kid over two months, buflv ’ not exceeding a year, entered inJUisi Golden Guernsey or English Guem-i. 1 sey section of tne Hera’Book — IT '."■ and 2, Mrs M. Townroe; 3, Mrs S.’S;* Richards, Tibshelf, Derbyshlre.-Fe-« male Kid over two months, but riotjj exceeding a year,-.any other variety)— 1, Mrs M. Hardman; 2, Mrs F..D.{ Clarke; 3, Mrs J.-M. Breckin.. 3




advertising in Farming P<ist..

Telephone Bill Houlden on Ld&ds (0532) 388842

fo r y o u r

a d v e r tis e m e n t

re q u ire m e n ts

Source Agndatal987

fg &y l '

S J .


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'HEXHAM — Hexham*Anction ’ Mart at their .y^ekly salejOf,store

. cattle had arientrj^pf^ee steers and heifers: Blond X steers to £670 pa; head, LiniXsteers to £590, heifers to

■ £430, Ch'X steejs-to,-£571, heifers to: £442, Sim X steers to £555,‘heifers to £425,-BBheifers' to £502,Tff4X steers

- - HOPE ForwMd 99 store cattle: Lim steers to'£418'per head, heifers

ovto £458! Chisteers;to.£490,-lieif^rs to , ,tf«l28,MBlack Hfd steers : to -£565;

- ,S heifers’tov£538,'AA steers to £3S5,' .08tm'.lieifers'to £422; Ked Hfd steers ,h!tdl£518; :Er heiferasto £492;.■Welsh .fi'Blacli'lieiferjto £455yReii and White

■ ,2 cow with Chheifer'calf £528,.Black ,h Hfdcow with tim ;heifer. calf £512,' .HBtedHfd cow with Um bull calf £465f W-BIack Hfd cow with Black Hfd heifer. b i a l f - £ 5 9 0 . : . ..........-•.---,. jW.I.i.;: iW - - ' -L- - tH .'.liEYBURN.—Forward 1,765 store srikmbs and ews, three newly calveri

................ - * " 7,c 3 v -

, .... ii :!! '{ Ti . .i \ ' ,‘v'medium to 170:2p (154:6p), heavy to';, 162.7p (14S‘.9pJ;- -sliearilnBs' over-' weight to 109.5p (106.1p); reject lambs to £30 (£25.38); reject hoggets to £33; ewes to £31 (£21,73). Kgs', ■cutters ‘to 90p. (82.3p); baconers to ' 86p(85p).:,.. . . i 'V.i

: ‘ ' SEDBERGH — Fo'rwaxd 1*866 fat' ■ sheep'"aiid -lambs ‘including'-189 • :iewes:. Sheep-., lambs, standard to __sp'.._____ . ..165.3p per Kg (152ilp), medium, to. (149 - ' ’ -----

. .. ip); i 128.4p (H9.8p); fat ewes to £25.50 pec

.. . (152.1P.. . .160,5p (149.020); : heavy : to. l 47.8p “ “ ' ied it~" ' ‘ '■ (139.81pj; medium:' shearlings' to128.4p (llSlSp); fat ewe ~ .........head (£16.60).. . ',,;:,,

SELBY — Forward 233-tattle,'68 ; Young bulls, 15:cows,-252-sheep, 191pigs. Cattle:,young bulls to; 136p per,

'kg ' (124.3p)|- steers .light to 128p ' (123,9p)f medium to 133.66 (120.8p),1 heavy to,129p (I20.4p),' heifers light:

;9to£43 pethead (£34.80),.Texel X to . ,G£33,80 (£31.90), Cil Xto £39.60, Mules'- -.Hto!£35.40 (£29,40),'Mashams to £33.40• (£29.80), Cast ewes: Mulesito £26.50,- —Blue 'Faced; -Leicester to . £3o.50;': . Uhdmed ejv e's to £22. Newly calven Fr meows to £600;'Rearing calves: lim; .Vfculls’ to-£320 '(£220), heifers to £182 .b(£I42); Sim ..bulls V to £318: (£242),' .Kh£ifers to'. £190 i(£158), Ch bulls to ;b£296 (£248), heifers to £160 (£135), BB -ribuUs to:£300 (£260),-heifers to £180;; -jfAAlblllls to .£160 (£120), heifers to -n£124 (£115); Hfd bulls to £196 (£170);.

■ , E heifers to £128 (£95), -Fr b ulls to £208 *rf£142);tBIond. bulls to £272. - Cast .geqws grade1" one to/89.50p: per: kg,

: jflgrade. tw6ito .78.60p', ,bulls to 96.50p,; sxifeanheifers to-UOp',;-. :•■ •Ml X ;> ■■■ • '. 7;

• /»JM A lTO N i~ ;Forward 63 store:

. blbulls to £720; Lim bullocks to £5S2;‘ Ch bullocks to £425; Hfd bullocks to!

ls£888;,Iiim'.ibull calves ;to £258; Ch’, ,aheifericadves:to'£198;iSheep: store"

' .(jfambsto£36(£30,09).Pigs:'storepigs ,vtd:E43.50.; Y , X ,I, . ■ ' ■,C OTLBY-Bridge-’End:— At the •aWeekly sale, of daiiy.-cattle.there -nsere'.forward.31:cattle'cainprisiDB, . n i newly calveicows, seven newly; •icalved heifers,: seven;ih calf cows, .itwb cows:.with: calf, a t foot,, two'

• .Ckalve.-;.-Prize-winners: Newly calved or'h.eifer:—-1, J.N, WiUdns,;

V bCmfiotaepBiadford;.-£730;2, TJS. giJiake^and-Son,’ Guiseley,,£708; 3„ HIltB.;nrake''and Son, £600.Cattle: Fr. .tows',uewly-'.’.calved £415 to £708;:.

--£580; Jersey.caw due August to £315;: .affitd'cow-with calf atifoot to £625','*

cow.,with calf a t foot to £880; Fri jhaifef; calf-seven, days old. tb £100;-;

i«lSid2Cllieifer;calf aeven.days oldtoV-,<JM00.,;‘ .v-B0 1 ’-v- j 4'

: .aitOHEY.'i Wharfedale: Fanners ' ,M t-the ..opening.)sale, ofiibreedingi -. baheeji .there :waB;«;good:entry.754':■ .j9B#eSi :'15.'ramSj-;.76? lambs:-. Best-';1. .Jquality ewes were gaod;to sell at the:

■ .Wecent-lower prices, ibut- old.rbugh i ,ffiu,'es were not sought.after.: A:poor: i (Suality'show oflambs met a steady i

.'Iraiie-.with only, the best in-keen:■ .Sotaand:-' Ewes: Sutfolk'shearlings;

to .tB5)800per/Vhead;:;Suffplk-j.-twoi 9Sh6arei£64.50> Suffolk-three shears, vtb.^.SO.'; ,t£MJlbroken:mouthed Suffolk ewes:-

. Wo-JS40.50.-‘Mule shearllngs to £44,,: obscijsheara .to £54,- three.sheaio-to vi47i-jveorrect;:-:Mule-: ewes - to .£40, \ .'broken-ffioUthed-Mule ewes to;£38,=

i 'Masham shearlings to 156, Masham; ewes, correct,--:tQ:, £34, broken:,

■naovithed Masham .-ewes to.; £36... -H9JrpedfShearlingsf;to,,£46, .broken.;

;i ranouthedvhorpea tewes. to:£13^0.f bWelsh' ihalf-bred -:two- .shears- to;

; ££411.50,.three shears to£33:50, Welsh;- .dlalf-bred correctewes to £-10. Welsh:-

-jalf-bred broken mouthed ewes to';- ,S2fl.50.,Rbms, Suffolk-,shearllngs to;

'i672,'.twb'shearstoi£76,jthree shears?• '‘:lta478).Bleu,deMaine-shearlings'.to;

.SIZa. .I,amb3 - Suffolks Ho. - £37:50,7 -IDaXels :to';£34.50,’-:Mulevgimmers • to

' ;£a3!tMule.wethers:to:£31.20, hom ed;' -tOi£24.60.-'- . : ' '- 8 .'.' '- ;

WPENISTONE (Thursday) — For-, <WBnl'82 cattle,-213 - sheep,'38 pijp.^ scidtQe: steera light to U3^p (10S.6p),' .ifteiaium to 1315p (116p), heavy to . • 98p? (96Jp);; hdfers': Ugnt1: to '> 12® / .(■1M.7P), .medium, to: I28p (105.8p),; Jieavy. tdvU7:5p‘:(108.3p);:&iils lig it t iqJll30:8p (12S13P), medium.tb»137p‘( ,0255p); cows to;B9.5p (80.2P). SKeer '


.to,133.5p:(119:5p)/ 11• -(11717?),'' heavy,,’to; - 143p“ '-ungraded'cattle td: 133p ' . scows’ to 100.5p;(84.1p). Sheep: laml , i .light. to 172p, standard to, ,l78.3p ■ ' (156.5P), memum to 181.6p'(156.9p),1* heavy to'154,6p‘(150.4p), 'ewes tb £40.r per head (£26.38); Pigs:, porkers .to ■ , 97p (94.5p), cutters'.to.lOOp , .‘/(93.6p)',bac6riers tb89p'(85.9p),;sows ;-tp'£220-per liead:(£139.60).;v

, WXGTON .{Thursday) ,There: was an entry with ,88 coat cattle, 69'

cast cows, 16 dairy.cows, 24 cows . with cadves at a' special sale. Cattle:

Bullocks; Lim X to £1,460 per head, ChX to £885,SimX to £680. BB Xto £760, Blond X :to .£1,000. Heifers,

' Blond Xto £455?BB X to f 1,100,- Sim X to £525',' Ch X to-’£600, Lim X to £628. Cast cows to £820, ..

• 1ILC AVERAGES, ' ;Meat:and-.Livestock Commission

average ,fatstockvprices at repre­sentative markets yesterday:" Great Britain:' Cattle I16,18p per

Englani• bers dowh-, -15.7 per cent, 114.98p(+1.44);--sheep .-numbers up;'97.0: per; cent; ;i55;i3p' (-1.03), pig num-

• Ders^iui); '48;7::,per/.-'cent, . 86,69p. (+11.03).:.;. - ; ' .- ' :

'. j.Weekly’vaveraEe auctlon mart’• prices.on MLC Yorkshire selected markets' (pence'per, live kg, trends1 ih ' bracket-' +-'0r:'>):. lambs'‘149.9: (-10:7). s/u,Tlyr;nil '(nil), s/o, lyr'

■ U3^: (-a.5),-/fUl sheep 149.1 (-10,5).- - Fbrecast.:-.-subsidy*-'sheep • ,52.38p.; •AAPP.prlce ll5.60p;;. .,

g c h e h i e f d r

- 1 ;

, A1 SLAUGHTER- scheme to curb the spread of tubercu­losis ih deer;;has. been: a n n o u n c e d b y ;.ttfre: Government. ;

.The disease has;infected eight of Britain’s 250 herds of fanned deer and eight cases Have also, been ide-'

.tected in.wild, herds. V; 1.;1 From , September?’1; the Ministry- of Agriculture .will, have the';;power,-;to, < demand the slaughter of : iiifected deer and.any.ani-. m a ls ,4n c o n ta c t w ith- them. i V;:, Compensation of 50 per

cent of.value wiU-betpaid;! u p to a- m axim ;um .,ofi


MMB chief re-elected

MR BOB STEVEN has been, elected, chairman of the Milk Marketing Board for a third year., , :■ His vice-chairman; Mr' Ben Kent, has. also been reflected1 fori'' a.'second': one:year' termlof. office... i : Mr v Stevfer^fannsJ;^400 • a c re s a t Gou,rt Lodge Fanri, Bras ted Kent-, and; was:elected;1)'6surd member

.for'the-South-Eastem. Re? ,gion in 1 9 7 0 . ■ -ti',r

P o n y p ad d o c k :GOOLE; By; Neviile. K. Townendj

■eabii’two acresof ___ __for pony.padaock,' at Lodge Lane, Gowdall, £5,600.' : ’ • '

m i

m U d f lO N M A R T“’•Tuosday,:8th Augu«t ;


il!.--:piaasa!enter your ;■ !”'»tock so lhat^we can V . 'ad visa customers ol ,

i-jj : numbers.’ v-:• 'T h e F a irs e a ia lo g u o fo r ‘.,'5989 i s n o w .a v a ila b lo .

; THE SHEARtINC SALE l< P.on 19th SEPTEMBER, THE •uM0LE GIMMER LAMB SALE ,,1* on.21*t SEPTEMBERand,»Vthe.masham:<simmer. -U3 UMB SALE'is on 26th •( • -5.S‘:<;v SEPTEMBER. v

mc‘:;' i;T®l-'(P765J;89346 : 0 ; ■ mi■i.Auctlonoar: N; Baglsy. ■■; Ihip, T#I.(0G09)779840 n 3 acr6 ta ry : R. F.Bi'oadley

(0765f;8 92 6 3^9,03 Zxl

tUESDAYv AUGUST 8 th . ,

^OOOrMulai'siffoik X, :[W/,,(t.';-Masham,&Cont.X:; ,b1M :{ Store Larhbs'at, - : •

,1Q;30 a ni, (Prizes ■-'•. Iq’V" ;'lfor|jwis of 20 and.

^ ’ : ; , ii^yW -L t^1.WInt6n);',, o >10.0 :C ast Ewa«i 0 - :

Newly Calvan C otvs. t,- ' & Haifars a t1 1 a.m ;,'

followed by in-calf ; • / / a ; Cow*i HeHerai and "


arj; i •.9/,120,-iRearIng C alvai &:■ j' W eanadiStirkt a ttr.lriijVl ..H Tj/rtiii V , : W

A ,'i .i.Iha Mart'- Offica: ; - ,.v‘. '»i ! TBl.'Haw6s-!2P7 or ";-"

W o h s la y d a le '5 6 2 3 3

^ O H r a A I i L E R T O N

■gay/;:-A U C T IO N S 'lierSidncy Wetghell Dcc.

" S f ile o f tK e P eH ig ree ^ W ^ e d ^ e .F lo c k ,& 0 J ’.X e if;e s te r S h eep

Islebeck Ctranee, -;S o > y e rT iy ,T h irsk . -

SATlMhj'AUG. 1989.|5

166'Werisley'daIe 70;Bi . Leicsh

I S a le a t 1.00. p .m .p a ta lo g u e a p n ^ A p p l ic a t ip n ;

Auctioneers Office,1143, H ighiStrefet,i- , N brthaU iertoh/ Tel. 0609 771959


Every 11iur%6j’ay ; 450;.dAtVES

•at9:30,a*tn.^ “>V DOSTIRKS'*STORES

at 1 p.m. ‘ ':--

w a a i i M U i A t i y


FAT STOCK MARKETS‘ EmriM for Fm Stock a t the M ow ing niailwta a n sat o rt btioni "

DATE . ' MMKET8 &TIME . , ,CATTIE: SHEEP;.. HBSMON/. AUG'. 7 BARNSLEY. 1V00;'....' 50. '. - 40 180;'M0N:‘ • AUGl'7. BORO' BRIDGE, 8.30'.,:.;. (r ;.\185 ^ , .710 : 275 MON.' ' AUG;-7 ;HUDbERSI;IELD-,12.00.'.; ,^200 ,-,200 ,t - •MON .'VAUG.7 OTLEY; Br. End.,:12.d0‘.-.;. •; 65 -360.- .20,MON. AUG. 7. OTLEjY, W'Da!e;1,1:00 . , ; 300 ; 1,800 . 200 MON.. AUG: 7 WCTHERBY, V1.00.... ' 120 550 - 100MON; AUG. 7:.;SEAMER, .10:00.!....:. - 128 .720 400M0N.:. ;AUG.%7; YORK, 8 . 0 0 :;369 - ^ ;102 r1,816,MON.. AUG. 7 HULC 10.30..:..... . 200. 400 1,100,M0N. AUG. 7 'SKIPTQN,’9:30 ......, ; 100; ■ 1,200';‘ • 100,' , " : ' .. . ,(650Faimers’ Calves);TUES: AUG: 8: BEVERLEY, 9.45.;.....: ' 30 ' 350 - 350,•TUES.’ 1 AUG:B'MALTON, llOO....;-- r '425 1,015: 280TUES: K AUG: 8\N‘ALLERT0N,i 0.-30- , i : '395, • 900 J 450, WED. ' AUG.:9! PANNAL, 9.30;/.i. • • A' ! ■.' 398:' 1,9121 372• WED; 'rAUG.'9 RIPON; 10.00;V;..:.V;.:v 303 ;1;250;; 930^THOR; AUG'10 DRIFFIELD, 9:0bu:i:v.f ;';'125! v!.800!5' :850>

‘ THUR:'AUG 10 THIRSK; 9;30 ' '510 -1-i560: 21180

OTLEY BRIDGE END AUCTiQN MART- West Yotfcshira - . ,;i . •

MONDAY: NEXT: 3€k>' F a t ^ ^ L a n r j b s ^ ^ at noon:'■ 20 Pork Pigs and Sows:......:/...V^.::^:...:.!.v i2:30 p.m:i

5 .C^lvesaija;stii^|:!;::.... ^!f^3C^;ri^;^L'SS^PHme’Cattle andlfSvvs T*2;-36

FRIDAVfNEXT'U'!'J j ' of r''- :; ,-" '

' , 50 piAIRYCATTLE ^ i' • jfeng 25^35 V ioiob ni^)y!Mtven. 'j;;; Fri&iansand'j^2p‘iri^lf cows; With stirks and iajviik,1!;

«Iu<lg9ng 11.30'— Sals noon a

FRIDAY, AUGUST 25th, Annual Catalogue Prize Show and Sale of DAIRY j

: HEiFERS with generouscasK prizes arid he VWIkirispn, ^

Entries for catalogue close on August 12th. .

,,V Entries to:F.M.:Ustar/F.R.>.C.S., End iwirlm;'- OtteyLS211QR. Tel. (0943)482265



• comprising: -'V X-:; '1200 . SUFFOLK/CROSS :IAM8S (a'q'telfy-bffering of/.well;

- .bredheallhylambs). -' 'S00 ;.G1WIMERS & EWES (induding 350 Top;Suffolk Cross'

Gimmers, 40 "Top' Mule Gimmera). ' ; ' : . ' ‘ , : 16 REGISTERED SUFFOLK & BLUEFACED LEICESTER

SHEEP (Dispersal of;14 Pure Suffolk {Ewe Lambs to.4 r : : crop) & 2BFL,.Gimmers from Cottage Farm). ( ; i i' ;■ ?> •u.i

130 CHAR X & LiM X STEERS'& HEIFERS (indudirig 40v SinimXTheMead,'27 limX Faihani)/-' : " ■ '

‘I A n d . a s f o r w a r d ■ COUNTY AUCTIONS

Wooter— 066881223 Tyn»iida 0912747647

BINGLEY AUCTION MARTKeighley Road, BinjjIey. Tel. (0274) 563363


•100' TH I^OO. to: 1BO

; 158

Weekly.Sale o t Livestock, comprising: ' 1ifcftd'Sdw»..;.A;.V.l;.. ...11.30».m.and Store ....11.45 i.m.v

Pori; Piga ftfid Sowi Ekeadtngahd Store Pigk. Lamb* and Ewea.CaJvm and StiHoi.'.....B«ef Storo Cattle'...Prime Catt/e end Covre......

'■•'ti;-. 1

11.45 a.m.' ....12,16 pm: l2:4&p.mT-


WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 16tfi ;-;V:■ ' Opening Seasonal Salo o f . ' • ■ ' ■ ;

-, STORE LAMBS & gREEQING^HEEP^^^pa/BtBAccrediimSection':''

Entries and Enquiries to: O.C.M.A. Ltd. Bridge End Market, Otlsy LS2110R. Tel. (0 9 4 3 ^ 2 2 6 5


' A U C T IO N E E R # V A L t / iR S A N D E S T A V S A G E f f l t i ,

‘ : V i^ u R sd A y b !oth a u g u s t . ;WEEKLY Sal0.. of-; 35O' Continental, Hereford: and Friesia'n- Gross Bullocksi- Heifefs and Stiriis,- aJso sale, of Cast Cows and Dairy Cattle.. .....


VyEDNESdAV, -16th AUGiUST V :Annua §ale of .Evies, Gifnrrier. Sheariings, Rams and Ram1 Lambs. Separate rsection r for MV. Accredited ? ■Rams. . . :■ ; ..V-


Northumberland FRIDAY, AUGUST 11th, at 1.0,30 a.m.


STORE CATTLE"600'Continental Cross •; : - and o ther^teers and Heifers,including newly . . weahed sucklers.


Tel; 0434 605444

t t

BENTHAM AUCTION MARTWednesday, 9 t h .

6thA N N U A Lsh o w & sAle

OF 200 CALVES(The usiialexceilent

entry of famiers’ ..calyes);!

Judging at 11;30;- ; ; ] a.m. Sale n o o n .:fei.> B en th am 61444



. Weakly W ed n w d a y i.lO a .m / V 1,000 S to reC a tlltan d 5 0 0 C » » tC o w i. , •

. EURO E W E S S : SH E A R U N G G IM M E R 8• j.ii* .,. Fr|£f«y ,11 thA U ffu* t,10^0a-m -(:Special'SalB o tr 1,000 "ContinentaI Cross Ewes/snd Shearling, Gimmtfi comprisinQ crpsses of Bleu du Mafris, Charolais. Rouge/' fexd.-.etc:'’!. ;'v. Vv’ / - 1

.iv :•;C a t a r d g i i e a o n r e q u e s t -. . •PJaase 'noto'this sate is rnofv earlier and split f r o m m a i n Euro Evve lamb confined to’Ewe LamUsontyy ’ •T;

i'.-V; • -3B1VENDEEN 8HEEP~ “•* '. 'F H dey ;i1 thA «flU * t.10 :30«.m .• ’ I -1 • V K ' u' mF’' ( S h o w d t 9 - • '»5th Annual.• Ea*rty7 Autumn.' prize Show :and>.Sa1e of Accredited Pedigree Rflrijs -arid- Females under. Offiael Society' auspicas, comjprising:) -v..‘;,v '

.4 0 ,Sheading,Girnmers,.^.Ewe Lambs, 79 Shearling Rama and 186 Lamb.Rarha; .-r- ■> :■ ', y‘/V.fl,1 Tbs entire offering comprises an exce/’ for both Commercial8nd Pedigrea RockTr^ors: ? ' •

\--.v . •;» . 'r-t -^Cateloguea on requeat:~ i1.

.* v A- • > 7,646 R0U0E d» IfOUESTSHEEP .Thursday* 174H A u a u i t . t Q a . m . \

2nd AntiuarEariy Airtumn Sale'qt Accredited Pedigree Rams and Females under OffidalSoaetyaiopces, comprising:. '13 Ewea. 27 ShearUng Gimmera, . 167 ‘Ewe Umto, l i Aged,* Rams, 30.She«ii!ng Ram* 8nd2f6 lamb Rams^N.B. The entire offering, comprises an oxc^/eritmecdon for faoflV' Commercial end Pedigree Fbckmssters. ■ ■ ■ '•: ‘

;, _ ■ , . Catalogoeaon request, V’- '. ■

Prize Show and Sale of 1.000 Continental Cross and .Traditional' Breeds olStore Cattle and SuddedCal«s. , / .Prizes for Best Single Suckled Cefves of various breeds. E n lr iN d o a aW a d n a a * y ,lM iA u su i( i t2 p jn . '

EURO EW E LAMB 8A L£ Thursday, 31st August;^.

‘,V3rd Arinial .prize.Show dtid Sate of 6,000 Continental Cross Ewe-••lambis v''- -;'" :?'-' \* ■ -''

PRIZES •' ’ ‘ -.


jeneroiisJy sponsored aQflin by , lOBHn* YOUNG A CO; LTD,

/Manufacturersof Ariimal Health Products Entriee e i w Thuridey, 17th ta y w t « l:2 p jn . Schedules and

■-i-debilsfromittwAiicrioheers.' ■{ N.B. .Ovr.neri Sates format will be in Breed Categories.-

■ ■ : c LOCKERBIE MART yV’- V' Two Oays S a lt o f 11.000 L a m b * :

v.S •• Tuesday, 1 5 « tAugust, 1 0 ^ 0 a.m. :r fi.OOO'Lamto ihduding Top. Haff-bre<j, Greyface M id e )/ Suffolk:

Cross end ContinentaJ Cross Ewe lambs indudlng Charolais; Texel ‘• :a'ndBletiduMiB|neJ'. • , •“ The .Pnncii»{ ;SaSe of Top Halt-bred; Sutfolk Cross and Greyface. ,r fMule) Ewe Lambs, a large proportion fit to. put to the, Ram,1 this: 'is e e s d n ^ ^ -^jr.v •- •.. • ' • . ’.v V .-

v - i V - v" T^u rsd ay , 17th A u gust.10^0a^ rn . ’ '3.000/ lim toi .-(Suffolk -Cross, Greyface • Mule); Top Hatf-brad,

"Blackfeoe; North Country Cheviot and;Cheviot Hill Wedders; also, qiefyiotHii) Ewe lambs. :; lr ~ f p .'-,

" H ta ip o r t iw t l l iw il i r t id a « i» r t1 B 5 B e |^ ^ tPaiSgra* HOLSTEIN F.RIESIANS fromtt»t- :'7:

;■ ■;; EUENGROVE Herd of MessfB. E„M: & E. Pattinton & Son;WalbyHell; • *

■ T U E SD ^vf§?T H A U Q U ST ,198»atN o o nom ;tme m iim * , ;

- ..r>s ' "Under HFCSAuction Rules > 1 i . ..., ( 3 milesEast.ofJunction4 ^ M6Motorway) ?•1 Note:-:tfie Sate'comprises AU: (Except four for setaxion for.B & W .wSaleJvthescalved heifers'\and^'their calves,* In'catt, Buiiing end

Maiden Heifers arid a selection off 20 young cows. Estabfishad ^'fbrty yaars 8fl'o and wefl known locally and;natioc»ally for depth of ■ breeding'the',ELLENG.ROVE cattle’,have'a.';great reputation for' • 7 longevity. and souhefness of type- as. Weil es very sensible'

production of course. The* herd is cubide housed. herters cubide > -trairieti; winter fed silage,- milked twice daily end EBL Attested..■‘In .the .Auctfaneefs' vfew this sale1 represents a '10096 fleniine ; opportunity., for both. Pedigree end'-Commercial dsiry farmers. tb

pufd»aev^prom iwng,'S^lbradfabwdc8ttitt; . . . v . ; :_-

2 0 Cows r^ 40 Caivad and Calving H i i f in — 7 0 ftrv td , -- Bulling and Malden Halfers •— and approxlmataiy 25

.v*.v.;: i.HalfarCalvas. -• . ■.; . - V INSPECTION most welcome by appointment— ”• ‘ ‘v ^

,, -Tel:022873/242or022874/70d.*" 'Catt\ofluesavsilsbie from the. Auctioneer*.

!< A Caterer will be in attendance.'. r;

B o rd w w ay M art. Ro« «ha i, C ariM «. C A 1 2 B S .

' --'>v , ;- ' : T « i.'a8 2 « 2 .r'- '- ' " v -

CRAVEN CATTLE IkffARTS LiMITEOv ' ■ - "■ '. : Sklpton Auction Mart-r.;- -. Agricultural Auctioneers and Valuers

7 11 MONDAY; 7*AOOUST. 1 U 9' SSO'FarrhmCalvesifft 9.30am.

- i -j^ iOO-Pigs'at I TiOOam. . *

^.^^00)Sheep'at-.t1.16 am ^-* -1-''i/ii^00[Catt]^et ^2,3QpiT);;

M Newly Calven Cows arid .Heifers. • All from local Dales rms.

T.r'JucfgingatI1;45:am^li '<. Saleatl2Noqr)>^Y(*i;''V •• '•; Produce’astorwanJ. 1^45 am. ...'

.'.•II'.; cr-i y o t i s . i ^ r r-

fir I W'; ANNUAL PRIZE;SHOW a sale ob'36 m c&f.dair'y CATTLE- ’j 'iv;.i ,:: p'n'duding 8 Friesian in calf,heifers, in calf toiirhowin.due.toolye'Augusti:..:

;t;.v ' M F r i e s i a n Heiiersdoies^ortiyto Urpousn'. ,' .. ?.,; .,Ju(fgingat 11.30arri.' Sale to follow newly CalvenCattfe.''"X, ‘- * •, Judging at 11.30 arri.1 Sale to follow newly Calven

■ id iZ 07- ' f r 1WEO N ES DAT; 0 th AUGU ST,1 SS9:' ‘LYSALEOF./. ,-lx. ] >,i -• r; THI p.FpRTNfGHtLY


i 7 ; - •: > , Oyer 70%^vaccinated against ORF . . . • i-■ : ; f . ' v commence a tlO am prompt. Judging at 9.30 a m . ’ f-. TheCravenCattleMartsTropHyandCIOwillbeawardedtotheBestPeriof-

:-•-•■ Vj-r;.-.:j v;.50 Masham(wether Jambs. Reserve pert £5.- • :" T i i ls b A Y V iM ii i ir a im . if lM T ’

. : SPECIAL EARLY SALE OF BREEDING SHEEP including Ewes. Shearling-.^:VGimme«.iflam8andRam Lambs. . .. . f .

• Catalogue entriesdoWon Monday, 7th August..- • Sale of breeding Sheep a t1 1 am. Rama at 12.30 pm. ,r ^ - ; [ vreDNESb


- followed by 40 CuJI Sows (on licencej. &itriesfor advertising appreciated.’ TUESDAY, 22nd AUGUST; 19B9


'• •' - N. B. No'Ewes at thisSale,-;-.'CATALOGUE ENTRIES CLOSE ON MONDAY 14ih AUGUST . -.r ;v

'• ( ; ;V ; FRIDAY,.1st8EPTEMBER^i9B9 : •.THIRD ANNUAL PRIZE SHOW AND SALE OF CONTINENTAL X FEMALE/. '" -SHEEP (C&taldgue entries'dose bn Monday, 21st August)/induding the^ '• •



• > .Entries i ose on Thursday,‘17th August N.B.: NOLATE; ENTRIES WILL BE: '< ;* .-- .r*; .^ accepted ‘

'•V ‘7 •:v fW D A Y .,1SE FT E M B E It i• i* V': ' -v

.‘Annual Prize showand.Salexif 350 PecfigreTexe! Rama and Females. fon> ., / . Members of the Northern Teael Sheep Breeders. • v •' ;V-

• • • Catalogue entries dose on Tuesdiy,1 SthAugust: y-:t.

■ F.k.WRiGHTCON/F.F.E.A^ Qenoral War\B9«r. : "

;.T0|, Sklpton (0756) 2375 ,.

.CvKAY;F;F.EA; 'Asslstsnt Manager.'

• Auctioneers ' '/., J . J . Eaton/j. Kanaon'

^ h a r f e d a l c J F a rm e rB7 A uction M art Ltd., O tley LS21 SBP. %

, Monday Next7th August ; i,80N .C .« LC. D airyCanlaat l l a m . lnc.9Frieslan HeKeretocalva. '

. . from 71lt Aug. to Friesian Bull aB from a High Faim :,;v1,60 Sloro Caltte Inc Daliy Replacements ai 1^0 p.nn, jprox.' •: ;•170 Farmers Calves at ^ 3 0 p.m. totiawod by Woanod a i r ia .

. yendgrs of Calves are recommended jo.slgn a B.S.E. free' - ' . declaration to obtain max. value (or calves - particularly Friesian Bulls. ' .,7 : ;;/■ 7 ;

7 .-" . /F in is h e d -Stock J ^): ■; ? 1800 Sheep at'10.45 a.m. : >■ a,' ./■’'•' ■; J i.".

;-f:'- ' ' 200 Pigs at12i15'p.m::. .v<: 300Cattle at 12.30 p.m .. ; . ' -

' Thursday, 10lh August (6 p.m.) Monthly Sale of , ’s • . Furniture ana Bric-a-Brac. , .

hFriday,' l i f t August (ITaim .) NEXT SALE-OR STORE PIGS (on ucence) ■ .

:; Thursday, 17th August (11.30 a.m.) 2nd Sale bf Store' - Lambs and Breeding Sheep.

.,- Auction Offices: Leeds Road/ Otley. T e l : (0943) 462172 (462502 Mart only)

TOVV LAW M ART: " ; Cfo.Durham

First Lamb Saie' Thursday lO th A ugust. Sale a t t l a .m .

6,500 SuffolkXLambs,BOO Muie Wether Lambs

Thjs promises to be an excellent show of strong iambs ;.ihr forward condition! ' ',:'. ; ,7 'vV, The rriajprjtyyaire.first;draws' and will' be suitable for ; immediate siaughter or short keep.

Further inquiries to;' . !;-•«' ' : Mart Offlce/Grove House, Tow Law.

ITal. 0388 730254/730598

: : v ’ iaTI;REBEL dockers w ere given; a fresh- d ead lin e ; t o , sigii new c o n tra c ts , la s t n ig h t after v o tin g , a t a meetin&^cKs^ay oh strike. • . , . ^ - a C- •> -.• Employers' warned the

1,200 men at Liverpool that they faced dismissal with-.

: out- compensation if 'they? continued to - reject the contracts;- , : ;; ; r..'' The employers, who had said' earlier that the con­tracts must be returned by 5pin yesterday ■ i .ejrteiided the deadline' to:the isame, tim es o ri^M.on d ay ;,:,a nd; added -that anyone not back at work by 8am on T i ie s d a y ; w o u ld b e sacked. .......

•TOe .ijiverpool men- iso­la te d them selvds when- .they vbted^tb. continue the. strike over the abolition of the National; Dock.Lab'our ; -Scheme. . . .;j. -.^(.Onlyi/nine other men, in •' Plymouth, remained on. strike:.:followihg the defci: sion of the Transport and--- General Workers’ Union to c a l l .o f f th e n a t io n a l stoppage.

The dockers called for ta lk s w ith th e M ersey

Docks'and Harbour; Gom-; pany on a local agreement, b'ut the employers said,the' new .co n tr a c t' w as'.'not,'

. negotiable; -; The ' company , says it.. feairs .valuable orders ;will;: be lost if the men do'not', return to work. The,sh6p; s te w a rd s ' le a d e r , M r: Jimmy Nolan; said; "The.

'' men: have:: made ■ it: very; c lear. that. :they .do’..not;

" accept the'&dhtrScti butwe;' • are prepared to meet=the : port employers and;negO;' '.•tiatera ireasonable agrees ‘ me'ht: -It'is now up to th e , company,how long w&stay, out on strike.” ; , ( *-7: ;' The managing director and ch ie f exec,utiv.e of MDHC, which employs 950 of the dockers, Mr Trevor'

j'vFuflong; said the'ebmpany. did not-; consider yester­day’s:meetingdecision’to"

:: be an accurate reflection of the men’s view. :• He said: “The real posi­

tion visthat 400 of MDHG’s ' dockers .have re tu rn e d

signed copies'- accepting t h e i r h e w ? w i i t t ;e h

■ contracts... ''“More th an '60 actually

rend of the meetingrWhich

' decided to carry on";,the strike;- In .addition, 289

. 'have'"indicated.' that ‘, they ■ . wish to'leave on' voluntary • ' • s e v e r a n c e . - ' "

: ’ “In: other vjoids,' almost :700; of the labour force of

?950 have hidicatedthey do '■•■not wish: to .be on stnke.

That is the feal;majority.“If oh Tuesday morning

we find that the company rhas;: a .- shortfall lrin.' the , number of. dockers;ithat it • requires, we. will he:going :into the open market to recruit the necessary num­bers and skills.”,. ,

, STRIKING traffic wardens V were moved on by police in ;■ York, yesterday; after they

tried to; stop' colleagues ‘ going iri to work;-: • : 'i

Seven wardens on strike iri the city in support of a 12

' per cent pay claim by the '■local..government union,

NALGO, were too late to stop two colleagues going in to work at a citjtcentre;

.- police station. -;.n-. . . j , - They formed, a' picket " outside, but were soon , moved on by police. Their , sp o k esm an , Mr D avid .' Barker, said they were told -they-were obstructing the ;,police station, j ., -

; ’ Poll .tax staff ;in 'Leeds joined other , key workers in th e c i ty co u n c il;’, fin ah ced ep a rtm erit'ff

M riD ave Robertis'; pr;e- dieted chaos.. A bout 90 Derbyslikre .County Council staff v $ l join the strike on Mond^^. They include legal office^; computer staff,- telephon­ists and surveyor’s depart­ment Staff. ■ . irjij,

A NALGO spokesman said the action by legdl staff.would slow down me planning'processesfor- thfe huge Toyota car assembly

' plant development at Bnr- naston, and the absencaof computer staff vrould hit the council' as a whole:

Ryedale •. Council’s five rent collectors are also'dh strike, along with other

: staff, in essential jobs: y,l_ ' A bout 3,666 coun’Eil

house tenants, are befflg asked to pay their rent at the council’s headquarters in Malton or! a t its a ria offices. The housing :om- ceri- Mr Geoff Brooks, said a r ra n g e m e n ts w ill -bje made to' collect rents frmn hext week. ' . ' , -:1

t l l f



GIANT REMINDER: The Goddess of Democracy statue, similar to the one in Beijing, towers over shoppers in ^argate, Sheffield, yesterday.. ; . ^; . '. v ■

A FATHER of two hias been -jailed for 10.-years for raping a 68-year-old spin­ster in her home. a.f

- Grimsby Crown Court ‘ heard:that the frail victbn

was still too frightened to leave' her home alone, eight months ; after th e attack. , : ;

Judge D avid W ilcox, passing sentence oh^David Hall, 31, a divorced’fisher­man of Blundell; Averse, Cleethorpes, said he could not think of a worse casebf rape; ' - .- -;4

He said Hall .subjected his victim to a prolonged and degrading bout pf, sexual gratification, injur­ing her. ■;■■•••' • y

Mr Keith Jackson, jpro^e- cvxtihg, said Hall v ^ 'h ig h on a cocktail of amphera- mines, cannabis and -’91-

, cohol w hen' he attacked ” the; woman iii her, honle ?' MoundlOpm on Dec^mKfer ; 30 .while, her companifin ;was o u t.'; ,: ■■:■

:7 'He dragged her. to tne ; ground and subjected §er : to 50. minutes of sexual

h u m il ia t io n , sa id M r Jacksdti. ■ ; ?3

The woman eventually scrambled clear and nan semi-naked into the street and into the arms o f :a Mend. Hall was anested&t his home the same n&ttL

In. mitigation, Mr Rod­ney Feim said Hall admit­ted rape to spare the woman the ordeal of giv­ing evidence. • ; ^

Hall had written a letter ' expressing his remorser to ' h is; victim, but the letter

had . not yet been i 1 ’ on. ', 7- :


-CHINESE'.people yesterday.joined,in a .:' day of protest in Yorkshire in.memory of ,: sthe'students killed in TiananmenSquare,; ' Beijing. ; -'7- 7;-:7:77- i

. :i'Gam'paigh'er's :from::the Sheffield '' Chinese Solidarity Group erected a'Hiige . - • Goddess bf^Democracy statue similar to;., .that.which became a symbol of the hopes 'of:the :ehinese;capital’s protesters; ;' .They. also built a “wall of democracy”1 covered with .the.names of . some of those 1 : allegedly detained and executed by the i-.Chinese authorities after the massacre. - ; . Shoppers in Fargate in Sheffield city : centre, were aurged .to express their : ;: support for the plight of the students,; either by signing petitioris. or . writing •• messages on small pieces of silk* which' will be .sent to China.; , ..M V 1;. Chinese;, food could be sampled,: and': :;

musicians: played, traditional. Chinese' music against a backdrop : of' displays about recent events in the country.-- The .day of j protest was the. first, of. a ;

. series planned to he held onthe fourth day , - of every month, in memory of those.killed. , , •on June 4. -'•'■■ '-7 -':

A Goddess of Democracy was yesterday also unveiled, opposite the Chinese Em­bassy,in Portland Place, London. ; ‘ ;i 7

The 8ft replica of the.; statue, marks the •;■ launch of China Appeal to raise money for Chinese people at risk of persecution for 7 their political beliefs. . v'

: Flowers were placed at its feet as a- delegation crossed the'- rbad7 tb -the-

r embassy and demanded the release of: hundreds arrested in China. ,7 :; ,

?t'■ Suppdrters beat out ,their.: sorrow on ;drums,, lit candles and laid wreaths.

• V-;: Paper-lanterns and,birds fluttered in a : shrine:'of flowers, while banners pro-.- claimed in Chinese: “Blood should not b e '

shed ih vain for democracy” and ‘"The-. s p i r i t s o f th e d e a d l iv e on fo r freedom”. • . 7 :

The' actor,- David Yip, said: “The struggle stiU'goes on in.China uriderneath .

■;-the, surf ace;v ' 7 7 7 7 • ■;Mr. - Donald. Woods, • author, of Cry

■ Freedbiri. his . story . ab'out; .the: black activist, Steve Biko, who died in pohce

; custody almost 12 ,years ago,'likened the m a ssa c re to p a s t e v e n ts ,ih ;S o u th

' A f r i c a . ' , ' ' 7.. ■ iThe JuneFourth China Support — one :of four groups which have joined the- appeal;, said up to,3 ;000'pe0ple were'Mlled

when', tanks moved into Tiananmen,:Square on the night of June 3 arid ais m any:

7 as- 5,000 had heeh' arrested since. .,,vMeEmwhile the Home Office said yester-

' day'th a t'’BMtaih has,'granted political asylum to three .Chinese: diplomats, and

, an -application from 'a fomih is being considered. . ' 7 '•;■,; - ' - , ■:

, 7 Tlie. Hoifte; Office; would, confirm - the . identity of only orieof thediploriiats.'whb are all .said tb b'^iniddlerrankirig.7 H e ' is- M r; NiriHongshan, -a' second' secretary in- the : 'Chinese...Eriibassy’s ; educational section.-,. ,';:-;.77.i;!:,7';

Inquests otf Matterhorn

:fc ■

INQUESTS o p en ed a | , Thirsk. yesterday on two climbers who fell 1,000ft oji t h e M a t t e r h o r n in Switzerland. ;, H

.Miss Elizabeth Dysonj 25, a bank clerk, of High Garth," Richiribrid; 'arid Mf K e ith .B a rw e ll ,;25,

Saturday while attempt^ ing the 14,700ft ascent viai- the Hoemligrat. §

The coroner,' Mr Peten Hatch, adjourned the heart! irig and released the bodie® ■ for funerals : after takina evidence! of identification^

:.The Coventry,: coroneA asked-him tocarryout the] inquest • on' Mr BarwelB because the witnesses a ra other . climbers from th® Richmond1 area, including MisS'DysOn’s father; Mr' Peter Dysori... .

Post-mortem examih»- tibn^'in Britain c o n fim ^ Swiss, findings, that-botn • died: of ' multiple irijuries^ .

A MOTHER who is fight­ing for.the right to! choose her daughter’s school says she ■' m ay;' have to work full-time v to pay private •education fees; •':

Mrs 'Luci Norton does not'want her-fbur-year-old daughter,,' Lauren,1 to ,atr -

Yorkshire P o s t Reporter :tend a Wakefield' school where a third of the pupilis are Asian.

She and her husband, M r' Chris Norton', are refusing to send her to the Sandal Magna First School ; at Belle Vue because of what th e y c a ll c u ltu ra l and religious: differences. •

The couple are: appeal-, ing "to the Education Sec­retary, Mr John MacGre­gor, ag a in s t W akefield Council’s refusal to accept

; Lauren at their first choice school, Castle Grove.'r ;

Yesterday the education c omm i 11 e e; ch a i r m ari, Coun 'Phil Dobson, effect- ivelyruled out any about- turn ibe'cause; .the i appeal panel’s-decision was final .and; the matter was’ now ou t: of;their h a n d s , , ■ He said':. “The appeal panel has made, its deci-; sion and; as far as . the

: 'r““I was area display man- l agef for.^the-:- Notth-East':- with Miss- Selfridge,, but l . 7 have: been oiit of there tail

sector: fo'rffiyeyears.and- there.'is-no/.guarantee.I ! could'get back in: •; *

‘•My other option would ;,shift work and.go, : for some .tfainirigy v: - ; 7 ? ‘-Uriless; th e . c o u n c il : chEinges its mind ;and al-

, „ lows Lauren to go to Castle:■f^ii^tion conunittee goes,,.. j-Gfove,'reheating .yLaureri that s i t . ..:,7;.... , , - , 7: . a n d 0ur younger daughter, •

’ Jessica, V,privately'. is th e : ; only alternative.' -1; :

‘Our poUcy is based on; . m u lti-cu ltu ra rteach in g guidelines as accepted: by.

', the Department of Educa-’ tiori’and Science and;,we, are now awaiting any deci­sion by the Secretary of

: State.” . 7 1 , ? -;v.• Mrs Norton, 33, ofBams-

; ley ,Road, Saridal, said: “I gave u p . a good career to have the children arid raise them as we wanted.

•\ s' “But fees are u p tb ' £500 : - per term for first schools in - the area, which would be abig .saciffice.Vpaiticiilariywhen we .are already pay­ing for: education ttnough our rates.” . ■

: -i -Mrs^Norton; said'-they- still hoped to hear from 11 other sets of parents whose

, 7

.- v . . :'■ a p p e a l s h a d bei^H •

refused:They have not ruled om

taking the council to cotM on' similar grounds to (m Dew sbury parentis who

• won a-High Court fight*to. send their children to the.4 school of ^eir;phpice;f :;

;: able to afford' the hugej. j costs unless any of tnel

other parents qualified for}-tegalaid;;;,:-;7V:-K ;-;' ... . s ;

• - Mrs Norton added: “Weit• do need to hear from thej ? other parents and we a re |interested in forming an*

faction group.” ': |The. education pri

.group PACE — Pajressureg ’aren taljj,

j A lliance for C hoice in s : E ducatioriT-^-has: taken ug.^ their case iand its' s^>3

,‘retary; Mr, Fred:Naylor,4|5 "awaiting-a reply from MS?-* MacGregor. v .

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I I1

J ■

Police saw park deal

ANYONE booking a: table for the first- time; at the-:

reasonably assume they \? wtfiuld enjoy a view of tlie I-town’s skyline. : .| This small, snug eating 5 place is riot sited at'some • t, vantage pointoverlooking.. j th e ,sp a to w ris .‘roof, tops;,, {but is tucked away in a

b a sem en t of: a. c e n t r a l . , hotel, . ;L v

And wine is flowing J freely this month as Chim-' i ney Pots celebrates, along ' i with the Grants Hotel, the

>-'completibh .of large .scale ■refurbishment carried but , to .enliarice. the .establish-: ment’s already well;estab-

, lished reputation for excel- ! lence.-' ■ ‘:-v ■; ^ T h e 're s ta u ra n t’s ;cb- .owner, -Mrs Pam Grant,;' ■-said: ‘ e , have a ’ whole' newJrrtage now andwe are :, .celebrating, A nd : we are . inviting; our customers to join-/us.- A free'bottle of ’y y ine .'^ be servjsd:to each i. couple "dining at; Chimney:: Pots .during the month o f ! August..,;; ,. '

• .!/‘We;have just' finished .

refurbishing the hotel cre­ating 21 new bedrooms and

;the'-restaurant has • also 5 been given a face lift. It’s >decoratedsin>pink' giving ;the' restaurant' a lovely

■ warm aura and- we-have /installed1.' air conditioning -for: the • comfort of : our■ customers whatever - the -weather.

, "Outside weiiave built a .ne>v.,froritage>and patio : where those who want to, v may enjoy their food out in ,;the open." ... V

• M o re ; c h a n g e s a c ­company: the new image

YOU GAN be assured of :> a ’warm {welcome at • the ■■■Stoneleigh Hotel-,and; Res-: ■■ - t a u r a n t in W ak efie ld ;' wljpre the .accent is}, on.. , quality,’.service and good1-''

. The elegant building on .Doncaster Road .-r-five iiiirif ’ }p utes from the-city centre - was originally built from a Victorian terrace'andcare^'-

r fu l re s to ra tio n h as :re?:''

! suited ;in long and pleas-' ‘i ingl-y l i g h t arid a i r y . rooms.

Conveniently! :s itu a ted ^ on the south side o f; the;^'..: cathedral,city, Stoneleighv"1 is^equipped ‘\yith eVery.'* modern convenience and a .

[large car park'at the back ; : .. ... ., ......can take 80 cars. , • : T h e r e s t a u r a n t a t t h e S to n e le ig h H o te l ,

™ xr-, • , 'W a k e f ie ld - - .,, , , ; . ’• The cosy Kihierbar and ^ ; yU -. -. ’ -"y y ''

lounge .provides the ideal:> sjie]ifis^;'qooked,tO'Chefs,,iincludegarden:peas,tom-? V a to es an d cau liflo w er urtuKj after dinnsr coffssi‘ii" • .i*'’, , ' i v - ^ i , ’ ,iTtKoaca1, .■'■«

or relaxation by the :open .; ’ A^P^h e r S^ e le ^ h cheese'«ro - speciality .can befound in ., .. ;• ■ , „ -

' • thej.poultry . choibe, ,Su-„ ;dJ S . from t S sweet■The - roomy. yet cosy/-; -preme ofjChicken Parma . tr0n e ? ' s e ^ ^ t h fresh'

! restaurant, whichcan’ t-'r^w ^c.a^ftfiditibna-M oroc- - j 8 0 ,o ffe rs .a n .e x c e llen t . can dish, Chicken and Qairy crean1' •. • :' ciiisine. of in^rnatl.onal, i Ginger,'.sounds tempting/ . V'Open ;t'o nbft-residents |j repute. and; a comprehen- ; ,^ e r e are also to e e veki witl1' tiopldng advisable,Jw fv.i,Vin0 l l s t :It ,c°m®s - arid two: lamb dishes: to the restaurant is ’ openI a • ®con“ iended: 111 choose-; from, while • the ■' holiday to Saturday, 7 pm Ij th e A shley C o u rten ay sirloin steaks are billed a s to ;,9-30pm,; Sundays1 from |5 y:£; - ^ 'V i p ^ ^ ^ t h ^ h ^ . v: ^ in ;to • ;9^5pmT:and . at

I s S p h l ^ H ^ ^ P f ^ th e - W “ S S S 5 I! toi^ovCT to February ^wi at £?‘50 and ^ lunches at £7.95 are served •

jnr^ngs experience. an.Q-„vfa ll!bought fresh. Further ,Jm e fiu 'w h ic h c h a n g e s

Harrogateincluding the introduction of Sunday .brunch priced from £5.50 and served be­

tween 8ani and 2piii. 7 ; ■ ; ' Mrs Grant :i said: “It’s basically astaridard break­fast but with soinethirig extra special, for example,

' Y orksnireirarebit with'. brown iale or smoked sal­mon with scrambled eggs ’ and every brunch is served

■ with;a/bucks fizz.” .;• ; ■■-I. . The :■ restaurant’s Irepu- | tation'is built on its insis­

tence ' on serving fresh ■foods only arid determi­nation to please almost: every 'customer request. •: Mrs .-Grant added: “We are a happy and enthusi­astic band whose aim is to please; We try to give our customers what they want and the staff all pitch iir with their own ideas., i :

i ’ "The head chef is Noel: Emms and all his staff are young arid-: enthusiastic.

They aire a ll w orking towards the same; goal — to be the best small hotel

. arid restaurant in Harro- ..gate.’.’ ..

Flexible serving times in the restaurant: allow din-, ing late after an evening at the theatre arid pre dinner drinks are;. served' in the

, lounge or on the patio.Mir is G ra n t re c o m-

; mended her owri' favourite d i s h :— ch ick en w ith ;peach. Sheadded: “Weaim

1 to be the best, to be i friendly and natural and to

ensure^our custom ers ; enjoy .themselves.” '

• The hotel and restaurant are i centrally; located in Harrogate in Swan Road, convenient for town shop-

>pirig,; the famous Valley ilGajdens, .Royal Hall, Har- rogate T heatre, Royal

; Baths Assembly:: Rooms.: an d th e c o n fe re n c e

• centre; - . .

RESTAURANT-Enjoy traditional Greek & Cypriot cuisines in j spacious surroundings, and sample our extensive^

r selection of dishes collected from around the Greek | Islands.' fPerfect for a quiet romantic meal, or join us on our. |

' ' special Greek evenings on Wednesdays ; & Fridays, for a taste of original live - Greek entertainment.

: Lunch Monday to Friday 12 noon-2 p.m.

Open for dinnw every evening ^''.W^^gs/spedal'-cdebrations

Tel: Bradford (0274) 815760 1 1099 Thornton Road, Bradford:

' Ea

j enthusiasm to his new role in f te north after gaining much expertise managing hotels:in the Stafford and- Birmingham areas. ' i

.. tHe said: “We are aiming at business people dining out to couples wishing to c^tebrate special occar. sio’ns. Our executive chef,- Mr Tony Lilleyman, has' been here ;13 ;.years :and' sp'ecialisesinsbme superb" m ^ t , and: fish idishes.' He i w^l ;;,rater..fbr:custbmer’s; sp^pial requests ;arid- turn his hand tb virtually any-, thing.”;.

; The .a la carte menu is extensive and features a bklaneed se lec tion ' of starters, from firm favour- itesrsuch as prawn cocktail: and Scottish smoked' salf

_mon at £5.50 to soriie.; rather -more exotic fare such as snails,and mush-

jrooms served hot with a {generous helping of hot jgarlic butter and sla fruits du mer featuring •seafood cooked iwith ' brandy,- herbs and'ispices;

side orders of vegetables weekly.

he menu offers a :well- rovsidedj; choice^bf^airi? coxtrses : featuring rib less ’ than eight, seafbo'd'choices,-: plife’ poiiitryi veal; Iambi: fillet steak and: grUJs. Q

: Qn the fish side, choose from lemon sole ind cider p c{a c h e d s lo w ly . w i t' h

: cream,, leinori isble'cKer- b^iurgj .garnished- w ith prawns,'-,oysters and inus sojfi, or . girtlledV.seafood patter featurin&a mouth-

; watering array bf squid,. various -fish, prawns an'd

mk S.I* *


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; 'V : afternoon tea and dinner.

Bilbrough, York ¥ 0 2 3PH.T el 0 9 3 7 8 3 4 0 0 2

TWO of th e G reat-Train" 'g.V- ’-V"' v"‘ v ?'«IR obbery garig :axe. back- “Iin ja il fo r th e ir p a rt in - ^ t r a f f i c k i n g c o c a in C . | w ith a s tre e t value, of m ore th a n £500,000.

-THomas Wisbey, 59i was ' iy yesterday; jailed.-for 10 1 *years and James Hussey,56, for-seven.. ^

‘ : Judge Roger.siSaridersy: sentencing' .. the,- ■ m en.- -at : | |SnaresbrookCrown Court, ; | |East London, told -them:“You have both pleaded wMf ■ < - ^ guilty, to being involved in ip o s s e s s io n o f .a y e ry j T H O M A S WISBEY dangerous drug — and a • 10 years for supply laree quantity- of it — iri order to supply. it on to­others — many.others — : who may well have died . to m taking it,. “That is the- plain and simple truth about this sort of pffence. : o;; .-: :,* ■ Y ou a r e b o t h : o ld :, enough and experiencedj enough, to know exactly what you were doing, and your motive was greed in . each case, regardless of the w elfa re of y o u r fe llo w . citizens.”' At a previous hearing __

the court heard that police' -"observed '. the two men , . 1: JAMES HUSSEYe x c h a n g in g b ag s in a Severi years for intent park. ;•

:Det Sgt Martin.Gill yes- W isb ev ’s .w ife, Irene} terday said the estimated , should be confiscated!! 5

|; street value of the 2 .4kg of ’' Wisbey was sentenced to cocaine was £583,460.- - ... lO years for supplying one

. W isb ey ,, o f D uncan - kilo^am of.v,cocainev to .S tree t/Isling ton , N orth Hussey and another 10'fo^ London, was jailed in. 1964. possessing , .cocaine -jWith for 30 -years. a t .Bucking- ^intent, to' su p p ly ^ ' o; S : r .

1 hamshire Assizes for his • He was sentenced • tq ; i Hi S.e £2.5m Great three months’:: irnprison|I Train Robbery, ^ r . ^ mentforpossessingc^nnaa ; v He: was released in 1976: bis.' Ail .threesentericea . but fined £500 in 1982 fo ra - win run concuh'eritly. , I h and ling charge,. U n tile : :T he. coiirt:: heardlthafi

I June of;last year he.was a.vHussey.- 'of Ellery Roadj self-employed . floristVwith; ; Norwood,: South': Lbndon*-

1 a store, m Covent Garden. - was. released.from'-iail in London. ^ ; v v • 1975 and. :had tried- td . Mr Robm Simpson;. QCj ; rebuild his life. •■ . j

" ajid e e ^ n d e r ^ t r l ! ?Jiss ^ Cumow,^ Qcf n u t f o u ^ m s ^ ^ d ^ W ^ ' / ' h a s n ' t Eey’s.1964 conyiction-:andvLtKfi^ifftm^^d^ flrH\vhr^

‘sas& g^sm pm M ^Mplea; raved this^ .court embroiled 14veiy. considerable- amount - the; cocaine, racket .', ag a

: 0 f. t i'm e a.n d p u b l i e . courier, .she.^aid. ; . , |funds.’v Hussey,admitted:,-'pos--; .The:judge ordered^that-.Asessirigvone kilogram of £47,389,25 in cash, found at i; cocaine with . -intent1 tp

. two addresses -and with supply. .- (i- ; , :

H - O - T ^ E - L :

' ...

from our a la carte menu a wide. selectionofqualiiyfood tosuitall,. '

: tastes. ; -

Darlington Road^ -NortbaBeiton,

N. Yorks. DL62PN.: (0609)780525 :


and --;.:-

• : 8PIN H anj,aH BFFIELD 8Jl BYD.Only,!; mile from'Junctlon 30 M l-

. : i .A IC th C e n tu r y M a n o rH o u a e s e t i n a c r e s o f. • .;. l a ndiK-ji p e d g ro u n d jt.

. A LA CARTE RESTAURANT.’ Traditional SiliidM. Luncha * Hot . and cold Carvery Buffet * JBar,Meals

-- * Regillar Diiu\tr Z ancee ,.■;- i'j-' " Proprietom " :

■ TONYand JANCLARK//.. z.'z-r r**'*1"*' ': T elephone ECKINGTON'■ r i r : - ■ ; ( o a 4 6 ) 4 3 4 a a 7 o r 4 3 5 8 0 7



■ ' . i Wl n n Place to eat far an a la carte'diriner ■ • I - T raditional Sunday Lunch £6.75

‘ ;;, Sunday eveningB Special Rolfs Caribbean B a rtx -^ _: “now Booking for gastronomic evenings, I


(0977) 682590

in th e celebrated

■ a;;- : of RoundhayFinest produce, excellent menu with Jots o f house

favourites,-fish, vegetarian dishes and many '• exciting new additions. Extensive wine cellars,

• stylish cocktail bar for pre-dinner drinksi •• We’re proud of our reputation v .for good food — come along

- and find out why;, .,;

LEEDS 490562Reservations advisable;

* Weddings; Private Parties, Business : Meetings '

MOVES tooustanM P who was a founding member of •

. M ilitantTendency ■ havev; gone a step. further after a '

i Labour councillor won his first ; nomination - in ; an-

; attempt '.to become' York-; shire’s flrst Asian MP. ; --1 ; ,,The; opposition; enter­p rise aiid environm ent

| spokesmanonTbry-.bori-- .trolled Bradford .Council, Coun M ohammed Riaz.v

, beat the MP for Bradford | North, Mr Pat Wall, for the

n o m in a tio n in B o lton ward.

Coiin Riaz. p o lled 15 votes, while, an official o f, the Society of Graphical ’

. and Allied Trades 82, Mr Gerry SutcMe," a -former -;

; deputy, leiader of Bradford Council, received 10 votes,s leaving Mr Wall with just

■ two votes. • . , .. r Last week Idle .ward unanimously backed Mr Wall, who won the seat from thevTory MP,- Mr Geoff Lawler,, in 1987. -

Four other wards in the constituency have still to chose their nom inations before the Bradford North constituency party makes its choice,- probably :next

. month. ’ ' "JM :,~Coun Riaz: (University),.

bf Hilton Grove, Bradford,;, ,.. said: "I am -totally sur­prised and - delighted . to nave won this nomination, especia lly1 from ' B o lto n ;

■ ward.” • '■ ;■T ie B ra d fo rd N o rth ■:

executive voted to press ahead w ith‘the ‘selectibh": procedure last month, in spit of pleas. from two w ards. U ndercliffe and

Bradford Moor, to: have it; dielaiyed'to a llo w new Asian-^embers’to:vote. 5;.

T h e ::d i s p u t e , 0 v e r - whether 80 Asians ! who had been members for. less ' ;

' than 12 .months should b6 ; :'erititled'.:.^to:r vote,' -threat^;;e'ned to :di’wde:;thevparty =.. ; and increased speculation that ,'an Asian- candidate

>would- stand' -agairist-'Mr Wall,; w ho.; hasbeeri: con*;

-. riected’ with:; a ' row,; ovei? >infiltratiori; by: M ilitant;. Tendency into some Bradj ’1 ford North ’wards; -- - * ■. . Under party rules peoRlg.; must be members for m ore.' than 12 months before they;

• are eligible to vote in tfee "seledtioiir^iprdcess," which f takes:Jnomiriation's;;:fr6bi .trade unions;. as ..well, as : Ward parties.; . , v;:;: ; The chairman of B olton: Ward Labour Party;-: Mr R on K itso n ,: o f M yers Avenue,. Bradford,; sai'd: .-.“Theappropriafe-nbmiria- .tion' fomt i s . now. ,beii)g Qlled out and will be'sent to Couri Riaz for-his signa- ■ture, after which it. will-be . - forwarded to the Bradfotd - North-secretary. ;wh'6';will-‘: keep itambrigtne.nomiha-' tions from which; a short­list will be drawn up;’’,..., Nomination by one ward ' party .does not automati- ■

. cally -mean that a candi-; date is • shortlisted' by the constituency.’ i;; Last, night Mr .Wall sfld' at his home in'Bradford:;r I was unanimously backed• by Idle ward arid I havel4 , •trade'.union .nominations ; ■ and am exp^cting more% It , is very early.days yet." .

,V. .V;-'

• • Choose from a Wide selection from our ■?' ■. ....... delightful S course menu

£12:50:... ‘- ' .B O O K IN G A D V ISA B L E : •

from pm V

v 114, Briggate, Knaxesborough H G 5 8 BH o P Telephone(0423)862046 .

An . exciting new venture by York Caterer DIANA NAISH together with Top Chef MARIO,REYNARDWe .are pleased to offer; refreshingly different Bar Fo'od'and a full range, of A la Carte and Table ^ ’Hote

I restaurant meals, all available both lunchtimes and evenings 7 days a week.: ; '■ ;:•■

: ■ ■ r; 3 course SUNDAY LUNGH

£5.95 -: York Road, Haxby, York Y03 8HB.

Telephone York 0904 768335/760121: ;


o n 0909 -720 279

American 'is best’ for Telecom jobBy ROBIN MORGAN, Industria l C o rre sp on den t

- THE choice of . an. Ameri- ; can for a top appointment was explained .by British Telecom last-night. : -

A spokesman said: “He was the best man for the job.” •■•:'•;■;' : ;:-

BT : has appointed Mr Bruce R. Bond as its direc­tor of corporate strategy.

At present he is corpor­a te v ic e -p re s id e n t in charge of strategic plan­

n in g for : the American telecommunications com- p a n y , ,US; W es;t, ;o f Colorado. ... •• Mr Bond-wili advise BT’s

chairman :• and board of -what directions to take to

■ . - , . . . . i!'. bring, about more involve-, ment with other telecoi^i-

. munications:- and develop- ments both: a t home and

; ■ internationally. ■ ' V.-na.-.; The BT spoke'smari’said: “The US were the: first^o - deregulate their telecom-, munications, andMrBond . has-had immense experi­ence ofthe' industryslnce

' its deregulation,” ;He has.been.responsi,ble

for developing US. West’s /.strategic;; plans',-; tparti(&- larly in its $9m; business ~ sec to r, and its.parti'o 'i- .pation in in ternatio rik l information services and

;*ew product's.;.i,„- ;■ '-1 ,

$, V


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__________ , Opera-House - _____''(todayonly^HairYAugust'S-lQ). Palace ■ — Veterans’ Day (August- 7-12). u NOTTINGHAM: Playhouse —iSpider’s .,

. Web (today only). Theatte Royal — Wayne Sleep: Bits and Pieces (today ;

; only). Murder at the Vicarage (August 7-12). ■/- ^ 7 ;- :RICHMOND: Georgian Theatre: Royal — .Time/ and Time Again (today: 7

SCARBOROUGH: Stephen Joseph:;/Theatre In repertory to September V 23: June Moon '(August 14-19; Sep- ’

//tem ber 4-9) and, in intervening weeks,^ Revengers’ : Comedies (first- part'Mon-

days,'' Thursdays; second part Tues- 'days.vFridays; both-parts, Wednesdays,: •

PSaturdays). Donkeys Are Eating.Their.7 \ •r;-;Lunch (Tuesdays to September 5). Pull

the’-Shore (Wednesdays .to Sep-'. tember ' 6): >■ Sand -in the Sandwiches (Thursdays to" September 7). 'Inside ,

;>.0,utside -Sideshow (Saturdays to Sep- - fe:tember, 9). , Spa Theatre — Holiday g::SHowbbat (Mondays/Tuesdays). Fun o n 'i: i'i ,the /Third. Floor (Wednesdays/Thurs- ^■'daysi. Godd Old Days (Fridays/Satur-; •

days). Futurist Theatre — Gannori'and" Ball; r Bernard Manning (Mondays);-

S Swinging . !6ps . (Sundays).. ,YMCA : £ Theatre Sniike (to. August 31).; The 7.

f Comer — Holiday. Fun Show. -YORK: Theatre Royal1- She Stoops to ’

^•Conquer (to August 12). ,q 'f'ly;’ -V.i

; '•: f - Oise Kxhibition by 60 Leading A rtists::“ in aid of Rainforest Peoples (until Sept ..

• 19) ■.- ; J ; i ••■ HAWORTH: Bronte Parsonage —.The: • " Brontes and Theirf-Poetic ; CircIe; and

. . ^ . . Sixty Years:'Charimrig Face: of the: ;DONCASTER: Civic.Theatre Scott Museums (until'further-notice); Infor-7

..., Stevenson ..School, of Dance (August . mation Centre: - Upstairs- Gallery: ? ■■';',7-12). : • Keighley Art Club: Summer Exhibition

GREWSBY:;Caxton Theatre— Dresser 7 of Paintings and -Ceramics (until Aug : (to:August-12):! •! ‘ 31) v-- • .

HALIFAX: Playhouse — Halifax The- ' HEBDEN iBRIDGE: Finegold Contem- spians: Daisy Pulls. It Off (to August porary Art: .Light and Life: .Paintings 12). _ ^ ^ , ■ -... , and Prints by Jill Kay and'C laireHARROGATE: T h ea tre /^ -C am bridge-W iltsh ire (until S ep t2);.

XAugust'SL9), 'y& y-jg:- d-- HUDDERSFIELD: Art Gallery: Jou- HEBDEN BRIDGE:- Little-' Theatre. — -, 'vert: Prints by Paddington Print Work- - Bridge Theatre: Sleeping: Prince (to . shop members (until Aug 19); Francis

: August 9; then August 17-19); Queen ' ;BacohvStudy (until:Aug 26); HolmfiWh '■and the Rebels (August 10-1§).:; ‘ , ,;A rt,■ GaUery: The Works: Summer';HULL: Spring Street Theatre ^ Hull'-.". Exhibition of Visual Art Now (until ' Truck: Playing Away (today, only).*. ,7 Aug 30) ' 'LEEDS: G randTheatre ^- Murder on HULL: Ferens Art Gallery: Hull Art the, ‘Nile (today, only), Dangerous ; / .Circle anniial'exhibition (Today until Corner (August 8-12). . - - ■ v ; ■' sept 3). :: -■ 7- --■■

KEIGHLEY: Cliffe Castle: High• Fashion of the Jazz Age .(until Sept 17);


BARNSLEYv 'Cooper Art Gallery; —

;.: Craven Gallery: Rock Images: Sculp-, ture and Paintings by John Somerville and Peter:Bellamy (until Aug 26). KffiKBY LONSDALE:; Gallery North: Norman Adams RA: Recent Work in Oil and . Watercolour; Charles Oakley: Cased • paintings and objects;' Tony

: Roberts: Recent w.orks (Today until Sept 2). -• ■ .■ ’,'./-KNARESBOROUGH: GoldsboroughGallery: Grove Road JSchool Art and Craft Project '(Today/ until Sept 5);

. Gordon Reece Galleries: African‘Tex­tiles'and Potteries;' South-East Asian •; Pots (until Aug 20).LEEDS: Cityi.Art Gallery: Invisible Cities: .Contemporary.Art:froin:Britain , arid Abroad (until Sept 3)? Chris/Drury:

-Shelters and Baskets (until Sept 17); Henry Moore Centre: Rob'Ward: Epiph­any Drawings arid: Sculpture, 1988-89; also Drawings, 1977-87 (closes tomorrow); Kirkstall Abbey House Museum: Kirkstall Abbey through the I ages (until Sept 29); ArlirigtonBusiness Centre, MiHshaw: Paintings for Offices

/by Maurice Chamberlmn,-.Trevor Stub1: : ley, Stuart Walton and’ Michael Whit- talter (until'Sept 10)'; Temple Newsain : House Picture Gallery: Acquisitions of the Year (until Sept 24); Art Company, Bishopgate Street: Dutch. Artists (until ':,

' Aug 13): . ' :. ' ;V :,LEYBURN: Chandler Gallery: Summer Show:- Mixed Exhibition (until Sept 2). v .LIVERPOOL: Tate Gallery: Art from Cologne (until Aug 28); Walker Art i Gallery: Sculpture by Miro (until Aug :20). ‘MANCHESTER: City Art GaUery: Ray-

Weekend Radio and T\' Guide

m ^ mond Mason: Sculpture and Drawings■ iJMichaeLSaieri"Art Collectioii: Works ' /■• to tU Sept 3j; W M twoi^ Art GaUery,;

r ' i j - . . ' n - 11— . . T h o T T niropci'

Scoundrels (PG).Oaeori3 ^rLicence to ,:Kill'(15).Tuesday andThursdaymbm- ‘ing, Mac and>Me; and /Karate K id.: Cannori 1 In d ia n a Jones arid;the Last Crusade (PG). Cannon / 2 Police Academy VI (PG). Cannori a 3 v- -Mfitinees, The: Land Before Time (U);. Evenings^ The:B urbs;(P^«;; > ; ELLAND:Rex:—IndianaJbnesandthe Last Crusade (PG). Friday, The Lonely Passion of Judith Heame (15). ; .HALIFAX: Cannon 1 — Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (PG). Cannon 2— Police Academy VI (PG). Gannon 3: Afternoons, The Land Before Time (U); Ev'eriirigs, Licence to Kill (15). ;HARROGATE: Odeon 1 — Licence to Kill (15). Odeori 2 — Karate Kid IH (PGV. Odeori 3 —Indiana Jones and. the Last Crusade (PG). : ' ■HEBDEN BRIDGE: Cinema—Tonight, Mac and Me (U). From tomorrow, Police Academy VI (PG). :HULL: Cannon 1,. Anlaby . Road, — Indiana Jones and the last Crusade (PG). Cannon 2 — Licence to Kill (15). : Cannon 3 —. Police Academy VI; City Under Siege (PG). . 7KEIGHLEY: Picture House Indiana : Jones and the Laist Crusade (PG).' Screen 2 — Mac and Me (U). PENISTONE: Metro —Police Academy VI (PG). ■■/POCKLINGTON: Ritz — Police Acad­emy VI;'City Under Siege (PG).: PONTEFRACT: Crescerit — Matinees, Mac and Me (U); Evenings, Dangerous Liaison (18). .■ ;sii: -v;-'-".SCARBOROUGH: Royal Opera House — Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (PG). - . ■■ ■

• SHEFFIELD: Cannon .1 — 'Ind iana: Jones and the Lost Crusade (PG). Caimbh2—The Burbs(PG). Odeori lr— Winnie the Pooh (U) and Dumbo (U); Evenings' only, Karate Kid HI. (PG)., Odeori 2—Mac and Me (U); Evenings— Licence to Kill (15). Anvil 1 — Jean de Florette (PG). Arivil 2 — The Year My Voice Broke (15). Anvil 3 — TheArniopri (~\ ■SHIPLEY: Unit Four, Screen 1 — Dirty Rotten Scoundrels (PG). Screen 2 ~

1 Afternoons, Mac and Me (U); Evenirigs; r War Lock (15). Screen 3 — Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (PG). Screen 4 — Police Academy VI (PG).: SKIPTON: Plaza—1 Indiana Jones arid the Last Crusade (PG). '-;'1 WAKEFIELD: Cannon 1 -f- Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (PG). Cannon 2 ^ Police Academy VI (PG). Cannon 3 — Matinees/ Long Before Time. (U); Evenings,: Licence to Kill (15). v , ■ .- / : ; v / ';% /::r

KOTHEKHAM: .......... .......................:Clarismeri Wargames Society—ArtlS

Centre, 9:30:4.30: '. .. / / . ? : .SJj•1 xiCofw Rambler^*

! tier'll'./Rbtherh2m';18-plus,Club,Cheese:' Wirie eveninjg — -Bridge Inn/ Greasa brough Road, 8.30.p.m.RYEDALE: • • , ^

Ryedale Festival — Ryedale School? SCimBORPE:

Twigmoor Woods: Wildlife ' Walk meet at Twigmoor Lane, off B1398 on Kirton Lindsey Rd, 10. ;

! Display/Demonstration paintings iriodelling ceramics ' — In te^e tiv e ir

/Centre/ Noririariby Park, 10-4/ • I V s ; Open Weekend—Woodlands Creriia-' torlum, (also tomorrow), 10-6.45.

■ TOCKWITH: i •-: 7^.: • Tockwith Show.'. •. /WAKEFIELD: ,,. . : , - - :/.?rp;• Exhibition of j oils, .watercolours ;ari'^ j

.: pastels by Tom:Wright —;Art of.'O^fci .Gallery,. Tammyhall Street .(until//

. August 19). : ■:./-■■ ■ ;..V'iv:/"l •' ''.Vo;; WEETON: ■ . - . ■ ,T •;-"'Weetbrii&District Show.' 1 . ,: WEST LDLUNG:

' National Garden Scheme: Operi ■ Day^ A-Ghyll'House;- (iintil-Moriday),'lO-B^i WORKSOP: ; :/:'■ :1/: -v;-

Waste Paper Collection — Wfeslej’H Church, Newcastle Streiet, 11.30. ■ 5i0l“YORK: ' :

■:Komatsu collection./of-i--Japaneseji :Kites York City. Art-Gallery,: (untiln September 10th), 10-5.r- ;

National Deaf-Blind League Biennial Convention — CollegeofRipon&Yorir' St. John (to 12th). .

Tomorrow . J L

from Leeds University Collection (Today until Sept 3); Out of the;Strong: /

The University: The Last 100 Years of . Art and Design at the Whitworth (until :

■ : Sept: -16);;: Royal Exchange Theatre:

Kiin Basinger meets an oUt-of-uniform Batman, alias Bruce Wayne, alias iactor Michael Keaton, in the film: of the' same name. See cinemas for details.

,, Pairitirigs by David Scott (Today until; /: ' Sept lSX/ Royal Exchange Theatre: r. Sept 3) ' ' ’ - V 11 :■< London Glass-blowmg Workshopi (until

BOSTON: Blackfriars Arts Ceptre — • ; 'Aug; 12); H eaton^H a]l:''ae World of , -.Roger, Mayne: Photographs (closes ■ ? Puppets: (until Octv 1); Wythenshaw '• today) '■■■ ": • . ' ■ - Hall: Work -by Artists m co-operation‘' BRADFOiRD: Cartwright H d l — The / • with Adults and Children (until Oct 1);■ Printmaker’s Devil: P rin ts. by. John ; Cornerhouse: ■ North-West Frontiers 4 Hyatt (until Sept 3); Paintings in Focus: ; •: Part H: Region s Artists, including John ' '/TOe Connoisseur by Heriry La.Tharigue . /Rpbertsr landscapes; Roger Birch:, por- '•'('u'ntilSeotSliPaintinKSbvDameLaura ' trmtsiAdrian'Moakes:junk-sculptures; -

/i/miera# Light; Autochrornes: by. M3DDLEHAM,K' Brothers " fL ^ ie re . "(until - Sept i 10); : School Arts Workshop: Alan TiirnbuU:l'(| Beaniirigthy Dreamtiriie: Photographic /i Study :of- Aborigines and their Gable TV' 'i (closes tomorrow); Sun Life Awards

(until Oct' l); Lister City Project Office* vManningham Mills, Bradford;:Preview i.of V and A of the North Exhibition r (until,Sept.2). .: . CASTLEFORD: Museum — Common ./O ay (coritiniung). .-

DEWSBURY: Museum — Treasures of ;

Recent Taintings (until Sept 3). MIDDLESBROUGH: A rt GaUery: Jap. anese Contemporary Art (until Aug- 26). -MIRFIELD: Eastthorpe GaUery: Work

' by Fine Arts Graduates from Leeds and Sheffield Polytechnics and Bretton Hall, and Humberside CoUeges of Education (Today until Sept 23).NEWCASTLE: Laing Art GaUery:.

Dewsbury,(uritU Oct.29). Jf?- i .r t ’ttii' ; North: of England Art Club exhibition: DONCASTER:/Museum and. Art^Gal-jii i/(jmtibAug 20). t •/ •i!• Pi II.. HI l l^ r~l l III - w ll l l - -M I L!- >Tq■ ~ 1 1 . ; •e r a ^ (l^thiCeritiu^'FleriiisH'^d;D ut6h t-y ll5® Ii® ^C h^te^ousieG ^e^ :Y ork-y

Saddle^Painnrigs' '(lMtU!/SeptV30);Hall Mu^euiri: Exhibition ofRag;Rugs i '• - SADDLE WORTH, _01tlh

• (Workshop:" Today’ 11.00 am-4.00 pm.- • = ‘worth. -Museum: Cats • in__View by : ^'Close's-tdimorrbw):-1'

ELLAND: Frames Fine A rt—Works by ' •’ Yorkshire '^'Artists, including Peter

Brook (until Aug 31). ■ ;- ELSHAM, Nr Bngg: Elsham Country

Park — Wrawby Moor Art GaUery: ; Peter Braririari: Paintings (until Aug ’ 31). : . ,-l/ ' . . .;. -. :i V " . ' .vGRASMERE: Grasmere HaU — Lake Artists’ Society: Summer Exhibition, (u n tilS ep t7). ' / WHALIFAX: Bankfield Museum—York- ■ shire Sculpture Group (until Aug 13); . Piece Hall GaUery: Look Ahead: Gary Waters and others (closes tomorrow);

i Dean Clough GaUery: Outsider Archive .. ,., (closes today); Throstle Nest .GaUery,.

Old Liridley, HoUywell Green: Summer . /Ejaiibition:',Ceramics by Northem Pot- :

14 te rs,.. also /Paintings, , Blown].'Glass, : /; Jewelleiy: etc (uritil- further notice). . . „ j HARROGATE: , Art GaUery: Acqui-

sitiorisbfthe 'Eighties;^—(closes,today);/:' i- Royal Baths: Harrogate m View 1919- j0' 1933:. Photographs. (until Aug9);.Liter-.. ;r:ary.Herbes; Portraits by Ernest^^Grobirite

Dorothy Evans (until Aug 20). i ts - : > SCARBOROUGH: Art Gallery: Sculp­ture from Sheffield (until-,Sept--2);.

■ , William' ; Littlewood: Retrospective(Today untU Sept 7). •: -: < .SETTLE: Linton Court GaUery: Will- ;

: iam.Bowyer RA: Paintings (until: Aug : 27). ^ .SHEFFIELD: Graves ■ Art GaUery: w;orks: from Tate GaUery. Chantrey,

/Bequest CoUection (until Sept 9); 19th - -aria-20th Century-European Art (until

Oct 7); Mappin Art Gallery: 90 Days in ;

WEST BRETTON: Yorkshire Sculpture ; Park: Sculpture by Enrile Antoine : Bourdelle (until Oct 29). ;WHITBY: Whitman Gallery: Daisy Barnes: Watercolours (until Aug. 13).

; YORK: City Art Gallery:; Japariese ; Kites (Today until Sept 10); Grape Lane -; GaUery: David Platts: Works on paper

7 (Today uritil Aug 30); Patrick Nuttgens , and Alan Luty: Paintings .of Yorkshire -

buildings! and landscapes (uritil Aug . 30); Stonegate GaUery: Paintings arid

; Drawings ofDuncombe Park, Rievaulx : and Helmsley, :(until Aug 12); Bar s Convent Museum: Burnished Gold: Art ; of Uluminating Letters, and Introduc- : tion to" Calligraphy (until - Aug 31);

, Impressions GaUery: The Globe: ApoUo ;:. Mission photographers (uritil Sept 2); .

Theatre Royal: Paintings by Philip ,: Solden (until. Aug 8); Castle Museum:1 ;: New Special Exhibition GaUery: Ghilds- play: Toys and Games 1750-1989 (contin-

.. uing);. ; Archaeological - Resource^r' ;!•. Centre:Russian holograms (until:•Oct-TTi~

31)';,;Yorkshire Museum: L’T re a su rS ^ 51 froiri;Yorkshire and. Huiriberside.(until;s' V

: /o c t 31)/ / . . ; v/;7 •'■•/ ;

tion: Working witn composers, 3pm. Royal Baths — ./ Endellion String Quartet, Johii McCabe,:’ piano, 7Ian Partridge, tenor, (Haydn, Vaughari Williams, Elgar), 8pm. ’ . 11 VSTRENSALL: New VUlage HaU Mistry String. Quartet, (Haydn, Men- . delssohn), 4pm. '■ / .-’ 'SETTRINGTON: The Orangery - Rye- ■ dale Festival Youth Choir, Festival Orchestra, Yorkshire Bach Choir, con­ductor Bramwell Tovey (Gilbert and Sullivan evening), 8pm.

(until i Aiigi,'9);, 'Godfrey arid Tw att:, / , - , Ceramics Dy, Morgen/HaU (until Aug „ /

’89:,New Art in Sheffield (until Sept 3); Ruskiri Gallery: Owen Jones: (Silks

: (until Aug 19); Ruskin Craft GaUery: Works by Sheffield Craftspeople (July, arid Aug); Threads of Silk (until Aug 19).

, SKIPTON: Town HaU: Craven Art Club ' annual exhibition (closes, toinorrow).

. SLEDMEREHOUSE:; Robes of the / Realin,Exhibition, in- aid, of Children’s ...

Society: CeremonialDress arid, Regalia/-, '.and Patrick Lichfield .photographs

, (uiitil Oct 1: 1.30^5.30pm daily);

r ... . ....... . _ ... WAKEFIELD: Art Gallery: British./,12): Duncalfe 'Galleries: Paintings by, . Jewellery:;Crafts CouncU Exhibition,, John • Mackie,, .New Glasgow School (untU Sept 3). Elizabethan GaUery!r (uritn Aug .9). . . . . . > . y: Images of Wakefield and Beyond’(Until.

HAREWOOD HOUSE:.Images of Para-. Oct 15). , . : . / / ; v '

AMPLEFORTH: CoUege Main HaU — : ...Yorkshire Bach Choir, conductor, Peter Seymour (Bach motets), Ham. ' BEADLAM: Ryedale School—Ryedale Festival Children’s .Orchestra, conduc- tor William Dore, 4pm. Fritz Spiegl and Friends, 8pm. . .7

■ HARROGATE: Christ Church—Endel- ; liori String Quartet (Haydn, Britten,Beethoven), 11am. Royal Baths—John

. McCabe, piano, (Quilter, Ireland, Elgar; Bridge), 8pm. Royal HaU — BBC Big Band, Barry Fogey, conductor, 8pm. HUDDERSFIELD: St Paul’s HaU - - Bournemouth Siriforiietta Choir, direc­tor .Nigel, Carver,- Liszt programme,.

■ 8pm. 7 ./.:•; 7.'7' LINTON-in-CRAVEN: St Michael’s Church — Francis Jackson; organ, 7.30pm. '7 : v

Tomorrow ;HARROGATE: Crown Hotel — Ursula Vaughan Williams, lecture-deinonstra-

LEEDS: Cannon 1—Indiana Jones arid . ••/the Last Crusade (PG). Cannon 2 —r

Police Academy VI (PG). Cannon 3 —.- Afternoons, Land Before Time (U), full ; 7 length cairtpbri;' Evenings, The Burbs^J " XPG).. Odeon-,£ -f/The.,Karate Kid, III 7

(PG)i .Odebri 2 —:Licence:to Kill. (15). ! :5 Odeon,3/777 Afterriodris/Mac and Me (U);,:. '? f Evenings,'Leriny,;Live.arid-Unleashed: ■/ ;-(15);,Odeon4^Afternooris; Twins (PG);; :

.. Eyenings;?’Beaches : .(PG)1 Odebri 5 —’ i Dirty Rotten Scoundrels (PG). Cottage Road Licence to KU1 (15). Lounge — ;. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade ’ ■ (PG). Hyde Park Picture House — The

■ Adventures of Baron Munchausen .: (PG); ChUd’sP lay (15). . . . -7

BARNSLEY: Odeon 1--Licence to KU1 (15). 7 Odeon .2 — K arate: Kid HI

; (PG). : :: ; .7 ,/ '■BEVERLEY: Playhouse—PoliceAcad- em y/V I (PG); City U nder1 Siege ; (PG). 1 ;"** "• - - - .v..-;:BRADFORD: Odeon 1—Indiana Jones and,the Last Crusade (PG). Odeon 2 — ; Karate Kid HI (PG); Odeon 3 — The ■Land Before Time (U); Licence to Kill (15). Playhouse .arid Film Theatre — : Mairi auditorium, Monday to Wedhes-. , day — The TaU Guy (15); Mississippi - ; Burning (18). Thursday to Saturday, August 12 — Mississippi Burning (18); ■: The TaU Guy '(15)7 Second Screen —

' Thursday to Saturday, August 12 — -. Death of a Salesman (EG).

- DEWSBURY: Carinori i .— Matinees, 1 , Long Before Time (U); Evenings, The Burbs (PG). Cannon 2 — Police Acad­emy VI (PG). ■ ■ •;- '7:' .:7DONCASTER: Odeon 1 — Karate Kid 5

"H I (PG). Odeori.2 ^ Afternoons, Mac. :i and Me (U) ' Evening, Dirty Rotten

BARNSLEY: . 7 ;7"Society of Model Engineers — Dod- -

worth Road Centre, 2.War Games Society — 4 Hindle

Street, 2. ■ -7 / 1 . , ;Drawings & Paintings frorii Michael

Sadler CoUection & Works by David • Stott — Cooper Gallery (to Sept 3). . ' BLACKTOFT: 7

t Focus on wader b irds‘ RoyalSociety for. the Protection of Birds -NatureReserve, Blacktoft Sands, 8 am (untU toinorrow). 7 . • : \BRAMHOPE: ■ / - ,• Bramhope Arts Club, Open Air

' Exhibition. — Golden Acre Park, ad- riiission free, 10-5'(uritil tomorrow). DONCASTER:

CUppi Rug Technique Workshop — Cusworth HaU, 11-4.

Stairiforth Gala — Stainforth, 10. ELSHAM:

Pheonix C raft7Fair — .Elsham Country Park, 11.EMLEY: : . / /..... - .

. / . .AgriculturalShow.— ^theropL arie,. .7

• HALIFAX: to": Organ Recital by Ian Shaw—St. Johri "

the Baptist Church, 7.15. 7HARROGATE:

7 Eridellion String Quartet — Christ Church, 11. . 7 :7 :

*- Piano Recital by John McCabe — Royal Baths, 8.

Big. Band Special with the BBC Big Band — Royal HaU, 8.HOYLAND:

Disabled Sports Association—Sports Centre, 5.30.HULL:‘ Landscape for the car, Charlie Mee-

cham, colour photographs examining - th e effect of the motor, car on the landscape— Postemgate Photography Workshop, 6 Postemgate; 10-5.30. .

HuU Art Circle Annual Exhibition, work by local amateurs — Ferens Art Gallery, Queen Victoria Square 10-5, 7 Sunday 1.30-4.30. :• '):/

Open-air concerts: HuU Anchors / • Bandstand, King Edward_ Street, 11-12;,/ ' Johri- Riley!s records ' City HaUbalcony, 2-4. -7' -7 : ; ! :.--LEEDS: ' ,://fc77 /':’': 7”/ r. .Leeds: Show — Roundhay Park, 1

■ 10-5.30. •: 7.-'-': / : ; -■OSMOTHERLEY: : :

Osmotherley Show. vv :'1:k .V:3KRETFORD: . / ';::0 //> ;//;::/7/;7:''’

Wl Market. Butter Market —‘Town . . HaU, 8-12. ^'.7 :■ i':7

BARTON ON HUMBER:' Hand. Spinning and Hand W06 IY Combing demonstration by Margaret/, Stanney -4 Information Centre, Barton,a Clay Pits, 10-1.. . . . r jBATLEY: 7 / ■ 7 ' / ' ■ / / 7 ly .

Yorkshire Evening Post Family Dav,. —; Batley Sports Centre, Windririjl- Larie, (admission free), 10.30-5.. -*iV’BOSTON: - ; / / .,, '. ■ .. 7 " • ■■ .7 -(,>.,! Lincolnshire Libraries Storyboat T Witham Tavern. r r:i' tBRADFORD: 7'7- v/’ ;:,*u: 7 :West .Yorkshire Transport' MuseumiW . Ludlam'Street Depot, ll-5.; " . . oiVCARK-IN-CARTMEL: , , < 'u i

. I Hot-Air BaUoon RaUy — ; Holkgr^ Hall. /7 7 ;/7 , / . / ■ ■ ; " /;DENBY DALE: 7’ . 7 ’ ’‘£7 Parish CouncU Parade & Civic Ser-J .vice at St. Michael’s Church t— meet Emley Car Park, 9.30. ; ,■ ; •d o n cAs t e r : ; /v / : ; '7;7V:, ; / , / "

Rummer Fayre — The Vicarage5' Grounds, Tickhill Road,. Harworth,?l 2.30: ’.J /v , 1 7.--.-r..-:;:v/7" '-x v - wu

Three-hour walk along green lanes 5 : meet Hatfield Church, 2. .; ,, r ; h b d DRIFFIELD: . : 7.

. Sheep Dog Trials & Craft Fayre - i - Sledinere House, 9-5.'1 - / ; • 7 ko!ELSHAM: r-=- 7.-../-, ii. Barton Brass Band -r- . E lshan^ Country Park,' near. Brigg, 2-5. > . V,,FLAMBOROUGH:1 : Caring for the coast, Heritage Coasr Project Open Day — Heritage Centre, South Landing, ,10-4.HESSLE:

A country . cycle ride: ori South/" Humberside, led by Mr John BroadweU, Humberside County Coimcil Country^ 1 side officer, 20 iniles, duration 3 houfsi^— meet a t MiU; Hessle Foreshore,'d 1.30., • ; 7 '/ '■ • '^njHULL: -;. ItjQ

Open-air concerts: Thurstan Birins— Pier, .2-4; Ken Ford’s Jazz Band -4- Mariria,’2-4; Punch and Judy Show ^ g Market Square, 2-4. , f

-:HF'H6Iidays;;coach ramble r - meet,, YEB Showrooms,' Eererisway, 9.30anf., J LEEDS:i r’ ; ■ / ; ' ^• -Leeds ^Show1: ’Rouridhay" 'Park.ni10-5 . - . V' / ' ‘ ;'-:' :7:--i ..J vjiji

National Gardens Scheme Open-Day>ri— 30 Latchmere Rd, 2.30-5.30.:; : v , LINCOLN: // Primo Windows Grimsby Road Band

— Lincoln Castle. 1 i»RIPON: j-io

National Gardens Scheme Open Da£ r>— Norton Conyers, 2-5^0. loisROTHERHAM: -i!n

Welbeck Estates Brass Band Courtyard, : Rother VaUey Countix-^ Park, 2.30 pm. /,,n

Two hours in Thrybergh Countiy Park studying butterflies with SteveN Holliday.— meet Couritry Park'2.pjri5i'; SCUNTHORPE: ein

Display/Demonstration painting, modelling- ceramics — Interpretive Centre, Norinanby Park, 10-4: ■ 11■SHEFFIELD: -. -3ixaWortley'.Top 'Forge. Steam Day, ■ lEd am'.:/.'.'/-: ■- 7/.,.: - •' tjUs■' Furi .Day ■ — Home Farm ,Trus|,-^j Townhead Road,.Dore. /SYKEHOUSE: :/ ;. .7 ". Sykehouse Show. 7 7 7WORKSOP: :.’- : ‘7 ':/ ' ' ; !iw. Carlton Traditional'Karate Club - ^ '8

::Carlton1.You,th Ceritre,; 5-6.15."^ ' -itobi ,7 / 7 : - 7 / ■:■>: ■ 7 -. .. :. . ' - . m o s

;.'ro«s siContinued next page

•<T'I ^ E P S A R E A

J.^AGRAH RESTAURANT: ,B radford Road. Pudaey. Tel.. Bradfordl , 668818, Choice A ward & H eartbeat Award w inner. A.AE.BV.Pk.

' EMBASSY RESTAURANT: Roundhay. LeedS. 8. Tol. (0532) 490562.7 I m a fl I n a t l v e ; m enu., extensive wine cellar. Intimate candlelit atm osphere; A.AE.BV.D.C.Co.E.F.HM.Int.S.V.Sp.FR.MG;' i ’ • : ■:'/ :

7THE GREEN ROOM;, .World's End, Newly opened. Booths Yani.:.LoW;' ^ T o jv n ; . p u -d s .e y , LS28 7AD. SS1634. BM.E.F.Ga.Gr.HM.S.SL. i

• :; y .s p .c a t . , .... , . ; j :-,.7. 7 i: .777-l-IOY. MONI: 296. HatTogate Rd.. S ta jnbum P arade, M oortown, Leeds ■'

6L Y /‘ (0532):.;*370634/ 5.. Indian culslne. /A .A E B V ., Newly prefurbished; Sultan style; Opening S und^V to T huridair Nobri-2.30'. "p.m.,"evening G i3.m.-11.30 p.mi Frl. arid S a t, noon 2:30 p.m. evenings’- 'is p :m .-m ld r ilg h t- .: '

' HASH’S .TUDOR RESTAURANT: 17; M errlon S t.; Leeds'. F inest fish. * ijbuslness:lunches. O pp..G rand Theatre. (0532);457194; A .B v;s.G r../ fjfR.G FG . Mon.VSat. lncl.;| ; , •' , . , . 7 ■}; PARK .LANE. RESTAURANT: P a rk Lane. R oundhay,. Leeds 8-i.aV iSmali; privately; oWned. In tim ate ' restauran t. F rench cuisine.,T el.; - (0532) 663307. • '. V

; . RAJA’S TANDOOR: .186, Roundhay Road. Leeds 8. Tel. .,Leeds’, ,480411. Flnest Indlan Gulslne and Takeaway Service. \ ■. .

-ISHABAB RESTAURAMTS^. EaStflate. Leads 46898a. 3 7 /3 9 ,-New?' .-[Street, Huddersfield. 549514. 1. \Johh" S tree t,. Harrogate.''500250.'

:j,I.A.AE.By;D. ;• . / 7 ; ; : .7 . ■ . . . / • i.THE WATERGATE: .A t M ethiey freehouse (B M ), and French j ire -'i a u ran (N C ). Open lunch and d inner dally also Sunday luncll. On

10. ;mlni:, Leeds: and Wakefield. Junction 30 M62 (0977)- J 603275.'; : 1 .7 ; ' • ; ' ' 7 ; 7 . . •' . ’

JLWEiST YORKSHIRERESTAURANT: 5 .St.. Jo h n 's /Road. Huddersfield,. High:

•s ta n d a rd o f French and English cuisine .served In stylish , and . sophisticated surroundings. T.e I'. (0484.) 536140. A . A E . B V . "

C.Cq..E.F.'Ga;HM.SL.V.VS.Sp.FR.Cat.- / ' , .7 ’-. i! ^ 7 , .BERGHOF BRANDSTATTER: Cross Stone Road, Todmorden, W. Yorks. Tel.:Todmorden 812966. Aus.E.Co.Gr.HM.S.Sp:SL:A.By. 7'^ ;

. DUKE OF.WELLINGTON, 55, Westflate. Dewabury (0924) 456209, ■Open M on-Sat'liiSO a.m . till 2.15 p.m. Sun , 12 tlll l ,5 0 p.m, E,Sp.SL

, THE HOBBIT HOTEL AND RIVENDALE RESTAURANT: Sowerby : - Bridge. Nr. Halifax. Tel.,1(0422) :832302. AJlE.BV.F.E.Ga.BM.SL.

HM.V.FH.RA. ’ • ' ' 7 , -7:' ....,, JAv A. RESTAURANT. AT : THE ' ASH TREE. Indonesian, culsliie.

W harfe Street. Sow erby : Bridge (A58); Halifax: (0422) 831654 •■'V-A.BV.D.RA.' / U ’- ..-‘.THE OLD'BRIDGE HOTEL" AND.RESTAURANT: H o 1 m f 1 r t h i p Huddersfield (0484) 68121; A . A E . B V . A T . ' B M : E . F . H M \ ‘

■ SL.V.FR.MG.RA. '• . ; 7f. :'. ■ "<■ ■ ' ■ ' V '.jXHE SLIPPER;, SanUngley Lane,, Crofton. N r ,: Wakefield (0$24):! , ,864296. Sun . Lunchcs 12.30 — 2.30 from. £2.95. BM.E HM.SL.

fa KEY TO CREDIT CARDS •• i^=A ccess..A E =A m e r l e a n '

Express; BV-Barclay C ard /^-ffiV'l s a v D =D I n e r s Cliib.

YPL=Yorkshlre Post .• LeisureC ard.;.-: • '•

' ';K E Y .tb ^ P E OF:CUISiNE ,*:> A 'r ;= A r .a b l e .v ■: Aus=Austrlan. .rAT=Aftemoon Teas. B^Buroers, *BM=Bar M eals.vO C bsm opoutan .

^iCan=Cantonese; ••. Ch=Ghlnese.jCb=Contlnental. ‘ E=Engll3h.

• NF=French. - G^Greek. ' Ga=Game.I <Gp=GrlUs> • H M fH o m e , Made.

. 1 1 —I n d l a rv . Ind=Indoneslan. , JJlt=Itallan. v . Int=Intem atlonal.

K=Kebabs. M=Mexican. P=Plzzas.. Pk=Paklstanl. " ' S = S e a f o o d .

S l^S u n d ay ■ Lunch:' T=Takeaway Service.-r ' U S =A m e r 1 c a n . . V*=Veaetarian. . . W=Wholefood. P a =P a s t a . • Sp=SpeclaUtles. T=Tfirklsh; Ge^Gennan. ' , 1 / v

MI8CELUVNEOUSD a = D , a n c l n g . /. Dl=Dlsco,FR=Functlon R o o m . ER=Egon ■Ronay.: • LR=Les ;.R;o u 1 1 e.r:s .• M G - M i c h e l I n G u i d e . NC=NouvelJe Cuisine.. RA=Real Ale. AA^fAutomoblle Association. B E = B o u z o u k l j Evenings. G F G - G o o d ,Food G u l d e . IVS=Intematlonal Vegetarian Society. R A O R oyal Automobile C lub; vS^V egetanan Society UK Ltd. Cat^Catering.

Sandringham, Beckwithshaw, Harrogate: Food has a'rival here in the treasury of antiques garnered .:. byColiri Alderson," the’chef ■proprietor, formerly of the - Balmoral, Harrogate, arid before

,. that of a more authenticaUy regal ■ address. ■::•:■/, •'-■ -7 .

7 He once braised and sauteed for, the royal family at Buckingham 7 Palace so, nbt'ririe^ectedly/tliis' former :Dower House, once a ' 7 vicarage, is riow a temple tp life with the Royals. . 7 . 7 , ,: ,

It iis also; a:temple .to Victoriana,: rich iri plaster work, and. mouldings : and crammed with porcelain' that -' :• the curious might: want to tu rn .-over to see if they have guessed right about the Coalport,' Worcester, Crown Derby or Meissen: or Skipton ' market. ■'"-■-.■7'*.

Despite the.fact that the;car park: resembles a Jack Barclay showroom on delivery day, it easy to be intimidated.iri case a reprimand /: was lurking for such lese majeste; /

But no, this is a food operation "asweU as jari antiques road show- ■

Odd, then that the menu owes - less to state' banqueting than to solid values like quantity and

; caution. 7 ■■ -7 / /’- Fat' crab pancake's, for example;

among the‘starters, or cream of .. Stilton-arid onion soup. Poached

fiUets of plaice, with, rice, .-red-.:•: .. peppere arid parsley, sauce, are 1 the bridgei'to a choice of four main ■7 dishes which include • (salt-encrusted) roast duckling and

Beef Wellington which can come rare or well, done-apparently on the whim of the kitchen.: . v ;

The chef s deference to 7 ' "7 7 continental orthodoxy- circa 1965/: is maintained in chickeri 'breast: with

7 asparagus and cream or tenderloin- pork cooked with cream arid sherry:

» -r1 riot to mention the repertoire: of - uninspired vegetables;

Puddings are a shortlist of .-..; :homely treats: fresh raspberries and., .crearn, creme brulee and fresh strawberries/a-brandy snap;:basket.-; flUed with strawberries handsomely presented like a flower. , ./- j ' arrangeinent, plus sticky toffee " pudding with a sauce flavoured : with Bailey’s Irish cream. 7', ' T ie creditable Ust o f wines' . : 7‘ :

.includes a Chateauneuf de Pape ,' .7 7 blanc 1986 from the Domaine le--, . /

■ Mont Redon, pineappley and fresh : - at £14.60. / 7-‘7-:,i .-7, 7 '-i-: ■;

Total for two ori this all-iri four ; course menu* £35 plus whatever "wine from the list which contains, a■ house claret at £6.35 and Muscadet

at £5.80. ■ . / / .. Reasonable for a night,but in the , shadow of the throne, though do not expect to',be over.'butled:' 1

; Service can be regally' measured. •■" ' ' \ ' "■ 7 v ;/ ,

STAFF OF'LIFE INN AND SEAFOOD RESTAURANT, Burley Road. Knotts, Todmorden (070681) 2929. R estaurant open Wed. to Sat: Bair. meals 7. days, lunches and eves, A . b V B Ml C ; C o ft F.Gr.HM. ’•

' I»k»M»S,Sp»V.RA.GFG, '. / .-‘A ’',THE WOODMAN INN.^*A la Carte Restaurant' and Piddlart Qrlll,Thunderbrldge. Kirkburton; n ear Huddersfield. (0484) 605778,- (2m; f r o m Emley Mast o ff A629); Superb cu isin e :in .;u n r l . v a 11 e d .

. surroundings^A.AE,BViD,BM.E,F.Gr,SL.V,FR.RA, ' / ’XKINGS ARMS INN AND RESTAURANT,' Main Street, HawokhV w ; . Yorks; (0S3S)‘ 43146: E,Gr;s;i3M,SL.HM.Sp.RA. ^ .V, :THE LOWER;ROYAL'GEORGE (Open 364 days a year):,1002, New, Hey Road. Scammonden, H uddersfield' (0484) 842455: E.Gr.HM.1* BM.SL., , :


, Malton (0653) 693456. E.F.Ga.BM,SLHM,A, *./ . .j i • ■ : f }s •: V/ j

GARDEN CHINESE RESTAURANT: (Llceniaed). '12^; Railway :St., Pocklingtbn, Tel; (0759) 303243. BV,AjVE,D.Cah.Ch.E,FR^ ‘ :

: LOW HALL HOTEL & COACH-HOUSE RESTAURANT: Ripon Road; ; •. KUlinghaii..Harrogate (0423) 50859S. 2 miles from 'tow n centre..

A.BV.E.F.Da.Fr. ! . • ;• -4, :PARK PLACE, EDWARD1AN RESTAURANT. 4. P ark Place. K naresborough, ' North .Yorks. (0423)'.868002. F.Co.E.Ga'HM.

-Int.S.V.Sp.A; - ; ° ‘ _ '•tTHE SAWLEY ARMS. Sawley, Fountains > Abbey. Sawley 642: > ’A.BV.ERiGa.Gr.ViSLiBM. - • ‘ ' X ' . ‘ -YOUNGS CHINESE RESTAURANT: (L icensed)-73. StaUon Parade.

- H arrogate. (0423) 63900. BVJLAE.D.Can.Ch.E.V ‘

BUNKERS R E S T A U R A N T , . Windsor C re sc e n t. ( c o m e r . of HUderthonie:Rd;)V opp.1 Railway S t a t 1 o B r i d l i n g t o n . (0262) 672974. G reat steaks! M om -Sat 7-10 p.m. A;BV»E.Gr.SL.‘ :

' CAPRICORN RESTAURANT: C hapel St.V Goole. N .: Humberside: (0405) 61188, A.AE.BV.D.E.F.C0.Da. . . ;-

, THE^CHERRY TREE RESTAURANT* S t Pe ter's Square. Pockllngton’ . (0759) 3 0 3 6 7 3 . Traditional home-m ade English cuislne. FuUy licensed. SL,V,EiBV.A.ELLIE MAIE’S BISTRO WINE BAR, High S treet. Old TownVThe Best

•Kept Secret In Bridlington. TeL (0262) 605686 o r 677605. AjVEiBV. ' THE STAR' INN, N orth Dalton (betw een Pockiington and Driffield.^

iB1246)V 4V ^Crdwn‘i;Couritry: Hotel and R estauran t; (0377) 81 688.,. A.B V. AT.BM. ER.RA.G FG. .

TRITON INN, Sledm ere. Drlffleld 0377. 86644; Scenic route o ff the A166 and B1252: AA and RAC listed. A.BV.DjSL\E.RA> • : >


'SHERIDANS LI C E N S E D RESTAURANT,'1 0 2 ; ,,Dodworth Rdi. B anisley (0226) 244990. A la C arte menu. Choice o f 11 s tarte rs. 12 •main courses plus dessert for-one all In price of £9.95 p e r person.■ Fixed price A la carte vegetarian m enu £7.95 p er person.'O pen Wed.* Sat. 7-10 p.m .,3. course Sun. lu n ch '£5.95 12-3.30. B ar to midnight: Conferences, parties; weddings o u r speciality. A.BV.E..UPLANDS MANOR RESTAURANT: At Park HaU Hotel. SpinichUl.

is tie f f iel d, ,S31.9 YD. (0246) 434897/435807. Specialising In English and French cuisine. BV.AE.A.D.

' / ' To advertise contact ^* Janet .Wilks or.

Julie Russell ; on Leeds 456866



.GRANDTHEATRE, f Leeds 459351/440971 '

v August 1 - 26 : THRILLER SEASON .

A delight fo r all . • /w hodunnit1 fans as

’■ m urder and suspicion abound In'. theseV4 plays.

. .Tuesday-Frlday,7,30 4 v> • Thurs. Matinee 2 '

Saturday 5 and 8. i August 1.,^'5*-.'^-

MURDER ON THE NILE . - by AgaUta Christie.: -

August 8 - 12 ..J ' DANGEROUS CORNER v

. by J.B. P rlestley .. .. . V August 1 5 - 1 9 ' :. •' . BLACK CO FFEE... •

by .Agatha Christie.’ August 22 - 26 v\r - MURDER WITH LOVE .by Francis Durbridge.

. . . Septem ber 4 - 9 . '( ALBERT FINNEY and


by Ronald.Harytrobd., Credit C ards Welcome. . .

Book Now 10 a.m.-7.30;p.m, : 'i... . •".....


YORK THEATRE ROYAL- : \(0904) 623568- .

U ntil 12.Aug- . ,. York Theatre Royal Co. In V , ; SHE STOOPS TO CONQUER,

’ ‘ or .THE M IS T A K E S ' OF. ' A 'i

. , V-\ ; NIGHT; .,Tby.Ollyer Goldsmith.> ..;7y‘

; “ Rlchiy, comlc^^- JY;* pdstV : r . ‘'Bubbles-: and b o 11s-. over '.

• hllarloiisly,'. - The Guardtan. >;• “ Ideal:- s u m m e r :entertain-

r m entM- -■ Y.- Eye. P ress v ' . .i Mon. - Sat. a t 8 p.mlv* • ‘ ^

M ats. Aug^ 2. 5 * 9 a t ’2.30 p.m.


-Scarborough.This Week


• • .i by Alan Ayckbourn. Scarborough'Buildlng Society .

: new play. . • '.P t. I Mon. 4 Thurs. 7.45 p.m . f' P t. II Tues. & Fr. 7.45 p.m. P ts. I & II Wed. 4 p jn . & 7.45 n.m. Sat. 6* p.m, & 9 JO p^n. -

Tickets (0723) 370541.

G R A N A R Y "

W H A R F i,. Over 40 arts and crafts *

shops and BtaDB eveiy 4ji ' weeken'd* ' i*,

• ■ S hops open T uesday to S u n d a y~ ; . S u n d a y F a n D ay " ^

YeUowcoats EntertainG a m es & P rizes

Ample Parkine Canal Baein - rear of Huton Hotel




■ Gildersome Pig Roasf and Village Gala

Saturday 2nd September, 19S9

7 'Pennine Radio'.Road , Show arena displays,

.majorettes, public.: ,7 displays fo r Trade S ta llsf

/ side attraction, kiddies’ i rides.■ • Apply.Sccret'ary: !'''3--

Mrs. Ann Wolfcnden on . ■ .Leeds 530998

.: No later, than Augiistiltljj

LEEDS &: Pudsey Book' F iiti ' Pudsey. civ ic ■ Hall:.' oppo-

■ “s i t e Pudsey VR a.l 1 w a v -.Station;' Sun,.-. Aug. 6 . ,9:3u

. ■ • : a . m. - ' 4 - 3 0 p.m. Ola friends, new faces 'and lots o f books to please, .friendly welcome:' Enq. Tunnlngton

• (0532) 632466: ., .. .

(Continued on next page

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;{ 5;r 5






, OPEN UNIVERSITY: 6.45 Eiec- : ttomagnetic Induction; 7.10 The .

Pine Beauty; 7.35 Listening- In the Dark;8.00 Culture andCoin-

; munity: Spain. ' ^ v.’:ROOBARB: Animation v ■UP2U: Children’s magazine. THE GLASS SLIPPER: (Film, 1954). Leslie Car on and M ichael'

: Wilainir star. - ;WEATHER.GRANDSTAND: With Bob Wil­son. 12.35Rugby:NewZealandv; Australia at Wellington.' 1.10 Newsi l;15,>l-55r2.?5, 4.15 Cy r cling; National Track Champ- : ionsnipsat.Leicester. 1.45,2.15,:

: 2.45Racing from Haydock Park;, 2.55 Showiumping: Silk: ' Cup. '• Speed Derby- from Hicksteaa. 4;40 Motor Racing: The Esso British Touring Car Champion-

NEWS; Weather. :■SPORT/REGIONAL NEWS. ROLE . HARRIS CARTOON TIME.MACGYVER: Richard.'Dean. Anderson as the all-action hero. .

,-v$HAT’S. ; SHOWBUSINESS:• Quiz host edby Mike Smith with . Kenriyi Everett, Gloria Hunni-. ford and guests Paul / Jones. ' 1 Barbara Knox, PaulDaniels aria : Jill Gascoine.(C). : . . .MICHAEL BARRYMORE’S SATURDAY NIGHT OUT: With guests Barbara Dickson, Tammy Wynette. Elio Pace and the Bluebell Girls; . .: -

; COLUMBO: A Deadly State of. Mind. Starring Peter Falk

.' and; George Hamilton, 'When: a -■ psychiatrist’s affair w itham ar-

ried w b m an is about to : be exposed,1 murder seeins! t o . be the solution. (C). ' ; ' :NEWS; SPORT; Weather. CASUALTY: Roy Kinnear plays

' a! hea rt attack: victim brought' into casualty a t a time when there' are: no beds available.

! 10.10 : S

> 11.i 10

iTEVIE WONDER’S BIRTH­DAY CELEBRATION: Part 2 of a concert celebratingr the birth­day . bf one of th e world’s greatest muisicians !■ features Tears fo r Fears, Billy:,Ocean,' Aswad1, Cyndi Lauper, Chaka Khan.WARLOCK:; (Film, 1959): Star- : ring Henry Fonda,; Richard Wiamark; . . a n d . Anthony

1.05Quinn. WE.ATHER.


RegionsYorkshire except; . Q D

GranadaBatman. 7.40 Carry on Ma­tron (film). 10.0 Red Sun (film).' 12.15CinemAttrac- tlons. 12.45 Aces; High (ton)/’ 2,50 Fleetwood Mao:-4'.0 Bat­man;; 4.30 America’s Ton 1 0 / - .. .■:-. :-w “

OPEN UNIVERSITY: .6:50 - ■ Paul’s Cathedral;'7.i5 the Shape '

j " of Cars to C6me;:7.40 Patterns of ',V Diversity. '8.05' ; Industrial'

. ! . Democracy;;;8.30|Light,'?the' Re-".:.;■ .-' : c6rd6r.^8.55 Kieiri’s'Urmratiori ' '•' . : of Geometry.1’ 9.20 .images' and

. Innovation. 9.^5' King Lear:Workshop; 10:10' Calculus: Geo-1: •

■" metric -Vectors.- 10135, Maths:. ■' ;'■■■': Sampling:;.11;00^Makirig': Steel; ■■

-11125-r EriCT^-'Sourcesr-Pet:';1'.• : V. ^'rbleum.vlli50.Rmsing.Sons:and ?; : :','Daughters’. ,12:151 ■ Visual' ■ Dlu-r: '

'Vv 'sibrisrrNow: Yciu?- See It.' 12.40" ; ’ ■ . ' Learning' from ; the '■ Box; ■' l;05 ' '

' " : "Special . Education -.iri' Norway. ■]...:1:30 Modern'Art:' Guefinica.-1.55-’ ■.:. •

r- ■ Continental Crust: Ancient arid '' : ' '; : Modern; '2.20' The Plough ' and '■ '

.'the-Hoe. -■».':>-r--!2;45. ' CARTOON. '2.50 KING’S. ROW:'- (Film, '' 1941); "■ ' - ; Starring,Anri'Sheridan!,1'Robert ' !

' Cummings and Ronald Reagaii :■ ; 'V with' Claude Rains. (B/W): • •4.55; THE SKY AT NIGHT: Pat-

rick Moore looks forward to the : eclipse of the modri due early rori‘ ■ August-17. (R). "• '

5.15: THE ‘UNFAITHFUL: -. (Film’s ; 1 1947); AririBheridari; with'Lew' yr

. : Ayres : ,;and Zachary - Scott.' '. ■ ■ . v m : . : : .:

7.00 BEETHOVEN: The .second. of; six concerts' featuring a :. wide

: ■. r range ofBeethoveri’s music and '. • performing styles. Tenor Rob- -

; , ert Tear.. is accompanied - b y ,’ ^ John Coristatfle in a programme

of songs by the great, composer.1;V j Recorded- a t; Mar gam; Country1 J

Park,;South:Wales.. -,: . .. 7.45 • NEWSVIEW; W eather... , ■. .8.30 LORD REITH LOOKS BACK:

The secorid of two programmes .!. marking the centenary of the •

■ birth of Lord Reith, the man.: who created the BBC, in which

. - he is interviewed by Malcolm: 1 . ;.;':..;:Mug|pridge^iril967/;:;

9.20 THE SESSION: . Second , of six, ;films; about psychodrama,, a'.'.

~ . forni of therapy in which people are helped to resolve emotiorial ,

-., problems by. acting them out; 2 ::; , . - Who. Amr,l?’ 'looks a t how a . :

49-year-old married woman can . . ., live a more fulfilling life. Psy- >

chotherapist: Jinnie ' i Jeffries , leads.the sessions;. , : ' .v

10.10 THE DEVIL'S PLAYGROUND:*: < (Film, 1976). A ustralian;film,

starring Arthur Dignam an d '; Simon Burke. • , . . . •:


, Spectacular .stage show from ■; r ,. ‘ . his .1984 world.tour. The songs.' v

■ incude China Girl,'.Space Od: i ; > d ity ,, Young Americans: arid/

: V Heroes. ' r '': v

; b;oo-'. 9.25 n ;30 12.30; 1.00; 1.05-i -.1.10



6105 ‘ 6.10 6.20

TV^am. ■' ^GHOST TRAIN.THE CHART SHOW; a - i: WHO’S THE BOSS? . ■NEWS; Weather.- ■ - ■ ’ CALENDAR-NEWS;- Weatheri JOBWATCH: Retraining fo r ' women returning to work, and .

-the • problems - of finding adr equate, childcare'. -'7 - •A TOWN: LIKE ALICE: ^(Film, :

, 1956). . . Starring ■ Virgina . McKenna, and Peter Finch. ' ■: t DISNEY. CARTOON. INTERNATIONAL ATH-

; lLETICS: - Eur'opeari: Cup F inal;! frorii Gateshead. : '■ •-'■•i-'NEWS;-Weather. '•CALENDAR NEWS;: Weather.-': CHAMPION BLOCKBUSTERS: ■





. THE AMATEUR NATURAL-- 1ST: Gerald and Lee Durrell firid;

- /wildlife thriving iri the different■ areas!of the Camargue. (R). '

TREE HOUSE. -• KABOODLE: Series for younger

viewers. -VBOX'OFFICE WEEKLY: Omni-

■ bus editiori of the daily arts and . entertainment.programme.. STREETWISE: Consumer pro­gramme.. THE<

C: Ccetax O: Oracle R: Repeat








2.20.K ’ ' ' '4.00

..BEADLE’S BOX OF. TRICKS.: . SMILE, : JENNY,. YOU’RE DEAD: (Film,V. 1974);! Starring

'.'David'Jansseri;: .NEWS; Weather,

.;HOOPERMAN: .'' .Could’, the • secorid' .time around have th a t.; special-^nagic fo r, Harry. Hoo- perman wheri he rekindles an. old flame?.' - . '

' ;THE ENFORCERV (Film; 1976). : \ Starring ' Clint Eastwood and Tyne Daly. - :THE PURSE: Although the con- ,

: trollers-of boxing can make big' - 'mibney o u t of it .through spon- sorship;, arid, televiisibnV,coverT;,

•age,;..the':boxers;-,themselves- ■,i haye 'little, ifV ariy„.firiaricial '.•..:sec.vuity,';'arid they risk perma- :-nent,'; 'physical damage.:. Title holders, ex-champs, arid .rising

1 sta rs.'ta lk -.abou t, :the;.,’risks .they have taken in tne< bdxing ;

; jungle'. ;;l1- > . HOT SHOTS: Ghost story.. ' ' NEWS; HODSON CONFIDEN­TIAL. . •CACTUS - JACk: > (Film,- ’1979)'. a : I : Kirk Douglas stars.’ : ' 'm u sic b o x . . r. : -

•: 6.00 ' TV-iam.. • -.- -9.25' AS YORKSHIRE.

12.30 BATMAN; ■ . x W ii l.oo AS YORKSHIRE.10.10 : RED SUN: (Film, 1971). Star-:; . . ring Charles Bronson 12.15 NEWS; V: CINEMATTRAC-':

. TIONS;- 12.45.i ;AGESOTGH:; (Film, 1976). Star-

: ririgl Malcolm McIJoweli a n d .. Christopher Plummer.


OPRAH WINFREY SHOW:' Mothers, arid daughter's argue

about the right way to bring up k - children; (R). •


v- Repeated five-part series exam:' . ' 1 ining ' the 'concepts o f: work;

' : .leisure arid unemployment^ •10.00 THIS FOOD BUSINESS: The

; range .of ,food issues nowcon-V ’ frohting '-. producers arid cori- ';.i - ' . sumers alike. (R).

10.30- THE CHALK GARDEN: (Film, vi 1964). Deborah Kerr stars with

' • '■% -.. ■'- Hayley Mills, Edith :Evans- and '• 'John,Mills. .. . -

12.25 E ANCE .WITH ME: Portugese • ■ : drpna with', English subtitles.

12.55 THUNDER ROCK: (Film, 1942). Michael Redgrave stars..

3.00 RACING FROftI NEWMAR-- .' KET.*':Racies,at 3.05, 3:40, 4.10,.'..• '4.40.'; . .... ■


- RAPHERS: f- Barbara - Ker* Seymer. advertising and fashion photographer in the

. : -1930s; (R).; -

6.30 GREAT m tn i r a ISLES: LesUe Thomas visits Fair Isle, midway

> between Shetland arid the Ork- neys. i •

7.00 ' THE WORLD THIS WEEK;• Weather. .

8.00 KINGDOM OF THE SUN:RIVER OF. SAND: A four-year'.Tsayo.Kenya;.

9.00 INTIMATE CONTACT: Claire Bloom and Daniel Massey star

r in this frank - and > powerful drama. (R).; • •- •;


11.00 EPITAPH: Longest and largest , .work ever compsosed for Jazz

; ! ::orchestra,-by'Charles;Mingus.-

1.50-2.55' TflE MYSTERIES ; OF EDGAR WALLACE: The Main Chance: (Film, 1963). British

: thriller about a small-time ; crook stars Gr^goire Aslan and

Tracy Reed. : •: h',-.:.

Films onTVThe C h a lk G a rd e n (C h an n el. 4, 10.30am); Eriid Bagnold’s p lay : was: re-fashioned a's a1 vehicle; for.. Hayley Mills,playing amentally-troubled teen­ager, in this 1964 film’ in' which her father, John, plays .a . man -servant; D e b o ra h K'e r r i s t he in h ib ite d governess.. ' . !S '.j ■The; Glass'. Slipper- (BBCi;: 10i55am), The team that made.Lilf assembled this version of Cinderella Iri 1954;'I ts chief asset is Leslie Caron, a defiaintly lonely , tomboy Cinderella; b u t: as' the prince, Michael Wilding — a charming and unpretentious actor — is too old for such ari irinocent world. . .Thunder Rock (Channel 4, 12.55pm). Fleeing from an.apathetic world that accepts fascism, a journalist (Michael Redgrave) firids reruge iri a lighthouse in this 1942 black and white offering; Thei ghosts of shipwrecked, trans­a tlan tic passengers m aterialise-to explain why they should have stayed'to.

.■•iV vjfr "

; r 'ri! !li:.sL

for her when.she claims she. murdered in selCdeferice^1' ' 'S m ile ,‘Jen n y ,i>You’re .D ead (IT V , 7.40pm). This thriller was made in 1974 as a-sec'orid pilot!for David'-;Jaririseri’s;

, i Harry O series'^arid isidbmiriate'dby the ' actor’s lac6riic‘ch'a'tm'asthe:easyrgbirig

Srivate detective. i - ‘ - '•evil’s Playground (BBC2f i O.lOpni). '

?■ ‘ The /title' refers to. ’ah^undisciplined .mind'whicWapparentlyileaves'school-

, boys prey,'to;thoughtsV:if.TOt\'deedSji!df '''; :■ . self-abuse>iri:this 1976 offering.: '< ■■

The Eiri'orcer^ITV'.lti.lOpmJiThdsebf^l us who appreciate the':Merits':of;Clint:f

ATownlike ;Alice (ITV,- 1:40pm);; This 33-year-old: :filrii: seems to appear ;ori- screen as often as' the;, wee Scottish: weathermari;; . For ;.those --who'.' ihave ■

: missed it,: the'-story. revolves around a

has moonlight trysts - with Australiari Peter Finch.King’s'Row (BBC2i 2.50pm). Anyone with experierice of snwll-towri life will recognise the [characters in th is '1941 film — with their assumptions, of class superiority;; self-righteou'sriess' arid secrets.. They include Ann Sheridan, ex-president' Ronald Reagan'; Claude

• Rairis and Charles. Coburn. : ■ ■ • ' ;The Unfaithful (BBC2. 5.15pm). Warr ner’s melodramas of this time (1947) are always professional; in this one the heroine’s infidelity is caused‘by her husband’s, abserice at-war. SheJs ;Ann - Sheridan, he is Zachary Scott, and Lew Ayres is the.friend and lawyer who acts

Eastwood-and'^rie'Daly/iWill'have'Ja = treat wheri they both' appear'asVpolice 5

; officers iri this •action-packed;-' 1976:

$<$' Sun (Tyne Tees, 10.i0 pm), A . blood-and-guts adveriturie.'that!s riot so >. 1 much' 'a 1 spaghetti- western :-as'i aV 1971' Samittai- western? > • Japanese'- vvarrior -. Toshiro Mifurie 'stalks with Wild West " with-Charles Brdrisdri iri-: seafcff ofy&s jewel-encrustedi sword.;; - ' '. •■ ': -'71 , Warlock (BBCl. ll.iOpmJV Ainbitious

.: western-^ made in 1959 r-r with a strong, 'cast he'adediby! Henry: Fonda % hotri6s ,. to clean up a town and is betrayed by a --

' ‘manlwho nelps him .;j(: ^ ' h 1,Aces High (Tyne Tees,:;12‘45 aih). 1976 ?

■ classicabout life inthe'First World War -'1 ’ .■ trenches' and the men ' who.'flew.' over :, them; the first pilots in;the,R6yal;Flying .:■ • 'Corps,'; Flrie.. aerial sequerices .but- the "'

dramatics' soar rather^less.'i'Stars Mal- coliri McDowell:’'. v '. ; :

:■ 1 The Main Chance (Cnaririw 4,'1.50arri)i! i' In this British thriner/ igeSAViiitage,

:Gr^bij:e -Aslm 'iheads/the' cast;;as 'a ■wealthy, blg:time 'crimiri'al; Sir'; Carol .' ; Reed’s :. daughter.-' Tracy;'' -is ' in the leading- female r o l e ; : ' ' -.‘r, ; '1 ; •Cactiis Jack (II^V,2.20arii).Inthis 1979

. comic westem ,. Kirk'■ 'J3buglas:.s is. the iriept outlaw of the titleiWhos^ attem pts:.;

' to stop .from reaching.'its ;desti-!i; ' natibri rebburidvdri' himself: *: ‘ ^ " 1 -1'-

Peter F h ich jnd Virginia McKenna with baby Geoffrey Hawkins in A Towji: r; Like Alice, YfV, 1.40pin. V;':-'

Central12.30 The Fashion Show. 1.40 A Prize of Arms (film). 3.35 Cartoon. 7.40 Man About The House (film). 11.5S, Prisoner: Cell Block H; 12.55 The Blues: Brothers: (film). 3.25 Cta&~ m A t t r a c t io n s . . 3 .5 5 ' Am er i ca 's Top. 10.4.2 0 American College Football.:,.

Anglia11.30 Batman.12.0 The, Chart Show. 7.40 Man About The1 House (Film). 10.10 Absol­ution (film); 12.0 The Purse.. i:0 . Corey Hart. ,.'2:0.,: The: Trollenberg. Terror ‘(Blm);.3.30 At the Maintenance Shop.: 4.10, G arriso n ’s;: Gorillas. v ' '.‘•■i;.

BorderI2i30 Batman. .10.10 Red Sun (fflm). 12.15 As. Granada.,-i-

L ?rl 27s> ■ ios?i : i:Morning Condert:-8.30;News. a:35.:

Haydn.and:BeethoveniTrios: 5:o{) Jakkl Brambles.: 7.00/Bruno-' Piano trios.-.9.30-Record. Release.Brookes Breakfast Show with Liz Kershaw.: 10.00 Dave Lee-Travis;.

11.00 Adrian -Juste. 2.00 My ' Tdp

12.15MozartStririg'QuintetS'.: Quartet lnrDi minor..KU73 andiv Quintet in D K593. Salomon String

TJ aA i vsisini i:ii?siiizr inif.„•;ft:-; yi.

?,5;55” sm: Shipping)Forecast; B.ob’ ; News Briefine-,! Weather .'6.10' The Farming Week. 6.50 Prayerfor the- --------- - ..^ .oo^o

Vincent 9.00 AndyPeebles Soul Gneg (Variations Op 51), Bentzon Train. 11.00-2.00 The. Saturday.(Sonata Op 51)., 1;55 Classic Opera;, Rock Show.;; .., ' ,1881 -version of .Verdi’S. Sunon,

. . . _ _ Day. 655 Weather.7.00Today. 9.00Ten: Dusty Springfield. 3.00 The, Quartet with JanSchlapp (viola).:. .News; Sporton'4.9^0Brealcaway. Saturday Sequence. 7.00 Robbie. 100 News. 1.05 Grieg and Bentzon: 10.00 News: NoWi-That’sW hat'f ------ — - . - - - - — -------------------- '.K^U:Nteli!-&).-a0.80!ffiitamdaW

The,-Film (s).:ll.oo News;'Talking-' i 'Politics (new. series), f 11.30 From': O.uripwn Correspohdeht:a2;00T6:r ;,.Keefa'. the! Memory-Green; 12;25' vStilgoe’s,,Around''(s):;'.:i2.55 Weather. 1.00, News; Questions .from .the - Past,M.65 ' Shipping

.-•Forcfcast. 2;00 Newsr A- ^Family ‘

Boccanegra; .4.25 Debut.;,’ Clare;'

azz Reco Reques 5.45 The

■ ' Forecast., : - ;:v :: FM.’ias LW-:; except: ;-r,55-2.00pm (Programme :News. i4.SO .OO:/Op '

slittons:! 4,30 Behindthe Ritual. 5,00 T StepSUo War; 5.30 RadiotInterna-i<'., '.--.'.tldnfilv : -Mtlvfiy:(}'$!?! ;

liwv iv.r!

i W o r l d S O T i ^ ' - V ' ! .! .''can'be received dnimedlum' wave ; r- 648.kHz (463m); : ;

. 1 The Sixties.' X;0 News; Housecall.! -■ 6:0,As L e e d s ; ; '7 /- S :;p■I - A: t: *-. 'K' itIf-Ti ,V.

sV 'v:>’■ ivj'.c’lvW ^ T-') •ofi.-hJBM ^rrr

•TFM 2sjm,\VIlf 96,6,{llTOSdii., 6X)-;Nick Hercey." 9.0^Top:-30.’: 11;0 Richard James. 2,0 'John

■ -. Caine. 5.5 Adrian' Allen.- 8.0 Mark• Gregonr. io.o:Late 'Show,-2;0• Nightshifti' i if.-'-

Knight 8.05 David . Jacobs.-:9.00Sounds* of the' 60s with - VastG Ltind'RcviiaitGd. Dsnis Don-; w t d A M ™ ' :•Robinson. 12 05 Gerald Hnmpr "P1-' Bra2u:':Britten!;': ;1.00 Someone.,and the GnmSffr-: w?lCH a^^T ^Po^>?' i;V®U8llan' weeds..l;30 Sport on 2, ihcl cricket, ,! t Imh ■

Night. T.00 Three in: a Row. 7.30: : in ? ' ‘•' Stuart Burrows Sllipti Tnrl ft ofL; / VlpSKy (SdlSTZO &13 TU5S6), Sibe*

-10 05 Martin' Kelner '12A5 Nieht'5 ' ® bss.Heaven;: A sequence of . \ ' P rPs®.a9d. Poe ^ ,on the.theme.of : ■ 1 Nightilde 3 00-4 00 A Litt?e Nicht - celestial bodies, ,8.25 Holst (The ,

- - -18 - Planets). 9.25 Exeat. Play by. Flppa: l . ' v ■ ’ ' ‘ V ■ Comer. 10.10 Rachmaninov and

-n ■ 2247m i2i s k i i x ^ ':Franck..Fiie^Arts Quartet: Rach-' . 3 90 2%2 4 maninov (String Quartet move-V. 90.2-92.4., - * , , , .. ments); Franck (String, Quartet);

««wm*j..u.7v iiigu uajia auux ,Days. 4.00 News;'Age to Age;4.30 Science Now. 5,00 , Conversation Piece (new series). 5^5 Little Blighty on :the.'Dowh: 5.50 Ship-' • ping Forecast;.5;55 Weather. 6.00 ■ ■ .News; i Sports.VRoimd-: Up.- 6;25>M Citizensjs}; 7.10 to 4he :Psychia-i!; trist’B Chair. 7.45 Saturday-Night ’

^Theatre (s). A VeryCivil War.iby Chris Curry. 9.00 -The Flintknap- '

388m, VIIF 92.4, 774UIIM. 7.0-Mark Grainger. 10.0 Peter

.Leyjri !2.0-Alvin (Bloissom.' 2.0 ] Saturday Show. 6.0 MW Local

: Cricket round-up; FM Nicky ; Brown. 8.0. Rock. 10,0 Phone' In. - ■: . .. - ■ , -.

r/i j-r : 6.0 j'Kichard: .Tandy.:-, 9.0o Tim - iFinlay. 1Z0 tUSa^Charts;i Zff; .( -■■■-% ii-.r;

■•-Sounds and Scores;-'6;O Eun>-'; , chart. 8.0 Paul Massey; l2.0 A lissM . n Moss. 2.0: Karl’ Svenson. FM‘■ 103.4: lo.o Steva^DaviKtllJl'Jol&e.'.: ..^ Kenning. 2.0 Carl Kingatoh..'.'.;:..'.


:,V, Karl, SYensbn.S(102:5MHz:'.:FM):'ir'-ai ;’,32,'o;,' JonnirKennings.. r.2i0« Garl«l''H

. y s a -: S .tc S-3jfvi3.

N e w c ^ d e ;HSBkltf. ' -i-ni'tt:

'■ 6,30-Howes’; FiBhing, 7.0 Jon- > :'!- : athan Morrell: 9.0 Jonathan Ray:11210 John Lavis.;'2.0'Mike' Gal- : lagher. 5.0 Country Concert.-6.0 ' >•As Leeds. •: •. •:• : 1

•• ' •**!•i’ -7;o Mike Day; 9.5 Hurley Burley:,' ; 12.0 News; Andy Hollins; 2.0 Out - ,,and :-A bout; 6.0 News: -As : Leeds. • ■ tv -.-j *

f i& s ic M G o ld M M - '

- 1 - -'fe.o' Break’fiMtl'shbW.!.:9‘.Q,'i!Rbg|r'V 5 Kirk. 12,0 .DayidlHamiltori.;, 2:0"'. ;;Atan RdBs.'6.0:Cdncert; 7:o;john:r :;Harding.: 10:0 ''Pat'AGibsbn."2,0'; ;.t ^Karl S^riBon;-? 7 ,:: 1);


The EdJones Quintet. 12.0(H2.05, News.:

. jer’s Talefs), 9.16 Music in Miiid’ (s), 9.50 Ten ;to Ten;:(s). 9.59 '

, Weather, 10.00 News. 10.15 The ■ Saturday Feature. 10.45 A Norfolk

Man. 11.00 When Housewives had ' .the;,Choice? (s).!l2.^0-l2.30 News,::

. incl l2,20,Weather. >l2.33 Shipping '

362m, mF,.96.3, 829klli.6 .0 Carl- KJhgiaton..:;9;0:: Ross •,;'•

i.’Dickinson. 12.0 Stepping Out, 2.0 ; ■' >Andy Slddell. 6.0 Cfarl Kingston.' :, 8.0 American Countdown; Show,'. ,:

:., 10,0. Gary . Rogers;;. 2,0 Mickey . Laine.

;Clevelani w tv S " - ■7.0 News; Nick .-'Garnett;-!-' 9.0 .'

; News; Stewart McFarlane; 12.0 ■.

S K p ffip lH ^om,yiiFm:6and -OUClIlClU 1035lillr...'7.0'News; Breakfast Show; -9.0 News;, Ian' McMillan, -Martyn. Wiley. 12,0 News; Mick Lunney,. .O NewsL-Sport. 6.01 Dhanbaal.::

: 6.15. Mui-Fa. • 6.30 .eastern 10-35.': -7d Iffat. and Yasin; 8,0 Eastern Air. 9,0 Asian Youth-Show. (FM:- 0nly):- 6.0 As Leeds, :

_ ’‘2Sbm; VIIFWY?.:',6.0 A1 Dupres.-' 9.’6''Steve Red-':

: 1 grave/Cheryle ■ Wilkinson. 12.0 ,. 'US:Charts. 2:0 Kerl!.lJohes,.j;6.0-- . Eurochart. 8,0 Paul Massey;!2,0

0 ;AIiss-Moss;;2,0 Karl:Svehsbh;:,v

; g . P e r i n i n e : : ® ^ f : 9;r;6.0; Adrian Green. 9.0''James

!' :Watt; 12.0■ US. Charts. 2,0 -Ian.• James. 6.0 Eurochart.: 8,0 Paul-

V A r l r : # « > .

'.::7-0:Snnon Pattern; 6,30* Satur ayV v-i Show. 12.0 Aridy Hitchcock, 2.0 ,.

.Nick Miller. 6.0,Nicky Brown* 8,0; ;- Rock; 10.0 Phone:In.. . ... • • ;• \

. i s .

I '1-:

-Luxembourg-S |6v4 5: Mu s ic1:J-am; I ; b' P e t&iV 611th,°,ni , 10'0'Jeff Graham, 12,0': •Nik Martin. ■

ARTS and C ra ft Fair. The. Coronation., Honpn-ln.^ Craven, n e a r G I s b u r n , : .

. Sun.i. Aug. 6th. 10. a.m . — &•' p.m.: Adm ission: free. De-

TOIl.ETSi fo r h lre .: 8 e i co l128;:.’ •• .-• • "

ANTIQUARIAN ' BooKanbps' . and. 50.000 books in Tne .H s « :H » n , Halifax. Open

: Sunday also. .

LAST PR O P Vlltag*. Brbmlay - -. C t o t i . .B o lton . Sum m er

.. m artle t av*ry , W «lne»day in. A u au a t .



August 9th

August 16th

August 23rd;

August 30th

September 6th.Cold Bath Road, Harrogate

September 13th T H E ^ H ld H W O O b

-;gBrackenwood Drive;Leeds 8:> '

Cold Bath Road,; Harrogate .

T H E ; H I G I i W O b D H O T E LBrackenwood Drived Leeds 8 .

i s t Q N E T V f b U G HI N NHarrogate.Road, Rawdon, ;

- Leeds 19: ■

T H E A D E L P H IH O T E LLeeds Bridge, Leeds JO • r


a n t iq u e s : and Colloc-: ' , tors:.-Fair:! -The- Guild

H a, 1:1,,. Vork . (behind ; M a_n ,i.lo n - :Hou»e).. Wed.., .-Auo:-,9i. :10: a.m.: ., -4.30.' v n ;o,e t h e . r n : • •

Fairs.. (0642K

ELLIOTT A ntlaues and:'Flea- { f a ** k e t , . ^ u n ., Au o . 6 , ; ‘ M ytholmroyd L e i s u r e ! S S o UI ,^ Ti *l«Wen BrtdoB.: ,a.m . •. 4:30 p.m. Bar-

^ a n d c a f e . (°484) KU.013.N°T„V ’1a' We“ - t a i n Halifax;.

L1* “ ■*.*• Centre. 27 wiii1!! ^erythlna r f r o m Victorian to A rt

• §»«>• ,T el. (0422} 366657; ojlumn lQ2. -. :

T V R E R I Antique Fairs, fc?!{n Ra, HaU.,.“H am iaate : S"}?- ,Aua.. ‘lO a.m . - a : §85- e n , i ' (O00 83) '

LEEDS.; New venue, Sunday. .; Auau»t:6, l 0 a.m. lo Q p.m. ;:

Antique a rd CoUector*F alr and car boot-sale; No:,c h a r s e fo r atanda

lij. l«wua, ovn

YORKdoU. toyV ndm inia ture : fair, S unday ,. August SO,

: 10.30. - 5 p.m . The Mer- >. c h a n t Adveniures- HaU,

FoMoate, York. Datalla Tel. - (09(A) 425168. .*

ANTIQUE/CoUectors F a I r , ... .'Astoria. . Roundhay R d . , , Leeds.-8 . : Sun-. A u a . . 13,

10^1.30 p.m. No repro; up ,to, SO-stands, C12 a d v ./e is


AeuP;ABBEY ______ _.

:i 13th,: Bankfleld . H o t t . , Blnatey. JSun.r.. Aua. 2 0 th , :.

, 'Kereaforth HaU. Barnsley; . - ; Detalla. (0482) 445785.

ANTIQUE FAIROld Swan Hotel, Hurrogatc

Sunday August 6 th . 1 0 a.ii).-5 p.m'. v,

80 Stmda of; qoiliQr. .< Axtkpt < abd G}0cctmjteBS. 1.1 .•.l;; ’ .

Abbey Fairs of HuU . (0482) 445785' -

SUPERD NEW VENUE G i a n t A n t i q u e &

C o l l e c t o r s F a i r Klrkstull Leisure Centre.

Kirkstall. Leeds.But. Aug. Slh. 10*5 p.m.

Approx. .70 stalls. Details Yorkshire 2'airs. ■ C ontact Yvettc.Hardy.

Leeds 505320 eves, nnidford 727301 eves.

t. ANTONY*„R 0 R T E R S ' !', F l e a m a r k e t - , ,.thla;;

Sunday.. A ugust. 6 th, - Ripon ■ Racecourse, 9

., a.mj to 5 p .m , Details,. Huddersfield 666144.^

CAR Boot Sale every Satu r- - day 1 0 . a.m. - 2 p . m . ; •

. . M o n d a y s 6 p.m. s tart. jAutoJum ble Sundays' 10

a.m. -. 2 p.m. All vehicles h a t f ;p r lc o ; .£ 2 .S 0 on aU

/.days for. the next -three ' w e ek s ,.a t Fenton, P a r k .

C h u r c h „Fo n t o n .: To.; Sherbum , B 1 2 2 ' Cawood1

• From previous page

ANTIQUES Fair" a t T h* Mll- . iton R oom s,' Malton.' sat..

■ ;A ug.;S ..9.30 -,5 :p .m . Wide sranae.o f quaUty'alaUs. M * ;

Fairs. (0964) 622495, •■


M onday - Friday &30.a.m.- 9.00 p:in . Saturday 8.30'a;in

i. -12.30 p.m;-


Continued on Page 18

Tomorow ,'.Y ork.M instenSam - Hoiy-.Commun-'

ion. 8.45 — Holy Gommunion. 10.15,—.: rSung.' E ucharist;P reacher,.. Mr. P ..

Cunningham.. 11.30 — Matins; 4 pm —- Evensong; Preacher, Canon: R. May: -, \ land. - ■ :• Bradford Cathedral: 8 ; am — Matins.'' 8.15: — -Holy. ■■ Communion, i .10.15 -i,—;

Matins; Preacher,* Canon Cook. 3 pm ! Bradford Peace Issues Group, Prayer :. 'V i^ . ; 6.30 ■— ,H61y Cpmmuriion ; &. Laying on of hands. Preacher, Rev. R, ‘Scoones. .-. .

; Durham' Cathedral:' 8 i am —. Holy■ 'Coxriihiuiion. 10.15 — Matins; Wood:,Te : Deum iri C minor: Wood: Jubilate Deo. The Old Hundredth; Anthem, Turn thee',■ again, O Lord; Preacher,, Canon, Hodg-. son. 11.30—Holy Communion; Woodm the Phrygian mode, Anthem; Onata lux, de lumine; Preacher, Canon Hart. 3.30 pm — Evensong: Walmisley in D;

' Anthem,-Cantique de Jean Racine. Lincoln Minster: 7.45 am —Litany. 8 — Holy Communion. 9.30 — Sung Eucha- rist;.; Motet at the Communion^? Ave

: ’ verum Corpus: Preacher, The Subdean.11—Matins: .Te Deum inG; Responses:.

, Peter Smith; Anthem, Glorious & powerful'God ^Stanford). 12.15 pm —

; Holy Communion. 3.45 — Evensong; f .; Antheni,- The Lord is my' shepherd;

Preacher, Canon E.R. Cook. 'Ripoh Cathedral: 8 am —. The Eucha-

. ; ris t/ ; 9.30 —' The Parish Eucharist ;; (sung); Mass. in C The Coronation,

(Mozart); Preacher, Canon D.G. Ford;. 1 1 ,3 0 Matins; Te Deum: Darke in D; Responses: Sanders; Anthem,- O NataLux (Tallis). 12^0 pm - - The Eucharist.

: 6.30;; — Evensong; i;MagniQcat/Nunc , Dimittis: Noble in B minor; Anthem,

.And I saw a new heaven (Bainton);■ ' Preacher: Canon R.B. McFadden.;

Wakefield Cathedral: 8 : am —^ Holy .;: Commuhion., 9.15 ^ Parish Commun-.. ion;; !Preacher, The Provost. 1 1 ;; Solemn Eucharist;. Preacher, Tlie Pro­

vost. ' 6.30: jjm — : Solemn Evensong;. Preacher, Canon D. Baxter.

;;; Leeds Parish Church: 9.15 am — Holy ; Communiori;: 10.30 Congregational, Eucharist; Preacher, The Precentor.

, .6.30; pm ^ Congregational , Evensong; , : Preacher, The l i y Reader, 3 ’ ■' ' .

; Holy Trinity Church; Boar Lane, Leeds: : . 9.30 ,a r i i H o l y Commuhion. r .

Grimsby Parish Church: 8 am — Holy ■: Cbmmuriion. 9.30 — Family Comimun- :i6 ri:;il •— Siing Eucharist; Preacher, Thefiishop of Cyphis & The Gulf. 6 pm :

■: Evensong. ■ :-,: St. Edmund's, Roundhay, Leeds: 8 am •'

. : Holy Communion.- 10' — Parish .; Communion.-6.30 pm — Evensong. :, '

Bolton Abbey Priory Church: 8 am — ’. Holy Communion. 10.30—Sung Eucha- :. rist & Sermon. • - - '

St. Mary’s, Beverley: 8 am — Holy t: jCommunion. 10— Parish Communion; .:,

; Preacher,TheRev.D.Simon.&30pm-^ .: Evensong; .Preacher, The Rev. -H.A; :

Hall. • ' . i.-':;-.;::'St. Wilfrid’s Church, Harrogate: 8 .am;

, — r Holy Communion.; 10 — Sung,■ - Eucharist. ■ . • . ; ;.. St. Columba United Reformed, Hekd-

togley, Leeds: 10.45 am — Morning ;•> Worship: •. Preacher*; The Rev; G.G.

(Thrussell;, Anthem, LaudamuB te (Vi-:, valdi).

: Headingley Methodist Church, Leeds: > 10.30 a m . : ; H o l y Communion; . Preacher,-The Revv J. A. Broyles. 6.30

Sm — Preacher, Dr. R. Bushby.[owden Minsten 10.45 am ,— Parish

. Eucharist! Anthem, Ave verum corpus (Elgar). 6.30 pm — Evensong: Anthem, Teach me:thy way, O Lord (Fox).L ; :St.: Mary’s ,; Lowgate, Hull: 11 am — , Festal Eucharist; Procession & Sermon; ’ Service, Martin Shaw. :St. Aldan’s, Leeds: . 9 am — Holy Communion (said). 1 0 -P a rish Eiicha-' rist.; 6.30 pm — EvenBoiig. - : '

fi Otley Pansh Church: 8 am — Holy Communion. ,9.30 — Family Service; ' Preacher, Canon. J.R. John. 10.45 — Sung. Eucharist (Merbecke); Preacher, \ Canon J.R. John ., 6 pm. — Choral -' Evensong; Preacher, The I Rev; S. J; Lord. : .Selby Abbey: 10.15: am — Parish Communion; -Preacher, The Rev. S. Whaley.; :Victoria Hall Methodlst. Church, Shef* ' field: 10.45 am & 6:30 pm; Preacher, The'

• Rev..A.J.-Hughes, ■, ; : ■ -’jWethierby Parish Church: 8 am — Holy Communion. 10 Parish Communion: Preacher, The Vicar. 6.30 pm —

< Evensong; Preacher, . The Rev. D. v P e a t . ' ' . ; :V :


PreviewHOW does it feel . t o be 30, single, a successful businesswoman and preg­nant? Chris Curry; part of the current writing team for television’s Brookside, is the author of A'Very Civil War a t 7.45 pm on Saturday: on Radio 4. D iane. Whitley plays Cath whose planned abortion , arouses v fierce opposition among the other females in the family.

. Her sistereven recruits thefether of the , coming baby. The domestic battle is observed, as each pierson assesses the effect the newcomer will have, .

Wheri Jim Connell wrote the words to

Singer Glen; Campbell presents the . A-Zof Country Music on Thursday, > ‘

; Radio 2 a t 7.0 pm.

. what fe now known as the Jled Flag: 100 :

. years ago, he had ai different tiine in ! j mind. To his' dying, day; in 1929 he - v. deplored the music that had become .

; : attached to his words. In The Red Fir . : Tree and the.White Cockade at 10.15 pm .; on Saturday;on Radio;4;'Steve Race^ celebrates .the centenary w ith 1 a ; pro-, ’ -

-gramme tracing.the history arid.rela-? • tionship of.words and music.: & • <4<

American playwright Diane Ney, who had never written for radio before,

, scooped , the .................... ...Service’s, with Truckin' that it had to be .written in Englishj bev on the theme of pride andprejudiceand;. not longer than a!n hour,; Bill; Bailey1, ■ plays Hank, an American truck driverV",/

. with a thing about Merrie -Englaridi ; , knights .in. armour and dainsels in

- distress, He is thrilled at getting the job ; . of driving a copy of Magna Carta round ' America but noti sb excited 'about; his

> com panion.anE nglishm edieyalhis- :7 toriancalled Nigel. H etu rrisou ttobea ' trucker marique; "with a, taste for country andw esterrim usic.R adib^at,:' 2^0 on Sunday.

St William’s College; -Yorki is; the . setting when the Archbishop, the Rt; - Rev Johri Habgo'od;;presehts a selection! '01

- of hisfavouritepoetry andjrose-With1:-; Great Pleasure .at-A pm oil Radio 4 LW : on Sunday,

. r In a new Radio 4 series' Louder .Than “ Words, Peter Jenkins talks to'six top:“ '

A rchbishopofY orkD rJohn “ Habgood,;presents his favouriter rr< . *!«??

; poetry in W ith G tia t Pleaswre^ ^- Radio 4, Sunday; 4.0 pm.: ’ .-

people whose positions of power enable; them to put.words irito actiori;;He starts:1' rri at ;7 pm .on , Sunday:;:.with;=-David'!^

: Williamson, ;Secretary General of .thfe ::-c:i■ European.Commission, whb^liiBs^thejo-v-- :awesome;task'of translating .the:wbrds‘',t>’:■ of several, languages .into’action.:;. David Cook , wrote'.;W9iter, a boolci'!.{• about'AimentaUy ?? handicapped.jfmeri^afv :: which , was: highly;vacclauned:-''Whetf ;:^■ televised by:Channel;'4.iHisrnew play;vi,'i .Pity goes ; inside a: Salvation1 'Army. 4^': l, detoxmcatiori uriit .with Peterioai new«t'ii ^officer;HeJiilooks:: on,::the ca re . of j i i i :-, alcoholics as ,a;=form < of.: social work M th e r than evarigelism;.but: the Anrij^b'J f; does notmake tha tso rto f division; >The

play,.at 8.15 prii on Monday bn Radio 4;iM? •: ’is not just Peter’s story; It also;draws a ikn ■ ;. vivid picture of the men inside lookingJTr/'l out.- Mick .Ford-stars.- ^ ,■: Drawing.on theidays when .the harp ? M ■was a popular, instrumenfcfor ladies of-siiT■ the household toleam , Sioned Williams, j iin ..tells stories bf the,composers! colourfulM Kje;lives and play some ofthe ir music in a n; h new a: series,- of;fourV short;,Radio •programmes Affolrsof the Harp at 11:50

.-:arii on Tuesday, -tym.. r;; Peter. Jukes’- play . Shadowing: ther'sv.;

Conqueror was very well received: a t fcn ;the Edinburgh:/-.Festival] ilast;: year.ti

v: Adapted: byr A; J ;Quinri-ffof :;Radior31 it; w stars Ian Hogg-as Alexanderthe Great a r h

Co^tinuedibpposite. - V ' #

l l

Page 11: Download the document (33.5 MB)


t•3 '

e • ifi;E •• I


V , 'V ,

Vv'f. mm y : . <

i 6.45: OPEN UNIVERSITY:. 6.45 ' Shrinking, Polygons; ,7.10 ■ Rais-/., i :

' ; ring-S ons and Daughters;. 7,35{.• - Images:, the Surface; of Mars;

■ 8.00 JEducation: After the Act;\ :u;w. 8.25.■ The Picture. W ings,. of,

Hawaii. .’■•'8.55 ; PLAYBUSi ;;■* ■9.15 UMBRELLA: ^Children’s

;.-; religious series.: . ;;.v'.;v./v::.: 9.30 THIS, IS; THE DAY: Worship ;; unitingyviewers at home, . . / . 10.00 . LOVE: HAPPY: (Film, ,1949).: r -■■■ -Vf-j./Marx Brothers' escapade. ■ - v . r ;11.20 ./LAUREL AND HARuY. ,11.40a STEP BY STEP: Simon - Par- >

kin meptis the^eople crucialto " : s the success o f a would-be pop ;■

.•'•6ta r/' ■ y-12.05 SIGN EXTRA: A 'Holiday Pro- .

§' ' ' ramme’ visit tb i Jamaica and,y/; contrast,, an . item tofcom-.,:.

i ■ v^-,.memorate Hiroshima Day.•12.30: GOUNTRY FILE: John Craven ,:•■ ; . r , ■ Investigates r a .major :anthrax '“; ‘

;;outbreak on--' a . Welsh pig ' 'jfarm, ' r '

1.00. * NEWS: THE HIGH CHAPAR- : :jRAL: Western... .


, beer drinkeris are challenged to r- spot the’non-alcoholic varietrlety.

•: fa*,5.Q5OUR HOUSE: American mily: drama. ,

; 5.551 THE GREAT PICTURE CHASE:. j I . .. Film director and .'producer ' 5 David Puttnam sets out to f ' acquire a classic photograph for f. ,-m £500 to .add to the BBC 'art

: collection begun by Joan Col- . .lins and.Margi Clarke. (C),

■':? 6.25 ...NEWS;. Weather. :. v ''• ; • 6.40 PRAISE BE!: A fin a l. choice

! ‘ 1985). James Gamer stars,.(C).: .9;00 NEWS: Weather, m vA

: Q1K - r.HFlT.WnB'I’H. sfnrrinp Pptnr ,^ 9Vl5vA;GHELWORTH:f starring; Peter • Jef£rey< ...... " 'iv.jff-;-;

and; .Gemma Jones

& H ED RA L CLASSICS: Paul* l ~ ^ Eddingtbn: introduces a^coh-, ■ <

cert'1" from . .Winchester ■ <•;. &'y’4-®SthedrtQ.^C); ^

6.50 OPEN UNIVERSITY: 6,50 Eng- ' - . i lish .Romantic, Poets in . Italy. •,

1 . 7.10;HalqgensandNoble Gases,.-- ; 7,40 St Paul's Cathedral. 8,05

: Database; Data ' Dictionaries. .‘ r ; ; 8.30, Geology; fromrSwamps;;to ’, v.f Coal. 8.55 Arts: ImagesofiClass.

■■■; :9.20,Inner-city Story.-9.45 The . Other. Virtuosos., 10.10 Donegal:' <■ Tradition and ChangeV 10.35 ■'. Maths: Complex Numbers. 11.00 CIM- in th e . Workplace." 11.25

'v- Rabbits 'and Chalk'Grasslands. ■>.11.50 Maths: Partial:Differenti- .

.: ation, 12,16 Biology: Digestion.,v , 12.40.UrbanTransp6rt and Har-

lem. . ' =va .....1.05 ONE.IN FOUR: 'Magazine pro-

. • gramme about disability.1.35 GRANDSTAND: 1.40, 2.35,' 6.15

Motor Cycling: Shell . British . .' ’Grand Prix: from Donington. :

• , ; 2,10, 5.00: Cricket: Gloucester- .shire v Lancashire in ;the Ref- .:

ip ; uge. Assurance, League, .3.45: > ,'t! Snow Jumplng; Silk Gut'Derby \

from Hickstead. 5.00:Cricket.6.45 ONE MAN AND HIS DOG: ^

Sheepdog .trials.; ; ■7.30:, ROUGH, GUIDE TO THE

WORLD:.Magenta De Vine and ,Sankha Guha in Tokyo: (R). ,

8.20 THE NATURE OF AUSTRA- ?: LIA: . Seas . under Capricorn.

Australia: has been incning.iip - : from southern polar laititudes.

for millions of years, and fur seals with their roots iii Antarc- .. tica live: around its shores

': . alongside dazzling tropical reef :■: fish; (C) .(R). .. ; , . - . .9.15 MOTORCYCLE GRAND PRK: .

. Highlights of the. SheU Brit- . - 'ish; Grand ,Prix front Dohing- ,

9.50 WOMEN IN‘ POLITICS:. Jenni ; '• Murray presents a profile of

.■V:. Simone veil, the flrstpresident v of the directiydBlected European


lO.boi-12.15; MOviEDROME: Alex Cox;- v i ; ; . ; ’introduces tonight’s film in the

cult movie1 season. 10.33 TWO : LANE BLACKTOP (1971). Road .

.,. movie, with. Warren :O ates,, 1James' Taylor, '.Dennis Wilson

,.J; ' and Lauri Bird. v..' -v -'v



1 1 .0 0







! 3.00'



: LINK: Disability > often gets a distorted . im age,. b u t. in this :- edition three-aisabled - photog-,■ raphers < show . how; it, .can be., improved.. ■ . •' ;.MORNING,WORSHIP: From St .<• Andrew’s Church, Greensted,'.'

HEARTLAND:; The recent his­tory of second generation imimi-. grants in the:UK-,GRASSROOTS GARDENING. CALENDAR; NEWS; Weather.

'NEWS; Weather... .x ^ '/k V '• ' FELIX THE:CAT:;Cartbon. ,


•?ALL CLUED UP: Game :show. . -: INTERNATIONAL r/.'.'.'ATH-'.',

■ LETICS: European Cup Final, / oNEWSrWeather.^ Y'SV ■CALENDAR NEWS; .W eather.; HOME TO ROOST: With John Thaw and^Reece :Dinsdale. (0) N EVERGREEN: Lesley Ahn W ar-^ ren plays a -young Jewish g irl;: who falls in love w ththe.son of her wealthy employer* But/she ac c e p tsa marriage proposal from : a ;poor young; carpenter when she learns that she can’t . wed her true love; (Concludes next Sunday).. v - ■.

.NEWS: Weather; ::FOOTBALL: The. Zenith Data Systems Challenge.: :Ars‘enal v.llndependiente. from.Miami. ., NEWS; THE CHART SHOW. ’ PICK OF THE WEEK. ! i NEWS; GARRISON’SGORILLAS.^ ii ■ MAYHEMWITH MARGO:Two political guests are grilled by : Margo. McDonald. . •.MUSIC BOX. -

llkOi'-:WHO CARES ?: Jbhathan!Miller:.- presents the series for and

> , ;iv: vaboutpeople w hocarefor.sick;. :vf:-';'.orV.. disi'or :d isab led ,

friends'. S 111.40 WEATHER.

iTVRegiorisAs Yorkshire except:' . ■


:relatives o r ’


12.30 This Is .Your Right. 12.50 Aap. Kaa Hak. 1,10 Coronation Street. 2.10 Queen of the Pirates (flM); 10^5 Whickers World. 11.35 Prisonen Cell Block H.12^0. Mayhem with Margo. 1 0 The Cplne Mutiny (fllm). 3.20.1 Come Hell and Heavy Water. 3, 0 Night Beat.

Central12.30 Newiweek.hilO .Coroi' nation Street, 2,10 Flash­back. 2.30 Royal, Forest of Dean. 10.36 Marseilles Con-, tract (film), 12.15 Prisoner Cell Block H. 1.15 Jpy Killer ;fllm). 2.40 Chart Show. 3.35

Simone Veil featured in Women in Politics ..• :: (BBC2 , 9.50Pm).

M il

6 .00' 9.2512.30 12.55]

1.00 . 1.10 .■2.102.30

; 3.003.30

10.3511.35 12.0512.30



■h 1954); Starring Humphrey Bo-’. gart and Jose Ferrer..>.:NEWS; COME HELL AND HEAVY WATER.OFF THE WALL. . . -

6.00 HALLELUJAH); American gos- " * D6l' *

.' 6.30 FUGHT OVER SPAIN: la Rlojai

7 .0 0 GO FISHING: Graylingr(R). 7.30 : INTERNATIONAL TIMES:

, - ' Background reports on world . ■ news. '


; 8.30 - OFEAGLES: Children’s

9.00 DENNIS: Cartoon.9.25 HERE AND NOW ON 4: Asian

• magazine. " ■ ■10.00 AUSTRALIAN RULES FOOT-



, 2.00 THE OLD CURIOSITY SHOP: (Film, 1934). Starring Hay Pe-

• : • ■ trie. . v :.; ■■. 3.45 THE THREE STOOGES: Zany .- com edy.-'

4.05 NO HIGHWAY IN THE SKY:' :■ (Film, 1951). James Stewart and .

Marlene.Dietrich 6tar. ■ ‘; :; Cv 5.55 NEWS; Weather.6.00 NORTH TO NOWHERE — !

QUEST FOR THE POLE: One of. the most bizarre races to the

North. Pole ever seen ,w ith competitors including a Japan­ese motorcyclist. V !


Drama series b a ^ d on the French Revolution. ./

9.00 TALES FROM THE HOLLY- . . WOOD - HniaS: Second of : six

dramaB which make up this ': series. In the Old Reliable by P

G Wodehouse, Lynn Redgrave ■ and Rosemary Harris star as . two sisters battling over 3 book

of kiss-and-tell memoirs. : :10.00 THE BOFORS GUN: (Film,

1968). Starring David Warner and Nicol WilHamson. i ,

12.00-1.25 CINEMA FROM THREE CONTINENTS: Cubagua. A drama of a man in search of himself and the identity of a nation’s culture. *

LynnrRedgrave: Channel 4, 9 pm^

ynem with Margo.

A n g l i a12.30 Fanning Diary. 1.10 Heirloom. 1.40 Cartoon. 10.35 Football. 12.35 Prisoner: Cell Block H/X30 Mayhem vrtth Margo. 2.0 The Tell ..Tale Heart.(fllm).3,30 Pick of the. Week. 4.0 Mountbatten: The Last Viceroy. ■ r

Border12.30 The, 19th Day. 1.15 Planning. a. Small Garden.1.30 Out; of “Granada.'

' Towri 12.30,:As

P 0 1 215, 285m, 1089, .lU tlU U X J05JXJU, VJIF98.8. , ... B.OO Jakki Brambles. 7.00 Bruiio 1

■ Brookes Breakfast Show.with Liz: >v 'Kerahaw. S.SO'Dave-Uee'-Travie,-

,12.30 Pick of the Pops. 3,OO PhiUlp Schpfleld. :4.30,,Glwtbusters;' 5.00..; Top;40.7.00The Anne Nlghtin^le'''.;;

'.,Request'Show. 0.00.-Andy-lter-: shaw. 11.00-2.00::, am: Scott! on-' Sunday. v

2 330, 433m, 909,683klti,yiIF 88-91; '

4.00 David Allan. 6.00 Graham ;■ Knight, 7.30 Roger Royle. 9.05 Melodies for You. 11.00 Desmond . Carrington. 2.00 Benny Green. 3.00 Marcel Stellman. 4.00 The Peter Morrison Song., Book., 4.30 S i n g . Something Simple (5.00 FM Joins ' Radio 1). 7.00 Dennis McCarthy and .Friends. 8^0 -Sunday Half- ■ / Hour. 9,00 Your Hundred’ Best Tunes. 10.05 Songs From the < Shows, 10,45 Richard Nunn. 11.00 Peter Clay ton. .1.00 ."am Jean -a j Challis^reBents Nightride.: 3.00-,.4.007 tie; NightMusic,MW as:above-except::2.00pm-7.00

; Sunday Sport with Garry Richard-. -son, lncl the European Athletics' Cup, motorcycling, show Jumping, , ana cricket. ■ ; : y

3 .2247m, 121SklIi;VllF .................. 90,2-92.4. ' .

0.35 Open University (FM only)

.The Threat to Sovereignty. ,8.55 Weather. 7.00 Handel’s Opus 4. 7.30 News. 7^5 By Arrangement (new .seriesV Mozart arr."Wendt (Overture: The Marriage of Fi- raro); trad arr . Beethoven (The

.Pulseof an IrlshmaniTheParting. ; Kiss) Verdi arr ;Liszt .(Rigoletto iParaphrase),- Pergolesl arr,; Barr j birolli- (Concerto i for,-oboe'--, and ; strings), Stravinsky (Diverti­mento).?- 8,30 ; News. 8,35 Your: Concert Choice. 10.30 Prom Talk. 11.00 Karajan conducts Verdi's Requiem, 12:35.Pascal Roge (piano), Schumann (Klnders- zenen), Beethoven;' (‘Appasslon- ata’. Sonata),1,20 Interval Read­ing. 1.25 Debussy (Preludes Bk 1).

, 2.10 Haydn. Strlng Quartet Op 33 No 4.250 Proms 1689 (live relay):- Vinter (Salute to Youth); Holst (A Moorsiae Sulte),:RlchardRodney Bennett, (The ; Flowers of the

:Forest),-Dennis Wright (Comet Concerto), Derek Bourgeois (Blitz), Malcolm Arnold (The Pad- stow Lifeboat). 4,00'The Rational Rabbit. Dramatisation of a story ' by Saltykov-Shchedrin. 4.15 Cleve-' land Orchestra: Bach orch Webern.

, (Ricercare). Schoenberg (Vari­ations Op 31),4.45IntervalRead- ing. 4^0 Mahler (Symphony No,5). 6,05 Interpretations 1 on Record, More.than 60 recordings of Bach’s . Suite No.2. in B for flute and

strings,. 7.05 to The Style of...i Oscar Shumsky (violin) and Will-

iam Wolfram (piano) play ; Krelsler. 7.80-Proms ;1989 (live

relay). SibelIus <P°hjola’s Daugh- The Oceanldes).

;8;?0 Readings ft-om Personal Rec-. : ;pUectlonsoT:RlchardWagnerby

/.Viennese baritone and;theatre ru manager Angelo Neumann,'-8.25

-Wagner (DleiWalkureAct 3).;9.50

Films (miTVLove Happy (BBC1, 10am); Although the three Marx-.brothers; star in this , ramshackle comedy, it is all /Harpo, some Chico and very little Groucho — though in his 10 minutes he does get to smirk at Marilyn Monroe.. iThe Old Curiosity Shop (Channel 4, 2pm). This 1934 picture was London-

. bom director Thomas Bentley's third version , of The Shop and; by modern standards this effort " is slow and sentimental/ • , .Hot Enough for June (BBC1 , 3pm). In 1963, the year of From Russia withLove, Rank thought it was time to send up secret agents.. They persuaded.Dirk

,. Bogarde to play a.writer sent to Prague by the Americans in this spy spoof. Dizzy Doctors (Channel 4, 3.45pm). The- Three Stooges go into hospital in this 1937 offering- one of the funniest of their two-reeler shorts.No . Highway in the Sky (Channel 4 i; 4.5pm). Mid-air suspense, mixed with : gentle - comedy i. when absent-minded professor (James Stewart) insists that new commercial airliner is not safe. Marlene Dletrich: and Glynis Johns co-star in this 1951 movie.■;;-ir Murphy’s Romance. (BBC1, 7.15pm)r James. Garner, as a crustyi; old, w ’ " dowed pharmacist who gradually falls for a young divorcee (Sally Field), won his first Oscar nomination-ih.thls 1985 offering. " • .v ^ • ■- -.

■ a-SV■ •..vUV.'Pi

, .... i--V3- _::y:;

James Garner: BBC1, 7.15 pm.The Bofors; Gun (Channel 4,: 10pm).

, Director Jack Gold made a feature film debut, in ,1968 ..with this drama which •charts, the brutalising: effects of:mili­tary through' the experience of seven s o l d i e r s . \Two Laiie; Blacktop (BBC2 , 10,30pm).

• Warren Oates is a m)ddle:aged'drop-out in thlsl971film abouta:cross-cbuntry:

: chase^betwesn two' souped-up cars. . Cubagua. (Channel 4,v; midnight); This

- dramatised documentary, made in 1988,. looks : at ';the icreatiori'; bf i: modern Venezuela, ' 'TheCaine Mutiny(TyneTees, 1,0 am). Famous 1954 sea story, stars Humphrey Bogart as the unbalanced ballbearing- click ing C aptain Queeg, y :

T V R e v ie wWHEN the Survival nature series labels one of Its programmes a special, it is usually a sign that it is.first-rate.

Last night it excelled itself with its ITV dociunentary on Britain’s la rgest, remaining tract bf ancient i wobdland, r • the Caledonian. Forest in the Scottish ..

ihlands. r Aarrated by Adam Watson,/.who •

started to explore the forest^as^a;' .; nine-year-oldi this was . first-rate -even " v when set . against -;the usual: h ig h 1, ■ ■ standard of vmdlife: programmes; . ;

The Caledonian Forest has suffered, the ravages of man and is now only brie : per cent of; its size 10,000 years ago ,; ■ when it sprung up as the Ice Age . departed. - > ;;.•

But the remnants are wonderful, with trees more than 300 years c an intriguing variety of wildlife;

When wildlife films fail it is rarely on the quality of the filming, which was excellent nere. It is-usually on the standard of the narration. But this was told with skill and care, as one would expect of a man who knows; and loves the area well.

The forest was once home for lynx, bears; arid wolves — the laBt of,which was killed in 1743; Now it is the hoirie of, Scottish wild cats, pine martens, red squirrels; ospreys arid golden eagles, all ofwhich were shown here; Some golden ’ eagle nests are a hundred years old and


16ft; high :with' riestingm aterlai,rTne film of one of these powerful creatures

: not seem, altogether: happy at handing - over his: chat* show to ,the alternative-

: comedian, Ben' Elton, while hQ goes on holiday. " ;

The man':rw hb-l6ves::the/limelight-1 .seemed ill-at;'ease.'among the iconoelas-.. tic^humouriof.Eltorii wno came on .to discuss takirig over the*reins.'. In ’spite bf a warning from Wogan that he should not do the jpb too well, Elton v ■ was irrepresslble.:'!I thinkthat-pretend-: Ing to ,be- a national institution for a couple ofweeks is a great idea,”- he sa id ,. adding: "Next I’ll take over as the ■Queeri'Mum;’.’ . , • ,; Although he might riot have the easy all-round appeal of..Sue;Lawley, who has stood in before, Ben Elton ,would haveito do a pretty terrible job-to be worse.than Wogan.

Another guest, Miriam Margolyes,. showed that eccentricity is riot always boring.; . ' . . - ^ ■■

Shelias a fine pedigree as the actress whom' John . Cleese sent -to Coventry. because of her foul language when they appeared together in the Cambridge Footlights Revue.

Michael Clarke QuMtionTtae.2^0Truckin'Mag-

/ Bie!(8)PIaybyDlaneNey.3.30The r - Family Finn. 4,00..:With Great P.'- Pleasure. 4,47 Enauire Within. 5.00 ■v ‘XM im Take,- A; El(acej'I,lke...-:5;40

GhUdren of the Ice;;5;50,Shippinr Forecast, 5.55Weather.6.00 News

S tring or Pearls. 3.0 Musico la. 8.0 Brass. 7.0 FM Martin Hind- march. 8.0 Scarborough Sr Serenades.'9.0 Jazz.-10.0 Foil

-jrcussion, - keyboards arid elec-;ronics._li',pe French-Church

»Uaptat—;:-r. Narnia^^by.cfs. Le^.T.o635ews;i,i

l^uder Tnan Words (new series). 7.30 Enterprise. 8.00AGo<xi Read:

Stblchela. Janies Wood’s work for - louder" Than Words (new eeries);nArPHOeism ■ I/nnhnn.<)^ J ' n on b 2 j w . ' i

M usic.: E ustache, de C aurroy (Mi^sa pro defUnctlsJ.; Claude Le Jeune (Magnificat).: Choir of New

(8)..' 8,3 Round Dan- ’. S.OO Newe; , School Re-

directed by'Ed- : • ward Higginbottom, 12,00-12,05 am

"•V 'N0WB ;

' M i o 4 - S ^ ;T: v,K^^ ^ pg-PpriBCMt6.flO Vtqm

6.30 Moniing ,; Weather. 7.0C ,„u Hlum«.Papers. 7.15 Waterllnes. 7.40 Sun- -

(■.;day',. B.OO News. 8ilo;Suridayi " Pagers, 9,15 Letter from America,'. :

/ v9;80 Morntog Service (s). 10.15 The ‘ Archers, 11.15. News'Stand. 11,30

• Pick of the Week, (s), 12.15 Desert Mand: Discs (s) with Sue Lawley:

Ports. 9,15 The Natural'History .; wogramme. jj.69 Weather. 10.00. News, 10,15 : The Countryside in

Srauner, ll.OOTheChristian Cen- turies. ,11,30 Seeds of . Faith (s). •M'0^12.30'«n,News,: inclv 12.20 Weather. 12,33 Shipping. Fore-

• - Cast. - ■m as LW: except: 7.00-8.00 am

. Open University; 7.00 A Portralt of Adanr Smith. 7,20 17th-Century

I? - Draughtsmen and CraftsmenV7,40 - ■ Arts Foundation Course: Sullivan, :1.65-1.00pm Programme. News.

4,00-5.00 OpUons: 4;oo Learning to :: JJsten, 4.30 Sport in.Question. 5.00

The Roadsi to Munich, 5,30 Telling It How It Was,. . ■ :: “

•. trading. 12,55 Weather. 1,00 The ; L eeO S 388m, viiF 92,4, 774kiit. ■ ■ v^'VWfW>^1lte-WB?k^•a«.Ship;.vV:J.7;6;.BB^W^^S^.^!9.0 Jon':■■; ping Forecast. 2,00- Gardeners' Hammond. 12,0. Renuests. 2.0 •

r'36gm, W FM ,3, 82M li;y'.:y . 6:o; PauI LStead/ 9,0 Solid Gold.

; 12.0 Ray Stroud. 2.0 Andy Sid-;; dell; 5,0 ^hart Show, 7,0 In

Concert. 8.0 Carl Gresham, 10,0 Gaiy Rogers. 1.0 Steve Warren.4.0 Duncan Larkin.

ClevelM' 7.30 Sunday Breakfast 9,0 News; i

Stewart McFarlane. 12.0 Re- quests. 1.30 Dad’s Music. 3.0 Country Time. 5.0 Top 40.7.0 As Leeds.. - •

TFM 257m, VUF 96,6, U70klk.6.0 Jonathan Jennings. 8.0-Su- perstar Sunday; A Ha. 12,0 Jimmy Savile. 2,0 Nick Plercey. 4.0The Hit Factor. 5.0 Charts. 7 0 Al Rhodes.10,0 Late:Show. 2,0 -

- Night Shift, . .

Newcastle,H!8klh.8.0 GoBpeiShow. 9,0John: Oley; 112.0 Requests. 2,0 Frank Wappat,.

3.0 Howes’ Fishing, 350 Contact 3J55 Church Events. 4,0 Bridge TfaMGap, 5,0 Top 40. 7.0 As

'lllc lli ; 11)4,1,1035Mli'.-,r,TA[ BraMfas't 'Show.SiO'-'News;';’: ..' Winton-. Cooper.v ,12,0; !Fariiily Favourites. 2.0 World Music. 3,0 “ MusicolarFMohly: e;o Brass. ,7.0,; AsiLeeds.MW only: 6,0 Yemeni1 programme. 6.16 Chilean pro­gramme; 6,30 Sheffielders.. 7.0 AfTo-Caribbean programme. 9.0 Music Mix. 9,30 Listen Up; 10.30 Gospel Inspiration;Hal6 1 Pete Brettle. 9,0 Howard Pressman. 12.0 Dave Kllner. 2.0 Richard Tandy. 5.0 Charts. 7.0 ’ Tim Jlbson.10.0 Late Show. 2,0 Karl Svenson. FM 103.4:10.0 Ruby Wax. 11.0 John Kenning.2.0 Carl Kingston.H u m b e r s i d e v,,t:umuit.7.0 Mike Day, 9£ Steve Massam. 11.5 Soapbox., 12.0 News, Top School Qulz.;.12,30 Katy.Noone, 2;0 Out'and About, 5,0 CHwy’s ;

; Soft; Spot. e.OiNows, Brass,'7,0 As L e e d s . v v - -■ u=.-.:

. -12.0 Nick Hull. 2.0 Jon Culshaw. . 5J> Charts. 7.0 Hm Jibson. 10.0 ., Phil Bodmer. 2,0 Karl Svenson.

^Pennine 196,235m, VJ1F97.5, 102.5, 103,3:., . ,

2,18m, YIIF.96',9: ,

'•8|0.^rianGreein; 0.0^Al,l>upres,j

>■; M ,Jayne Young. 9,0 Ian .JarnQS,, !v;i2V0:Nlck HuIl, 2V0‘:Ad'rian '.ipreen?5,0..Charts, .7.0 Tim:Jib'-:. ■■ It's on. 10.0' Phil; Bodmer, ;2.o:

Karl ' Svenson, . (102,5MHz - FM.-. .. only): 10.0 Ruby Wax. 11,0 vJohn Kennings, 2.0 Carl Klngs-: ton. -: .. -

1 Classic .Gold ^. 1548UU.. 6.0 Breakfast Show. 10.0 Jimmy Savile. 12.0 Johnny Moran. 2.0

-Music and Cricket 5.0 Charts.7.0 Phil Butler. 10.0 Pat Gibson.2.0 Karl Svenson.

Vrt..L- '38m. vnr 95.5. 103.7,; X urb. 104.3, 666 1260kIII.

7.0 Simon Pattern., 9.30 David Dunning.; 1.0 Dean • Squire. 3.0

. Musicola. 6.0 Brass: 7.0 Classics.8.0 Scarborough Spa Orchestra.

; 8,30 Jazz, 10.0 Folk, .

Luxembourg.6,15 Music Jam,7,'40Goapel Spin:- 8,0-. Peter: Anthony. 10,0 Marti

:, Page. 12.0 David Lee Stone,



• I

\ -j


4'iI -


I '■ - '- ii -

• From opposite pager ■;.>■ ^who invites'Eliis.a coniniitted feminist

■‘photographer,onhlBlastcam paign to explore th e '; East. She; accepts . the' assignment, but only to expose through her pictures, Alexander’s ' corruption.

iTuesday at 9.45 pm.\ Psychiatrist Anthony Clare had

,never used a couch in his programme, -before he met Mary Whitenouse. But .her back was so bad she had to lie down' ;for; the:;;show, : The. founder" of <the ;Natipnal Viewers and Listeners Associ­ation is the third of the. good doctor’s guests to sit In the Psychiatrist’s Chair

•lat 9.05 am on. Wednesday on Radio 4;vH Architect Frank Lloyd Wright' once (drew a: plan for a mile-high building. In

... Reach for the- Sky a t 11 iam on ; ^Wednesday ori: Radio 4,' Alun Lewis

talks to some of; the. world’s leading architects - and - engineers about the

- engineering and:practical: problems of -■ creating skyscrapers, 5 , '

Glen Campbell presents The A*Z of . Country Music a t 7 pm bn Thursday on

Radio:,2;: He; will be looking, a t the •history and music of the all-time great 'stars: from ::Roy > Acuff to Zydeco. Campbell adds personal anecdotes on- many of the stars ,with; whome he has worked. yyy-ry-y n' The difficulties the BBC experienced' in preserving -its ; independence from Government ciBnsorship and on report­ing foreign affairs impartially in th e : years: preceding the last war- are . revealed in A Conspiracy of Silence at

• 7.20 pm on Thursday on Radio 4. TheShrase is acttially taken from a confi-

ential memo from the BBC’s northern; regional director at the time ofMunich. Pressures from the Foreign Office riews department arid the Prime Minister’s Hce-effectively banned criticism of

_“'J Mussolini; .Voices like: losed to: appeasement, ie,air.

T\r Preview,' A RICH Fifth Avenue banker (Ian McShane) becomes involved with


a Jewish refugee .from Poland: (Lesley Ann WarrenJ in tum-of- the-century N ew .:York in "• the: 1

Jfau l Eddington Introduces Cathedral Classics (BBCl, Sunday, 10.10 pm). -;

riUni-Beries Evergreen OTV, Sun- : day, 7.45pm).

'McShanej- who appeared in 13'1 e p i s o d e s : o i D a lla s a s a

■:! Bcreenwriter-dlrector who went off > ' with Sue Ellen, said of:his Texas- : California involvenjentr "I had a

lot'of fun doing it; I wouldn’t want to do any more.; x ; i '

/ Wallas is a machine. You say, the llnesr.;and pick5 up the money "

: ;and;run’Vhe a d d e d . > n • New . York — arguably th e 1; ugliest and most materialistic c ity In the world — comes under the 1 spotlight Iri Equinox (Chsinnel 4,;

,. Sunday. 7pm).; . - The city has 7m people living in ’ the world's most coiriplex environ­

ment and the programmer goes

beneath the Big Apple’s skin to reveal the core of power workers,

'■Water suppliers ’and•. rubbish,(or■ maybe trash) collectors who keep -the show on the roadi •

The Rushdie affair has polarised : Britain’s Moslem community: —■ uniting it in anger but dividing it in how best to respond. Some

;;.ofthe-' emotive problems facing ^Moslems growing up in Britain are■ shown in the sixth and final, pro­

gramme of Yorkshire Television’si Heartland (ITV, Sunday, noon);■* 5 The party continues at Wembley

arena ln the second Stevie Wonder Birthday Celebration (BBC1, Sat­u rd ay , 1 0 .1 0 p m ).C e leb rltie s iricluding 1 Aswad, Paul Young, Tears for Fears. Cyndi Lauper. Chaka Khan, Billy Ocean and Junior Giscombe join Stevie at a

* 39th birthday party where he plays •40 songs an a receives a piano-sized

^ Reassuringly, the number of ‘ Britain’s master thatchers has more than'doubled in the past 2 0

: years and almost 50 per cent of

thatching work undertaken is on' new homes. •. 1

But thatchers •— like rriost of u s :: — have, their problems; British reed, their preferred, material, has been declining in quality ana quantity. In its place, reed is being imported from Poland,. Austria, France and Turkey. Chris Baines discovers what can be done to redresB the balance in Country. File (BBC1, Sunday, 12.30). .

: :' The-total eclipse: of the moon from 2.21am to 5.65airi ori August: 17, should be w e ll:. seen': Horn Britain, and Patrick Moore talks . about if and H J P Arnold explairis how to photograph it >in The Sky ;: a t N ig n t (BBC2, S a tu rd a y ,: 4.55pm). y^-fiy:: - i v - ; . ' / : : , ; :: '■ PaurEddingtbrilntroduces'the,:: first* in a. series bf choral and orchestral concerts from four: of Britain’s cathedrals in Cathedral C la s s ic s ; (BBC 1, S u n d a y , 1 0 .10pm).

Hitler and Churchill'swere kept o _ _£ Ian MacLaurin, chairman'-of Tescosince 1985; . is guest Frida;

John Humi w ; l u o a . jus' i j u m i r

lest In; the/Hot Seat iy on Radio :4

:umphry’ at 4.05 1

's last pm b n ,

_ .J O i l 1UU U U 4 . -

,.f( A bygone era of 1930s jazz music can . be relived when a new Radio 3 series;

The tBiggest Little Baixd takes to the. airwaves; Jazz enthusiasts a re 1 tran-' sported back to 1936 when an enterpris­ing bass . player, John Kirby, put together, a black band to play at one of New,. York’s, most celebrated venues,: ithe Onyx Club in 52nd Street. They went on to become the talk of the town and landed a thrice-weekly radio series - - partly by employing- extremely-ac­complished musicians and im aginative: arrangers. Friday at 5.45 pm.

DIAGRAM No 283 Black: 4 pieces

Thanks to generous . sponsorship . from Pilkington Glass, the total prize ; fund will be in excess of £140,000.. The four contenders, for Garry Ka-

. : sparov’s world crown will be battling it ; out at the Sadler's Wella Theatre.

‘ ' Each match comprises eight, games,‘ " luick-play play-offs if '

ig. sessions will

Lesley Ann Warren stars in th e two-pairt drama, Evergreen-(ITV; SsUUufty 7»45: pni « \ > •/!•••

b -c d e ; f : : ’ ■ White: 6 pieces .White to play and mate in two moves against'any defence.o k 2nd October 1989, ptey vrill begin in the tw o. semi-final matches for the W orld C hess C hairip ibnship . The niatches are: Anatoly Karpov (USSR) v Artur YU8UPOV (USSR); and Jonathan Speelman (England) v Jan Timman (Netherlands).

with a series of 1 necessary. All pl< berin at 4,00 pm. , :

: , The British Chess Federation- are very fortunate to host this iinportant event. For ticket infbrrriatlon r in g , 01-359-9191. For other details contact

' th e B ritish C hess F e d e ra tio n on 0424-442500.

Jon Speelman, has already gone further in the world championship than .iany o th e r E n g lish m an . H is w ins in the current candidates series against

. have6blen^^TC d^w fthxiu^lcB tag1 single game.

V The diagrammed problem is White to play arid mate in two moves..against

, arar defence..,(Solution next weeK). - Last week’s solution'(Piagram No.

282.' r5 k l:: lblnlpbp: p5pl: qlpP2Nl: lpR2B2: 5Q1P: iraPPI: 5BK1). White won with 1 Bc7! Qxc7; 2 QxCTch Kh8 ; 3Rh4! (...h6 ; ' 4 RxhBch and 5 Qh7 mate).


A L L G U A R A N T E E D 1 5 Y E A R S

y y T E L L E E D S -



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V '

IT should have been a m om ent to savour, 'but. R ichard H u tto n ’s first appearance, as a p layer on th e ground w here h is fathers Sir Leon­ard , began h is legendary career,-' w as short-lived. ■ ' f - y - .

He. captained: an MCC side yesterday against Pudsey. St Lawrence as part of the local club’s celebration of 100 years . of cricket at th e ir ,Tofts Road'ground,." the arena where Sir Leonard began his •' Yorkshire and England career, playing -

■ with the club from 1928 to 1934. ;;;,V Sir Leonard, 73, and still recovering ’ from' an operation in June, made a brief appearance at'the: match: and: missed •

' the moment, when ’ h is . son was dis-■ missed first ball, having gonein at the fall of the third ;MCC w i c k e t ?'. ; “Itis nice to be backi l have some very

:happy memories,; of playing, here" Sir Leonard told PEOPLE.- ‘‘It is-;the ideal setting for youngsters to learn th e irc rick e t; I .-. am riot ' interested. ih the politics orily the cricket,, and the ' MCC is only concerned imth spreading ■ the word about cricket”, v;' ; ; >

While waiting to; bat Richard, 46,' remembered his early cricketing days

,-in,Yorkshire;.“I.have riot played here before. For some reason when I played

in the league I played for Bradford;” V said the former Yorkshire, and England 'i

. aH-roimder who retired fromithe first- class game ih 1974 .during one of the , county’s unhappy, periods. . : ■■■

Did he miss the first-class game? wondered PEOPLE. “I miss the fel-1

; lowship , arid companionship of the,'i!. .first-class game, ! don’t miss the ', physical.exercise, but it was wonderful !. when I was associated with some par- ticularly successful Yorkshire sides.,

“We had enoririous amounts of fun. : But I don’t think they have the same fun ';.

5 today; I think the pressures are much •■.; ; greater today,” said Richard who now • slives on .the Kent/Sussex border where ; cricket is played without passion. :V “it is a fairly passionless area about v-

’ everything,” he said as' the Yorkshire . ' passion for 'the game,\ its , legends arid ? heroes 1 was 'materialised' in a pro­cession of spectators letting Wm know

. they remembered' some .meriiorable . moment of his father’s career. • : ■ -;• The. MCC may' have fielded the - names, Hutton, Mushtaq, Jim Cumbes, -

.Paul Romaines. but .it 'was Pudsey St Lawrence’s .day—the fixture itself was something 'of a coujp as MCC rarely

, venture m u st; .have been the passions v. '

Richard Hutton relaxes with fellojiv MCC team members before his quick return journey to the wicket. ■

THE worst fears were , realised yesterday by parishioners at one of ; , Britain’s most historic ' ‘

. RomanCatholic'! 'y 7 : churches — its doors ; closed in June and will

; never re-open.* Mount St Mary’s : Church, in Richmond

; HU1, Leeds, was p u to n n 'th em ark e tb y th e 1 ’ .Dublin-based Oblates1 of

. Mary Immaculate who V;vi own the church. -i:

They pulled out of I'fe the parish two months: ago, leaving Leeds Roman Catholic Diocese with the : responsibility of looking after the parish. ; ;;

The grade-two listed s building, which was vV built .between 1853 and >

M857, looks destiried to ;t: be turned into offices • or, perhaps, more likely, according to the agents handling the sale, Ber­nard Thorpe, some v form of homes., Some limits will be :

put on development of • i the second largest :

. Roman- Catholic church ;', in England because, as a listed building,, its - facade1 will have to he ■ . kept. ^: , No cost has been put', on the'sale, which . : :includes the presbytery . and' two-and-aThalf •. ! i acres of grounds, of the cathedral like-building: which was built by-the v efforts of Irish 'ii:'-" immigrants and a t its peak'in the 1920shad f. 10 services a> day;, .


Water ways:■' A-BOATHOUSE. romance' fbr Henrietta Shaw, the i; first- woman ito. 'cox.rCambridge- University in the

boat race; is blossoming into'marriage. ''The'elder daughter of Sir Giles. Shaw, Pudsey MP,

: and Lady, Shaw, Henrietta, 26, mdt .Thomas Butlerl 26 , When they were at St John’s College, Cambridge where he was;captain of the college boat club anc

;" s h e -^ :^ (^ t£ a y ivbut<t&e.%edd^-Win:have-tS!^raii ^^Until^theysiknow'whereP'in: the-wbrldi'th^^^are'to . live;- --jf

. e ^ o m ^ h a s just;-left the Army? aftexvf^ :five-year commission- and is jo in ing an oil ; company. Helis trying to persuade me T w oiddliketo Uve in 'Cairo • bu t: he could be posted to Aberdeen, but wherever he goes he has ,a long.period of training and they

:: do not, recognise,wives .until !after -that,’’-;Heririetta .told PEOPLE yesterday. ,■ rj

The enforced; w ait;. will ^v e her.'time to decide where she would like .the wedding. :“I t‘ Could be Yorkshire , .my. father would hke ;a-’Yorkshire

. wedding:^- .it could be London although'Iiami riot

.keen, ; it might be: Cambridgev”, : said\ Henrietta, wh,o works for the BBC in their arithropology upiti'at Elstree. arid lives in London.. ':':." : .;.' Alter an education at the Bar Convent, York and

^HarrpgateLadies’ C onege^/^efi^w asthC T fe'they .--had :;dropped the:: Ladies, although .they'have: sirite

restored it” she ;studied iho'dern lahguages 'a tCambridge.wheresheinnri!)<iror’ ' ‘ ‘ .....

: university’s history; .. “That was a total ch

Single-sex school I,-. w e„.took women for the first time,'arid'.theri;:'r.was thfe

, first, womari to Cox the university crew' iri the boat race, in 1985 my final year,.” saia.'Henrietta. ’* ■ i! •

,,' r iThoinas w as. born in .Swaziland and his.' parents ' now live-in Port Elizabeth, SouthSAfnca^where his -.father, w h o taugh t,, outward:, bound !co'urses,.;is ,fsemi-retired but fork ing for,the'local wildlife ;<&&: servation- society, md.'Ms’:indtter-is^a:pliy^6t£iieija: .pist.:; ■ - ■ ■ ■ ■ ;- H e.served. w ith \th e R oyal-E ng in’ee rs .a tt'e r

. 'university, and ;spent. two years’Jbri^secoridmerit in . Hong Kong with the Gurkhas,'..;

.' The /'couple told her. 'parents .;qf;.ltheir4 engagej • ment at a celebration ih .tlie House'of Coriinioris /last week, but,the popping-of .champagne^corks' went . unnoticed by fellow MPs, V'V,S..A;’u „

“Everyone round us had champagrie as well; they' ■were .celebratirig the .reshuffle,”.said Henrietta, v ' 1-

A R IS IN G /fro m th e subject of M allow s,, w hich I discussed in t h i s c o lu m n , so m e

• weeks ago. I received | a le tte r fro m , a lady

w hdlives in th e W ake­field a rea contain ing a ' crie de coeur. .

She writes! that while , sh e h a d g ro w n th e annual Lavatera (L.tri- m e s tr is ) she did n o t. know that there was a perenn ia l species, the Tree ■ - Lavatera (L:olbia rosea): She contiriU es: that she has .iriquired of v a r i o u s ' g a r d e n in g centres, but has been unable to locate one.. I ani very surprised that my' correspondent .

has'-fhad this difficulty; .' for,this plant' is comriiori ■ enough in garderis ' so : common indeed that that\ most- useful; production,: The Plant .Finder, does

■ riot "Ust /individual' nurr :. series which stock this 5 ■plant; .contenting itself , w ith-.the • verdict • “Wi-';; dely available’’.

■ I also1 found 'stocks of this, pink-flowered Tree ,

'L av a te ra availab le a t each !pf 'two. nurseries I • charic'ed to v is it th is week. ;

Packing and transport ; costs being prohibitive, if - any nursery in the W ake-. '

. field area having stocks of this plant will,let me know, c/o The Yorkshire

’Post; I will gladly pass •


the information' on to my ■ ■correspondent. 7 ■

At one of the nurseries I found a variety of Dead . Nettle which I had n o t . seen before and which I found charming. The sp.e-

. cies Lamium maculatum is a native of Britain k id extends far and wide; across Europe into West­ern Asia and even North

. Africa. , ■, . This being the case, it . is . not su rp risin g th a t - differing: forihs have arisen. They are all good f ro n t-o f - th e -b o rd e r plants which will trickle over onto the path. They -V are.'too, splendid'sriioth- '

, erers of weeds arid, will endure poor soil whether in sun or shade. I-

; The green leaves have ‘

' a central silvery; stripe and th6 ' flowers ;of the type species are' pinkisli- purple. There, is. also a white-flowered1 form;V, T h e ;v a r ie ty w hich- charmed.vine 1.was. ‘Ro- s e u m ’ ini w h ic h th e flowers are shell-:pirik; ‘White Nancy’ is a break ■

• • in which: the; leaves■■ aie entirely. silvery:white, the. flowers also being. white.-.On the other hand ' ‘Beacon Silver’ has the sam e s.i 1 v e ry w h i te leaves, but in its case the’.

• flowers are pink.All these are easy a n d ;

• well-behaved plants, but not., so the plant often listed as Lamium galeob- dolon ‘Variegatum’. but correctly known as La-


THE winner of Saturday «Prize Crossword No; 181 GENERAL KNOWLEDGE PU ZLE Na 11)3and the first prize of;, £ M r..B . G. Wade, • ‘ " “ '"K.nwwnUiUgfc rvttLE 11U> IM-Kingsway, Weeton, Leeds. The £10 second prize goes to Mr. D. Addy, Burlington Road, Dore, Sheffield and M r s . M. I. Birkinshaw, S t O w e n ’s Drive, Pogmoor, Barnsley, takes the third prize of £5. E n t r i e s for this week’s competition should be

. addressed to Saturday Prize Crossword No. 182, The Yorkshire Post, Wellington Street. LEEDS LSI 1RF

;. ,TOi ARRIVE NOT LATER THAN FIRST POST THURSDAY, AUGUST 10. Prizes will be awarded to the- -senders -of the first three correct solutions opened; ; . '

; NAME .... .............................................. ' ' ',




4 3


> 5 Somehow I’d feel March to be.apipropriate for a magical existence (7 and 4 ) .: ; ; u

V 7 B itter experiences tang in retrospect (4). ,1 8 Reg arranges a time to.leave the country to settle

l : in another (8). : / : - - - v :; ' :; 9 Miraculously averts having to die of hunger (6).

1 > 1 0 Male singers hit the right notes (6 ).12 Manage_to find the -part; of a which it is '

to be held (6). ;. ...1 14 Trick used in opening lhove in game (6). ,‘ 15 Poor Rose can’t name one forebear! (8). M

I :.17 Genuine old Spanish coiri (4). V ■1 18 Little Diana’s feeling of joy, turns to slight anger '

> d o w n

I 1 Struck repeatedly yet coated the fish? (8) . i' 2 In deep trouble. I’m prepared to hinder (6). .

3 Floating at randorii, finds a mass of accumulated I snow (6). ; • 'v

4 A supporter of bridge on the landihg:Stage?'(4). ,5 Embarrassied'at.beirig confined forcibly? (11).: i:

I I 6 Utterly destroy extreme article, it transpires .. ( 1 1 ) . ■ ,'

1 11 Many ways to make mouse run wild (8); i [13 Praises enthusiastically some of the text Olsen J ' produced (6).1 14 Teutonic a 'r t.i c 1 e . on micro-organism causing ,, ?/- disease.(6).' 16 A set point (4). ■ v;.

SOLUTION TO SATURDAY PRIZE CROSSWORD No. 181.■ — ACROSS; 5, Standardise; 7, Amps; 8 / ' Inundate:' 9, ^ c e t ; ,1 0 , Durham- 12, Sheets-14, Cravat; 15, Ethereal; 17; Tear; 18, Cold comfort DOWN: 1, Massacre; 2, Addict; 3, Ground; 4, Mind; .5, Sympathetic; 6 , Extravagant; 11, Reaction; 13, Speech; 14, Column; 18, E lls .; ■'

S O L U T IO N TO REMINGTON LONG No. 11,526.i - ACROSS; 1, Perambulator; 9, Notable,: 10, Chops; 11, Evade; 12 , Emulate; 13, S lyest-15, Result; 18, Neptune; 20, Adieu 21, Basis; 22, Tomfool- 23, Exasperating. DOWN; 2, Estuary; 3, Amble; 4, Brewer-5, Lecture: 6, Thora; 7, Respectfully; 8, •

. Unreasonable; 14, Shuts , up; 16, Unicorn; 17, Better; 19 Pasta; 20, Admit. .; .. /. ■... : . ;


. 1 The E n g 1 a n d :soccer team’s striker sold by Barcelona to Tottenhaih Hotspur for £1.3m. (4-7).

8 Belgian Maistal resort near Briiges; with horse- ■; riding; golf courses and casino (6 ) ; -

9 Iceland and New Zealand are renowned for this kind of natural hot spring which ejects water and steam (6). .--v:

.10 Scottish; social unit consisting of families claim- ;ing a common ancestor (4).

11 A small, chubby naked boy depicted in plassiral paintings as a cupid,is known as this (8).

13 If you ask for l’aadition iri a restaurant in France you will.get this (1, 4). ' -

1.5 A prose literaiy composition, ^speculating on . some aspect of life in gerieral (5) .

. 18 Newfoundland’s r i v e r w h i c h i s u s e d for hydroelectric power (8). , .

19 Vegetable matter found in bogs and fens and used as fertiliser and fuel (4). .

20 French R i v i e r a resort famous for its iritef- natiorial film festival; (6).

21- A distressing inflammation of the skin which is . not contagious (6). ' . ' . . . -:22 The work of this French painter (1839-1906) led

to the development of cubism and abstract art : . (4-7).

2 British composer who was made Master of the King’s Musick in 1941 and wrote the film music for Oliver Twist as well as symphonies (6-3).

3 Canadian Territory which saw the Klondike gold rush of 1896 (5).

4 This forms eveiy winter and covers'the Arctic Ocean (3,3). .

5 Drink consisting of milk and beaten eggs, mixed withrum, branay orwine (3,3).

.6. The Champs ; a broad avenue bf Paris, the setting for major jamboreies (7). ■

,.7 In music, con •. means play with spirit and vigour (4). ;

12 The central square of Beijing in and' around . which the Chinese People’s Army massacred

civiliansin June (9).14 The strip of-land which connects Gibraltar with

the mainland of Spain (2,5). '16 This kind of internal • combustion engine uses

h o o t ro iip n r l Viir ’• I V s ?j _ j 1 _

Easy.; — yes; but its constitutionis of an.exu-;; berance which demands

: that it be relegated to the - wilder parts of the gar- . , denWhereitwillmakean

e x c e l l e n t ., weeol-smptherer. ;

. It grows up to 10 inches in heigh t,:ea 'ch stem beset with whorls of net-

; tle^Uke flowers, yellow in colour, while the leaves

; are silver-tinged. It is, in 'fact, an attractive plant

‘ despite its ’robustness;; bearing its Eriglish name

of Yellow Archangel., ' A useful and attractive

plant for ground cover is , th e .C om m on L ad y ’s

M aritle ' (A lc h e m il ld '■ mollis): ? This plant^-, is;

■ ^actually-: art old Englishnative growing wild in the British Isles as it does i n o.t h e r p a r t s Europe;

It increases freely by 'seeding itself and makes a cloud bf minute yellow-

. greeni stars ori stems a 'foot high,‘over handsome; .hair.yj 'gp.eertish-grey: leaiv^ifirir.'^iiy - :

■ ?:* -.-v-D ...■; It makes a.good under- plantirig for species.'.and o Id - fa's h' i o he'd' ■ r.o s e s . There is also a dwarf

, form'rOf-the plant, ■pin'aj- This is about- half : the height of the comriiOn .'form,7 but otherwise very' similar. They both flower b e t w ee ri Ju n e , 'a rid August. . V

• Afamily Which is iideal- f o r ' t h i . s . k i r id o.f .weed-policing job among . shrubs is the Geranium : clan — the true-Cranes- ' bill; riot “the .pink or red bedding plants. ; .v

' There is a- wide selec-. tion of .suitable varieties which will endure ’th e . partial , shade cast by shrubs; and at the same tim e ;h o ld t h e ir: o w n . against weeds.

G .sylvaticum album for example, has stenis two, feet tall set with white, flowers, while/the; variety ‘Mayflower’.-is light blue and ‘Wanned’ pink..

Avoid the type G.gra- tense itself and also our native G.sanguieneum, which are tough .cus­tomers .who will ride roughshod over almost any other plant. But the variety of the former, nam ed ‘M rs Kendall- Clarke’ is a charmer with single blue flowers...

■ -There are also double . White:1 and-.■ double bhje form s.- ;of G. pratense, w h ic h b o th h e h a v e responsibly as. ground cover. The hybrid ‘ John-

; son’s. Blue’ nas pleasing light' blue flowers and grows a shade over a foot •tall. .. ... '

:.'i- One of thf best .of ikll. erariesbills lor the front of the herbaceous border is the plant which:.we have long called G.gran-. difldrum, but whichj-' ac­cording, to the. experts, we must now refer to!as G.himalayense.

It makes an ever-wid­ening bushy plant a foot in height, covered -'in June and July with its m assed b lu e -p u rp le

■MANY-versions of ‘‘Soupe de poisson” are to be found:' . iri Mediterranean lands. - ' :' v -

One "of my favourites is the ‘‘Soupe de :poisson” i; . native to Provence in France which incorporates the

' addition of garlic, saffron arid herbs which'is theri.acc’ompaiiiett by either, noodles; or croutons arid the-

1 classic “Rouille’’,.a mixture 'of'olive.oil; garhc, sweet: pimmento, and hot'red chilli peppers blended into a;.

.. thick, lustrous sauce which'is se rv ^ separately-with- the soup; ; ; ■ ,■ ..;.'-.; v'

When choosing fishfor-fish sciups it is best to avoid; oily fish such as;: mackerel etc as the fishy’ flavour /'

. ' would be too'pronounced, look for lean fish such as sea.; .bass,: whiting, plaice, halibut, haddock or. cod. • ■

.. Soupe de Ppissqn I ■ ■ y-J,.Ingredients: (Serves six to eight);'| lb'Mixed Fish . (bones, trimmings etc); 1 large onion chopped, 8 fl oz, olive oil, 4 large, very ripe tomatoes, sliced, 4; head /

■ garhc, crushed, 2 sprigs fresh :thyme, 1 bay leaf, 2 ■ sprigs dried fennel,, 4;pts water, Salt, i tsp. powdered •;

•; ^affi-on, freshly-ground; peipper. e Grated panhesan ; ■: cheese (optional), 12 slices dried French bread, rubbed ;; with garlic; Rouille Xoptiorial); „ :: • Method:;Sweat the.oniorts in the-ohv.e oil'without,■; colour, until they are soft and transparent. Turn up •. the heat and add the fish, tomatoes, garhc and herbs.; Mix vigorously with a. wooden spatula while cooking . ; for about 12 miris, theri add the water. salt lightly and;;. boil for 20 mins: .. . , -

Put the^soup through a,vegetable: mill;ithe:riVpass through a fine sietre; pressing hard -to extract all th e ; .juices. Return the:heat arid bring to a geritle ' boil. Add the:'saffrpnandpepper.andseasorito;taste with salt. Add the'gratedcheese if-yqu wish.1 SerVethe

:: soup garnished with'bread’croutons; andthe'rduille if - d e s i j e d . ^ :

' Soupe .de' Eoisson II; .This particular fish soup is thicker artd-a^little richer

than the preyious.with the McLofa ‘‘rbux’.’ moistened 'mth''st'6ck,tb;create a '“veloute”;

: -Ingredients; • (Serves 6). l ib Mixed fish; (flesh: and ' bones), 1‘ oz butter, 4 fl oz white winel,'. 1 onion diced, 1

; leek',(white pait only), ! head of garlic, crushed, 1 tbsp - tomato puree, 4 pts water, Pinch saffrori', 2 oz'floiir arid , 2 oz butter for.the rbux, !. egg yolk,; Salt;-!Pepper '■ Method:.Put 2J.ozs of butter in a pan and sweat the ■ onioris;'arid: leek untn sofi-. Add fe h bdries'^d mixv

. vigorously; then add .white wine ,Md; rediicel.uritil:. syrupy. 'Add water, little .salt and bring- to -the boil. Skim arid cook for 20-minutes::Pass through sieve and :' keep hot. . . ■<:»'■ -

In another pan melt the 2oz of butter, add flourand ,; mix uritil a pale roux iis formed: (4/5 minutes). Add ■

uiauuaujrniiiuniuraie.ine.ixsn siocKmcang ' continuously until a. smooth, velvety . consistency: is ■ formed—veloute.add fishfleshand cook gentlyfor;20

; . minutes; Pass .through a fine, sieve,: eriiove; frorii the.heat tod whisk in the egg.yolk;':; .riot boil, checkifor

; seasomng. ■; ■ ''--v:>:V Note; Always reserve any crustacean shells', ,6g , lobster,. Dublin, bay prawns,-these -add-. a woriderrul \ flavour when combined with the riCh'.velbUte-rtyipemh

, . soup, enhanced with herbs, star, anise; e t c .^ e soup . can. be iinproved by. the additiori of a little' double

cream (or creme fraiche for. the;health cohscioiis)V brandy arid pemod or a Uttle Ricard 'just before

:';;-:serving.. ' ''-v .• Rouille. For Fish Soup 1 ■ • i-’' ‘

In Provence, ;Soupe de.: Poissoni'is 'tkditiorially- ,.: garnished with either noodles:or crouf oris arid'served'

.with?rouille.; . .* - j:':-: y-'lff -■ 1;:;;• Ingredients; T6 make approx i pt; 2 small dried chilli: >.->-peppers,:;Coarse:salt1.Pepperj.l sman''burich:bfT)’asil

, leaves,- 2/3 garlic cloves, 1 thick shCenf-white'bread! ^(without,crusts) soaked in warin water and squeezed, .dry; l sweet redipiepper, grilled,sMriried aridseede(is'+!:

Vi -pt ohve oil; : :'.- 1 ''Method: In a mortar, pound :drie4; pepper's; until'

,,. reduced to apowder. Add salt, pepper)basil.Md garhc' : and pound until-mixture is.crushed to a paste ■ Add the

,.>bread,arid sweet pepper and pound-to a puree:Addthe' oil m a thin,:;stea'dy streain'.while tuinihgor stirring, the. mixture.with the pestle; The finished “rouille!.’/

:: should'he'; a sriiooth' sauce ■TOth:-the"c6risfe,t6hcy''of., ;.f,mayohnaise; . -y; i V^:-

; i ' c i'j \'Axioili-

.ssate: anirsii'-Kf-tdJsDl

! ’

I I V':fl -Vy h e re c a n y o u f in d ; ,^ ^1 in c p -o rd in a te d -b a th ^

. ;jA ccessories, p lu s a professibnaJ!,,.; ’r V j p la n n in g a n d f i t t in g se rv ice? ; ( /

, ’ ■ Splash iBathrooms at J' ’ :--,1 ' : -''- N a tio n a l fV rarn irW - . - i-' .

■Jj M J



heat caused by high compression to ignite the fuel, instead of a spark plug (6).One who belonged .to art ascetic Jewish sect in ancient Palestine from 2 BC to 1 AD (6). Y

18 From . . . according to liis abilities, to., i :: according to His needs — Karl Marx (4).

19; An Italian baked; dish -with a breadlike crust ;> c o v e r e d with a . s p i c e d mixture of meats,

anchovies, cheese, tomatoes (5).

Solim ON TO QUICK PUZZLE No. 716. — ACROSS: 2 , Lacerated: 7, Road: 9, Rip; 10, Sawn; 11, Dust; 13, Iron: 15 -

W i 9' Learn; 21, Easel; 22, Rarer; 24, idler; 26, GenUer; 29, Dado-30, Odes; 52, Owed; 53, Tow; 34, Etui; 35, Preserved. DOWN: 1, M arsi marigold- 2, Lead; 3, Earth; 4,:Aspic; _5, Dean; 8 , Concentration; 8 , Duel; 10, Sole; 12, Steered-14, Rallied-16, Inset; 18, Par; 20, All; 23, Egad; 25 ' Dree; 27, Notes; 28, Lower; 29; Deep; 31, Stud.

Stereophonic - ‘ ■THOSE , old,’ enough to r.emember the. thrill of the

'v wooden sterebscope' with its .sliding iWewrfinder.:will- • ; understand -readily ,'.how ;stereophonic (why no , noun?) cariie to .us by analogy;. ;" ,:, ' Stereo is from the Greek for solid arid has been used mainly' in scientific .and technical terms. Greek skopos was an aim or object. . .K;:' V

T\Vo photograph’s taken from almost imperceptibly - -.different angles' were viewed . through a . sort. jof : spectacles attached, merging into- solidity. The prirt; - ciple was used,by the. RAF/in the Second World \y,ar to- iriterpret aerial .photographs of enemy ; terri­tory.-

: It is but a short step from 3-D vision to 3 D music.—. or “the impression-of-spatial distribution in.repro- duced sound’.’ as the.OED;

■:: By-1927' Wireless World -was. writing of experi-. ments producing “stereophonic effect so. superior, to ordinary i.reproductiori”- and -Nature, magazine . re - ' ported - in 1940: "Demonstrations of .the stereopho-; niC reproduction of music and speech were given at

' the Carnegie;Hall.’.’' : '■

.■COME XMS^EEKEMD;■ .t o ';.; •

[ )V

. . W h a t b e tte r -c b m p lim e n t to11 ,.r y o u r hew. b a th ro o m , th a n

. ; q u a l i t y c e ra m ic t i le s f rb m ^: Nationa 1 Ce ramies. ■ j

O u r shpw rooriri ha^jprobSblyiv;;; ;. th e f in e s t se le c tio n fn^fh^'area,/^-Y . .. . . f ro m E u ro p e 's le a d in g

m a n u f a c tu r e r s . . _

; ' . . W rh a te v e r th e b u d g e t. w e -ll;; v.? . , . ; ; ;t i ;y o u V/ i t h;s t y i e . y ^

PINElo walk around over 20'

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The Old Station, Naburn, York. 0904 620250 ShowboiiiOpen Monday-Friday 9-5, Saturday 11-3.

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SHOWROOMS • now open ,' J

as'ivell as our famous raiige' 1 .-•, f»f lighting we ( y ■ JV. iiow also stock :..: ]yi'.!: ’j’.:

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Iit. ^ ■ /a-- ^

Page 13: Download the document (33.5 MB)


event ‘ : V .


LEEDS Showis looking' bigger .and better than ;;

; e.Ver 'this ■ year, with a ' recprd:, number of en­tries and: thousands of Visitors ;:exEeoted.'

■ -The -1 prestigious^1 ■ three' j day .event • got. off. to • a I colourful start, yesterday | with flower-loyers .he '| ' nlrig ,t o ,flock .tb 'Soldlei | .: Field at: Roundhay Park;| ' Organisers-' reported I jre.cord number of entries

at; the eyent Which had $ee'm ea u n d e r th r e a t earlier in the year with the l o s s o f ! m a j o r

I: rBiit LebS .Horticultural,1 Society; members worked flat out fb.'raise'funds:for th '^ event 'which' has: cost b e tw e e n £ 3 ^0 0 0 ' arid £40,000 .to; stage.:,;It . was':,, later,1,'dealt. a second blow,'when Lieeds

: City Council threatened to boycott . the'event . after a

; row with; its president,, a v fo rm e r c o u n c il p a rk s

d i r e c t o r 'Dunstan, ;(|!

The threat ;was only ^ lifted when 'Mr .Dunstan''. resigned from his post to

allow the' show to go ori. ’But yesterday.:/air.. the,'

problems: were .forgotten: a s ; horticultural society m em bers en jo y ed th e

' fruits-of their labour."'■J 'The; riewvpresident, .Mr S ydney Symxrionds, a .

: fo rm er -Lord M ayor bf: E^dsj isaid: ';.............' Has done a wonctertui jo ■: an d 1 the quality- of; the

e x h i b i t s . is . . r e a l l y , fantastic.” y-

He- ;said,' the 1 gardening ' eOTertaMTVpersonaUty, H“‘ , * , -,

;Geoffrey Smith,', had • already taken a tour of the tefits arid had described it as rthe -best-shbw he: had '

. ever seen. . . :-yyj'.

.: -Mr jSymmonds said that - i ' morp.thari 600,entries had ; been received and crowds ^' of up .to ' 40,000' were ex- -fflileta' farVa topUy pf :_sU/ ve|



m m k ? » :m m» i i i i




* ■ > ^i s

y.X#! ^ l £ l■mm

“ " W '. . . . , . . .


•Kloith Yorkshire,Gounjy Branch isj •;iiballbtting its APT & Ci members from__;August:-26th August on thenext phase of Industrial Action. : : , :Education Term Time only members,:: contact.the Nalgo Office. iTel :;0609 780786 Ext. 2317/2670 leaving iypur natne;and ad your ballot paper.


in co-operafion with ® ri^ GrQixien Genfrcs

V isit the Yorkshire Post Newspaper’s stand at the,Leeds/Show on,Soldiers

. Field,'. Roundhay Park on August 4 ,5 : and 6 andreceivea-FREE GIFT w hen'

t'y p u .v ,ijit^ u r ,s tm d ;';r.; Yorkshire Post Newspapers, In cd--operatioh with Strikes Garden , Centres are offering readers, a packet o f


p p c te d o y e r ;th e . w e e k e n d . , 'S^Vetv The NaUonal . . . • jrF h e m a n r e s u l ts - a n d Tom KAlbum Trophy for & tr o p h y W in n e rs 'a re : ■ -r I1: ■ V ..display ;of-flye., vegetaDles:';Mr P.

—'----------------------------.'Binns. ' : ■ . ■ '' . Rita Malden 'Shield, for best vegetablecollectlon; Mr P.- Binns.

National Vegetable Society Shield for, three vegetables: Mr P. Blnns. •

........SUN SPOT: Mr. John Henry Green, 70, a retired engineer, of Lofthquse, near Wakefield, takes in the atmosphere of Leeds Show

;; ■■ r : ; Picture by GRAHAMLINDLEY.Brotherton Trophy for a display

of roses: Mr Davia.ttster.

vr , 0-, FLORISTBY Kilbum Clip for a wlndow display:

J Dalby,Florists'.1 ■■ :, ■ *■;Bretherlck C ap'for 'a : bride's .

.bouquet:.Ms Cathy Witwam.' RichardsoE. Trophy for a

i dow'display: Mr Richard‘Mann.

■. Rhubarb: 1 and 2 Mr H. Jackson, 3 Mr .W.'Wlse,;;.

POT PLANTS Lady, Milner Vase: R. Plumb.; , Sweet Pea Challenge Cup: Mr M. Hargraves.' .v Sweet pea .hronie medal: D,;! Ransonchad.

Pot plant foliage: 1 Mrs Keedy, 2 T. Hick, 3 N. Worsiiop..

Intermediate: Pots Df tuberous iot:.I P. Wallace. One plant, ’■ ; ’oUins..Six jars': l-M.J, Badger,,2 - ’ - - J '" " one -M.P.'Wood; 3 Ca.^Colllns,.;'.-.idduble: l'M r Mashlter, 2'and 3 L. ' double: ! arid 2 P. W allace:___ .

*' ''.; 'G111.; . * • < n'jt -:•••’>■ • : plant,'any. cultlvar: 1, 2 and 3 P. • vu Plain, cake; of:.beesffax:■ 1 'G.i.’-"Three'cut blooms: l ‘A.''Pattln- ' Wallace,• i-. .. . Collins, 2.Mrs,M,E.‘RamsdBn, 3 P.

son, 2,:Mr Mashlter, 3 Mr L.' GUI..-Novice: Three cut blooms:. 1 Mr

Muir.'- ‘-1-1 National Begonia Society mem­

bers-only: Three, pots: 1 Mr/D.L. Telford.

. Pauline

I 1 Florist’s Window Display: 1 : Dplby.-Florist^,; r;.- - ; - - '..V-' .Bride’s Bouquet:. 1 Cathy. TO-

twam, 2 Karen' Lamb, 3 Debbie. •Goodall.'-- -. ■

A-Victorian Posy: 1 Cathy Wi- twam; 2 Carol Booth, 3 Debbie Goodall. •

Hat-'Spray-or-Trlm: 1 -Cathy Witwam, 2 Am— ’ "Brook.

' Pot plant flowering: 1 R. Plumb, DAHLIA ' -Garden News Top Tray for three • 2 I to J te ^ y , 3 L.R. Chew. ^ N a t to n a lD ^ a : Society Silver getables: Mr P, Blnns. • Pot.- .plants: 1, 2 and 3 --K. -. ; Medal and Hugh Lupton Cup: E,

ROSEOpen' Division: Mrs

.Naylor; .

.•. i Ssmall Growers Division Radio ..-Leeds Cup: Mr David Bearman.- ■■

Royal National Rose;.Society

: vegetal Natl

Cup: Mrs Pauline Naylor. ~ - 1 .Mrs P: Campbell, 2 Mi. Six blooms: 1 Mrs P. Naylor,-.2 : Mus'grove, 3 Mr D;-Millward,

. Hewitt. Six pieces - beeswax: 1 A.■ Hawes,-2'Mrs M.E. Ranisden, 3 P.

Hewitt, • •. • : ■-Plain;: honey cake:.: I ; Mrs D.

" Musgrove, ‘2 :Mrs ‘P.-. Campbell. '3 Mrs J. Musgrove, Fruit honey cake: 1 - Mrs P: Campbell, 2 Mrs D.-

\n n Bearder, 3 Hilary

atlonal Vegetable, Society’ Medal for six shallots dressed: Mr

; Wise. 'Six Kinds of Vegetables: 1

National Vegetable Society, 2 Leeds Paxton Horticultural Society.

Five Kinds of Vegetables: I MrP. Blnns,-2-M r-It-W atson,'3 -Mr-F. Coleman.-. , .-

Collection of Vegetables: l Mr, P. . Binns, 2 Mr-:Ki Watson, 3 Mr P.AvV--.

ibson/F^s-v, vLynn*- :-;Wdscl^-..-*<'i'‘Ife»r..v x ;»»: * • ?. - ■ Three'Kinds of-Vegetables:-! M:gement: 1. LytofrC”T..Binhs, 2'Mr. H.'Worsnop,?3'Mr K. - Janet .Pley- 3 J. ' Watson. ' y;:, f ; '■■■ -’ •

. ■■ i ”-- ■ ■ ’ Mixed: Vegetabies: -l.-M r-'P .Binns, 2 ,Mr W. Wise, '3 Mr K. Watson. . . - r- ..

Six Tomatoes: 1 , and; 2 Mr F. Coleman, 3 Mr P.A. Ridsdale. "

.-. Six.Potatoes Coloured: 1 Mr K.’ Watson, 2 and 3 Mr W. Wise.

Six Potatoes White: 1 Mr W. Wise, 2 Mr P.A; Ridsdale, 3 Mr J. -Lythe. • ■ -

Six Pods' of Peas: 1 Mr, J.O. Darwell,;2. Mr R; .Store, S.vMr'P.- Coleman. ■ ■ .. ?-../■

Six Pods of Broad Beans: 1 Mr R. Store; 2 Mr P.A) Ridsdale; 3 Mr N. Worsnop. -

Six Pods bf Kidney Beans: l and ' 2 Mr H. Dailey, 3 Mr R.S. Jackson. . . . ;

Six Pods of Runner. Beans: 1 Mr ;'

Tiffany. Stringwell. .................... .Dwarf conjfer 1 N.' Worshop: : ■ Oneblodm; i,-2 ahd 3:C,,rSwales.

Rockery o r alpine: 1 A,-Thompson', ■'Three,blboms,‘medlum:decorative: Shrub-foliage: 1 M. Reed. C u t '; 1,2 and 3 C> Swales. TOree blooms, annuals:'. I N. Woranop. Window ’, small, decorative: l C, Swales, 2 A. s box: 1 Mrs Keedy. *-■ ' - . Rogers.' 3 Mrs C, Coulman.

A.M. ;Coleby. 3 L. Chew. ..Tl 'ree . \ I ConfecHonery: 1 Mrs K. Brown, 2 Doleby, 2;-Mrs'P. ■'

Chew. -Vase of six

■Hanging basket 1 and 3 Mrs blooms’,’.small:‘1 C,:Swaies,'"2 J.R .S cluster flowered: l Mrs P. Naylor, 2^ *2 Slldl'lCCy <— -' 1 * i'* - ^HAAkniAnJ .i Q ' A .’’.'Dmmmmm jtiI-u.l. .T'. 10Anil nf 1

, .son!Table.;.A

ilHo'dklnson|.2 ' Dalby. ' 'j Window l-MEUin, -2 Plantlani ( TraveL. . • : .i;( ; .. 'I. DECORATIVE FLORAL ART .. Cowling. Cup fo r , flower dubs:

Headingley Flower Club: i Flora Award and-Eleanor Shawi Cnpi Mrs'KrWyness. ■ ...| Arthur Nicholson Cup for begin- ■ ners: Mrs Binns. ’ - : Bazaar.; 1 Headingley' ,FC ,-2i Ossett FC, 3 Yorkshire FC.: i Cool Beauty. 1 Mrs C, Ward, 2 i Mrs A. Brook, r:3 ; Mlsi; D. ' Hambling. ' ' ■

Oriental Touchvl Mrs E, Tinker, ; 2 Mrs B. Wadsworth, 3 Mrs Blnns. ‘ . .

Weathered by.s,Time: 1 Mrs D. Lee, 2 Mrs D.E. Williams, 3’Mrs.E. Tinker. ' ~ - : "" '

. -.-iv H.:V:Gr^wo°d,;3!iA, JRogqrs.- Three': .,Sweet.peas„three vases:,l.Mr M.?^i-blooms:, 1 and5 E, Stnngweil, 2 J ,' H a r g r a v e s , i v . ' - v ■-' \v".:.-Hicks:‘Three':bldoirist:'ppm-pom: 1

. --v-:Sweet peas.'one vase:.l and 2 D. .- J.R;A; Greenwood? 2 ‘Jr^Rev6,-3 A,•Ransconcnad; 3 A: Balmfdrth.i --------------- ' ’ 1 ' - - -■ -• Sweet'peas,^12 stems: 1 and 2.M,

. Hargreaveses M.-AVorsnop.r: ,--■ - ".viBpWEl.of.sw'eet peas: l-D .'Ran-;;^ : GERANIUM

----- ' ' Cup for. besti;'..: . li. :

.,... Oneplant, angelrego , 2 'N. Worsnop,:One>plant,: dwarf: 1 .' Miss A,M. Tiffany, 2 Mis P. Tiffany,'

rth.i, - 'f 'i Rogers,iVasK basitetiorjbpw^ana 2.M, - Proctor,‘:2 J.R.A. Greenwood,v3 C. -* AiwjiwiiAvi^ajfjuAYo^ruoo. Tramei.,. ,---- — ~, ~ * v, *i«n.Ca, u V»riVxi-.-f?SSw/5esL<:^*':->iW<!S'tfir'i-T'’ ' i-MintatureilroseV-l-ws J . Walker, 2 Mrs.D; Musgrove,- Cutr.comb: l P.

--------------- — _ D.'Ran-.; • GERANIUM- .' j ■■ M .^C hew j-.3iJ.^8710^-07016-^ ;^ Hewi^aiG.^GoUlns, v-sconchad. Sweet peas, two vases: 2 Walker Cup for best exhibit:1 D. 'bloom: 1 L.-Chew, 2 Mrs Walker, 3 J. - LEEDS HORTICULTURALR.S:'Jackson.. v.:, '= ■-?:<-.■ <-■ '-V-iDowries:’-:-- ................... " ’ m - ” “ ...... 1 ’ con™ ™ .

Sweet peas,- ..oner;vase':7!l fR.S; Oneplai1nfl1 t«A M 1 n T 1J , A I' J s, h AT *ww -Jackson,’ 2 JJl.A';,iGreenwodd.

. .i-i-L'/: CARNATiONSPerpetual,1 and 3-A.

One vase, five blooms: 1' and 2 A. - Robinson;- One vase, three blooms: 1 and 2 A. Robinson.

!' Three blooms, any fancy: l and 2 white'ol

plants: Grimston Park.. Mrs Arthur Smith'- Cup - for a . display of cacti: Settle.Bamber. •

Tenrose Green Trophy for hardy . plants: K. Huntington.- - ' - . .W hite.Cup:for(a rock garden:

.’Holden Clough Nurseries: .Bulldog Trophy for a display o f :

- bonsai:'Middle-Earth'BonsaL; •Harwood Cup for horticultural

societies:- North Seacroft Garden- ■ ing Association,

Vase- of - three ' stems, large flowered roses: 1 Mr J. Friend, 2 Mrs T. Friend, 3 Miss P. Redshaw. Vase of three stems, cluster roses: 1-Mr- H. Jackson, 2 Mrs K. Grainger, 3 Mr A. Poole.

One pot plant foliage: 1 Mrs A. Wright, 2 Miss P. Longman, 3 Mrs

- tM,.'.L.Woodward.-. :One - vase cut,rtFTOit^h'oiley^cake^-^'r '^dwersri-M rs'T, Frieridr2®rs H.

,'2 Mrs R; Hawes, 3 .. ’ -.Woodward,'^ Mrs.E,B, C.dmben. . : — v. , r. ■ '■ Three tomatoes: }s'Mr-!i?-.?Frank- ;

land, 2 'Mrs K. Sharkey',"S’Mr-3.C. '____________ Friend.-Three potatoes: 1 M iss'P.'

Naylor.: Three .blooms: P.■■' :' ' 1rt.'i->SOCIETY-SECTION-- ‘- 'n - ' 'Redshaw,-:2 Mrs S.M. Chesterman. 'Naylor, 2 L.- Chew,-3 H.'Dailey.: ‘ ;-Yorksmre Evening Post Trophy,: . One.flower, one vegetable, one;:

- ’ ' fePrSm ler. Trophyi Walnwilght: ppt plant: 1 Mr J. Freer, 2 Mrs T.-.,T^ophyr:EMtfleId,Gardehs; cvl‘ ’ *

&y.blooms: l A JL Coleb;Naylor, 3 L. _ .........blooms: 1 lira P. Naylor! .2 R.

.) HopKlnson, 3 AJ^. Coleby. Bowl of Maiie ..flowered: l L. 'Chew, 2 Mrs

P.;-Naylor,-.3 J.^Naylor. (Vase, of

L. Chew,'Bowl of cluster flowered: 1 . Mrs’.P.!NayIor,‘-2'I,i Chew. Vase of .- clusterftowered, threestemG: 1 Mrs

Mrs R. Goddard, 3 Mrs M; Birch. Comb: l D. Barrett.

Sweet mead: l P. Hewitt, 2 W. Parkinson, 3 Mrs'M. Bireh. Dry mead; l G. Collins, 2 P. Hewitt, 3 W. Musgrove. ■

One ja r honey produced by novice: l Leeds BeekeepersAssociation. . .. :

Plain honey cake: 1 Mrs B.■ —- vyhlte,: 3;.Mrs =p;-

•'• l:Non-wlnner dlw ion:. vasB, one^:i! bloom: 1 Mrs J ;; Anderson,, 2!;R. < Wood, .'3. Mrs V.'.Warwick. . Vase,One plantTrogal pelargonium: 1 and / Wood, .'3. Mrs V..Warwick. .Vase,

' R o b ^ n 2 I S ilS l^ ' ' ' 21 J-R-A,-;Greenwood, '3 -J,; Holroyd, -thwe t>lopms: LMrs C.E,M.,Firth, 2 s e ^ n v t e m s f l S I a . Pelargonium?-! : W.'Doy e . - ^ . ' . . -:Vr

and 2, J:R.A: Greenwood,- 3 J, 1 Holroyd. Three-nlants; zonals: 1 D.

- Downes, 2 K, Tiffany, 3 N-Worsnop.

Into the Future: l.lfrs' Blims,'2 Mr Tf.;Parkeri 3 Mra-B.MjiHessei -

' J. Lythe, 2 and 3 Mr Coleman, ■ Thre ~ 'reo.OnionsM-Mr W; Wisei .2

Mr J: Malden,:3;Mr:j; Watson.’, -. a.-.w ™ * , - . T hreeOnioriBfromSeed: 1 MrP.

Song:Vdf':-,tha''-’Sea:-;-l."-Mrs- K.-^ o:DonneU,-:2 Mr'Fj .Cdleman,’3 Mr Wyness;2MrsM.Kitchen,3 MrsM.• P.A:.Ridsdale. 'Byett. ; . -. V p i ';. .; •' ■ >. -; Six Shallots:'1, 2 and 3 Mr W.

/lne: - r ! ; . - . . :

Small (irowers: . Spi bloom: 1 and 3 A.M, Coleby, 2,D, Bearman.-Vase of three blooms: 1

i S S ' K S S S ? ■ One plant, :zohaI::_'ii72-md" 3 Ni ■ and.Si-D/.-Beirman, 2 A:M; Coleby;. wid 2 ^ T I t o b l S n ' •. Worsnop. One plant: [I ' •JJUVl>'.Stem ..chttte:a- A, ,Dalley,,2.:C.

One blmm-^and 2 A Robliisdn ■ Greenwood, 2 J. Holroyd,-3 J. Freeri' Medley,-3-S^Reed. Three ^tems > Ohe bloom &ncv’ 1 ’am? 2 A' ° ^ e Plant, -scented leaf:; 1 R,:, cluster: l.D j/Bepnan, 2 S: Eggin- ,Roblnsrn? ' ^ ™ ■ Musgrove, 2 J.R.A. Greenwood, 3 N. ton, 3 , C. Medley. One/stem;, of-:

5 S : Hn™,.. 1' ^ J 5 n .Worsnop, . Three' plants: " ! D. Silver Jubilee: l.R.H.G. Fryr2;D .!-Border, seven blooms. 2 and 3D,.- 'Dowries,-.2 and-3 K.'Tiffany. O ne•:' Bearman, 3 Mrs'O. Ward:: f e e e ,

plant, -'pelargonium; ■ dwarf,, any - stems,.-miniature:: 1 C. Medley, 2cultlvar: l and 2 D. Downes, 3 R. ■ Mre J- Walter,-3 J. Smith;. Button-.Plumb, One plant, miniature: l.R ' hole: 1 Mrs : J.> Walker,. 2 R.H.G.Plumb,' 2 "-J, - Holroyd, • 3 ; K. Fry,.3A, Hardlngham. Bowl ofoldDownes. '

Cottam. Five blooms: l .and 2 D. Cottam. ' '■

Three blooms:, 2 D. Cottam. Three blooms, fancy:13 D,"Cottam.:

One bloom: 2 and 3 D.. Cottam.■ One bloom, fancy: :1 and 2 D. Cottam.

Pinks, seven stems: la rid 3 J.C.

-1 -Mrs -'A. -R ivSkTTKSiit705C^S’' r i t e t »• ■ i , -iv. ... J /.D.Cottam-Threestems,bi-colour: 1 ; A, Simpsori.'Three:succulents: 1 J.' s«4’8 O. Cottam,'2 J.C. Ray. ,-r -HolKBra.'.2',aivl 3-H..Ptam1).'>Spe*

J m ii" ’ ••'.SSBL? . ^ ^ A . Wd8tate,'.8'.Mr.]«r.... \ , ’Three stems, fancy: 1-D .-C ottam ,m en'cactus:! J. Holroyd,-2 Mrs A. BQUntiXul-Summer, ;lM rs E. Wise. , - - . . , . • - 2 J.C.Rav: Three stems: laced: land -. Hoirnvri 3 -R: -.pinmh:-. Rripnlnion'/xnw l)UiooM 0-\Xy**'-

Beautiful. - Leaves; ook, 2 Mrs 'J.?H ‘

Homer,- U-1 Bqur ________ _ _____ ___________Groom;;2Miss-M.iMadderi, 3 Mra'E,- Three Carrots; l Mr P,A.;Rids- Tinker. - f . ' - - d a l e , 2 Mr J. O. Darwell, 3 Mr J.

' In Grandmother's Day: 1 M^s K.: : - Lythe. '

Ray. 2 D. Cottam. .Three stems: 1 and 2 J.C. Ray, 3

,D. Cottam.'Three stems, bi-colour: 1

,:. CACTI & SUCCULENTS Reklaw Cup for best exhibit:Holroyd,... ... .. . , . -v

Three cacti: l and 2 R. Pliimb, 3


Wyness, 2 Mrs-A.'Brodk, S Mrs'D;, Hambllng. .. '! Grinling . Gibboris:- . 1 : Mrs • K. Wyness, 2 Mrs B. Wadsworth.• - Daintiness:-1 Miss M; Madden.'21

.'I Mrs B.--.Wadsworth,'-3 Mrs M. Benson. .■ • t ‘

A Song Title: 1 MrsBlnns, 2 MrsJ.M. ..WiUdnsbnf :i3 ; .Mrs:;,-.S,‘ Caldwell. . ■ ■ ■ h ■■ ■ '■<■ ■, A Country Scene:-! Mrs Birins; 2 Mrs D. Schofleld; 3 Mra M. Reed.

Take Two Flowers: 1 Mrs Blnns,2 Mrs S. Lee,-3-Mrs F, Caldwell. ■"

. VEGETABLES ... ;.' The I Leeds. Horticultural....'Society

f Head: 1 Mr J, O, Darwell, ’.A. Ridsdale,1 '3 Mr K,

.or modem roses: 1 Mrs P, Naylor,' 2 Si Reed,--3 Mrs!0 . Ward” ■

Royal, National; Rose Sociei .Three specimen blooms:;! Mrs- .Naylor, .-2.',R, ' Hopkinson;. 3 N. Rhodes. VaBe of six specimen

. blooms;: l.A.M, ■ Coleby, 2^Mrs ‘P .: Naylor, 3 -- S. ■ Walker. Cycle 'of

2 J ^ T h ^ S e S s ^ e d ? r S S * i S S « 5 ^ T ’ r “' « “® Si2- D. Cottam, 3 < J.O. ,:Rayr Three:. succulent:! R. Plumb, ;2'and:3-J,- v S S ' - 1 ■ C ■ MeS?v - 2 S P stems, single; 1 J.C. Ray. . . . . Holroyd, . - . - ' . , 1 -Nwlor- 3 J Navlor Bowl 0? sta1 -: '' nPRnmA 1 ’-' '- ^ 1 im ^^tnTSfi rian -B Cpjweni- ■' 6ems'-1 MrsP,Naylor,2 C. Medley;1_ -. • • BEGONIA’. > 1' and 3- J. Holroyd,. 2 j R, Plumb, . .* v&ss of cluster five stems* 1 Mm p 'Best,bloom beeonla:-D,L.. Telford.:, :• Bowl:.: 1 . R. '.Plumb,, 2.iM rs, A'. ': - Naylor • 2 G, SedTey 3 ^ HOTkln-1

:Best pot begoiffa: D.L. Telfordl-. : 'Gillespie, 3 J. HolroSd: ' : 1 v-- Open: -Tuberous - double,; ^ lx ';- '/1--1'-?- -' ■ GLADIOLUS1 - ' Naylo“ , - 2 Mra pl^NavlOT' 3 Dblooms: -. 1 .. D.L. Telford,; 2. .Mr ■: ; Award for best exhibit: : Bearman.-Vase'bf sLx stems;ininia-Bean. ..lK. WatsonV

-.One blooii: l;D .’Telford!1 Mr1 :' ^ : -Six-spikesi)l:K: WatsoriV’'2 P . A i S t a r P ’• Clough,.3 Mr Bean.: • :Vi!i ;'1.™ ; ; iRidsdale...3 .;R:, Goddard,' Three .. ^ es‘ tto S e m ™ !^

Mrs P. Naylor,"3 J.,NayI6r.' CHILDREN’S CLASSESutuuuii x u<Ui icuuiiii- - ■ vwio« x ivi uuuutuuj 41 xv OUUUUi'O I\, . -Pptfii* ftrnif1 Tw>nliv For Tiost> nyhi.’

Celei .2 Mr Watson

j . Cabbage:- -1 i M r:1W. Wise, 2 : Mr K. Watsorii 3 Mr-D. Websdale;

Cauliflower: 1 Mr R. Store, 2 Mr P. Binns; 3 Mr J. Lythe,

. Cucumber: 1-MrJ. Frankland, 2 Mr G. Kirkby, 3 Mr D. Websdale.'

Marrow: 1 and 2 Mr W.-Wise, ‘Mr D. Simpson.. Vegetables, Any-Variety: 1 Mr j.--

:Benson, 2 Mr P. Bliuis, 3 Mr J. u. uw _Lyflie., „ ' .. . .begonia- other ' than ^tutoouV.': Bacon. One spike: iP.A;RidsdMe, 2

- - Dish Gooseberries: 1 and 2 -Mr-- double; , !■ Mr ;Mashlter,:r '-2 ;Mrs"-',rK.-Watson, 3 -N.iWorsriop.-. Three P.A. Wright. ’—.'.'.'.Wallace; 3 D.L. Telford, ■:. r - : spikesiprimulinus: 1 R.Goddard,2

■ and 3 K. Watson: Ono spike,prlmullnus: l .R; Goddard, 2 K

,:Bacon,- 3 N. Warner. .Arrangement: • 1., 1C; Bradley, 2 J. Dewell,' 3 Mrs P.A:

i:, Bliuis.'Ladies corsage:'l'and 3 Mrs -: ..--P, A. Binns, 2:C. Bradley.' •

PANSYBirchall Challenge Cup. for' best exhibit; Mr Worsnop. .

■ , Twelve-board fancy;.l J. Scaris- 'brick. Six blooms fancy: l Mr Fry, 2

1 : Mr Mashlter, 3 J. Scarlsbrlck, Six -'-■■‘stems of violas:'! Mr Worsnop,

u m m m


w m m


§53-i: •fil


m o n s te r ; ', '■■" Arrarigemeht of wild flowers: 1 Gareth Poole, i2 Glenn Poole,

t Miniature garden: 1 John .War­wick, 2 Sioberi McCartney, 5 Gareth' McCartney.1; ’

Edible ■ monster: - Iv Jennet1 Hay- ton, 2 Christopher Battle, SBlchard Battle. - 1

ARTS and CRAFTS Gertrude Moore Denton Trophy for best,item of embroidery: :Mrs M,

Qlaugh-,, ton,:2'Mrs N.-Whittaker;.3 Mrs M,

: Dyson. Painting in watercolours: r !' - Mr J. Mason; 2Mr8:M.;Asplnal]| 3. ' Mrs-M.Shaw... - . 1. : i ' . -■

■ - -Item- of-lace: 1' and 2 - Mrs V.. -Warwick. Item of embroidery: 1 Mrs ,M. Wheatley,2 MrsA,E. Hart, 3 Mrs

_ Jeomev USinlth'' - Junior' v ' '

yi:'> f u s c h ia . • . ;Houldsworth ■ Trophy: M. MyhiU.-

Worsnop. -

:' G. Bedford; Three plants; siinTpots;1 I;Ay Poole. Qne-plant;.'iSlngle or'- semi-double: 1.. KJ.-.Dldcock; -2 '

;W.H;F. Turner, 3 B.M: Wallace, One - i— \ double: I W.H.F.-Turner, 2

Wallace, One plant, double, pot: a_.M . M yhill,. 2 N.J.

.glm t,, double: 1^W.H.F;^-Turney 2

■s ita r . ....... .....Dldcock, 3. R. Dyson; One -plant,

vsingle or semi-double, 511n pot: 1. D Wallace, 2 D. Downs, ,3-M.

. Mrs C. Mason, 2'Mrs. M. Dolphin.. Soft toy:’.! lyirs' D.J. .Worsnop, .2 • Mrs M. Hopwood;:3 Mrs E: Shaw..- -.Ceramic ,-painting::-1,- Mrs M. Hopkins,. 2 Mrs'iC. Hey, 3 Mrs O...

. Newlove. Pottery: 1 Mrs; P. Ag- bamu, 2 Mrs S.L’. Filllngham, 3 Mr J. Pease. - - , :• ..' Woodwork:-;1, 2 and 3 J. Holmes.: .. .; ■;

PHOTQGRAPHIC -, Trustee Savings: Bank -Trophies: I Mrs E.H,1Aynsley, ,Mrs' P.; Inch.’ Kathleen Campbell Trophy: Mr C. Slingsby. LHS Trophy: Mrs P.^yhiil,;'One plant, any. cultivar: i 7,:;w j ?

- i ’S ’ 1Ia& '. D-. V™ ?3:. 3 . Q- • Weather: 1 Mrs E.H.'Ayrisley,': 2e plant, 'trt] B.M. Y fi'

1 J.3 A ..’

■Bedford, One . Gillespie, 2

Poole;. ; 1 1. Juniors: 1 and 2 P.'Myhlll, 3 N. i Pawson. ■. - ?’. One-plant;'! J. Goy, 2 and 3 'J, <

. Gillespie. One plant, encllandra i type; 1 J;,Goy, 2 R.G. Musgrove, 3 A .'

• Poole. :H6nging.basket: 1 N.-Wors- 1 ' ridp::-2 M,‘ Standeven, .3' J. Strini' "

Hanging' half.:basket:

. R l^ali, 2 lf. ;Nayig"r7¥ jSTA tott! ■ Plastic hanglng-container: 1 and 2

- B.M.iWallace,"3'A.'Poole.-■-. Unusual ■ container; 1, • W.H.F.

".-Turner;. 2; ': J. Stringwell; 3.’ M. •! • Valley, 1 Arranjiemenf: 1 J„ Mus-

grove, - 2 H.. Turner.: One giant,

. __ Aynsiey,J t o T.'Davison, 3‘-Mrs C,-Bromley..

"Man ■ and -.environment;'.1 and t 2 'Mrs P. Inch', 3 C,.Bromley; Sunday: 1 C.C. Slingsby;: 2-G. -Bromley, 3

: M.J. Collinson, Hobbies: l.M rs P. Inch, 2 M.J, Collinson', 3 R.G.

. Musgrove.:,. WINE AND BEER i

Best' be?r.'. in' show'^prize: Mr .R. 1 Walker. - iV ■ : -> ■..

Red dry; ! W. Musgrove, 2'Mrs H. Bromley, 3, C. promley. Red sweet: l W, Lee; 2 Mis D: Musgrove, 3 Mr W.Musgrove, White dry; IMrs

1 V..Backhouse;:2'Mrs D;i.Lupton; 3 , -.Mr R.B. Backhouse, 'White sweet: 1

Mis R. Goddard, .2 Mrs J, Kaye,':3 ■ Mrs D. Musgrove;

- - ____ .ng*way, 3 Mr C, Bromley; Stout;:! Mr- R. Walker, 2 Mr H.'Hemingway,'3:

■ Wallace, 3 B, Naylor, One standard: 1 B.M. Wallace,;2 and 3 A. Poole, Hanging plastic container '1 BJiI.

- : Wallace, 2 R.H, Dyson, 3 M. Varley.1 Hanging plastic container, diam-

.. .eter , exceed 11+ln: 1 B.M.. -Wallace, 2 E.J, Monaghan, 3 G.’

' Bedford.................. ..

VnrVcKSrn 1'lIr^ 0^ ey Thomas, right, of Cross Gates, Leeds, visits theI! Yorkshire Eveiling Post smnd at the Leeds Show to discuss a?,horticultural problem with a gardening expert. Mr Peter Seabrook; ieft.

HONEY ..... 'T Pearson Challenge Cup: Mrs M;E,- Ramsden. Bernard W hite. Chal­lenge Cup: Mrs K. Brown, Harry,1 Grainger Award: D, Barrett, BBKA Sliver Medal: Mr P; Hewitt. YBKA

; Certificate of.Merit: Mr M.P; Wood.1 . Yorkshire Bank Challenge Cup; Mr

9 Tv™ UbjarsVligHtVlG, Collins,;2 '! S >r,p ' ; Wl Parkinson, 3 Mrs E. Cardy. Two;

Mniliinb n 'nJlS116? • • llb J®13, wedium:. l.P , Hewitt, 2 L S ^ ' » S R f e 0nB plrS-'-- : Mrs M;Birch; 3 G, Collins, Two lib .double. 1 and 2 H, Turner. One- - Jars, dark:'1M,P;, Wood. 2 Mrs M;2 a n d 'q ^ ^ i S p ’^1 1 ®ir' 11’’3 G.-Moxon. Two-jars;.soft* 2 ? . '- set: 1 Mrs F.,_ Cardy, -2 M,P-\Vcod,

-Beginnersi-ono '■plant,- any- pot.* * 3,rG:"Collins ■ Two fars- hpnthpr* i size: 1 and 2, K JV#c.e..One plant,- : m.P,

F^end, 3 Mr J;'.Frankland; V-

’ wben;they present two coupons like the one printed here-at bur bus at the show.

/OK re's also a £1 .voucher for everyone,who visits the bus — exchangeable on

' any purchase o f £10 or over at any . '.Strikes Garden Centre up to and '. A 1 including Septerriber 14:. :0

Peter Seabroolc, TV gardening personality and \Vom en\s Post. : ., :

'Galloping Gardener w ill be on the 'stand on.Fridayaftem oonto.solveyour -giirdening problems and Strikes staffL. ■v^ill be in attendance ,throughout-the- show. •

As .well as the usuai classes for flowers,: v.egetables. crafts, wine, beer and ' honey; .there - s a photographic section' as weH as classes for schobls. Therc will be .band concerts a Shetland Pony Show on Saturday arid a Heavy 1 Horse and Turnout Show on Sunday. - The show is open from 12 noon to 5.30 p.rn. on Friday, 10 a.m. to 5 .30p .m on Satiarday and 10-a.m. to’-5 p.m. on ■ ; Sunday. Admission is £ 3 .00Tor adults, and £1.50 for senior citizens, children 5 to116 pay 50p at all times there is a ■ .. ,- special fam ily ticket — two adults and' any number o f children aged ;16 and under r— only £6.50., -i :.V . ; , i.




* . •. S im p ly p rtjc p tjw o .o ftb c ja coupons a l.the -. p :Yorkshiro'Ppar N ew spaper* b u » ti,

‘ S|»4/ bn Auguii'4, 5 or*6'•J. i i id you-wnii re ce iv c a ja c k c t 'o f

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*On n.jlvc yuor Ofltion;Plan, Full written UuKiiU’un.request. All tiffcrs cxqluile fitting.MOn..purchases o.vcr £2i000i; ( ' 1 .. v

0 5 3 2 489-3 3 3 .:' :0423 5 2 4 4 7 5.

. 18 C A S T L E G A T E , Y O R K . T E L : 0 9 0 4 6 5 9 9 5 5

S T IV ) 1 n T (V|) A i

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m Y O K R SIIIK i; l»OST• ' : ' ‘ SATURDAY AUGUST 5 1989 • ' 3ps ^ | e t t i r f 1 l pI wv i i i g t l f e i M^

expensive: M m ■••• !*• . .

. parents of tomorrow, and ■' it - • is i1 • I; ^nobody’s interest that .they ' b e a r-.fa;;'1 ! ’ justifiable grudge agaiiistthepdUce^TOe^a public knows that relationsbetweerithe i 'j two sides have-been bad for'.years,jii& t^ | yft'H

ARMCHAIR critics'need to make ,allowr ance. for'faulty decisions taken in a. moment- bf crisis. Such a crisis arose at Hillsborough football ground on April 15

f1 when,-a-chief.superintendent had:; to decide-whether to risk the pressure of a

r,.crowd causing in juriesat one entrance,-+1= or whether to ease the crush by releasing *j°“the crowd mto the -stadiuni; His idea of ^ ‘dispersing the pressure was reasonable: sjji h is;decision to open an emergency exit

■ IJq and abandon control over the crowd was rfr^less so. But out'of the many people who -, „ • , y . V ‘v. . ,- .

followed'the' events as they were-lirira- , ^ orst of the defensive andevasweo^veU ed afterwards/few can havef&Ugd to !. Wltnesses1 among^the pohce hierarchy 3lglinipse'the loneliness: of th e :man in were n° longer actxng,in a moment of » authority at such a moment ' cnsis, for the-main objective: of^such an£ ./Any. such: sympathy was tem pered,: ai™ e ^ e n t s < * l n t f y :.

^yesterday , however,-.when the-interim • M d e r to avoid arepetition. Yet the , f report from’ Lord Justice Taylor’s: in, V Judf? V * necessa^ t o r e c o r d ^ - f gmry was published.For not only does it ' ref et that at the hearing: and in their p 's a y that thetailtoe ofipplice control was ; SU nussions>Jjtfthe main reason for the disaster, but it : /

i^ a ccu ses senior- police officers' of being

- >3

•r V • ; f t f - Vr I

Ta - s r , »> ' *

y ,, '•s» ”,v i -


a bunch .of anonymous fans, the public I \ ‘*l-J may. in future be more • inclined oV<iSres'e^e judgmeriti

|P^defensive and eva?iye witnesses, and th e . So it was reassuring, to find that hisstrictures did not apply to all the police at ffiUsborough, as he. warmly praised ' the many young constables who were “alert, intelligent and open.’’ As to thert Chief Constable, there was sadly' only-; one course open, and he took it promptly.

Jfcoisoinbre statement in the whole report. ’. and honourably. “You can delegate the . ft®Tor stadiums can be altered and medical '. job, but you can’t delegate the responsi- ■ X9v ^ d c ^ ^ p i ^ v |^ ’:'biA ;the:i^ between bility;” he said yesterday! It'.,will Be foir"'1

. the police, and . the'football^: fails h a s - 'o th e rs to decide whether.or riot to accept

^chief superintendent of being untruthful in. telling, a Football Association official that a stampede by Liverpool supporters

[^forced the. gate open. v •

;As far as the future of football is rcoricerned,. this is probably the most

|Sjwidened':isharply. The exuberant'fans of ;h isresignation ,'and it/w ill n b tb e an ^iodaiy . will, be the householders, and ; enviable, task .' T: i . f ' f

Missing pawns

most people have given the benefit of the .r;f m m m mdoubt to the police.Inthelight of the fact- v: that a chief superintendent was appaK'::::;| ently prepared to shuffle the.blame on : ‘ -


s s s i s im . mm m m m m


Yorkshire polic,e:; to concede they

.. j

Southwere not prepared were in any respect a t fault.

|unw .

itn ; -l i f t .

« ; .; .v .

^MACABRE arid for the moment largely |iiurifathomable, tins, week’s everits in'the

Lebanon scarcely suit the finer tiiiiirig of international diplomacy. As each sue-, ceeding day,,has shown,; however,' the

jtvto}' fSictqrs:i ar6. .’.inextricably : linked. • can pressure on the Israelis .overi.the - Superhcially, it might seem that there'.is. ' Obeid. kidnapping affair. And if' he * a whole - new•;Chess game in the area.- wanted to diminish the power Unfortunately riobody’ knows where all, Israeli lobby in. the United. the- items . are .and whereabouts . oil', the', ' apparent hanging ofLt Gol'HigginsXby a " boaird they are likely to be moved. Cold, . -group which is thought to be basically"

:9ias it may.sound when applied;to :hves^funder,Iran’s con1rol)Tseems —ftdeaJths and bereavements; 'this provides to go about this.fa t .least a deriominator for dialogue; > • ■ ’With Mr Rafsanjani still tiying.ito.'

President Bush’s decision to station '. .consolidatehispositioninTehran(andit.-


k APHNE DU MAURIER, aided.and abetted by;V Alfredv H itchcock /r gotv it ' .OT

•'Birds have ,n o ; need -to::, buzz ’ ' ' ch ildren1, a tta ck p e tro l s ta tio n s to d peck ou t'the

;j;,e y 6 s of' lonely .fa rm ers '.in o rder to .'g e t th e ir ,•‘■ r i . . . ; r evenge on M tolaM fof.h is.T O on 'g-dbipgs... ; .v. . .,Mr Rafsanjani; Perhaps, his influence.-. ••I V: ;They have been getting their:own back for years, : j •, :David /.Bird; •■ the ;city’s . Environmental Services had some- effect- on - the milr'derous^^1""•aE&v-9tlr 'icity>.; centres.-^ ,bear. ;the: ..scars .-of; their; ri^Managet;.says^^^that attempts tad rive them^off civic* i , r ’ • ' I . TIPI CI CTQIIPP - / ... .ii- -*i' 1 - t .1 ■*. T f inM llH ltlfTP rK T f 'nlnVTiMrv wmaAmJ J2 —-i— _ u 11 _ _ i -n.hostage-taker in the Lebanon fora;while.- 'But there was no ton would-heed his

■ to roost ori. Theiayoured^^We^biiis th ^ ta r l i^ S f j in ^ : ; homed-m,, to .the.-warmth generated.^by. ^-hour- ,s' ner, ^a'-simpleiibut;- ingenious ..device^vwhicnV.was '

“ “ m'lnnnro-n' A’intrortfa/I iii' I}v>n fA*< n'j 'i

ibuildings'hy playing recorded distress calls at them> hoH n «'nJ__Xl_11 >• - »■

| — ..-«vw y^wwhll^.uittuoo uu^i/cnu CU'.!'-axis^and. he:has mstailed thousands in arid:'ar3uhd3 ..Bradford cityicentre.iBuildings without his spinhersi-: : are easily recognised by the inches of excreta1 piled ud iT ..on everj' ledge. : . . . i . . ; T .•L.-®inS*n£ham, with a starling problerii everi worse!'t

.• than Bradford’s* is' b.egirinirig to ,;benefit--'frbrri!’his^ invention- - - '••-'••"•. :

battalions;consist ,of:starlings;.son4he coast herring ‘ ble to htmians but supposediy iiritatog-to^birds^ands add.their • animals;.; - i : .; • ;gulls take^ over :-ir and everywhere pigeons

tan i.i

;other-hand;::iare;‘;'discreetly' cviUed-:;feulls'r.are a 7 PrQblem:when they choose to nest on jpeople’s rooifs:'■TTimr,. Qro ; ------ arid ;^an be-.V


no :i:one. Add • 999,999. tO i i t -. i and'J. you. Lhaveh a ; ®?chitec(;ur^.featoes which it is intended to population.frorii an'estim'ated l i3 M .^ ^ b b h t^ ^ b ^ ^ S |to De basically I real.problem.vAridstarlings;beingbigge^^andnoisier,^■ -:vofv-X1'1 V ’ : 1 and Jan ’Forbes’believes the riow'- 'ori-jtop.i-1ms an'odd way :I ; are’'proportio'nally.more:unbearable.1, ; Vir ^;.?™Pler.^solution,.but less endUMg. w as/the :of itS:gull problem:!; ! ■ ' 'V '::.:,.',.: ' ,• .':.Y I .■ | v :: itisestima;ted'thatthereafesev^.nriulhon.breedirig .•.V?PPj19Won of.detgnrent' gels, a; riqii-setting mastic ' - T" 1— A ’— - - ---- • ■ • •-•'■•• •-;■•“ ■'*■■**>! I

starlings :iri{ this; country; in .the -.autumn they are , ^PWfX tejcture. Starliiigs alighting.on a. . . _ ------ * . — . . . a -. *jLgQgg t r p f l t o n : w i f h - : rr<a1-

get a•is worth noting that he has not ; proved- ’

■ northem;Europe.:They icome for' our‘inilder .winter. grip, .. .arid fly; 6ff. ’It 'has cost . the -city

^ Inland, urban1 pi geons are -stupefied- udth drugged

. serious health hazard as well as a nuisance.- When thei/ ■' i H n i s o n m a r l i c u W i / l C.r; ' During the short daylight hours they forage far and . .V 2Q>W to .ureat ;^hga;.Tovm- •CSiaiii'b.exV-.anti.-stne

J ' w ide, -flying<ipern-apS'.3d m iles^to find th e ir J' c^ °P y above the main entrance to the TovmvHall—vu i..------ ------------------v— wii-h npt+mor a n d ,gels ^-. ari expensive ,operation

ibour-mtensive arid can onlybe done on

Coliseum, a disused building opposite the Civic HalH f in. Leeds, was beirig reribvated recently, four torisrofi> f pigeon‘muck had to be Tem oyed.;;';,.; - rtnj"

K g j^ericari popular .opinion. suggesting that Lt Col; Higgins';was<Jvsiimportant not .to -prejudice > relations inurdered months- before the -grisly IJstfbetweeritheUnited. States;arid the.'riew '.videofepe of his,“executibri’’ was'shown;/ *3:rregime in" Iran ' if . at all ; possibie.'- If so, could the Israelis have known. • ^.Moreover, the innocent Lebanese popu- ; about i t arid informed the Americans at... U tlace stand -to suffer far more than 'any the time? SmaU -wonder that-President{^terrorists whenever puriitive strikes .are'. Bush is handling the Lebanese issiie sot nJlauriched 'from :ou the cpuntry. . . . . / gingerly. Even if the general public may.

; ’ In r eturn for . this forbearance, .-the riever know the full facts, other'Super?"-"•-rs such as the SovietUmonrieed-to

/. why they ought to -tread'warily. i '

against the chimney, le says.

systematically dyriahiite $ riight-tiiri,ei('rbostsr-‘;%ife,ni I i programme went on for eight years; after wliibh the I -s ta rlin g , p o p u la tio n was -fourid'toVMve go rie '^ l

ETli rh'WlT‘

DR SOLOMON BROWN, Senior. Rabbi; United Hebret ii

s SoundWith the Israelites, the :lack of free

choice that every person felt ■ oppression; of .ancient Egypt became ,cry of a=people, an experience that', not just to. individuality,biit . to. the jTeri' Commandments; and eventually


IsisONE' of .the great passages • of the 1: Scriptures which Instill recall having misread as a .-youngster' with absorbing ■ itjinterest (in the almost;poetical'classical

^H ebrew ) is the account>of Moses’s re tu n i, ir iito ^ th e ls ra e lite 'c a m p b e a rin g -th e ,•zfstorie-iriscribed- Ten'Commjmdments.

As he -andJoshua ' approached iiicainpmerit; they' were startled by

. umult of sound that reached them. -S___'r4loshua:.''‘Thereis a squndlof.warin the.i lsraelites’ experience, and often ex-'

camp;”- But Moses retorted: “It is not the . pressed in: the very . same terms,; hiave! - sound of a shout of victory, neither is it a: come, and are still being fashioned,-the

,souhd of the cry. of defeat. Ihear asourid c h a n g in g p a tte rn 's of-lthe-hum an: ■■^ofiSinging.’’ : • --v-;-: condition. .!'.;

Ipften think of these words in relation The “Let m y1 people go” of the Bible’to om1; world today. What are the sounds i was the cry that rang out in the riiidst o£ ' mat'Teach-our' ears? There: are soine-1 - slavery for more people than the-Israel-! !

^fflmes .shouts;' there :are often groans; ites alone, giving birth to a ‘democratic''[nothere;are frequently: quiet moaris of the ’ spirit that 'could express^,;itse]f-■in''such;

nriging political - tones1 as: ' “A govem-;

[..marauding hordes.', , ,. Scarborough adopts a rather different approachi:__,; ' V. At dusk they-leaye^the countryside and headfor the f j (-Forbes, Deputy rDirector of. Jlrivir.onmentaii Health,, ^shelter and Comparative ;'waririth cpfvthe big cities, . '..reports that the t'owri drives away iri-coniing starlings

choosing the riioreharidsdmie and elaborateyictoriari „ by the simple expedient of creating mayhem; During ; or Edwardiaii buildings TOth^heif.iuirierous.riooks the, crucial' 15;minutes when they swoop,iiii-ori, the ;. . ;^ d cr£uinies.for.their. mass;ropsts;By.theVm6niing,,.. ..tpM i ceritre.buildings,.distress calls are played and-

every bit of jutting stonework is covered in droppings; people go out on to the roofs and niake a noise,windows are streaked and'pavements slippery nd . banging tea trays and thin* ........................foul.iThe.Stench.becbmes appalling. ? ^ .i'; ", • j stacks. “It seems to work,”•■.'/The nuisarice.yaliie apart -^-the.noise.they cre.ate

v may be counted as part of i t—theycause real damage.Accumulations of acidic droppings attack stonework,

. harbour^germs arid-attraef'the iiastier .sort .pf.insect. ■ ^uuuv, '.mu^i.i mcui. , .n r . . r-. . . ^ , w ■. .•.... ... -. . . . . ......T. . ^ 7-,-l-.t-ti.npot in .‘ Sheffield {iTowri.Hall avP^P'iiation' of centred-.bMtHeSToTOJJSaU.;. where a ®e.® P ^ ^ ^ : l^ e^ \ ^ t 1blef(..,j|

., its-'pres&nce'directly iristaneaM ?ths:-'H i^S^^G b. and a r o u r id ^ h ^ a E s lf S ^ iR y tJ ^ g - i .hiwq iRrfientrahcfeliiijCalvefley; Streets The cost o f ja ro te ^ ig ^ r p te re is .h o w ev er, someth i^ i n f ^ h c ablRgpingotu1:;

Square, • the'-whpl^bmiairigTfe- ojrisiderfed p r o h ib i® # ^ j^ -.ttefjD{imnipBira Gaisns c a m d « ^ l ( ^ p % £ ^ >l^srr,becoriie ; Thfefpr6bleriy4n.<t^ds::isf relatively recent;'Brad- .. shownthat.the starling population in.this'

kunrouhdirig :.€6rd’S is:riiubh;6lde?;aridCeyeri^'^ears a:g6 tHe:Tovmv :'‘ :;' shririkuig and is now the lowest sirice 1962.when-.tKe 4| 1 ( rma^lathpfp* waSS;n^:;‘a"'K Qtate^vTf - ;^ nnW - survey.began. In Sweden there.has.ibeeri^ayOTariiaticjjl

fall.-.aiidiri parts^’bf Fmiand'the.starlmg h&.Variishedlr.vr' A f f n r o e f Q H n n m n u V»o:: r w r \ l o ,»-i£+-iAvi , '+T4A>.‘a L• - l+ U rf^ * l

pest.5;Ii£'. Hide^BeeHes-^was^discov^red,

. . . - s parked •: .. . . . _

Will OiriitHblbgytudied the Leicester starliri’es between' 1984 arid 1987. ;i-r£MiHealtK0fSc'errc6risiders it was hadlv annl'ipd The'-, jicpnsiders it was badly applied. The

c^med;Out bythe council’s. owtv' necessary; experience

Afforestatipn may .be; thej explahailori litheren n n / 5 n n n ln M /I i n f n n J / \ v t ' - t O.

: Sheffield’s ’ problem became'^Worse ;wheri: the steel

, F6r.-'f& ^i^i^;'-'(^ .’'.impr6vjoag appearanceand hygiene, thecity cischeme to help- .property lowriers keep cleaned-up bxiildmgs fr^e of starlirigs;by making them implossible

city council runs a g ra n t ' -. ;their millions; consume tons; of. insect: pests.- ;lf ..theyi t u r i o r c I r o o - n q q t h q H_Vi-r» "’ . r o a l l v a r d i n H c i ^ l i n o r*xr'\ r rn Vreally are iri decline, wei may-.yet have .cause tojf)i|

regret it.. f c}|

i exhausted and the desperate or the IgnUnbridled-H.whoops of; revelry of- the l&abesotted. . ; ;

But more frequent thari any of these is l.'jstha overwhellrimg crescendo of humari laa’yeaming, a sound that reverberates from' lanmlace'to place: i t is a sound, a cry of |3«freedom.' ' ■ • • •• i

ment after the - principle of eternal^ ■ justice, th6,unchangingIaw:of:Gdd;: for;

shortness’s sake I will call it the idea'bf ' freedorn.” ' i v - . - y f.

On the European scene as. well as in the Far East, pve it a Russian, Ruman-; iari ’or Chinese name,'-it adds up: to the;

From all parts of the'globe, in a quest' same .revelation that first came to the- -^as natural as, a:search for food ^or w ater,' Hebrews. : , ; ■ ioJcpmesthe sound bf people claiinirig their “Yet; Freedom, yet the banner torrijsn h g h ts1 as "[human beings to, move or-to'.,1 but flying,: streams like th e ' thurider-i n ^ o rk , unfettered and-unhindered;-in a- ' storm against'thfe wind”. Arid W iriatt'eri

rejoicmg-.vand discoveryr. called v- how fiercely it is'suppressed it' must! asfreedom; notman-made'but.God-givenas = assert itself, like evei^hing 'else iri: God’si

&e.ely .anf ?s generously as He. gives life natural world, in every tiny crevice:arid/I itself. - crack, neverperishirig but rising againi

One,,iof , the ,-important lessons...of,;: and. again to turn its face towards the; Israelite;'history^,that God would have us: '. light.- '. ... ?v ft ; =ii % , | .learn^-oriejis impres'sive arid as basic as f ;Religioii, as wel£as^being% ’mystic i the Ten.v.Commandriients . — ’ is the search for self-idbntification is also an!

. stragglej(to;'be;:.oneself:>,in its> .widest, exemplar for physical life, best under-1interpretation. ■ 4 - ' V - -: r p } stood by those-whose heed'isJgreatest; -.

S id eb y is id e B radford. The : -

I : Biulding=on th e | ; le ft bears;'the V, :

m ark s of ; th e ;v . . ' ' I ,ever-present j :

door is k ep t clean |. and .free1 from .

b ird s by. the' ,I S^m ner, a device| J inven ted ;and p u t

to: good use in thi city.


speechminding ;

r Sir, — It is with mountirig iiritav . tion I note th e ; increasing use'of

rear window car stickers anriouric-' ing to all that 'their particular '■

ihicle carries a child. :really don’t see the point, the' .*

J^bcused of blasphemy (August iy is:-W es-saSe ,either .preaches ::to. th e : s in g u la r ly in a p p r o p r ia te , ' ' vconverted (

I ze§pecially as one of the. charges;

I ®Sir,l J"r a j a p i e

, I br is disregarded by, the ignorant driverofwhom there.are’

I -^liade,against ;Jesus;;Christ ^was i few on the roads, ? "■1 sliJasphemy. _ ■ ' .May I suggest that;:were, the . ::.92t0 fcourse,we shoiild-not set- out-■,■■>'^tickers to be removed, the rear' _to:-cause :offence; :but .faiths h k e . . . ^ o n would immediately, im- ..

C h ris tian ity and Islam w hich prove, no bad thing in the cause ofmake claims of an exclusive nature saie driving. _ _lettpisprrie^^erit'-hbi& d ^ ;;be >:/ -.? ° ;?^? t'IP : h 3 ^ :w ^ t^ ^ h g ir ;-:;v ^n ip ran t'^T T rS w p v p r‘‘TX7o iiTrQ:'ir» ’ q .'’:-' !in o n e y ,:tn e y .c o u lQ th e n r e p o s i t io n ,^ ,olerant.Howeyer.'wehveina;


' O F F IC E


Yours faithfully j:• • •- A. S.,ANDERSON.;;Eastbunii Keighley: ‘' .. ’'



“Wake lip, Boxfile ^-. or the' .' public; won’t know we’re on

strike;”: v;-

- ; y “ ?t be rail-connected but th e .. i_i• ^ W ,f1P?y.f.,:;,.estab]ishmenti Jof . rail-connected..‘..IZ.

• '-‘ahlp wholesale distribution depots with. ''s ir -j •able to. assimilate gipsies as^hasr Drivate’hauliprs mflkiti? inpaT'

v;:i Jlt^^2mg>tthat those dealing ■ a^^anffe 'r ' " .■ -!" 1 i•^..This,:inati* of

' sufficient-.importance to warrant .. '■: J53* . $S£; j ' P?j;eritial some use of public funds to achieve. ,>

Whilst I realise your piece on-the survey of -Yorkshire folk attending. 'the:: Great Yorkshire ” Show was. ‘torigue in ‘cheek’; the ;:’, answer- tbi'the.qiiestiori, Why; so'■ I much' ignorance? lies to some' ' degree in the iriaidverterit publicity given to Humberside:-^ especially by the media..

■ • • Only two. columns ..away.'from 7...ijRiddlesden,.Keighley.... - :: .'.:thepiece,yoU;referto:“Yorkshire /

j. -jrj.; - . v ; .- :.t j - '•'-'' - * t£Z - "l'> 'r • •• and Humberside”, .an’d thus .for ■

e Q i m e c t i p i i i.Sir,:* ^ .The . twin..desiderata1: bf True, there is'apathy from some :

•:,i enefgyefficiency andclean air -have -been;largely conterittb' ■, ;; be,greatly=helped if we remerriber . ..sffi^^™ ® |® y’ ^ ^ ^ h ? . ^ ^ : ' ' settle fo^Y brkshire/w ith,the riew ^ ’ ..urthat a given am ount; of;, tractive -'^titles of South. Yorks:; W est Yorks;;•..■effprt-can-pun-lO-times as .much' 'aH d?N driO i^Tdrfe:'BU tr^ly;;tM---':i - weight on rails as on the road arid : Yorkshire-: P ost, could please its <,'100.times-as much ®s®iUf®4:.' 'i;readership;.by refeM ng'to- York-

J ^ v m h f f e a i1 Pleasure. I,trump-.

-Haitogatej North Yorkshire. - :.- -v; .-V;,

;-ftT’Of;(^Q 'l1'" ''v ^ ? ^ :'ri; S ^ ® ^ th e rb y R o a d. Vo:';'■ 'experience recently" ° " ..... .....

I 1.'.'-.. f4iVla 0+X«rtPnl1

is, beCpiriing more' buoyarif b u t'a mbvement ofifreight in that.;direc-;

... t io n w ould .use. energy m ore

Boly. of-, .the' right'.-to dence'others;- • 'Jt; took. many. Ceritiiiies : for

_ edomvof feligibri; to'become the .: i » rn £ i^W este rn ' society/:Db-^we: %!^ l ^ ^ a ^ ^ r l d ^ H p r P ^ I r i ^ ' S ir . '^ The Harrogate Society has ' lusb:;oJithe Stbnefall ■

•''' .sribiintted’ the ''folio vring bbserva^V ya t t ejn d a n t flo i s,e. - a ___ . , , _ . Aix v ^ tiu m ^^h lp ^ " : .'&P1J^to hoth 'the .'North;Yprkshire >';darigersJwhich';affecti ,all, those . If'w e are^serious'.about these

u y . id v y r , ,v , , , - n n n n t v ( I n n n n i l a n H t K o n o n « ^ U ^ ' |( |W l n 1 a V i ’s l m H ’i 'A W • • " __

: sincerely, j

o f : the Environment gaveviatioW“f r b f t ' ' ' - r e U m o r i s ^ o i ^ ^ - ' ' P b ^ w a ; f ^ : t ^ j r i t i | n t n'ois.e '.and itra ff ic .frustration on ;the roads..:; 1viauon rrpm reugious.^ortho .fipn t0 both the.North.Yorkshire ..Vvdangersjwhich, ;affect ,all. those . ^ I f 'we are;serious'.about • - . ... . . , nnn tr . .

County Council^^and the Hairogate- 'jpebple.,usirig the 5 9 ^ H airogate„rriatters,: we wili Hve'any riecess;i .; .-'Tenan'ts Abisfore the 1988. Hou^mg,., ,Gouncil.pnor^ to : th e,v isit .of their>^iSfe0BleV;(andj visitors ap p rb a cfeg ( T^.-eric6uragem^ and helD;:to '' Act-.camei into force. Was perhaps . a. societv which allows r???e^ ^ tiv?s„t° .P°ss.$le gipsy. , the. ^own from ...the, south- - not . -films who wish to become rail-con- • '• a.: m ^P nnt? '—..^ourse ^ ^ ^ t r i S t o n e f a U v l a n d adjaCentto :; cper.elyiithe; resident's vin the^imV. even to use' canals and . .. f^h funy , j , D. a „ FITZGERALD .

.D iv ro : J M LEYSHON ' the- Wetherby Road, am enity .tip ,-,.^ : , ,'cbasta l'sh ipp ing .'A dm itted ly ; -. ;,•' • : , •-Regional Manager, :akefield WestYorkshirp ' •• . .“ nd.adjacent .to. the. Great York- ••,.:'This:has given an ample demon-, goods despatched by railthen need •..•, The Sutton Housing :Trust.- ’ y :,,:sh^e^ow grpund : j^ y ;> ;.? ;;:-v s te a fa o n |6 f | the'if ] ^ b i l i t y , ^ ^ ; ;tb;be delivered to customers who. Heworth.Village, York.

! , YOR^HIRE; POST. , ; v Founded as the Leeds Intelligencer on ' • July, 2j: 1754;;3ecame, a daily; The

'' Yorkshire Post on July 2r* 1868,* and, absorbed tlie Leeds. Mercury .(founded;:

; 1718) in November 1939. V-

y-u:rv;<&f1 I

-.{.T IMr ‘ ,a;rmariVof. greafiCi 'chariri,s well.‘ hidden. Jo h n sl

; Major; Foreign Secretaryvon his.. I Labour- counterpart;;, ... t- .v *.;i• n-1 Weriee'd to coriyiripe the'Moslemo I

.community that-ridicule of; theicj" I. -’■religioriis not a signthat,they afo tli t an -Hunwelcbme.;- paiiitj-jbfisBritishl I society: — ;The; Archbishbp: of i l l .

' Cariterbuiy, (p n t h e : .TVd pro,'j.if g r a m m e , B I a s p h e m e I

■: BanqueL.sil:::- . ^ y y l^ -in/VjiiiMJoIL >;T.feel:it’s myiresponsibiUt^todo.l:.!).. .my •httl'e job ;in'the: world,\yetiEifli ■ haven’t; dorie when.I compare,.it-i I with-.other. women,• like Motheriir

: -Theresa and; M rs.TEhatcheni^rl M rs C hario ,tte-H ugies.;.sq{;c |

i Marske, Cleveland/on her.llZth^ I .birthday.,;;,^ ; ,- :rs> r .i-bHave ■ ybu^ever,i satv;,down..>and.i'li really \yatched' Tom andi Jerry?- ,h Do you feally approve of craeltyiib tbjanimals;; even ifiitisfonlylaij.i F. animated vihoUse?, —f.Anne Spen^;; hr cer, South . Londpn deputy head- j | a

teacher::-^j; ‘.v'-vy \ ivH ';--Tte ‘•'!qvWi1^/,:6||Jltfe«r-&i!.,-;st£&iK 'outside | London ..jiSrrofteri'nverytilB imuch-betterthari wecan arrangeijib ■irisldethe.Gapital.' —.Mr Norman:) I : Fowler,:EmplpjTnentrSecretaryr;ri|v ori'staff. moyeSjtoSheffieldand-ilb Runcorn, .v j^vw .-irr 'a '- 'ii 'H,- -iilil •Teachers are called.;.upori-to ‘getoln • children’s behayiGiur- sorted ioutial - And day byfdayi:theyvare:imad'&|3

'.'enpugh to try .P eter-D aw son ,,v ie general \ secrptaiy. pf:. the > Pro~ iln

l> fe ss io n a l A ssocia tibh i;o fiii|rs '■'Teachers.

t i •1

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■VA nr. *r...r.




i Av-KE^ER'imteis “You

h 'a v e ,.:lo o k e d in m y 5 Pevsners and ;;iny Arthur s Mees and I can find no

r ef ere ri'ce;toJ'Cat c liffeY, I ilttiink-;;it$is;<; a1? figment v o f ^ ;,yOii^r;.’;.'vf,e:v e r ed,;

'YYv' «’N otso/Zdeacreadfer.It'

wouldbeia fertile brain in­deed ^bat .could' conjure

r Catcliff^'oufcof'tjiin air;- ;8 iMy.jBMKolemew’sgaz-i ■' etteer^bM965‘;lsay's-of it:

s ham; 689ac.;pop.l771; P.O. _ ■.VT:0;7at'statiori.’’ 7 7.V i ;^:M^tv']df^thatrs(3ll''holds’: ] good,|:althougH; thfere1 is .* now no London andNorth | East Railway 'Station ■ and | therefore .no^telegraph oft

, i fice, (TO): there.. . ;-.•. .•••>".| This I discovered iri the | cojirse of an expedition to 1Catcliffe,ri6t:aneasyplace I to'reach. From." the north

, 1 you must follojv;,the Ml,| cross theLbridge over trie 5 styparivDori IVaUeyj. and / | turn off at :jurictiori 33.S ; Av'series ■ of'’le ft'tu rn s '

; | then takes ' the . ''traveller £ iri to-C at'clif f e :;.The. ap:\ prbach;road’passesunder t the Ml and Sneffield'Park-.

: ® way,'the'city ’s main exit to5 the south and east. : 16 Thesehighways intrude s . most atrociously o n ' Cat- ? cliffev B oth a re ra ised . | above ground level • and | t h u s 'p a s s a b o v e th e j tow nship.v . ..I 'I Day and night, from

J their*.’elevated;; positions, 1 they;Veririt:;a.continuous; jj barrage of . ,sound ; which |jarsf"the ,ear¥'jVEven-^iri; Irem q te ;,co rn ers i6 f(th e ipaHshV;rit.- persists hasj-a I monotonous,-rumble.- ; :| How; anyone could route ! gre^t clattering roads like J th e s e ab o v e p e o p le ’s 4 homes beggars .belief.;I T .hisV .thought cam e

. Istrorigl Ichurc;

trbngly tQ mmd iri^the : h iirc h y a rd , „a. .1 o v iti g ,

llassf^m iii5 ‘fej^ressrpibu_.. Sexpectatibris'such’: as “At ' 1

Such^quahtles;, are iri

|to; both 'roads: The air . : Jshudders. to vibrations;of

jin te h i^ ' coirihustibri eri- fgines being run at full tilt; Jm -.- V --v'| A .cheerful -Geordie,; a form er m iner, who; moved Sto C a tc lif fe to w o rk , foaused from p o tte rin g (among the graves to pass ithe time of day. '| He explained that the [authorities had tried to jbafQe the sound by plant-

Pg trees. 'Alas. vthe var- tiesthey chose hed th e ir .

ileaves, so ,inau tu irin ,the. ; poise swells as if a giant

thand was on a v Control.

□ □ □Catcliffe -iis ' full, of ;in-:

iterest. It possesses' the prily parish church which |pan claim to have been piined. ?iI When, iri 1909, work started on a new church, M r J o h n D u ts b n ( th e fcolliery manager at Or- greave. was treasurer of . fhe building fund, i ; '| He.prevailed on his em- plbyersj.the RothetValley GoUieryGompany, to pro- yid^; stbne;ffrbjn a layer encduritered '400 yard s dowri;;a-thick,shell above? theiParkgate coal seam'..; >r S' H avirig beenVplucked'V rom-riearly a quarter of a'flil^'iholnnr fVi i o m o loin o 1 >'h

ious haridlirig. : Walls were faceiksitfth1 stones of odd shapes and sizes and1 the f in a l • ef f e e t-re sem b les crazy paving. , i ;. •f- Not far awayvperched on a mound aridtoweririg to 60ft;: :is; the gifeat cone of Gatcliffe; - ; j 1\ A t'*• ground level it is made of stone1 «but; the

, lipper part, which'tapers to a circular apertitfe,: is en- tirely bjult ofSbrick. 1 ' ' . f No explariatory plaque is ■ to be fourid but'this turns out 3to be ’one 'of ‘the 23 Wonders of Rotherham as' listed by the borough courir :• oil/ a - relic'! of the glass ipdustry.tbuilt in !1740. ;f From .here -came Gat-

cliffeiWare — riiugsr vases! sfnd flasks" decorated with opaque, white' stripes.': -i| Thfe township once had a pit, a drift into the High Hazel i'seam /aridw as -fa-’ in b u s ■••for ,£m a t k e t ^ d e n s ;? ''l ; . |- '^ v i My; friend in the church-

yard'remembers old ladies saying' itw a s ■ SS‘aU: ‘ striaw berry fields”. Now the rijlriehas beensWept away .atad many;of the workers’’ cottages^ demolished. - 51 1 Catcliffe,'I; 'suppose/is

w hat'-.they-'-riow 'cili'-a - dprmitory. B u tit is a funny kind of dormitory with a

^motorwayiin-its; attic; ■ : sDay andnightvstrangers;

speed 'through;!quite1 un­aware- of what they are m iss irig v 'an d le'aiVihg' nothing but their noise.



THE Sou th A frican ch u rch leader, v money and they come here at a time wheri iA rchbishpp Desmond- T u tu , : arid ;: °{Sd?e“ Pi r e 1 S f e r i t J " n ^ o th e r . an ti-apartheid church , leaders ;, .when asked if the English players could yesterday denounced a p lanned rebel do anything to redeem themselves onceE nglish cricket to u r. th e y a rr iv e d in S o u th A frica n ex t

y Archbishop Tutu called the visit t o J ^ r ^ A r c h b i s h o p Tu tu re to rtedifors,.

m |rcenaries,. weelc, has risen in the anti-apartheidf. ;But. in; KJualarLumpur; Malaysia,; the ortTr,rAnrtity ; ; v; - ;Commoriwealth.^seeretaiy g ^ ^ a l / Mr On Thursday a cbalitiori . of ■ sporting Shndath' Ramphal, g roups ca lled th e N a tio n a l' S p o rts

' the t^cketers,■ said no pumtrye action.:: corigress vowed to stop the tour before it -would be t a k e n - a ^ . started by persuading the 16 EngUsh

not to come to; South Africa. ;:e sports fans are delighted at the

which helps to" break the intema- J — South Africa

Archbishop Tutu andmen. issued

'EUROPEAN'consumers’ representatives: have ; de- imaridedbig compensation for holiday makers h it by delays at airports. .: '

;i T he E u ro p e a n C on­sumers’ B ureauhassent a

; delegationto;; the Euro- p ean C om m unity tra n -

■rt commissioner, Mr el Van Miert, asking

him to end the misery of travellers.' ' ;

The bureau’s 1 director, Mr Tony- Venable s , : said:“It is quite unacceptable forpeoplewhosaveup; lo o k .fo rw a rd to th e irannual .'holiday^ then; tb' face long delays before- departure.. !'Consumers are: forced to spend up to a day of their holiday lit; an airport, be- ;causie they arid arrangements for com-

; p ei ri s a t io ri a r e ;.q u i t e madequate.”; He is pressing for com­

munity ministers to adopt a new law on package holidays.: “This does provide the possibility r :that tourists facing: long delays • can cancel their contract with­out loss;” he said.

.. -‘C onsum ers a re also entitled to coirii. but this is vaguely at the moment.. .“ We are demanding the

: inclusioft of-specific levels of compensation after de­lays of a specific: time, which must be on an increasing scale to have any deterrent effect.” : ;

Mr : Venables said that in the meantime there should be compensation for tour­is ts fac in g delays. th is sumirier. O ■ “We demand imiriediate

action imder national law and arbitration schemes.” i ■: The bureau is also press- irig for an integrated Euro^ pean air traffic control s y s t e m t o i n c r e a s e e ffic ien cy " -

a statemejit. which questioned the mo- t iv e s o f th e E n g lis h players,. ; who said th ey : w a n te d to p r o n io te non-racial cricket in South Africa. :

“In the first place, the. players will be paid a six figure fee for thefr efforts,” the statement said.

The statement called on Mrs Thatcher :to stop the to u r , c i t in g a re c e n t example - of the French p resid en t, Mr F ranco is Mitteirand, who barred

. s e v e ra l F re n c h ru g b y p la y e rs from g o ing to South Africa. : ;; ;

■ In Kuala Lumpur, Mr .R am phal sa id B r ita in would riot be blamed :for. the playersV a;ctions. ;. “I see sanctions beirig

applied against the players but I will make sure there is no spUlpver,’’ he said.

. E ight Com m onwealth foreignmiriisterswillmeet next week to discuss fresh proposals fo r sanctions against South. Africa, he said.

He told . reporters; he would join' th e : foreign m in iste rs of A u stra lia , Canada, Guyana, India, Nigeria, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe for discus­sions in Canberra from Monday to Wednesday.

H i l l l


m m mIv'.W'oW



The. Soviet , leader also expressed cbri? cem about outbreaks of ethnic unrest iri Soviet Central Asia and the Transcaucas in which more than 1 0 0 people have died - since the; session istarted; ;:

THE Soviet-.leader,,Mr Mikhail Ciorba- chev, yesterday expressed concern over the refeent waive of ethnic and industrial unrest arid lashed out a t an emerging parliamentary -opposition but he aenied'there was panic in the Kremlin.: “This is not panic, this is what we call

i4r Gorbachev^ said-iri a j up thefirst 4(Way session

ui me country’s new inner parliament, w a ___• the-iSupreme Soviet, whichjoum eauntil late September. - •. more, than.,70 years of Soviet power. .;

■ Mr Gorbachev, who has chairedm any The"So^rtet planning chief; M r'Yuiy of .the Supreine Soviet’s meetings; said : Maslyukov, has promised a consumer recent weeks had been one of the most ;boom in 1990 to overcome mounting difficult periods the country had friced. popular discoritent over shortages. '

m you openly, we did ^ n' ’n n ’

, 4 He reserved some of his harshest words,:. howeverj'for a. newly formed radical .'. factiori within. the ^parliament, which,

W estemarialystshave saidcoulddevelop

“To tell you openly, we did not have a single quiet day m f1 - ^ months,” he said.sing leqm etdayinttiejast one'andahalf '

“The Supreme Soviet, as well as party ■ •: and Soviet Dodiesi get directly involved in • all events and confUct.. situation ’ these •’ days;” ;:■■■

'■ /Mr G orbachev sa id la s t m o n th ’s miners’ strike which spread from the Siberian Kuzbass region to pits across the

j country was a serious test for the country. ■ '.v: Tlie prime minister, Mr Nikolai Ityzh- 1 kov, said a pay arid conditions deal which

1 persuaded ‘miners back to work cost a crippling£2 ,000m. ' •

1 found the flight recorder iri.R E S C.iU-E R S . s i f t i ri g: K(fburid,1 'th ro u g h ; the,^wreckage; .W)vlTOe'ivr^'.Fsecti6 n;'(6 f';tliie

an Olynipic Airlines tw in-. aircraft-which was: one of ‘ engine p lane yesterday ' ‘; 'foimd its 'fligh t . n : which they hoped ; disclose the reasons why it ; p o ss ib ility , th a t c rim e

slammed into the highest could have, been respori-mountain in the Aegean, killing all 34 people on board.

Th e plane , d o lin g in i

slble for the crash. rY, The transport minister, M r N icos G e le s ta th is , a n g r ily : d e n ie d som e

forward in the production of TV sets am other , corisumer goods tb contain social unrest — a- determined switch in ; the Soviet economy after decades of emphasis on heavy, industry. .. Mr. Gorbachev has said 1990 will be crucial to the success of his, refbrrii programme. ' \ \ ' YY

But, after seeing tlie draft figures presented by Mr Maslyukov to the Supreme Soviet yesterday, Western econ- orhic experts said the target he set — . which Mr M aslyukovsaid .would; (be. la te ly achieved by increasing home

p r o d u c t io n ' a n d n o t through imports—seerried- out of-reach.,

A specialist a t one em­bassy coinmehted: “ I can­not see how ' they can a ch iev e su c h a .b reak ­through so fast.”

Anger over the lack of ev en b a s lc hou'SehoW -

* goods and, food-iteins was orieof'thekeyelerrientsin '1 l a s t m o n th ’s m in e rs ’ strikes across the country an d lie s b e h in d m uch worker unrest

Mr Maslyukov said next. year’s plan would include an unprecedented 12 per cent increase in output of consumer goods.

He said; “We must inthick fog on Thursday; h i t , foreign,news reports that

........... .. the crash could nave been4,785ft Mt Kerkis in the Koumies region of the: eastern Aegean island off T u rk e y ’s s o u th -w e s t coast; ‘AY

Rescuers;; found: bodieis: and the aft section of the 30-seat British built air­craft ,'ori an inaccessible slope of the mountain a t the 3,960ft leveL '

•The. front part of the plarie ; had,, disintegrated when it hit the mountain,

caused by terrorists.On’’the island, rescue

teams carried bodies down steep cliffs to the town of Samos to be identified by relatives.. ’ Army commandos, who clim bed th e m o u n ta in where a shepherd saw the

Slarie go down, found bo- ies iand pieces of the

plane. : : \; The Shorts SD-330, a

move overATASKforce appointed b y ' the United States govern­ment is to study; possible; si

: design changes in DC-lOs . and other wide-body jet- liriers which; would allow, pilots to retain .control after an engine blew up or other equipment failed in iflightj, said : the. Federal . -Aviation Administration.: .; -.iThe creation of theltask : force'came'two weeks after

cthe *•. ‘ c ia sK rif :‘:?a' 'iTTnitpH. crashv: off a '>United A i r l i ne sD C - 1 0 wh i c h killed 111 people in. Sioux City. ilowar An explosive

A DOIO jetliner.Airlines > LrlOll. in ■ 1981 indicated deMgn chances

destroyed the plane’s hyd- might be needed to give -.raulic flight controls. . : additional protection to

The agency said similar flight-control systems, in c id e n ts in v o lv in g ^ : : All three planes, each Japan Air Lines Boeing 747 built by a different manu-

engine failure apparently d-

i i i .1985 and an. Eastern

pow er w h ich c o n tro ls wing and tail surfaces. ’ :

One senator, Mr Howard Metzenbaum, called on the government agency to con- s id e r g r o u n d in g a l l

DC-lOs.fac tu rer, lost hydraulic His letter to the agency

Toxic;FE ARS; that mothers rm ybe poisoning.; year arid compate their development with

1. . xi. a control-group of bottle-fed babies.their; babies by breast-feeding .them are .being investigated by Dutch scientists.;

The .worry is that dioxin —- one of the world’s- most toxic

He stressed .there was not yet enough; ^evidence to urge riiothers to stop breast

cited news accounts say- . ing that lives .nright have been savedVinvthe:,Iowa crash if the DC-10 had four rather than three hyd­raulic systenis or a shut-off

: valve to prfevent hydraulic.' fluid loss. , ,

“If thbse alle^itions are tru e , th e FAA sh o u ld

- ground all DC-lOs arid ; - correct their' design flaws

..immediately;’’ he. said. ; ;;: - The head-of FAk siafety regulationsiM rToriyBro-

;derick, said ;the planes wouldnotbegrouridedand added : V T nere a re no design flaws in ; the DC-10 or any other aircraft pre­sently flying that warrant grounding.”. Mr Broderick said fail­ure of hydraulic , systems in d ica ted th e need for consideringanextra level of safety in airliners;

Thetask force wbuld be asked to come up with a systeinora modification of

MwfoSmd°ite way MoUm o & e ^ m ilk ^ d ^

childreri. Scientists tfiirik woinen ' are ' ^ pollu tion fromeating food contaminated with dioxin. . n ^ r two inciner-t Yesterday Mr Abraham Brouwer, of r ators were ordered to stop producingmilk the toxicoloiy departirient-at Wagenin- .and cheese after,fbbd; inspectors found geri University. Holland. said scientists dangerous concentrations of dioxin in would irionitor 100 breast-fed babies for a their products.

existing systems to allow an airliner to fly and land safely even with (complete, hydraulic failure.

The FAA said the study • also ■ would cover--engine d esig n ; “ w ith a n ey e toward possibly prevent ing cripplinedam agetdan aircraft in the everit of an engine explosion.-’-

From JOHN FRASER m BrusselsTHE chip-eating Belgians are turn­ing into a nation of fatties — and more arid more are being. turri^Vdown for military sendee. 7 — _ — ............ . ., .......... .- The. country’s defence minister, has never., before; beien such a ;

Mr Guy Coeme, has revealed that an problem among the young.” , 'increasing number of conscripts a re , He added, that the proportion' plump that they are unfit to serve coriscripts. who are in the -A’,., , - category—,iri top conditiorif-had.

Last- year, 1,003 candidates were slumped from 6 6 per cent tb 42 per ’told :they ; were; top fat ' i r almost ' rent in teri y ea rs .. '-Jjg C-,0 ««• ««■>/•••- *»“ '--------double the 572 rejected in-1986.- Mr, Cbeme. said: '.“Iri.the ,recent.

years, the quality of our youth has continually gone down. Obesity

Meanwhile the number of con­scripts who say they are members of sports teams has dropped from 50 per cent to 29 per cent. . ,

The minister has ordered the Belgian services to; begin ;a ; new programme of: sports for- all con­scripts, to try- to iriiproye -their fitness. ’

He has also provided £1.6 iri for the purchase of 207,000 pairs of gym shoes, to get the army up arid

' running. :Y Y-' 'YYAY-'.Y.'Y'YY.' YY-' ■ Most Belgian schoolchildren eat chips at least once a day, and the nation’s addiction to fatty foods is being blamed for the poor health'of young people. . • ; . . -

Olympic airways, was oh a flight . from the - riorthem

. ci& of Salonika wheri it crashed. - S.-’ ■'

Olympic said the pilot, •; Mr Petros . Mountzoureas;: was ;one 'of the airline’s mdstexperiericedemploy- eesarid-thattheaircrafty bought in 1981; was in good condition. , H

WORLD trade in squid, octopus and cuttlefish was : expanding sharply — up 300 per cent since 1987—^

; and prospects were good; -acco rd in g to a U n ited Nations study:released i n . Genevai

HUGE queues formed out­side bakeries in the Tuni­sian capital, Tunis, ais the city was virtually without bread: as- a result of a; bakers’ strike for higher prices.

THE Cuban Communist Party banned two Riissian p ap e r s f o r p r o m 0 1 i ng bourgeois democracy ana

-the Ariierican way of life ;, 1 ssud; the’ official govern- ment.riewspjaper; '■;;; ■;

J AP AN ’Si la rg e s t car; m an u fac tu rer; Toyota,'*; said that by. 1995 it would- stop using;;chlorofludrb- carbori gases,;! blamed for destroyingthe Earth’s pro­tective ozoriei .layer., -

NINE m issiles^h it th e v Afghan c a p ita l’ Kabul; ending a three-day lull in rebel rocket attacks. One person w as k illed arid ; eight injured.

le re tu rr iin g - were killed;

•FIVE peofrom a wed' ________w heaa strong wind capsi-; zed their boat off central' Java, said the officialriews' agency; Antara. ‘ A 'l-;';

TWO journalists in Paris said a t least 400 people. .were shot dead by troops during unrest in the So­mali capital,' Mogadishu, last month, v • - ■

1990 perform a great leap forward in this area, which will demand colossal re­serves, organisation and discipline.”

The plan would help to rem ove th e g ro w th of social tension in society, he added.

B u t th e e c o n o m ic : growth target would be only two per cent — the lowest annual peacetime target since the system of five-year plans was intro­duced iri 1928.

; :.:Mr Maslyukov said next y ea r’s overall dom estic -trade turnover.—^ a . key . indicator of the ebnsumer,- m arket— , was planned to. grow three times faster

- than in the period from 1986 to 1989.V T he corisu irier boom would be partly achieved through a cut of a t least 30 per cent in government investment, in toeavy .in­dustry and. by coriVer-; : sibri of many defence fac­tories to produce popular products; ■ :r 'Y ...; ;.

FRENCH p o lic e h a v e c h a rg e d fo u r p e o p le , including a sacked fire­man, with arson after fires' which reduced large areas of France’s Mediterranean coast tb a wasteland.

Y esterday police said they were also questioning a 12-year-old boy; who tola them he set a mechanic’s g a rd e n a l ig h t a f te r a shoddy repair job -on his father’s car. : ■ .■ .

France’s worst fires in 20 years were . finally con­ta in e d yesterday , a f te r burning for five days; b u t ; coritroversy, s till raged

• over the handling of the disaster. , , i

•Police said - one . of the biggest fires was started by three people who dumped

; an old mattress in a forest. One of them dropped ash from his pipe onto the mattress, which caught fire: 7 .

; A former fireman admit­ted .starting-a blaze for r e v e ri ge o v e r be in g sacked. '

appfova!THE Uriited States House of Representatives yestor-

•, day-approved; a, $286,500Jn riiflitary speriding bill 4 -

' about £179,000m—makiife wholesale chariges in tqe

., defence programme. put ; forward by; the .presiderit, Mr George Bush... ]

i : By a vote of 312-105; the iHojise'- voted1.-to adopt fei • spending plan slasn iife riearly £l,250m:from the

E' r e s id e n t’s.: r e q u e s t« I udget for the space-bas^l

m issile deferice system dubbed “Star Wars,” -f- formally .known as tl£ S t r a t e g i c D .efericie Initiative. : J

; • i It also strictly lim itgi the: B-2 stealth :. bombar p ro g ram m e an d m atfe drastib cuts in the MX a i^ M i d g e t m a r i n u c le a tr


ON GUARD: Two police­men watch over' a row ' of1 shops in Colombo, Sri Lanka;, yesterday;;

The shops were closed because of a strike called by a L eft-;w ing g ro u p w h ich w a n ts to b r in g down, the government.,

Diplomatic sources in New Delhi yesterday said the Indian and Sri Lankan governments had failed to agree on ways to:resolve a Tamil rebellion in Sri Larika or a timetable for

; w ith d ra w in g p r id ia n ' troops from the strife-torn island. (Yi. -

They said seven days of talks between the foreign m in is te r s o f th e tw o countries went on until

, ju st before the Sri L ankan. party was due to leave for

The issu es, how ever, could not be concluded irii the way it was antici­pated, one source said.; Colombo wanted India to withdraw its 45,000 tro o p s f ig h tin g T am il T ig e r g u e r illa s in th e riorthehi and eastern part of the island.

• ■" India refused to do that until a Tamil-dominated council for the region had the powers to protect itself against, what Delhi be­lieves; will be a bloody Tiger push for total con­trol once the Indian sol­diers have left.

Sri Lankan sources said the talks had succeeded in removing some of the m isunderstand ings, b e ­tween the two sides, but

. n e ith e r w ould in d ic a te ' -w hether more discussions' {■ would: be h eld 'a t ;;a laterf;

Four face


Bush’s | defence budget

missiles. ; 5v In spite of the unusually ra p id ap p ro v a l, o f thfe costly .bill by the Dem$- cratic-coritrolled House, the ranking Republican cm the House com m ittee, Mr W illiam D ickinson ,of Alabama, said Mr Bush might vetib ■ the measure. ■ ! . !

The White House budgbt office said before the vot£ that the president’s senior. ad v isers w ould recom ­mend- a veto on ground^ th e m e a s u r e w o u ld severely compromise th e .' administration’s objective of providirig adequate ds-

. fence capabihties withiji . constrained - resources; . 5


THE Italian govemmer y e s te rd a y ap p ro v ed £125m aid package,part b£ a much larger programm$, for hotels arid fishermen suffering because of slimV algae polluting the Adru - tic coast. V r; The draft law is - fox emergericy aid for tius - nesses in the area,-where thousands bftouristshavl cancelled h o lid ay s :b cause of the dirty-whit algae.

Officials said the law w o u ld be ru s h e through , parliainent oari< w as.the .first stage qf re sc u e p la n to ta l l in g £375m. I

A sen io r gbveriurien | official, Mr Nino C rista fori, said: “The Adriatiq m u s t be. re v iv e d . TKIS package will help improve theim age -people' abrbad

. have of. tourism in Italy.’} iAltaly’svhdtels. federation . yesterday estimated, thq sludge, which thrives 01 effluent, had lost hotels or the coast £1,400m.

Bookings in July fell bj more than a third from last year.. The money will heli

hotels to build swimming pools and other facilities for bathers repelled by .the gooey scum. It will alsc subsidise fishermen whose stocks have been reduced by the algae, which starvt the sea of oxygen, killing fish. ^

25•TWO speeding passeriger ; tra in s crashed head-on about 100 miles east? of Havana yesterday, killing at least 25 people and injuring. 87. -'

The Cuban news agency, AIN, said two locomotives and four passenger, cars w e re w re c k e d in tiie crash.. . .

The report said an inves­tigation was underwayjto! discover the cause, of -ihe c ra sh ; A n o th e r .Guhan news agency, Prensa La­tina, gave the death to lias -at least 25. : .

RESEARCHERS in the United States \ ; <Wellcbme sells -AZt under the b r ^ d | belieVe the drug AZT significantly slows name Retrovir;' , ' . ' ;!'

P .. Research showed the drug significantly s 1 ow s • p'T 0 g re s s io r i:-o f -h um*an' lirimimo-deficiency infection whenei^'en

the progress of AIDS in its ;early : stages and could help hundreds of thousands of sufferers, said the coiripany which makes the drug, Wellcome. .

Results of a two-year study by the,US Natiorial Institute of Allergy and Infec: .JLolis » ^ e.aseisj s1J19w'e(iJ or time He said significantly fewer people

. that AZT could help patients.m the early, receiving AZT in the early, stages of the s t^ e s pf AIDS. . - A - - ; disease;went on to suffer from advanced

The. m stitute s director, Dr Anthony . AIDS-reUited coriiplex or to co n tr^ t Fauci, smd the dnig. previo^ly given to full-blown AIDS itself. . . . - I*patients m the later stages of AIDS, could. . - ; ; 5 ■. ; ; . ' -?•now becoirie available to between 100,000 . : AIDS; caused by the HIV virus; destroysarid 200,000 people in the US who were , the body’s natural defence against irifSt- suffering from the early stages of the, -" . tion. AIDS-related complex is the naMe disease. ; ■ ;i;- - ' ■ • * ■ - . given to the early stages of the disease.

ieficiency infection whengi^en to persons with early AIDS-related com­plex, said -Dr Fauci.; f-t YA 'fi.V • •' Y



British Garden and Leisure Buildings,Fa ri w ays Garden Centre, Heslington Lane,

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£150,000 facelift.funded?byrBriti|fr RaUj:lIfeeds' Picture by TIM CLA YTON. '■ ' ' ' !V ' : •

e sun goes, down- asThe viaduct, constructed in 1846, spans Kirkstall Road, the River Aire anu me jl

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.a s t.unions

• THE- L ^ p T O :;i^ 4k^C5^^liPrp^. posals which have heiped to improve;

■:’s rating in'opiiuori polls■ ’, face major challenges:at the iGctober/

conference. . , ’ '• • According to the preliminary Agenda, published today, Mr Kinriock could see,

his efforts to create a united,, credible, ■ party- threatened;', a t: Brighton l;if,r sup- ' .■ porters ,of critical resolution^ ?taii:inobt:; ' lise their forces.-: S "-< ; ''■■ 7 r:-. - A two-year policy review, which strater: gists saw as an attempt to curb more extremist,plans,^will beput forapgroval, but iMf Kinhock^mll be challenged on'1 ' almost ■ every aspect "the --’economy, i': , defence, proportional representation, and , even the review itself:

•. The block vote of the big unions should guarratee..Itfo;:Ki]md'ck:'SUcc6sS in';,tKe' main debates, but the way could be open

1 for angry exchanges which .would.dam- ' age the .party’s, image. ! ' . :-:.;. in^lmbst every one of the-';'firs t' 25 > :^BUuttdi^eith^^regretsu6r4-d^?lcir&s’'

tlfet constituency parties: were not ad- ' equately consulted about the way ptolicy lito p o sE d s .were- addpted. Seyeral resolu-.- tiens1 say i that''affiliated organisations .

: shbvild ' have had a : chance.rto subm it„..'/the: proposals,-Hvhicft

■fcere adopted'by-the :NationaliExecutive Sfiter r e p o r t s 1 f r o'm‘ a 's e r i e s of committees. . . .v-;

■ izA resolutionfrom' Chesterfield; where tt'AnthonyBenn'is-MP/asks^bhferehce- t&cbridemn the executive’s acceptance of

• ‘ the review docuriients; which,^had, b een prepared and released “withlittl&Corisul-

;; tatiori’ of the wider .membersffipfat'grass- roots constituency .or re^orialtle'yel”. ; .

..; Mr .Kinnock: has never."indicated: any:

. system, :but • the • prelimtoary-/ agehda ;. contains resolutions.from'all'parts'of.the ; country, demanding that the party'should;

;’V explore^the introduction' of -sbihe.jbrifrof: /proportional representation:. : ; t

' ■ 'NorwichSouth calls ontheexecutive'to: “undert ake an investigation of the advan-

; tages'. and disadvantages of the ;;xriaih . types -of. electoral- reform .fori a . fairer l system of election’-’. It asks jtKat a Eabbtir.• government should ;bevcommittedrto

holding a referendum bn electoral reform ■within two years., ■

The leadership has been cautious on - the extent that a. Labour {government ft would adopt a,policy of public. pwhersUp

for major industries, but many consti­tuencies demand a wide range of public

, ownership. ; ; . " i ■■•:.•:■' '.i -:y ::vV:A lm ost-an-dem andthat'-privatised

industries :-.shoi [d-' be ' -publicly i owned. Several11 demand that-a liabour govem-

■ - ment-. should .'ahide.'hyi Clatise - 4: of the p a rty ?s .coristitution 'w hich-com m its

: Labour' to th e ' Control' of the country’s '■ m a in .m ean s; o f p r o d u c t io n a n d

exchange; :■ %■: ' Labour is also urged to’ repeal all the v . “anti-trade uniorilegislation’.; passed by

Mrs Thatcher’s government: ;So far the Labour leadership has not heen prepared to give such a commitment.

the Royal Yacht Britanniai The Princess, who celebrates,her first birthdayr Queen and her parents for a lOrday cniisie to the Western Isles.

on Tuesday, is with the

TjRANSPORT- officials ’haye; launched a SSOO.OOO seatbelt campaign, ibelieving 145

* (Jhildren arev.heing .rieedlesslySkilled in , Wad ac'ciderits every -year;. : . ; - y-

9 ¥¥om next - month' hew^laws'^'Mll'force' driyers'to.:make, their’childrenuse ;rear s^^tbelts -^ if theiricaris fitted withthem. Experts belieye 60:childiendie eachyear,

:■ and 7,000 :more:are.injured;b'ecause they s^priot,.using a'belt: ';-t

The .Department of Trahspbrt- believes: thsee -'-quartersof-; ithe-i deaths and two thirds of the injuries would hot happeriiif: cfajjdren were securely fastened;:-1 r.; hAn advertising campaign-this-month'

wjjll'-.stress that children caii;die‘ badly disfigured everi in iow-speed acck dpnts. A 25mph impact is.eqiuvalentto a fail;ifrom a.second-storey windo,w. .L - .I

- -Mie.-campaign'^^shbWithatfromback : sests, unbelted children can be flung in to ! tdiffe d a s h b o a r d 0 r : t h r 0 u g h th e \'Bta'dscreen. • t I . - -- I!;/ ;ifiut:: the - new ;law :does: not compei'

anyone owning ah older:car:withirio rear s?satbelts. to ,have them fitted. • 0

. bNor does it set a lim itto the number of childreri who carried ona rear seat. A. car with two rear seatbelts -can still legally carry. threeVchildren with one of

.them unrestrained. • ! : ; viJEhe law puts the onus on the driver to.

ensure children belt up.-Officials say this ..keeps the law.simple.r

i f aws.compelling.all drivers and front-,: s^at^Eassengers; to wear belts - canie - into - force six years ago.'

900'-roadworks;and foirnd a th ird :to^be'' poorly signposted and organised'. ‘ '■/?.

-Gas,;,water, electricity.and 'telephone authorities are named as worst offenders. Almost half their roadworks paid little or no regard to the safety and convenience of road users.. • • -. . '

Ambulanceman saves blaze-crash victims

O n -

BgjpLYrDESIGNED; -j^dTyorKs-.are-iada-:./ ..^tOiacdidents:ffid'iyiuiM /accbrdfi^.to:;: - an„AA-survey;..-.. V - ;. Vi. J - -: 'The motoringorganisation looked:- a t .

more than double at roadworks: It says : holes .in the: road -are. sometimes left unguarded. . ' ; . :

TWO men were given emergency treat­ment . by Humberside’s “flyirig';ddctor”' service- . after . being; dragged from : the wreck of a blazing van which crashed ori

'.the M62 last night.' : ' ‘f ■'■:■■■■ :A paramedic ambulanceman, Mt Al­

bert Knaggs pulled the men from- .the • blaze and gave.emergency.treatment as the jflying-doctor seivice; airived. Mr:

K naggs, s ta tio n e d a t Howden,.-;waV praised for his bravery by ambulance chiefs.' ' ,

The vari hurst into flames after career­in g off th e m o to rw ay /s e a s tb o u n d carriageway between Howden andNorth Cave. - V ..:'.v\

:Two men; aged 26 and 33, suffered serious burns,-in one case covering 60 per

. cent of th e .'. body. They were given , speciahstvtreatirieht:by paramedic crews... as they ' were taken to. Hull Royal- Infirmary.

Two doctors, members, of the county!s; “flying doctor” scheme who are called by ramo to the scene of maj or accidents^ also

■" travelled with the'patients while consult- ■ ing by- .radio with specialists

LAVISH prizes in TV games shows foster greed and- envy^iri children, a ' te'achers’

1 conference 'was told yesterday. • ^'Children are made jealous: :of other

families’ fortunes by a diet of shows-: t blaimedi>:a '.Hull .primary- 'school teacher, Mr Philip-WithersV ' : - : ' -

And he told"the:i Professional ’ Associ­ation of Teachers’ conference in Birming-

to: buy stolen goods-or. get; into debt ih-. order to keep up with the Joneses; ;

Mr Withers asked: “Is this the example to provide-for our children? - ■ / ': - “Let’s keep game shows, but with prizes : of a lesser value and. with a l^ss: frenetic and grasping atmpsphere.” - ' ..:

Mr .Withers attacked the simple ques- tions contestants. were asked./ saying: ;This is:,not' so. much a something-for-

hothingphilo'sophy as atoo-much-for-too- - little philosophy. . - ,S-Besiiei: often creates envy: ,‘If 'contes-

tants can have the. latest CD player, why.

can’t .;we?’ The desire; can be A et: with ; plastic money or perhaps from the back of a lorry.” . ■ - . k ■ - ■ 1 :::''

Mr Withers denied being a-killjoy.,(He said:' ‘‘This is riot ,intended -to. deprive

-people of. enjoyment,- ;entertaininent. -or; the'thrill of winning. : -. -

-: I “I: don’t mind somebody . winning a . prize; but the value- of prizes' in some

1 shows seems to outweigh:the knowledge - or skills required to win. :i ■■■ ' "The entertainment,value of tne shows comes. frorrr watchmg- the reactions of : both competitors and audiences, as. the '- prize'is aimed for. ;.- .: '‘-,‘:Withbut.' lav ish prizes, .w ithout /. ' wqrked;iip , audiences and over-excited coriipetitors, would': n o t : many game:- shows loose their popularity?” . •

But the: conference rejected a motion , deploring the award of. lavish TV game :show prizes; because of the. poor example' they set young people. . ,., :; EarUer-this-. week the: ;conference at­

tacked other TVrfayburites.EastEnders was described-a^-evil ;‘and a: flagship' of. corruption. and cartoon characters like Bugs Bunny as too violent.' But yesterday, a middle school teacher ftom West. Ewell, Surrey, i Mrs Margaret Hargrave, :said::that:althpugh: some pro­grammes: were: a-ba’d influence;:many more were of great value: ■ -■ Arid she listed Grange Hill, Blue' Peter;,

Newsround, serialised classics such as thoseofDickensandwildlifeprogrammes- as among the best .examples. :

She said: “There are’ iriany television- programmes produced for children which are thoughtful and tackle social problems - very sensitively '-but.1 which j we never publicly acknowledge.” ■"<}. ;Later,;Mrs Hargrave said she supported programmes :,like Grange - Hill 'because1 pupils identified with i t $taff'could ask ; children: “Did you-see Grange:Hill last: night?” as a way of helpirig them to cop e with difficulties at school. ' ■

- She admitted that . the - programme’s., producers: sometimes. got it wrong - by- showing acts of vandalism,or iriiisbehav-1; lour-which .were then copied. ■ : :.- ■ But she said: “I won’t condemn that programme.' :. -

• i..“What-I-]ike about it’is, tha t it'shows, children that their - little probleiris and: wonies db: riot go uririoticed ; among '

: adults.” : : : ■:.7 - : ; ■■.';--Th.e'..conference: supported-calls for-a four-term school year with a set April- break instead of the movable Easter holiday, and early examinations, in order to save pupils the ■ ordeal of summer- examinations. \ . ' S- i, Ms Joanne Maycock, a lecturer at Hull

College 'of Further- Education, told -the confererice: “The best weather is invari- ■ ably in June iri this country;'-' “ also the hay fever season, and .to ' hold pubUc' exariiiriatibrisvat this'tiirie is quite frankly sadistic.” :

wasr. v :•

s ; li.'i

• v . mm 11 ' 1 --1 ^ j

i; V . _

, :■ f - j 1 s:- i'-.Vi - .-ri.

,;Ai,C0 URT^.actedlyesteriiayi,t0bp(E0 tecti,£ schoolgirl .who says sKeis# Say^jlmfiigiE

iBritainu- r/^n’r ' .- : The; courtrheard that ithe; girl, 15i;itqld police and social.workers her parents sold

; heriin. SomaliauWhen she iwas'rlO.c-itest- y,She ;said that-since--then ;her. -lifej!has ;been: filled with; ,beatings .and drudgery

: looking - laften, a- f6rmer.v:Sbmali; rpoliceinspe'ctpr and his family^ of up to.-,eight relatives.';': She spoke of being flownintQ Biitain

last,: year: On. false, papers after - being allowed to spend just -two days, .with] her

:parent's in.Somalia/, : :•-r;.:q A: She; :. said' -she hegged.rher . ,weeping• mother to save her.butshei was told;, {‘Kou ■ must:go.: They :boughtrypuS:.;iiili &0.;

Since last . September 'she had-j-bqen -running a large town housei-iri?Middl^s-

-■brpugh,' Cleveland, 'doingi.the-i cooking, cleaning and -washiirig vforvthe - mari'j;arid

.'three ,ofvhis daughters.. '•■ .1 ;::i-,:vtO, At the same time • she'.attendedsrthe ;. town’s Brackenhoe School.under the'false . name on-her- passport, which described her as another of liLS:daUghters.1- -';,i-i'i SSlie :said. the-Jpolice;. inspector. , w isi a

' .distant: relative^ but.-itl.was: .noti’kribwn wh^t.-he was doing- inoEnglarid.‘Finally she told her story to teachers,

and 'Cleveland Police’s .Qhildlprotefitibn unit had a place of::safety,.order, p,Ut on ■her. . . . . . -'.[i'-Mi -.

:: ;iYesterday;a-juyenile,;courtinMiddles broughmadea26-day'interim:care, order. :The:-;.girl,, is now ■.livrag;-'lw ith-foster parents: - - -. .1.iv .r.q.

She was riot in court,-brit heifisoHcitGr; Mr! James Watson, told. ;theImagistrMes: “Her story of-,slavery is- -really ;quiteE an appalling tale.,- -I ■ -.-r.- -.vo-;, “It-has;::the, fiiigrof:.:atithentiGity;:-aiid truth.W herewe havebeeri abletocheek it. with-, places, ; and- times;: i't,: Hasi-:;been corroborated. ■. '’-rfui!?:'"••“She,'is-adamant that she,;was sold-into service by her: parentsiM-1984y/?;jfesi'<J^:

Mr .-Peter; .Devlin,’ of- Glevelarid.;s'bciai services; told the. court: “Her. allegations .qfpasspbrt-irregularities and slaveryfiate

.“One.thing whichstarkly comes: to, the ■•fore - isithat; thisrchild- states -.sheji'a-itpo -frightened,;,tq .Vreturrii:tbijthe family’s home.” ;r v" oiHty’'

, '.rShe ^ spent-.vthreeitdays.-iMiKi'a;^- worker; Ms Pauline;-Murray',iaridttoldiher that after being sold in herr-yillage-.xif .Gahile, northern Somahai !shb :spent;two , years in Saudi Arabia,vnthithe'mariSan'd his family-before retumirig;;to;?Soiria]ia and then flying to England. -:’ - She said of her 11 months in .Middles- brough: “I would work' for an'hoUr!

the housework was done.Laist Friday another Somali girl,.alsb|:S,':

w as ta k e n iritopiriterdrr^-tja'^e^ajn. : M i d d l e s b r o u g h : ,,~'S " She :werit td 'the 'same‘sc'hool -and said

. that she was a servant to relatives of the- 1 man. But she did not know if she had also

been sold.:-.

R ew ar® offer 611

■ib-w. I

. . . . . . . . _safety;-:‘dr :whereabouts ;■ of; .:a'-^'teenager; 'Michael’ Boulton, who vanished from his -home village- of -Eyam. in the, Pfeak: -District lohf May-7. ' .i; .1- -'.^ ' A media'briefirig to'publici'se th e '-A b ^ ,

'■-^ - ;b,e-Heia'at'(%iihiy..'H^Mait3i6'i:K/;|bn' - Monday1 ■atterided:: by :iMichael ■s’V-fbsttfrf mother, -Mrs Brenda‘Gregory;-'a:-senibri -: ••police’- •'dfficer;^thie*!chairaian« afifto'ciai^’ services, Coun-David: Aileri; an d'-thepoljc'ei)

•;authdrity Ichaiimaii^ Soiin'iEric-Bv^BfiSb--: ••.••; i v S i- ii)


vielded-no^trj)r.e:rif,'bini', ,« ■ V l.: ’-• VV?-;;. :W!y ™

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|Tayld>r cepommendations spell . rend for inadequate grounds |

J ^

un-Vofj' th'ose involved in

iHiUsborough-disaster are left....................... .. v. .. ._Vtmrited by the Taylor report, which : effectively marked the end of a casual era

|for the biggest.overhaul soccer has |upervision. . .-. - . / v , ^tpw f sefiti: ' ' ' • • • ; in its place are recommendations for aleverseeh : l^em oijpoVdefehsive* and evasive witnesses ‘-wno •.•■■:. :on overorovyueu ien.-aucs.iuiu.a sjraveiu ut .• > Ittfiisedtto admit they coiild be,at fault;. , ,' cburitmg fans in to prevent the local. iSome Liverpool ,fans behaved disgrace- : overcrowding which caused the 95 Hills;' ?fuUyf spitengHnd swearing at both police boroughdeaths, when hundreds surgea land ambulancemen trying t o ' rescue • into One pen.sayiiK78upporters Turnstiles must be able to cope with theI 's h e f te ld Wednesday EC, which hosted, ground capacity in no more than anhour,:*"-■ ---------- ■ : match,; stands to prevent a surge of late arrivals .

gemerit. Turn- triggering a- crisis; The turnstiles at_ , crush barriers H illsb o ro u g h fo il fa r s h o r t of th is .

twerenotAip tb thejob and ticketing and • target. . -v . : ;.v' • , •Pierre were confused and ; inadequate;, ,.v The judge’s intenm report also calls forr And. Sheffield City Council, which a formal system of first-aiders and -certifiedthe,Hillsboroughgrouridasisafe,: ambulances and a clear command and is' inefficient arid dilatory, control'system. for police supervising: I

tarid' responsible for a serious breach;,of soccer founds,:w ith,one named-officer ................. -1 '' f h a v i n g authority to 'delay the kick-off.--

; Justice-Taylor’s inquiry into / It also demands ample cutting gear and’-Britain's .worst, sporting, disaster has •: o th e r em ergency equ ip m en t a t a ll H-W w? : ' grounds.

. • ' The 43 recom m enda- ■■ . . . ... . . . . . V. . T . _.. v ; tions are oniy a first stage, and evasive witnesses. . .oSl either.,.

• —a set ofmterim improve- ,n i n - n i-i i •—’ riients which soccer ciubs t h e i r , h a n d l i n g o iH th e p r o b l e m s

p c t id t ? ? * tato^effect on the day nor their account ofs e a s o n ^ fOTtn^h^from it; in, evidence showed the vnow; ; _ 1 . .qualities of leadership to be ,

The more controversial • • ^ ^ -• . t


FOOTBALL faces 43 changes urged by Lord Justice Taylor in the wake of the, Hillsborough disaster.

He leaves; until his final report issues such as identity . cards; m em bership. schemes,; all-seating stadia, pre-match;drinking, ticketless fans, ticket touts and a review of the Green Guide on crowd safety.- • . . . ■.

But V iri his ■ interim report -based on evidence presented "to ’th e ' Sheffield. inquiry, he tackles ten major areas;' where' immediate improvements are vitaTto prevent a repeat of Britain’s worst sporting disaster. •' vMavimnin capacities for terraces

These must be .reassessed to allow for all factors which might lead to cramming, and he suggests a 15 per cent reduction to improve the safety margin. The number of fans entering- each pen must be accurately

^recordedjaridjareasrclosed^on.onceJfullij r:Fillirigand: monitoring terraces -W,/[(

There should be written agreements between • ipolice ,:'and. 'clubs,; i settihg' out ’.theirrespective ^responsibilities. One steward1 br officer ;with direct radio links to the'control room should be appointed to

.‘each peri with'the sole duty of checkingifor signs of

.. overcrowding or distress;’ All officials should be trained'to recognise these signs and be able to judge crowd density. : : '•Fences and gates

, 'An gates in perimeter fences should be left fully ’ Openw hilefans are on the terraces, and be painteda ;; 'different colour and clearly marked Emergericy Exit.

A police officer should be: appointed to each exit gate 5 with authorisation to decide whether or not fans -■■'should be allowed out to relieve ■ overcrowding.;■ Chitting gear should be provided by the club at every. ground which has-fences.

' Crush barriers •v All barriers must be tested for corrosion and the ^layout ofbarriers checked to,see it complies w iththe

Green Guide. 'V;;. ' , ■■■;■• -,;-.v ;;Safety certificates-;i There an 'immediate review.of safety. . ■certificates b y , local, authorities as a matter of urgency; and certificates should be reviewed armu-*i:

?' aUy by.-'an' advisory group of councillors, council••• officers, police, fire aria ambulance service represerit7

atives,,- supporters’ - clubs and building, experts. •- . ■■•;•'■■' ;v:; ■ '.

h Duties of each football club iO Turnstiles should'be constantly monitored, closed- circuit TV-should be installed to measure. crowds

^iriside; and outside grounds, signposting should . be '.reviewed, .ticket: information should be, clear and

■ isimple; -and pre-match entertainmerit' should b e : provided to encourage early arrival.Police planning.

Orie chief officer should be appointed, tb liaise;with irclubs pand; 'local; authorities. The prevention of

overcrowding should, be-; stressed , to all officers,. reserve staff should be available on match days, the .; option to.postpone kick-off should be granted to the 1 commanding officer at the ground, arid control room

staff should be'given all data from closed-circuit TV ' arid^tumstile's :so ;they can judge crowd density.

Communicaitions i'.j- The i report.;makes numerous suggestions on '.manpower arid equipmerit to improve communica- '. tions between pohce and to get messages to fans.

Co-ordination of emergency services !• -i Services should maintain regular contact and ' exchange detailed information on events and venues, ,

paying particular attention, to access routes' , for emergency vehicles. ,

' • First-aid,; medical facilities and ambulances - >;uLord ; Justice: Taylor, recorrimerids - 'at least One,

trained first;aider for every 1,000 fans;' one medical •'vrdom per ground, :one medical practitioner; one ; fully-equipped. ambiQance for matches, with over •:5,000 spectators and more for big games.


p r ___________ ...___ ^bers to be fed into t^ e '

■SCRAMBLE FOR LIFE:' F o rtu n a te fan s b e in g lifted to safety a t H illsborough’s Leppinigs Lane end as th e fa ta l c ru sh began th a t le ft 95 dead...

‘Senior officers were defensive ^ t t f e “ t bip£,afo ‘Mr Duckenfield’s capacity to n,». deai with the crowd,, the, - take decisions seemed to

- . promoted ; only 21 :days collapse...Mr Duckenfield; . w re^ap^ to to^w . .; .^simply' could: riot face;..the: • >

issues of Super-stadiums — !p u rp o s e -b u i l t s p o r ts . , . . - , , , , T- . rgrdurids oagreenfieldsites; • off access to (the already .- Liverpool'supporters fore--a ll-se a t stadiums, ticket over-full central pens at ing open a gate. , • itoutSj* pre-match drinking; . .the Leppings Lane end of This w as u n tru th fu l,and id e n tity card s for . the ground wheri police and set off a' widely re­soccer' fans will be dealt opened an eiriergency exit -

to r e l ie v e th e c ru s h outside. . .

, The -policej operation . simply broke' down, he said, concluding; “ The' main reason for the disas­ter was the failure of police^

■ with in the full report next ’ year;• Lord Justice Taylor yes-■ terday. stressed the impor­tance of not pointing the. finger, of blame a t any one individual. But he went on to single out South York­shire Police and the con­duct of its senior officers for his heaviest criticisrii..

;• And .the man in overall charge of the .police oper-:’ ation, Chief Supt David'

control.’. Of senior' officers, he

said: “Neither their hand­ling of the problems on the

■ day. nor their account of it in evidence showed the qualities of leadership ex-______I T _ i* n . i _ i t ‘

ported allegation, against- th e su p p o r te rs w h ich caused grave offence and

The judge added: “The likeliest explanation of Mr Diickerifield’s conduct is that, he simply could not face th e . enormity of the decisibn to open the gate's a n d a l l t h a t f 1 o w ed therefrom.”

' He said itwas a matter of regret that at the seven- week inquiry, South York-

blicDuckenfield; who gave tHe% pected of their-rank.”. ' shire Police were not pre­order to open the LeppirigsV, ; ..'Lord'Justice Ta'ylor, said pared to concede they were Lane-gate,. is . effectively,; that when the- -request in any, fault. accused^"1' ■’- - - - -1'1- ” -------- xs--■—gatibH""

The duties of super te i id e n ts u n d e r .h im , including Mr Marshall, the o ff ic e r w ho a c tu a l ly opened the gate,'were not defined so as to achieve clarity and efficiency., ; .

And an oversight iriearit that provision for: mobile. patrols to help the emerg­ency services were left out of. police orders, r

Lord Justice Taylor, ac­cusing the police of com­placency, said senior offi­cers were defensive and evasive witnesses a t the inquiry, in contrast to the .evidence^ given by lower ranks.. He said: “There w ere: many young - constables who as witnesses were alert, intelligent and open.

.; On the day, they and many others strove heroically in

open, the gates flowed therefrom...Hecusations, of hiboliganism no account of the 1981 and which caused reaction.not ,1985 alterations; to the only nationwide, but from ground.”Europe too: Thecouricilhadallowed,

The police case that the an d had . c o n tin u e d to hiamp with fans allow, breaches in the arriving late and drunk, Green Guide — the basic arid the club’s failure ,to . . framework for stadium sa- nionitor the. pens, was fety— including the spac-unrealistic and gave rise to concern tliat lessons had not been learned. . ,,

He added: “It would have been more seemly, arid encouraging for the future if responsibility: had been faced **

-Lord Justice Taylor also : accused Sheffield .'C ity Council of a serious breach

irig of crush barriers, the width of perimeter gates a n d th e s lo p e in th e tunnel. ■ ' v

The Sheffield Wednes­day club was also partly blamed for the tragedy. In general it had adopted a responsible and. conscien­tious approach, but there were a number of respects in which failure by the club contributed to the disaster.

g round from Lepping Lane, had .been agrees between, the club and . tfie

•' police.;v-'.'.;;. Lord Justice Taylor said:

• “The club knew best wlfft rate of admission the turaj-

■■ stiles; could manage anfl ought to have alerted tfie police to-the risks oft^fe t u r n s t i l"e s b e inSgswamped.” ^

Club o ffic ia ls should have'alerted the policeita the grossly uneven diste.-

-. butiori of fans - on the terraces, even though-the p o l ic e h a d a s s u m e d

.. responsibility for monitor­ing the pens. '. Liaison between the clyb

and police failed to alert : officers to the numberjof

Liverpool fans still to jL r- rive. And poor signposting tended to lead tb a concen­tration of fans in the centre pens.

The judge also criticisfd some of the fens caughiSn the crush who swore and spat a t police, ambulance and fire crews. They were angry, distraught, druflk,The report", said: ‘.‘‘The . hp said

Leppings Lariie i e n d ; ^ . ? ™ ^ " 6 r,i'fi%a«sfSJR«Srv?-’anai- i w ;r uunng-.tneinediby).-the Director-,'iofr •.open the emergency gate field’s,lack> of experience .'-rescue^ and. succop vie- ,. reviseor.amendthe certrii-r.i. ^ ^ i f 0fs ^ 7 ^ ^ j,v: During-the 'seven-week

PubUc^bsecutibrisS^v^s'-'because of the btiildrup of-" ^ d /s a id r i t ’iirii^ t have , tims. They mspired confi: ; cate over the periodopfy;: “H ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ “" f t ^ w Viriquiry Lord Justice T ^ - ■ -tSo ' dpnr.p anrl hone.”-,- w *** «»>» nrDPOfUntr this ■ srnreu w diumime uum jor heard' 174 witnesses.The judge , said the iiri1 ', fans outside the . -ground, been better ' if his ■ prede^ dence and hope.

' mediate cause.of ttie disas-. ■ ,!:Mr Duckenfield-’s capacity cessbr; 'S.tipt;j Brian ,Mble^ In contrast, Mr Ducken- ;ter was the failure to c u t : ■ to take decisions aridgive had been left in coiririiarid: -field’s claim that Liverpool \

' o r d e r s -. s e e i ' e !d;: t o . Mr. Mole.' drew:: up :thecollapse. . ; t i ; v - ; : operational. plan ; for the , ter by forcing open the gate ;

He - failed to descend cup tie; . . . V - h a d revived, against foot- from the control'room to : But Mr Duckenfield did ball fans, and especially.. see for; himself what was - not even .visits the;; Hills^ '• those from Liverpool,- a c - . really, going ori, the report •■'■ ; - p, , , T7- t ..said. He had toid the ‘It is a ,matter of regret that...South Yorkshire •.

c h ie f aex tcu °tCiv e !°M r Police, were not; prepared to concede they 5 5 X 11“ were in any respect at faxilt in what occmred.’

performance -by the city council...was: inefficient and dilatory.’

three years preceding this disaster, despite important changes in the layout,of, the ground, was a serious • •breach o f duty.

“There were, as a result, no fixed capacities for the pens. The certificate .took

bers invited. The club was aware of .these problems arid d iscu ssed solvirig-.-

: thein in various' ways be- f. ' tween 1981 and'1986. - :.■

“In the re su lt,. there remained the same num­ber of turnstiles and the

. sam e problem s outside • and inside them.”

" The plan for the April 15 - semi-final, which involved. the loss of 12 turnstiles and

‘. '.there are a number of respects in which failure :00 by the club

:oqiu i'•St


contributed to^iOt| 9 2 l ithis disaster?


Saturday, April 15: FA Clip semi:final - Noltinghamfqreslv LiverpoolGate believed pperiedi.2.55pTn;.. ' '■ ■

; Match began: 3pm ' ■ / ; •'Match stopped: 3.06pm By 3 .2 0 p m '-m b s t o fth e 94 fans were

dead . . -■r ; : , ' ' ; ' ' / ^ .

; , Leppings Lane ;•' -. . . terrace: 10,00.0 ; ■ • v;;.

' • stand: ,4,400 (seated);


Nottingham Forest ' fans enter graunit


North stand9,000 seated.Capacity; 54,000



Liverpool fans mass at turnstiles

South stand8,600 seated

Gate opened; fa'iis surge tp nearest tunnel to teiraces

Standing room':, in end terrace.':!,

Standing room' ..'!h:endterrace

Perimeter fanee: gahranised. steel

10ft high with spiked top

M anypulled tosafety to u p p e r lie ro f stand Fans pour -

through tunnel on to crowded terrace:

Many diedagainst fence

Hundreds, escape through gate on to pitch

Advertising hoardings torn down to use as stretchers

Barriers, withstand 400lbs per ft pressure, 'bentIkebananes

■ • . • . . 01.ovenarg



: VJ3 Silt1

=;. iol

ASIDE from the coritroversy surrounding Assent is expected tb be grante d to the Bfl?:• the actions; of South YorkshireiPolice; in -November of, this • year, though;.thg; political ireactiori- focused' upon .Lord details identity, card scheme wilLbft: Justice,Taylor’s failure to come up with drafted.later. •. ; , ■ ■ ; jpo

proposals related to - the;. Government’s The -Department of the Bnvironmen!}Football Spectators’ Bill.: , was sayinglast.night that afurtherBillaS

The Conservative Party was split after a result of Lord Taylor’s , recommencesHillsbbrough,. with orie group'^wanting tions was-unlikely. Changes ' couldthe bill suspended and another calling fo r ' made via ' Parliamentary orders . andr

' it to be pursued. Ministers, m an attempt schediilesratherthanbytune^bnsum iils to ' buy. off a " threatened; .rebellion, ,,ap- bills, a spokesman said. ■ noo

• peared to hint that the interim report . ButLabour was claiming last night that• m ig h t c o n ta in c o m m e n ts .o n th e .it was not acceptable to proceed with^K

scheme "•■;■■'' ■ ... - :: • Bill when so many doubts surrounded)itjLord ■ Justice' Taylor . deferided his Mr :'Denis . Howell, a -former- . Sports-

: decision, claiming the secorid and final Minister, said; “It is clearly ludicrous that■ ■ - - - —------ — . • the Football Spectators Bill should be ppt

; , -Sy PHILMUal YrNrSadebated.” t

GRAPHIC reminder, above; of - Britain’s worst sporting tragedy, at . ■ /Hillsborough during the FA-Cup

: semi-final match between Nottingham ' Forest and Liverpool on April 15. And,

left, the'tunnel entrance to the section • of the terracing where'disaster struck.

report, which would be complete- hi four or five months, would address the scheme, which proposes a compulsory identity card'scheine -for all supporters from the 1990-i season. Other issues such as alcohol, in grounds will also be addressed in the second report.. He said that,;although the report was

still passing through .Parliament,, it contained a requirement that there would be a full debate in Parliament before any scheme could be introduced. Royal

From page one

THE offer by.Mr Peter Wright to resign as , Chief Constable of South Yorkshire in the face of stinging criticism'of his force iri

' the Taylor,report is ,the latest — and the 1 most, d ram atic^ tiirri in a'career during wliiqh he has ^resolutely refused to abaridon or compromise, his. men.■ ■ .It is ,,an attitude which has brought bitter publiciiclashes :with: his political masters but which has earned him a fierce toyalty from the irien he commands.

■ r.As.deputychief cons tableof Merseyside in 1981 at the height .of the Toxteth riots in Liverpool; he;'masterminded, the' police 'operation which brought- CS gas into use • on mainland Britain then went on to fight off the critics of the force’s haridling.of the disturbances; ..;jlt:was an experience:that was to serve.

Him well iri 1984. wheri, little more than a

passed a re so lu tio n supporting ' the . miners, Mir Wright wais the mari whb

ordered huge police operatioris to control , mass picketing, culminating in the so-called BaMe of Orgreave when,miners1 and mounted police clashed in.scenes more reminiscent of a medieval battle-

, field than an industrial dispute.; "..iIn the aftermath of Orgreave the

authority .tried to strip the force of its 18 horses and some ■of its dogs in a move which was described' as cost cutting.-Mr .. Wright dug in take the. authority to court. He won.

* Though accused of being undemocratic-'' ‘ for opposing his .elected police authority, '; Mr Wright insisted he was only upholding

this. I only hope that we in , South ;:': Yorkshire and Liverpool can put this

■ ■ event behind us and cairy ,on. It is a tall■ order.” . •

Mr Wright has sent a report to the DPP :• so 'th a t legal advice can■■.. be given on-

;He quickly progressed through the ; whether any individual or, org'ar” "*’"" ranks to chief inspector when he was should be held criminally liableseconded to the Home Office as assistant, 'disaster. ; vr..staff officer to Her Majesty’s Inspector-of Chief Supt Duckenfield has been sus- Constabulary. • , . pended on full pay. pending the DPPs

He returned to operational duties iri . ruling ori liability and.investigations into 1970, serving in .Manchester and Salford, allegations that he .hed to seniori officers as a superintendent and later . chief .. as the tragedy unfolded. ■> '. - ,superintendent before being appointed .- Before .-the- disaster he was_-seen: tDy assistant cMef constable, of Merseyside iri: police chiefs as a future;, candidate-for 1975, rising to deputy chief constable five/ high ■ ; office ; with a brilharit record year's later and taking, command of . the • but has since ■ been moved . from his South Yorkshire force in early 1983. ,:, front-line role to a desk job' at force

But politicians are not the only ones to headquarters. : - : 1 , Vhave felt the force of Mr Wright’s zeal for . 'Mr Duckenfield admitted-at the public .'thelaw.Iri'1985,heconfrontedaburglarat iriquiry ' that he had falsely*;blamed, his home in Dore -Road Sheffield; Iriithe Liverpool fans for causing the disaster by ensuing, struggle the.-.^would-be house--; forcing a gate; when he knew it had been

refused to comment a t ' his home; in ; Durvale Court,.Totley, Sheffield.;

Lawyers acting for the bereaved , and irijured yesterday repeated their warning th a t th e police, a n d 'H illsb o ro u g h ’s

' owners; Sheffield Wednesday FC, could face criminal proceedings over th e '95 deaths.

The Democrat^’ spokesman for spo:Mr Merizies' Campbell, said: “The quaU' of this report only serves to imderline the stupidity of ; .'the ' Governmerit in insistence on completing the committee' stage ;of.' the Football . Spectators BflJ before pubUcation of the report.” ■ 1. But Lord Justice Taylor said he. wouET

not: be commenting until publication iSC the final report-because, he was satisfied) by the Government’s pledge, that a fuffi debate would take place,before a scheme could be implemented. ■ :.!' ,Lt,

The Home Secretary, Mr Douglas Hurdz who described the report as.excellent ariqf pullirig no punches, interpreted it as S$c. endorsement of existing legislatibn.,It. d i f riot identify any major shortcomings, i i r the law on safety in sports grounds. T

Mr Hurd,:'did. promise to'.look' at th e J ' . legislation again and to consider whethef j to give more teeth to Home Office' arida

; Scottish Office guides:to:sports ground ; safety which at present are piirfelw. advisory. . v.; !;r; ' ; ; . a c a

r A Home Office circular.,was/to be senibSolicitors for the.600 people affected by ; out immediately , to’ local councils, - tflel

1- . __ _ _ _ i f , + r t - i V l f i i ' : r n n i k n l l ' / i l l l V t e o n / 1 r t t l l O l * f t r f T o n i c Q .

'• , .breaker colleated a black eye. Wheri:he i opened: by fellow officers to reheve the; clauns that he was attacking the working : . canie to coiui; the man asked for another -''congestion' Outside the ground. ■ ■■

1 / 1 C / ' i£ F * v r i i '» /a e ' t n V i a o n i l t i f o r ? T n w J “T u o W n r t T ^ o t r l n r ’ c '

brought him into" open 'conflict with1 his own police authority.

While South Yorkshire County Council

: class.From a Stockport working-class back­

ground himself, he began -work ;as ;a._ carpenter, like his father, before joining .the former Manchester City Police at the age.of 24.

145 offences ,to be., considered and was. jailed for two years. . -

Mr Wright is: president of the-Associ-. ation of 'Chief Police Officers, a positiori which now, like his career, hangs in the balance. . ,


Lofd.'Justice. Taylor’s report also criti­cises him for failing to respond when thousands;-of fans subsequently poured through the gate causing the fatal crushon the terraces.

Mr Duckenfield, 44,'. a father-of-two,

brought' against crew members.Response, from Sheffield- Wednesday

and Sheffield City,Council, both criticised, in the report,-was muted, yesterday as they spent time digesting its findings.

Wednesday’s secretary, Mr Graham Mackrell, said the club welcomed the recommendation to reduce numbers .on terraces and was committed to ensuring that Hillsborough remained one of the- finest grounds in the country. ■

Sheffield Council, w hich is accused of a serious breach of d u ty ' in failing to ' update Hillsborough’s safety-certificate,; said officers were preparing a full response to the foldings for consideration by city leaders. " - ■ ■. Many of Lord Justice Taylor’s recom­mendations relate to changes in ground mariageinent. The Football League, is expecting no problems in implementing the new measures before the start of the next season in a fortnight.

report’s recommendations as possibles before the start of . the season on August 19, Mr Hiird'.said. /-rrB

He was harshly critical ofthe failure j»f3 the police, Sheffield City Council arid

: Sheffield Wednesday Football Club to dcto ■ on previous warnings. :■•;••, - A

He sa id :‘.‘Mbstlof the problems which>I contributed to th e , disaster at Hillsii borough had been recognised in the past. •The report reveals the/serious shortcqM'-^■ ings in applying those lessons on the part* of the police" the club and of the local

; authority ; responsible for the safe |? | "certificate.” v '

The Home Secretary added tha t ths^

in the lay-out arid organisation of the” Hillsborough ground. These should have** been recognised and corrected.

Lord Justice Taylor -told journalists that he agreed with the Home Secretary’s conclusions.


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M.. /••' . I YORKSHIRE POST •SATURDAY G u j r i ; 1989.'


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Wed: to SaL 11‘a.m :-8 p.m.Smoking, s lim m in g re lax a -

r tion, confldence. free book,' ;free advice.''Leeds 6813261.,


PRICED Jum ble'Sale.In alcl o f . Sti Gemma’s, U dgett Park - . C ourt - F lats,. G rass . Area; • 'S a tu rd a y , A u g . 5 . n o o n

onw ards. .


ATTRACTIVE, > very sue- . cessful* young m an In

.A his 3 0 ^ s , w ho has

. . .reaUy/m ade' it, , would • like ‘l o share this w ith / r a nice looking.' ■'slim;

. .Intelligent, ^articu la te , ' domesticated - 2 1 - 3 1 ;

8ear;o ld lady w ith no., es.--No go ld , diggers* please. Photo appre^

d a te d . . Box. N or 1007. Y orkshire P ost. Leeds.

YOUNG Company Direc­to r (33 ). own house and car, seeks a ttrac ­tive '; lady to s h a r e g o o d things In life,' w ith a view -to a la s t­ing relationship. Age ,

• o p e n .. personality and hum our Im portant. All repUes;;a n s w e r e d.. . Photo please, .will*be

; returned.- ;Box ‘ No. • 1015, Y orkshire Post, t-

..-. Leeds.- . ■


H m F /.S Q N E V m E R E

" : tO N G A S Y O U LIKEfjl1. r .• '.'.j ..:•••

■ ThaVs because we'ye transformed an Edwardian .-' ; ’ V;;.v home into a luxury-hotel,- set in 83 acres of •

;.picturescjue countaysidfc Facilities iridu'de a’ recently V :.',/-O TM ^cted9.hbleg6if ‘ '

: couiie, indoorpool, sauna,.* . trimn asium1 an'a conference 9“ suite.' Shooting fishing and - ■T.'iidrse riding can be arranged.

& \ i : ' AMOcuuviaf a i'i .


’. ' R.A.C.<l-Star,ligon Konayi^comnv:ndfx!. 1 r •

‘ ‘The K ildonan H otel, D e p t Z5, Barrhill,. Ayfshire, KA2b OPU. ~

: ‘ ’/TellitM eS) 8iH60.Fax:(0465) 82292 ! ' 1'-

LADIES - If you are4 0 - 5 9 . - attractive.

: fem inine.■!sincere and . would like the oppor-

• ' X u n i t y to : m eet .an 1 attractive sincere pro­

fessional . ma l e ' I n his., th irties, w ith a view to

• • a lasting relationship -.then please reply w ith photo.' i Box1-' no. • 1023,

i ' Yorkshire Post, Leeds', -

. LADY,- 1 a t e ,40's con­s id e r e d to .be a ttrac ­

t i v e , w ith business Interests; seeks e x e c u ­tive type, gentlem an,. 40-55 to r : w i n i n g , dining . and outings.

! Please, enclose recent . photo.. Box N o .-1006, V Yorkshire Post, Leeds.

JOHN (w ith o u e re d . .* carnation]). D i n n e r

engagem ent on Ju ly . '2 7 , - w hat happened?

'.‘Please w rite again to • • V.Box 'No. . 9328. York-

.. shire Post. Leeds.


Reg. EVH 878Y, red. Last seen in St. P a u 1 ‘ s Street. Leeds - City ; centre. . Disabled tax 'disc.' 2 baby/, seat ..belts an d baby seat. Brown uphoK ste ry ln te rio r.If you have seen this car. p lease ring:

LEEDS 523022 . or/529259.


t r im o c o ; m o t o r : GROUP.,■ ■ . . ■ . ‘l t d \v-.‘

• ;t h a d in g a s .s i : ■-//

TRIMOCO CARS LEEDSof 83. Roseville Road; Leeds LS8 5DT, is a p p l y i n g to;, replace w ithout c h a n g e a : licence to u se 83. .>RoseVllle . Road. Leeds S8 5DT aa anV; operating centre fo r 1 goods,; vehicle and to use Booti Ar S h o e Service Station. -.Al* Southbound, Peckfleld, South • M i l f o r d as 'a n operating/

'cen tre fo r 1 goods vehicle and 1 tra ile r and^ to use Trimoco C ars G arforth , T o w n , :E nd .. >Wakefleld Road, G ar- ’ forth1 LS25 lQ E a s a n operat*. Ing c e n t r e fo r :1 g o o d s ' vehicle.: .Owners' and occupers o f land (including buildings), in. the , vicinity o f the operating cen tre , o r c e n t r e s , ‘who, belleveV-that t h e i r use o r enjoym ent of th a t land wlUj be prejudicially affected, m ay m ake w ritten representations^ to vth e :Licensing Authority, a t N orth Eastern: raffle . Area,*- Hillcrest-. House,; 386, Hare- hllls L an e ,: Leeds LS9. 6NF w ithin ,21 days following the publication o f th is notice. Representors m u s t . a t the sam e-tim e send a copy o f . the ir re p resen ta tions-to the applicant a t the a d d r e s s g i v e n a t the -top ,o f ' this . notice. - -


U.'- .1986 i • AND IN THE MATTER OF .




NOTICE IS-HEREBY 'GIVENpursuan t to Section: 48 (2 ). o f , The Insolvency-'*Act 1986 that a meeting o f the c red ito rs 'o f

LOST. - /English .. Setter, ' .predom inantly 'white,; v

- answers^ to nam e of Ben, Tock%vith a rea on 1 S u n d a y . Rew ard o f f e r e d , : (0423) .

..'358821, ’ r .


N um ber Tw enty One Que Street, Leeds LSI > 2TW w



BABY BEAR LIMITEDNOTICE is hereby gtven tn accordance w ith 'R u le 4.106 th a t L C J R o u l s t o n of

“ * — ^ ie e n ____ w asLiquidator o f the

jv e nam ed company by themem bers and creditors: on 31 Ju ly 1989; ;Notice ls :hereby . given that the ‘"Creditors.'O f Lthe above nam ed company,— which: Is being w ound up voluntarily, a re required: on o r before 31 A ugust-1989 to send In their nam es , and addresses and the particu lars o f their debts o r claim s and th e nam es -and addresses of the ir Solicitors

THE .INSOLVENCY - ACT • 1986 . . .


COUNTY COURT r ;;;•/• NO 33 OF 1989 V.:

RE: RICHARD : MiCHAEll • : ;'r


UNEMPLOYED, 5 Nuriroyd A v e n u e , Gulseley, Leeds, .West Y orksh ire ..On1 25 Ju ly ^1989 the above- nam ed Court m ade ’a Bank- > r u p t c y : O rd e r-ag a in st the; above-nam ed debtor. . "NOTE:-.Ail debts-d tie to the estate, should be paid to.m e. .. Date 1 August 1989 V

; Signed G B SELLERS '-.VV,.-’';-'.!'-,-Official Receiver’.

;2nd Floor!. Savile House ' Trinity S trw t' Arcade .Leeds' LS1'.6QP.:.: ‘

the above . nam ed .Company Will be, held a t The Metropole Hotel, . K i n g S treet./L eeds. LSI 2HQ on -Thursday> v 17 August 1989 a t >11 a.m. to r e c e i v e a repo rt of -.the Administrative • Receivers, under^Section 48(2).‘ and to ' consider w hether “a ' c ir in '- m lttee o f creditors should be establlslied ''under .Section 49 o f The insolvency Act 19B6:- Any creditor shall- only, be entitled to vote >11:-' i ’ v D e t a i l s - ' o f -1 i ' ; .claimed

! the .......................' ' - Receivers no'<later that

. .12 noon on the business ■ 'day p rio r to the meeting, -and i ■ . • -.‘r ^

U A form o f proxy I s .lodged-• w ith -the Administrative

Receivers’jw .h l c he the... creditor Intends to be• > -. used on h is behalf.

Creditors- whose. ;clalm s' a re fully secured a re n o t entitled to a tten d o r be represented a t the meeting. ■ • .

’ RALPH S PREECE Jo in t A d m i n i s t r a t i v e

• . ’i •• .••'Receiver.

i s ^ o f -1 any debt' a re submitted* t o , ’ Administrative

( I f a n y ) , to C hristopher Jam es R o u l s t c n o f B D O Binder H a m l y n , : Number Twenty One .Queen S tree t Leeds LSI 2TW the Liquida­tor; of. the company, a n d if sd required by notice In writing from th e ’ Liquidator.1 a re bytheir. Solicitors o r personally to com e tn and prove their debts .o r claims a t such time


NOTICE IS,HEREBY GIVENj th a t pursuan t to .Section-98- o f th e Insolvency Act 1986 a ' Meeting o f the • C reditors o f the ;above < named .' com pany-1 w ill be held on Thursday. 10 A u g u s t 1989 at. TTte^Old 'B r i d g e l ’HotBl.v.'Holmnith. .Huddersfield for,, the p u r - , poses mentioned In Sections .100 and 101 o t th e said Act.A lis t o f . th e n a m e s and. addresses of' the com pany's creditors will be available. fo r: inspection from the offices o f Rogers & Co. 9 South Lane. H ounfljih. Huddersfield, West Y orkshire on 8 and 9 A ugust; 1989. ' - V - ,7^ . •BY ORDER OF THE BOARD

: 'M R T STORE . D irector

D ated l A ugust 1989. .


A N D -'V . - . i 'i IN.THE MATTER! OF *


B u s i n e s s address ; P a r k House, 1 P ark Grove, Swlll- ington, Leeds LS26'8ifN; -' NOTICE IS HEREBYs GIVEN pursuant,to 'Section 9 8 .of the Insolvency A c t-1986 that a M E E T I N G o r the . CRED­ITORS o f the v above-named Company will b e held a t the offices o f B raw n ,. B u tle r. fc Co.*.' Yorkshire ‘Bank Cham­bers,- infUroary Street; Leeds L S i;'2JT on 1 0 August -1989 a t l l a.rn. f o r 'th e purposes' m entioned , in Sections t ‘99.: 100 and 101'o f th e said AcLj'. A U S T 'of nam es and addres­ses- o f .the -Company's -credf l to r s1 w in be available . fo r Inspection-a t th e 'o f flc es -of Brorwn. B u tle r14 Co;; . Y ork-; ^shireH Ban'k C h a m b e r s , '1;

Trm ary -Street. Leeds,* LSI r on the two business daysfalling . nex t befo re the day.of the meeting..,- •_ y. : j j !- .£i.; DATED this 31; day o f July1989. V,:- -.rBY ORDER OF THE BOARD-

= :.V \ :'E M BOAL'.. ';. ;;■>Director.'


and place as s h a ll 'b e sp ed v f te d . In such notice: o r -In default thereof .they -will be excluded from the benefit • of any distribution m ade before such debts a re proved: -r D ated this 31 Ju ly 1989. • : v

* C JR o u la to nLiquidator.

QUIET, lonely male, 33,-• own house and trans--• port, seeks f e m a l e .

. company, fo r outings. - meals and nights out.«. Replies to . Box - No.

. 1 0 1 8 , Yorkshire Post.• ..Leeds.'

SINiGLE ^'gent. 28. w ith v a r i o u s interests.. seeks affectionate ladyfor lasting friendships ■* oblectlon to child­ren. : P h o t o assures

-n>—9'. i:48 HOLIDAYS ABROADIa ij? •' . ^

^ShrM A M Y .. Coach hoU- .: D ii-days.from Leeds. Aug.*- . r f h l l i i M oselle-VaUey.TlO,

days;.DBB;!£239/ Aug. ,rii 29. :; A u g s b u r g • / • . . 0p , M u n l . c h , . . : .£ 2 6 '9 . . •

-Eurotours.- ( 0 9 1 )2628700. ...

PORTUGAL w l;th ; schedule ■\.\£11 g.h t s . a t charte r ,seat i^-price, -but* lessv chance. of hdelay . Peak pertods avail- l able.. Lisbon. Oporto and fjFaro. Fly/drive.- T. w e e k t.*£169» ;4i and 1 0 -day holl-' i-days also -avail. For this G&nd .'other'.destinations and cbargalns .contact M a r i o ^T ravel Coi Ltd. : Open' 7

s . (Sun. 10 - 4 -p.m.).’ X A 'A g e n t No.

tl. (0924) 276344.

... • Superb Available

. B radford

L4JXURY villa, CosU Blanca, Pfcleeps 8. Very p riva te .‘own

v-/grounds/' pool etc, itranquil, setting.

t »-l*2 t h 1 onwards, q 5 6 4 6 1 2 . - :•? •-■!:

[T O ST A DEL S O L . . Nr. fl^farbella; > 1 u x u r y >apart- £,n[ients,'sleeps 4 /6 , -all.mod. ,cons..: near sea,' overlook- Ijtog p o o l . Mrs W e b b , . «(Cfe35) 2 7 5 4 4 5 /. 272695...

SUDDENLY available, Aug..

tM allorca/? C a l a Ferrera; *",11 x . g r o u n d -.f l o o r

Saptartm ent-. sleeps 4 . ____- - - - - T e r..v(0652)

_ _ jP o p land beach.

. 688728.BUSA, . Europe, .Australia,) New - ■ - • — - - - Africa.

- HSb TA 88276. . ..! j f LiGHT 451,- Fllaht Agency.! 5 p i; s A-. . A u stra lia ,: Europe.

I eSBTA 8668. Leeds 4S14S1':j, £1(1- ...............................

f i l l , ; •£52 PERSONAL .tri ■

MABEL s e e k s ' Annie (nee TVheeldon). m a r r l e d ' . t o lU lm ,: one s o n 1'A lanr. last seen . H arrogate; B ox 1 no. 1025, Y o r k s h 1 r e Post.

-L eeds. : j 'WiOOW. 52, requires travels

^ g c o m p a n i o n w lth: rlelsure < and --'finance - 'fo r ^frequent holidays. Box No. t!009. Y o r k s ih I t e Post.; Leeds.

1 :

RELATIVES ‘ of'v, the -1 a t e»; C harles G eorge; Holder - : bom .October .1 2 ,1 8 4 8 and:

the late Amelia Sow erby/ h is • wife, • bo rn . 1863. * for-;• IU» 'w iie ,' uuiii; aoim. ' iui -■

. merly, o f , G reat Grimsby, /a n d Leeds a re requested to

• > c o n t a c t “ their g r e a t - ,

X r a n d d a u g h t e r , an ustralian on holiday in i England, and t r y i n g to

trace h e r . family- history.' Peggy. Scott . is: n e r nam e

and she Is staying w ith her daughter: Please contact

. -. h e r v ia Box No. 1 0 2 9 ,: i Y orkshire Post, Leeds, HARDWORKING male, 30. 6*.

* 2 ’ ’ .n o n -sm o k er , s e e k s ' : female who • would ra the r i ' r e a d , than w atch soap< . ■ operas, ad fo r a drive. ‘Instead or w atching ' quizzes

: and would - listen to - .the ' radio; than w a t c h more

bad news. ,;lf. th is .is . you, .>:then send photo and letter

(a ll: letters answ ered) to Box No . 9992, Y orkshire Post, L eeds:> ■ ’•

SINCERE retired , p rofes- slonal -gent, 63, ow n car,

( : h o u se ,. non-sm oker,' likes - \ q u 1 e t life, .-widower, no

- .children; S e e k s sincere,; affectionate lady of slim ; ! and ' attractive appearance < w lth 'igood; e d.u c a t i o 'n .' > approx. .55-60 fo r perm a­

nen t c 1 o s e relationship.-’Photo.,appreciated, genuine replies o n ly

;1026, Y o r k s h i r e . Post.Leeds. • »>

.SLIM lady, late forties, would *. j'like' to meet a gentleman, f ' 4 6 /5 5 yrs, old, f o r : friend-

shlp /outing . - G e n u l n e’ ;' replies along- with recent

Bhotograph please,.: Box [o. '1004 ,'.Yorkshire Post, •!. L eeds,: -...:

'CLIFF R ichard ,’’Town Hall; ; Leedsi * Thursday, ,Ju ly 20. '- .G irl sa circle, seat B22;

t a l k 1 n g a b o u t Tom' : Robinson; PleaBe .contact , P h ilip 'Johnson . 54, Warley

' Drive, B radford BD3 8HP.. . Tel. (0274) 663754. -

PROFESSIONAL, outgoing,:27. y ear old lady would like to. meet new friends; male

: - a n d female, p referably In • t h e r . L e . e d s / Wakefleld Jarea . Box No. 9975. York-

j lsh lre Post. Leeds.'FEMALE -with , one c h i l d ,

w o u l di l i k e to , m e e t- hum orous,' solvent. . male: .(38 - 50 ).. Leeds . / .Wake--

field area.- Photo ifio o ss - . :J. Ible. B oxiN o.,1033. York-.- sh ire Post. Leeds. :

FRESH :s ta r t;in Wensieydaie,, See col. 77. / . -

re p ly . ' Box No. 9991. .Yorkshire Post. Leeds..

L O S T . s o u l seeks new . / friends. . Box No. 1002,

•./ ■ Yorkshire Post, Leeds.

YOU NG ! m an ,1 e a r l y . SO's. , seeks companion fo r week- ■ . end-w alking and off .road ' , b i k i n g . B ox vNo:; '9966. . Yorkshire. Post, Leeds.

REUNION at Remount Depot ■ RAVC. Melton M owbray

(w om en), 'W /end. ‘October 7 th and SthiV Further. info. ring . Aylmore, St. Albans

. 40703,; , ^ v-

YORKSHIRE hosplUUty. age ; 55 v- 65 . years. We Invite

you to Join ou r small select

group .• fo rco m p an io n sh ip , unaay lunches, • b a r meals a n d . o u t I n g s 25 miles

radius- W etherby. •-.Details r e p 1 y to Box No. 9968.

.Yorkshire Post, Leeds.TALL, slim and fa ir tousseled

• h a i r e d b.oly .‘ 31:; years• ‘young ,5 J1 I’m 1 t e d jpocket• money, but bags of; T L C ,; .' looking; fo r . a playmate to ‘

'spoil him,* Interests* Include tne a rts - and -countryside..

• Box- No- ' 9990.'-Y orkshire. Post, Leeds.* - ; - •.

PROFESSIONAL gentleman, 57; non-sm oker, S o u t h : Yorkshire'-. seeks . lady for happy and caring relatlon-

. . s h i p i ;WilI travel.-.:Photo appreciated, .*not essential. Replies , to Box. No.. 9983,

. Y orkshire-Post, Leeds, j ’.. STYLISH, ' funny la d y ' seeks

sound,, s 1 n g l e . affluent, country t y p e o r profes­sional chap. 45 - 50 years,

.. likes o u t,d o o r s , - travel,- theatre; - champagne and

a n 1 m a l s ' (I.e. will: your Range Rover pull m y;horse b o x ?). -Replies to Box No.

.•9967, .Y.o r k s h 1 r e Post.' Leeds. "i.:,


“ A l R E D A U E ) 1.! ' A.Goldsborough* ' Residential

' Homei: Church' Lane. Pud- . sey, L e e d s . - LS28 *7HF.

A iredale’s .. extensive - pro-- . gram m e - o f; refurbishm ent

. has recently b e e n' cbm- ' p leted; We noW have single en. suite - rooms available.

'' For.: fu rther 'details- please' . con tact‘M atron. Miss' Jean

Goodyear; telephone-Leeds •' 572138. -

MARGUERITE H E P T O N :: Nursing. Home, Convenient

fo r York, Wetherby, Leeds and H arrogate. Top quality

/ and ' reasonably p r i c e d : (0937) 844190. . '



• COURT, , \V . . NO 15 OF 1987 •

RE: MICHAEL : ■ V • ANTHONY FREEMAN;A BANKRUPT of 6 Malham Road. R astrlck.'B righouse In the County o f West Yorkshire - C rane Operator.lately resid­ing a t ' 7 King George Road, Andover. Hants. ,

& Sells w as a p p o i n t e d Trustee: of the above .named B ankrupt b y 'th e Secretary of State w ithout' a - C red ito rs Committee. All debts due. to the esta te should be paid to me.. . V' •. ;Date: 20 Ju ly 1989 •

Signed: E KLEMPKA ,. ';Triistee

D elo ltteH asklns& SeU s C loth 'H ail C ourt J firm ary S treet Leeds L S I 2 H T . ‘ ; ; - . ; \


BRUCE KARSTON /., Tradlng as: v

: BRUCE TRANSPORTof 559/561 Aberford R'd . . Stanley. Nr. Wakefield.- WF3 4AH . £s applying : to ; replace w ithout criange. a- licence to use 559/561 Aberford Road, Stanley. Nr. Wakefield,' WF3 4AH as . an operating centre fo r 2 goods vehicles and 2 tra ilers. - .. . ,O w n e r s . and occupiers bf land (including.buildings) in the vicinity o f .the operating centre o r e e n t r e s . who believe that t h e i r: use o r enjoym ent of th a t land will be prejudicially affected, may make w ritten representations to the Licensing Authority a t N o rth ‘ Eastern Traffic Area. Hillcrest House; 386 Harehllls Lane, Leeds.. LS9 -6NF w ithin 21 ' days following the publi- .catlonrof this notice. Representors • m u s t a t . the sam e time send a . copy o f th e ir representations to the applicant at the - a d d r e s s g i v e n a t the • top of th is notice.



: , QUARRY COMMERCIAL SPARESof C arr House Lane'.' Wyke. Bradford BD12 8DH Is apply­ing to replace w ithout change a licence , to use C arr House Lane. .Wyke. B radford''B D 12 8DH *as: an operating centre fo r 2 goods vehicles.

INSOLVENCY • 1986• . ' . •


* COURT NO 39 OF 1989


and carrying on business. at The ' S a l a d BowL Klrkgate M a r k e t 1, ..Leeds- 2 (home, address unknown) - Occupa-. tion-Unknown. .. •• 7. .On 24 Ju ly 1989 the abbve-- naroed - Court m ade a Bank­r u p t c y .Order against; the above-named debtor, .' -v.;.;’. - NOTE:- .All debts due; to the- esta te should be pald' to me. ~ Date l August 1989 , -

Sighed G B SELLERSv . Official Receiver

2nd. Floor, Savlle House'. : . 1Trinity Street Arcade.. ^LEEDS X S16Q P:

THE . IN SO L V E N C Y 1 ACT : 1986 .


;. COUNTY COURTS •' N 0 8 OF 1989,- .


of ]74 Oak‘ Street. Croftori, Wakefield. Shop F itter a t 275 ; Dewsbuiy. Road. Wakefield. W e s t Yorkshire as * S H r FITTER.' ^ ..r.T h e ' F irst Meeting o f Cred- 11 o r 's .of. ..the above-nam ed, against whom a Bankruptcy, Order, w as m ade on . 14 Ju ly 1989 will be held a t 10* a.m. on Friday. <1 Septem ber 1989 a t ,»Offlcliu Receiver’s Office;' 2nd F l o o r . Qavile House, Trinity S treet Arcade, Leeds LSI 6QP. •*-- •;}Date l'A u g u 3t l989

j Signed G B SELLERS ... - Official Receiver

2nd Floor.'Savile House - Trinity Street Arcade . LEEDS LS1.6QP. •

THE INSOLVENCY ’ ACT. •: 1986: ’.i.V

. IN BANKRUPTCY • iy ' IN T H E .. B R A D F O R D

COUNTY COURT . '. v No 2 i ;o f ;1989; ii}.

RE: CRAid l PICKLES -;of 7 Goose Cote Lane; Oak-, w orth . Keighley,-W est >York-' sh ire . BD22 7NG ( Occupa­tion Unknow n). ' . ' v- On 19 July. 1989 • the: above-: nam ed-C ourt made: a -'Bank- r u p t c y Order;-against: the abovernamed-debtor:-.;..NOTE: AU debts diie to. the esta te should be paid to me: D ate 2 A ugust 1989*- i:. ,.


2 n d ;Floor» Savile.House ''-’.i. - Trinity S treet Arcade . LEEDS ■ "•L S I 6QP • r" ? KV



NO 18 OF 1989

RE: a t a n n e r(MALE) o f 14 Pentland: Way, Morley, Leeds: / *‘i ?. -r ‘: \ . On 2D July 1989 the abover nam ed C ourt made, a < Bank- r u p t c y O rder against the above-nam ed debtor:. ;• .NOTE:- All debis^ due to the esta te should be Jjald to me. : 'Date 5 August 1!

Signed E YAJRWOODDeputy .Official Receiver

2nd Floor. savlle >House Trinity Street-Arcade :Leeds LSI 6QP. . . .

O w n e r s . a n d occupiers of land ’(including buildings) in the vicinity o f the operatingcen tres.o r c e n t r e s , who believe that - t h e i r use o r enjoym ent of tha t land will be prejudicially, affected, may make .written representations to. the Licensing A uthority a t N orth -Eastern. Traffic -Area, Hillcrest House; 386. Hare­h llls Lane. Leeds LS9 6NF w ithin 21* days following the publication of this notice; > Representors m u s t at- the sam e time, send a copy of the ir representations to the applicant a t - th e a d d r e s s g i v e n , a t the top of this notice.

EMPLOYMENT-Agencies Act 1 9 7 3 ( S e c t Io n 2(1) ( a ) ( 1)) ' . N o t i c e , of Application', fo r a Licence.

■ This is to;glve notlce of an intention to apply< to the Secretary - o f S t a t e fo r Em ployment fo r .&. licence to carry on-an employment

•agency and an employment b u s l n e s s which 1 would trade under the .name* of Professional Recruitment Consultants Ltd.. t / a PRC Globos, . P R C -’Computers,: PRC Sales ^and .M arketing ' a t 54 North. Street; Leeds, W est.Yorks..’:LS2;7PN. The licence . applied for. .would cover: the* following -types o f employment: .(I) P ro fe s ­sional, \M a n a g e m e n t . E x e c u t i v e , • • ( 11)Salespersons.- Clerical.C o m p u t e r s , ( 111)D raughtspeople,: ( lv ) - Hotel and Catering, (v)i Domes- 11 c s and Cleaners; (vl) Construction - I n d u s t r y Workers,- (vU) Englneering Industrial Workers. I f you w ish to object^to' the grant of a licence;-you-'should w rite to the Departm ent of Em ployment ; a t - Employ­ment A g e n c y .Licensing

: Office, c ity House. Leeds • LSI 4 J H , it e l . - L e e d s

436232, within 14 days o f - th is n o 11 c e ; A n y o n e• • wishing , to ;obJect a n v the

grounds of ..planning o r environm ental ...m a t t e r s

, should w rlte ;,ALSOs to the.• local planning authority 'by

•' the same .date (ask a t the- ' local coundl offices fo r the->

address to .w rite to ); Date:• August 5, *1989. Signature: R ichard, Buley. D irector of the i^ ip llcant ‘Company on b e h a l f . %of Professional* Recruitm ent - - C onsultants L td .,. 5 4 ’N orth S t r e e t . Leeds LS2 7AN. - ‘

• CAREER; .Counselling. O ur . consultants are experienced-1 a ccoun t-.,

/ an ts -and : offer unbi­ased advice'on p r o f e s - '

. slonal. and ■ industrial c a r e e r s . - Contact M ichael-Page Finance

; v on-T Leeds - ( 0 5 -3 2-)*. 450212;,, .., ' ;•

LEDGER.' ‘ CLERK. : - £d.bOO. Bradford. ’Jo in a y o u n g accounts team w ithin this

' expanding,-! distribution -- company. ^ Responsibilities

Will Include, control oft the' •com puterised' • purchase

•-^ledger a l o^n g w fth : some sa le s ' l e d g.'e r. and ^.credit 1 ->control-involvement. Appll-

'can ts.shou ld 'have previous ' accounts , office: experience. 5 iw ith i -knowledge o f "com ­

puterised;; systems. ; .R;e f :■ 9854;- ' C‘o n t a c t . Tracey - Pickard. - S traatm an ■. Asso- T d a te s . Leeds 434000.; .4' .

WORKS, Foreperson, 'capable o f running .av small,- busy

. Joinery :wdrkshop;. - turning ou t ,a variety of .work. Easy

.d istance Leeds / ' Bradford.' W rite w ith full details to:

. Box. ,*No/ i 9947, Y orkshire Post. Leeds.. - . . ' . . • ,r



.-rand all its trappings..,■1.; . while you’re young .. - ; enjoy it.-::[ i

That’s whatwa're offering' you. .: . '

, WIth;ua, you l enjoy:; ’- --Total earnings ol:, .■ ■ • :' £15,000probable ; i :

£20,000 possible , ■ ; ' . ' ;. * £12,000 (nog. regulated..;.:,....• eamlng's'senemo) r '• Security within a majon' :...

' imernational finance group• Oivflolng training and

support :• Early management.-. prospects kwe promote

mainly from wi\n:.n., . - '

: H you are 22-35, arrtitttous- and highly motivated^ ring:

Terry GledhIH on' 0532-446486

Required for Chief Executive of,large Publicly

; , ::,. (Quoted Communications Group: Excellent',.;

' k : ^secretarial and organisational skills'required y. :r

togetherw itiithd abjiit^to^workunderpressure: '. i

. -'/Exp^r.ierice pf Workin'g at senior management-:'-

level essential for this in te re ^g and;:: ^ ^ '

challenging position. ■

., V Sala(y;'c:£l 1, usual large company benefits:;

■ ! ' '-' Please reply w itij fuil.C.V. in:thefirst i.'.'

instance to: \ / ■

, Mrs. I lilary Bi(dd .' - Moss Trust Pic, RoyaiHouse --VVV ‘ ,

28 Sovereign Street, Leeds.LSl 4BJ. . '.


•‘w ith ^xperlence o f V o ’o k - keeping, accounts '. and the' use of an offlce/com puter, to w ork a t the . Auction; M arket

ja t Selby.. « y ( y j'A pplicants,, who \wiil have an agricultural.-ibackground p re ­ferably b u t : n o t , essentially, -should-' at>ply:- In w riting In : strict confidence . .Mr.' R. G: Making' ’ ■ ■

.-'J : ;Laurels: Farm'.\\ ‘ ^’’ ’ ;- 'yr-- ':.iLumby,/-.-.;'';r. \-

1 South Milford, ; >v .Leeds-L!525 5JA . ‘ •

s tating , tlieir requlrecl [ rem u­neration . and '^w hether-.-self-.

' : . ''.• •femployed. •' -• •• •. • i U : ■ - s . - ,. . - v . l ■■


CAR Salesi Pereon required, experienced in new and

' used '' cars/'T e lephone Mr.< Brisbane; Leeds 480093. ,.

i i^ Rewell

DIRECTORWe have trebled'in size in the p a s t two years and now- are part of an aggressive. U.K.-quoted Group.' -To,..enable us to .continue this -: dramaticpattern,' we are now seeking a highly expenenced Sales Director who must be,able to; . ' :!i . . Introduce.pur products into-new arid

•' Cfflmplement^.markeis.i .: • • • > -2. Support and enhance.sales to ourexisting. .

national customer-base.,- : . . .• ;If:you have proven experience:-irh-the. Toys, Stationery, Jigsaws and Fancy Goods.-. Cash and Cariy aha:multiple;Retail Markets; please,contact in writing: :: s'C-V-ifV/S— ?;■

J e f f r e y F e a m l e y ,

R ew ell Lirnited ; ;Phitmar House, Gibbet Street,

Halifax HX2 OAR


Busy finn of Auctioneers and Valuers require a.full-time general otBce.worker. The. ideal apfJicant will .be aged Between 18 and 30 years of age and will have had. a least one year's .office work experience.. Ability to answer a telephone switchboard is essential and computer - and clerical experience will also be of .'assistance, 'although computer training wili be given to.any suifable applicant Knowledge of Gcstetner, duplicatois. woiild also be of assistance: Ability to work under pressure is essentiaL Salary by nMotiation. , ..Please, ap p ly in ; writing ;in the first instance with curriculumyitaeto:. ■; , 1

C. D. Hiaixison Esq.,. • CHAS. W. HARRISON & SON

Ashfiieid House; IllingworthStreet,. : ; Ossett WF5 8AL, West Yorkshire. ;

ui^er m a n u fa ctu rin g l t d ^

^ ( x b u O B B O ■G B O U K C B M P M tn \

;Makei3 <if dum pers, concrete, m ixers, site saw s and-telescopic •ssi , v handlers.require a -. ■ ' .


to handie *alifaspectfl. o f sales via, a netw ork of distributors., Good salary * and conditions; company : car ‘.etc. Apply rln

,writing to:


c o n s t r u c t io n v : w o r k ;

H i


seeks.fuli time.’or^part time


7 :


To run ' busy1 N orth Yorkshire sea 'f ro n t !ffsh a n d 'ch ip ; shop, a lliyear round business. Must be. p repared to ; w ork long hours ln<]susy weeks.-^Excel­lent opportunity fo r the right p e o p l e (.V., Accom m odation.above.r.. .v - ; . . ••

:• Replies^to :.

. Boxi,Nq. 100% ..-y..

.Yorkshire! Post, Leeds—


ASSISTANT 1.; m^ nagem' ent

> ... SURVEYOR • =A,..,L.ere ,d .s . based g ra n i te / m arble ^cladding'co?T requires ani'lrtdlvtdual.>;W i t 'h is o.-tne Q uantity Surveying «k n o w - ledge J* io?> relay vlnfbrm ation from 's i;t 'e ,sv tn ro u g h o u t. the UK,-Competitive salary...Ref: 497. • 'CONTACT. GRAHAM. ELUN

0532) :42235Si

tra 'c to r -driver,.>' REQUIRED , ' - ,

, S." 7 q.- 7--- itM u stb e -fu lly ' experienced1, in all aspects Of-.Harvest.^and culUvatlon- fo r w e 1-1,* recog- nlsed 4 0 0 'acre] farm ln- Ripon A rea; <Please - apply: fo r <tur- ther. detalls In strictest' confl- d e n c e ' t o r . - v - , v r - - ••

BOX NO. 1010,, Y orkshlre.Post. Leeds.;;)

iW v ’’ i ' v . r *v

V FUNERAL DIRECTOR v- ;-J. requlres ‘,. : ' :I'-'-'!•• V •: r ; i' - ; ; VVV>. . ' V. r • .

; , Assistant , ,.•••For,- family . business 'In i-the S o u t -K? H um berside 'I 'area .- Experience : essential.' i'fluaU- flied person* ^preferred^ 'Pro-. ■motional- -prospects.;. Please ^send details .to , ; { f {

. - V box No :iob6 .• .' Yorkshire. Post,>U' v •

> -• - Leeds. \

■ HERDSPERSON Wanted ifo r ' 100 cow- FreislairJ

. herd " a t -Jolby Farm .1 - Stapleton. M odem 8 3C.4

• •-1 6 .'herringbone ,.paiv-j Jou r, w ith. A CR'srm od--

>. •',■■■ ern>, .^ ',3,k- • .bedroomedC . ' h o u . s e ..available., lf>

.‘required .- C ontact1' •!!.- < ■ Bro.wni-W est,Hartbum'l

Farm, ,"Middleton ^ SL/i George, Darlington!'

..-^ Tel. (0325) >332326/- '

'jA U 'P A IR W anted iiH S eea :. Column-70, ^

PERSDN required fo r general' .-■farm w orx o n 'd a lry farn i."HUH C0482) OTJ383. V : _

Experienced Gyproc M.F. Dry Liners. P artltioners-and Cell­ing- F i x e r s , w anted in the York ; a r e a , . We' also;. need:. L abourers to jo in the team. (,,

"For: t u r t h e r ’Oinforfnatlon. please , telephone , Miss Gllly ■Turner;©!!^ *•'»* .

(0636) 605088. :

Part-Time Cook,- j i


’ yS; "-'.TtUO* ‘ '• ‘’i ’. '11



’’ •" ' , WAKEFIEUJ WF2 7AL: ' ' ■ . ' •.

1ttP U N H B S V


SUPERPRINT require ' I • Ryobl ‘ 480D Machine

THE INSOLVENCY ACT. .. -.1986 ■ "/■


COURT .. .* NO.26 OF 1989 , f . : -


Occupation unknown; of 60 .Walker Street,-ThomhlU.-Lees, Dewsbury, W e s t, -Yorkshire, la te ly -o r 27 vRomanby Road, form erly of 11 South’ Parade lately trading; w lth ano ther a t

S H O P PROPRICTOR as "TIFFANYS”. i -• )•-;: ' ' . - •:On 13.6.89: the above-nam ed C o u r t - m a d e a Bankruptcy O rder against the ’a b o v e - nam ed debtor.NOTE:-’ All debts due to. the esta te should be paid to me. _ D ate l August 1 9 8 9 .


The Official R eceiver Office 2nd Floor, Savile House ' *Trinity Street.Arcade LEEDS L S l,6QPi


AROMATHERAPY tra in - • ing starting -Sept., 9 •

; -m:o n t h s correspon- ; - dence course, practical

w ork-shop ' to 'be held . in- L;e e d o r M an- .

Chester. For prospec- • • * tusK write.: to ‘.London

S c h o o l . of' A romatherapy. P . O .

: Box. No. 780. London NW6.5EQ. ;




require a?yoUng ' i.ACCOUNTS MANAGERto control a n d ,supervise the:

Preparation o f a c c o u n t s n c lu ld .l n g : sm all private ' lim ited1 companies, partner--

-•ships .and sole traders; Taxa-, tion knowledge deslreable but not essential..' Attractive

' r e m u n e r a t i o n package" offered to the right applicant;;

If you .‘wish to. Join thls amallV but .expanding * firm , - apply, enclpslng CV.;.tq, ; * ! -; ; -

, y Staiff partner. . .


' -: 127-.’ -NORTH■ RD’

. . . • ; KIRKBURTON,. , .


Tel: (0484) 605.832. .'li

. ;<O perator;for p rin tin g '• l . , to - .4 spot colours.:

■ *' excellent ra tes o f pay 5 , plus overtim e avail-,

a b l e . NGA advised.; TeL (0924) -363407.;• j*

Aged -over 18* w a ;n t . e d Anglo-Italian family to ct to I ta ly . ( . Urblno)', Sept. -


HATIOXWIOE1 Selection., con-1 ; tact' iUSi f o r /a r a n g e - o f ' v a c a n c i e s . Tel. X eeds

441060. . ...DENTAL 'Surgery A ssistant

fo r S M S S b/ ' S S E ■V practice.-Full tlme. Armley.

above- average rem unera- tion. Tel. Leeds 638509. r .

6 9 H ( m t& C A r a m G }. TOP Chef^reqxiired fo r

40 sea ten h igh class 11 a l 1 a, n restaurant.** -‘ Experience and know- / jiledge necessaiy o f all’ . ' aspects of continental .

! c u - l s i n e : L i v i n g accomodation avail-

- a b l e ; five days: per. . week Tuesday to :S a t-

• Unlay.-.'Wages to be - negotiated;, a t in te r r : .

. •;view,; together w i t h ' ' - r e f e r e n c e s . :TeL •

• . ! Bartdn-On-Hum ber ; .;1 . * 635147. / ; -

. C/O.O K / Chef, sm all .> country j hotel, n e a r- . i.Y*o r k ;. w ages n eg o -•

*. .*■ tiable, ( this is a Jp er- : manent position). "Box No.” 9 9 S 1 ,. Y orkshire

'• Post.1 Leeds.

BAR/.M anager required -for ‘ busy recently, refurbished

-• so cia l' / - s n o o k e r club,\ excellent, • prospects - for '.am bitious, capable person.• vw.l t h-.b a r . club or^pub.

.. .experience., g o o d 'sa la ry .1 1 p l u s commission. Please, tp h o n e - for. fu r th er 'details: ' a n d ' Interview.. (anytim e.

a f te r 7 p.m .) The. fiorsr forth Club; Leeds 390229. :


;':.H Y M A C .w ia i'i


required fo r a new. machine. J

M u s t be : experienced and reliable, own tran sp o rt essen- tlaL Good'-rates of pay and

... conditions. • .

Contact Colin Charlston.

.- ; • on.

(0977) 558401- .

; betw een .8 a;m: and 5 p.m .. ,

by, to come

. u ru u iu ;. d . r _ .J u n e ! , chlldmlndlng and housework; hours and pay by agreem ent; interview in UK before departure; travelling expenses paid,: .*; • .. 'r

"We a re looking fo r a person of considerable f patience and skill handling c,h 11 d r e n . Please write a s 'soon as poss­ible giving telephone num ber

Mr; W orthington.

22. ThdnJe Slreet,

York Y02'1I^L. /

V-; NANNYF or American: family. Hol­land. Girl 14 years old, from Sept. 1st. ‘1 year minimum.'- i Send letter, detailing' experi­e n c e , two references and photo to:L ; ; ■ ; ; .


AMERICAN EMBASSY,Lange V borhdutr102j. 2514 EJ The Hague.

! . • N etherlands:', Tel. OlO 3170 624:911.. .-

EXPERIENCED- minder ' ‘required .to look .after;. m entally ^handicapped.

^ ; child, aged six, before : , :s c h o d 1' .and'^.durihg •

s‘chbol>.holidays,. i Ref-: erences / appreciated. -

. Box No. 9957, York- ; f , shire. Post., Leeds

b r ic k l a y e r s :- 2 + 1 g a n g s

required 'b y Mclean Romes - fo r lmmedlate start*. . ?

'.C a ll on site 'at* * Clifton M oor Gate.i ..

. Clifton. York. ‘ . '. o r ring '

' SITE MANAGER. - on .

. YORK 6907JB9.




reqxiired fo r ’ e x p a n d l n o a u t o m a .t l .o n and; control en g in e^ ln g ' company .based in Y eadon,. good ra tes of: pay and wpridng conditions. /. \ ,

; Tel. Leeds; 3 9 1 0 7 0 •' : ' fo r lntei^vlew.' ;


ASHFlELDi, -RESIDENTIAL. ‘ ‘h o m e - .........

/ . WETHERBY •7' \ q .

required. Sat.rand Sun. 9 .30— 2.30 p.m. to 'ca te r fo r approx. ;20 residents andi stafr. .£2.60

Eerv .hour,; E n q u ir ie s to Mrs.. owcock !*, ;•>’ ;

on .Wetherby (0937)v i '■ " .'64724, •'•’v - . '-PERSON' required: Leeds' city •. centre, Monday to ' F riday .', J2 • hrs. , i e r . day. fo r > odd . . jo b s . car\Valeting etc^Driv-

. ing *. licence would be; "an advantage. ‘ If interested

'. p 1 e.a)s e. :'p h o n e l^ e d s - .'•1440110. / . •.SMART Ladles required. £25

£35 'commission I per-;. night, s e 1,1 I n g exclusive 1 < ladles and< chllaren’s 'fa s h 1- .

ions;-Jo in now for £50 of a r m . e n t - s . Ring Leedsg a r m e

562340) *


5 C R E A T iy E 'M A N A G E R ,

20' years • expertlse/quallflca- • tions In sales, m arketing!and consultancy r • m anagem ent, available to com pany'current- ; ly ) planning growth Within Single Market.

.-*3... .- * ; ., - <{!

Ebcperlenced' in ,export/hom e m arkets to board level, with . the- ability to make decisions and requiring real re sp o n sl- . blllty. w o u l d c o n s i d e r re ta ined involvement'.' P r o ­posals please to : .............

.i. . t:'

■ Box No^ 9 9 8 7 .

. Yorkshire Post. ’

EXPERIENCED E 1 e c - ;Ironic R epair Engineer • w i t h knowledge/, o f. , ‘ audio and. micro jpror .

■ • cesso r based products to . J o i n expanding-. ,

- c o m p a n y l n ‘: t he : - L eisure. I n d u s t r y . S a l a r y - negotiable .'. •

, A pply w ith ‘full-CV to :; .P ersonnel- D e p a r t - m ent. D .DJL. New Ing M i l l . F i e l d Lane.

; , Batley. . , - , : -. ,

r : fMechanieal; D e s i g r t ;

< . Engineer / : f ; -j':

h> .'f.^^Drauglitshian^Jy^ .product / autom ated machine design: :and^or project-engln- - eerlng:is e e k;s , long, o r; sho rt { term employment. ^ : :'v ' P leaW 'cbnU ct ; ^ ^ '

v , R ussell H ay esB .E n g .'o n ,o

v --i Leeds '5 2 ;i0 1 8 r !.* ' 'anytime.' - ‘ .


MOTHERS H e l p required. :. S ta rt late S e p t e m b e r , ? m i n i m u m a g e 18 'y e a rs ; .1; Family <-based in central

London. 1 child, aged S i ; <*yiears.s.own room.-..Salary. ‘ ran d hours negotiable. Ref- ' ' erences essentlaL -P lease

hone 01 505. 1 7 8 0 .o r 01phor ?491 :2932.

FINANCIAL; ACCOUNTANT..C£14,^ car.'.^Large Leeds , company, .position, asp ires to regional board appointm ent shortly. TeL

, Leeds ;450851.‘ Forsythe & Kayee'

. -. A c c o.u n t a n c y .. S ,t a f f , Recruitment; . .• . ' .......... -

PARIS ; family seek A u-palr. j :Nov.’ - ■ D ec;j; fo r abou t 1 ; year. Good pay and- time . . o f f , a ll-m ea ls . Separate

v studio .flat.-In sam e bulld- . -. Ing.-In first .Instance please ! ring D oncaster 742221.

LIVE-OUT N anny required , ’ for; two boys.? aged 2 , and

- 5, In Leeds 6 area, week- • ‘‘d a y s S-a'm .-' to 5 'p.m .

N.N.E.B...essentlaL Box No. ■ 1037, Y o r k s h i r e Post; .. L eed s.. - kf

BARDSEY a r e a . free r e n t a l , of .iself :c o n - ',

’ • talned f 1 a 11 e t , to •: mature.: person, In ex-:

\ c h a n g e • forVl.l g h t '1- h o u s e h o ld d u t ie s a n d

chlldmlndlng ;o fschoo l: age children. .T e 1.. •

- :r (0937) 72803.; :V ' ;•

N A N N Y ,h ' Domestic / .Helper required, for

' Adel; •. Leeds 16. .TeL : ’ Leeds 611898. ;;-. >

CLEANER -required fo r mod- em fla t-ln -A lw o o d ley area , 2 -half days per week. days.and ’time . . . __ _

.Please phone Leeds during; office.hours.

to > be', arranged. " ‘ 37(X)66


GUITARIST/ . 22;*,- urgently seeks o ther musicians : to ,

' f o r m "r-oc k *b a n d and : elevlate boredom. C o m *

' mitm ent. and enthusiasm m ore' ,1m p d r t a n t ; than;

, b u b b l e gum looks. TeL (0484) 661010. .

CNC M achine TooL S er­vice E n o i n e e r qulred/ ' Electrical'- -.»/ electronic. Salary., car an d expenses.- All

- replies - to Box'. No.• 9999. Yorkshire Post,

- Leeds.


pOCLAIN .and JCB O perator required, g o o d .working

• • conditions,; /• Houseman & F a 11 s h a w- L td . , ,(0765)

; 87116; i !


CASHIER for S h e 11-fiUlng . istatlon, H orsforth a r e a ;

.m orning and evenlng shlfte; : -only. Reference required,? Good w ag es /an d working , .conditions. Leeds 580410.

LICENSEE and Spouse1 . ' ; - require rllve-ln-r;posl-rtj.r

• 1 1 o n as . M anagers... •'! Experienced - In : trad l--; ■• tlonail. beers,- < catering: ; <

and V' accommodation. A ll ' replies Box No.:!

.. 9927,;iYorkshlre P ostr / L eeds/

S T U D E N T . 2 ' yrS..* • experience dairy: farm.

; trac to r-d river. I ^need,. ’’ *• -6 weeks^ w o r k 'Until ■ ? mi d. :September. Any-: ) . - t h i n g considered,^. . B radford 590647; «»i- '

'A ' .-■• > ; /'-V:. LABOURER,- , 29.: c lean ‘/V •.' . licence.',jrequires ' per,-,'v

manent- posltlon. own ,'. 15 ' transports 'a n y th in g \ l ; considered. ,-M a r /t l nvj;. * ’ S,a .m u e K s ! ,v L e e d '.s ,v i,

• 7733751' V*

EARLY retired . office .manr ,. : -.ager. -seeks p a r t> t|l m e

employment. Book-keeping,:r accountS;V:PAYE. VATc etc.-- .Wide ,

! *. ence:

S T E W A R D .w ith spouse: to a ssist •. liv ing ' q u a r t e r s . avatlable. oul -unsuitable, fo r 'sm all children. A pplica- t l o n s In writing to-.The Secretary, before August 14. Victoria Sailors .Work-

• Ing Mens * Club. 3;. Cliff S treet. Bridlington. * Y015

’ 2NG. ;-,V*


CARLTON . SHOPFITTING.- require': experienced 3 ench * H and Jo iners.' good rates,.

p le n ty 'o f overtime; lm m e-: . d la te—start. - D e w s b u r y .' 454612 o r 461177. .APPROVED.- Electrician; ; /

Electrician, local w ork, van * provided. W heelhouse. : &

*. Noble. Leeds 631513.:> .

PERSON required -tov-asslst- , lady owner,-in. busy Wens-. N leydale tea and gift shop.;

perm anent •p o sitio n s for rig h t ■ person. Non sm oker

'• preferred. Accommodation available. Phone evenings (096 97) <325.—

INSURANCE .^salespersons ;'r required, company- car. lnl-

11 a 1 financing m ortgage facilities available. Contact

, D e r e k • S w a in •* on Leeds : 431231 (office),; Knotting-;

ley 88049:(hom e); - ‘ GROOMS urgently, wanted,

• fo r ' b u s y showJumplng ': y a r d , • must, have some •. i .experience. . yAccommpda- 1 tion available If required.;

• / p lease contact Bradford '564930 between 9 a ;m .-l

' 1 o.m ; - - • { •v '■ • • .

Wide , - commercial: expert-. -nce.Xeeds; 676042.:,

LADY, ij 29 -years, :,wlthv one.son, seeks v a c a n c.y as

!• groom,? .^.experienced ^wlth race horses, hunters, polo, etc. Will do some house-v

: keeping. „For. fu r th e r j 'd e - y. tails, .apply B oxmNo..'^954, / «r-Yorkshire'Post. Leeds.. l,U BRICKLAYER requires work:- 25 years experience. Leeds ' 568143. V . ' , . . v ‘ :

^■ > Continued ■ on . Page -31

LEEDS 441234


Page 19: Download the document (33.5 MB)

&»r •


ENGLISH m usic of the / a: 20 th1/centiiry:.: fea tu res '

-y st'rong ly 'today , a s : the .H arrogate . F estival of

' ’89 pays homage, to th e. H arrogate:.:Festival of

■ This;early forerunner of . ' the modem festival was a

.ce leb ra tio n of E ng lish : -muac,^although;the-mari

. who-organised, it,. Percy .G rainger,‘happened/to

i come from Australia. >.. ."^Composers.whose work

.-' was playedin Harrogate 60 ■: i.-'v. £',- years ago' are. again in .the '

:-limelight — an uhaccus- ! tomedexperienceforsome

,. of them,-' and riot just because they* are dead.

. The fact is, the works of such as Roger Quilter,

: ; Balfour Gardiner,: Cyrili v, ; S.cott: et a l tend riot to .be i . included in average, run- ! of-the-mill recitals. whichI-.' ■ - is *.why-the.-'Piamst/com-I poser John McCabe had

.-his work , cut out., when j preparing for tonight’s re- : , . , c ita l.a t'the Royal Baths.] • • Som esolid. research was

• j ,f involved in. excavating

long-forgotten pieces —' and ’the . question must arise: are they/long forgot­ten because they are not any good? 1 / According to the festival d ire c to r , Mr W illiam - Dodds, they,are well w orth ' hearing. Indeed, it is. his ambition- for this year’s"

/ festival- that it. will revive, interest in them .and re­turn them to the concert repertoire. \

■John McCabe, to whom the task falls to reawaken: an awareness that Eng­land has produced com­posers. of real; talent — . apart from Byrd, Purcell, Elgar, Britten, Maxwell Davies' and one or two others -including, himself

c e le b ra te d 'h is 50th birthdaythisyear, and in: , honour of that (partly, anyw ay) Dodds inv ited ;him,to take:a centra!part'

: 'in the ’89 Festival. • i On Sunday, afternoon

; ! Ursula Vaughan Williams, married to Ralph Vaughan Williams; from i953 until his death in 1958, will be at the Crown Hotel to recall

. her challenging, reward-.


'■ ing and sometimes bizarre experiences when writing lyrics for no less than 25

.'different composers.. ‘ ',The festival’s • English'

th em e c o n tin u e s i th a t e v e n in g w h e n J o h n McCabe is: joined ,by.;,the tenor, Ian Partridge,.and.

; the Endellion String Quar­tet at the Royal Bath's in a p ro g ram m e w h ich in ­cludes Elgar’s Piano Quin­tet and .On Wenlock Edge by Vaughan Williams. :

.Today’s events: Endel­lion String Quartet: Christ C hurch 11am, p lay in g

Haydn’s Quartet iri D (The Lark), - Britten’s Qdartet.. No 3 and B ee th o v en ’s

•Q u arte t in E. F e s tiv a l .Walk: • from the Market Square, Ripon, to Studley Park (5t miles). Meet at 2pih.Jonn McCabe: piano recital, Royal Baths 8pm, music by Roger Quilter, Balfour Gardiner, Norman O’Neil, Cyril Scott, John Ire la n d , E lg a r, F ra n k Bridge and Arnold Bax. A

- Big Band Special: Royal Hall8pm;witn the BBC Big Baiid, .conductor B arry Fogey, with Saleria Jones ana Peter King. This con­cert will' be recorded for fu tu re tran sm iss ib n -o n Radio 2 .- r: . - • • • > .--..7 Tomorrow’s . events: .Ur­sula Vaughan Williams: talk, Crown Hotel-.' 3pm; Endellion. String Quartet with John McCabe and Ian Partridge (tenor): Royal- Baths 8pm: Haydn’s* quar­t e t in E flat, OnWenlack. Edge, by:'Vaughan Will­iams, and Elgar’s, Piano Quintet in.A. John-Watts in Escape Me Never: the story of Robert and Eliz-: abeth •: Browning, \ Crown HotelJ8pm. v '


St Wilfrid's Church, Harrogate: Raphael

: Wallfisch V '.. THERE is. something pr.o- ''foundly religious about i. Bach’s solo . cello > music, "and;., the. only .'place to perform' it is, therefore, in a church.

And .yet, as Schnabels r e m a r k e d o f t h e Beethoven piano sonata's,:

. in a sense, it is. music that ■ i t is impossible,.- to play well enough.: It is riot' so; much a musical challenge a s a ' spiritual: ideal ■ to- Ibe.

.' aspired to; for in them a , ..bellist, riot ;bnlyf finds the■ ’quintesserice of. B ach’s genius, but perhaps in the:

, process the very essence of W e s t e r ri;.' ;c i v i 1 i s a t i o ri

- itself.: f It.i's music .which, seems bo th to; a r tic u la te th e grandeur ::aridb confidence of ;,humari aspiration and

. yet'.; to symbolise a pro­found huriian humility be­fore mysteries'far'greater than itself. ;-. ^

Any -performance, of the- Bach;-, cello suites thus : becomes, in a sense, an act

of faith - - if 'not in a •Christian God .th e ism • bne’sibwri^ability <jx>,$ome, to .tenns^vith'the works;

'':r?RaphagV;iW;alifisch is 'still a1.young man, and he; plays with a young man’s:

; :sense -l of-; confidence; and ■ : vigour. Yet.what raises h is :■ - playing ab ove the le vel of : simple technical wizardry

is his unerring sense of < lirie which, combined with a':'lightness of tone and impressively'. straightfor­ward approach :to rhythm, serves to .remind us that.

, Bach’s suites are;a succes­s io n of .dances;' • The Courante of the. Third Suite, with which he

. b’egan the evening, and the two .Gavottes, and conclud­ing Giguer .of the more, difficult Sixth Suite which followed,'epitomised this; the extrovert side: of his.

' art.-’;But the" simple yet ' m iraculously profound prelude of the First Suite, which ended the evening, proved.that he, was equal

, tb; many of the music’s . unfathomable; depths. -

. In . between, Wallfisch .. delivered an astonishingly ;, assured rendering of BjrftV

ten’s gritty First Cello: Suite.; Rarely has the re­turn of the majestic main tih’e m e s b u n d e d . : s o inevitable. • 1


Iwitrabout it. Little Hus: 'band , L ittle Wife con- ’tained some; moments of

Eoignancy both in the eautiful. legato, playing :

(why do brass players play slow mordents" so touch­ingly?) and in the lovely

•' arrangement itself.! There had to be some ) show ' pieces; arid . Alari■ M orrison’s C arn ival.o f Venice, in its dreadful, but breathtaking entirety, was matched, if differently, by Robert Fulcher’s nostalgic - playing of Stardust. .The

. m ost. startling1 solo, was Martin Winter’s very sen-'

i sitive playing of Deb.ussy’s Syrinx, after which we. m ust do so m e .se rio u s reassessin g of- m usical

; p r io r i t ie s ; , an d ab o u t ' Which th e u rid e rra ted i brass can do so- ; ' much. Superb living Ber- ■i lin arrangements and Ros-■ sini’s Soirees- -Musicales ' concluded an evening of

absolutely sparkling musi- ; cal value in every way. '

J . R ,St Paul's Hall, ;

T h e a t r e s

museumLittle Theatre:

]ina Prince

Howard.Snell BrassTHE Ryedale Festival has

• some quite endearing ha-' b its ;. far from being an e x c lu s iv e h a p p e n in g tucked away in the North York Moors, it • occasion­ally produces a ;concert o f: unexpected -brilliance and

. charm. :".This year’s' such; event

was the very fine concert ' entitled The French Con-, riectiori, given by Howard Sriell Brass.;>,Compbsed of excellent players from old

■.established West Riding bands, it has the razzma- tazz added by the twinkl­ing but skilful- expertise of the: conductor, Howard Snell'. : . . ' i v - :;

In this concert the brass group announced-its bril­liantly disciplined, person- ■ ality; with Charpentier’s . Te;Deum,: a great'fanfare' to keep us- on :the edge of our seats.-In;c6ritrast: was; a surprisingly apt arranged riient by Philip Sparke of,: R av e l’s M other Goose Suite, in ..Which the open­ing,Pavarie and the closing. Magic Garderi' had both charm and authority. .- . Even better was Howard

■ Shell’s own arrangement of six iteiris' frorii! Bizet’s. C hildren’s Games. The Top and The Ball were fun as always, and Rocking; Horses had a Disneyland

and M arie-Bemadette Dufourcet, OrganA DISASTROUSLY tardy approach to publicity this year .has made the third

' Organ; Coriservatoire one; of Yorkshire’s :. best-kept

' musical secrets. - •..■•:;TKis'-'is-:aipi^;'£)r, as in.- previous years, this sum- m er schoo 1;fo r young organists offers an idio-

? syncratic,- often stimulat­ing programme ofconcerts as a coimterpoint to . 'its master classes, workshops and lectures. '

This, however, was not one of them. Stimulating, that is (its idiosyncracy, bearing in mind .the pre­sence of a Diptyque for. Organ arid Piano by Lang- la is of a lm o s t r is ib le worthlessness, was in no ; doubt). ... In fa irn e s s , m a tte rs , began badly with Cesar F r a n c k ’s w h e e d 1 in g Priere. The composer on his knees, even when he is praying for inspiration as

■ is patently the case here, is a resistible figure... And Naji, Hakim’s den- sely-textured account, for all the. autheriticity of; its reedy accent, could not

■ rescue the piece from its inherent torpor.

Yet the work is a master­piece of invention beside the Opus 51 Te Deum Fantaisieby that master of : l i t u r g ic a l ra m b lin g , Charles -Toumeinire.

The task of bringing to life a piece which, sprawls under the . weight of -en­crusted decoration went'to M r- H a 'k i in ’ s. w i f e , Marie-Bemadette.

•But — and you may be ; getting the thread of this • by now —. not even her ■ best efforts could • rescue ' the piece from its torpor. And; candour- and. except­ing a lovely perfonriance

; of se c tio n s from M es­siaen’s Messe de' la Pente-: -

. cote,' the progress; of the" recital, iri terms of musical substance, was resolutely : downwards.■ T h i s d i d n o t 'go . unrewarded. The manic gestures of Mr Hakim’s pow erfu lly in d iv id u a l piece, The Embrace of-' Fire; awoke the .'gremlins who took vengeance by interrupting it with a spec- i

;tacular cypher. i ; ;. Alas,., experts were' ori hand to repair the fault

. and: thus clear the way for a performance by .the duo ’ .of Lariglais’ Diptyque; a 1 work designed not only to show the iricoriipatabflity of organ and piano blit to

; offer fresh perspectives on the;.riotion of banality.

ROBERT COCKROFT Treasure tour. Tlie Soviet Ambassador,

,; Mr Leonid Zamyatin, .will , '. visit. York this weekend to,-; ■•see a York Archaeological' Trust exhibition of holo- . g ra m s o f U k r a in ia n treasures.

TERENCE R a tt ig a n ’s . Sleepirig Prince deserves ,

to be nudged into perform-,: ance ' m ore, often ,- and Bridge Theatre is .to be congratulated on picking this gem and performing it alorigside another.— Ugo Betti’s Queen and the Re­bels , — in .its summer ■season.:. From the sublime to th e ' ridiculous in most ways, th e S leeping P rin ce is nevertheless an amusing , fairy story with a message. :The force of love becomes -

. ■ the - victor in this classic' story of-seemingly foolish A m ericari ch o ru s g ir l reso lv ing th e p o litic a l headaches and heartaches of no less a figure than a Prince Regent and awak­ening- him to the joys of ■ childishness. ■■

It. is the. eve of George . V’s cororiation in 1911, and

the royal family from the fictitious Balkan kingdom, Carpathia,. are guests at.;' the event: The Prince Re­gent. (John,1 Laing, ,.excek.

:. le n t: with Balkan accent r. 'sustam edthroughout).has

taken a fancy to :th'e riatu-:' ral charms and outspoken­ness of one Miss Da ham arid has;arrange'c the actress to be trapped in* his royal suite. f • •

From herealTmaririerof wit, nonsense, 'romantic ploys and trickery eriliven the stage with the hoiibur- able and pedantic. Peter N o rth b ro o k — C h ris ­topher Irvin — out-Ber- narding Bernard' o f Yes' Minister, Kate Layden as the grand but vague and hard^of-hearing duchess ou t-B racknellihg Lady

. Bracknell,' and Melanie Revill on top. form as Miss Dagenham — match-

. mg any of Goldie ..Hawn’s - similar creations,

: ,Ms Dagenham does not, and then does, w ant.the Prince; the .-Prince wants,. 'and ,-then does n o t, want,

i Miss Dagenham;; his wife ■ wants her, his son w ants'

. her and of/course, in the end, he does. The seem-

• ingly; inriocent chorus girl atterids the coronation, turns the tables/traps the P rin ce .irito true-Jove; solves Carpathia’s politi­cal problems and restores harmoriy between the 14-

; .year-old- K ing arid h i s - father. If there isn’t a fairy - ta le . ending, there- is a ; quietly trium pharit' one;

, embraced in the warmth = and •- good feeling, experi­enced by a. thoroughly

:entertairiirig ;well:made play. : - / v;■■■•

With twoi strong actors taking the;lead, roles, and '

. sparklirig 'rd irec tio n by

. Freda Kelsall', the Sleeping ' Prince cannot fail to de­light. Amusing stage busi­ness adds, to the fun of i t ' a l l ; t o g e th e r w ith -a .

, bravado performance; by , Kate Layden arid an abun­dance. of- wit. .. ; v1: ;

B ut th e R a ttig a n of 'Winslow Boy sometimes surfaces above the froth'.- A s tu te o b s e r v a t io n colours his portrayal of adolescent anger, here ex­ecuted by Adam Robinson whose brave stab at the King is backed by .excel-. lent direction. There is a lso a s tro n g v e in of d e r iio c ra c y r u n n in g through this royal romp with the reminder that the end can only be good if th e .

' means are too. ■ ■,. , ; -"Jenny .Gore’s wardrobe

and props, John Thomas’s ' set, and lighting and ,the' sound effects add to . a v iv ac io u s p ro d u c tio n

. which ;can be seen, today,' then again on August 7 to 9 and. 17 to 19.

< : ■ ? V : L/C .

collectionTHE chairman of the De­signers and Art Directors Association, Mr Edward B o o th -C lib b o rn , is tb house his intemationally-

. known collection of con­temporary European illus­tration in a new museum; scheduled to open in Hull in August, 1990.

The Museum of Contem­porary European Illustra­tion, within-the Prince’s Dock development, com­plex being built by Hull .City Council and Land Securities for retail and

;. leisure purposes, is part of U rban S pace M anage­ment's brief for the cre­ation of arts, crafts and leisure units; ; -,v- ■. The Booth-Clibbom col­lection of rnore than 200

1 original works is unique in Europe and of .. worldwide significance. Exhibitions

- from the collection have been touring major cities in Europe and the United States in recent years.

... Its new.permanent home will be the nucleus of a

..centre for exhibitioris.arid Tfor the prestigious, pean. Illustration Annual Exhibitibri, now in its l6th year, from which work is

^continually added to : the collection.. ; ,| ■,:;'. The' museum, will be located in a restored Vic­torian warehouse. Facili­ties for research and study

- will run side-by-side with an involvement in publish­ing and the establishment of a national bookshop for European Illustration.

E d w ard B ooth -C lib - b orri’s .connection w ith Hull is through close as­sociation with the school of. a r t ’ a n d d e s ig n a t H um berside College of Higher Education. 1

The city council leader; Colin Patrick Doyle, said; “His generosity and the obvious' .warmth’: bf his

1 growing affection for Hull are enormously encourag- ing.”

favourite for world title

impresarioThe pop manager, Larry. Pames, the man who discovered Toriuriy. Steele — singing. for his supper, in; a Lqndon coffee bar —

[ has died, agea S$ after ;a long illness.;y Mr Parries,'who discovered other stars' ' including; Marty,' Wilde, Billy F\iry, Joe 1 Brown;; and ijGebrgie- Fame; died' on

Sunday. He had never recovered, after contracting meriingitis 10 years ago, a

.friend said yesterday. . , .'■■•:Mr-Pames, one, of the British pioneers

: of rock and roll, had.also owned theatres, produced shows and guided the career of the ice-skating champion, John Curry.

PLAY began yesterday in . the second. World Junior B ridge ■ C ham pioriship

' staged 'urider the p'atron- age of - the Princess.' of. Wales ai'the University of

/Nottingham. . '■ '’.'Eightteainsare compet- . ing. There are seven zonal c h am p i oris — F r an c e ,

' Argentina:, the' United

' ’ ’• : BRIDGE /; . by Harold FranklinStates, Indonesia, Ceritrial America; Australia and India. Britain qualified as

' the host country- ■ '; In the course of four days the eight teams will do a

, complete round-robin with about 11 hours play each day. There-will then be a sem i-final betweeri the four, leading teams, fol­io w ed .:1 b y . t h e championship.

favourites to . win are F ran ce , whose p layers have rep resen ted th e ir co u ritry a t th e se n io r level.' . (\-

Iri the opening match th e . British team faced strong opposition from the US;

' and at .the halfway stage wete leading by 20 points to 10.';

New face at BBC

THE BBC has; appointed Mr ■ John ;Shearer, at pre­sent. . head of- television; BBC'South and 'West, to su c c e e d .M r W illia m Greaves as-head of broad­casting,' BBC North East from September.

Mr Shearer, .47, joined ITN in 1964 as. a script-

. writer andreporter. He worked for ,the BBC from 1967; to 1975, when he became deputy director of .information for the Euro­pean Commission delega-

' tion in Washington. ,He rejoined the BBC in

Bristol in 1979, arid took on his present job in 1986;:.

. r ; .,

PETER CRAMPTON / In re lay squad

BRITAIN’S athletes will have to beat those of either East Germany or the Soviet -Union in this weekend’s European Cup Final at Gateshead if they are to qualify for next month’s World Cup'in Barcelona. •

The 1987 team finished third in Prague to equal their.previous best' iri. this -bi-annual:- coriipetition and B rita in ’s a th le te s have already beaten the Russians this summer.

But only the top two nations go through'by right arid Britain’s team, could have ’been 'stronger had such as Peter Elliott ahd-Steve Cram been

' fit.-The selectors co.uld' also have

gambled ;1 on Sebastian "Coe,' un- beateri this season, whenthey had to go dowri to their third choice, Tony. Morrell for the 1500m spot. ' ?' It;seems that,, deter-

' mined - that v th e : former ■ Olympic' champion and world record holder- wili not have the chance after last year’s cbritroversy. . 1 .

Coe Won an international 800m in Italy earlier this''week in' liriin- 46.04sec and disrespect to Morrell, the former Middlesbrough athlete will do well to finish in the

■top six of the 1500m'at Gateshead,-- despite his career best mile -last week. -1- -r ' - ■ "'v

Linford Christie, the- , reigning European champiori; did the double -'

iri Pra;gue; tw o y e a rs ago b u t goes for,only the lOOiri this time;: He is,third ranked'ontime behirid

the East German Matthes and the Frenchman Sangouriia.; -

Similarly, John Regis'in the 200m has met .with success at the highest level. ." . " V " ■:

Scotland’s Tom McKean won the-. ' 800m when he deputfeed for Coe in the 1985 final in. Moscow, and

repeated that victory iri Prague two years ago. . V -

He could hardly have had a more - encouraging build-up 'than to b e a t. , the' Olympic chairipion'Paulr Ereng, ■ ■from Kenya, as he did last week in;, h is c a re e r b e s t tim e of lr iiiii ?;/ 43.88sec. .. Colin Jackson looks to be in a class of his own iri the high hurdles w ith; no Americans against him and it - .will .be a niajor upset if h e 'is beaten. '■"'Javelin..thrower Steve Backleyv could have the world record holder .Jan Zelezny against hiriij thbugh the Czech has been injured recently and # may not compete. ..■

: Peter Crampton, former European Junior champion,, is Yorkshire’s nly-male athlete selected by Britain and, as. he. is :one of- seven men named, he may not be given a run]in the-4 x,400m relay. -, jV.The: Brighouse athlete remains hopeful after rurining 5a ;season’s best 'of 46.51 sec against the. Keri- yans eight . days ago when he said [he felt very nervous- V,

Brian Whittle and Todd Bennett,■ who both beat him on that Occasion, seem 'certairi of their places ajtid John Regis, known to run a useful ■400m, could.also be given a spot v the 6ft ■ .4in Spenborough. ru iri line for the fourth and place. - . • j\

Leeds City’s-Arigie Pain is certQin to get a riiri in -the woirien’s 10,000m, as, th e r e p la c e m e n t fo r Diz McColgan. •v-;. But', she will .have. to clip abc ut .20sec from her previous best j to 'match up with the likely top . tri'6 of the' Russian, Sorokivskaya arid p e East and West Germans Ullrich and Pressler. '

Another Yorkshire championsin '.the women’s match is UK.hurmes title holder Kay Mbrley ; This will be her biggest test to date and five of her sevenopponents,

■including- two Olympic firialftts from last year, have run. faster fg

PHIL BLAKE, one o f . A ustra lia ’s top m id d le backs, is se t to jo in H ull — b u t only for about four m o n th s /. .■ After building up their pack, Hull are. keen to add pace to their , backs and Blake will provide that p lus proven try sco rin g • ability.

Blake, 25, has played a' key role in Souths leading the Sydney Premiership this year and, if they win th ro u g h to th e G rand Final, his arrival a t Hull could be delayed until October.

By RAYMOND FLETCHERHe is then expected to

r e t .u r n -to h o m e by- February. v ■

H u ll had. p rev io u s ly been against signing over- ■

seas players on such short contracts.

But they believe Blake is a special case, one ; to compare with the ; sign­ing of Test scruih-half Peter Sterling; a few. years ago. ' ;

JMtch eoura^eFrance.42 Holland 12ENTHUSIASM was not enough as plucky Holland went down' to another big defeat in the NatWest students World Cup. at Belle Vue, Wakefield, last iiiglit (writes Raymond Fletcher).

The Dutch have now conceded 90. points in their two games but there were; still encouragirig signs.-, . '

The cup is their first taste of competitive rugby league, yet they never looked demoralised against a vastly more experienced French side containing several experienced

p o in ts ^ .; .. , ..................... .,; ,Eons;scored:twb tries; while his.centre partner also g o t: orie arid 'kicked five , goals’before 'going' off injured. , <;v

Easily the outstanding Holland player was Joost - Takken,- a dominating captain and stand-off who. set up both of their trie s .. r ::-' 'The. riigby uiuon iriterriatibn^:'played''like a league veteran as he pulled ih the defence before slippuig out well-timed passes to send iri the.;Dinkla brothers, Haris and Karel, for second-half tries.- Although France led 30-0 inside an hour and finished with seven tries,-only one was due to slack tackling.:

: Individually, the Dutch tackling was hard and firm but they have much to learn about organised defence. '• France 42 (T; Pons 2, Lucchese.Fraisse, Martial, Mourgoes, Mombet; G:

Fralsse 5, Delbert 2), Holland 12 (T; H.- Dinitla, K. Dinkla; G; K. Dinkla 2). - ., .,• ' Meanwhile defending champions'. New Zealand recorded a hard-fought 28-10 victory over a plucky Wales side at Oldham. . • . •

Brian Smith; Hull’s Aus­tralian coach, said: “This is a tremendous signing for the club.'.'“Blakie is an exciting- player and he should add a new dimension to bur at­tacking game.

“He will provide the explosive pace which we have been looking for and we’re lacking, despite our success, last sea'son.”: Although Blake has no Test honours, he is highly rated as a centre, stand-off and scrum-half. ' : ' / '

He -played in all three positions for Warrington last ’ season; when he to­t a l l e d 19 t r i e s in 25 appearances. .

I t w a s rh i s s e c o n d . successful , spell at War­

rington after scoring 22 tries in only 19 appear­ances in 1985-86. 7;w.. Blake will .join Austra­lian Test forwards Steve

: Folkes and Noel Cleal at H ull, who a ls o ‘s igned

, Featherstone prop - Karl Harrison this week. '

Hull and Rovers have agreed on a fee of £57,500‘ for Harrison after it was first thought a ^tribunal would decide the amount.

' Harrison ■ :was listed -at £95,000 by. Rovers. ■ .

: ; Hiill are also shoWing a- keen : iriterest in-. David; Plange, Castleford’s Test winger. ; : ;:.V

• Peter Smethurst, . the former player and coach, has died after - a heart attack. He was 51.

Smethurst played loose forward for Leigh when they.beat Leeds in a major Wembley upset in 1971. :

His last rugby league post was • as Swinton’s manager until October of last year. :


' - - • •



1 m m m


PH IL BLAKE: T he fo rm er W anrington s ta r is se t to becom e a d riv in g force fo r am bitious H ulljfpr th e new season

TOMORROW’S SheH British Grand, Prix at Doriington Park is set a ;. record breaker, not only in terms of lap and race speeds out also in 1 attendance.

More than 70,000 fans are expected ■ to; flock' to the Leicestershire park- ., land ; circuit where lap- records - have been , repeatedly . broken in practice. . . ,

Kevin Schwantz, the flariiboyiaiit: : blond-haired Texan, forced the pace in p ra c tic e .y e s te rd a y 'on h is Pepsi-Suzuki. ■. ' ^

He ended the second session no less.than 1.72 seconds inside the old : record. ...: ' ' ' •;■ >■

But that still only placed just half : a second faster.than, championship'- leader Wayne .Rainey aboard the Lucky Strike-Yairiaha. ; " ■‘ An indication of the pace already- being' established is that the first nine riders completed the first prac­tice day inside the old record oflm in. 36.2 sec set by Christian Sarronlast ■ year. '. One of them was Britain’s Niall: -

•M ackenzie'.-who d ra m a tic a lly ' jumped from tenth to fourth fast-

• est by the-end of the day. " • :• "We are beginning to get the tyres sorted out an I ani getting into the •

" groove,” he said, v Mackenzie;-: 28, from Dunblane,- c u rre n tly e ig h th ,in th e w drldf- championships standirig is the best' bet home fans have of winning the Blue Riband of motorcycling.

There is a £25,000 bonus on offer to- any British rider' who can win the British 500cc Grand Prix.

Remarkably, this has not been .

done since the world championship m oved fro m th e I s le o f M an to the mainland 13 years ago.

If Mackerizie has his mind set on . this singular honour as well as the, .£25,000, he will have to overcome

some strong competition to reach top spot on the rostrum.: Talented Schwantz should have had the world champioriship easily, sewn up by -this stage of the. season. ,

- But, despite his uridoubted bril-

500cc:.l, K..Schwantz (Suzuki) l-min 34.83 ■sec (94,90 mph); 2, E. Lawson (Honda) 1-35.50 (94-24): 3,-K, Magee (Yamaha) 1-35.60 (94,14); 4, W;’Rainey (Yamaha)-1-35.65 (94.09): 5, W. Gardher'(Honda) 1-35.90 (93:84); 6, R. Haslam (Suzukl)‘l-36.23 (93.47). -' ' : ,-.•'250cc:-l-L.- Cadaloro (Yamaha) 1-38.86 (91,03

mph); 2, J.'Garriga (Yamaha) W9.38 (90.28); 3, R;. Roth1(Honda) .-1-739.68 (90.28); .4, R. Reg- giani- (Honda) l-39.77"(90.20); 5, J,' Rugria (Yamaha). 1-40.00'.(90 'mph), 6 , 'C. Cardus (Honda) 1-4053 (89.79).

l'2Scc: l, H. Spaan (Honda)-1-45.03 (85.68 inph); 2, E. Gianola (Honda) 1-4B.36 (84.61): 3, F. Gresini (Aprilla)'l-46.75 (84.30); 4: A. Crlville (Cobas), 1t46,83 (84-24); 5, J. Martinez (Derbi) .1-46.86 (8452); 6, S. Treim (Honda) 1-46.98 (84.12). ■ -. ; . ••:■ ■' Sidecars; 1, Webster/Hewitt (Krauser), 1- 39.68 ',(90.28); 2, Biland/Waltisperg (Krauser)' 1-40.01 (89.99j; 3, Streuer/de-Haas (Yamaha) 1-40.44 (89.60);4, Egloff/Egloff (Yamaha) lr41.49 ,(88.67); - 5, Michel/Fresc (Krauser) .1-41.55 (88.62); 6,- Kumano/Fahmi -(Yamaha) 1-42.07 (88.17). .' . - ' . , •-

liance. he allows his enthusiasm to get the better of him.arid too often crashes or. pushes his Suzuki too hard and often ends up with dire results. . . , ;

Although Schwantz. could easily - w in tom orrow., th e re a l b a ttle for the SOOcc title is between Rainey arid Honda’s Eddie Lawson, the

, defending champion. ,,. , ■ - ■.: After 11: rounds,, only, 8.5 points separate the two Americans iri the .championship.: ’ -

And they are both brilliantly fast riders and extremely reliable. .. .

■Rainey wori' at- Donington last year, his first Grarid Prix victory,' but Lawson,-: probably the most complete rider in the world, is not likely to allow hirii to make, it'two m

. a row easily.. It is shaping up to be one bf the most exciting British grand prix for.• many years. - ■> '•* . ’ v

It has been announced that Ameri­can star Randy Mamola is -still riot quick-enough to ride at Doning­ton following a-knee operation.,

World championship standings: 1, W. Rainey (USA) Yamaha 165,5 ptst.2, E„ Lawson (USA) Honda 157; 3, C. Sarron (Fra) Yamaha 116,5; 4,.

. K, Schwantz (USA) Suzuki 102,5; 5, K,-, Magee.' ,.(Aus) Yamaha 98.5; 6,~;P«F; Chili (Ita) Honda■ 95' - v -:v -

# Irishman Martiri Donnelly, who stood :in for injured Arrows driver Derek Warwick at the recent French Grand Prix and new Camel .Grarid Prix driver Jeari Alesi from France,, head the competitive entry; for the Formula 3000 International motor racing champioriship at ■ Brands Hatch on August. 19-20.'. • . .

TODAY' TOUR MATCH (U .00) - Leicester, ' L eicestersh ire v A ustra lians.

BRITANNIC ASSURANCE CHAM­PIONSHIP (11.00) — D erby, D erbyshire v H am pshire; Colchestor, Essex v W orces- terah ire; C heltenham , • G loucestersh ire vH am pshire; Colcnestor, Essex v W orces- terah ire; C heltenham , • G loucestersh ire v L ancashire; C antertia ry , K ent v W arwick-

*r*Mare, So ‘ "irrev-v ......

gan; E astbourne, Sussex v N ottingham ­

shire; Westcn-Bqper*M _______M iddlesex; T he O valr Su rrey v Glam or­gan; E astbourne, f

's h ire ;- - Sheffield,: N ortham ptonshire.

BRADFORD LEAGUE — Div I ; Bowl­in g OL v Pudsey SLi E B ierley v Farsley, •

’Keighloy v Bankfoot, Pudsey Congs v ' H asngingH , Saltaire v BaUdon, U ndercliffe v M M ills, Y orkshire B ank v B radford and B ingley. Div 2: Q ueensbury -v Yeadon, Spen.V lc v .Ecclesnill, W indhlll v Cleck- heaton , D righlington v L ldget G reen; Gt H orton v Ben R hydding, LigntclilTe v Idle, S alts v Brighouse'. r

HUDDERSFIELD LEAGUE - S ec 'A : G o lca rv Shepley, L ln thw aite v H olm flrth, LasceUes H all v M eltham ,. K irkburton v Broad Oak, E lland v K irkheaton , Skelman- thorpo v H oniey, B radley M ills v S laith- w aite . Sec Bt Scholes v M orsden,-Prim rose H ill v Paddock, A lm ondbury v T hongs-. bridge, A rm itage B ridge' v D alton,- L ock-. w ood v H uddersfield, Rex bo rough v Hall Bower, PenlBtone v R astrick . ' . 1 -

JURE-WHARFE LEAGUE — D iv . Ar M enston v Addingh&m, Ilkloy v Burley. O tley v Gulseley. S ldpton v.Hall P ark , Adel v K naresborough, Raw don v N Leeds. Div B: Silsden v - A1 woodley, Q lingw orth v Calverley, B llton v C rossuatts, H orsforth v Follifoot, B eckw lthahaw v G reen Lane, T ong P a rk v S teeton, •.

CENTRAL YORKSHIRE LEAGUE — . D iv l : M irfleld v B irstall, B atley v Scholes,

G om ersa! v Morlc'y, E A rdsley v MethJey. Iiv e rse e e v O ssett, A ltofts v Chickenley.

• Div 2: W renthorpe v S lazengers. W akefield T h v M iifield PC, T h im liifl v H unslet N, D ew sbury v K ing Cross,' G ildersom e v Staincliffe, SoothiD v WYCO.* ;> . ;_•*

• YORKSHIRE LEAGUE B arnsley-v • S heffU , D oncaster v H alifax, R otherham v C leethorpes, Scarborough v Castleford, W akefield v H ull, Y ork v H arrogate.

. NYORKSANDSDUEHAM LEAGUE— D iv A : B ishop A v Synthonia, B lackhall v S altburn , D a rlin g to n . R A -v S tock ton ,. G ulsborough v H a rtle p o o l;. M arske v : R edcar, Normanby* H all v Thom aby, N orthallerton v .D arling ton , N o r to n -v . M iddlesbrough.

YORE SENIOR LEAGUE — Div l ; Osbaldw ick v Sheriff-H B, Pocklington v Acomb, Stam ford B v Easingw old, H ew orth v W oodhouso G, D unnington v Bedale. R ipon v .T adcaster.-D lv 2: Wood- house G v Sheriff H. T hirsk V Sessay,D ringhouses v T horp A rch, Duncombe P. v H unungtori, B ubw ith '\ ~ ” TC lifton H. _• _

a' v C rayke, Selby L v

LEEDS LEAGUE — Div l : C nrlton v , Leeds Police, G t P reston v N ostell, E sholt v

' O ld Mods, Colton v O tley T, W nitk lrk v . Pool. H ighbury V W oodhouse ./D iv , 2: . C aribbean v E • Leeds, Scalebor P v

' K irkstall; G arfo rth v O licanlan, Pool M ills '' v 'R othw ell, TiTdCA v R oundhay, F arsley v

S herbum . • VHAL3FAXLEAGUE— D iv i! Sow erby v

B arkisland, W arley v T riangle. S tain lan d v - Booth, N orthow ram v SBCI,. Sow erby : Bridge v O utlane, B radshaw v Copley. Div - 2: M ytholm royd M eths v M ackintoshes. U nion C v M ytholm royd, G reetland v S idd a l.B lack ley v O ld C ro ssley an s,S o u th - . ow ram -v L udaendenfoot, S tones v. Old T o w n .. ' •

, E A S T .YORKS CUP — Zingari v B ever­ley , H ornsea .v - D riffield ,. P ickering v Driffield, Old H v .H u llrW hltbny v Y ork.

*- = WKHTKRBY LEAGUE — Div I : Ruf- fo rth v Sicklinghal!. B ardsey v S pofforth ,'

. "Walton vW etherby , S t C had's vB o rw ick in E lm et, B ilton in A insty V Coll and Linton, '

• Shadw ell v C hurch Fenton.

LINCS COUNTY LEAGUE— P rem ier • D iv: Hykehom v N orm anby P , G rim sby v A ppleby-Frod, L outh v M essin^iam ,

.B roughton v .M a rk e t Rasen, Saxilby v-- *-C laytons;'H artsholm e v Ross Sports. •

DONCAS1ER LEAGUE — P re m D iv : * D eam e MW V A rm thorpe Welf, B am by D un v Hooton Pagnell, B recks v Conls- brough, C em entation v -Hampole arid Skelbrooke, W arm sw orth v Frickley C o ll,'

. U pper H augh V Y orkshire M ain. •

• WEST RIDING'LEAG UE — Uiv ..It •. N ew lon H ill v.Burn, D rax v H irst, P led w ick* v Hem inRbroush, Crofton v V ickers B am - . bow , Sailors Hom e v R yhill, S andal v S


' Div 1*. S andy Lane v Blrigley, J e r L ane.v . Bolton V illas, H aw orth Rd v B uttershaw ,' H arden V D e n h o lm e ,, Shelf v T hornton . .

'n io m b u ry v W oodlands.•. . SHEFFIELD LEAGUE — Sec A: Mill-

.• houses v H a n d s w o r th .- S W D -v Greas* .. , b rough: Steel C ity v R otherham P .T ree to n

v W ooascats. D iv B: B eighton v H arley, Frecheville -v Sheff U, N orton O akes v

. B ird w ell, Sh ireereen v Davy McKee. PONTEFRACT SECTION — Div 1;

C arlton T v D arton . O ulton v .K nottingley, P on tefract v .G lassnoughton , T ow nville \F eatheratone , W akefield SM v H em sow rth, W hitley. B v .S ta in bo rough, Y orks CW v

. Howden.


. G roup A (3.00): Leeds U nited v R otherham . U nited; D oncaster R overs v S cunthorpe

. U n ited .' - ' •• ::G roup B: . B arnsley .v Y ork City;

. B radford C ity v L incoln G ty ; H uddersfield . ; Tow n v G rim sby Town. ' . "

TOMORROW. TOUR MATCH — L eicester, L eicester­

sh ire v A ustra lians (11,00).. REFUGE'ASSURANCE LEAGUE <2.00

un less s ta ted ) —; Derby, D erbyshire v H am pshire: C olchester, E ssex v Worces-

- tersh ire; C heltenham . .G loucestershire v- L ancashire (1.30); C an terbury . K ent .v . W arw ickshire:-W eston-super:M are, Som­erset v M iddlesex; T he O vai, S u rre y 'v ‘ GU m organ; E astbourne, Sussex v N otting­ham shire ; Sheffield, . .Y orksh ire v

.'N o rth a m p to n sh ire .HUDDERSFIELD LEAGUE SYKES

C U P. FINAL, — E lland. .v Shepley a t • • E lland. •. ’ ' .!

•HEA VY. WOOLLEN: CUP FINAL — B atley v M lrfield a t O sse tt

. HALIFAX LEAGUE PARISH CUP FINAL — B radshaw v Sow erby . a t

. B atk lsland . .' BRADFORD LEAGUE— D iv l! B aildonv K eighley, Bankfoot v. Bowling OL. Bradford and;B ingley v UndercllITe. E a st

. . B ierley v Pudsey CJbngs, Farsley v S alta ire , M annfgnhara M ills H anging H eaton, Pud­sey SL v Y orkshire B ank. ■

• .YORKSHIRELEAGUE— Scarborough v Sheff CoU. -. .•

EAST YORKS CUP — Scarborough v malton.* • r • ■.

JOE LUMB C O M PETm O N — D oncas­te r v C raven (W arm sw orth), W etherby v

. NYCA (Long M arston). .

A •&


DENMARK’S Admir.Cup team ■ are raci against tiriie to rep the damaged rigging their,. yacht: Andelsb i ken iri time for the stai of the Fastnet race, j ' The Danes have posqi BritMn’s greatest threa in. the series: so - far ail they are determined haye‘all three of thei boaits at the start of tH 6 0 5 - m i l e ra c i tomorrow. ' V. ' j

They dropped to thiri place behind B rita^ j and holders New Zea*. land after Andelsban- ken' was forced to retire froin race five. . ■ j

And now:Britain are determined to stretch their'advantagearid eiid their, cup jinx. Search- irig for their-riinth. win,' Britain have finished as runners-up in both of the last. two Admiral- CupS. ' •■ . They havetwo days,|o prepare themselves for the Fastnet race', whidh is the 10th anriiversEtiJy- ,of! the race in whichVi5 people — rione of tl}e th em A dm irals-.C up competitors—lost their lives.. ■' .J—

The British, team confiderit, of rriaintain-. ing their overall lea^,. but positions in tfia. Fastriet race are worth 2.5 poirits for each plage instead of the usual one point and any of-tftfe top eight teams could m o u n t a: g e ri-.u i ijte challenge. '. ‘ :,f§

But Britain, 53-point lead, has.eveiy right to be confident. To win New Zealand. wfll=i have, to firiish 18 places ahead of Britain m the Fastriet and that meafiS each of their boats wiljh a v . e t o f i n i s h t h e .

-e q u iv a le n t of--six-'®t< places . ahead : of each British competitor, --g

And with Britain’s Ja- marella having featured in the top three in ea'oh race, the odds are veify much in their favour.-1

/s .; A a A './*

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6 RAIG MASKELL goes in to today’s gerian parents but brought up inYorkshire and Humberside Cup-tie^ Liverpool, is an Everton fan,■fith Grimsby Town, and the new season with a firm promise for his:

f owing band of admirers — to go r goals again this time.

♦ Huddersfield Town’s goalscoring repord breaker . who is still not yet 22- wants to be oh the 15 mark by 6 hristmas and around the 30 mark again for the season; ■ -

■ 4 In his first full season in first team football last year, he knocked in 33 to cjvertake Jimmy Glazzard’s 33-year- qld club record.> But there. will; be more to Town - tills season than Maskell’s goals; i There could even be a new goal- scoring sensation at Leeds Road in a ®ason in which Eoin Hand, Town’s manager, has high hopes for h is , m&n. ..-‘v.v . . .,.........Yesterday Hand signed the big

atfd fast Ifem Onuora after the Striker had shown lijj well in ; Town’s 100 per cent winning tour in- - Ireland. ;*>JfHe picked up the last goal in o u r' fin’al win there smartly and we are n'ow hoping that we’ve found a new striker. .•jffe’s 22 which- makes him.a late starter but that should make him all the' more determined to do well,” . said H and..i’O nuora, G lasgow -born of Ni-

■ Vrv . v ■; . ..

‘/But I’d love to make it in the game with Town,” said the forward who has just completed a degree corirse in- economics at' .Bradford University.

in the First, Second and Third Divi- .sioris. They are at a good age for footballers', around 27-28 and we are looking - for their experience to stand out. : ■ -.; '-'That was an area l thought we missed out in at times last season.

He was spotted by a Town scout; Now we are very hopeful that, ifwhile taking a coaching course at we can stay clear of injuries,'that we 'Keighley and goes straight into can get into the .frame this time.’’the squad for today’s tie, along with After a year in charge with his Town’s other new signings Robert assistant Peter Withe, he has turned■ ■ ■ ' ' ' around the staff and nbw the side is.

reflecting their thinking. But much could still depend: on Maskell’s nose for goal. • ",: “Without them: you cannot win matches but I shall be looking .to create as well as finish off,’’- said Maskell.

“I don’t think anyone could claim.


Wilson (28,, midfield, £25*000 from Fulham), Dudley Lewis (the 26-year- old. former Swansea captain.and-.

I’m a greedy player when it comes to scoring but I shall be looking ifor those 15 goals by Christmasand30 by the end of the - season again;

central defender whose fee is to be though obviously the first priority isdecided by. a;tribunal next week) . .promotion:” 'and. goalkeeper. Gary Leake, a free transfer from West Brom.. Hand said: “We feel the prepara­

tion for the new season has been. very good this time. , '■ “Everything has . run smoothly .

: and we;are looking forward to th e ' new campaign, v

“Wilson and Lewis have, some-: .thing like 600 games between them '

He concedes that defenders will be that much more , aware of his skills in, front of, goal this time . around. ">:■

“B ut! noticed I was getting closer marking anyway once I’d knocked in around 15 last season.

“This time around I’m a year , older, : a year wiser and a year stronger,” he said.

By BARRY FOSTERtoo,” said Halifax’s chair­man Jim Brovm.

“We feel we have, along with our landlords Calder-

: dale Council and the con­tractors, done our best to help everyone.

“We’ve been caught'Up in a situation we didnt

AE1TER last n ig h t’s ta s - : te r a t H u l l : C ity, th e Y orkshire and Hum her- siide Cup' gets in to its sJfide fully today — bu t tinder a cloud.> “ VVe are. v e ry d isap- p&irited ■ it’s worked out

. this way for we felt the competition got off to a good start in its first .Season last August when ., the ties produced average , attendances of 2 ,002:AThat has got to be good

f 'tourna- ... need to be in by trying tortjept, said the competi- help out. •IjSP s secretary-David , - “The. close season being M°rWse last night. cut by a week because of

disappointment sur-: . the World Cup next'sum- ^ig ids the postponement met* has also heightenedtf.ftvo of Halifax Town’s the problem.”^ B *®8 at The Shay. .-. Extensive refurbishing* iWe' are disappointed, isgivingTheShaya90per


cent new look for the new season.•

B u t th e g ro u n d w ill not be ready ' t o stage today's scheduled game with Sheffield United and. though with limited .ac­commodation next Tues­day’s tie with Hull City and Thursday’s friendly with Watford will go ahead at the ground, thehome.tie with Leeds United, next- Saturday is off.

“The police and the club feel the need to see how . our new ground works before dealing with a full house. .: “And a visit from Leeds w o u ld g e n e ra te .a fa r higher.attendarice than we normally get.' I think that’s a reasonable view,” said Mr Brown.• “We agreed to take ori

STRIKER Carl Shutt hit his first goal venues for the finals, which start on'JunesinqebemginjuredatPlymoUthlastApril . 8 , 1990. • -wWen a Leeds United XT containing nine ' The five-party coalition council had rteyers with League experience gained a , been squabbling for; months over how. to ■. nne.3-0 victory at Newcastle Blue Star, - use nioney allocated to the host cities by > ,^ o n g the Leeds,first-teamers were th e g o v e rn m e n t an d W o rld CupGary Williams, Peter. Haddock;' Mark organisers. "-:i ‘ - w--^gzlewood and Noel Blake and the other Outgoing Socialist mayor Pietro Lezzi

goals w ^e suppUed by Pearson told reporters he hoped a new council and .Kevin :Noteman. - could be formed as soon as possible to «#-.Everton beat a Japanese national team ' take decisions on urgent work outstand-33. jn a goodwill match in Nagoya. \ ing on the stadium..v'Japanled 1-0 at half-time but'Everton: • '

levelled the score'in the 53rd miriute with . - a^gpal by John Ebbrell and then took the.“ leau when film summer signing Mike Newell scored in the 69th minute. .., Graeme Sharp scored Everton’s third gbal shortly before the final whistle

the.Sheffieldf'fixture as a favour. It was originally drawn- at Sheffield but it has worked against us how. But we have offered them a number of alter­nate dates.”

M eanw hile , th e Cup managem ent committee have to come up with some answers. . .

. They meet to find a solution early' next week..

Dowse, who is also sec­retary of Leeds United, said that the Leeds match could not be . staged at Elland Road from a foot­balling point of view.

“ The to u rn a m e n t is looked upon as prepara­tion for the, new season.

■ It’s an important time for managers — we firmly do not want to play another game at home,” he said.,. Leedspick from a party

of 18 for their home tie with Rotherham this after­noon

Doncaster -Rovers start at home to Scunthorpe) Barnsley: meet York City,- Bradford City tackle Lin-' coin City and Huddersfield T o w n f a c e G r i m s b y Town.

N A S S E R H U S S A I N strengthened his England Test claims despite the England XIs threerwicket , 'defeat, at the hands of the R e s t o f W o r l d a t Jesmond. .,...

Hussain’s '88, which in­cluded nine fours in. 170

■ minutes, set the standard; for his more restless collea-: gues and came on the eve of his probable selection .for next week’s fifth con- f r o n t a t i o n ; ' w i t h Australia.

He looked set for a cen tu ry before M ichael Holding : tempted him- to ,

! chase a wide delivery- arid' he was caught, behind by Jeff Dujon.

Ironically Hussain was upstaged in the evening sunshine, as 25-year-old. New Z e a la n d e r, M ark Greatbatch powered his , w ay to a n u n b e a te n century. ■. ;

ONE-DAY INTERNATIONALEngland XI v R es t o f World XI

. At Jesmond: Rest of World,wori by 3'. wkts. ' 1 •

" ENGLAND XI -• K Bamett c Sharnia b Shastri ] 61.M Moxon c Diyon b W a J s h ' 3‘N Hussain c Dujon b Holding ...... ’88'W Athcy c Holding b Sliastn 13 'G Gooch c Cook b Shastri .....25'■M Maynard: b Sharma' .'.2-P Willey b Walsh • I;.....:........... 19 .

. R Russcll-not out • 22N Foster b Walsh ..................... 17: ‘P-Jarvis-b Walsh 0-' Extras b8 lb7 w6 : h b l . : . . ; . . . 22

Total 9‘wkts (55 overs)272 •. Fall: 1-5 2-1113-134 4-186 5-208 6*231 7-272 •• 8-272 9-272 • 1 .

Did not bat: S L Watkin.-Bowling: ■ Walsh 10-2-40-4; Holding.

.41*2*53-1; O’Donnell 7-1*32-0; Sharma 11-1*• 4 6-1;.Simmons 6-0-28-0; Shastri 10-0-58-3'

. Rest of World XI . V• P Simmons c Russell b WatkinJ Cook c and b ' Moxon........M Crowe b- Willey. ;.__ ;...M Greatbatch not outA Logie Ibw b Jarvis .'.1..;..P Diyon' b Gooch ....R^Shastri c Athey b Gooch ,

12 -

... -29

... .15 • •..•115' ..41


. .S O’Donnell run out 6M Holding not. out . .21'(

. -Extras Jb5 8**..i. Total.7 wkts (54:4 overs)273 .‘

. Pallr .1-36 2-55 3^7-4054 W87 6-219■ 7*231 / M Vi,. -7,.

• Didinot bat: C Sharina, C A Walshr, - } " . Bowling: Jarvis 11*161*1; Watkin 11*2-42* •

1; Willey 11-2-45-1; Moxon 3-0-16-1; Foster*' • U-0 9 ); Gooch.7.4-0-43-2; :• , /' V

, ® ; Carl; Rackeiharin and i Tim May stated .their case-! for . Test recognition;; byi propelling the Australians to an emphatic 196-run-- ' triumph over Nottihgharii-.j sh ire a t T re n t Bridgen •yesterday. •

j ■■ Q ueenslander Racke-.i i mann confirmed- his . full a recovery froin cartilage ■ trouble by. claimirig 5-65 : 1

; ? ■ TOUR MATCH ' Nottinghamshire v Australians ;At Trent - Bridge:; Australians' -, beat1 '

Nottinghamshire by: 196, runs '. , ' ,^Overnight: Australians 2&J (Jones 82; Boon 1 76;. Miflns. 4 6).-.-andil58-2 .-(Marsh* 6), i Nottinghamshire l95 (HuBhes-5-38)f .

AUSTRAtlA^S — second inns .

Zimbabwe projectAN'. ENGLAND second string side -is set to tour' Zimbabwe this, winter as.part:of Ted- Dexter’s rebui-' dling programme. . • ■ •

The squad should: be away for six weeks from --the middle of . February With, two .unofficial tests • ,and three , one-day internationals included'in a nine-

match package.' ■" '/■-.:-.-" “The TCCB have accepted, in ]

- D.Boon not o u t 102i D.Jones st Frendvb Affonl . . . . . . ‘22 'T Moody st French b Afford 11S Waugh not o u U . < ..:...;.......-.. 13.‘ Extras b6 V'lll

.-...Total 4 wkts d«Z55 : ■ Fall: 3-165 4-205:- \ ■ -y.'VS..

Did not bat: T Zoehrer, M Hugliesj.T : May,-.G CampbellVP Mcke'mahn.'- -

Bowling . Stephenson 10-3-12-1;-Millns - 14*2-53-0; Cooper 9-2*25-1; Hemmings 20.4-3- 86-0; Afford iM-6fr2; ';v - ;

• NOTTS’—secohd iiins ■' V\Vv . P Pollard c Jones-b-Raicke nann *11^M Newell ibw; b H u g h e s ' ...4 ~D Randall c siib b May.i:.-. ..'.1. 48r1P Johnson c Taylor b Rackqmann ... ;'23 . •

.T Robinson br M a y ■ 5B French cl^ylor b May- 1

j.-oW in v fta H n ri- F Stephenson c Taylor-b Rackemann*tl3 * .frrim- Zinihflhwp tn Qonrf i S iA - i ■ E Hepnmgsc;Z6ehrerb.Rackemannr 67 .

^ . s a id .a KCoopercMarshbRackemann».;..v..-U0':-spokesman at Lord's last night.:- d Miiins c sub b May - 9A. Assuming -all the. arrangeriients^ are finalised,' ‘-AM ^'2!W u " ree sep a ra te E ngland sides w ill be on duty ' M1 nb2,'"

STANDING TALL: Pow erfu l new s tr ik e r Ifem O nuora could be a key fac to r in H uddersfield’s p u sh fo r th e Second D ivision

overseas early next year — the main squad leave for the West Indies in late January at the sariie time ' as. Mike Gatting’s ‘rebel’ side jets out to South Africa. -. . .. :;

The last time England sent a second string over­seas was in 1986 when they, played five four-day matches against Sri Lanka. ■ .

The tour was originally scheduled to. take , in three countries, but Zimbabwe .— along with Bangladesh — w ith d rew th e ir in v i ta t io n .a t th e 1 1 th h o u r b e cau se fiv e of th e p a r ty h ad S o u th A fric a n connections. - ,; Two of those players — Bill Athey. and Kim Bar­nett — this week signed u p ' to join .Gatting in the Republic. •

f- 7 '•' .Total

mPORTSMOUTH’S mariager John . Gregory was ready for the £5,000 fine slapped on the club by the FA . yesterday for collecting 342 disci­plinary points last season... Gregory revealed that he had

already taken most of the money . from the players’ wages — and then-, admitted the club had heeri lucky to escape so lightly.

Leeds United, fined a total of £4,000, were among' other clubs

. hit. v-But Portsmouth will go into the

new campaign with a massive £20,000 suspended -.fine hanging over them. ■

They were also ordered to pay . £1,000 from, a previous suspended fine. •

Gregory, who took : over from.sacked^M Ball in January, docked

Bradford have new boy; players’ wages .and took £4 ,000. in

Portsriiou th s till m ariaged to reach 75 bookirigs and seven send­ings off in a season which saw them finish fifth froni bottom of Division Two.

He welcomed- the FA’s measures to improve Portsmouth’s record which has now: seen them appear before . end-of-seasbri disciplinary committees five years running.

Gregory said: “I. think we have been extremely forturiate. I think the FA are getting fed up with seeing Portsmouth up before them every year.” .'

Leeds, who totaUed 266 points last season were fined £3,000..

Their secretary David Dowse said:'. “The fine is heavier than we had ex-, pected, because our record' im--

.proved dramatically during ; the " second half of the season.

• The former Manchester United and Danish winger Jesper Olsen has denied planning to.leave; Bordeaux and move to Nottingham Forest.

Alan Davies doubtful and are without Greg Abbott and- Karl Goddard injured- after their six games in xune. days .trip; toaSweden.'

D qricaste rihave n ew 1 signings John: Stiles and Justin Sumner — both ex-Leeds men •— making their debuts:;-; , : ' 1

Chesterfield’s £30,000

. . “We were only fractionally overthree months to wards the end of the the five penalty points per game"season. limit and had hoped we might be

given the .benefit of any doubt. • :'■ “With a ' £7,500 suspended fine . hanging over us, everybody ;at E llan d Road is d e te rm in ed to bring about an improvement.”

W est B rom w ich A lbion (269 points), must also pay £3,000, and Stockport (264 points) face a £1,000 fine.Southampton (268. points) have . been fined £2,000.

Leeds,' West Bromwich and Stock­port have also been, ordered to pay £i;000, each from, previous sus­pended fines as well as facing new . suspended fines, of. £7,500 each. Southampton have , a suspended fine of £5,000. - ;■ ,

All five clubs were ordered to appear before the FA during the close season, after averaging m ore: than- five disciplinary points per match. c;c

Five non-league clubs have been fined too,-including'Malcolm Alii- son’s new side Fisher Athletic.

There has been recent speculation thatOlsen, one of four foreign players at

Manchester United will take on the Japanese team ih Tokyo in the tour’s final match on Monday. ■0/Napleis city council resigned yesterday in airow over work to be completed before next year’s'World Cup soccer finals, city h'all .officials stated.

•Naples' San Paolo stadium is one of 12

about joining the club.: “Nottingham Forest certainly have not

contacted me with a view to doing a deal,” Olsen, 28, told a Danish paper.

: “The fact is that are training in Bordeaux and I riaturally had a chat with some of the players and Ron Fenton.

best part, of a week after suffering a back, injury during Thursday night’s f r i e n d l y m a t c h a t Frickley. ’

Plummer was carried off and ta k e n to h o sp ita l where a check-rip revealed severe bruising.

NICK SKELTON'S hopes of a third rider — who won yesterday onsuccessive Silk Cut Derby victory Vivaldi — swept to another- im-to.p.k a d i v e a t H i c k s t e a d pressive success >on Ms secondyesterday. _ ’ string mount Special Envoy, with

The 31-yearrold British iriternaT .—. one of only two clear rounds tional -had to pull out' of the among th e -10 who jiimped..11-strong jump-off for the Derby: ■ Pessoa, whose previous two

when his horse Burmah Derby wins were on Gran Gest inApollo suffered a -knock- after. 1963 and. 1965, now plans to takecrashing into a ',pple: :in- th e 3-both his horses, into Sunday’s practice ring ., - gruelling "classic and' will be^Ity-inieaht that Skelton had;to ar i i ong' t h e s h o r t - p r i c e dgiVe up the chance of challenging favourites.M/% £2,500 prize and put. in doubt His clear: on Special Envoy iriW a m u m n ra M 38.22'. secorids was alm ost. nine

prizfe of. £25,000.JSkelton, who won on J Nickte-

1883;:and on Apollo last year, is in , linS&i td become the first Britain to w nithe Derby in three consecu- tivq, years. .', ■

A?., worried- Skelton, who', has teeYi named to ride the horse in tne‘ European championships in Rotterdam in two weekSj. said: "H^: crashed through' a pole so broke between his legs. At the.-moment he is . very,. ,very: lanjte and is standing iri' ice to help reduce the swelling.

seconds faster than Yorkshire’s Peter Richardson, who was run- ner-up on Rye Hill.

P esso a h ad a re fu sa l w ith ‘. Vivaldi this time and, with a time fault to add, finished seventh. Geoff Billington, taking third place on Merrimandias; also had a single/stop. ' ’

, „ , . , , . 'Johri Whitaker, runner-up toHppefully he has only hit a , Passoa yesterday, :failed:to reach

nerve and lt .won t be too serious: : the jump-off with either of his two my ,fingers crossed horses—Gammon arid Hopskotch

tnrat he 11 s t i l l b e .o k a y fo r ’ •* * ....... - - -Sunday.” -,

, With Skelton unable. ’ to . go ' through, Brazilian Nelson Pessoa. sriatched victory for, the second day:' running to underline: his prospects of completing a long- awaited hat-trick.

The 53-year-old Brussels-based .

— who both hit the same eighth fence. .Results:

Silk Cut Derby trial:. 1, Moet et Chandon Special Envoy (N. Pessaa. Bra) clear 38.22 secs; .2, Rye Hill. CP. Richardson, GB) clear 47.16; 3, Merrimandias (G. BillitiRton) 3 faults 46.03; 4, Country Classics Vital (J. Turi', GB) 4 faults 38.74; 5, Nunn Better (R. Dean, GB) 4 faults 43.04; 6, Bugatti Fidelia (W. Brinkmann. WG) 4 faults 45.37.

says: “It’s important for us to g e t. started right and fly back to Cleveland with a win under our belt. Hell, who wants to lose?” :

Kosar arid Curiningham, two of the outstanding quarterbacks in

QtTAIlTERBACKS are the domi­nating factor in Americanfootball an'd^Bernie Kosar and--Randall'Cvuiriingham will be no exception at the major grid iron spectacle a t ,Wembley tomorrow n ig h t.:,, Kosar turns out for the Cleve­land. Browns with Cunningham tne- key man for the Philadelphia Eagles in the fourth American Bowl to be staged at Wembley.... This is the first of five,pre-sea- QIS tionaI 'F°otball League,s‘6ri£ames for each tearii. / . a' ’■* iu-4. -ii u , • ••• L ° s ^ . is--.the,opposite -to>..the.

But it will be no friendly g re a t A m e ric a n d ream an das;,the Browns new head coach,. neither of these talented playersB u d C arson , m akes e n tire ly wishes to be blamed for defeat

, . . .. - . : : before a crowd of more thanCarson, hired earlier this year, 70,000.

Happy HJiill pairYORKSHIRE’S Hilary’Cooke and Jean Pindar, two. old school friends who teamed up iri a . bowling partnership, only last year, scored a stunning win to reach' the final of the Liverpool Victoria Insurance English women’s national bowls pairs event at- Royal Leamington Spa yesterday.

Cooke and Pindar from the Spring-, head Park Club in Hull swept to a remarkable 34-7 triumph over Alma Wright and Ena Clarke, the 1985 E nglish singles, cham pions from Leicestershire. : . 1 „

After the match, Cooke, who was the lead, said: “When we: came here our ambition was to get through the first round. We never dreamed we would get to the final.”

In today’s final, the Hull women take ori Betty Johnson and Norma Shawf, th e fo rm er w orld sin g les champion.

. • Kingston crown green bowlers were 192-138 winners against Hipper holme ..arid Lightcliffe in .final' of H alifax A ssocia tion E w art Lord Trophy. : J ■ -v

Adams fires backCHARLIE Adams of Sheffield showed a pleasing return to form at Rowarden- nan in Scotland yesterday when on day five of the Scottish Six Day Orienteering event, he produced his first win of the series:

Battling - thick forest: for 8.2 km, Adams returned 70 mins 36 sec. '

Christine Roberts (York) and Hazel Gibbs (Barnsley) - continued to their ding-dong battle for supremacy in the W40 class.

Clayton’s bronzeANDREW CLAYTON collected his second medal, a bronze, in the .400 metres freestyle at the -Esso National Age Grorip Championships in Coven­try last night. i ■'

On the first day of competition, the City, of Leeds swimmer won the 1500 metres freestyle but last-night was third behind British junior interna­tionals Steven Mellor from Maccles­f ie ld an d H a v e rin g ’s C h r is tia n Robinson.. - ,

McHugh at doublePAUL McHugh- marked : his first appearance as a professional in .the British track, cycling championships with a double triumph at Leicester.

The 22-year-old former triple ama­teur champion from Liverpool clocked a championship record 11.286. secs for 200 metres in the opening round of the sprint, going on to beat Gary Coltman in the final. - :

Fall: 1-15 2-27 '346 '«9 5-idS 'ttiB 7-116' 8-12G 9-135 . i . ’ .

Bowling; ^Hughes M-35-l;-Rackcraann May lO.i-MW;


YORKSfflllE needing 14^ ruris to save the follow, lost ,1 two quickLwickets before Chris Shaw and Ian .House- ° man scdred ,the necessary runs. . .1:

YORKSHIRE — first inns' tover- * night 222-7); S, N; Hartley. lb^T)'. Erost 35, P. J. Berry lbwb,Ff6st 12,C. Shaw c Frost b Peters 10',, I. • Houseman- hot out 5, 'Extras.’13.''' Total 243,

Fall; 8223,-9-231.' ■ ’■■■",* >• '•••.Bowling; Frost 25-,7-65-3;. Peters.

25.4-10-53-4, Kendricfe'li:2-25;0'; Boil-5 ' tag 23-^42-1, ... Robsbh 10-2i32»lf j. Lynch 34224,- -

.. .SURREY; 7-,..second,.Inns: V-R i' 'AUkhan,'C.Byas.'b KcWes'-i8,"P."

Atkins lbw b Pickles 6, N. Kendrick ,c Shaw.b Nicholson 18, A.'Brown c Houseman:b'Swallow 52,-M. Lynch

- run out 34,-N. Peters c Nicholson b Swallow 16, N. Sargent c Nicholson b H6Useman;;0,:j..Boiling d-Nichol-v son b SwaUow'2,-M, Frost not,out 3,A. Robson stuiiiped Chapman b

■ Swallow 0, Z.-.Sadiq absent hurt, Extras 5.-Total 154.. .. ;• ■■ Fall: 1-29, 234,..3-65,. 4-121, 5-134,' '

: 6-135, 7-150, ]8-153,.9-154. i ■Bowling: ... Houseman 6-0-16-1,

Shaw 6-2-154, Pickles.5-2-9-2, Swal- ■ low 11.5-1-51-4, Nicholson. 7-0-5M.;

YORKSHIRE,—;second inns: P. Grayson c Sargent b Kendrick 28,0. Chapman c and b Kendrick 32, D.

- Byass c Atkins-b.Kendrick 5, N. G.: : Nicholson not out 23,1. G. Swallow

.not out 53,'Extras 9..Total 150. i).‘■ Fall: 1-46,12-60; 3-76.r Bowling: Frost.-54:184, Robson 5-1-184, Peters ' 9-1 26-0,. .Kendrick .'

.'15-3-4M, Boiling- 7:2-15-0,1 24-114,. Alikhan 14-8-0. Match '- drawn, , (\ -

Heavy Woollen Junior teague'20Z- (Gilston..77-,■Thompson 34)(:Excet ■

.:.sipr (Schiedam; ,HoUanti) :' l08 : (Payne &-13). „


LAURA DAVIES, w ill throw caution to the wirid ■ and unleash booming, tee shots with a shocking-pirik coloured driver inthe Wee- tab ix B ritish w om en’

British w o m en 's Open, Fem dow nsingle putts at three of the. Her four-urider-par 1401 first five hdes. .. . makes her. the best placed

She birdied three long., B rito n w ith tw o other". __ „ , , , holes with coriifort, holed a Europeans, Marie-Laure

f e™down today. 50-yard wedge shot for. an de Lorenzi of France and hat; is - th e ex trem e eagle two. at the eighth and Belgium ’s Florence De-

measure_ tne, Bnnsu star had another two when she scampe, one stroke betterfeels vvill be necessary 11 sank a 12 foot putt at the off.she is to have any chance ■ 14th: : . ; : • 'De Lorenzi still lias put-■ of capturing the title for ; It was not until the ;36th : tin g problem s , m issingthe^second time. . . hole that Geddes had her ■ from three feet on the

She.goes into the third first bogey,: hooking h e r1round_ trailing American:. drive, finding a bunker Jane Geddes by no fewer with the next shot arid

needing three more to hole , out.

Now she has high hopes of holding onto a three- shot cushion. :

Another American,. '42-

than 13 shots after a 71 for a halfway total of 147. :■ At one stage it seeiried . possible that Davies might miss the cut. She narrowly survived that hurdle and

Golf. ■

nowfeels tha tshehas got year-old former Curtis Cup to go for everything to ■ - • ; -■ ■ ' .- r-have any chance of mak­ing up the.leeway.. “Two 65s would,put me 11 ■ under par and that might have an outside chance,” said the Surrey girl../O f Her new pink driver, specially made for her. by Maruman, she said: “I have always wanted one that colour.-

“I used the it only .three times in each of the .first two rounds though,' arid

' h it a lot of iron tee-shots:But now I shall have the,C l u b o u t a t e v e r y opportunity.” ; . •.

D a v ie s h a s rio t y e t. worked out the way tb playiron approach shots off the dry, dusty and bone-hard fairways, i■ ‘ .‘ I ’ m s t i 11 ri o t : . s u r e whether to punch the ball or hit full shots,” she said.' Geddes, the 29-year-old.

1986 US Open champion who is risking a 5,000 dollars fine to play in this event without an exemp­tion from the American Tour, saved herself with

interiiational Peggy Con­ley, survived a slow-play:

• warning to score a 67 for a - 137 total. f . v.

■ She picked up five of her six birdies in seven holes and did not make a mis­take until an official said her three-ball had lost a hole and a half on the one ahead. ,-. “That is always disturb­

ing and I lost my rhythm, hitting three of the worst shots, imaginable at the 16th for my only bogey,” said C o n ley .'•

“I get into a stupor on the course. It was our own : fault and the official had every reasori to tell us we were slow.”

S h e f f ie ld ’s A lis o n . Nicholas, who won the title two. years ago and triumphed in the German Open last, Sunday, kept British hopeis alive when : she, birdied two of the last three holes to finish with a 69:

home green arid two others of less than six. :'

Descampe, feeling that' she was on the verge of

- failing to qualify when three over par after three holes, then birdied eight Of

. the next 13.And Yorkshire’s Joanne

Furby m ain tained her excellent form in her first year in the professional ranks with a.72 for of 143.'

Leading scores (GB un­less stated): -134—J. Geddes (USA) 67, 67-.137-r-P. Conley (USA) 70. 67.139—F. Descampe (Belg) 73,66; M-L

de Lorenzi' (Fra)' 68, 71; R. Bell (Aust) 71, 68. .

140—M. Figueras-Dottl (Sp) 69, 71;L. Lunn (Aust) 71,' 69; P. Rizzo (USA) 71,' 69; A .' Nicholas 71, , 69.

141—N.• Lowien (Aust)- 7], 70; L ' Maritz (SA) 67, 74; M. Spencer- ' Devlin (USA) 72, 69; L; Douglas - 71. 70. ...

143—L Wunsch (Sp) 69,: 73; Cl’ Dibnah" (Aust) 69, 73; A. Dibos (Peru) 67, 75. -. ■ v

143—L Neumann' (Swe) ,7i; 72; ,-A. ■: Munt (Aust) 73,70; H. Alfredson (Swe) 73,70; L; Davies 73,70; M:'

' McNamara (USA) 73, ‘ 70; J. • Furby 71,72. ; • . ■ .

144—S. Strudwlck 70,74; R. Hast 73,71. ■ '

145—J. Ralls (USA) 73, 72; -D. Pavich 74, 71 (Aust) D. Dowling

- 69, 76. . ; : :146—S., Moon (USA) 75, '71;' C.

Panton 70," 76;: R. Comstock (USA) 74,72; (x) L;Fairclough 74,■72; C. Soules.(Fra) 72, 74; F.'• Dassu at) 74, 72; S. Uttle (USA). 72, 74; J. Arnold (NZ)' 72, 74.

147—C. Scholefield (USA) 75,.72; L Davies 76,71; J. Brown 69,78; A.

' Jones .(Aust),70,77; (x) J. Morley ■ 72, 75; R. Lautens (Switz) 70, 77;. P. Johnson 72,75; J. Connachan .72, 75. '


LAUEA DAVIES: H opes h e r new custom driver; w ill p u t h e r back in th e p in k ’ : -

I SAUSTRALIAN Peter Senior’s unor­thodox putting helped him take a onerstroke halfway lead in the - Scandinavian Open yesterday.

Senior, 30 last weekend, hit back with five birdies after two. early bogeys to shoot a second round 70 for

. chin, holed from 12 feet for abirdie at the 15th green, his sixth hole, after dropping strokes at 13. and 14. ,

He also birdied the long 16th and 18th and sank two more birdie putts

. from six feet at the sixth and from four feet a t the long seventh to stay

GUERNSEY’S'Bobby Eggo and Steve Richardson from Lee-on-Solent, who both play their county•• golf for- Hampshire, clash in today’s 36-hole, final, of. the;-r English Amateur-championship at Sandwich;'

Eggo, 28, was the runner-up two years ago when helost to another Hampshire man, Kevin Weeks..,-. .

At the-semifinal.'stage, a repeat of the 1985 final'. /. between Roger Winchester and Peter Robinson was;#' T:' possibility. :. , ., But 23-year-old Richardson, whos4 father John is 'the l-'T professional at his homedub, thrashed Robinson six'arid-> Iv five while Eggo beat Winchester two and one. V 7 ; ? '

: Neither international was caught from the m om ent';.': they estab Jished early three-up leads—Eggo by the sixth: ‘ green arid-Richardson in half the trine. - ■■ ■ ■ r- v' i'

Winchester, from Sidmouth, made a fine-stab: ;at coming back. He birdied the ninth, 12th—Eggo matched . him there — - and 13th, when he chipped in .- .

That brought him only one behind, but it.was Eggo i,".' who birdied the long 14th.and the next three holes were halved. :. t ,".'

Hertfordshire’s Robinson, appearing in the semifinals , 1;. ■ for the. third time in five seasons, never wbri'a hblel .

in his match and •now', i1-.,. Richardson stands, on the ., brink of making up for .the disappointment of losing a play-off for -the Lytham: ; Trophy in June.- - ' •- i’J < “‘i

“I’ve lost in the fourth round of this for the p as t; ?

a 10-under-par .134 to ta l. that took .. ^him clear of Britain’s Philip Harri- ■ favourite for the £57,000 topi Philipson, with whom he shared the overnight lead.

Swede Johan Tuiftba moved into th ird spo t, th re e sh o ts b eh ind . Senior.

Harrison dropped strokes at the first four holes in heavy , rain but came home in 32 for a 71. His round included two twos and he said after­wards: “It felt like" a 66 .” n

Senior, using a putter with a shaft more than four feet long which he swings with a split:hianded grip iri a Dendulum fashion from, under his


Harrison holed from 30 feet for the first of his twos then werit within a foot of a hole-in-one with a five iron at the seventh.

Tumba, the son bf former Swedish hockey and soccer star,, had his brother his caddy as he collected five birdies.

- Those who riiissed the- cut in­cluded American Craig . Stadler, whose 73 for 144 left him one: stroke outside the limit, Australian Rodger Davis and Britons ■ Srtti Torrance

and Denis Dumian,- seventh arid eighth iri the European. Ryder Cup points table with only three, quali­fying events left. \

L ead ing : sc o re s (GB u n le s s three years and thought I stated): was going to again vi'hen I134—p. senior (Aust) 64, to. was four down with seven: l '-_135—p. Harrison 64,71. .to p la y a g a in s t Ga'ry137—J. Turoba (Sweden) 67, 70. . . . " M iln e ” sa id -■ i-'138—C. Mason 69,69; J. Aiigl4da (Spain) 68,70; P. lvm ue- S«K1 M CnarOSOIl. ....■! /.

Hoad 69,69; B. Ogle (Aust) 68,70;-G. Turner 69, 69; D. James -68, 70; M.V Allen (US)67, 71; M. Hallberg (Swe) 70, 68. ■

139—A. Binaghi.(Ita) 70,69; P. Teravainen (US)67,72; V; Singh (Fiji) ®, 70; M.:Pendaries (Fra)70,69; J. Haas (US) 71,68; O. Sellherg(Swe) 69,70; R. Rafferty 70, 69; R. Boxall 69, 70.

140-M3. Brand jnr 70,70; E: Darcy(Ire) 71,69; P. Walton Ore)72,68; D. Cooper 70,70; F. Nobilo-' (NZ) 70, 70; J. Slaughter (US). 73, 67; D. Smyth (Ire) 72, 63; J-M Canizares (Sp) 72,68; M. Davis 71,69; M. Lanner (Sweden) 68,72; J . . Heimer (Swe) 69, 71; M. Granqvist (Swe) 68,'

. 72. . ' . ,141—M: Pers'son (Swe) 71,70; A. Murray 74,67; A.

■Sherborne. 70,; 71; D. Whelan. 68, 73; M.i ■ Mouland 70, 71; G. Ralph- 72, 69; M.

Harwood (Aust) 72,69; M. Hoegberg (Swe) 68, 73; L Hederstrom (Swe) 69,- 72; M. Farry (Fra) 71 .-70 ' " ■ ■ ■

In yesterday morning's - quarterfinals he beat 42- , i year-o ld P e te r H edges :•«<' three and two while Eggo ^ came, back from two down '.v

. after 14 to knock out South V'-i Africa-based Chris Davi-' son a t the first extra ~-

'hole; :Robinson. had' to go - to “I

the 20th to defeat Somer- r. set’s Neil Holman and - Winchester defeated Sur-; v.r rey’s Jon Cowgill two and

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■wJ y* y* f .' v <r» t**

•Hr :••

&u 2 B

Lad rewards s p a t ie n c e redcarLeft-handed flat oval galloping course of 1m 5f joins.straight-1 m course for 5f run-in. Draw: High numbers usually .best ori straight.. •

.BLYTON LAD cam e from l a s t .; She cap itu lated quickly and a t halfw ay to fifs tlin th e -Jo h n B lytoh Lad,-.keeping on a tru e

: S m ith 's '-Bitter " H andicap .a t i ,: lin e ' dow n, th e m iddle of. th e ■ R ed ca r' yesterday rew ard in g 1 'i 'c o u rs e ,p a tc h e d th e lead from

Jo h n "B alding for h is .'patience P revailing W ind alm ost on the. an d understanding ; and. giving line. - ' _■notice: th a t h e could piut th e ; c,'- A lexandra K atrine, sw itched D oncaster tra in e r on th e m a p '1 .first to th e fa r ra ils and then .

' (w rites THE DUKE; < V ictor .• back to th e centre, m ay have G reen). ,) ■ v. ■ been an un lucky loser.■ -Balffihig; ;'M ^ n ly - hisMfoird'-" :• ;.Th£: v ic tory w as a fam ily season: as licence-holder after: ce leb ra tion ,fo rM rsB ald ing isa-tak ing over from -his la te fa ther, key m em ber of th e team and did ,not see th e victory. He-was daugh ter Claire, th e . stable down a t th e s ta r t w here he had a p p r e n t i c e . le d u p B ly to n led B lytonLaddnto h is s ta ll and L ad ..

ed to be on-hand in case h i s M a r k B irch’s b rilliance on

sacrificing e ith er balance or enthusiasm . . ■- A dditionally, he got h e r to respond to p ressu re in th e la st fu rlong and h a lf to hold R o p e . T rick by a short head. '

“No jockey could have bet­te red th a t,” said Alec D ent, a s s i s t a n t t r a i n e r to M a rk Tom pkins.

He added-.' “She is s till w eak and ; very green. She w ill go on. im p ro v in g th r o u g h o u t th e .season.” - :- '

B urn t Fingers,-, odds-on for

|(V ww . ..-.inr ____ _____________

geld ings "claustrophobia w as • raw two-year-olds h as long re-awakened;, - '; : v '-V been widely acknow ledged and

first of th e four ru n n ers to 1 be b eaten arid W hite Jasm in,: th e

_____ _ second favourite, w as th e nex tR eassured .by^his tra in e r’s : he gave ano ther illu s tra tio n of to go put of contention.' .v .:

presence; B lytori1 Lad kep t h is ; ; w hy h is rep u ta tio n is so h ig h on - .T h a t- le ^ A utonom ous andnerves binder co ritrb l b u t w as, B aranyka in th e C leveland 'Y o rk sh ire H o ll^ o fig h to u t the,', th e slow est in to h is strid e of th e M aiden A uction S takes. fin ish and if K evin D arley seight runriers airid, tra iled them < w ith: over. two. furlongs to go. •

P revailing W ind w as clear on. th e fa r ra ils , w hile.The Queen o f) Soul w as ahead iri th e centre.

T he filly’s co-ordination as ye t leaves som ething to be desired and she is inc lined to be too keen! B irch, how ever, m an­aged to im pose control w ithou t

GOING: FIKM (watered).

2.00 STAINTONDALE 3-Y-O SELLING STAKES, £2,800 : added- lm 'l f , £2,500. .. ", . ‘1 .510613-Blflkesware Gold (11) (Q;G Moore9 0.JJean McKeown 10....

odo(KH> Kapldaiis (64) T Falrhurst 9 0 ...... Mercer 7; 3 0M02 Super Relative (7) N Tinkler 9 0....-...... ^ K taM d er fi

4 ■ 060330 UmroyalWindway(7) DChapman90— KDarIey45 - 600040 Wall Street Slump 0) W Pearce9 0.....L Charaock 13 (B)

.-6 ■ - 204004 i-Crimson Glen (8) J FitzGerald 8 II- «........K Fallon 12■ -.-7- ■ 606003yMadonljah(4) M Brittain811 AMtmro(3) 8V 0’ - 00-55P0i Madonniua (28) Don Enrico Inclsa 8 11.Julie Bowker.(5) 5

B; - 000066Melody'(7) M H Easterby 811......... .................... J Lowe 3 (B) .10 • 200-005‘vRare Vision (22) W |earce 8 ll'.....i..... « ;S BM W ?,?U : 300(H)P > •Respray (15) M Johnston 8 11»..«................,,R P Elliott 11 ,

.12' •• ’ 040 Retrenchment (17) G Moore 811;..............N Connorton 1th e A ske H andicap, w a s ■; th e - 13 . 0-2551 Ttaepn.MyHands (4) (CD) C Ttanton 8 U B1'easifl?e 9;

BETTINQ: t l Time On My Hands, 7-2 Super Relative, 93 Blalteswarf Gold, 6-1, Uniroyd Windway,';8-1 Melody,10-1 Crimson Glen, 12-1 others.., •


1 .: 5 m o f ’ LyndMylK (17) (D) J Berry 9 13...- Barnard © 7 .. .'2 -- ■ 430151 .Lord Glen (18) (D) R Boss 9 12.....,.......'...;..M Tebbntt (7) 6 . ■

."3 ’ .125211' Judgenlent.Call (4) (CD) M H Easterby 9;2»...;..K Darley .1 ': - 4,’ , : 14: ChHradiDancer (USA) (18) (D). J Etheringt

The.Diike-2:00 T im e On My H ands 2.30 W anda3.00 (C )E y lak '

... 3,30 B lue O rc a ' !; • 4.00 N ed’s A u ra >: 4.30 (B) E aste rn D iam ond

5.00 P rospecto rs M oon .

J u l iu s >. a ' Y /2.00 T im e Qn My H ands2.30 Lyndseylee ■

' 3.00 M ajor Jvo r ■ V ) 3130 C arry O n C a ry . ' ■ '4.00 Bold T ry4.30 E aste rn D iam ond

• 5.00 F low er G irl. : • . ■

221154 Eoyal Estimate (5) (BF) M W Easterby 8 5 J£ Dailey 6 (B) -00-6165 South Sands (10) (Q M Camacho 8 5 . Iawe;9 ’ M004ff Tanoda (22) M Brittain 7 11 7— - -- --- -*™ ” Tills 8- 9 . 2M1 Bine Orca (14) (D) B Hills 7.11 ...

.s t r e n g t h o n A u to n o m o u s seeined to be th e decisive fa c to r . •

, i t h as to be rem em bered t h a t , Y orkshire. Holly does no t res- -

.-. pond to th e whip.

-.••5- v - 6

.7 8 9

051- Hartley T26) (D). T Falrhurst 8 8--

on 8 9McKeown 8.

Connorton: 5. .212 Wanda' (8).(D) (BF) M W Easterby 8 0...:------.....R Hllls_4

Mrs.Gray;(ll) (TO A BaileyJ_1235164 41'Najat

•■556M5.'-itoDr JScarrill 79.

Star. (12) (D) M Britain 7 7.

....if Norton (7) 2 (B). J Lowe 3..A Monro (3) 9 .

„R Oils 8i BETTING: 9-4 South Sands, 7-2'Chord Sundown & Royal Estimate, 11-2 Blue.; ;

Ona & Labelon Lady. 10-1 Tanoda fcCarry On Cary, 14-1 others. .4.00 BROOKE BOND CAFE MAISON COFFEE CUP

(AMATEUR RIDERS’ HANDICAP), £3,500 added ' 7f £3 027. *

■ : 1 ' 5& 3;'Asbaah(12) D Chapman 4117....-------------- —-Maxllie inster 1. 2'. 600222 .Ned’s'Aura (32) (D) (BF)' M Naughton 4 111. -.

. . Lara Gibberd (5) 6 (V). .3 506015. Norauay (USA) (15). I Balding 410 13-Clare Balding (5) 3 .■ • 4 r '4-50214-‘ Bold Try (35) (D) (BF) P Cole 4 10 10..;_.-Jane Alflson-,9 \■ 5 1.000100' Beechwood Cottage (8) (0(D) A Bailey 6 10 1 0 _ _ • -

■ ' ■ Sharon MnrgHtajyd 8 (B) .' 6‘ • 200046 Gllherto (10) M HEasterby5108—LeilaEasteihy(5) 13 ;.

7 ■■ 1666-00 Stanhope (14) (D) J Glover.410 4— :—Sandy Brook 7 v8 ' 004123' Miss Aboyne (14) (C) J S Wilson 4101—Dr-I Davies (5) 2

■ -Jg 060000 -ProBt, A Prendre (8) (CD) D Wilson 5101 ■ ■ " :P.. . . . Elaine Bronson 10

,:;10 " '4-41055 Shy Mistress (26) (Q A'Jones 6 9 5 .'-JHana Jones 5.. 11- 060-C24 M^forDon(30).(D)^EWeymes99!!'.., -

.... 1.■ Gillian Harrison.(5) 12.12 -00 004 Glenmcre Prince (7) P Feilden 3 91... JollaFelldm (5) 1113 ■ -505000 'MrKewinill (3) (C) J Bennett 69.0;.Allsdn Purdy (5) 4 (V) ':

BETTING: il-4 Miss Aboyne, 7-2 Bold Try, 5-1 Shy Mistress, 13-2 Nk's Aura, 7-1:Noniuayr8-l Asbiab,10-1 Giiberto. m others. ‘ •'*

Ves iI ^:; r r , 'v '•? I 'm i

; i• i = : ,Anadax l i M liew m iirk et), nap,' and Easter/iV ;

y la k ; 'an d-E astern .: piijgf ^lond. ' ‘ * j , ' v• i v : . - > '^ ^ U u L i u S ’S ,DOUBLE:; .

M a d r a c o " ^ , .W. {............. -iR. t

BETTING-M-Lyndseylee.7-2Najat & .Wanda, 9-2 Judgement Call,'-13-2Lord 4.30 MIDDLETON MAIDEN .GUARANTEED STAKESGlen,- 8-1 Charade Dancer, 10*1 Mrs Gray,-12-1 othen;. ^ i £2^800 1 m 6 f,£ l,9 2 0 .

ANADA5C m i g h t h a v e ; beaten .H ard-', as Iron as R edcar la s t w eek gran ted a c lear rim and so goes to N ew m arket today w ithou t a .

■ p e n a lt^ in the.B rierley New Zealand Handicap^. .

■ Today.’s'' race is: a m uch-m ore. com petitive event b u t A n ad a x :

" is probably a few pounds b e t te r : tlian h is ra ting . ' /- E m barkation , w inner of h is = ___________la s t tw.p, races for.Luca CumanL ■ ,T afsrio .'-arid .ithe on ce tr a c e d a g a in s t o l d e r h o r s e s ; 1H e H om .D ance are three-year-olds ( • — i---

, By THE DUKE, V ictor GreenStakes ori K nock Knock.

H eriry’ Cecil h a s sen t th ree horses to R edcar arid m ay win w ith tw o of them , E ylak arid E aste rn D iam ond. .'

E y lak ru n s for only th e fo u rth tim e w hen he contests the: E ven ing ; G azette H andicap

fe t th e best ou t of h im he could e ariotheir w inner fo r ■ the

' stable of M ick N aughton., M ick E a s te rb y p e rs e v e re s

3.00 EVENING GAZETTE HANDICAP STAKES, £5,000 added lm , £3,817. '

- 51662-0 Annactramlc (lO) R Whitaker 4 910---- i...K Bradshaw .1- .0-2203 Yamashita (USA) (11). Mrs N Macauley 4 9 5 S Kelghtley 7 .211304 RegentLad (21) (CD) • Miss L Siddali 5 9 4 -S .Webster 3 -.0-30312' Mmor Ivor (21) (CTrt (BF) Mrs G Reveley 4 9 4 ...J Iflwe 50606-55 Magic At Dawn (USA) (10) (D) G Moore 4 9 0

■ . . . Dean McKeown 2,: 0-02205 Irish Passage (8) (D) T-Barron 6 813._ R Lamplngh (7) 4

325533 '.Coincidental (3) D.Chapman7812— —.... .--^Day 8- ■ ■ — -• ".-a » . o _ .WRyanB


.3'',4 'j -

000 'Eylak(USA) (15)-H.CecU388—.BETrDiG! 5-2 Coincidental; 4-1 Eylak& Mulorlvor, U-2 Annaceramic & Magic

m th W anda .over th em in im u m ba™7w t T 5 d ,^ i oihers. ■ ,

3 . 3 0 ™ s ’ £6-000;.L Chamock 3

.W Ryan 2 14 Connorton 4

-5- AidTHatch (49) R Simpson 4 9 7-..; ;;.,.S Whitworth 4 ." 2 ■ ■ 44-33. Algalhabane(USA)(28)iH Thomson Jones 3 88 J l Hills 3-• 3' . ■■ .32' Kosdosko (USA) (11) L Cumani3 8 8....'...........L'Dettori 2

■•■-4 52S-321 Eastern' Diamohd-(USA) (17) ■ H Cecil;3 8 5—-;..WRyan.55 - >•.-•...00-. Kelly’s Bid (30) J Hills 3 8 5.- - - .—.-....Dean McKeown-1 ; .

BETTING: 64 Eastern Diamond, -11-4 ’Algaihahane, 7-2-Ard'T’Match, 5-1' Kosdosko, 12-1 Kelly’s Bid. : ■:5.00 EBF SINNINGTON . MAIDEN 2-Y-O STAKES ;

(filUes), £2,800,added 6f, £2,324, ’ . . .1 ■ Careforallseasons. M Johnston 8 11 - ......... RP Elliott 2

Chern- Crown J Bottoinley.8 11 - ....... ............S Webster JS'Flower Girl ■ H Thomson Jones 811..... .......,.,j..-..R Hills ,1.'

'.A bsolu tion A lrienddroppm ^ln ' .A ye of M ira d e s ^ 'iH iO rN 1. . .

• a t wnnfl^h (U SA vM r,4 S s H G le n m e te P rince: -A l.A jn n ra d y 'ig o ld M lnoriei :• A lgalhabane GoM en T orque SS-Bahy.

, Am igo Feo - A nadax

. .A ngels K iss' .. A nna ceramic-Another W W °-^#gia3SS^Sflglga[-{ A n to in e tte • ^ T o 'g e - -A ragon GLrL

, 'A r d .rM a tc h A rrando le . ? . . . . .

- A rty Schweppes^USA)

'P ondered BLd!- P ow er R e i g n s , ; 8 . ’P rem ior P rince ';' P resid en tia l S ta r (USA^ ■ -

added - Ini 2f, £41776.014244 Baliiara (14); Denys Smith 9 7—.

1-0-' Labelon Lady (22) H Cedi 9 2.—. 4M020 Sola Mia (5) (C): W Pearce 8 8.,013216 Choral Srmdown (23) (D) C Elsey 8 6.—Dean McKeown.5 03-2224 ' Carry On Cary (7) R Stubbs 8 5............ .-L Dettori-1

Left-handed flat oval galloping course of 1m 5f.joins 6f course for 4f run-in. Draw:

, Low numbers best over 7f-1m.

showed som e ability on his. m ost .recen t run ; over a 'riiile .'

E astern D iam ond;plac'ed:oriwhoSe ' a b ility ' 4? difficult to - assess b u t • th e riiore-seasoned'

• N ick leP lated m ay b e th e o n e to ' give in'ost trouble to A nadax. :,

Totiy; Ives,, whio: d eparts/fo r 1 .Hong K ong before th e . end of . M iddleton M aiden Stakes th e m on th and can give a tim ely N ed’s A ura, n o t the1 easiest t freriiihder to B ritish trM riers o f : rides;: wi]J te s t th e ability of h is

. w hat th ey w ill be m issing by am ateu r rider m th e Brooke w inriirig th e D ickins Inv ita tion Bond Coffee Cup b u t if she can

. th e la s t four of h e r five appear- , ances,- m ay a t la s t get h e r head : iri frorit w here i t m a tte rs iri the

has seem ed th a t h is filly w o u ld , be b est su ited by a n : ex tra furlong. '• ■' ^. .N onetheless, she .has gone close on th e sh arp T hirsk course and th e inore galloping, course a t R edcar could enable her to b ea t Lord- G len and Judgem ent Call. : ' '. Batshoof, an iiriprovirig- Sad-

.le r ’s .Wells 'colt, could have a lerigth or tw o in han d of Eelorus

: R o s lheo f B^ 3 r d S t a t e 6S 1’45 (HANDICAP),H aydock ’ ■ £5,000 added lm 40yd, £3,850.-

Micro Love, tra in ed in the 1 W est C ountry, has-Kabcaist a n d Peridor D ancer a s . form idable opponents in th e Coral Book­m akers Handicap.' 1 :

. -3'.KlrUeesRock-(15) Denys Smith 8 ll.....-...:,X Charnock 8-'... ■ Lassie’s Holme (USA) J Watts 8 U — ........N Connorton 6;,

.' 2 Leave lt To lib (15) P Calver.811—— .Dean McKeown 7:) .34 Prospectors Moon (USA) (16) C Wall 811 ..'-„-......N,Day 4y-.

•' - 8 ' SngS M-HEasterby.8.11 V. ...... „.--.KJHodgson-S". '9 ' 02: Supehnale (22)' J Etherington 8 1 1 ,,,— K Darley .9

' BETTING:i5-8 Flower GlrL 3-1 Prospectors Moon, 9-2'Supermate & Uave It To ■. Lib, 8-lLassie's Holme & Snggia, 12-1 Careforallseasons. 14-1 others.

TV — BBC-1: 1.45, 2.15 and , 2.45. GOING: GOOD TO FIRM (watered).

T he Duke' v ;1.45 A1 H anash 2 .1 5 'M icro Love 2 .45-'Batshoof ' 3.15 Sovereign H ill'3.45 K adim : .

.. 4.15.‘T urb ine B lade

Julius ;1 .4 5 '-A1 H anash . -. 2.15 P eh o n : u2.45 B atshoof (nb)

. 3.15 B eehive Boy3.45 C urved Blade

- 4.15 Ram bo’s I la ll

tr* -ProspectorBMoon^(USAA\. c315 HQuartofera

' Qulnto ?. i- ,- .'6.3a L • Ramoo’s H a l l ' s 4115'H

- • H l M e n ' B e a n t y . - - 6 . 3 0 L-: ' ' ' : 5 ™ ^ “ U o n . . a 0 5 J '

'r - .- .r ^ .O f L y ^ H Ig h 'C la s s ABcnt (USA) '. ■ Rapidnrts .-.jjiS* A sbaab - - ■ ,, -'7.00 W R are Vision 2 AAlitn Comn'CttQir High f aith ’.2.00 S HcdBolt- 7,yB a l b a t a .. 1. .-:^S.M » :N . H ed.Processlon «B allydorrow '.-lkSW SS iH -'-iiH pE E n’s.B im .I ,- 3 .30,S 1':'.R e«dlillg (U SA )-y iy 8 a BaUyhooly ' T .0 0 a -,v ; H ong 'K one G l r lv ', 2 .1S 'H '.’H eeltai!’: • : .• .81

• B anana ra m n k s,(D S A J?x ';;‘ S o fn 'D a n c e (USA) 3:40 N K 'R egenf-Jjai 'S JJ; :2.16 H ’ ; R es Ip sa LcHinltur , 4*

•B a tsh o o f- - : . -:£ -1 5 'H I.Pcrc<!ive.' • -' '3 .4 5 -H -H cspray ' -.2.1Becchwood C o tta ^ .4 .0 0 ,E : '-In d ia n S ta r . . 2.30 R R etrenchm en t " 'Beehlve-Boy ■ 3 4 5 -B i.iiH ih .G u e s t V ' 7;00 -W R ln g M c B a c k

."B e lltC o te - .1:’4 5 -H '•; I r ish P assage : 3;OO R R lo P Ie d ra s .BcUwIck . . •• - a . o o . l ; I s l a n d J e ts e ttc r l -.1.45 K Roche.B Idston MU1V-. r .jm o W : '/J a d e l te (FR ). 1.45 H R ocqnalne ■BIg B car , - . :2 .0 0 ,N ' -:-Joe Sugden .-.'.',-2.15 K . R okala ' .B in D aahlr(D SA ) ;-2.tXrU Jo le 'd c R ose- i -. , 7 ^0 .1 . R om an W alkB lack Com edy4- Joy .’a.Toy;* -'-,,2.30 R o se s P rideB b k esw a re Gold- '^ .O O -'R ^ Jo y ftin e ss ( F R ) - * ,3,30 S.!*; Roy P rince t


' Left-harided:;sharp triangular flat v.’ course of,1ni;-2f with seven fences and;

2B0yd run-in. , .


The Duke: 2.00 S a n so o l,2.30 Slleve Feliin

' 3100 Bold In C om bat .3.30 H ogan’s R u n ; 4.00 Roy P rince •4.30 Sm art. In B lack

J u l iu s •'2.00 Sherzine2.30 M iss R elsun .

. 3.00 Bold In Com bat3.30 Escape P a th4.00 Roy P rince4.30 S m art In B lack

2-34 ■5


10 11' 12

150600,'Tymlppy (36) (D) M,Brittain 9 2 0-2001' A1 Hanash (USA) (12) (D) P Walwyn 8 l __Pat Eddery.411403 Jadelte (FR) (16) (O R Boss 9 0—........... — »..,J Reid 10336-550 Angels Kiss (28) (BF) Miss S Hall 8 13

= - .' Non-nmner states trainer 40-DG005 Premier Prince (4) W Pearce 812................ D Nlcholls 9 '

3063 Island Jetsetter (29) M H Easterhy 810 -.GDnffleld5232062 Standing Count (4) Mrs J Ramsden 8 6— M A Giles (7) 8M1530 ' Rocquaine (14) Mrs J Pitman 8 5----- ;— —T Williams. 2030-001 liquid Asset (9) E Weymes 8 1-™.-_— Carter 8 4365&0 Belle-Cote (96) J Norton 712 ....... ,..MWood3

2.45 BURTONWOOD BREWERY: ROSE OF LANCAS- ;■ : T E R - ST A K E S’ (G ro u p -. 3 ) ,: £ 2 5 ,0 0 0 a d d e d -

.. S'- ',: lm 2f 130yd, £18,095.1 7 ' ' 1 220031 Peloms (7) (CD) W:Jarvis 4 9 3 ..... B.Ronse 3

I -!' ! j '4412-2 Organza(26) (D) (BF)' JHills 490— ~.:,.AClark 1:1 1 . -- 3 3-13111-'-Batshoof (38) (D) BHanhury-3 8 7.;...... .':.;..„':Pat;Eddery 5-

• ‘B lue.O rca . 3.30, K J ..Ju b llc o M o h d a y . ,6.3 , ,■JJlQes IndJgo • ' • 2.15- H ’^ Jndgfim ent.C all '• ':.2.30' R Bold In C om bat 3 .00 ;S :,? .‘4il«-B lA ke'i ~ . iv -;7.00‘.W.

.* B old.T ry . ; • 4.00NR’ .TK abcast - - - B ollin G orgeons .‘^ 2 5 0 f l ; . sK adlm ‘(USA)BolUn P a trick •3.40 N.', S e lly 's 'B Id •.B ornfus - -.*2.00 S- .‘•K in a of;Shy- • B ralsw ick ' 'iV 2.45'‘ff>*y.'Klrklces R o c t., ’. B row n-B ear B oyf(U 5A )V '«-?» K n igh t of M ercy

• 5 ^ 0 ; K nock K nock :Canon C lass - s:-3.00,S .-.v^KoO’ • ' • ■

■tl C aptains A n sw e r‘2 '4.00 S r.f),Kosciosko'(USA), C arbon L ady , Jiao 'S ; K a m a d a ■

C arcfora llseasoas '5-00'.'H 'ij ‘L a"B allerlnc ; :-. C arom ish (USA)- ! .‘7.00 X .X'JLnbelan

• C arry On Cary,- :. -3.30 Bt* j'L a n c b e s te r C arte l : r . i ‘4‘,40‘N ‘.' (!.Lariston Gi

R oyal A cclaim : .. .Royal Estlmate » 33 Sarahaahv'o ,

2,15 H - Satisool ’ ‘: ;• 2:00.S3.45 h S am ln Hollow 2.30 N4.30 R • Sayyure (USA)1.45 H ■" S ecret O bsession (U SA f^9-

'5.00 R ' i " ' i ; ‘ r8.30 L Seldom In : J •: i .2 .3 (W w Sesam e ’ - ^ 5

Setongo. ; . v‘ > ■. 2 .3& 'N /Seven Sons.1 c ‘ ’ * 3 Shadow B oxer * 3.4s3tf5 ■Sharp T h is tle • 5 - . S h eriln e .

:3.05 N 2.00 S4.30 R 1

-,3.16 H2.30 N

: 3.30 R

3-41224: Greenwich PapiUon (11): W Carter. 3 8 Held 2 -,.. 5 „,:; 3-1154 Bralswidc (28) G Wragg-3 8:4— .-...„G Carter. 4 ; BETTING;1 itens Batshoof, 7-2 Pelorus, 9-2 GreenwichPapUloii, HBralswick, ■

12-1 Organza. • . :. V. "■ Charlie Burton-' -S.OO.W'T .Light.of Morn (USA)■3.15 JOHN MALLINSON 2-Y-O CLAIMING STAKES, ^

8.30 L5.10 N


.-•r' V•7

• '.9, 10 11: 12.

• 13 :/ 14


£2.000 added 2m; £1,674. , ,„ „ .»Vi. . • •■'• Borafos R Thompson 1012......... .... ..R Dimwoody.

.Desert Dancer J O’Neill 10.12 Dwyer (B)Doodle Dandy Ronald Thompson 1012......'..;...'.....G Harker

••■ O' High Faith (7> H Rohan 1012— .P. A FarreULieutenant General C Thornton 1012...........D WilkinsonPrix du'Nord (USA) ;B Preece 1012„.'.'...— .GaryXy.ons-ffl

: Roche N Callaghan 1012—.!.... - ..............-•••s: ■ Sansool' N Callaghan 1012 .....................---H Davies4 ''Arrandale-tflTl’arkes 10 7 B M ey 3

Dream Team A Fowler 10 7 —«»»—™.—..—»D Byrne (3), . ,-Koo. N Tinkler 10 7 . - - - - ---------.i-G.McConrt

4 04821-4' The Cobalt Unit (7) B Byford 1010 0 ...G MartinBETTING: Evens Bold In Combat, 9-4 Canon Class, 10-3 The Cobalt Unit, i2*l Tuxford. 1

3.30 JACK DANIELS NOVICE HURDLE, £1,800 2m, . £1,224. •

1 Eleven Lights (USA) Mrs'G Reveley 5 U 0»...... P. Niven. 2 : 20/5006-: .Slippery Max (64) D Nicholson,5110 Donwoody

• 3 -02F/F4/- Utopian (626) G Roe 11110.;........................ Guest

■Miss Examiner- WBlssill 10 7. v. Shenine''M:H Easterby 10 7.

Show Us Glory R Thompson 10 7—. -Stag? Queen F_Jcrdan_l0 7..:...~.....



^.S'Hahis (7) P Williams (7)

5l- O'Leary 10 7 WyerBETtinW'*5 Sherzine,' 4*i Arrandale, 11-2 Desert Dancrr, 6-1 Koo, 8-1 Weffie,

- lOrl'Sansool & Stage Queen,'14*1 others..i!'*1 . •*• • ; .

2.30 CROFT ORIGINAL HANDICAP HDRDIiE, £3,000 . -i • added; 2m,-<£2(259. •; ■ „

1 7.654611: Spanish Reel (64);(D> -J .Edwards.7-.11.13..,,.„.:R Bellamy.- K.f 3212311:: Sllive Felim'(68) -W A Stephenson 9116.....:..-...-.p.Grant,

:00032P- Frendly Fellow (64)'(D)'1F -Jordan 510 8-. J Lodder (7) (B) 333P0S.-.,-.Mlss Relsnn (63) (D) Mn G Reveley 510 4....-.™..P Niven

5- Horan's Run (29fl C Tinkler 41011--.- --.R Rihey (3)6 On! On A Flyer (7) J O'Neill 510 9...— .M Dwyer

: 03-. Escape Path (82) K'Morgan 410 6.-..:.... -.-..S Turner (3)5S4- ;Joyfnlness (FR) (84) P Bevan 410 6 , -TWall

- 8 . . . Lucky Grove S BowrinK410.6............— ........S Mitchell. -. 9 ' 3050-, Rhig Me Back (162) Gllebbi^on 410 6-....-RGreene(7)

BETTING: 118 Escape Path, 3-i Eleven Lights, 5-1 Slippery Max, 8-1 Out On A "Flyer, 10-1 Hogan’s Run, 12-1 others; ■'

04)0622 Kind of Shy (12) R Hollinshead 7 7 G Hind (5) 12BETTING: 11-4 A1 Hanash, 4-1 Gathering Speed, 9-2 Jadeite, 6-1 Island 'Jetsetter, 1 8-1 Liquid Asset & Tyrnippy, 10-1 Premier Prince, 14-1 others.

2.15 CORAL BOOKMAKERS HANDICAP STAKES, £10,000 added 5f. £8.090.

. 1 350030 Perion (22) (CD) G Lewis 710 0 ..—..Pat Eddery 17. 2 060500 Glencroft(22)(C)(D) DChapman5 9 6

■ ' C CampbeU (7) 10 (B)3 553250 • Cumbrian Waltzer (11) (D) M H Easterby-4 812

. J Birch (7) 151130-10 Hufoof (42) (D) . H Thomson Jones 3 810.—...N Carlisle 16463330 Absolution (11) (D) DChapman5 8 8........ J Carroll 14

■ 242145 SU Captain (14) (CD) P Howling 5 8 8 i,-W Newnes 7• 105212 Miami Banker (lO) (D) P Arthur 3 88 ---.JReld 5■000220- Blues Indigo (14) (D) J Wharton4 8 6—.......J Williams 350(H)10 Come On Chase Me'(36) (CD) J Etherington 5 8 4-

G DuIIIeld 2000240. Chaplins Club (USA) (11) (CD) ,D Chapman 9 81

, ' . ....... M Wood 13 (B)466122- Hlcro'Love (12) (D) (BF) L Cottrell 5 8 1„„.'— ..P Cook 8 ; 22&-051 ■ Hong Kong Girl (10) (D) J Berry 3 7 9.— .,.G Hind (5) 12.325044 Joe Sugden (14) (D) R Whitaker 5 7 9 .......—•„G Carter 1

1/5-0000. O m ani (9) (D) M Usher 5 7.8-S,:-’ -—C Rutter 4111112 Kabcast (3)(D) (BR D Chapman 4 7 8.-S Wood(5) 11 (B) 001U1 Pendor Dancer (6) (D) W Carter 6 7 8 (4ei)N Adams 9 (B)

”!)(D) LCodd677... ..........T.Williams 6

' 1 2

-. 3 , 4 5 ; 6 7: 8 9

■403001 Madr»co‘(7) (C) (D) LCodd6 7 7-4.00 J & B RARE NOVICE ’CHASE; £2,600 added

2m 74yd, £1,782. , /

— - - - - - ^ ............ - - *- t wall Walt2er, Hong Kong Giri'& Skl’CapWn,-9-l‘Penon i'Joe Sugden, 10-1.;Absolution, Madraca&Come On Cha.seMe, 12-rBltesIi:dltP & Micro Love, 16-1. 3 0/P060U-" Polar Ice (63) J Harris 13.10 12-.--.---.--™

. 4 00332P- Red Procession (64)- PLiddle 5 10 9.— .....-- -M Dwyerr ■•••' 5 365140-;' Hallow* (247)--P'Pritchard 7:iO 7.....: r.:..-.S I O'Neill (V); :BETnNGI-'ll-10 Roy Prince, 5-2 Red1 Procession,’9-2 (^plains Answer, 8-1

Hallowed, 12-1 Polar Ice.

■ others. -

£3,500 added 6 f, £2,978. . . .■ 6164 -Seven-Sons(30) (BtV-J-Berry 8 13.'-.v..'......-.v....iJ Carroll.9 -203231 Beehive Boy (11) (D) C Tinkler 810 G-Dnflleld 4-.

'. 422253 Kumada (12) F Lee 8 9’...........................'...S Perks' 1 (B)- 12' Lucky Barnes (23) (BF) W Pearce 8 8 ..~. —D Nlcholls 7 .

■ 011435-'Spanish Realm (23)'M Brittain 8 8,-.....,.:.S Maloney (7) 6 -. 562 Hard To Get (23) -I Balding8 7.!:—.-—..Pat Eddery 8 .(B)

. -35 Golden Torque'(45)-Mrs J Ramsden 8 6....W.Newnes-2 (V). '0006 Ramification (5) G Lewis 8 2...-— I,',.C Rutter .5. :

' 060 Soverelgh'Hill (21) M H Easterby 713—.... . Williams 3.-.BETTING: 1M Beehive Boy,’ 3-1' Hard To Get, 4-1 Spanish Realm, 11-2 Golden Torque :8-l Lucky.Bames & Seven Sons, 12-1 others. 7 1 ; - . - : . .3.45 EBF HERMITAGE GREEN MAIDEN STAKES

:!(2-Y-0),.£3;500 added 6f, £2,733. ;1 -. 22 - Curved Blade (FR) (28) (BF) J-Gosden 9 0 G Brown 42 . ' 0 I Perceive (79). F Lee 9 0 -:- .'------- ;----- -_S Perks 6.3 .. ' Kadim (USA) H Thomson/Jones 9 0i_^.—-„N Carlisle 2 '4 ' - . 5 -Airienddfoppingin(28) MTompkins8 9—__TWilliams 3 .

' 5 . - - , Claudia Miss W'Haigh 8 9.__— -.;— WNewn« 5•;: 6 ' :v.40 WyhsVision(24) DThom89— .—___ .AShoults 1

BETTING: 11-10 Curved Blade, 7-2 Kadim, 4-i Wyns.Vision, 7-1 Afrienddroppin- gin, &-11 Perceive, 20-1 Claudia Miss.; ... -. 7 . / ..:

4.15 HARVEY JONES HANDICAP STAKES, £8,000 added lm 2 f 130yd, £4,542. •-':-

1 280-351 Rambo’s Hall (30) (O' J Glover 4 910— D-Nlcholls 5 ;2 1-10200 Dancing Monarch (36) R Hollinshead 4 9 6.— ^ Perks 7 .3 150040 Own Free Will (81) (CD) Mrs J Ramsden.4 9 2- -

- - W Newnes 64 601/4-41 Tnrbine CTadp (17) (D) Mrs L Piggott 4 8 13-Pat Eddery 35 002000- ChimesQf’nieDawn(299) DBmdieI15 87-EPrice(7) 2

'6 000-106 BaIlfdnrrow{15)(CD) RFSsher 1281-— —iWiffiams.l7. .0-64013 . Black. Comedy (5) P ) J Mackie 6 77- _ G Carter 4

' BETTING: 94 Turbine Blade, 7-2Black Comedy, 4-1 Rambo’s Hall, ll-2Dancing Monarch,.7-1 Own'Free Will, 8-1 Baliydurrow, 12-1 Chimes of The Dawn.. ’ _...

C him es o f T h e ' D a w n . . . .•*, . v'tl .H .-r'l.iqUid'AsCTt :

Choral Sundown > -3 0 R jtlrchor'-.V * ' Cbiupiny’s Favouritav;’ . rA'Xord:Glcn*:

'rv.'SiSOTIi ■ Barnes Clarentia «;■ .2;l5 H..: Xticky Grove:.Classic Suite ,. (>, ;;.2l3ftiN>y.}XyndseylMr', Claudia'Miss.Vv.v>3.4&<Hr '‘ *" A *"■ Claud Base ’> 830; ••Madnnnlna - .* Coincidental r',; ‘•X.3.00.JJV'v\,JMadracoJ f > .• •Come On Chase; Me2,15: ■H’ v-'rMflgic!At DaVvii (USA)C onnaughts D re a m tift'iN V v '^ . .. ;: .. ;• : V\!: S.00:R

’Ctordoba (USA) t v 4:40;J i:,v .M a ld M arin e r :- ' S^O .W Could Be CtoudyV.?\2.3&;l'irVM aJor D o n - County M c o ': - j S - I v o r ,Cowley-'-- ‘ ‘i'SflO;NS. 'iManhattan Boy.Crimson Glen-• 2f.00 E'. ;«’Marchinella' *.Crown'Class'(USA) 6.0d-Lv'Masons Avenue Cumbrian Wdt2er.;;2.Xfl'H:7<,Mcl6dy'':.‘ • -■. 'Cum!Oden ’ • 2,30 Ni rMiamfBflnher .Curved Blade (FB) 3.45 H 'f' -tMicxo Love .Dancing Monarch; v4.15'H;».Mlss 'Aboyne' •Dara'Dee -■•.4:iO‘N;V'Mlss Examiner;Denberdar ": ■ •‘7.30-'Wi :-.' Uss'Garuda.Deputy Tim V*3.M -N j l'

i/S h lft O ver (USA)Show Us G lo ry ,' •>. 2l0A&-r Showdown ' . « < 3 ,0 5 :1 ^ Shy M istress j. -^Ofl’R .S ilen t S is te r F; ;■S ing .T he B lues S iste r C hnbrias -6i00.inUi ’ S is te r C heryl " . Y 7JiQAsj

,S k iC a p ta in s ;{ . 2 , 1 5 : ^ SUcve FeliraV .' . W O CK SU p.U p. • 4 .3 g ; S -S lippery Mak, > ;S m a rt'In B lack! , , ; >1.35SV . Smartie*Leo{ , ■ j ; *7,QCtT4

..Sm iling B e a r (USA) 2 .3 0 ,5 i’3.30 S- J Sola 3^4111^2.30 R ‘ Sold ler:B rave >.

■ Sonic S ignal ;S outh Sands . ■ 3t30^IUi.Sovereign H ill ■■■< a S ^ i lV Span ish P rin cess .Span ish Realm > S S jI & ja ? ' Spanish R eel: 2 i^ a ^ -7

., 8,00 L > 1.45 H .' 8.30 L • ^^OR

3.15 H.

. 2.00 R '2 .0 0 . R

■-2.15 H

4.003.00 5.30 W

: 7.30 . L ; , fl.00 W :

2.00 R* 2.15 H

. 2 .1 5 H . 4.00 R

-2.00 S 5.10 N

D eputy T im ;> •' v»3’i05 N 'i “ i-MIss R e lsu n 1 - • ' 2.30 S j T ttC h a i D esert D ancer - ^2.00:S '- .^ I is s '! I a r^ ia n a ; ■ 3.05 ,N.!: Tzmoda

VY oyamaji mxi- .r ' Speedy S n a p s .I id 5^S0JW * r , S tage Queen*. ' Z W S •” ' s ta n d in g C oun t11 .'l^LEtffTL

' S tanhope : ■ ' ‘ ) . (r .;'4 ip ,- r S te a lth y ■ ; . v;S.Q0 -I S torm y P ra ise (USA) f r y

’S tra tfo rd P o n d s ' ~ S ugg ia . ' .•S uper R elative S u p erm a te .T a Chance

D iadem D ancer •< 8;30f- I ^ > ^ i is t r e fe Charley.-’ Doodle-Dandy v ' i jd o n a n i,: ' i*D ow nhill v - 6 .00 . Moo n • Ca ttu s ''D r Sock I t T o-M e> -7 .30 :X ^^* lr.K ew m ili- D ream Team \ ; -2 .00 'S 'M r; LeLE '

3*0 *N•5.00 R

E a ste r Glory; ;if > V - Z ' J 0 G r a y f ' J : ; .2.30 R E a ste rn D iam ond (USA)^ .-^v^ ilrs.H enny P enny 6.00: L ' . .T lar

Utnimii I Inhlit /T1CAV, • '-rVAHim ISittnA • . C nil .T .'Tiffl1

7.30 L - T arsho . i*8.00 L • T h an k s A-THUlion*' S.’flO j S t 4.10 N T har-A n-B harr ■ S.OO.-TT^4.00 R T he C ohalt U n it 3 ^ - 5 ^7 ,00 ‘L T he G a nnochy ,(U S A )jlr

Tlrirnm: -} ;; __ -T im e O n M y H ands£{ l

E leven l ig h ts (USA)^ -: V ’• ‘ • 6.00 - L .- {Tim othy’s Tby- 341..^. •• “ - ; 3^0 Sj--*-Ned’s Aura•-j 4.00 R .TringPaxk . , ; 2.QOj fEmbarkation' ,v -r3;40.N *•'Needwood Sprite " 2 -3 0 N7 ,Try Me Now. . 6.3 Emlyn'sDream - .4.10 He.;NewHalen: • 7.00 WTurbine Blade 4-JL,” • - “t(D SA ) 7 .0 0 'L —"T U d ileP U tetf ‘ . 3.40 N - T oxford . 3 S » S

E scape _ E ventide

! J o y . * ' ; 4 J 0 N : '•.‘N o asoefaPalaee 7JO W " T ^ rn lp w : LP a th . 3 ^ 0 S ^ ..N orqaay.(U SA ) - _ - L O O C n d e r T j je /W i i ig ; 7j

. Eylak fUSA) Fair Minstrel'' '

-2 ^ 0 -N . 3 .00‘R v , ,

. -.5.30 W -'-.-O cheeltol

4 333P0S* • Miss Relsun (6^ (D) Mrs G Rovslcy 5 10 4 Niveii . • •• • ,- —» a' ai i ff. is. '. .1225/P^ 'Smlllhg^Bear (USA) (7) M Chapman 610 0 ...i-.Jl . 4.30 GILBEYS GIN HANDICAP HURDLE, £3,000 added M C U / M u R I t F TR m ir .! fu Srianish=RmI: 5-2 MlkRfilsun? 7*2 Slleve'Tellm;' B-l;Brendly., ? > 2m 4f. £2.259. . ^ ■ „ IV k ■ l I T i n i l l l b I -. BETTING: 64 Spanish Reel, .5-2 lUss. Relsiinl7:? SU ve lFeltai M. ;jtendly..; .

Fellowj 121 Smiling Bear!;. : _.- ' : . \h - ‘- 7 ,. 1

T,riTTT r,t-Tnr? */It7 mtTVTiV c r ’TJATA ’P n A K f , 33.0b ’M C H E R S. PEACH COUNTY SCHNAPPS ’CHASE « ’(HANDICAP), £4,000 added: 3m 110yd, £2,664,

:•. l-7(53P52t' Canon Class (84) DUlcholson 812 0 ._ --~ D unw ood j '■ "T a s ' -j321222r' Bold In Combat (63) T Casey 6114— ——MLyndi.r'

3'?.7' 5534jP-.Turiord (7). O.Brennan 9103.—. Ml

2111 4f, £2,259.45S21-1 Smart In Black'(7) (D) 'G Rlcharas Tlf ll.Sr-.^’i.t j.Tuck 3640 IP* Pondered Bid (71) I Wardle:510 :7-.i&:,..M Wllllami (B) 140KO- We're In The Money (137) -G Roe'510 6.(.'--.^.-i^H Guest

4 300054- Slip Up (63) (D) F Gray 9 10 2.........:............— .H Crosse5; . F54152- Carbon Lady (63) P) J Harris 410 0-.. ~S Turner (3).

BETTING: 8-11 Smart In Black, 3-1 Pondered Bid, 6-1 Slip Up, 8-1 Carbon Lady, 16-1 We’re In The Money. -.

JULY COURSE: Wide galloping Tha Dufa j! ‘‘ : 'Courseof2mwithright-handediband;;-)v .a.rtnJpinrktnn’s'O w h 1 rri from the finish; the iastfuriong is, „ n g S H y j a B S S I t K i r 1- ' up H.- D rew^itt'e^va^ge.]

: - 3.40 -(A) Anadax (nap) 4.10 Moon Cactus . 4.40 Cordoba

F igure O at'(U SA ) . ‘3.<10 N ' “ O p e ra tio 'O IH fe d e rR o i i ^ ;^ X « .0 0 • O rganza-.: - 'F Jo ck to n ’s-.Own: • , 2100 N - O u tO n A F

WORCESTER. Left-handed'flat oval galloping /■ course of 1m 5f with ninfr ferices and-

flat 1 f run-in. . *

; :f GOING: FIHM (watered).

5 .3 0 ' SANDWELL SELLING HANDICAP HURDLE, - i’ j £l,800.added' Zva., £1,436. <If 102133/6- Brown Bear Boy (USA) (366) (D) Miss S Wilton 7 .U 11

‘ ; i'V*' ; S Smith Ecdes:• 13233FO Manhattan Boy .(106) (D): J Ffltch-Heyea 7119

The Duke5.30.Rol(ala6.00 Flls-de-Roi . .6.30 Green’s Fine Art7.00 :Vislon of Wonder7.30 Bidston Mill8.00 Sister Chabrias

Ju l iu s •5.30 Rokala -6.00 Fils-de-Rol .,6.30 Green’s Fine Art :7.00 Vision of Wonder

- 7.30 Bidston MU1 :8.00 Samhaan ,!

101 • loa


105 108 Iff?

H ” D O'Sullivan (7) TO

Rees 710 3 .W Worthington.i lOO ....../.M Jones (7),0- .--.......-.'/..--.B Powell;

3 ? 022F1-2 Rokala'(7) (D)>(BF) N-Tinkler 4112-..:-.--G McCourt■ '■'4 - 60046-6 Maid Mariner (7) (CD); Miss G Rees

' S ’ OPOOF6/-. Fair Minstrel (449) R'Dickin510‘6 : 6O6POO- Tianun (190) (D) .G Ham 710 0...................... _ _. .7; 300P0- Speedy Snaps.Lad (87) .K Bridgwater 410 0 J...A-Wehb.(B);

.' BETTING: 8-11 Rokala,;4-l Manhattan Boy, 6-1 Tiarum,9-1 Maid Mariner, 14-1 Brown Bear Boy, 25-1 others.'; v j -. , - '• / '.'6.00 WOLVERHAMPTON HANDICAP ’CHASE, £2,700

’ added 2m, £2.127. ' ■ ,: ! :1. 244614- Thar-An-Btiarr (71) (D) J Upson 71112.-1..-G BOhane (g2 212401- Downhill Run (68) (D) J White 8112.......I....D Skyrme (7)3 ' 41315-2 FiIsnie-Rol.(5) (D) -Mrs S.Oliver 8 10 6— 4— ...R Hyett

BETTING: 11-8 Fils-de-Roi. 7^ Downhill Rim, 2-1 Tharr-An-Bharr. . - 7

. 6.30 WALSALL 3-Y-O NOVICE HURDLE, k l,800 2m,' £1,224. ' - •!

1 Clond Base - O O'Neill 1010...............— .I.......- A ’Wehh-■ : 2 • Green’s Fine Art M Pipe 1010........... - ,',-P Scudamore'

3 ' Jubilee Monday B Preece 10 10— ..——.'..Gary Lyons (7).4 • Sayyure (DSA)-N Tinkler 1010;...... :..... - i —G McCourt■5 The Gannochy (USA) N Hendeison 1010 .R Dnnwoody (B)

' 6 ( 1- v ■■■'■ Try.Me.Now J Upson 10:10— ............ ..... j — —V ' ' GalwraLady, RHolder 105.......—---------- J.„NColeman

. - , .8 '- Ta Chance William Price 10 5.— —-___ —'...B DowUngBETTING: 2-1 Sayyure; 3-1 Green’s Fine Art, 4-1 The Gannochy i3-2 Try. Me: Now, 8-1 Galwex Lady, 16-1 Cloud Base, 20-1 others. : \ . .

7.00 MICHAEL LOW HOMES NOVICE ’CHAiSE, £2;600 . added 2m 4f, £1,917.

1 04P0U-4 Al;Amarady (7) R Peacock 7110.... S J O’Neill

. 2 556/PM High Class Agent (USA) (5) M Churches 1111 0Mr C Maude (7)

. -3 4232U/0- Irish Guest (94) N Mitchell 8110......... A Tory (8) :r 4 .4312F/P- Just Blake (135) J Roberts'8110 - - ............ JB Dowling ,

5 22226-3 New Halen (7) A James 8110— .....................E Tierney. (7)6' -64/004- Ocheekobee(44) GHamlOllO.- ............. -.BPowell'-

•-7 PPCPFP- Westgate (68) J Webber 7110_________ -.— M Lynch8 1 00612-5 Vision of Wonder (7) (BF). J King 51011... S Smith Eccles '

- BETTING:'MAi-Amarady,ilNewHaIen;7-2VlsionofWonder,13-2Hl iClass . Agent, >1 Ocheekobee, 12-1 Irish Guest, .14-1 others.

7.30 HALESOWEN HANDICAP HURDLE, £2,000 added 2m 2f, £1,520.

1 -.0/4331-1- Denberiir (5) A James'6 12 5 (5ex)»; '— S J O’Neill. ■2 ' U5F305- Hard To Hold (67) D Thom 6 1 1 1 0 PScudamore-;3 *323123- Four Sport (96) J Fflldi-Heyes 7118........... -P Verllng ® ■

_ 4 ' :0FP10U- Nonsndi Palace (91) N MilcheU 5117______ A Tory (5)5 005221- Btdston Mill (68) R Bennett 4 111— -M Ferrell {Bj6 /2PF6F- Red Bolt (247) PEvans 7:10 12 ....... ...TWall 7

' BETTING: 5-4 Denbardar, 3-1 Four Sport, 4-1 Bidston Mill, 8-1 Hard To Hold; 124'NonsuchiPalace, 14-1 Red Bolt ’ .........8.00 STOURBRIDGE NOVICE HURDLE, £1,800 2m,

- £1,224. - -7 1 F21/53U- Charlie Burton (77) G Jones 7110-....... .' HDavlesffl)

2 : 623000-' Samhaan (98) -M McCormack 7110„;...D Gallagher (3) fflj3 . P0- Hard Hollow (100) B Smart 41011-— .R Dnnwoody ®4 Masons Avenue'N Tinkler 41011 .....'....—G McCourt';5- 3/0P3F- Spanish Princess (81) G Enright 510 9 -., -MPenctt.6 - 7 0- QnartoTera(179) RHolder4106........ .'— „,.-.NColeman..

■ , 7 ■ Sister Chabrias M Pipe.410 6...........— I:.P Sradamore 'BETTING: 2-i Sister Chabrias; 94 Masons’Avenue, 4-1 Samhaan, 13-2 Charlie.

. Burton, 8-1 Spanish Princess, 14-1'others.7 7

■ TV.— CHANNEL 4: 3.5,3.40; 4.10 and 4.40.GOING: GOOD TO FIRM. . V


2.00 ROWBOTHAM BAXTER MAIDEN 3-Y O STAKES, i £5,000 added lm 2f, £3,817. ,

0 Big Bear (40) L Cumani 9 0;. .'......,..,.......R Cochrane 403 BlnDaahir(U SA )(12) PWalwyn9 0.—.-.— -GBaxter 5;

2-2602 Flockton’s Own (15)- J Shaw 9 0..:— ;..... W Carson' 6 (V)- ' 64 Northern Flagship (USA) (22) M Stoute 9 0.

J." W R Swinbum 1■ 2. Operation Wolf (35) 'C Brittain 9 0 , ,M Roberts 300 Trine Park (24) M Tompkins 9 0 ...; -M Birch 2

" 0 -Bose's Pride (24) Capt; R Smyly 811.....— --S Cauthen 7';BUTTING: i u Operation Wolf, 5-2 Flockton’s Own. 7-2 Northern Flagship, 6-1 •

. Big Bear, m Bin Daahlr, 25-l R<Be’s Pride, 33-1 Trtog Park; ' \

2.30 AIR NEW ZEALAND 3-Y-O CLAIMING STAKES, £4,000 added lm, £3;314.6-01006 Sonic Signal (35)! M Haynes 9 0...----- :.:.:,R Fox 1100524 Classic Sutte (12) .(D) R Whitaker 813—WR Swinbum 3

frOOO Could Be Cloudy (102V J Jenkins 813—Paul Eddery 9,(B) 0-50 Soldier Brave (26) I Balding 813— — —...J Matthias 7....■(H) Cumloden (22) R Hannon 811..... - A McGIone 8

004406 Pocketed (USA) (7) Mrs L Piggott 811... R Cochrane: 160400067 Seldom In (42) J Wharton 811______:..... —.A Proud-18" 00- Aragon Gin (324) E Eldln810_ '.AMackay.13 .032-203 Bomn Gorgeous (25) HHEasterijy 8 10— M Birch 14000-100 Joy's Tty (78) (D) Pat Mitchell 810 „S O'Gorman (5),11

, 5.10 Light of Morn

' 2.00 Operation Wolf - ■ 2.30 Needwood Sprite,.

3:05 Showdown r'- ''v: 3.40 Tarsho 4.10 Moon Cactns.(nap)

: 4.40 Cartel ■;. 5.10 Light of Mom.' ■

: Flower- Girl ■Fond'Kiss

.Own: . , 2100 N '.- O n t O n.A Flyer. ■ I 'M • ffOO. f tH -O w h ' F ree W ill;

liFour Sport ‘At Last

- j5 .1 0 'N j: .P eacew ork;;!-.. . 7.30' W - ,PearI;W hIto 'f • 6 .3 0 ,^

F ree A l L a st . fl.00 U O iH el6 rasr4 ,IJ(JI‘..O fti2r45 -H.... F rend ly Fellow . ^ 't '2 .30-S ^ i lPehdor<'DancerivT''>245.-H 3- G alw ex L a d y ‘. - . v \ f l . 3 0 .^ P e r i o i i i - ^ . ^ V .1- - 1- 2.15 H-

,G B th e rin g 'S p e e d r,.l;.45:H !‘j ^ P ers in n .E m p erb r',..5 4 0 .N G haram (O SA )' ' * ’

- G hayaat (USA)

iT lafcship (DSAy ' C n ird y al W Indw ay2.00 N .U topian , —

•:7.00 W:*- • V encerem os . . 3.i.2 .00 N j... ' ‘ ”

- 2.45 H*1- 3.30J.

:• 4 ;iS ’H 'SAQ ~

Virginia’s. Bay V wViston*bf Wondtirin7iOoO>via

‘/We’re In The Money U ir.fe 4j

•H •.'•.Weffle• Westgatc.: .Windatum ; ' J k'''3,Q Wyns Vision Yamoshita (USA)3.C. •Young Hal 11 .- vJ

)■ ::-:4;lQ'.N.v;P]flliLPflct. V 8.30'L. Yaj i).;::tia.pq-;Ki;pockctetf;(DSA) . r ‘-*30-N ’ :'*oi

022031. Nickle Plated (28) (D) G.Wra® 49 5. Paul Eddcry:12 . . _ . ri ..i 3-24313. Stratford Ponds (28) (D) J Dunlop 4 9:1— -...W Caison 4 m a r i p Y n n 'r - * t i ^ ■■ ■ ■-------- V ' '— r r i s & c4 ^ 1 1 P 0 B o l M P a t r i c k (2« ) ( D ) M H E a s t e r b y 4 8 1 2 B i r c h 8 ' ; ; i : D V T A M V K F L L F V ' ^

; 153122 Golf Palace (DSA) (7) (D) - R Akehnrst 4 89 .~S Caiithen. 2,-; < • 8 s t : 121b ’ to v W lll'iy -a 'rn e c k :. Pi flCLLtvf > ^1- Horn Dana (USA) (296) (C) G Harwood3 ^ ;. f ro m ' DiviiliB: Petr,'atV.GoOd-;v'?Tv7~v i ^

'533056' timothy’fi Toy (88) CBrittain4<8 « ^ ^ W.M Roberts 1 i*WOOd; (6f) ' g o ;W ell 6ver-/-i'® &-— (6 h cedi 3 a 5 ^ — :---------------------------a HcGione 5 : n i c e ly . w e i g h t e d / i i n ; : t h e l o t i g e r t r i p vo f t h e - B i l e r l S P t

Hills3 .. Coral; B ookm akersrH ahdit:N ew Z ea lan d H an d id lr ‘:f\ o f " / v 'i ’jjtv't.—j. • • - • j . j f

m202203204205206207208209210 211 '212213214215216

/ 217218

3 La Ballerine (33) C Brittain 810*. 0-55123': Needwood Sprite (15) B Morgan 8 10.~ 0600-00 ‘ Sarnia Hollow (25) M Tompkins 8 10~000-00 [ome 8 9~

M Roberts 4 W Carson;15'

Hills io Raymond 5 -

C Wlgham<171 J Qamn'(3) 2;

>m.B Crossley .6 -



Racing returns

Redbar. i l . , -GOING: FIRM.

.*• 2.15 MAIDEN 2-Y-0 7f, £3,B37. r,- v- : l , BASANYEA M B irch 6*4 tav; 2, Rope T rick M : .

.-•• 3 ..P rincess M arie lla 11*2.11 ra n . S h .h d 11 2. M .. Tom pkins. .Tote: W in £2.70; places £ lil0 , £2.70, .

; • £2,50? DF:.£fl.90.-CSF:( £10.78.' •'2 >45-2‘Y*b SELLING 0f. £2,553.--. -.

. f. .1. WINE CELLAR M B irch 2*7 tav ; 2 ,.Cocked H at G irl lS^l; 3, A rab ian N ym ph 7-2.4 r a n ,21 n k 7. M H

^Easterby-VTote:-W in £1.10; DF: £2.80-CSF::£4.54. .. . 3.15 3-Y-O HANDICAP SI, £3,106.' f• 1; BLYTON LAD S W eb J t e r U ; 2, P rev a ilin g W ind •' 14-1; 3 , A lexandra K a trin e 5-1. BA fav T he Queen

of Souj,:8 ra n . i sh hd. J B alding. Tote: W in £5.10; -‘p laces 21.40, £3.20, £1.70. DF: £50.50.;CSF: £59.68:

T ricast: £333.01. N on-runner: Slgama.(USA)',. 1 ', ,

3.45 HANDICAP 2m .8f.:£2,758. > '< : . v. 1. AUTONOMOUS K D arley 15*2;-2, . Y orkshire

Holly, 6-1; 3,' W hite Jasm in ll*4,'>4-6.fav ’B u rn t - Fingers. 4 ra n . Hd 1. D Chapm an;-Tbta: W in;£14.10. DF: £12.30. CSF: £38.07. • . v J ■ . ;4,15 APPRBN nCS'H A N D ICA P lm 2f, £2,363.''1, GLASTONDALE C H odgson 2-1 fav; 2. Ivo rosld 3*1; 3, L eacroft 9-2.6 ra n . 3 J F Lee. T ote: W in £2.90; •

. p laces £1^0, £150. DF: £350. CSF: £8.03. '

4.45 MAIDEN 3-Y-O lm St. C2.760. . . .1, NADIAD L -D etto ri-w a lked over. L C uinanl,

. N on-runner: Lasors Lulaby. ‘ i -

‘ PLACEPOT, £jll8.5D. • •

L m j j f i e l d '

s f ‘ A G O IN G :' STRAIGHT, FIRM: •■ . REMAINDER, FIRM (h ard p a tc h e s ).;

’ 3.00 NUBSERYSf. £2.611. -. •* "-1. NOBODYS SWEETHEART D ale G ibson 3-1; 2, N out 4-6 fav; 3. M usical F lash 16-1. 4‘ra n . 1-2. P

• C ole,. T o te :-W in £3.90; DF: £1.90. - CSF: £5.75. -N on-runner: A strid G U berto,/. •>-i< .: ‘ , . .

. 2.80 iV - t i SELLING 61, £2^06, ; V :-' ' '' l,S IR S E M W ig h am 1 0 -1 ;2 ,K a ap stad 5 -1 ;3 ,T a k e

A B a th 7-2.6-5 fav A ng]ointernatlom iI. 5 ra n . 4 3. M Tote: W in.£9.00;'placc8^£3J»,; £3.60. DF:

,£18.80.' CSF: £47.02.' N on-runner; H eaven’s .Gate.

•3.00 HANDICAP lm 2f, £4,010., 1, STORM FORCE (USA)‘J R eid 9*4; 2, Shotiche

,(uS A ) 9-2;.3 , P a rB d o n 4 ^ fa v .:3 ranr-H d l j . R !- .-.A k eh ttre i.T o te : Win £2.70. DF; £2,60. CSF: £SJ1. •

.- 3.30 2^Y*0 GRADUATION 7f, £2,187.• - 1, ROBELLATION (USA) G S ta rkey 2*11 tav ; 2,. S ink T he F le e t (USA) 11*2; 3 ,rTarazed (ITY) B*l. 3

vTan. 4 6; G H arw ood. Tole; W in' £1^0. DF: £1.40. ; : CSF:',£1.71. •-, 1: -, , . ■ r-. *.

• - .4.00 HANDICAP 6f, £2.500.^, • J ‘l , M ISS M ARJORIE I^A dam s 6-1; 2, Chic A n tiaue 11*4 lav ; 3, D erra leen a ' 20*1.10 ra n . i 2. L H olt.

• Tote:'.W in :£6.10; rta ces £1.90, £1.30,-£5.10. DF:. £8.40. C S F :'m i0 .:T ? lc a s t: £280.95. ; •

4 ^ 0 MAIDEN 3*Y*0 lm 4f,-£1,920. .41J LOVELY FAIRY J R eid 4*5 fav; 2, SUIy H ab it , (USA) 0*4; 3; H e llavaT im e 11-2,6 ra n . 5 6. W J a rv is . ' ■ T ote:............ — ............

£4.60; p laces £2^0, £1.40. DF:.'£4.30. CSF: £8 ^5 .'< T ric a s t£ 2 4 J8 . N on-runnen .L ord I t O v e r,' •• ‘2 ^ N O V IC E ' ,CHASE '3m, £ 2 il7 5 .'

1,-FIESTA DANCE G ary Lyons 10-11 fav; 2, Pigeon Is lan d 9-2; 3 , 'B onn ie A rtis t 5*1. 5 ra n .-1] nk . -J

' Leigh. T ote: W in El-SOlplacos £1.10, £Z.00.Df: £3.40. .'CSF: £4.79.-v: * ,

. ‘ 3^25.NOVICE HURDLE 2m 4ft £1,716.1, BANNEROL (USA) C G ran t 10-3; 2; A rd ra D u k e - 3-1 J t fa v rS r L ev isham -3-i; 6 ra n . .8.10. M rs S

: B ram alL T ote: W in £4.10; p ieces £2.40, £2^0. DF:. • £4.60. CSF: £13.1B. N on-runner: Baw nruadh.,

; 3.55 HANDICAP ’CHASE 2m 5f, £3.198.• 1 ,'HAZY SUNSET P Scudam ore 1-5 rav ; 2> In d ia n

7-2. [2 ra n . 30.C B ro o k s ., Tote: W in . £1J0 . - N o n -ru n n er G owan H ouse. H azy S unset fell a t th e

. -la s t fence b u t w as rem ounted.

:'4.30 NOVICB'CHASE 2m , £2,050. -.1, SIGNORE ODONE L W yer 8-11 lav ; 2, L o ttie 's F u ry 11-4: 3, M r F an ach e 11-1: 5-ra n . 25 6. M H .

: E aste rby . Tote::W in £1.60: places £1.10,- £1.80. DF: £2.10. CSF: £2.93. . 7 .

5.00 3-Y4).HCRDLE 2m , £1,826. ’•1, SY B ILtlN K D w yer &-2 j t fav ; 2, H ighflE ld . - P rin ce 7-2; 3 , C atch A t S traw s 20-1. O ther Jt lav: Ind ian M aestro.'14 ra n . 2t 20. J F itzG erald . T o te :' W in £2.90; places £1.10, £2S0, £9.80. DF: £5.70. CSF: £12.63. - .:V

•rLACEPOT:-£8.CO.:.7 . :

9-2; 3, P odrida 11-8 fav . 10 ra n . U I I . M rs J Bam sdcn. Tote: W iii £13.00: ptacea £3.50,'.£1,70.. £1.40. DF: £42.40. CSF: £52.05. TricasU £92.48.

8.00 2-Y-O GRADUATION 6f, £2,733.1. H UT AH (USA) S C au then 1-12 fav; J , N um ber One Son 12-1; 3, S o p e n n fe r 33-1. 4 ra n . 5 1L H C edL T ote: W in £1.10. DF: £2.70. CSF: £234.-. .8 J 0 MAIDEN lm '2 f l3 0 y d ,-£3^72. .1. SARTORIUS S C anthen 10-11 fav; 2, Lucky R ound 4-1; 3, R osebery A venue S -l. 10 ra n . 4 6. H - CedLTote:.W in£2.00; places £1^0, £1.70. £1.70: DF: £4.10. CSF: £5.15. N on-runners: C h ie fs Choice and .

■ Dem okos (FR). ' ' ; :■PLACEPOT: £13.10. • : :

Hirsel Law (33) 3 Doi _County Meo WMusson S

310400 1 Easter Gloij (7) A Lee 8 G..... I...000 Seta&go (7) D Thom 8 6..................

3044 Eventide (14) A Hide 8'4.....„;.; -Dale Gftson (S) 12 (B)BETTING: 7-2 Bollln Goreeous, 5-1 Classic Suite, 6-1 La Ballerine, 7-1 Needwood Sprite, 8-1 Sonic Signal £ Pocketed, 10-1 Eventide, 12-1 Joy’s Toy, 14-1 Sarnia Hollow. 1S-1 others. • X, . '' ’ ■■'.3.05 DICKINS INVITATION STAKES (LIMITED

---------- " — ----------------- ’ ’ ’ - — 3 3 4 _

.Carols Eddery' 2:: 5 912 -

• S Canthen. 3000302 Bib Piedias (14) ABailey 5 011.,.; ..Franca Vlttadlnl 1003JS1 Windatnm (14) Mrs N Macauley 4 910..Jennie Gooiding 7 - 50-301 Showdown (31) (D) Sir Mark Prescott 3 9 3 __B Crossley. 9 ■330122 Knock Knock (9) I Balding 4 91 .....— __T Ives 8.000114 Shadow Bonr (17) (D) J SutdifTe 3 813

. . . : - Non-rmmer states'trainer: 4 . ’420-226 Itoyal Acdaim (M) A Hide'4 8 1 2 Amanda Harwood 6

6023 Vencsmos(22) R Williams 3 8 : 1 2 - . . , . . , Cochrane. 5 BETTIKG:' U4 Knock Knock, 103 Venceremos,, 9-2 Showdown, B-l Miss Sangane', 8-1 Rio Piedias & Ej^al Acclaim, 12 otheis. .. .3.40 BRIERLEY NEW ZEALAND HANDICAP STAKES,

£25,000 added lm 4f, £19,087. ■401 005541 Sesame (16) (D) D Morley 4 10 0 :.R Cochrane;7

' 402 403

' 404.' 405 . 406,

■ 407: '408">'- .300-21 Taraho (24) (_.. >409= : 4-41; Figure Out (USA) (7) BHanhmy.383.' 410' 0631 Secret Obsession (USA) (35) (C) M Stoute 3 713

. . . Dale Gibson (5)15.4 1 1 - 611 Embarkation (42) L Cumani 3 712 _DDmmadlle(7)10412 051331 Pokey's Pride (7)(D) M Tompkins 6 7 1 1 _ A Mackay 13'413 . 042422 Anadajt (lO) ,M Ja rr is -4 .7 1 1 _ -------------- .RFoi il' 4141 ’ 010044 Checkpoint Charlie (7) (D)' W Jarvis 4 7 9_J Fortune (5) 9.

1 415 '. 640112 Caspian Gates (17) (D) A Lee 5 1 7— J Quinn (3) 14BETTING: 11-2 Secret Obsession & Stratford Ponds, 13-2 Nickle Plated, 74 Gulf

. Palace 4 Anadai.9-1 Sesame Si Tarsho, 10-1 Embarkation, 12-1 Bollln Patrick,14-1 Figure Out,-15-1'others

4.10 GILBEYS GIN SWEET SOLERA STAKES<■/ Race, 2 YtO fillies);.£15,000 added ;7f, £10,v/u. . '

5 0 1 " 1 Gharam (DSA) (15) A Stewart 9 0___ ^ MEobots4 . a j i N e w m a r K e ^ i m - ^ i ;602 1- Antoinette Jane (29) (D) G Harwood 811 ™.GStarkey 1 - • '• • •''• -•503 55 Data Dee (16) C Brittain 8 8........ .............. B Raymond: 5.504 ■; • 0- Emlyn’s Dream (60), R Guest 8 _ — .~P Brette 2.■505 ' i S 3135 Efflless Joy (25) R Williams 8 8™.'........-:.. —Tlves 3

' 506 , , , , 2: Moon Cactus (24) (BF) H.CMiB 8.......;...i......S Cauttten 6BEltlNG: 10-11 Moon Cactus,.3-1 Gharam,:4-i Antoinette Jane, -10-1 Endless'•Joy: 20-1 Dara Dee, 50-1'Emlyn’s Dream:-i^ d ^ A Y RICHWHITE KARAMEA - MAIDEN 2-Y-O

STAKES (colts & ; geldings),-£5,000 added. Gf,r (FjCr), I dy Graco (IV-Jl-wsoii (Di’i'erry's '-. Hor.cyi £3 785' ' ■ 1 ■■tMr-Olk Mchtoxt sjWfjtaBgMtoo; -■ 4 *Age bf Miracles (7) .:CjC ^ r' 9'0 M...'.‘...;..:r....»Panl Eddery 7, Pabdin, Crazy,. M.

cap. (5f) at^!^ydocK^tl^;y: :(tm4f)"butvictory coiildigu^ a f te r n oo n a ti d s h o u 1 d ; to . Anadax,. who- carriteiM score,- probably ; the % lost to four lengths beHin^G consistent Kabcast; the .useful Hard:As Irofli^': T h e 'D i c M n s ^ ^ 4 t e t i 6 t f :' i:R e d c a r ( lm i f ) . ‘Limited Handibap^lm) a t , . . '*NewmarketSmay^gb^to':-'.-’ TV SELECTIONS«

'.‘ .Cordoba.

Greyhound racing ••■"•a

A SK ER N C A R D --7.30(2^m ^trcs')Shaiin’s . . 7 R apid-O pinion, F iritans S ta r,'P ale,:■.Dal fannV' minnu'Mi'innu ^Hhrtr. Arrniv O SI . fSIVH ' PfllUir Tlau/n *!nitrf Pi

601',. .,,602 ' 603

604 ...805-c ,606’:. 607'

‘Nick of.Ttae.v8;151-

Scot, Vlte', Abbeyglcn €daln\X, ^__ .. 10.25'.(500) Soda P atch , M acseaf’s' Petr'lIr’ClBan,.,.'.. Lucerne.; William,r/AIacsea Shcnrwnf ‘ “ : U11'CSd’),- O ld ;y fiJeh h y s PolriU; ’ v ‘ ■: • ,


Cartei A Scott 9'0..;..;.;. ,.».;:;.- :..-..........i..>.-.:..S_CaaUien 3 . n 0'wer<lj,- olg«‘'( i),;J^c fc .a k ^y '8 :^Connaughts Dream .R Stubbs 9 0.....~... ._...:.J H Brown 4 comet'(2), Buttons i3).-'8^3:(2sn'-”——--Corioba(BSA)'M Stoute BO...;.V.,...'.(;:.„':..ff:RSwinburn!l.'’.. (scr), R ^ r . ( 2 ) ; , ^ e . ' ( 2 ) . \ T [ i m ' ^ _ . „. . . . . .Glided Past (10) A' Lee 9 0.!.;.;'.;.'......-..'...':..;-..-.J-Qnlim (3) 5 . .. W a^ ®, I^g ^ r.(5 )..9 m g ^!^ M e , r; -. U.:l&JancE 3.'^e:-16^4 seconds.1Head Groom J Bethell 9 0.. ...:....-...:.-......'.™..B Ita^mond 6 . ' ' '

(285)-P u n ier-, r,ASKERN RESULTS: 7 ^ 0 (285 m e t r ^ U - > a n ^ -S o n lZ J .^ -TiSaramy Jo e (tra p 2, 6 4 fav);’2, H a li la j$ © l±

Ees lpsa Loqoitur RHolllnshead.9 0. iv.m.-.T Ivcs 2BETnNG: & Cordoba,' 3-1 Cartel 14-1 Age of Miracles & Res Ipsa Loquitur, 25-1

‘ others;. V' - .---V : • ' : ;5.10 NEW ZEALAND LAMB HANDICAP STAKES,

£5,000 added lm 2f, £3,882. . .' 1'- 413-010 Cowley (45) (D) G Wragg4 910..;;„.......PanlEddery 5 (V)7

309 .

Miss Garuda (56). W Hastings-Bi ' ' ■oneror(23)'-RHollisl

012006 Lariston Gale (40); M Tompkins 3 8 0...'...DaIe Gibson (5) 8


UW-RSihead 4 8 8 ,...~A Culhane .1' ■

LINGFIELD Left-handed undulating round course of :! 1m ,4 f intersects straight' - undulating ; 7 f 140yd course 4 f out and again about 2f out Draw: High numbers usually favoured on straight course.’


Haydock: ' GOING:. GOOD TO FIRM.

• 0.00 MAIDBN 3-Y*0 lm 4f, £3,078. ' :-1, DESTINY DANCE (USA) G C arte r 9-4; 2, D hakrab &-1; ■ 3 , S hip o f Gold 7-4 fav. 14-1 W hirlyeigger 4 th . 9 ra n . 3 nk . M S toate, Tote: W in £250;-p laces £1.30, £1.60, £1.20. DF: £7.90.- CSF:

".£15.02; • •

• 0.30 MAIDEN 2-Y-O 6f, £2,826.M i STYLISH GEN TS C aa th e n evens fav; 2, Spanish

. . V e rd ic t'7 -2 ;3 ;F a sd n a tio n W altz 33-1.1 8 ra n . i i . W H astings-B ass.. T ote: W in £2.10; p laces £1.40,

' £1.60, £46i0 . DF: £4 JO. C SF: £5.50.

1 . 7.00 HANDICAP lm 40yd, £4 ,893 .'. 1, BOOT POL1SH N C onnorton 12-1; 2, U rray O n 1 . H a rry 7*l; 3v R erR elease 7-2 J t fav. Otheii j t fav , M illlgart. lD ra h . H d 1}.-J W atts. Tole: W lni£l2^0;

places £2:~60, £2^0, £1.60. DF: £29.30.' CSF: £85.69.' r a c a a t £32&75. .. k v

’. 7.30 HANDICAP. lm ‘^ .£ 3 ,7 5 7 ..1 , TRAVELLING LIGHT P C o o k 10-1; 2, H oly Zeal


. 0.00 HANDICAP-2m, £3,720..1. REGAL REFORAI D ean M cK eow n'A -l; 2,

- B roctnne G rey 16-1; 3, C huckles to n e 4-1 J t fav.. O ther j t fav: B eaucham p D ream . 10 ra n . 3 2(. G

M oore. T ote: W in £&20; p laces £2.30. £3.90, £2.10:' DF: £35.60. CSF: £80.99. .T ricast: £382.48/ .6.25 2-Y-O SELLING 7f. £3,028. l , M ISS -PELOTA P a t E ddery evens' fav; 2, Q n a lita lr D ream 20-1; 3, M arga G lrl2 0 -I.1 0 ran : 1 3. A S c o tt T ote: W in £2.40; places £1.10, £250, £2.30.

.DF: £11.30. CSF: £22.92. •

0.55 HANDICAP 6f, £3,915. '1, SAY YOU WILL M R oberts 10-1; 2, Solly’s Choice (USA) 3-1 fav; 3, N aw w ar 11-2.11 ra n . N k 3. . M N augh tan . T ote:.W in £10.40; p laces £2,60, £1.90, £2.00. DF: £23.70. CSF: £38.88. 'f tlca s t: £169.09. - v

• 7.25 3-Y-O CLAIMING lm -4f, £2,970: l . BELTALONG J Reid 5-1; 2, D ovedon Lady 6-1

- fav ; 3, R lphary 7-2.5 ra n . 4 3. J .W harton . Tote: W in £5.80; p laces £2^0, £1.40. DF:,£5.60. CSF: £12.49. -

. 7.50 NURSERY'7f,-£4,620.' - ‘ '1, FREDDIE'S STAR.D Biggs 20-1; .2, M iltladcs

- 12 'l;3 ,H arfao o rB ar(U S A )ll-4 .1 5 -8 fav B roadw ay S tar. 7 ra n . N k 3. R B ennett. Tote: W in £16.80;

-places £3.80, £3.60. DF: £107.40. CSF: . £188^1. T ricast: .S7B3.48. - N on-runner: «• < T e ars ' v -of.- H appiness. . : i •8.20 MAIDEN 2-Y-O 7f, £3,720. • ’1, NATIVE GUILE M HiUs 5 -l; 2, A au atic (USA) ' 5-4 favj.3, T o tham 16-1 .8 .ran . 1] 5. B H ills. Tote: W in £6.40; p laces £1.40, £1.40, £2.00. DF: £8.60. CSF:

• £11.29.

PLACEPOT: £3,007.10. • . •


Whitewashed winner

: W in £2^0; p laces £1.30, £1.40. D F :. C S F :-m 5 .-JACKPOT: £4,383.00. PLACEPOT: £429.90. . •

M a rk e t Rasen 7• GOING: FIRM .. ;

2^25 SELLING HURDLE 2m , £1,360. . ’ * .• 1, ABTAIU S STAR R S apple 7-2; 2. Co-Tack 6-4 fav;

3, ^ 9to n la n 7*1.7 ra n . 1 10..J O 'N eill. Tote: W in

STORM. FORCE underwent a colour change as he landed his fourth successive victory at

; Lirigfield-yesterday. ■The nim ble-footed horse’s

left-hand: side, was covered in

, His rider John Reid said: “N ot: even a greyhound could comer quicker than this horse.”

Even with the yards he saved on the bends, Storm Force, looked in trouble when headed

' GOING: FIRM (hard patches on round course). . , ,

6 .0 0 R A D B R ID G E H O L D IN G S M A ID E N 2-Y -O GUARANTEED STAKES (Allies), £2,800 6f, £1920.

•1 ’ Bellwidt J Payne 8 U ....,..-.„.......B Rouse 42. ■ 6 Crown Class (DSA) (16) F Cole 811 ...1........T 8nlnn 23 . 2 Free At last (38) GHamood 8 ll.,..........;,.„.:..:.:A Clark 84 . Giayaat (DSA) P Walwyn 811........ ..._:.N Howe 1 ,5 o Ungfldd Lass (OSA) (24) W Musson 8,11.....H ffldiam 10 .-6 ... MrsHennyParny DArbiithnotB11.....'. -.ICarter3

.’7 2 Native Twine (19) (BF) H Cecil 811......,,, A McGIone 98 . Hmnan Walk Lord John FitzGerald 811 G Baxter 5.

5 Shift Over (DSA) (22) R Smyth 811- ..... ...J Reid 62 Stealthy (10) I Balding 811 ...... ........... . J Matthias 7

HETTING: 64 Native Twine, 5-2 Stealthy, M Free At-Last, 6-1 Ghayaat, 10-1 .Crown'Class, 14-1 others.- ■ •6.30 LONDON PARK TOWER CLtJB AND BARRA­

CUDA CLUB 3-Y-O SELLING HANDICAP STAKES, £2,800 added lm 2f, £2,461.. . : ' :

■ 1 ' 205000 AnotherWlsh (19) (BF) W Haggas 9 7..:.......:..S Giles (7) 9■ ■ 2 '" ' 06002 Thanks A Million (19) J Hills 9 5_.„..„..:.;..:...S Dawson 10• 8 . . 00500 HMilmBeanty(19) KIvory9 0 .I.......N Adams 5

4 - 04-044 Priory Hay (7). J Jenkins 813... J Reid 1 (V); 5 000 Liichar (fiT) A Moore 811 ..... ............ .....,M Wl|;ham 7■ 6 . M0000 Pead White09) MBell89....-..'.i,:............... ..;.T Qnlnn 6 -.

7' 500450'PresidmUal Star (OSA) (88) P Butler.8 8 ........E Johnson 4 -• 8-: 600010 Qointo (40) PHaldn8 4™ „T Sprake.(7) 8 (B'• 9 000000 AIo' Baby (32) - J Jaikins'8 2..... .„.„:....G Dnffleld 2 (B),1 0 005000 Diadera Daiicer (19) (C) J Long S 2...... ...... .....— 3(B)BBITING: 7-4 Thanks A Million, 7-2 Another Wish', 5-1 Pliory Bay, 7-1 Quirito, 101 Alo’ Bahy, 12-1 otheis. '7.00 STAKIS REGENCY CLUB NURSERY, £4,000 added

• ; 7f, £3,106.1 ■ 3222 Em^hott (DSA) (7) G Harwood 9 7............. .....A Clark 22 G553 Mr Leif (30) R Hannon 91 -.....„.„.B Rouse 4 (B).3 331202 BaHyhooly (19) N Callaghan 91 S Howarth (7) 5-

1 4 604 Caromish (DSA)(12) MUsher810...............M Wigham 1:: 5 - 362 Under.The Wing (12) (BF) Lady Herrios 8‘9...;M Roberts 6

6 633 Snartie fee (23) P Cole 81.....:................. ..T Quinn 3BETTING: 5-2 Mr Leit 7-2Empshott, 9-2 Bahyhooly,Caromish, 6-1 UnderThe;. Wing, 7-1 Smartie Lee.

(3),,: G lm 'D am e ."- : 16-63. 8.39 (283) l ,B lin k '(4 . ' M J t f a ^ iVSmithy(2J?KP:(4j;Shadow(5),-Tinll6r: W hite Dove (S. 3 -D ..21 .16.72. 8.S2 (4f0)-j

|5). S ^ y (7): E n tries n e M S a jiW Io r2 2 0 ro ;'\K S p a j'° l H i t (4.3-1): 2. D inky D o ( 5 ;e v i iS 285m, 480m ' an d c- G M m v'grade^ .o p e n s - - - ,6. 31.87. 9.05 <480) l , C M side . (i,-2 .1 )iH

- Tuesday. -. 'r . ■Je th ro (4 ,5 -2 ).11 .31 i5 :9 .18 (285)l,K ip r-=:■ ■ w r a . ‘:< S .i-* & v ):2 .Z o T O w m ’a i m M i '

, 7 ^ i i W k M ™ ^ S A ) ( ^ ( C I ) ) . B :H t o b u ^ 3 9 ^ in ^ i;. j 7 m M ^ ^ ^ g ^ ^

•2 4 i0 5 ' M iss ’G a rad a (5 6 ) .W H a s tin p :B a s s 3 8 ilW 'R S w in b n r n 6 .: . B A ju ra iM H E O T L -ra :7 ^ (3 W m e ir‘4 '1), B illy .B ad e er,(lfcP alld flu u tt^ .5 0 (260)' \K e i th ’s P et (trap 3.3*1); 2, R aw hide (5,

. . ___ _________________ . 5 fi& '(B cr),'D ian w * 9 irl;:C X 5 5 » ^ * ( 2 ) i “'i / .D is to i^ -4 ;le n g ttu .- 'f tn e : ..2 2 ^ 0 .s e «i. ' '/ '•• J Quinn (3 3 ► :Red Letter (2>f,So Sure'(2)T-8.00UOO) Jut£; * 7.40(368)1. Jacko(2,evens); 2,BucsBnri!

-•H.-. • =)-.— y j j ^ ’/Aor ■ p ' pH»*nin: q 7 Vi ’ " I " 7 ’ " Psycho,-; F l a s f c t f a S i ^ d e i i ^ 8 .0 5 i(3 « ^ a ;2 - l) .2 .2 L 8 6 .7^0(368)1 , B rind le(5> 1

& 363M3 A n t o S ^ n ^ S ^ ' M G H i a e r ^ F m i M w ^ i ^ : , ' ; ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

™ G : - 7 4 L i * t o f M o r 4 - M M i l s G a ™ ^ W l A b n % . , 7 . 1 C o w ! 6 y > l : : : v U ^ l ^ ^

Flag (scr),- (itrJ rl'C o lo u rttl - -. t o-2); 2, R en e es Boy (2, 3-1). Hd. 33.08.^;45v*'<W aters (scrt.-C atcfi1-MeVfl^HapOT LaB O P yi - l»Tramp'<2, M W ;M y ,P u p (3,,5r2). t f y ' r

• B.00 (3M) M atthew ^.C am acjJhD ano (scrjr-: 1^31. 9-00 (240). 1, K6v’s Lad (2, .W ) a fe 3 i l ' M ayor's Law (s ttfV 'A lc tfiD ^ sc r^ ^ fll Do' V ; B randino!(5 , 3^1). 3. '12.66. 9.15•(scr). 9.15 (304)-tfaIf;A 3I& pi(& ry/N nrse:- v, W c k y V (5* evens);.2, D arklei (6,- 2*0:(scr), Lazy B (sc^;<Black,-G 6Id;(scr)riO ur--;- 30.72: '■ q i l f j i ? '■Jack(scr). 9 .3 0 (4l4)B !g^dnny;,Shy.Baby;- v 1 > - - r t r J

• A nnie’s L igh t; B ert’s-G frijitw o?needed .- v . CASTLEFOBDBESULTS: 7J O (275 m e t r ^ R Entriesneeded{£10).for.*260m W onday.->? -,' l;S w e e tT a lk ( tra p 5 ;2 -lIa v );2 ,C ra z y .f t ‘

• ■ ' ' • "■ • ,(1;. 3-1).^Distance: 2 :len g th s , T ^ne;: 17?• KINSLEY -CARD?t7ii5?l33&5riietres) -R ed ' -i-.- .seconds: 7.45 (275) l . A ureole Clown (6j4-]F ury (sc'r)) F izzy.-Pop/X sdr^C Strol *(scr),:V«:.2. H am hleton Fox (2; 5-2j t rav); Nk.'17.5w

• H oney (l) , Felix (itfSbuJH ’B w u ly tf) ; 7 ^ 0 . • a.oo(Z75) l . O n G u a n l(6.4*1);2,*^ook B r n v .' (330) Bed r •• /■> u rm \ Ol T7 « - a /<rrc» i M e).

V itesse

6 . ■ , 40-0060-v Fond K iss (89); C Cyzer 4 7.13

P o lar V ision, 10-1 P ersian Em peror, 14-1 A uto C onnection, 20-1 F ond i

The Duke; : ;: :6.00 'Native Twine

6.30 Thanks A Million 7.00 Mr Leif .7.30:Marchinella : •

. 8.00 Amigo Feo8.30 Plain Fact

6.00 Native Twine 6.30-Thanks A Million 7.00.Caromish .'"

■ 7.30 Gold Minories ■:> ■8.00 Amigo Feo .

. 8.30 Plain Fact .

7. ■ 34-0045 V irg in ia’s B ay (30) iD s s B Sanders 3 8 0D ana MeUor (5) 10 (V ) ,

D re a m '('-,. _________B erkeley .( l) .. :B ev 'avPal.. S tavros (3); Dark':MisChie! ___ • am vros w ; u arK :m iscm ei;v jj_ -o .w .v -w ^ v ££*£

l/SOMO-. SilentSlsterw.RHannon.4_8,0,:;. .................NAda^i' ''8,15(330)w arning(O T),,M aro ie(scr),R bse ' 1 ;M(2), S tray C ats 0 “ “

' 00-0202 S iste r C hery l (31) R f r o s t '4 .7 10.............. L N ew ton (7) 1230-0F03 D r Sock I t T o M e (4) S Dow 4 7 - 9 . . , . Wi l l i ams 2 .

- 3-12U6- a i r r y ’s C o m in g (32) (O R H o d g ^ -5 7 8 .i . . .„ J .u R S tr e e t-7 . . 000 Iffis tre ss 'C h arle y ( 7 ) .C H o lm e s 6;-7-7 .. " - -

(275) l , A u r(3. 4-1). .i .1 7 ^ 5 . 8,45 <275) l ;S p i- .. • Jot___________ _________ __ :l,:Kevirib’W .'‘ W5-2); 2, N elson (5. &4 fav ). 1. (460) V-'V

P addy ( l . 7-4 fav); 2. F lyaw ay Jol ^ 1 7 2 2 .9.00 (275) Dpen.-l.'Kevin,o

„D M cKay 11

BETTING: 3-1' D r Sock It' To Me, 4-1 S isle r C heiy], 6-1 H in y 's C om ing,.7-l M archinella, Gold M inories, 101 B anana C ufflinks, 12-1 o thers. .

8.00 ASPESALL CURZON CLUB HANDICAP STAKES, . . ' £2,800 added 2m, £2,324.,1 0365 L a st D e ta il (16) P-Cole 3 9 1 0 ...'.................. .'...:...:..,.T Q uinn 8 -

: 2 033012 A m igo Feo (18) K B iassey 3 9 9 '....N A dam s 5 (B).3,- ;.i:.50/K)0 i f e ^ i n g (DSAj’(12) G E n rig h t 4 9 7 ;;.....D ana M eB or(5)_6

. . M indy (3, 5-1): 2 ,-C hicken (2. 9-2).j l i« ) . B J0 : • 2159. 9 J 0 (460) Open. V-AU B tack ( l ^ I S T . "

*330) N um ber T & te (ac3> b6« Sr (2), T ic k i . . . . f in k 2. K evin 's Lad (6, evens). 41.2164, J

000604' M onam (1 4 ) ,W B rooks 3 9 5 ................ ....iM R oherts 7 (V). 033313 A rty Schw eppes (DSA) (8) (CD) (BF) R W illiam s 3 9 3

■ ' ■ ; D avid E dde ty (3) 2004-046 R eeling ,(47) R :Sm yth 3 8 9 . . . . . ,:..u. J R eid 4

ng T ie B lues (

T a ia J a n e (4 ) ',S n fion ,H ),-A lp ine .L ad ..; (460)1.S anyo(2 ,7-21:2,S jn in g w o o d J ta rfH - (4). a.4i(630)B elleisIaSaln:{s<:r),'goU sate-.- . (6 .5 4 rnv).21.29.93. E n tries needed (£75)}W , F lier (2), L ittle E rnie ' [2);- 'Ice'-Crcain (3 ),: - £3,600 Jo h n S m ith 's ' W hitwood DertiV.^--

' Penisione (4), Sand- S to rn tt© .. ?.00.(630): . (460m), h e a ts E riday fina l. A ugust 18jC*#15(l,

" 9 .1 6 (460 F ifth h e a t o f J ;M u « te ttin -E 6 0 0 ',. CHESTERFIELD RESULTS:; '.7 J0 , ,(35Sr£iV• *1iaiidfcap)-IWlJti -ftWjiiiu'BIDjr''4®j--;-.3wlc3*)l»*.Nl8iitTiine.(toip4i4-l):2.Alb»MJMY■ ■ M ervyn (2), L ittle JU m (3 )^ D lU 1 v ^ y .'(8 )1'.-\ Boy (6,2-1 fav). D istance: 2 i lengths. .T iM ifiWT r 1 *" - Ti . '7Z- "w-‘. _ J .-J —* - j r-n—' “ - V) CA U/iww. p i ^ iB /^ tlv n iH rv

idhsiey Tuesdaj

MIDDLESBROUGH-rSCASb: J:7il m etres) lrdri Monger- (scr):iR ugg

Northland Clm.XJi-LQcAenr*^,Tay). 11.19.90. £ (290) 1, G len's

000-036 ■ s in g 1 9 (9); C B enstead 5 7 1 3 . ...:,..T W ilia m s 3B), B illy Q uick (U ).' -7.45,- jJpsy -Wiwij *

_ I. '(5,-7-2); 2, Fnlse A larm (4 ,7 4 fav). 1J. 15.S ^;0)br:Pop.v \ ' £ 9 ^ 4 .8.45 (700) 1, R othw ell Lad (4i 5-l)g

.• 7 w . . • • a,. 8 - 00/0000 P ow er R eigns (23) P. B u tler 4 7 Jo hnson 1 ■ / M ^ . J l 2a rra ‘. _________

Amigo Feo,' 7-2 i ^ ^ w e p p p e s , : ^ i . l A s t D etail, M onani, f r l ' ^ J * < ^ ' ^ 6 i 5 a ^ ^ . m v , : W . » a ) ! 2 . C h t o b o W n f e ^ R eeling, 10-1 S ing T he B lues, 14-1 o t h e r s . , 8.15 (462) Cool A m ber firtn .''F tixy 'Fow lcr; -:: 9.2O(3S0) l,w e e ta b b c (4,5-2

• ‘ " ~ s J-------- jeWt TDeiidly,;'±1):. r£7.96;;9.30• 8.30 GEOSVENOR CLUBS STAKES, £3,500 added 6f,'"'£2'831

j 1- 4*56340 Young Hal (9) (D) P Walwyn 4 9 lUU.~......Pat Eddery 5,2 010602. Chummy's Favourite (15) (D) N Callaghan 4.9 8.^-;-— 3

' 3 ! 3*04412 Plain Fact (11) (D) Sir Mark Prescott'4 9 8w...G Driffield 6. 4: • 144430- Knight of Mercy (11) (D) R Hannon 3 9 Konse-1 -

5 .13-0500. Lanchester'(USA) (58) (D) * R Williams.3 9.11.. M Roberts t '6 - 500/-6 , Peacework (50), C Bravery 5 9 Wharton 4

-BBITINGr 2-1 Plain Fact', 3-1 Chiunmy’s Favourite,'young Hal, 5*1 Knight of-‘Mercy, 10-lLanchester, 20*1 Peaceworic.'- IN FORM FIGURES: i-6 , Q rst to six th ; B , brongfat dow n; D d isqualified a f te r

fin ish in g f irs t: F , fell; P ,polled op; R , refused; S, slipped up: D, u n sea ted r id e r ; .- la s t season 's form bcfore hyphEn, e a rlie r fo rm before o o litiae s ig n . AFTER

HORSES' NAMES: . FH,' USA etc, coun try o r reg istra tio n ; in p aren theses; nu m b er o f days since h o rse la s t ra n ov er j am ps; B r , b ea ten fa v o u rite la s t tim e ont: ‘C. . course w in n e r CD. d is tan ce win n e r - o v er course; D , d is tan ce '

• w i n n e r 1 ov er '-o n o th e r coursc. . AFTER WEIGHTS: 7ex etc , p en a lty fo r re ce n t w in . AFTER RIDERS’ . NAMES: 5 e tc , w e ig h t-a llo w an c e .

.A T END O F -L IN E :'D ra w a t F la t m e e tin g s .-(B ) ,-b U n ta s ,(V), visor.': In ra w tim es value - o f ra ce : is / g iven a f te r penalty. v a lu 'e a it£ r d istance .

■ Gaytim e . C hief,'•<

WM&ll 8i ie%®frSti?®TWiiip:' C o n ia rra .(8 );'B a lly g a lfi'S '''' '

Peal LHdy.-GlenVafa.

tu .uBweit- iDeadly..: •‘.-4*1,. - HeadUy. 8.30: ;'(4ffi):: C arte lE ride> '(B cr5*1 ^ B a c k ;

' ' i:vRMe6/,;Whip.V(5).. V. 9-40^---------------------•____ -__a S K a k e to ) . S .45 ' ;- :M a|l (1; 5:i);-3X.:24.94. £21.86. 9.50 (500;

(8 ,7*2)r2, R achel (3,3-1): 2 ,'25i8. (« 2 ) 1, Jack P d a n c e (2, 3-l);_2,

, Jea u ty ; S peck O ’DuatJ.]___•: 9.00 (462) tSurrendeW scr);1

(1), C lear Sand (3)i M indT hat(7);9 .* 'Alice’s ' !Error,-

.'E m p ress, Johns

iM fl'D feun:--! '.'28.07.:

f V.-si

2, B aby Baby (4, M fav

sC olou

B randy B aron (6.2*1 favV “•l);ii-.31' 9.£1.46:6,?L&

v ................................. B angbr EarL(4rB-l);'2Li- .'Doing W hat (5,11*4). 1.30.78. £3^5..4, 5 ^5 ‘ j £5.B 6.B .15(500)l.C om eB ackJane(l,even£kl| - Tav);'2, Lido Key (2 ,5 * l).2 i.3 0 £ l. £3.32; 1 ,W

VL^Mtewastt 'fiom . the running by Pat Eddery on Shotiche'a' "T*nllc i l c T l i m T i o r p n n o f i n w fl 1 n n r r rvn<--rails Ss fie.did an impersonation ' of & greyhound witn some tight cornering1 in th e Cementone- BeaverHandicap.

i '

furlong out but Storm Force showed admirable courage as he fought back up the rails to regain the advantage

Bloomfield riding in Turkey7.30 KINGHORN BOOKMAKERS HANDICAP

:; STAKES, £3,800 added 7f, £3,446.-1. 101-000 Gold Hilaries (43) (CD) P Makin 5 910.1. Reid 92 ■ M06K ShaipTUstIe{8)(D) WMui5on3 9 3....'..-....JIWigiiam'63 312000 MedeEose(8)(D) MBianshard4 9 3.......,.:.,.JBRonse 3. : PETER-BLOOMFIELD rides m Turkey th is

JIM Wh°(dsa) (!) shaw 3 8 2.G DnKieid s (V) has horses in Britain w ith Ben tianuury.

G lenlara Fox'r- C tiangs'itS .'bB luK heenter .- H arbor, Tanker.M oii, M o n irch SuSreme'. 5 . o. ao (« w il. u a in ty s tep s u , s-ir.Z tu -

7.45 (500) C a lan iira ® !y ; M arSeUa;'Style, . .- .jN e w S ta iy (5 .:M ia v l.3 i^ 7 ^ K .7 6 .Going .Good, DcVeen^PrincesB/.'NOrthway' - "£23.27. 8.45 (500) 1, B lackw ood B nse,(6 .«4rfO K s ta r . 1.00 (500) Scherzo.i.O ii-'T ic.;'D aisys.: a v ) : - 2,.S u n se t Tem ple (2,'7-21.-21. 31‘d O .n 'J 'J

£2.03.6,2.1. £ (500) 1, W orthw lU lefl._ i. 10-i): 2, Gam e T tnio (1,3-1). 1 .3U 3 j.y .

r (I): AuchSvrin BarOii Cl), i . -£S.P1.6; 1,2. £834.9.17 (500) 1. Steamy Lay.-. B en trak G haser XSct).<-S.30 !(500) V iH lna' IS. 5-2): 2j-BaUy1mdc W ind (2,5-1). 1) ; 30S

V000044 Stonny Praise

0000 Banana-----

One, T in ra h Sailor.Suzy, D eam e H a ll; .Coopers G race, C hufch tdw aJoy , Passing OfTimejjAU-TfcLfc'” 1^ * F irefly , B ali H al G irlV lhft H ickham Princess, ’ *

Banbas-Cham p (4, 2-1); 2, W elcome B reak ------- ' 30.70. £3.42. 4, 6, 2. £9.60. ~

« A.

Page 22: Download the document (33.5 MB)

~ -j.'; •' , ‘ . • '

' G B /'o o /u ’s J s G / ' t / v -:vv/ k-y / ; IT’S OUR BUSINESS

I. a / l w ^ O iK U lH /V TO GET RESULTS; ,S O 1L 1 C I T O R: S

.LE E D S . A N D " G IB R A LT A R . LEE D S 440411.vy.t

IFhfeat of Meier ■ Hainkge

[^TENANTS are being th reatened ' Where damage is obviously delib- • I’.with court' action a n d :e v ic t io n b ra te , . tenants could.face immediate i g r t a m p e r M g r t f f ^^m illion-pound heating; system . .: they will be.warned that:they could.

. -.Sheffield housing chiefs have sent ■',■■■ ‘ '. - : :''lisifarningletters . t o a Handful of v: Ru MATT VnilDAIF 'presidents following'evidence of dam-- '■ 1 oynnHii mutwixf.age discovered by inspectors.on.the ..........p ity ’s -NorfoIkParlt-estate^^ , jose their homes' if the tampering i s .--^Council:, officials-have’ discussed repeated. '• 'W ■,■■■■•!.tlie matter with the ■•.police, and. •„„. . , . "C-"'■"■j • *• further meetings are planned In an . , 0ffici^s tress that such mcidents =- -attempt to ,stam pou#eprbblem ' at . ' Isolated, but the.interference is a :ifin ■ setback for the council, which has

'^ : i]iL:- iL iL ii^ ;::/Si)eht( £8m nhrirovirig, the' heating,.years of com-

checluhgalm ost l,900, i^eter' r;eM-;'.>^ - ■ r■.„..^.■■

■ ;;,Have ifeported missing or : damaged;4l|b y ’rubbish biirned at themunicipal '’seals; smashed junctionboxes: arid ■ (incinerator inB ernard Road, and is 'severed wires. - S' r:-'V; V the forerunner of plains to adopt the

r ’ A; Y ODNG burglar pulleda : Kitchen knife: on a home •tbwiier and threatened' .to ■; jtab him when he was . i^sturbed'in the middle of

■ - ia iraid^a court was told •yesterday; '■■. ■ - ^ •

';.v~Jam es. W yT ds, -T6; ;escaped,' .brandishing; the

? fin ite ; - th e n 'p u lle d 'o f f , s ran9 th,er. burglary'the'next ;■

day to' help, .to fund his • gambling addiction. ;• v . -

.D erby C row n C o u rt ijh'e^fr'd'ithatviWy.Id s",,,:5 f- ':BoiirneCloae,BriMri^on,\; .jnear^.Chfesterfield;'stole ; ■■ .■goods-.wortli several;thou^, sands of pounds, in three - .burglaries during; initwo'-- ..weeks.' ■■ v^yv-Ot.-:-I-

/:f'' He admitted l. the" burg-; laries and; was 'sen t youth custody, for .two years, v

” Mr Richard Englis, pro­s e c u tin g ,1 sa id W ylds seemed to. have lost all:

: reason: in committing the ' house burglaries.

v.v All took place in his • ; ^ o ii te ^ ^ w 'n i s a id 'M r ■

Englis, and each involved; a substantial iamourit of. foods;'when' Wylds broke into'rieighbours! homes.

;;',';!JThe'.' ffisf took place on. ^FNebruary.;2'6, 'involving■ .goo'ds ,w;Qrth £4,!3iB0, includ-., ^ing-jfewellety.■ ■ i On March 7 he broke,into aliom e.butwasidisturbed!

V‘f . T : S'-.f A i1. - V -

; Ai ,-PO, LT G ,E M AN'Twli'o f I ! stppped. a niah as he-iwas <? v^uW ng along a-.roadf/ato' night ‘ found two- wodden'-"'' ;rqartial arts rice1 'flails,iri' .his bag, ,v ; •.

Colin Redman told the • officer they were.for self- ' defence, if he was at-;

. ticked, and he had never • !used them on : anyone, •: Chesterfield Magistrates ; heard yesterday.■,° '/rhepolicem 'an ,s--sus—

■ picions ■ had beeii'arouised‘'r' ; .when Redman ^and ' 'his ibrother had crossed the ■road on seeing the patrol;.;,; car', Miss;Heleria'Downing,." prosecuting, said. .• -R edm ^/ :20;’;of'.;HiIltop •

............................... t i ; m m -m -A V i.

Road;,',di& W hittington, ;G.hesterfieId,| aflipitt'edl: h a v in g an riffensivei:' WeapohiMShemeldiRoadp

vDrdnflield. He vas fined'ESO'' with !£20,'costs, ■ and'suit; order ,was ma'dejfor thefice \ flails to b e .destroyed.

M r., Bob Bashforth, for Redman, , said the flails, were under some clothes in the bag and would not have been readily avail­able, for .use. . : \.. Redm an had .been walk­ing to Sheffield for dialysis- treatment. iHe: had-nb' kid--- neys/.hnd us'ually'went on dialysis a t' home, but de- cidedtogbto hospital after a row with hisimbther.

w h e n t h e ' o w n e r! returned: ! ;

He was wearing a bala- : clava and holding ;a kit-1

•chen knife when he was confronted by Mr Lesley Taylor.' :

. ' Mr Englis said: “He said! to Mr Taylor ‘get out of the way or. m stick you’.” ;

LThe .court‘ heard’ Wylds: from the.; house, but cbminitted another bur-- glary the next day. In this, items, worth £1,400 were taken. i :.

. . . Wylds was arrested;.oh March 11. He' made ‘ full admissions and told; police!

; he h ad .co m m itted th e : burglarie's; to fuel his gam­bling habits: ; :.

;:. Mr John W arren,. miti­gating, said Wylds had no

Erevious convictions and ad, been honest with the * police. H e. had pleaded

guilty and had helped to, re c o y e 'r .s o m e of. t h e property. ■■■ ' I

j t Jiud^o iB nm iE arre iv . Q(D J told Wylds: “You are a danger. You'are described a sa m a n o f above'average! intelligence, which in my; view only makes the posi-

Jition,worse.”.' :j.' As Wylds was ■led.froml

ithe . dbck, his . screaming: :mbther had to be res-i , trained as she yelled out at ' the judge: .“How dare you call this justice? A 16-year- old child so mixed up, how dare you?” ■

Crates liftedT h iev es w ho took a

'£10,000' pair-of '.ornamental yirprigates'weighing 15 tons ■ Usix'lauim'postsfroiri the National Tramways Mu­seum at Crich,Derbyshire; must have used fa crane, police said yesteiday. ■’ ■

recycling principle right across the city. : - ..

Under the system, each flat has a meter fed by pre-purchased tickets to avoid the security-risk associated with the use bf coins.

The; council is now assessing consumption levels before rdeciding whether heating charges should be increased.... The private company s^t up tb run the new scheme is on course to make a loss because it has over-estimated demand and committed .itself. to buying energy it cannot sell. ■

Tenants’ leaders have welcomed the system,-which provides wairmth throughout the flats instead of in selected rooms as previously.

But they have already expressed con cern th a t th e rep lacem en t scheme is costing sonie residents .as

much as £2(5 a week — an increase, of •top to 25 per cent. ■ ■ -

The chairman of Norfolk P a rk 'T e n a iits ’ A ssoci- : ation, Mr Eric Colley, said last night:. “The/heating was diabolical before and it has improved, although the council does appear to ; have its sums wrong so far: :But--under-iti6.!Circ.u'm>' ' stances'do we condone any :u .n a u th o ; r i s e :d interference.” .-

of shops centre

A SHOPPING centre has been cleared of rats follow- jing 1 a in t's from shopkeepers.: ';

': ■■■- The Labour MP for Shef- field H illsborough, Mr M artin F lan n e ry , con ­tacted the city- council a fte r com plain ts about rats infesting the shopping centre at Stocksbridge.■ He has now been told by the health and community services: department: that itH8!i!‘tfats! ■ha e|-?i.tieStti'4fe-1 moved. — . . . ...0 =

; The dep artm en t say,Sr. vegetation in flower beds has also been removed , to jprevent, yats .E y i^ tttere;;-]

pleased prompt action h as1 been taken ,' Decause the; rats ;were a : health ha-' zard.” : ■/ :' 11 ■:; •

; Easier entry: i Derbyshire Dales1 Coun­cil is to spend £15,000 on an access for disabled- people and improvements.'at Ash­b o u rn e to u r is t in fo r -• mation centre.' ■ :




’.w S mvav

Officers rescued dog from

carPOLICE broke into a car to rescue a dog'distressed by th e h e a t, m a g is tra te s heard yesterday. . .;. The teiTier had been left in a’car in ai Mablettiorpe cair park, Skegness Magis­trates were told.- Thfr dog’s owner, Will-, iam - Ward, ‘ df-.^Paddock' Crescent, Sheffield; admit-

: ted causing; unnecessary suffering to a dbg and was fined £50.; : ,: Mr John Mitchell, prose­cuting, said that on June 18 a person told police of the dog’s predicament. .

The car .was in direct sunlight, although a 2in gaptliad.ibeeh lefti-in.=the sunroof a?lin gap at the top'1 of the two dobrj windows.

The. dog, was.on theback : seat panting frantically: , ’ j ’The officers gof-iiitb thecar using a wir.e- coath-an'ger,-and the heat: inside the^car was (Oppressive,■ said Mr 'Mitchell. ; i‘ i y;The dog was'taken to the '; police-station and given a drink. ' '

W ard to ld p o lice he thought he had provided sufficient ventilation, said' Mr Mitchell. "

Ward told magistrates he regretted f his actions, and the-: dog had since a lw ay s been-,h is f ir s t; consideration. 7 : : ’

move; Yorkshire Post CorrespondentPARENTS are preparing to fight to save a special school from closure. . . . ' ■

; ; 'Community groups have spent the last six years raising cash for a:£38,000 hydrotherapy pool at Inkersall Green School, Chesterfield, but now the school; opened

: only 13 years ago, faces demolition.

The surprise closure proposals were outlined fb staff, and parents, at'a special meeting.c^edibyiDbrbyshife': ■County Council education chiefs who announced that the school, built in 1976/ was suffering. so -badly; from mining subsidence that it could no longer be used and

' wpuld.-probably have to be.piilled down.: , ' : .

■; The school is so badly affected by subsidence'that thereis a two-metre slope in the floors, making it'very difficult

r:foDwheelchairs,' and {the degree .of structural damage is < too great to be remedied, a council spokesman said: -,

..'i S N ip lan , is, for..the .50 pupils, who buffer a wide : range of disabilities - and handicaps,to-bemoved;to other•' s'jleciil' ■ chobls.!'A

.final'decisibn will be taken on September 27. ' " "

But an action group has been, set up to fight the c lo s u re p la n an d i t s sp o k e sm a n , M r Jo h n French, is aid the parents suspected the decision had been made;because of fall­ing 'ro lls as there Were already two other special schools- in the. area.' The. action group plans to lobby the-September 'meeting, .


Bathroom Kitchen

Because.w.e'rie refurbishing the whole bf:; :i.Discount!Tile Wdrehouse .we.need to'' clea.r,.the-Sb.b.wrbom of tijes. That'means: we|re offering incredibly -low'^rices dn ■ •rrnillio.ns:of liles.'So hurry down today 'and collect the bargain of q lifetime

Floor ; f :\ D.ecorsonl/iTllesfrom only

• each





NATIONAL PARK offi- even featured in the park’s : cMs'lopkset-to close;down:' -tourist'guide; . " ' ■ ■

i a;:tbp,.tounstfarih which But the farm has become speciahses in; shire horsb'-' . siich ;ta ''success - that ■ the displays.,—because, it has '-.park .'.i officer, : Mr Derek become too popular. "■ ;

The North York ' Moors National Park Committee has been recommended by!its; officers - to take legal park planning committee,, close East ;Side . which , meets bn Wednes- FarmatStsdntondale, near day, to take enforcement Scarborough, within' six action ordering Mr Jen- months. . ; , ; kins';to; end the tourism• v , • • , ; , side of the business:^Mr Tony Jenkins started Yesterday Mr Jenkins

^ .^ven tu re 13 years ago' was optimistic- that the

: He. said:.‘“They held, a s ite m ee tin g .h e re la s t month and the tone was quite favourable. I still

r „ .-have not given up/hopeStatham,1 says the site that .'they will allow the cannot cope with the large business to continue,”' 1 num bers of v is ito rs i t 1 i .Ti/rJ oi - attracts ' . ■ Mr Statham says m ' a

' report: to the committee

-with the backing' of the National Park—and it was

^ , that what started as occa­s io n a l open d ay s had grow ninto a large oper­ation attracting 10,000 visi- tors last year.. ; .

, • Amajorproblemwasthe narrow access road which

____ . Wjas u n sa tis fac to ry for.committee: would re jec t: ■ J, ,r S e ,n u m b e r s o f: the recommendation.


News item s may be sen t or telephoned to the Sheffield office of the Yorkshire Post, a t 3rd Floor, Saxone House, George Street,

vehicles.. Mr Statham adds: “East Side Farm is undoubtedly an'attractive location and its use for the displaying of

• shire horses and ■ related paraphernalia is popular with visitors. ,’' 1 ‘ ‘However/such develop-: ment and its related sign-: ing,is contrary to Struc- ture Plan, Local Plan and H e r i ta g e C o a s t P la n policies.”• He says the farm would

be acceptable on a better site within- th e : National Park and that officers were • prepared to offer Mr Jen­kins advice on alternative locations. . , • .



'BHdsscrafc ':IlltpM lM -

- D V R E S T A



Telephone (0484)425049/8)7576



A R est^ P arker1 ^Assured Knoll







i. Telephone: (0977)

. 790258


I THOUSANDS of . rail users. were left i-waiting for’/iip to four hours when a ■Nottingham''main^^.caused -chaos to the ; entire national train network: ' ’

Trains from York, Liveroool, Notting­ham and Nonvich: groiand to a 'ha lt as police searched miles of track after James

fall from a train.Mr Gregory • Dickinson,_prbsecuting,

told Derby Crown Court: “The stretch of ; track is used by the entire ^country's trains travelling from all four comers of the country. ■,

. “It had a krioek-on effect because connecting services around the country and freight :trains had to be delayed. It’s impossible to put a figure on the loss involved — it must be vast.”

Hutchins, 39, of Meldreth Road, Bil- borough, was jailed for 15 months,'

suspended for.two years, and ordered to pay £250 .costs after, he admitted unlaw­fully obstructing the railway, wasting, police time, and theft. . .• The court was told he bbarded a train at

Alfreton in Derbyshire, got off at Chester­field, and -w ent-to . see: the station supervisor, telling him he had seen a young girl jump, or. fall, from the train' just north of AJfreton station. •

AU.: tra in ' movements on the track between Alfreton and Sheffield were suspended as police started a search.

The court heard Hutchins himself, joined the search after giving a more

. detailed description; but when the search proved fruitless he admitted his “eyes had been playing tricks”., ; Mr, John Warren, mitigating, said trains

had been put iri no danger by his actions.

Tie with Japan

TRADE links ' betw een Derbyshire and Japan took another .step forward yes­terday. when a trade pro­m otion1 agreem ent was

/ signed by the county coun- ^ciT arid the gariwa Bank." % . The. agreem ent: forma-

lises a pledge between the i -authonty and the bank to • co -o rd in a te a c tiy itie s aimed at developing indus-

. trial co-operation; It paves the way for direct invest­ment, joint ventures: and further agreements..

The council leader, Coun. David B bokbihder, said:‘‘N ew p o s s i b i l i t i e s prbriiptedby Toyota’s deci- siori to locate, in -.-Derbyr' shire, continue, to operi up

. for industrial and,business developm en t, an d th e

. involvement 'of- orgainiisa- tions such a s : th e . Sanwa Bank will be very welcoihe

ordered tp shield county

A FREEZE on recruitment has been' ordered by a Labour . council in an at­tempt to protect workers from > th e : e ffe c t 's , o f privatisation./.Derbyshire county coun cillorsfear.that thousands of jobs, \vill be; lost , when

!;tKey::iare,;;fbrced .by;: the .Gbverriinerit to jput:a-wide; range ’of services ;-,out: to tender. '. :;v';' '.Bids:.for 'cleaning con­tracts Eire due in by the end ofAugust, but it will not be; k rib w n ju ritiruniid.-S.ep^ toiriber !Whether"- an* 'in*: h o u se o ffe r h a s b een successfuL: -

Further teridenhg' will fo llow :fo r, catering and.-trapsport.

Most of the contracts are likely to' be won in-house, but at a price which will require.: fewer staff and greater, productivity.

The. u n 'p reced .en ted freeze is designed to leave vacancies . open so that workers1 can be quickly transferred -if..their- o.wn jobs.:are lost. • .- r Under . tlie \ new policy," posts-' will only be adver-: tised'externally if there are no ■ suitable; local'-' candi­dates; 'and even theri only temporary contracts may be offered.. U nion o ffic ia ls have

agreed to'support the move. following, talks with coun­cil chiefs, and all affected s ta ff, have been, sent .a- letter outliriing the plan.

The chairman of Derby­sh ire ’s p ersonnel com- mittee, Coun Mark Young; sa id : “ T his schem clearly a sensible, move to help us deal with the difficult' challenge ahead. '

^ . Din n er .' . I ) a n c k ^

no aeucious gourmet menus in the. / /; / , Cairn Ballroom. - /

^ v F r id a y August 18tK 1989^^ I.XBOBBYKAYjT

;/ 'Cbmeaimlfrom;:thre'.w.orta famous : < Hpmc of comedy, Lwypool an^hckers Dance Baiid;

Saturday Sep temper 9th 1989 / EDDffi COLlf^rpN

of "Prs “The Comedians^ fame - /mid The Willie Hirst Bai

^ T h e

Cairn Hotel^ ^ R ip o t^Road, Harrogate

For reservations and details speak to Sue Champion ori 0423 504005-

HIGH- DRAMA: ;Abseilers w erecalled in to theactat a. sceiie of theatrical his­tory yesterday;

Mr Tim Freeman, left,' and Mr Mark Noble, ' of S h effie ld ', u sed .th e ir m ountaineering .talents ,40ft above.the ground- to' repair the roof; of the Lantern Theatre in the' c ity su b u rb of- N ether. Edge'.. ■ ■ ■ : ' - -

The Lantem \vasbuiltat: the turn of the century by, a wealthy SheffMd indus­trialist or his/childr en .’to play inj, and is nowiused fpr five productions a year by th e : amateur drama group of th e : same' name which, owns i t .: V ; . ijV-' -The theatre'is small fr#. fo r: Mr Freeman and Mr Noble, who have!-already tackled Lincoln Cathedral ;and the Barbican Centre in London after forming a :compariy;.;called, Techni- tubo tb offer their special1 ist skills: '


NOWSN STOCKMON-SAT:. 9arn-5.-30.prn

BARNSLEYi «8Doncastef Road..' Tel: 248847-''

HALIFAXSlump Cross’. Tel: 360896

HUDDERSFIELD ;1,i Leeds-Road. Tel: 541085

HULL . ;■74.Spririg Bank, Tel: 215632

PSSE T T ..:■ ' j ■•Royds Mill; Leeds Rd. /.Tel: (0924) 280867 . . P'S

SHEFFIELD108 Holme Lane, Hillsborough.-.Tel:.343511:

BRADFORD88 Manningham Lane. Tel: 370793 i

OPEN SUNDAYGRIMSBY ,Bowling Green Lane. ■ (Next to B&Q).Tel: 242366:

LEEDS ' ,Water:'La‘ne.-;Te!‘:’442539:

SHEFFIELD519 :StairifoHH Road. Tel: 431576^

Speak to ;

m o p aC O N S E ;B V A T O R - I E S

: The Conservatory .Glebe House

AskhataBiyan ■. '.i.'- York . V' (0904) 701801 • ;

Priritad and. published1 by Yorkshire Post Newspapers Ltd a t their, offices, W ellington Street; Leeds LS.1 -1R F.T e l: Leeds (0 5 3 2 ) 4327 01 ' (C lassified advertising o n ly /4412 3 4 ). Telex: 5 5 4 2 5 , Fax:‘ (0 5 3 2 ) 4 4 3 4 3 0 .f ' London: 2i3 -2 7 ',.Tudor Street, EG4Y OHR. Tel: 01 -5 8 3 919.9. Registered as'a new spaper at the Po st-O ffice.^ Reproduction o f the contents of this new spaper in any m anner is not perm itted w ith o u t the prior conseht o f X the publishers.-The Yorkshire''Post is .a U n ited:P rovincial Newspapers publication; . ' ' “ ' >■-

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0532 431524 0943 463321ILKLEY

h ; 0943 600655 1" /;.r i

T H E GRANG^E, : T p ^ S T R E i r r t R A W D O NVery attractive and imaginative conversion/of this substantial stone built property; dating bade some three- hundred years,', and /steeped. in - history, ;' into TWO. SPACIOUS- HOMES OF CHARACTER.' Superb location:with fine Southerly views 'across Aire Valley. Many "Old" features and characteristics have been retained maldrig:both properties unique. DOUBLE GLAZING, GAS - CENTRAL HEATING. Ready for immedlatefocdipaubn.. - - 1 r


ilityroom ,4 b house feathrooni, double garage. • >: • . i i



Porch, reception; hall; lounge, sitting room, dining ' room, , cellar, kitchen, ', cloaks/w.c.,' utility room, 4 bedrooms; bathroom, double garage. ' v'

. Open for view iiigSunday2; — 5 p.m. or by appointment. i ' Brochure and Plan available. '

• OFFER8 OVER;g22S.000 for cach property -


Superior Detachedv.residence. occupying desirable .Conservation 'Area .Village location.. Elezwtiaccommodatioh with- quality, fittings;' D W B tE ^GLAZING;. /.GAS;. CENTRAL HEATING,- /reception h&l,.. :<ibaks/ ;,;W.c.,. ■lounge, d i^ g ’rboi^conservatbry.yb^ kitchen;-'; utility room,. 4 bedrooms,/ 2 bithrooms.DouDleg^ge^privategaxciens. :" ; iPggEM^XO.OCiOREGIOM J /'


A very characterful Edwardian Residence of individual f design. .Well modernised with

: CENTRAL HEATING and modem fittings, the- ' accommodation comprises: Entrance hall, sitting- room, dining room, kitchen, cellars. 3 first floor bedrooms, bathroom.'Second Floor'studio. Very

/ pleasant gardens to front and rear and garage.. '

i-:!-. £120.000 . '

/ Exceptional RESIDENTIAL SMALLHOLDING w ith fullym odem U ed . .'r;:Farmhou»e, excellent range o f • -/

building* In gra**Iand,.extending to ■■■■ IS . 14 acres in th e picturesque '.- -

W aihhura-Valley^; •:'1/ .


This'sup&b.E&iiritiy'House^hasbeenfully modemisedih-the last foiuriyeara ahd7 offers, exceptional ' accommodation with) the -benefit of - CHt CENTRAL, HEATING' and DOUBLE GLAZING;.comprising; Entrance hall, lounge,, dining room, kitchen,, -utility room; 4 bedrooms and Z bathrooms, with a wealth of traditional features.-'-Outside there are double garages with games room and office above, together with a recently constructed range of

- modem' livestock buildings and well- watered passland extending to 18.14 acres, ih a. ring





A. most attractive and well maintained four bedroomed detached house located in a much sought' after , residential; area./ In excellent, d e c o r a tiv e •/,order,' the; sp a cio u s; accommodation//comprises:^ Sitting ; room, dining room/kitchen/exceUentfainily room; .,

/utility, room, four,bedrooms bh$ with en-suite, -bathroom;’ / house; bathroom. f - Outside: • Attractivematureg^denstbaUsides/south fadng paved; patiD area;" double garage, GAS'

' CENTRAL MATING, , / i- / -.- PRICE: £185 ,000 . /.-

a.Impressive ind^diwl tDetadted Residence _

jj$$gg$frah$ s^oimdedv-by-j

dens:,:and:.additiohal-land.r Doublet^V^Xel.;«32502,;/ ;f 11':^

: ; d F F r a s i is o .b o o r e g io n '


1 A most disting^hM/Ktached. family house: i offering outetajding:' accommodation .'-VVitti;

. m'anyattractive1 featuresi/ancl quality -fittin gs,' the-

/ accommodation' i comprises: Entrance, hall,; lounge,'/ dining - room, snuK, / kitchen/ cloakroom, billiard roo^' 3 /g o ^ bedrooms,

: bo)orbbm,bathr6om. GMage,caipdrtl:PRICE: £198 ,000 ' ,


In the course bf construction, 2 fine Link - Detached properties einjoying very/pleasant ' Conservation' Area :settirig ' within '.walled, garden and ;ovdlboldng p ^ ' Apppinfed :to; veryhiizh'standard incL-DOtJBLE GLAZING,

;iGASf/CH5lRAB;>HEA'nNG.--Iiree’i^Wlyl ' accommodatioh - icbmprises:'/: Hall with

doidcs/w.c., lounge . With dining area, (28ftj 2'6ih;- j(^14ft.), kitchen, breakfast area/, uttlityi ; h>qny4^ood^bedrooms,: bathroom.Garage,;

OFFEEIS £110 ,0 0 0 REGION -



A most: .distindive and elegant Detached 'family residence/of individual- chaim and charactov offering superbly planned and partiailarly spadous./aixommodatlan. in a soini-huial locatipii^frin^ng Ae village and commanding ! breath-taking - vievys ‘ towards Ilkley' M oor.' Superbly ‘m aintained

' accommodation : with GAS CENTRAL HEATING /.AND PARTIAL DOUBLE GLAZING, comprises: Front entrance, porch, superb .conservatory, reception hall, doakroom. o ff,e legan t drawing room, spadbus dining room,'fitted breakfast kitchen, pantry, utility room and - excdleht dry,

nent'Krstflbon^Prindpal bedroom,withen-siiite bathroom, 3 further oedrooms, family bathroom and sepatate w .c. Two bedroams^layrocims on the second .floor.; O^ide:; .Double,: garage.' Ample. additional

prindpally lawn^gartlen and pati^areia./■: i :. REGION £248 ,000 ’ /'/'/^'^.vi

b r a m i ^ y .

:Lairge Etetached family. Residence enjoying "■ — -yet convenient posititm\ id ^ l.;for;

:kitchen; /u tility room,, doaks/w .c .;• 4- - bedrooms; ,2 superb •ibathrboms.' ;Gara>~ample gardens. VIEWING HIGHLY RECpM^fflSIDED.TeL 569623.- ; .- . ;



.'An 'attractive.and/- 6padous -; Stone Detached/

EATING throughout.'A'very . appealing and comfortable home./ . M - / :

PRICE: £7S ,000

,VBEECH‘0 I ^ S E , !] ^ N S T p N r^

;.yillagewithin'leyel;thlrc[.-0?'anaa'e'garden.: Is^ a^ site ly /i. maintained and , spadous /accommodation! 'with . GAS . -. CENTRAL; /HEATING/’; ahd'j/DOUBLE-GLAZING,; comprising::.Bright! hall. doaks o£f,.delightful, ; lounge, separate dining room, luxury fitted ' kitchen,:'3 'bedrooms ' with wardrobes,; bathroom. Double garage. Greenhouse and undoubtedly/asplenoid position..//' : : ,:/ REGION £245 ,000 . /-' '■

“LANE HEAD HOUSE"; - ; r a w d 6 n : x '/.:^:

Spkipus sdfTContained FIRST FLOOR FLAT, offering:/' accommodation of' .excellent propomons enjoying a. splendid ./open: outlook. Whilst the fixtures and fittings would

£uih4>.'.aaaiulAil«iW''' iltA - fla i ' ’ ftffnpd -benefit' from, updating, the fiat offere considerable/.potential/for the creation of ' a comfortable; noine- of both charm anddistortion, jccMivising; Joint entrance hall,'

' ttihgl room, d&ihg dtchen, 2 : be^ooms, bathroom; 'and'/ separate Zw.c/- Single garage. The flat rajoys the use of the middle third of thedeliifloWerbeds, .' shrubs; trees, pond, and : gravel paths: ■ V ' - ' ' : . . f :/'. Cv;;/j':- PRICE REGION £80 ,000


65 , mKLEY HALL PARK, . IL k i £ T

The. first re-sale of this •'prestigious devdopment midway- between . the town • centre and the moors. An inunaculate three. bedroomed end town house enjoying fixtures,

: and fittings : of , the highest.! standard and providing spadous accommodation- with the Denefit of magnificent views over the Wharfe Valley. /The accommodatiori .comprises: Entrance hall with shower/ idoakroom, utility room, bedroom 3. Hist floor Sitting room, study. fitted dining kitchen with, balcony off.

. Second' floor- 2 further bedrooms, bathroom., tOutsl4«.Sin^e:^a^^ardrasro ■ svf ^../j'/ •

/ PRICE: £ 1 3 2 ,BpO


A n E dvia rd la n H ouse in im m aculate. : 'c o n d itio n . :/■'"

Set in a most deli^tfid sedud^ .garden of approximately 3 /4 acre, a fine fanflly home;. with many original features: Pprch; vestibule,

_..______ fas t-Hfchen'/with.extensive nttmgs and breakfast baf/ laundiy, larder and stores, boiler house, covered rear entrance,.' master. bedroom suite,.- 3 - further double bedrooms, bathroom and separate w/clv (on first floor), 3 bedrooms/ kitchenette’ (on sccond floor suitable' as self contaihed/flat). ' Garaging for 3' carsj .rustic summerhouse. ’Rateable Value; £472:. An original '/house beautifully maintained. •: • • /i'jjv.


E sta teA gen t

E s t 1 8 2 0

BRAMHOPE/ 0532 843138 - v


An eldusively sltuat^- Growther .detached.; residence standing in /ddightful private? : gardens of approximately 1 /3 acre; Reception;

immadilalehome^ofqualityand'distihction.;/ ; piaCE: R ^ IO N £ 2 4 5 ,0 0 0 1 ;;.

AN EXCEEDINGLY:RARE. oi>i>or:t u n it y t o Ag q u ir e a - ’ - : ;


/ u - : - : / > s r r u A T i b N• “HHiCREST",: / - -i|’


/. to r Sal<by Public Auction'on . :: / Thur«day.5th pctbber,1989/at 7 .30 ; p.m. a t the Cow. imd CalfrHotel, Il]cley.


Traditional Farmhouse in delij^ttful country setting 'dating from 17th Century.Grade ll listed. Soiithaspect towards'Ilkley Moorwith charming' terraced -garden. Panelled hall, 2 . Teception rooms, with beamed filin gs, snugj, birc^aatikitchen/iiitili^irooitvvw.t; arched1

. wine./rellar,: 'master bedrobmVwith' eh-siiife" Bbathrb6m;'3 further, biedrobmsV bathroom and / /WiC.-;.; ,boarded ' loft; -central ;.heating; .DCTACHEp.,STONE/BAlW,:Vyith/plannlng approval for conversion to house.J. APPROX.- 11 ACRES GRASSLAND WITH STREAM.I f , j

FOR SALE BY AUCTION.OCTOBER P L- 18th, 1989, un leis sold previouily by :;




A character four.', faedrobmed. detached residence, .of charming cottage appeal,' sm>erbly .located along this ^liet. semi- .rural

/lane r.with open Z country-, views.: Recently renovated with the benefit of-new, sealed

, double/dazing windows, gas central heating and comprising: Entrance porch, bale beamed and panelled receptioh hall,' delightful.sittihg' room with leaded bay window,: dining room," rear entrance hall with doakroom anapantry off, kitchen, four bedrooms, bathroom. Garage, and delightful cottage gardens.- ./. EXCELLENT VALUE AT £169 ,500


:>-h. BRAMHOPE>;iiFOR 8ALE A8 A WHOLE BYPUBUC^ . •'." " " C '• --'VAUCTION 'on ‘ ■ . ' / > " • • - -



Delightfully located. !7th. Century Farmhouse , of natural/character .and charm,', a t .present. : comprising; two / adjoining '' cottages and offenhg tremendous potential for restoration and improvement. ,. - _ •:


0423 86412($V1


0535 605646

HARROGATE|___________ 0423 569931__________________



,/Uniqiie Grade ll listed jBuilding. by: Carr, the aixhiti^,.'.of;;H^ewo^ ,

/conve^bn/. of /oriner ./Cbadi -Houses /ahd /stable,'tp/.H om pton-H ^ienjoy^ superb, nird ./setting/; Spadous^ accqmmodatioh^ a|^int^toa;qm te^<^dbnal.kandaf^ Cfomprising://.Recepdon':.;;hall,doaks/w .lc.,; dravSng/. room, 'dmihg/' room,'. • breakfast:

: kitchen;: '/master .bedxoom' - with -en-suite /b'athrbbm,;/3 ,' further / bedrbpms, house ' b'athrbbm/and extei^ve;loftfWith access to: 1 j TOWER,' offering scope for/conversion/ Single / /g^ge.G aidehaream dparkihg.: ■.: / :

; - PRICE: £285 ,000 ' ;/;/;>/ '


Most impressive Family Residence tistefully. appointed, .offering, spadous accommodation - ;and'wdl looted in the favoured Duchy-area.. .Established private gardens. GAS CENTRAL' HEATING. Comprimng:.'Entrance vestibule,; reception hall, doaks/w.c.,'4 reception rooms,; fittai Htchen,^utilit^ W0 bathroonv

. 3. further bedrooms, house shbwer / room; separate w.c. Garage and.double car port.

V’t ■ OFFERS IN REGION OF £325 ,000 ,


;t>OlJBL£l'lGLA7TNG.;Spadous,-beautifuUy. /maintalnedaccommcKiation,comprising:Hall,,' drawing room,' dining aiiea; kitchen, master,.

t suite - o f:' bedroom, . dressingi ;area/ j’and:' .bathroom,;;; 2 -further/ bedropms, hotisei bathroom. Garage. Communal landscaptKi

■ gardens;?'. //v;./''/./'/-:h O^ '%vir




'Recently:, .completed / small cul-de-sac . ; devdofnnent 'W se v ^ ,2 /a n d 3 bedroomed; / Detached Bungalows; built to a high standard bv local builders of/good repute. SEALED/

: UNIT DOUBLE GLAZING ana ECONOMY 7 HEATING, ^autifully/ fitted kitchens with

: oyen and hob; luxury fully tiled -bathroom in : modem colour styles: M as ter bedrooms with,

i fitted furniture: Single garage/to. each/ , i v . 2.BEDROOMS: £8 5 ,0 0 0 ' V '

3 BEDROOMS: £95 ,000



An. attractively. . situated1- 4 - bedroomed-' Detached House in a.pleasantly peaceful and1

; popular cul-dersac ty p e .' residential ndghbourhood, offering carefully, maintained

: family accommodation - with the benefit of; GAS l/iFIRED WARM ’ AIR / DUCTED. BACKGROUND HEATING. : Comprising as. follows: ::Hall with; doakroom (off;; spaabus

;living :;/room incorporating; dining area; 'breakfast ldtcKenj !4 :bednx3ms ■ and half-tiled ; b'athfpom.^ ’Outeid&^l^Slngle garage and

' PRICE-£84,950 v.. ,

81 and 83,ILKLEY HALL PARK, •V V j p u p ^ r b v . - ' ; ./ ' ' !^

Two newly constructed stone.-built detadied, -houses situated in• an exdusive.devdopment: within minutes ;waUong distance of the town .

- centre. Ready for immediate occupation, these,- three bedroomed properties offer mgh/ ‘ /accommadatfon. Vie^^ / essentiaL

. Open to view; bn Sunday /6th; August ;1—' ^ p jh .^ p in ./. .. • ••• ••’■:•;. •/•..•••'•' :

‘ ' PRICE: £135,000. - :



.An:-attractive modem Detached family residence; . offering ' carefully. r- maintained accommodation, being conveniently situated within easy reach -' of all ’local / ainehities,. having the benefltof GAS FIRED WARM AIR DJUCT CENTRAL HEATING and comprisingAyC -/rtllm i .. U 1 am enanraio Klhrtff

. JUliaieii,, J,:. uuutAiuia. a jiu ia n iu j . u a u u w u i.Outside:to the front,immaculategardens and single, garage. To- the rear, excellent conseryatory.; set;/; In./ superb:. private and endosedgardais.'.. :V:’;/;-';,/ ■ ’ ' j»RICE£79.500 ■



A; delightful' three bedrb<anQd' mews. style property 'enjoying far' readiinjg views whilst; having the benefit.of its own canal frontage to;. .the rear; Constructed, approximately, one year 'ago;/.; this :.', attractiveW^Mi^ynaBj'jD'eeh-.- . thoughtfully .- planned ana . (Mnefits/ fromV fixtures,fitangs.and.extrasbf highstandard.

. The; accommodation cgmpri^: ESitrance hall :■ with doakroom' off, fitted dining ldtchen.sitting;foom,;lovV--,„ , .„ .rbomiahd;patio;’doorsto.;canal6lde/: garden,. adjacent1-study/sauna-: rooirf.Fiist'.flocrn: master/bedroom .with' enjsUlte- bathroom;| bedroom " 2 ; w ith': en-%uite shower . room,: -bedroom 3,' house bathroom. Outside: Integral

PRICE: OFFER8 IN THE REGION OF ' -'//•; £125. 000: -j :-i'


.. t .1 i n i i i m iw . p & i l V W ■WWkWlkAW * «. ; « «

vwitha detached brick bam standingjn --—— gardens, together with a paddoick extending

"m total - to -some two acres;; Gas; cmtrally ' heated, the.:accommodation comprise with: partial double glazing : Ilall, cloakroom/w.c, three . reception - rooms, breakfast V-Idtchen, utility ' rooni, four; bedrooms,, bathroom.' Ample garaging and workshops. . ,> '/-:/ / - :

:i/:V PRICE::OFFERS IN THE / ' / ;;■// - REGION OF £270 .0 0 0 , :' • .

S T E ^ T O N i K E IG H L E Y

An /'agricultural : holding_//of/ .45 / acres apprra&natidy with a sriagmucent newly built Detadied' Farmhouse. : Supcxb - position; Excellent farm building. A;-' ■ very;: rare

/opportunity to purdiase a w;oddng farm with ‘a splendid iiome.-' - "':r;:/^:/;iA //'v:';f ;.ii:/':



0943 870326

B1NGLEY0274 56042ft



. . .Visit the fully furnished show ’ • ':'r- .:■■■f • ; / apartment this weekend. '■/ ..- / ' : OPEN Saturday* and 8 on<lay«

1 0 a.m .-4 p.m .| \



Pi-.-.. '

Tastefully restored period 'cottage.standbig in ; approxlmatdy. a third of an acre,/blit/with-, additional land and a subs tantial'.stbn'e, bain available subject to separate negotiations; Appointed to an ©iceptionally high standard,: the accommodation comprises with'.ceiitriu; heating:' Entrsmce vestibule,' two reception' rooms,-farmhouse kitdieh, pantry, rear;hall, doakroom/wx., bathroom;, five: bedrooms. Outside : Range, of .outbuildings and loose : .boxes;..-':-;' - . j . ' i .v ' v y . }?.'■ ;

'I -.- PRICKixWERS.IN THE';:^ ////;;':' REGION OF £195 ,000 / /


‘r Substantial : leasehold' retail' 'showroom together'with eccelleht wbrkshop/storage and' office .fidlities.'/Current rental £2^00 p .i Pr^um 'required./1. /.- ,//^ /,v/ / / ;''iK/-x-; OFFESS IN THE REGION OF £7 ,BOO


0274 581794

?;V;'/->,- A Q : B I N G L E Y ' f %?; / / '//Cottage style maisonettes ideal for . ... -

U\e younger buyere.Exdudve setting, ii'-:'.'. ’ Choice of 1,2 or 3 bedrooms. : j ..

PRICES FROM £ 58 ,750 to £89,900 (aoine Include .caipeti).

. / . • Mortgage arid house exchange ' .; • ' . . services available. ; .

Open to vlew Saturdaya ahd Sunday* . ; './, /.;- .10 '«.m.-4;p.m. ;


' 0532 30433a

BURLEY 0943 862131

SKIPTON 0756 2466

PATELEY BRIDGE 0423 711010

RIPON 0765 5151

WETHERBY 0937 66177

BOSTON SPA 0937 845095

/(:/;, HEADINGLEYRarie opportunity to: acquire very attractive purpose • built GROUND ;; FLOOR/ FLAT situated in exdiislve devdopment and vety/ conveniently placed for local amenides. Spadotis accommodation with Everest double N glazing.' Reception. hall, ■; through . sitting; room/Hining area, kitchen, side entrance; tw o. bedrooms and bathroom. Single Garage;. Veiy /attractive:'and w ell;matatamed/c^ grounds. 1 / ' i/'v'/.-/;v. '.'si"/.-

■ PRICE: £78 ,500 / ¥ *


:Pos9lbly one of the finest modern detached' properties built in the dty in recent yeare,-- offeiing; approx. 3^00 sq. ft , bf superbly

; appointed family :: accommodation1, with; quality specification'throughout' Indudcs five

.bedrooms^/, two " elegant rcoqfrtioh rooms, stud' for.

/the/._________________________ .a v a i l a b l e . " . .. '• ./-././•■;-.

V OFFERS OVER £18i9i506 / ’


CHESTNUT COURT. , Well maintained 2 bedroomed fiist . floor .flat/ in : delightful position.1 Reasonably;pric^at£64^iOO:lnc. 'carpets.-1: ;/'//:'/ .";i;THE COURT, ASHFIELD ROAD. Luxury first floor apartment in .exdusive.compl^c 2 bedrtK^ and ffl^ ty fittin g PrtoBttfe/WO. /


v : -

. .?■

s : ^ <r~-: A'.

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;2 ® i

• ' • I / I

c i i a k t i :k i :i > s l u v i :y o k .s




3; reception rooms, kitchen, -utility, 6 bedrooms, bathroom, garaging and outbuildings.


•In all 57.73 acres.


A CHARMING VICTORIAN FAMILY TOWN HOUSE • O F F E R I N G E X C E L L E N T SP ACI O U S ACCOMMODATION AND RETAINING MANY PERIOD FEATURES. v ■ . . iv-.;;1Occupying a desirable aridfavoured residential position in

3;reception; rooms, kitchen/ ;5 bedrooms, - bathroom,! gardens front and rear, 2 garages. Gas central heating.: '; :


The ab o ve p ro p e rtie s , a p p ly : 48


; . WTTHLN WALKING DISTANCE OF CITY CENTRE. ■'3 reception rooms,, kitchen, 4 bedrooms/ bathroom. Gas

v A C e n tm h ra ^ £ .; .v ! ^ ^ V


B O pTH A M v Y O R K . 0904 ^5 5 8 9 4





■“»Q •


A<xpmmo^tioh . briefly -comprises: 2 reception rooms, ifcitcheh, futility,' cloakroom, 4 bedrooms, double garage, a Wide rang^ of . outbuildings and paddock.. ■ v ' rZ J - -Z'

. .Vv In all about 2 acres. ■ .FOR SALE BY PRIVATE TREATY


; 2 reception rooms, kitchen, utility, 3 bedrooms,• : bathroom,, garage- and ; garden. L.P.G. central

heating. . i;\ .v ' y


, ApplyztS Bootham , York.0 9 0 4 6 5 5 8 9 4 S '"

TeIiO 969 2 3 I0 9

A unique opportunityarisesto acquire a.traiditionaily constructed, : Yorkshire-stone biiut detacbedproperty, at-present being; twoj separate; cottages.;and around, 1.8,,acresiof ;farmland.; Superb ; potential to. develop and - a beaudful 'niralisetting surrounded by

. farmland--v. - . ’• ■ ' • T • -*



For sale by Public Auction V 1.(unless sold privately beforehand) i ; -■

, - k on Wednesday, August 23rd. ■'.)«: • ' Brochures from Auctioneer’s Huddei&dd Offici/’i ; <Z.Z;Z: ‘ZyZZZZ^Z:-0484 514949.

■' Solicitors Parker Bird, 24-28 Queen Street, HiiddeisCeld,;


OVER £180,000

. Four bednxim split-level detached residencc coataining witliin its grounds a, detached! double garage/ and- stables' for’-two -horses.Stifmiinrfmg formal* ’g a rJa t^ .flniT'f^ir acres' of tgnaing/pasttlldGenerous - and ■ excellent v /inlernal .Jaccommo&tion. ; Briefly comprising: Dining area; l6ungeT kitclien,‘four bedrooms and two bathrooms. .For viewing' please/, telephone '.the -vendors/Mr'. and Mrs. Bk>ttomIey,on 0535 4451511;

£ VICTORIA ROid), U^RSEDGE, |i| - f OFFERS MIGIQN £150^00 ; :

-individual and exc^tionsIW spacious, quality vsitiiatedin ahighlydesirabfe, non^estate positio^anddst'1

secluded and well stocked gardens,'1 Th?'bungfllnw has recently': tm d^rae/ain.'exteiiave..^ount 'o f ,improvementsand’iiie-fittmgj Briefly coihprising::FuUy.'jQtted n ^ e m ldtdien, spacious lduiige,' ' la^e sitti^ iroo^diiiing rooniy study four,bedrooms, bathroom with s«>erate shower ' cubide. - Tlie property has been re-wired. • irPVC aouble glazcdj and cavdty insulaki/lD e prbperty is.ideally 7 situflted being'ddse/to-'ayrange'of local-amenities,-and nearby townships; .of ' Mtrfidd, ’ luc^nbndw il^ Gedchieaton / and. Pew^uxy,and alIowseasy access to theM62and MI. r .

0422 842746




I . Nolson Houso rGproscfits H Typical 17th csntuiy double winged : I south-fadn]] res;cience:built:in lhe ff?ign'of.Qiorles I end briafty I ccmpris83: lmposing eoL; hall with .period style staircase;, rash hall/, ■ . fully tfitted doakrpom';''mEignificant 22ft- dravvirig 'room; ::oqually'

-'impreaaivQ. dining- room. morning room, spacious! study, Vpine ' I kitchen, ulility room. kotping ond wino ceilars, S dcublo [xxirooms I {2 with en-suito bathrooms), unique singlo "Poroh" bedroom, 3rd . ‘ family bathroom, secondary stairciso to “Gu<sst W ng." Gardens- :;Vand garage space. Sophisticatod heating and alarm systems. ' -

Nolaon Houaa has baan madeUoiaiy m to rad to m a in many fina pariod fa a tm a and occup>a» a diBjhtfi i aeutf^tadng location tn.Hw daBghtful Paraiina VBaga .of Baridriand — . pro»fcSofl aa»y conimutar ■ adcaaa to M62 and Waat YoffcaMra/Eattl LancaaMra cauanaiUal cantraa. Wocthr o t : apadalattaim onto a» dtocamtng pardaa. :


) ilO acrw hokfeig; w ith : daBghtfd : b t» 18th i c jn ta y .t f o w . nodwniM d fw nibom i Midi

'..faiAflngi' '.In auporb w tM ic i n g ; i i i v n d : n n i

Jocidon do** to aurrouniSng W i

i Cbmp.: Ent hall, magnificent;[ / ‘lounge, dining room, fully fitted ; v- , •

- kitchen and breakfast room, 4 beds, bathroom;Attached bam — kiaal fo r dwalopm ant. Courtyard and garden

I y to .front, driveway, and ,2 4 ft garage to rear.' Extensive range of ’ additional outbuMngs: totalling .approx. 10,000 sq. 'ft. with ;• approx.'Ipacresofsurroundingfirtpasture'lahd.-V '. ■;

O fM n g A t n r a opportunity\iai acqiira a m o A .d atM to igrfedtural hoU ng in iMa much aoudrt if ta r n n i M ttk n i t • vary ADVANTAGEOUS PRI CE. . ' - < . 1 • T 1


• • v Him M.ln^peaihg’lflvh can-tury OantSaman's raaidanca.; Prtwkfino a mo«t elegeiit ranga; o f : pncNWriy- propor .

. tlonad accommodation, M l. o f bidhriduai chanm s id cha- ractar, ;«njoyfrig a formal ganlan aattlng ■ with kaaxy swknming pooC in ,a n n d i aoughi aftar . aadudad vMaga location wttMn aaay raiach of

, thaMg2Motorway.:Comp.: Ent..hall^de^nt.drawing'room,.'attractive dining room/: fully fitted kitchen and breakfast room, snug,^study or doakroom

Uwhh adjoining, w .d , oak ' panelled^ library, spacious /lounge, . 5 ; bedrooms (the .master with eo-suite bathroam), wrth adjoining pleyrpom, ..well fitted • bath and shower',room,' sun-terrace 'and .shower .room, luxury swimming :pool' with terrace and summer.

; housetofront.Mewscourtyardtorear: • . ;


uwaitur raaldsncs anioying a tnily r daBghtfid. gardan • aatt-. Infl ln ana d r CridanWa'a moat aought aftar rural loca- «fona doaa to tha M92


W: ; 2 S ^ 7;,WESTGATE; B ^ D F O R b ^ 2 7 4 ) ^ p ^ ^

/ LUXURY REGENGY ^ CONVERSIONWe.ere pleased to-offer. the first unit in'tHs styllsh conversion 'of thei-hlstodc' rnechortcs 'Institute building (cfrca.S:1826)Wn the residentldiVillage'of.Wil$den,:near Bingfey,' v .Threer units dhTy/:these^ properties - now. form stperb regenq

-accommoistyle houses,offering^ extenslve-'ifcmity __ ______plm ned on 3; floors. Sfone buitty jo fd iy (rerurblshed,» ecpJpped and decorated,' the. houses' comprise: 2 excellent reception rooms, luxury breakfast, Idtchen/utillty' room, Wrie cellar; w .c./ doaks; .3 double., bedrooms^-(one1 • en*sulte).. a rid / house bathroom. .Features indude; ’ gas 'central: heatfng;' DPG end

, timber guarantees,>.origlndl- .beams arid ' fireplaces,' stripped ^plne .doors, new. windows,, stone reveded. walls,-miJIIoned endows and private:parking:area.':Enjoying first';'dass:.villag&' Todftnes and environment With good access to major centres c ix l countryside. Intemd Inspecfion WgWy recommended.. >.


:Cbmp,; ' Delightfulj lounge; •. a t-.'tractive dining;, room, spadous ;family‘Vcountry, kitchen- and

. ; b |^ k ^ . room,/^5 b e d r o o m s ; / - z ;mod bath;and shower room.' Sep. W.C., extensive-lawned gardens ’ ' 3 sides/driveway to excellent integial double garage. ■-

Vary raaann aWyoffarad a t O.O.C150,000 ■■'■■Ito attract prompt sala.

W O O O H E A D n n T A ^ T O W N G A T E ^

C U IT O N /B R ra iO U S E -; DiiPgiitfii Couhtry Raaidanca' ; part , dating back to 1850 fc«

much ao t^h t aftar Pamina VKage location anfoylng inv ma<tata aceaaa to Junc. 25

;r. .Oomp,:/ E rit' Vestibule,-' dinihg '.hall, ; lounge, breakfast ‘ room,; with; adj.,.'ba-, throom/ open' floor landing, . '4'-,;v-bed-v'

. rooms, sep.* shower room, lawned garden to 2 sides, driveway to • .integral garage.;.; •;

Vta%vfaiqbyap|iiohitn>ai n witl»aoiaaflamiL 1



■A sp a cloua V ictorian farm house w ith DEVELOPMENT SITE located In this p leasan t village a few m iles from the

;■ AX. ’It re ta in s o rig inal fea tu res and. com prises entrance, lo b b y ,'h a ll, living room , sitting room , dining room , kitchen; w ith 5 large bedroom s an d 2 bathroom s to firs t floor. A djoining shop (tenan ted) is lncIuded. The house

r h a s planning consent fo r conversion to 2 properties. iThe range o f trad itional buildings have the benefit of - OUTLINE. PLANNING PERMISSION fo r conversIon to 3 dw ellings. A t the n o rth e rn en d .o f the site OUTLINE PLANNING PERMISSION h a s also been gran ted fo r the erection o f a further4NEW DW ELLINGS; i - i-


STEETON HALL — SOUTH MILFORD' T a d caste r—6 m i l e s , A l ~ 2 m l l e s v . . 1

:A grade . I ; listed early 14th C entury Farm house w ith extensive range o f G rade II-lis ted .farm bulldlngs w ith

; g rassland extending to 33.62 ACRES. A m arvellous- ' e x am p le .o f a -Yorkshire m edieval ha ll In a secluded

{>osltlon and yet-w lthln 2 m iles o f the A l Trunk Road.- I t s .approached via the battlem en ted . G ra d e K listed Gatenouse.-.V: . '“a n d . - . .o ffers /.• ' very spacious

accom m odatlon;(requliihg •comprising: E n trance hall, _ _ _ro o m ,.(fo rm e r C hapel w ith vau lted celling)•--- * ... . -

very '; sp ad o u s. som e renovation).

sitting, room , study, dining . . . . . .

tiy. andjkeeplng cellar.1 To the FIRST edrpom s, 2 bathroom s .and to the

ld tchen,;___FLOOR 'a re . __________ ____________ _____SECOND FLOOR a re 3 fu rth e r bedrooms;-Adjoining a re ' fo rm er stab les, jja rage ,-3 storeyrm edieval Dovecot. The ra n g e of. 17 th C entury trad itional farm bulldlngs have .PLANNING. PERMISSION for- conversion to 4 high quality , dw ellings.-The w hole Is suzTounded by rolling g rassland w ith in w hich a re the rem ains o f‘the ancient m oat. Also available adjoining 70 ACRES arable land; T his is ld ea l’fo r u se .a s a prestig ious dwelling; hotel o r

.le isu re complex, including golf course. ' -FULLDETAILS FROM YORK OFFICE ;

n a w t o n . g r e e n h il l g Ate

An Im pressive'period H ouse 'and B arn / w ell:situated in th is unspoilt Tallage on the edge of th e N orth York

-M oors N atlonat,- 'Park; ‘The house -has been fully m odernised to enhance, the featu res o f the period w ith m odern additions; w hich com bined, form a fine, brigh t

> a n d charm ing / residence w hich m ust be viewed to appreciate , its g randeur. .The stone-bu ilt B am ideally w ould form an o th e r house, suitable- fo r G ranny o r ho liday hom e (sub ject to planning perm ission).:T he accom m odation includes: Entrance Hall. In ternal L obby ,"D raw ing- Room, Dining Room .' B re ak fas t/- ,Kltchen, C ellar, G allerled Landing: M aster .B edroom - w ith D ressing Room and B athroom . 3 further.B edroom s' an d Fam ily B athroom . Large G ardens to fron t and re a r. Tw o'storey B arn . ■ - v " ' /

' PRICE: 0 fferslh th eraglon£210,000 -' *•• - • r APPLYHELMSLEY-OFFICE'V.1,:' ^


’iW K S ?

' G lim pses of. the w hite .w alls.of T enter C lose-crow n thei . . .sou thern approach', to ,thls chazrnlng^village steeped In --

th e foothills of-the Ham bleton Hills; The house w as built ; .-In . 1906 a s a 6.' . bedroomed- coun tiy resldencev of m agnificent proportions a n d ; outstanding perspective-

; to g e th e r w ith over a n acre o f p rivate gardens.. ■ - .%z:'z ?r Vi" . ' PRICE GUI DE£ 3 5 0 , 0 0 0 ' r

-v;.,:APPLY:EASINGWOLDOFFiCE";: v^:'^!.,

20, CASTLEGATE, YORK. TEL. 0904 625533 MARKET PLACE, EAS1NGW0LD. TEL 0347 21145



CLEGG & SO NC h a r te r e d S u rv e y o rs .

Auctioneers, Valuers & Estate Agents

RAW GLIFFE, NEAR GQOLEFor Sale by Auction.; ;

at 7 p A . on Monday4th September,, ■ at Thie Vikings.Hotel, Goole.


'' tf 1.. s.

Belngsltuated In. a prominent posBlon ontheoutBJjIrtsof the village; fronting', Snaiih Road, this- unit comprises a modernised ’House containing entrahca a re i lounge, kitchen, deep Iresze room,; lilliity- room, Tear; porch, 3 bedrooms, bathraoni,;:eeparate:w.c., together with an adjoining Granny Fiat comprising a llying room, kitchenette: and; bedroom,■ together with a building .plot (ranting ;the main ;road, and/.bulldlngs at the rear Induding.'stabies,-ah adjoining grass paddockv and arable field,- maWng the unit very desirables with'' excellent- potential 'for ,a variety ;ol 'uses.;:immediate inspection; appredats the full^extent and value of this1 unit.1

Vaoant Possession Upon Completion. Brochure and Plan Available.

68 AIKESTRKET, OOOLE DN14 5QE.'I'cl. 0405 3140


McManus & PooleiChartered Surveyors & Estate Agents ;For. Keighley & Aire Valley Properties-


?;?f: A - s u b s ta n tia l, d e t a c h e d residence ■: blillt.

. area ;i.860; set' In ', sizoaWo maturo a n d : p r lv .a te j gardens in : a .' p i c tu r .e s q u o location.-. Exceptionally Wgh. s ta n d a rd : o f d o c o r w i t h

'tremendous character. Gas centrql.hegting. doub!egla2ing., Garogo and addtlond standngi-forr .several ..vehicles.;. Lounge, ’ sitting room. ■ dining room, ’ comprehensively equipped kitchen, 4 large bodrooms, baffvoom with four-piocoaite. ; •

100, Cavendish Street, Keighley BD21 3DE Tel. <0535) 603747 .

also at 26 KIrkgate, Siisden BD20 0AL ,


,, 2 Bedrobmi lovely;. ■; i: garden, parking, needs modernisation, full grants available.

: Offers around£ 3 9 ,9 5 0

T el: O t le y 4 6 3 9 0 4

r BARKSTONCountry Consge thoroughly modoniscd,* • yet itfll rerxining many traditional • features,-

. tndiirtlng original exposed tizabs Kramcd ceDin i, stdld ftiel central beating, stone-' fireplaces «xl lecoodxiy doublegJazmg. Garage, greenhouse and; outbuilding*; set in well maintained south gaidens. - 1

OfTcrs Ih the region of £105,000 ^ T h o n e (^ 7 8 I7 4 ^ any time. ^



Town centre I f 4 m ile, Leeds 17 miles.

The infrequent sale of an elegant Victorian ' town house, one of a much admired block overlooking Harrogate’s famous 200. acre Stray. Pour bedrooms, .three reception rooms,; .two bathrooms. Double garage, private garden. An exquisitely appointed home in a convient location. . . ; ; :

PRICE REGION: £285,000


H arrogate 6 miles, R ipon 23 miles.

A picturesquevdetaiched ;stone cottage in idyllic yet coriveniieht rural setting. Two re cep tio n room s, ' tw o bedroom s, outbuildings, wih scope to substantially extend; Private landscaped gardens of 2/3acre.

PRICE REGION: £195,000

Regent House, Albert Street, Harrogate HG11JX. Tel: (0423) 523423 Also at 9, Park, Place, Leeds LSI 2RU.:

London, Mayfair, Kensington, Chelsea) Docklands, Arundel, Bath, Canterbury, Carlisle, Carnoustie, \ i Edinburgh, Folkestone, Haywards Heath,' Cbdord, Wells, Bahrain, Dubai; Oman, Shaijah. J

in association with

Knight Frank & Rutley


Hexham.18 miles


Harrogate 1 tmiles, I^<^s';36iai]es, York 20 miles |

w m m

^ | i . i


A charming three bedroomed farm hbusc to­gether with converted bams to give two 2 bedroomed and one 3 bedfoomed holiday

3 ^ ’Z :Z^'y.' ' cottages. ;■ Fishing Z '/'XYZ/'


4 reception rooms, ■ conservatoiy,: ldtchen, utility,, 5 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, shower room. : Garaging,v i outbuildings,' lawned

gardens; 'rf;' '

10581/JW. , 1 0 5 8 2 / J H J


j ' --------------" "" &ESTATE AGENTS & VALUERS ^

DENBY GRANGE/GRANGE MOOR ; Offers over £225,000

■Indlviduall/'deslghea.'Btohe' b'ulit' ..........................three bedroomed'detached true" Ibungalow',: peacefully situated amidst rural ■ surroundings and'

!yet. easy-. access - for M1 .motorway. Historic "undertones In c o n n e c t i o n -w I th t hegrandparents of Lord Snowdon, this.- most - unique-iproperty, tastefully . decorated and enhanced by full central.haatinq — ' be vie ’ ' ................must .be -.viewed v Internally. Accommodation.'briefly: Lounae - (of generous proportion' wflh lealure stone-fireplace),' kitchen, dlnlna room, three bedrooms, family bathroom,-maflure gardens, double

.and single-garage. Beautiful In presentation and Idea In situ hbtorlc features; To-View-TeL Agents

on (0484)435755 orVendoron {0924)848868.- ; - •


S to n e b u ilt;';. D e ta c h e d G en tiem an .'s R e s id e n c e peacefully situated -in -'a -rural hamletv amidst -.3/4. acre ' of secluded wooded; garden having the River Colne bordering to one side. .Original!/ the home of the Crowthers,. this -propisrty - has recently been restored with pride and care having, quality fixturesand.fittings ano full gas contra! - - jheatlng .enhancing this spacious accommodation comprising briefly- Lounge,, sitting room, kHchen;::6: bedrooms, famlKr bathroom, tree-lined driveway with ample parking (planning for onU(0&S)a^ ^ M stable). Internal viewing essential. Tel. Agents.


Offers |n the region of £l50;p00detached

. evidence..f'1™ " ,™ '" hi. ,:iio« iiiu i ai.a cavity; wall

Insulation Ideal for the growing family with accommodation: Lounge, dinkig'jooni, kitchen;.<two bathrooms,!.Integral, garage' and'welT stodted gardens. To view: Contact Agents on;(0924) 4,98701.


Individually'designed stone built'detached! residence: set in large plot with open panoramic views. Further details .on application.





FOR SALE BY AUCTION(Suttfect to CondSions of Sale and remaining unsold),


A detached 3 bedroomed house with'GAS CENTRAL HEATING; GARAGE AND STANDING ON A LARGE GARDEN EXTENDING TO JU ST'U ND ER HALF .ACRE andi''located within one of Doncaster's premier a/eas. : '

Viewing through Grice & Hunter,Estate Agents :'Z'ZX;ZYZ0''::Z- Z.."’- 'zX:' 7 Priory Place, . ,Doncaster. .- :: . "z Tel. 0302 360141

FIRST OFFER In the picturesque village ■ :



GAS' CENTHAL HEATING, BURGLAR 'ALAHM, DOUBLE GLAZED SEALED UNITS. Immaculats ocdor: Receptiori hall, guestwj:, lounge,- Suing room; sitting roan; study, supab dning.ldlcriGn,;Utiity roan, master, bedroom With en-sults dressing room'and balhroom, 3 further doufcifl bedrooms, house bathroom, double garage, dellghlbl large gardens with sun terraoe and open rual oulook:.

: o m £ 2sd,ooo• ")n;



: in prem iBriocatlohT»r\f-.'j T I ~ mu i in ii—i^mihi

GAS CENTRAL HEATING,; BURGLAR'ALARM. Excellent order. Receplon .hd, guest w.c., siting room,- dining room, luany Htthen/sittiig room, master bedroom, ■ a further bedrooms,.bathroom,'shcwer room,’ doublslgaiage.'pleasantgardens > with sun lenace.; i- . O .I.R E210,000 , . • ; . ;


LEEDS L S I 7 6D J. T el. 668899

toc a large tfive

m) Edwardian;' Terrace, with garden; fa ’ a much sought after

leafy backwater of : Headingiey. H ie ■ ’

property oners'spacious: , - ; and stylish • • : accommodatlonwlth

many original features;, and fullgas central

. heating. ;';.v:OFFERS INVITED REGION £ 9 8 ,0 0 0

Tel: L eeds 7 5 7 5 2 3



Leriri cottage, Durness,. Sutherland A detached m ckienu^bungalqw with lovely views to the

sea and hills. Living i room, kitchen/dining

room, bathroom, 2 . bedrooms'. Garden ’

gronnd.O F F E R S O V E R £16,000

For further particulars: Bcll-Ingram, Bonar

Bridge, Sutherland. Telj 08632 683.

;;;;z s o u th w e s t S c o tla n d ;Drummore, IVIull o f Galloway

. A ttractive,sem i-cletached/prbperty situated) in ‘Scotland 's m ost southerlY vijlage. Tastefully m ddernised the-house;'o ffers’m any attractive features and boasts spacious accom m odation j com prising: Two public roorhs, k itch en /’ utility room, study, five bedroom s, bathroom ’ an d w .c :, rear landscape^ garden: •

Offers around £52,500 1


A deiigHtful f countiyv cottage : se t within approx. '''1 0 acres and - indeed, ani ideal sm ailhblding opportunity. The- cottage is in, su p e r co'ndition an d :cbrriprises:;Large lounge; fitted - kitchen, bathroom ,>■tw o : bedroom s,; full central; - heating, extensive' outbuildings. W onderful viisws from an elevated position.

' ; For details contact: ; V ';'ThBSouth W est PropertyCentre

CHARLOTTE STREET, STRANRAER. Telephone (0776) 6147.

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V. V * v ' v ► . S T . X


w m m ,


' S - W MI

j / B E S S A ^ A ^ = • V //-:

V33A. Partidge jF la tt Road,’’ Bessacarr.- ' •.i Magnificent 3 Bodroohiod '. Detached".'V;• Bungalow, beautifully apjjolnted, standing ;;■ ' rV :iin'.‘ secluded ■.iandscape^p.gartiens.-.;of- '..;;,

approx! Vi acre, ajjprbaclied. by a long - / ' ' p riva te ' tarm acadam /drivew ay.■- The /•';’ v . accommodation comprises: Entrance Hall, ;•;■V CldaWWC, liourige,?'Separate/D ining';1 J

; Room , S u n -U 3ung e/M usic;R ogm i\fitted:' ; ..t

>/^Breakfast JGtchen,^^yMlityjRoom^'/Wditlonai;

/?-■W C,'-Bathroom '(coloufed''suiteshower). Sealed;'iunit;;D/G,v:.G ^ ':C /H ;;:/

; r ; ; v ,.- ;Do.ubie and Single'Garages.:' ••' .... .

| ^ ! •’ j- j

I ^ K W I LLIAM H'BROWN V ■£ . ■| • (0302) 327121 ; ;. |

s t r i v * ; . r‘ v.'; - -■':.-:y--■■■!■:; •''" ' ' ''

^uneiHouse.Woolley-.Matureslone bulit marior v house' com prising:.' H a ll/'-R e c e p tib h i Hall/Cloakroomj'Lounge,1 Dining Room,. Sitting

' Room,.. Kitchen;: Utility. Room./Master-Suite ’• comprising: r Bedroom,, Dressing/ Room vand‘Bathroom. Three Bedrooms, Bathroom, 'Garage■• . • 7 -. Block. E^enslveGardBhs; ‘ : >: :'•■

PRICE: £ 3 4 0 ,0 0 0 ,. : WILLIAM H BROWN

- <0924)381381 • '.

!|-W“ .v,’ ' NOTTON' jv'; • • jyv.w -ji


'X ? Chevet Lane, Nott6h.\Just one of apalrof beautiful.; ?, stone built cottages behefltlng:from;oll C/l-LThe ‘ . , accommodation comprises:jlHall,’!Lounge, Sun

Room/Dlriing Room, luxuriously fitted Kitchen, 3/ / •" BedroomSj Bathroom,'Garage and Gardens. / .

pmbE: £ 1 3 5 ,0 0 0 o/a ,

I :-: -. WIliLIAM H BROWN ; ,(0924)381381:-.


'DoublponV Top, Lane, K irk’ Bramwith'.; Delightful Detached Gottage-styie house in .. fehldnable'an'd rural vjilage/2 miles from :.-.Barriby! Dun^;enj6ylng':an.'dpen: outlook ' over countryside, to;;rear-'arid comprising: '.Entrance; Halli ‘Ijolinge,^.Dining Room/ Sitting ■,R6dm/Suriv|Lourige.:.. extension, Breakfast Kitchen, Cloakroom with WC, 3 :

;bbuble'Bedrdpms,'Bathrodm.withmodern suite, Gas arid Solid Fuel C/H; Garaging for :2.'’ cars, 'Generous' , private1 landscaped

" / , / . ■ ' ; • / • gardens. .* ' .'

: PRICE: £ 9 7 ,5 0 0 O/A

.: . WILLIAM H BROWN . (0302)327121 '

Nidderdale, parley.' Charming Detached:”.’::' ston,e built Village house; overlooking the ’ ;■;V>: green.-in this.;.'well -s e rv e d ;v illa g e .;'/;; Convenient for' travel to Harrogate, Leeds, . ; Bradford,1 and the. airport.; Gas fined C/H,D/G. Hail/Living Room,'Dining Room,1 . r Study, Cloaks, K itchen.U tility^Bedroom s,' Bathroom, ' Sop W/C. Cottage, stylo ‘Gardens; .adjoining; open fields. Largo ,

-- Garage, Outbuildings. :


• MORPHETS (0423) 502282

95 Pogmoor Road; Pogmoor^ Barnsley. A f ‘ sumptuous. Bungalow- with ils}qwn Leisure compleoc'Accommodation; comp rises: Enlrance’ ;‘; Porch, Reception'Hall, Lounge. Dining Room, - FamilyBreakiast Kitchen, Utility Rooryi, Bathroom, - - 3 Bedrooms, Leisure Complex.wiih Swimming : 1...

Pool, Jacuzzi and Sauna/Double,Garage. . V '

PRICE: £ 2 1 5 ,0 0 0 0/A- :WILLIAMH BROWN: . : -,V>:; (0226)733456 . • :



•25 Bar Larie',':‘Mapp)ewelC; Barnsleyi ; This; exceptional^ .family.:inome’ offers: ;the perfect: opportunity to acquire a house wtH plenty of space for the large or grbWing fa'mlly.-Accommodation: Reception.HaJI„llounge?',Dining Room, Kitchen,

• ayBedtoms.'Balhroom.Garage.L-argeGarbens.


. (0226)733456;*.


Muston Grange, near Filey. Georgian 4 Bedrooml Farmhouse, 3 Receptions, Balhroom', :Sep WC;: vv

- Kitchen, Utility, full oil C/H. Extensive range of brick'1,. ’ ; 'outbuildings Includes- 2 ;.stor^-bam, stables,' : . .cen^ai forayard, paddock •• (approx. • 2 ' acres). • Current Smallholding, potentia] ra-devetopnient as i v - v. ' , holiday accommodation close to beach:-' ' -v ';.'.


(0653) 600202 .


. Wfetherby Road, Collfngham, Nr. Leeds. Designed ■. detached bungalow, gas' fire C/H, .sealed unit D/G,-

. Lounge/Dining Rooni, Sitting Room/Bedroom, .. Cons^vatory, Breakfast Kitchen/Utility;Rodm; 2/3 ■ Bedrooms, spTrt level Bathroom, Sunroom, iarge -.


PRICE: £ 1 5 0 ,0 0 ,0 P/a ): THOMPSON MANNING.

(0532) 696226'. );: ■

■, “Red.Ridges’1,VRovd;.Moor-Lane.'Hemswbrth.- ’0utstahdfng.1920s house ih % acre garden. Re-

. appointed in keeping with period.' It has gas C/H and contains Hall; Lounge, Sitting Room, Dining . Room,'Breakfast -Kitchen; Siin/Rbbm,’ Utility

•Room,3 Bedrooms, Study.Bathroom andSep VVC.i -Sgarages/ 1 ' ••

PRICE:' £ 1 7 5 ,0 i0 0 0/A•WILLIAM H BROWN-

(0977)-791406'' • - '


Stainton, Nr Tickhill, Abbey Game Farm,

RawLarie. Substaiitial Poultry Farm to be sold >

as a going concern . including detached / bungalow, range of :

outbuildings and some:/ : - 4 - -a c re s ^ , ' r / / ; : ■

■ A. superior .detached.bungalow, .offering:’ %

gas 'O H ;;Acobmmodatidh;-•'comprteifig:^^ V .’ Hail,-Sitting Room, Kitchen, 2 Bedrooms,. .

Bathroom,separate.WC,.substantiairange-. , ‘v /o f modern, purpose-built outbuildlrigs. :4 ... - acresof.whichhW acres.uM d^d'^iSail^’ r..1

garden purposes, the business; goodwill. and extensive equipment to'be'.iricluded in ; '

the sale price.'' :?*!;. ■ . . ; / .

PRICE: £235,000

, • WILLIAM H BROWN (0302)327121 : -

Rrst Offer -;.Monston..Villago.--;' Park .• R o a d i n prestigious, location,

■l:, .oufetanding ;oppdrtunity foKgrowing jiv ; .'to purchase superioMnta^

residence/witti mag® g a r j f le h is S a ^ ^ p’ :;.'

: .exception ailyf/sp.acious' .'vjreceptioh'S.-.'

/ and;Study,®Luxijry-Bat.riro '\^^Q^^^■';'’;e^Rs^«i\re;'-^lOp^C^^'-D/GrJwlnijows:^.'- :;.i^^bdl^!eG e^ge^^ffieilerit|;.,/

-;; / /h ’/ri View,through'Oiley o f f i c e . . ' ; : ; ■

PRICE: £ 2 4 9 ,5 0 0

■-;.THOMPSONMANNING' !'-i| , y. .-'.(0943)464981. •..•■/:;||


(6 miles from: Boroughbridge •-,34- milesifrom.'i'i’',,' . York). Double fhonted.detached bungaiow, set,- .• ••in a p p ^ l.a c ra T h e bung^ow^nslsls Uvlhg ■ v. : Room, 3 • Bedrooms; Kitchen/Cbhservatoiy/fuTl /- . GflH,' ; Orchard, Outhous^/-U nspoilt /.village. -. • ; :

;• PRICE: £ 1 1 5 ,0 0 0 'o/A '; :' WILLIAM H BROWN



' X

Wectwood .(Glen Road). Superior larger style detsdied property. DeBphtiul locaSon, luxuriously

V-THOMPSONMANNING- \ - ,^ ^ i(0 5 3 2 ) ,7 4 4 1 2 8 » ^ r - ‘

Weetwood (Foxhill’s). Superbly, appointed, detached property, presti^ous resjoential location. • Spacious accommodation, many expensive improvements. Reception Hall, Cloaks/WC, 3 Reception Rooms, Newty fitted Breakfast Kitchen,

• 4 double Bedrooms, Luxury Bathroom, Gas C/H, '?rW \^iarae'M ubfacihgGaftielT;;DoubleGarage'.^r '>'.J‘':

^ r ic e / £ 2 7 $ i ; 0 . D 0 :?p/A--'4>

I'THOMPSON MANNING (0532)74412iB-.:-


jw f J.W. FREARS0N & SONS jw f


TUDOR HOUSE, ALBERT STREET, HARROGATE. Tel. (0 4 2 3 ) 5 E 2 5 3 1


;REF: 318>4 £96 250 ‘'

fXv o u r e d p o s it io n o n t h e . s o u t h w e st s id e o fTHE BOROUGH: METICUI.OUSLY MAINTAINED AND

‘‘ - APPOINTED TO A VERY IUOH STANDARD SUPERIOR i‘ STYLE . SEMI-DETACHED HOUSE SET .IN '. VERY;: /-ATTRACTIVE' GARDENS WITH. DRIVE IN AND LARGE;’ f ;/.SIZED,! GARAGE 'Enclosed;;vestibule' 'atnmce. .Entrance ;haIL. ^ / DeHgblful’ Spadous lounge .witii glass‘‘dividing doors leading' to ir ‘Vsgparate, large' sized. diniog; rooiiil -Well appcinlcd . fitted. kitchen. ■■ k;/FIRST PL DOR: ThrM' good bedrooms;' spadoiis bathroom and'

’ separate ' toilcL ,’ A-'"MOST - A i i'RA<JilVE;" HOUSE -IN; ; ,:EXeHIiLENTCONDITION, ' i ;'-' V " '. / / . / . ' ■

T :,V IEW IN G BY!APJ^im TVffiOT i




S '. ■ ’ ■



Established 1897


i -~On the Instmctionsof the: Yorkshire Rigbnal Health Authority


2 0 , WEST PARK STREET, ":. /'■ / DEWSBURY /''•

A' fine' substantial ;stpn'e.;biiilt';detached .residence- ndm:, converted into 4 self contained flats. . ; \.Of great- iriterest't6: investors;1 develbpers'.'ancl the.'Private; Health Care Sector.', ' . ' . .; . . ■. . . ; ' / / :

< i7 Ten d er d a te /2 0 th S eptem ber, 1989 •~ ^.U '('X F o flu il'de ia llsp le^con t^ :y /'i\'~

Dewsbury’s Independent Estate Agents Since 1897


H O R S F O R T HRarely available on tha open m artet, a most Improssive :: stone1 detached proper^ dating back -to 1S69, ■ Tho property offers.elegant'spacious accommodation-and: stands'in its own well maintained grounds. Briefly comprising: Reception Hall, Downstairs Cloakroom,

’ Drawing Room, Dining Room, Study, Breakfast Kitchen, i;, Utility Room, Basement, 7 Bedrooms, Bathroom,' Shower Room ,-Superb Gardens, Sun Patfa Stable

• Block and outbuildings. . . . ,

PRICE £ 3 1 0 ,0 0 0


KkteQa, GienSeld Drive. Executive style detached residence in this prestigious residenfal aea . Approx 5 nrfles west of H A Comprises: 5 France HaS, Cloakroom, -through Lounge,. Kitchen/ Breakfast Area, 4 Bedrooms (1jwfth Ei>^ufte Shower Room),. Bathroom. Garage. .Secluded

' / • ;7(-'' ,• /\gardens^ . • •_.* - ' y-: 'v •'

PRICE: j£ j3 8 ,6 0 0

SPRING (0482) 653111 ';

,2W xxfland G nw ," FtonMract Road,'High- Acfcworth. Defigftful taniiy house in select c u w - sac. tt has gas C/H and sec D/G a id conLar e :

* Hall, Cloakroom, Lounge, Dining Room, Study,.• Kitchen,-ScBedrooms, Bathroom with Showec •.•.

- : Integral Garage and space for another.—

WILLIAM H BROWN- •• : -(0977)791406

I. ' ' i

Property Brokers ■./.-:; /;


1 ien-sult^'hooirious /' ” * nook':

. £115,000 FOR EARLY EXCHANGE ;' ' T e l. (0759) 318402; ' - - ■

S T U T T O N , N r . T A D C A S T E R* (L c e d c l4 m lle s /T o rk O m U e s .A lT n m k R 6 « id 3 zn il< !B ),


f s i ! #

j* -i-L

- i l » H ! rflK flg W fiS S

Btorie' executive hoiise. This ,4Detached'double-fronted Geo

Edinburghl The house is in exciuent'decorative'order and has bieen lovingly, iriairitainied.since;the:.Vendors..The deceptively.- BpadQUs acojirvnxjdation.benefitsirom aiTe-fiHed ldtdien, i fitted bedrooms with vanity,units and uHIity rckjrn/conservatory, leading; togarage and rear of property (With unique patio garden,-pond with- •fo u n ta in td d ^ arid M ip eq je ):V v .;;^ .V.v/ ; / , . '>

, PRICE: £i35^bop;6;n.o.; \ V; :■..v.v iFor brochiire contact Vendors: TeL (0937) 833695



; >-■/

•. -Rural settingi,’ down private road; Panora^cw obded views. More' . land available up to 35 AGRESif required. 1. .- / /. . _ ;/

, £190,000 T el. (0759) 318403 <



' / H a r r o g a t e .9 'm ile s < — P a t e le y B r id g e 5 m i le s ' A

- • L e e d s - 1 5 m i l e s : ; - - ' V' -


A LISTED 18th:CENTURY FARMHOUSE IN AN UNRIVALLED POSITION INTHE //.'&■ - /- ,.; . NIDD VALLEY:. 4 ; R e e e p t i o n R 6o m s , ; K i t c h e n , 5 B e d r o p r n s V : '

/ D r e s s i n g R o o m , 2 B a t h r o o m s . - / E x t e n s i v e . t r a d i t i o n a l b u t b u i l d m g s a r r a n g e d

AEout'6: acres.-,:: v OFFERS ARE INVITED FOR THE

. FREEHOLD/ .' ■ ' / / / / : ;/':/: vRef: 10/AB/1367

Borpughbridge1.5 miles, A 1 2 miles; R iponZm iles,. " . .; Harrogate lG miles . • .

NORTH YORKSHIRE //-:■//' CJ, ROEGLIFFE : '/- /■: AN ENCHANTING VILLAGE HOUSE , ; WITHIN WALLED GARDENS ; . ;; . R e c e p t i o n - H a l l , D r a w i n g R o o m , D i n i n g : ! ' : R o o m , K i t c h e n , B r e a k f a s t R o o m , P l a y r o o m /

S t u d y , - F i r s t ; F l o o r ' S i t t i n g . R o o m , ' 5 ? B e d r o o m s r 5 / / - i ^ - . B a t h r o o m s , S in g le G a r a g e . .

; - ' / ‘; £ ) e l i g h t f u l ; G a r ’d e n s i P o n y . P a d d o c k , - j ; ; :


;1 S : / / / - ■ ■ ■ C v'' v / : - ■ ; / R e f/lO /A B /1 3 6 6

^ S l S i / i / / f / ; i f l

■ Stokesiey 10 miles', Helmsle% 1 0 \ .' V'. -Middlesbrough 12:m ihs' • / r- 'v. /.-v/


. A- SUPERB POSlTlON .WITHIN THE it , ;':- • /. NATIONAL;'PARR • / / ;"; / ." /:'. ’; FarmHouse-'^itii^v'Keception '

• : K i t c h e n a n d 3 B e d r o o m s . - . --. V ; ;' ' . ' - R a n g e . ^ ^ d f . - m o d e r n ^ ^ d ^ t r a d i t ip h ^ - ^ / ' :

' o u t b u i l d i n g s , l e x c e U e r i t . 'M ^i ' / ; S n 6b t m g ; a r id ' : f i s K m g i ig M ^ ^

' v ’ - . / - - :. A B o u t 28 a c r e s ^ / N : . 1' ' , ; , ; . / ' ' - ’/ : ^; . For sale by public auction; (unless'

/ : previously sola) on 10th.August 1989.

Ref: 10/AB/1353




A. ’superior QUALITY; DETACHED.' Secluded position; Gas th ., uPVC double glazed. Entrance hall, doalia/w.c.' Spadous lounge, with feature fireplace,

igarea.I anite in Whiaper ] each with ’robes! T ’

y tiled bathroom witK;4' ]. and Bhower cubicle, 4 beds.

’ L s-with:private' drive.Garage/Hardatanding_to provide possible 2nd garage.. Offera on f 125,000. TeL Agent, Bradford 816949.


DRASTICALLY REDUCED FOR QUICKSAIJS! r / : ; M UST b e VIEWED INTERNALLY! .Beautifully: renovate Bnk DETACHED STONE COTTAGE. Gas c.h. Close motorway access-.Tasteful decor/fixtures' &. fittings. Formerly two,. but rd- furbished tb provide spacious 3 bed. accommodation. Lounge, dining room, dream ldtchen. LUXURY bathroom and shower. Fitted ’robes and furniture. Courtyard. INTERNAL VIEWING ESSENTIAL. £75,800. TeL Agent, Bradford 601119 or 605518



; IVY HOUSE BARN/• A quality (»nverslon;of a former barn and cartshed-just compleled..-- ‘ The BamWs 'constructed,.of hand-thrown.'old.English: brkk and .; i cobbles,-, urider.-'a/.paritiled roof; Tha building ,'is of* considerable. ; oroportloriB and! has'-; created an excellent and spadous dwelling;-; seiMn halfracre gardens-to, front, and-rear. Comprising: Entrance: porch, main h' li cloakroom;.ctoaks cupboard, loungef. study, dining.;

. room, •. kitchen; • conservatory, utility : room;- firs t, ftoor:;,Gallerled. landing having turned spindles and exposed truss, mMter,bwroom •

; and 3 double .biadrooms;. The bam has gas central.healing (LPG); throughout^andi'two'' open replaces. .The property-Is; completely. doUbte glKed aiid fully Insulated. •-?

For Safe Freehold.byPrivate T rea ty .,, : : PRICE GUIDE £320,000 : ^ . -•

Telephone: (0423) 771919 or (0860) 533068.


THIs^ls’ ariMnlerastlhg.cbnverelon.ot a-former-CoachiMouse-and:.;, outbuildings, sited In a plcturesque'-rural settlhg yvlthln groijnds ol / ■around 3 acres.Tha'accommodation Is la!d.;out on two lloors and::.- olfers:'2-Receptlon1 rooms, study, breakfast Kitchen,.5 bBdrooma,;!

•2 bathrooms' and;sauna. fitters. ls.:aVdetached;double width brick-/ . garage wlth'ad]acent stable block/workshop.-;.;.*!-^^ r i.v V -^

PRICE GUIDE:.£250,000-£275^6oO: . ; ;. - , ' . : \V - ’ ■ yj'AppfcAGENTS : . . ?’y . ^ i . ■-.VIt

17, NEW STREET, YORKTEL. (0904) 655546 ■ - ,

' k .

;i i ■ / / ' : ! :

Page 26: Download the document (33.5 MB)

•n. \ *• *

2 6

CARTER JONASi ii a is i i: k i: » s u k v i: v o k s





Recently''.planning: approval •has';beenVre.c.e|yed.rfoiE:J the'fchange,cottages ■to^privace:- '; dwellings. The Main R'esidencecomp rises Three v

ReceptioryRb.omSjpIusifurtHer well ’planned v 'kcconmqdatioH^d/iafiteiiHosie^^nit garden. The.. T ; ' whole complex stands' oh ;approximately ..!■ ■ threequarters of an a c r e .'/■:'■ ’.I;-: '

y- Offers in the region of £330,000. •■>.: „•

•' | - Apply Kirkbymoorside office 07Sl; 31107 -V


: UPPER HOLME VALLEYHuddersfield 10'miles; Barnsley I8'miles;-Sheffi'eid, £;-24;miliis';: 'Convenient'for Greater' Mshctiesier,-. ■ '^ M e fitid : 'in d _ L e e d s :.G 1 6 ^ b p ,m d :'.0 1 d h ^ ,W m ik s[-V i a nd 15 m ile s respectively.;: J : \ : ' v

.at&ictiye/Ged.rgian^.attache'd barri ^i^jc6nvej^ion.ipptenci^V.rageti(^..7^.icfii;asjs'dcia^ed ^ .• 'o U tb u iiy in 'g s 'an ^^ ^^'•EHjdyi'ng'a' scenic and.private, situation; iri;S ' qiiiet'

rural v illag e ; with g6od''^^Tp^sieveW.majoi'.;':': Centres of;empl6yment:arid'semces; freehbld^

• ■■. . vacant possession^' - V ’ V*

; - FOR SALE BY FORMAL TENDER, .Particulars and Tender Forms are .available'on

request./ r. Apply Huddersfield office 0484,842105. . , •

Evenings and Weekends 0484 662268




has iiahy; jc^Mcteristics^'.century,Incorporating in places features'earlier .; . date^which rhiy-';have ;cbme5frorn; the' adjoining; . '. ■ Mediaeval.Manpr 'House.-:This is or .'. tr^eridbus'ichara'cter and! potentials' enhanced by ■

gardens,fail orchard ;and' paddockTexteriding pj'-a . v .. total of about 2.82 acres.' ..

Entrance hall,- three,yeceptib'hjrob'ms; ‘kitchehi-w.c., six b.^ropms^.bathrbbmi.gardens^dpyeco.te,. -

. , ’ .’orchafd^’paddock;with river frontage^ •'•'j f o r s a l e b y t e n d e r : ' /

" Cl<Miii£Date:4pmi; Friday .^September, 1989:: Apply-York office 0904.627436 :




:■ Offering;Iuxurioui;ahd ^ehsivb^four, b^room edi’ ^accom m odation^Vprdens; tot foujvsid&feiidfa' deUgh'tfu^6uUobk:fflrrncc ■rhfl AYinnn Prtni llair

.'.Price reduced.for quick sale; £180^000. .' j

: Ap'ply^Huddersfield office‘0484-842105 \ ,r;;:':V'- r Evenihgs & Weekends 0484-662268 . ;'V





The property .has full central heating and dpubie glazmi'andproyides'r'eceptiorihaUjTcI^aks ^ndwJc:,' through'sitting room with’featiire open firejseparate v' “!.I}.InS oom,-,stud^ ;Luxuiyybreakfas kitcheii;.''' 'iiutfhW':tj^re'e'double .bedrooms;: Twp.lbathro'oms; . Double garage ’and largejbrofes'sibnally landscaped


GARAGE.. _ri ' -Price Region of £170,000. ,

Apply Boston Spa office 0937 843408,




■ The accommodation has Econoniv■ Seven he^ting; i. aiid with.a recent ;damp':c6^rsft:^d\djS^bl^iiz&^v

.includes^enclosed outer rqoni''with stone firep.lace:arid '.beams.:VSepa

dining room with beamsi{well/fittedvjjine/kitcheiii'^tw o b e d ro o m s , 'g o o d .s iz e d ’ b a th tp o m ^ a n d '^ .c ^ '. 'i^

.Enclosed gardens tarid singlejgara§^;plus;pa

‘ . Price -Region of £80,000. , " •

;V: Apply Boston Spa pffice 0937 843.408;:; •. '




l /G as^ .cen tral h e a tin g , riew ly fitted;.' |. d in in g /k itc h e h , a ttra c tiy e s itc in g '-

: ro o m jitw o b e d ro o m s, b a th ro o m ; ! a n d w .c. : •

, ;Price,Region of £68i500jj;'. 'Apply Boston Spa.0937 843408



■ Open f u r yiewing Sunday i _ ■’ ' afternoori. •! ' / See s e p a ra te : adverc in N e w

: ' '; '. H o m es S ec tio n .

;.:: Prices:'from£113,500., Apply Boston Spa 0937 843408.



'A c c o m m o d a tio ri in c lu d es m a g riif iM n t.d raw in g ro b m , .fu lly ;

" fitte d .'d in inE '/k itchen ,1 c lo ak s arid' w .c. T h re e d o u b le b ed ro o m s, tw ob a th ro o m s .. In te g ra l.g 'a rag e :;P art:'. o f th e fo rm a l g 'ardens in c lu d e d . '

PriceRcgionof £180,000. ■ • ■ Apply.B.oston Spa 0937-843408

Hosion Sp;i Kirkbynuxirsidc Huclilcrsl'ic-lil ^'ork

l.omlun uiul Oilitcs Coumrvwitk-..

Wm 38 Huddersfield Rd

SYKES . Holmfirth& S o n Tel (0484) 683543

Auctioneers, Valuers and Estate Agents


ONLY . ONE REMAINING ■ in courtyard!. deye 1 op- '’.1

standards - '. V,

; PRICE £ 1 3 0 ,0 6 0VIEWING: This. Sunday, 3btji july,' I p. m ;-5 p.m.


■. v NEW RELEASE Summer 89 1

'An!.’',excellent'''.dev6lopment:;.i6f, -'craftsman-built! :. >'llv!::. iv:?4ProI^ttie3;in rural^etting;. ’ ] \ ,fA- 'S:

. . : P h ase l:C ottages from £90,000V 'Detached from £135,000 >

"y.‘r. ''::..:Plbt feservations how ■ beiii'g.’taken■ : i

. H igh Cross' M oor H ouse; S k ip to ii R oad, :. i' SILSDEN ;;

Magnificent soutir-fating stionc.farmhousei.ofrerlng spacloiis '•••«ctensl^ accommodation with.:;;uaefuVbam:and paadock. ; S u p ^ rural'locaUon; fabuloiis ' ivlews, a h lg h degree o f quiet privacy/ m aryorlglfial characti .. - .features, oil fired central heating and^^sealetfunlt double;

aazIng. Comnrises: Entrance haJl. 'spadous dining room,1 . Xnglenook style fireplace arid solid fuel stove. a lttli^ ro b in '' • patio doora, llytogroom, superb dfhlngkitchen (oakunlts, ''

1 i Ib u f ltin doubleovenandhob.V w alkinpant^;.separate'--; utility room, side entrance hall, shower'roomr 4 spacious

bedrooms (2 wlth.fitted wardrobes); 4 piece bathroom.' Dellghtfur^irdens, generotis'foi“ * '"—l:-

- stohe b a m with wftprovldesLerous forecoiirt parklng. Good sized

ftprovldcsgarHglng.'Offer*>‘«rion' r ~£285,0001 C ontact S llsd e n O ffice, .-y

Church CIoBeV G ARG TO cB SMpton1’

- - — ----------- o - . c ----------------,— ^ndplr, staircase. Beneflttfng fironi some 'gas. central heating,' the v. superb -family accommodation of great charm and'charac te r .

? comprises: Entrance porch,- lrm er h'all/ slttingfo'orn, dining ; room,^drawingroom,^-kttchen, cloakroom with downstairs .

w.c., ;4 bedrooms, dressing iwom, large. famlly,b'athroom.^id'. 2 farther attic bedrooms.. Outside a re ’3:stabl^,.gardens‘'■’.. .beautifully lawned to irear, -large tandem garage and stone '

built storeplaces. .Offen region £250,000.'C on tact ,, , - ?•' - ; Sklptpn qfficei ■ } •?.



12 OTLEY STREET • SKIPTON BD23 1D Z ; Tel: (0756) 60913 / 43 M A IN STREET- CROSS HILLS BD20 8TT -Te l:(0535) 36238

86 KIRKGATE • SILSDEN BD20 0PA • Tel: (0535) 55212 ; v


Helping you make the right move


; Residential buijding plot with Outline Planning , ■ Consent for the erection of a single d welling. • ■ i ■ : . , Frontage70 feet,'

• Area 676 square yards approx.'Further details from Maliori Office Ref-'1/414 ‘i


^ a m K m a t

FOR SALE BY AUCTION. Excellent residential development .'

. 1 ;. opportunity as a whole .. %. ; . o rin tw 9 lots. ' ;LOT 1. The Plough Inn with planning .

consent for conversion to tw o'dw ellings:

LOT 2. The former car park with planning ■ consent for the erection of a pair

of semi-detached dwellings

Further details from Maitlon Omce Ref: 2/1877



. * Impressive period residence set in - ' , . wooded countryside ••

. * 9.5 Acres of Garden, Paddocks, •• •• Woodland, 2 Reception Rooms, 6 Bedrooms,

2 Bathrooms ^-* Double Garage

* Viewing highly recommended. Offers invited in excess of £250,000. .

:: Further details from Pocklington Office Tel: (0759). 302789 - Ref: 4/1933 . '

Depaatment 15 Market Place, Malton

Tel: 0653 6955^1 OVER 460 0FHCK NATIONWIDE


• . . ' ' .' close to Towii Centre FOR SALE BY INFORMAL TENDER

12 Noon Friday, 18th August 1989 Solicitors: Eccles, Hendon & Co. ■

: Market Place, Thirsk. ( M. Armstrong ) v Apply to:- WELLS GUNDALL -Ref:' 15/353; .19. Market Place, Thirsk Tel: (0845) 22680.

■ . or 15 Market Place, Malton Tel: (0653) 695581

MARTON ROAD, iBRIDLINGTON. / * Superior, individually designed detached /:

bungalow of unsurmountable quality, spacious ; .layout and secluded setting. Full parking.' .

l' * Luxury throughout, many tastful features’, : : unreservedly one of the finest in the area..

* Reception Porch arid Hall, Lounge, Dining Room, Sun Rdbm.'HomecHarm .Kitchen,. Fitted Bedrdoms, Utility, Bathroom & WC,

;■ . ;■ ■ Gar2ge. Forecourt garideris, space for. 1 ; caravan etc. Lovely rear garden :

.■* Hardwood double glazing, central heating. ;■ Offers around £115,000. Ref:-.7/1631.

Apply Bridlington Office Tel: (0262) 677284




GRADE H USTED; FAMILY HODSE IN jgUIET YORKSHIRE HAMLET J Hall, drawing room, drnirig room, kitcheri,'utility room, cellars, shower room, 4 bedrooms, bathroom, garage; gardens and outbuildings.

; : • P lease con tact: Charles' Yeom an or E lizabeth F oster GA Town and Country^; Albert Street, Harrogate

^ Telephone (d4iZ3) 530700

London, and regional officcs throughout the United KingdomArridrpl

. . .


Bernard ThorpeWALTON V l £ i A ^

H a llP a rk R o a d" v ijbSRiegion of £29j5,000• A DELIGhfTFUL DETACHED DOUBLE FRONTED ' ' •

. ' STONE.BUILT CENTRALLYiHEATED,'DOUBLE iicS; ■/.GI1AZED, LUXURY BUNGALOW STANDING IN HAliF?,?' .1 ||^i^eRE;(^5EpUjpED;GARpENS..; v; Comprising:';Morning:, room, .‘■L" .shaped-'.sitting'. roorri,' lawsnly appointed breakfast kitchen ,with,‘split [svel:cobker; masterbedroomwitti ;en-suite/ishowe^room,'': 2i.fiirther .double, bedrooms, luxurybathrabrri.-garnesroom/bedroom ,4, adjoining shower room with sauna, otfice/bedroorri 5, 3 ..garages, loqse.tex,^e{]ghtfu1

COLLINGHAMRegion £134,950

t i ^ w i n a i ) :excellent position"at th B h e a tib fM tf ity f it short cul-de-sac with open dutlcM^iaftHi^r6ar:-fi; '■ :t


-.Offeringwell.: planned'accommodation comprising: Entrance : .porchr; reception ’ hall, . cloakroom and 'w.c.,

; Loun?®j ssporate dining room, luxury oak fitted -kitchen, breakfast; room, master fbedreom^wlth: luxury en-suite,2 furtherbedrooms.luxuryhdusebatfiroom. integralgaragewithunlityareaandlargelawnedgandens, private andenclosed to.tne rear. ;v'' 'v;'“ '; • V '


WHITEGATES, E ast K esw ick' In a fine central positiorienjbyirig excellent view. • V

An Interesting detached stone built former coach L: house/garage block with outline planning consent for • .

■v-cqriversion Into one luxury dwellingibfferlrig immense : v :' scope for. the discerning buyer.. ■ ■ : v --i :v


• . Plan and details available from ihe - v -. ■.fvvW.-'l'.-''' Sole Agents, Bernard Thorpe. ..

VENDORS SOLIC ITO RS— Teem ari&Levine.Leeds

WHITEGATESf E ast K esw icki...... • Ideally heated in the grbunds.of a • ' . .j r1,;.- larger older village residence. ’ ;A PINE INDIVIDUAL BUILDING PLOT EXTENDING T b

.: ARPROX'1/3 ACRE (estimate) with the: benefit of outline'? 'planning consent for one four bedroomed;luxury property..'


1SDAY 24 AUGUST 1989 at 7.00 p:m.. , f^lans or details frorri Sole Agent's —-BernardThorpe. '.y

VEN DO RS S O L IC n O R — Teem an& Lbvine.C eedf

SCARCROFT, Bsiy Horsie Laiie 7, Offers in the region of £145,000

: V 4 'In a small quiet and m uchsoughtafter area i i - . K ; . 'A 'F IN E 'lNblV IDUALBUILD ING PLQ TW ltH^LANNING 1

" " . ■ CONSENT FOR 1.DVVELLING.: :• - . :■ i Mainsservioes availai3ie...-. i .. .• ;


^ ^ C O T T A iG E ^ 'i^

' " ^ ’RVcerSly “ ~ renovated.

£39,9.00.Tel.Ar.:.:..,-'.- •':..

(0 8 3 6 )6 4 5 7 1 2 or (0 7 2 3 ) 3 5 1 2 8 5 :

'■ a fte r .6 ;pim'l'-'.1.';'.'

' HOLMnRTH :r '. V'': Individual andjestabllshed ' .

; 4 BED DETACHEDGood sized p a r d e n s . and ‘ : - beautiful views. •

Offers around *

£ 1 6 5 ,0 6 0 vJ (0484) 687604.:-'


RAWDON; A . very “fine.: Stone;.^VIctoHan'-Rroperty^'of'undoubtedl charm andcharacter enjoying magnKlcentjongidlatahcey

■views over.: the/ Aire valley.. Offering • excellent “family^ accommodatlon;of generoim.proportlonB on three'flbore,? •this, is am ost/desirable: home wilhv mahy-'delightful ' features, i Wrth benefit • of: FULL: GAS - C.H.; DOOBLEn GLAZING . and •: superb; well-stocked, private .'ganJenaA .Ground Floor: Receptioh,'haJI,'cJoakrotom,:eteg'ant'8ftting room.with superb.Views,' dlnlng-'rbom, kitchen, entrance’;

f lobby/utility- room.'.First floor: 3'beorobms;: bathroom,- separate w.c; Second-'Floor: 4th bedroom, boxroorri,'’ (potential;. en*sui1e). -Garage^-'Two. outside ,'stores; Rok39.y^ :'r\ 'OFFERS REGIpN.£140;000


■ Caring friendly service tohelp you every st^tofthowoy.

■ Free va! uat io ns.; -■ Competitive fees 7; induding filed[fee.■ No charge.■ Open seven days a week. - ;■ Advanced computer system for mailing .

to buyers.■ Accompanied viewing where required.■ Weekly reports to vendors.■After ioursadvice lino.■ Local erea information videos.■ Independent. professional advice on .



: HORSFORtH117 New Roadside^ Horsforth- LS18 4QD.Telephone (0532) 587975 Opening Times - . ; v:. ,

• M on.-W ed. 9-5.30 p.m.Thur.-Fri.,3-8 p .m .■ . ^Sat. 9>5.30'p.m. Sun. 10-4 p.m.

■ YoriBHre BiAUng Sode Estala Agents limited fcj the ’ , amdntadrepresentativeotYoitahfo Building Sodety,,. wifch Is regulated by he Securities and hvosnents :.: BoardlnfieconductollnmtmentbudhesslFtiandal

Soriices Act 1966); .. '■ • ■


,‘.Aiiindividual Archilc^dcsIgixjddcticJjed bmi^qw,/'actin**cc3 tided 1*__ ______ ______3/4 acro/feii^.wdl *crc^^ ^^^.w hldidlQ rtii cbniyein£le shelter. Onc.of.tiB^moatattrictivB’ !

; .bizDgaJowi-m the tret. Gts ocntral hcatcd WmrrhmnHi'tfnn fivJq'Aqi HntwnTpo htil:wllji PictnrO'Winf3bw to,ljirgc : ' well proportioned lounge,^oyeriocknig 100&. tonuse arid p»iio col Scpai^ diiiing rbon 'new RitjjMMl Jdteticnj . ’•• doitoooni, mner hill lesdmg jtb muter 'bedrpOT ;with[;ca: w6B b«flnr«^T'*caad bedroom,‘*tii«i» Idw!irig to thirf.bedroan md bilhroant'Alsb roof ip*ce";_fori two‘fnitber,bedroomi:;.The,property irapproectiKTby a long

: sweeping drivo with *nyle pMkJngt lr<dmg to £ lirgc'dgablp detailed, gttiigd with ataircasc to upper roonL/ - ' -.Price: OfTers around £130,000 .; Telephone Hornsea 0964 532312 for appointment to vfcw.v

reh 1BLACK HORSE AGENCIES1 I Renton and Renton



Standing in okf Cotton village a period detached cottage :’ approximately300 yeare o n and Grade II LlBted.- Fully modernised ', over recent years, comprises: Lounge, separate dining room/ ■

■ kltdien, three bedrooms, bathroorrvvv.c. Garage, gardens. Standing ! acre. J.- ; .

..FOR SALE BY TENDER. Closing date August 31st, 1989. .:Contact Agents TeK 60848450. .r i ;

507 Austhorpe Road,Crossgates LS35 8DX. >ULLESK ELF, "H O RSESH OE COTTAGE>>:

A rare bppoh'u'nliy io ’ac<iulrea ■' ;■ & !V - -A.^sl most atlractlve 17lh century two '! ' jbedroorfied detached cottage

j situated In the picturesque village '’ I of .Ulleskelf,'conveniently situated -.

tor commuting to Leeds, Seby .• •! and York and wlthln.easy reach of Motorway netwoiks.^The v : -vcottage has been : the highest standard and offers > ■■ excellent accommodation with

r,the benefit of full Economy 7 central heating; sealed . unit double.. •- glazing and fully tlted kitchen and luxury bathroom. Accommodation" .. briefly comprises: Kitchen, dintng room, lounge, two double :■: bedrooms and combined balhroomto.c., small neal gardens to the' sjde and rear with paved patio area; Brick built garage. Price ' ,



29, Market Place, VVetherby LS22 4LQ Tel. (09^7) 63987

: COTTINGLEY * ,'3 beidroomed detached t e'x- s h o w h o u se .e n d p ro p e rty .. >

Lounge and fuliy fitted* kit­chen, bathroom w ith m odem suite, -/Integral garage, small- .law n ;\a t front,- private.' rea r garden . ^ , . [7v

Fitted caiipets throughout In­cluded. . .

£71 #500 o.n’o.Tel., B radford (0274) 665010.


Superior ^m odern - ,detached* close to: s e c l u^d e diisandy beaches.-~.4.bedrboiha,L‘.fltted kitchen,'; dining^ room, lounge, luxury ^bathroom /' jacuzzl, 1 a cre ' Southi f a c i n g garden with.;open^ v i e w s - . Quality c a r p e t s and a furnishings available. .

£ 1 2 5 ,0 0 0 ,Tei: (0943)..60y254 ahytlme.

Anldeal opportunity topurchase a delightful three bedroorhed

within the village of Church : Fenlbh.;The property has lhe;i>". - benefhs.of'dual central healing " r— oil ahd solid fuel, fitted ■. . .. wardrobes'.tb main bedroom,1', burglar alarm, security locks to all^ windows, attached brick built ■ garage and gardens to three

comprises: L-shaped entrance nail; lounge,'kitchen^ three ‘ bedrooms, bathroomto.c; Attached t " - - - J' ' ‘ ‘

; and rear. Price reduced to £70,000 for quick compleilon.' VlewIng:] ' TeL Vendors on Ba^ston Ash (0937-81) 7512 .\

. Or Contact Agents Tel. (0977j 684258.98 WolseyCroft, Sncrburn-in-Elmetl.S25 6DP. ;

'ProBminaiyAccouncemenl :.i ■ ' ' ■'■'■' '■]. i:y-

HEADINGLEY, LEEDS 6, OAKFIELD : HOUSE, KIRKSTALL LANE v - 1 4 E x c lu s iv e m o d e m 1 /2 b e d r o o m e d f la t sIn an Ideal location for access to Headirigley amenltles' and.LeedS j i. ■

Viewing: Open day August 12,1989,10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Contact Agents Tel. 742033 . -...V.'/'.

14, St. Anne's Road, Headingley LS6 3NX -■ '< :r.~Offices at Headingley * Alwoodley - Oupel AUerton • Street lin e RoundHay • Horsforth/Cookridge v Horsforth • Kawdon -. Yeadon * Morley ^Beeston ';.•'/, ' EostErid Paik - Halton ' Cro&sgates • Garforth .VSherfaurn In-Elm'et ‘ f •

I Another quality development .by' Joanna I Properties. . lUsual - high: ; : speciiicatioiia, I I luxury in ternal' fixtures and’ • fittings, I hpleaaant rural Bettmg.convenient :for Leeds l I centre,' A1 m d M62: Aiccommodation lbriefly I r compri^s: vCl6akropm, ;day.;jobm, lounge,'! IfMt^hen^i/inaBfer,. tedroprnw tH Sen-suite, I r guest bedipom withVen^suite; . two , ftiitlier I I bedroomB'an'd house batHroom. Garden! '' I

' , \ \O .I.R : £155,000- ■ f e - r '

259 Otle^'Koad'v.W est P a rk j L'eeds!1. (0532) 755595 . ;j ' :

f i i u - W

BOYNTON, NR; BRlbLINGTONA superb detached 3 bedroom Bungalow built to individuM STOdficatoh: some,v13 years ago' in this; delightful Wolds Village-L soma 4 miles from ' Bridlington. . ... . ' r . ,/.jiThe spacious accommbdation comprises: Large

hall. ^cloakroom with w.c., 20ft. sitting ro6m, dining: kitchen,’ utility, room, separate w.c.V washhouse, a double'f bedrooms, bathroom, oil .fired central heating arid ;■ double glazing' ar;e • an- .’additional: feaiture .of; the' propertyl;.which also has ah' attached; garage with integral door and port The property, has mature, iprivate:‘gardens and 'offers rear views over rolling Wolds' countryside: . v . : 1 FULL DETAILS AND PRICE ON APPUCATION:




WEDNESDAY 20th SEPTEMBER, 1989 a t . 2.30 p.m. PROMPT a t YE OLDE STAR INN.i


94 QUAY ROAD, BRIDLINGTON Y 016 4HZ. Tel; (0 2 6 2 ) 6 7 2 1 1 0 & 675 2 5 1


' I f

• !i: • l!

. . . . V7. .'A I t

^ • -'•A .A A -

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V/ V


LEED S 0 5 3 2 4 4 2 0 2 0 Y O R K 0 9 0 4 6 2 9 3 3 3



S tin d m g in e a v iiU c p o ^ a n — v e ry d jg o IC e d G eorg ian residence - » c t g n ld s t S j-hrfn l g ird c n s *n d p td d o c k o f a p p ro jrim *td y 1 1 /3 s a c s . Iu ^ n w rv o ic c c p tfo o lu d l,- 3 re c e p tio n ro a m ,’ b rc a k fk it fc itr fiig iJ ccnaervatcoy to d games ro a n / p a te d iil g nam y r a iL .5 f ir it .Q o d r . bedroom * in c to d m g m ts tn m ite w ith d re is iE g ro a m ' sn d en -su itc b a lin o c tru M a in b tth n x m a n d 2 a ttic room s; O u tb u fld in g i. RtL0996. ■ ‘ - v- ,

OFFERS AROUND £380,000. joint Agents: Dacre Son & Hartley , ;



Enjoying a urnque riverside setting in th e heart of N ew lay 'C onservation , area — . an im m aculately

•presented: cottage stlye detached house o f great- character and-, charm . . E n trance h a ll,' lounge, conservatory/dining joocn, farm house; kitchen,, u tility, 3 bedroom s, bathroom /w .c. Gas c -h .R e f .

-•1013. ^



An outstandingVictorian residence; with open .views.- to rear.■; Tastefully updated retaining' many original features and. comprising : 2 receptions, breakfast kitchen, utility, 5 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. . i -


R O U N D H A Y 0 5 3 2 3 5 0 8 8 8


A:quite outstanding cottage style split level detached residence of .distinction retaining much of the original charm and character. Entrance, hall,' living room; dining rboin, farmhouse kitchen, .5 ;d6uble~bedro6rns> 3 bathrooms. Gas c.h. Attractive gardens and double garage. Ref. 1020. ... - ." .

OFFERS AROUND £130,000 .:


A, beautiful quality purpose bu ilt firs t floor apartm ent — enjoying delightful Views'-' to established grounds an a trees,-situatixd- in this m ost select, quiet'.cul-de-sac. P h o n a l , entrance, po rd i, en trance h a ll,' box roam /store, .elegant' lounge/diner w ith balcony to front. Fitted kitchen, 2 good s ize bedroom s, bathroom /w .ci,-(Loft ideal fo r hobbies room ). G arage. Rcr. 0225.

OFFERS AROUND £72,950Reduced for'Quick S a l e :

H A R R O G A TE 0 4 2 3 5 0 3 0 7 6


- Sima ted in a quiet area cloee. to tho Valley Gardens, w ithin' easy walking riiirtncn of all aznfinities.-a folly Victorian. semi* detached boose. • Exceptionally w ell: azrpoiiitcd throughout with GAS' QINTOAL.HEATING,’ SECURITY- LOCKSAND DOUBLE GLAZING; the, arrommodatiop comproca : Entrance hall, cloakroom, beautifully fitted kitchen,' dining roatn/3rd bedroom,.- lounge,. 2 'double bedrooms and ' large luxury bath room /show er. Sm all gardens. H IG H LY . RECOMMENDED. R et 0861.


A LW O O D LEY 0 5 3 2 6 1 0 7 2 4 | PO C K L1N G TO N 0 7 5 9 3 0 2 5 5 5


.1 r a n

’.pdcupying .large plot , 'on delightful development immaculate . family . home

;Comprising’: Hall, cloakroom, two reception rooms, superb kitchen; master bedroom with' en-suite shower, 2 further double bedrooms, luxury; ■ bathroom, car; port, garage and gardens. Ref. 54/0822.



Spacious luxurious Detached Family House. Double glazing, central heating, 4 ; b ed roo m s,: 2 bathroom s, w ell cultivated gardens o f a quarter o f an; acre'. Double- garage.' INSPECTION HIGHLY RECOM M ENDED. R ef. 0659. .'



SOUTH HARROGATE' A miquo' opportunity ‘ to acquire a most spacious and

elegant apartment in-one of Harrogate'tas most desirable and convenient areas. Situated'gd. the first floor, wilh lift service, the apartment has been completely modernisedand decorated .throughout, . with gas central heating, and ' comprises: Hall, lounge, superb kitchen .with ‘ built-in appliances, 2 fitted.bedrooms, modem balhroom. Garage,. Town ccntxe withmlshort .easy walk. INSPECTION-

. ESSENTIAL. Ref.093S.; . •>


W E T H E R B Y 0 9 3 7 6 3 5 3 5

S K IP T O N 0 7 5 6 3 3 7 3


Spacious M odem .S tone D etached Fam ily. H ouse en jo y in g a q u ie t cul-de-sac position on this popular developm ent d o s e to th e village ’centre, and -local schooling. Gas c.1l com prising : E ntrance p o rih , hall, cloaks/w .c., lounge, d in ing -room ,-breakfast kitchen,} utility , 4 bedroom s, bathroom : Garage, w orkshop. P rivate gardens south fa tin g to ; rear. R er.W .1035 . : . V- “

offers Around £152,500


O utstanding stone b in lt detiched fam ily residence b u il t to ' ; a;- h ig h sp ecifica tio n '. '; S p aciou s

' accommodatiori.- Entrance hall, cloakroom , sitting room ,’dining ioorn , fitted breakfastlritcheniU tility , ^ vbedrbams-; (1 w ith cn-suite bathroom)', house b a th ro o m .. Gas c i i . Partial sccan d ary . glazing. .Integral double . garage.' Large . p rivate '-m ature g a rd e n s.; ( . .



Detached bungalow built 1935 in large garden, extensively improved oyer recent years. Hall, sitting roomta, dining kitchen, pantry/utility, 4 bedrooms, luxury bathroom and w.c. Single garage. Gas ch . Ample

/parking. . ; . : . . ;



A unique sem i-detached - 3 .bedroom ed/ cottage conversion from a 17th century b a n v form ing part o e x c lu s iv e .developm ent • o f • character properties. In a 'to ta lly unspoilt .parkland setting w ith riv e r view. W ith c e n t^ h e a tin g , .Comprising: Hallj- .cloaks/w .c.; .lounge; dining room , kitchen, .en-s'uite show er to ’bed 1, bathroom/- w.c. Garage and parking space. G ardens. R ef. W .1039. Y.


LE£DS * 05S2 442020 ALVOODLEY * « J 2 610724 ADEL 90332 67TO6 ROUNDHAY »05J2 3X1888 HALTON * 0532 605757


0943 850525 M3 609747 05 705095

YORKJtOWt 629333 ___ 12621 SELBY*

EASmCtrOLff«D347 22777 GOOLE 1POCJUJNGTOtf«07S9 302555 SETTLE ‘

SKJPTON 1S JI756 337 : . nWAKEFIELD S.IW24 »7<1IH4.' BRADFORD B U274 73V644 . '' DEWSBURY W W24 -4623UI .

0757 702043 .' WIBbEYt? 0274 69UI6 CLECKHEATON QU274 K3KII0‘ 0405 506JV4292 - ODSAL JtU274 672973 • ' BARNSLEY U22f» 24WWI.r07292 39Jl BIIUCENSHAW «0274 6K91I6 HULLU 0482 22&4UI



.Cover the county

JtfaPENISTONE ROAD, KIRKB URTON £225,000 •>Spl«did;. ntdqoo deUchttJ reddcoce . wiih Ur \ itachln* viewi.' ^Occupyfeg lngB’plot wdl-iUxkcd gaxJexu, Modi bii izx&vidoil '.'jtooc-buJli nwdoD rcddmce wib iitmibiiI udied bude and ideally ; fOT YoifcthlB c mots, Mouhefler aod mouxwtjr oowcilc.'Gm '** CK,'double gliziog, qualliy finings aod tednky iyiUDi. Open p<ath,

h»T1 loUOg^ Hitting rtvm j 1>rgp rtinln£ C l O K l ' 5bedroom*, 2 'bMhrooaa, 'double £cage,” ateo*lve patio,

• nuD oetreo.' - - r- A rfitB U D D B X S F lB LD 0484533 l51

ALMONDBURY AROUND £220,000V Five minuses Huddenfield, twenty mlnsues ■

A w pcA tn d id o c il stooepicpesy butH tm o d 1926 n d :now fu lly mcricxiiiM d. la lti» moet piesU^ons uea.-R£Ulofag n u D y-o rig ta il' temntM. H iQ , doakrooai, i4in?m nv rn Utcbcai breakfut it> . '"

. d tliog • room, u tility ,, five bedroooH, two buhroom i,. lu te ' double u n H , b e jiiifu lly m ikiu iaed gudesa. C H .-to d D iO . wifldoW t, S iO m riip lo tiD addMad.' . . A fftjB U D D E K S F l& LD 0484533 l5J


A ddigblftll f«rm mnH rrrrfiArl yd mrv4i ofjt'c chum aid chtncierwiih original'beamed itooe fnoiitnm,.etc. Quiolypkccd oa a coaotry lcie. Dining bill, fiaed Iricbto, doing

• room, lounge, itudy. .doiknMa, three bedroom*, (with cMuite), drcKtmRtna.«id dotirooci, bcxroaai. (pftmrtilfoaih bcdn»ca>, two . gsngavlw oK repuU oek. . A fp ljH U D D E R S FIE LD <M4S33151.

. ■; .V; -

E L L A N D /H A L IFA X • • - . £198,000

.M agnificent D etached .R esidence; in .'•prem ier locality,'' E legant ;5;- bedroom layout, 3 ’rec ep tio n ,'; 'li«u ry /;b a th i:o o m ; 'wilh'' j a c ^ ^ 'P r iv a te '’gardens,

.g ^ g e > c M ^ ^ 5 ;m ^ .^ M62.• / ' : • T H a lifa x 0422-ssssi

SHELF Offers around £175,000Ind iv idu al , s to n e D etached : R esid en ce : with.-; m agnificejit gardens 'and large .p ad do ck 'Q u ie tly situated, easy travelling H ^ ifa x ; B radford. «nd M62.- ■: v.-

; Apply HALIFAX 0422-55551

SHELF £145,000Indiv idual B ungalow enjoying q u ie t locality . large

.la n d sc a p e d g a rd e n s a n d sm a ll p ad d o ck . Hxo^Ftionally.higb standard o f appointm ents.-3/4. bedroom s w ith ea-suile. U nspoilt southerly aspect' •

. Apply HALIFAX 0422 SSSSl

‘SOUTH LEA", TINGLEY COMMON, MORLEY -; . o . l r : £125,000

•, Tbli ia: a bome of linpaoing . chancier. ..Ccnyriring:Entmee billwiy. lirge ad dfnlag/fanily roam,'Uicben, rear .lobby, nd keepiag'eeQjui, landing area.,4 good dzed bedrooon, Iaige

: tathroixD, WeQ jtaeked wiHed gard<n,: kUcbcs garden, pouiog.ibed abd' gtrage.' ',T«nnicadEn 'driYe. Elfctric . sorage hracn., Ccpcu,

- cu ria in i a d wning« bq iocludcd,- 1 ■• ^ ■»; v ~ . j : ■ AfptjLEEDS-BEADROWOS324SX3Q5


Orf^imllytheVkarage—avoyRi*unlil7bcdroczntixnorcriirocs ' rcqoiiing T~‘wWT',“ «<nn' A .Kpeft fmdly property, cc; aubjea to - plMudsg PenniidcH, could be uced fcr ckber pinpoua — ReeJoeceiil'' Heme, e tc.-S cou hcMinfc Reecpdoa h il l, '.. d o d a ixm '. w ith -w £., 3 xnocr ip a rim i rtcm tioo n xn » , bni t f t ~ .. 1_ nvwwliirtifniyn StlhJeblOCk, fl«r 4t»g for 2'

caa.’ L a igega fdm i.; A rftyL E E D S ‘HEADROW0S324S3365


T U i is ao fcnaginativB a a d 'vo y p ^ x tla r riveoU e derdqxzuxa. An o u d la k 2'bednxxxxd mrcmA fie a r wtilcfa e ffm hm iijy.individual:living.-Ecaoany 7 daccdc iccsdiy pbcoe

- aysaa, (B ia x a h lll,v a y fia e l i rfag l o an w id i riv e r v ic w i, fitted ;hre*k/actkifcba), lunitlOQSbxfarDOB^carptfkiag, c e p c tk h rtly priced i fo r qulde aele, no ebata to rctred.

A f/ty LEEDS-BEADXOW 0532 4S336S

ryAnnouncement x 1 v.V:{ - Sale by Auctlon, Mid September ';l ■


' .Substantial stone-built B am in rural position with planning: pem iissioH ' fpr. conversion to tw o ■dw ellings. l /3 acrepaddo<dc.* ;

VA. ApplyBINGLEY0274S63734

ELDWICK ;. £275,000 -N ew 'B istru c tio ns to .o ffe r rm a g n ific en t . 5 ,

••.bedroomed; stone-built quality detached; set in , approxim ately 1 acre.- of. ..landscape ^gardens.

; adjoining green belt, on the’fringe o f this executive \viUage. . ApplyBINGLEY0274563734

HECKMONDWIKE £64,500. Pari Exchange Considered. .

A fu lly refurbished 3 bedroom ed detached Cottage w ith fitted k itchen , new bathroom , en-suite sHower

room , gas central heating, double glazing. : :: ; " Apply DEWSBURY 0924456262'


Stocksriibor Road, Stocksmoor _^ (4 miles South East o f Huddersfield)


.STOCKSMOORU ndoubtedly one o f th e f in e st single build ing plots le ft in l i e favoured South s id e o f H uddersfield. T he 'site area extends to 1,237 sq. m etres o r thereabouts, m th -a w ide.'ficiitage to Stocksm odr R oad. Fully landscaped .m ature gardens. D e ta ile d ' p lans ■approved; ready fo r an im m ediate s ta r t .

Apply HUDDERSFIELD 0484533151 n

’ ROUNDHAYSpacious 2 b e d r o o m e d ground floor, fla t In much sought a fte r position; com­prising lounge/d iner, m odem kitchen w ith buUt In oven,

■ m icrowave and hob, fridge freezer, c.h., cloakroom- w ith

- s i n k and toilet, bathroom w ith toilet and show er, rea r garage. Sale to Include ail cg rge is, curtains and light


/ L eeds 661835.


Beautiful 3 bedroomed-stone built house':• to the highest specification adjacent to ' Country Park in conservation village o f ,

Campsall between Pontefract and ' ; Doncaster..Ideally placed for motorway ,

/ network.

PRICE: £ 9 i,OOO

te le p h o n e (0302) 7 0 0 1 9 7 ;

PICKERING—LARGE STONE BUILDING with detailed planning permission for conversion 'to four one bedroom s/c flats with integral garages. O/A £90,000

PICKERING -PERIOD STONE COTTAGE with modem fitted : kitchen, well located ' near town

i centre, 2 receptions, 3 bedrooms. O/A £55,000

' Viewing contact agents.' ' '

. . . . . . . . - I; ■ ■■ ' .

■ ■ ■ ]

Weetwood Lane, Leeds 16

Superb modozn . dota'cHod house, bu^t to .an exacting Swediah < specification ' with phenomenal insulation levels inc. fu ll .-'txiplo glazing. Occupying sheltered, heavily treed gardens,, well, away: from the road, it comprises' porch, hiall, lounge, dining room, study,'.'fully -.fitted breakfast kitchcn,,-; utility, master bedroom • suito with en-su ito -bathroom ; and dressing . room, 3 . further bedrooms, house . bathroom, separate, siiina/shower/ w.c., gas c ji.,, i ' .h e a t .recovery ven tila tio n sy ste m . ana garage.7 Delightful property in an equally delightful setting.


Tel. 456867(Messrs. Gershoii or Rein/ord)'.



TEL: (0532) 433571


A n . a t t r a c t iv e ; . d e ta c h e d ' B ungalow in- this pleasant v i l l a g e in d e l ig h t f u l countryside a t th e foo t o f ttie H a m b le to h - H ills ,. ;T h e . ac c o m m o d a tio n c o m prises; Lounge, k itchen , pantry, two b ed ro o m s,' bathroom , w .c., c o n s e rv a to ry ,^ g a r a g e , gardens.^

: Detailsfrohi y :


143, High Street, ,;. Northallerton Tel. (0609) 771959



Large double fronted' stone house witi cottage attached. Grolind ftoor Entrance nal, lounge' 17(1 Gin.'x 15ft, dring room .17ft.’ 6ln; x; 15ft, Ktdiea large ‘ panty with stone shelves. Rrst loon- gallery landing, 3/4 bedrooms, bathroom with' shower. Second Soor small atlc. Foil, central hearing. Set In approximately 1/2 acre ovenoctfng woodland .and pasture. Ccmprfetdy private. Double

greennousegarage, greenhouse and outbtMngs.7 Easy /access M62. UnOmiedpotenfci.


-T e l: Halifax (0422) 883054.

ELLANDj Sparioos ' three bednxxned I End Town Hccae: Large I lounge/direr, ■ fitted kitchcn I wilh ow n end', hob, pink; I badircbzn saite with ^ower, I.part D/G,-porch to thc.front,1 patio door leading to garden.;

Gardsns to three aidea. Open ajpeeta.

£4 9 ,0 0 0HAUPAX 375408

(after 4:30 p.m j:

EARLY VICTORIAN :STONE COTTAGEWell maintained, 2 double'. bedrooms, bathroom,’dirier and lounge; • ’ . j.;rear garden, amplaparidng...:

. Access to M62 and M1., O ffers around £45,000 fa r :

'' '• quick sal*. Tel.M rfM d{Q324] ;


KINGSWAY, OSSETT3 Fully Furnished Detached Showhouses

Now Open For Viewing

Jake to-the roatd and see ' them this week.


0x n u m o n

Tiki* nut tlu‘ n.i»lcl ,mj. iinccrr.iinr\', ,1'k .tKuit.iuir



B A R R A . T T

THE HOWARD3 bed': detached, bungalow

THE CHATS WORTHft-bed detached house'

THE SHREWSBURY.4^bed;detached ''house.' :

BUNGALOW S from ■’ '

£73,995;L u x u r > ';4 b e d r o o n i i

2 bathroom HOUSES from


K ingsw ay , O ssett, Wakefield. Tel:(03Z4) 180581 Sales Office Open-/ Thurs-Mon l l a m '6 p m


THE DOVECOTE. . . d i s t i n c t i v e t l c t a c h e d t h r e e f l o o r

p r o p e r t y , w i t h F o u r B e d r o o m s ( o n e w i t h

e n s u i t e s h o w e r , W .C . a n d d r e s s i n g r o o m )

a l o n g w i t h a d o u b l e g a r a g e . / I s u p e r b

i n c l i i ’ i d u a l l i j s t i / l e d h o u s e .

£ 1 4 8 , 5 0 0


he Dunroyal development is situated in the unspoilt and charming North Yorkshire village of Helperby.

T A short drive from the beautiful Yorkshire Dales, the spectacular North Yorkshire Moors and the cathedral cities of York, Ripon and Durham and the market towns' of-Thirsk and Boroughbridge.

Show House Open: Thursday to Honday IOam-5JOpm

H ea r t h st e a DHomes built by local craftsmen ■

-------------------------s^B ci

• -» Hearthstcad Homes Ltd.,

Millbank'Housc, 18 Skcldcrgatc, York YOl lDH. Fax: (0904) 612675

SI TE C ON T A C T NO: ( 0 4 2 3 ) 3 6 0 3 1 8

R e n t o n & , W a r rEstablished in Welherby (or over 40 years

1 BARDSEY VILLAGE 'S ituated In a m ature c rescen t overiooking the village Bowling G reen yet w ithin fo u r m iles o f the M arket T o w n 'o f W etherby and easy commuting distance, of - ' j Leeds, York and H arrogate.


W ith Imm ense charm an d "character, m odernised and m aintained to. ai s tandard seldom found

D ecorated and appointed w ith ' fittings to a high, luxury specification, gas c.h. and p a rt double glaz­ing w ith accom. Includ­ing: EnL vestibule and hall, cloakroom and w.c.; lounge w ith glazed doors to su n loggia, sep. dining , raom ; fitted kitchen, u til­ity room , fully tiled .b a -‘ th ro am and w.c., th ree good bedroom s, de­tached double garage. Imm aculate com pletely.private gardens. . .../


WETHERBY; TEMPLAR GARDENSW ith pleasarit and p rivate Iawned gardens In a m ature, and* p o pu lar a rea of W etherby close to shops and b u s e s . V ■ ..


TOWN .C E NTR E- With gas c.h. and includ­ing; Ent.. hall, cloakroom and w.c., th rough lounge and dining room ; conser­vatory, • b reakfast kit­chen. F our 'good be­droom s, large boxroom, bathroom and w.c.. w ith shower, In tegral garage and w e ll. stocked gar­dens.


WETHERBYOccupsdng a sought afier cul-de-sac position w ithin

m inutes w alk o f the tow n cente, shops and schools.: A N OLDER TY PE SEM I-DETACHED

HOUSEWith am ple .scope:\fo r ; fu r th e r ' ::m odernisation, and. im provem ent lnclud-; ing: : E ntrance vestibule, lo u n g e .d in in g kitchen; th re e : • bedroom s, com­bined ba throom 'and w.c., detached .garage . .and m ature gardens.


Chtrieted Sutv«roK,&u:iisftttis. Vilven and E&tito Agents


FOR SALE BY AUCTION(U nless p rev io u sly sold by P riv a te T reaty)



T ogether’.with 7, acres o f p astu re , w ill be.offered for Sale (as above) on; W ednesday, the 30th 'A ugust, 1989, at 3 p.m . ' •This .d o im er.‘B ungalow w hich is m ost p leasan tly , situated_ com mands .the m ost exciting view s fo r som e 20/30 miles from m ost aspects; B riefly the accom m odation com prises: * Large lounge . w ith pleasant features, good kitchen,- dining room , bathroom , bedroom w ith .another tw o bedroom s, on the first floor. A . B am adjo in ing : w buld .'easily convert into extra accom m odation w hich w ould be'beneficiaL

. Full details w ith viewing tim es from, the ’ Agents, T. H. Taylor & Son. The Estate .

Offices, 27, N ewm arket S treet,: Skipton 2226/3413. v

; S o lic ito rs : M essrs. J . P . M ew ies & Co.,' Clifford H ouse; K eigh ley R oad, Sk ip ton .


Ideally located for access to Teesside and major Yorkshire towns via the A1 and A19.

n « a »

•1x35 tSSSS


w s w m

snr n

r nUrtifl's imprejsion traien ta pet

A stylish detached house with hall, lounge with feature fireplace and bay • window, formal dining room, fully fitted kitchen with all the latest un its/

separate utility room 'plum bed for w ashing-m achine, useful downstairs !., ■ bloakroom: 4 large bedroom s, the m aster with the added luxury of an '

.. . en-suite shower room and sliding mirror-fronted w ardrobes, - Luxury colour co-ordinated bathroom in soft pastel colour,.central heating,

. .cavity wall insulation and garage.


i’s Impr ision subject to pioi. |

loopq g ; :

| L -

A spacious detached house with ha[l, guest cloakroom , study,.elegant ' lounge with feature firep lace and double the light arid airy dining

' room, which has' patio doors to the rear garden. Exceptional fully fitted.■ kitchen and separate utility raom , with plum bing for an autom atic washing m achine. Four generous sized bedroom s, the m aster w ith.eri-suite shower

room and sliding mirror-fronted w ardrobes. The luxury bathroom in the . latest design also has a separate shower cub ic le ... , .

.To com plete this high specification, the Earlstone includes central heating, ^cavity wall insulation’and garage.



__ ; i I—;• A spacious 'detached fam ily home, with hall. elegant lounge with featur^1 ' : .fireplace, dining room, fully fitted kitchen, useful utility room plum bed for /

ah autom atic .washing m achine, and. a downstairs cloakroom . A generous. • sized bedroom s, the m aster with the added luxury of an en-suite shower .

.-•-; room aod sliding mirror-fronted w ardrobes, colour co-ordinated pastel ; bathroom with separate shower cubicle,'central heating,'cavity w a ll . •

• insulation and g a r a g e , ^ \ .

. Even if you have'not yet sold your existing house, you don't have to miss the-:opportunity of owniricj a quality.M cLean Home;. Just com e along and talk to

- ' Us -'w e 'll give you all the help' and.advice you need. ; . ' • , i

•' 'YOU W O N ’T BELEIVE TH E PRICES - so contact the Sales O ffice ‘ • ' iopen Monday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday 12.30 to.5.-30 pm -. • • ’•

SUnday 2 .0 0 to 6 .00 pm. Tel: (0845) 22591


Subject to availability. YP 8/89;

f . . . . . : ’ ..


LONDON. Lovely 1 bed. flati B r o c k l e y C onservation area, SE4. 15 .mlns. from C i t y , m any o r i g i n a l features. £61.000. T e l e -

. p h o n e 0 1 * 2 8 3 6 2 9 3 (eves.).

LEEDS 8. 22, Hldtop Mount.Four B e d r o o m e d mld-

. through terraced, property, t Benefltting from gas C /H and-single garage, it has a. large basem ent and. Is Ideal fo r investm ent o r a young family, £35.000, Enquiries to Sharon W arner & Com­pany, Tei. Leeds 350255.

DELIGHTFUL : m e w s .ty p e cottage for sale in : unspoilt

. ru ra l village, 3-m ins. fromM62, ha lf an hour Leeds.

.2 0 m i n s . B rdaford, 40 • mlns. M anchester. C o m - : pletely converted and- fu r­nished by an i n t e r i o r designer, two large beds.. C /h , double -glazing and* m any o ther lovely features, fo r s a l e , as a complete; hom e if • wanted. Suitable fo r any b u s y executive, m ust be seen, £55,000. .Tel: (0422) 370051. .

R O U N D H A Y /M o o r to w n , ; l a r g e m o d e rn is e d s e m i, la rg e g a rd e n , £ 6 5 . 0 0 0 . 663680.

I BEDROOMED cottage In Dewsbury.* A detached residence w i t h character fo r the family who want

firlvacy 'w ithout being sec>> uded. A property to be . appreciated. . An excellent

quiet and friendly nelgh^ bourhood . w 1 t.h pleasant view. Come and live in ;a nice place. A. modem . hom£ w i t h very -low running costs. .Will modify fo r dis­abled a t no - extra cost. A gift a t £79,500. Tel. (0924) ' 463950 to view -and bring •

:.the_ family.

Continued on Pagie 27 | '

Page 28: Download the document (33.5 MB)


LEEDS 441234I Mtfii I IT TiiTJirfit


m a i i j i v i n i j



G jO 1

:■; RETIREMENT HOMES' ' ^ >■* f

Luxury, Security&Care

• First release of ,this;lpng awaited prestigious development ■ ” / "]

: • Luxury two.'l'.bedroom -.apartmeri and penthouse:;,overlooking ‘Harrogate’s- famous

^‘StrayCA - two hundred'acres of open par kland.

Prices from £91,500. ■

• Fully furnished Show Flat- now open each day ,10 a.m. 4 pirn. - : ■ ■

' Sales negotiator Dorothy McNichol.. . • Show Flat Tel. No, (0423) 562469. /


: r esiden tial:4-6 ALBERT STREET • HARROGATE • HG1 1JL TELEPHONE (0423) 502282

t U X U R Y . ■ R E T IR E M E N T . H O M ES . .


- L a rg e 2 b e d ,a p a rtm e n ts•’ v ‘ • f' ;from .

. £50,000. .• Conie .and compared the size. r


.12 - 4 P.M. FiRI- s a t ; SUN. : •; Details t Agents*. . .

; '(0904)':627436 ' > . /S ho ^ i A partm en t,

. :(0653) .696279.':' Bowling ijin©, : v •. Scarborough Road.

Norton ,;Maltdn.‘


rauvmC 'IS ' CIN'»t

Chesterton4 bed detached r

I incl double garage.

Devonshire4 bed detached: incl double garage.

Davenport ;4 bed detached ;; incl double, garage.

Prices from £140,000. ;:;.r;;-Up:toii6S,OdO-

VMbvcIniinigHt away with, our-


*-• -ailc die Salta Adviwr

. t(

■jjr* We take yourhous« in'pare ’ exchflhgcsubjecttoscarusiStvalue.


CARR GATE, WAKEFIELD : ; , TEL: (0924) 829377


11 AMr6PM.


A traditional stone built development with Three

hedroomed Bungaloivs and Four hedrootned Houses over looking the

Valley ofBeldon Brook

Prices from


nsure you/dont miss

j . this opportunity; to acquire

a Hearthstead horne of real,

quality in a superb


, This unique stone built

development with easy

access to the Ml and the

. M62 deserves your -,r-<y

immediate attention, you

can expect otirs. ■ ’

■ . w h e n y o i i r , . ; ' a d v e r tis e m e n t h a s

b e e n succcsisfu l^p lease ...; r in g o u r c a n c e lla tio n ' .

n u m b e r •.{

■ Y o u c a n c ^ c e l - ;0' -, u p t o 5 .3 0 p n i f o r th e

fo llo w in g d a y s 'Y o rk s h lrc P o s t a n d u p to 9<30pin f o r

th e fo llo w in g d a y s '' |'> - E v e n in g P o s t '

. • l : Y o u c a a a ^ V X l '. r in g b e fo re 12 n o o n ; • '

o n S a tu r d a y a n d b e tw e e n • 4 .30 & 7 .3 0 p m o n S u n d a y '/; to c a n c e l b o th p a p e r s >

• f o r M o n d ay . /





Slald Hill

\ puMUnow


ShidMtt Grtnjt

M O O R ^ H p U S E C O U R TSHADW1:1 . 1. LANK, I.ERDS 17

•;. and-curtains throughout, fitted wardrobes and ■

en;suitc.bathroom, gas fired central.heating,'

and a double garage. W hat’s, more,, eath home ,

js as tastefully decorated as it is individual:

A m diffe Homes proudly offer for sale four.-

exclusive and individual hom w in Shadwell Lane,

. Leeds 17. . . . ' . '

Among the many excliish’e features.are ,

electronic gates, electronic garage doors,"and.'

• fu ll security .alarm systems.; O ther featuresr

include full'double glazing, an extensively

. equipped kitchen and luxury bathroom, carpets- ■

A R N C U F F E H O L D IN G S , P.O. BOX N O . 100,■ F O L L IF O O T H A L L , F O L L IF O O T R ID C E . P A N N A L RO AD , H A R R O G A TE ; H G 3-IR U . (042B ) 879988:;



To find but more visit the •

' Sales Centre between ' . ■

■'10.30 am and

. 6.00 pm.Tcl: ■ / A R N C L I F F E X(0532) 682075. /

K ING SW O O D; .C A -Y T : 0 ; N ; ijV ; (- L L A ;’G . l




j f f l j ^ h e r e are. only a h a n d fu l: of. truly outstanding .3 -and . 4 .bedroom

executive: Houses left at Kingswood,

. . C ay ton.. ./ •...... ....... . ; ________ ^■ ... A nd they’re going fast. : : '

So visit Kingswood, C ayton soon. O r there’ll be .none left at all. ■ •

• Garage \ ' • Gas Central Heating• Utility Room% Double Glazing

K 1 N G S W O O P

.H a rfo rd R o ad , G a y to n ; S carborough

.Open Daily from 1 lam to 6pm f;


C o n ta c t Sue W c lb u rn o n (0723) 581508.


0 8 0 0590733


- B A R 'il'A T .T .i. Y O R K I . I . M I . T E D . • F R E E P O S T

,'n 'E T H E R ' P O P i > L E T Q N ■ 'Y .O .R K . Y O 2 '6 0 W



4 Bedroomed Detached as shown-r—Prices reduced by more than 10%

Asplendid "Courtyard Development"of . 7 dwellings built to supenor

specifications;^Central Heating *Double Glazing

’•‘ Choice of Quality Fitted Kitchens and Bathrooms


HOUSES "V.' '.. PRICES FROM £79,000- f 130,000 fy : .Show House Open:

• Weekdays 8.30a.m. - 4.30p.m.: '1: ; Sat & Slin 1p.m. - 5.00p.m. ’ ' ; '

SfciilHsnson & son yfT e l: YO RK (0904) 625533. r


Homes built by local craftsmen

I/Thursday tp. Monday I Oam- 5.

Manor.FarkV;, H e a r th s tc a d H o m e s L td . */■.

i ;. A1 ilibank Hoiii>et‘.W '20SkeldergatetlYork'YOJ JDH" " ' ' * F axi(0904)f 12675 ‘ ‘


LEEDS 0532 432701

• r ! •



‘ ./Retirement is. something that 'doesn’t come easily, to-everyone. E ............... " " 1 'asyour needs and the security offered is something-you will also ■

enjoy. . .: ■, • ..... ‘v VThe views' from this exclusive- development are priceless,

overlooking' the famous Harlow- Carr Gardens and the. open

countryside beyond. ~ v :.v ■ ’

: ! • tWo bedroom traditional :■7 • J stonerbiiilt luxury, apartment., •

Good.size lounge (18'-6” x 13-)V . separate dining room .

Modem fully fitted kitchen .• Luxury en-suite bathroom V . /• Family bathroom

. '(•'lUtility room; FUH gas centhd heating .




• Including fitted bedroom * . furniture to master bedroom .• Ihnstall Telecom warden call - •, & security entry ’phone

• Managed by thie reputable Harewpod Housing Society.

IWith low service charges V:.; providing*free. lifestyle

.• luxury interior .designed I entrance areas

A A ; M y {“niished shbwflat ()penM l I d v Mon-Fri - l-4pm,.Sat t ; 12-4pm,..

RESIDENTIAL — ■ ” l*4prn. Tel: (0423) 530677

4-6 ALBERT STREET • HARROGATE • HGl lJL: • TEL: (0423) 502282 ^

CARTER JONASc n a k t i ; k i -: d s u k v i -: v o k s

A r c l i W ' m

S '

A ,

^ y n /g u e 'R e§ /d en ^aZ

BRIEF SPECIFICATION AND SPECIAL FEATURES■ Gas Fired Central Heating ■ Sealed Unit Double Glazing ■ Entryphone System for Security to the Flat Units ■ Choice of quality Kitchens with oven and hob■ Attractive Bathrooms ■ Generous wall tfling allowance ■ I^anelled style internal doors with brass furniture ■ Coved ceiling to principal rooms ■ Artex finish ceilings'

.Car Port Or parking space ■ Some units have integral garage ■ Complete external ’ ‘ ~ ;mal Lighting ■ Long Leasehold at a Peppercorn Rent-,landscaping ■ Strategic External. Lighti

■ Long river frontage .and south aspect ;.:rights.;'/v

2.30-4.30 pm .

Prices from £113,500 irfS ]

184 High Street Boston Spa Wetherby Tel: (0937) 843408.-yV

•*-v /*s ^ ^ A r.

' ■ j

A A .A •"* >, t". .A A /s A * v * A .A A

Page 29: Download the document (33.5 MB)


\ ; > V . , . L i •• - T : ' . • * r • . .....................•

i ly ri.

§ ii P P B lS ig/LEEDS 441234 N E ! W H O M E S: ■ Y- . r ; > ; ............................... • • ....................• .......... . ■ ^ • • . - • • • • -





. -Kings Meade. ^ - .klNGSGATE.-' BrIDLINC^ON..- :’1. •

' 3 bedroom,decU'ched bttngalpws '::. : ] :'. , . . .J and4 bedroom'detadiea h ^ 'i’1

. PIU C ESlFR O M ET^^SO^tbilO^SQ-

. U tility room and cn-suite bathroomin the m ajority o f p r o p e r t i e s - •_

Ring Peter G ough.on (0262) 67769*5:

; : 6 ' ; : "

t doesn’t matter whether you’re a ..first-'

' ’ ■ • -time buyer, o r a i twenty-first' time1' buyer,'

P .. garratt have the house of your dreams./.

• /'-.■ ' From 2 bedroom .bungalows, to 4 bed-

I : room luxury detached houses. From £45,000

• '. . .. to£130,000. . . . / '

' And it doesn’t matter what want

to live in. . . . . ■ V: ■./// ■ ' .//

We’re in reach of. the towri- centre' ind

deep in ' the heart of - the country/ In range

,• of the'Wolds;, right/on-the coast and close

to the Humber." ' !

And we have all the best offers,'’-too;.-

We’ve a whole'range of schemes to make

buying .your new Barratt home easier arid

•• more affordable. " ' '■' .

'V. . "So find out‘: mdre. Visit your • nearest

■r; : : Barratt development or send the, Freepost

.V coupon today: vAnd you’ll

I:; > soon be in range of your

dream home. :. >- '

■ \ B E E C H G R p V E '

N o r t h S t r e e t ' * N a f f e r t o n . \

N r Driffielp!:

. 4 bedroom detached hotises, <•-; 3 bedroom detached bungalows r . . i

PR IC ES.FR O M £98,5 0 0 to £119,9,50'

including carpets, curtains, light fittings .,. . and landscaped rear gardens on selected plots

Ring Eileen Liiidley-Curris • on (0377) 241165-

— © ;

a v

.>i I/iH•5


; Elm T rees - . O ff-M ain S t r e e t ; C h e rrv B u m ^ f

. BEVERLEY; - ' ; \

: 3 bedroom mews houses'^ : >■ ' . ■ I ; 4,bedroom detached ousesf^0r r\y-v,

.p r i c e s f r o m £76,950 ;;

^" " /All properties have'gas.central heating,:;: . '^double glazing and fully fitted carpcts, ~

- * ' Ring Dawn Ross on (0964) 5 5 1 4 8 3 " ;

— — © v : . : / - : / - / :;:;-/


5 i ' s -

^ ■ i :'' I r • 1



•Cfree 08.00 590733


• '• / Please send'me details o f Barratt Properties in:

/ K i n g s M e a d e , B r i d l i n g t o n Q ' ' B e e c h g r o v e , N a p p e r t .q i ^ . Q - ^ E l m T r e e s , C h e r r y B u r t o n □

j j . , • - ’■ , ; . . -v. ‘ ~ '. . -.

fi i /Postcode ’>• / ..^Telephone..,

,5, t. z-7>- v .1 ■

i ' jV

- • i ii ; }i •- i 'ffB/A-. R R (A. T ; T - F o - . R K; L I> "9 >5f. ! . ? ) ! ’ . - .

M i i ,T. E . D \ “:!6,vF5; R l | | O S N E T H E R / P ' O - I P L‘ .E , 1 ^ 4 ^ •• "* <Y O ' 2

V , 0508Y.K .

6 Q W

!! I

: c y


: # to n q » l t

\ £ \ Y j > r i n c e W \- I ^ W O F WALES

n 1 Id* Ob' W



BINGLEY -/ / o ' ’ ’

BEtiBANK X X pxW V ^ - >. WOOD . ' • ) S r ,n K ^ :=^•Leeds/U v e rp 6 o l< C anal

I r ' \ \ S ta tion : . ' ^ ^ v

. Barratt’s impressive new' rarige b f ' 4&5 bedroom detached houses

• is ;rriatched only by .the/ .iuhiq-udness'. of- .their .Ibcafionrin *' . the groiinds o f the former - , ’; Bingley Gbllege. / / • tz;:. "

■' DEVONSHIRE, 4 bed detached

SHERIDAN, 3 bed detached bungalow BRONTE, 4 bed-detached . house

9 : n

Prices from $ 1 7 7 ,0 0 0up to £250,600Sales:Office. Open.- /!; ,^oh/4iam-6pm ■!

Stonegate, 'tjidy Lane, Bingley. /

Tel: 0274 55r239(or - ' :Heaa:Gffice:' 0274 617621.

B63AS : •*


R R A• SSS#ss-:s:ww!S,Kf’¥'i

j :

SKIPTON . .■ ii

Excellent 3 bec |// V detached family house'


;' " L

C ha rte re d surveyors , A u ction ee rs , E s ta te A gen ts, V a lue rsB.P. TOWLER & SON




•with garage. ;/;:

Set In m ature ga rd en s: In . a desirable and - popular ’-resl-'i dentlal area. C /H throughout; <Detached bungalow, b u l l It'

of local stone, _:qn i fully fitted kitchen, lounge* dining room ;wlth patio doors, bathroom , separate - w.c. .-andsite.

B : ' I3 !arge’ibedroorns, fa ll central h^&tlngr mullloned . 'double glaz^d uPVC,. w indows, inte- grai dotible.garage.1; • '

- ^ * * * /Exceptional views; over . land


INTERNAL,i n s p e c t i o n ^ .

and:,-sea., Agnculturai.vcondi tJqh^attachea. . i( Offers around £92,5pp;>

7 5 , MAIN STREET, THORNER, LEEDS 1 4e ' a m osl attracSvs s to n o buBt

SKIPTON 5707.,

Lii»loii«oii-Ouse,:Nr York

Or to be m^re precise, threeroom s;;a bedroom, a bathroom and a dressing room. Together they form a'superb master bedroom suite on the top floor of the three sjtorey Beningbrough, one of two properties bn Beech’Tree Gourt th a t also have their own private, roof terraces with uninterrupted views over th'eiRivesr .^useVan^;be.yp.nd> > ’ ..

Visit this small arid^^exclusiye neW'developmra ru ra l Lintbn-on-Quse. ..... j j -■ ^ j - aiid ypu’ll find that every hpxnehas'somctliing special to offer. . •;■. f / / >

B e e c h T r^ e C o u H -a p rest^o iiB .new deyeiopm ent o f ^individually’ designed 3 , 4 W d 5 b e d ro o m e d lu jcu ry h o m es, , f I ( ( ( ( . ( ■ if ro m £ 1 2 0 ,0 0 0 to £ 2 5 5 ,0 0 0 . / / : .

• L u x u ry fitted k itch en w itli in te g ra te d app liances. ..v.:r• Fully .fitted m aster, b e d ro o in ’w ith ensu ite facilitiei,.• :Gas fii-ed c e n tra l lifeating. . • D oub le glazing an d p a tio d o o rs .• S o n i e ^ t i i p ac id pck /o rc lia rd / c o n se rv a to ry /

.ro o f t e r r a c e / g a h i e s r o o i n . / ■ ■


SATURDAY-SUNPAY, 2pin.5pm .. T. z Sales Office Tel: (0 3 4 7 4 ) 2 1 5

or by apppintment.’Tel.(0904) ,62155.4 * ■Beech Tree Conrt, Linton-on^OuBe, Nr York

All e n q u in e s to :-

o .s -o u


RiHrOuHARROGATE \/4J9 ;KNARESBOROUCH ,4595 Peckitt Street? York Y011SF.

Tel: York (0904) 62155,4' r


WET11ERBY ' / LEEDS T /A(>* A nother q u i l i ty l i le deiigned and bu ilt by M .S .R . D evdopm cnU


Full details' \ •^ Hi. • ' ■#&• .k<GA;.'HUITON: v,; n


T e^0947) .880493^ v

^• / . v ' ... . E S C R IC K .Y O R K . T .I': r '

• Spacious . 4 ..bedroomed ' detached fkmily hocjc. an. ^elusive new •cteVcldpiiMt m- q ^ villige loaitirr,- 2 bithrboins;. private,;5oulB ttcmg'back gii5erL Double gaiage. Folly finediolid oak fcitchcn. j ' .' v '>;, / / ^ / / ' y

F o r J u rih tr 'd e ia ils a n d a b ro ch u rt U U p h o a tJ g 9 0 4 ) 57^230

fE .a re a property./company.v! keenly Interested in buying ; b a c k to b a c k s /th rough-ter-.' races/tow n houses, e t c ; . 1

-Quick- efficient service i(no?'survey o r , apents fees- to '

, ; p a y ) : Crlckhedge L t d>5 (. Q 5 3 2 ) .703313/6738X9’-

'anytim e;.: '•

nBflonQ ana SOnlO wjvwiwwjr giszng.,Uuuu.hidu ununy null, aiuuvuxi unyujjirlo ungs with lng lenook h e p U c e , Mfy i le d m oderirkJlchsn i p tlndpa l bedroom with orvsu its sh ow er room . T w o funner good sized bed room s (all witfi Itted w ardrobes), m o d em h o u se bath room . Atvacfive end good sized re a r garden with patio,vlo w n a n d -g a rd e n sh e d s .C o n ta c tA g e n ts to v te y /4 ' /.• - REG IO N E125.000

37 Great George Street, Leeds LS1 3BB Tel. 460071

• ' ■ ' I



3 bedroom, detached Y ork -, shire, stone bungalow, excel* : l e n t decorative order, gas c / h ; : m a t c h . l n o detached

arage. quiet cul-de-sac posl- ,Jon«; Convenient • fo r Leedsand /B radford .... ...

; / r " "■<1 ; ;£ 6 9 ,5 0 0 'o .n .o : .■

including iitte d ;carpets *' 1 •' T.-:V. u-Z'-

• CALL BRADFORD 642476, -

' PARTLY restored house . fa n d b a m fo r s a l e ; Including l i acres of h a n d , H alifax area.

£125,000. . BOX- No. 1005, Y orkshire Post, .

• Leeds.'

;P;M .DSEy.^Currently.rutlllzlng

;th re e b e d .iS G ijslorii. -

. g la ze

ad jacen t to :'wlth:exten-'-


i.rflasr-c/h/,''part double, e a r parking 2 c a r s , len fro n t/re a r. •. OffersOOO.- Tel Leeds 574041.




Set In well tended completely; private - garden.' conveniently sited close to the centre o f a small- market, town o n -'the ., e d g e of. the N o r th - Y o r k M oors National Park, ln good- decoratlve o rder throughout.

To-lnclude carpeis. moat cur- talns and a ’ num ber of other, fittings. _ '

• Tel.. (0751) 31163:

ISLE OF ARRAN. Plm m ill.. D e t a c h e d f a m l l y ' - dwellinghouse w ith panor­

am ic views. O ffers excel- , len t . accommodation w ith •am ple lo ft- a reas suitable • fo r conversion. Telephone

. (0294)' 52545/53932/52618. .

SECLUDED' i’armhousB . and r ’cottage set! in .6 acres;-,with ^V.prlvate;road. access,- lm m a-1

d ila te condition, Teeslde i : .:h o u r. Offers, in region ' of

£220,000. (0287) "

3 4 R opergate / Pontefract WF8; 1 LY Tel. (0077) 780 5 0 0 ; : .

KIRK SMEATON(“R iverside Lodge”, W ater L a n e )

Fadnti Souti In: pi k m a stiort distanca East o( A1 atDajilr

;;.M62 also nearby,' TOE C0MPIHTE FAMIe and with tie

Y HOUSE aa.’.MwJ aso nearo/i me w w rucic r«wiui.nui/^c w a »«■»■ popotly. can be—ard'a modem one at that, (bull In .1903 and tubs tan tlaliy

super balcony lenace oB, unlntemiptedfe loailng outovef the deBghtftjl Wenl ■ Valey, Uundry/ v6ity„FlVE BEDROOMS, (Masler bedroom having dressing

room and tiiower'room en-sul#), house bathroom, toilet room, mawBbty:

andwiththagardensas.,.-™.,,, k—„,----------------• • /O ffers over £165,000


For weekend viewing, ', . i Telephone (0977) 620129

& i

Page 30: Download the document (33.5 MB)


N ew ton"' iS S * 0Uc.UU£J,>JU.V. .Chartmd (umyw.AuctkmMr. '

. ValuarandEMMiAoanL- , ;


■ Enjoying an unequalled .position: with extensive ,views! over the green oelt. countryside, .stands uthta'i-’traditional: iStona-buDt Detached (armhouse'and annexe stone barn, together with useful." outbuildings and 15 acres or thereabouts ol grassland. .:

v i : ; FOH SALE BY AUCTION IN THREE LOTS I■ :: (Unless prevtously.eold as awtiolo) ■'}■'■ - /. v . I:.

LOT 1: Farmhouse, Barn, Buildings and approx. slx acres - .. Grassland.. , ■, -■ ^

LOT 2:21 /4 acres ol Grassland with roadside Irantage. , ■LOT 3 :7 acres of Grassland wtth roadside frontage. .- i, '


... Of Interest to emulators, b i i l ^ and ttowlojiM. :SUPERB COURTYARD TVPE'DEVELOPMEMT -


A rare' oppbrtunKy-to acquire a corrplex ol threa' atona-buDt-':' country cottages with two annexe stone bams, the latter having pawning.permission forjconverslori to a dwelling house, together with a grass paddock, located In a tranquil and scenic aroa on the outsKln8 of this popular residential village. ..:'V 1 ■ •■/.;.

•. FOR SALE BY AUCTION . -,7 ' ,■..i:. ,....(Un!B8spfeylpusly.8old)'I‘;: , 5. ; , .

on THURSDAY, AUGUST 17th, 1989, at 7 jxm. '", at THE COACH AND HORSES, EASTGATE,


PROPERTIES TO LETF o r .full deta ils 'o f thp range of p roperties 'to lot contact

: ' T.J..MUDD &CQ. , iV"t e l e p h o n e y o r k (0904) 621554. > : ;

t Shorthold tenancies d r 3 years) •

t A ssured tenancteS !. , 1

» Short term relocation licences • , |i

k. Holiday lets available. ,-

• . , : . Within the city t^aljs ; ' .v' 3. three bodroomod houses w ith.garage from £535 p.m.;/

' two bodroomod houses wdth parking, from £480. p.m.

OUTGANG LANE - PICKERINGYork26milrj .; . Sdrbcrocgh 16'nrilei .'

■ V| : YciiyLoQ£!cnKiiipCnjn2hcun .




cloakroom, 4 bedrooms,2 balhrooiw,g&inaroom.: Garderif, s tabling, ‘ • ouldoor menagB and Paddock of nearly 2 acres.- •'

Further paddockland may be tvtMle to rent. •.

t o let ,

Two fu lly 'fu rn ished spacious m aisonettes, new c e n t r a l heated Instant hot- w a s ­tem,. o n e .a n d tw o bedrooms. All m od.-. cons.,'! In ..private

-grounds w ith garage o r car parking space: .

R eferences < and re turnable bond required, :.

C astleford . and P ontefract a rea. Two mlns. from M62.

TEL CASTLEFORD : 517976. .


2 B od: stone b u i l t ' terraced c o t t a a e . Ideally . s ituated , nicely. fu rn ished ,.car parking.F u rth er details contact:



Le e d s .. TEL." (0532) 444011.

ROOM a v a i l a b l e in • s h a re d .h o u a e . KIrk-

. - s ta l l '-a re a ,': fu ll • C ^ I , ,w asher; 7 ^ ry e r,: ,TV. video; non sm okers

- . on ly .’- c i i o p . c . m . ' Including , gas and . electricity bills. Con­

tac t J u d i t h Noble even ings ' only, Leeds

PROFESSIONAL 'person wanted, to share mod­e m house In Heading- -

- . l e y . ren t £95 p.c.m. Tel; Leeds 74021S.

.LEEDS V . Room avail-' ab le / P I e a ‘s e r l n g Leeds 484889 fo r de-i • tails a fte r 6;p;m.

14 Skeldergate,: York, Y011DH.



: ii'

A charmln

with quality decor, gas central haating, original fireplaces, beamed’ ceilings, mature gardens. . • , ; ■Accommodation : Reception'vestibule^ 3 reception rooms, study; cellar, dining kitchen, 4 bedrooms; bajhroom.:. -

PRICE: OFFERS AROUND 1^127,500Further details from 39, Bank Street, Ossett. Tel. (0924) 280722 : ■

b a r g a in ;

PUDSEYj 3 bedroom ed tow n'house,-full | gas c /h . newly fitted kitchen, j excellent -decor- throughout.

j rear, garage. •' ,. P’rice fipr quick sale

£49,950TEL. LEEDS 56117V

CAWOOD. R are oppor­tunity, Grade. 2 listed. -

. p e r l o d end .co ttage '’ w ith river an d bridge views/ Possible 3 /*4 bedrooms. , Integral •

Jarage. side rose Vgar-^ - en. In n e e d ‘o f som e' renovation. U r rf e n t /

sale, reaulred . £60.000. fo r early: kcom *

Tel. Cawood 3


SHADWEUL V I 11 a g e ■Tastefully m odernised.. :

. gas C/H.- 3 bed... stone " terrace. ' £78.500. Tel

: (0 5 3 2 )7373S6T

ADDINGHAMA ra re detached W harfedale cottage, circa 1785 and over­looking picturesque m o o r - land.- ■ ■3 beds., bathroom , a / 3 recep-' 11 o n room s, kitchen, C /H .. w facing sou th . O ffers around ...'

£190,000. v 'Phone ( 0 9 4 3 ) 8 3 1 4 0 3

(A nsaphone).

LAKES] -. Bowness, M odem1 a r g e r detached. 3 bed.r.- bungalow In elevated post-

J Uon. Lounge, puie. celling s balcony overlooklng Lano fc j . a t e s B o w re ll. Separa e 8 ,S J ^ S JH°Sll-; P,1n e i; celling, B i l f W f ; k}}P'e,n ^ 3 a!‘ h o b., fe P u 1 l .tjln .,e le c tric cooker. * ’laroe . bathroom , . 4 ' piece Sj. ■ su ite ,.-H /C ;,"all•; bedroom s; B built in g a ra g e ,.dow nstairs jf u t i l i t y room s (suitable i • { " " B I . W ' fu ll gas C/H, <- Beautiful B & b potential 6 Oyers over £155,000. Tel. 6 W indermere 5049 evenings.

^CHARMING country cottage u In peaceful secluded posi L Uon. n r. Scholes, Holm- g firth . S tructurally; • sound. 2 f u l l damp p roo f/co u rse ; p rew ired; new roof, pointed u e t c . The accommodation

com prises. 1 o u n g e .with exposed beam s and oiigi-

u na l Victorian c a s V iron I fireplace,- mullloned win-? dows. kitchen / d 1 n 1 n o I room , pantry , cellar. 2/*. h bedroom s, • bathroom ■ /.

w.c.. oarage, f u e l store, outbuildings, la rg e r than average 'cottage garden: Offers around £72.000. To view teL (0484) 686412.

OFFERS'. Invited--.for' M anor F a r m ’ House in • Carlton, n e a r Selby.' G rade 2 r listed building...,g r o u n d floor

| comprising . ent. hall and 5 stairs,- spacious -k itch en

; including Aga range, utility: .. room .1 lounge,, dlnuig room,

and study. F irst floor h a s .4 , beds, plus bathroom;*. The

nouse ls ’ set in approx. I acre ; land" including ‘out­building. The whole house Is in n e e d of. extensive renovation. /All weekend viewing, call a t ^ h o u s e ; H epworths Lane, Carlton.

j LEEDS 8. O ffers invited for f r e e h o l d '-‘7 ‘ :bedroomed house. : two:-''large - recep-

. tlons. id e a lfo r , le t t in g . o r l a r g e, fam ily ..reasonable o ffe rs-co n sid e red 'fo r very q u i c k s a 1 e . due to 1U health. TeL Leeds 452196 % ££& ? e^ 7 E • m • • Leeds -.,-..663799.afte r 7 -p.m. . . . .

TOCKWITH, Nr: W etherby,. m odem 4 -b e d . detached,

C /H ., d /garage, a ttractive . . lounge, dining room; refit­

ted kitchen. 2 w .c's., fitted * , w ardrobes, conservatory,

secluded garden; country: £129,950.; • (0423),

' So m e r s e t ,' . Ruhnington ’ Superb-Det., 3 ' bed bunga-

. low. 'se t am idst fields in p re tty Som erset Village. •

!{\near.. Wellington,- 4 miles •' MS* h ° u r * B radford.

£77.000, (082 347) 7431.

UPPER QREETLAND.VWithin easy reach * o r. M62 fo r L e e d s .o r M anchester. .

‘ Charm ing, fully reno- - vated. terrace* cottage.

, . . expensively appointed - - throughout. L ounge:•. w ith feature fireplace..'

ta lly fitted dining k lt-: ' < chen, keeping cellar, 2

beds., superb m o d ern ; k ' bathroom w ith e lectric : .

. - show er, gas cen tra l ;> heating;-hard standing ' fo r car, sm all garden 'to . f r o n t P l e a s a n t , ' views,' desirable resl- ’

. . dentlal .location, -con -.. venlent for. a ll am enl- : •'

t i e s . O f f e r s over ; • £ 4 7 j 5 0 0 . Halifax

, ; (0422) 378286. > :

ROOM to l e t . : Leeds 4.: £30 inc. b i l l s . Tel Leeds 783782

ROOM: to ,ie t ln p riva te bun- aalow. in Wakefield near

- Ml.* 'P ro fessiona l -7 person

Breferred w ith no ; oblec- on to :ow ners dog. Own' ..- room ;; s h a r e d facilities.

•Pleasant.surroundings.- £35 ..• p.w . in 'a d v a n e e • . Tel.

(0924).257413. '

LEEDS ^ACCOMMODATIONO U R E A U- h a v e . a wide

. selection 1 o f 1 houses, flats and bedsits le t in all areas. M anagement service availab le.- c o n ta c t - W e s t B a r . Cham bers; 38 vB o a r Lane. Tel. 444011..

WANTEDl 3 . bedroom council house, . n e a r shops.. s c h o o l , - 1 in

- .Bramley. o r Beeston area, in exchange for a 3: bedroom ed council

. house w ith gas and c en tra l1 heating, i n - a

• n i c e a re a ' or Peters borough. All orfers

J considered. Tel. - Mrsi • Faddon (0733) 44954.r


LONDON. S.E. ;B iB (Eng ), gowl r a t e s . ' contractors welcome. 01T697-4460. '


SHAROWDelightful old country Inn,:

in beautiful village one; 1 mile from Bipon, 20;niiIes,'

from York. Four letting -:; .rooms,.3 with owri..;.

shower, loVefy Patio. jarid> Beer Garden. Luxury: -a

owners’ accommodation.


| Tel. (0765) 5094 |


• in all retail areas of Yorkshire. ; • Funds available.

Ring now forfrse valuation ;* •— no obligation.. :

C ftrisThorpa,

RO C K FIELD S9 E a s t P a ra d e ; Leeds l .

4S7M7 ., After hours:

South M ilford t n w

Re-advertlsed. due to time .'.w aster;- •


Lock-up shop, ieasehold In'

'. , , td net profonly due lo i l l health.

busy, shopping /centre. Good takings w ith excellentr gross profit, and 'n e t p ro f it: Sale!

FULLY, furnished flat,. Cross G a t e s :a re a ,.- 3 bedroom, lounge.' hall, , fully fitted k l . t c h e n and bathroom ,; TV /w ashlng ’ m achine etc. £ 1 2 0 , p .w .' Leeds . 608608 (d ay ). ’

A D E L . area luxury. a-bed. {purpose b u 1 11 fully fur- n ls h e d 'f l a t . £525 p.c.m: L e e d i v ■;679576/(0943 76083.. ’ ’ ;in.■ - •"

CHARACTER House Indtkm m vniaoB. soutE o f

» t« . T g l . L 9 . d l S: for. details.-

LEEDS e . , i F u r n l s h e d ,3- bedroom ed link h o u s e 1 c l o s e to U niversity and City C entre In quiet, sec-

- l u d e d . residential area, : am ple car-p a rk in g space; I a e a 1 ...for professional « i i p 1 e o r company let. R ent £380.00. p.c.m.. lnclu- atv£r r a t e s ; Tel. (02S6)295202 ..

PROFESSIONAL ■.female, toshare la rae R o u n d h a y house -.with: fo u r m ale and r e m a 1 e graduates. £105 p.c.m .'Tel/ Leeds 656604.

CHARMING country cottage overlooking : Holme' Valley. F u l l yv furnished. £ 2 5 0

S.c.m.. No pets,- re turnable ond. Tel; (0484) 685410. SMALL;- cottace.' furnished,

p h o n e , sn o rt' let: con- .v e.nil e n t . M62 and West Yorks. - towns. - Suit busi­ness executive. B radford

" 678472. I1,MANAGEMENT1 o f f l a t s ,

houses to r ow ners abroad. Landlords e f f l c l e n t l y u n d e r t a k e n : Gibson

■; Tw altes' & Co.- 'C hartered

RPsa ° A ^ ; Leeds r S.^Vfcry■ | liouua o . .. verysuperior. 2 bed. flat, taste- fuDy appointed; - l v e l y ftim lshed

570257:FREE rental.-See coL 70.


POXHILL CiBURT; Weetwood L a n e , Leeds ■ 16 • Ouiet delightful, ' ground- ;-floor,1

- m odem : npurpose .built' fla t^ developm ent:ih ttreed, :i a n d s c a d e d

■ . grounds.-.'’ .’c o m p r.i-s e s- en trance hall, lounge w ith

, balcony, f i 11 e tl kitchen. double .bedroom w ith built*

in .wardrobes, dining room- * or^second double-bedroom.

e w.c- and

a f « « -


Country House / .Farmhouse

HaiTbgate / W etherby a re a .'

£500 - £750,000 . . region.

iif Imm aculate ^ r l e s s if incom plete: but w ith g r e a t potential including land. Fast settlem ent, private buyer.

^ x :No:;i(K28, ^* Yorkshlre Post, / ..


Offers in the region of £19,500,

Good clientele: .P h o n e d a y . . .





SUPERB 5-STOREY EAST COAST GUEST: HOUSE with Bea viewB, 14'beds.,-3,rec. Immaculate condition . ' . . . . ' i : i . . . . . . ' . ; . . . . . . . . . . . . .£95,000INVESTMENT BLOCK OF 5 BTATS,. permanent lettings, producing excellent income', immaculate order throu^iout, to include all fixtures and fittings ^85,000LARGE WELL PATOONISED EAST YORKS VILLAGE PUB, 2 bare, games room, function room, owners’ 3 bed.; accommodation, enormous cateringpotential. . . . . . -----. . . . . . . . : .......... ... ..£285,000BUSY EAST COAST' 24&EATER CAFE, cxcdlent all year trade, close harbour, well fitted throughout, 3 bed: accommodation, good T/O with'further potential'. . V . . . . . . V . v . . .............. .O/R £80,000


20 WEST STREET, BRIDLINGTON Tel. (0262) 677427 Keighley Office (0536) 61011:


C hartered Surveyors Residential Commercial Agricultural & Leisure

[NEAR THIRSK 90 ACRESI CARLTON HUSTHVVAITE - f Thlrsit 10 miles, A1 10 miles. York 29

miles, TeessWa 27 miles, Leeds 36 miles.

.A *

^ CHIPS, Leeds. Excellent lock-up unit .on secure isasa SIlualedMn a monopoly parade, sehnng lame residential estate, large, fully Wed sales shop.with 3 1 ' !


SWEETS, TOBACCO, TOILETRIES & HARDWARE, Leeds. Attractiw, double, fronted; sales shop on; rent Occupyina MONOPOLY POSITION. Spacious, well med sales shop with store room.etc. Taklng £1,100/£1,200 we^dy—A SUPER. CONCERN SENSIBLY PRICED AT.E7,950. Enquiries invited. S296.

Bradford 3 9 0 4 8 6


r L b t one . . ■ v-'.. ;

I.Period:. Farmhouse; with 3 receptton : rooms, conservatory, - 5 I bedrooms,. 2 .bathrooms, domestic outbuildings, 2 paddb<*s and I traditional ranges with-potential tor conversion to alternative uses1 I (BUbJect to planning). About I S'aoas. ;

I lo ttw o .

I Productive dual purpose land in a ring fence. About 75 acres. V ■

I In a ll ab o u t 90 acres. , ■

I FOR SALE FREEHOLD|asa whole or in 2 Lots . : , '

' - v... . /• (2 1 /1 3 2 8 )

10 CARDS> STATlONEHY. FANCy GOODS, SWEETS 4T0BACC0 In pleasant residential area oTWEST YORKSHIRE CITY Takings average £350 week. In addlion .Vender er*ys Post Office s to y of £26,000 year. Sales shop and three, bedroom rantrSly heated axommbdaSoa Largo garden. Gaiage. Pioperty r75,001Bu*ir)eM £7ty>oa ix v . V2aa

amer preinhes a i outsHrts of NORTH .YORKSHIRE TOWN. Takings average'£1,250 week and raeasirq conastenfy,, Lockhijj.- On reasonaMe renBJ(tease). Bu»lnei«£24,ooo*«.Y.V279.

FLORISTS & GREENGROCERS In sought aftar vaage n trfi of i f f i tb Takinos averagei £900 week at 37% joss. EasJy, run.' Largakick-up i r i l On rental (long loase). Butlnew £17,000 «j.v. V30t. . .. 1 *

■ PLEASE NOTE OUR OFFICE WiLL BE OPEN T H S MORMNG ' FROM 9,30 a.m. to 11.30 «um..


NEAR PICKERING 25 ACRES]Pickering 11 ^ • M ^ : i ; 6lrS l« 'V o » t;K .m le8.‘


^ ATTRACTIVE: SMALWOLDiNG in: A BEAUTIFUL AREA- WITH POTENTIAL .FOR r. A ...NUMBER - OF ALTERNATIVE USES- INCLUDING! ECiulsTRiAN-5 S f ? .^ r ltP LIDAY C0MPLEX< CARAVAN SITE ETC. (SUBJECT TO PLANNING)Ruinhouse:'.Hsdli'SitilngV-robm^ diriing- fM iij'kitchenfjteulliliK --^' gediqoiw ,: bMlwpom .tcwawl. heatlng.-vgarden; 'farrnrbulld ing*: L including looseboxes, . Dutch;- bam,, implements shed,' Insulated i | (arrowing house.and general purpbsajbuildlngj p f, -i '- 'K i - r . i 'j j t fv P

Courtyard with pisnning.eohiient fdr 2 holiday cottages. Further range.wlth potential lor cdnversloh.' . '' 'Touring Caravan Site ol 3/4 acre. Permanerit Caravan on 1/4acre. . : - : : ' - . v ■ j . ’- -■Land 24 acres of productive dual purpcso (and.


York Office London Office37Micklegate, 25 Grosvonor StreetYork Y01 1JH London W 1X9FE

Tel: (0904) 611828 Tel: 01-6296700


Also at 18 other regional offices

L e e d 's eve.


A vailable' w ith extensive list of businesses' and v a c a n t shops, fo or. to let.


2A PARK. PLACE. LEQ3S 1. TEL. (0533) 453343.

A L A N J . P I C K E NB U S I N E S S.i T R A N S F E R A G E W T

OFF LICENCE;AND/GENERAL fikflCEHY. nirry r w profilxi Pint dm calta m jcr^ pjob^ctt pQctiai m nmD btrpqnlirp«*Jc ^ n g g u ^ L«di wbcit). Itfadnt ml. Low mr&erit. WfiSQ SAV.

LINGERIE & BEACHWEAR. Tifciij over £800p.w, CP T?rwn«H* |rr*imSk^tea Qaaliqr meishmtKtt. Ccbvaueot b o ^ BaiMi iliSW SAV. REF. A2645.SPORTS/LBSURE SHOP.; Taking 5 1,320 p.w. Excepffcnal profits of 37% gro6s. Quaily 6hop avsflabfe.on rent Prime.poeiton In W6 sought after East .Yorkshire market ;town.'Conventeht hours. Quafty oFfer; Business £17^00 o.n.o. REF. A207S>~ >'«,:,V r:' ;: - v ^LICENSED H O T ^’Bjttendvt iiefiiiMibed daHng pat - yetr.'- Rnvi rfJe fccrin Huro^,!6.b^roou lE'.wilb CnV plLii owDas'-pzivilo.KcoiixDadsiaL ctc. BudneuindPrpprtyU^^REF.A2S18,;.*. i

5 2 H I G H S T R E E T . S K I P T O N


- *!.-• M i.-- y. *O ur r e p u t a t i o n is yourj

guarantee. :F o r^ th e best In- uslness transfer use the old established .Independent pro­

fessionals; V aluations w ithout obUaatlon,' sales w i t h o u t d e la y .-

T^L: (0532) 642244.

■ Cylinder Trolley Manuifacturing Business

FOR SALE All necessary Items to m anu­f a c t u r e . . m c l u d e d . b u t no prem ises, available.^ Genuine enquiries only to

Box No: 9913,Y orkshire Post, baeds.

CAFEW est Yorkshtre. tow n centre. W e l l eatablished-and- busy cafe.-. excellent business M n prime position,




Y O U N G - professional .* female. ; requires . fu r- ■

. nlshed; 1 * bedrommed fla t /s tu d io . / house, any area considered, up . to £200 p .cm . Tel. Leeds. 4 3 1 3 4 3 e x t

. 4072. (office hou rs) o r ■ J ^ e d s 1 575286 (even- m os).

HARROGATE.; G u e s t House,- 2 m lns. from South S tray and close to tow n centre, Imma-

. culate condition" Inter- , nally and externally.

Earidng for-:4- c a r s . - :ompnslng: Vestibule;

• h a l l , 1 lounge,: dlnlna room, b reakfast room, m o d e r n kitchen, 4 double bedrooms, 3 slnole bedroom s.1 2 .

... bathroom s. 3 ■ '.w.c.*s.H e a t e;d , throuB hout

... suitable * fo r a .-couple, ■ - m ortgage v avaUaole;

price . on ~ application.; J0 4 2 3 ) 569564:/ 5.

HIGH B . U R T O N - offers . around £89.750. Situated ^ u n d o u b te d ly the finest

-part of^the village Is this . substan tia l s t o n e laced freehold; detached house wrnch has been' .improved apd extended since con­struction. Offering- superb ' fam ily accommodation with; the beneflt o f an extensive re a r garden.- The property has the benefit o f TulTgaV fi£®d c /h - an d comprises', briefly; 2 4 f t . lounge, mnlng

K M a ^ T r e W ^

• 1s t .f,l o o r bathroom and w . c . w ith coloured su ite ’ a n d electric shower, 3* bed-

• which have excel­len t fitted fu rn itu re ,. side .drive,- d e t a c h e d slnole

. g:a r a g e . F u rther details' please c o n ta c t s Bromleys Estate •. Agents. -12-14.. S t; G eorges.Square , H udders-

Tel0phone (0484) :poJLAOOX. • .*

KIRKSTALL, L E E D S ; '5,-.r Recently renovated, re ta in - .. lng the oriainal character'. and^charm ; brick built back

to back. Comprises, k 11 •1 U v I n g room . with'.living flame Teature- fire ­p l a c e . *fuiiy tiled fitted! bathroom , *1' b e d r o o m ,■>■ I m odem ,-.tasteful'decor. Inc.

?>I,n, e doors and A ? fJ ? r 8 around

7 M 4 < i5 /a W 3 ^ ^ e e d a

ACCOMMODATION foro I d e r . * second-year

. s tu d en t m odem fur- :• - . - n l s h e d .'-room w ith .

, ready use o f kitchen; ba th ro o m . and - car s p a c e . Headingley /H orsfo rth / KlrkstaU

•' / Cookridoe a r e a s preferred, TeL Joans.

' 051 327 2081. - ‘

, H A L E s t u d e n t - , -.v e g e ta rian , tee-total,. ' non-sm oker s e e k s

lodgings / BB /even - \. lng meal, fo r coming

: , y . e a r , • Leeds area, f (0691) 653482.

NEW SAGEM TS, Sweets.Tobacco.- Fancy: Goods

1 for.sales Large lmma-• c u la te ' 3 ■; bed. house

• lovely w e l l stocked• shop West Yorkshire

Pennine village, taking• £2,600+V-per - w e e k . ' . w ith new s bill a t cost.

a r o u n d > £ i - , 2 0 0 . £ 9 3 , 0 0 0 , C ontact

■ 8^1560, ° n- ( 0 4 8 4 )

N O R T H Yorkshire - .M a l t o n . l e a s e h o l d

' b u s i n e s s fo r sale; s w e e t shop, prim e position in - shopping arcade., fo r s a l e , as going c o n c e r n .

. S m i t h s Gore. 32. Yorkersoate. M alton (0653) 600291.

WELL- e s t a b l i s h e d , freezer centre fo r s a le . '

**0 t a i l s please w rite to Box No. 9969.

. Yorkshire P o s t Leeds.

TO. rent, fo r Septem ber.■ s m a ll . bungalc

.. couple vlsihnilow for

r r r t 'i " .■*»»t^*ig • from U S A . Rounohay / Oakwood a re a / Leeds


SUPERIOR h o u s e to..

(0835 j

O N E v o r two bedroomed h o u s e - .with car* parking

. s p a c e .-required .to ren t urgently; In a reas Tlngley;

, . Soothlll, • Hanging Heatong J k iy i ® # c C-° 8 8 • '522734 a fte r 5 p.m. ’

GREENGROCER in densely populated a r e a of Y o »


Overlooking Valley Gardens In p r i m e catchm ent area. Oceans of business potential. 8 -letting bedrooms, residents 1 o.u n a e. tand dining 'room , cocktail b a r plus ow ners p ri­vate accommodation.

' £165,000^ F u rth er details from



A g r i c u l t u r a l

D e e S c . A t k i n s o n


:. (York 27 miles, Howden & M 6211 miles, Hull 25 miles}


F A R M H O U S EA period Residence with: excellent range of

; Buildings with about :7,acres:-incruding pond.Considerable potential for ' . :

■ : - ; business/equestrian/leisure use; :

AUCTION: 6th SEPTEMBER, 1989.. • (Ref.JA/194) '

The Eschjngc. Driffield. Eju Yo l«»hir YOIS7LJ <0177MJISt



(0423) 524682. '


C O M P A N YW A N T E DWell established

■activity arid present . proritabili^ not important. Quick

decision.' Price, range £100,000 to £500;000

approx.. P le a s e , w rite to :

The Chairman FITZ WILLI AM GROUP LTD. The Holmes,

Selby Y08 OEW.


WAWrtDVitIW iM liK

OFFICE required approx. 200 / . 250 sq. f t M ust be In the Leeds ' phone area o f 42 ^46. ^.Replies to 061 “1249. Mon. - 4 p .m .,

------- 343F ri- 8^50 a*m.


b s la leS

Helping you make the right moveBOLTON PERCY Nr TADCASTER

FOR SALE BY AUCTION . Range of agricultural buildings together with

12 loose boxes and approximately 3 acres of paddock, i Further Details from Malton Office Ref: 1/412


E xcelleht Starter U nit ideal Tor H orses, Pon ies etc.;: w ith r ec e n tly .converted Barn to form a 3 B edroom ed Cottage,

Stabling and 74 ftX ean -to Barn .with 6 acres o f Paddock land ! FO R SA L E BY PR IV A TE T R E A T Y - O F FE R S O V E R £90,000.

Apply Malton Office Ref: GPW/PBE 1/40S - . . v ■■

Agricultural Department 15 Market Place, Malton


Tel. (0947) 602298 X

NEW INSTRUCTIONHIGH FARM] HAWSKER:— cd the outskirts of tbc vniagc —— a. npcni liooe built house. '2 reception man*; large Gttod kdldbcd,'utaiy, Cvc bedrooms, bathroom, septrate.abower'foam —- private drive, parting gardens,.with scpartttoacccs® — built rouod a'coucrcte fimnyird— Offiixi with toilet, rango. of; modem fannbufldingi, j largo garage and-workshop' impleiuejil ahed, bolding pen, goethouso, loose bdxi fold yard'and bam. Kamels building (whdphouse and store); 7 acres of weU'drain&d uid feik^d ' gra|^and, well watered pond. ' •> j



•’ liiT.n, V j KWUSiluyB,trading -6 day* p.w .. lease hold. lock .up ; £ 3 2 , 5 0 0

Box No 1017. Vork- sh ire Post. Leeds.



ATTENTION list tim e buyers, low s ta r t m ortgages avail­ab le now. applies to resl- - d e n t l a l ' o r commercial: A p p l y n o W , . allocation- lim ited^ A ndrew WUby &' Co. (0924) B28773;

W ANTED.: Country, cottage.'roses*‘round the-.‘door*. ,to rent- long term by active, c a r in g ... - re tired - business c o u j ) l e . In • N.E. Yorks. Could o f f e r ' in.' p a rt pay- m ent. . h e l p w lth garden, d riv in g ., m aintenance on estate. etc.^B ox No. 9935;

■ Y orkshire Post.. Leeds. BACK to b a c k ; and through • •;>'«terraces, bought, iAny - con­

dition. .Qulclc completion guaran teed ;: Tel. < (office)

• Leeds: 4 2 5 5 :5 5 - .; (eves.) 777182. '.

PROBLEM :property? Wanted fo r Immediate cash p u r­chase:: property w ith s truc-

. tu r a l . or. o ther s e v e r e

YORKSHIRE, coast^ a n d , coun- t r y , -s e l 1*. your p ro p e r^ .

L S J _ •* Spn.


.'SALE of cafe /.coffee «hop: busy market town, centralposition. T /o v er average £900 p e r week.’ L e a s e , - goodwill and fixture*, fit-

: :. ™ % -iO K e ra ta the region . of CL5.750. Box N o. 1034,

Yorkshire P ost. Leeds.MILK-round. 80 gallons plus ;; su n d rie s.. v ery compact, 5

gay» deUyery. N orth Leeds.

vehlcIe-MILK Round, Leeds 12 area.

4 h r. delivery, compact . round.. Genuine reason for

: s a l e . £ 3 2 ,0 0 0 ..Box No:Leeds Y o r ‘ * h i r e Post

NR.' MIRFIELO. P i z z a , t i aw ay. T /O Cl .000 p.w.

^GP- tmderexploltea,; ,1/hold £24,950. . R ef C119.-

„,C -B .S. (0 9 i7 ) S801B8: !VILLAGE Stores and sub PO

In . great d e m a n d , Free valuations. Helmeast, 3. St. Sam pson's Sqoare, York; TeL <09041 621026. ■

E M, i f - offices natlon- - w i d e . Y o r k 611775/6.

B radford 618849. See o u r m ain ad., business fo r sale; Thursday.

MOBILE snacks trailer, fully,

“ ‘J 7s - ’allL4 «M ed s. T e t (p£r4) 638916.

n tted h e a 11h apnrovec £650. Tel: ( 0924) 497320.

.MILK.round. 75 gallons; West

BRIDLINGTON centroTretaU prem ises. 25 years lease, f u l l d e t a i l s . (0262) 605605 - 678444;


Within . 15 m iles radius -.. Y o rk ;.: . .

Farm house m u s t be habit able. / ;.

.: G rassland preferred./ Cash available.

; .* ; • All replies to.

Box No. 9985,Yorkshire Post,

Leeds. .


CAM EAST WOOD300 Acres near Hawes • >

.A commercial plantation of Sitka spruce, planted 'between 1967 arid

1969. Ready for thinning within the next 5 years. Well situated for

markets on both sides of the Pennines,

GUIDE PRICE: £165,000';. - Full particularls and a list of woods for sale throughout the U.K.

• ■ from:

John Clegg & Go.Bury E state Office ‘ .aV

Church iStreet.Che sham HP5 1JF Tei. (0404) 784741


. - : For-Siale By Tender — With Vacant Possession ,


. Equidistant between Sheffield and Chesterfield


Important Freehold Unit eittendirig to'about M aores'including ' ■ ' ; ' about ■ - v 7 °

i 45 ACRES MIXED SOFT FRUIT•" well maintained stone buildings . V i

planning for agricultural dwelling (under review)


■ , For detail* contact:Mawer Mason Bell, 2 7 Market Place, Market Raseh, Unc*.

LN8 3HS. Tel. (0673) 843303:.

WANTED, to rent. small

Blo t of land i n . the Bradford area, p refer­ably w ith outbuildings

fo r s m a l l rabbltry . References . available. TeL Bradford 503016.

DARLINGTON . a r e a ,.fully m o . d e r n l s e a ' farm house, ’ plus four acres. F urther d e ta ils1;

: . ^ ^ e n t - a t (0325) -

WANTED, v C ountry h o u se / . farm house. See Col. 168. -



«'"■ .•..I-!.'"., vvr-i

Fine.: detached Period : Parrnhous^! Range ; of traditional and' .modeni farmbuildings. Well farmed land in a ring fence. , Freehold, w ith . vacant possession. ■.- *'■ 'i-T -""

143, High Street, Northallerton. Tel: Northallerton (0609) 771959


- witfi Accom


END FARM, 6nRiNGHAM; HULj I c r e O a i r ^ r a b l e F a r m

14 bedroomed residence, cottagfe; . modation for 200'cows and followers

705,000 litres Milk Quota.F or Sale by private Treaty ',- v

ehold with Vacant1 Possession1.Fu ll details from the Sols Agents'.; . .'

Frank Hill & Son18, Market Place, Patrington, Hull,

Tel. 0964 630531


161IWVE5HEWr o k b h e s




nOUSErTBEDRCGM3 an d4 RECEPTION ROOMS, havlnb DETAILED Pi. APPROVAL for extension to a 20.BED RESIDENTIAL HOME with 4/p e ii

Surrounding 2.75 ACRES of mature gardens having DETAILED PLANNING F' ■ 2 Bed. Semi-Detached, retirement BUNGALOWS.

-ANNING - 1 on lift.-; i •


A Li

One acre of site also has OUTLINE PLANNING for 40 BED NURSING development, leaving the 20 BED RESIDENTIAL HOME,'and ie.BU N G .,

W est^id ing vlilage-Farburn ings natUre'reserv^- EXCELLENT CATCHMENT AREA: LEEDS 9 miles, WAKEFIELD 8 m

' 'PONTEFRACT 6 m iles .................


1 mile.: iles,"




Walker SingletonC H i ff ( [ K [ D S I) ft v | f 0 R S

Residential'V; ' Investment I|pr)iplio!231et'& vacant dweUiiigs'j ' ; Bradfoni area'.:.' ; .

For.Sale by Ttndtr"... :

H A LIFA X 364311

.SUPERBrn'resldehtial :lnvefl- ment property in Bradfo$. Eight Am x u r y . . architect designed. beautlfulLy firr-

rrUshed. aelf contained flab. L ast, flat newiyr.completM.. constructed; and r m a i S -

jta u ie d ^ to hlgheBt. stanb-" w o o l'.carpe^

potential'. 1 Sferiom "- n f f w . oniy please on .. £200.000 c o m p l e t e . F o r-fu rth e r Infprm ation -w rtte Box N6.Leeds P *: ' p e p o ??*

With your Acce ss or it’s easy to pay

when you advertise

LEEDS 441234.: ...U

“ T

Page 31: Download the document (33.5 MB)

: 'j''''■_/’ ‘J‘ ‘. / / j" / ~ v ~ v v / ■ T v t K a / '


■:i',i:'vfv 7? j ;- «.«V -iJ.z '•■ • '■ • ? / I B * ' V - ’y' ,

'■- • • v‘ij‘>\::v *v ::. ,f. rH^ $ \\y

Off Broiigkton Road



Forfull details

Telephone K ateB illlngton

E x t . 2 5 1 0

<:m \ k i i .ui :i>m rvi.yoks


• Application, submitted forplanrvingconsent for redevelopment v to aHoUdayCottage Complex comp’rislng:' •'•1'; - i/ v *:: :- ;;-24 Holiday.*Apartments/ Restaurant; Bar/ and existing 7,000 ;:Bq;ft.;buUdtog:io^iise asirrwIH* purpose* ReOTatlonalButldlng.,- ? fT ^ iv n f i* !'7 V p n 'tv i' ' L ' ' - 'V-


p H -.-. - ,t o 'Lc t --;..

$ 2 5 sq. i f C t o 'BSO 'sq.'.' f t . : in e e n tre . .o f ' Mlrfleld;; 3 ’ miles, [ f r o m M62. ..Also availab le‘ Office serv ices} 'transport and fito rage. ^ %\

.• ! r.(0924)i 4 94 3 7 i.;

>yi>-f V|V!?' v~y/,

'INDliSTRIAL ' l a n d \ * 1■ £1,512 i.-: square -metres'.*?

'■‘A;, o f ‘freehold:land; to 'b e v g offered" w ith planning

fo r .‘135 square m e tre - •! single;- storey building, v* ..w ith option for. la rg e r ’••

scheme; s u b je c t •• to ’; ---- -— ;persm iaslan.iwiuutiy .-)IC1«UUU1UU.<' •or.' l l a h t ; In d u s tria l'

r, - u s e ., located a t the 7 (' prestigious; E astfle ld - - Industria l Estate, Sal- '

; • t e r , R o a d ; S c a r - :\ "borough.- Tel.: (0723)-?

376285' fo r: price a n a < -m ore.details. ...




:BEING:vl;V:i:'ijj.pyf5.;vt'0i;-.-; ;

: ; p Ar t o f c it y h o s p it a l c o m plex .I HUNTINGTON ROAD, YORK. • ;

. .. 5 .36 a c r e s or th ereab ou ts



im m e n s e p o t e n t ia l •• ■" v ■:


OFFICE —RESIDENTIAL NURSINGHOME — EDUCATIONALPURPOSES; A further 1,65 acres of land may be available in the


( 0 9 0 4 ) 6 5 5 4 5 2

10 Colliergafe, York Y©1 2BP.


AN D FIRST FLOOR OFFICES HIGH STREET- HECKMONDWIKEProminent new premises shortly to be available" iri this attractive market town. Rental details on application'. •TO LET Apply Bradford 707/0/6319

B r o a d w a y , B r a d fo r d . T e l . ( 0 2 7 4 ) 7 3 4 1 0 1

4 j 4 0 0 sq. ft. >

Warehouse/Light Industrial Unit


. For sa lc 4 S torcy stone\bu ildm g.;'i0 /000 s q ii

v'W o u la s u it o fficeconveraon vMthja.cedlar

lead ing to ro a r courtyard . .‘ i']

' Offers over £200,000. ' Tel. (0924) 493934! - (01049)4921 51063

or Fax: (01049) ' ' V -492^31836.' ', " v!


available now ,v75,000 sq. ft.: fully racked, w orkshop; Good yard area,-; excellent:.offices.) R ental o r lease, s h o rr o r long term. , .

T e i y ( 0 9 ^ ^ 9 8 t 9 i ; ; y ; !'

STORAC EKhandling' a n d ;’ distributive ''.facflltles;/<;'

- . South ..West ■ Bradford;--. ‘ .3.000 . sqS ft.v in ltla lly ^

■j-'T^/a.-v-al'I-a-bil'e-V.V'SlrtBlB-*- v;<;.' ■ ’storey;.; v'Saprlnklered..1 /•.

./.bu rg lar alarm , heated V w ith - s e c u r e - yard.

. Reliable s ta ff, avall- - , able. D u e tto holidays >. -.•■please.- write: Box•,:No.M . , -. .9970, Y orkshire Post; ^

. / .• l-eed s/" -'- >'•

FOR S A L E freehold,.' double fronted, parade,^

s h o p '.‘* : w i t : h ' .accom m adatlonabove. 1

, <• t.Ovta l . f l o o r - a .r e a ,r ‘:approx.v^.500 . sq- ft., .

room to-extend prem - ■L; I s e s ,. private- parking. -

\ Box .No. 1021. Y o rk - ; ;-;shlre Posn l^ e d s . -

OFFICES to. let f r o m ' £20 •-p.w.T Batley. -Teh* B radford

871146^ Lee d&.431765.»

MODERN- single sto rey unit;. 8.000 ; sq :f t approxim ately,

nr.*- Bradford.'. to\Vn’ 'centre- : To le t on a;new:ilea8erat a

ren ta l of<. £18.500 .p.a. or m ay .sell the- w hole'.build-

. lng w hich Included 4 -small ; .u n i t s.:besldes’.’th is ' 8,000

: >.sq.ft. vacant unit.-'These 4 r units a re ;. p r o d u c l n g ‘ approxim ately £12;000 p.a.

, ren ta l income. £298,000 • -i p 1 u s freehold- property.-

..Contact^ B radford > 370852 > between: 9.30-5,: p.m. .(M on- ■.! • Sat)v'- .-v !'•" .LEEDS 2. Vicar. Lane. . The com prises a large :• V o p e n p la n 'o f f lc e . p Iu S '4 l) private offices, w ith ' to tal

n e t area oF 2,260 aq. ft. All ;.. .. recently ' refurbished;-rental

£8,000.. B .P.Towlerv*' Son;• C h arte red . S.u r .v e y o r s .

r.-Ai :Leeds^- 4 6 0 0 7 1 ' : .-.v-.;-■ L E E D S \4 .B urley vRoadr-rRe-'- rifu rb lsh ed ‘u n I t ' s -to -’ le tl'

- - approx. 1325 sq.ft. “ 3025sq. fL Excellent .loading

'/ facilities and. extensive car- .• parking. B.P.Towler- & Son.

C hartered S u - r v e : y o r s .. Leeds 460071.;. ,. ■v ^ ' .

. : ' ^ : - v . ;Y 0 R K : o - - ;y : : : ;


Prim e, c o r n e r - p o s itio n .in M arket .-Street. York; i<L o n g tease fo r~sale . Approx. 500. sq. . ft'~ on.,--ground.- floor. 2 upper f l o o r s fo r storage. Passing ren t £17,000.p^a.r v i

T0FFERS;iN REGION a ; v ; £ 5 0 , d d 0 . • /

, (0904)^470740. £ '

YORK, < 4 bedroom* detached •/house.* p a r t m odernised.

,r w ith', SOO sq.-; ft. .w orkshop - • and -: planning perm ission

• . fo r fu rth er 2,000 sq. f t; lrf 3 -acre, .near York fbyrpass

, and Industrial e s t a t e s . : o Yoric 690152-';. i:rr \ .*\ :


; BUILDING LAND FOR , :8 FLATS, FARSLEY. .A lavel plot of 0.16 HA wth outline porrriission lor-8 flats .with caj. spaces and gardens.: ; FOR SALE BY - ‘ •

INFORMAL TENDER,. Closing dale: Nbon;; -!;

ScptenUi«r 1 ,1?89.1 ::; F ill details and lender farms -;

\ . . trdm ...W .C. Dy*on&Son*.,' 2 3 U d g a t Hill, P u d ta y . , ’

Telephofw Pudtey 572014.


Of in te rest to developers' and i. .-;v; :-.:; : s p e c u I a t o r e ; ^ . ' ,

What must'- be -the-'Cf i h e s t m ulti-housing . p 1 o It-.vto.v. ;be ‘ offered-- In C alderdale - for: m any years. South-W est fac­ing w lth-unobstructed 'rpanor» am lc.vlews. •■•'•■i'.-’t * X.

For sale .by; Inform al tender. »■;

, • / '.F o r full:.detaUs '

Tel. Halifax (0422) ?: ; ; 361360,; ; . •:

FULFORD, York, off. S t. '' Oswald’s Roaa. Bulldr lng .p lo t .w ith.planning :i consent’ •for -a*' single !:

.. .storey dwelling'; '-Con!- • • ; venlent: for. .A19 .an d :

the city, centre. Sm iths -. r ■ r; Gore;i. '4 8 . Bootham.

.YOlic: (0904),:655894. v

BUILOING pIot .for.v4r b e d - ^;room edT ;,detached-'rhouse,'

‘ 1.140 r 'sq'. yda.v Brayton. £50.000. -T .e 1. Wetherby; 62326.

SINGLE' building p lot^ .plan- • ' t\1i»q perm ission l-'dwelllng:

TownvUle.: Castleford. Tel. Castlefora-552779.i. V


vr : : ; SCAim O RO ^G H r; $

.< .;,vv>- w

N O R T H Y O R K S .

■;S ’RIIR‘




DI 11*01 ::sifE

r e s : ( a p p K j x . ) ' W ;

: FOR SALE ^^TENDErI:;. - - v C l o s i n g D a t e : ^

- F r i d a y , S e p t e m b e r , 1989.v

. D e t a i l s .a v a i k b l e f r o m : .

^ S c a r b o r o u g h ^" .Xpwn.Hall,' > H' ;; 7; :-:

: : /.S t. N ich o las S treet,S G A R B d R p U G H iY O ll 2H G /,

■:= Tel. (07*3!37**351,



. '^W INE/BAR -REOTAURANT. ^'Impoemg-/stone> COA^T FREEHOUSE. i i jinnie'trading location, ' ‘iijbuilt. ^ t o w n > projpjertyrPnmimmt .trad’" '' - . •• • ’ "{j location /.close, ’cominercifll /retail; centreaUniqi .^furniaKed Vand equipped to V th e h ip e st’1 poes2!s^aarf^.W m Q :;bar.!fbr 30, covera; feannink ' > -v

^ lB h ^ sb y e iy .-B aief it;of-2Led ^4^00 P*- m V A T ■ witni undoubted acope -,for./ ■ Veekly t/o of 11,550 'net VAT. -- improvement VIewiiig eaBentiaL Freehold offers,' ~ • ■' gr ound0 6 0 ^ ^ 6 ^ . : r *

GRADE- 11- HBTED NORTH YOHK8 W EST.YOBK8 TOWN CENTRE CAFE/TEA'JEB K H O D HK in jdyffic .afftaert s h o k B m jlfn t topping, parade trading

*^ p r e s e n t e d ' b u y .' locatktt.F^lidioqsIy maintained mid/eqnippal


’ "HibWehew* ’

- V l .-^tLanire.^ ,•**.A r iV iV ^ ‘ Private .TVeaty) -f tV * u a y 28 July 19S9 on th£ premises

R ef: M/1605 -


; presented restaurant seating 40. Easily Tnqnngpri^^ r. operalz<Hi realising' excellent: net■'$ profita.:, -4

'Immaculate 2 ;bed ownos .accomm. Freehold. 2175,000.Refcc64/8394. ' .>•

VICTORIAN COUNTRY PUB’— Obly l/2 iAllc fi xri aty'a^trc — to ii)cluilc 3 cottzgci*et in 3 zcxcs—-b(ir/-47wvJ TTvwn private iftttmrimfvktioti; ~ trk^/^gt^"Tj^.fTtEEFOLPjP.P.;g?tf^OOO-''fiFF)'1 rood —


* BEAUTIFTJL 17th CENTURY NORTH COUNTRY INN — with aU'the typical fcttoci — gooid reputation" for 1 food tt.ejtcellent T/O — still.opportunity to:mcreijB —.2^3-bc rocnDed acccmzDodatioii— iw»m roid positicn.1FREEHOLD P.P. £260,000. REF. NE9136: -V-;' '.‘I' '•■}] .yy :; - ” ; ;V,; . v : s. -rf

BEAUTIFUL.COUNTRY PUB^— ditmg btck to 16003*^, mflln road position'—-.**Okie Worfdc” -20 cover rertanrant _ potcmiil for Icttmg —; purposely under tnding duo to refircmcxiL FREEHOLD P J*. £2^5,000. REF.

, TRADmONAL TOWN PUB — tcrtally. xeftufcubed —- bcaolifiil Ipnvat t j iiiiimyl^twin __ lifgC

, priv«Jc ncccimrrih<Utlon' V kEF.'NE8091.

l»a«.T /tf^f'iawd..f«w Gnt tinK buyCT, FREEHOLD P.P.;OFFERS;ON'£16S,0l)0.

iNm-lNSTRVCTlONS— ^ ^ V m O m i , C liy . PUB — Uc* f a t o tiro kuvSnl:ciliiy m rag effiS nm -,“7 newly refiubisbed:—compact T/O £2,000 p.w;'-«!nd rising— wet tales only t—FREEHOLD OFFERS-JWfTHE

tOF4UqiM<L\RSJ^NE9i37:'' . .. ^

'■ NORTH YORKS. .M A R K ET,. j -TOWN- - -............................... , .FRKEHOUSE.-Attractive outlook and.aaBaijye . .... ..

| QUA Lll'lf /7-^E D H O l^ L 1 A.v/jKwitaon cIoeeito major road communicationB and y : : .

E^ensuite m a n # ^M ttiM nt^'puUic barvtfull' on & pubfic bMH, iu n c t io n /d i^ xoonu ^f!|iicmce) large f r m r + j n n plito-pTprflpnt 2 -letting bedrooms and 2■ bed private accomm and'.'- (f bed owners wmnmm Attractive. viHnff location, rear beer,garden. T/O f93,OpO net year end April j. pAvisfage weddy tkgB c. 23200 pwpkts. Tranendous;; 1939. 'f re eh td d offers 1 around 2286,000. JBef : ’ Kjimfixploited:potentiaL Price 2425,000 phis SAV. &in63fL t s »: T . V • ‘ ;•••'*> 5f iS ^ « /S 1 8 S u — ■ ■ . ■ : ; . . . . . . I,.-;.K&



ILeEDS OFFICE ...>■ rv-y: Offices:Jhroughouf the British. Isles, .

SCARBOROUGH.' N orth side;d o se Peasholm Park.'W ell

•‘^maintained. >and, jequipped' s e v 'e n ; bedroom ea- fluest

/.-. house; ow ners accommoda- ;;*7-t 1'OTi ." 'car, parking; year 7 ; round trade. Available Sep*

tem ber / October, £89,500.• Phone (0723) 374241. v

H o t e l s & L e i s u r e

. park : M ostly-j hlgh'yprofltS i;'

.^:£350t0 0 q <. ,BUSY/^nif STAR ^HOTEU :> e a s t .^COASr l . i HERlTAGE vTRACK. S m art 'weU^ established ;hoteL; lh . ;

f * !beautlfiililocatlon^;13';lettln 's;.bedroom s':<Q en -su lte ), * w -,Ji^ u n g e T- -b a rI - '" lbunge,. f |d ln lng ' - room . ""'Spacl6us --

k ltchen s/s to res . Gives* room suitab le .fo r conversion. ': Large c a r park .-O w ners retiring a fte r 18 years. Sales

n e a r ,-£117,000 • N et - on • lim ited openings M arch % to Decem ber. : V e ry : hlghV profits reflect exce llen t' B&B1.T

,. F reeho ld ,R ef.H 1105 /Y P . : . - ' . ‘ >.»•/,

£170.000 NORTH HUMBERSIDE FREEHOUSE. With;.,m ain-A road location; C om prising of lounge b a r,.poo l room . . L etting :/ ,' accom m odation » ; and-, private-. accdnunodatiori:v P resen tly (undergoing refurbishm ent.-

' £295,000 NORTH YORKSHIRE SHALL HOTEL AND , RESTAURANT. Stone built ho te l In busy village centre V

. on D alest hollday-Arout&;-''Launge.vrestaurant (2 4 ) . 6 " • en-sulte t.: bedrooIhs^, * O w ners’ -3 • ' b edroom ed:1 flat.. D evelopm en t.: potential . %ylth.. option > o n ,-a d ja c e n t

propertyV Sales'rlsInglrapidly, up 62% on la st year,-very .4 h igh profits’ .-reflect excellent B&B. Freehold. Ref. ;• H1114/YP*;'.-.-:-..;'- V:

FREEHOUSE/RESTAURANT.! P icturesque ^settlng n e a rb y f tly e r^ S p llt level lounge b a r-,a n d '2 0 / cover :•— *.--------*■ '' ----- ------------ 'i.-'i.rCari— *’-------- — 1—re s ta u ra n t /’-1 Large :• grounds;. J .uxu ry ; private accom m odation; ?;-, Excellent iv:,deveropm ent ':; potential. F reehold. Ref: P 1100/Y P. 4V :V-;’ s: *.£295.000 ..NORTH^HUMBERSIDE VILLAGE INN. Set,. am ld& t.rollihg'coim n^side in-an affluen t village setting . ; the Inn .noffers Substantlali;tradingr-areas„ of ;2 :large-'

£2 ,0 0 0 + per w eek tu rnover. Freehold Ri ________ ., t£32S,000 »'t: NORTH-. :'V YORKSHIRE . INN: , AND

RESTAURANT,^ S uperbly re s to red to .Incorporate :.a '• ^lounge bar.- opeh-p lan-brasserie , second conservatory^; „ re s tau ran t. ’ . .*.'tu m o v e r f . .V, p ro p erty .capable _ . . . . ____jy en trep ren eu rp u rch ase r. F reeho ld .R ef.P 1098/Y P . •

%s> j ^ y M S T f t U B i i i r o '•’.£199.000V - NORTH' . YORKSHIRE “ VILLAGE

7- RESTAURANT. -Ideal’U st tlm e buy. Large restaurant.-/ '• lounge ib a r and ’2-.len -' su ite .letting room s. P riv ate \ - a ccom m odatloh^P resently 2nd business^ Run'low.key.--

? .'tum overc .£40 .000 .F reeho ld .R ef.R 1115/Y P i * - v i- . . 4' ‘£275*000 “86 M:WINEr BAR OF THE YEAR. A 'dellghtful

B lstro /W ine Bar.s ln affluen t and highly ^desirab le- community: Large ’split1 levelibar. 1st floor function s u ite ..

, S epara te house 'and gardens fo r p rivate accom m odation:-' / 'E xcellen t' rising^ tu rnover':c .£123,000 N et w ith good:.• .p ro flts .F reeho ld lR ef.P llO B /Y P ;' ’ £350,000 WEST. YORKSHIRE 'BISTRO/,WINE BAR.. A

high ly deslrable:prbpierty ln a ffluen t com m unity setting '- to edge o£ famed:YorksnlreVM oors: Substan tia l trad ing ■*. a re as . C ellar W lneD ar arid ground floor B istro. 1 s t f lo o r '

function suite.vLarae private accom m odation. T u rnover' v on line for.fiSOO^KXy.Freehold. Ref. R 1I04 /Y P . -. . : . . A: ,V£415.000.^ - WEST ’ YORKSHIRE - , LICENSED 1 R EST A U R A N T.;: Characteri.!v:iStone. r.prem ises- - ln . ‘

p ic turesque village on frlnge^df m ajo r clty. Lounge bar. - re s tau ran t/fu h c tio n i room ( 1 2 0 ) }r:superb » kitchens,;^

’ extensive .5 bedroom accom m odation:; Large c a r p a rk , -a n d gardens.-Excellent developm ent po tential.w lth sales ' ■ o f £275.000 andr, rising . : H i g h ‘ profits. Freehold.

' R1093/YP...';4^._.V;';,:Av :.;' ^ ^ i-) ‘ -•ebn tactz Jo ria than PaVrlsh at'D rucQ 'H otels and LelsureV'

Quobec House, Q uebec Street* Leeds LS12 HA.Tel. 0 5 32 - 46114424 h our answ ering serv ice .'

Tel. 0 5 32 - 4611.44, a n y tim e .,. • .

H a n o v e r D r u c eCommercial Finance

A mintse r v ic e fq r p u K h a s e r s iB a v a ila b le o n

i .v t h e i S t t t t tn p e t i t iy e te n n B : . i

For fiuftib^r.deiails contact; j ' Adrian Harding. /: ,

A Hanover Druce pic Company

Metropolitan House, 1, Hagley/Rokd, ■ Edgfaaaton,Birmingham B16 8TG.

. TeL 021-455-6954; Fax. 021466 2969

j5127‘Tmpressive south' w^t Scottish'jniblic-house. Monopoly . ... posltiorv'excellent.turnover'and.,GP..First time on market

LICENSED PROPERTT ^ i ? \ ■ . D iy is io N

I J5115 Quality detached Inn’/ aftuat |u^’'oubide*the walls;of .’ Chester dty.Sujwih 5.bedrbomeil living accommpdatiorvgood ■.[.

?! trade; but still sbb ;to‘:;e)tpand food bj>eration.' £257,000 or •' nearest offer.

jblic house. Monopoly .First time on markel

portunlty to purchase a. weU established business which is , reluctantly placed for sale due to retirement. £240,000..-J5132;Attractive/weU’positioned'Humberside traditional public • s- ,-hbuse/with restaurant, and .-useful grounds. Tumover £1 00.|'v '.p.w;and iriing.£175 ipo. r ■ » : ' • ‘>•' :JS133 Good'sized boaming-.‘tourist area:6f Cumbria.

Excellent.tumover/iintapped potential for letting, : £ i 9 s ^ o o . . . , . - / i i v ; : : ■

;.*Jfl39'Trad{tibMl'iCu^^n.Inn doae:tbigbdd‘sized Cumbrian coital town.Exc ent potential for first’time buyer. £150,000.

... J5140 Superb Hotel/Restauranf own grounds close to •V major.; Cumbrian .-dty,- beautifully appointed, tremendous

potential,at £295/000.': J5120' Character.: ^ ran t premiaes in prosperous’ Yorkshire

-.’market town.' Good turnover for this well established business ’’■T'ftitK' potential'-to considerably' £67 00 -fori r ^ ^ . l e M e h q l d ^ t e r e B L ^ . ' , . •' .

.'?;V; "Corisideringsellirigy<m rFn^au6e/ResUu^ 1vJWe have anexpandin’gnationa] bank ofdients seeking businesses . .O'in aU areas'.For confiaential discussioiis of our competitive tenns,--'-

p ea p3nfact:>'. ,/ J ; > v‘ - 'v'.'' J o h n M . M c G re a d ie i G A S a x to n s B u s in e s s a h d ‘ •

> L e is u re L td ; , 19 E a s t P a r a d e , L e e d s L S I 2 B H



. yiLLAGE FREEHOUSE TWIXT YORK.&.HULU This dcIighlM / .'-ha offers thrioe'bara, -24 covct re^drant,'large. fiiiKdon suits’ and 4 :;letting-r6oin3.;Also three bcdfocsned living accommodation.'Turnover ? .,,£2XX),0(X)p.a.;Ancxocllcntbusines*. £395,000 + SAVj Ref..40335;:, ( ^ V.NORTH,YpRKS,yiLLAGE;FREEHOUS^i^I.'I^^for tra^ l’thia'inn offers‘;3 ;bw/-5Q>ajy« rcstauiaht and.4 .bcdrdomB<lv,5 \ltvibg‘a&COTin dadOTi,^3cnf.tu!racrw£l30,(X)0with.rib'Iiinchtiinofs’

'.’opqiin^-OWiOpp + SAV.Ret jW316L' 'HIGH PROFILE ROADSIDE : TAVERN. F1L Main'east : coast, * • HumW H fl Mmntn. /Cosmatic treatmmt will .. unlock, considerable / . potential.' Standing in two acres, 4 ban, 40 cover refftaurant, 6 faedrobzng.1,-;: Gcullcuiitappcd net turnover £65,000.-£250,0&0. Ref.40324;-


;'HOTE1a FHiiLocatcd on main'road near Hull dty centre. 17 lettingv . bedrooms, 2 bedroomcd flat; bar, 32 cover restaunml/fuiictian suite, plus private bar. Good potenlifll. £225,000. Ref.40323.' - '.■-.NORTH SEA FiSHING VILLAGE FREEHOUSE. Cammnnaing j views| three ban^dining room, two bedrooned private apartment.’ Gyc-' letting rooms, 'sits for- four residential, caravans,-rising‘.\tiimover.,'-

• R^UUi»tly'[prlc<dftt£2lO>000.ReC40333. : 7/ ‘ v,^ ? .^V /L SsU R ^V C E ^fc.vT O .-.L ixaled;in breathtaking! Esk .Y aij^• djunn^idejnear^Whitby. Tea rooms, four bedroom accommodation; 13. : ‘ acre gdC Mitfsc. Busineia-presensly lighily trailing but wi\h’excellent -potsitiai; Pr(ce;n85,000:+ full Inventory;*- SAY. Ref; 40330.; ' r

i r u s t ic Vil l a g e ALra o u s E s b i r r a o f t h e h u m b e r . :fh :/v‘ T w o ^ ix U c n t ban.nd food but hugp.potential. Four bedroonied private;- ( .aparbaenL'--Possiblev twb'.' fam3y; .wtui tioo.-: Frked /for eariy- iale’: f fl85,OOO.Reh'4()Mi. }v',i


164, Town Street, Horsforth, Leeds LS18 4AQ Telephone (0532) 589958



Lj'i.vr* ’’ii/j c



: b u s in e s s m a g a z in e - ' ■ .c 's o ;: : TELEPHONE OUR YORK OFHCE ON (0904) 6S9980 OR 7 !

. LEEDS OFFICE ON (0532) 461961 .• ' : 7 v~ ' t (Z4hr. tnsm ringaarvica) .


”■ 12 b'edrooms-with en^sulle fadllltes; calers'28 duosls, wilh.prlvaie ij accommodallon.-Cenlral/.treating and-fu ll Ire ;csrHHcale.. An/

. Imposing stona built doubfe!1ranted property with 4 ’Crcwn'E.T.B:/ rating'overlooking Valley Gardens,' Good . m i* :o( conference/i'

: , exhlbltlon;;commerdal and .tourlsi.irade all year: round. £285,000

EAST COAST: FREEHOLD 18 BEDROOMED HOTEL . . /:,• :•• REF:6024N- -.'4 en-suite bedr,ooms,-.caterlng;36'guOTtsi-.'togetlierWh 34!covert

licensed restaurant and 2 bedroomed owners apartment. Central. location in old part of Scarborough, with, upper-floors anjwlng ...

. stunning ipanbrartic views; of; ther««hbls,H .8 caib6miglv!B<^.‘ v , Recently modernised, and veiv.^attractive'Internal'.atmosphere.

1 Presently ■ trading '-around £70,000 • p.a. 'and: Improving,; with ' opportunity of ail year round trade.:£170,000 + SAV. - 'FREEHOLD LICENSED CAFE^ESTAURANT REF: 544N

: position'dose to East .Coast leisure facilities , but with ail year1, round trade from busy main road; Presently on low profile trading- due to III health, but great potential to, develop the' 38' cover • restaurant,'1 takeaway and. up to 6 . letting-bedrooms. Car-pariC - Would suit speaaBst restaurant and ;possbly-Pizza/Pasta

,. lakeaway or s iiriiar. £130,000:+ SAV.'! S'/-.' / . . . ■ Z





YORKSHIRE DALESA ,CAPTIVATING CHARACTER COUNTRY. HOUSE HOTEL-' AND RESTAURANT': ‘ v 'ir v :^ . : / >•' HEFisa7s»r-!REF:5975NThis cottage -style' 17th. Century, .-stone'built ]freehold has a ” - welcom ing, character atm osphere,. 'reta ined, despite . modernisations and Improvements,' that have earned It a 3 Crown ’• E.T.B.' rating. Of the 8 lettlng;bedro6™ (catering for 16 guests), 6 'J have en-sulte fadlities,' 2 with 4 'poster.. Attractive private facilities/

. including lounge and 3 bedrooms: Main season! mid, March to mid November plus Christmas and New'Year In a,'favourite Dales i village iamidst the stunning beauty of .the Dales lqndscape and .-, adjoining a :well visited shopping "centre. -Turnover £100,000:

.£325,00)+;SAV. ' .. . / . ; ■ / / . 'v ; / ' / / V / i '- i / / - : '- '; ,■-

WEST YORKSHIRE1 0 0 C O y P ir ts t|^ D 'R E S T A y ^ N T ^ r^ ,'.'jy 6 'R E F :5 8 5 7 N ;i

- A Wimpey tabte.setvic^ unit '— 'resldeniiai suburban busy shopping .centre,- good standard'of,appointments, taking'around.-l £4,300 p.w. from reasonable.openings, 6 days only (no evenings);-.. VaJuablelease.£200 ,000+SAV. / ! ' ' / / .

24ttr.atKMiingseiylco:: ;.'): : . . ' /

11 St. Saviour’s Place, York. Tel. (0904) 659990

59 Great George Street, Leedsl Tel. (0532) 461961


. With '.'function- room -- arid • . unused restaurants Prominent - position, not open weekday

, luiichtimeB; Excellent , 3, bsdroomed house and shop:. Turnover W ,400 plus' ,

SrsWmy Loon Ava/IobJo.*' i ' •

£375,000 .for quick sa le , :'

Sale due to new business, ;1 : comrrfiriients' : ••./.!

Box No. 9713,. Yorkshire P ost, f

• L eeds LS1 1TB . : .



V iFreehoUseSiUrgently ■ : ) required lor large mailings -vi-.vllst-of. prospective ! y . .. ..; purchasers.

For further details of our ) 'competitivB conimissiari rates; --'Wthdiit'obligationcontact: r.


i f i l i (JliliON-LE-CLAY.,■» i k jT • . - . - i ^ I . . i , . ' . ' !- j i > ’:j



. ; - : ^ R ^ A L i 8 Y T E ^ D E p fr , •.a- ^ e i o s i n g : ; d a t i E i ! S e p t e n ^ ! ^ $ / " ■ ' -


. WILLIAM EDWARDS,' 'C o n y e y a i i c i h g a n d .W i l l s , ; K''i ;

■ '/..Paric.Ciumbms (Side Entrmtoj,- ; > Gnmrfjy:R°ad,;r;- ..Vr'''

' : ' . : : - .^ W Y :c io 8 th b r p e s : D N 3 5 ! ;7 D P ; :

> -tolBphOTeNo.(0472)36291 !£& >■

JAMES JOHNSTONAuctioneers, Valuers & Estate A gents

The Square, Boroughbridge. (0423) 322382

Lower Dunsforth, Nr. BoroughbridgeAN EyeitLENt RESIDE ITlAt! ‘.

j DEVELdPMENT SITE 'v :With;.Outllne;Planning; Consent, for/ 2 Detached^bwellings and' Garages in this rncreasingly popjl'ar,village" about ,3 miles -south east1 of BdrotighBrtdge.and‘ convenient for travelling:to York and Harrogate and other centres via the: A l !,.Road.. The :site extends to approx.10^36 Acre/arid Is: considered suitable for: the -cbnstruction of-2 high quality d w o j l l n g s / . - - r f/ / . / . : : ' - V' Z; . '








'::' 79’ MAIN STREET,' 1 v.:w ;burley*in*- -

.wharfeoale, yv ; ’: ILKLEY, NORTH • ’ YORKSHIRE IS29 7BY.

Tel: (0943) 864651

‘J P A G U E R A i-.M a llo rc a .F o r ; $ sale^‘'-fully, :'f - \ i r 'n ' 1 s h e d •; .^coastal!- studio ‘ apartm ent, ! ‘ , ad jacent .to beach, recently'. ■' rerublshed, w ith ’bathroom^ J : / k itchen / , lounge; sleeps:- ,J ‘ 2. w ith sea-vlBw; vbalcony...

£17.000 freehold.:. F u r th e r ' . details.:phonfe John Hagan'

on (Q9w)v2332X« J .VAf

C L E G G & S O NC h a r te r e d S u rv ey o rs .

Auctioneers, Valuers & Estate Agents

0 O O L £ , N O R T ^ . H l I M ^ ^ R S i i S E r ;4

t*RIME RESroENTIAIu l^ANb / ia p p r o x . l . ie s A c ^ s ^ 'r ;

5 :: A w i t h O u t l in e P l a n m n g P e n M s s i o n fo r j :.8 D e t 'a c h e d p W ellirig sV ' ;

.' FOR SALE BY F O R l^ •-' : • Closiiig D ate N oon,'29th A uguat,1^89.' ' '

F u ll D e to ils o n d -T en d er F orm a v a ila b le 1 ' ' ' ! " from ! th e A g e n ts . -------

68 A IR E STR EET, GOOLE, D N I4 5QE. T el. 0405 3140

m m m 1 '-i ^

•7, i ., J.

Ml jHW AlTE^ HUDDERSFIELD^Pfime^esldential Building Land jextendiM to ,

3 ^ 5 acres, having outline. Rl&nnlhg 1 & ' ^ M a U b t ' a u c t i o h IN 3 L O W if'V S ll‘i l

-jaii (Unless previously sold) . i . j 'sS 'tij • 'i l iai4 ih Septem ber , i# 8 9 .

Lot 1* •>' “■■"■■ts* = .-<• - 0 5 9 a c re s .having road frontage.Lot 2 ; - ' ■ 0 5 0 a c re s having ro a d frontage.Lot 3- : , / " 2 2 0 a c re s having jo a d frontage.

' BATLEY, W EST YORKSHIRE/ ? rPrime Re side mi si B u lling Site havingouffinePtanring: v

•.. ; ; PemiissJonfof 3Town House*.-/ ; V t . V. . . . . . A-,;. . - FOR SALE BY AUCTION 'r 'j: ..iv- t. . ■ — (Unlesspfstfouslysold)

"on WEDNESDAY, lath SOTEMBH*, 1889 ->V- .; - Further deiniis from the Auctioneers- -,v=

! v? " ‘r i i . ^ H o l w t E . A S N s iw to h i^ ' , ; " ",'■ ,'Tol. (0484) 666680.- -

Bernard ThorpeLot 1 . . .G a ra g e .a n d C ,oach B lock w ittt b U t l i n e d / ' . . , ^ /' ; • ' I .p la h n in g c o r is o h t . ;L o t2 f :t i i^ e ;B u llc lin g P lo t. , ^ :

’ " /: :} rr " s c A R c jR o in r ■A‘Y-r'-v1:' - • - - - - I n d l v i a u a B iitlding B f e t i u T . - ,~ J '

. y : : / S B e ' r r t ^ l n advert today fo r further details.

29, M ark e t Place, W e th e rb y LS 22 4LQ Tel. (0937)63987


N O R T H Y O R K SH IR EV ,: C R A Y ^ , N R . E A S IN G W O U p . -o;; An e'xceptibnalresidential^developmcnt site '^ '^ ffi'd ir a i^ ^ a n iu n g consent for 3 Setached

/ '' / - v", dw ellings. ' £'• :\-tiir-;'. ' 'ForSaic by Private

Apply .4

48, BOOTHAM,L ,V'A-:.- .yiit Y r ^ n v r ■

L a n d W a n t e d.F a irc lo u g h 'H o m e s 'Y o rk sh ire ^e<puire; v .

/srV-v.V'ho'useb I a rid v i Hi fo.u g 1i o u -I:. * >»Y orkshire .-,- A n y ’s i z i ^ c o ijis i d e r e d /;■:j

< - r . i ' s t b ' p - pr i des • •paid:-;;-.;.rjij'yV''' -; 'L -

. ^ F a i r c lo u g h H o m e s . \ /'• V-'*•1 2 4 S t J o h n ’s - N o r th , S t J o H n ^ s ,;1', : 'V -;.-V i;(V ak^fieJd:W F1

” ' T e le p h o h :e : :0 9 2 4 2 9 i i5 5 5 :

'mmMcmday:- F d d ^r 8.30 i m . -

9.00 p .m . Saturday 8.30 a-m.

w m m m

. Surveyor* azxlEctue Agents

B ira lD IN G P L O f,

/ FO R S A M BY; i - 7; _/-TENDER ..

ClosingDai(7ihAit%ust,1989 ;

' Rermissiori'/ for'; ', one detached house. ;/

■: 7-i Furif^detiuis on .request/.V Contact Agents: . • - f. ■- to

. , (0532) 608484 . •:50, Austhorpe; ;

; R oad, C ro ssg a tes ;/; ; L eed s LiSlS 8DX-\ 15O ffic0s 'around. L ^ods

j - .


/ R n n l W o tic e c rfA u c tk H i' V ; ’



iPeribd :r, ,House and : Stone ■ Ranges, -1 with : 'development potential,-all set in 15‘ picrtiiresquO.’acres:''.. " /• ■. ; c: . / ’ ...

^Tiursday.lOth August,at7 P-m.y;■ At The Watarton Park Hotel, Walton,; ' -■' - - .Wakefield. /:

.-v -fA S u p etfa Raiidential H okfingof6 ] Acras •


A: fno^-;covet£*i p ro p ^ ty '^ T t lr stupendous views over.a beautifu l \ res«wtC^^int^fcpeacefuJsuiToun<fings. v'-'-’ii-.'-A

h o iie la i i f f a n d itia s e s e ^ n g i n In d u s tr io u s p u is A .'-• - v F o r S*le by Auction

'-T faiusda7« ':'17thA xi0ttS t,at7pA L' A t T he Sovereign Inn .Shep ley : ~

Vi&wng: A|3pty,vendors Bam4ey (0226) 762568..

H U N T E R H O U S E F A R M ,

G R E N O S I D E , S H E F F I E L DDdightKdty-'positioned fatmhousa .Wording penorernic viowai, excellent telty com pis* comprising: Cubido house. .10:10 psriour, twin siege damps oonsourtea in 198U »..-••• - .».- . ■ /' -• -- - . ■.; * •

- , » » • ; ; .To be offered for Sale by Auction-■ r -/r:..-*.\V • On Tuesday/22nd August, a t? pml ■ • .


:>Nest!mg inia tranquU rural po'siti6ri‘with majestic vierws over the Pea^ f District NatlonahPark ah;exceptional York^ire’Farmhouse'requiring a '•’■complete scheme of renovation and affording a.Host of architoctrual.

■ . *;v- .V ’T.-sivvw '. .L - ^CIeaturoa.. • .'i; • . -

mm-. . . D I C K R O Y D F A R M , ".

/ . C A R L E C O T E S ,

P E N I S T O N E , I S H E F F I E L D: r ; To ba offered for Sai« by Auction ■.’'r.On W iifaiiijiy, Au^st 23. at 7 pjn.

-T~peails available on req ue s t. .

■ 1 0 R e g e n tS t r a e t , B a r a te y TaL (0 2 2 6 ) 2 9 9 2 2 1

mi- w i l b y s


m m ®

..v^E A T iH O U SE BARN V;iY.^ ^ < - \H ig h - Q u a l i l y 4 B e d ro o m B ti B a m C o n y a r s io n ; ' A . . w U K ^ - a c r o s ^ o t l a h d ’ :; •6aup^ng'a tfemendous'fefioint with fong dislan'ce iews down ttie affracdva' R ^m 'V ^w /tN s superb’^ 'd ix is four bedroortied barn conv«sion has<been

:'eamed"out. to'itie hjghest slandard wlthApaidailar. attsntion to .del^l. usmg , ->ad(Jond matefiaJs. "me house has a wealHi'o! interesting ,features, lncKwlng a: Dff istrol gallery, luxury fully fitted kitchen'.and Jacuzzi barroom, exposedI beamed ‘ certno8, '0ak'paneiled Internal‘doore^d has the,benellt of.hardwood frajied •L'cfcuWe glazecrwMdvrs.-Tlie pf.operty is Ideal Iw anywe-wanttog to keep,horses 'efiideedanyo^Tivesto^.;r;.- J:-: v-’ V / C ; - X ^ p [

'.r •; ‘ - 7 b . i ? e o f f e r e d ^, i ’[: . ^ r . r ! FOR SALE BY>U[CTI0M ^ ; ^ ^’ • -'V (Subject to:conditions and un leS sold previously);■ m WEDNESDAY 23»d AUCUSTr 1 9 B 9 a t7 .3 0 .p .m ,1 ;.

•;.-. within The'Alma Inn,1 Cotton Stones; SOTierby Bridge; Halifax. :•| , ' ,V;Vendcir'5'Sollcltprs:L^t;;Cawthra.;S rtth , Dunlprd.' 1 •>

• T H E N EW SHIP,-M ILL B RIDGE, S K IP JO N B D 23 -1N J. ■ *• / ' , - T e l . (°7 S 6 ) 5621 • ; : /

:; In association with James;Thorrpson F.R.I.C.S. Kirkby Lonsdalg. ■

Page 32: Download the document (33.5 MB)

/ ^ ^ » ^ V ^ ^ V - ^ ' ' ^ , * ‘r V.f ' \ > ' ' v W V ' V ^ v V *v> >i* \ > ^ “v V V •w' V U ' v; ^ V ■'*“■ V '- .y . v ;. 'w > V V /^ v.. V v . v ^ .V >m v- l». V-- V \; 'w »>•■.'., ^ y< A-'



. By Order of Several M a ll: :V .Order Companies &•:•

. ;%•■’?■::'' Liquidators;;;.^^’ Vj,

o n T H U R SD A Y :' :. lO lh AUGUST, 1989 V

' at 11 a.m. 'AUCTION






Dee & Atkinsonv SATURDAYi'l2th AUGUST, 1989 ' S .; ’ On the S'aleground, Kcllcythorpe;,

f ij- '- f i '- 'V V 'V [ 'D r i f f i e l d i ’-vVi n t a g e /v e t e r a n m o t o r v e h i c l e s ,

'■ 'V ■!: T R A C T O R S , FA R M M A C H IN E R Y , i ; - S TA TIO N A R Y E N G IN E S, V IN T A G E S P A R E S ;

; ■ ; . ' V : & M ISC E L L A N E A .

I 8O.LOTS V in tageiS pares, 32 L O T S S ta tio n ary E n g in es ,P u m p s a n d G en era to rs, 30 L O T S

. ' V in tage A g ricu ltu ra l E q u ip m en t ^ VV7

Lot 3051948 AUSTIN 16 . . ... v : . : r : '■'k ':::V IN T A G E A N D V E T E R A N T R A C T O R S A N D M OTOR. V E H IC L E S In c 1937 A vcling LBaiford, B D 4‘Rood R d lc r 1940s C ase D C 4, M odel R C a s c T ra c to r , F ow ler FD 3 C raw lcr;'1939 FQrdsan C raw ler, 1 9 3 8 iB sriifo rd & . S to ik F u e E n e m c T ra ile r, 1953 T h o n iu T ia i s r , 1948 A i s tm i6 . ' 196 2 R over 100, 1957 S ir ica I L a n d ro ra , 1970 L .W .D . L audrover F ire E ng ine , 1972T .V ;R - 1600M . 1956 V auxhalliV elox H Series; 1946, A u s tin 8 ; . . . , .

Sa]c C ctm rciicc* 1 0 3 0 ».in . CompreAg ru ;V C a la lo a u rs ava ilab le. F u rth er E nSriri Invited R E F : PW B/167

4 3 ^General Accident

1 : Will.Sell by Auction

• WIDE RANGE OF •CATALOGUE GOODS y;Large seIectl6n:.of. cookware, 600 . Richardson 9 piece cutleiy sets,' exercise bikes & row ers,fancy goods,, toys; gold jewellery, 9,000 Items of ladies and children's clothing' o f every descrip tion & leotards.

On View Day Prior and Morning of Sale.

' 061 832 2400

T h e E xch an ge, Dri f f i el d, E ast Y orksh ire

Y 0 2 5 7 L J ( 0 3 7 7 ) 4 3 1 5 1 : p o s r r o a i f a /LEEDS 441234



, T e i : ( 0 9 ^ J ^ ^ ; i-.'V

u p llie;



quldators, the C ounty C ourt.-under D istress fo r ra te son instructions -received from the Sheriff's Officer;- -

an d o th e resta te s r- O nM ondayTtli A ugust, 1989a t 1 0 a ;m ;prom pt ".

; C H A S .W . HARRISON & SO N Vv '’ w ill o ffe r fo r sale by public auction.- sub ject to-the s ta n ­d a rd conditions o f .sale, te rm s-s tric tly 'cash .^banker's d ra ft o rb y p rio r a rrangem ent:'- :■ •.* ,-:7k

POLICE LOST PROPERTY5 and 10 speed racing cycles,\BMX style cycles;iBIack:& Decker, jigsaw , p laner.-sander. angle grinder, F ord 'and P ioneer c a r radio cassette players; C:B. radios, SWR m eter etc.. asstd . hand tools, etc.; etc. .. ■"-'-.'I- 1

J iV v B R A S SW A R E & C E R A M IC S ‘ ;

Eairs rass~.

h an g in g .b asx e ts .an d . f lo w e r :p o ts , ____________etc.', ceram ics to 'ihclude C hinese Temple-Jar. an d lidded bowl, prJceram Jche vases, asstd . vases, etc, /

EXERCISE EOOlPM ENT v %.- v;row ing m achines by Speed Sum m er & R ow toher. folding t

' exercise cycles, M allbu Aerobic climbing m achine, Body-; S cu lp tu re3000 hydraulic row er, etc. ; / ; •; I*

’ ; 5; 2 ftnd 3 SEATER BED SETTEES, ,*b ' I / - GENERAL MISCELLANEA' .;i. ^ '( \asstd .. gen t's , clothing to In c lu d e —; Fashion tops and ' sw ea te rs’ by Chianti.- W aistcoats.-fashion tro u se rs by W rangl^r.& G ablcc le tc .. 340 asstd ; rolls co tton ,.10 full and part.'*,rolls 'm aterials. V iscount In tercontinental o rgan , m icrow ave oven. Row enta griddle, asstd . trays, cu tlery . e tc .,1’fridges, ,'fridge /freezer. G lass slide top chest freezer:.U gollni slush drlnks.m achlne, K llx 'd rinks- vending m achine, Still w arm ing tray; M erco/A lco 2 4 0 v . overhead heater, electronic cash reg Is te rs /1 9 brow n pvco

.upho lstered , folding .chairs, black: ash::and-w ood; and

&iass topped dining ‘ tab les w ith 4 .chairs; asstd . bar. ta ­les, s to o ls ,'e tc ., iblack .ash offlce>tabIe,‘’side table,'.3 ; d raw er unit,- teak filing cabinet,- recep tion 'chairs , desk .

top . c a lcu la to rs;' desk lam ps, IBM typew riter; '.P itney ;: Bowes 5 6 7 5 postageim achlne, Agfa G evaert colour,pro-. , cessor, .Callog telephone Call ’recorder, 'P ackm ann R e­sea rch vacuum unit; M itel M eter P u lse Detector, approx. 3000 P lr S en so r housings, approx:. 6.000 v itreous floor . beIge,.mobile petro l generator: Stlhl TS350 saw , U can 850 nail gun; <7 x assorted c as t iro n fire, su rrounds, etc.* • ;wi ■ : . • . v '■

.. . MOTOR VEHICLES (to be sold <rt1p.m. prompt) .BMW 635 CSt 'D ' c /w a ir ' Vau'xhall C arlton conditioning and R ecaro j 1800GL ‘E ’ . sea ts • , ... -F o rdS ie rral.B L ’C'.F o rd E scort Popu lar *D* ‘ . , Subaru 1.8 A uto 4 w .d .‘B’, . F o rd Orion L ‘B’ • . J a g u a r’ S o vere ign -4 ,2 .. 'A lfasud 1:5 S p rin t .‘B’:. Aut o ' A’ v.V auxhall C avalier L ‘X* M orris Ita l 1 .3 EstJ -X’ •Ford.C ortina E s t.‘W’ LanglaaOOOHPE^*-.D odgeV an 'V ’ ‘ ■ ' M ercedes2 0 0 ‘P f^' •H onda CD200 m otor,: - 2 w heel drive dum perblke.'W* •.truck.'/;. . . ,.v. ■


.AUTO—'E 1, m etallic-’ 'V an-r-‘F ' (diesel) 1st . blue, ls t r e g . 6/8 /87 ,*- • • re g :l/8 /£ fe :• grey upholstery, elec. .< ’w indow s & sunroof.

COMMERCIAL VEHICLES j ' v;DAF.25Q0 tu rb o In tercoo llng8> vheelalioy bodJedtipper>

' F6deh1290L 'F lee^astertracto runW A w ,‘ ' * 5 ‘ *■



: v - .; TO BE SOLD A FT E R TH E M OTOR V EH IC LESi: ;M otorola 8000S portable! telephone, !G leartoner CTN 8 0 0 0 ,2 x N E C c a r telephones. .'!i .y -'-pr‘ni;i;j

BOTTUNG PLANt'«; ><■ ’ t? ^to include A lbro BFM Ol 4 hea'd^b'ottle filling m achine, . B erto las corking .machine'; C lem ens & Sim plicity labell­ing 1 m achines. Viscose sh rink capping machine; and stapling m achine. . . . . r , .

GARAGE EQUIPiWEOT-.>;::v.r;'1)?';::A llen 1600 and 1750, Crypton'BD 130, Sun 745. Sourlau 1631, A utosense A500 and Siemens. 631- englne ana­lysers, Sun 9820-125 w heel aligning m ach ine;,-Bell St Howell ABR 900. SR900 and A R R jyin .^M icrofiche 'readers!' •* . ;• • -

PRINTING M ACHINERY R otaprin t 9 5 /3 R prin ting m achine no. L13965.: Argon two w ay tu rbo Jet d ryer ser. no. F1743, A3 folding m a­chine.. v . v v - ^ ' x . *



. VCATALOGUESSC^.:';’' : ' . ' ■


OSSETT ••upon instruc tions received from the S h e rif rs ' Officer,; L iquidators, the C ounty C ourt, u n d er D istress fo r ra te s a n d o th e re s ta te s . -.

ON M ONDAY,21st A ugust. 1989a t i p a.m . p rom pt CHAS. W . HARRISON & SON ?

w ill o ffer fo r sale by p ublic auction, sub ject to the s tan ­d a rd conditions o f sale, term s stric tly cash, banker's-, d ra f to r b y p rio ra r ra n g e m e n t


(u n d e r H. M. W rit o f Fl.Fa. re . EASTHAM HOLDING LTD.)

heavy du ty ro u te r m achine no ..D 101/i s lso t m achine no. 292. 3 pot resin*m ixer 240v .,P eg ic l m itre .saw no. 788. B row n 25D .‘cut-off saw; 3 phase uPVC milling head . B room w ade 4 1 : com pressor; qty. uP V C profile,q ty .asstd .uf^V C w indow s,'e tc . • •;

APPLE COMPUTER SYSTEM:com prising M2604Z h a rd disk drive, A9M 0303P prin ter. 2 x M O llO A keyboards. 2 x MOIOO com puter “Mice,". 3 x M acintosh P lusZM 6 m onitors: 0 • ‘v.1 ? 1 . ; - •

CONTENTS TO A RECORD SHOPla rge qty. 7ins. a n d 121ns. singles,:Ex-Juke box singles, I/.P .S . cassettes and collectors records. ; , . ./ v;. .

'MOTOR VEHICLES (to be sold at 1 p.m. prompt)Ford T ransit 8 sea te r m inibus •’XVVauxhaU C avalier L ‘A* a n d o ther vehicles received p rio r to sale:—.F urther deta ils fu tu re editions. \ r. r' . ’: ■ n/ \ON V IEW :Saturday 19 th Augus^.9.30 aim. to, 1 .30p!m.t C atalogues 50p. p lus 20p. p. &pV''Ji ; •> ' .:

■ F u rtherd eta llsfu tu reed lU o n s.;-. ' ; -

The above represtont£ only a.'fractlon of.,forthcoming sales - In active course of :preparatlon... For further

1 the disposition-confidential free advice as to t 1 or purchase.o f goods please contact, ref. E.A;M.'or !P.C<at Ashfleld House, llllhsworth Street, Ossett, [West* Yorkshire WF5 SAL. Tel. (0924) 279005.


■ '.V FURNITURE : ,MIncluding' video., cabinets, TV/video units, ;buffct units, Welsh and Dutch drcssera, Iii:fl cabincts, Denver buffet and dining sets, fire'surrounds, sofa beds including fnetal action, bureaux, oak dining sets, coffee . tables, fold-away beds,;: metal beds,' dining tables, vanity units, chair beds, maple dining sets, pine dressers,.'" , v. ./■Phis a large quantity of mail order return, video and hi-fi units.' • .Vi i/..! V-1 : :•

WEDNESDAY 9th AUGUST, 1989 at 11 Tel: (061) 205 9032 .

New Street, Off Oldham Road, Miles. Platting,M ancliesterM 10 8AW.

■ " /I •- .

n a a m a


NORTH YORKS.ForR. Scorer S.SonsLld.— :.

•i Wholesale Polaio.MerchanlS'i 1 {boo to change In Busiried Pollcyj

: . . THE ENTIRE ; • ! ' i-[. ■ Trade Machinery, Equipment, Buildings; etc. ■FOR SALE BY AUCTION ON ■


at 10.30 a.m.. Full details In next week’s-

. edition: or Irim'Auctloneers:;

jo p l !in g s , io !n o r t h ..; STREET. RIPON. - :

•O ' (0765) 4428/2614

■ l o -


.In Humberstde

A I | C T 1 0 N :



BRIGG ;{12 t i n S a i l f o f Humber Bridge)

■Victorian.and^modern ■furniture, old pine) household effects etc.

: VIEWING: FRIDAY' '11TH AUGUST: 1989,2 p.m. to 7 p.m. and ;

: MORNING 6 f SALE^.TEL: ’BRIGG 'Q^^2: 53GGg/






B y mstnictioris o f the Sheriff unless previously arranged.


Including: B A R A N D B A R FIT T IN G S,'.20 O i D I N l K G TABLES.' 80 ' Oak CHAJRSi d r a i la r BAR TABLES 0*k b a r ftooU , Oak DRESSER,

!picturc>,!omaraenia,vb rassw are; ca rp e tii o u tam x , cu tlciy , crockciy and* •'u tensils , GAMING MACHINE. V :V -"l 'v••

• - CATERING 'EQUIPMENT• i^udcsV.'.ftjrtJand HEATED DISPLAY ' CABINET; Robertson ’ DISHWASHER,, Elcctric GRILL,' Smallwood

BAIN MARIE, 2*,MICR0WAVE: OVENS, .Shawood ICB MAKING MACHINE, ,2( fridgo £reczeT3, Phillip* automatic washirj' Kcavy. duty";

■ vacuum clearer. Stock of beer*, wmca, spirits,'qumtity of.glasswaraaiid ■usual,fundriea; • .'-'f-

h r-. 1- O N V IE W M O R N IN G O F S A L E - -

: . . V lE R M S r C A SH O R BA N K ERS D R A FT ' ; ‘ ; •;


O n in s tru c tio n so fM r.K .B a lm fc rth ! .

-H i r ^ C L U i B ^ ^ N I S K ^ G S ' : :'•Including: F U L L SEZE SLA TB BED. SN O O K E R T A B L E m d SLA TE iB E D ^ g p L T A B L B . v ,• *Ti ' f ditotls in later adveriisemenis. V; '

: G E O F F R E Y S U I ^ E R L A N l) , L E A S T R E E T ,‘ B ^ tH b X J S E jF A R T O W N , H U D D E R S F iE L D : ;

' - ; By instructions of-Kiddecs M-C."’ under Dis'trcss for R a te s ..’

r : ; M E T A L w b k i i £ k s a S d > b l a c k s m i t h s . i

' •■*. v ' 1; Full dtLiilj in lateradveriisemtnis, '■ \ .‘ , ',

m w m m m

W e d m s d s y f f t h A u g u s t . 1 9 S 9 a t 1 0 a . m .

12 MEW JOHN STREET, BRADFORD 1By. o rd e r o f th e S h eriffs O fficer (u n le ss prev io u sly a r r a n g e d ) .

•J ' v C ram e r H o ld ings PLC'


Jiange qf ofSce-fummjre inc. 8 quality internally'W red Metal- Framed Computer Wcxt S&tions/Deds. 18 R ing Cabinets, Modem Typist Reception and Executive Chaffs,' Stationery Cup-f tioarHs, Chubb Safe. MocJem’ Stainless Steel 'Standard.^Lamps,;

ipjYTjipia. '2.10 Sectric Typewnter. OlivBtti ET•' 1-15/ TypewritOTi ; ;Tatung'\:Cof6ijf; Computer Monitor, Teanar,,QT125E; Disc:.Drive; ,.Unit;c>.v;.'i. . i f i i - iV '

[ E llEG TRICAL G O O D S; N E ^ 'V E L V E i:^ C U R TA IN S + FU R N ITU R E

Excellent-range of Eloctrira] goods inc. Radios, T.V.'s, Vacuum’ Cleanere ea. Selection of.qiality'prepacked Velvet’Curtains; Range;

•of. Edrofdiah ./umiture together v /th good-selection of ’ Modern ' Household Furnishings etc. ■ . , ’ ■: ■ . . ■ a;..''.1-:: .. : '. ‘ v !

A ll O n V io w T u B s d a y S th A u g u s t , : s: 1 0 .3 0 a .m . t o 4 p .m .


i ' ,M odem .W oodw orking Plant + Office Equipment

’ . . .; . :22nd HULL J ■, .;Excellent W oodw orking M achinery, Fitted Kitchens, etc. .

3 1 s t YORK ' %ii, .. Kitchen Manufacturers Plant + Stocks ■.

: ForfidldetaU sonth«above • ■.Tel. Auctioneers Office (0274) 734116

Also at 8 Paric H a n , Laeda I (0532) 449724


Oil Instruction from tlie : Executors of M r.'.... W,;." x \ - . J . Laycock;: ’ ' ’ •


: ;bN SATURDAY 12th AUGUST1989 •;v-V'. -AT 2 p .m i;


a ; r ; 8 ^ b N E E S . ;H O R S E ^ ^ D R A ^ ^ H I C L E S &" : ‘ HARNESS, VINTAGE MOTOR CYCLES,


In'cluding:'8 unbrok'en stallion, 4 f W agonette,arid Saddlery‘toolsj 2 S inger Sew ing M achines.' 7. , V intageM otorcycles a n d ' stationary ’ engines including: ■; 3 ' Francis B am etls, a :M obiliie’arid H onda .m oped, .Triumph T iger Sports Cub,1 and an 'o ld Scooter, W ater co o led '.y iltie^^ type A / l .1 /2 H .P., L ister ty p e B . 3 1/2 H i 1.* P etter a if cooled 1 1 /2 IL P .,^ d v an o uso th C T sm alleng in 'es ,? " ,v • . V;Farm equipm ent coraprism g;'Fciguson T .20 tractor, Cultivator, 2 lu iio w. plougH’. an’d reaper. Potato planter, R ussell 4 row seed drill,. .Ib m ip ^chopper, -.i^otato riddle^ R olling1. M ill, B ee cqujprnent and surplus household effec ts '.,

; (Vl£WINi3 MORNING OF S A L E )^-^ '' For furtifler information apply:


, 'Tel: (0430) 431201:

For Sale by Private Treaty Pottery KiliiSi

. Earthenware Glaze:and Equipment6:D aniah;k^ 13^.ca, f t c^,dccttonic;coiarol baxs* (8 ycxzx old),

• approx-'’100 x 50 kg. cixlhsniwuD! gl^zs, large unglued tilea, Itfln fnmitnro for t3e stacking, ipsrcs,*

. ctc,.‘. l’-:■ As a Whole or in Irf>t's

glazed *riift tozntablc*;.

Y O R K LIV ESTO C K CONTRE M urton, York: T el. (0904) 4 8 9 7 3 1

G a n y i H . K ir b y /A u c f /o r te e £ > r . ;W ill Offer by AUCTION a t u i EVENING SALE i t the Town Hall,;

. Ripley, Nr. H arrogate on M onday 7th A u g u st.1 089. Approx. 500 lots MISCELLANEOUS

: . TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT ; ;&ie?y desoibed as blows Beetle waWers, Englneas" dess, miq wetder, trolley Jacks, spanner sets,’sodtet sets, brooms, hvdrauie body repair outfits; saw blades, (HI sets. Be sets, caHs reels, nals, welding rods, quality d nuitxlB. bench grinders, angle aindefs, baltry diarger, sKu power sw ; bdt aitts(s,;wreddng oars, cold Asas, puH Bt. dan rots, walerprool sheets, axes, shovels, forks, wheefcarrows,.ropes,.budets, ade stands, power tods/wood planes, ax' tods, bench A il. canprassor inft, panel boating sefe nuts, bote, screws, sash damps, fght chain Uock, ladders and various otier useful lots too numerous to mention.Oh behalf of VALE TOOLSL’On view from 6 p.m. Evening of Sale

: «t Place of a n e . AUCTION TO BEGIN AT 7 p.m. Prompt : TERMS: CashtCheque with Bankers Canl/Credit Card (Access/Visa). : Offices: Auctioneers: Garry H. KIrtjy, 1 The Bam, Nr. Highfield,

. Oakworth, Keighley. Tel. Haworth (0535) 42957. :' V endere: Vale Tool*, Uppertown Works, H ebden R oad ,' :. . Oxenhope, Keighley. .Te).^Haworttl 42521/44872. :

m m m i

; 0 .0 ^ 0 0 ® ^ ' •

HARRY WARD & SON• Auctioneers & Valuer*, f

Ofllce arid Saleroom • v; 2 S t Peters Buildings, •’

. Y o rk Street,- L«eds, L S9 8 A J . T e le p h o n e (0S32) 4SS42S .

Wed'9th: AUG’89 at 10.30 oa betxalfof HERBERT: BROWN,, &’>.'SON. v PAWNBROKERS, approx 200. lerts. gold,’'' diamcod,

■ sovereign^' arido tiw r,\ i 'icings, : necklacca, miceletsi' wiitcbcfl, and otHiw jewellery'etc. • -'r FRI 11th AUG *89 at 10 J0'^. lota ' various ;,crockery, cmamcnts (bnc-a*bracetc,).'-.';'; • at2p.m . . , ■ v.;'/' '•*.HAAKAv German ovorftrung loon go. 3' picco: suites and' yxrioui. household furmtme, .carets andeffcctB. :


\ / i , ' /

: ( P i H


F U R N IT U R E /a B J E T S D 'A R T

yio'-'-1. ■



(O ver 500Lots) i FOR SALE BY AUCTION


W.YORKSHIRE,LS298EA : :(Telephone 0943-816363) : \

including:- .(AT 10 a.m.j CERAMICS, Staffordshire, Clarice Cliffe, New H all,' R.C: Derby," : R .' Doulton, Wedgewood, :MaS0ns,~ early. . Worcester, fine collection of Chinese -tankards,;. Royal. Dux, Austrian, French porcelain; old glass spittoon^ old ales, Lalique trinket set.- •

SILVER Victorian and :earlier' flatware, large quantity, photoframes and small items,' Corinthian

’column candlesticks; tea services, superb plated candelabra. . ■■■; JEWELLERY. Victorian.diamond star brooch, gold chains, -brooches, watches, . Georgian . ' mourning rings,(AT .1.30 p.m.) WATERCOLOURS by :W. C. Knell, T. K Rowbotharii, G.A. Short> R. W: Binks, A. Kinsley, -,G:.. Oyston,: T. B. , Hardy, OILS by D. Sherrin, Cornells van Leemputten, jW. Mellor (3), A.: Elsworth, T. Lucop, .0. Bowen (5), P. Naviasky (7), K. Schofield. C. E.’Butler. ' - •

METALWARE brass, . copper1’ and . pewter items, cloisonne, fire implements, telescopes, scales.

MISCELLANEA .caddies, .boxes; ' stuffed ' birds, samplers, musical box, carved ivory, items, netsuke, -ramophones, ; fishing 'gear, book, Whitaker’s

raven (3rdEd.),ruRS. ' ‘gr;CrCLOCKS' ' longcase, carriage, wall; . mantel; garniture, : ' ” . .i ' i

FURNITURE Edwardian :' satinwood display cabinet,' walnut secretaire a abattant, mahogany partners desk, selection of Victorian. mahogany bedroom- ■' item s,: cheval ; mirror, ‘ large .' .oak 'sideboards,- rosewood;breakfast. tables,; chiffonier,' display, cabinet, Georgian: oak ' dresser base; -!tea tables; chests,.' coffers, - w in e. tables; .- corner. 'cupboards,, coffers, Windsor chairs, -part .drawing room suite.. 'ON VIEW Saturday August 12th (9.30. to .12:30) Mon. and Tues. August 14th' and'15th (9.30 to 4.30). arid Sale Day,from 9a.m ’. to start.CATALOGUES £2 plus’40p. pbstf romAuctioneers.

Y O R K S H I R E 'S IN D E P E N D E N T A U C T IO N E E R S ;

W i l l i a m H . B r o w nFiNEART

A u c tio n e e rs &■ V aluers :. ;SALE BY AUCTION AT THE STANILAND.SALEROOM, NETHERHALL ROAD, DONCASTER, ON TUESDAY, - iv . : AUGUST 8th, 1989, at1p.3p •• .: ■ ;

Fu/nitiire and effe^s 'lo Include:- Victorian and -Edwardlah' ljedroom suites, Oak Mule Chest,' Windsor chaTs; sots. of. chairs. .Georgian and •Victorian chests, Roll,Top Desk; Painted.Pine Furniture. .Fold Over - Table:'- Edwardian-; Display Cablnet.iv.'Lo'n'gcase;.' ICbck, Overstrung.Plano by Collard & Ck>llard, Wedgwopd;Jasperware'Tea Service,.'Hoyal'.Worc8ster Dinner Service,".Silver :& Sllver :Plal&, Jewellery, Early Blue.and White, Potlery;Mpther:bf.‘Pe'arl.Tea Paddy and Colleclabies.' ■ . . ■ ■ ■ ■ . ■' '■ '.'v iv .1;' ;-v ' ; . :’ Viewing:Maiday. August 7p, lOamApjn. andmorringolsais:. '. . Forthcoming SalesiTuosday, September lOth — Antique & General

■ ' Tuesday, October:17th -^ Antique' & General.

■ We are now aoceplng entries brthese sales. For lurfier detaJB contact: ■

: William H; Brown Ltd.j Valuersarid Auctioneers,. 28, NETHERHALL ROAD, DONCASTER. .

' Telephone (0302) 367766. • - " '■

' '-V1'"1 ■ i|-< '


A U G U S T ~ ~Mon. 7th Victorian and-Later Furxiitufejaxidt^

.Ornamental items., ;Wed. 9th • sSi fef- 'arid^fete;vB|outerie;arii;:'ri’iiji ' Watches. V _ ' - . . . ... . . -..ip

Mon. : ,14th ^Victodaii’'and.^tei>%^i^tore«£^iM;• Ornamental items. 5 *’iV ''IS

Wed. 16th Clocks, Barometers; "Scientifici . Instruments, MusicM Iristrument^|

■■ : ' Weapons Mihtaria aM Spor^g ; |' S"':- ■ Equipment/;-’ - ‘ •’ - p

. Mon. 21st . Fine Furniture itod Light- Oil Paintings, Watercolours, . •

A n attractive French Wed.. 23rd Drawings, Prints,' Engpaving arid:v ;; ;; .

Sale—Wednesday,.! 6 th. .: All sales start'at 11 a.m. For-viewing tirrtes-, individual]August. , , orsubscription catalogues, contact the Saleroom^ .-

For your Regional office coritact Harrogate (0423) 500566, Sheffield (0742) 728728, York (0904) 8753r j

Principal Saleroom — 20 The Square, Retford, Nottinghamshire DN22 6BX (0777) 708633

i« .

Tennantsof Yorkshire

•- 1 , - ■ ;v ;. A N T I Q U E A N D F IM E A R T A U C T I O N E E R S


Favoured with inEtriictions from the Executors of the Estate of the late'Mrs. Bessie' Fletcher, will sell by] auction , thV;extenBive;:moBt interesting and' valuable ,Entire. Contents of - • . ' : : • \'v'


SA.TURDAY 12th AUGUST, 1989 4t 9.30 a.m.

- X 1'*'J-K

The P a rlour a t T he B lu e U o n In n


-j:';V ie \v D a y : F r i d a y 1 1 th 10 .30 a .m .> 7 ;p jn .

: , v '??■&!:. ]f t e l i n u p a t y A i i i x o u t n c e m e n t :

The fonoOThg'Auction at om'.Middleham' Salercom wiU be held on Saturday :19th" Aogust at 9.30 a.m. and principally will include: the Entire Contents of a Westmorland

.Farmhonse.--''-:rAny. entriM from private vendors for this Auction may;be delivered to our Saleroom on Monday 14th Adgust and Tuesday 16th Augtistbetween 9a;m- and 5 p.m. '

: . A ^ E N Q L f l i M E S ^ ^ A U C T i ^ N E E ^ ^ H E A D p F F I C E

27, M arket P lace, Leybtirxi, N orth Y orkshire DL8 5AS.! •; -.-Telepnorie5 (09i69) 237fi|0

Morpheis:FINEART Harrogate ^

CATALOGUE SALET H U R S D A Y , A U G U S T 1 0 th , ^1989.a t 10 .00 a .m .

On behalf of private.vendors and upon Instructions from the,Sheriffs OffIcer,:re: Guy y . Cramer; unless previously arranged. .


Inctudtna: Walnut y n n w J chwt on• chmmt;-wmlnut wrkJng > at ctMln, laequf «cn««n. lo*>oc«B» ctock«'. Pohmv, ,M«Uktwar». Jiw H kv. Stfvwr. o i paimioos Indudlng A. ABkoflnom. o«Mn Bowmi. Walarootoun and OLiJbCiK «T«rt. ,. | . i

O N V IE W : W a d n e s d a y , 91h A u g u s t ,1 9 8 9 ; 1 0 . 0 0 a i m . : t o 4 . 0 0 J > . m . . ' '

JU ustr a tB d C a ta fo g u e 's £ 2 . 0 0 p o s t p a id .w AUCTION SALES PROGRAMMEteptambw 1M i Parted and Furrlum, iSHvar. Rakrtlng*

OfnwmwlB, P ow liin . .3ewb<r 12*1 vkrtortan Fumtturs. Engtah'snd Orlantsl Pomlaln M M hw *. Ja»w»fl»ry. 8 lv f . An Nouv—u mnd Paco. ‘ ■

P ra^ K d w ■ntri— for ttw «daova u lM ' can b* brought In for. gaprmhM tac yvur horn*. :Vu41 d*uJ|s from.our AuctkxtWbtfant mtfart Mn tor kmurmndm, pmbrntm mnd offtfporpw o .

A ta c n ta m o f afa* O o d m ty o fF U m A r t A u 'cH onm m w .. 4 - 6 A lb e r t S t r o e t , H a r r a g a t a , N o r th Y o r k s h i r e '

H G 1 1 J L T o I o p h o n o : <0423) 5 3 0 0 3 0.V v . .A D M s ia n of,

W l l l l a m H B r o w n —

[: P a u lH irstrA a c tio n s^

MOJfTHLY ANTIQUE SALE . Monday evening August 7th, •



: View Sunday 12-5.00 pjn. and ; from 4.00 pjn.Sile Day.

1TEU (093781) 7602 OR7742


■ Interesting Sale every , TUESDAY at 6.30 p.m^ of Victoriana. Furniture,-'

Clocks, Linen, .-5:: B ric-a-B rac.. ...!’

Vent:4 p.m Entries invited; T e l: (0484 )’ 603933,


Wednesday, August 9th

Sale of Antique & Modern Furniture.: (700 Lots) o ; : ;

at the \ : Victoria Hall, Settle

at2p.m. ' •. •• (viewing 10 a.m:):-:

Malcolm H. Skidmore

(0535) 275265

; MONDAY 7TH A tra U s f^ I; Commo'nclrig at aoijpim !-' -.n

M :5>

'■/Commencing s ' : NEW f t ’n e a r l y 'n e w

• : FURN ITU RE i?.!-V; f '■ e f f e c t s - y v. » : j |1

. TU KD AY8iH AU G iJ^T;-|! : Commendng & i 0.00 a^ni 'I

, ' VlCTORIANA AND ' ~ |: ■ -■‘.-i c o l l e c t a b l e * .uv- ■ '■

'ill' ' 'VCortienclngal 2.00 p.m.



(On view Saturday 5th August l f,. ,...ip a:m.-4

-'.Monday 7lh!Augusf"" fj,9 a.m.-12 noon. •

•■ Cotofoguea avaSabie.. -~-i\


■ a n..T hursday A ugust lOtl'*" iV:v x, &t 6 p .m .; '. ‘‘N

By Oider of OCqrjOcBDtir Coda ’ lc« -%'(mlc*i*c*itEidyaealei) ’’

-SPORTING GOODSTo tokdc ftfctag trile;

PoSomdby . i s . . . F u r n i t u r e , B r a s s 3 t C o p p e r ^ P o r c e l a i n , G l u t -); .S u v io r a n d P o i n t i n g ! To iocUe: DjIs Sceoe by Batzs PrfertuuB;

!0 IO a ’v V lew D ay o fS a le . >; , . ip a .m . to .5 ^ 0 p iin .,

C atalogues£ 1 .


R i(id in ]> s R o u d , I lk lo y , W e s t Y o r k s h i r e

T e l . (0 9 4 3 ) 6 0 3 3 1 3


RABY& SONN ext Auction

THURSDAY at 10.30 a.m.

V ictorian and la te r fu rn itu re , ch ina . ' g lassw are and

decora tive item s, dom estic equipm ent.

On View Wednesday 10 a.m.-4 p.m.21 S t. M ary’s

Road, M A N NING HAM ,


Tel. 491121

. *. y ::

LEEDS'.r . . ;

F O R T H C O M I N G S A L E'W e d i i e s d a y 2 3 r d A u g i^ s ta t l l a rm , . i

AN TIQ U E FURNITURE A IM OBJECT.. C a ta lo g u e s £ Z 4 0 b y p o s tp re p a id .; '': : . ' .'.''’' ' V iew in g : T w o d a y s p r io r 10 a in .- 4 p jn i.' '

17A East Parade, Leeds tS12B,lJJ- V Tel. (0532) 4 4 8 0 1 1 . ,,

- Tnl£rnatia7vdIttA rtAudionecrs& Valup?.£ovndcd l796* ~:,



Edwardian and m odern furniture,’ china,, glass, silver, jewellery, ahd.bric-a-brac. I

.*> .O n View today SATURDAY. 10ajn .-4p .ih . -r •.•/ ..r' • • r ^^dMONDAY; 10aira.^l-pjn., - •


T h e K s ta le O H lc e a n d S a le R o o m s , 3 5 , W e s t K n d , I le b d e n H r id y e , W e s t Y o r k s h i r e . (0 4 2 2 ) .S42007


EVERYTHING”Inc. Furniture. Eric-a-Brac. Brass,

Copper Porwtain, Texi* and | 4iscelansa.

THURSDAY 10th AUGUST a t 6 p j n .

I 3tStjarfebale Sarin ers

Auction fflart 5th ,Leeds Road, OQey.

- - AI sale Bam* accepted Tueaday8ti August (5-6 p jn ) . Viewing on Safa Day only from

• 4-6 pju_ .

Auction Offices: Tel. (0943) 462172


GUISElEY.Tel: 74165 .

. CHAS! E.H.YATES :i -.v! & s o n

. . w iU seU by A u c lia i in ;.• r ' ) their rooms:


• FU R N ISH IN G S AND • - ■E F F E C T S l ' :

SALE*.‘6jpiTn. .prompt •; VlEW;,9.a;m’.-:‘12 noon:,

i 2 p.Tn.-6 p.m.TE R M S: ST R IC T LYv . : : , C A S H —

Cl Ai i tr*. • SK rv J* y*s A A --. r-, r- A A A A i

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• 3T ■t r

B• o.

a B• St"- B • •. 5P."

: b : W■ K



LEEDS 441234

F U R N T T U n E / O B J E T S D ’A R T


' • : For S a le b y A uctionWEDNESDAY, AUGUST 9 th a t 10 a.m .

VICTORIA HAIXf LITTLE LANE, ILKLEYincluding collection'of old enamel advertisement signs; Victoriin chalso

'■ longue, ioungo vuitcs, bedroom suite*, bureau ~ bookcase, occasiqml: Stables,,■ dining’ .tables,. chair.sets, pedestal, capboaids,. china, .glas*’; (' electrical itenwf ptr*»rM rntrmw qnipmcTTt.'' - -. * ONfVIEW: .Tuesday A ugnst.S th, 1 0 a .m .-7 p .m .


IB :* ■ '


i FRIDAY AUGUST 11 (11 aan.) at i r Glebe House Farm

KilnwickPerxjy, Popldington, n North Yorkshire. :

1 7 b H O L S T E I N

Comprising virtually The entire MiMng Portion with Heifer Calves at foot and YoungBulls from the noted WINTON HERD (EBL Attested)

the property of Messrs. J. Waring und Sons.-T h is is 'w ith o u t douht one of the most attractive and important sales of the breed to take place tHsyear arid contains numerous individaalstofiiuperior meriton type/pedigree andproduction, as well aimaiy/gbod cowb to suit the purely commercial producer. :: • Thesalecontains 130 Cows and freshly . l.calvedileifers and some .40 Heifer Calves, ? many by leading sires.

The catalogue includes 6 Excellent and 38 Very Good cowb and m ore .than -30 cowB have given y ie ld s 'o v e r 8,000 kgs on com m ercial:m anagem ent (culncles and 2 x milking). The famoiis M eg family is represented % 18 m em bers and the re a re 27

[descendants o f th e famous record b reaking W inton P el Eva 2nd RM RMX EM L (100) (Ex); together w ith m any o ther good family

! liries.';^ in toh CitationjBM ( E i & ST), appears frequently, in .th e ■pedigrees a n d th e re .a re 'd a u g h te r o f several o ther noted sires I w h ile b u lls rac h aB Freebrook Sczation Amos, D eslacs M idnight,' G lenafton Eegency .and A Tom M att la n c e r have been .used for service along w ith stock bull W inton Starw ar, a D utch b red Bon ofStaibnckC m m a h i^ ib u tle r la t an d protein fam ily. ;.'

The Winton sale contains cattle to suit all tastes from Holstein to purtBriiis/iFmsianandshouldbeamost Merestingeiient.

|1 Enquiries arid catalogues from Auctioneers: ,' • . - N o i r ^ n & B r o o k s b a n k

i. . 37A, Mai-ket Place, Cirencester,;; - G lo u c e s t e r .0285 6 5 9 2 4 1



S A L E, WEDNESDAY, 9th AUGUST a t 2.0 p.m.

v . , . . • . ' :.

, Entries Include: •Uyr ' ' 7 0 STORE CATTLE & CALVES

• Mostly Continental XIncluding: . 10 Belgian '. Blue X Heifers and •.

: • St eers. : f ^ ^ D M ^ W ^ e Ep ! f V.

Including: 150 Suffolk X and Mule Ewes inc: '.2 complete flock;di^rsals. r 'w-.r.y

^ " . 1.1-^iSOl'SiiffBjk Xand■Mu.le:Gimrh^ref^.'.''''. j • : • 4 AA 1 C> if^A ll/ C(apa *' *' ■

h i t I U -

100. Suffolk X Store Lambs:' 3 Suffolk Rams. .: ■. ■.'!■ ■

500. STORES BREEDiNG PIGS', , ; ' ; ; Mostly quality bred store pigs,

.•/flqrudftiflr;-!:-*:,-®- Maiden Gilts. ' . ‘ .

I t : . : , . . , . . . . . . . .\ } J . F u l l d e t a i l s f r o n i t h e M a r k e t ,

i! T e t e p h o n e H u l l (0482) 223359.

Sale tocom m encew ithP igs.

■VJ3 ‘



: . . 1jS SPECIAL SALE OF • i

B R E E D IN G S H E E P & S T O R E L A M B S .............. >V;; | Saleet1.O p.rn. ' " '

" i . , iw a ^ ie a d a y . 3 0 tfi AUGUST,

:15th Ari|NUAL SHOW & SALE j i I ; ; , • f j A f c p B S H E E P

, f S a la a t 1 2 n o o n . . ■ ■■ ■ . t ; 1;.


R A M S ’ B R E E D IN G F E M A L E S & S T O R E L A M B S

Vc v.; Sale at 1.0 p.m. .■

/i/W sdnesdoy, 20thSEPTEMBER3 rd SPECIAL SALE OF *

B R E E D IN G S H E E P & S T O R E L A M B SSale at 1.0 p.m. . ':

1 Fc r Entry Fctrxs— CBttlogvesorlurtlw.mhaTBthn. pfeese contact ■ RogvPMrcv; Yocfc Um«tockC«ntniw'Miaie(W

Y o l k ,y o i 3UF. T ^ . 0 9 0 4 4 C 9 7 3 1


AUTUMNPROGRAMME 19891 ^ Special Sale.of Breeding Sheep. >

& Slor»!Uniljs.77,.. .'Psdgree Pig Show & Sale .

^ 16th Jacob Sheep Show &Sale! ■'Annual S h w ^ l i . o f Items,' • ''

j B i^ in g Fernslea & Store Lambs '.3rd Special:Sale of Breeding Sheep

Store Lambs .' r:_ ;.

Madiinery Sale .. North East Hereford Breeders',Shdw, :

.. 'tfSahi V-J;-'--..HoavyHoree Show and S a l e .Annuol Autumn Fair. Show & Sale

3rdRare Breed SqowandSalo ■ ’.: 'Pedigree Pig Show St SALE : '.Northern,Counties IAes(od« Show,.MachinerySale f v;5.'’ ■-

1 Pedigree Pig Show 81 Salo '

V,;. Wed.. 16th August <W ed,, 16th August

Wed;, 30th August

Wed., 6th September

Wed., 20th September Wed.,27th September

: -I Thiirs., 5th October ’(W ed.. 11th October

. /Thura;, 12th October i‘ Sat;. 14th October

r Sat . 14th October : Sat.,11th November

.W ed., 15th November Wed.i 22iid November


OBAN LAMB SALE; v Tusday, 8 August^ a]t 10.30 a.m.

;i; 5 ,500 Suffolk, Cheviot and Continental Cross . ’ • ' Brsd Top" Draw Lambs ..

ALSO . . .^ ; 7 - ■

-^Grading and.S'ale of Pri|rie;Lambs followed by . ! • ' 50iD Feeding Sheep. •'

ISLAY SALEFriday, 11 A ugust.

, Z.OOO.'Top'.Draw SuffolkiChevidt and Cross ; : Bred Lambs and afew:Breeding';and Feeding

■’ ■ Sheep. • ' •■ .<• . .r AND :

350 Suckled Calves;-Store Catt|e; and Breeding ; and Feeding Cows.

* , Travel A rrangem ents:C a r F e rry e x K & n nacra ig 6 h F rid ay , 0 7 1 5 hrs . ;,

/ ■ re tu rn in g ex-Islay, 1 7 2 5 hrs.

■ ' ■ ' ■ • . -ALSO: . :

■ S p e c ia l P la n e e x G la s g o w m o rn in g o f S a le , retu rn ing s am e d ay . E a rly en q u iries in v ited ' , :'

TIR^E SALESFriday, 18 A ugust

'SjSOO' Suffblk.'Cheyiot, Leicester and ; >r Charolais Cross'Lambs,' also 800 Feeding EWes, ■

Wedders, etc.-. V" V ' :'

- Saturday, 19 A ugust400 Grazing Bullocks and Heifers and a few /■'. ' Breeding and Feeding Cows. vF u rth er de ta ils on re q u e s t a n d fu li d e ta ils n e x t .

' V w eek . ‘i ' ”, . 1

W e stH ig h la n d A u c tio n M a r t OBAN

- T eh (0 6 3 1 ) 6 2 2 3 3



w u a m v t i U a a 'A IIristnicted’by Di.Ribyi’Esq. • ’ ’ .


- •: . . (East of the Catwidc Vlllajae) ' ;THURSDAY, 17th AUGUST 1989


' . cpmprislng^briefly: - iy- ■FODEN S106 arlic. 'unIt;with’tippIng traiiJer,-38 Ion 1983 tested; SCANIA.

1 ill artlc. unit witK tipping gear,.1979 tested; SEDDON ATKINSON 8 wheel aluminium body tipper 1978 tested; CLAEYS’B1,500 LOADING SHOVEL

- skid steer; HY-MAC 370 digger with 2 / bucket and front loader; BENFORD and-THWAHES 23 a n d '20 cwt dumpers; Diesel- concrete' mixer 4W;

- MARSHALL TRACTOR-. 804. 4WD; FORD. 6 6 0 0 ; 'SANDERSON 1 TELEPORTER 1982 4WD; THOMAS 1 ton loader'skld steer; -THOMAS• hydrauBc manure forks; NEW HOLLAND’CLAYSON M133 COMBINE 1 0 ';• BROOMWADE COMPRESSOR (PERKINS) with toolskM.F. .1560 round baler; 3 phase electric motors; POWER brush and scraper; 3 articulated traSenJ 4 0 ', 36 * and 30 '* fJth wheel; two fifth wheel dolfies; WEEKS tandem ad e 10 ton trailer; CARRIMORE'42 cu.yd. artic. tracer ftftKwheel; WEEKS 2000 gaBon shiny tanker Scissor type h'ydrauBc tipping traiei; HOWARD 8 0 ' rotavaton gang rollers; LELY 3Vi mir. power harrow: three fud storage

; tanks;'250, 3 0 0 'and 5000 ganonsV garage'equipment and tools; PIG iEQUIP^NT-jnduding cbmj3u|q^d^lectonI&pjg.codeMW:feedlng system; ^aat^c6mp!et^fe'edere'i(Beriron~sfeel'& 'Pyp)'r;dfihl^ POULTRY. " EQUIPMENTincluding Woods fans 2 4 ' s/pnaie , -feedIng'equfpmenI, feed®- line,-gas brooders and hot air heaters; five steel feed>bins, 12, 9, 7, 6 ion;

; - l l ton side discharge bln;-12vlon KIRNCROFT*bin. , v Viewing WEbNESbAV. l^th AUGLlST lQS^f : :

10 aim. to 4 p.m. ANDj MORN ING J OF SALE;’;, Cataloguesin thecour^eofpreparatlon.'

. TERMS CASH ON. DAY OF f S AL E , . i. v Sale to commence with Pig -Equipment to'be followed'

/by Poultry, Agricultural and Haulage Equipment

6 MARKET PLACE, DRIFFIELD S (0 3 7 7 ) 4 3 4 5 6

York livattockCeirtre, Murton, York. TeL (0904) 489731

1 2 € ® m


On Instruction from Ebor Vala Farms Limited." Dus to the sala of the Farm.




Including :'19B3 MF^BBO^WDi SiZB MF'-I88.multl^wwand 1978 ;John Deere 8430.4WD '.tractors; Volvo loading shovel; Lami .hoh 'clearance', self propelled sprayer; 3 Com trailers and'a tow loader trailer; Artie doDy; Mole'plough;;Heavy duty, drag; Folding triple K: Ward gang rollers; 2 sets dutch narrows; 3 Ploughs; Power narrow; Accord .drill; Lely van spreader; Ransbme.12!tt'nyd, discs; Chain harrow; Heavy auty.'.deep cultivator,"3 m easy tilt one-pass cultivator; Roger pneumatic fert aistributon Grimm'e potato harvester; Various grain augeis and bale grabs; Farmhand round baler; Cooks bale collaGtor; Faniihahd. 360 feed trailer; ‘Cattle.;crush; Pig weigh; Slurry stirrer; Numerous feed troughs and water tanks; Compressor; KEW power washer; Electric cement mixer; Miscellaneous spares and a number of ;sma? tools; 5 bays of old hay.

I ' (VIEWING MORNING OF SALE). For further information and :details apply: '


Tel: (0430) 431201 ..


F A R M S Si L A N O

NORTHUMBERLAND MATFEN 898 ACRESNewcastle 18 niiles , . Hexham 10 miles


FARMS: 472. 19 Acres.

;Substantial. 4 bedroomed: Farm house, useful, range - of. .fa rm : liuildirigs, productive arable and grassland. N

LOT 2 258.37 Acres;Attractive 3 bedroomed Farm house,: u se fu l; range of farm .'

: buildings, arable and.grassland. ' ' ’ • .■!■'.■ ■' !; Acres :

Productive' block of arable land divided into. four flelds. for ;sale ; as a whole o r In fu rther lo ts .; - S ' 'V •


14, Skeldergate, York YOI 1DH



26-20 HIGH STREET, STOKESLEY (0642) 710742

SALE of the Cringle herd

40 jjiedigree chiarolais cattle on tehaif of Mr. R. E. Hughes a i t - '

ToftfHlil Farm, Kirby, Nr. Stokesley, : North Yorks.

., "Vti-'j-V- ' 6 -Cows w ltti calvss at foot ■ ' -f ’. g Cows in calf duo Autum n: . •. .

: ; ' 5 Served Heifers10 Malden Heifers 1' ; ^; 3 :Young Bulls, : .1;.. '

' on Friday 11th August, 1989 / Sale to commence at 2 p.m.

; : 'Catalogues available on available on application.;'! ■

C T D I I T T C m. M 13 phinces squarO I r \ U I 1 O J A HARROGATE V0RKSIIG1 11V

P A R K E R S ’ (04231 561274


York 10 miles, Leeds 13 miles..


; W ei) E q u ip p e d H o m e F a rm 'w ith 4 'B ed rb o m e d■ H o u se s C o ttag e a n d 240 A cres . S p ec ia lis t P ig : -

; ; U n it w ith B ungalow .• A. 98 A cre s . o f M ix ed -W oodland,- W ith ; S h o o tin g

v R ig h ts O v er 1,313 A cres . K e « p e rs ‘H o u se aisnd. - ; . . R e a rin g F ie ld ; ; • ;

A L L W IT H V A C A N T P O S S E S S IO N /, ; .

'. T h r e e L e t F a rm s T o ra ilin g 8 5 2 A c re s .'P rin c ip a lly G rad e 2 L a n d . G o m n ierc ia l In d u s tr ia l. S ite .'; :;' '

A L L T E N A N T E D A N D P R O D U C IN G £35,216.

F O R S A L E AS A W H O L E O R I N 10 L O T S BY . A U C T IO N O N S E P T E M B E R - 15th 1989; V ;

~ " '. (U N L E S S P R F.V IO U S L Y S O L D ) . '

.' JoinV A gents': O sw ald L is te r & S on ... .’ ■■ T h e E s ta te O ff ic e , H o llin s L a n e , H a m p c th w a itc ,

: H a rro g a te . T e l: (0 4 2 3 ) 770322

■':i % 'vi.i : j • Ref: 10/AB/1337 i


'■.' Scarborough 8 miles, Malion -IS.miles •. . . ;


THE YORKSHIRE WOLDS ; V ! ;A S u b s ta n tid l4 B ed ro o m ed F a rm h o u s e , A P a i r o f

’ ' L e t Sem i D e ta c h e d C o ttag es . .

Tw o C o m p reh en siv e R an g e s o f,'M o d e rn G rain ,';' ;: ■ ' ' ■ '• a n d 'C a ttle B u ild in g s ., I , ■:

V ' A B O U T :lbo6 A C R E S 'IN A L l ’ • ' .. F o r.S a le as'.a.W 'hole o r ill T w o L o ts

' . U v;:; • Ref: 10/AB/681;


THE HAGG HOUSE ESTATE, THORPEFIELD.'.with Period Residence providing highly appointed fanriily ’accommodation i: 3■ reraption rooms, kitchen, u tility , rooms, 8 bedroams, 2 bathrooms, 2 shower rooms. Se­parate cottage: 2 reception rooms,' kitchen, . bathroom

/;and 2 bedrooms:; Extensive' range o f traditional and • :modern l ^ m i - B u i l d i n g s . : "

i. ,Excailant A rab ia L a id axtandnig to 2 8 1 ^ 2 ACRES

For Sale by Private Treaty as a whole or in 4 Lots. Apply M urtDn.Offica.(0904) 4 8 9 7 3 1


For Sato by, Priv«® Treaty•. A ttractive Residential Small Holdlng

• ■ (,’v known a s ; • Vv J-' BROTHERTON COTTAGE FARM >

e iafO ii j j l

Detached Bungalow: ;2'sizeable reception rooms,;kitchen, u tility store; '3 'bedrooms land integral Garage. Ba»lieht! Stable block and G.R. Range of Buildings..together w ith! Grass Paddocks extending to ' 1 ■: ' ;.;;v;

.1 0 .6 7 9 ACRES (o r ttia ra tb g iit i) . ' '.Appty M urton Office (0904) 48973,1 ’ ' ,r ,;

•- BISHOP BURTON:3 1 miles West of Beveriey, ' ■

F o r S t r ia b y A u c t io n . ' ;W a d n a a d a y . 3 0 t h A u g u s t . 1 989 a t 3 . { u n . ' . ;■ ■ a t T h a B a v a r t e v A m i s , P a v e t t e y ■


, . Vacant possession oh completion , • ) . ^Apply M urton Office <0904) 489731 /


\ ,V - For Sale by Privata Traoty:FERTILE ARABLE LAND .

-31.21 ACRES: .Vacant possession on completion . ..

; Apply M u iton O ffice (0904) 489731;

STEPHENSQN & S O N .York Livestock Centra, Mutton, YotkYOl 3UF.Tat. Yoik 0904 489731.

BOULTON & COOPERSt Mkfiael's House: Malton',' 'N:YofksY0170LR . J Tel. Matton 0853 692151. ■


i;0 0 0 Ton Grain Store.' FOR SALE BY AUCTION .

'■ '. (Unless sold previously by Private Treaty)

Freehold with Vacant Possession’ ’ V Full dotaistmm the Auctioneers.' . ; . • -

Frank Hill & Son18, Market Place, Patrington, Hull

Tel. 0964 630531



WILLOW LANE, V;' i ■), ». - LANCASTER.LA1;5NA t.'J . , ‘





1 0 CENTRE LATHES. C o lchester.:E U lbtt^B oxford , M iles a n d o th e r s . , ASQUITH. R C A . a n d HAU SER JIG B O R fR S,/B RID G EPO R T. A1 & S. NO. 2S . RICHMOND 4 A J AX MILLING M ACHIN ES; GRINDERS. J . 4 S. 10 x 3 0 UNIV. & 5 4 0 SURFACE. SPIROPR1NT DRILL'SHARPENER, T . .

^ C. 4 se v e ra l D /E GRIND ERS..M AS 4 f t 6 ln . R A D IA L;'l-/.2 an d 6 S PIN D L E VERTICAL D R H X S. OLDAK TA PPE R S, HORIZONTAL1 & VERTICAL BANDSAW5. POW ER HACKSAWS, MEC BROWN C U T O F F : SAW. WARD 3D E (v e ry ' w ell ' M u ljm e d b ; H A RD 1N G E.,and !o th e r- CAPSTAN & TURRET LATHES, WOODWORKING •& SHEET. METAL M A CH IN ES:*GUYSON- SHOT BLAST!' SHADOWMASTER and; O th e r ,



TRUCKS fro m 10 c w t^ .T O N . 4 0 F t. T A N D E M A X L E C U R T A I N ; ' S I D E T R A I L E R • 3 f t FOLDER. 4 f t GUILLOTINE. C o m er,iN o ich e r.-W ilc o x - 4 . ’ G lb ts O v E rlo c k sr^ T y p ew rite rs , C om m odore C o m p u te r* ' O ffice ' • F u rn itu re . GENERAL, ' .•ENGINEERING ; , 4 ■

, IN SPECTIO N EQUIPM ENT. •, ,.c-view ing day p rio r and day o f sale.



. .TEL;06i-881G266.FAX:061>862935& : v

— — — ^ 84 FU8N1TUBE . :, r H---- :—

• W e in v i t e y o u to v is i t V

W See ’ the beauty o f furniture in real wood made w ith care and

’ dedication: Tables , o f various ^ L ; designs and a z ^ . . Everything; for,?• 'the dining room and lounge, a lso r ' ’.wardrobes and bedside.cabinets. ;


R oundw oodjB ishop T h o rn to n ,;' Ripley^ Harrogate^ .

TeL (0423) 770711/77141? /k O n t h e io a d f r o n i R ip le y t o F o u n ta in s l

: . ' A b b e y ..i; A- ' . ' .


‘■'. ' Cost In 8XC9S5 of £12,000 _Strachan -. bedroom furniture^ Savanna style (Ivory and Mahogany), wardrobes (6 In number)* A Section! ot drawwa and, cupboard#, dreeaing table, cabfnets-and'headboard. A*' new. ’'condition. VPrice •> to- eell,

;.::...>..offora'iroundC1,300 Strachan- wardrobes, -.Georgian >Aamer,'.'v il6»':v th' horit moulding# (fl In.number) having.two lull length mirrors.'Excellent condition Price to. ee l . . . ".offer* around £1,500

TELEPHONE DONCASTER i --y (0302) 866311: ' ' '/•>

; p^LON;SUITE ;10 cushions, plain burgundy. Excellent, cond ition ;1

■ ; ; ■ '£ 5 0 0 o in ’o . ; ; *.TEL. (0484) ‘717549 ; ■ u!

/ . , , ; A N Y T IM E .V -';


I C L o.O. • ten t .w anted;■ blDw up. type, must be

In g o.o d condition, " a s 1 1 e f o r d .

LARGE *3 sea te r settee and matching;’ chair, blue patterned dralon

- on dark-, w ood fram e.': £ 1 5 0 ; Reproduction,

- c o r n e r unit; £ 8 0 ; M atching drum . table...

. ' £ 3 5 ; Bookcase, £25; Stereo, £60r < Rocking chair. £20. Tel.. Leeds 869637 a fte r 5-p.m:

WANTED. old cast Iron g a r d e n u m s a n d c a s t iron garden aeat- Any

:• <c o n a i M o n .Leeds.• 785014. '

JEWELLERY,? d l a m o n d s v< 8llver.;and; allver plate. top . cash, prices p a i d ; David

M a s o n & S o n i 7 /9 '' W estmoreland 'St* H arro- ' gate.; TeL,567305. B radford . Bullion. 41a. Ivegate, B rad-. : ford. Tel, 392625.7

JUKEBOX;:w a n t e d . ' O lder t y p ’e p referred b u t : a n y - .

■ th ing considered. Worklna o r . .not/ also spares.- Will collect; Keighley <0535) 664346 anytime.* :

YEW furniture.- 4 d i n i n g chairs; . sideboard. - library table of’ sim ilar. -Private buyer. TeL (0977) 82718.

CLOCK parts w anted. G rand­fa th e r long case, w all clock p arts , any. c o n d i t i o n ^ a c c e p t e d . ' TeL• .Leeds 682435.

WANTED. G a r d e n h u t or s h e d , any s i z e , w i l l rem ove. W i l l pay up to a p p r o x . £ 8 o . H alifax 203925.

WANTED., Large, old, w ooden a lrcraftJ-p ropellers. :-T e l;;

"v Huddersfield- V ( 0 4 8 4 )685234'.'• \

OLD - .chimney;* pots ' w anted .'i fo r cash. T e 1. ( 0 3 0 2 ) u .722390.-DEHUMIDIFIER and Expelair

w a ll- fa n w a n t e d . Tel., Leeds 632052.

S T O N E flags bought fo r . - cash. TeL Leeds 813597. - WANTED;' G l a s s counters i; w I t h L d raw ers. 061 427 J 2321 (e v es .).: •CARAVAN oven, up to £40.•: Leeds 646290. *CATERING . cooker, m ixer,

s inks w a n t e d . (0423) 561259.

SEA-FISHING tackle wanted* TeL (0937 81) 7596.



24 fL lo n g / th ree sections, seats .3 6 / French polished. Excellent condition, b u-y e r collects.

• £3;5po

TeL s a ltb u n i (0287) 24111.

• GAS fires.. C ann o n /an d .F lavel1 Debonair. £50

■■■’ each: 4 m atching w ing ■.. b a c k e d chalrs. /filo -

each; F ire surround. . ■ • . w o o d ' and artificial. . . stone. £30. All in good,

c o n d i . t 1 o n , Leeds-v 662739. .. _•

3 FT. x 6 ft. snooker t a b l e , u s e d once, , u n w a n t e d .glft, „6 .. m o n t h s -old, 44mm A ram lth balls, 2 ,48

; inch snooker cues plus - i ‘accessories. .Like- new, ;. ' , £ 1 5 0 ' o.n.o. (0532) t

. .869684 a fte r 6 p.m. ‘ .j •

MEYRA electric wheel- ■ chair w ith two new .

v-.- batteries and charger.- , ■■ Excellent : : condition, i 7 £1,000 o.n.o. K n o ttin g -1

ley (0977) 82660.. 'S

’ HIGH: quality re s tau ran t : . • itables fo r ' s a l e and '

dralon-,- chairs,- excel.-: len t condition. Wake- : field 366368 /.8254T7.

DAVID Gundry, trad i­t i o n a l A lexandra "3*

Sieceisu lte , high arm .. sea te r.. settee.. ;Wing '

* c h a i r and standardchair.- p a l e - green . /

' c r e a m d r a l o n , 3 . m onths o I d . •. £1;S00 :

o .n .o ; ,g e n u in e ; 'sale: D a y t i m e . . (0977)

-/649296 o r, evenings or . w e e>k e n d s 10226)


LOOSE covers,, d i s c o u n t A u g u s t a n d ’ Septem ber;

: ‘ a lso ' in custom ers ow n - fab- ; .r lc s . Home ^visits. (0904)

638112 / 798555. (T rade), y


ONE Hoover Electronic 1100; 1 Lee s mal l l f r l d g e ; . ' X

'T r id ty ''Contessa . 4 r i n g e lectnc cooker; all In -very

; .good co n d ition /£ 2 1 0 'o.n.o;: '■ can dellver.* (0532) .743582

day. 640094 eve.H O O V E R 'E lectron :\1100

d e l i v e r . . T e l ' . .(0742).- 306849./. - I ;LARGE* Jacuzzi, .gold ifittlngs/

paaded .head . rest, beautiful condition;,. £ 6 0 0 o ;'n ';,o . (0977):515247. . ; .-v


FREEZER GiONTAINER; ; 20' ;jc 8- x 8 ’ y . •

£2,1.00 ¥ VAT ' .BI?IEiGE SUPPLY CO. .

/ . KBiG HLEY. '... ’

TEL: (0535) 60551-1.

, TWO m ahogany . display*- -u n its .7’ x 3* each -will . divide i n t o 2 p a r ts ; .* D ynatron stereo cas-

' sette player, in 'm atch - • ~'lng ‘m anogany • unit.

* excellent condition.. : Will split, £1,000 o.nlo.

(0484) 666675., , ...

PINE d resse r w ith plate . rack,^ double c u p b o ard - ' and t w o ' d . r a w e r s , 1

good ' condition. £120. G as' log ' effect f i r e

.. w ith copper 'hood in a ttractive t e a k and p laster surround.' £90. TeL (0937) 72900. v

PINE dresser, as new , 4 • —-_cfoot -8.-inches . long.- 6 . i';, foot^.hlghnr^lSr lncnea v

- wide, .£350 o.n.o. .Tel. ,• (0751) 73292;

BOTTLE . shelves, . canteen . .fridges, beer stores*and Ice

cream ' cabinets. Southern > & r R ' e d ’f e a r n L t d . ,

W oodhead. R oadv B radford (ra74)r-.733335; ‘

BOTTLE ‘ coolers, ■ freezers, ^fridges,, Ice m akers and daliy .'-up its .-L ease-or buy Shopkeepers S uperm arke t

• D u r ^ a m . Cem etery Rd.. B radford- (0274) 542603.

COLDROOMS^ displays■.* etc. . Showroom. new o r ' recon­

ditioned. Buy o r l e a s e . ACS. Keighley 6 0 2 2 0 2 . Leeds 582OT7. •

DOMESTIC", and. Commercial refrigeration ' services, and repairs;- Ring Wilsons on Leeds based mobile phone 0860 252^66 anytim e.


ESSE. C entury oil cooker / , w a ter heater, w ork­ing In farm house kit­chen. - w hite / . black, green fittings, excel­len t condition, to be taken out in next 1 4 . - days. F irst £250. o.n.o.

-Tel. (0484)-861229.::



Recorder,'Joysticks; desk' etc.,

£150 o.n.o. '7" 1 . ■. Tel. (0924) 442333.

: FST Teletext rem ote con- vt r o . l 26”> colour TV, excellent condition.'.

,:;;£150 - o.n.o.; * Commor . : d o r e- 16 Com puter, - " still , in ‘ boxi- Joystick .•

■ p 'lU 'S 12 games. , £90'• o-. n ; :o ...T e l.; L e:e d s-..

'.•l":'-‘634121:'\. V •

COMMODORE 64 com- p u t e r and - cassette .

, player, two 'Joysticks,- excelerator plus ' disc

. drive, freeze machine, ' 's p e;e c.h : syntheslzer.-

light pen- and lots of ..: .gam es -and b o o k s ;

v £275 b.n.o. T el./L eeds '.613784.

FERGUSON Vldeostar. ' - w rem ote cdntrol. fron t • v loader, plus 14 inch

: portable colour s e t .

?ood"condltlon ,^£250 or -the -pair, but: will s p l i t . - T e l . L e e d s

783672. ^

FERGUSON : teletext' TV ■' p l u s ;.vVHS v i d e o .

recoh ler, -.:i excellent . . working.' order. £125 ; e a c h - . Can deliver. W a k e f i e l d ’ (0924) 848566 (eves.). -,

ACORN Electon c o m - p u t e r„‘*.with .c a s se tte .

.. d e,c X'v-Joystick.' w ith . ^ in terface. Approx. 40 ; : games;> £120. Leeds • . §23937. / '


SHARPt Mldi HI-FI, 30 w atts output, speakers

' Included,- excellent condition,’ £200 o.n.o.

, (0532) 776062.

PHILIPS compact disc player, very good condition, £140 w hen 'new , £65. Tel. Leeds

,. 406140.


MIRANDA :M300 tripod, -com plete ..with' m ount- 1

I n g , £20:: V l v.i t a r V28^200m F3.5 to F5.3, ,.:20O .m m M ens, £ 8 5 ; .

• V ivitar •' aun actlnon . w lid e a n g l e l e n s •

28 /2 .8 ,' £ 2 5 .. AU as newl WTel. ( 0 9 7 7 )


PENT AX MG35mm< SLR plus ; flash, wide angle.lens, bag. tripod, m ust be seeh to be appreciated. > £ 2 2 5 : o.n.o.

: (0532) 828787; a f t e r 6- ; - ' p . m ' . * * ‘ .v. ‘


FARFISA electronic key- - board, as n e w , full size-keys, r h y t h m , orchestra and d r u m section, m any facili­ties..' Cost £450. .will

•• accept £245 o.n;o.'TeL Leeas 536003 a fte r 5

NEW Showroom, now openl A large selection , o f new - and resto red .

> pianos, also -selected ' . ' e l e c t r i c , pianos a t S t e p h e n Brandon P ianos. T h o r n t o n Road Ind. E s t a t e . P i c k e r i n g ; N orth Yorks. (0751). 76626.

MACKINTOSH - :dlning t r o o m suite in ’: teak, .< oval-tab le + 4 .chairs v an d ,7 f t . sideboard; recently . repolished. Imm aculate ■ condition. £195. A r t h l n a t o n 843773. t

IMMACULATE rosewood fram ed 3 sea te r sofa, c h a i r and matching coffee - table.- - p a s tushades - beige: costs £2.000. £600. TeL ( 0 9 2 830554.

• beigere sides. accept ,

OUSKY pink d ralon 3 piece su ite, m atching s t o o l , and cushions.

: excellent condition. £ 4 5 0 OSLO. (0924)

• 473975.. ?

THREE-piece suite, good .- , c o n a l t 1 o n ,- coffee

colour. £300 o . n . o . TeL Leeds 870935.

PRIORY dining, table; g a t e l e g .. plus four^

- w h e e l T)acK chairs.excellent condition.' £ 1 9 8 . Tel.:. L e e.d s 686175. -

TEN.- c u s h i o n brow n- reversible., 3 p i e c e

suite. , excellen t'cond i­tion, £250. (.0,2 7.4 ) •

- 878682.

DINING - table, Italian : reproduction. - - carved

: lnlald, 4 chairs, 2 car-. . v e r s in plnk .upholi: s t e r y . i , £600 o.n.o. B radford 617732. .

ERCOL’sldeboard.' Wind­so r stole.. price when, new £750, £4S0; Tel;

: Leeds i 827040 a fte r 6 ., ‘p.m. '.. •

- ECKO .gourm et . hostess , •trolly, m.o d e 1 H060.

• excellent • condition.: v; £ 8 5 . TeL ( 0 9 7 7 )

617431. . • . •

' MEAT sllcer .(B erkeley),-, superb condition. £400 , o . n . o . TeL (0723) •

. - *377458 afte r 6 p,m,'

' . HITACHI . Oscilloscope',’ boxed, n e v e r - used, ,v. ; ’£250.t (0532) 650514. . ,

24 antique ha lf round roof -: York .ridge s t o n e ; .2 f t .

long,, some less.. £200. 3 6 -f t .’x 3 ft. steel tra ile rs on 4 -small ,solld'w heels. Ideal to

. -move steel o r heavy tim ber vetc; - F or factory o r farm

V U 3 e , £100 each. Wooden poultry i arc; 4 f f ' x ’ e f t ,

' i;£45. ..Small :s t r o r i g ' alu- ‘ .‘m inium -r6of rack. 3 f t by ;:';’4 ..ft.;: high s ides.-1 f t .fo r

' c ar '.or v an ;. £10.,; (0751)' - 60380.-, •SUPER 8,'clne projector, slide

p ro je c to rJa n d 'sc re e n . £50 - the ;lot; Also B l a c k and ' D e c k e rM rotary 'm ow er;

various gardening tools, ’’ £30 the lot • o . n o * . Also

sideboard; t a b l e - and 4 chairs, : £70 . o.n.o. Leeds

• 648231V- ' ; -lO.S^ cublcv’Toot ■ Scandlnova > la rd e r, fridge, v£ 7 5 r Creda •' I m icrowave oven; "£30; sun-

bed * canopy,. >U V A ,’ £75; Exercise ’Dike. '£ 5 O ; four

-in Intercom . - stations y*.alarms}..- £40; TeL

’ r (0484) 642651/ fire -. surrounds. " Finest Italian

and Portuguese! m arble, all a t .low est prices anyw here. Leeds i 559696 (24 ;hours)

-• fo r co lou rb rochu re . v v- ONE C rlttal secondary glaz- ‘ -Ing_> window. 1200m m - x

llSOim n. 3 f t 11 Ins. wide b y 3 Vft.L ' l ° i • Ins/:. 3 V - _ - ____ ____

•• sudlna sashes. £ 3 0 Tell . (0532) 583072; :DRESS rails w ith castors fo r

shops, offices :and home, \ f r o T n * £ 1 5 . 9 9 . Duram. •; Cem etery ’.R d B radford . 542603^ V lsa/A ccess cards. ' M all orders delivered.' . WEB . battery, - operato r, law n , m o w e r k good- condition. . £45,r C o lou r TV. 2 2 / on •. s t a n d v £35.- TeL '.Leeds - 667403 after. 6 p.m. • P F A F F .Industria l, sewing

.m ach ine . reconditioned.g ood 'w ork ing o rd e r,-£140

. o.n.o.' .TeL Bailey 479108 • anytim e. , •

I N D U S T R I A L sewing . m achine. P faff 463 9 0 0 ,

240v, good'condition. £195. ’ Leeds 636002.' .AGA so lid 'fu e l, .can b e 's e e n

' w ork ing ;.' Offers.-- around £250, Ring H alifax 822367.

iPRIORY refectory table. ^ oblong 54*',-very good

- condition. £150 o.n.o. (0977) 791293,

WANTED.• L eather C hes- ' . terfleld suite; r up . to

£700, ‘. D e w s b u r y 467082 a fte r 5 p.m.

BEIGE' D ralon 3-plece suite', 3 -sea te r settee, m o d e r n design ,'la rge cushiony’ and low .oack,-very good condl-

- - ^ 793293,

20 's double ended; drop arm s o f a , \ traditionally ■ re- upholstered. feather/dow n

•seat cushions, rose; back­ground. sm all p a 11 e r n . £645, -Revivals, Gargrave (0756) 749451/,752416.

EDWARDIAN Chesterfield, t r a d i t i o n a l l y re- upholstered, - hand ' Sprung, neu tra l background, .flower

- s p r a y d e s i g n ; £440.Revlvalsz_1Gargrave - (0756)

. .749451/752416;- ,

MODERN- Boardroom table. 10’ long x '4 ’ wide,-; 12 well

- upholstered chairs. £ 9 0 0 o.n.o. TeL (0724) 720675.

REPRODUCTION -mahogany Sheraton TV video cabinet,

' £60;' reproduction m ahog­any telephone cabinet, £40. Leeds 574333. ,

HABITAT w hite w a l l unit, th re e ' c u p b o a r d along bottom , . w ith s h e 1 v I n g

- above, approx. 6* x '6'* x 1- depth, £70; H abitat oblong w hite, t a b l e •vg la ss> top, approx.- 39” ; x 18 '’,- £10. P l e a s e ' r i n g a f t e r six o’clock. Leeds 864737.

CASA * F 1 n a R attan r'dinlng room . suite . comprising ' of

: . . t a b 1 e ,:fo u r -c h a lr s , nl-fl . d raw er unit and stool,:Cost

over>£l;200; Av bargain a t £475, Tel. Burnley.413414. ,

BEDROOM : s u’ l t e.; -.' double ; ' wardrobe»vdresslng table. 5

-che^t* draw ers, and- head­board to -m atch ,-‘m odem l i l a c and grey, formica; Excellent' Condition. £ 8 0 . TeL-Leeds -451026. . • :r

DUE to refurbishm ent .wood -tab les and. w o o d - uphol­s te red . chairs, -for- sale. < £5 o r. less each.\\Tel. : Leeds

- 636254. * • •NEVER been used . 3 seater . a n d -2 sea te r settee w ith .2 . m atching tables, p ink/blue.

£ 6 0 0 . TeL B r a d f o r d 601494. .

SUfTE,.4 s'eater com er group .. in- black,; good condition,

£125. Leeds 872311. EXCLUSIVE black ash dining- . suite, . table. 4 chalrs and 2

covers. ^ 1 9 5 o.n.o. Hud­dersfield 607418 (trad e ),

W A N T E D . S ' t a g M adrigal bookcase, ;Leeds 42S5085.

FOR sale.vFranco Beige m ulti fuel .cooker and : cen tra l.lheatina,1.s1y. s.-^.„.

'. D ‘t e m , c o m o 1 n e d * ( b _ r o w n - ) • *50.000 BTU’s» u n u s e d , in Imm aculate condition. C ost £ 1 . 5 0 0 , will a c c e p t offers vover £800.. TeL . ( 0 4 8 4 . ) 6 8 4 1 1 6 .;.:

COALBROOK darby cast iron m ulti-fuel stove, w ith cen tra l heating bo Per, new w ould cost

' £1.070. - w ill a c c e p t £600. 'good condition. Hebden Bridge (0422) 844457. ; • ' .

AGA* solid fue l cooker, model- CB. c r e a m , th ree years old. im m a­culate c o n d i t i o n , genuine • sale, can be .

• s e e n ’ working. Win • . deliver. £1,200. T e l .

(0723) 870718.. .

BOSKY' 6 0 ' m ulti f u e l cen tra l heating boiler

' / ; cooker, good condi­tion. £325. (094 42)

. 8821 o r 0836 683145.

ONE 'm alhs 7 gas w ater, . heater; 3 ‘; V alour .

58§ 8 ;w all ’h e a te rs ,' £ 2 W1U s p li t Teh Wake- ; field (0924) 361594*. .

AGA co o k er;. solid r .sale; -V e r y good

, con'dltion. • c u r r e n t .model,. £950 o.n.o. Tel. '

N- Leeds 854524.

BARGAIN. WurUtzer organ, f u l l ' orchestra, good c o n d i t i o n , recently overhauled. Space needed so £200 0.11.0. (0427 ). 873728

•before-8*a.m. o r after-: ; 6 :p.m ..’

. GALANTI F3 twin key-. ... board;, b a s e .pedals, .

- rh y th m : section, r o l l i’ top - cover and -stooL Good' condition. £200

-o;n;o. (0977) 791293.

GRAND p ia n o ' (baby) Collard and Collard inc. s t o o l . In good condition, m u s t col­lect. fiSSO.^-TeL Ches-

. terfleld 450422.

FENDER Rhodes electric piano w ith sm all am p. £250_ ojuo . B radford 581375 after^T pan.

YAMAHA mahogony. u p r i g h t , . p i a n o , regu lary t u n e d , as n e w . w ith s t o o l . £1.650. (0756) 4443. a fte r 5 p.m.

BROADWOOD' piano, m od­e m . teak u p rig h t £1,200 o . n . o . B radford 581375 a fte r 7 p.m. .

PIANO, good condition. £275. ^Tel: Leeds 641102.

CLEARANCE sale of/ organs..’ p i a n o s , /digital -pianos;. -, e h o r<m o u s - reductions, ;

S e n u l n e bargains, free ellvery. '-guarantee; 'Visa. Access -' etc: Steve Baker;

170 -172 .‘E a s t e r l y . .Rd.. Leeds 8. Tel. 488277 Mon.-

. Sat..iO r5 p;m / 1 ■

EXHAUSTO chimney fan . . (e lec tric );1,:.6 • m onths ' o l d ,: cost £347.' Will

• accept £150. Including ternal s,w i t c h e s .

" Huddersfield 846962, i ;v

AG A 'cooker,--solid fuel,. ,£250-' Tel. ( 0 3 4 7 ) 810495.'

beliy sto .<{0924) :

LEISURE S ta r five au to m ark 2 gas cooker. ;eye . l e v e l grilL- good- condition. Must collect. £45. Leeds 867412.

RAYBURN'-cookers a t, com­petitive '.prices. all leading s to v e s / Aga 'cooker,*d I s -, trlbutors, ; Bower & • Child Ltd;.' Huddersfield 425416, .

GLOWORM free 's tand ing gas 'central* heating ';boller cir­cu la tin g -p u m p ; insulated copper cylinder-w lth-.elec- tric • lmmersloii. h e a t e r , .

\ h.e a d e r. tank and time ': clock; A 'perfect .work-'

ing order. £200-o.n.o ’ Tel. (W 24) :829984,. , ;i

S IX . bu rn er ; com m ercials gas cooker1 ln 'stalnlepa ', steel: excellent .condition,. £595 b.n.o; T.e 1 . 7B r a d f o r d 616623. Trade:'. :

AGA* solid fuel cooker, can be s e e n working.* O ffers tel. (0439). 70230. ' , . ,T

CANNON -Harvest Time grey, cooker, excellent'condm on.


£199. TeL: Leeds 790398.

§Oiy;VIDEO& { • M K X d c o M P irru s

SINCLAIRJ.iZX*>Spectnim.+ 3, -boxed, .hard ly

- . u s e d . . £130.’. L eeds:, 685692. -« T

BBC C om puter m odel B, ’ c 'o m'pT.e t e * with-,, 70.-» n n . n o ' Cl OO n n nU i i i . | i i . b 1 c n i u i , , ' i w -

a m e s . £199: o.n.o. 1) 656446.1 ........

g a m > •(0532

TWO PC’s fo r sale, surplus to• o u r requirem ents; 1 Opus PC2. monochrome,. 20. meg. d r i v e ; £450-..o'* n ; o 1, A m strad ; PC> ’ 1 5.1 21 DD,

• monocrome.* £ 3.0 O * o.n.o., a 1 s o 'B ro th e r Dot m atrix

' printer'M 1109. £100 o.n.o., also D.e l t a ;4.3C. profes­sional softw are; offers. All In super condition: c o m - p l ’e f e . w ith m anuals etc. TeL L eeds:-503476 office

• ;hours.:''.f - • * • « ' v . ’ ■B B.C 128K. M aster-M lcro,

c o I d u r-<monltor, double, sided; -40/80T. dlsc-drive. b u i l t In w ord processor

- and spread .1 shee t:. £.4 7 5 o .n .o .1 Tel. ' D e w s b u r y

■ ;4 6 4 3 1 3 . - v ' 1- • ’. . . . v SEGA -Master, ,System r w ith '-. control pads and-over £350

w orth of. games.'- Mint' con- dJtion. Accept .£350 o.n.o.

. Tel. Leeds'550748,; ; - ; COMMODORE: 6 4 ' data cas-

s e tte 'a n d 50 igam es,’£125; Disc drive- m a n u a l and

am es, £ 1 2 5 ; H arrogate

M MUSICAL jL A T E S T B u f f e t t

Crampon 861. silver: plated flute rarid'case.*

- m l n t condition, .7 m-o n t h s o l d . Cost

< £339,' a’c c e p t £250 ' o.n.o. - O wner bought

862 ’model. (0302) , 851249 a fte r 6 p.m:

A V e s t a fire MR10B, m ulti .track , recorder,

• a s new, 6 m onths old, £ 3 7 5 . Phone Leeds .

•- 534470 afte r 7 p.m.

GIBSON electric guitar;. in hard c a s e , plus < . Laney am p. as neW,

. £ 3 3 5 . Tel;, L e e d s 812783. ;

OBOE f r o m-; .Howarth.; ‘ ’ • ow n case, very .'good

condition', £390 'o.n.o. T e l . (0757) 288341 anytim e. -

E P I P H O N E .' semi- acoustic base. C herry

, red , ’excellent condl- . tion.. case. £125 o.n.o,

Wakefield 377083.

YAMAHA flute, silver mouthpiece. ‘ excellent ;

. condition. £325 o.n.o. Tel. Worksop (0909) 773105.

PIANO Clavinova CLP 300. . l o v e l y to n e1 p lus other

f e a t u r e s , ! new £1.300 ih a r d l y used. £950. Tel; (0226) 383970.

FLUTE. Rudall-Carte. good ,condition, ts u l t a b l e fo r beginner. £75. Tel. (0924);

• -. 27Q829. .- '

BEVERLEY four piece .drum kit, ;stands a n a . cymbals,' Ideal, fo r beginners. £250; Tel: Leeds 812341. . '

/r r rKFASfflOfiFUtS

&JEWH1EBYWHITE* designer, w e d--j- .■

*’ • d ing ; dress, la c e ! a n d . 1 beading detail, size 12. •>w a 9 £ 3 0 0 .,£ 3 7 5 on ,o . I Tel: Leeds 6 8 7 1 4 5 4a f t e r 6;p'.m.i’ ;' •. • ^

gam es, - 88564^:

S o M Y • V.i d e o ; c a m e r a HNCZOOOP. portable -video r e c o r d e r SLF1UB - and toner/tim w .jTTFlU B . £295. Yorls (09WV 702693.:

T W O '^beautiful s o f t pink i - traditional.- . bridesm aid!

d re s se s ,'s iz e .'12,' complete* . . w i t h matching silk rosei ‘ headdress and bouquets.^

£100 p a 1 r . 1 rose plnk.^ dress, off - the. shoulder.^ w i t h ..lace overskirt ' Inc.'] headdress, £ 2 5 . - L e e d s ! . 718024. •

——:—“ —:— ---------- “ 1B A L L G O W N / W eddlngi

d ress, original design by4 Lyn Ashworth; pnm roseit

. silk Duplon. size 12. prls- ) tine condition; £250 o.n.o.} Tel.-H arrogate.734269. -j

AQUAMARINE r i n g , ' very l • T a r g e s . .

B a r g £ .(C rm ) 818544.

arge s q u a r e cut--:stone..; * a I n ' £ 3 5 O 0.5 .0. ..^

n ' -

ak A. m. A rx /V /*■ A r> A r>. r\"j\

Page 34: Download the document (33.5 MB)

- C t‘ ^ 1

3 4

ROLEXG e-n t s . 18 cara t gold day, date, P r e s l.d e n t s trap ;' 9 m on thso ld .

£4,600‘ Telephone. ■

Leeds 757768;

VICTORIAN -S tyle ' 1 n g - D r .

. . . Silk:... W e d d 1 n g .D r e s s

Beautiful w h ite ; d r e s s ; / 1Leg-.O. M utton, sleeves w ith pearl * detail, lace

.* tiers '- w ith -train ,' size. 14. Must*, be /s e e n :. £200 o ; n . o . ( Leeds

:Vi5 2 5 5 & 4 ; ' , ; . v . v ....

IVORY Satin > wedding ' gowni fuU length, off-.;'./

shou lder./iC iow : - cut • back. slze.i2;-Im m acu- "

••l a t e condition. £160 . \ o.n.o. (0484)842572 , ,. . .

WHITE; . crinoline -r style ■■•; ■ wedding -d r e s s ..a n d ., v.i

. : hoop underskirt. C o s t:; new. £250. w ill' accep t; >

. - '£150 o.n.o: TeL Leeds ':. 582527 'after 6 p.m. '


jaby r c a r . i _. (up I .to 2 2 1 0 s :) ./£ 1 5 ;.

M othercare n a v y b lu e . corduroy. pram , w ith

... super, chassis; m clud-,. lng two . sets • of bed-:;.

' d l ng- ; £99; c a rry c o t;;•- /b a th -s ta n d , ’£8: Eezi- ■

bath, £5: M othercarewbouncing . cradle withV- toy attachm ent, £10/ \

.'- .also .baby clothes,..0-9- % m onths, from . 50p,-to '.

£3 p e r Item. AU item s 'In excellent; condition.

■ Tel. Leeds .601517;“ - .

• -'-V


MACLAREN H u sh ab y e3 . . , w a y ; \ .combination ,

pram , ‘ p u shchair’' and /•’.v c a r ry c o t,- , excellent -

• } condition,' £ 8 5 :o '.n ,o . ,' ■ B arnsley .,780821. , ': v

____________ _ JD:*" pushchair, ' £ 6 5 ', • m a n y:

; extras:, c a r r y co t-p ram .■ £47; M othercare buggy and

e x tra s /: £ 5 5 : 'asVnew~;pIay-; „•/. pen. £42; baby sllng>^i5: ► .. bouncer. ‘ £7.50. Tel. Leeds & \641102: . ‘s 'i%* •

\Y H A P P Y T I M E TOYS of ’ : /C a m b l e - s f . o r.t h ' Hall.

C am blesfdrth, n e a r Selby. «; fo r v top; auaUty ? swings, u- . slides, climbing- fram es: etc. [j,/ : Tel; Selby (0757) 618701.


£ 6FT ;.'x '..3 ft s l a t e - b e d . .r . -pool tab le»’-• Incl. balls 'i‘ , :and cuea, £220. ve iy .!o: : 'good condition: L e e d s '’

. •'.-,;.g644fW,- ....

• ^ SUB-AQUA. Full ’a e t1 diving

^ ” u} :■ rr

r: POOL table, 6 . x '3, ex-coin* it • on- slate bed. £165,. Lee'*®

1986 a fte r 6 p.m. * ;.

ThaLmrgewt B a th ro o m , S h o w ro o m In Lmad t


| L u x a r y c a s t. •' I ro n a n d a c r y l lc b a t ta s ::

• - - M a in S to c k is ts :'<V e r n o n ,T u tir a ry ,

V D ela fo n , H e r i ta g e ,. S a n i ta n , A d a m s :

Aquaware In in suppliers

; to t r a d e * ■ public ■/:•

Uonllo Fri. fr9 p.m. . , N b U te n lg h to p a n in g

..Saturday 10 ajn.4 pm

A dm ira l M ills 131. D ow sbury Rd..

Loeds 11.Tol. 451982

u e sf . i S p e c ia lS ts in • '

-R eproduction & ; ;

.Q rig in a lP in e -F u rn itu re introduce their beautiful new range' of .Bedroom Furniture ih limed piii^. Nowfr on display -for: the first: time in. .their shoivrpoiiis a t ' ‘ .• •;

Moor Lodge, : h-StanburyjKeighley.• (0535)-46427/42585

V is a a n d A c ce ss . '. O p e n 7 d a y s .

9 ti l 5 M o n d a y -S a tu rd a y . S u n d a y 11 t i l 5 p .m : .!

A ^ l u e^ e a r o o n r )

C o n ) p a i ) y

; ‘ Co-ordinated'.’ •. Victorian & .

Edwardian Furniture1• Large stock o f :

/V ictorian Brass-.: ; & Iron Beds* •

' O p en daily M on’d a y -S a lu rd a y J -..1 10 a .m .-6 'p 'm .: ■

.S u n d a y 10 a.m .^4 p.m . ■

Bram leyTow n End, Leeds 13. Tel. 556352


T.W O . p a irs ’ If ‘ best qiuaUty . c o t t o n v e lv e t. .curtains.dusky pink;* one p a ir 11 m ches .each* curta in ;1, drop 60 Inches;-second-^palr .72■ n^nAB f jtnAk.. - - » - . — ■;. Inches/.each curtaln . drop

■ , 60 Inches, ‘ fully ‘llnecL was ‘ Tel. ■ B radford• •• '672229. • •• ,v -, -• s*-.'..v-r v. ,MARINE f.l s 'h ;-tankv.12V.- x

16S x 36M. complete .with ;. u n d e r 'g r a v e l;filter, hea ter

-;and pum p etc.;: nearly new., excellent condition;' £ 9f9 . r^T el..L eeds;.776818- a f te r r6• I.-’V -'v-'m - v . ■ POJJR solid - oak . □ r e - w a r. .dining chairs.- £4S:: w alnut

china cabinet, £40; smaU: fireaiclG chair. £12. Leeds

- 672990. ;TROPICAL fish tank. 60" x• V1? ’ oc 1 2 :■:]accessories;

’ ' e te “ - Sto" B’ ;-, -HroF779707. '

B^ ni EV » u 0 a r . lea coffee table and a sh tray , £45 and £3:,M oquette rocxiug chair,

. exceUent condition. £ 4 5 ^ T e i . Leeds 824521. ' ;;:THREE . r in g . electric , cooker .- .with time.. £40: Also -metal

7ffno7.o c!e’k' c35-; Le*^’ SUNBEAM 918 gas-fire ,1 free

standing.. exceUent condl-' , “ on, good reason fo r sale, n,£?9.’-P% ds,551209*ROUND.- drop, l e a f d i n I n g

. t a b 1 e , , fo u r ladderback chairs, w h i t.e exceUent

£85 o.n.o: Leeds • 401012. . . , •CHEPA Starlight- fou r rliig

e lectnc; cooker, low level □ m i ' good ^working order. £50. Leeds 645508. ,-

S- SNOOKER table,. fuU size. 12 . ■> . f e e ’t . alate . bed In good

condition, Ught fitting and (C , atl accessorlesM o su it club

. f< o r pub.. O ffers :over £1,600:, » Tel. B r a d f o r d ’ 683590.■ ? . - before .7„ . -i1:.:

TUNTURI electronic tredmllli l 8 m o n t h s old, hardly used, < excellent: condition.

; O ffers ,1 n v i t e d ;>. (0482) L 634582, ;

J. TA B LE‘tennis, table.:fuU.'Slze, 9 v x 5V. Delivery 'possible* £75 o ruo. (0405) 86CU93.


FRAME te n t,.H a w l e y - GoodaU; 4 / 6 ' b e r t n ’ • ‘■'p lu s Inner ten t,.g o o d

f condition, £ 9 5 ; Tel.- Leeds 664461. .

• PURPOSE: built m etal tra ile r '• . .with lid; 3 berth frafne tent

w ith -inner, camp ‘ kitchen, 1 stove.' ex tras:. Suit family s tarting cam ping. £ 2 5 0 ;

.. • : TeL.’(Cw77)-616 t14-.after 6 •. - p.m; ->


: MADDISON - Rldgeback m ountain b l k ev 18 i

?ears. £230 o.n.o. For. .: u r t h e r details tel, i . (0924) >829874,';

B M X Piranha -XL,, chrome' ‘j and black; good condition, i o ffers around: £ 5 0 . ..Tel.

Leeds 771721. ■ • : - u ; ^

CAMANDO-'Ralelgh>;-blcycle. * suit.' child . 6^12 years. £30.

(0532) 656446: *.

It2C0LLECn)K ; ' r , CpSNEK;& AfOlQjUK


- • FR0M.V1CT0RIANA-T0,•. ; - AKTDECO. CAFB, •. • ;

- v. 'BCW^.OWAmiQUES ;;S i tu a te d :' a t ; t h e ' ’ju n c tio n ’ .o f Q u e e n s • R o a d . ' a n d . . G i b b e t S t r e e t , , . ; H a l i f a x / T a k e t h e B u m le y /R o c h d a le ' . . R o a d o u t o f ‘H a li f a x . a n d t u r n r i g h t - a t ■T r a ^ g a r I iu i tr a f f ic l ig h ts . : /.

Open I \tu d M to Saturday IQ tLm<-5 ■ ju r . ChtenSmdiyataMokday

Tel. (0^22) 366657

PARK ANTIQUES' SpcaaliaM m 'griod quality. •

‘G torgian, Victorian, • Edwar- . dian Furniture and Clocks - M AIN’STREET (opp. Park).•• ; \M E N S T Q N ^ -;. . . .... Open: Monday to Saturday •

: :9.30a;tn. to6;30pjn.:. Now Open Sunday.

Enquiries ool of hours welcome cm

M E N S T O N 17391 '[

- T H E < 3 I N N E L ~ 'e

.* W b FLOORS OF " SPECIAUST DEALERS.' ,-*lfch ad 19th CENIUKY- ..a ;FuwinuRH*wrreRY;- v


j.-TWATERCOLOORS* ETC, EIC,-'. .Open M ondsjt to Saturday, " '•930 «4n^5J0-p.m . ■ .( o f f P ^ s a x A S tn c to p p n a ts ::

- rVihmhim.), ' '




' ^ s o c ia t io n '--;.^A*good iddedon;6fAiniiquo'.> •

F urniture, Jo W e lla y , 5 Uver, .

Painting, Q o c fa .E a riy ' Porcelain \ '^ d P o ttc r y . A is o O M B o o k iJ i '

. P le a s e p h o n e or- w r ite to :


, .2j& 3 .Crown Place, . Harrogate; 0423 504467

Britain s largos! stock ol Architectural Antiques, Fire surrounds, doors stained glass, pews,

panelling, bric-a-brac, lighting, ironwork, elc. Open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Mon. to Fri.9 a.m. to 3 D.m. Sat.

Marshfield MillsOewsbury Road, EUand,

W. Yorks. Tel. (0422) 77314.

A M IX W R E .O F O R G A N IC F A R M Y A R D M A N U R E j; .7, -A N D C O N IF E R O U S B A R K . :

• Used as mulch these, natural substances net feed plants'.’ but asthey decay they Increase the store of humus. •.».. rv?

7 .•; Warms the soil and helps protect roots from frost. , . .•••, ';.•f^Humusi8.theve7 e8Benceo^^ertillty.■ '•

Helps.supprewweeds^dgWesyourgaiitenacurtlvaledV ■: ' v; appearance. ■•. •.

Do not spread oyer bubs or seeds'. .- ’’- AS USED BY PftOFESSlONAi. LANDSCAPE GARDENERS

! RR.P.C2.N par bag. ..: ' X iN SA L E A T A G ARD EN C E N TR E W&W. YOU.'-.


8 weeks o ld ,. one; -white dog, fa ir ycoloured. bitches (brln- die).-^KC-applied for.:M other can be aeen. Ideal family peL

T E L V;:; WAKEFIELD ,367147, ..v-^.v* A N Y T I M E . .

ROTTWEILER : puppies.. 'o n e d o g one; bitch,

e x c e lle n t, pedigree.. ' bred v fo r 'tem peram ent, rblg boned and. beauU-

■ • fuT,- dam H.D.:x rayec, both ■? parents can be.

;:vseenl^J2200 each. Tel.. :■ • P ontefract 705229' o r

■'.•.'.798091: •

,T W O . .b la c k ‘:Labrador .... puppies.- 'one dog, one:

; -bitch; s, 10 - weeks = old.. - Pedigree and KC reg..

£90. e a c h - . ; Contact - Grice.' Keepers • C o t •

tage, Nunnlngton (043 • 95) 247. . ••

STAFFORDSHIRE ■ Bull T errie r pup;- KC .reg., 6 w e e k s , o l d ; - p l c k o f

. 1 I t t e r . £100; b.n:o,Working, T e rr ie r ' pup.

.; 10. w e e k s o ld .-£25. ‘ ;Leeds 529575r. •. ^

’SIX Labrador pupples.' 5 f c h o c o l a t e ? and , l . .

. .golden; excellent pedl- :: gree, KC' reg.. ready »-•

now. .£140 each; Tel./ • :M r ,s . v C o o p e r . a t . B randesburton. ’ Drif-

1 f 1 e l^d ..oni ( 0 9 6 4 ) 542814/. .V

ENGLISH^- B u l l Terrier ,• dog.: £180- o;n.o.,v ve iy ■

g o o d • pedigree,:' KC - / . • rejn. H alifax-‘(0422) . i l20653T un tll.5 p.m. or . 21, S h i r l e y Grove,. ..I- Lightcliffe,;Halifax, ' /


SHELLEY,HUDDERSFIELDHD8 8LH.' ; \ Telephone: (0464) 606015 > W ?


fa s t free nationw ide 'delivery; guaranteed quallty products.: ,,

'•-Tel^ Y prk:S fone;;^ le 'L td :

^ 0 6 2 5 ) ; E t 3 ^ ^ ; !

RANSOME 180/ M otor .. T rip le ' M owers. . M otor • ■* Triple: MK4M- Mowers.' •- . also .-Gang M o w e rso n •..

.3p t;U nkage .JSnencer3.., , ^ ( ( ^ « ) ;. 7 8 2 ^ .v ; ;

LEYtANOII :. *. , CastIewellon • - ,g o l d ? ;\ . hedging, rtrees'.v.C'O n.-

. ta lner grown';;- sale to ./i . surplus; ,r:'3 f t I1' '£2.30. 2ft.; £1:15.-. 16 -Inches.'

: - 8 0 p."Delivery." (065. v. y . ^ l y 381. Trade;*

./•TWO 30. inch vergei cut- ters. 1 ; f 111 e d , w ith

.H onda e n g 1 n e , ;l • v. -recently \ overhauled;. ;■ £350 each o.nio;: Ring .' !. R otherham 5 2 5 '8 2 2

■ a fte r 5 p.m. , i

L A W N tractors, lawn~: :': ^m owers, brushcu tters. /

S a le s a n d s e r v ic e . - J .C. Pow er Co.. (G arden M ac h ln e iy ).- '" r*Ackworth. Pon tefract (0977) 612319. •

S N A ' R P E R “ garden* — -ro tav a to r RT 8.* £300.

AUen or-O xfo rd size, •i-^raoo^vTel,--*'. ( - 04 2 7

j :891203i.'., v; ■ ■ , v .

TO P '/so ii^ is h r .e a d e d * -‘ finest.'.quality . ,> Imme- ,

• , .dlate. dellvenr, Phone •- ;,‘(/ 0 2 7 4.-)V6x8336- for, '^fluptea.v.-vvsy:^';''.'';'

B RIA N LOO M ES:.-%flpedaMdaIarin ‘.

S lje a ri. Intcmatiniillj

.recogniicdtol1- indiatHarofi___

taUwdaandoeki.- Offtfi an umivaUed choice of ganrina:;'

V c&luiimLeun^thni tfiMQN'- :h ’:-r\

CALFHAUGHPARM, jPATELEYBRIDQ:. - F l ib i i e f o r d e ta f l a

W 2 3 -7 1 1 1 6 3 .: , ;•


: William Sissons r \ . Galleiy

23, Marketplace, i ;Helmsley,Yorki

Tel; 0439 71385

OLIVER’S ' GRANNY’S .• ATTIC. Antlques'/ col- .

lectables; china, linen. •• jew ellery,; .M argaret

. T arran t fram ed p rin ts . ' c 5. V ic to ria A rc a d e ;.; Ilk ley .';T e K !‘607547^

• Showroom a t >1,7 a ,• Leeds Rd.; Ilkley; '

OIL paintings by .Jam es . Hardaker. 1 The, Pack

Horse^ Bridge, B lngley,... 1 Malham Cove.- B in g -:' le y ,< 1. Coppice Pond;:

B ^g le^ . Tel. (0 4 3 0 )v

, , T W O ' V ictorian , lam p 1; . . * posts fo r sale, , w 11 h ..:!

copper tops, excellent.; . condition, £195 * each. .

W a k e f i e l d ' 366368' . .. -7825477.. ; -

S T O N Eo . n . o j 851681.

trough; ’ £ 3 0 .1 Ring (0484)

THREE floors: of 'fu rn itu re ' . Including period; and repro

pine, oa lt and cane,- Victo­rian' a n d .' Edwardian'.1 bed-, room furn itu re and Quality

^second hand suites. Open 6


Collection .of goodi . Victorian and-early .20th C entury w a ter colours and 'O il paintings by various artlsts-i:e: . . .{,'V:- H.'-S.';PERCY. X ; _ ■;;*/ ;j . ‘ E E P L E ; HA. .G en u lh e 'rep lies’o i^ p le a s e .

.’(0709) 874124 ! •; AFTER ,6 P ;M .. v:' \ '.'

• :SHERATON -• dressing . .s ta b le , m irror.;-m ahog- .

: . ;any, .circa .1800.1'bow • “ i. fron tvand 2 : d raw ers/ •

- >;£350; ^09p4) ;633692,

•,FOUR A^VIctorian.1 light, * , , oak. upright drawing • .vroom ch alrs^ 'fi 1 5 0 :

-(0226);:206815.'' / ;

. C !A R'V E Dv1 dark ~ oak :

. * ' d o u b i e . bed. : £250. ’ ^ ' . (0904V 8 6 4 2 8 ;/

days. Express -dellvei-J e. r - *- -

tlqi _ ________

Road; Arndey. ;Leeds 12"

— . 8atty*sA ntlgues, ;3 , .StannlngTey

. vice.- Sale; now on.

TWO floors 3.330: sq .ft^ flo o r• space devoted , to com plete-

, h o m e s c learances,1 the 'low er • »s e c. t i o n - f u 11 of antiqiie: fum ltu re . stripped pine,- u p h o ls te ry -a n d old< decorative Items, 500 yards from ’ L e e d s R ing-R oad .1

.Open 10 -; 12.30, 2 - 5.30 ' e x c e p t S u n . an d Wed.

Geary; . 1 1 4 . R ichardshaw Lane; Pudsey 564122. - '

SUPERB . selection: of C an­tonese . h a n d p a l . n t e d 1

;: pottery, as', w e ll-a s . huge' range 1 o f.wa n t 1 q;u e ’ and .reproduction lu m ltu re .. M anor Plne. B um slde Mill. M ain1 • Street; ; AdcUngham/ Ilkley 83017^. -- ' ' . •

FINE Edw ardian Chesterfield!and . two., .m atching -. tub

■ , c h a irs ., In'Vdellcate : > green'• * dralon, £595 .1A rea l' bar-

• gain! Tel. Leeds 653624; • PINE; bedroom suite; conslst- . lng o f' single w ardrobe. 2 . . c h e s t o f draw ers. > £695,r o.n:o. Huddersfield (0484)>

. 607418 (trad e ). 7GRANDFAt HER.' clock,-, over - 250 yrs. o ld ,b r a s s “ dial; .'oak case, £1 .250.. Details

' phone (0924) 478982.VERY , old original plough;

; £40: D oncaster 883450^

DELICATEf Edw ardian ,’'side cabinet; 48/:lnchi'X 14 inch

' x 40 . Inch'- high, d o o r s , /draw ers; ^ spindle - display.

; £540.",'Revivals, Gargrave • . (0756) 7-49451/752416; ; •

.HONDA M ountfleld , - Victa > and rlderon used- .m owers ; : In ' stocks v T ’u r h e r s : of

H a w o r t h . C o 1 d S t . ,• H aworth. (0535). 43133.. o r I

T u rn ers- Ward; Oxford Rd., Guiaeley. Tel. 73890.

SUMMER ?lh o u s e S’- clad * In• 'w estern red : c ed a r/ Call o r: send fo r * catalogue; •Wm:'

B u r r e 1 l,> * ,S o n ;,F G re a t O usebum , * Yorks; (0423).

. 330291?”' •• ^ONE: polythene> tunnel.;,30ft

x • 14ft,‘ rOffers; ’> LeylandiT m lxed ’.varlety dw arft conl-

,fers an d .hea thers fo r sale.• • (0342) 810852. Trade, ' QUAL C AS T * . v > strlm m er;’. m o d 11 n e .B 4 3 ,; 2 stroke

: en g ln e ;ex ce llen f condition;'' £80:. (0757) • 702033.

SANDY: soll. ‘5 ; ton - 20 ton• lo ad s:; deUvered;* W hitklrk

i - : P r o d U c e Co., L e e d s ■-;*643351;., ;. j , r - ‘. ••LAWN Tractor Centre.,- West- i w o o d / Honda) m ain dealer.

M alton 6 94 3 30 , - • V

W B1N bed (4 draw ers, • j / cupboard), w ith m attress,

J excellent condition,; beige ,w 1 t h b l u e t r i m ; £TO (0937) -73832 a f te r6 p S ? ‘

RADIO controlled. speedboat, , l rad io , and ba tte iy charger.

aU wood, (not. W t);. £100 . o.n.o. Leeds 742788.’ ;


.. T WiO * black . Labrador pups. '12 weeks old. 1 ;

r dog; l b t t c h . ; both p a r e n t s e x c e l l e n t

- r w orking: g u n d o g s ‘ V Inoculated. •-£95 each; .

-r:T e l / 'R o t h e r i i a m ' ;-';.f< ;8 i7223;,r.-. .-••

•T H R E E S lam ese.k lttens,- v: r,e a[d y ; now. f u l l y " .

• . . inocu lated ,. £95 each:<^■ Tel • (0904) :762713. / .

- F OUR1 P ersian • 'kittens, all red. pets only. Tel. D oncaster ^ 0 3 0 2 )

. 367204. • / ■■-j:-:

PEDIGREE s e a 'l po in t . *.; S l a m e s e kittens, 2 '

maie. vaccinated.: £80 • ; e a c h T e l / H a x e y I

; ; (0427) 752380. ; • '•

E N G i l S H Springer ’• Spanlel pups (3 ) , istw

class field tria l s train . * ' * • £ 1 3 0 each. 061 7 7 5 ’

6635.. -

. MANCHESTER T e rr ie r: bitch p u p p y , ; show p o t e n t l a 1-;* f u 1 l y * vaccinated; v £ 10 0

, (0723) 366787. : • :-v-

y;!: ^ w y: {v;;!S.C O T T I S Hi%,Terrier ?. ; puppy,.,dog;: 8 r.weeks, i -■ .excellent: pedigree. KC

> 0 . L e e ds .

BORDER - T errier • pup 1 ..V / fo r-sa le ;lKC reg .v£75.'

; • TeL* (p482),.5(y7738. ^

.CAT.1 lbvers jp 1 e a s e'v -Two

. ...young, *:affectl6nate, Vneu- . tered. cats urgently need ■ loving homes; a w a y { from

. busy r o a d s ; i T e l . Leeds V755544;/ ■ . 6 5 1 - 1 4 4 . - . .





, . . . Surie2A. Joseph'sW A. Hanover Way, Park lane, Leeds IS 31AB.

Tal.'LMds (0532) 429024 Or Dial - FREE OF CHARGE-On

0 8 0 0 5 9 0 7 4 1

POINTING ' undertaken ; vby.. experts,1 competi-

• tive .: prices. All * w ork guaran teed .'‘Also • g en -;

■ eral building services. S tonehall ; - Builders, 1

- B radford 666715< : or-- . eves 635413. .•

EXTERIOR.’ .in terior painting ; a t competitive rates. Teh!

Leeds-559544:- -PAINTING and paper hang- ‘ lng; Tel. Mr. Gath. 731807.

MAGNIFICENT^ Victorian -* h a lf t e s 't e r double bed- " ' s tead , 't tu rned p i l l a r s ; j m ahogany veneered .panels, V £595. . -Revivals.:~Gararave

■ (0756) • 749451 / 7524I6. ;

.UNUSUAL;^ m etal 'sculpture for. sale:/: .O r l g I n 'a M y designed ' 'and -u s 7e^d -‘ for

/ ; m ajor iln tem ational -• Indus-, .trial exhibition: Would be

■ ..of. i n t e r e s ,t as display .j .feature- v ln ;; engineers, o r '

m e t a 1* fabricators^, show­room . Approx. : dim ensions • .7 f tv/ hlgh .x; 3 ftr ' W:l d e ,

".'welght SKDkg. Price., nego- i Uable; Tel. Mirfleld (09^4)

494395-M onday - F riday .1 •• OLD* engraved ;m lrror .in ; gilt * fram e; 4 i ’ x 3 i ’. Old brass : m icroscope in , c a s e ,. by ; , W atsons; • London. O ffers:

. •' Tel. ,(02^4) 8759451. : :ANTIQUE' clocks ‘fo r s a l e .

■ Good selection; repairs and restorations, a l s o -clocks.; purchased. ’ Castleford X0977) 516704. -. ‘. V v v .

LAST Drop .Village, Bromley V. '.Cross; Bolton, A ntiquer and . ';Collectora.; :.G l u b , every

Sunday,: 11 a;m: - 4 p.m. , - F O R - SALE:- O ld . faslUoned . Yorkist fireside range; w ith

oven- and side - b o i l e r


POOR- Coco, h as- a .broken .t a 11.;.' this.- lovable ’Lhasa

1 ' Apso . pup. needs <a speclal 1 m um and/dad. £130. Inter- : ested?. Leeds 862907: '

WEIMARANER ‘ p u p s ' ( 3 ) , ■ excellent-pedigree, w ork ’o r show, KC reg., insured.

. R e a d y .n o w r from. £285. (0302) 390635,'.-.v.'-.

CATS -Protection L e - a g u e .Lovely .k ittens-and -young

* n e u t e r,e d cats ' needing . . c a r l n g h o m e s r; 'Leedi =• 586218.';: •,*

DOGCARE; A ssociation. • are finding new loving homes. A v a i l a b l e . . now - a re Doberm ans, A lsatians, Jack Russella. R ottweilers, Lab-

■ rad o rs . and : many, .o thers. Also -lovlng'icrossDreds'and b e a u t 1 f u 1 pupp ies,' ‘allw orm ed a n d -v a c c in a te d , kep t.. h e re .. a t < the kennels

. un til 1 o v.l n g : homes' a re found,, No healthy-dog is

. e v e r ; p u t ’ to! sleep;' Come ' and vfew these lovely 'pets:

Open 7;; days .weekly.. TeL. Mrs.: B a n k s . ; Castleford

••552303. • • ; •GR EA T;D ane^pups (2 ) , ' KC : R egistered; 10 /w eeks old

. faw ns a nd 'b rind les ; Excel- . len t pedigree sired < by. the

. sam e as. K han, the’ s ta r of Sherlock ‘Holmes

: film .?,The H ound' 'o f the ■ Baskervllles. : ;£ 2 0 0 each

b,n.o:.Tel. (0942) 31087. R O T T W E lL E R 'pups'.rdog, 1 ' bitch. , excellent pedigree. 4 ' CruflB cham pions included - in: pedigree; excellent show

r. ‘ q ua lity ,'; carefully reared . w ith young . children: Both

paren ts excellent • tem pera- -------- ------------ * £125.m e n t Offers around ;

ROTel: (0924V 370740. - ) T T W E l L E R p u p ^ . e?.®r.;pmen. o f Jan ; out

.o f; Z o laH om e". Piper;. KC ' registered:. Very good tem-

Seram ent. f a r m reared, trong and h e a l t h y . C h e s a r a s 1 Gameguards

-. Panevors •= Cham pions in ..! pedigree, .b lood lines.

£150 o.n.o.*.TeL C astlerord 518055.-

1 3 ,2 'Grey ,Gelding. 11 years . old. excellent showjumper,

PC and X country, good to.b o x ;. s;h o e , clip and in

v traffic,, g o o d competitive ■ho m e,druy.> £700 o.n.o. inc.

r-f.tack and rugs. TeL Hud- dersfleld (0484) 862843.

0ffers.r-(034 74): 410,"WO; .castD ron . flrepla

Victorian a n d - 1 Georgian,laces, 1

------- Georgian,£ 8 5 .each; .Old cabin-trunk;

.£25; Early jjr ln ts ’‘Y achts” , : £35. Tel. (04ffl) 844507. ‘

4 . BAR calor gas - h e a t e r , v- 55^y'IJii'ln flood condition. -. £40:‘ Phone Leeds 534470' .: a f t e r . 7 - p i m . - , ' - ; B M X * P iranha XL. chrom e

: and ;b lack ..good condition....;.:pffers. around. £ 5 0 * . TeL

- Leeds 771721, . , . - • :DARK WOOD, n est of ,.tables,:, strong.;.attractive, as new :

£ 3 5 . ..TeL .Leeds

SUFFOLK. S u p e r. C o lt, petrol m o w .e r .’ good condition.


T A B L E t o p v 4 ’-star freezer.; like new . hardly u sed ,,£75 •

:: p .n .o . Tel. (09^4),829984. - SIMPLANTEXv nioses-'basket,- . . w hite b roderie . anglalse; as : new ; ’ £40, ' Tel. : ( 0 4 8 4 )

715754. . . ■ .. . 7 .GLASS ’ table;: 6 c h a irs/ good , , condition .- £ 9 5 ;-A 11 e g r o

hand book, £3. TeL-Leeds •’ '790398 -»-••NEST,. of t a!b l e s '. /, sturdy.. carved ; medium o a k . ‘a s

new . £36: Leeds 401012. HANDVMAN ; trailer. • Scwt,

wery‘ good; condlUoh. £S5. (0924J- 250772.- . "

GLOWORM gas central heat- ’ ing ; b o 11 e r.i ;£90r o .n.o ,.

((» 7 7 ) 87046. . ' -.1 . .TEAK’coloured gas. fire;': good -,

c o n d l t l o n ; £20 •: o.n.o. .(0977). 87046 afte r 6 p.m.

STONE bird ba th .;£70. Leeds • 697104..-:..STONE? bird .bath. £60. Leeds

6971 0 4 ..; "v HI-FI cabinet;: £10.: ;L e e d s \

790398. ! •. • •

LAKELAND d o fl . '1 2 mths; old, 'b lack ana tan , pure

.M iddleton ,, strain , untried,• Work' forces sale. £60. TeL •:Wakefleld 360995. ,-\

SPRINGER' Spaniels.' 2 ' dogs, black- and white. 8 weelcs

' old,, good . pedigree, w ork­ing .paren ts; £75. Including

^JlB l^ traU on , Leeds 677635. CROSS:: Jack -Russell :pups.

six ;at £5 each,-ready, now. Tel; Leeds 773375.

DALMATIAN, puppies. X :dog.. I , bitch,- excellent pedigree. J££.TSfl*>12200 each- (0924) .499590 afte r 6 p jn . r

GOLDEN .Retriever p u p p y ,! b itches-(2 ) .-excellent pedl-

!. KC reg„ £160 each.. . - 34). 75321. (Holidays

• •honoured). • .W HIPPET bitch, Lxxrcher dog,-

bo th 3 *yrs. old, very 'lo v ­ing. £5 to good home'. TeL

> Leeds 719517.GOLDEN R etriever p u p p y

b I t c h , 16 weeks, good : pedigree, KC, r e g ; . . fully -• vaccinated, house trained.; £140.-TeL Leeds 601597; YORKSHIRE Terrier, puppies,

6 weeks old. 3 b itches; l . ..,dog:r good pedigree; avatl-

, • a b le* Im m ediately.^ £ 8 5 .. (0924)^474762 anytim e . ;

COCKER Spaniel puppy; .KC : reg:.. Insured and lnocu la-

_ te d .ja .5 0 . (0430) 422605. BRITISH short.* h a ir k ittens -

(2 ) , reg. and vaccinated. £95 e a c h , B r a d f o r d 880366.1 .

GREYHOUND fo r -s a le ;-’ 17 m onths old, schooled. £200 o.n.o. Tel. (0924) 891893.

SIAMESE t kitten, female. 1 4 ' w e e k s;. D e tails ; onB radford 630947.

£2 each. TeLsto<-7r_

ENGLISH S e t t e r .pui rea d ^ ^ r —

YOUNG ferre ts from working ~ * “ iL (0904)

now. £20b. P (,fiSD9)'

POODLE ; d o g . - : w h l t e '. ■ stand .up ,'n ine m onths •

* o ld ;; fully;- inoculated -, w ith p a p e r s . good " pedigree, v e r y good.

. w l . t l i ,■children* £120 • o C n' . o ,:-Tel.- iL e e d . s ,

• ; ; 6 0 5 8 3 4 : - - . v

CORGl pups, .KC reg.';, t , £ 1 .0 0'; 'B o th-''paren ts/ ■ can -be seen. 5 , W heat * C l o s e : Holmbridge;' .Holmfirtn. nr.- H u d -

. i . . dersfleld. HD71QL.

■GREAT Dane dog;pup, 7 , months.^ fully., inocula- . t e d , goodp ed ig ree ',- :

• - sale due vto’,chang lng ■ • circumstances,.' ■ o n l y .'• £ 1 0 0 - ; Tel. L e e d s ! ’

. 773498... , ' -.i! i\v

: PUPP1ES -7 weeks old,:' ■ : . tw o dogs,, tw o bitches;'v

. o f.'sm all b r e e d : £5 - , . each: -Leeds •• (0532)'

. 483456. ■

STAFFORDSHIRE • Bull: . T errie r pups,'exceU ent : pedigree,. KC reg;.- 3 dogs, 3. bitches.- £106 v'v

• e a c h T e l . B arnsley . • ;• 290122. ■■ ■

vFOUR. Lurcher, pups fo r sale; Collie. W hippet v, cross.- G r e y h o u n d v

; Whippet. C25 . e a c h . "> 'V'T e f . Huddersfield 1 v;.(0484) 844218:;- ...

ROTTWEILER . *f ’dogs ‘and bitches., KC ’ ‘

‘ . :> re g ,.e x c e l le n t - ped l-‘ : ;• T are e,'vaccinated: X150I.. - Tei; :.(0274) 7 .570375. V

.: v (T rade.)’

YpRKIE pup,^(IE pu. m o n t h s : old. :Yully Inoculated; .KC : re g ,.: :

. genuine . reason . ■ fo r • ‘ ; sale. : £100. C astleford -v'.r-, sina7A.:''« : ;i.-•-■ :•:

W E S T H i g h l a n d .- White- ■ puppies, 1 d o g ; . l

bltcn. KC r e g . and-. Insured. e x .c e<I I e n t ■ pedigree. £185 each;'

. ; ( 0 4 S ) 508567. " .. : .

BULL M astiff pups, sire 1 r 1989/.• b e s t .o f b r e e d ' . C rufts. T e l : (0623) -,; 512954/ ’ ’. .- ;■

SIAMESE . kitten;, .s e a l " . - point, fully vacdjiatediT-7 .* excellent' . p e d ig re e / £ 8 5 . T e l . L e e d s

- • 820557s •• -•••

PARAKEET --G o 1 <i e n M antle Rossellas. 1989 youna,' £35 ‘each.* TeL (0532) 577173 a fte r 3 ,-

STAFFORDSHIRE Bull T e r r i e r ' p u p . l dog, '

-excellent - ‘ ped ig ree/. £80. .Leeds 733448., •;


Tw o' bitches*.. Kennel- regls- tered, excellent pedigree.

: , !; £ 1 7 p each^/ / ^

T el..(0944)-.70330; '* ' -

POODLE dog; 10 m onths > old. m ln la tu re .'g o o d -

- tem peram ent, g o o d : w ith ’ children, f u l l y

- '.'In o cu la ted ,' neutered:: Work - . f o r c e s sale. £135. ’ Excellent pedl- ..

. g ree,-;to-loving nome,': v o n l y . Tel. X e e d s ■• 7£>69Bp a fte r 2 ^ 0 p.m. ^

DOBERMAN puppies..: b-1 a c k, and t a n ; 9 •' w e e k s -o ld ', one dog .

-and* one bitch; / s i r e 1 b l u e a n d ..ta n . dam black - and tan, - pedl- '

. gree, KC reg. Ready * n o w , . £75 each. Tell

Wakefield 362101 any- •tlm e..'

GpOD home needed ' fo r 4*. y e a r old d o g .-

.. m e d i u m size, long . coat, needs gentle but

' f I r m h a n d l i n g . -.G enu ine, reason for.

re -hom lng .-F or f u r ­ther .Inform ation teL . Leeds 525206 / Hud-

. ‘ dersfleld 844826. .

STAFFORDSHIRE BuUT errie r 'd o g /p u p fo r sale, ^£100; also bitch pup w ith ' small s c a r .. :

. £ 5 0 . Both ’excellent -pedigree a n d ' KC reg - . lstered. Tel. Wakefield

. 265513, ■

SPRINGER Spaniel pup­pies, i;6' • w eek old, 5

. dogs a n d -1 bitch; liver . • a n a white, available

fo r viewing.- £75' each. t Wakefield 253464. . . .

,.:F O U R CavaUer King C harles ''S pan ie l pup -, pies, KG reg., applied. good1 pedigree, £125

. each. HaUfax (0422) 248591 -' (betw een 5

' and 9 -p.m.).

A P R I C O T S tandard : Poodle - puppies, sire. -. A lpenden. .ExceUent >'f pedigree; KC ‘ regls-^ -

t e r e d , good > homes . only., ready early Sep--

tem ber; from £ 1 8 0 . . T e l . R o t h e r h a m

. .5 2 3 6 7 5 .

SHETLAND . . . . . sable and:w hlte


12 weeks old. KC reg.. £ 8 0 . T e l .. L e e d s 652873. -

M I N I sm ooth haired D achshund puppies, .

- fa ll pedigree; KC reg^ £ 1 5 0 e - a c h . T e l . (0422) 53924."

V H O R SE ^ S E N S E

A G E N C Y’■f Selling yoiir H orss?: Want it to go to ths right

home? . • .

U :;B rin^. O U t;its bjB ist : \ .

■ w ith h o r s e s e n s e : ;f.V: .-Buying a HorsB? ' :'. : . ;/Difficulty finding the■ right pno? ,

: L e i H 6 r s e ; S e n s e ::;' - h e lp y o i i . : - '

. Not only;a Register b lit ." a ls o available by. '

appointment as a meetir.g place for small groups of

buyers and sellers w ith;fu li. . facilities and impartial . ;

'>,;-advice from B.H-.S.A:l.'-":

TEL: (0977) 661814Put yb.uf'details on our

Register now..H O R S E S /P O N IE S / . '

V-' ,.;.. -TRA ILERS?; . / /W A G O N S /4X 4 J


. , ' , 14.1HH, 4 YEARS.

Totally unspoilt: very quiet to box; shoe,':traffic- etc. ready to show, traffic etc., ready to show. O pen'to vet.

£1 .500 'Tel: Giilsele; 77421 /

■ : 1 3 2 H H .;PRETTY, LIVER . ' )

CHESTNUT MARE :V ■Six years did.

BY YEALAND NEMESIS Qualified; Peterborough show pony cham pionships ’87. ’88 and -’89. • S a d ry . outgrown, reasonable p r.l c.e to. good home;

TEL. (0482) 843996.

WETHERBY HORSE SALES.: (Held .at Ruffo'rtii PWli);

T uesday 22nd' - A ugust 1989

• Monthly S ale of HORSES &

PONIES •• 12V30-p.m:.,.'.

5 0 0 L ots; S a d d le ry — ' v.. :- 1 .1 a .m . . . ' i

' Catalogue £1^00 i

■ Stephenson & Son, j .Market Place,

Easingwold, York ;Teli 0347

21145/21809. ,' Closing date for ’entires '

! 12th August.

153HHMARE4 years, excellent paces.-veiv big a th le tic ' Jump.' Jumping n e w c o m-e r s , ; rvery easy- uncomplicated : r l d e . .s u i t

ianyone, quiet. , .

Very, reluctant sale ^due' to lack of. time, > • ;

. £ 2 , 1 0 0 , '

THIRSk (0845) .22078 OR

(0845) 25388; '

IS ^H H . □ r , e y : gelding . Anglo Arab, 11 -years,'. . excellent-rcross- coun­try f i r s t ' a t Crook ; H unter T rials,. 2nd a t

. Filey T Chase, twice In . l e a d * ; T3 rd .-/-at-.-. B o r o u g h B r i d g e t T =

. chase In lead placed in p o n y d u b dressage', and showiiunplng,

- good to shoe, dox etc., '=

a u l e t In. t r a f f i c ; 1 1 , 5 0 0 . ( 0 6 4 2 ) ,

. 783803. . V-

WIRE Fox T errier pup>' pies, ExceUent . pedi­

gree . s u p e r n a tu r e .. - Show /pet. . 4 . d o g s :- £ 1 2 5 - e a c h . T e l . '

(0482) 843996.

GOLOEN Cocker Spaniel '• : m ale-puppy, KC -_rejr r - r e a d


e-puppy, KC reg..,,. i d y to go, £150. - is ,75923S • ' . ; ' 1

r CHIHUAHUA . . b 1 1 c h’. puppy; 7 -weeks old.

£65. Bradford. 390086' • a fte r 5 , 3 0 . o r . week*

ends, / -


14.1HH roan. m a r e . 8 years Jold, bold juimp;

'n e e d s capable,, com-, petitive- ,rider.:-, sadly o u t g r o w n . Phone S h e I f I e I d (0742) .

: 361943 afte r 6.30 p.m.

13.2HH bay aeldlng. 12 . years .' good to .catch, shoe, not novice ride,

. t a c k included, £675 o.n.o.\ (0405) 767205.

iS ^ H H quality, d a rk b a y "-hun ter type m are; 6'.” ' --'years, good ^to catch;;r;:’

box. shoe, excellent-.lnn - traffic. £1.750 o J i .o :r

. W etherby 74228.

WANTED,'kind; sensible, working hun ter ! type, u nder 15.2HH fo r fif­teen y e ar old girl. Tel,;

: (0430) 873281. - ' w -

BEDFORD TK 4 cylinder diesel; . 2 large horses ' and - living. £1,600/ Hull 27067.

B U R M E S E ; k i t t e n for.- .sale, 9 w ks.' old. Tel:

» ;.V (0226) . 293731 * (after.. .6 p m .) , . - '. - 'V -’--’.'1''"

ENGLISH Springer . Spanlel­pups, black and w h i t e , liver and .white;;sire.F.T.W; dam F.T, only pedigree too n u m e r o u s .- to.'m ention, ready .A ugust 5 t tv. -1989/

.KC applied fo rrfro m £110, TeL : b a r n rs l e y (0226) 291729;! i

CHATEAU D’OR. : G rade < JC;• aged /8i y r s 13^2,' liver

... c n e s t n u t m a re ,; superb • • temperament.. exceUent in : ’every a s p e c t . quallfied Badm lngton * l and:-.f n e w - ' com ers 1989. w on- m any

'■"..w o r k l n g . h u n t e r and ‘ ' equitation ' classes. N ow :

sadly ' outgrown,, competi-'

GOLDEN R etriever,;? m onths o 1 d exceUent ;• pedigree, bitch, only, to good* home. £ 100. Tel. Leeds:861906. ‘

DOBERMAN bitch. 16 wks. o 1 d / 1 £95 . l n .c ’l u d e s vaccinations, and KC reg,

' Can arrange r insurance. - B radford 607372;; - -


£150, Tel, Leeds 489667:

ENGLISH BuU . Terrier, top cham pion sired, b o m . May 7,- ‘89; £ 2 5 0 . '.B rad fo rd

-4 9 3 4 1 1 /5 6 1 8 0 4 ;'

NATIONAL - Canine. Defence League-^require a* loving hom e for^ B enJl/ a pladCL

n a tu re d am lovlni

. good• m e^ m, s ize d /.'3 - y f. old

frii I

. . . J iy __ w 11 h_, chUdren a n d . o ther

mongrel,; dog.,'H e * - “KThi

- - Ing dlsposL___obedient 'and ls 'vei

as a friendly,disposition. H e \ l s


anim als. D uring , his one. y ear spen t .with u s he has alw ays rem ained h a p p y , and tranquU.-He i s 1 tan and w hite and has, a gentle and handsome: face. If you feel- you can o ffer Benll the p e rm an en t: h o m e h e - s o

. desperately.' "needs -please ring:Leeds 613194. •

SPRINGER Spaniel puppies. Uver and ; w h i t e / good working 1 stra in , excellent' pedigree/ 2* dogs, 2 bitches. £85:\each. '(0924) 273741 day, (0924). -467TO4 even- ing.

LABRADOR p u p p ie s /2 black, • . KC reg.; exceUent FTCh " pedigrees. wlU make good

w o r k i n g - dogs o r .pets. R e a d y -now ,- £95; Selby 618383 o r 618263. ' .

COLOURPOINT, kittens, one m a l e / one : fem ale/ 12

•w ks...fully Inoculated. £95 each.- Tel. C a s 11 e f o r d 516537 •( d a y 11 m e ) or W akefield 864135 (even-

M IN ^T U R E Iona h a i r e d D achshund puppy; bitch, exceUent pedigree, f u 11 y . Inoculated. £175. *(0977) 643996. ; . .

LABRADOR • puppies, /black, w orking/pet. o n l y , four d . o g s : l e f t , h o l i d a y

'•honoured.: available- now. >£125 ;.each. H a r r o g a t e

• (0423) 711715.BRITISH Black, grand cham ­

pion slrev l y e a r old,.show - quality. £150; custom built

, cat p en . .as new . £175: TeL- (0425) .82337.ENGLISH Springer* 'Spaniel

r s , v e ry - im pressive . - . ig ree ' . ( M a r k d o w n s tra in ), ready n o w . £75

?89?7(,3f e ^ bl,ch^ (2>:L A C K Labrador. 2 d o g ' pups. Last o f an excellent 111 t e r .-,K.C: rea. Finest.

JACK Russell pups r e a d y• n o w . '4- .bitches; m others• a n be seen^ both workers; £ 2 5 . each. TeL 8 2 7 5 2 9

; evenings. .SAMOYED quality dog pup-

p ie s , , show, o r pet. from £150. e^a c h . G rand Sire Lucky, Star, o f O s t y a k ,

' now- ( 0 9 4 7 )OUolOO.' <JAC K .RusselU log pups.'farm

each. Leeds

PERSIAN .k ittens, m ale '.and female, fully house trained. Inoculated and r e a . Tel.

•Huddersfield S1S599; BALANESE and B ritish blue- short haired kitten;

495! k >- ^ OW' .( 0 9 2 4 )PETS Cre'ma'torium w hen the

need arises. Tel. D oncaster (0302) 726144. All .areas covered:' ^

GORGEOUS P e rs ia n »k itten s .. paren ts cham pions, beauti­fu l tem peram ent, aU

f r o m £75. Tel. (0226) 724186.-

TWO top. pedlgree S h 1 t z u

. § u ? f i ! ^ c( ^ v d» 8d i

tlve,- knowledgeable,, home : o ^ ^ . v £ 2 , ^ . .H arro g ate

BHSAI r e q u i r e d fo r , BHS/ABRS -. approved Indoor -riding .school

• /U very y a r d . Must enjoy teaching, a t aU l e v e l 5 Pe r ma ne n t '. Uve-ln position, super :

.. c o n d i t l o n Mrs. '.; A m b 1 e r , • -• - HaUfax .

• -884095.

LAMBURNE horeebox, :• non. HGV. 4 h o r s e alum inium b o d y v ' j

. . rea.. good ctandltion,• M.o.T. and taxed Jan.

. ,1 9 9 0 ; £5.000 o.n.o.. T M . 6HU11 ( 0 4 8 2 ,

12.1HHvlpony, -exceUent : in p o n y c I u b .and

h u n te r trials. . £ 3 8 0 ;- 15HH bay,- 5;year:old.N

backed and ready to schooL T e l i - (0924)

•: 474121 anytime. ;•

’ 15HH, 4yr. old bay T /B V . /W elsh cob., extrava-'.

- pant -paces., enorm ous- '• f u m p . m ake, su p erb •-

-- h .u n t e r etc. 1 £1.400 'o.n,o. <TeL >(065 381)

...-576. , '• ; :

GROOM/MOTHERS ’ -■ HELP • ;Lady B.H.S.A.I.. 35. ’ 1 i k e s teaching, schooling; ■ children; seeks.Job, tem porary o r p er­m anent w ith opportunity*, to meet people. CarAowner.’ non- , smoker.^-, . ■ .

; . . Bradford 6 1 3 1 5 2.. (after^7 p,rn.)..^;!. ’

•FORD Cargo, 1983, four-,' cylinder.- new .conver-.^

‘-•-s i o n ; • Glasonlte. ' 3".- -horse, ru b b er .;floor. : . 'w heel - trim s, Integral ;

> -cab. .with.-fitted living i.- accommodation, Ideal

ladies box. low mile*1 age. .taxed and tested. -

. I m m a c u l a t e unit, : ,, • • £ 1 0 . 5 0 0 . . (0642). -700368.


BOWMAN STABLES■ -Manufacturers of sectionals

I buildings, stables, field sheltersW .7,;and m ^yrrw re.''''/^-’^'

'S ta b le s from^£4dCl;:Allcornplete and ihtop'*^ '

7;;f"^quality timber.- i . (0 84 5) ;22078/25368 '• - j *'■ (0860) 726044

Stablesiby Hollytr "Eauestriah Mahufiictur

d e sig h /;'1;"'

5 : L lo y d s jo in e ry , ,0 V B o ro u g h b rid g e . X \ ; ^<0423) 360491 r - ^ Vf c e o o c 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 6 ^

; MERCEDES 608•;. V-.V-Y RiEG.' ’ 'j.

^ H O R ^ E B O X ^

Beautiful Hl-Llne coach bullt, 9 m onths old, body^ carries 2, l a r g e :: horses, .good' living;' sleeps 3 - 4, hardly u s e d i; '

Worksop- (0909) :565494.

bay m are • by int Mu —

1 6 H HAnchent Munroe,- out of • : G r a d e ; - A

, showjum per, *6 . years ■ old; broken late due to

having a : faU, 's h o w s '’ potential o ver fences, very wlUing,' w o u 1 d • m a k e '. .- i d e a 1 \

. • • showjum per / even ter ' A hunter. £2^50 . Tel.

:• H arrogate 770375. .

gelding. 15.2HH, tn u t , , 3 years,

I R I S H ____...chestnut,',

s m a r t h o rs e ; w 11 h p len ty -o f b o n e : and .

. substance;' . W orking;, w eU 'on the fla t:;ana

over small f e n c e s ; - Should make a n excel- ■' len t h un ter , o r - teen- .

. agers p . c . h o r s e . , . . £2.500 o.n.o. TeL York

• 86453 o r 612664.'."

P ark V ie w S h o w. ;'3rjd September. ■;

i..: Tumping; Equitation;-Tunw lit,: Gymkhfliia ctc, : ■

; - *." Sup^r trophica. ^

', - F o r s c h e d u le s S M -e : t o £ . .ParJi.ViewRiding', S

■ Stables, Chimney Lah^; '.Leptoii, Huddersfield »!

.V t': <u-i>" •

- •* 1 " r ’• •

NIDDERD ALE SHOffy Patelev B ndee < ^

MONDAY, 25TH. j ■ SEPTEBklBER 1989 f

- Sckedules run* available from l!

r’Tel«.(0429)'770888 ,, K !Ertusdte:2*lSeptanber;1989;-3-.

^"Ab’e i^ r d v C f i a r l ^ .H o r ^ : - : .

' Shovy & GymkhanaA ugust rl3,;'. Parllnnton- Park, Aberford, Opens a t 9 a.m. Includes showing (ridden and In ,.- h a n d )%:• 'j u m p i n g; (unaffiliated) ' clear; ' round / mini- c r o s s-coun try , Gym-^ khana (Including l e a d 1 n ;g re in ) ‘.w ith. fancy: dress ai b.o n ri y.- pony,*; cliasses. “ freshm ents.' b a r,' . : i ^ .

S c h e d u l e s (SAE) JAN MORGAN. RIVERSIDE COT­T A G E . M AIN S T R E E T - ' . lABERFORD, L E E D S LS25>-5DA. ; .

Chosen C harity i ; f




V'-i'U* -Tomorrov(,.;^August ~6th . ;at •

Shaw-Lane Field;.Norland.:E n q’u!i r i e s . and ' -entries

telephone : '. ••ELLAND 379096 'i j :• >.' . 6r!376275. ' ' '

BAY 1 5 .1 H H • heavy- .weight , r 1 d e ; / ‘ drive , cob .m are..7 years old, 100% bom b .p ro o f' In

. e v e r y • way,« .snaffle m outh, hunted; steady,

• safe: ride; suit novice, £2.000 o.n.o: (0947)

' . 85413.-.’".‘. t -.• ’

1 5 3 HH Grey Gelding. 4 - years, quality middle-

-. ‘• we 1 g h t . ' an h o n e s t.•i r e 1l a b 1 e sort; Ju s t!• x s tarted -- J.u m p i n g.,

-. . snaffle m outh, .clean . ' limbed .’and vice free.

. •£•!:. 9 5 0 . '-Doncaster ;( 0 3 0 2 ) 535057 o r .

• -535040.

BLOCK of four-sectional '. • , concrete boxes. . 14ft. x^

• l i f t . ‘each- AUi'wood. .Uned,- Buyer; to ' d l s - .

: i mantle: £1.000 • o.n.o,-•; (0226) 281830 a fte r 6 p.m.' 'r

13.2HH dark, bay m are x TB, 11 y e a rs ,'b rillia n t’ ' a ll ' r o u n d e r , WHP :

•:,••' type, .snaffle, m outhed.: . good to shoe, cUp etc.. .,';

£850 .‘ T e l'TVSheffleld’-1; f 1 (0742) 306080.: : 7

'SELF /U very;; available,-- •‘i^t-new . p u c p b sie.!buUt >l

. stable yard; ; A rthlng- - .: , . , 't o n /B r a m h o p e a r e a . J i

- T el;L eeds 842766.*-.

W AITED. V ^ tig h ^ e ig h t)- !' • • d d l i b ' I ' e ' axle pony^ !

t r a i l e r -vsingle •’o r .,. double. T e l . . (0723)

514409 eves.vor week- T . - .end.'.,- . .v •

TK BEDFORD . H o r i e .. b o x , : • S ’v ^ re g

Kartltloned for'j f o u r ’ orses. . tested-;u n t l 1 •

... e n d : - o f = \ Septem ber/ - .• £2.950.-: T e 1 % ,•;> (0652) •.‘ - 6 4 8 0 0 2 . . , •

8 ^year_ old13bayHmare. WH. SJ; Pony

C lubs:activities,:good tem- peram ent .but not : novice

- ride, sad ly• outgrown. £825.; Tel:. ( 0 ^ 7 ) ;7(»95. -.. . > •

1S.1 tT /B 'bay. m are,-16 y e a rs / v e ry -jl l v e l y r id e ,: super ' tem peram ent; su it teenager ; o r lady, £600.-Tack can be

. bought. (0977) 84379. -

1SHH dark bay m are, - bril- Uant X country, numiBrous w ins, exceUent- in traffic, needs v experienced rider,-.

. £850 o . n . o Bonnyhale Stables. (0427)^ 753077r: V;.

14HH ’ grey • Arab m are, .12 y e a rs ,1 lovely tem peram ent,11 v e 1 y ^ r i d e : -sadly t out-:

. grow n; £800 IncL tack. Mrs C lark (0964) 543444. .

1S.1HH Approx., chestnut . gelding,, good in .traffic, no

:■ s t a b 1 e .-vices, su it good n o ; v l c e , £860 o . n . o / Bom^jhale Stables. (0427) .

13JZHH • chesihut m are, good'. aU,'. round * pony, n o v i c e v ride. - £600. w ith exceU ent:

? c f2 7 )B7 ® ale S ,aW 'S'

HANOVAR1AN c r o s s TB yearling -bay filly. - 15HH. n o w, / ' £ 8 5 0 o . n . o . B ogr^hale Stables. (0427)

14.2HH bay m a re ,/100% ‘in : eveiy ;way, not | a ' novice

r 1 d e , -strong m outh, but . kind.tem peram ent. good-aU

rounder. £900 incl. uck .

4 1 W 9 6 ' WARD h o rs e traU err front

: andr re a r load, suitable for 2 17.2HH horses, p ris tine condition/ £ 1 . 5 0 (f o.n.o.

■ A I s o single t traUer, good • condition, o f f e r s . ‘-.TeL- (0430) 810366 o r (0430)

. 810321 '(ev es:).' i . : ARAB yearling colt, by British ' • National * Champion, * old■ E n g U sh 'b lo o d lln e s .q u a ll- -fled .for Europe, exceUent

/ tem peram ent. .-.Price • nego- tlable- to righ t , home. Tel.

v, (0759) : 318528.” - ! .?■ 13.2HH pretty chesm ut m are; ^ perfect, m a.n ,n e r s , . very ■

competitive,' good1 .to b o x ,' -shoe, and cUp, saddle avaU- able, sadly; outgrown. £850 o.n.o. (0430) 860633.

FOUR;::-wheeI Rully; 'spindle • :• sides., and back w lth seat,

bod y islze 4ft;, x 7ft;, on car ' wheels, fit 11; - 13.2 Hnds. £200:,H aworth 42069. : .

LOVABLE:i3,2 grey m are, 11 ' . y rs .jt good to -.81106. - catch •<

etc., I d e a l second- pony, £580 .jlnc lud lng tack : and

; ■ ra g ^ P h o n e W a k e f l e i d

'i5,2 chestnu t; mare;. 9 ;yrs., ...g o o d ; a t l r {o u n d e r . . no t

novice . ride; good to shoe, box, and cUpi £975 o.nio. Tel. (0740) 644556.- •; registered section .-..-• D '-mare, 10,. years, good . : Jumper. forw ard g o i n g .

£1,200 o.n.o: Ashfield HaU L ^ e e n t r e , ; : . Leeds

W A N T E D • : ! 1 5 H H* 1 5 v 2 H H v : iWH/PC eventer, loving, com-

;• petitive;- >; pe rm an en t.: home: .T e l: T h I r a k .

(0845) 577788.,

GOOD looking,.. 7 year old, b row nvgelo lngt.-12 .32H H ,

- registered B S P S . , .su p e r Jump," suitable !n u r s 'e r y stakes. / S J V -Gymkhana.

* untried, as no rider. £600 o.n.o. (0430) 810389.

DODGE horsebox, crew, cab, seats :7, taxed and tested; allum lnlum • b o x , ' fo r - 4 '

i . ponies o r 3 horses,-£17,500 :km from new. £3,650.o,n.o. TeL (0924) 403725: ,

APPALOOSA gelding 15.1, 5 years, Outstanding looks, super tem peram ent, com­p e te d 1 successfully, s h o w L u m p i n g an d working hunter. 100% every way.

. R eluctant sale, no dealers. £ 1 : 6 5 0 . TeL ( 0 7 0 9.)

: 540780,

1S.2HH middle weight, good looking grey m are. 100% in

;. traffic, box etc. No. stable vices, novice ride. £1.250

.o.n.o. Bonnyhale Stables.• (0427) 753077. -

ATTRACTIVE .14.2HH . lightweight-, bay geid-

Ing. 7. yearSv excellent 1- . scopey..*SJ/XC,. lovely . •

! . temperament . .- • sound , viceless, affU-

V '- late, -sadly ' outgrown,- : . £1.700;o.n o; lnc]. tack< ;■

• and rugs; T e l, ;,(0423);i : 888109. ••

FORD Translt horse box. \- Non HGV. Taxed and

t e s t e d ;untU 1990. R e c e n t1 eng ine.. One , -

,-. horse plus flvlng area.Good : condition; £800 y

. o . n - o .: Tel, (0246)..; 863818, . - ■

12.2HH, Welsh M ountain * gelding, -bom bV proof.:

! good -to ca- t c h “ and v shoe. £400 w ith ’ tack

9^nv S ^ T P 1 * B radford 684382.- -

1S.1HH quality b ay T /B . m a r e , : 7 jre a rs old.

. .. Jum per.. B S J A £11.n e e ‘d s ' experienced rider. £ 2 . 0 0 0 . TeL

• (0909) 721903.' / •,

CLEVELAND' bay. brood ■ t m are, 10 years o l d , -

•. covered . t n l s - - s e a s o n , : stock can be seen, Tel. •'- (0246)1590689,r (,:

; / WANTED; ; All - types . of •/• ,-h o r s e s and pbnles. .

. Good p r ' i c e . s given. ,'

16.1HH 6 years, d a r k bay • gelding.' hunted.

•;:hunter trialed;.-.showlum p,vbold and sens-

' i b l e v . makes super e v e n t .and point to

: pointer, good -to box; - . shoe/ cUp and tra ffic .-’.

Tel. York 470776 a fte r ‘6 P.m., .. .- - - r . V

PRETTY i t f t t i dark bay v • m a r e , 7 years ' o la . '

B S J A £19.00, super allrounder, g o o d xc etc.w l00% ' b o x ,. shoe,

. . traffic etc. super tem -' peram ent. good .hom e • essential. £2:200 o.n.O. r

T eL , (0423) 770709.

;13^H H V: . bay . gelding/..s u p e r b f i r s t . pony, "

\ 101% in every, way, • . e x c e 11 e n t , Jumper;- sadly Outgrown. : Must

■•'-■go:';to caring home./ £950 o.n.o. I n d . ; tack.

. TeL.Leeds 665164.

• PHONE LEEDS 886318

fo r - f urtrier /details" 'or',' ‘ fo r schedule.

14.2HH bay: gelding. . 9 . years; make excellent ■ w o r k. l n g . - - hunter.,.

- placed m any times, no • • j vices. .‘Uvelyt- but- 'safe .

ride, i £ 1 . - 2 0 0 . v-Tel.. . (0362) 856738. • ■ i

T/B,.. 16.2. B a y M are, 9 -y rs. ‘ S.J:BvS.J.Au, w in— :

nlngs, HIT. 'H un tered , ■' tw o. seasons qualified

v newcomer. 87- and 88. - i . no vices. 100%; £2,500 :

WANTED on loan w ith • vlew .to buy,-. 13.2 tov

15HH family h o rs e ' o r - - pony, good nome w ith

ow n p o n l e s . : T e 1... ( 0 4 8 4 ) . 8 4 3 5 7 ,7 .

0484) S42055. v



SHIBDENDALERG .• HUNTER. TRIAL^-, jSejit. 24 and* Oct.- 22.-

Schudules - Please send . -V.v.: , t o : ; . :

••';/•■; Mlss J.VSykes, Slmmonds G re e n ,;;

. Holt-Head, - ;.■ - f S l a l t h w a l t e ,; Huddersfield HD7 5TY

'. "(0484) 845556 o r =. S ‘-(0422) 202880;




horse' classes s ta r t 9.30 a.m.' 53


■J -

HIGH •Hoyland.ij, H unter ' Trials. Sunday" S e p - : • t e m b e r , ; ; 10 ; ■ - Mini;‘ «• *“ " c , *u. iTIUU,

n o v i c e . -(and} in te r­mediate'*.- C.'O.UT 8 e'S ; S.A.E. .• MrS: -l;M;L6ri'gV bottom,:* Croft.^‘Ho use

..'Farm , 'iWhltley..'-. Dews- ; bury,! WF12 : 0LZ>^.Tel

(0924) 494865. • •

f - , / .


O P E N / Show. - C roft ' •. .. Farm*^ As kern .Road, 4

‘O w stan ..; Doncaster.^• Showlumping.; Show-

. ’. lng .^.Classes,‘ G y m '-- 1.ikhanas. . H andy P o n y / ;,.F a in -d y :V D r e s s . '

- Enquiries t e l . . (0302)• 723989 o r 783357.. ,•

PONY- .B S J A ;, . e v e r y i 2 n d . '4tl»• , F riday in every m onth . : a t R ufforth Park. .5,30 .

PUDSiEY to sM eP 'ridtagd u b . . open- ' p o 1 n t s show . 6 th A ugust 10 a jn . Details ' L e e d a.

,A I s o . quaUty horses ' and jio n le s 7 o r '

‘ (0325);377670:--i-,;.

DANCING Dari: 14.2HH. T /B '• cross .Bay. Gelding, pony

c l u b show lum per/cross • c o u n try / 'h u n te r . t r i a l s .

. Many, rosettes; .very fastagainst th e . clock/ recently affiliated '100%-. aU aspects, sadly outgrown; would su itcompetitive. -A e e n a g e r ,

. £1.500; ‘ inclusive -o f • tack. Tel: (0937) '63862,

1S^H H , 3 TB chestnut mare; 5 y e a r s , good, to box, catch, shoe and traffic etc.£950 om.o. 2 .x 17” ‘jum p­ing . saddles, good- condi­tion; £100* each, l r x- GPs a d d l e . as new. £150. (0964) -5^3425. >

13;1HH Welsh X Arab bay gelding,;ride o r. drive; has hunted. exceUent aU round

S o j i y ; £550;.- Bonnyhale tables..;(0427) 753077. .•:

15.2. bay^m are; 8 years - old, good to box. shoe and clip,

: good tem peram ent. £1.200 0in;0;.Tel. -(0977) l612168.

1S.2HH quaUty m idd lew eight; ' b right, bay m are; 9 :. yrs .; •has com peted W /H. 100% •t r a f f,l c : ;£1,295 ' 0;n.0.G range.

-. (0482) 1

SHOW Jumps, I n c l u d i n g ' spread, planks. : wall etc.

Very good c o n d i t i o n . . O ffers around £550. P ud ­

sey 573053. ; •

GROOM w anted part-tim e, experienced R ider Stable

'^M anagem ent. Good wages. : B radford ' 605885 before • ,11.00 a.m.. a f te r 6.00 p.m.

FOR . H ire ,'' C rabtree Arena, large ’o u tdoo r;'fib re sand-

.arena.. Livery >now: avaU-'. .ab le ,' long, o r .sho rt-'s tay . '

Barnsley, 763254,,'SINGLE, horse.. traUer. • Ught

weight, excellent condition.: £395. « Hobby .H O r s e s

• -(0709) 892264;/trad e ). SHOW pony.- 1 2 ^ iH H . chest- - • ■■ jn u tygelding. : 7 -. y rs .-’ Ossett

IFOR Wililarns horae’ trallers.W ebsters; N orthallerton,

. 82343 : .«;•.•' - ;■'■/ :- WANTED. Riding horses and• ponies. Telephone Malcolm i

A m bler; Halifax 884095. •ORGANIC w heat-straw . See

Col. 121.; ; .;GROOM w anted; see 1 column .- 77. '.; ,V '• -• . ; r - ■*. :GROOM / M o t h e r s Help-

available. See col.'79,- :•

17HH bay gelding. 9 years, a : r e a l .upstanding h e a v y - w eight horse; m ake ideal hunter, - s u p e r ' tem pera­ment, a r e a l gentleman, easy snaffle ride. £1,550. Tel. (0924) 492020. ....

14i1HH bay cob-geld ing; 7

r e a r s , won . and placed o c a I jum ping. ..Good to .- box, shoe and In traffic, no '

•; vices, open to Vet.' £725.(0709) 587365 o r 581974. •

15.1HH 9 years, bay-m are; 'J'. -TB, 1 Welsh, traffic proof,:

keen to . S J and CC. ‘ no v i c e s , t a c k and rugs.

: ; £1.500. TeL (0535) 55567 .- a fte r 6 p.m. • .STABLES. lOfL. X 12ft;,.£599

inc. VAT; 2 0 f t . x 12ft„ £ 1 . 0 9 9 inc. VAT. , Free d e 11 v e r y and erection: O ther sizes available. T e l.

________ _ Centre.SELEQUIT horse and - pony

reg iste r fo r buyers ana;• s e l l e r s o f 'h o rses ~and-,

ponies of all shapes a n d 1- sizes. Also horse boxes and tra ile rs , t a c k and riding clothing. C o n t a c t Gin] G rlstw ood; (0757) 708426.-

15^H H : 7 .y ea r o ld ,, smart* - .P a lo m in o , super ju m p e r/

a ll round Riding Club type; snaffle m o u t h , ' : anyones ride, good to box,, shoe

. etc.. £ 1 , 6 5 0 . ( . 0 4 8 2 ) 642547.

WANTED.' One o r :two'‘ pedi­g ree Shetlands fo r In hand

.show ing, trained, w i t h

Sood tem peram ents,- good i traffic. Age 5-8 years..

. TeL B radford 569773. - > -QUALITY 14 • hands, d a r k

g rey g e l d 1 n g -, 6 ' years,' lovely 'paces, j u m p i n gnicely,' sound a n d .je n u ln e in every -way. £950. Tel. O sm otherley 270;.

HOUSE for sale.'-overlobking grazing / stabling. AvaU- able fo r rent; See ,col. 164.

ALISON ' a t M orley' please p h o n e ' about registered section D s t a 111 o n , (0924) 469208/

WANTED h o r s e -box ' con­ta iner. t o ' fit Bedford CF. TeL B arnsley 746479,

WANTED ■. '. r e g i s t e r e d C onnem ara pony. m are or?&633 n 0 ’* T ® V* :(C?302> ■

LAMBOURN six horse , on M. r e g . , KM Bedford, test M arch 1990. £1,650. Leeds 853530.

14^H H

T : v :

WANTED.1AU types of h o n e s /and '-.ponies.' Good, prices

■;*; given,. Alsol-quaUty' horses • ; and _p o n l e s^’fo r • s a l'e . ’ . ;(0325) 377670.

15.2HH# C heslnut 'gelding, exceU ent-paces and. con-

; flrm atlon. .Genuine- novice ; requires experienced rider.

Tel: ; (0229) 53388. •

IFOR Williams horse .trailers. B arnsley 390532..

M..O B 1 L E ;. grooming and ^ tu rnou t, service. H o r s e s

p repared to ' the highest .s t a^ '.d a r d fo r hunting,

. -showing; etc. AU aspects or- tu rnou t catered for. Also

r-reUef 'groom work under­t a k e n . Please ring Sari D 1 c k e n s o n , B arnsley

' ;763827/281160 fo r fu rther ■ . details.GROOM; w anted, T fo r MFH . hunting , 2 days p e r week-.

, M u s t be capable o f aU- s t a b l e duties amd> h igh '

,- s tandard ' of tu rn o u t C ar • .d r iv e r ., s.c, accomodation.• T el. (0433). 50883 evenings.

HORSES ;^and ponies bought . land -sold, taken fo r fla t'

. . . . _J ) ,620R I C E trailers. Immediate

deUvery, part-exchange, -used .traUers b o u g h t,a n d

. sold. H ire .’•repairs. Barnes '. and . W inder, G u l s e l e y ' 72186. ? .

IVECO horse box. 6 ton, 7 f t ;,3” headroom , v reg.. taxed

■ and . tested tiU Ja n . 1990. £ 1 , 5 0 0 . / Huddersfield

: 363128 o r 865564. -PANNAL Horse Sales, second . and ..^fourth .Saturday in

..every month.* FuU details . H,D... Robinson and : Sons. P annal Auction M art,, H ar­rogate 870721.

16HH quaUty dark bay m are.'‘ 100% 'in- every way, good ' Uvely -ride. suit, teenager.. £ 1 ^0 0 .o.n.o: Tel. (042772)

RICE B eaufort., double horse t r a i l e r , new f l o o r / resprayed, f u l l partition. £1,400, T e l . Grice, (06^ 27) 726. . • •*

13^H H ; * very good looking b a y m are, partly broken, exceUent jum p, 5 years. B a r g a i n . £425, Goole (0405) 4563. -

14.1HH. b ay .m are ; 10 !years,'- Welsh, cob cross, ride -or drive. £650/ (0709) 587365

, o r 581974.ADULT* seeks riding, approx.

3 day p e r w e e k - , own,; transpo rt/- any. area. • Tel:

(0924) 404756. .15HH show • quaUty-. J ‘T / B

m a r e , 5 y rs .; 1 1 g h t l;y : backed: £1 .350.. Y orkshire *. Horse.- WhltweU/. (065381)

• - 565. .BUYING, or selUiig a : horse

; o r pony. / contact M atch­m akers on. (0347) 810118. •

14,2 Golden .Palam lno. geld-., lng, 'no t .novice < r i d e / £850 o.n.o. (0484). 534694/- ;

: i J p M « H g R S^Vr. Mid^leham, North. Yorkshire1 /

: / S A f i im y ts y i^ ^ ^ t h '& m A U G u s m U' *N O V ia i '& L W J ^ E D L ^ T T i C M S S E S ? :r'.?‘t'r

- Qcncxoii^y • sponaorod by Q raco V sti^ lo jH ^ . Thc National: .. Westminster Bank, Taltera alls 'Ltd,,-. Mr. . MreV: Gnizm'ahi,

Hprso: ^.HouriHw: ,n io '.Y ork ;^ jcrvaulx Hall; Hotel, ICTI FcrtilizcrB, Dale Feeds (Northcm), .Castlci/Print. Horncaatl^.; Motor 'Coi/ Frimdah^j Estates,' ■ \V;S. ; Rogersv of Maiham;,

•Grantley-;. Saw;. -Millflj.-Sovcrmgn ; Ghcrnical .Industrics^-Ltd./. Ix>wthcr.;.Scott- ,Ha!rdcn,-: Norman .Baglcy^Esq., ;Tcrmanta;,of: Yorkshire..C. Stabler Ltd,, HarloquiiirFaints, Smiths Qoro, Crofic

' &• Blackbuin Ltd.; G ^ ; Town''. &■- Gbuhtry. ’J^.'.C ockbum of| Bedalc, Th'cHon. H. Oido-Powlett, Boltott Castle. ' ,; -u ?

. V.’' TradzStands.' ■. Rejrtshnienls and Bar. “; i/-.- /'^■■■, . - ' • ■ ■ 'v'.-.’l'O a’jn /S ta r t .- •' /;"■ •

•'-■v . ■•■. •':•■• • I .’ .•/■■ .3 ■ '’I-. '■. •; ''.-■! ;.1;. >1. 5

SUNDAYg .A ugust-6. O p e n showjum plng: event by the

— Hallamsmre> Riding -Society ' of ' Sheffield. Ju n io r - and ' Senior': Badm inton horse .feed s com petition ,-p lus 2

. ..rings, o f unaffiliated Ju m p -' ' i n g ; P r i z e .m oney ; and

trophies. Sheffield & 4506 / 351320 / 686530, :'

MIDDLETON H u n t P 'o n y.• C l u b ; t e t r a t h l o n at• C om borough K a n o ’r on . A ugust 15; a n d : 16, please

n o te ' c h a n g e - o f - dates, en q u ire s.-a n a .entries . to; M rs.:RusseU ,.Flaxton'M oor-425 o r 'M r s : P e a k s o n -(0653) 694417..

FLOCKTON C harity : G a l a Horse Show. S a t Sept 2nd ; Show ing.: ridlngr- Jumping- and w o r k i n g h u n t e r * : classes. L e a;d r e 1 n. and novice 'p o ny ..c lasses/ De--.

. t a i l s ; Mrs; ’ Greenwood. W akefield. 830294 o r s.a:e.

. U p p e r Mldgeley Farm .: Midgeley.* Wakefield, for schedule:-v .

H A R R O G A T E E q u e s t r i a n C en tre ,: unafilliated show - jum ping fo r . horses and : p o n i e s ; 1 every-'M onday evening ~ throughout : the stunm er, barbecue ;and re - freshm ents available; S ta rt­ing ’-5>: 3 0 -j) ;m .: telephone (W 23), 8718M , ' ’ ^ •

BRAMHAM Moor*;Hunt Sup- -

Bortersv Club,- Horse-Show, [arewoodi P a ’r k ; ;H are- . wood. A u g u st.20, 10 a.m.

-'Schedules;' M r s . ^ H a l ' e y . Beck Farm,k Tadcaster. LS24.. 8DH. SAE please.' ; -r - .

FOLL1FOOT P ark 11 v e r y '. stables. RDA‘ S h o w and

G ym khana.'Sun.,:'A ug. 20. " S n o w - c l a s s e s and

; •unaffiliated show Jumping,.. trade stands welcome. F u r- -

■ ther*: details A--schedules,.; tel, (0423) ,870372.G A LA 'D ay - fo r ' Unaffllllate’d .

Showjum ping. -sh o w in g ; ’Gymkhana fo r\h o rses and

- ponies. 10.30 s ta r t Sunday .A u g u s t 20th a t Fenton

...Park?' Church 'Fenton.' .Tel: (093 781) 7754 / < . .

S H O W Ideal fo r novices. Jum ping, gymkhana, <e t c-. S a t A u g . 12, -Townend^ Lane. Nth. Cave. Rosettes

' ' to 6 th p I a c e - and smaU ' trophies. (0430)'422719.'. • BECKINGHAM Horse Show

and Gymkhana; A ugust 13., l s t class, 9.30 a.m. F u rth e r • deta ils: (0427): 891387;'

WIKEFIELD Farm . H arrogate R d .: . ( A 6 1 ) . Leeds 17. , Shows tom orrow Sun. Aug. 6 th and Sun. Aug. - 27th. For details Leeds'^ 0 0 9 9 / 685217.

CRABTREE . A r e n a . P en lv s to n e .: F r I e n d I y Show Jum ping.:.every fo rtn ig h t.1 N-e x t Show. T u e s 'd a y , Ponies, August , 8 th; ’ :Wed- nesday, Horses, A u g u s.t 9 th , e p ;m : Tel: Barnsley 763254.

iday. . B/ui ,

J L B Y , Trophies fo r aU classes, show lng 'and Jump­ing, S e p t 17. S;a,e; for: s c h e d u l e s • fromr. Bells Saddlery. M o n k L a n e . Selby 704579: : : f -

SDRC Jum ping Gymkhana & D ressage- Snow ’.v Sunday A u g u s t ’6 th ;. Badm inton

S uauflers, . R o y d s Farm aU L a n e , HaUfax. For details t e 1 .. B r a d f o r d

817092;CRC O p e n Show; Sum

Septem ber lO. Jum plng. h a n d , sr l d d e n . P h o n e C a s t i e f o r d 558535V / 559792,

ALWOODLEY.v Horse Show. Sun. August 1 3 th ;: Moun-

'■ t a i n and jn o o r l a n ;d , coloured. Ukely youngster. 27 . c l a s s e s - Tel:. Leeds 666537 o r 646790: . •

ARDSLEY H o r s e & Pony Club Showi tom orrow S u n .. 6 ' August, C arrgate -Farm,';

- E a s f Ardsley, 9.30 a.m.. s t a r t TeL, Leeds 700843, /-.

532855. - ■UNAFFILIATED horse and

pony Jumping every ^Wed­nesday evening. 6 p . m ' . s t a r t R ufforth Park. Tel. (0904 83) 620. • - >

REMEMBER. B adsw orth PC Open S h o w . tomorrow. Details (0977) 620367.

TOILETS for* h ire .; See • coL 128. • • ' • • . •


■V (Hi .driving

_____ „__________Jhow ;.S a t u r d a y - A ugust’rf 12;. (Hoi^e. section) Showing;.

Ing. h e a -yy jy s .e tc .1/ ■ 94. R lngH allfax :

horses, -rdon...classes J n alL Rlng ._______833022; E n t r y s wlU be^

.taken^on-the d a y .;r- ‘ j*

HORSE BSJA Jum ping.’every, - i: Sunday, 9 a.m: start,.'.Clear.' round, ;bad .,, unaffll,, open;

new ; Fox;.B 7 A C o p e n..V RuffortK Park.*.Tel; (09Q4 :;8 3 ) ,6 2 0 ; */. ^

ACRECLIFF. yStables' No vice > . \Show, Sun; Aug. 6, Jump­

ing commences v io . a.m . -v • N o v;l c e >and Badmlntdh,

Horses and*Ponles,< Show­ing commences 10,30 a.m ., < - Equitation;jFamlly: Horse. Working- h o rse s / Ponyi M;

. 4 , M condition:: A*;ra b s .. '• Cobs, Ridden^.Horse; Gym- . , khanas.r EllaraGhyU. BraH.- -/• ford Rd:,_ OUey. Tel. Gulse-

le y ‘73912. j- .


. WANTED ; • : ' :


15 • - : 16 in.-, ’*to .' f it horse; : 14HH. .

• ■ ( P ^ ) -814077^;

EXERCISE cart; land fuU , English harness, both ■i5:',a s - new, to • fit 12.211 / 1-3 v 2 / £250: ,:0;n;01" (0977;) 704091. ■ ; ?

WANTED, - Saddles. i riig< e tc '. .Tel. (0924):. 260005 .* eve nr i:

’ I'n a s . M l d d I e s t o ,w,n '.’-••Sadalery.HEY FARM saddlery ; stock , -everything fo r5 the ' horse* <

an d rider, all >at.really-low-r

E r I c e s . Chimney Lane.-. 45to?M° ^ ’ -Huddersfield:.':

TACK b y K.&' S / h o re a ‘an d ;: r 1 d e r ; ; equipm ent/ feed;, large car park. Tel. S ou tlr Kirby, P ontefract. (0977): 608046.-; •• . ••.••;•-. ir :

J . . P /: SADDI.ERY,- E a .s t. Ardsley. . QuaUty. English tack^and )accessories:- Tel.1 • Wakefield 829354.“

17 INCH.,Jeorfries.sKow/W H- . sadd le / exceUent-'condition, £250 o.n;o..HaUfax 885123:,

WEB ■ Tec 'b rid le r w ith , rubber- ,g gg^vE 2pv o.n.o ..D oncaster..


; [ B E ^ E IT A ;

687 S P 12 rbore,i:30 ihs. ‘ MC; .■;' ; . ■ ■;;;;':v'

•. -’!' ! (0422) i32j613; •' :.

DB gun, £20o \oM. n , o .: . . (0484) 685822; j . ^

BSA M ercury a ir riflenw lthv . telescope, .exceUent condlr .

tlon. £90. (0484) 712185.

FRESH w ater fishing- tackle, y3 rods.v-3 r. e e 1 s\, :b o x u m b re lla d -; bag and:

’ tending ' net p i u s\ extras. * e d s ' ' " ” ''£70. Tel. Leeds .602751. ,

■ : ^

V .- r\. r\. r\-' rv -"v S\ r\ , / \ r v / V r \ j*. a '-A a a « a ' a - a ^ s \ / \ A . A A a f t A r t a-

Page 35: Download the document (33.5 MB)

• e s ' j .> '^ 0 R KS RIR E" tiAV: AU G U ST 5 ■ 1989 35



^ I ® p :-t ( ;

'ifp ith zG lM fysfiM -Specialists in quality and

casual clothing and".•'.• ■■ accessories.- ’

,i i 35-,:#. Swan Road;> ■■>' H a iroga te ,N o ith ::

S - Yorkshire; HG12SA - : Telephone (0423) 561182


u>r--' in': ■pi'l •••• i ■ V • • 1 •• ‘ •

. l i 7 r - - n cuM B R iA > ' y : r

‘ -%iue tq ;.cancellati0ri':we.‘ can •o ffe r ' w alked . up G rouse . for

. up to six guns.*;, 'M/A-vV. '•;i' *

. v p '7August and-Septem ber, ■■■'■■. ■ ’♦ H " ?;•;■.;yiv-,:v; t, /. v

Tel/'daytiirie'J1 “ /

(0325). 361351

■ r - j ; Evening

(0740) 30248.'

M I K Ei 3 NEWTON -; Spey / trout- casting Instruction.

. M i k e Newton. Tel. York (0904) • 84694 .*.?

T W O safe guns required., lU gentlem an’si shod t*”Please-

.. t e l'e p h o n e Sheffield 223..;.\:- •' '££•'■55i:



WETHERBY 5 A cres Grassland

Ideal for Pony PaddocksFor Sale

a s a whole or in Two Lots

Particulars from the Auctioneers

24, High Street, Wetherby

MILK QUOTAAvailable to Sell 350,000 Lilres.witH B.F. 3.65% to


- Richard Turner & Son., Bentham;

V Tel: (05242) 61444 J

e n d e e n PREMIERE SALE


• . S e e ; ,

Amelia StevensonTel: 088 03 307 :


W i t'tv i n>>25 mile rad iu s o f .Doncaster. R ent negotiable.

" (0405):83868THE BROWN GROUP.


V 61FT..X 283FT.; . .Controlled env ironm ent Very g ood /cond ition . 'W ell maln-


£850;: SUNBIRD U;K:/ .(0964) 543970 '

WANTED. Good barley .. straw , sm all bales, ex-

field o r slack, g o o d ■ prices, prom pt * p a y -

r Vment. H. OUver & Son.Thirsk. T e l : (0845)

. ; ,22259. ■ V \


e n dee n;.S? v i - . F O R ' • '• :

i ,1992 PREMIER SALEC a r l i s l e 1 1 t h A u g u s t

' “ ' Sec. Amelia Stevenson« M Tel: 088 03 307

,f.| .:-8 ACRES; • ‘> o v : r . j

Sheep r’g r a z i n g } ^available. D on^astertarea.;:


(AFTER .9-P.M.) ; f

P E D J G R E E ^ Suffolk ■ ram s. 3 s h e a r reg..

one shearling ram and * 1 ra m lam bs./ WVA. TeL

• P o n te frac t, 17 9 4 6 O 3 a fte r 5 p.m." •

. 2M 'b a le B :^ f^ h ^ .;'a t"£ i..'.;;a -bale.^H lng^heffleld '

(0742)^879809 a fte r 1* ;

-T W O —'pedlgree" blonde- | l, ,P ’AquUfllne >bulifl^r A , ^ 1 5 /1 6 -draded "cow. In ■' i

c a l'f/.ftTeLi* W etherby ;v ,65639; v*.

’ WANTED.* 5 0 f tr d rc a t t le . f e e d barriers. T e l .

9i TWO ba^ Dutch' Barr,^30:foQt;b y -3 0 -foot. 'pxlor*-to- dls-

K m antle.. £ 3 0 0 . o .n .o ..T* B a r n s l e y ' ^724266 or

; 728502. . • _

3^1 TWO matched young1 working i b o a r s.'brought upland . , . living together, very * high j Equality stocfc- York 42X599.

*■ SMALL- flock*- o f ‘ under- 20 .ff.Suffolk sheep/.’TeL. 091f 487

‘ ^TOOS^,.-y?.v. j

t H A.V ' old and^ g r o w i n g 1 itc. turkeys, hatching vJuly * to

Septem ber.' . Medium! a n d sm all, w h i t e s W i l s o n . WarthlU. York..Tel?' (0904) 489245. ' ,'i -.:•••

. F R E E r a n g e , pure bred i i ^ puUets; ju s t startirjg’ to lay.

Rhode 11 s 1 a n d o ite d . L/. •“ Sussex. W.e I s u m e r and .v. M aran.. (0977)'82863. .

'^HOUGHTON -24 i f t 2; deck alloy!'' livestock container.

^Jvialloyi floor, a n d back:door, £850' plusL VAT. ^ u rg e s s ,

5sitel.^YorkV489240.;.i7j.« ■ - •. uHAY: 4f o r ” sa le .r TlilS ^year’s 9U' c r o p , rg/O'o d ,.q jTca;l 11 y

meadow^ v 5 p 'p e r bale. TeL — TTiome 813263.“

STACK^s h.e e t s ..and .silage VT1’ pblytnene rails;' unbeatable 7W-'pjrtceS, ; 'c o 'l 1 e .c t 'e d from

Union vindustrie's." H unsle t . rt* L e e d s .4 4 8 3 9 3 ^ 5 /6 ; . ; ♦^ ti-’acres t o ‘ cu t for',‘hay - o r

. , s 11 a g e . Tel. Eaalngwold _ .8 1 0 3 0 2 .

, t»T.URKEYS 4 'a n d r6 weeks old,

flEDIG L __________ ______‘•w’lSVmonthff- old.' G la rk r;teL .fTfiTollerton-362 - ' '>;* .:iv;.•Mi E R E F O R DV ' bullsV; well I.V grow n, read y -fo r’w ork: N. ..£K AbeU,- G ateforth. Tel. (075 -ftf 782) ‘215;.-QUAlL8.v.^2^paira' Bob -White, -st^in • the ir vaumitier; ,‘avlary.'

• (0423) 7346H ;,; ■ - *? . TURKEYS ' 100 . available at j f m o n ' t h old: £2)50 each.

. fb Howden/410617. v , V-iiA R G E-.fim yJfeathered dos- I t lings/ £5 each; 4 breeding. V aeesc. £25. ,(0977) -82863.R E D ‘H ereford and black

H ereford rearing ' ’ calves . available, can deliver. (075• 15) e ia .'- 'fvv /.-v .;-1-

ANGUS Bulls * for- h ire, :C.. Hudson, C arthorpe/B edale.

J0 8 4 S ) .567289; . . :j. .S - t A B l Ev:and 'V gr a zT n g .

‘ avallabe.B arw lcx-ln-E lm et Leeds 812196.:

ORGANIC w heat straw,' -.35 acres, f r e e from spray -residues.: Buyer to bale -and remove.,

v Ideal' f or : h o r s e s ; .Apply: B.G. Sampson.

; T adcaster 833206..

B L A C K . and : w h 11 e . •• •. “ Sheepdog; 14 . m onths

; old; worklno ^well on sheep, e a s y to say .- £150. BUhop WUton

' 379,'

POLLED D o r s e t tup . lam bs.. D e c e m b e r

- boro. Ideal fo r early lam bing cross. - T e l . H arrogate 711084.

THREE. Charolals< bulls.g o o d . /.pedigree;-: ,14-

/ m o n t h s.- old,'-/.'from-.! . £ lt250i T e l.* (0652) :

- ’ 648002. V

PEDIGREE ^.Texel Tup% :. for., sa le^ . g e.n u l n e

' reason. T e l - Klrkby • M alzeard 384.

• •• ^ :•P E D IG R E E '~Shropshlre . Ram s fo r sale. Lodge

FarnnL^(042 783)^ 2 eSL

PEDIGREE^ SiiffolkVram- ,-;Vlambs.i~'>bom'J5 January '

‘ 8 9 . TeL t ( 0 7 5 7 . ) : ’..-6 3 8 6 0 4 . . ; i .

BARLEY and w h e a t straw , for- sale.* delivered. (0405)

* 861997. — - * * '

PAYNES TURKEYSA ugust hatched turkeys make ideal w e ig h s fo r Christm as,

D ay old poults and grow ers now available.

Tel. Market Weightqn

(0430) 860328. ..




.CHOPPER . ......1983 DOM 9617FT. !

•1984 DOM 86.13FT & > ‘..chopper:-'.'-':

*•1982 DOM 7613FT’ i 1979 SENATOR 85 12FT.


CHOICE'•• MF 525 '.. MF 625.- .

Sovnal Domkialors ;',80s and a seledcn of Senatx Combines : WE ALSO CARRY THE MOST COMPREHENSIVE STOCK OF USED SPARES M THE AREA

• Scarborough ■. . Tel: 0723.890303. -

Fax::0723'a91740. After Hours-' David Bailey ::: Tel: 0262 674122

•4 » i - 1 =1 • J • 1 * :


TREES w anted for* timber. -• TeL (0 943):862189..> J f .:

MARRANS. Pol and grow ers. V (0937) 834025.- -

ORDER y o u r 4 -weekvold- . ,T u r ice y hens. now.v for

delivery S e p t . onw ards: £2.50 each, stag £2.25 each

, 1 Springfield T u r k e y s . D e n b y D a l e , phone .(0484) 861481' a f te r .-5.30 p jn . • •

FEMALE.goat kids..4 m onths..

763172.or"., B a r n s.1 e y

LAND w anted , to re n t : fo r ; growing "potatoes. 1 9 9 0

season. vGood ' p ricer paid. TeL T •& .G, T e ;a a d a-l e ,

. . Helmsley (0439) :7 1 ^ 9 . , / B E S T - hay,' barley* straw ,

s m a l l or~\l-a r g . e .. loads delivered. .Summers; Brad*

' fo rd 735931. / 814616;; FARM and estate <road m ain- .. tenance services,-Including

. t a r .spraying. < F o r f r e e estim ates - p h o n e : Halifax 832012 or.833088.

STRAW: w anted to V bale ’ or b a l e d , : Jarge. /small o r

: . round, fe ll (076 583)- 383.: Nr. Rlponr.; '

GUINEA fowL,. Large.' Silver '• and Common, from day old

. upw ards.: Day '. old.1- 75p each. (0777) 871589.= ..

. JRKEYS,' d a y - o l d , . ; and

grow ers. hatchlng /Aug; / e p t. Ring O liver'B arker, ‘ S c a r b o r o u g h (0723)

.85496 ' ,ROSS table birds, weeks

old. £ 1 . 2 5 /each:.; Leeds ; 843889.* v . •TWO y e ar old M asham ram. . . £50. B arnsley ,7 2 2 3 5 6 ., TO P ' quaUdr nay i fo r ‘ sale.

. (0226) 791066.7 > .BARLEY straw , delivered; .70 .. . bale loads-delivered.- Leeds

. 8 6 0 0 2 2 . : v. .- /v - f .-SMALL-, potatoes s w anted: for . jjroceslng . Leeds 585921. PEDIGREE:- Jersey. M alden . H e i f e r s . - T e l - (0757). v 702635.:

USEDMACHINERY1986 Cfaas: Domi-. nator. 98S s 15 : ft. A

. Mechanical.. . c/w a Strawchopper', '. 653 houris, v.gic.

-£34.000 + VAT- New.'Class baier'46 c/w Rollatex Net A 1 Wrapping, one only' ■ -k

£7.800 + VAT , 4

. Contact:. ' \: ; Paul McUrich ;

0302 770560. 0860348166

J A*


H IT A C H3 3 1 M IN IS , M ID IS , M A X IS

Turn to DOBSONS fo r e x c a v a to r exc e llen c e





Forme cffenKstcomirehatsivs lanws of hplraiic handEng a wide variay of sib wtk. Over 35 tonne in euavakn Un to DOBSONS Hladi MH excavators : wei^ and tie HtxH raroe eends ifmords in sBjas

• vliia fwl lom t»SMw.UESOiiiacMw'.. to350Kmeope(aSngweijiL - ' • V >al caoy.iie quaifes lor trtch Hitadi are renomeil'' Frcrn 1 It 350 lome, SBi idy, • rala PraducM reiiUe.poitaUoniachims. ' . prodiicfvity aC add up bprait<ny. Can:How upnani it tie: Ratlftadi excavators new Ixdt In ,-V; Igppro tiat?: Turn k> DOBSONS lor U

. Brope lor a iang« of 10 .lo.35 .toiT)ajirIt5 capable of 'P. V. DOBSON & S O N SHITACHI DEALERS FOR NOHTHEBN ENGLANDLEVENS, KENDAL. CUMBRIA.53 PHONE SEDGWICK (0S395) 60833 j Ea EVENINGS: J. TAYLOR (05385) 603111

G e r m a nP r e c i s i o n

THE DRIVING FORCEOld Foundry, Brigg .

Tel. L n Bacon 065252913 A - F n 0652 57532 ; ',^: A -orP»ulM cU ridi - A

: T a t 0302 770560y ■

7 Tine McConnel 1 Shakerator, cAv Rear Linkage, P:T.O.'aiid:! Flexicoil/: ::

Alvin Blanch 1300 ton per hour, Cascade >;' Grain Dryer...

10ft fiat Grassland ; Roller.

Tel: 0964 527356 /527204


[ 'k r o n e HSL ,2 7 0 0 /i.F orage I P ic k u p W a g o n .-2 se a s o n s ^use

: £ i^ o o - ’?.! Russell 90 Bevator c /w ‘6ft.

| auto. ex t. 8 ft. hopper s/ph.: Dual.voltage:/-;;

: ‘ ‘£ 2 ^ 5 0 :r'-

Tel: (0751) 31381/ f0845i 567571

FORDSON-Power M ajor Live ‘ Drive, in - good 'Condition.: £ 5 3 0 + V A T . D 4 8 . T railers, York. ( 0 9 0 4 ) ;



^ ; Scpi-23-30 ; Malta, Hotel Vcrdala • ' . ..:i Oc’t i^ & ' ■ Singapore, M alaysia/Penang, Hong K ong £1^95■'i* *- y . '- • ■" " * - * J• *1 ' . * ^"=Oct:‘2UNov;4 ; Bem doim , H o td R usam ar '■

.Nov: 24-2? N ew Y o rk , H o te l M aD haltan T ow ers &99

; 0 c£ 31-Noy. 14 M a lta , H o te l M ellfeha B ay . : c 3 ®..

'STav.15-24 •. M ack P rin ce to M ed ite rran ean a n d C a n a ite ^

•.-i'/>’:•-• r : .. ,... -K ov. 28rDec.'l9 T e n e rif^ H o td F lo rid a

Jan . 2-30 B en idorm , H o te l V enus

^ VJanL 2-30 B en idorm , H o te l L o s P d ic a n o s Sol

- : Jam4-Feb. 1 • B im alm ad a ia , H o te l R iv iera

' ' Ian. 6-Feb. 10 B en idorm , H o te l F e n io a :

Pei). 22-Mar. 22 B ena lm adena; H o td R iv iera >.-■: . . . . . , • • •■Feb. 27-Mar. 13 M a lta , H o td M eD iehaB ay ;

Feb‘. 27-Mar. 27 M a lta , H o te l M ellieha B ay

t Por further informatioii:Oii these.holidays whicll have besi specially organised for. members of Women’s .Circle md uie . families, send a stamped addressed envelope and specjf^ wnich

, holiday details:you requiie to S an d ra Ro^ Yontanre Evening : Post Women’s Grde, WeOington Street, teeds LSI- 1RF.

D i s c H a r r o w sSTANDARD & HEAVY. .•UP TO 16ft (5m) LESS: : •■



DEALER: • ’ V .’ -l '




Tel:0757 210222Evenings 0757 87670/0836 329851



Twine. £RRPFORD NEW HOLLAND .835 4’Round Baler..... ......... 9,800FORD,7610 series II4WD LLM Tractor on1 2 * 3 8 * ....... : 22.752

r FROMENT Magnste FTO Generator KVA ■2 0 ,3 Phase....— .......... .......:.w.............. X DEMOURRY Tubar LT 10 Marti II Cattle Weigli —Crush ............. .............. ............... .1 ,0 8 5 BRICE BAKER 21 ’ 41 /2"GP.Grain Auger. ' ■275. BRICE BAKER 18' 41 /2" GP.G ain Auger . -2 3 8 . BRICE BAKER 3 1 /2 & 4 1/2 GP Grain . ,

I.AngerEitonsions (5,6, & 7 f t . ) - -each KUBBEN Log Guillotine Hydraulic d riven ';.;;704.' B0MF0RD 457B Tractor Mounted Hedge-

. cutter.'.......................... ■ 3,857:.;SAL'0P1AN:s KH: PZ.' Gfasspa .-360 .Hay..’ 'T6dder..V:.V.;::X...".l.i^fri;'..........^SA lflPi^K B i^i^C M " -165*

Mowor. ..... 1,695. PEGORARO 3 Matre Power'Harrow with • v.; '’• crumbier Si Ciod board:..,:............ £5,850

PEGORARO 3 1/2 Metre Power Harrow 1000 ipm„.whh Crumbier & Ctodboard......KARCHER HD 850 SWS Cold Water Power

-Wa«her.....,...,,i.,; -------_i—..BROWNS Buzzard Bale 8 Grab basic build STANHAY SS81 6 Row pteosion SugarBeet Drill. . . . . . : ........—:...... ........STANDBJ SDR 100.HD Rowoop VVhaeUwitfi Centres 3 2 1 /4 PCD-ftxd 6 6 1 0 .....RANSOMES FR C85 angle leg SUB­SOILS! wrth wing kit 8i discs. ....RANSOMES FR . C83-B twin leg SUB- SOILER whh wing kits.:,,, .












, 868 - 199


, v:30 "> /5 9 5



,V 7 2






; 350



MiBfieid Lane, Poppieton, Yoik. 0904-798267 ’ Evenings David Quarrie0904-794134

WEBSTER’S, A s e le c tio n o f New

‘ & U se d M ach in es 'Haw Ransoms. 3 metre FewerH a r ro w £2,750.00New Bamfcrd 1100 Rand Baier . . . i i . . . ; . £3i9S0,00

1530 Combine CM Cab. S3,KOOO Rarisome 3 metre Ncirdsten O il

£25a004 Fuirowi Ransome Reversile plough . . . . : . . , . '. . . - . ; . . £SSO.OO Wilder S ta w c h c p p e r£300110 -Used Odco Wheels cA* tyres 20.B x 3 8 . . . . . . . £S60.00

-T e l; (0262) 82226 ;

NUFFIELD 1060; excel- . . l e n t w ork ing : o rder, ;

£485 o.n.o.: w ebb rea r• •digger. can--be -seen

working on Ferguson 6 5 , ' £ d 0 0 o.n.o. Tel.

• (0226) 762333.

WEST Dock dutch light :

?lasshouse, 2 t baiys, 3 0 f t . l o n g I n c . 'Irrigation, £3,000 +

: V A T ,. No o f f e r s . -•..(0924) 387068;

. TONG No. 2 potato rid* _• die. good w o r k i n g .. .order, m a n y screen

sizes. £300. w etherby •.,(0937) 64463.

AHAC E2 potato harvester. - w lth .sorling table, in excei-

len t condition: £7,000. TeL (0423) 358263. r ;.

PORTABLE milking machine, electric, g o o d 'Condition.

. ►: £100. (0904) :543425.

HILLAM ro ta spreader, 230 / ' ..lSO hiodels. both in good

'V’w orkingr-order. F o r -more ' d e t a i l s contact (0924) 840319 / 0860 521349 any-

.* -time;. ■ •, rLOOK DB 1 6 9 0 T 4WD. A

' reg l.i jjood ■; c o n d 1 1 1 o n .

IFOR Williams trailer, sales, / service; Barnsley 390532. 1

>.JRing Ralph T u rn er _ i.. ’ Spofforth (093 782)

. 631. ..after. h o u r s . Dave. Sm ithies. (0422) ,74827. RIPON, Farm: Services Ltd.: i .W eston, 1 5 O 0 gaL slu rry

: ta n k er,- g o o d condition.- j.RIpon :«?765) 2371^ Tad-

• caste r (0937) 8 3 5 4 5 4 .. e v e s - ; ( 0 4 2 3 ) 712193

V569246.COMBINES ready for work.. 1977 : NH S1540, cab. -12*

header. P latts .Ltd. (0302). : 329541, : eves. (042 784)

382. • -•,'■ - ;■-■•! •GOUGHS Wilder 72" • s traw

chopper in .good working . o r d e r .^ £ l5 5 0 + V A T .

,- ^ 4 ^ 3 ) 358236, (0757)

FORT sale ;, farm': hand -baler, 804HD or. .p a rt- exchange

• /fo r hedge - c u t t e r - . TeL- (0723V 870438 afte r 6 p jn . TRELLEBORG m ain dealers . In the ’ North;' P e te r. Winn

T y r e s . L t d . . Pocklingtpn.• T.e 1 Pockllngton: (OT59)

•- 302907. : VDISMANTLING, for p a r t s .- Ford ?:4,000j and T ordson ■J'-'D e x t a . t r a c t o r s . TeL

' C aw ood (0757) 86444. KOHCSKILDE. corn blow er v w ith lots of piping, £250.

.-Wakefield 862960.MUCK spreader hire.; Hlllam ■; ro ta spreaders.- competltlve

ra te s. - ( 0924) 840319. / ;08 6 0 .521349 anytime.

N O R M A N - RAW tw in-Ieg . subsoller, one season only.

( 0 9 7 7 ) .682354/1------eves.


DOWANS GRADE MASTER TWIN - SCREEN 36faL, ‘oomplet® with-0 too buk hopper.. . ; . J27,750TONQ 3X TWIN SCREENGRADER :;£2£0QTONG TWW 3B, 'oompleto :with star dMTMr» ;. i . . X3^50 F.YSON RUBBER BELTED ELEVATOR; ’complete' -With

.wringinghead . . . .^ .. ...£3,500 Da— contact lari Hualer. ■

on 0427 753426 of , ’earnhom 0636 376991,or

. R lehvd Ibbotien on . . • 0977 600349 ‘ :


Sue SOOT Ex. Demo c/wP i p i n g . . . . . . . ........... £3,250Sue 300T c/w Piping, good condition. . . . . . . . . . El ,950Sue 300E tfw Piping, vurylittle used . . . . . -------£1,400Pam P20- Sucker/Blower.p.Lo. drive ................ £975Lister m_e.a 4. CyL Diesel Mobile Grain Drying Fan...................... £1.450Pasture Toppen 5 fL wide, 1 year warranty. Retail. . £599

Tel. 0377/46136 o r 46283Aftar hours 0924/550311

•: or 0836/294982 '

!;CollnN elghbpur:-:" r Simon CUthbort

•rvv ‘i/ a

" F A t y y i S T A R ^ l J D ■


F O F tk

•' Pf esse cont&ct: tan Hwler on 0437 753426

or carphooe0>36 37^31 or Richard Miotsoa on 0977

■ •.VG00S49.'-''.'

• UNIVERSAL* 445,-P /reg .. tra c to r .? cab a n d . fron t - :

loading b u ck et/- low ." hours. £1.500: R © a r . m ounted forkllft. su it C at 2 linkage. : com- - plete w ith spool and .

. valve and pipes, £600: i TeL (0427)

FORD 4.000 1972 w ith .c a b , q u ic k - re 1 e a s e -

. f r o n t - loader, muck fork and bucket, 2100 : h r s ; £1,800 + VAT. ( 0 4 8 4 ) . 8 6 5 1 8 5

V865308 daytim e; (0484) 606255 even-

. -..ings.

M O I S T U R E ’ m etres, 1 protim etre. 1 • ceratester, as

•new. £100 - e a c h \ - Leeds . 827844. ■

G O O D heavy • Cambridge, gang rollers. £750 + VifT. Edw in ' H a r r i s ; , (0757),

BAROI MX 600 crop Sprayer . w ith high- c a p a c i t y 6• cylinder pum p capable 160-

litres / m inute (lOO; plus

Gallons per acre): w ith ,24 t." booms . and raspberry row crop boom s/ M, >Ialrn.

B llbrough (0937) 832216,. WADE ; double ‘.cow tra iler• w ith alumlnlum body,.good• condition; £395 -o.n,or.-Tel.

Keighley 663738'. a f te r -6

M #


m.750 combine • c /w 14ft.

tiowerflow header and t r o l - ' ey. A /C cab and .grain loss m onitors, can Jbe seen

w o r k i n g . T e l.--(0723) 582038 o r 0836,780994.

FORD TW15, A reg;, 4 WD, a ir conditioning,' P uH , new

- tyres. 3,500 - hours, v e r y g o o d ' condition.- £11,950. F u r t h e r , details, r i n g L e w 1 s ’ s _ 4York) - L t d .(0904) 643833.; •;

NEW. Holland baler 378 wlde . .pickup, "excellent'condition,

venr little used.-TeL (065 385) 536 / 384 Trade. •

TWIN axle’stock 'traller; £425: Sheep 7 pig trailer, >£225: Single^ pony trailer. £175.

' T adcaster 834086:. .WAHTED. M assey Ferguson

o r sim ilar knife b ar m ower In good o rder.' Tel. -Harror gate 502502;:' •

CLAAS protector, ‘sound,: well

K r o t e c t e d . 1 0 f t . 1 8 0 0ours. . S e e ^ . w o r k i n g ,

£2,000. (0709) 812563;-: - . GRAIN walling.-10 f tr x 8 ft..

.L' sh ap e .'6 . x.3V. tim bers. £40 ’. each. - TeL- - (, 0 7 2 3 ) 582239 / 5 8 3 0 7 3 . . •

PARAPLOW 3 - 4 leg, excel­len t condition, plusj many

. new s p a r e s M 0 9 7 7 ) • .•■■620246.;, ■ .F O R sale. R ansom es-faun

.potato 'harvester, excellent . condltlon.. £ 1*. 5 00 . . o.n.o.

Tel. (0430). 860279; V, TRACTORS for. sale >and -hire.

W e n t b r l d a e ' Tractors. '"> 77 ) 620385. -i.

galvanised corrugatedsheeting, s lig h t.. seconds.

. (0 9 7 7 ) 8FT. gal

See col. 126.


0977 620505rr^niiiiii'tiin'tni ■ ' " " m 78 Um Uo 18 f t T r ^ n t 4 « 077 Hatm WoiTripIn..._...... UOOO8 IS ^ ra « .1 ? ( t I X , £ S « 0 80 SMdnoa SB ftTX...;_ £5,500 .80 BoMlfrnSft £6,00078Scadna3] too 6m .. £6,000 B2JC8TiiMCOpic4wd.~n.— .£B,50QBl Sc^SkidStw ;..r . . .^ £2,760 V- Attachments & Skipe ' k- ^

SECONDHAND KUBOTA B7200Ic /w .loade '^and back

'■ 1 .hoe. ' £6,500 + VAT

.!w .:c l a y t o n &';SONS LTD;. :•

(0430)440329 .

agricultural; N e w M a c h i n e r y r . 1

(.1.— 4050 John Deere 128 HP ex demo .1;— 1188 Hydro.4 Demonstration'(Smbirie V.

JoHn'DMre MB'iSubsoiier................;2 — Rot'omec 3m:P o w e rH a rro w s....■ i — Codper-2 Leg Top Soiler..,..:..1— Cooper 3 Leg:Top'Soiler ....

, . ■ 1 . Delta Plough '.y.....i... . . . ,V.5 — Reco Single Leg Subsoilers:......;...:.:.......1 — Amazone ZAF 8 0 4 ..............

.■•1.— Amazone 4m Super 33 Royv brill..'...::..'... 1, Nodet DPS 12'Sprrader;:.l.. :v..:;v:.;:i.t.

-1 — Ferrag 6. Row Monopil Planteri ...> .V.. . i f : — Javelin TRL82/ 3.30 irngatofis:.’:.

2 — Jai velin;S 3K^CI0/ 3 ■ Pgmp; .: i.:1:—- Ulvam ast MkV HR M Sprayer... A .

;■: p .a i* . £60,000

.....;£550...i £2,800

. .£ 1^00

.... £2.000 £ 4 o o

£200 .... £ 1.000 iV ; £4,800

£4,000 ,.; £3.000

£7,500 ...: £ 1,200

,... £300

SPECIAL TERMS AVAILABLE onAccord Drills, liemken Ploughs-and, Presses, Maschio- Power Harrowsand Amazone Spreaders ■ : .

Used Machinery ;John Deere 2 0 4 d s .....John Deere 2140 SG 2; M FWD H L; ’ D':.....JohnD eere' 2650M FWD MC1‘D'....John Deere 3640 4WD Turbo " C ;..:..yftrd 3000 with Loader.'..'.::..;.'.:....-..:......Ford 7610 MFWDAP CabrB’ ...........John Deere 950Combine'N!.John Deere 970 Combine/.P'Oayson:133'withGab.John Deere 550^Baler

M F56Cj;Baler.’: . . ...... r . , : . . : . . . .....................

. Grirhme GB 75/36 2 row ...... '..Grimme GB 84/36 2 row.-f Canopy .....:..........Grimme Continental HE82.:.:,.v.,Grimme 85QC Continental — ready for work

,'Grimrrie QAlirdurider-i 986.GrimmeContinental 1984.............

,:'G.rimni'e;Continental‘1 9 8 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Grimme'Jumbo 2Row 1978 LemkenpL1104F reconditioned, as new ■

' Falcon. 4rri. Dri IL—... - - -

Standen Mk!: II BeetharvesterStanden MkjnA with Skew Bar Topper......;-.....Bentall 14 f Portable Dryer.........

Tel: (0430) 872421

.. £5,500 £ 11^00

£12.500 £13,000 . £ 2,000

.£9,500 £3,250. £3,750

..£1,350 £5,750 £ 1.000

:;.£350 :, £ 1^00

£9,500 : £5,000

£16.500 £22,500 £ 11^00

£12,500 • £1*500

i £2.600 £1;850 £1,450 £2,500 £6,500




H I R E C O i y i B I N E S :,

J M I L A * L ? N O W

fl/EW,John Deere 4255" \144 H P Per season— £5,200 + VAT •

NEW- John-.Deere 4055 . - 128 HP Porseason— £4,800 +.VAT

N E W John Deere 1188 .Hydro Combine Price on application

; ' Tel: (0430) 872421



'For digging out fdbtlrfg6;:garage 1}-j i; \baBB6, driveways, e t c . - . . br:y6u'can hrrQ it;to, rotov'ata', 'i/yo'ur. small of.large plol^alao’1 grass cuttlnglawn or rough1 pasture and cleaning out Idw .■

- ..^.^bulldlnge; vU'.viiSatf-drlvm or w ith drlvmr.

■ Reasonable-rates.-Tel. 0302 75044i2

. 0860 264439:


F B E K m ,

12SC0NTKACIS&.. ^ ■ i T p n j E E S ; ^ : ':

. B u r r e l l & S o n s

Lim ited

M F 525 Combine, 'S ' Reg.;...--------------------------------- £2.000-MF 855 Combi no, 1BK. cut, 'A' Reg.-' ...... £15.500fM F29 Combine. 12ft. cut. ’C Reg ......... ............ . £23.000MF 31 Combine, 18ft. cut, ’C1 R eg. ..... £2B,000MF 699 4WD MP Tractor. 'D- R e g ..- :................... £13.950MF 3070 2WD Dotxtronic Tractor, 'E" Reg. ...........£13.750MF 30904W D DatatranicTrnelor ------ —-------- £18,500MF 24 Farm IfandlerL-J— -------- ;-------- .....---------- E1S.OOO0pico280 Gas Dry or. -----------—....------------------- £5,000 ■Opico380 Diesal Hydraulic Dryer ---- £9.000Oplco 380 Gas Diyer............................... £8,500Opico 580 G u Dryer. ...................................................£9,500

: MF 30 3m Drill, complete with.Reekie Harrow.end Tran»port;; K it.'.:.'........'..'.....;..:..:.:.:':....................................................£3,2so

H'! Carriage end VAT ojrfra. -‘-Viry HAXEY (04^7) 7 5 2 3 3 4 : ^ - ^ ‘-:'-‘

YORK (0904) 489231 BARNSLEY (0226) 249338- - - - -- -


ARTIFIGlXltdiRASS' : v ; pitch

Specialist i .Contractors * w ho' are Interested in tendering fo r 'th e ' 'supply and: construc­tion .o f a sandfllled artificial pitch'. F ’e a r n v 11=1 e: -Sports Centre. Oakwood 'Lane: Leeds ;8,"should>apply in w riting to:

The D irector/of, Leisure Ser- Vices,

..19. Wellington Street.


before the 31st; August 1989.

CONCRETING 'h a rd surfaces -by the:experts. Farm yards, b am ' floors.' drivew ays. For a professional • job . t e l . —Terraflrm a : •- for f r e e .advice o r.estim ate on Don­cas te r (0302) 781939. Also tarm acadam l a i d w i t h guarantee.

JCB 4WD sltem aster fo r hire Tele-

a?_ . cleaning tenders re -

Julred, H orley Coxtserva> ve C l u :b . - C ontact U r. M organ. Leeds 791553.

P O I N T I N G . - s tonehall Builders; see Col; 107.

MOTOR;, cycle sparesffor.oale . >by>'tender.IiSee'.col^lB2.*f ^ i


New Griffiths trailers. 8 /1 0 ton/niono/dum pere.. 1;■ex.'stock. ' '•*'

N ew Kuhn power harrow drill combinations,.e x . stock.

New. Kvemeland and Lem ken. ploughs and .sou "padteir^'fixed and variod width models available, \e a r . s f o c f c s P A R E P A R tSKuhn power harrow tines end Kvemland parts, - *

Q U A N T IT Y D lS C O U N T A V A IL A B L E '■

- ' ^Tel: (0977) 79S24T . .

R E C U vY H ^[bricks. exceUent ' q u a l l t y . . - ' ;c te a n e d -a n d

p a U etted^-large^ s l o c k s : 'i?avaDabIe "n o 'w iV E lsa rp e r f >tlu>uiumLU (0642)1: 676391 'i*/605191i > ' - •; : v *

STEEL, w e - buy an d , sell a n .types of n ew and re-usable

. steeL • W.‘ Y. S tew art , and- S o nsrL tcL ,- O tley (0943)- 462169 / 461987.' * ‘ r .

[ = f a r m s t a r '1t d .= :


TRACTOR cost effective acquire • li'-.tractor w5th?,tax benefits fram 85 to 240 HP. -. n w w contact: lan Htnlar on 0427 . 763426 or' cwphbne 0836 376991

o r Richard lbbotson on : 0977 900349. - .

1981 In ternational 884 trac- ' tor.- new t y r ;e s , - recent

. . clutch. T JL - £3,500;+ VAT: ; • 1980 David Brown 996 -

dn-luxe ,cab. pow er ..loader, '■;I?AS., new. t y r e s fully .; overhauled.^£3,750.+ VAT;

.1971, David v;Browhc^780 -

Row er loader; - fully-.' over* a u l e d , £1 ,250(+:VAT;

1981"Davld Brown l2 9 0 . in - g o o d c o n d itio n .- . £ 2 3 5 0 + i VAT; Tel: (0484) 640069 /• 686504.Bve's.

WATVEARE 30 cwt, forkllft. - £450; New H o l l a n d S7 V ' double ‘chop fo rager; £395: " SKH ' 403 ' mucxsp reader

c /w slttrxy gate. - £1.000: B o m f o r d . Superflow .10

. d ra ft tines, £200 :-Howard . 70M rotovator, £200. Peter i -Darrell on (0751) :74420,

0836 7176919S2 ; F e rguson ' tractor,

. p e t r o l TVO, good • runner. £ 2 0 0 ' o.n.o. • H alifax 823923.

KONGSKILDE Sucker blow er / w ith 3PH 23TPH complete

-.with 30ro 'p lpes..bends a n d : * ~e. h S f r • * ------- l? KonCSiuius wiunoi.

£ 2 5 0 . both as new;. 15

price' of .new.' iskllde Ft as n

grain w alling/' 8ft,- .. .... ;£20 . each. (0 ^ 7 ) .. . 21454evenings.

CASE IH 885 XL 4WD. D reg ... 1987. .1400 hrs. from.

• new,, latest shape, ^colour e tc . . Electric pow er sh ift;

. trip le, spool v a lv es.: V irtu- ally a s new. £10,750 / part ex. Contact Clive Lester, on ,(0757) 700670.

NORMAN Raw h /d u ty single leg subsoller c /w .disc ,-new ;§3039flttCd* °**e rs ' i

USED- Class Dom. 106 com­bine. B reg .. 17 f t header

traw chopper a n d : trol-

M immaculate condition, .000. H arris o f ; Selby - (0757) 705061, evenings

(0757) 86279.COMBINES ready for; work:

1 9 7 8 NH 1530 cab. 10V header. P la tts Ltd. (0302)

-.329541.* eves; (042 784) .3 8 2 .- * -

COMBINES ready fo r : work.s 1984 NH.TF42 AC cab, 201 header, spreaders. PJatts ,- L td. (0302) 329541, eves. (042 784) 382.-

COMBINES ready fo r work.. >1984 NH 8060 AC cab. 13'

. header. P la tts Ltd. (0302) 329541. eves, (042 784)

• 382. . COMBINES ready fo r work.: .1988 NH TX36 AC cab, 17f• LF header, chopper. P la tts : Ltd. (0302). 329541. eves.

; (042 784) 382. *FOR sale, cattle grid. 12 x 8.- new , cancelled order. £350 . plus-VAT./TeL Heckmond- ' w lke 402449..GEE Ford 4600 tra c to r-c /w . ‘pow er loader. PAS, -^very' . .-.nice condition. R in g ’P eter• Gee (0430) 860866.- G E E C laas combine. 10ft.

cut. no cab-but m int condl- . r . t l o n . Ring P e . t e r . ; Ge e .

(0430) 860866. .GEE pow er harrow s; .choice

o f,9 . a ll sizes, some nearly . n e w . Ring P e t e r 5Gee

(04303 860866.CORN A uger requ ired .’ 5 ” v diam eter. 13ft plus long;

(0226) 763195.JONES baler w ide pick up • reel. . £380 + VAT. Leeds

"• 853530. •BELARUS, .sales, spares and

service. .A tk in so n s . T e l . ^ (0977) 620600 / 82117./

, BETTINSON 4m TC coin d r i l l complete w ith tram llners. .Apply B.G; : Samgspru T adcaster

;S1X- Llndrlck' farrowing crates, very good con-

• d 111 o n , -.£55 •■ o.n.o. :W e t h e r . b y . (0937)

. 64463.- T . :

BREAKING : fo r spares: MF 6 2 5 . 4 8 7 . 5 0 0 . 415. C l a y s o n to g , 123. InL 1046. 674. 574, 454; 2400. 2350. 275. B 1 0 0 . D r o t t ,

, F o r d 550 digger, niajor. >*dexter. H y m a c 370. DB • 880. 885. 995. 1200 4WD.'. Ley land 272. 262. 255. 282* • plus m any o thers. Dalton T racto r Spares. Darlington 377669 o r 0 8 3 6

K I D D 2 4 0 'tra ile d m ow er conditioner, good working

.’. order. Brown -Anglo Scan ^for,-. quality u s e a equip-.'■ m ent. tracto rs and m achin­

ery,; Leeds 843231. eves. .'(0 4 2 3 ) 506326.

BEACON W eaner / G row er kennels* (stage* tw o ) / only used approx. 2 years;- good

:. condition, - dism antled, i v. complete w ith d rinkers.and - slots. *TeL . (no t Sundays

p lease) Rlpon 86224.; .- MF 3 0 ' 4m ’ .drU l,..c/w .‘. auto

tram llnlng •,./=• m arkers1 /. . seed , harrow 's - and., tran s- ’ >port- kit, very t i d y . TeL r .-1( T C 3) 582028 or.ZO 8 3 6

U S E D ^ dV 1085 com bine,; A reg.i*-20ft.-. .header.- straw

' sp reader,; good : condition;, £18,750.. H a n is - of..1 S e lb y '

‘.,:.(0757) ,; .705061 evenings' (0757) 86279.. >-■:

TWO sets ■ grain- extensions - fo r Weeks 3 ton trailer, as new ^offers. cheap. (0977)

1982,.. Pettlt./;,6 ; ton; . single

anytlmi .............W A N T E D Double.-'axle • s .t o ck-. horse or,;-.-goods : tra iler; -14 tonne . capacity. V.Tel York 703425/ .. y; ;>: MASSEYv575;- T reg-i' .gdod . w o r k.l n g ' order: .£1,650, . .T e l e j h o n e .'W akefield . 895273 anytim e. ;: .'vv* ;M F 2 OV petrol/TVO.. g.o.o d

ELEVEN ton bulk hopper-in iV good-condition.->£o25. fo r

?iiilck sale o.n.o.-TeL-Brad- ord 603645.- r

WHEEL horse trac to r / lawn !' m ow er, very good vcondl- . tion . Only £999.; TeL Brad- -ford 605645.

IFOR .Williams trailers; Web- sters. N orthallerton 82343..'

BOB cat hire, see coL 127.O L'D cars/m otorcycles

, w anted! See coL. 181. ■ EIGHT ton; exterior feed bin;

(0977) 682354.A M A C .2 row. p o t a t o

h a rv e g er . TeL ( 0 7 5 7 )



Y o u r harvesting ‘problem s solved.

S. R- G rain S tripper on TF46 available fo r h ire w ith driver.

te l . (0405) 83741-

FOR hire, two-FWD trac- • to rs w ith drivers.. Tel. ;

(0757) 288698.; .

12fiMA1DUALS& ■.

1M BER: reclaim ed, 1 a r g e •quantlty*; 3 inch by. 1- inch b y a .foo t.* .£ l p e r lengths. 50p.ypIanetL..TeL L e e d s 812270-afte r’.5 pjn.- 'week days, and a ll w eekend.

STONE new a n d reclaim ed, bought a n d s o l d _ Stone flags* w an tea u n d e r 3” . g ood . face. 1 £100. per. ton. B lngley R o o f i n g * Stone C entre (0535) 273813.-:

HARDWOOD s tr ip .a n d block f lo o r in o .v e ry la rg e -s to c k s a n d selection. C ontact W.M achell & Sons Ltd.. LoW- M i l l s . Gulseley (0532)

• 5 05043 .,/. .FIBRE," dem enti' sheets ii and

flue rplpes." gu tters /etc.. W;■ M adden: - Swlnnow : * Lane,

, Lefds 13; T e l/579818;' -‘ ■TEN roof .trusses. A pprox 5 / m etres long 30°* anble. -f.28

each'o.n.o. Lee'dS'505860.) . DENNIS^ M A R SD E N /LT D ',

R e d re s s e d s to n e fo rim m e - d late - delivery.; - ( O 5 3 5 J 275651..' . ' / . ' -/ r

COARSED p itch faced stone >'' fo r s a l e . C o n t a c t ' W . .. M achell-k. Sons..Low Mills,

G ulseley (0532) 505043. R.C.- STONE SALES. F o r aU

y o u r .Y o r k s h i r e - S t o n e r e q u i r e m e n t s . 0860 267D46. (0274) : 641265.

STONE, top quality.: red ress- ' - ed,' £201 per- square m etre.

LeedsS T O N E .fla g s bought fo r.

ra sh . TeL Leeds 815597.


FACING STONE/.£25sq.yd. ■I REDRESSED ■:> £16 sq. yd. plIAGS: ■ t;''V '‘j ; --£9Btonne

•.BACKING'S • , £19 tonne :STPNE SETTS .-" ,£29 tonne GREYSUATES • £200 tonne


Derry Hill Menston (0943)



/S H E E T S ,'All lengths x 3ft.:cdvBr, heavy .gauge, 85p:-running ft.: Box :prolila 3fLV^3h... cover,-:'ail coloura Irom: stock, £1^5 runrilhg'fL GahSilsed rooling purlins^, also . available. All a cc esso rie s /'lor-'-" above. Prompt dofivoty.^ . . .

Ja c x s o n s ,StocktoiwjihFbrfest,

Yprk. Tel. (0904) 400215

1000 New.8ft^p'alvanlsed Corrugated Steel..

Sheeting . j.... .'Slight seconds. Ideal for roofs, daddlng, compounds;fendng,

. - /. etc.-

‘ '^ £ 2 .5 ip :e a c f c :’- ;.F ree ;.d eH v ery : V ''

/ •.(d325) ;353937/

- M ARBLE.'off-cuts. Weal •' fo r crazy pavings and

cladding etc. various . colours. ' la rg e ' pieces',

£150 'per ton. Delivery " '.c a n b e 'a rranged .' TeL

(0422) ZVTVZT office • hours; T rad e .:

STONE quarry , required/ -Y orks../ Lancs.. w ork- lng, disused o r new venture. All replies. In

. s tric t confidence. Box ” No. 1035.- Y orkshire

; P o s t L e e d s . ; ; : . '

SECONDHAND b l a c k ' p itch Yorks, stone. 6

' • to 9 Inch, courses. £35 3. + VAT. (0422)

T A R R A - N : buildings, ex- ;. m inistry,^ 32".;x ,2lV^ x '8 M. r sectional 'concrete, pebble " dash, finished: w ith, ordinal ; a s b e s t o s : roof, - o r <new > sheeting, ideal fo r farm Tor ^-industrial- use... Price--.dis­

m antled an d delivered. - G. & G . . P r y o r - .r ( 0 .9 0 ,4 ) '416224. :• ;.,/.

ASBESTOS and-asbestos free shee ts and fittings from B an d M L t d . . Lawefield Lane. W akefield 291391 o r H uU 24954 ,. * . ■ ' •'

flags, a i deliver. T e l . - : D alestone < 0 5 3 5 ) - 3 4 2 4 1 .- .0 8 3 6 634949.

TO P q u a l i t y creosote. F C o o p e r & Son. W alnut Farm .. W alton. - .Wetherby (0937) Boston Spa 842528o r 8 4 3 9 0 6 .-----

O A K - and j>lne-.beams for . sale.'-large stock to choose

from :-C ontact* W.’ Machell & Sons. Low Mills. Gulse­ley (0532) 505043..

INSULATION, rig id -th e rm a l

. b o a rd : faced.. TeL* (0524) o r evenings.

P IT C H " and :yellow pine • handrail .sp ind les/ f l o o r

boarding and.vm ouldings. Phone 'A rchitectural In te r­iors. (0484) 685036.

EIGHT-rwheeler-*-tippers . for ^.hlre; £21-.50 Tel.;0836- . 574806/ Vi-/-. :RECLAIMED - bricks;' -walling

lim estone:"oak and p i n e- beam s;. (0977) 683734/>.

BALUSTRAD1NG soUd lime­stone. available now. TeL Stoneflair, Leeds 527753.

TIMBER - reclaimed; suitable fo r - i Y orkshire boarding. See CoL 126. V

REDRESSED stone and 'crazy *“ (0274) 675633.

YORK; coursed waning stone fo r sale; (0274) 551346.

T O P . s o i l now. available.Specs tone, (0924) 387185.

MOTORWAYS, p i a n i n o s . Specs tone. (0924) 387185.

BOOK now for.'h igh density big square baling. Tel. T & G T e a s d a l e , Helmsley (0439)'71359.^ ;• v. —

CONCRETING-hard surfaces by the experts. Farm yards,

.b a rn floors, drivew ays,,For' a professional r Jobv, t e 1. .Terraflrm a fo r free advice o r 'estim ate - on" D oncaster (0302) .781939. Also tar>. m acadam laid w ith guaran ­tee. • ! , ' ii'** i.

TRACTOR hire 1 0 0 .,- . 130 ~ h ;p ./'4 WDr ; lo n g ;o r;shorts

term ; excellent; r a te s " (20 • weeks hire fo r the cost of

J1 2 ) / Ring us/M cN eil 090 4 -86 213. ’ *.:■ . - : / ; r -••/’.r • .

FOOT- trim m ings and freeze . branding. Prom pt, quality::

service throughout .York- ^-shire.-R ing 'M oor ‘n ’ Dales.

- ‘ C hris o r Jea n B ean . (0642)■ -778203. V . • /•-•■/:' %•:MOBILE M aster d ryer (com ,. rape, peas ;and beans)/. 16 , tonne capacity, d ried ' on

your fa rm .' P. B a i n e s ,. W akefield 862960, .1 FREEZE branding .;'.p rom pt,- experienced,• . - competitive:• -' service.'. Any;va re a / iPhone:

G a llIn c h b o a rd ;;,(034;,73); V "216; .. v- ••H I G H , clearance, spraying,Ji combining. ;autum n cultlva-1

11 o n and vmobUe .drying.' DSB Crop-. S p r a y e r s .

(0977) 614583 EIGHT ton m u c k spreader ‘ h ire .’ T.e 1; Ian r.K l d ------ s o n. V 09t7) .'6i0763. V . .

F E R R E T T I N G wanted.^' approx. 30 miles rad ius of

rfiOL HuU 21392. .- -MOBILE sheep ; dipping, also - Vetrazln p o u r on. A .-Stott.. . Wakeflelcf894610..

p o s r r Q M b /

L E E D S 4 4 1 2 3 4


L E E D S 4 4 1 2 3 4

H O W T O C A N C E LOnce' your advertinment hubeenisuccesifulyoum ay wish to csncd the!retraining date*. Jusl ring ua on LEEDS 388388 each' weekday evening up to 5.30 p.m ./fof-the following dey's Yorkshire Post and up to.8.30p.m ..for the following <tay,VYorkshire Evening.Post. Ytfu can nng up to 12.30p.m.- Sirtuntay.and between 4.30 and:7 .30p.m.,-on Sunday, to cancel both paporsfor Monciay. , : : :

PLACiHG YOUR ADVERTISEMENT...... . , uuWhin you Would Ilk* to put an ady,rtlM.m*nt In «t.natjha-

: Yorkshire.Po*t or. Iha-Yoriuhlra Evinlng Rm » pliase nng ui on LEEDS 0532 441234. : ■ - : .

-We'tre hirt Irom 8.30 a.m. to 8.00 p.m. Mond»y to Frldiy. - - :,v :: :' 12.30p.m.Saturday...r,

■ Please ring'us at Hast’ two daya belore you w ulre thr , ' advartlsiment'to appear (lorr Karnpl*..Honday;,lor -Wedneaday).' ■ i.

PtACIMG YOUR ADVERTISEMENT.. . In | » r ao i l J vAlternatively you may Ilka lo coma ,and: se e us.

: with your advertlaamant at our Front-Counter In. WsllingtonStraat. '. v ■■ - .

- Wa ara opan: 8;3b a;m. to Monday .to Friday, j - 12:30p.m.Saturday.; ...

Wa look forward to aaalng youl '


P 1 e a ^ ^ in ?P u s:o n 'll ^ f S s ^ 5 S 2 , 3 M 3 8 8 . '^ : ,w Vnil need t6 Jtnow ’a t least o na day befor® you require th e , no tice to - appeer. Howewer, w e -w ill a reo p t o b itu a ry .h o tlces up to 9 .1 5 a .m . fo r th e .s a m e ^ d a y s

- ; Yorkshlro Evening Port.;. ' v *We ere here: 8.30 a-tn to 9.30 p!m. HoiBay to Friday'

t : ' i

Page 36: Download the document (33.5 MB)

U S L A T E S ! !

, :. S eco n d h an d ^W elshlBlues, ;

• W es tm o rla n d s M d Thiiines . r , . ; p r ig ; P r i c e s

':■: V T ' M

’ v - - ; ' T ’ c * C 'T R fc 'c a 7: a o n / > e r i i r * •:.

S /H TIMBER,;?8ft.-3in. x 2 i n . . . . £ 1 ; 0 0 each.10ft.:4in;i*2in! 9ft.i6in>x1}rn, 10ft<-7m.x2in. 20ft.6in,x2in; 24ft;:6Jn:*2in, ,20ft 71ri,x2in, 14ft:9in.x2m, 8N;x'4ft. f pfy.

£1.50 each £2,00 eadi ££50toidi

. £5.60 each £7.00 each

r£6.00nchy; £6.00 ud i £2.00 each

A SBE STO S SHEETS6N EliBB aidr7ft. £2.25 eidi:’

• 8ft. 6 m . lvP?-7R oacfi


‘'.sin. isfn.:';..,;.£2^20 ft;

:1%;x6In...v^v..j;;...;. £2r70ft. -4in.x 3 in.

Largequentni«s avattafafoj

porta lb u i Idm g285fl.;x; .50ft. x^12ft.toeavo8:

, ; ; ; w ith r o o f e d ', WiM 8piit..£1 -.r:)

< 0 7 2 3 )5 1 5 3 8 5 o r V-(0 8 3 6 ) 3 5 2 3 8 0 / ; /

f w m w s n i A L ■ -


:.'.:'DEX|6n second''- h 'a j i d-!*' • ' (pallet' r a c k 1 n g v a n d ”>, x. steel ..shelves,; all sizes, • ■

.. t good .^quality .designs.- •. •!’, delivery se rv ice :Y o u r

■ vv unw anted os.y s t.e m s,%j \--av p u rc h a se d .< S a n d rin g . :>

Ltd.; Leeds 744488. • , '

M s - s m c E - m

• s m c i t k m : ♦kot/colophessure;.



U S E D , photocopiers w ith— — “ " • »/iiuiu«.u|iiura 1 w im - r 1 . v

S p P ^ ^ g ; ^ D 8 ;441234'


NO. -1, In a lr.7p .la s ma . ' ; cutters, c u t s m o s t .'m eta ls .up>no '8 m m - Special 4 o f-f e r . £950,

•',.. VAT. , L e e d s

• 1963. . Coventry Climax f o rk - 11 f t ; t r . u c k , •

«>-:4',000lbs ’ lift? capacity,- --xTrl e is’e 1,. engine,'.' very,

reliable, .new ': ty re s ,1 ' • “•£1-^00.+ VAT.‘ ,(0422)

8429861 •; - v - - ' ?•,


FORD' D Series.- 7 i ton - iv .'grossV skiploader wlthv

Vr24..s k I p s - t . t a x - a n d v i tested, £7,00Q-.+: VAT.

y-yy(p92A) 840QS«2‘.y-* :

J; C'. B V ‘ 814 ■'i,..-805BTi 1 6uA' iui anie. <

:J*.^Q 61'928’ 1501 •/;2831.J ;-

lm* • • 8 lX : 8 0 6 C ,' •. ■'I5CX- fo r ' sale. v

WHY buy -second-hand •.. VpaUet r a c k i n g and .:.V ; • shelving ' w h e n you ■

' cam buy . ex ' > ^ v s t o c'.k . atv- the . sam e ' <

price? ' M anufacturing f ' ■.yfor .same day delivery .{ *

•,‘ (0274) 874305.; V lst- ;. .tors -.welcome. «to our

1 exclusive showroom s. ’

JCB >525,.4 ;w heel, drive, .rough te rra in fork lift . ■fo rh ire ,- competitive

' v, r a t e s v -Tel. .. (0274)- 618336.. \ .

NOW YOU’REi i i l P i f i i l i lQ n X

;->^M |N Q TE B )LU r^m EE ITCMisBP&ii5Lli^^V^Tr:i^rig''.'?'~


LINEAR HOUSE; LOW MILLS':'*’RQADi:KFARNLEV!-' 4UY: TEL:, LEEDSsT(0532) - 5 7 9 4 ^ *

FAX: (0532) ' 794108. TELEX: ‘-5 5 1 9 9 '‘CARTEL ;,G ’


• -THREE. caterp llla r. ^?n«? >s buckets; 4 ,ft.' w lde,',2 ;

, caterp illar 225' r l p - ; :pe rs ,^ caterp illar ;D8 w inch and • diesel 'tank. • -(0226);297289.:. t;


r DIESEL s t o r a g e t a n k s ' y,vV; .(2) for sale; .Offers ‘to

Wakefield 820546:. .

KEETONA•■'’m e;c> a


lo ft.'-jx- l ^inch m e ;c h a n l c a 'l- guillotine.nntua«l>.ti«r>lr' 'back g au g e ,1 1975: 6. V ft^x'v-i-'lnch'. -

pow ered bending r o l I s ; i PrtjssV C ut M achinery, Ltd., Hudder3f,eid > ' ( 0 4 8 4 ):.005216;'.'.,' iii.

m m m

Reclaimed hand made.


BALER;4-Square,V_3,vp h a s e , ..•{electric;.- 45 ' •. bales. ' g o o ci

condlt!on. £650 o;n,o. Hali­fax-885018.

F, O R V- all,- your .t p lan t - hlreV, : requlrem enls. ,‘ (. dum pers.

. dozers;- 8hovels;^-rollersi -D ; 1 reg .’ lines;* c ranes etc. Con-

, ta c .tiH e y n a rd .Excavation ThafthorperY ork; Tel;

* .401. • ’-vLtd;

: r>S T E R N E R - re-saw;* 1978 -

m odel.,buyer to dismantle., Offers: (0439) ..70522 afte r

• SA jQE.j^iHJREv. ; ’■ ■

P a rtib le O ffices, „■ M o b M ,O a $ 3 tr » m s ,

■ - - T o i l i t S j S p ^ e l c ^

AVAILABLE NOW;• & C ( M t a c t - 4 .


(03473) 8825

i r m w u s r o iA ic ' ^ ak PLANT & MAOflNEKY

R lha/D obbln *“ 743. 843

[BOBCAT hire; v;>Hire'..-443,-' 643,•^ • and mini ^excavators/ w ith

y;' following - attachm ents: [.^.buckets, v; m u c k g * a b s P ro a d b ru sh / and .collector

box. HYD .peckers.V post-

• rynM .^Sjiper oevexi' lauie, 3 Jaw chuck: £1,000:: Astra-

t. .: 'U niversal .Milling' m achine,' r* -1 2 Omm.' /x**42(famr table.‘* £750: Vasco" UnUhCT. 1 " *

.42" belt. £50: Dnxmmbnd * r o u n d bed la th e / 3 - law

^ROLLERS. B e n f o r d 1/,71— r.its lng le drum . £750: Bomaa-“

d ^ l e : : d n i m f-,*ciiao<S- hj.f : deadm ansl^ ih an d le , £600. AU plus VAT - H.B. Raylor, ; X «(0904) 414444;', v. u t i.'CASE uniibader >:i8/30.- ‘skid . ;.;Steer, recent ' c o m p i e ,t e• 'Overhaul; ’punctu re - proof:)

stores,; offers over £3,000; ■• >iC ontact' M r.' Walls... Tel; •: ( 0 2 7 4 ) ‘ 870321' v \,i u ; t

COMPRESSORS, f ‘ihgersoU ; v.Rand.^ H y d r o v a n e : a n d . t .'^C om pair^ f r o m . £800 to

‘£ 1 , 8 0 0 :p.l u s ; VAT. Alii jueries c to _H;V- B. 'Raylor,

HYDROVANE '* 140. ali • centre ; : 120 .C.F.M. w ith ’ a ir after;

BRAY :P.S; S;000 C. 4 wheel (*« d r l v ^ a r t lc u la te d loader,

-new.r l9 8 4 ; :-,in-, veryi-lgood . ^'..working, orderi: 2. cu;.-yard’ \ r fe u ’e je e ,t s^w ith1 c l'a m p:; r £14.0CK).;Bray-p.S;s7;500 (C . ■' ^ . wheel^ drivel/arhciU ated Vi,-loader^ new V 198r, v 3 v x u ,' y, .y*air d, h lgh-tip Tjucket.- in ;

Y fiv gooa :-working t order,, ■ •c;£ ^ ;5 0 0 . Choose-from o v e r ; :,:j.*100> o th e r/m ach ln es;.A lso 1 ‘. '^ a g e n ts . ,fo r:. the^yexcellent y n e w r a n g e /o f rB enatlexca '-

’ • •v a to rs d ^ lo ad ers.^R ln g .: 1W a r w i c k W ard 4 (0226)

747260;-•/. > • : . v • I t1' 'Vacuum ;;; t ? p l a n t s 6 Khp ;.: H.o f f m a n:.

. vacuum . o ffersM :ton Felco c r a n e* a n d ' gantry ; '.good

. condition. F o r c'd e t a i I s '

...p n o ne . : Tadcaster* Steam

MIXERS. Benford 5 /31 from : £775; "Benford 8/61 : from

1 ffOO; B enford 5 /31 ex -a lt?

?sig*e? '4 & & ;.® :- . *?Y,OT-F0R D o550; digger, lo a d tt; A ' C /w 3 back ac to r

. g u o g t t^ rip p e r too th pa lle t , zones, an d 4 ■ In 1, v e ry '. d e an_ sound:>'m a .c h i n*e ; , ■ £ 8 i7 5 0 :~ b.n.O. ’ (0724)

*'^859fe22y, 86o629 'eves.'-: .ceil SING LE.; .PJiase- ■.■H ydrovane, .r.C om presaoiy^l5 '-’ • receiver v

>^inotm ted.n£47i5 plus -VAT: 3 v P h ase H ydrovane 23 PUA. £55° . p l us .1v A T -,B ro lher.3 ..

J 1 ifio. 1 k ' rco ? !

<1 ? 0 9 0 4 r414444; y> -J. ) ■ ; DUMPERS. Bonford + Wlhyet ■ [ ■ ^ jrh w a lto a from ' £500':

? •/.!£2 , 5 0 0 p l u s VAT. ' AU

SC. N reo.,' v^ryJ good:! t e f ! (0423) • T70536 .I I ' .W1 nl/M a

?ueiies to H i B . tHaylor, , 0904) 414444;: . .' ..'/** ’ }.

5HAUNEE. P oole; w ith 'in te r- '' r -national tracto r, a ir brakes

f i t t e d .-:Offers. :4 -W heel' i drive 2.5 ton d u m p e T\,j. £ 1 . 5 0 0 : o.n.o. : 1 (0347) 810852. .Trade,./

JC B .3 C ; o r d e r .

.. (eveB.)'; l ,FORKLIFT-trucks fo r sale o r ’ h i r e^; over.- SO.' tru c k s 'In ■ stock; Gas.:;d ieselvon e le c -s . .‘tiic .'fro m -l>‘- -1 2 » to n ;cap* ra d ty . C ontact tzs fa r^ tn e

'w-lk681 deaL Leeds 433044.- - VIBROHAX W50. d o u b l e / dram , vibrating roller,' v ery

flood condition,-£1,000 p lus : VAT. ■ R obert H u d s o n . -

, - CasUeford 558544. . FORKL1FTS;' used 'm achines ': m stock; reasonable prices..; A lso new xnacbines to r sale *

V; and hlre.^ Telephone Leeds.777550. :

JC B : sltem asters a s follows:-'1 *86, £13,000; ,’87, £14,500:

J 8 ,£ 1 7 J250s; iF/reg;d..*Tei;; -Headlands : P la n t . . (0482) -

' •643414,’ -V V.-:.' •-WANTED >skid-steer machine^ i . . Bob C at o r C ase preferred... (091) 5670947.J C B ' 805; .new.'; eiigtne r and !

bucket,-., good .:m a c h i n e ...• ; . « s o o ;+, V A T ; . B rad fo rd ; ;'.v-493558;;v v{rr;'*v-- •;•? - -r;

N E E D ‘va '-tem porary.; loo? • - Handlloo -o f f e r full ser-?-

. ■;viced ‘on-slte* toilets - fo r J ••7 ‘public shows, e v e li t s-.-r

b u lld in g an d ' all"w orkaltes. We.;deliver.-;upkeep, empty and remove.^ Long o r sho rt ?

i :h I r e s . Phone ( 0 5 3 2 ):'i ■ '•797990 .'- •: v tPORTACAB1N J /L . 16/. foot’/ , by 9 t o o t e x t li a r tOA

requirem ents, s u i t a b l e ' ; ■ ' offlce o r site, n e v e r . used/f (. B argain £1,590 o.n.o. Tel.^

Leeds .791252 7-.TOILETS forVh 1 r e V for> all ;‘ •. occasions, Including Invalid ; e ’ units.: Shaw ■; S e r.v i c e s ,

(0484) 842061. , v. *f

( S A R P H O N E S^ T h e : r l g h f p r l o e f r o n i , .

£ i 69+ V A T + f f t t m g . J . T h e r i g h t q u a l i t y : v N E C , P a n a s o n i c e t c ;

. r m m e d f a t e ; d e i i v e i y . . r" =,• l l-^:

, a n d f i t t i n g . . ^ ;

30 S e c o n d b i l l i n g : ;T h e r i g h t p a c k a g e . ’ ’P r i c e — S e r v i c e — *. Q u a l i t y . : r -

T e l . 0 2 5 3 2239.7 F O R L O C A L S E R V I C E

^ N O M f O N J





CARAVANS. ; '.'Come tb’see^s|»e can" ; probably beat any genuine •;■ ■' offer, this week at

CARALAND CARAVANS.■Victoria Ayenue, Veadon,Nr. Leeds/Bradford Airport. ,

-■Telephone:Leeds 505155 :

r S e co n d -h a n d


For s a b on pferrikim coastal ■ park near Scarborough. With I toflat, shower; fridge,'cooker 1 etc. AQ amentfes on the park.

* : £ ^ 5 6 5 - • indudingsle fee for 1989 •

• GoodtahreavaliabJe. .For mocedetaDs.

Sc»borough (072^512927 • DENNIS’S CARAVAN PARK

CE LLU LA R . telephones /..u sed sales,.leasln

,.;newtfuiGo,.icoduifl^ short

term hire.-C ontact Mocomi V Leeds (0532) . 4 4 5 2 0 5 . ( M a i n . d e a l e r . fo r M otorola). •


•• REFRIGERATEDlVl:> counter,'in good ebndi- v --

tlon. fridges, v lc to iian ■' vpews and o th e r .Items -r

*^'v - owing r t o ' closure .kof-; ■ . ;r. b istro.-H ebden - Bridge

* 844062.-* I"-'.'--.'''.. -

s o La r■ vV.'jV.;



129PAOCAGiNGPACKAGING m a t e rjl a 1 s:,iiv. tapes.swlde;^^variety, of .ex-K - 'i s to c k .c a r to n a . '. 'o v e r .ru n s • i ; and m lsprin ts .' ,( 0 4 2 2 )i;

■ 1375847; y,r.


- . dip? ''K^'reg.;excellen t,,condition , 'dood

, ' working ,1 order. Ready to . g o ^sfra lg h t .Into w ork- , :

£ 3 ^ 0 0 o.n.o. Tel,,• (Q34.75) \ . v : 'o76.‘ v ;'j i;\ ;*>:• Vjj ;GASplL and parfaffiii lri bar-

•rels, low p r i c e ty . quick ; . : delivery - o r coUect.; Pci c.k ■ -Q uidt Fiieis; c l i f f d 'a l e •; • Rgad^r :i M ean wood, .> Leeds,

.12 V O L T r f u e l piim ps-.for -.V ronsite ifuei.tranflfer, fits to. u . battery ,, pum ps an y w h ere .1

low - p r i c e : ^P lck . Oulck i ,• Fuels, ,iC f d :a le -H o a d ,.- M eanwood, Leeds'620322.-;.CAT,;941B/-,i981,V‘i6 t: : claM

. ma c h i n e . , - ex -council £ l | j ^ ) .+ ^AT?‘ BradfoVtf

vHF 200;prottv4.1n, lbucket;: v i 5 ;• w. o r k i n o : order, •

^rtn : 'e n g in e i- ls .lip ;; a t . 2 5 0 O 'r .n .Tn. Excellent

; . condlrinn; ? * S 2 5 7 a o & 3 )•j~ JODJW . * sv .PRESSURE washCTS. F o r th e .

. n o s t co n y w tlttn deal lin o- 7(^ ^ y ;C l e a n - - D oncasterWANTED/ new and u s e d • electric m otors and reduc- ■

- - tlon • g e a « ^ Phone D f t T : 1 U 5 . 0271.) 684687. w A H ttO r -amn^fniiTTTi cu ttlsa-

sa w ,; u n l,y e r s a 1. m m er, Tri. l a p i i ;

DIESEL • generators, bought o1 11 from 5kva to -

WANTEp- new. and .used elec- i i.; trie., m otors and reduction r • fl#e a r s-. - Phone VD ^and * T

;684687.. vv:.WANTED.,Metal cu ttin g :h o ri-;

z o n ta l. band saw . M arcon " (0904) 86588^


durable ah'd^ r o t t :prboV, 6 0 i n c h e s , ;x. ,80 inches;' a ll m atchingvideal. fo r fu rn itu re m overs and -storage, 25 mln. <-

' Lots £25 per lot + .

D iscoun t' for- quantity. B uyer i •, coUects (H uddersileld).:;. i :Ring Christine Sharp ‘ r l- Hudderttfleld 865375 ,' .

: 'anyttm e. trade. ■;

oir-'stahd.. plus, leather; couch;.' a .bargain a t .,

Infa red octopus,In chrom e

. ' £180, t„. ' , „ 'Phone(Leedi:;82608^.

BUTCHERS'-^M -Green-^. grocers. . Clearance, 3 ... * . . g lass, fronted: c o u n t e r ^

; ftjdge8, 1 m incer, one ' * ' fridge / freezer, u te n - .. ,

;sllfl/1(knive8;'i t r/a y 's ,;: Vi . .m e a t hooks e tc .), 1 ': meatv t a .b 1 e ^ .p lus ^asr- : variety •«o f ;; fru it .and?^ '

/ ; v e g ,. shelves. Offers-

6 ) . -."■ >V:'r- 7 • .

135 SHOPFirilNGS

REFRICERATON. C o 1. 88Shopkeepers,' supermarket:*'

•>v: P,uram;vBradford^542603.,.2

ELDDIS T ornado. 12’ 6 'V • fo u r berth . 1976 tour-

- lng caravan with, c a r­ver- f i r e ' , a Nym ph.

. w ater h e a t e r , full * 'oven - and- a w n i n g ;

, - In chiding m any ex tras, excellent .condition. Genuine, reason fo r s a l e , - " v i e w . by appointm ent. van

' s tted ; £995. TeL. B rad- . - fo rd 662047 evenings.

• We'stock the’, lulfrango of -,' ABI Caravans.

■j;• Many models on;perm::,> ‘/anenidisplay' -■ j . : '■

; on tourers, h c ^^ ifa m es 'M fia tp p lo g . equipment welcome..■: > ‘

l*,&pehst?tiin attendance) ,-7days'perw^ek; . \ '

Ure.Bank Caravan Park;- / Ure Banki Rlpoii./ TEL: (0765) 2964;' >'


•FOREST OF' BOWLAND'A superb se le c tlo n ',o f; n e w '! and u s'e.d.; caravan holiday home s f o r ;- sale ^on '- 'ou r ‘4. ssinbor tourist board graded., parki 17th C e:n t u r y - ? I nn swimming.-.pool, shop, p la y . areas etc., to u re rs , welcome,''' *3“ «¥»1 .^.Pitches ■ available, w ith electricity^ ■!" : y!

CROWTREES P A nk . ' v S ' t o s s id e ,' n r .- s k ip t o n .' ;

• TEL. (078 94V 278:\; . (o ff A65 a t Long P reston).



- PETTY’S; *llght h a u la g e :1 - .and . contract w o r i i , any single item, L eeds;..: a re a .' £5 ;. R i n g any- . •

•vn ,i{tlme. Leeds 662017; : •<;JLil VVuA’if4 ;..

i^ELF. Storage,', h igh security,^business , and . dom esdc

DRESS fa lls , see c o l . ; 82.~ ^ S h o p k e e p e r s S u p e r m a r k e t«

i Duram,’ Bradford,'542603, «-

n s i K

‘uhlta^from a o ag. ft. to '600

STbRACE T/^Handllnj

so*! ift« ifrom , mv '■ '-'(0532) 422000. STORAGE T/w->Han '


; p.'w. iTel.

. Brad- •ee.col.:ft.;


GAS : hcatt-ra fo r salD,- 9 :of , V TS G 100SA 337000 BTu'Sj .; {5 rjpf--,ra<$■ ,4 7.5 A ,15800d ■ ,;PTu s ' 5 oU> types a re .C o lt

In te rn a tio n a l. colling sus­pended . 10924) 2B1122, ■


- approx.: 5^.1 o n g .w ith slldlhg doors, suitable fo r ^ s h o p s a n d .takeaw ays; £ 3 0 0 -o.n.o.,'B u y e r. m ust.

'^ecU Leeds- 625906v-or*.-

STEEL shop shelving, 2 ,7ft. v long, Sft. h lgh i'su ltab le-fo r , \ i middle,•:can. be- used , from!* '• oiJ?- “s e a .iro m -botn sldes. £50 each. Leeds .•-.•',456760!.' ,V.M.O.T.q R-, ,acce8Sory shop^ - • 'shelving'-^racking and gon- ,dola8.r-.Gbod quailty.'^W ill sell< In to ta l . o r . possibly.



•Ai; 0''>gp1e;as.ei ;Mfo^ ^dmoti,ne6:;t|}e OReinlng 'Of/, tnelr -m w ‘- premises'' op the 31sf. July a t : .



' ‘(0532) 429484

E l e c t r i c a.i. ;"a n .d AufoTOtiyejndLKtiles.

"■ f r e e l a n c e ’■ : b o o i c - ’ 'o -,vkeeper; knowledgeable *. - - in '; transport,, has :Va V: i',T’ few. vacancies^-- o th e rs ,'

- work considered.' R in a '!/!':;';(0535);'S6364'.,'-N^.V;-y“

'Q U A LIFIED A ccountant/Full- . book-keeping and account-

--- an<7 services offered. Tel..Leeds 561744:.

DESKTOP -Publishing. XargV o r sm all' projects^ under­taken .. (0532). 648718....

AWARD GLOBEStAR v1$84;:4 berth, lmniacuiate.'.ali m od .; cons;,', sp are .w h ee l.'fu ll

. aw ning;' . . ■.;.■■ . .


, £ 3 , 9 5 0 , ; . , -. TEL;;:(0924) 'Z 7 2 3 1 8 /- vV

i ’.

MUSED ' . 1 ' ' "

: c e m t r a l v v

, M Q T d R - ; A U C T IO N S

/0;': EUROWAVljjADINS ^ B ^ b i F O R D ^ W W ; ^

A U C T I O N S A ’L E " ' 'O F ' '- - ' M O T O R C A R A V A N S , C A R A V A N S , ;

..... on THURSDAY TOth AUGUST. 1989Early notified entries Include: , -

88 American Bayfiner '2455’ (25f»j Ciera • Sunbridae 5 berth Power Cruiser. ...,Sept ; 8 / Arnerican Baylln'er 2450 V.Clerb'':

' ■ Sunbridge 5 berth Power Cruiser. -" !, ■ ■ .S e p t 88 A m e ric a n C h a p p a r a i 2350 CX (24ft!)- ' luxuiyoff-shons p o w e rB o a t.: : - v v y ’- :i

■ Roaso telephone vdthfiilhB r entries for Inchjs’onIn- . cat&OQue. or, to t>a p u t an our mailing list.

■ /^ f t i r t tw d a /o i jc o n to c f r '; '. : ; ..V ':;

N i g e l M y e r s o r M a r k W e i f o n 1 <


E x p e r i e n 'c e ' t h e - G - F o r c e ^

; ■ ifehj fl S ^ g ^ e c i a ! :^ i i t i p n ; ^

^ 'P 'T e g i s t i - a t i o n a n ^ l a f e n ta s o c v f l e x ib l e 7 :

1 Ip 'y - c o s t f i n a n c e f o r m u l a \ \ l.'iic]TO\ o r .k s jfo f : y o u 1!

' •' \ : ; for onl y

, ' ; " ^Thejlifroenteran^feoin £6 79$ ^

^ TH E G-FORCEFINAMctFdRMUi!Atit ElrFBghi* IdrooVnaonek'HInuokt]

. . Ifpwi Fmi • fatd

i « s M r titmrr * vam.n ■. n2in .icth • • - n,nn7. . n.«2wDC4W

This />fgh flying odftion of Ifie BX14TE orrivoiwbh a firsi clast ‘' •qw pmentpoefcogeconfoiWrg;. •■ S|kiifilBiwly'(-hipliirx ■ (.li^Smifriol ■ WliuV,IVi’ffivl:lMilJd

l'liili/)s t)A IS‘.i K.\U.\.M K;.(l»>a K«ii B Ht\»C.Ltvv .SittibliiiHs

fi // ' ' The Ultimate ]k M ' - ' G : i weeli ■G & V for only

a .p;r.

The Citroen AX range from £4,989.56 -

m E c^f^im m cE 'Fp^LA7WA1I1KTDHK far only £23 o »eek (<lnttAi'

(r.QisrgiW ’ ' ‘ '

Pbjbubi(oiiitiaofl ; (WSDarf). .M *

■ k ^ ronod^*

fl .^ n q tm o re o n up with fi'/qllar.nvi/Di) oflheAJCI h-l ■ upmtedUi include rfie fo//owmg;. • ’

U-iinbil RalJ iiini.urk-aiiil/ (iijirkpi-d Hj'jni[j«av».Su»ii»jil Huupuuki Ilriit'il KinliuK-iiiscta'B Sjjiwi MVi'a-I

;iml (Vwr KimhB Hbtk l).»l»h«.n(j iiml WinilmV-Siinuinuic.- *


W & x jie & ta d .

lMEAD0 W R m D ^ E E b s m ^ E t;m 4^"" " SSB'j__________Prloes quoted are ex works b o m w i m b ™

Large stocks of new and second-hand

O ff ic e F u rn itu re


C le c k h e a to n876761

Easy parking Quick delivery


; D ifiac tflg rrycg ttnaapd • t3n iod d l CQBB0Qil floonsji

Floor Design . L E E D S 460340 .

i i ;

FROM JANUARY 1 st 1 989

: £•



S R i;Per line p e r day


Classifieddisplay'Sperscc '

Perilne p er da y

^Seini . t display.. p ersa:

Classified display-,:

,;.perscc •

’’IBAOE&.. :,EIWATE,\;;. £1:28 £7:70.' £8:65 £1:78 £10:75 £11:85

/.MONEY ■■ " TO LEND • £1:55 £11:10 £2:02 £12:25 £14:10


' ■" NOTICES'' . •.■■•£1:33 £8:00

‘.yf-.'-m i i i



£11:20 £13:00


j,UNITS, D E P T H 3X1, 5X2,-7X3,4 'GOLS AND' . '; f.ABOVE- lOcms; THERE -IS.'A 'SERVICE' CHARGE FOR -■>/: ' •

:.v;B.OX NUM V A p '. : .... ...... ;

: i MfeGHA^ICAL''DA;fA: COLUMN WIDTH 32mm.' '■ : ' :. ■ .-. - COLUMN.LENGTH 560mm..No; OF COLUMNS. 10 • '



- ■ ; ■ , Tei: Leeds;441-234 advertisem ents ’ v':" Jvv.':/''TeirLeeas 388388fami I ' no ticesv arid cancel la tioxiSjH V ;

^ _______ ^ : -V I ; L ■'• f

•i^OCTMTONnTESru vAFMAWCE'S-oon r A ;Z siSfi

D U D B O nD

! rVyirid^ ield! Repairs i ; . • P M i .-

•i :h l iir -

WINDSCREEN REPAIR SYSTEM•'>' ' %lropS c!!l ■ Wincfccre'on ’Repoir rcom pcny -seeks‘■2 /5 S te s6lf;Wot/vqtedJ psople.(mOT>QrKi.vranen);c c p c ti)a _ ;rOT siCTring Lp an d operating a business o f their own wNch >vrecnjres a sm ahcdptd l« Investment/ G o o d ro p p ~ 41

Drime :temtpiy-of Le«9ds.^/ r .......- ^ - v fi^ J c a tfo h s In writing to: * I

b U O B O N D U K L TD;?5, Rodley Lane, Leeds LSI3 TNG


» Y “ NBR*CapH.?G ildcligi^ >• '1 7 0 a *88 m odel;'85 hpT:ff/

• ;force englne;>,-Escort:d,'-‘- tra i le r ' immaculate

; condition! * £ 6 i 9,9-5 ;;

f rtce^ itocludes^m oor-V ji n o -s *:■* r Huddersfield: r,f -v

'}’Viifl87 6 berth stay^c. cara- ■>" 'van i, w ith - s', h o. w e r. ;• - •y& u 11 services'.;;:*■:,v Lake-D istricts^prem ier * >:•' .park.-i site ".fees " fuUy- v <

I ^-vCfWr to'.M arch-v 1990-* *> vr: .'; £6,750. o ji.o .; F o r de- .i / ^ 3 T m s '■‘■P' ;. f ° - ? * 4 >•>;.

•' SIM M S v S u p er^ cjethoat;;r ‘ •' . : i4 x 6 ; :a ^ f ,c c i8 5 ;h p i : ; .v

Ford.engine,^lncludlna -• t.T .al l e r . ^ n d ' cover,

exceUent skl b o a t .; ..£2,495;"Leeds :r872997 '- ; after.6 .p .m , - '■

. TOPPiER fo r sa le / veiV -good condition;*• man f

; . . S . ,£87S- r "

•', p u L U M A: N • vcaravian ' ,«•- ^awnlno :to .:flt,.14 /16ftr^; •

-iv. caravan,, full ' w indow s ' ; • ' ‘t o f r o n t a n d n e w s e p - " ' „ . a ra te ground . sh ee t.' -

< ■' _■£'! 2 5 V Also caravan1 ■. ^ w heel w ith /n ew b ro - i .

; £ 2 1d T^.V :( 0 ? .f7 .W -.


1 o f i..UW .W .U .W ilU ^C A FA V AN ETIES %

■ ; - v a lw a y s I n s tock ’ VW b r ;ia p e c la ll» :/;

- 3 1 4 H n t lR o a d ; f <; W o o d m a n s e y ,; ! . ’ :

P la x to n B r id g e t 's 1 R o a d . N r: B c y e rie y .

Open 7 days. RingajujtL-T*!.TeL 0482 868832

S E E the ' Sw ift range i of r 1; ■ m otorhom es 'a ll .' on - d isp lay ,

now a t Goodalls C aravans “■ ■ z. Swift, Gapri. Sw ift; K on-; '■ . T i k i . 600/2,--.berth ■- petrol'.v

, . 6 0 0 /6 berth patrol;, 6 0 0 /S ; ■ ,: b erth tllesel; . 600/5.,';berth ■ - '■ tu rbo - diesel '; - -plus a few ’

selected usedi.m otorhom es .' fo r .sale.' Goodalla C ara­

vans. Crosland H ill,H u d -' dersfleld. T e l . ( o 4 8 4 ) 6 4 2 6 1 3 .' . ; ; .

WE travel to buy m otor cara- ' vans. Hina now o r ‘note ;

• M E R C E D E S -B E N Z . a t D I C K L A K E

See the fabulous new Merades ■' 208D Apache 20ft. Motorhoine

■ herethis weekend'— and'supeib ■ . Autohcmei range from V.W.v Ford

andftugeot-TSlbtiL^ '- 1 '7h ig b w a TO'sE R yicBfvyrira. -- S T A T I O N ; - 'I■ u

(A DkiLarie.Subsidlaiy)'/! (.iB lnglejr.RoadvSaltalre,..,v,.-^'Bradford. TeK (0680) ^ 6 2 3 6 5 ^ ^ 0 2 7 ^ 9 7 8 0 9

MERCEDES- 811,, D ./.L.H.D.;■H' panel • van. cohveralbn ■••by •

■‘Glendale.' F .*reg.^, mileage, autom atic pow er steering, hot w ater, central

,- Ii e a t f n g. gasi.or electrlcr fired, ro o f africondltlonlng, .

„: -.shower. • flush"/ to ile t,1 • grey • w ater s e w-a g e t a n lc s ;-. T.4500W- g e n e r a t;o r.’gas,< m lcorwave. 3 -waiy ’frlage.- : autom atic, s t e pr*4 In,- fact-

■ ’ everything • required: ; for • .•,'coupleto. enjoy f.w lntersjln.

. ::;the- sun. owner,-veryv s o rry - •; ;• to ’.aelL £30.000 o'.n;o;- N o‘

tim er wasters-Ipleasejvtele*'. t phone (0502)'841716;:;



LEEDS 441234' A ■ >

:173 CAKAVANS ^ ! 175 NEW CARS

r 72900.

FLETCHER V'l g oV 2' berth ’ • s p e e d boat.-50 hp; out- board, on;4 .wheel.Scoplon, t r a i l e r , : f£3.995‘ . oino . '(0943V 864322. ^ ” ™

VINTA, Windsurfer, coniplete-- i s a M'i .-suit •- 'conaiuoh;" ‘ ,£185 0;n.o,- (0943) 467475?


^ 1 NC' a exceliiBiit.'; condition, (i'SiUt^azfKi.fljft.'J

STILL-undecided about y o u r Sum m er hoy day s?^. W l t h

holidays fo r . onths, give the

< the

: .

school .next two mom .Mtwuu ld re n a ,t r e a t and make the, .m ost’ ofs.the. Sum m er h o lld a y s 'w lth ’a - n e w 'c ara- van-from -G oodalla . l t ’B a good time ito buy; aa cer­ta in models a re down to

• * the lasty, few, w ith . gooddea ls< availab le,ro r; a good price paid. ;for .' your , used caravan In p a rt exchange.

. New .caravans on ,'d isp lay by. A b b e‘y , • Buccaneer. Compass. L u n ar.': Rapide. S w I-t.V, ' C h ' a l l e n g o r , C om lche;!’ Goodalls C ara- vans, Croaland^HUl, H ud­dersfield.. T e I :. ( 0 4 8 4 ) 642613.,;-p ..S:v W e-re^now open. 9 { a .m -^untll,:^ p.m.

. -Monday, r. to ' Friday,- 9 a.m... to .6 a t w eekends,: MICHAEL -.NAIRN' ;(ratlrlng

from ‘Pick your: Own’ has fo r sale; one 20 ft. caravan

- ■ Dlus; 10’ /*!i20V.alloy scaf- -: '°La canapy : - 2 rea / w hite

caravan j w lthr'good canvas aw ning, (w o u ld 'se p a ra te ),. B oth caravans sound and

- suitable P i c k ,.Y our Own• sales ,o.r site, offices/ also ■tables, . f r u i t / direction

~ .signs,- scales., blackboards '• (wlll.'spllt). M..■ BUbrough -.(0937)■ noSB16..'( j ;

SW IFT.ChaU enger 520-5, 5 ' p e r th ,.. twin,-' axle -caravan.

1985, factory custom ised, l u x u r y .a p e d n c a U o n f o r

- p r e s e n t . o w n e r s . Every- conceivable^ e-x t r a / 'p lu s •v Isabella--top '.o f ^the ’range

'a w n in g ' a n a . ground sheet. ;^plus ’m any ex tras ; to Tenable

‘' ' you- to s ta r t - caravanning / w l . t h ' n o ./fu rth e r outlay.

.G enuine^reason* fort-sale . £6,000. :_Tel.. (0484) .863360

..ieves.^and-weekends.M ./^; - jWANTED.; Used tourers, - cash : ^yaldng,; , O dsal^ Caravans.

ord.vTel. 678663.; ;TO WB A R; Fitting; "Services: -

S u p p l ie d / / . fltted a t y ou r '.bom e. B radford 590012. :

WE buy, good, . la te ' model.

; 2 2 foot. ABI caravan.- . ..en d ' bedroom .: -£ 5 5 0

^ o ju o . 27 ft. - Pember-. - ' . ton .; c a ra v a n ;' £ 3:5 o •

o . n . o .■•. TeL V(0484t . :' 423772 or. 5 3 3 8 3 1 ^ '1

ABBEYV Gloucester-'1 9 8 1 ; . 4 i; berth , excellent condition.-

ty res a s nBw. double-glaz- . *Ln ® • - fridge, heater;: gas

t rin g s , a n d . . .g r l l l , . . t o i l e t . . • ‘ e x c e l l e n t fu ll '- awning.

£2,100 o;n.o..^TeK - (0302) •

FOR - sale and -wanted/^ new!and used static, caravans

:V ftXHn-SSOO - £10,000, John - Pontefract ^ -(0 9 7 7 ) 620418: . ^ ...

‘G’REAT DEALS ON ‘GT CARS’GRANADA GHIAi2.9i:.4x4 in 'R int.;..,.;.::::..:..;.:. £ 1 9 ,5 5 8 GRArW DA,GHiA2;4iALrtoin',Tasrnan.,;‘..L :...'..'£ 1 4 ,9 9 5 ; GRANAP^;2^0lGL/inT/ercuryi'.,.';‘^ '............;V £ 1 1 ;9 9 5

iJS IE R I^ 2:9 ^x4;GLS;;SpMi^l.Black:'.;.;.;„;;:;‘.:.. £ 1 4 ,4 9 5 ■SIERRA' 2 . 0 G h i a E 5 t a t e , M a g e n t a £12 , 995 .SIERRA Chabeur Estate, M a g e n t a . . . . £9 , 995

:;Tctophcmeorcaa GrahamWilson orNlgelMarshaUforthe bestdeal.

. From Yorkshire's new est Ford D ealer " ■-----------------------------l l g g ^ g g g l

‘ (U J^ ^ m * L e " d sH " Tlidey, M(09W.6gS!61

. E ^ t r a p p w e r W d l i i 3q ^ ^ s ^ F o r d a b l e .

;i- - ;g iv e s^ o u s u ^ i n g ;.a c c e le ^ t io n J . ': . .^ i ; :v ^ ^ ,{ : ;^ :^ ■.;.:. ir i :r^.>.,i'wr>,.v.:opo.:

rvJ1 ike aii ‘e.leolf ic'sunroof iil'a2nrfident;.'stefeo:sbund^stemr"> ;;;:;andjW rr^lnBpborm er^;^u’ exped;the Rover.216EX to '

■ ^ f e 6 ^ i j f o ! l ^ i ^ t ; j t :s ;a !rem arkably^loV v: p rfc e ■ f o H i 'i '^ a r k a b i y; ; su jserip r-xar.' -ifV '• ' ' :

1 v ; ; f f l / y f c q m e a h d 's e e f o f y ^ r i o w - - ' 0 ■'-•''■•

0 %F I N A N C E

2 1 6 E X

2 1 3 E X £ 8 , 9 9


NELSON ST BRADFORDOfffjlNG'.TlMIsVMon.W V-7 '^:jSc^i5‘Sun'l0-4.30 '

•TAKE ' advantage* o f , th e end r : ofT-s.e a s 'o n •discounts a t ■■ ;iJ31cklnsons; J u s t a few

1 9 8 9 m o d e l s l e f t a t . unbeatable prices. • There a re r e a l savings <to be

-‘m ade - w hy n o t'ca ll in and ;take a look . - Take: a look •too-' a t - our.- %new 'seasons s t o c k ' . 1990 models a re arriving d a i l y .w i th th e v e iy :ia te s t. In styling and technology. ■ D 1 c k l n s o n C aravans'L td :..C anal Road.

-B rad fo rd the- b e s t In 7 B radford fo r new and used •-caravans, 'awnings,~: acces­

so rie s.-spares a n d ; repairs'.

LwNINCS help you m ake the most'.iofr y ou r-caravan . As

,; thie -leading awning suppliers i i i . the UK, we can supply new aw nings

. f r a m r £149 . by Isabella.- -N.R., ^Spacem aker.’ Salou,

Harrison, Som brero, :and w e’ve the biggest choice of used aw nings In the area;' .We.’ve 23Vnew<awnings on d i s p l a y . In o u r indoor showroom , vand rou r used aw nlnga cost from a s little as £60. Goodalls C aravans, C rosland ';H 'l 11, H udders­field. TeL"(0484) 642613.

CARAVANS w a n ted .: U s e d caravans bought fo r cash. l r ®V ^ P d e 1 s onw ards. C ontact Mr; P e te r ; Wilson. B urtree . C aravans’, ,(A68).

_ :,l ^ g p t o n . . ; T e l . . -;ro325>

YAf* : R °yce 3 6 5 /2 caravan . ;Aug. - 88, ; 2 " b e rth s every

3 times,- £ A t.v i> 0 o.n.o. . • (0302) 1 .^ 0 0 5 7 a fte r 5 p.m.CASH w aiting fo r .y o u r 1981

o r new er fam ily 'carav an . :£pry the. ;best price phone

B rad ley . ^(0484)


. . C17.69S b.nio. :

1.98$VOLVO 340 GLE SPECIAL EDITIONS d o o r saloon; ^W i'm ileafle..'one; lady .ow ner. In Imm aculate condition. FuU service tllBtory,-12 m onths w arran ty . ■ .' . . ; ;. ' / ' : £6.495 o.n.o; '.

' ; ? 1 976 MERCEDES 450 SE-5;.i; .Go6dAcondltlon, 12 m onths M.o.T, ;T.

p .rt • ' . 'V ./- •.*■’ Contact Mike Edw ards on I- •» -- .

' v; ■' V ; b l e e d s '.(0532) .449157 • ■* , PERSONAL TOUCH AITTO ENGINEERING.

UNITS,15 •ANb'.17.--;‘ r j SHEEPSCAR GROViE. LEEDS 7. *

HawSesvrerth RLHonfarth.

C a r a -A lasta tr . a i a ui«y 642613,- Goodalls

.•■•vans ..STATIC 'ca rav an s- t o : c l e a r > from .£400. no sites avail­

a b le .'B e ach ' view -' caravan p a r k . . TeL Scarborough

; ; |g 7 2 3 £ 583700: o r 0 8 3 6

JOW BARS -to p {'quality com- . -^p e t l t l v e prices, fitting,

•wiring,-. 50 y rs . experience. B a rn e s -1 w inder. Gulseley 72186.. . . - / a I O O . - • / . . .

ACE.Chieftain.' 6 berth, static i v caravan^ Xowfleld ■ Farm. - ' .Filey. £2.900. o,n.o:. T o It.

Harrogate 508871; y



F i i^ j f o i r T o y o ta'Open 7 days





Skircoat Road/ Hafifax g (0422) 365790? BRADFORD 723190

•atgate,Wakefield( 0 9 2 4 ) 3 6 6 2 6 1


8.30am -'9pm MON-PRI 8.30ain -1 2 Noon SAT



;0535 38430 'WORKING FOR YOUm Street Laae,Iadsa.Ta:(0532] 668231




NEW RS TURBOSavailable;,in fed; wKfte and bla.ckc - I


: Liconsod Crodil Broker. Wrifton quotessubjoct to s ta tu s



Heal on

T o y o t a’ -.RING - .'■/■ ■

0 2 7 4 ^ 4 9 1 2 6 1


'G'REG.yOLKSWAGENS'^ T R U S T ;U ::- ':> V :.'U :.""

f o r A m o r e w s t in g RELATIONSHiP v « -

Tel: 0532 633431

THE BEST NUMBER: fo r , , .


;-''-'S14514i5- I

S 7 - - ’W H I T E - - ' . : : ? ANDLOCKWOOD

-v' | Bradford Road,': jt-vY .' Huddersfield

' ;y -


Page 37: Download the document (33.5 MB)


i s rvgas--

E*W Am

176 USED CARSv W . i v





. . B £ «

■:S■ 15


*: ■■*


88(F) 7301 AUTO SEDolphltyServotronlc... .£ 2 4 ,9 9 5

•87,.(E) 7351ASE Wh’^H iile , High Spec, .. . . . .£ 2 5 ,9 9 5

89 (F) 7351 ASESIIver/Hlde.HIgh Spec..;...,..£ 3 5 ,9 9 5

(E) 7501 In ClrrusBlue, BlueHide,15,OOOmlles £ 4 4 ,9 9 5

87 (D) 635 C51 AUTO Met, Black/Hide ESfCAlloys^Alr - ; .Condi... .C^i.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . £ 2 2 ,9 9 5

86 (D) 5281 SE BIue. Alloysl ESR OBC... . . . . . . £ 1 0 ,9 9 5

86 (D) 5281 SE Metallic Green; Alloys. E^R, ; - v ' ’ ■ ’ ‘oBe.......’...................................... £ 1 0 ,9 9 5

86 (D) 5351 AUTO Red. EH, OBC, A lloys....... £ 1 2 ,4 9 5

88(F) 525! White, ESR, Fogs,Alarms,. . , . £ 1 9 , 9 9 5

88 (E).535i AUTO Diamond/Black, AutoAjrCond......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . .£ 2 5 ,9 9 5

88 (E) 3251 SE Silver/Hide, Full 1 £ 1 7 ,9 9 5 ;:

88 (E) 325i White, M Tec kit, ESR, Alloys.... . . £ 1 6 ,9 9 5

8 6 (O32512drTBIue,PAS,Alloys,stereo. . . . . . . £ 9 ,9 9 5

.^(D)32gSp^rtiiiyer^Alloys/Spoi^ieate,' 1ESR :....... . . . . . . £ 1 4 ,9 9 5

88(E)325i2dr. Red, MSR, S t e r e o , £ 1 4 , 9 9 5

88(E )325!Rpyai,Hide, Alloys,High Spec.....£ 1 9 ,9 9 5 .

88 (E) 320i Convertible, Zlnnobar Red/Black ,,L ea th e r......:....;........ 1......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . £ 1 8 ,9 9 5

86 (Q 320i2dr. Auto, White,PAS, MSR, . . . . . . . .£ 8 ,9 9 5

86 (Q320i4dr:B|iie, M S R , . . £ 8 , 9 9 5

86 (D)320i4df.Biue,MSR,ABS,FEW,. . . . . . . . . .£ 8 ,9 9 5

87 (E)32014dn Auto, White, PAS, MSR, . . . . . . . .£ 9 ,4 9 5

j 87(E) 32012dri'W)hite, M SR,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .£ 1 1 ,4 9 5

<87(E)32014dr.Bronze, MSR,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .£ 1 1 ,9 9 5

86 (D )318!4dr.Blue,MSR,Stereo, trim s.;..... £ 7 ,9 9 5

B6 (C )318i4dr.B lue,M SR ,....../... . . . . . . . . . . .£ 7 ,9 9 5

86(C) 31814dr. Maroon, MSR, Alloys,RHR,. . . .£ 8 ,9 9 5

87(E )31814dr.Blue,MSR,Stereo,. . . . . . . . . . . . . £ 9 ,9 9 5

188 (E) 3181 2d r.W h lte ,P A S ,E S R ,\............£ iP ,995

86(03 'I6 l2dr;A lp lhe,M S R .......... . . . . . . . . . .£ 7 ,9 9 5

. 88 (E) 316i Cabriolet, White, Alioys, Stereo,.. £ 1 5 ,9 9 5 .

SPECIALIST86 (D) MERCEDES 300 SE Smoked ESR, AI|oys £ 1 8 ,9 9 5

88 (E) PORSCHE 944 Aiito, Lux, W h l t e / H l d e . E S R , . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .£ 2 1 ,9 9 5 .

88(E) RANGE.ROVER EFI Vogue SE, A u to ....£ 2 4 ,9 9 5

89 (F)MERbDES.300CE Metallic Blue/Hide,^loys,; ;• ESR;High S p e c . . . . . » . . . . . . . . • » « « . . . £ 3 3 , 9 9 5


50 BMW VEHICiks ALWAYS AVAILABLE ./ 'F u lly d p c u m e n te d s e re ic e h is to ry a v a ila b le ;

Harrogate Business P^rk, W etherby Road, H arrogate.

Tel: (0423) 889753: /after hours (0836) 585666

- f t ■ -£ 1989 F -.lR p y E F ^ 8 2 7 ;\/if ESSEfulsar. silver? fine, exampleof^

■ ft‘o v^r^M¥iBSi?ipr6duetl0h= car. *wlth or w i t h o u t car Jkhone.5\ '" -1 9 8 9 > . v . / ^ w

§ ROVER 8 2 0 . SI ''g : • FASTBACKGleaming black, rear spoiler, alloy wheels, headlamp wash. 6.000 miles. •6 , £14,995.

Dixons Motor Group’ :- ft . = Ltd.; / .• r^SANDRINGHAM GARAGE.K RAWCUFFE-ROAD.

COOLE DN14 6UA. ’ ji! TEL. (0405) 767221. ■

I .. > V.

I JAGUAR SOVEREIGNi*'"5.6 Automatic. -E reg,. Satin

etaulc, befg

m t

e l s e mefe.tenor,.full Sovereign spec*

ilfle' hide .__________ Ign spec*flcatlon •. including air con-

■ Jltlonlng. electric seats and • (Windows,- computer.* central Slocking, .radio cassette etc.,

P .OOo miles,.full service,>Us~ V by. Jaguar Main, Agents.

"Totally immaculate In. every Swespect. •§ 1

: : £16,950.Tel. (0943) >462844.

- ■ ii'-y


JT. MERCEDES 240 DIESEL / ' ''-/A^Reg.- ■

feaPThls beautiful luxury-motor ^^ar, 'is.' finished- in-labrador ^ lu e ‘with’ matching interior. Pttjust' 62.000Emllea recorded. 2 * previous; owners, refinements

nc. autO )transmission, PAS, entral l o c k i n g ' , • electric nlrrors;;etc.. totally .lmmacu- ?te* j

ftVi i ty £6,995 ' : ; • V. x . and business faculties

l » ; . c o n ta c t ■_>W ' Paul Cowey on

B M r ' i o 7 5 7 ) ^ ^ :gj; 8 7 4 6 6 /7 0 0 6 5 0 .'

MERCEDES 230 TEAuto^iE reg.i 36.000 miles.

'.Signal red, electric; sunroof, .windows, aerial; alarm, arm-

!st,vrear. facing seats, alloy. ;heels;,' :

£17,750 o.n.o:;, Tel. Bradford*726060,.,

f between 08.30 - 16.3b hra., • .. Mon..- Fri. • .


i, F real,5,000 nule:

£15,0P0, ,«• - . • i -.

§ Tel. (0977) 640687.

- IPS. IHt.!»■'ipji«j, ■ l»)w . .ISfr-


. i.. ‘ S'X•• !**•:

1988-C: Escort1'Cabriolet 1 6 0 0 Injection SE.

. 32,000 miles tax: and v M . o . T . . all-w hite, . colour coded .body klt, i excellent. condition. £ 6 . 4 0 0 . K a l l f a x .204169: . ; -

1988 C reg., 190 diesel.. Mercedes. metallic^

blue. 1st class condl- * t l . on, . low mileage. ’

, 84^L i; T e -

1988 F Ford Orion Glila . ;l, metallic Willow,-first :, class .condition. 12,000 <: • 'miles-, -'genuine reason ,

for saie, bargain' at £ 7 . 8 9 5 . - T e 1. day (0422) 368308; even-: lng (0274) 594614. : .

W.-s!5-S 1 reo„ _ . . . .

Flamenco, Rosso red, 9.000' - miles; m a n y extras, one lady driver, taxed to Jan ' 9 0 . . immaculate, £3,200.

'York (0904)-760714. .

B 190E • • Cosworth Mercedes, a ; 1986;' 44,000 miles: ESR. S ABS; FSH, EW, Champagne £ g o l d , taxed and tested,

every - extra, -lady 'owner, family commitment forces

, ; - sale. £ 1 7 , 7 5 0 . (0724) ^ .“ 782577.

■ v> ■ ■ .

.944 Liix>>1985 mbdeI,v£SR.:PAS,FSHi .£13^95? 924, iblack, -“At one owner, low

i,. v- n m

X J61 9 SoTarfen Auto, 1987, 1 owner, FSH £19,995; E;. Type V12, • folly * restored,i- IfiW rnfej ---- •XJ6 Z9 Anto, 1987, Towner,FSH,alvcf.:.... .£15,995XJS i 6 Gotpe, 1985, FSH, comppter ... £13y®5

:. 31S Cabriolet, 1prgpgr, »nny< FCTT32S Lux. *D* rcg^ aSoys.

- PAS.; sonroof, bod^at£i2£95 32S Lok .1986 4 door, PAS, ESR, *Boys, FSH, krw mfles

- ^ . 0<V495- 316 New Model,. 1988, black,sunroof., £9,995728 Munzd fiy reg^ ESR, ABS, aHoys/FSHi—^ '£ M 9 5 31fi 2 door, 1987, white, sunroof, low rmtei : £9^69531M ..4 door,‘ 1986, "FSH,gimrpfif • £6995

Granada Sconrio ‘E’ reiL, :blackMlher....J...^^.. £ 1 3 ^ Siena Zffi Qria Auto,' 1988, 1‘owner u! £8^95Orion t f i . O dSi '1988^ lowmiles, r e d . £7,995Sierra XR 4x41986, FSH, full

£7,995.spec.___Gmtadi 20 Q I ,Vj"-:ABS, 1 owner, FSH-^... £7 > X R 2 reg^ .full, -spec.; Nimbus prry - • • , £5,795 Fiesta LI! owner,;....

1989, red, 1 J^995

Fiesta lilL, 1985, lady owner.low miles.; L . . .£3^95

Fiesta 950 Pop,1986, bluei3^95

VcOto 480ES <E* i ^ black, low £9^95Honda Aerodeck 2JQ EXL‘ *D’ reg-, ABS... £9/195

Sboigun LWB . l U o THesH, 1988, P O P . . . ! . . £16/195 Sbogun LWB Tbrbo Diesd V : £15^95Sbognn LWB Tbrbo D ksd *D’ reg^DOP^™™™ £10995 Shogun LWB PHrol, a986, white, DOP^:...;...:..-n £10^95 Sundd Sanmnri *P reg^ low infles, 1 lady owner:.—.1 £7,495 Toyota .Terod' 4x4 Estate,1986, ver. .^....,;.;...£S^95Flat Panda 4x4 Stdy, 1988, 1

£4^95. Range Rorer Auto, *B', 27,000 : miles, Voguespec........ £12/495

Vamthall Astra L3Iy 5'dodr, :i987.:^..^.;i.:;:;:...;;.... £4^95Renaidt; S . Campus, ;<E*. rea.,

' red, l owner.............;.'„. £ 4 ^ 5: Mont^o'ZO HL E9txte,'1986, ‘silver..,V ......:..,..„.i£3^95Vauxhall Astra 1.3,: 3 door, 1986, red, FSH ......„..„£3^95CaraUer tG00 5:<J6or,'1986, red £3&5Metro , 1.0 Qty, 1987, low miles, r e d £3j695

Bradford Road, Idle. . Tel. Bradford 613048

. Sunday by Appointment

Ai-REGISTERED Nissan Patrol, 4 wheel drive. • long wheel base, bull

' -bar,- d e s e r t dualer ■. tyres, white, blue trim.

76,000 miles, t a x e d - and tested Jgui. 1990.

Very sound m o t o r ;. £4,500 o.n.o. TeL Bos-

ton Spa 842949.

: ASTRA GTE," C r e g . . Wt hl t e , recent tj^res -

-'and; exhaust, ‘ t a x e d * and t e s t e d 1980,

. ’44.000 miles, £5,000• o . n ; o v Tel, L e e d s .

432045 after 6 p.m. • r



ASTRA GTE 16 valve, 1989 ' (June), finished In r e d , not*yet run in. all refine-

. ments Including alloys, fac­tory sunroof, stereo; alarm

. e t c . Manufacturers war- • ranty. choice of 2. terrific

examples, both totally* as new. A considerable saving

.at; o n l y £ 1 1 , 5 9 5 ;. Browbridqe. Car Sales Ltd.,

Halifax (0422) 379887 or . - 371501.' r

1954 Morris Oxford, beauti­ful condition, spilt screen,

* o r g 1 n a 1 reg., long • test. £ 2 . 5 0 0 o.n.o. - Sheffelid 863003.

:.88^ 635CSI. Red; HI Une.'ll.OOOm n “.;:L , ; £31,995

Vil?(F)730IASE,.Whtte,-10,000ni- ; / , - • £26f995 •

:• MKE). 5 CS|Jm / 81ci(A; HI Un©# 38,000ni £26,995

j5351 SE Red/1 eotti0T;; C. D! phone, 12,000m ' £25,995

^8^ 530^8jirgundy Metj4.p00m :-'T ' £ 2 3 , 9 9 5

| 80"| | 53Oi3 ' Dolp tiln .*M0t/'-iO,OOOni ' £22,995

. 87(D) 7351ASE; Sityer, 35#OOOfn : • ‘ V ?; , V:'' £21,995 :

89©'325l Touring.'R^mii^c, 9,000m: i£18,995

89(F) 3201/4, Red; Mltech. k!t, oto/s; 6'000m £16,995

'■■87(E) 31BI/4 Auto,' BIub me*, sun fool, 10,000m . . . .:! £11,495

86(D) 3201/2, Wttfle, sun rool, aloys £9,995

86(D) 3201/4, Hub Met, sun raoi;'alloys;1321000m ' ' £9^95

86(0 316/4; Red, sun root, 37,000m : ' . .' " ■ £7/495


; 88(E) 535iSE, Royo! leather, sport spec. ■’• >.■' ■ 86(C) 316/4,'Blue, 55,000, h'gh spec; '.

; 87(D).5ffiE:Lii :.Gold riief, 39,000 ; ■; . ■. 8793) 316/2, Black, sun roof, alloys..; ■; . : '

. 87© i?5|/4,.S llief; 22^000, sun root, alloys, kit - 87(D) 316/2,.Red, 19,000, sun rool/steroo

•86(0)^316/2,8lack, 27;500m, sun roof '87(E) _320l/4/Blue meV28,000,- sun roof . '

;88(F):318i/2,’Red,'8!060ni,sun roof \ 87(D) 316/2, Dolphin met 24,000m; sun roof • .■ 88(F) 325i/i,ll,p60m, Red, siifi rooJ

86(D).31Bi/2,:14,OOOni,Silver ;• ' ;J'68(E) 3231, Corwertbre, 17,000m, Wnire

: W(D)318l/2jRe'ii;3lj500rn; sun roof .. 89(F)735IASE]Rjyai Blue,leattier.' ■ ..

. 68(F) 3161/2,5,000m, White, sun roof . 87(E) 3251, Sport, 30,000m,.Silver .: •


TEL: 0302 369191OPEN M O N -FRI TILL 7PM

A U DAY.SAT. SUN 11A M -5PM (V iew ing only)

X)Used @ Approved

All Crolt & l i la ik b u rn M crcedes-B cnz h ave

full serv ice h is to r ies a n d to m e with 1 2 -m o n th s

M ercedes-B cnz m echan ica l insurance .

:'300.: St: Diamond Blue metaIIic,: blue auto, ABS. Hard and soft top. Alloys. Bcckcr radio casscttc. c]ca

! aeriaL elec. windows.::.... i £35,995. 87 190 E. Silvcr, Grey trim, autp, elec sunrobf, radio .

cassette, elec. aeriaL.....:.......:..v........L.......;i.......;.....:.£14^9588 E.230 TE Signal Rid. Black trim,.auto, elec. sunroof. Radio cassette.; dec. aerial.:.:................;.::..........U.... £19,995..

. 89 *F 23&ITE, auto, blue/black metaliic, grey trim, elect- ' ric roof, decmc winddws, armrest, ABS; cruise, electric adj. stm ing col, ASP, leather wheel and gearshift, alloys,.' ortra rear seat, ext. temj>. gauge, - towbar with ,det; ball,

' electric aerial) fire extinguisher, radio/cassette. ...... £25,495■■87 .‘E’ -230E,; Champagne metallic, light tan trim, auto,,! electric roof, front armrest radio/cassette, electric aeriaL


Ready ^ WaitingI 'o r a road-les l at y o u r h o m e o r place o f w ork

call 0 4 2 3 8 7 9 2 3 6 .

. 87 230E, Astral silver, medium red trim, auto, electric / roof, front armrest, radio/cassette, 4 speakers, one owner;

. 86: ‘D ’ 230E, .Signal qid,'radio/cassetui'..'....’....................... £14^95' •87.‘E’ 190E,' Arctic white, blue Uim,iauto,.^&tnc^/robf, j

' radio/cassette, clectric aerial 15,000 "milesj/front 'armrest, : ' alarm system. Arriving sho|tIy.V; -. •. Af j• • 8 8 2 3 0 CE,’ Arctic whit^- 'Blackftnm,''aiiib’,?aaaric


‘ 88;.^F 300 CE Smoke Silver,' 'cream’ trim, au to, ‘ dec trie 's/roof; ABS, electric windows;• front annrraL -Arriving- •■ shortly. ' ■ :v ;■’.87 300 SL, Signal red, bla< trim, auto,: ABS, rear seat, , HLWW, alloys, electric aerial radio/cassette, 2,000 miles: only. Hardand'soft top’:, eleuwindows; ...__:.._..:...£B5,950 89 ‘F 300 SE, Srnoke Silvq-, cream trim; auto, ABS, elect­ric s/rpof. radio/cassette. Arriving shortly. : ■ ;

C r o f t E I B l a c k b u r n1: n u Mi n i i i> i • II i s / \ n M i> k i H i s i i» i s

I.ccds Roatl. Pannal. Harnigatc I IG3 1 iiP.'IVl: (0423) H79236 Slunvmom /Aor (0860) 639fi66 after hours. i P ’ '

» *F*. MERCEDES 200; white; rear spoiler, alloys, electric sunroof and windows, 13,000 miles £16,995

, ‘F’ MERCEDES 300SE,.met. diamond blue. stereo cass>■' ette. sunroof.,'5,000 miles o n l y . . . . . . . . . . . £27;595

!EF MERCEDES 300SE, In met. Impala bronze/sunroof,alloys etc.["19,000 miles £23,995

' 'E’ BMW 316 Jet black, sunroof, one owner, 14,000 miles; ' 1 *' £9(795

! >D* MERCEDES 190E AutOM met. petrol blue, sunroof, 4 ielectric windows. 27.000 miles, f.s.n. ........£13,295 ,•D' BMW 3181,4 door. meLblue.23,000 miles £9^95 86 MERCEDES 230TE- Estate, in dassic.whlte with sun- A

'■ roof, one owner.44.000m i l e s . ; . . . £10^95 < (C* MERCEDES 500SE, in .m et ciiamond blue, cruise. < one owner, a.b^..'velour, alloys^ electric seatsv 34,000 <

.'miles o n ^ v m a g n l f l c e n t . . £19. 995: 84 MERCEDES 190E Auto., classic white, MB body kit. alloys, one owner,47.000miles f , a . h . " . . . i . . £10395 '

>DV. MITSUBISHI Space ‘Wagon. 7 seater, white,-•P.A.S. c/lock. one owner, 38,000m i le s £6,795 'D’ VW SCIROCCO CT. Auto, in white, stereo, one:.

' owner. 4,400miles o n l y . . . . . . . .£5,69587 ESCORT XR3I, in bright red, ..sunroof; alloys,

• alarm, one owner, 19,000 miles ...i.....;............. £6,695‘A’ RANC E ROVER,i in ' met- silver, 4 door,- vooue ■

-'.spec, .with tan velour, alloys, stereo,' 64,000 milesi'' super example ......Ui...................;...,.................... £8t39S

•F'METRO, White. 7.000 m i l e s . . . . £4, 295' •F’ MICRAGSX, sunroof, 5speed, 4.000m i l e s £5,695. i ■fF* CITROEN AX 10RE, blue. 5 door.'2.000miles.., £4^595 < «E», MAESTR01 L, S door in white; 7,000mUes.... £4,695 ‘E’ NISSAN SUNNY 1.6 SGX Saloon, in met.: thlsUe;.‘i P JtS ., electric windows, alloys, 15.000miles...*..;.:£6,695-

> 'D' ESCORT 1^«3L, red,5 door, one owner............ £4,495 ’, 86 ASTRA 1.2 (latest shape), medium blue'... £3,595 <t 86 PEUGEOT305GR Estate, white,39.000miles £3,995 { , : ■: SPECIAL OFFERS' ‘, ‘D’ VW POLO C Estata in .gold, sunroof. oneVowneri .1 ; 29.000miles .;...:.../..;£3,795 <

‘C’ ESCORT 1.1 Popular inred. one owner, 14,000 miles.;'• o n l y .......... £3,695 .

SSFIESTAXR2 in black, sunroof, 5 .speed, alloys, full.i history, a stunning example .............. ........... £4*595 {

•C’ HONDA CIVIC Auto in gold. 23,000 miles ..'...-!.. £4 ‘86METROCItyinsllver.fullhlstory,11.000mlleson .

> 3 • ,-£3,195 ,> ?B’ VW: GOLF (latest model),: sunroof, full history..> ■ 47,000miles <.......,......;i.;......£3,295 ^• . ', i POOL ROAD# O TLEY.T«i.(0943)465911 :>• - •• •' OPEN ALL WEEKEND v) ■ 12 months Nat. warranty available on all cars. .-i Do not part ex. your low mileage ..



ASTRA Merit 1300. D • reb./; May- *87. 19.000

m l 1 e s .,> silver blue metallic; ‘ . immaculate

■ condition, £ 4 ,4 0 0 . 263064, S a t/

:BMW 316. 1988 F rea.. ■ 15,000 ■ . miles, black.

Blaupunkt stereo, lady owner. . £9,500 oji.o.

‘ Tel. (0302) 710524, .

BMW: 5201. First regls- ' , -tered Oct ’87, Com-./, p a n y Director’s car - and ln>t a 1 n e d • • accordingly, 25,000

. miles,. £ 9 , 0 0 0 . teL %* (0937) .64303, i • '

AUDI 80 S, '87 D rea.. red, good - condition. 2 9 , 0 0 0

' miles. £7,250 o;n,6, T e 1. : L.C.H., . Leeds., 310677 or ’ ;(0937).63077 (eves.).

1938 Austin. 10' Cambridge, v collectors.-car*, all original

; f e a t u r e s , new clutch, . ex h a u st,b ia ttery .' U s e d

d a l l y unt i l . s t o r e d 12 . . ' m o n t h s agoi £2.000 or ..reasonable offers.- Leeds

622055. ,BMW ' 520l, -A reg.. metallic

■ f l o l d . iFSH, immaculate. . stereo ...cassette, -any trial, f 1 r s t . to see w i l l buy; £4,995. L^eds 737442.

' ‘ - ■r

BMW . 323! Cabriolet: . • Dec. 1 9 8 4 ; B Reg.,

metallic,•• Champagne • with brown-hood and Interior 54,000 miles

‘ '-with <full service his- ’ T tory.* Extras :lnclude . PAS, alloys,;, electric '

-: ‘ windows, central lock- . ' lng and .on - b.o a r d

.* comput e r ; - * i t Pr l c e ■: • £10(500. Tel. •’ (0226)

289766 office;*(0226) ...206740 home. . - . .1

. BMW 520,' August. .*88,. m e t a l l l c ’i ^bronze,; 1 immaculate,'. . 8 'i- 0 0 0

' miles only,, all' usual extras. £16;495 o.n.o.

. TeL Leeds; 6 7 4 S 3 3 f e v e s , ) or 664085 1

• ( daytime) . -; ' . / : : - •


t e ®

has the Mgest s te -and at unbelievable prices!


Several examples arriying this w e ^ 89 From £14,500


‘F’. 19® ROVER S li AUTO. Diamond WUle/Guninetal. 6,000 nidles only.. ‘F i989 ROVER 827 SL^ S-^eed Pals»Silyer 8,0(M)inii«pdly..,.;.„’..:.„„'..

: ‘F 1988 R(iV£R 827 SLi. AUTp.PiisarSilver. 10,0(K)'niaes:..:;:.\.:.'.'..Ld.;


ROVER ,827 Si ■■:? TV,,

‘F 1989 ROVER 827 Si. FASTBACK AUItj] Pulsar Siher, 3,000 miles Reg Api: £13,695 ‘"f ROVER 827 si. AUTO, A tia iiticH i^ 9 ,0()O m ile„ ......^

• ‘F.1989 rfpVER 827 Si. 5-speed, Pulsar Siher, 8^)00 miles. Only £12^95‘F 1988 ROVER 827 Si.AlJTO, AzmeBIoe, 10,000 miles ------ £11,795^19fflR O V raffi^;S i AUTO, L ^ ^ B io n ^ 9^)00 £11,796‘F 1988 RO^ER 827 Si AUTO; Lynx Bronze, 12,000 m il« . . ..„.;......:™........,.l.:„

ROVER 820 Si/i

.‘F:1989.RQVER 82p.Si, Sjspeed Stitne Grey,'3,000 miles only..;..;™...'.....;;..‘F 1988 ROVER 820 Si FASTBACK, 5^ieed diamond, 8,000 miles .‘F:1988.RbyER 820 Si FASIBACK, S^ieed Strata Grey..7,000 miles, onfy # 1 9 8 8 ROVEKffiO Si, 5-speel Stone Orcy. 8,000 miles, only™..V.™.;_r ._ l.i. ‘F 1S>88 ROVER;820i, Sspeed. Atlantic Bine,9,000 miles,: sanroof.._;„„.:.r ._;—


£11^895 .....;£10^95 ™_£1(^»5



'# 1 9 8 9 ROVER 820 SE, 5-^>eed, Rdsm- Sa»er, 10,000 mfles-..-;i....;™..;..l..;-..-i.:£10^95 ‘F 1989 ROVER 820iB FASTBACK, Auto/5-speed. Choke of colour. Fiom .5,OOO.miles.From..

. # 1988ROWR 820E;5speal, Diamond, 8/W0 nriless./roof..r .„ T..__ .‘F 1988 ROVER 8i20^5-speed Azmc BJoe. 9^)00miles.S/rooir„..;._........

. ‘F 1988 ROVER 820E,'5-speed, Atlantic Btoe, 9^)00 miles, s/roof ___‘F 1988 ROVER' 820 FASTBACK, Anto/5^iecd'Cbotce of colour. FWun„_

. £10^95

...£8^95 ;„£8£95 .^£8^95


Roseville Aveiiiie, Off Knareisterough Road, Hairoigate Tel. 0423 883070 884427 880371


.: F E B 8 9 , R Q L L S -R O Y C E S IL V E R SPIR IT .B alm oral'G reen w ith P archm ent.H ide piped;

, G reen, m a n y e x t r a s , 7 ,0 0 0 m ile s l; £ 7 6 ,9 5 0 NOV 8 7 BENTLEY M U LSA N N ES |C88: ’ m od el .year) S ilver w ith S p e d a l G rey

;;; .Hide p ip ed B lack; m a n y e x tr a s , su p p lied an d i. ^servicfed b y ourselyes:; tTiOOO m lles. , Jv

’ rfj36D B E N T L E Y E IG H T .in 'W h tte w i t h B ia t k• Hide u p h o ls te r y .e x tr a s in fiu d e ja llo y ^ w h e e ls -

a n d w h ite w a ll- t^ r e s ,4 8 ,0 ,0 P ^ m ile s ll l , ' i„ . . i . ,J :r^ ; ,.s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . £ . ^ 3 ^ 5 0 ^ ^

v-i-’ A U G ^ B R d L L S -R O Y C E S IL V E R ^ if U T iC d V ^ V ; ..w i t h B e ig e p ip e d j^ e d ,,m a n y e x t r a s ; - o r ie - " ^ —'1

S o w n e r -from h ew ,^ 2 9 r 9 6 b . m i le s . .; ... £ 4 2 , 9 5 0 . '

8 6 D B E N tL E Y .T U R B O R R o y a l B lu e w i t h P a r c h m e n t p ip e d i n p a r k B lu e , 2 4 , 0 0 0 m i le s ,

, o n e o w n e r f r o m h e w , s u p p l ie d a n d s e r v ic e d , b y o u r s e lv e s , £ P O A

. . C O M IN G S H O R T L Y

:: 8 6 D B E N T L E Y E IG H T L ig h t O c e a n B lu e v r f th

L ig h t B lu e H id e p ip e d , in. D a r k B lu e , e x t r a s -• include alloy, w h e e ls , w h ite w a ll ty r e s , h ide

fa c ia , 2 4 ,0 0 0 m , FSH .C 54 .950

/LEEDS R osev ille R oad Tel : 461 11 1

o f L eeds-----fo r Q uality used vehicles

86 ‘C MEKCEDES 500 SEC, Hambnd Uoe, Zcnder body Ut, Hide aildys, fd tffet, healed electric seals, air andttkiftig ■ 03,

BMW 3181. 2 door;: 1988. [ white, ;low mileage, ^u 1-1

- t e c h n i c body Wt,-alloy wheels, .one- lady owner, immaculate.: £9.950. . Te l .

• .Hull 634559.. « * • ' .

l,Zinnobesrred,s/i ■ 88 T BMW 739 SE Aiito, GrapMte, 18 000 miles t . 84 PORSCHE 928 S2 Anfe, Signal 'red; ABS, tedfcr, U h , prink plale : 87 ‘D’ BMW 7351 Aiio, New shape, HI spec, hgi ndles 88 T TOYOTA SUPRA 3M, S speed, MetaHc Hack, tie , elc, t i l l . .

Q 2£»£22,995

88^BMW525E LUX, Ztanobcred,'afloys,ESJLj 31^00 tfles,FAH._ 87*E* HONDA IEGEND, S-speed, GuBDetal, a/c, e*r.i^_85 V MEBCEDES196 Ado, e j j , 11/100 mlfan...'...-;.'..;...W T AUDI 2J COUPE, M elaB icr’ ' - 83 ‘A’ MERCEDES 190E, 5-speed,W E HONDA ACC08D 2J) EH,88 V BMW 5201,5- 86‘D’9EBBA4X4,86 V BMW3I6,ZInnoberred,87‘E’ROVEB 820E, Airio; Blade, i/ioot 15 100 Biles;86 *C BMW 5251,5-speed, Ztanoberred, s/rorf, t s i , VALUE ATu87 *D’XK31, white, s/root aUoys, 29^00 oOes.


£10395£I6,«0£11,450£9,450s/r, 5-qieed, LsJi.

u iuu.ejxa/c, ABS 39 000 allies

s/nrtPAS, 39300 aOesa/ioof.liJi

.£6395ForSfmdayvtcwing tekpbooeSalurdayfqrappolntnteal'

227 Meanwood Road, Leeds 7. Tel:438201









88 ‘F* LEGEND COUPE. Chateau red with. ' . 87 'p ; PRELU'DE 2.0i 16V. Red with.biack beige leather upholstery, race- bred perform ; ■..trim. 'stirnning perfohnance frorry this eye-. %ni»with eveWc6hceivabteitJxiiiVimaginable..catching .aiupe; :inLOUtstanding.odndition vwith.

V -r ■■■•"■-!"' , / £ 2 0 ^ 5 0 W -only.24,000 m iles.;.:.....:.,.::::.:....:-.. £ W 5 0 88 'F ACCORD EX. M A N . Dark. gray, uvith 88 'D ’ ACCORD EXI A IITO . Blue with blue

;phViiiitithbusaifil 'ipil«i''Cbmc[.'for.: .trim, .a tnie driver’s':car, complate'with.iby ourselves from now'. ........ £ 1 0 ^ 5 0 ■ clujojry,1' FSH, 24,000 miles £988 'F ACCORD EX. AUTO. Red with beige 8« 'D ’ AERODECK EXi M A N . Silver with trim, 6,000 m|lM:ap(TOx.; ;so|d...and: serviced’ by ourselves from new ; . £ 1 0 3 5 0 :88 T - ACCORD EX. M AN.. Montreal bluewith blue' trim', lO.OOO. rniles from-new.' full. ..service h i s t o r y . ; . ; £10,450 ; • afler>smai!; hatchbacks..This one;is!finished: in ;88'^-IIVlMfM IX MAN. Pale, green-with v rred-vvith gr^^^’20,000,miles, and first i^ gettm ;i500 <w;>12 valve engine;, a famiiy'.'^dassi.'.:AV.u..J^i.......;..iiiw....v....r .£5#750caV-wth a '^ rty 'flavour;..9,000^milKI - * 0 * ll'fTEGRA AUTO LX. Gold with bei e

.. ' i ';‘M,750\.ytrirTi,1500 <x:,multivalvQ erigine cpupled te a 4;88 -;,F-- AERODECK' EX. MAN.l M6riterez;:r; speed box .make this-1 a lovely car-’ to drive;-'' green wth brown trim 2.0,-povyer steering,.an;' . v20,000!mile9.\ V:.,'.v::.,.;'.;,:,-.',;;;,i....,v.':.''£8#7&5.'excellent- example of'this Sports Estate- * • 88 INTEGRAAUTO- LX. Silver • with, blue'

: ' •' £»,850,i -trim/’only 11 ,’0d0‘-miles' owner and'in •


i'grey trim; an attractive Sports Estate! sold arid . serviced by ourselves from new,;a little above

• .'"averagemiles bLitgoodvalue £8«950* ' '86 'Dr CIVIC AUTO. One’of tHe.'most sought



/ -trim/ only 11,000 miles by.ona'owner and'i ,88;Er PRELUDE2.0i, 16 VALVE4 WHEEL 'outstaridingconditiona;;.’.;.;..;.;;.:::.;s£6J50i STEERING; Red wth grey gnm, e.'ectnc per- . 8fi 'D' ACCORD EX1 AUTO. A lrue Sportsfomance and M'annzing'staUlf^''qt-4>Mf;^Saliwn.- iinished-in.. Moritreal blua: with * blue'steering ............. . £11,950. trim, four speed automatic,'-a test drive'in.this:88 'E' BALLADE EXI. Silver with gray trim, -: luxurious car is e must to appreciate the quality electric vwndows and mirrors, 1500'cc injec- -.. • ' ■ -- ':■ :' ■■' ■ '■ tMSO,-tion engine for ecsjnDmy and . performance, 86 . C* ACCORD EXi MAN. Blue with blue'power steer'ng . .;...."..;..',.:.. ........;..v.'. £7^50. v : itrim,.only 34,OOO miles and an attractive price87 ‘E* INTEGRA LX'AUTO. MontrMl blua ’. make this a desirab e proposition-. £8/(50with: blua trinw afactric1 wMonnJ central 88 'C* PRELUDE 2.jn.IBV. Supplied and ser-. lodahg,. an ideel famSy 5 door,10,000 .vioed by oiireelves; only 24;000 miles;’in ex-mBM ................. . £8,350\ cel ent condition, finished in silver with black87 ‘E’ INTEGRA EXI . 18 VALVE. Whita' trim, a very affordable Cbupe.............. £M 50with Hua mm.PAS,pracderf 5 dowwtti '0 84B- ACCORD EX. SALOON . Ahoutstand- amaalnfl patfamimce.. • —87. ‘E’ AERODECK EX. MAN; Gold with gold trim, povnr ttaaring, alactric wk>- dowi. riinpn, ;a vary attractive .example ofthis modal ................. £8,85087 -E’ AERODECK EX.1 MAN. A ona owiiar ear anipBad-and aarvicad by' 'duaahiaa. from new/ finMied in gold with matching trini, 15,000 maee


..£4450, irig' ca finished in' beige-with 'under '40,000 ■ u 'miles-make this a-vefy desirable ovvh

, with a realisticjmce £4,75084 .'A'.ACCORD EX. SALOON. Gold.with

;j;gold;.trim,’ central iocla'fig,''pbwCT;'stemng;;:air- ■ conditioning etfi,^S.OpO'miJeSj'eMsilerit con1 ' d i t i o n a n d v a l u e : . ... £4^250 83 - r PRELUDE DL AUTO. Finished in

£8.895 metaliic red with grey tnm, cniy 41,000 miles87 ‘E' PRELUDE EX. MAN. WMta with : and outstanding, an opportunity to.arauireagray - trim, ona ownar. • alactric;wit^Viwi **** ■ ^a«Uu«' ■ i • , 83 T ACCORD EX. AUTO. Light blue with

■ £9^50‘i-;T blue.trim, only' 49,000 rriiles, there istreat demand for the earlier Accords.0 .fl-T JAGUAR 3.6 SOVEREIGN. Red



87 'F INTEGRA EXi 16. TWa y«y quick 5

18 ■' metallic with grey leather; 17,000 miles only.^ . S l . ^ h r r r m m n ^ f e a t u r e s in1!this fine'vehide are obvious,

grvaahialaiitia^ponaa.only IZ.OQOm ya^ , Jagija'r extended wa'rranty/ trerriendous savinti

^ ^E™TOYOTA-:LANDCTUilSEH TURBOiwith Mua trim, one owner, eir conditioningm ^ c^rtiul arid alec^^ayatvdii^M^'- —Hjc^. mii rB, gtc.,, chrom'e wtieels.: a;,real 6,000 m8ea,anoutattnfagcar— £11^50 -n ? 4 H )87 'D' CRX COUPE: ihia ran aporta coupe

v oo ; e , ■ w i wan t knniivnuiw n iwiwv..DIEjBEL'.'.Rniah y'in blue,'1-electric sunroof,', .vymdmys miiTO ^ ^ remVwheels,v a;'real j

. ...«. . ... . . .... . . . 87 'Df JAGUAR X J 6 . - AUTO.TSilvBrH, HnUhad in yrtrf^ ytli j w p t ; • • metallic :paint, grey doth ’intenor-, ;55,000ownar m onty »#000 IWH n w i ttn I \\ milo-a rviotinh1 rrtnrfrfiftn linnirvvary attractive example.. -;-£8A 50

. miles, pristinucondition, excdlent vafe^kixurj

: Many more late, tew i aaga chooaa from- Plaaea rinB.







OPEN SU N D A Y 2 -5 p .m . -


, 1 9 8 8 E J A G U A R • S O V E R E IG N W 2 . A rctic B lu e /S a v iile ■ G rey leather, Factory sunroof,,'4,000 m iles on ly ...— .'— £26,995

198 8 E J A G U A R S O yE R E IG N . 3.8. C hoice o f A rctic B lu eor S a tin B eige b o th lo w m ileage — ■-— ----------- £26,4501 9 8 7 D J A G U A R X J S Y 12 . B on leau x R ed , M agnolia h ide,o n ly 7 ,6 0 0 m ile3 fro m n ew ......... ------ -— —------£22,995-1 9 8 4 J A G U A R X J S V 12 . W h ite w ith B lack :k a th er , q tn te ' exceptional, on e ow ner car, 29,000 m iles on ly a n d o f fa e d w ith you r choice o f private p late , va lue £600 _ — £14, 450

air conditioning, b in e ;m e ta llic 28,000 miffiH, good va ln e a t .f ,: ..................—— ;£H>,9951987 T ? J A G U A R 3 .6 X J S B a rd ean i R ed , d u n ce o f au to or Tnnnnal, rjif-v in tt tw eed in terior B oth krw rnilpngp fa?,ft951987 •D’ J A G U A R & 6 A u to . T u n g sta i/C h ev io tt Tw eed,. 3 2 ,0 0 0 m ile s- ..... £17,9951988 F R A N G E R O V E R V O G U E . A u ta . A laskan B lue. F actory fitted su n ro o f a ir condffioning, 6,000 n n k s— £23,750.

cars.brochure. W e in a y h B v e it

AH veh icles carry 12 m onths Jaguar approved used car: .warranty, optional second year at extra a»t.-;

^ ___ NORTHGATK. HLJDDKRSFIF.LI)■m m m - Tel. 0484 535251

A s s u re d O P K N M O N . — KR I . 8 .45 n.m . — 8 p.m .1 S A T . 9 a .m . — S. S l. ’N . N o n n — -I p.m .


. COLT SHOGUNLWB. 1986/ D reg.. In metal­lic silver, excellent condition. 59,000 miles. D i a m o n d optional pack.

: ' ;'y £ ii;250 . ,1 (0 5 3 2 ) ; 585454-a f te r 6 p .m .

■C.. REG. -Austin Metro C i t y X very. nood.

.: condition. •- regularly -. serviced.' 12.-months

■ .*'':M.o.T.; 4 months tax. r company car forces

. sale, £SL750 o.n.o. Tel; ’. . -' • Leeds 530016 after 6

p.m. .

''/CABRIOLET ' -Cavalier ■, 1 8 0 0 -injection, as

•,r -.;>new 5^00 miles only,

Srlvate plate, t a x e d prll *90. power steer-' v ; 1 n g , • quadrophonic

music, • remote - alarm,V . sliver with contrasting -• Recaro , trim, £8,995.; Doncaster -3 6 0 1 2 8

. trade, ><•.-.

CAVALIER 1600/5 door, ..- 1983. 62.000 miles, i . :. months M.O.T., oood : condition. 2 . 5 O O

o’. n . o , TeL L e e d a . 892503.

ALFA Sud, green- clover leaf,’ 8 3 . . 56,000 ! miles, FSH, excellent £2,195: or p.x., Golf .GTI, Rlpon 87563.

A S T R A Meriti Sept *86' f 16.500 miles,’ 1987 model.: £ 4 . 2 0 0 . Tel., Wakefield 823943.

AUDI Coupe GT, .1985 B reg., i . 5 4 , 0 0 0 .miles,•’ excellent5 condition. . £5^00. (0535) 275410.


BMW '316, 1988. E reg..: red.-16.000 miles. 9 m onths tax.

: FSH, radio / s te reo -ca s- - sette,-- excellent -condition. •• £9^50(^0.11.0. TeL W etherby

BMW 3201. M ay 87, 36,000 m i l e 's . Z lnnabar red . -4 door, sunroof, cross-spoke

; alloys, f ro n t/re a r spoilers, ABS • brakes, immaculate c o n d i t i o n throughout. (0484)• ' £9 ; 4 0 0 - O.ILO.

•- 428602 o r 0860 560117.

MERCEDES 300: v / ’.c e -:V . ■

FREGD.— ONLY 7 .000 MILES : :

Showroom .- cohdlttoni, * ona fastidious owner. Astral aflrer metallic/' > 11 Qht g ray - .doth. Automatic/ etectnc .stmroof, OTG.LSW, Fullservlce history.

ONLY £ 2 9 ^ 5 0 .• HARROGATE 509777

MERCEDES BENZ 190E< 1F wg.iOctbber, ’88 -r

la test spec.. .with extras

v veryilow mileage. -'

;: < l]B ,9 5 0

Phone Hairrogate . 7 1 2 2 5 6 afte r 6 p.m.-:;

CAVALIER 1.6 L. Y .reg.. blue, taxed and tested,

. regularly ;, serviced.. radio'* new engine a t ' 6 6 , 0 0 0 miles.- high

mileage, hence b a r *. gain- price o f £1,650 .

. o . n i o , T e L - L e e d s ;:55q iS 3 ;.;

CAVALIER B regJ-1300 cc..hatchback, M.o.t . May *90,

. taxed 'Feb . ’90, FSH. excel- . : 1 e n 't condition. £ 2 , 7 0 0 . o.n.o. Tel. Leeds 674437.

BMW 6281 m anual, c reg..finished In m e t black w ith

- contrasting grey v e l o u r Interior. F itted ABS, elec­tric sunroof < a n d r window*, alloys, sports ' s e a t s . and computer, service history,

. t o t a 11 y Imm aculate and offered w I t h. 12 m onths « MAA- W a r r a n t y fo r

£11.495. T asker ‘and .Lacy Ltd., Leeds- 7 4 3 3 6 2 o r



1987 D, P o l a r white; low. mlleage,< good condition.

. £7,700 o.n.o.. Tel. (0484) 6S9725

• QOLF GTI 16V. abso-• . • lutety stunning. E reg.'' ' 'model; finished -with:

. i luxurious, full black leather/ Interior (cost :.

v . £1.600) . only 12.900 . m i l e s ‘WI t h .FSH , '

: ; : extras-fInclude -• cen- ,. t r a 1 locking, electric

windows. S_7 R . tin ts -• stereo: .• £9,750 o.n.o. .

•,.• T e l..(0943) 602181.

COMPANY • D irectors• Ford - 81 e r r a . 2000• GLSL August -1987.

o n ly ' 2 0 /o 0 0 miles;. •• Absolutely im m aculate -

■' condition;' • 1 £ 7 , 6 0 0.;• o jlo ; TeL* day (0532);' *456311; teL evenings ;

(0274);598015. ;

FIA T -panda 4 , :x 4n E reg;,- m etallic grey, lowim lleage,- one owner, taxed Jan . ’90.

com plete w ith sunroof-and fron t ^bull bar, first - class

-. condition, £ 3 . 9 5 0 .• Tel. t . Leeds 679775 after-7 p.m.

BMW 628 CS1, 1983 A. Henna re d w ith tan velour,' sun ­roof, alloy wheels, electric w indows. FSH, very d e a n , w en m aintained exam ple;

• £8.995. P a rt ex.. w arranty. C harac ter C a r s , Leeas 534081 (anytim e). .

CITROEN A X CX. BX. com­plete ranges now in stock,

’ r a i l in fo r a te st drive. T ru st C itroen. W hetley HUL B radford 495543.


E TYPE JAGUAR AJL FHC,1965,‘c d n c o u r s ^ P.O-A. AUDI COUPE * GUATTHO,;1987.- .Maroon Met.;' brie owner, 18.000 \ miles/, isun*

MERCEOES 450 ’ SLC Spoft*,: Blue, ' 'V /reg., air conditioning’, alloys, e,s.r. • v •

* V.;.£13,895SHOGUN DIESEL SWB, 1986,’’.goldr 35^000' rniles, one o w n e r . : . . , £9^895 AUDI COUPE OUATTRO, .1986,' Maroon, 38,000 miles.

£9.995MERCEDES; :190. 1985/-- light.- .ivory/ 5-speed, sunroof, h.w.w., stereo. FSH '

* £9,995MERCEDES 230 TE Estate, Auto. 1985. in red. 56.000 miles, s/roof, stereo £ 9 ^9 5 GRANADA 2^1 Gtds, 1987, in Met Blue, 5 speed.32.000 miles, one owner

£8,495MERCEDES -280. BE, Wagon,' A ina; *Y'. reg.; white, rear seats, two ownera.FSH .£7 .995MERCEDES 200 tn Ught ivory. *85 reg.. 5-speed.41.000 miles, stereo, FSH.ono owner £8.495VOLVO .240 DL. ESTATE, *C* reg.,' in "blue.' 47,000 miles, two owners..... £ 8 ^9 5 MERCEDES. 280E.;W ' reg., tan. e.'s.r;,.stereo, 2 owners.RHR, FSH,'Superb


‘ Reg. 11989 ' AudK Coupe i;2.2E, t •. finished./iri; brilliant. Bla<A','whh: alloy wheels, electric , tilt , , and. slide - sunroof. poW6r- - steering/ electrically operated doojr. mir­rors/ electric windows and Blau- , punkt1 stereo: radio/cassette.; List t price £19 ,600 0TR save £2 ,605 - on new wrth this beautifijl exam-: pie * of is' .classic 1 spotting ■rlhd*.*. r o u g h b r e d ; ' , . . i . / v . £16.995

F Reg. 1989 Audi 8 0 18E. a beautTful example of a much sought after vehicle, finished in Cayenne metallic, com es com­plete with steel tHt and slide sun- roof/ .Blaupunkt London 1 stereo radio/cassette, electric mirrors, tinted glass; 9 .000 mites' from new. List price £14;670 -OTR, save £1 ,975 on new with this ex-, demonstrator. .r ..... £12,695

F Reg. 1989 Audi 100 2JZB, fin­ished m Glacier metallic, tasteful­ly. • com piemen ta d ; r wfth/v Blue.

.Serret velour upholstery,-!manual 5 speed gearbox, .power steering, electric windows and door mir­rors. tift and slide stoel sunroof,6 .0 0 0 miles from new/ our Sales Manager's car; . .List r- price £ 1 7 ,700 OTR; w e * offer ja mas*: sive savingat ,,,7 ,; .-- ..-.£ 1 5 ,7 9 5

F.' Reg 1989 Audi 80 1.8E. fin-, i&h'ed in * brilliant .Black,- -electric" mirrors/ electric windows, steel tilt ‘and slide sunroof,.■ 5. speed. manual gearbox,, oe nt ra I locking, redio stereo. cassette, ' alarm,; sports seats .in contrasting Her-

. ringbone., upholstery, /. under.5 .000 miles from new. List price £ 1 4 ,6 9 4 OJR, sa v e /£1 .899 bn new price a t......^ ..-:V,..,. £12;795.


1988 F Reg* PEUGEOT 309 GLD

5-door In ,cherry red,, 18,000 miles, • one - ’owner,-,’ -radio casserte, FSH.. v

£ 7 ,2 5 0 ' -, :v

CORTINA l:6L saloon. 1 9 8 2 , low mileage,' taxed and tested fo r 6

- m onths, v e r y good condition, m aintained 1 to high standard by c o m p a n y director.

. . £1,750 o.n.o. L e e d s . ' 798945 afte r 5.30 p.m.

D r e g . , D a i h a t s u C harade Turbo Diesel. 34,000 -m iles.1 G o o d condition. •: £ 2 . 5 0 0 •o . n . o .l ' Bridlington • (0262). 601043 a fte r 5

. p.m.

CABRIOLET - E s c o r t XR31,’ new sh ap e .; all w hite, - D reg., *87, electric w indows, mUTors and aerial. Auto­page alarm , d riv in g . lamps a n a alloys; FSH. One lady ow ner, 16.000 miles, taxed en d 'M arch ’90. very clean c a r . £8.995. TeL (0904) 624298.


OPEN TILL 7.30pm WHKMTSMTiiiruy n i l 6ata SUNDAY 10- '

HONDA CRX.1600ii -F reg., ln w hlte; im m aculate,, high-

-perform ance.Coupe,-33,000 miles. Find a n o t h e r- a t £8,500!. TeL York (0904)

• 790968.-K.W.'Motors,-

JAGUAR XJS V12. ' 8 5 C , signal red, 68,000 miles,' one o w n . e r . F=SH', a ir,/:

. -'cruise. £12,500. .Sissons (0943) 73846. . v'

CAVALIER- 1600 EsU(e. B reg. *84,. M.o.T. Nov, '89.

. new engine April *88. Price :£ 2 , 5 0 0 . J ; P h o n e Heckmonwlke - ( 0 9 2 4 )

Leeds. Over 400 cars and 11 g J i.t, vans - are on.^offer. today, starting a t 12 noon. Phone Leeds *--------


JAGUAR 3.6 XJ6, May ‘88 ( E) , : A u t o , .lea ther, a ir

. conditioning, m etallic blue. • FSH, 27,000 miles, senior ; p a rtn e r’s car. Immaculate

£ 1 7 - , 5 0 0 . Tel, (0937) 842776,.

JAGUAR-XJ6 4 .2au tO , 1983 • -A, C84':model). C ranberry 1 m etalllc/ black hlde Inter­

ior, 59,000 miles, superb / condition. . O n l y . £6,995.

C aw thom e Carriage Co., 790385.B arnsley (0226) 1

DATSUN C herry. A reg. 1.3 -DX, 2 5 / 0 0 0 miles, very good condition^; t a x e d / tested Dec. £2,300 o.n.o.' York 421644 afte r 6.

DIESEL Citroen B X 1 7 RD Turbo, 1988. 6.000 miles,

r one ow ner,-superb. £8,495. R o s t r o n M otors, Leeds 459299 / 656578.

A i A * .

Page 38: Download the document (33.5 MB)


Applei|Ctfd RipponL E E D S

4 6 1 1 1 1

IV1AR 89 JAGUAR XJR 6 Tuncjsten/DoesKin, sun roof.

heated seats. 7.800 miles . £36.950 or £901 por month /JAGUAR IJAN 89 JAGUAR XJS V IZ CONVERTIBLE BlacW * — --------- '

Magnolia 1 2,500 miles ........................................................................................................................... £36.950 or £901 per month

89F JAGUAR SOVEREIGN 3.6 Tungsten/Isis, alarm, piping, heated seats. 7.500 miles

............................................................................................................................................................................................. £29,950 or £730 per monthOCT 88 DAIMLER DOUBLE SIX Solent/Magnolia. 9,900 miles ............... £28,950 or £706 per month

NOV 88 JAGUAR XJS 3.6 Auto Black/Doeskin, 1 2,000 miles .................. £26,950 or £657 per month

AUG 8B JAGUAR SOVEREIGN 3.6 Soler>t/Sa ville. sunroof. 1 3.000 miles

............................................................................................................................................................................................. £26,950 or £657 per monthJAN 89 JAGUAR XJ6 2.9 Auto Grenadier/Pennine. ABS, alloys, E seats, 1 1,000 miles

............................................................................................................................................................................................. £22,950 or £560 per monthOCT 88 RANGE ROVER VOGUE Auto Caspian/Osprey, sunroof, lamp guards. 1 7.977 miles

............................................................................................................................................................................................. £22,450 or £547 per month87 JAGUAR SOVEREIGN 3.6 Talisman/I sis. sunroof, 1 3.500 miles . £21.950 or £535 per month

JAN 89 MERCEDES 230E Autom atic Cashmere Met/Beige cloth, sunroof, 6.750 miles

....................................................................................................................................................................................... £1 9,950 or £486 per monthJUNE 86 JAGUAR XJS V 1 2 CABRIOLET Steel Blue/Saville. 44,000 miles

............................................................................................................................................................................................. £19.950 or £486 per monthAPRIL 88 JAGUAR 3.6 Auto Westminster/Cheviot, 24,000 miles .... £1 8,950 or £462 per month

AUG 87 JAGUAR XJ6 3.6 Auto in Racing Green. 30,500 miles ............... £1 7.950 or £438 per month

SEPT 87 JAGUAR XJ6 2.9 Auto White/Cheviot, sunroof, 1 8,400 miles

............................................................................................................................................................................................. £1 7,250 or £421 per monthMAY86JAGUARXJ64.2 Auto Westminster/Chiltern, sunroof, 25,000 miles

........................................................................................................... £1 2,450 or £304 per month


per month

per month

per month

per month

per month

per month


per month

per month

per month

per month

per month

per month

per month


J A G U A R B R A D F O R D T E L : 3 9 4 4 3 988F JAGUAR XJ5V1 2 Signal Red/Magnolia upholstery piped Red, 4,000 miles, cartelephone

............................................................................................................................................................................................. £29,950 or £729 per month82X ROLLS-ROYCE SILVER SPIRIT Silver Sand/Cream Leather interior ......................................... £29,9S0

89F JAGUAR XJS 3.6 Auto Racing Green/Magnolia piped Green, 4,000 miles only. Jaguar

extended w arran ty , car telephone ......................................................................................... £29.450 or £71 7 per month

86 JAGUAR XJS V12 Auto private No. Plate. Sebring Red/Black Leather, sunroof, full sports k it,

car telephone. 24.000 miles, one owner, FSH .............................................................................................................. £22 950

87 JAGUAR SOVEREIGN 3.6 private No. Plate. W estm inster Blue/Saville Leather. 24.000 miles,

cartelephone ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ £20,950

86D JAGUAR XJS V1 2 Auto Tungsten Met/Doeskin 42,000 miles ......................................................... £20.950

87 JAGUAR SOVEREIGN 2.9 Auto, private No. Plate. Jaguar racing Green/Doeskin leather,

1 6.000 miles, car telephone .............................................................................................................. £20.950 or £51 0 per month

85 JAGUAR XJS V1 2 HE, private No Plate, Cobalt Blue Met/Doeskin, car telephone .... £1 7.950

87 JAGUAR XJ 63 .6Auto, private No Plate, Jaguar Racing Green. 24.000 miles, cartelephone

............................................................................................................................................................................................. £1 7.450 or £425 per month86C JAGAUR XJ6 3.4 Auto, Brit ish Racing Green/Chiltern Tweed Upholstery ............................. £9,995

<: 8 7 1 2 6 3

88F JAGUAR SOVEREIGN 3.6 Auto Dorchester Grey/Saville Grey Hide. 6,000 miles

................................................................................................................................................................................... £26,995 or £638.70 per month88F JAGUAR SOVEREIGN 3.6 Auto. Bordeaux Red/Mulberry Hide, 2nd year w arran ty . 9.000

rn' ^ b ................................................................................................................................................................ £26,995 or £638.70 per month88E JAGUAR SOVEREIGN 3.6 Auto Bordeaux Red Met/Doeskin, 1 6,000 miles, FSH

................................................................................................................................................................................... £25,995 or £61 5.04 per month

88E RANGE ROVER VOGUE SE Auto Caspian Blue Met/Grey Hide, air cond. sunroof, electric

seats etc, 14.000 miles .............................................................................................................. £25,995 or £61 5.04 per month

88E JAGUAR 3.6 SOVEREIGN Auto. Crimson Met/Doeskin, factory sunroof, 26,000 miles

................................................................................................................................................................................... £24.995 or £591.38 per month88F RANGE ROVER VOGUE Auto. Cypress Green/Grey Hide, bull bars etc. 7.000 miles

.........................................................................................*........................................................................................ £22,995 or £544.06 per month87E JAGUAR SOVEREIGN 3.6 Manual Silver Birch/Doeskin Hide. 24.000 miles, one owner, FSH

................................................................................................................................................................................... £21.995 or £520.40 per month87E RANGE ROVER VOGUE Auto, Alaskan Blue-'Groy Vylour Upholstery. 1 9.000 miles, FSH

................................................................................................................................................................................... £20,995 or £496.74 per month85B JAGUAR XJS 3.6 Manual Silvorsand'Buckskin Hide, headlamp wash wipe. 43.000 miles. FSH

................................................................................................................................................................................... £ 1 3.995 or £331.12 pur month88F VOLVO 740 Estate. Manual. Red Dark Cloth. 9.000 miles £12.495 or £294.56 per month

87D AUDI COUPE GTi Autn 2.2, Ocean Blue Mut/Dai k Cloth, sunroof, music system,

manufacturers war ran ty until March 1 989. 2 1 ,000 miles, one owner. F5H

...................................................................................................................................................................................... £9.995 or £236.48 per month

F L E X I B L E L E A S E P U R C H A S E P L A NWe o ffe r special lease purchase plans, which are of particular benefit to professional

businessmen, lim ited companies or to the self-employed, who are able to take advantage

o f tax savings and other benefits.

The examples shown are based on a minimum of 3 months payments as a deposit.

Month ly payments can be tailored to sui* y c j r individual needs hy varying the deposit.

Sinvjly ring us fo r a free quotation.

I F Y O U C A N ' T F I N D W H A T Y O U W A N T , R I N G US A N D W E 'L LF I N D I T F O R Y O U !

OPENING TIMES: Mon-Fri 9-7. Sat 9-5. SUN 1 1-3



/= y \s ~ r //

SAABSATGEWWPRICES. . . ...._ X Magenta Metsllic, Hide Interior, Audio Systen

. : ; . . ; . . ; . . . . : . . . . ; . l . . . „ . . ^ W rJCpWboAutplOdoarMMitsliKEIi&ricSun^'WnutFxh-CruixContmli Audio S ^rn \^:...-.iL ;;.C :.L .'^

■ .F9000SEHirboAuto,Rose Quartz Metallic, One Owner, 18,500miles, ■[ E x c & - : i :

Cherry'Red, Buffalo Hide;ElectricSunrbof,Wndows8 Mirrors,-I- H 1"WoyMeelkQualTty Hi-FiSystem. 20,000m il& :;L £ ^ ::.^

87900T\irbq8VZdr, Bronze Metallic, FullTfeck-.42;OOOmiles..: .£7995 ,D900iInjection 3dr Hatch, Cherry Red, AlloyIVheek.RearWaish.Wipe, RearSppi/er,/ ■ - 0 :

' . Only 1 8 ,(W .rn i/es ....................................... .....-.£7995 '

OneOwner ..:.......£849S

87900WKR6&$ua&MeMip6nlyi5i0<$mife^^1990016ySSdr, BroijzeMetiflic, Lux Rick, 4,000miles. Alloy Wheels,.. v •’ .





Th\e:jsforths L e a d i n g

iw n u l t r lm p 1.

M er ce de s D e a l e r s h ,

190 .MSR, Rad/Cass 190 5 Speed, ESR, Rad/Cass, 2,000m'

■190D Mel, FCA, ESR; Ra'dlCass,' 1,000m ’ V-- v •190EAhib, EW, FCA, Rh/R, Alarm, MSR; Rad/Cass; ■: 14,000m .' . : . .. , . . .190E Met, M ilo, RHR, EFW,.R/Sp6iler,RadtCass, ■ 16,000m . • . . •. ..v , .

:19 0 e :m b r Met, ESR, EW, L5W+CS, FCA, Rad/Cass, W O O m r . : : ’190E-23 l'6v Coswonh, ESR, OJC, Alarm, tod/Cass'

■24,000m ,.200 Aulo, PAS, CL, Rad/Cass200 M el, 0 /D , ESR, EFW, Rad/Cass, 23,000m ■200 Met, Auto, 'ABS, ESR, EW, FCA. L5W+GS, Alarm, Rad/Cass, 9,000m .; . : .• . / •230E Auto, ESR, EW, LSVV + CS, FCA, RHR, O lC , • -RadlfZass, 16,000m ■230TE Aulo; Met; ESR; EFW, RJSeats, Radiciss,. ' ,44,000m . . . . .230TE Auld, ESR, EFW, FCA, RHR, Rad/Cass'; 45,000m

^26dE, Mel, Allaysi Rad/Ciss, 600m ' ' '300E:-; M e t, 'ESR, ABS, R/Sp., :H \ \ /W;Allo#;Rad/Cass,- ]28,00Qm '- : . '■ ■' ...300E-' Mel; A8S, ESR, RHR, A5W+G5, Cruise Con., ’ 'OTC, EDS, Alarm, HWW,:Rad/Cass;14,000m ’300E M e}/H ide/ELr‘A ll6 p , ESRlABSl Rad/Casi - 2 ,0 0 0 m .'- ,.YY300TE V. High Spec. v. / i - * : . ■300CE. Hide, tSW, ESR^flpys, HWW, RHR, 600m : r 300CE Met, M o , ABS, ESR. EW /flHR. HWW, A lim s, . Rad/Cass,. 14,000m300E Fourmaiic Met, Hide, Crv'iseCon., ERB, E l Alloys, A ir Cop;, fed/Cass, Phone o p t, SflOOrp '300SL .Met, Leather, Cruise Con, Alloys, ABS, Rad/Cass ■300SL RJSeais, ABS, Allcr/s, RJSpoiler, C/Arches, - Rad/Cass v , • • •. ■ - / ; . ‘300CDS: Met; 5 Speed, Rad/Cass, -27,606m ' ’r 280SE Met; telouh ESR; Alleys/Cruise Con, HW'W- 1 Rad/Cass, 28,00pm;. ; • • .. _ . ' ‘280CE~Autd, Allcrys, Rad/Cass, 1,000m 300SE Met, ESR, Allcrys, RHR, A ir Con., HWW, Cruise Con.,Alarm,[RadtCass;6,000m . ’ >■420SE Hide, C/Arches;. ESR, Cruise Con.; Alloys, V &lhut; HWW, Rad/Casst 24,000m 56QSEL Met, Full Hide, E/Blind, Alarm,-Rad/Cass S60SEL' Met, Full Hide, HFS, A larm ; Rad/Cass ‘


’■ 6 /8 /h '



£23,995 . £9,995




£14995£18^595£ 24 ^95





£35,995: S/8/89

.6 /8 /8 9£1XS95.



£29,995 > £44,995 £49.995

- SPECfAUST'CONVERSIONS.89 190E Met, ESR; Aulo,'Alloys; OTC, FCA, Full Cosvarth

■ Bod/Conversion,Sports LSty Fully C o lour Coded, . iv OObm’.C'’ -,1. ■ I ■

88-230E M etfFull FCAii'ESR; RHRr \ \ i x d ' - '•Fvibishings, A M G Afidys;SW + CS, Full Body Styling

■ByCaratDuchaie let;: 17,0 0 0 m v F 300E Full Skirts and SpoilerS; Wide. Alldys and lyres, : ■

: * ta w e d Sports Suspension plus High Specification; ■9<000m

- . ■* ■ ' Po r s c h e ' ;C 911 Sport CabrioletrM et, Full Hide, Piped, Alarm,

S/Seals, Rad/Cass, 400m . ..

. • B M W .E 318i Alloys, Sunroof, RadlCasi 12,000m



: , 'p.o a ;


RANGE ROVER VOGUE SF,88 \bgue £F7 Special Equipment, Full Hide, Mel, Auto, A ir ^ ! i Con., VteJnut, E/Seats, Rad/Cass/lfi.OOOm £25,995;




O P E N • SE V E N ■ D A Y S - A ■ WE E K

JS k £ S J £ ,3 - 7 5 3 3 9 i





LEEDS, TEL; (05321 4



E TVPE . Jaguar, 1970. series two, coupe, Old English , w hite, ■ new blue ' leather- Interior, private reg, num ber. B laupunkt' r e m o t e s t e r e o , used dally.' £19.500 o r offer. T il. .

. . B r a d f o r d (0274) 5 4 1 7 3 1 ; o r , (0405) .3482:

ESCORT 1.6LX, E reg. October ’87. Diamond w hite; five door, five speed, sunroof, , tinted

-.. g l a s s ; ; ' , . spotlights.: rem ote ’alarm . 14.000.

j m iles, rad io /. cassette.‘ Immaculate condition,

taxed, . Price £6.100. Tel, Leeds-864400.

■ 86'D 4 2 0 S E Cj'Smoke Sflyer w th cream y yidoar

iiphblstay, ' air ’ condiUoning, -: rear, headrests; dectric.seats, alloy wheels,Blue -Spot- radio • cassette/ FSH, - .

^o o o m fles ..,:.,,.;..,.......:.:^ ^ £32^990|

89F230TEBlue/Black with grey v d o u r i n t e r i o r '■

, ;automatic, aHoy .wheels, front centre ' aim rest,- . ABS,'. electric .-windows, '..'"f ' ’' : "'. front and rear dectric sunroof, Blue-- i _

;: Spot radiacassettc^FSH, 6,000 mflesr £ 2 3 ,9 5 0 1

.8 8 E 1 9 0 E 216.'- Diamond . Blue with cream- cloth ■

intm or/.'^tom ati^ 'dectnc,-sunroof, alloy . wheds, 7 . rear ’’ headrests... headlamp wash’ wipe,: colour, coded bumpers, front •centred/armrests, : . ,

wood dashboard,'dectric*1 front.:, : windows; Alpine radio cassette,

— i7 .a»m flB .u ..:vu. £ 1 9 ,9 5 0 1

0484 656191.8 7 E 2 3 0 E

' ^P ajc tf R^d^w-ith grey'- doth interior," 'automatic,v» electric

•' sunroof, • etectricjiro n t windows, - 'radio cassette. FSH,:24,000 m iles......: £ 1 6 ^ )5 0 1

8 8 E 1 9 0 E -'ChampagDe' '.with cream _cloth Interior,'automatic, electric'suhroof,''..front centre ianh rest, .alann,:.rBhie • •Spot radio cassette, ' FSH, 18,900-: . •- I

: miles

86D2SOO. ■ ; ' ■■ V ;ArcticWhitd^wth.blite d oth interior, '

■autom atl^ dectric rbof, front centre arm rest, radio cassette,' FSH, 39,000m i l e s , — --------1 _ £14,95085C W O E :: : . .V.

- Deep-Blue 'with grey do th in terio r,'>- ■ sunroof, alarm, radio cassette,-FSH,•37,000 m i l e s £ 1 0 ^ 5 0 HG'

ESCORT 1100 Estate. 1986, red. tax and tested May '90, .33.000 miles: £2,875 o.n.o. Tel. (0484) 843531.

ESCORT XH3I. E reg..' w owner. 20.000 miles,

. dealer m aintained, g o o d condition; :£ 6 v8 Z 5 . o.n.o.Tel. (0484) 843531.

E S C O R T 1 . 3 L . 1982.'. .S unburst red ; sunroof, radi

. .. J casa._ etc., average mile­age. .M.o.T. M arch 1990.

v excellent condlUon. £1.700. ! Leeds 417243 ofnee hours; !-. (0924) 496079 a fte r 6 p.m.

The Lightcliffe Collection1988 ,.‘E* AUDI 90 2.2 QUATTRO, '.finished -in white, ;ABS.; 'alloys,;, electric |

I c;windows/mirrors,PAS., .sports:seafe/ velour I ' . ' t r i m ; . F S H . . .£12,995

1988 'E ' AUDI 90 212E. .17,000 miles;.fin- . ished iri., factory sunropfj;ailbys, 'I e/windows/mirrors, ; PAS., sports seats/ I velourvtrim, FSH, supplied by us £11,9501

'1989. 'F* AUDI 80 E, 3,000 miles, finished i l ih . Cayenne metallic;:' sports seats, electric f w i n d o w s / m i r r o r s ' £11,550 I

Flamingo | :£8 ,fl

. 1988 'F* AUDI 80. finished in metallic, c/locking, tin ts ..............

1987 'D* AUDI COUPE 2.2GT. finished in yZermatt silver, sports seats, e/windows,. PAS., FSH........,....t:...................:... £8,750

1987 'D ' AUDI COUPE. 2.2GT,,finished in Black; sports ^ats,'e/Windows, PAS., FSH. supplied by us . . . . . . . ' . : . . . . . . £7,8501

Contact N igel W alker

J Denholme Gate Road, Hipperholmc, Halifax ■" ~ : lf.hlephone:0422 205611


w n m n i l !Open 7 D a n a Week

ESCORT ,XR 3i;, D reg .f - •. 1 9 8 6 ; . 19 ,000 :miles,

black, sunroof, alloys. -., s . spotlights. ;taxed and

* tested. - £6.100 'o.n.o. - . (0423) 323172. .

ESCORT, 1987-D .1 ,3L . Ivory. 5 d o o r;; average mileage.' rem ote alarm , tax 'Decem­b e r 89, four new tyres and exhaust, £4^50.- Tel. Leeds

. 864893 (a fte r 5 p .m .); ■■

ESCORT 1.6 Ghia .87 E. W w -spec. 16,000 miles. FSH; Immaculate. - £6.600.-'Leeds

• 719666 / 490326, • s

FORD Cortina 1.6 L, W reg., blue, good condition, radio cassette, r e a r sea t belts, G h l a seats, long M.O.T. £595. Leeds 697761.

, -FIESTA , 950 Y reg.. 1 i • j. l a d y o w n e r ', -only .

: 4 8 ; 0 0 0 . mllesi good . condition, taxJ/N lo.T ..

• £1.300’ cash. T e l.-065386 256 Malton.

FORD 'E scort Mark 3; V reg.. . 8; m onths. M.o.T.,’ 8 m onths V tax .; stereo lncludedY:61^XX . - m i l e s , iaood condition.

£1.295, o .n .o .T e l; (0924) ; 451792.1•FORD - Fiesta 1.6 ‘ diesel. B• ;reg ., blue, average mileage,

t a x e d .and -tested, good• .condition,!" lady; o w n e r ,

• £ 2 , 7,0,0; o.n.o. (094 42) 8866.1 • , •

FORD RS Turbo, w hite, oneo w n.e r , ,C : reg ..‘ custom

• pack, alarm , 29,000 £ 7 -. 5 0 0 . . .Leeds


,’8Q . M 1 Motorepo'rtRed,hislo^{romnew.v.....“... :.23T£119,000,:89FZ1 GreenM0laJlfcv.....-.i.-r..-.:.^...:j.;......-,;^.-lT-C39,99589FALPINAB10Auto Whfte/BIackIealhef.mefae/ )Uts,se- -. 1TE3^995^88FALPlNABlPAuto DEnOT*S»«rteahersl^s.S£.aar^. 12T£37|495'82YALP1NAB9SE - ' =zrr £3,9508flE750fL , .BfDfmtiavan^ih^phicfe. - err88F735ILAuto.! Diamond/S3verlpather ^ ST £2^99589F735i Manual SE.™ THEliLHMATESPKinCATK)N._.:"6T 89F 73SI Auto SE. . . . . . ISathecASC, Isd, dechnxning +: 5T £32,995Q9F735iAutoSE....j/tachs/Slv^leilh^^r.:;.^.:....;- 8T £30,99588F 735iAutoSE.... ICimslncfigo feather 6T E29/495

• 88F7351 Auto SE'-. .™ Bronze/Natucalleaihef,Isd, seivobwic:;„;...- 7T C2B,99588E735|AutoSE4<r; La£tts/Si?vef leather., .......C2S,99588F735iA^oSE!i. ,.i :BranK/Waturaltealher,lsd,menxyysls...:.,..23T £25,995' 89F 7301 Auto SE DodwVSaver, AHanla, 5T £25,99589F730iAutoSE/.r.,;,..,,Wh^ft^,wid€raDoysfr/st:.M..;..‘.„ ‘„;‘„.... ZT £24,695 87E730I Auto,r..;.;..-'.i.o.„ Cimis/SilvBf leather, e/sts, e/roof,aHoys.+ ,...18T £20,79588E 7301 Manual v . Dolphin, e/roof, alloys, r/st 8T. £20,99588FM6351HighlineV?-„Cimfi/SilvBflealherspt!sts,antl*lheflt r/st..~..9T£35,995’ 88F M6351 Highline'.;,..:iWineReci’NatuTal leather,CO player'L-V;._v 6T £34,995 88E M635I Highline......? Lachs/Sflveftealhe;, bsc, CN.BMW606V....„10T£31,99587D.M63S! aficond, bodyfst 14T £27,99589F6351 AirtoH,'.....C..v'MrsanoRedBlKkleather,M0T0RSP0RT .IT £32^49588F,635VA«oHl^nne'lJatJB/Had(Ie^;'6pls.sls;isd;c/c„..:.;„™; 9T £28,995 B6C635I Autb^or-.:,V// VVhita/Anaracrlere rosVaircorid 18T Cl 9,49588F 535ISE Manual ..../Ddphir/Anthfadte doth/lsd, spLsusp, r/st—20T £21,9958aF530ISEManual.../,;WhflB/Slverdoth;'r/sl...o\;..;;'..M.:;.; ;,:.,.:.;. 13T £20,695 88E530IAutoSE;.;,MW.;Royallnc^dolh;r/st:M. ;.;.!„.,,\i..\;..'...:;J! 9T £20,695fi9F525AutoSE,..„... R6yalSaverdothpEHgeart»x....M 7T £22,995'88F525iSEManual.M... AtlanlisBlue/SffverdDih:;.....,...... ..... 9T £20,99589F525SEManual 7T £2i,695:88F 5251Auto SE :../RoyalfInc^6dolhpEHgeart»x..:..;!.;:;.. .;.;i.27T £19,295'89F,520SEManual.;.;...CirrusBhie/Ir^dothpr/sl;....v.:....;.'....,:._--7T £18 495!89s 5201 Manual;: Black, sunroof, cross spoke alloys, r/st 9T £16,99586DM535lHanua!. While, e/rao(,doseretogeart»x ,;..;_j_29T £1^99587E52aiSEManual...... Diamond, sptsls, isd, spoilef;i.;i„:;.._ _ _ .2iT £13,99588F M3 EVOLUTION^; NogaroS ff.eiVoof.r/st.:..:...;.;;;... 1T £26^9588FM3EVOLUTION^.iNo^.e^,^idoW 5lcorn(»Jteflhtd£{s 8T £2^9958aE3251C0NV Han..... V/hrt&Bbe doth, computer.cruisQ..' 18T £20,99587E 325 CONV Man..™. White/BJack leather, Alpina alloys, spoaef+’ 27T £19^9587D325IC0NVAuto White, cnise control, TtXalloys,...:,.„.M....wl3T £19^95&9F325iTouring. . Diamond, etoo(\wxJows' cmssspoke alloys 11T £17,99588F 325ITourfngAuto Lachs/averdoth;e/' 7T£17^95&9F325i4drSE..;___ ^WKtertndioodolhfr/st;.C-..tV;:... V..:..:..;..;.l-::.. 5T£17^9589F325l4dr4VTDAuto Diamond^erdoth, abs)TDXaJ!oys'l,:,',,,,.:,,'3T£14,995 89F 3201 Touring Man Royal Bkje. e/rool; 14T £15^43589F320I Manual; — Bronze, sunroof,alloys.pas, r/st,......;:..,u;,-..,,12T£13,695B7E 320i 2dr Aifto White, sunroof, pas, M.Tech'.bodykft+22T £12^495.87D320l4drAuto— _ RoyaJBkje,swvDof,pas, alloys; ■„],.,:.,„'...'.32T £10,995'B7D320l4drManuial^ MatadiSe, sunroof, aitoys...;...i....:.....M.';;..;...'.21T £10,995S6C 320I Manual Black, Slm)0 ,aDc /wa£hl•wpe.•.,, , ; , , , . , 23T . £9,49588F 3181 Manual — _ Bade, power sleering; sunroof, r/sl 10T £11,99588F31Bi Manual Doip siffvocrf.M.TecH.r/spoiler,.,,,,.; ;..i6T £11,49589F316I4dr Manual sunroof, alloys, Hs\ .... .41 £12,995.89s 316i Manual Lachs SK^r. e/rool, spoiler, r / s t . ; , . : „ „ 5 T £11,99588E316Manual AllartisBJue/Sifverdotfi,sunrool,r/st.;.. 5T E9^9588E316Auto Bbrt/Naluraldothr/st ...i;..;..;...,'.:,. ‘.,.V.r,.n.1QT. £9^95*>1i'1 ' * ROLLS-ROYCE ■ '88FC0RN1CHEC0KV WrcfeorBlu&'Wagr>olialeather, 700 mis.£119.950 79 C0RNICHEC0NV M IigWGreea'Grey leader,'1 owner ;..l._;':16TE59,99580WCAMARSUE------ LarkspurBbe12ownereonly:-.l..\..i;;!:...'..;...l,.:.26T‘ P.OJL82XSILVER SPIRIT__UghtaverdarkOceah Blue/MagnoJia leatlVer 39T £34,995

*• " ’ PORSCHE" '•'r ;85B CARR. SPT CAB. Guan&Can Can full leather spt.sts, cruise +-16T £38^49588FCAR&SPTCOUPE DiamondBTue/BJueextflannel;spLsts. ....... 7T £41,99588E C ARR£PT COUPE Whte'Blue logo doth, spLsls „..l-..v:.....; .1. .8T£39i95'66C928S2lisniBlM S^ecf8iack'lw^lsdie^l.rivJ...L.-^..35T-£25t995 88E944 LUX WhilaBeigepias, e/roof, f o g s . , 8 T £ 1 9 ^ 9 5

" ; M E R C E D E S ' ‘ >•88E300TE44IATIC DsamondBlue, e/roof, 3rd rowsls.oulse + ;..21T £25^95:85B280EAuto Astral Sih/er, e/roof, eAvindows.J owner'. ~21T £10,9*95

!•; • . ' OTHERMAKES J r ; * ’ •88ERJLVOCUEEF1 Alaskan Blue/Grey velour.'AIR, e/roof, Auto 19T £20^95:87ERJLV0CUE EF1— Alaskan Bfue/Grey velour Manual ___17T £17,99588F XJS V12 COHV™ SignalRed^oeskiii le a t h e r _____5T. £35,99588FAUDIQUATTR0^. ZermaHSifver/Bladdealher, CD player .1 0 1 £24£9589FREHAULTCTATurbo Blackffllackdoth;., ZT £23,99588FUHCUTHQUTurboMeLBIacWAIcantaratanlealherJ^>I_15T £11/495' 88F ALFAROHE0164 SiTver/GreyVelvetiLUSSOspea-«~i~« ~. 9T £17,995 ;89F ALFA ROMEO 3.0 Met. Dark Blueffil.m vrivet, ft'roof __ i.:. 7T.£17,995 !76PPAHTHERJ724.2 Bri shRadrtgGreCT,wirevvheel$ 14T £26,995 j88ER0VERSTERLING Silver/Gre/Iealher;supefb'specfficatiori.ll_..9T£12,995 77S TRIUMPH Spitfire .Flame Red, 0® gearbox .41' £7^00-


TEL. NOTTINGHAM (0602) 582831SUNDAY 9.30am-3pm 24 hours 0836 29B323


18.000 miles, white;- ta x Oct.; genuine m anufacturers skirts a d d e d (w orth £500), one lady ow ner, FSH. " ■ ': <

: £4,995.: T E L .'(0274) 593945/ •

F I E S T A Pop 950CC, 1 9 8 6 ; t a x e d and tested, £2,500. T e l .

„• (0977) 66^983.

m aroon; • miles’,1taxed un til Dec., in excellent condition. G enuine ' reason fo r sale, £ 1 . 5 0 0 : o.n.o.

. (0302) 711801.

LANCIA Prism a; 1986 C, central l o c k i n g .

; s t e r e o ' ra d /c a ss . 21,000 m iles. . taxed and. tested.

; very good c o n d i t i o n * .£ 4 . 3 0 0 o.n.o. Doncaser

, : (0302)V342402.

FIESTA 950 cc. belge, W reg., ; M.O.T. M arch 1990. taxed; 1 g o o d condition, £ 9 9 9 .

Leeds 493236 anytim e. : ' FORD S lerra : Sapphire 1.6L.

F reg. *89, navy . b l u e , .su n ro o f, stereo, low :m ile-

' i l ^ >75(?.-.(0 S 3 Z ).FORD Sierra 1.8L, 1987 D : reg.i- excellent condition; f £ 4 . 0 0 0 . (0484) 665321 ■ (day) o r (0484) . 665991

(ev e ).

• . BMyV 318i ^ ^' •:*■■■ 1985. C reg./-

2 door. red. 38.000 miles. FSH. s u n r o o f , 5 / speed,

. : -stereo, very clean. . ' ,

£6,300 :B oston si>a (0937) 844208;

FROGEYE Sprite, 1960, . • .red ; tax and tested ,f

' excellent condition, £5.000. T e l . (0924)

’ 494309 stric tly ’ week- • ends only.

FORD Fiesta L. 1981. . . w h i t e . rad io .' taxed :

a nd - tested; excellent - condition. £ 1 , 4 9.5

.. o.n.o. Tel. York 83555. ,

MERCEDES : 1 9 0 E A u t O . -1987. . smoke silver, 12.000

■ m iles, one owner, sliding r o o f . ABS etc. £13,950.

- Sissons (0943) 73848,

FORD Escort'1300L, 1988. E, • R o s s O vred, '5 d r .; 8,000

miles only, m ust be seen o n l y £5,995. C aw thom e C arriage _ C o . , Barnsley


(0226) -790385.GOLF Convertible GTI, ;85,

28,000. miles only,- black ; beau ty ,. £5,999.. Halifax

'53914 eves.GRANADA S c o r p l ' o ' 2.81, ' la test shape, top model,

private no:, .beautiful: con­dition, high m ileage; Only

. £6.275, Tel. i Huddersfield! (0484) 7165921 ; . \



1988'E’ Isuzii Trooper 2.8 biesel Turbo,.LWB Gitation:' in .• Peyvter,Vj22,000 miles; by one owner;; fitted bull bar arid tow b a r..

£14,9951988 'E' Isuzu Trooper 2.6i SWB Duty,in dark fire opal, 21,000 miles/lfitted; bull.III UOIIN IIIO u p a i , ^ I ,W U l l l i e a j OUII*bars', tow barand light guards ...;!^.£lb;995 1 9 8 7 ' E ' Isuzu .Trooper 2.6i SWB Citation in pure white, 1:9,000 miles, fitted

..tovybar 9951989, ‘F’ Isuzu Trooper 2.8 Diesal Turfoo SWB, Citation, i n 'w h i te ;5 ,000 ?mi I es .

£15 295.1 9 8 6 . 'D' Isuzu Piazza .Turbo ihB/vhite/.

36,000 m i l e s ... £iB,295' 1987 *E' Isuzu Trooper 2.3 Diesel Turbo LWB'Duty,, in pewter,. 18,000 miles\by one owner, fitted bull bar, .tovy bar arid sidei rails

1989 T SUBARU 118 G L S E Estate4W D in jade green, 9,000 mil^s ;ji;£9-495 1 9 8 8 ' E ' Subaru 1C8::GL Sajoon, insplendour red; 1 &,000 iriilfes v:i;;::;vS£6,245

,1988 'E* Subaru 1.6 Dli Saloori, in red, :20;000 miles v:;;.:i..:;.;:V:..i..;V;^;MiE5^95 1987. 'E ' Sgbaru l :8 GL 4W D;Skioon, in

■maroon; 24,000 miles 1987 ,'E*. S u b a ru 1 .8 DL' 4WD Estate, jade greisn, 28,000 miles . .li £6,995 1987 'E ' Subaru i 1.8 DL*4WD Estate, r e d - r i ' . i •. ^£5 ' 9951987'; *EiVS u b a n i^ e D L i i iw E E s te t e ,

. lake blue, 22,000 miles j .1987 'E' Subaru 1.6 DL V4WD Estate,

; silver,;30;000 miles ;|.,V.s^'£6,295 ' 1987,-: 'E' Subaru Justy ' 3 ldoof)v.white,

■ . . ' i ••• leA 7 S E1 7 ,0 0 0 miles . 1987 'E' Subaru Justy 5 ' door;* red .

:'.r ' i;'. . y.'-.yWQ,'-;~V.£ 4 9 9 5

1987 ‘iy Subaru 700 4WD iten in blue,17 ,0 0 0 miles .1;..;.; :.;lv:;....£2,9&5 + VAT 1986 *D' Subaru 1.8 GLSE Saioon, in Silver, 1 3 ,0 0 0 miles v<.4 ..A C 5v .^ .:iB 5 ^ i5 i 1986 'C' : Subaru 1.8 GLSE Automatic r. 4WD Estate, silver, 6 7 ,0 0 0 'm ile s ..'£4/495 1986 'D' S u b a r u 1.8TurboVCoupet. automatic in silver; 2 8 ,0 0 0 miles . .. >£6^95 1986 'D' Subaru 1.8 4WD Pick-Up,! white .... . . ,,, , ..... . £3,995 -ti VAT :1986 'D' Subaru 1.8 4WD GLSEvAutol Estate, in imperial red, 30,0,00 mileslby ’.one owner ...................... .'.c.'.;.:: £ 7 ^ 9 5 i1986 *C* Subaru 1.8 4WD GLSE Estate ! in moss green, 3 3 ,0 0 0 miles:byione.ownerI:


1987 ‘D* Suzuki SJ410 ’4W D J e e p /iin * red, 3 8 ,0 0 0 :miles '* ‘ 51987 JE* Fiesta 20,000 miles ......1985 *B* Subaru 1.8 maroon, 4 9 ,0 0 0 miles

£4.495 i Diesel* :;iri ibU3e, '

£4,995j DL 4WD Estate,1 • £4^495

1986 'D' Subaru t .8 GLF Hatchback’■ 4WD in black, 8 ,0 0 0 miies only :.:.; £ 5 ^ l:9 5 • 1984' 'B' Subaru 1.8 GLF Estate.! 4WD/

rtiaroon . : i. . . . . . i - . - i . ...J: £ 3 ,6 9 5 :

MEARHOUSEGARAGE, NEWMILL HUDDERSRELDTel. 0484 682941 or686670. Night 682077]

C H O I C E O F 3 0

r o v e r I* i M i ' S i S K

O F R O V E R S ? C O M E A M D S E E h ? : 4

ROVER 827.. VITESSE AUTO.., 'F. teg., 89"spec.,! ■!in P u l s a r , £15. 495$

'Stonemetallic,. fullhide,, 11,0d0miles\.-.:£14,.995' ROVER VITESSE AUTO.; ' ' FXref r i t spet y- i nf

■Stone metallic, 16,000 miles. . . . . . . . ..-.£7 4;995j. ROVER. 827SLi. 'F^reg., in Azure, 8,000 miles a

2 .4

•ROVER 827 SLi, 'F' reg.,'(89_spec.j;, in;Sfeeli \n£ialiic;-’EtiS-fa.;-13;(ffiwiltej.t?.]i:.-.'£1 fi9,95u RdVER 827 Si F ' reg.l (89 spec:), in Pulsar, ABS;

: etc., 12,000 miles ..... ............ £ 11,995}ROVER '827 Si FB 'F' ^.iiri'-AtlarWc/.. i'ticb dm r /e s .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............... . . ,£ / 1,- ~ROVER 827Si, 1988, in Azure, 21;000miles-

’ ' ; ^ ■' ' £10.495)ROVER 820, Si FB, 1989, in Racing green metal®lie, ABS; alloys etc., etc -..... £1 1.0$5iROVER 820 Si FB. 'F' reg:, (89 spec.), in AtlanA tic, A8S etc., 13,000miles.....:.!..:.....:.. £ 1 1;495$

' ROVER 820 Si FB, -F’ reg.,in Pulsar, 14,000*• m i l e s a'........'.... £10,895ji

ROVER 820i: ,'F' reg., in Silvet,- SR etc:, 11,000. m i l e s . £9, ~~ ROVER 820' Si, 'F':.reg.,\ (89 -in Stone; ABS, 10,000 miles...I......:..,....,..’* £10,99,ROVER 820 SE AUTO., ,T' reg:,r,(89. spec.;, /n|Pulsar, 12,000miles ...............................£9,995$ROVER . 820 SE AUTO.. 'F! r ^ i - ' Vn Azuref

ROVER 820 E FB AUTO.;. 'F‘ reg.;'i(89. spec.l .Flawsred, ’12,000miles,.........i......:...’\:..;£9,39:

. 820 IE FB AUTO. 'F' reg:, :.(89 spec:):, Pulsar,, .7 2 .0 0 Q ; m i l e s .v . r . £9y295(

C hoiceof numerousotheri ■ Rover8iD0series. .•

Prices from only £6.795 ,.Several very late, SDi series alsoiin stock including

•’ ; Vitesse etc.:'/ • ;A ll s to c k w ith im m e d ia te d e liv e ry . F o r d e ta ils d r,tq .;

‘ a r ra n g e a .d e m o n s tra t ib n c o n ta c t:,:

motors!Thurcroft,R6therKcim.Teip709 53162 i'


(HIAUTYw e d cars

Passenger Cars ariid. Light Commercial ; '

Dealers :

8 8 E - 19 0 E A U IO .:.... . . . ; . ..........: .............................................................B :9 5 0 . |, B 8 'E ' 1 9 0 E ,.5 s p e e d ,A B S a n d b o d y stylirng;*.w..\;i £ 1 7 .7 5 0 |

8B 'D M 9 0 A U T O ......i . . . . . . . . ; .......£ 1 1 ,9 5 08 7 * 0 ' 2 3 0 E A u to :.s ..v , . r . . ...........^ . . . r .V . . . . . . ; . . . . : . £ '1 6 .9 ,5 0 |



N. YORKSHIRE via Lancaster

04685 666Open Saturday

_ 9a.m.-4p.m.

GOLF GTi;' l9 8 4 A reg..M a r S:' red . '* sunroof, • alloys,-stereo cassette ' ' 59,000 ■ miles. £3,950 . o.n.o. Tel. Hull 42250.

H3 Porsche 928S auto. FSH, full leather trim , a lr .con-

. ' dldoned, cruise .control, electric seats, sunroof and

. m irrors. 52,000 miles, this . car is a o n e -o ff .specially :• o r d e r e d colour, - v e r y r - unusual. This car. .is' like

• n e w . P a rt ex. 'welcomes v £18,595, Tel. 061 665 3875.

M G ' M e t r 6 , i reg., red. 44,000 miles, d\11v m onti i M.O.T. All new -W res, .oi i

’ lady owner, exceUent coi - r dltion, £2,995. Tel.i PonH -

■ frac t - .703657 or, • after p.m. 703016.

MAESTRO City X, E red., M oonraker./B W E , o n i y

-- 6,500 miles, excellent-co - , d l t l o n i £ '3 ; 6 0 0 o.n. ».

(0924) 400505,MERCEDES 190E, Jl988,.« n

r e d ;;’a u t o . ; E SR .' FS I, 1^4 , O.O O.i: miles;; ^ r ts t l i £15,950, K em p• Cars.v'H*

' • rogate 563Q44?- v;.’-.

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es r .7 ■'


T h is A u g u s t

o il the ra n g e o f N o y a ’s a n d

■ ■ A s tra ’s ■ ftM ’■NOVA • DEPOSIT



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DEWSBURYBradford Road Dewsbury

Telephone Dewsbury 0924 456645

Open 7 Days Fleet and MotabHity Specialists

F ORJON1.6GL, 11,500 mile*£6,995

FHOVER 216 S . . . £7,500E NOVA 1.2 MERIT 4 Dr. 8,700 miles >

'£4,500E LANCIA T10 RrefUa, 11,000 miles .' :

;.--:*£3,70o: E BELMONT 1.3 MERIT, 11.670 miles

■ . . ’ : £5/495 E ASTRA 1.3 MERIT, 5. dr:; 11,300 miles £3,595E ASTRAM.3 'MERIT 3 dr., 20,000miles ~______ £4,995E NOVA CUJB/18,200 miles.;.. £4,995 E FORD XR2,8^00 m i l e s £6,595 E FIESTA ESTIVAL (U), 13,000 miles •'

£4,995E CAVALIER SRI 4 dr. 15,000 miles

• £6,495 E FIESTA FESTIVAL, 13,000 miles "

:••• £4,995 E VOLVO 34001; 16,500 MUES

• ' V.\- V. £5,595

D METRO CITY IX 32,000 mOes- •t . 1 • £2,995

D ASTRA 113: MERIT GTS, 3 drl,11,500 miles iJ, £5,295D NOVA IX HATCH, 14,500 mites •'

•• £3,995 D ASTRA ANTIBES; 33,500 mO*s

• £4,895D NOVA 1X.MERIT .3 Dr., 16,000 miles £4,295D MO METRO, 26,500 mites.^. £4,595 D VOLV0480 ES, 13,000 miles

* £8,995 D BMW 316, 31,000 rriltt-~.L £7,695 DN1&&AN SUNNY.LX, 1.1,18,000‘mites ...............................£4,500D BELMONT 1300-L, 4. dr., 32,000miles _ ____________ £4,500C MAESTRO 13001,26,000 miles '

. £3,795 Y BMW 316 AUTO.; 62,000 miles ■


■ S b wild v

) F MERCEDES 300E 4-whwl drive. Aulo; in Diamond Hue with grey Ile a th e r, ABS,’air conditioned, only 6,000 mies.. . . . . . £ 3 4 , 9 8 5I 87 E JAGUAR XJS3.6 Aub.; blue metaile with doesHn, only 11,000 mles

1 v; .87.0 KAERCEDES*200T * Es to lb AuloV in Siver blue metadc, asam tox./I unrootdedrtcwindows, 1B.000m les........*.................... £14,986I '96 C..MERCEDES . 190£,' Perd Hue,-cream ..dott sunroof, electric I ?L-window8,Tone cwnefj 36.000 m i l e s ' . .*£12,485

••2.80-F-TOYOTA LAND* CRUISER SWB,Turbo Diesel,m white, deivery mleage « ■ ♦ . . . • • . . . £15 903

H 88 E PEUGEOT3091'.9 GTL In white, unroof. 11,000 miles . ^ £8,695 87 D MANTA 20 GTE, Coupe, in Monaco blue, cumoof, 15.000 mles

, / ; . . ..V .. . .......... . . .v ... £7,495I ■ 87 D ORION u GHI/i in blue meBlfcsunrool, 18,000 miles, .v. £6,786I ' -.87 D VOLVO 3401.7 GUn red, 14,000 miles: ..........................SSfl85

87 E HAKTA 2.0 GTE Hal*'. In *Wte, sunroof, 26,000 miles'... . . £7,485

88 F CARLTON 1.8 Gli, in.Glader white, sunroot'oriy 3,400 mlee .......... cio es88 F CAVAUER (89 model) CD 4-dr., Nordic. 5,000 mUee. . , . . . £10^95 ■

. 88 E CAVALIER 1.8 G li 4-dr., In Plafinuri metalic, sunroof, 121000 mlee ........................................................................ ^£7,485

' 89 F.ASTRA 2.0 GTE 16 Valve, in Carmin'e red, sunroof, 5,000 miles.’• . . . . ; ...................................................... ......£ ii,4 8 s. 89 F ASTRA SIS 5-dr., in Carmine red.'sunoot 2,000 m l e s . ES SS "89 F ASTRA 1.8LXI, Estate. In Canntiered, sunooi; 7,000 miles.I8,S85.’*' 87.E ASTRA 2.0 GTE in Carmine red,'sunroof, 13.000 miles . . . . . £8.496 ' 89 F ASTRA 1.(L 54r.. In Crystal metaOc, sunroof, 5,000 mlee:. £7,796

89 F ASTRA 1 & GL. 5 door. In Carmine red; sunroof, 9,000 miles . E6£9688 F ASTRA 1JL choice of colours, stnoof. stereoi 5-ipeed, Imr mieage

'from - .......... .......................................................£6^55. 88 F ASTRA 13 Merit, Regency blue, Imr mileage tom £8^86.

89 F NOVA GTE 1.61, in wtite, sunroof, 3500 mf e . £ 8 , 2 9 5 89 F NOVA SR1J , choice of colours, low.mOeage to n . . . . . . . . ; £6,(95 ■

: 89 F NOVA 1.2 MerH didce'ol colours, low m leage. . ... i £5^95-.. 88 F ASTRA.1.5 ComrtaUe In Gladef white, alarm, 6,000 miles. tt#95 _ 85 C MG MONTEGO Turbo in snver, sunroof, aloys, 24,000 mlee £5 295,

m lK 'i '1 I ’ Jr.-’. . . v . . £13^985 -87 D SBiATOR 2S Aulo:*.’in'steei gr'ey'metallc,'-sjn'rooL*19,000mles \

• .................... I . . ; . . : . . . ; . ....... £10 985 ^89 F CARLTON.CDX Aulo. Estate, in Cobalt blue metalic, 7,000 mles . .......v.-..;. ■.s. . £14,995 ^ ....

. • • , . “Ovei:8bQuaUt}:'used ' nnw n r»rn "• ' 'S X .k fca •• : W i n s tic k ” ' • • B O N D E N D >

OPEN7DAYSWeekdays until 730 pjn.

‘Stt8JO-SJO.San.U-5 -


HARROGATE 0423 867373I SBajpRCnt

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89 *F TOYOIANEW CA RINA2.0 AutOjLiftteck,Erccutive a 'j light grey mctj low 'mileage,' as new, trcmccdous-saving .'A 95

8B ‘F* MITSUBISHI GALANT 2.0 GTi, 16v, white, full specification and unmarked...............................................£12,995

88 *F?: HYUNDAI PONY. GLS 4dr, mi, 9,000milcs, as new ; •: C o n d i t i o n , b i g £5,995 87 ‘E5 VOLVO 740GLManual, lighr blue mcr, blue dorb, sunroof, scereo,' dearie windows, 63,000 miles, 1 company owner :,;;:,:£6 995 87 ‘E’ BMW 325 SPORT, flsii., diamond black, electric sunroof

- expensive music, sports seats, ABS, 45,000 miles.............;..:.£13,995.; 87 T)’ VOLVO 240 GLTESIATE, silver, black lea.ther, eltttric.. •windows; et 63,000 milcs vtiyclean condition ..............!...£8,49587 T)* ASTRA MERIT L33dr ESTATE, bright red, /'39,000miles...;.;.......;...,..............•.;.:.\..;.r;V.:;..;;.;v.;„:;.V......£4,295,86 PEUGEOT 205XR UOOcc 3dr, •white with Peugwt > body pack, 22j000 miles,'lady driver ........v. ..;.........i....;......£4,195

. 86 ‘D’ RENAULT 5 GT Turbo, Opalescent pearl white, 1 owner, - 27,000.miles,'carefully usedJ . . . . .w ; . . . . . \ , ’...,....;.£5,595

■ 86 .‘C* XR2, Nimbusgrey metallic sunroof, alloys, stereo and tints,1. •23,000 miles, 1 owner, superb ,.....i.,.£5,295

' 86 ‘C* MERCEDES 230 TE Auto, white, sunroof stereo, i owner,

86 'C* MONTEGOtyanden Plas 2-OEFi EstateAu to,'additional . -rear feeing seats, electric windows, pA.S; tints, alloys, 1 company.,.. - , owner, very clean and wttll rnaintained, 83,000 miles........„;„£4i99586 ’.GRANADA 2'8 Ghia X Auto, old shape saloon, blue met, ..lowmiIeage,\usual Ghia refinements...-;. .: ........ :..;..£6j295J

.,86‘C’ SIERRA'1.8GL5dr'hatcli,inivory,5spetdsunroof, . .. ;

. s t e i e b . „ . . w . . w w . . . . , ; . . . ^ l ; . . . ...£4,700;86 ‘C’ SAAB 900Oi TUrbo ACC, 5 speed man, Graphite metallic, iair conditioning, electric mndows, seats and mirrors, stereo, alloys,' totally immaculate, fis-h; by supplying dealer, very high mileage but- ‘ •

'.very well kept..;...!.V.......;...;l...........!..£7,495: '85 *C,:86vMbdjyW GOLF GTI 5dr, SUver, Sunroof Alloys, 1.'=Stereo 2 Own era. Superb.. .v. i . . . - .V;. ..........;£5,99585 *C* MERCEDES 380SE, petrol blue met, beige yelour, ABS, .headlamp washwipe/electric sunroof and windows, impeccable'* ;•‘ hjstory, pristine c o n d i t i o n . ; . . . . . .-.....,.£17995r.85 *C* MERCEDES280SE, Auto, silver, grqr cloth, ABS, electric; sunroof and mirrors, cruise control, alloys,'expensive stereo,-’1

'58,000 miles, f.s.h.;.:. . ^ . , . . ; . . . ' . . v . . . ..........£15,995,

79 *T* MGB GT, Brooklands Green, 25,000 genuine miles in incredible orginal condition — Fast appreciating classic....£8,500

81 (X’ BMW 7351 Auto, blue'metallic, beige velour electric sunroof-and windows, alloys,' new tyres, luxury motoring....................£3,99579 PANTHER LIMA SPORTS, m sa'yer/white, 25,000 miles ’ •chrome wheels, stereo be difrtrent....'„..i..:.....'.....................£6,995 •

1975 MERCEDES 350SE Saloon, blue met, clcctric sunroof and windows, stereo, fully refurbished and superb £3,995


Tel. 0274 582063/595028 After hours 593927

*1« ;


tElie Catotfiorne Carriaac Co.v : . . ■! P ro p . K E N C A M P B E L L . ■ ' •

I RANGE ROVERS.1 9 8 9 ;F' RiMGElROyER Vogue SE Aiito, Caspian .-blU0’ 6 )OOO miles;’ a s r i e V / . v . ' ‘. £29. 500'

19B9 ‘G’ RANGE? ROVER V ogue' EH Aulo, ESR,Caspian :blue,' 250 miles only £26,9951988 -E’. RANGE. ROVER V ogue SE Auto; Caspianbliie, 8 ,0 0 0 miles, terrific value. £25 ,9951988 -F' RANGE' ROVER Vogue EFi Aiito. q 'press ’green, 6 ,000 fniles, really superb '..... .'........ £23 ,9951988 ‘F’ RANGE ROVER Vogue EFi, 5 tpeed (89 model), Cypress green, 10,000 miles......!:..;.... £21 ,995,1986 ‘C RANGE ROVER Vogue EH Auto, Astralsilver, 43 ,000 miles, immaculate...........;;'...... . £16 ,9951986 *C‘ RANGE ROVER Vogue EH, 5 speed,Caspian blue, 42 ,000 mile;;, many.oxtras £15 ,9951985 'C' .RANGE ROVER Vogua phase II Auto,Astral silvcr/48;OOO miles.,:...L........: .........: £14 ,5001985 'C RANGE ROVER Vogue Phase II, Balmoral green or Nevada gold ESR, 41 ,000 & 48,000 miles r e s p e c t i v e l y . , , ; , . . . £ 1 3 , 9 9 5 : 1984 'BVRANGE ROVER Vogue Phase ll. S spoed,.sunroof, yery clean condition . £10,9951981 'X'/;RANGE ROVER; 4 . door in Vogue .. blue rn etal I i c,‘ sun roof, n ica c o n d i t i o n £ 7 ^ 9 5 ■ : -<';AIso choice o f 3 cheaper ones. 'j.V'y

£2 .500 — £ 3 ^ 0 0 / ,

; QUALITY CARS1988 ‘F' JAGUAR XJS V12 Le-Manr, celebration model No. 22 in Tungsten, 3,000. miles only, as newi •

;^ v .. £ 3 4 ^ 9 51 9 8 7 'ID* PORSCHE 924S , Summer yellow) sunroof, stereo7‘'future-collector'S'icar,' 7 ,0 0 0 -miles only. . .

■ v v;;, £ 1 6 ^ 9 519861*0* JAGUAR SOVERIEGN 4 .2 in Qaret/Biscuit hide/3 8 ,0 0 0 miles,'a quality car in everyTespect - .

... . -J-: y. •' * £13 ,995

25, CHURCH STREET, CAWTHORNE, BARNSIJSY (0226) 790385 o r 790770


.■'S S sliif.i.tiA M /l

3£.'j‘UAiStV:tIin T-'erias"

BID A BARGAIN BONANZA☆ ☆ ☆ All Stock’ Must Go 'ii- ir ir : •


■■ We need the spocell We need the monayl!- f . M i k e us ■ig ffe rij.

’1903JAQUARMKIOtRadrggrEen.lowmilaaga.'pnstirie'condition'..* . . ..; .offmMnd .

ti.- -■■■■■" 1 ■'■V-.’.';". usr : ' 0U8TRADEFAMILY CHOICE . - ■ •; -price■ mz' M WCAVAUER 1.*ESTATE 80UI........... £3,200 t2AM87'D* CAVAUER 1.6U4 door.' SOU), £5,125 E3AK .. M'C CAVAUER DIESELHATCH.'h blue £4,700 i ' E3MS.;«7‘D'8IERRA1«.ESTAre,'Uh:„,.:..::..,U .....: r£S,975 ■ -E4.7I5..'8S'S'CAVAUER 1 J L H A T C H ; f r i b l a c k l O W ' SS'D1 FIESTA ' £3,925'; . £14*587’D-SIERRA UGUIs h. S O U ) , : , i ' £5,950 . ■. £438

,:87 ’D* SIERRA 1JGUrad. 5g., l/amrool. SOLO,..... .£5:875 . . W »6 K*C* IHON7EG01 j STATE,SOU).:;.,::.:..V.i!v..r.v..»:. £4.675/' O M«7.:D* CAVAUER 1JGU HATCH. 1 owner. I.a.h..:.... £5.295 £3 *5 ■87-*D*CAVAUER 1JLHATCHS 1'owrier,l.8.h.£4,875 , ,:OM87’FCAVAUER 1J6U AUTO HATCH, 1 ownfih £6.475 « WB7’ITMVAUER1 HATCH,1ovvTiilah'.,,.... , £4.875' . ( M l1

, Sa.’K ASIRA ESTATE. 1 ovw>», fiih . . O , E 5 . 3 2 5 . CMM 8S ’C- ESCORT DIESELS door, Vovvner. f . j . h . £4,575 - £!*•*


-SOLO 1...................... ■:!’87.'D*.aRANAOAZSGHlA. 1 owMr;'U.h’..i.Uji .i.'88 *C* CARLTOH 2^C0I, SOIJ..::„.::.... r.v..'.::V........vMERCEDES 380SE, Private Na„ enjiso control, o s.r,, velour interior, pristine...;..: ...;..i.'i..!'......i,

■ 87 *D* VOLVO 740 OLE ESTATE. ....... ..87/D-VOLVO 740GLss *c. carlton oi. 5 speedsaLO.87 .T ROVER 82SStiifiDgAubw 1 owner, l.s.h 87 'F ROVER 82S AUT0, gold metallic. 1 owner. f,B.h

. 87 'D*.ORANADA 2.0G1, red, 1 ownerUh:.--„- 87'D* ORAHADA 2J GHIA^T owner,87 'D* -GRANADA 2.0 HO. OHIA AUTO, black. 1

'owner, f.s.h ........... ...........88'D* CARLTON UCOi, white, , i owner; f.s.h.k..

£ 10.000.! £9.000-£5/750.

£8,!425;. £4)350, £11;300., £9.350 £6,900: "£9,225

£8,275':;. • .£5,950 .

. £5:900 , v ' £6.200;,' -‘£7,125;:.. £4,700 :




£M >5£MI8

SPORTS CHOICE : r 188 V C A V A U E R S R i H A T C H ; i n ; £5:900’v\ £4^85 •‘88 ' C* A8 T I UOm3 d o o r , r e d ; f . a . h . S 0 1 0 - £6.200:;':';£M85 •87>*F ORION GHIA INI*white; 1 owner;f.ih';::;l.:....v:- '£7,125;:. £8,885;8 5 rB*ORION 1600G H I A . S O U > . . . : £4,700 £4,285

. 8 4 *B*-XR2»'black, s u n r o o f . a l l o y w t e e U . . - ... £M 85 PART'EXCHANGE TO'CLEAR V'y--':•8 4 'A' FIESTA POP PLUS. SOLD. £2,900; '-.£2,485SaT’ROVERZWOSAUTOjwmitege..-;:.........,-£2,700 _ .. £ 2 3 5 .'-} ■■ ; l e /1 2 /M MONTHS AUTOBOND WARRANTY AVAIUUUE

.’ OPENING TIMES • . :MONDAY— FRIDAY 9 am.— 7 pm.,

i SATURDAY9 am.— 6pm. V SUNDAY 1 0 a ^ — 5pm.. \

* 'Licensed Credit B^k^wntton deoils on request ; ' All vehiciw are full RAC Motor Scan .inspected.' J..


11987 *E7 Vo g o e EH 1-2 speed,, stereo,-towbar...^

1 9 » ^ P t* s e lt5 s p « d t Arctic»iiite,fullJan.sp«dcdiaust ;. system spotlamp3, buIlbar „. . ■

I5®4 ‘B’ PIhm U, 5 speed, alloys,' stereo, tow bar, ;alarm, bull bar,‘spots, Venetmnrw1984 w Vogne Aiild, Metallic blue, stereo, tow bar .... £10^00

• 1981 4dw ,-4spettl» Venetian red ...;.u;..i;..^.'.n;V.^'£7l500 _• 1978 T 14 speed, Tuscan blue, one owner, p^s.; LMD ;j. £4j995.<:

1978 T 4 speed, Sahara dust, vinyl roofj stereo, . ,.y .• •• •’’ -£4^oo,:-

, 1978 T* requires renovation

' *SAV ' ;■}. ■{''.}■ l[ . • 'FBEST1GE'‘v •t />;.'Fori Gmlads Sage sOyer, air con.; sunroof; ABS; • '

’ bide interior 0,750.; 19S8 *F Suzuki Santana SJ410, m wbitA Com-enib 'wpert)'•’' spec-togethff widi h a r d . t o p ....

' •!.'CONNOISSEURS; 5 ‘ .rC£35,000£65£00£65009





E S T A T E S .F 89 760 TP- Auto In-deop'^ bluo metilllc, belgo leatherr

k 1 trim,Talr ccn.;<oloc. S /R |.‘> \\ elec, windows x A,- rad- -. I ;-./c88S/...Sava over £4,000;'.' •V on n o w £20,995. ; \ F , 89 740 Turbo Diesel Man -

I tyer blue^rnetallic^sun V I - ■" *1 Voof, " " ('.Vodio/cB8s> '-' ‘'2ii500. -1

8:995, ;i t ^ 8 7 .7 4 0 GLE

Qi^n,met.,bUick;vlMtber:.' (.■trim, factoiy steel «uh roof; . VefecV wiridows k 4 ,‘ 23, OOO ;' £12,995’i E 88v;mod.v 740 GL Mari In. •

I daHc‘.\bliie with' blue '.;cioth:,' ' tHm^fittedfriBd./ciBsair^bur^

'• Qtar -Xetarm, sun■- ;haitch;...'.18 ,000 miles... : £12,405:-

;E> 88 740 Base Man In rod, :•. .with gfey striped upholst-'

. ery/ fltted radio/nss., tow,’. bar, 21,000 miles fromiiew

' : . £11-995 ; : D 86 740.GLE Man In gold • ivnwtallic.'^with - beJge.^doth

. ‘trim.vfsrtory fitted sunroof,' elec. wlndows,' fitted radlo, ' •r25,500 mllas:^.....:£10;495 ; : C 88 .mod. .740 GL Man. (ri . White,,WHh’. ; blue..]JstrJped.

: upholirtei>; ^ e d red/cass,: ' v, '•'curtowi . 'rop'f.rack,- PAS,•• eleci front ^ndows, 32,000

Smiles ;‘X.:v^v;..^....;u-£9i495'-; . ;D! 86 /240 GL'Man' iaVred;; : wiUi 'gray:doth: trlniV'fitted '■}

1 radio/casastte, ■ ,;-.'5-speod ■gea r b o x ^ i - - . : . - £ 8 ,250

> Y 8 2 /8 3 ’Choice of,Estates, j bL/GLV-Models, -from :: :

■•;••■•; <• :• - f e ; - - , . • ; £ 4 t495v

S A L O O N S 'V’.Kj89 74ot<3L; Man ln dartt: -i blue 'withj'AES, red./cassi, '

4 • speakerisr .iTQar .-spoiler;': ’5;500mllM:^;u::...;£12,995.

F 89;mod; 74p GL'Man ln;’• white with bliije Trico dbthi -trim/ '.fitted':' rad/cass. -

v E - 88.740 Turbd Diesel ■ Man > .‘ •.'ini blue gT^n.rnetalllc/Trico .- plush' trhn,!flttetf rad.7eass.,v

V 8110)^ 21,500 nilles ' r ,-';. ^!- - g ' i ; £13,995 :

; . E 87 740 GLE Man in light' blue metal)lcf, ^blao :flush . trim: factory stdsl sun roof, ■ rBd./cas8.railoys.....£9,995:

' E 87 740 GLE,Msn lh *i!ver- : rnetal I ic. Wick , leather trim,* f^O|iy Bteel w n ,roof;,.rad-

v/c*^/'alloys,.:,.;...wv£8,995 ’/ A; 84 ; 240 GL Man InV U.

I ' gr»en metallic/bix»WTi doth, •‘w hh.w n; roof/radiocass- ette/tow b a r £ 4 „ 4 9 5 .

I . Y 83 240 DL' Mari in- wine ' •f0d-;':'V;:vrfth! grey/black ; checked i V tweed, 67,800 miles from new/, fitted nkfio.-'

,.:v,v,v;;.:;....v.;iM ^..4o,495.:

.(0924)461461:^v .

360's ;FM^BOGLE.S-doprSpeic. Edition In^Ocean Dfue Met;,•’ bladcV leather; ■,\elec.’f:wir>- - dowa,: factory; aun roof,;'2.000 mites....../.... £10,495F 88 380 GLT Bdr. in blacks met.; . biack . striped. sporty;, iiphoteteiry; < ai toys:-;: : fitted;) • radio cassette.:^;;:..l £8;995 , •E 88 mod: 380 GLT Bdri iii .i black meit.; full - body kit, sun <; roof; -aIloys;' ;twrgtar. r alarm, 'rad./cass; v 24,000 -'*' n i i l e s : s . . . .£8,895;E 88 360 ;GLT'4df:''Saloon

: in white, with' b|ack>8triped;> sporty upholstary/’ factory- sun’ roof,- fitted rad./caaa.,''28.000;>.;; £8.495-V D 87 360 GLT 3dr.‘in silver, I met. ’with •. Wack r^striped .: sporty:. uphoIstery;>: ajlays/': elec.'' windows,' fitted rad- u '.’/class. 9,500 miles

::"'v l£7,995'.'.D 87 360 GLT 3dr. Iri black .

'metl; fitted with’ rad. /ca«avr... 'sun • hatch, 'easaette'; t^orar, / ’ alloy wheels, front fogs '< ■?;

'^-V;V'-£6,995j. D 87.360 GL: 5dr'. in: ocean

-blue -met." with- ^ ey plush.: upholste^,; , fit t^ ;r a d io -.1

' /c sss .,, front r fogs, and .addi-'; ' tional gauges. 31,000 miles'y

•• •' '• .: ‘- v " • i‘:£8,995'-," .C 85 360 Gt£:6dr.;in onyx;: green nwrt. with green phish ' upholstery,'' ’ fitted > ' raid-' ./cass./ 23,800 -miles..

w ;.i VL.£fi;495 A 84 360 G i£ 4dr. Saloon in. red ; mefcv withr ,beige striped trim;:'-alicryi'; .elec; " •windows, fitted redio/cass.

I /-• 3 4 ^ ^ : ? '^ ; , ; F. 89 340 GL:4 ^ : Saloon In •; : petrol. bh>e, ;factory v»un roof,j5,000./inJlei-fTttod r a d ./ca ss .T ...v i..'£8 ,495,

; F'89 340 .GL 4dr; Saloon in r •smokaJ; s n w /imet.,:' with '.'grey ■ tweed ; ’upholstery^' fitted ,. rad./cass.> *2,000

; r i i i l e s . u i \ . i , £8,395 - '"F; 89 340 GL Bdr. In whiU ': with grey tweiBd'upholstery/, fitted rear ., spoiW,. rad: :/casaette, 2,500 mQes' -

•••::.:'i:, :':;'-;£7,995-. E 88 340'GI>:5dr.-in white/

- with bfue tweeid trim, ra<So-.. /cass.. only 6,000 mSea

- £6,995E 87 340 GLE 5dr. Specbl. Edition. Jn.igraphita^.met., black toiither ',trim/ factory ;

.sun.roof;^rear spoiler, fitted - 1 rad./cass.,16,000 mUes

£ 7,995D 87 340.GLE 4dr. Saloon'

. In; light; green .raetalficwTth : (pvypluri) .upholstery, fitted;, ,! rsd./cass-;.l;-:J.J.\.~ £5,796 >

DEWSBURY .I (0924)461461

0 87 Mod. 340 GL 4dr.. Saloon, in. alate,blue,.fitted■ < -with . radi/casK.'''. 19,000 . : mlles;..:.....:.v....;...:.£5,995. :',jbi,86■:'340 GLE ^Bdr/in: •fsmoke'silver rnet. wrth groy- I' plush upholstery, sun hatch,!;

. 'vfittad V nxi./cas*:, 24,000^ v 'mfleis' ;.'.l.%.';;.ii;:£5,995:'. D 86 340 GL 3dr. iri .oceen ' /blue met. ; with gray -.cJoth. 'j'-trim;1; 5-' s^eed, fitted / ra d I o; - / ’ca»sette,29,0<)0hiilesr •'

/ £5,995 •.V;F/89 'Ks b'-. BasO'-- & k ’,';.jri (• •petroj . blue . , w ith/,rear :• apoi ler, .' fitted '•/ rad. / -V/2;500 mlles.;«i>.:.;....£6,995 : : ! F 88 340 DL ,3dr. in dark '■•grey '.with?;V:g^-'v'.tviraed;'> •v; upho!stefy,: r j't fitted*« radio- .‘■/ca*wWe;.dist3nctive-’rtrlp- ";

ing, only 3,900 milesi 4-■:■•*'V' / ' . . : " • / ! : - . . : £ 6,995>. E.88 mod.'340 DL 3dr‘; Iri

white, ftilly iccilour- kayBd,'[ Including <r bumpers^inMTts/1 rsiin hatch; . wheel trims,/. fitted. - rear.’. spoller, . rad-v ; l/cas8.*.;.i.’.::......i;.^ £8,250 ;

; E M 340' DL 3dr..:in''sJate ./blue with; blue '.doth, trim, -.fitted 'Vrad/casa. ' ' 8,000 !■ mJfMonty.;:;..’:.w ..;..^ 5/E:88-3fM';.OL:5<b;/in-^ite /• with. Mm tweed upholstery,' rfTttbdi^o/ J,m ud- -:fis^:;:::::.:r::.;..:AV;.v£5;495T . D 87 .340 DL 3dr. in , red.' with grey tweed uphb(steryrV ^fitted radio/casaette

^•'^•^•v£4;995‘: ' * D87' Mf>d..-’.i346 '.dL-3«!r.’j’.iri -dark' red with' grey': doth ; ’.trim,.fitted rad.'/easa.i:many

extras 31,000.rnIles£5J495''

b '86.340 ‘DL.i 6dr.?-inyr«i.>; , - with grey tweed uphcrftf«y/v'fitted . • -.'i.v:radio/cassette, / 20,000 miles. ;;^V;.VJE5,495

.’l>: 66 340 pL ^ ; jn white,.-/ with' blue; twreed ' upholst-; .' .ery,-~frtted rad./cass.; .’-cfiB-,*. tinctive slripes,r;i1 8 ,0 0 0

• m l l e a £5, 295' C 86 34b GL:‘3dr!- iln/'ctaric’;''': blue, t t cto iysun• roof,' ,5-- speed ‘ .gnifoox,1 distinctive \ ■

' side striped .42,500, m i l e s ; ;••/^'-r;^?^/;'i:f£4,695^-

C 88 '340 DL .3dr.- in. rid • with'grey doth’trini,; fitted' rad./cass.. 8,000 miles • ‘

* V*''i-; "•%"./ £4;995 ‘ B 84 340 DL 3dr. in wirie

red - with - v .flrey/black* checked dqth. l^speed, one, •.owner, . from new, , .30,000 ;' ,mne8 ..T:....”...:v.i' .*A £3,4|95Y* 83 340/GL-3dr.. in silver • met.v' grey'/bli^ clwpcked 'uphbtstary, 47j000 rriiies, ;

' •,: ■ v;.'. ■> ;• ‘ - i •/;' i 9 95 -:

DEWSBURY . (0924)461461

ESTATES89,: G ,740; wrfilta, 2.3 Utre, '.

. eunro<rfA./...‘.,...t.,....,‘P.O A.', 8g 'G 7M Turtio,,deep blue'/ m e t a l l i c ' a l t o y s p : O A r 89 •' Fi! /74b. J. Tii rboDiesel /}

; si iwar, rails;.; £16,495 ; ■8 7 D 740GUbluemeUIIic

:^;.;;;;:^^.i^.;:^.v.;.£9;995/1 86 ,D "-740 . GLE;' . wine red •: m e t a l l i c £9. 995 ;86 D 740 GL, wine . red, ; only 20,000 miles r..' £9,995 f

l'86; C; 240' GL;. white, miich! a o i i g h t a f t e r r . . £7,995 v. '84 A 240 GLE; ilver grey,;. • LPG conversion ..'.Lv, £5 ,4 9 5 . 82,-Y; 240 DL/, wine . rod, power steering . . . v , £3,495 '

SALOONS ,89 F: 760 GLE,-Auto, grey ’ Imetalllc, leather, ABS •: y: ?

.£19,495 .88 E? 240 >GLT, dark" greyi /

,'i beige leather. ..:..;. £10,495: • ,97; P :/740 , GL;r (fyer, .'one/ o w n e r . , . , . ’...- £8,995.87 D . 240 / GL, siiver>;


;:300 SSERIESiv;;89^G/';,340: -Gt 1.7; red, :spc^leir,5dow:; \B9 G 340 3 d w ;'w h ite ,

1.4 litre...... P.OA*'87. E 3^0 GLE, 5 door/l.7,

‘/red metallic,............ £7,495 >87 E‘^40:bC 5 door red,;: 13,000 miles only...£5.995^ 86 6 340; DL 3 /door,: one;■ o^ er:'.,................;..£4;995■86; D /340 DL 3 door;. red;-*' 29.000/m!les.:; ..,..£4 .995

>:;87: ,'D r360VGL''5-jioor, ' lid ■' metallic, 2 tHre..:;:.;.-. £6,495; 86 D.340 GL 3 door; ocean . blue,32,000 mlles.v £4,995 87 ; D 340:- GL 1.7, : White, ’

_ only,...:.i.'.;..:;..'.,.'...,...£5 ,495!,

89 G 440 GU. peppermint’ metallic; 1.7 litre......P.O^A;'1,-89 F 440 . f u ^ rblackr' rnolalliaonlyi....'... £13,495.'

; NON VOLVPS ,88 E ' Escort 1:4 .• Estate/.';

86 D: BMW 3181; red; low/”m l|e^:^ i:/.;.::^^ .;£8:495

87 D Rover 216,. red/^one-1 careful owner.... .:.:. £5,995:'

: 87'Er: Lada• .•1200./RKra;,i;4• door/beige, 11,000 miies ;

;v.'j £2,495';,

. ,85 .B Rover 213S, .'blue . !-. metallic, 36,000mlles •

v; i :• /: :r -.*£3i8S5 -'8 3 'Y :y a u x ^ -

..V-green;to dear 1.*«.',.>.’j£l;495 . 8 0 -V Vauxhali yrva ,4 door,' brown, oheowhwV..1;; /£445 /

S> gold, swp<wb £3,49 587 f" Fiana XR2. black.

./Dniy 11.000 m tia'.yee^ss88 r . Sub 90001. whits'.

■' u n beatable at onfy;.-', £9/49587: EEscoJt' 1v4.Brwo,.rad.

• •M ly :i3 ,^:;"d8-IE;-Metro•liOL;.5^-.; bur-.

guntfy;l'6;000’';miles - . * . / '><-'^-1£4,6.95.

•v-'87 P ; ^ ' W206 /red..: only 20,000 miiesfrom new'

fc# :/•;: '• i'&w*8 6 • D V ; Peugeot ’ V '.?05 GT I,. silver msital £6^49 5

; .86 D . Vauxhail Astra l.S, /n^,.18;p^m

- ■ ^ . ^ p ^ is r v . v V

; ; (0756) 68621v ;;

ESTATES-’E;87. 240,GL' ^ri^r'bi/ue^;' ./gTeenn>et^lfc;pne; w full.service hisiory •,,:'/.lv; ;-.'.C''.'

: :'';s A L 6 b iw :; ¥ | l,-Fv 89 740 GL Sspeed; brightV: 'red.Vradio/casaette, - 2,000 <

/ m i l e s £12, 295.' E/8 7 ;740 G l / Mwi'ui/ da ilc . fred; PAS,.electric/windows;.

;or'e>; owner,-.! 13,000 Smiles; ./ori^.....;..;V:;...';.V.'.:^£9i695:, :7Ei^86^/246^;G^;M « ^ i^ /metaiiic siivler^dhe owner)'

^ £ 5 ’795' //p/SS.'i^O/GL'iiflan^^/d^V•' red/ sun rdof,! bei«ttrTi /.''.',! >:•v-1'V' -*T. ■ . . • ' :E6;496. '

, 4S0'sE 87, 480' ;ES,*/-* meiallic:.

^silver.-/, burglafi alariii; ailoy •^ ^ U : v 7 : : ' : !. ;£ld,295^

V.F 89i;.440 V/Tui^'‘/Manual; chanipe^e.metallic-4,500V

/•ml >;.v:..; A;A.>;'£13 195;:

Sop''F'; 89 ■ 340 GL- V^ S door/ 5-speed,. .. «lark / grey,.

, ,tllt/8lide. 8un . roof, 2;000;. . m i l e s £8, 595

' : / ‘

■ / F •: jB 9:., 3^40 :f G L- / - ,T ’ ? 6-cloor - 7 ‘; /Shspeed/ petrol blue,'- 2,000. , :'‘milMV‘*,/*‘«"‘"'‘«‘*‘‘‘‘'**'*'£7;795:. ’ :E;88; 340 -GL 1.7 'M oor,

';o cea rib lu e ,'- ’,a la rm /re a r ' ■ •vapoiler, “ loiw'mlleage’

'•■ ■: £6,995 . :' ;E '87>340 GL 1.7 5 door/;.'. bcea'n-^blue,'.; full., service/ -.•' history, w e owner,,, £6i595:; ’• r) E.87- 340 DL 5 door Dla- /;m ohd ;E d ition :^ /ro^,spoiJflr.oneowr0r ;. J.'.’

v ; - . ^ g g s 1.■E 87-34o;G L :1 .4 5 door, -

^ oceah. blue; 8;000. genuine'i,; -.“ 'miIes/ore'owner...i. £6,495 ■/ D ay 34d/GL 1v7 3: dabr, . ’." bright rod, lowmlleagexV .1

■ / £5,995 :.D- 66 360 GL 3.door, ocean;

;bliie,; one owner, yefy low . :^mileage:....... .;.....:..v£6,595..

C '86;340 DI, 3; door, date/:/<: blue, one owner...... £4,595 '; C 86 360 GL 3 door, light/>/green -.metallic,[ .full ’jservice

h tow y /Io w n iilesg e . v.V,; / '/ • /;:'r;'-. £5,995

tB ;85 :360G l^-5door;ligh t‘. biuemetaiiic, tow bar .'• -•- '

V- '-'-v £4,695’/.;'; j B ; B4' 360 G Ls 3 /door; light : VgreiOT^

)ffulJ service hiBtory... £4,495:;

‘ \,,,..N p N VplVO S^;,;| / i/B.l85r^ord' (^^.■1 .6/Lsser/;

;;'','d^ '^‘red. metaiiic;'//aIIoy./. ' 'l-'wheels/'sun roof/one owner, '

;,'C: 86, jPeiigeot- 205 GLi‘'5>j:;• i ^ r . 'c h e i^ i^ .:^ .; : £4,395-.' .F/.SgiH ^ridai.P t^/I.S.G L,.-■; metaI lie;, blue, ,'iIloy-iwheete'/,

2^000 mi Jos from new, . -^.•;^V;.^;^'M,995;

: 'E ^ ^ i n 'f M a ^ o , i ; 3 L S •V'boor^^i^/r^'¥^lte;’v/mahy;;1 v;e*tw\..^V:\'.y.-.::.v..... £4,995,v|

’E' 88 Fbrd Escort 1.3 5 door;:/ ,'‘r Popular, marine b(ue, ~one^ '•fawner;-,’ 4,000- miles': from:-'.••.'hew .....:,.:.\.......‘.£5 ,4 9 5 :/; A 83. Audi 2 .2 'Coupe.- full'; Vsenrice history.....i... £2,995 ’



' •; SN A ITH ' "' ‘ (0405)862062: ; I


(0 4 0 5 )8 6 2 0 ^ ;;


l l l t t s l l

Willans Road.Dewsbury


Broughton Road Skipton

0756 68621

Selby Road Snaith. Goole 0405 862062


BMW Approved Used Cars 89: (F)-.73BirSE- Au^V'AS.G,^der.v;allo ..:andiusual::SE; rafinements,r:5,(

8 7 (D ) 6 3 5 C S i A U T O : ■ESR.' a ir cond.-- «Dorfe < ^ tB .‘ rniisin RHR 9 9 f

.................. £10,99586 (D) 520i Auto, MSR, elec. front windows, .13,000 miles' ............. £9,99586 (C) 520i, stereo, Zinnober. red;-36,000 miles £7,99589 (F) 325i Touring A uto,' MSRr;sports seats, BBS alloys, phone, stereo, :9 ,0 0 0 m i l e s £ 1 9 ^ 9 5 .87 (E) 3251 SE 4 door! EH; Auto,' usual high SE spec., 27,000 miles .

; ■•: £14^9587 (E) 325i 2 door MSR, alloys, Blaupunkt stereo,'RHR, HWW, 23,000 miles....:..... .................................. .......... ................ ............... .....................:.......£ 1 3 ^ 9 585 (C) 323i 4 door Auto, MSR, alloys/ boot spoiler, stereo, 39,000:m iles'.'

' . . '- '.£ 8 ,9 9 5 -89 (F) 320i Touring, MSR, Blaupunkt stereo, remote alaim, 9,000 miles .

£17,99588 (E) 320i SE 2dr„ usual'high SE spec., Pioneer stereo, 19 ,000.miles .

£12,49587 (E) 320i 4dr. PAS, MSR, stereo, 22,000 m iles ........£ 1 1 ^ 9 589 (F) 3i8i:,2.door, MSR,-BBS alldys/stereo, alarm, 1/fogs, spoiler, 9,000''.miles ........................ ..................... ................................... ....................... :£13^495'87 (D) 318i 2 door MSR, Blaupunkt stereo; 26,OOO miles. ...............£8,99586 (D) 318i 2 door, MSR boot spoiler, radio, 4,600 miles £7,795

>87 (E) '316 4 door Auto, MSR, Blaupunkt Linz stereo, 19,000 miles ... £9,59587 (D) 316-2dr. MSR,. Pioneer stereo, 195 tyres, 34,000 miles ....... : £ 7 ^ 9 5 '86 (D) 316 4dr’ , bronze, Blaupunkt Oxford stereo, 47,000 miles £7 ,995 .86 (D) 316 2dr. Gazelle beige,: 28,000 milesV:.‘/:^;:,;..v......:....v.:V...,^£6,995

/ OTHER QUALITY MARQUES ^8 8 (F) VOLVO 48 0 ES, met: black, glass ^/roof. 8,000 m iles ........ £10.795


CHURCH ST, NORTbrJ, MALTC5N 0 6 5 3 - 6 0 0 7 0 0


87 E 928 S AUTOMATIC. Dianiond;Blue/Burgundy&:Linen Leather. - : ; . , .', ■ "■. ■- Electric,Sunroof. Air C.ontfitIonlng»......~..:.::..i.ii;:..19tp00M •£ 4 2 ,9 5 0 :1

87 E 928.S MANUAL. LagoonMetaliic/Linen LeatherTrim,^Elec.S/rdof.Air.Con 2B,000.M *£39 ,950 -F

89 F 911CARRERA CABR10LET SUPERSPORT. Grand'PrixWhite With Blue ;'■ ■ ■ ' ' !■ Hood. Blue Leather SpDits Seats Piped in W hite,,.., 3,000 M:* . £P..0,A,' I

.89 F911 CARRERATARGASPORT.'Guards Red/Black:Leather S/Seats.FSH:.,.12;000 M •'£43.950 ;

.88 E 911 CARRERA SPORT COUPE. Granite Metallic/Grey Green L e a t h e r : : ; ^ VSports Seats. FuirService;Histdry.':.X;:..'. ...28,000 M » £38,950, I

• 89 F 344 S2. Glacier Blue/Blue Pinstnpa Electrjc J ilt Sunroof'..;.,.V.v •..:,..'.. ;3,000 M, • £31,950/. I89 F 944 S2. Baltic Blue/Linen Leather Seats.;Electric^Tilt Sunroof: Fog'LafTips..V^9ippp M ;* :£30;950; * I 88 FS44S 16V. SaUn BlackMetailic/Beigelyelour.'.EIep^c/Sunrq'of'-.. . . ‘ / / ' ‘.rv

. 215/60Tyres. Fog Lamps’ .../.;.......‘v:.':.:......;i:.'.'... /9,000M • £26,75088F 944 . Guards Red. UghtGrey Ftorsche Logo Glolh. Electric Tilt'Sunroof. ;\... ,

• ' ; * • Fogs.SpirtR/Seats. ................................... .vO nly‘1>200M t £26,750.'.88 B 944 LUX. Guards Red. Bectric Tilt Sunroof. Turbo. V^de VVheeis & T y r^

' Fog Lamps..1. . .......... i.../.... 1.8,000 M £21,95085 B944 LUX. Alpine White Bectnc Tilt.Sunrodf. Fbg Limp's: Wide Tyres.FSH.36,000 M • £15,650

. 8 8 F 924S.AIpirieV VhU,e/B lackR nstripeT rim E )rtended ,T o .D dorF toe!s..y '.:;:

Elec Tilt 10,000 M • £Z1.950r “ I f S k J ]OPEN M o n -F r l .:9 a m -7 p m S a t9am --Jp fn ' Sdn W .30.1m -4pm

Apperley Laiie, Yeadon, Leeds . rv „' ................S (0532) 508454


Managing Directors; Car.- 1988 Perfect Condition. Every Conceivable Extra Contabt DERWENT LEEDS

0532 775636£18,995

fOYOTASUPRA,V '3 .01 .A U T Q ^T iC .; '

1987, : E Reg.-; -Mica, :red / g r e y cloth, alloys, electric windowsi ’ABS; • a ir .condition* Ing, cruise,, central locking, one< o w n e r ,-34,000; m iles, 1 years parts and labour w ar­ran ty .,-;

.,.£13.756;TEL. ( ( ^ 2 ) ‘642145-:^

'•' I'Vv after. 6:30,‘p.rni; ; .


1966 D registered, s lv s r metalie, 1 lady cwm«r, 1 7 ^00 'm 3e*. 5 speed, PAS, deetrfc sunroof, «0oys, central locMng, ABS farstes. -The ullm ste drf^ngm acH nefcr -- ' :C ia « i lS 8

' ■Pa/texd\ang€wek ema- Tel. Bradford 583017 .


F SKX)lbrbo 3dr;:Cberry;Ii^'AfrFl& {b‘K it &]Cbl6^_Co<led^Alloy^Radio Cassette, '■ •'

E 900 0 lU rbo, Platiriuni; One Owner;' ^E90<)‘n irb o \6S36^C^eTTyl 'RadioCassette, AJmTnI FtsllServ{ceHist6 Ty, '

87 Black, Radio Cassette & CD Player, Alarm , One Oicmr, FuUServiceHistory, Only20,OOOmilest: r > : .^ .> .........w :....;.;........ ...Redooc d tq87900T brbo 2dti^ Cirha,,Radio Cassette, One Otcner; {^ServiceH istory,cirily 26,(X)0 m iles ............................

T>9WTa^l6S3dx'SikttABeautifidC&ca6tyUJ^^ -

869000*nirb6,l6 , Cochineal, Radio Cassette, One Owner.Full Service H is to r y ..i . .v .. ..: ...... —r............................... ^ ........ J trrln rrd to

£23,995£19,995£14,495£14,995£13,995£12,495 £14,995 £8,995 SH,995


89 9000S, Odorado Grey, A ir Conditioning, Radio Cassette, 2,000m i l e s . ...........

89 900116VS 3dr, Odorado Grey. Radio Cassette, O nly6,000m iles .....F 90012dii Embassy. Radio Casseit^OneOwner, FuUServiceHistory,'Only i3 ,ooom iies .............................................................. ;.v.'..v8 8 90013dti Bronze, FuU S Pack, Rear Spoiler, OneOwrier. Full Service History,,Only 12,OOO m iles............. ............................ ............................ ......... ................8 8 90013dr, Cherry Sunroof, One Owner, Full Service History, O niy14,000 miles.-.;/. E 900015dr, Cochineal, FuU Lux Pack, leather, Radio Cassette, One Owner, \' Full Service H istory 33,OOOmiles .Li:..' v •' ' *'87 900l4df, C'* ------- "25,000 rriilesc.D 96661, Roseguartz, One Owner, Radio'C<&e(£ FuJiSejvittH tsto

D 906i4dr, Platinum) Itedio Casseite,-32iOOOTriiles';;,‘Ay.. &69066 iyM alM bite;ElkhicW ind6u/s& 'M iTm rs,J^io FullSew ice;ilitfpry;35f00dinil& yZi\y;li/f:;i.y?i.S.:f!.^

— t i M H N aj M mE900 2dryo'dqrado Grey.One Owner, F tiilSeniceH istofy.O niy 11,OQOmiles,D 9 0 0 G I 5 A i i t o 3 d r , J . : . , . . . .

^OlAAr^OdoradoGrey,Full Itek,.O neO itm fyFullSew iceH istory, --




PRESTIGE89 BMW 3201 T ou ring E sa te , Grey Metallic; Radio Cassette, AUoya One Owner, Full ^ ■ . . . ServiceHistoiy, Only9,000mllei, A S o u g b t A f i e r C a r ........V - . '. : - . . . i . . ; . . : .~ : : ® 1 5 i 7 7 5

89 ESCORT XR31 C ab rio le t; Bright A lloys ABS,OnlyA, OOOmlies ' £88 AUDI 90 2 .2E , Grey Metallic, Radio.Cassette, One Owner, Full Service History. .0 .0 0 0 ..^ R e d Uc e d to88 HONDA ACCORD EX 2 .0 4 d rE x e c In ) Autc>; Silver, Radio Cassette, One Owner,. ; ; , . i o o e -Full Service History, O n/>i7,O O O m /to':.........:;.:..U '.'..:.:..;.- ,..:R e d ace d to U U j ^ 3E B M W 3 l6 2 d r, Red, One Owner, Radio Cassette, FuU Service History, ' * • c c i i o e

iiB M W 3162 d r ,Red, Onelxuly Owner, FuUSeniccHistor/, 20,! X K ) m i l e s . £ 8 , 9 9 5 E HONDA BAJXADE Auto 4 d ii Blue Metallic, Radio Cassette, fu ll Service History, . ; . J.A .kOnly28,o d o m i l e s . . ........ .............R e d u c e d to .E SUZUKI Sj4i3VTK, Silver, Radio Cassette, Bull Bars, One Owner, . J c £ .A c \c .

■ 14,000 m i l e s . . . l.v. -------- ----------- ------ ----- ..................R cduccd to £ o , 4 9 5 .D HONDA PRELUDE 2 i0 1 1.6V, Blue Metallic; Radio Cassette, Full Service History, . “ „ . 0 0 ,Only36,000m iles... . . . . . . . . ..... .— ............................... .R cd u c cd to A S , " ” 'D OPEL MANIA GTE H atch, Red, One Owner, Radio Cassette, c c C o eOnly 1 8 ,0 t i 0 m i l e s tct S i J f O y J ,

D FIAT X19.VS, Red, Alaml, Radio Cassette, Only 16,000m i l e s ..: . £ 5 , 4 9 5B B M W 635C il Cxiup^ CrvenMetallic, Radio Cassette, PriiateNo.r.'.J/ C7/,r/ini r- .'.'A.-.'.v.i.'.V*,*.V..1.

FuU S ervtceH istO Ty:..i.:v .....;L.. .. . .L . . .v . r . : : r :v ;

BBMWbilCSllAUpQOreenMeMUiCiKwiQ aBvti r yutvivu.. •. £ tt QQCFull Service History.'...‘S ..:. a a k l^ y y p■ 84 MERDEDES190E Auto, Beige, Sunroof, Radio Cassette, - / ^ ^ j;i.-..;> <• • r • ;; c q z q cFuitServiceH ^tory!.. . . . . . * 0 ^ 7 ?80 MERCEDES 280E Auto, Red, One q q 'c■A B eautiful Example a t !. j

£6 ,995 £ 4,995

■ : . : . : . ; , ; V £ 5 , 9 9 5

88BLUEB1RD 1.8GS 5 dr, Bltw M etalliqRadioCassette; OneOumerFrom NewM ...

8 8 PEUGEpT;205Junior, Radio; Cfaljf 12,0<&miles....r.;....y.;.>..*:

87 MONTEGO May£Ur 2.0 Estate, Silver, Radio Cassette, OrieOtimer...

B ESCORT 1.6 Gliia Sdr, Crystal Green, Full Scrvlce History, One Owner Frojn New :, _ / ^ q cOnly28,odorn. .....


1 • All ahovr dates quote nrsfrcK^tratlim . .. ■■ ^


QPENiiMC hours: Mon-Fri 9 am-7 pm. snt 9airi-Gpm,


. Pageant red ■.withi beige .cloth trim , 18,000 .miles, extras . . . . . . v £19,995

£ MEPCEDES 300E :i-9 8 7 ' E,- one ‘ ow ner, FSH, automatic, m e t a l l t c grey. ESR;- CABS, ou ts id e1 tem pera­ture g a u n e . electric front seat, c r u i s e : , , alloys, C /L, radlo A.cassette.'.'';.'vj .!.vvv,; Above', average ' m i l e a g e , ' " hence- .

£18,250 o.n.o:(0482) 506028 office

' (0482) 653604 home... .,


LX ESTATEE reg:. wlilte. 5 speed man- u a 1, sunroof, ra d io /s te re o . cassette. FSH. -Mint condition, only 10,500 ' miles. Reduced,: due to new car. arriving. <

£4, 995 - No Offers; (0943) 463139 daytim e ;

.^0943) 75150 evenings

F O R D 1 Sierra- 1800L,; v 1986. C reg„ 6 m onths

tax / M-o.T:. fa c to ry - - fitted sunroof, tow bar.

57.000 miles. ‘ £3.750 o;n.o. Leeds. 677806.

FORD Fiesta 1 . 4 S v E- ' reg.. 1988. w hite, sun?

-.roof, spots, radio,.cas­sette , 1 ow ner, aver­age m ileage,' immacu-

- la te condition, £4,995... T e f ,(0937) 66365: V •:

HONDA Civic, D reg., Wiu». im m aculate condition, all

blue. i. allc a r forcesround, company c a r force

sale, m ust sell. O f f e r a r o u n d. £ 4 . 2 9 5 . Tel. H ow arth“<0535> 45756.

A -

.. . . • f o 'r '.s a l e ,

JAGUAR SOVEREIGNBlack.'':i987i!';air^mod.'.'coris!, electric seats..•com putervetc;, 42.000.m iles.;; v;-

£1^,7507; ;

(0724) B49287 anytime.

GI.EAMING black Escort > 1 3 0 0 GL, A .r e g . .

. • excellent condition', -10 .m on ths - M.o.T., aver-

. -age v m ileage.. £2.450.

..- T e l;: Leeds 8 5 3,7.1 4 : a fte r 6 p.m.

44134v i m c m f i d

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For the complete range of BMW. Demonstrations available on all models

■I — 3, 5, 6 and 7 Series. .

7 Also the area's largest choice of approved • used cars — Always 4 0 used cars in stock.

’ : Please ring for details. . /

Full aftersales, service and genuine BMW parts.

J?)m ^

Almondbury Garage Somerset Road K Huddersfield I |Tel (0484) 515515Open: Mon - Fri 8 a m 7 p m I

; ’ S at 9am - 5pm . ' • ■ ' Sun 12 noon - 4pm \

A.member of.the





a p p r o v e d u s e d c a r s

BMW 3 Series — (4 Cylinder)BMW 7 Series88 (F) 730iSE Auto, Diamond, Black Lealher,.O ne O w ner i s v - . i £23, 995; 88'(E) 750iAL, LacKs Silver, Full Spec,LiOOOn8, ) m i l e s : . ' . ........ ;.£39;995

BMW 5 Series88 (E) 520i Auta, Black,Sunroof, leather, '-I...Allays . . . i . . . .......... - ....£16 ,995 •87.(E) 528i SE.Auta, Bronze, Sunroof, Alloys,ABS,etc :.... .£1 3 ,4 9587 (D )5 2 0 i, Lop!s, MSR, C. Lock,- ; ‘ - ‘ •O n e O w ner,,.' ...... ♦♦... ..,;..v.£7495

BMW 3 Series — (6 Cylinder). 87 (E) 88 Madel 325? 2dr, Grrus, MSR, Allays,

O n e O w ner. ................ .......... . . . . . . ; .£ 1 3 ,4 9 5 .86 (D) 320i2dr,Zinnober,M SR, /

• Front F o g s . ........ £ 929 586 fD) 32012dr, Dolphin, MSR, Front Fogs £8 995

, 84 (A) 323i Autp.4dr, Sopphire/Air C o n d ,. :E. W i n d , O n e O w n e r . . ;.; .. . . . .£ 6 9 9 5

•• O PEN ' , 1 y

M ON-FRI 8.45am-6.15pm;--

SAT 9am -5pm SU N 12-4pm

8? (P) 318i 2dr, Zinnober, MSR, Allays,Alarm, e tc .. ..; ..: .... ..; .. .v ........................... £13,99588 F) 3187 4dr, Alpine, MSR, R. Spoiler ..£10 ,995 87 (E) 318i 4dr, Black^MSR, Allays, "F& R. Spoiler, e tc ..../..w :....;X .,. . ..l .... ...l£ 1 0 ,4 9 5

* 8 6 (D) 3162dr, Block, MSR, O ne O w ner . .£ 799 5 ', 8 4 (B) 318i 2dr, Lopis 8lue, 26,000 miles . . .£ 5 9 9 5

Q u a lity C ars89 (F) SIERRA 2.0JGLS,'Mercury, Sunroof,C. Lack, 5 ,000 miles............................. £ 9 4 9 588 (F) JAGUAR XJS 5 , 3 ,8lueMet, Dae Skin 1 •Leather, Air.Cond, A lloys ,'O n eP w n er..;£27 ,99 5 ; 88 (F) XR3i,'Rosso, MSR, Allays, G. Lock; ..11.000 m i l e s ' . . . £84 9588 (F) XR3i, White, MSR, Alloys, C. Lock,A la rm .:...; .. '; .: ...... ................... : . . ....... : ..£799588 (E) GOLF GTi Convertible, Blue Met, Alloys;

. .14,000 m iles..:.',,............................ :.£10 ,995 .88 (E) VOLVO 740GLE Auto, Blue Met, Leother,

■ Alloys, ESR, etc.;.;.-...'.......... ..............£10,995•■ 8 7 IE) METRO City X> Silver, O ne Owner,'

18.000 m i l e s ' . . ; ' . . ..... '..................... '..£3995.• 8 7 (D) O R IO N '1 .6G hio , Black, Sunroof,.'

E. Wind) 12,000 m i i e s . . . . . . . . . . . . £629583 (A) MERCEDES 20 0 Auto, W hite, PAS, .C. b c k , FCA, O ne Owner, 52,000 miles...£6495

OAK LANEBRADFORD 9. TEL: 0274 495521


O fflC lA I 1)1 AUK

1988 (F) Jaguar XJS V12 Convertible in Solent Biue.with'Magnolia Leather trim. Extras include:Alarm.:6,500 miles with FSH.;One owner. Ext. Guarantee until Au'g ‘90.,:.... .........'............ ...£36,995 :

1988 (F) Jaguar XJS V l2 Coupe finisHed in Alpine Green with Doeskin Leather trim. Extras include Alarm. 13,500 miles with FSH; . One owner..:........ ...;...................................... £28,950

1987 (E) Jaguar XJS V12; Arctic Blue with'Sayille.Grey. .Leather, trim. 10,000 miles with fully .documented. history. One '.' owner. Supplied by T h o m e s ^ .v x ... .. ' . .' ;^ .^ .; . .. : .; . . .....£24,750 •

1987 (E) Jaguar XJS 3 .6 Cabriolet (Automatic) in Arctic Blue with Cheviot trim. 7 ,0 0 0 .miles..with,fuUy documented.history. One. Owner..’....;..... ;..................................... .■.•.■.£25,950 ■

1987,(E) Jaguar XJS 3;6 CoupelAutpmaHc) :injWhite with Chiltern trim. 21,000 miles with FSH. O ne owner. Supplied and maintained .by. Thornes ................................................................... :.£21,950

j A G u A r•. ffialmled ; .




:" OPENING T1MES: M0NDA YrFRlOA K 9.00am • S. 08pm '■ SATURDAY 9.00am-2.00pn>- SUNDAYRING 0B3B 3121B2

S A L O O N :x •1988 (F) jagu a i Sovereign 3.6 in AlpinejGreen With SaviHe Grey - Leather. 29' OOb'miles with- FSH.:One owner. Supplied'and mam- ■ tained by Thornes.............. ............................. .............. .;.'.;.;.v....£24/450 .

-1988 (F) Jaguar Sovereign 3,6 in Bordeaux Red with Doeskin Leather.--28,0b0 miles with FSH. Supplied and maintained by .Thornes.’....;........ ..........:.-..:..........£24,450

. 1988 (F). Jaguar XJ6 3.6 (Automatic) in Westminster Blue with Is is ._.

.>BlueLeather. Extras include: ESR; 7,000 riiilesOhebwner;..:'£22,950 '

1988 (F) Jaguar XJ6 3.6 (Manual) in Radng-Greeh with Barley '' "Leather; Extras .include: AW, RHR, Alarm. 17^00 m iles with '

FSHi ..... ;............... ;.:s......;..£18,95i0

1988 (E) Jaguar. XJ6 3.6 (Manual) in Black with Saville Grey . Leather.:Extras mdude:.;ESR: Fog Lamps. 25,000 miles with' KSH. '

One owner. Supplied and maintained by Thornes..1,,..'.....'....£17950


87 ‘I)’ 190, Willow green,' cream cloth. Auto, elec. S/R, rear headrests, front; arznrest, 24,900 miIes;:........'.....;.;,....:'... £13 450 '88 ‘C 190E, Black, black doth,, body kit, 5-speed,, elec.; S/R, elec. windows, alloys,' front armrest,21,430 miles ................£13,75086 *D’ 190E, Champagne, light brown doth, elec. ' windows, front armrest,, rcar headrests, Zebrano wood .Id t, elec. S/R, radio/cassette, 27^200 miles...::......---£13^50'88 ‘FT 190E - 2.6, MeL Diamond Blue, blue doth, Auto,'ABS, dec windows, H/L wash; elec. 'S/R, leather ; whed ; ■ & "shift,;radio/cassette, ’18,000 miles.,.,;.;;......*£20^0088 ‘E 200, Barolo red,' grey doth, 5-speed, ABS,'dec, S/R, H/L wash, sdf-levd susp., front armrest,'rear headrests, OTG, ilium, vanity, det towj radio/cassette, 17,315miles .... L.:...........£I5^50’88. tF 200, Light Ivory, red doth, Auto, ABS, dec S/R, front armrest,' rear headrest, OTG, H/L wash, 'ilium: vanity,radio/cassette, .16,000 miles.....;— £17^50

■1 1 1 1E S C F D F S B £ M Z

A P P R 0 V E D U S E 0,; C A R S. 88 ‘F’ 200, Pueblo bdge, lidit brown doth,

• 5-speed,-ABS, elec. S/R, H/L wash, front . annrest,;rear headrests, OTG, iHum. vanity,

radio/cassette, 15,300 niiles —:....£16^50 •

88 *17 230TE, Barolo red, grey doth, Auto,: ABS, dec. windows, H/L wadi, rear faring

. seats, front annrest,.ilium, vanity, det. tow,' alarm 29,460 miles ......£19,750'

87 *E’ 250TD, Met. Biue Black,’ grey doth,.• 5-speed, elcc. S/R, radio/cassette, 43,265

miles ............ .... ............ ............£18^50 .


; SUNDAYS 11am-3pm


. Wide selection of demonstration cars available for test drive


86 ‘D’ 250TD, Light Ivoiy,; blaik doth, 5-speed, dec. S/R, front annrest, det tow,

■ 47,000 jniles.:::.;..!:....;;::.....;...,....:.:;... £15^00 88 ‘E’ 260E, Smoke ‘Silver, black doth,

. -Auto,1: dec. S/R, alloys,, leather wheel,£19,750

87; ‘E’ 300E, Met Diamond Blue, blue■ yeiour, air’cond.’, dec.- S/R, cruise, H/L wash, rearJheadrests, leather.whed & shift, spoileri edt lights, radio/cassette, 51^00

- m i l e s £19,750•: 88 “E’ 300SE, MeL Blue Black, grey vdour,

alloys, dec; S/R,'ABS, H/L wash, anti- • theft, radio/cassette, 17,400 iniles.. £27,75087 *17 300SE, Nautical-Blue, grey vdour, ' ABS, air cond., cruise, dec.'S/R, walnut dash, alloys, H/L wash, det tow,

; radio/cassette, 33 150 miles::.;.,..:......£24,75088 TE? 420SL, M et Smoke Silver, cream

■ doth,' cruise, rear child 'seat, radio/cassette, , 4,200 mfles....:....-.:.:^.:;.^......;:..-:..;.- £38^5087 .T^420SEC Astral .'Silver, blue leather,

: ABS, dec. S/R, alloys, dec. & heated seats, radio/cassette, 17,700 miles.:............£41,750.

l l l l l l l THORNTON ROAD, BRADFORD, TEL: (0 2 7 4 ) 494122

AVONDALE’A’ ROLLS-ROYCE SILVER SPIRIT, silver sand oyer walnut, beige hide; piped brown, low

:rriileage, FSH/ magnifi­cent ....... £39,750•F’ BMW 5201, newmodel. ..............£15,995C' MERCEDES 280 SE

...£14 ,995'E' GRANADA 2 . 9 1 G h i a, . 10,000 miles,superb...;, ,.£10 ,9958 5 MERCEDES 2S0E ,

one owner, low mileage,FSH ................ £9,995'D' BMW 3201. 4 door,

. metallic blue, sunroof,alloys: stereo £8,99598 ROVER 820E Auto,

■’excellent value..; £7,995 'E' FIESTA 1A GWa, metallic b I u e , 8,000miles ....;........... , £6 ,995 .S3 MERCEDES 230E,one owner ...... .£ 6 .9 9 5'D' VAUXHALL NOVA 1.2 MERIT, 3 door; lowmileage .......... £3,995'B' HONDA CIVIC DL, low mileage £3,995 ■E' AUSTIN METRO CITY. 1.0, .7,000 miles .

£3,69588 FIAT PANDA 1000CL, low m i I e a g e .

. £3,495

: 24 Bradford Road, Shipley

T e l . 0 2 7 4 594228

1989 (F) Peugeot 205 GTi, Silver,\ t Elec. Windows, Central Locking,■-7 ,0 0 0 miles

V1989{F) Peugeot 405 GTX .; .,. Estate; Silver, 3 ,000 miles.

; : 1989 Peugeot 309s, Choice of 5,' 'demonstrators •

1 9 8 8 {F] Nova Gem, Blue, 9;000 .• miles . . . '= .;

1988 {F) Peugeot 309 XE, White,'/M eny extras,.12,000 miles

1988 {F) Peugeot 3 0 9 GR,-SHyer. .. Bronze,'-1.1,000 miles '

1988 (E) Peugeot 205 XE, White,- 6 ,000 miles . ? *

0 ,1988 (E) Astra 1:2 Merit. 3-door.' Red, 12 ,000 miles .V 1

. ■ 1988 <E}'Astra 1.2 Merit, 3-door, /-.R ed/12,000 miles

1987 (E) Sapphire 2 .3 DL. White',' Rear spoiler, red Insets, 2 8 ,0 0 0 ..

v miles , ' ••. -1987 {E) Peugeot 305 GID • Estate, White,-28,000 miles

1987 {E) Peugeot 2 0 5 Junior,: White, 20 ,000 miles

. 1989 <F) Peugeot405 SRi Saioon, Black, 2 ,500 mifes

; 1987 (D)XR3i Cabriolet, Rosso ' /.Rad, 23 ,000 miles .

1987 (D) Fiesta Popufer 950, Rosso Red, 25 ,000 miles .

’ i 986 (D) Escort'1.1 Popular,- -3-door; Burgundy, 30 ,000 miles

1985 <Q .Escort 1.3L, 3-door, Burgundy, 30 ,000 miles

1985 (B) Peugeot 205 XL 1.1, Red, 32,000 miles

Please call us! for

more detailsHurry wfiH astocks b u t'

i?5, Methley Road, Castleford, West Yorkshire. Tel: (0977] 554745


SALOONIn Astral Silver w iti coritrasBng'hawy leather, automate ■ transmission,' electric sunroof, electric ■ drivers

• seat,' - heated •seat,' headlamp 'wasti/Wpe, remote alaim, coded Blaupunkt radio, alloy'wheels and Burr walnut fada, 1 managing director-owner, with lull dealer seivlce history, only 35,000 miles,, and in outstandng condidon and Indistinguishable From new. Considerable saving on

new price a t £ 2 0 ,f$ 0

Tol.Shaftlold 722912 ■ (day) or Sheffield ,

3605Q9 (bv».)

. . . . . . . |m . . .. -

LE E D S89 'F' 520i Aipfna white, manual; siinroof, alloy wheels, -rear ' head" re- etralnls.... £18,995Sheeptcar Wty.Uedt

Tel. 620641

Beautiful Collectors1936 Y Type Ford, fully restored. . £3,250 o.n.o. 1961 jaguar Mark 2,’. one lady owner.from new. . . . . ___. . . ' . . . . . . V.;. .ao^jpo o.n.o.1961 B.S.A: Super Road Rocket . .. .£2,500 o.n.o. 1964 Momfii.lOOO convertible, new hood. d£%400 ■1976 Jaguar XJ 12 Coupe, resprayed everything: there; gif t . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . £7,400 no offers

AU excellent condition

T el. 0282 55726


Merccdes 30IISL

K rum l new

in Red

iv ilh rear sciils.

■£ OITcrs

\|>pln;ir(l IliiitHiiril Snrlli Unmk Slrvd. 1vl:(ll274l.VJ44.W

88 AUDI AVANT CD; MetBlue, 5 Speed, pas. Sunroof. BlaupunKt - Stereo, 15,000 miles. One owner, superb Family Holdall,Huge saving...:.....:......£i2,99588 vw golf Diesel 5dr,: Met Quarto, sunroof, Stereo, 15,000 miles, one Retired Lady owner, , ' Imposslbletoflndilkethis.:.......:..;-.........£729597 (JUlyl VW JETTA 1.8GL 4dr, Met Blue, one Lady - owner, 2a,ooo miles.1 ;; Blaupunkt Stereo. LovelyCar:.;,,;.:..:.,:..:,.....;£569585 VW PASSAT 1.8CL Sdr, Mars Red, Sunroof, . Blaupurikt Stereo, i ' • Beautiful car E599S


THE WHITE GARAGE D yneley C r o s s R o a d ,

B r a m h o p e TeJ (0 5 3 2 ) 8 4 3 5 3 5


‘P MAY 89 MONTEGO 2.0 DIESEL ESTATE. British racing green, full manufacturers : warranty, to May '90. Save' over£1,500 On new £9,995<T APRIL 89MONTEGO 2.0 GTL Britisb racing green,, full manufacturers, warranty to April 90,';,Save over £2,500 on new ........ £8^95

STATION ROAD,■ ■ ^ ' ■ on.Ey; • "

TEL: 0943 462427 '



: Current specification ■■■';in Platinum, 4 ,000

.-' miles,.leather trim. ' LIST PRICE £ 2 2 ,7 0 0 . OUR PRICE £17,500


TEL. (0943) 76122

f MASERATI Bl TURBO SPYDER: 19B8 “ET-15,000, mlias, FSH ' plus warranty, Maseratl red,.■ ‘beige hide, every extra. GARAGED, CHERISHED .. . and UNMARKED..

£26,950 o.n.o.' 'Tel.'

^ 0 4 8 2 653454/0482 653799 ^

DAIMLER88E Daimler 86, 1^,750 miles, Bordeaux Red metallic with magnolia leather piped in. Mulberry, outstanding appearance, lull ser­vice history..,! ........... £26.995

JAGUAR --Y89F XJS V12, 2,200 miles,;-Arctic Blue metallic with Isis. Blue leather interior, our car from new, excellent value for money

■ £29,99588E XJS V I2, 11,022 miles. Solent Blue metallic with doeskin leather, one owner, full service history, exceptional value . „. '' ' ■' ■ ■'. ■' - £25.99589F Sovereign 3.6, 4,000 miles, Bor-, deaux Red metallic, with doeskin, hide, electric sunroof, our car from new, keenlypriced ............:£27,45088F Sovereign 3.6, 22,512 miles. Bor­deaux with Buckskin piped, plus electric.- sunroof/One owner;fulTservice history.

'' ' ■ £24,99588E Sovereign 3.6, 25,575 miles. Silver Birch with Doeskin hide, plus eleptric sun­roof and alloy wheels, lull service history .

,.■ £22,99587E Sovereign 3.6, 22,474 miles. Solent: Blue with' doeskin hid?, full service history

£21,99587D Sovereign 3.6,, 31,000 miles Nimbus white with Isis hide, one owner,fulI service h is to ry .... ....... £18,95087D Sovereign 3>6; 31,049 miles "Alpine Green metallic with Barley hide plus elect­ric sunroofs Full service history ,. ,-V £18,950 86D Sovereign 2.9, 29,656 miles. Satin

. Beige with Barley .hide plus electric sunroof and alloys.'Fuli service history ...V,.£1.7,450 89F XJ6 2.9 Auto, 5,000 miles. Arctic Blue with isis hide, electric sunroof/eledtnc front seats.-rear headrests. Scorpion alarm, Camell cared for, used by our management

£21,99587E,X J6 ;.2;9; 5 .speed manual, 19,823 j .miles. Westminster Blue with Cheviot cloth . trim, full service history i.;......... .£15,950 .

SERIES III87D : Sovereign V12, 15,020 miles. Silver. Birch with . Buckskin hide, one owner, full service history ,£19,995

86C Jaguar XJ6 4.2 Auto, 49,650 miles. Cranberry with Barley hide, electric.. ; sunroof, cruise control, front fog lights, fu ll service history £10,450

MERCEDES ;88F Mercedes 230E, 15,978 miles.' Dia­mond Blue metallic with blue cloth aiito,. electric sunroof, front centre armrest, radio • stereo.-one owner, full service history;.'

£17,995.,87E Mercedes 300E Auto, 10,887:. I miles. Pearl Grey w/ith cream cloth upholsfe ery/ metallic paint; electric sunroof, alloy, wheels, boot:spoiler, radio stereo cassette;: one owner, full service history £21,995;.88E Mercedes 5 speed 200T, 20,1 B9 . miles. Nautic blue with blue cloth interior;'.'' centre armrest;'electric sunroof, one owner, , lull service history;:.. £15,995

; EXECUTIVE86D'Audi 100,CD Auto, 27,000 miles,^} metallic silver with grey cloth, one owner; ., full service history. £7,995

ARRIVING SHORTLY87E XJS Cabriolet, Nimbus White w ith '' Isis Blue leather, 15;000 milesV-auto. 'rear-'.; seats, rear hard screen,: one‘-owner from hew, full service history. -a . .88F XJS V12 Bordeaux Red metallic with • Doeskin leather interior., 18,000 milfes,- one.:; owner, supplied and serviced by oufsialves.

- 88F Mercedes-Benz 300E Diamond Blue- with ; 6rey. hide - interior, 13,000-Smiles, - J ESR.. ABS.. electric front seats;' .allpy wheels, cruise control, one owner, fuli ser-.,

. y ic e h is to ry .......... ; ............................ £23;99588E Mercedes-Benz 190E;Smoke Silver with, Wine ;tex;. interior, 15,000 miles, Auto';' ;ESR., electric windows,- alloy wheels,-orie.owner; -full service history v

nr/w -. ■ . ; £15.995 :

P a c k a g e s la i lo r e d f o r th e b u s in e s s - u s e r o n 'o u r n e w a n c l [

p re^o w n ed p re stig e veh ic les. C o n ta c t M ike, B erry o r S im o n , H a re f o r f u r th e r d e la its 'a n d q u o ta tio n s . .........

Supreme Selection 8 6 0 Toyota Cam ry-G U Executhra Auto, in two-tone b lu e t metallic, 32,000 iniles from, new, air ,cond., electric sun root, stereo cassette, alloy wheels, central locking, electric windows,power steering, all this fo r ................ :....... ...,;.£6A 958 7 0 Toyota. Spscacnnsr in Silver. 2 owners from new. Fullservice history, 30,000 miles ----- £9,79588F N tnan Bluebird Executive Turbo Saloon in white, 30,000miles, superb price ....... £8,49587E Nissan Prairie 1.8 SGLAnriiversary Special .Edition in metal­lic beige, 19,000 miles, sunroof, .central locking, electric windows,power steering, must be seen.... .....:................... ■---...... £8,99588E Ford Onon Ghia I in black. Very tidy; usual Ghfa rafinem^its1 6 , 0 0 0 . m i l e s ............... £7,9958 7 0 Rover 820E 4 door, saloon in metallic blue, sunroof, stereo

£6,49588E Ranauit 9 Boston GTX 4 door Saloon in white, colourcoded, 10,000 miles,.:........................... £5,9958 6 0 Toyota CaGca GT Auto'in black; air conditioning, electric sunroof, power steering, electric windows, cental locking, alloy

^ v v h e e l s . . . . : . ; . . . . . . . . . . r . . . . i . I . ; . . . . : . . . £9,795r 87E Toyota M R 2 T/Bar in white, one ovvner/ must be

feajw edated ,-11,000 miles.8SE Toyota-Supra 3 .0 i in red, air conditioning, power steenng.alloy v^eels, electric wndows/cmise’c o n t r o l £15,99587D Toyota CaSca GT Auto in white, superb value £9.49588F. Toyota CoroBa GTi black. 9,000 miles, large saving on new price..... .......... £10^695


0274 - A 491261

OPENING HOURS MON • FRI 9.0D • 7.00 SAT 9.00 - 5.00 SUN 10.30-5.Q0




1987 C.N. MERCEDES 190E 2.3-16, Metallic Blue/ Black' Black Leather Trim, 32 ,000 miles/One owner, ■ F.S.H., ABS, ETC. .................... £20 ,9501988 T VOLVO 2 4 0 GLT Estate, Silver. Black Leather Tnm, 18,000 miles; Auto-S/Roof, Lifetime care

£11 ,9951988 FORD SIERRA 4 x 4 GWa Estate. Mercury Grey, Grey Trim, 17,000 miles. E/windows. S/roof, extra'

•cover. . . . ...... ......— ................. ■--•' £11,9951988 SIERRA 1 .8 GL Estate, Diamond White, .Grey Trim, 20 ,000 miles; One owner, S/roof. C/locking

'. £7 .9501983 BMW 628 , CSi, Metallic Burgundy, Cream Trirh,3 Owners, Auto., F:S.H„ Usual extras £7 ,995,1988 ’F TOYOTA MR2, Mica;Blue^Black:Leather Trim, 10,000 miles. Alarm/.Alloys, Telephone £12 ,950

" o p e n m o n d Ay^ - s At u r d a y8 .3 0 a .m .to 6 p .n i .




284, SKIPTON ROAD; HARROGATE.Telephone 0423 521073


MERCEDES-BENZ ^89 F 300 SU Pearl Met./Stone hide, r/seat, HWW, |C/C, rad./cais., 1,500 miles ....... .:..... £41>?6®A89 G 190 E AUTO, Blue/Black, sunroof/ alloys, CAR, * rad./cass., etc. Del. miles.:.v ..;..:89 F .190E. 2 .5 1BV,'Blue/Black-Grey tnrr»,: ESR/.airJ cond;, OAT, RHR,. ra d ./« « f.;'' eic.- :10,PQP/j ‘in ilW |^ a

s a E 230 E AUTO, Arctic Whited Cream trim i sUnroof;?: HWW, alloys, radio/cassette, .15,000 miles :,:.;;*£17,9oOi\87 E 260 E AUTO, Blue/Black-Grey, sunrqof/ ABS J

■ alloys, E/W , rad./cass,, etc.. 11,000 miles £19j950 ,y88 C 230 E AUTO, Ivory/LB trim , sunroof, 4xE/W ,-, alloys, CAR. rad./cass;. etc., 20,000 miles ...r, £14,9B0? 82 Y 280 GEL AUTO; Ivory/Check trim , cruise, extras seats,;rad./cass., etc., low miles-Value at .....:..;;£B,8BOg

OTHER FINE CARS ; jii87 MOD 944 TUBBO, Zermatt ’silvar/Burgundy ’pin,^ roof, abs, etc.,Realistically priced. ; '

.■ - arri vi ng . ''.| . ,.|589 F NOVA GTE, W hite/Grey cloth,' sunroof,rad ./cass.,'4 ,0 0 0 miles ..... •£7/750^.

Im m a c u te ta M a r e a d n un»w itiy Im m o d ta t a idiciilon, 1



TEL: 0751 72534


1986 ‘ 'D ', Blue/Black metallic, mileage under 25,000, extras.: include fu ll Lorenzo body:' kit, alloys ESR, electric. front seats, four head1 rests, c.f.w ., cruise control, leather wheel and .."gear knob and full Blaupunkt radio cassette.-'new tyres and exhaust w ithin last 6 months. ~.

Best offer over £15,500

Tel. 0709 812792 eariy a.m., or after 5 p.m.


Nov. 1987/ burgundy metal- lic. 26,000 miles, FSH. alloy w heels, e l e c t r i c sunroof, cruise c o n t r o l and many other extras.

. £19;750. . : -(0924) 263225 d a y t i m e .

(0274). 818469-evenings.

Mark III > Replica

^Profession ally. 1 ;6uilt and full . ^ h istory ,. • : .| | Registration |

- : \num ber- ] , H M G 372B f

£18,000 o.n.o.Enterprise


V .W .S C IR R O C (' SCALASpecial Edition

Whits paintwork, whits .• coftchwork, aUqy wheels with |j whits enamel inset, light blue J|

. tinted windows, sunroof, 19,50(1 . miles, one owner.. •

£6,850 o.n.o.T e l. LE E D S 624159


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•V ' y v i ' v V; w y v y y ' ^ - - v - u< "'-rv ' r 1.-%y- v '


S S ;v V :- ;;

p a. . . . M .. . ... . ............ . .

$8FVOLVd 760CLE AUTO SALOON. Finished in sumptuous White and;% ‘ •' ip^m efy wefl equipped with ABS, EiectHcSunroof, AlloyWheels, dimate’ Control Sijcl luxurious Blade Lea therJnterior Wlthbnly.7,000miles travelled, One Owner v ►Worn new and Volvo Ufedme'Care arid GareUne, this really is a terrific buy v t’ ’? ’ iNORMAL PRICE £18,9.95 .....HARRAm SU^ERSAVER PRICE £17,995<06 D VOLVO240CLSALOON, In GleamingStlver.with Blue InteriorandoHly; : ®2,OOO.mIIes recorded: A lengthy equlpmentflst which indudes ftwerSteerth©- SGentfal Locking, Electric Windows, Radio Cassette and altogethera great saving... *’ FORMAL PRICE £8995 ,...:;....HARRA!TSSUPERSAVERPR1CE £8495 •9 8 E PEUGEOT 205(n i. A powerfu! car.wlth an Injection engine and a luxurious ,.

Interior. A Hlgh’Sp&Rtttlon Inducting Factory RttedSunroor/.tedlo Cassette, Wloy Wheels, and.O^er Mats. A Highly Desirable Car at a realistic pricel- •FORMAL PRICE £8795 ...;.....:.HARRAJTS SUPERSAVER PRICE £8495•86 CSIERRAXR4,x4in Immaculate White and weli equipped with ABS, r ' ^rCondldonlng,:S6nrboF,!AlIoy Wheels, and definitely a carwell worth seeing I^ORMAL PRICE £8995 ...........HARRATTS SUPERSAVER PRICE £8495^7,1) VOLVO',740GLE MAN UAL SALOON.Beiheenvyofyourfrferids In this ;: *TwerfuI 2 3 Injection Engine and which comes to you In Blue Green and an -|:/ ,

4uipmeritllstwhlchcomprisesofFbwerSteering,EJecnicWIndow5andMlrTOrs, • ’ - t^Iloy WhWls,:Radio Cassetteand only 17,000 miles recorded/and a Black Leather.. mttriorforaddeicomlbrt.ExecuUveMotorlngatltsbest; i v ::NORMAL PRICE £11,995;....:HARRAnS SUPERSAVER PRICE £10,995

\7 V VOLVO 740GLMANUAL SALOON.Tlnished In exquisite Deep Red, ' -.V ^ombinatloriofsafety and unbeatable performance. An Interior, that catches the eye tBeige Trico Plush, and equipped with Radio Cassette) fower Steering, Central;' y ' be klngand having covered oriiy.21,000 miles; this Islndeedayerynlce car '

Spdbnetobeseen. v,-'. .-?■ ■■1 . :ftORMAL PRICE £99.95v::..;. ,;.:HARRAIT5 SUPERSAVER PRICE £9495.

070982806089.yOLVp48pjuri>d;F!nlshed In tyetaillc Bl’ue'ahtl fitted with many extras •; includihB a C^mpubr/Stereo Radio Cassette, Central Locking, Heated Seats/Electric ; •Wridbws/'Height Adjustable Drivers Seats, etc, Safety and Style are Standard; • • NORMAL PRICE £15,660........HARRAm SUPERSAVER PRICE£14,495D VW GOLF GL AUTOMATIC 5dr.‘X'Combinadon ofcomforxand style. Finished ■ In a stylish Dark Blue MetalllCj the extra equipment Includes Factory Fitted Sunroof .> ;• and clear funding Radio Cassette) an exceptional car having covered only •33,000 miles and altb^theraverysmooth drive.'NORMAL PRICE £6995 . .^[.i.HARRATn SUPERSAVER PRICEE6495 88 ESCORT XR3I. This Sport Hatchback Is Finished in Red and fitted with Sunroof,-. 4SpeaferRadlo Cassette;Cehtral LockingandSpotLamps,’ v •• ; • / y/.-S'only iOjOOOmllescovered. ARealHeadTunier. •. C. l tNORMAL PRICE £8495 :.M...jv..:i.HARRATTS SUPERSAVER PRICE £7995 89,VOLVO 3,40GL5dr.Oneof our Excellent Value for Money Demonstrailbn.,' Cars; Finished In Gleaming Red and Fitted with all the.usual 340GL E x t r a s . •. ACarNottobemlssed!!!;^ V ’iT:. . ' . • ",NORMAL PRJCE £87.70 .,..' ...\.;.,.HARRArrS SUPERSAVER PRICE £7995 D GRANApA'2'0i GhlaV Finished in Red Metallic. This comfortable, s tylish car .A > '.' benefits fram5 Speed Gearbox, ftwer Assisted Storing, Elktric Windows and - i. MirTbn;, Factory Fitted Sunroof,..Radio.Cassette. TWscar hascovered 50,000 careful milessoweareabletoofferlt’atanexc'epilonalprice. ' '' ’ . ■ ''i''-V-NORMAL PRICE £7495 -....I..:.. .HARRAJTSSUPERSAVER PRICE £6995 88VOLV0360GLE 5dr. Finished In luxurious Smoke Silver and benefittirig from Ceptral, Locking, ElectricWlridoM/RadfpCasatie,,’ Heated Front Seats and/'.:Colour Coded Bumpers, etc, etc,. A’Fantasu'c Car for Anyone who likesstyie,;::: v ; .' luxury and comfort!!! ’ .>!' ; •' . ' r - \ v " .-•/ I- . ■■ ,v.v\NORMAL PRICE £ 8 9 9 5 ..vvi./.V.i/.HARRATTS SUPERSAVER PR IC E£8495

ft6 D.VOLVO 340(jL SALOON ■ 8 7 E VOLVO 740GLE 2.3 In]. Sjpecial Editlbn Red, 23',00t(n)lto: 'if.-. SALOON; In Blue Green,’. .- . •• ®j;o VOLVO 340DL 3 Door, i n i ' 17,000 niilex: ;White, 24, 000m i l e s . 87 E VOLVO 340GL 1.7 S Door. in » 7 E VOLV0 340DL3 Doori in . - Oce.ili.Biue, 20 ,000miles. ' . ..s

Red) 25,000 miles'.': ‘' 87. E VOLVO 740CL 2:3 Cart;» 7 D FORD ESCORT: 1.4LVIn Red,; SALOON, in Silver Mel./ • ;KfCiss, 22,000 nilles. . . . 32,000 mil«. . : i:W ; ;^ 6 D VOLVO3 4 OGLESALOON , 36CVOLV0340DL 1.4 5 Doomin' ® 7 ; ln Ocean Blu^ 24 ,000miles’. '■ -..While, 36 ,000miles: ' ■ ' b-':M

F VOLVO 340D L3 Door,:r. , SB F VOLVO 340DL l .4 3 Door/iri;Bcrbi Biue;'4;Q00miles. . , . • Bright Red, 89 Model, 3,000 miles.:''J. D VOLVO 340GL 1.7 S Door, in 88 r VOLVO 480ES, in Graphite }Irioke Silver, 24,OOOmilK...Y. ':., ;:M eta llic , 4 ,00 0 miles.14 D VOLVO 340DL 3Door, in '' i: ; 89 F VOLVO 740CLE AUTO V ; / h l t e , 3 3 , 0 0 0 m l l e s ; . . , . , . S A L O O N , . i n Dark Red M e t a l l i c / . ’ 9.FVOLV0 340Dt3.Door,inDafk 2,,000miles.,’' : f' " '! -i- -'

lurey,8 ,0 0 0 miles. . I.' j. , •. 8«D VOLVO340CL 1.7 . ‘ j .’.’p 7 D FORD,SIERRA 1,415 Door, In SALOON, In Green Met., •. ^faritime Blue, 21,000 mile. ■ 39,000 miles. ' 1 . .i-’-Ig 7 E V0LV0 34PDL S.Door, in Blue,..84 c VOLVO 34bDL3 Door,in ] ■ : Jt7,000.mlles.f' ; ./.■ - Whlte/Spkial Edition Vogue, . Vj67 D SAAB 900, in Silver Metallic, - |4 )000 miles. : -v,PbwerSteerlrig, 25,000’m i l e s . 87 E VOLVO 240CL ESTATE,1 6 DVOLVO7 4 0 TURBO 2l,000miles. '■■■ ‘ ^

ETROLSALOON,33 ,000miles. . 8BEVOLV0 340CL l.7S D oor,J6DVOLVO340CLESALOON,in in SilverMet.,6,OOOmlles.instit Green Met, 25,000 miles. 88FVO LV 0340D L3D oor,ing 6 D VOLVO 360G LT2.0 In(., BrijhtRed, 89 Model, 4 ,000mite.3 Door, in Smoked Silver, *38;000miles.; |8 F VOLVO J40GLE 5 Door, in

'cean Blue/7,000 miles. -- ‘

84 C VOLVO 340DL 3 Door, in Red, 18,000miies.85 B VOLKSWAGEN POLO .

„ COUPE; Mara Red,28,000miles. ..Datoivoa^iDGtEswiE^hj'VrS

iS .B V O g® -4 ; -Blue Green Met, 25 ,000miles; 1.'■?“% _______. 87 E VOLVO 340DL 3 Door Hatch;

•' inRed,20,000ntfles.; . ;88 E VOLVO 34GfGL.I':4‘5 D oor?*

“|7 .E VOLV0 240GL ESTATE, Inhlte, 25;000 miles.

:8-E V 0 1 ^ ?4qpL.W op^h:Park;!:s ^ E d ld o n V ^ m W e SU vo},.® irey, 17,000m lles.w , • v • 19 0 0 0 mll« J'rt' .1. V'fVt

^ E , n S .1 ’ 8 8 i \ ^ v o i4oG LE5 Door/InV i a V w n ^ ^ ^ Y & o m i inii " ”DarkRed Met, 22,000'mlles. j ; ^ m i ! n ^ ! a m n m M ^ ‘ FVOLV0340GLE5 Doo*;'«7EV O LV 0 240GLT2 3 ln ! ' 20 ,000miles. . ' l:iC$ A in n 2 n s 5 $ W K A '’ 88 FVOLV0340DL3 Door, ■


iS8 F VOLV0740GL ESTATE 2.0 ••S5l? K S w i 'M n r |.« i '

..■■■•25,000hillB.-.*";. ■:

S sV vo i^V ^tw ioT "’'"'’' r.K f^?|y?.3j£ S I j Po<!r> taiA LO O N, In White, 20,O O O m i le s .? bV v o LVO 340GL W 5 Door -67 E VOLVO 760GLE TURBO: W T O L T O 3«NBL 1.7 5 Door,' IESEL,88Model,DarkGreyMet, ;■'' ...........

isC TO LV O 340G L .1 S 3 Door,in . i f -SmlrRinp'ljfl-.OOOnillK>"i1S E . V O L V O 3 4 0 G L l .7 :5Door,;t

87 E VOLVO 340GL 1.7, JDoor/in

fAUTOMAnC 3 Door,5 Speed, . 8f £ ^ 1S N.<r,H|* R Y , i :3° L' only321,0 0 0 miles. ■ ’ i . ’ 1 i ': i 6. '?°?.?:[“ ^ . dX-9?!n.?r: : . i r •

* i e t ^ 3 0 , 0 0 0 m l l e s / : _________ ■■■■.■^ 7 EVOLV034pGL'l.7’5P oor, ln:.'■Moonraker.Blue/l9100PmiIes.-,‘‘‘ iBtight Red,‘wlth VoIvo Body'Klt/v':’: / ; : 86 CDAIHATSU CHARMONT. «28,000miles;. V? ' ' i .:;--. ^/vr.-/ ,LGX, 49,000miles.

86 D VOLVO 240GLE Estate, l'8;000 miles V86 C XR2, Red 15,000 miles " ■:87 E VOLVO 360CLT 3dr, 10,000 niiles88. F RQVER 216SE EFi, Steel Grey,. 18,000 miles. :;'"U' 88EVO I.V0 340DL3dr, 2,000 miles :87 E VOLVO 345GLE Special Edition , Silver, Leatheptrim, Sunroof,-14,000 miles84 B SUZUKI JEEP, Red, 45,000 miles v.;85 C VOLV0 360GLS 3dr, Gold, 14,000 miles.88 MODEL HONDA ClV.IC CRX Coupe, Red,23,000miles ' '•’ ■:.'■’■■86 D VOLV0 240GLEstate, l5 ,000miles :88 E VOLVO 340GLE I J , Ocean Blue, -] 1,000 miles • 88 F VOLVO 744GL, Silver, 12,000 miles ,8 6 CVOLVO24.501/81^6,36,000miles ;. i--\86^D SIERRA 1.6L Esute, Blue, 29,000miles •86 D BLUEBIRD 2^0GL Estate, Silver, 43,000 miles . 88 F CAVALIER 1.6LX,:Blue, 8,000 miies :88 E HONDA CIVIC CRX Coupe, Silver, 20,000 miles86 C METRO Mayfair, Red, 22;000 miles.87 E CARLTON 2;OCDi Estate, Siiveo 30,000 miles86 D CAVALIER I ..6L 5dr, Blue, 17,000 miles .• ,87 E BMW 325i 4dr, Red/Body Kit, Sunroof, Alloys, : 2^,dooimiies.;.^';i_ : ^r/.: \ ^87 E>EUtiEOT30?GiC;DeepiR^;;:l9;000 mil«r ■’■'"¥• B VOLVO 360GLS,Blub'42,000 miles v :'-88 ESCORT 1..6LX, Dark.Blue;6un|pof g. j ;: *4 / EVO IV0 360G IT -3d ^ ^ h i^ l]!^ %8 7 UNO 45 Fire3drHaUhbaic^,.^ !'ilWi' sSSi C FIESTA 950 Populate. DarkiRed, C6achlines.|.;£i:!;jiS 87 NOVA 1 i3SR; Charripagfie.Gord,, Sunroof, S'Sp&dff-87 E VOLVO 360GLE 4dr; Dark-’Red Metallic 2^000/88 MONTEGO 1.6L Estate, Blue; 5 Speed - •87 E VOLVO 740GL 5dr Estate, Liglu.Green Met, 2fl,000miles • \C ESCORT XR3i,'Metallic Grey, Alloys; Electric Windows86 D VOLVO 7.40GL.4dr, Red,'20,r000^miles ■;; ■ ' >88 E FIESTA' XR2',; White, .9,000 miles ;. / I , ' ,87 E VOLVO 340GL 1.4 5dr, 2 8,000 miles 1 j 4 - Kvj 86CH6NbA-ACCORD:4dti;Met.Biu1e,''40,000miies86 D VOLVO 340DL; 20/000 miles... • • :V,88 E VAUXHALL SENATOR 3 OCDi Auto, Steel Grey, 22,000 miles'' > - '88 FVOLVO 244GL, White, 23;000niiles r87 E METRO City, 15,00Qmiles86 C VOLVO 7fM)GLE 5dr Estaite; Blue Metallic .85 C ES COi.RTLiaser,' i 4,000 miles v • ^86 d VOLVO 340GL 1 7 4 *, 20,000 miles .87 D MAESTRO t .6L Automatic, Blue


, £§ 89 GDE,/iu/oma//r, Choicnof2:Sii:'cr r!„ 9.000i, P/iafiHHJ f l f i r f e . r l A Xqc &ofMaxvBlikFullSpec,5,mmiles..;.;..,£23>9 5 0 M c liitfu ^ ,^ ^Is 89 90016 Valves Turbo, jd r,' • -- .E 900,Mr,a„basSyB!«e I £7495

, .£17,995 E ’ 900, 2drt Choice of'2, Zimin Blue / / -!v

h 89 CDS *.S7// - Fj/// /, 5 W W Vi i / r...; £ 16,9 95 - J r 1 e *5 9 /5

89900 i 16ValveSjsdr,:' / >A!! , |) 900,2* 55 , .pto/tora/wm'.j ‘Magenta, luitock. m i t e . , . . . . t . . : £ 1 4 ^ 4 9 5 — r;--•;• v ; - ; - ; V

T ?9000i,w»m',ew.r.::..: :......,..£11,495. ^ q”'*/-'''. •'•...

88 9 0 0 d lb rb o l '6 ,k d ,M M ^ on ^ ' Rt:-:SPack:~ ^

| 8890016 Valve,Hirbo, Mr, / v - L O O K A T O U R A U G U S T*9995 P A R T EXCHANGES-;

1989 4 1

.'■• ; - . .. .,:•••• .Buying a used car can be a.

;•'- ; :';risk^{.business ^ -unless,' o f c o u r s e , - .-•

w W s l f

- v :; i ;

| it’s a Volvo

•;.:;''/Becaus'e; ;'jvHen';!other cars are

' :/ / / ; ' - •.:<r^a.c£ iJ1g ^ road;ours are

;■ .;•■• ' ijust.•entenng'their/prii'rie': Volvo cars ■

'^ 'liave always'been•bqilt lto the very .

cHtiigHest).sts&ci^ds ■ to^giyei.'year. after ; /,1

| : • • - ■ :.-y??r.of-.s; . ^nd reliable service. • / / ■

. ■ ,!i/vA rid when you buy any. Volvo.. ' ■ '

:■ ■ : '. from 1987 model year . onwards

' which has been.maintairied in accor-;

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. you ■; get. the added reassuranceof .

•,- IifetiiriV.Gare; a uriigu'e corhmiiment •'

• ' :' i - to the efficient running, b f our cars.

;. .M .ro f .^yhich?means; least:.'-; r.;;.'

W :K ' ' ; there’s'-, orie: aised;^id''yi&6;cm

^ 1 ^^-.,"/'; :!:■■>/.'•,•. w ith complete-peace of.mind>' : , . •'•.:H i ■ ■ '-y: > ' i; V • : rTo’;j pet: full' details’ .-'of •iiifetime:

im M m w mm M M m

P i q m m m w m


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Tel: R o th erh am (0709) 828060

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I M B r o o k la ndsL eeds

W elling ton Road, Leeds; W est Yorks [. Tel: Leeds (0 5 ^ ) 436412 a n d a t •/

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'o i’.s .ra .

Br a c k en bur y

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' V ' J' r' - ■ ■ ■ ,' , ''te l:S h e fna d (0742) 7j 3r j i ! - -

HORNCASTLE MOTOR 'T T f r i l f " ' ' j yi . i i l f i i C fep fs M ? >''■ ■■

- J P i l U w & l y n i i i i J I k f e L ' i B q r a j J &o-i

CO LTDPilace Road Garage, PaUce Road, R ipon. J ■1 1 Pinfold LaneV B n'dlln^6n,!N o’rth H um berside "

N o rth YorksTel: R ipon (0765) 2461

■ ■! wM a r t o n - M e w s -d I ^ ^ B n 'd l in ^ o f t ’N o rth H u m !

T el:B rid lington (0262) 67035^1

M otorsH orsem arket Road, M altonf N o rth Y o rk sj. f.=

:> Tel: M alton ( 0 6 5 3 ) ^ 3 0 1 9 ] ^ . ^ J d . .

JANSENS-72 N orthgate . H uddersfie ld , W est Yorks

Tel:rH u d d ersfie ld (o 4 8 4 ) 53*362

F ew ster W oodktrk ■ ’ Ed w a r d Jo h n so n(O tley) ltd. W illans R d ad .'D ew sbury .^ork i

. /.T el;D ew sbury (0 9 2 4 )^ '4 6 1 4 6 1 1 ':; v

F ew ster W oodk irk (Sn a it h ) ltd

S elbyR oad /S naith .G oo le .N orth^H um berside V

• ; T e l;G oo ie (0405) 862062'. ; . . ’

F ew ster W o o dio rk ,

' G jrB a n k G arage,6 tIey , W est Yorks Tel: Odey. (0943) 463007/462805 . . .

K Cars o f York ltd88/96 W alm gate, York, Yorkshire

: ’ •• V >T d : ^ o r £ ( ^ o 4 ) 653798 . , :

Lex Br o o k lan ds B r a d f o r d .

M o u n t Gar ag e ltd31 PeDon N ew R oad, Hali&x, W est Yorks

Tel: H alifax (0422) 361961

Riv er sid e M otors (D oncaster) ltd

P o w er Station R o a d Y ork R oad R oundabout, D o n caste r,S o u th Y o rk s1 - ''

T e l:D o n caste r(0302)327108 •

S. A . Sn el l (Barnsley) ltd

-V; . 7 . 436-440 D oncaster Road, Stairfoot, Barnsley,

■ V; ' ' - v : ’ : South Yorks. \.'-J. Tel: Barnsley ,(0226) 731234-:

(SKEPTON) LTD .BRADFORD SCAWBY MOOR LTDB r p u g h l o n R o a d .S k i i i l b r i .N o n l i - Y o r ^ K i r e '. '! • . •. ' , Gr eei Wel i . ' Sci wby. Nr.Brigg, & u th .Iv-

T e h S f a 'p io n C ^ S B S z i . . :. ... l e l - B r a a io r c n o z ^ 721720 . . . . ^. H um berside T ehB rigg (0652)54836/7.

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1988 E", fimifa od ia diik grey tzieUlHc. PAS^im roof, cmtnl loddDg, electzc wiodowi,; faU'#civk«: Umay, ’17,000 nn la j One c a i^ c iy ’owner. -

. £17,495 with'12 months wftrnmty.PartEiehangt Wtloowt*.

TeK B ra d fo rd 583017

' - aa p i ja Turbo5drHafchbock,8!aci~ lQir,WMeh!llc,£xtrai4JXI0m!!es'i

:89, F340GL 1.7 .'89F34flGL'1.7S®,, 8 9 F 7 4 0 S L E » i^ .

'• D O E*9i h A l Sdoon, Silver Green• 00 T ' M W i M 1Wm!t8S’: *;.is, '

,'cjft W A if \ * \ i ’i3dfHafcfi'.0ce<:rii - : 00 r 44U V L 1. / Blue Mel. 9fi00mlles

J 8 F 7 « G L " ^ P ^

';:87E340GlESEf^Mi^ ;.1 UrriifirlZOOOmUes

; 87E340DLWSS;-':- '- i n 3drHafch,Ocean

-. Q! tjWllJ.£IueMe/;i2JXC(rJte:

:87E 340D L 1 .7^ S ^ . :87E340DL“ - ^ :;m m m s s g P F i

;,87E740G LSS!^Wteft> fi hflAAl tUaubfiSlterGteen ■■0 / U /4v tflS Met, BlauLeolherJiim +

86 D 340GL£:re.; iWrtj:

M b ^ G L E » £ S k ;

86D 340GL1.7«m?to' .

86D76flGlEffiSffif“^'84D360GLTfatfrap*"ef (8 6 D 7 4 0 G i ; ^ & ^ : -

‘.taiwwrttkUNDctuisasm ■H rlUlUIAfl/«»/,yMin wtmmiies flOt 4i A A i 4 n 3drHatch,89Model. ■W r W v g L I , 7 W>//& 15,000mlles- • •

88FFiESTA ^^ '

’■ 00 E 94flAl 4 nSdrHatch,Ocean-. , 00 E VWVlVIB!uaMeUO.OOOm!(es ..

............14 'k3dtHafct>,Brlgtir\ -Y.W A m iW m e s I - c

:8 8 E 5 4 0 G L U JS ^ f88 E 3 4 0 G L U ^fS ^ ,;


:8 7 D 3 4 0 G L 1 7 M £ r

i87D 3 4 0 G t i7 g 5 » S ; J87D 2 4 0 G t i a S & fe, '1 •87D480ESS^'V 87D340GL17l»'"*fe<. ::87D 3 4 0 G L E » K t r - '87D34flDL^'SSaw, ,

8 6 D 3 M G lE ia ^ -0 £n i4 A n i 3dfHatchback,:/;,:, ■;00Uo4UUlS7Model,Brighff!ed ' ^

8 6 C 7 « G L E « 5 mWe(. ;i Aufohfa1$ Blue Green ■« ‘

00 V /4UwLE Mel.BlockPmm'-" ■'

86.C 740G LK a,vei .Of a 44nni SdfHakhback, . K: WbWvlSfataBluiX.OOOrnlles'\

Qtn%lMi\G5drHateh,BlueMet,'.. ttBMVkbGwyPlushTrim . ■

OC^irtPVl Ario3<lrHaichb<xk, ]■} WWulB/igNftedMOOOmlles U I .6ZBtHft*\tNGmio}Estei9,Silver 00 D t f W It Grey Met, Blue Plush Trim...


STPCK THI^ WEEKEND ::li440Turbo 5 door, F?:reg, Red; :;. . ^ ; ; ^• 7000 m iles ..................... £13,950,.3^0 DLi3 door^Breg; Red, ■■

' .25,000.miles £3,995.n745.GLM Estate;,E reg;1 Dark-Red, ,^60.0 0?nm I jb s VA: v ^

480 ES3 door, F reg, Artie Blue, ■1;:9000;rTiileS';.;.V.y.;v;.v...;.\v;;:.-.'..,.:..\.:..;.'....v.v £11,795* ■ .';245'GLIV1.Estate, D reg;Mid-Blue, ._■;-:46;000 miles ...................... £8,495







8 7 ( D ) V O L V O 2 4 0 GLE •; ESTATE; In Silver '.£999589 (F) VOLVO 440i GL..'INJECi V q

TION 5-DOOR. In Red . . . . . .v.,;. £ 9 9 ® '



RANGE ROVER VOGUE■ y ' ; A ; : / :: : & \ / / y ' A / i . rAiito, ’86 d ! 26,000 m iles.1 C ypress grey velour, a ir condL. lamp ig u a r d s , tow pack. Just serviced. ;

; : ^ £ 1 6 ;9 5 0 ,TEL. HARROGATE ’ (0423) 569944.


t •. B reg., ,72,00 miles:

Company .'car:fo r sale! d ue‘to taking a e 11 v . e r y _of new • • ‘-vehi cl e. r

"”’£8,495.; :i(0325)' 460831. .:

^ J A ^ A R X j ^ 3 p ^

1987, . 'a u to m a tic .^ green .h lde in terlo r^lrTU T iacu- late,; h ig h 1 s p e c .c a r rw lth 7 m o n th s ., extended,^-w arranty

: PriihleyPai’k ,\ j ,=r .,,1 *-'.r.'Welliiigtoi:Alwoodley, - O P E 'N 7 D iA Y S 1 ■ Roaii

: Leeds.: Tel: 694666

L e e d s ; Tel: 4 36412:

ALOONv;i n:Si]</erVV;v;.. • £195£L:89r(F). VOLVO 740•ESTATE, in : ; :

k ;Red' '.£127®K:‘87A(E); VOLVO. 740:;G^AUTO'':: ■

; : ESTATE. In Blue-Green ;£105$ 1*89 (F) :VOLVG) ^ ES jNJEC?:V,1 TION In Black , £11936'.1 :,86 (C) V O LV 0740G L ESTATE. ,■ - T ;I i' I rilRed,. .. i:.. . v X i . Kv.v... ;e 7 9 ® . 1 ' 8 7 ( E ) V O LV O -' 7 4 0 GL J ' 1:! VASALOON. In [Silver G r e e n ' : £ 9 9 ®I '87 '(E) VOLVO 740 GL ESTATE." ’ ’ |I In Blue Green ....' '.............. “£104®

j®1 ^7. .(E):BMV\? 518 l^ jECTiON:;in.:. %

Dolphin G r e y '......... £8995


,£14,950.TeL ((^3 5 ) !2738i6y V

^ E s t a t e , . 1 9 8 7 E -in . ; - w hite, one. company: :A; > v ow ner, '. electric ‘ sun-

. roof, - ABS b r a k e s . P r i c e £13.950. Tel;;. (0532) 583106. ' •

MERCEDES 230 . CE,- 1985.. C r e a * T h is t le '

g re e n , ' 67,000 -.miles,' . Immaculate condition,,

regularly ' serviced, £10,000. Tel. (0484)

: 716990.

-METRO VP. 1985 B reg.,. . black. ’ 17,000 ; m i 1 e s .

only, FSH. .1 ‘ careful / o w n e r , . - taxed, and

'te s te d . £3;395.' T e l . i . . H a l i f a x ( 0 4 2 2 )

202281 (eve.).

MG . BGT. red, • T . reg., tested ,1990; sunroof, ,■

. cassette, excellent t m echanical/ and ; b o d y ;condition. - Inspection 1lnvlted. £2.250. B am s- ;. ley 202938. • ‘

I t

Page 42: Download the document (33.5 MB)



86 D HONDA ACCORD Aerodeck GX, v VR ed , O n e O w n er, 1 5 |B 0 0 ;m ile s ;x {v ,';£ lli2 9 5 ':

5Minutes from Ml Junction 39


86 DBMW 3162dr, Zinriober Red, Manual 'Sunroof, One Owner..87 DBMW3164dr, Carmine Red,Mariual: ::■Sun/pof; :S teiw 1121000'miles‘;:.£.Ji;.^;;'£9'295 87’E BMW3164dr, Cirrus Blue Metallic, ; •Manual Sunroof, Rear Spoiler, :

:i8,0b0 miles ..:..:....;..^.i:..^j^:.v^v.:.:../:£9995: 88FBMW316 4dr, Alpine White, Manual Sunroof, Stereo* 7,000 miles. . £ 1 1 , 9 9 5 i88 F,BMW:3162dr, Atlantis Blue-Manual - ii Sunroof, Alloy Wheels, Stereo ..-.:.;..; ....£11,99588 FBMW3164dr, ZinnoberRed.M anuaf' •Sunroof, Ala’rmi Stereo,’Rear Spoiler.\:£12,295 88 F; BMW 316 2dr, Auto, Burgundy Red .. V i :.; Metallic; Alloy Wheels, Stereo,'Manual " '-' V i v Sunroof;;;.;.:..;;........ ...y;..v..v..vv:;:;;:.;£12,99588 F BMW 316i 4dr, Alpine White, Manual , i Sunroof^ S t e r e o . ; . . : . . . . .£12,99589 F BMW316i2dr, Dolphin Grey Metallic, • Dechrbmed, Manual,Sunroof, Allpy.Wlle'els,';;:: Alarm-Stereo ...........;V;;;;;..;;:£13,99585 C BMW 318i 2dr/Alpine White, Manual Sunroof; Alloy Vi/heels, RearS’poileh:V.’.'.;£7995. 8 6 DBMW318i2drAuto, Cosmos Blue';' : ’ Metallic; Manual Sunroof, Power(Assisted ; : Steeri rig-;; ; j i: . ; ..;...............:.;.;..£899586 D BMW-318i;4t)r, Saturn Blue, Manual; >■'[• i Sunroof,-AlioyWheels,17,000 miles £9495

87;D'BMW3i8i4dr, Alpine White;';-;-J;.v:T One O w n e r £8995 87D BMW318i2dr,Zinnober Red;Manual

i-'Suriroof/Stereo .v..;;;..^...:.;;;;;.^.:.;;:;;’;.\';;£9695. ;.88 E BMW318i 4dr, Zinnober Red, Manual. . Sun roof, Alloy:.Wheels,: Rear Spoiler, Stereo, ?

: 0 n e 0 w n e r ; i 2 , 0 0 0 . m i l e s . . -.£11,995 .89 F BMW318i 2dr, Black; Manuai Sunroof;. S t e r e o ; . . . ; : . ; . ' . : . , . . . . ..........;...:.£12,99586C BMW-320i;4dr, PolarisSilverMetallic,- -

>:ManuarSurirobf,:AII6y,Wheels;;Central-:A..Locking...... i) ; v . : ;■.......... . . . : . .£9295:86 DBMW320i2dr, Diamond Black Metallic,: Ih ^Manual Sunroof ;.;;.:£9295’87 E BMW 320i2dr, Black,

87 E BMW 320i Auto 2dr,Bronze Metallic; Manual Sunroof, Power. Steering, ’■ V-" - V o V ;:Stereo-;.:...;.............. ...£11,995-87 E BMW 320iSE4dr,CirrusBlueMetallic1 - Stereo, One Owner, 8,000 miles''.;.;;'.,.^!^,995

- 88 Model BMW,320i 4dr, Alpine White, Manual -Sunrtiofi Stereo .■;:;;:-:;;£ ll,995:’88 EBMW320i 2dr, Lachs Silver Metallic/ iv.V; .'Hartge.Ground Kit, Manual Sunroof, BBS , Alloys .....:............................;:..£13,995

- 85 C BMW 323i 4dr Auto, Diamond Black Metallic, Manual Sunroof, Alloy Wheels, Power Assisted Steering,.CentraI Locking, Rear Head• Restraints,iStereo, One Owner, ../V . ■ . / v V Low Mileage: k ; i;;v i;^ ;;^ ::.;.,:::K;:E9495 ■

86 D BMW325iCbnvertible,'AlpiineiWhite: BBSAIl0y.Wh:eels;^;000;fiilesv;;fv:?i£18,995

Sunrobf,Cross,Sp.okeAllby WHeels;:..:£20,'495 89.F BMW325i4<fr;Zinnober,Red,:Ele,ctric ; v Sunrobf,::BBS Alloys, CD. Player; Alarm£19,995 89 F BMW 325i Sport, Dolphin GreyMetallic; ; Electric Sunroof, Rear H e a d ; •< y .. : • • :• ■' . Restraints yV.';;:;;.v :;.;::::-:;:.r;':;::±.;.'“ .;';£19;995 88EBMW 520iAuto,Lux6rBeigeMetallic:1 . ; \EH.Gearbox; Electric Sunroof, BBS'Alloys, y - ;; iOnboard Compijter,:Headlight.Wash\;’Grulse.-; v Control;;Rear Head Restraints; Frority; y ,- ;-y:- Armrests.'.;:.v;:. v S . ; :;£16;995 88FBMW520i,ZirinoberRed,Manual; - vA1;:.. Sunroof, Alloy Wheels, Rear Head Restraints, 'Stere6i;V;..v.:;^;,-.---:;;^;\:i;;..^.v.:.:'.^:t^:.-E18^795 88 F BMW 525i Auto SE, Black, : : , Vv ;; Cfprpn • • • ". - - ' • P?1 Qqc8 9 FBMW530iSE;Alpine Stereo ::...:::..:.:-:..v.;.;...;::...v:;.;.;:::-<;£24,99588 F BMW 535i AutoSE, Dolphin Grey--.: Metal|ic,-Stereo,::R e a r -B lin d '. . , ; .- .£ 2 5 ,995'89 FBMW635CSiAutb,NogaroMetaliic;.;! ;M(rtprspbrt€ditibh;:;...:;:;:..5:V;;>;'.;;:.\&^6,99S:

87 E BMW M3,'Alpine White, Electric - ■ Sunroof, Split Rim BBS Alloys, Air • ;...,'Coliaitibhirig':;::..;f:-;.?.;'..:.r.i:-::^^l:-;.£i2i,995:


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________ l \ r \ , i 1 . . Iimin ■ M «ia ■■. • ; prizes; o.f < 20-000 miltis

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FOR W R ITTEN DETAILS TE LE P H O N E 0 8 0 0 4 0 0 4 6 9 . A P P LIC AN TS M U S T BE AG ED 1'8 OR OVER: LO A N S S U B J E C T T O STATUS. THE FREE P R Iz k % R fA ^ ts 'N d T A V A iL % B l£ E ‘? d ^ '^ lb E O T 3 ^ l l ) 'T H E 'C H A N N E t / l 'S I^ N D S AN D T H E .IS LE OF M A N .( ----- 'fsn : j- - -.V D R A W :ENTR IES:M UST B E RECEIVED BEFOR E 2 is t O CTO B ER , 1 9 8 9 .S M ID LA N D B A N K pic 19 8 9 . . . . - : . • • . . . . '



> • B8 K BMW 320I M r.V ip e d a l aqufpownt w ith fu ll body k lt . .’.£14,965 ^• , 18 8 FMERCEDES 190E, S llv e e W c w n ro o f v . i ' . ..06 ,483 v 88,E BMW 316 2-4in bladk. s u h ro d l; . ; ; • . . . . .E1O.305 ■. .-.

---------- --— 1.^.-. 1--.,— ■ ;.E24,fl03 ,06,903’

•pedflcttlon ./ ............ ..• .,,.,0 4 1 4 8 3 ‘

. - • 86 C BMW.32SI 4^dr., A rctic blue, lowm llBagB.'.. . . . i. .. . . .E 1 O ^ 0 5, 88FVW O O LF>QTI<16vAlvv),:brue,only7,O O O m Be«^..,.J^1,SB5 . V 87<E .ESCORT .RS..TURBO,^Mercury grey, ahowroom eondlUon ' '

• „■ . . ' .v.; .'.V.. . ;-iV.; -88 F.BMW S25ISE, Dolphin, with SE p a c k ..

86 C BMW.320l 2.dr. Auto.; OM8lle,‘ iunroof, PAS .•...iS,293 •/ • , .8 6 C.BMW31812*dr^Bronze,»unroi>f,,* l l b y » , . . , E 7 ^ G 5 •

,88 R BMW 3201 4*dr, white, ■unrbof.'PAS v . . ' . ' . I . . *.03,483 < B7.E.BMW 32S Spor^ Diamond .black tsattor, enly.^000 miles

, M FB M W bV a^dr.,*red ,pow ere ieering ’. . . . . . . , ; . 0 1 ^ 0 3.88 FMERCEDES 190E, Smoke.Slfver.electrlceunroof.’ . , , ,^16.4fl3 8 7 DBMW 73SIASE, Silver w ith blaek l e a t h e r ^ . ,£21,485 : -

: 88.F BMW 31614*dr.; Wlne red, aunroof . . . . . . . 1 . . I . . . ..01 ,B 9 3 'P BMW.530IASE.ired with ru tu ra ir lu tK a r, Wr uMidlttofied

Opqn Sunday:12-4 (Viewing Only): ;

- ..Over 50 used cars. Demonstrations

,. at home or office. <



TELEPHONE 0904 646566

^ §1 ER RA XR 4 4. ’8 8 . E ; A B S ; f I n I s h e 'd - in

w h ite , ir ru n a c u la te . ; >

£ 1 1 ,9 9 5 . ■■- P.X. w e l c o m e ' •

V p h i l i p w e l c h . .. SPECIALIST. CABS,'

' - 1: i y O H K 4 S 8 2 5 2 ; .



■ . ' 1 t 1988 F REG Brilliant D la m o n d 1. white, 6,800 miles; full spec./rem ote:

’ v s’ . . . ,’/. ‘N um ber plate fe a tu re 1'/

F777 DDTExcellentcondlU on.

i'; ' . . : ( 0 4 0 5 ) 812682 ./' . • • v ’•

- GRANADA 1.8 GLjr B V ; reg.. new style, sllver.V

e 1 e c t r 1 c ••windows,. ( taxed and tested May': f: . ’90, 3 8 , 0 0 Q \ miles; . .. / • exceUent f condition, /

, £^,500, Q040S) 861224:

LOTUS Excel SE. \ 1987 E; B r 1 1 I s h gracing'

■ : green, f u l l ,! e a t h e r .‘ • - in terior., 2 2 .000 ;miles, .• sFSH...'beautiful Vcondl- : 1 itlo n ,'. illness f o r c e s : .8 a l e , £15,750. Tel.; . J.Pogson, .B radford •: . •588111. •

MERCEDES Benz; 190D( 2.5,; E reg,. Signal red; £12.995

s p e e d m a n u a l.w h i te.^ tfn ted ;w ln d o w s.;F S H .to w b a-r-i excellent- condition, £ 6 ^ 7 5 0 . Tel, 7 ( 0 4 2 3 ) ,

; S69&49;'METRO l'oL S , 1988,: 5 door,

m etallic ‘red ,• average mile­a g e . . verar; good-condition . £3.700. H etiord 818892;

/ M E T.R O ' City, 1986 • (C ), taxed and te sted ,- '23,000

‘m i l e s , £2,500. (0430)827669. ' i '


Thistle green.- m any extras, tax/M.o.T.V •; till ...January -.'90, FSH. Company . Chairm an's. •’v'-V::.-'’'-\.'V'Car.

£14,750'■ Tell H arrdga te ' .

(0423) 566369'

VOLVO 740 SE ESTATEF reg., 9i000 'm iles only ..with : m an ufac tu rers :*::: .warranty,* headlight,' pow er steer- ing. 5 ,speed, sunroof, electric locks . and w indows, re a r -dog' g u a rd : and •' -Volvo v telephone,.: Imm aculate, ' - , • ' . ;

.. £ 1 4 ,9 9 5 ,. V n !; ' - P.x. welcome -

;r PHILIP -WELCH •X",--. / *;• ••• i •; Specialist Cars -.•i.-.*:: York 488252,

Elvlngton 603 evenlngs '

MAZDA . RX7, 1985, . low m ile a g e ;ta x e d ,; sun-\

-. roof, /s te re o cassete, -;alarm , - extras, . .excel- V:

> len t condition; £6,200, Leeds 508604; ' : . ' --u -:

: MERCEDES 190.” June ; . ’86, -Petrol blue; metal-- k

• 11 c . .electric- sunroof, : .^ ,;re :a r.v s t ;s , . •v, Blaupunkt- . cassette, :

• velectric .aeria l,'•41,0001: miles,', new (ty res’ a t'

iv .:31 , 0 0 0 mUes. - FSH, l; . £10.750 \b.n;o. i (0642)',

yr785777. V - . ' ' V ^ ' '

• iMERCEDES 3 0 0 E'.v -F: reg.. ;: m etallic, .w ine/ red,.,: 16.000.

miles, -serv ice ' h i s t o r y ' i . , usual-ex tras, AMG k lt a n d ’ -wheels; £25.500, P .xrposs- lble, Bankslde G a r a g e , * '

,.(0709) .561216;

M.C Montego, 1 9 8 6 '( C ) . - : 52,000 miles, 12 ^months

M.o.T.; -.10--m o n t li s tax;. 4' G o o d condition. . £4,495. .. H . P . arranged (Licensed : > C r e d I ti B roker), w ritten

quotations- ' on re q u e s t Leedsv 440550 . 'o f M c e ,

. ; 492687 eve. -

1985 C PORSCHE 944

Black,- im m aculate,1 approx. mileage 36,000, taxed end of Sept; and M.O.T. tlll Aug:. -

; H'£ 1 5,450;p:n or .

•,Tel. day (0282)‘‘53900,

V-;V: ! eve. (02822) 692773. ,'v :

' ’ 928 S2 1986/ ;Black, full black lea ther sun ­roof, limited slip differential, w lde: t r a c k S s p e.a k e r Blaupunkt: 5-speed. a lr con- dltionlng. f u 11 JC T service history, 55.000 miles, , . , , '

£24,650T E L .' (0937) :84246i3 AFTER

T p .m .

.YMC Metro, 'C reg.; red .' ' •’ ’36.000 miles; 9 , 0 0 0 r r:

‘.m iles on new . engine,•> v. V ' taxed until Jan .j sunr .- .• ' - roof, aO ll.under w ar- 7! .

•; I r a .n t y V £4.000. Tel. • - r Leeds. 680645 (a f te r- .

.^6.30 p.m .). ,

MITSUBISHI' Shogun; n . . p e t r o l , ; re d .- sho rt ->

'wheel-.' base; A’ ; reg... .; . ^radio. 'la d y - d r. 1 v e r -,‘ . £4.800. (0759) , 72440. I

MERCEDES 200 Auto, F. reg.,l bright red . sunroof. extras, 12,000 miles,- service, his-:

< tory. £16.950.?.Posslble • d.x.Bankslde Garage. (0709)

: .S61216:^h ; *..■ -.

MG • M aestro 2.0;; E F I/ :1987: / silver. 261000 m iles,; taxed• 't ill Jan . : ‘90. electrlc w ln- , dows;. Bunroof etc. .£4,650

o.n o .' Tel. (0274) 671957 ;(day) / ’502453 (eves;). ‘

MGB G T ,-198 i,. low mileage.• - 'fuU sunroof,, stainless steel . ' exhaust etc;^ 'v e ry '’ clean.

; £4,500. Large - M ercedes or' BMW; taken a s ’ p a rt ex­change ’ If ' required. T e l ' . (0430) 4 4 1 ^ 8


•88F 300 SL;

:89F 300 CE,! Leather; Special Al loys & TyrefeV 5SP.88F 30b-TE4Malic:Air.EFS: OTG.CC.HFG. AlarriiiOrth.Sts; R/Cass.-

-88E 420 SE Velbur.'Allbys^CG.RHR.-ESRiEDS.WWi.......:;;.::..:,.:..-...

; S^F ^00iSE^89 SpecA' ide Air^Alarni/RyCass.;;;;:.;;:.;.^..:..;;:.:^;.. W89F300 E HfdeL'EFS; G/C; HFS/OTG.: 89F 300 ErLSW.;dtGV;RHR::Alloys:R/Cass.;..U.:;;. .::;:.,....v...v...::;,

89F 260 E Hide. Allb^|SH>CC.: IVM.;OTG;-R/Cass:. :'V87E'300TE.ESR.;RFS.--HWW.: LSW;'R?CassVr...:;;>V;:'.“ L.'.ai...:.;,:....'.'..;:.;- -'88E300:E:,ESR.:RHR;CC. Alloys. R/Gaiss'...;:::.';.;,:.:.;;;.:...7..;:...;.;..,

•' 89F1913 E52.'6'Auto -Alloys; LSW. FAR. 70.LTR Tank; R/Cass...,:..., 89F200 E Aiitd^ESR: FEW AIIoyris. Alarm;:LSW.‘ FAR; RHR.' 86D.300 TEESR;;RFS;;ABS/HWW;

.. 89F190E ^ t o ; AB iSW/HWW.,FAR;IVM;: ;’;89F190Di5,ESR:iW.tABSrRHR;HWWjR/Casi:.;^ h85C 2.316V dosworth ESR R/Cass ;-Si ■■■. 89 F1190 ■■ ASSi ESR Al I oy s.; R /Cass -.

87D300 D.ESRi ABS; BlCassk-^.::;'89F,:190;D; ESR: FEW.: R/Cass ' :88E 200 -ESR. Alarm. R/Cass‘ . ;V . - : : . . :.-89F190 D ESR. EFW. OTG. F^R. R/eass:.;.::

87D190 E Auto ESR. R€ass. : - - - 86D 200 T ESR. R/Cass...'88E19QDESR. R/Cass':.

:/86C 230T EiAiito: RRR. FAFL'R/Cass:iv;;

£37,995 - £P0A

£33,995 £29,995 £29,995

■ £29,995 £27,995 £27,995

,£25,995 £24,995

: £22,995 £21,995 £21,495 £20,995 £19,995 £19,495 £18,995-

; . £17,995 . £16,995 £15,995 £14,995 £14,995 £14,995

:■ £14,595 £12,995

:. £12,995 £ 9,995.

M o n d a y - F r i d a y u n t i l 6 p m , S a t u r d a y 9 a m - 4 p m , S u n d a y 1 0 a m - 3 p m ELLAND WAY, ELLAND ROAD, LEEDS

0532*775636 0836*200751 iH I


Gleaming .white , / ;‘.pale b lue / e l e c.t r l c . ‘tin ted w indow s; alloys,: clocking, spots, taxed,* fu ll w arran ty .J/' . v.v:*.

"A Real Gem.;V /y . ''- . 'r£7.456;. "

M lllshaw .Park Autos,-'. J . '■*.•' ••'\r.E lland:Rd;‘,'" i; (Bottom of-Churwell H ill). -

• ’' Leeds 716766.''» 'i': *' • - s

F i r e g ; / only 10,000 miles, from new, showroom condlr tion, le a th e r i n t e r i o r . ; ; ;

£16,950 o.n.o.V Tel Mr. Jeffreys,’ . '

‘ i ’ HaUfax 344541. -

MITSUBISHI Shogun,. . s h o r t wheel bate,,;: ; dletel, 1988, bull bar*,

•unroof"etc. .t a x s d , : ; excellent ; condition,

. la1 0 0 - ^

MONTEGO ?B5 B reg.. 1 ,J c a re fu l:owner, i33,000 : J

- m 1.1 e.s i t a x e d- a n d : .' :* M.O.T.' ; m ust be j seen. .

£2,750 o ; n . o . , L e e d s ; ; 751186iafter:7ip.m ; •

M lERCEDES\;i90E; ' D reg.j-\ . t -m. et a l l 1 c ' sU ven ' 53,000/ .'-guaran teed ;/m 11 e 's blue- i: c l o t h ! upholstery; ;vFSH.

;show room condition.-velec- ■trlc sunroof, r electric^w in-

: dows; radio: c a s s e t t e . ,£ lli2 5 0 .: Leeds -7 7-7,0 0 2•" ' - ( t r a d e ) v ; .•

MERCEDES> 2 8 0 E : .Auto, ,1983/J m etallic ' silver^ with

.. b lue, cloth^interior,: 55,000 1 m l r l e s , e lec tric -sun roo f.

. w indows etc: Well cared f o r . . Service history; .12

• .m o n t h s .MAA w arranty ., - Only £ 6 ,4 9 5 ' .Tasker St'

L a ^ X td .. Leeds_ 743362 o r

MINI M ayfalr, B reg., nietkl- .. lie blue, 1 lady owner, low

mileage; .6 m onths tax. 12 ■ months^ test. £2.300; • Tel.

. Leeds 664902 'after 6 p.m.


2L lnJ ecuo n^ E* reg:, metallic silver, ‘15,000 miles. F S H v standard extras. As new ,, one


’; > ; ^ - - - ^ 7 > 8 0 0 . ;

.Tel. (0274) 877089. -


1 9 8 9 ; w hite w ith sunroof, 4.000 miles,1 7 m ths w arranty.

. a ll usual.extras.-

' £ 5 ,6 0 0 o.n.o .:Tel. Leeds ; 647396 a f te r ; 6

V'/ ’- '-';-."P 'm*-''

NEW shape C avalier 1.4, - . ... 5. door Saloon, ’89 P . reg.. showroom condl-.1 tion; £6.995. Ring now: .' o n : (0226) 2 8 1 7 ^ .. -

■ NOVA 1.2L saloon.’1983: *; A.: regi. , white, taxed -

- u n t i l , A p r i l : 1990.: M.o.T. until Oct. 1989. «

. . average, mileage, r a d / '. • cass.. good condition; . ' . ..£2.250.. o.n^o.. L e e d 8- ;.'562690:evenlngs.

MERCEDES 420 SE. F.jreg;;- .m etallic 'w i n e . r e d ; one;

■: ow ner; 1 1 ,0 0 0 m iles;:‘se r­v ice-h isto ry , ustfa l.e jrtras

. .plus x c r u 1 s e ' c o n . t r o 1;. :-£ 2.9 i 9 5 0 . Possible ip.x.1 .Bankslde Garage, ■ (0709)

.'f::'5612161”';/'--..i;v •• : . * r -V-

M R 2 ’-Toyota. D rieg.v-*86.; , 21,000. miles, ^Immaculate;

one ' careful owner. £9,250. t V J a k e Wright Landrovers,

Burley-in-W harfedale * .. (0943V 863530.:.MONTEGO .L.- Feb. 1986" C

• r e g . : £ 3 7 5 0 0 'o.n.Oi, iTel; ;- ; 634017.’ i '-.-' "f - ; NIVA .4x4;-’ D . reg.', R ussian

.R ange'R over, low mileage, e x tra s ;. bullbar. fog1; and

.: spots.- - s t e r e o . . . tow bar; . W ebasto sunroof, lmmacu- , l a t e . condition. ;£ 4 ,!5 0 0 . • o.n.o. ..T e 1; B r a d f o r d

• 590012. • . . .

. F REG. VOLVO TURBO ; DIESEL: K W E ; ; . ;A u t b ,/.6 .000 ' miles, 1,- lad^ ow ner, :'lifetime : , guarantee, red / black Interior, sunroof, stereo cassette, hardly;-used, big saying o n n e w car.-'•:.-v

£16,950 o.n.o. '.- TEL. (0423) 871519 .. '


PORSCHE 944 LUX1986. C reg., 18.000• m iles,: 1 1 a d y . owner. f.s.h.v,-electric •sun. roof and m any o t h e r ex tras. ^

1 £15;500o .n ,o .

• TEL.vHULL -(0482) 632101.

NOVA 3 door hatch. :L2.: (Antibes) .’ 8 6‘; •: C. • 3 1 . 0 0 0 miles, blue; one :c a r e f u 1 l a d y-A owner, service- h is to ry ,. • £3,500. Leeds 892554.

NISSAN Bluebird LX i-1986 D, 5 door saloon, metallic

. g r e e n . p o w e r j-steering, radio - cassette, showroom

> condition,- 30.000' ?mlles. onW £4.200. f Cleckheaton“ 19397.:'869

PEUGEOT 205;. GTI 1.6, F v ■; reg.; A pril 89. 5,000 miles:

. w hite w ith factory , fitted . sunroof, very: good condi­

tion. company car reason fo r sale.vE 7*.:9 5;0 . T e l .

. (0484) 602212/. v . :

PEUGEOT 2 0 5 -G T i. 1900, E• reg;; c h a rc o a l,F S H . new

- tyres, 28.000 miles, alarm, stereo. !£6;975 o.n.o. Mr. Snowden,1;- Lund,' Driffield, (0377) 81249 : .

PEUGEOT 309 GTli E reg..,- white, . e lectric. -. windows, ^ c e n t r a l l o c k i n g , ' FSH.

31.000. m iles. £77195 fo r- quick .sale.. T el; ( 0 4 8 4 )- 667603: ••RANGE R over Vogue EF1, 5

door auto, 1987, red , full service ..history,' 1 owner.

- £15,950; no bids; T el. Don-• caster-864555. .

N E W S H A A 4


SCORPIO2Si Auto, 1989 • Modd, Tasman Bhte M^alSc with Raren Hide, 10,000. mfles, ssre orer £&JQ0Q at....1.. .£16,950

GRANADASZffi C l i i T Auto, 1989,8^)00 miles,- fiin.'X qjec.ii4iis ■«&conditMining, - M eiflllk, .</ US.’ U iff . e tc ., sa ve a r e r £ 6 fi0 0 i t . -.

■ ' - £13,*750i9 i GUa, Auto, , 19»,MettIHc______ £13,750Zffi. - GUa, Auto, 1989,-Metallic—;________ £12,750Z S Ghia, Auto, 1986,Metallic, Supaii .....£7,350ZOi Gbia,' 1986, Metaffic,26/X»mDcs...._.™__.£6^S0

XR/RSCbsworft, 1 9 8 9 1 ^ 1 flS.950 *4x4 • SIoth, T 7 Reg- A-RS. etc. ■ -l\vbp 4x4; Sterra Estafet ,F’

R S . Tbiim Escort 1987:• £7^50

R S . *nirt» Escort, *0 f io . S3,000 m iles, S c p ts b _ _ r 7 ^ »XR3i, 1989, Black, AOcqrs, 200nrifes only;,,, ...... £8,950XR3L 1987, Choke firm .

XR3i, 1984, 37,000 miles, due


OTHERSSiena M GLS, 1 9 » model,A J 5 .e tc ._ iJ —£9^50Siena: L8t , 1989, MOO mOes only—.....— — i.——— E1JGE6 :Fiestas^ C&aicefirrni .. fytSO

PORSCHE911 .Sinierqport '.TBigi^ " ,*E| Re^ l Goards Red, -Blade Sports ' Seats,.- Sopert) and coflectabfe.....^—■■■■■■■■.. £49^50 924 S, .‘D* Beg, Guards Bed

£13^50924 Anto, 1985, 30,000 rnOes, 'MetalBc,' S/rod, Ibrbo ADoys

.. £10,150

SHOGUNSIntercooler- LWB . T/Diesd, 1989, Top Spec.’Why wait 12 mopfes?.,,,,,..-—.::,..... £19^50T/DieseJ,- ID* Reg. . £10,950S \ l ^ fC7.Beg 30^)00 inQes.;'

V £9/450

BMW735 S /E AUTO, 1989

• ,£31^50 635 S/EAnto, 1989__ £26^50 35L 4 door. 1989 model,' .Top Spec — ..,£10,950

OTHERSRorer Vogue, - 1989,




T e l.5 0 6 7 1 3 /5 0 4 9 1 3

PEUGEOT , 205- GR; B - reg.. light blue, m etal­lic!^ 21.000 . miles, 12 m onths M.o.T.,:£3;400. .

-, TeL (0943) .77068.' • ^

ROVER 216 S, -D reg.. 1986.b l a c k . 45,000 -miles, 12

- m onths' M.o.T.; 6 ’ m onths t a x . £3,995.' Tel. (0427).

. 872357. " : 'RED R enault 9,'GTL, 1397cc,

1988 E, showroom condi­t i o n , £4 ,150., Tel. York

-7 .9 1 6 3 1 * or .Scarborough • 379553., . '-.v. 'SAAB 9001. E reg..' one lady

ow ner, faultless;1 like new; only>. £6,995 o.n.o.' Wake­field 2 5 5 5 4 4 or 0 8 3 6

• 6 7 l278 .T rade ;

•: Packages'tailoredifor the busin'esy;user ;on. 6urnew;ah"d";pre.^ned'V' .- ;v. '.V;';'-';':' •; ■■ pr^tigkvehicl^V" ':-.v: *V- ' :


■1988 (FI Mercede8!B0hzM9OE 2 6 Auto, Fuli Merc Bodykit ;iow©red,^allpys;-/, C • E.S.R.A:B.S\;-190p0mi-Black Red Hide ^• 1988 ‘F* Mercedw Benz 300E Auto. in White,-RedACioth trim, full • • v r ; ■/>',[

diichatejet body.’kit; 1 ^wnerv.alloys, ESRj-ABS, FSH, 120DQ rn■ ■!. J A.'.i* In -BliiA/DlflAtf maI ./i.ll' n.'i krttnlAl -‘ .- J

*. £21,995.

£27,995!1988 (F) M ercedes'Beni'.aobE^uto, in.Bfua/Blaok.mat. (utL'Duchatelet :i . .. j

; Bodykit. l owher; alloys, ESR, ABS, FSH ' :: : r-' :■ ' £28,995 >: 1988 ‘ F’ Mercedes B e n i 300 Diesel Auto,.Ivo’ryVcre’am:Interior;.'oriiy 3000 m. . i ^

' A ir con:, ABS cruise, OTC, W W .itull Duchalalet Body Klt;and , •?.--;:. v :,? •«"• . Zebrand.lnt.,.al|oysi-ESR, tSW rlu .lly '1 ow rier/’u llfa .h lg li spec.v^:^::;;.-; £27,9.95-,-'.'

1989 ‘F’ Mercedes Benz SEC Coupe, moiallic, air condltlbned: hide Interior,.;’ . ..-i-r* r - :• ■-/. Toronto stereo,- self Jevalllng suspension, Duchatelet:body k it . " ; . ; V £ 6 3 ) 9 9 5 ; ;

■1989 ‘FV MiftcedBB B e n i3 0 0 E ; in-m Maillc,1uil DuchBiBlBt.tody;kH,lowered:T;A.-,'.s''-... - alloys, A B s ;;:;; £29..995-„‘Fr MercedoB Benz,260E, red with black interior,: au’td'OATI CC, Alloys; V: ; .

Full D iichatelet Body Kil.fLowered suspenslonyABS i ; , ■ '1989

,£24,995'1 9Si9 ‘F,’ Mercedes Benz 230E In Whlte-wiih Blue interior', Auto,■ ABS, ESR,;

; / - . • - |;EW, RHR,-Full Dutchatelet.Bpdy Kit,-Lowered supsenslqrir. Allbys'.1989 ■ F’"Mercedes Benz 190 in Black, 5 Speed.-Fiiil Duchatelef Body Kit;: V : ii'!* . ;

-; .-Lowered Suspension,-Aljoys; ABS, SR. Stareo V . ' : ; £19,995. .1988 'E ' rtercedes Behz 190E metallic, 16,000 miles, RAS,-full.Mercedes.

body kit,-lowered and.alloys, MSR ; i; • ;;V ■ : l': "■... - £18,995 >1987;,D.':MBTCedBB Bsnz 190E Auto, recUbiack trirn, auto,;;alioys,-full<Merc;.-.-. vsi 5. ' ? ; ' - 5

Bodykit and;lowered E.S.R, F.S.H.; stereo - - ' £17,995; :

- ;; ' 1987 'E " Mercedes Benz 230 E Aulo,- Pearimetailic, Red.Clbth, 23000m, ; i- .-1- ’ -

. ESR.'FSH, 1 owner . ' : - . -. .. £17,995.1987 ‘E’ Mercedea.Benz 200 5.speed, Smoke Silver, Radlo/Stereo, FSHi 1.(1 v ; -if.s--,-.. ;- I owner ESR: T £13,995; ;■198B ‘F- -Mercedea Benz-320TE‘Eatate, In Astral metallic with blue trim, 1

' i V owner, Auto,'Stereo, ESR.-FSH. .- - . - ■ ; £22,995 . . ;- 1989 .'F1 Mercedes Benz:G Wagoh GDL. Almondine' Metallic,.' . ..- .r.% ■ :'. i - f , ' .

;. . Ultra high spec. . ' . , ... ..' £26,995. ;" 'iM B 'E ' M ercedesBenz 190 D, 2.5, White,;i700bmrESp, ABS, radio/stereo . £15,995 . •; :i989:1F,-MerMdea.Benz.560:SEL;1Dlambhd metallic,-cream hide trim, alleys',!: .

■seat.heaters . . ;• . . £57,995 ;198B ‘D’ Mercedes Benz 420 SE, diamond mat/valour, 1 ;qwnar,'.F:s;H., ■ _ V.V;. Jvr-.vV-'V-: :

: ■ - . E.S.R;, alloys, A.B.S. ?V-;-•:':X V. i V' ; ; V-: V',-'1987 'D' Mercedes Benz,'23DTE Estate Auto, red/cream lnt.,-1. owner , . . : .

. F.S.H„'.25000m, stereo - . ' . ' "‘' r • -- •... :* 1987 'E' Mercedes.Benz 250 TD Diesel Estate, 5 speed, whl t e / E. S. R. , - ' . ' . v . v , -1: ' " y i

H.W.W., L.S.W., F.S.H. . . ' . ; ' ■; £18,995-1988 "C Mercedes fiienz.230TE£stale, silv"®60fe-\.!^ ? ^ ^ ^ g ^ : ;

F .S J1 .1 owner fcLS-FL : .0 2 ,9 9 5 ..^1989 (FI Mercedes Benz 260E Auto Pearl met/black trim, ELS.FL A.B.S.. .

stereo. F.S.H. . ' ^1986‘D’ Mercedes Benz 250?In’Btae/BIScK'metallic, 27000m, FSH, ESR,,5 : ' i

1 . i:: 15 • . - yvV- - ;’■/ : : A £14,995. -speed'19BB ‘E’ Mercedes Benz-500VSEL, metalllc.with’ grey;yelbur,.alr;conditioning,'t.T . . .-,

- 17,000 miles, aiioys.:FS.H f l ' : "ffi? ;.;.--lV: . f ; -5 £?9.995 .19B8 'E ' Mercedes Benz 3QQE Auto, d'ian'.or;d;n'.etai'.;c. 5,000 mi'.er,:' . j--.'

ESR, FSH, c r u i s e . - - & -' /7 ' .19B9 ‘F* Mercedes Benz 500 SEL; Peari-metallic with-red hide';'ESR, ABS,“ :

- - Air conditioning. V. ; ; ' : ;1988 T ’ MBrced'B8;Behz:300:Ei Diamond blue/blue-cloth,'1 :owner,; ABS;-i; ; ; :

ESR, EW. ' ; ' : v - v : :;V-. -.-Vi...1989 T ’ Mercedea Benz'260E red, nuto, .OAT, cruise control : '' 'V £25,9951986 ’C’ Mercedes Benz 280SE, petrol;Blue metallic. FSH, ESRt , AlloyS r : £14,9951988 rE ' Mercedes Benz190E Auto, smoke metallic’ ESR,.RHR, FCA, ,

.:; -,io ,ooo .m iies:';;;jji; - . a--217,4-®®19BB ‘E’ Mercedes Benz;'l96 Diesel,-diamond1 metaliic, ,5 'speed, FCA', .'7 .. .. r -; .

-12,000 niiles-.; v c V .L ‘ , v.,; ‘ ? : ■ .*=14 ip 9?


£25,995 -

■ U t M ' i

. £22,995

‘E’ MercedBs Banz 'G' WBgon LWB Diesel, b iue,10,000 miles, 5 .; .' V. - -speod. tints, luggaga-nets' ■ ; - '. ■ - , - £17,995' .

■D'. Mercedes'Benz asoTE Eatale. S speed. p'earl melaNic; a ir" ' .v'■ conditioning FSH r'rj- *: -. ‘ --: ; '■ : . ;■/ £19,995

■1985 'B ' Mercedes BeiU'SOOSELhpetroiibiue meialiic, a i r .c o n d i l lo n ln g ,?■ .; -;r-;v■.;; alloys, ESR, velour,’46,000 miles, FSH-. ,.; ' ■ ■ ■ ■ . ;; '-..' . I £23,995


1988, 'P : Toyota Celica GT Turbo, 4 Wheel Drive, Black, 7000m FSH;; j '. .:

■1987 'D'.

1988 'FI


-1987 'D'

1986 'D'1987 'D'

1900 'E' 1907'E;

1987 ;D

;i‘9B7 ‘D’ :19B4 ,‘B‘

19B7 'D’ 19B7 *E'

; 19B7 'D’

1987 'E'

i l 9 8 8 ‘F'

1988 ‘E'

1988 F

1987 ‘D

BMW 5181, moss green met grey, trim auto F.S.H.i'iradlo/stereofj:! v E,S.R., alioys - '■;...; K :;;.,;:';,._ j';cA;Lotus Excel S.E. Full 89 Spec.- redV.i owner,' stereo,' F.S.H.,;a|oys, deep sport spoiler; ;7..,; ■ , ; , '■ :' ..: ; ■'BMW:320I, 5 Speed. 4 Door, Red with' G r e y ' T r l i r i ; P A S ; ‘/I'- . ;':i Owner,. 37,000 'miles, FSH,-Alloys.; ; ; -VAUDI .100 C.D., Metallic Groon with, Boigo Veiour, 1 Owner,. FSH, -1SR, PAS, Rad:p/Stereo,-34,000'miies. : ' - >BMW. 316, .In Blue,-4 door,'1-owner ESR, FSH ' •B.M.W. 320I Auto,sliver/greyilht. computer.1 P.A.S;, 'M.S.R.(; 10,000m. FiS.H. . ;.X ' ■*Rover’ 820 E Auto in" 'Anthracite metallic,--1 'owner' 19000m SAAB 9000 Turbo .16v, gold meialllc with full hide, climate control,alloys. ESR, EW,.27,000 milos . . -; ' :J • ; . / ' ■ ' [ ■ ')Jaguar 3.6.Sovereign7Aiitd,' Bdrdeauxjred m e ta lllc iiw ith ^

; air condlllphing, 21,pOO miles, FSH:'.; ;• ■ " '■

ARRIVING SHORTLYBMW;635:CSia,'.HenhaiRe:d,' C r^ '''h k ie ,'^ ^ ''/( llo ]a '.V ''^ ;t';<' MercedBH Benz190E Auto, Iyory/LT- Brown d o th , 37000m,;;.1. ;;..- owner, P,A:S; E;s.R.’E.W.- ’ -; ; -' . ' . -, ■ y v:-;;;:;Mercedes Benz-190, Met blue,', gre^ doth, aulo,-stereo, E.W, E.S.R.' Mercedes Behz:'190. red/cream cloth,'4140bbrn Ss'pd;;.1 lowner,’i'- :'E.S.R.; H.W.W: Cruise . . . ... .; 'Mercedes Benze 190, Pajett-met,: 1 ownen SO.obOm.'.M^.R./.E.Wi,.:-,F.S;H.y . / ■ ■',- .v.Mercedes B0nz 23OTE Auto, astral met. 25000m. i owner, E.S.R., ;.

' f , s:h; , .Al l oys' . : V: ; JMercedes Benz'230E Auto, s'malie1,silver,-cream cloth, 8000m, .: E.S.R,.F.S.H.Mercedes Benz 300Ejlri diamond'metallic' with blue; [ntarior,.SjPpOm,(uil'Duchafalatlb^ykit Idwarad,-ESR,; ABS. wide alioys. grllia corfv, -

OAT, cruise, ultra high spec • i -; i - ■-'■'V1Jaguar sovereign s.6 Auto, metallic bIua/blua;hid, 4000m, ESR, , alloys,;FSH - /BMW 3181, diamond black, ESR, 25,000 mllos.FSH,,alloys



TELEPHONE (0302) 369351AFTER HOURS 0036 680001 .& 0036 697.603




£2i;995 ; ,

£9,995 -


V i.. - *11 , '’ £11,995 -v,:


' £16,995 -■/l- , 'v'S£23;995';'’: :

;:“f£|o,995'-{-; . . £12,995 “

£13,995 ;




’ , £27,995 -. ,

£27,995 V £ 9 ,99511•l‘!; is,.-



,. •' iji

-; -i• i

~ . T - -

PEUGEOT 309 GTi. E '; • r e g silver, cen tra l ' 1 . locking, electric w in- .

. dows, pow er s teering .’ ' FSH. good condition, £6.200-o.n.o. B radford

.: -565592. > ■ • •.?'

;p EUCE6 T '3 0 9 , C reg.V mileage 11,000 kilo-

: m etres; M ing; B 1 u e ; . - taxed and M.o.T.. until

. January; • -f I v e door - : hatchback, . s t e r e o

ra d lo /casse tte .-lm m a- . culate condition Inside : and out, £3.800 o.n.o.

. ' : Tel. Leeds 777644.

PEUGEOT 205 XS. E vreg.. C herry red; glass sunroof..

• alloy ,,w h e e 1 s-. tested to 1 N ovem ber..v e ry , good con -: Edition. £5,600. - o .h .o ., Tel:

, iLeeds:664034. ; ;

RENAULT 5 GT Turbo, Elec­tric blue (Limited Edltlonr

• c o lo u r)..E -re g ., -2 4 . 0 0 0 m iles; Moss 'a la rm system ; .

• taxed , ‘A U g u s t 1, "90,V .l : owner;, excellent condition, £7,400 o.n.o.' Tel. ; (0482)

• 634582.v„ =;.*

SIERRA 1 . 8 L . 1986, t good condition.' £ 3 , 5 0 0 o.n.o.1

. Regularly serviced: by Ford dealer. T e l. '(0423) 358334. <

SUZUKI SJ413 V w hite rhino, 19B9.’: 7.000 . mUesr £ 6 0 0

: 'w o ’r t h o f1 extras.1'to ta lly ’ > 1 m m a c u l a t e , - . £5.795.

;C0423) 500746. V

( PEUGEOT - 205 G T 1 .. ?. i 1986 - C reg.. 28.000, /

. miles.- gravlfe: £5,650. < (0723) 366513 a fte r 6

/.■■p .m ;: ■. ‘'v-: ■. •

: RANGE R o v e r . Vogue EF1 a u t o , G - reg.,- Bronze-/ m e t a 1 1 1 c . 40,000 m iles,. t a x e d a n d ’tested; good: con-"' dltlon,. £15.250 o.n.o., Doncasterv - . 8 6 8 3 4 1

.', /886701. ' , ■ V .,.,

ROVER 827 Si. Auto. 5 , '.door-' hatchback,-: 1988

F ,;21.500 miles, .quick ' sale; £ 9 . 9 9 5 . Tel:, Leeds 483486. - ; -

RENAULT G T li.; 85 B, long : M.o.T.; 45.000: miles, w hite - w ith stripe;, radio.'cassette.

: FSHi excellent ‘condition: £ 2 . 5 9 5 , ' o .no :.: (0943)

.6078491 •

T A L B O T i Horizon, blue.: 1.100LS, A regj.; taxed and M;o,T: ; un til October,: ’89. Good condition/: s t e r e o

; /ra d io .1' sunroof: averagem l 1 e a'jj e , . £1,300 o.n;o. Leeds ’450105....?’ - ••. ' -'r

TOYOTA'. ;Cellca ,2.0 ST, A re g .,, .£ 2 . 8 9 5 o ;n .o / Tel.' L eeds: 588161 after 5 . 3 0

i p.m., fo r detalls. •;TRIUMPH Stag 1977, • lady

' o w n e r ; good condition.. £ 6 , 0 0 0 - o.n.o. (0937) ."‘72693,

. RS Turbo.. 19B7: red. .fu ll is g > ' option vpack, rsunroof,.

com puter s - m anufac- .tu rers ..w arran ty .. FSH, _

: ; vtaxed. excellent.condl-} . ..tion. £8.650. Barnsley ■

' 726577.; , ..

. SHOGUN .'LWB: T u r b o diesel. 1988. • E ' reg.; gleaming w hite w ith —

■ ' stripes. w alnut dash , ;D :0 :R rad io V c a s 1**

. ,• se tteH b u ll'b a rs ,: spots., ‘. and. fogs;-, only; 8,000! . V 'miles', 4 Im m aculate.'' A •

: ;ba rga in ‘v a t «■ £ 1 5 ,8 5 0 ,■ o.n.o. Tel. (075- 67 6 ).

• .;227/;;--~

RETIRING Gentleman wishes : to..-.s e l 1 'Austin ^.Montego. '

• F,u 11'. serv lte history. 12 m onths j:M . o ;;T,v ;-.-. 30.000 :

. genuine; •mllesi-i'one; ow ner ■ only, i ’ excellent h condition 1; throughout.' V£2,875 o.n:o.

: Tel: .Hamax:201311. .

VAiixHALL' '.H9 v a l V ' l i f f i2• 19B4. '-A -reg^.t Hatchback:

: v 5 6 , 0 0 0 miles;. taxed:;}6 * ’ .m onths, te s ted ^ ! 'y r.. good• /condition^"; radio cassette• - lAy_e r . :; £2;600. Leeds .p .ra y e


f :

‘VOLVO - 240: GLT.V Estate; ’ E reg.. 25.000 miles, FSH,^*1 owner, silver.: black leather

• t r i m . lifetim wacs> (ran ty ; lmmaculale,. £9.75tV

• TeL H arroga te '-5 '6 7 0 8 6 ( d a y ) v R 1P o il '87068

• (e v e s .) ; : ' '

: •:£!

Page 43: Download the document (33.5 MB)

«y v* *: • ,d/*—Vv

D REGISTEREDORION Ghia 1.6i, (choice), 4,000 miles.. VAUXHALLNova K6 GTE, (duice) 6,000 miles MONTEGO lTfili Saloon (new model), choice^.

■ NOVA 1.21; 3 door, white, 5,000 miles ROVER 213S/216S, (choice), 6,000 miles. FIESTA LIU red, 4,000 miles BELMONT1.3L, 4 door Saloon, red, 8,000 miles ESCORT 1.6 Ghia, 5 door, red 7,000 milies.„



ROVER2I3SE automatic, (choice), 7,000 miles.. MCI Montego 2.0 EFi,-(choice), 4,000 miles .„™.. METRO L0L, 3 door, silver; 5,000 miles

■S; MG Metro, black, 7,000 mOes-


ROVER2I6S, green, 33,000 miles™.. MONIEGO 1.6L, red, 32,000 m iles^™ ..._.„ MG Montego lOEFi, black, 39,000 iniles....._

ESCORT 131,3 door; white, 33,000 miles ' ESCORTUL, 5 door, red 42,000 m ile s .^ ;^

MEISO Qty, 5 door, white, 3j000 iniles »!»» ROVER 216 VDP EFi, red, 28,000 miles.. RENAULT 5 Turbo, ivory, 24,000 miles...MONIEGO 1.6L, Saloon, red, 36,000 miles.

.£4,795 ia i '

.£4,395 :•$

...£4,995 g ;

•£3,995:1 -iE4395

- £3 295 I I •£ 5 ,9 9 5 $ _ £ 5 ^9 5 ‘:‘

.£ 4 ^ 9 5


SAPHIRE 1.64 d o o r , ( c h o i c e )

6 , 0 0 0 m i l e s


ESCORT 1.4L, 5 door, red, 32,000 m iles-— £4,795

ROVER213SAiito, bhie, 27,000 miles..,...;....... £5,995: ASTRA 1^ SRI, 3 door, diver, 19,000 m iles.™ -™ . £6,995

ROVER216S, blade, 17,000 miles ™ ™ ....... £5,995RENAULT 515,5 door; blue, 12,000 miles • £4,795

: FIAT 126,white, 16,000m il^ ........ - £1,995ESCORT 1.41,5 door, red, 35,000 miles__________£4,995


:j: FIESTA XR2, (choice), 7,000 m iles™ __-~~4 ™ £7,195 I ,-.J ORION i.6L automatic, white, 12,000 m ile s^ ™ ^ £6*295

‘ FIESTA Pop, red, 7,000 miles......................™.... £4^395. ,|M E IllO li,red h o r, 8,000 m i l e s . . . : . . . ; . . , . . , £4,995

I AUDI 90:4 door Salobn, MetaDic grey, 12,000 miles- : ;!•& v:- . £llj99S1 '^ Nl^AN.iSinmy 13LS, 4 door, red, 14,000 miles ™..£5,S95

IC # : I t t :r

I r'***'1''




MEIRO 1.0 City, red, 25,000 miles..ROVER 213SE Auto, green, 31,000 miles- ORION 131, blue, 37,000 miles..,







I11-;-:- h -MI i‘ Iv15>K


§■ * . %I*

mp .

I* & !»:•: h>::I s #


FIAT UNO 45,5 door, red, 7,000 m iles..

ROVER 216 Vitesse EFi„ red; 40,000 m iles....;.

METRO 1.01, 5 door, (choice), 9,000 miles.

METRO 1.0 dty, 3 door, red, 8,000 miles..

SUBARU Justy SL 4WD, red, 5,000 miles . ^ .

METRO 13 Gty X, 5 door, red, 3,000 m iles^

VW Golf 1.8 GTI, red, 12,000 miles

METRO City X, 5. door, 7,000 milesROVER 213S, (choice) .........................................£5,995FIESTA Pop Pius, btoe, 20,000 miles...— £ 4 ^ 5 ESCORT 1.6LX, 5 door, a lter, 20,000 miles £5,995ORION Ghia i, full R.S. body kit, red, 16^00 miles, £7,995









ASISA13L, 3 door, red, 19,000 miles.— L...:.........£4393MONIEGO 1.6 Saloon, m et blue, 21,000 m iles.™ . £4395ROVER 216S, red, 30,000 miles ;..„ ..~ ..4 — £4,995MAESTRO 1.6LAuto, met. blue, 12,000 miles ..i™ £4,495 ROVER216VDP, silver, 27,000 n u le s ..™ ^ ..™ ^ £6^295 SUNNY 1.6LX, 4 door Saloon, silver, 21,000 miles £4,995 MAESTRO 13 City,’ 5 door, red, 24,000 miles.™ ™ £3,995 NOVA 1.2L, 3 door, red, 18,000 m iles..™ .™ .^.™ £4,695

A FIESTA 950 Pop, (choice), 22,000 miles ..™ „.'™ ™ £3,895 •METRO 1.0 Gly, 3 door, trinte, 22,000 m iles .£3395

. MG METCO, white, 24,000 miles , „ ■ „ ■ ■ ■ , £ 4 3 9 5 METRO 13 OtyXv 5 dooiybtae, 28,000 m fles^ £3,595

SliESRA 1.6GI, 5 door, beige™.™.:..:................. —£4,295CAVALIER 116,4 door, b e ig e ,3 5 ,0 0 0 m ile s_ £ 3 3 9 5ESCORT 1.3GL, 5 door, white *.:™«™.— ------ .£3^95ESCORT 13L, 3 door, ivory, 35,000 m iles...___ — £3,695 VNOVA 1.0,3 door, white, 28,000 m ile s^ ------------ £3^95


■ y ! ^

HESTA 1.1 Pop Bus; tow n , 28^00 miles...... £2,995: :;i;H E SIA 1100iP /P^.:-..u ............ :.■■■■„■■— :— £2,795RENAULT 9,4 door, auto, red; 17 )00 miles___ £2 3 «MONTEGO 1.6,4 door, sihar________ ___— £2^95NISSAN MicralJOL, 3door.„._______ £2^95


■P PORSCHE 944, blade, ESR, RSC, FSH, 12,000 . £23395

■F (89 model) FORD Escort XR3i, 8,000 miles, (choice) .

v : ' ; - V ' . : ; I - . - , -Vi ■'•■'■V £8|795r RANGE ROVER Vogue EH Auto, gold, ESR, 8,000 milps.!i?_! ........... £23,995

‘F* JAGUAR XJ6 25, silver, 6,000 miles™ £18^95.

T MERCEDES 190E, met. red, ado , 14 000 miles .£16,99588 JAGUAR XJS V12, green, 8,000 miles £26,99588 ESCORT XR3i,Wad£,;7,000 miles-------------------£839588MERCEDES 420SL, silver, 8,000 m iles....88 ESCORT RS Turbo, white, 19,000 miles .U ‘F MERCEDES 300SE Auto^ 12,000 m iles.

' 87 ROVBt 820SE Auto, gold, 31,000 miles..9 NM4NIHMMN

£38,995 _ £9,995

^£23,995 £7,995

87 MERCEDES 190E Auto, 22,000 miles ___>.£14395‘E’ ROVER 820E manual, m et gold, 25,000 miles £7395 89 SIERRA XR 4X4, met. ABS, HFS, 7300 mOes £13,495 •B’ RANGE ROVER 5 dow, red, 38,000 miles— .£10,995 ' '


• MAIN STREET, WILSDEN, 0 (0535) 272876 (OPEN 7 DAYS)'v.v.%v/.\v.s\v.v.v.s%v.v/AV.\v/.v///.v.v.v«y.v»**o/>>?/X,XvXvXvXv'.vI •AVAVAnV.V.ViVAVi'




l l ie Region’s Longest Established . 1 Jaguar Dealer i /'1 9 8 8 ( ’F ) JAGUAR XJS. l itR E ' S/U.OON; Solrait' blue' w th

. ..Cheviot tweed upholstery; automatic transmission, air conditioning,. electric sunroof. rear head restraints, electric windows, electric door ' ' mirrors, central door locking, full seivice histmy, 10,663 miles, one


1988 {'O ’) JAGUAR SOVEREIGN 4 ^ LITRE SALOON, Regent . Grey with Doeskin leather, automatic transmission, airoondmoning,.

electric w:‘ndows, electnc minors, central locking, electric rise and fall r front seats, radio/stereo, safety belts to rear, full .service history,

’ 2 9 , 1 0 0 m i l e s ..........,. .„ ..;™ i ..:..v £ 1 7 ^ 9 5 ;

19B9 (APRIL) DAIM LER 3 .6 LITRE SALOON, Westminster blue ■ with Doeskin leather uphoistBry.Total Daimler specification including

/Autornatic transmission, electric sun/oof, alloy wheels/This is our ■own motor car'and.has the benefit of Jaguar wananty until 31.4.91

. 984 miles, one o w n e r ................. £ 3 4 ^ 9 5 •

{ 'D 1) R»g. JAGUAR XJS V I2 COUP^ in:Bordeaux red with .. Magnolia, piped full: leather1 upholstery, automatic transmission,

automatic air conditioning, a1!oy wheels, radio stereo,'etc.,'full.■ service history, 37;OOQ m i l e s . .......... ;.......... £ 1 9 ^ 9 5 .

1986 JAGUAR SOVEREIGN 4 ^ AUTOMATIC i ];in Regent . Grey'rhetallic with Doeskin ' leather,

upholstery. '.Radio, .stereo; air conditioning,. alloy:-, ' s ; wheels etc. Supplied and serviced by our- .

: selves.;, Excellent, condition;. 25,000 miles, one owner.. E 1S J95

1S88 RANGE ROVER VOGUE'EFL in Alaskan. Wue'with Osprey velour upholstay. iutoniatic;ba^issipn,;electnc windows,' electric . mirrors, central loddng,^fiio/sterw;-:-full,;service history.i:14,i62 :mijes, o i w o w n e r . £ 2 2 ^9 ? .

1988 JAGUAR-3US 3 .6 COUPE'in'tjordeaux nsd.with.boe^ah leather upholstery, automatic' transriission,,,headlamp ■'

.wash/wipe, alarm. electric lurnber support and heated seats.-Full ser-, vice history, arid. 12 month. MBI warrunty, 24,000 miles £24,995-

( • F ) JAGUAR SOVEREIGN i3.6 AUTO M ATIC SALOON .Sri Solent Blue, metallic with' doeskin leather": upholsteiy. Fitted with , electric.'■ sunroof arid burglar alarm. $11: usual Sovereign features, , including ABS, air condmohingi^six-speaker .’sound system,, alloy

.wheels. One' lady owner. Supplied and serviced' by ourselves. :15,000 m i l e s . . ..:....;.:J_£2 6r995

1989 C O RANGE ROVER VOUGE TURBO DIESEU Alasten blue with Winchester velour upholstejy, manual transmission, electric sunroof,' electric windows, rear iseat-belts, stereo radio/cassette, central locking. Scorpion, alamv JhisMs'our own Range Rover and - has Ihe benefit of_12 months ;Liand:Rover MBI warra^ty; full service ■:

, histoiy, 13,000 mjles !........................ ......__£23,995

1989 (JUNE) JAGUAR SOVEREIGN 3 .6 LITRE SALOON,.- Solent.l blue with: Doeskin’;, leather..upholstery, 'Total -Sovereign

specification, incJuding automatic transmission, electric sunroof, alloy; .'wheels.' This is our ovyn mb'tor/car and has the benefit of Jaguar .warranty until June 3 1 ,1 9 9 1 .5 0 0 miles, one owner.';:;— £31,995

1988 JAGUAR XJS V12, full convertible in Bordeaux red. with Magnolia leather, total specification: 'Supplied and .serviced ourselves, 13,000 miles, unmarked.:.'.:........... .V............'.

'1989 (JUNE) XJS V12 COUPE, Bordeaux red with Doeskin leather.' upholstery, and piped Mulbeny,. automatic transmission, air, conditioning/electric, windows, eloctric iumber support and .heated/ seats,- central, locking, headlamp.wash/wij»; "stereo, radio/cassette player,'cruise, control,' trip computer. This' is our/own motor car. and- has the benefit of Jaguar extended wanantyitintiTJune 1991, 500 m i l e s ......... £ 3 2 ^ 9 5

1988 JAGUAR XJ6 2 .9 AUTOMATIC Saloon in Westminster Blue; with contrasting beige doth upholstery. Radio stereo. power,steering, trip'computer, central locking, tinted electric windows,'electric mirror adjustmerivrear wood dash, fascia and door cappings. Supplied and. serviced by Hatfields. Dneowner. 32,000 miles.............. £15,995

1989 (JUNE) LANIM iO VER 90 TURBO DIESEL HARD TOP.Shire blue, power.assisted steering;, heated rear, vnndows, rear, wash/wipe,r interior’pack A ' radial tyres, roof .appointment pack including full roof trim, glass sunroof and Alpine roof lights. This is our. own - Land-Rover and has'thev,benefit .of Land-Rover :MBI. warranty, 500 miles, oheowner.;....................... £11,100

1986 JAGUAR SOVEREIGN « AUTOMATIC in Cobalt Blue;' with’ ;b(Kskiri.:- leather. .Total Sovereign- spedficatiori, including a ir'. conditioning, sound: system, trip, computer,' alloy wheels etc.1. Supplied-andserviced-by ourselves. 44,000 miles.-Fitted with--

:e le ctricsu ri-ro b f.......................................................... ■ ■ ^1.2.9951

; Ring for details of the excellent cars Vf In part exchange dii August l s t

All our used cars are presented in superlative conditiori and each is covered by .12 months mechanical breakdown insurance for further peace of mind:'

; . Collection, delivery.and loan cars for all our customers.

SALES SPECIALISTS James Bowei Adrian Blayden Ian HelliweD, Geoff Wallape.




^ugust '79 Rolls Royce I’ Silver Shadow II

6 2 , 0 O O c miles, registration num ber XLV 3 Included In; ttte price. lmmaculatfi. • ,.lijl • - - ^ £19.950

1986 G, Mercedes !?. ; 190E

5 r speed.' 36.000 ;miles, full body kit, sunroof etc. r ,

* .. .. £11.995 -

D, Volvo 480 ES5^speed, 18,000 miles. •

£8,750 't 'U su a l business facilities:

M any more Volvos available. vDAVID SMITH MOTORS,'


I? TEL. (075 786) 8009 / •t8,, '- j EVENINGS 755. .

^COLLECTORS ITEMP artly . renovated 0.966,- MG BGT, Old Englls h .white,}.

: Ring Leeds 561765betw een 10 a.m. “ 5 p,iTv :

. SIERRA ll8 L • Estate, Sept. *86 'D reg., one -

> o w ner,' 42.000! l miles,• /factory fitted sunroof

and roof- rack...£4,995,. (0756), 68286/! • ; .

,“ S R I C avalier.-■ *88 E; Calypso red metallic;

- factonr- fltted '.sunroof.central loclng, :13.000 .

• • . m i r e s - , ; immaculate- condition. ’s £ 7 , 5 0 . 0

■ o.n.o.-, Tel3< B am olds-: n:- w i c k (n r. Sklpton)-

. (0282) ,813430;

SCORPIO 2.8 B u r s u n ' d y ;a985, , AU' e x tra s ‘Inc; afr

’ Tcond;. stereo, graphic elec-, t trie ’seats, etc.. Imm aculate

; “ o rx l e r . th ro ughou t . Co s t £.today'- o v e r1 £2ffl.OOO. • First '• offer, of £6.350. Tel; Leeds u 718523 office hours, Leeds

' , 611567. evenings -or weeK- ,7,ends.'';

VOLVO 360 .GLT injection, C reg..,;silver, factory fitted

bisunroofr.'-t 1 n t e d electric ' ' w indow s; etc,; full ■ M.o.T..

taxed O ct, average, mile­age, very tid y .. fast car.'

• £5,600. B radford 616373. .VOLVO1 Estates wanted, see . . col. 181.

: MG METRO TURBO1986. D. colour coded white,,38.000 miles,.

: £4.500.


1988, " E l alloy wheels and 26,000 ; miles, blackextras.

metallic, •


(09442) 8821- o r

. 0836683145.

RENAULT 21 T i.2 litre, fuel-Injected,' 4 door saloon. 89 F. delivery mileage

/ (4 ) only, vSave .over ':£2,000 on : new

•, price..


(0423) 879231, - !

SIERRA 1600L, P a r i s blue, ‘ D • reg.. • 41.000

' m i l e s , one owner,

S a r a a e m aintained. 4 .5 0 0 .rTeL' Leeds. . 680800:. ' . .

SUZUKI J e e p , SJ410.' ” 4WD. D reg., red w ith

. soft-top, 23,000:m lles,, one lady.ow ner, excel­lent condition, radio.

• : bull< bar,, custom ised i stripes, <£4^50. - T e h ; Cum ngworth, (0535)

275743; *. • .

SUZUKI SJ410 ’ Jeep , 1988, white, 8,000 mllesr unique decor, ta x e d . to January ,

.showroom c o n d I t I o n ,1 £51800 o.n.o. ^ D ew sb u ry

457557. .

VW- Sclrocco CL, :v r e g . , 1 9 8 3 , red. 43,000mlles,

. M ioX 1 1 -months,, tax 7 months. £2,750 . o;n.o, 'T e l.> B o s t o n Spa : ( O 9 3 7 )

. 842305.: -•V O L V O . 7 4 0 1 GL’ Estate,

immaculate condition, m ain dealer serviced from new; bargain at* £7,000. (0484) 665321 (day)* o r (0484) 665991 (eve.).


A one ow ner m otor c a r w ith f u l l ;servlce history, having covered 18,000 1 m iles, o n l y and equipped.. w ith a ir con­ditioning,, - p o w e r • s tee lin g .' sunroof/, ' electric. ' windows and. all .refinements. . • ■F in ished ' In white, a v e r y attractive,- 4 seater. sports coupe;, . Extended manufac­tu re rs w arranty,.

.7£11,995 •P.X. WELCOME ■’ ;•PH ILI^ WELCH. .



VOLVb ESTATE740 GL. 2.3, E reg, > 23.000 miles, m aroon. / tan Interior, immaculate. - E lectric ;: w 1 n - dows. central locking, ..Volvo tow -bar; Volvo .1 l :f e -Vt i m e- guarantee w i t h : full- dealer service h is to ry .; ;, -

£10,250TEL .(0845) 577630. ;

S U Z U K I S J :;4 1 OQ(special ed ition),' soft >

"top ,.with £750.: hard : top ,. sunroof, . heated :re a r windows,-: taxed N o v . ; 89.. M .o.T .‘90.i

' b u M bars- and : mud ' flap,. 34t000 mlleSr -C.

reg.; £3,950 o.n.o. Tel. Leeds 534606:. '■

TALBOT S a m b a LS.■ blue. A reg.; low m ile- -

a g e ,, sun roor - and . s f e r e o e d and.

. tested,, excellent condl- .' ' tlon,-' £1,400. H arro- . ,v gate. (0423) 780823. •

VAUXHALL C avalier' 1600 D 'Reg !87, -2 6 . 2 5 0 . miles, taxed, & tested.' fu ll service history, 6 mth. w arranty,

•; Immaculate condition^ Bar-. ; gain £4,450* Leeds 644903 • evenings/weekends.*' :—

V.W. : BeeUe, 1969;.. 1300cc. full M.O.T. and tax,;.good

..condition^.£ 1 , 6 0 0 . o.n.o. :S e 1 b y 704864 evenings/ weekends. -

VOLVO'S. 200 / 300 series . *79 t o . *87. Askham Bryan G arage,' Volvo Specialists, Askham Bryan, York. Tel. (0904) 706206 / 706553.

: VOLVO 760 GLE 'V;auto. D refl.. goldi ra d i/c a s s j sunroof.. PAS, . auto -locking, electronic m irrors; - • Internal heating, tax u n til 'A p ril ’90. Fou r door, saloon.: • r .

Tidy -car ln excellent condi­tion. ; * '

G e h u ln e rea so n fo rsa le .

£9,200o.nio. .H arrogate 567884’ anytlm e;"

CATERHAM SUPER 71983, only: 9,000 miles. ;dry sum p, F S H 'j- metallic, blue/,

alloy, excellentconlditlon-. £7,750,b jijo " - ' ' - ' ; •:.

D A IH A T S U ^ . v4 traclc ;'87.;; D reg;; 18.000 miles, lo ad ed w l t n extras,'

; good condition;..- . . £9,250 o.nio. ;: ? : •

(0423) 567044." ; • >

TOYOTA .jCoroilar t w l n ' cam ,. 16 valve; D reg.; w h i t e ; : super ■ fa s t . .. ^ £ 5 , 7 5 O . o.n.o, Tel; ,

1 • Leeds 791763' o r 0860 378169 mobile. .

TOYOTA C orolla-1 G T i .. 1987, E reg,V all usual

.extrasj. d e a l e . r se r­viced. directors, c a r .

. first- class o r d e r . . . . £7.750. T e l : .' (0423)


VOLVO. 240GLT. Estate,- ’ 1989,, metallic grey.-' ,

black, leather.-. 1 5 ,000 ' • m i l e s ; Ne w price

: £ 1 5 ; OO O .- :£ lf .7 5 0 , o.n.o; (0302) 710524.

VOLVO;340.117 GLE. Spedal S a l o o . n , D ;.re g .1 9 8 7 , Graphite'; sunroof, leather seats,: 32.000 miles, taxed. £6,500. Wakefield 827248. '

VW Golf Diesel; 4 weeks old. silver,-radio cassette. 1,200 m i l e s v * ‘ 12 .* m onths tax. (£1,300 below , list price)

.a t £8.650 -o.n:o. .- (0302) 710057:afte r 5j».mV

VW. Polo .Coupe. 1.3S, D reg., r e d , FSH,-.sunroof, new

• tyres, stereo, 38,000 miles. . £3,875 o.n.o. Mr. Snowden.

Lund, Driffield. ( 0 3 7 7 ) 81249.

BMW 5251 •

auto. C re g ,;'s ilv e r, 31,000 miles, 'pow er:..steering, sun ­roof. taxed v and tested . till Ju ly 1990; In. m int condl non. one prevlous’ow ner


TeL Leeds* 459581 (betw een 10 a*m, ->5 p,m;, M on-Frl.).

RENAULT ESPACE 2000-1 QUADRA 4 X 41989 F. In Volcanic red, tw in sunroofs, headlamp: wash, 7 seats, f a c t o r y-.alarm, full 'Phillips hlfl w ith rem ote con­trol and 6 speakers, - tow bar w ith tw in plugs, 3 year w ar­ranty.

Saving over £3,OOO,on new.


TeL (0423) ;879231,: .

•VAUXHALL. Nova, 1.2- M erit ’85.- C reg„ red,

24,000 miles, a la rm ,. system, M.o.T., - taxed

and tested. 5 m onths tax. left. £3.800. Tel; W a k e f i e l d (0924) :

- 840526. •' • -

VOLVO 1 9 8 7 240 GL,- metallic blue, m anual,'

.5 speed, tin ted ' w in- v d o w s . low vm lleage.-; Immaculate condition,' , l a d y ' owner. £6;500;' . Phone Ilkley .(0 943 ). . 601727.

VOLVO ‘740 'GL salOOni. tC i; .reg.; in Royal blue, - one

ow ner car. a t £5,750.' Tel. ’ York (0904) 790968., K.WT.

• Motors.- .

VOLVO 760 GLE . :v--. F R E G '•

One. ow ner, full service h is­t o r y . - Equipment Includes w ash w ipe;'pow er steering.14. s p e e d autom atic-anti-lock brakes, a ir conditioning,: elec­tric locks, windows a n a roof. A l l o y wheels, fin ished -In G raphite, m etallic-w ith black leather trlnii •A. - -beautifully. ' appointed.' luxury, .executive 'm o to r car costing new .today in' excess of £22,500 and : representing rem arkable value a t

£15.995'-*;f:. ’t P.X. WELCOME.j




5 door hatch.. 1988. red /g rey w i t h , w a r r a n t y , v e r y economical, a gift a t ; . . .. : £4,995. '

: Millsriaw Park.A utos.. Elland Rd;, . -

(bottom of Churwell Hill).:: Leeds'7i6706.‘; . ■

VW Scirocco, D . r e g . . 29,000. m iles,: wnlte, excellent . . condition,

: sunroof, stereo -c a s -.' sette, alarm etc. Full

service - - history.: and . • tax -t 111 May. ! 9 O , :

E5j500 o . n V o . L e . e d S ’ 81^580! (eves.):

VOLVO 340 GL. C reg... 20 ". 0 0.0 miles, ’ 11

' . months , M , o . T v , 6 . m onths. tax, excellent

condition; £4.100. Tel.- . Leeds 578390.,

VOLVO 740GLE. . white, ' ' .11 m ths...old, lea th er1 Interior, -18rO0O miles, ' a s new. -£13,250. fo r ~

•quick sale o.n;o.: Tel; (0535) 56003/54479; ^ :

VW. Golf CL diesel, 1988 F, m e t i . . sliver, only 15,000

, miles, superb economical vehicle, save alm ost £2.000 o n : new ! a t £ 7 , 4 9 5 . C aw thom e Carriage' Co.. Barnsley (0226) 790385.

VW Golf 1300 CL, 5 d r.;.1986 . C.' FSH. New Golf forces sale. Recent . dealer s e r -

: vices, lovely car a t £4,100 o.n.o. Tel. H a r r o g a t e . 780343.

VW Golf, Marine . blue,-1300L, 3 d o o r . C reg;; ,1 -tady owner, exceUent -condition

. throughout; full M ; o : ; T , very, low mileage. £4.250

' o , n , o . Tel. Huddersfield ! 661814. .; . : -:v:j.

VOLVO 480 ES.; E reg., . one . . owner. 18,000 smiles, like

new. £8.9001. Tel. (0924): 471400 (Trade). : \ ■XR3I D reg., 1987. Dtamond , w hite, 26.000 miles, 1 lady

ow ner, FSH. excellent con- . dltloiu £6,350 o.n.o. Cul-

llngw orth (0535) 275101.





: .,-.'OVER: GRACE SILVER front .and : rear , bull ■ -,: I ,\ ..bais'/GKtGndod wtiool archos. sida.protaclor , , . :

bars, intarior walnut', pack, ONLY 8,000 -k'iMILES: UK'SUPPL1E0 ,WITH:FULL'MANUt^ AViV;v;V:- -: -FACTURER'S WARRANTY, * * COST NEWr 1 e n n E

■; ,£i7;600 2 YEAR WAITINGiLIST:i;.!:;„......;...:. Z. 10 , 9 9 3

F 89 FORO XR3i CABRIOLET in MERCURY GREY ..METALLIC, power hood. ABS alloys’, electric win- .\dows, central locking- SAVtr OVER £1,800 Orj£ J ' 9 9 5

89 MG MAESTRO 2.0 EFi in.RACING'REO usual • ' . •refinementB,--f.f. sunroof, rfld/cor^uitto, .tinted . ' -glass. 4.000 MILES. ..SAVE OVER £2.900 ON

F 89 VAUXHAU- NOVA GTE in WHITE with f.f/sun-rnnf' pflntrnl Ir^klnn rad/cassattB.-B*BOBfid osar- 9 9 5roof,' ce n tra l lo ck in g , ra d /o iK e tte ,-5 j8 p e e d gear-

_ box,.tfnts v




C k.89;FOROiESCORT\RS.‘-TURBO :in;BLACK;.ABS;-' . C ‘ if.f. '^ h ro b f ,: ;elertric iwindow, . central flocking,.HFS; ANO[ONLY SMILES; ^ N E W ii i .^

F’ 89 FORO SIERRA i:8L RAOlAWT REO; f ’f.isun- roof,: -electronic' rad/cassette, 5 speed gearbox,

• s a v e o v e r £ 2 .boo o nE 89 VAUXHALL NOVA 1.2L FIVE OOOR HATCH-■ BACK in NOROIC BLUE with 5 6peed gearbox/ A g A A R

electronic radio, SAVE £i;-200 ON NEW...........'...-, ‘ t v p 51510,C 8 9 ROVER.216SE‘in AZURE BLUE METALLIC f,f. ,* i.• sunroof, etedronic rad/cassette, tin te d . glass,'. n n c

electric window,SAVE OVER £2.900 ON NEW,..;. .& # f 9 9 y

F 8 9 VAUXHALL'ASTRA 'S DOOR MERIT ESTATE s in.SILVER .METALLIC, HRW, electronic rad/cass- -■ e tte ; 3 ,000 MILES ONLY, .‘SAVE^OVER;£1,‘600; f C yfO C ON NEW.........

F 89 FORD SEIRRA 1.8L FIVE OOOR HATCHBACK in MARITIME BLUE with ^if. 'sunroofi’ rad/cass-. e tte , tinted glass,'SAVE OVER £2 ,000 ON NEW...

F 89 VOLV0 740 AlTTOMATiC ESTATCi. In BLACK V ; . ; w ith centra! locking/ electric windows, PAS, d o g ^ f -O’ >VflR guard and heated seata ONLY 4 ,00 0 MILES........'7m I O ff# 3 w

F 89 ESCORT/1.4 .GHI A In .'MARITIME^ BLUE withcentral locking,, electric windows, f.f. sunroof, full - f Q O Q Rspec., 4 .0 0 0 M ll^SO N LY ................................... t O | f 3 U

F* 89 FORD ORION 1.0 GHIA IN JE d io N in DIA- ! ,- MOND. WHITE with f,f, sunroof fuel com puter,’ j r o f lQ C

; f u l l s ^ . ,1 0 ,O O O M lL E S O N L Y .. .A . .O .J . . . .V( t O , a 5 l y ,

F 89 VAUXHALL CAVAUER 1.6L in MEXicO;RED, sunroof, rad /cassette , central locking, driver's

seat adjuster, velour upholstery C reg TOYOTA MR2 In BLUE METALLlC/ wlth alloy . . . . '■ w heels, alec. windows. FF, sunfroofr radio cass-f»« | L a a e

e tte ; 9 ,000 mjles^SAVE £2,OOOJROM NEW........ L J I

F. reg NISSAN1 BLUEBIRD 1,8 GS in SILVER, with \ : ; . . . •. * v : eiectnc. wfndows, " electric sunroof, . central lock-:- C T Q Q R

• mg, PAS and : only^6 ,00 0 miles. SAVE OVER “J » / j w w p £2.700 FROM NEW .....1...... ....... ................... \ I . .

F REG. VOLVO ;480 ES In WHITE, alloys,-olacfn'c - • • ' windowSj Computor, rad /casse tte / power . s tee r- .: ing; 3,000-MILES ONLY,^^SAVE^ALMOST^£2,0T‘

F‘ ; REG FORD FIESTA^950,■:^pOPULAR in SILVER,; fitted • sunroof/^' rear: seat v belts, 7, OOO '.M l L£S '• v: , -jy

. - ONLY,- COME- ON : GUYS TREAT! THE GIRL , > * :7 q b ; ^ • .vFRIENO.;;


' tion; ,i 0 ,000 MILES ONLY;.;...;.^.........

F REG, MONTEGO, 1 0 L :in TARGA REO with f.f.■ sunroof, rad /cassette , .tinted windows,- 5 speed, V jfC 7 Q C

. - SAVE OVER £2 ,800 ON N E V V t O , / a y

F REG. FORD SIERRA l i e LX FIVE bOOR H A T C H r - . V ' BACK in CRYSTAL BLUE, f.f.. sunroof, electronic

V' rad /casse tte , 6.000! MILES, SAVE OVER £2,100 ' - ON NEW;.:..:,.U....i:;:.:;:;;..:;....:;,..

F REG. FORD ESCORT 1.4 GL VPLUS" in SIUCA - GOLD-METALLIC, f.f: sunroof, electric windows,' central, locking,; rad /cassette , SAVE £2 ,200 ON



ESTATE in MERCURY GREY with full spedfica^g j |


E^8 FORD SIERRA XR 4X4 in ROSSO RED, full '; spec., .f.f. i sunroof, central locking, alloys, rad- « q q e

V .V^ssette;.ABS, SAVE OVER £4,000 ON N EW.. X I I f9 9 3

E 88(METRO 1275 SPORT. in'WHITC'wHth;f^;auh^rW''V---^ ro o f / r a d / c a s s e t to / s p o r tB :se a ts ,, f e a r w a s h w ip e ;^ C E OQE

V- SAVE:OVER£1i 900 ONI N E W ..^;.;.

E B8 METRO VpLtJS'.' in iSTRATA GR^ M^ALUC - •'V’ f r with push' button "radio; - HRW end side stripes,- r q OQE ONLY.9,000 MILES FROM N E W .....


^.B.speed aearbo*, SAVEiOVER £2,300 ON £*0 0 ^ 5


ette,<. I NEW..REG? VAUXHALL CARLTON 1.8 GL in GREY METALLIC, f.f. - sunroof,' rad/cassette, steering, 23,000 MiLES.......~— ---------- £7,995

E R£G. BMW 730* in SILVER METALLIC, E.F.F sunroof, cruise control, computer, electric seats, alloys, tinted glass, Blaupunkt radio cassette, electric windows and, door mirrors,.


E REG. :.MAESTRp 1.3 CITY In , LACQUER REO r RW head restraints, rear seat-.

£4,795/ b72m G;1 ^ E ^ O jn TARGA REO, f.f, sunroof, a)-

t m / o ^ B l ' osntfal locking,’ tints, 19,000 — £5,995

1980 ROLLS-ROYCE CORNICHE FIXED HEAO in LE: MANS BLUE with Cham­pagne leather upholstery, privately

: owned from-new with fuU service his* tory and GENUINE 29,000 MILES f I Q A A E FROM NEW......... 1 4 9 , 9 9 3







SCORPIOSQQ- SfcORPlb 4 x 4 Sable, 3^00 miles

; . fulli: ‘leathertrim. rn cT tcitwTODAY £25,000

rini, COST NWV £ ^ 9 9 5 f i

SCORPIO Auto, Saver,.:M yes!, 20 iS TODAY £22^00.1 1 8 ,^ 3 3 •

jsq0 miles. COST NEW 60' SCORPIO Auto; White, 8,000 miles

• full leather :,trim. COST NEW n i 7 OOR v , „ Tpp'AY £22^00,. 1 1 / ) “ " ff. ^ 9 . ' Q rA Q P T H 4 v -4 A f^ n -n rv orlpv. K.flOO f l i p . A A n - 9SCORPIO 4)

miles, COST IX'4 Merany grey, 6,000 r -17 n n r C

• NEW TODAY £24^00 t l / , 3 3 3 S

S -. RQ :SCORPIO Auto, Blaci ' full leather f t . - S ,- trim,' 6^00; miles. COST {.NEW c . | 7 AAE S

J : ; • :-TODAY£22,500 .......I ;-------,.r ™.., t l / , 3 3 3 K

I P :SCORPIO Auto, Mafienta red, 8,000 ;> | r n n ); k | | : f : miles. COSTNEW TODAY £22,100 t lO ,3 3 D g

‘ ' F...............................................SCORPIO Aiito, Satin gold, 6,000 '/ miles, self lev./susp. COST NEW r i r n n n S

. TODAY.£22^00 l | .fifi SCORPIO Auto, white, 7,000 miles, \

• , limited slip/difl^ self p.Ie’v -/sW -‘ip i R UOR ■ K : COST NEW TODAY £22^85 . 1 1 3 , ^ 3 3 S

G R A N A D A S !

S;. flQ GRANADA 2.9i Ghia “X’ Silica gold, ' : S 1

'GRANADA-;2.iW : Ghia 'Auto, Satin K

S ! - - gold;-’ delivery miles, latest DOHC m i 1 n n B '' engine.- '.COST. NEW . TODAY; £ 1 ^ ,1 3 U «

: i B . t '-;< « « 2 2 0 ................................................ »S F ^5RANADA: 2.® Ghia: ‘X’. Tasman k ■k - ' , : • blue,- 4,000 miles. COST • NEW nVrj Aqfj

g TODAY£ 1 9 3 0 ................................

S F • GRANADA.2^0!iGhia ‘X’'Satin gold, -. I , S .1 ; 6,000 miles, COST NEW’ TODAY

I Main Street, Burley-in-Wharfedalt

Telephone 0943 864194

Jaguar 2 .9 . 5 speed, 19BB, in Maroon, elect­e e sunroof and window's, rear head restraints, central locking; 1 owner;-.FSH, 37;000.m iles'

.hence:............. .. V . ...............£ 1 3 ,7 9 5

Audi 9 0 Quattro, 19B9 in Alpine White, sunroof; • .ABS, Electric Windows; .central locking;1 BBS alloy wheels;;Blaupunkt radio/cassette, 9,000.m iles

£ 1 7 ,9 9 5

:Audi 9 0 Quattro, "F" reg. in Tornado red,, su n -, roof, ABS, electric windows, cental locking,, BBS.

1 a lloy wheels/ ' Blaup'unkt radio / cassette, 15 ;0 0 0 J m iles............................... £ 1 5 .9 9 5 •

Audi :1 0 0 .2 .2 E . "F;-; reg. in Alpine, white, sun­roof, rentral locking. electric windows, Blaupunkt,

.'■^adiocassette, 1 5 ,0 0 0 m iles..,:.....:...;...i£ 1 2 ,9 9 5

. Audi 8 0 1 .8 S; 1989 in Alpine, white, sunroof,; 'central locking, electric ;Windows; AMoy wheels,1-BlaupUnktradio/cassette,5,006'miles'.:.,£T1.995.


• lEEbs


£11 *995 i ;F GRANADA Z4i Ghia TP, white 8,000 r- - :-/ . S ,

mile& COST.NEW TODAY £18^40 £ jQ g g g ^

flQ. GkANADA Z0i Ghia, . Auto, Aqua .- .■ Jade, 10 miles only. COST .NEW CT1) 7 QE k , TODAY£lS^^„...„.;..v.,...™:i.......

fiQ GRANADA ZOL black; 6,000 miles. CO /IOr Sc o s t n ^ £ 1 2 ^ o..._...,..;.....:..„„... ; 1 3 ,^ 3 3 J

SIERRASfiQ SIERRA 2.9i 4 x 4, 3,000 miles, ABS^ u _ i _______ iiA M ji a M n in A '.


brakes, air cond. latest engine; COST r , nnR kK , ;, NEW TODAY.£18,000 __„.:— I.:....- 1 1 ^ ,3 3 3 gK;.:; fltf SiEFtllA Z9i 4 x 4 ,3fi00 miles, ABS

S . •. brakes,1 latest engine.' COST NEW f u OOR 3TODAY£17,150^..------- ----— t i l J ,3 3 3 ^

S fiQ SIERRA iOi .Ghia Estate, Hack,: V% 6,000 -miles, anti-lock brakes, air p in . q b K

S coni, power steering. COST NEW t l * } 4 3 3 STODAY£16,000_______________ •

S ip SIERRA 2.0i Ghia Estate, Meremy tS| grey, 4,000 miles, air coiuL, anti-lock tk brakes, power steering. COST NEW j i ’n IflR S -

S TODAY £16,000.----------------- 6 lZ ,1 3 3 1p SIERRA 2.0i <3na Estate, Tasman I

J bine, 700 miles, anti-lock brakes, k ■Y power steering. COST NEW TODAY JQjJ ^

S^ . gQ SIERRA ZOi GIS, ^_ : .- miles, power steering,SIERRA Z0 GI. Estate, 20 yes! 20

b r a k e s . £ 1 0 ,3 9 5 ^


BMW 535SE (New Shape) :

F r e g . ; ex,>D irectors car,, m etallic sllver.-spllt rim -alloy wheels, cru ise-con tro t 30,000 miles: FSH, ;

. -£23,000. C ontact. Roderick Evans

• Leeds.711888 office hours

MERCEDES 230EAuto, Jan;! 1988„ E reg. w ith electric sunroof, alloy wheels, stereo,\15,000 miles; In black. Imm aculate * condition;.

, >£l7;750;* (0532) 585454* afte r 6 p.m.

VW Passatt^G L S.E state, X -reg ..'m etallic 'silver. taxed and t e s t e d .

- excellent condition , 'm any e x t r a s , low .

V mileage. £2.000 o.n.o.'. T e l. (0532) 780340;-

XR3I. C reg.. dark metal-.i, 11c b l u e ...taxed and-',

- -tested, s u n r o o fvV-4-';spots, i .ra d lo /casse tte .:

• • tow- b a r . excellent - ' t y r e s . a n d condition,!'. ! - .throughout. £ 4 . 6 0 0 .;

* o ; n .-o .>‘Tel. \ (0924); -.256278 a fte r 6 p.m. ,

VOLVO E state .’metalllc .blue, ..240GL',' 1984. cen tra l'lock ­

ing, taxed and tested,-very good condition, < ex dlrec-

' *•to rs car.' £ 3 , 9 5 0 , T e l; :v • (0709) 585823. : : -

XR3I, *86 C. In Rosso red, s u n r o o f , alloys, tints, music, new P 6 's, immacu- l a t e throughout. £4,750.

0 5 3 5 ) 661019 / 0836 "J9643. (T rade).

( O 329

RANGE ROVER VOGUEA utom atic ;EFL;E reg^. 20,000 m iles only w ith, fuD service history, front and irea r : bull b a r s . a n d ; lamp g .u a r d s .1 a m b a w o o l over r u g s , finished.In silver.w ith Osprey, trim, . j *

- ^ - £ 1 8 , 9 9 5 ; : ;v:I P X . WELCOME' :\v '-

- . - PHILIP WELCH -•Specialist Cars,- ' ,

L-:• York 488252v :: Elvlngton ’603;evenlngs. •


Exceptional value; deep' blue exterior, .cream ".Interior, - one owner, excellent condition, 50,000 miles, FSH, sun roof, Blaupunkt stereo.. .

'.CONTACT HULL (0482) 52304 DAY.‘ HULL' (0482).'668721


VW Golf C, 1984 A reo..’ red . l2 m onths M.o.T.. sho rt tax, 50.000 miles from new, good condl-

: tion -1 h r o u g h 'o u t - £ 2 . 5 0 0 , H a l i f a x

' 246921. - '

V W :-Goir; GTi 16V. F. i. ''-j re g ,; Atlas grey, S.OOO '•■ mAes, .very good con- . .-• dltlon, £11,500 o.n.o.

Y ork 430440. . . .

WHAT does, forty m.p:g;, has lea ther > seats.- electric w in- dows'i c e n tra l locking, sun-

: roof,'Is only 15 m onths olda n d w ill .cost; £7.500, o.n.o? >

. - A Rover VDP. CaU; Leeds • -843287.

WHITE Flat Panda, 4 x 4. E reg.. excellent <1 condition, m ain dealer serviced, ex-

. tended w arranty, rem ain- ing. 21,000 miles approx. £ 4 5 5 0 o.n.o. TeL (0484) 648731 o r 420537. ‘

Sfcosr neW‘Today.£1i;ooo jfiQ SIERRA :-Z0 ..GI;, .-Auto- Maritime y Blue, 6,000 infles. . COST; NEW

. V T O D A Y fl 1 ,515 --------- , '

' fiQ SIERRA' li8L Estate, choice of 2, 18 - CO HflB S ? / ■- miles.''COST NEW TODAY;£10,170 t O , / 3 3 1

£8,195 J £7,995 y £7,995 ^

£7,395 i

' I

f j SIERRA l^L Mercury grey, defireryu miles, NEW TODAY S9fiS0— S-----QO SIERRA L6L^Kte, 30 miles. COST

NEW TODAY £9,400--------- :---------SIERRA. Laser Estate, white, 10 miles. COST.NEW TODAY £9^00_

fiQ SIERRA 1.6 Laser limited Edition -black or shrer, 20 yes 20

. COST. NEW TODAY £8^75.



fiQ SAPPHIRE ZOi'Ghia Auto, Olympic 0 3 Gold, 5,000 ' mBes. COST NEW

• TODAY £13,700......; — 1.............flQ SAPPHIRE L6 aassicl Blue, 10 ° ■ milesi COST NEWTODAY £8,400 ... flQ SAPPHIRE .Z0 GL, Auto, Mercury

grey,'. Z000 ■ miles, anti- lock brakes. > COST NEW TODAY £12,650 -----

fiQ SAPPHIRE ZOi Ghia, Magenta red, „5,000 miles, anti-lock brakes. COST £11) QQR % NEW TODAY £14^65.................. .... t i l l , 3 3 3 | |

£10,895 £7,395 S S

: - 8 i£9,995 i

8 9 SAI^ihRE Z0 GL Auto, black, 30 £ 9 4 9 5 ^

flQ SAPPHIRE 1.8LX. 6,000 miles, 18 . - A ;months Ford Warranty. COST.'NEW £ 7 QQR:K ;

.' TODAY£9,725— l:....:.;..::..:....--.-; • E / ,3 3 3 g -

ORIONS/ESCORTS/FIESTAS^flQ ORlON 1.6i Ghia, . 4,000 mfles. ' r f l i n s k i ° - COST NEW TODAY £10375..™.-.:,' t S , l W flQ ORION 1JL, Maritime blue,’ 18 f c QiQR:& !

■U J JL:i rn O T W T W T n n A V ff i 'm E O j J J J S j


£8,800....../.:...ESCORT 13 Pop 5 door, Radiant red, ■ 20' - miles ' only/ COST.NEW/

.j, TODAY £7^00---- !.89

ORION l-6i Gina, . 4,000 miles, r COST NEW TODAY £ 1 0 ^ 7 5 . 'ORION 1JL, Maritime blue, ’ 18 miles. COST NEW TODAY £8£70....

flQ ESCORT XR3i choice U>f 2, 1,200 • miles, .sunroof, alloy wheels.. COST .'n n .-i nr;. :

NEW TODAY £ 1 0 ^ 8 Z ; .k _ .. . . . . . . . .1 3 ,1 3 3 :■ k }flQ ESCORT 1.6 Ghia, Afito Merawy . . V ' k i

Grey, 5,000: mfleiir‘''eOST, NEW r o . r o r K ;. t o d a y £10,660i...:....:;.;.;:;.^

F ESCORT 1.6GL Estate Olympic ..a . S ’Gold, 4,000 miles. COST NEW r 7 QQR'!l TODAY £ 1 0 , 4 6 6 S / , 3 3 3 k

QQ ESCORT 1.4L Estate, 5 door,.blue, -'k--‘. 20 miles .only. .COST NEW .TODAY-, £ y ^ 9 g :

£6,195lSQQ ORION 1.6GL BLUE, 10 Miles only. . QQr 3

COSTNEW TODAY £9^40 , E / ,3 3 3 S .F-' ESCORT 1.8 Diesel L Estate, 5 door, 'S'.

.white ]300 miles. . COS1' NEW nn a n c I:: T O D A Y (£ 9 ^ 0 0 ........ .t o p 3 3 K

QQ • ESCORT; 1.4L,'5 Door, choice of 3, 9 m n n c k. - m ile s : COSTNEW TODAY £8£0p~. t / ,U 3 3 j

fiQ ESCORT 13 Bonus, sUver, 20.miles. V b q q b S i AMAZING VALUE!! ': 1 3 ,3 3 3 «

TRANSIT ^RQ TRANSIT 190 2.0 Long Wheel Base V k ,

Vahf white .90 miles; COST NEW. i £!Q QAB : . TODAYflO^OO + VAT.'.;.....;..;.;.....

•-•v.:-1 w --|.'VAT;. •


£7,795 ^89 MONTEGO 1.6L, 6,000 mfles.....:......'. £6j995 S

fifi MONTtXiO 1.6L Estate .7 sealer; red,' power steering. : COST ; NEVV-

. TODAY £10^00...— .......:..»

ROVER 216S,: inimaailate.....

8,000 ' 'miles, . £6,995 ^fifi METRO Mayrair, 3,000 miles. COST. ; r . fiftR k

: 0 0 NEW TODAY £7,500..:— u.:......:U..r 1 ^ ,0 3 3 ^




lTelephone 0943 465222 k

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44.: .': ,1 9 § 9 '

w m m m& ■

-i,JA C U A ir


r rtrrnm 32SCTS

IU'd/Maiiiiolia AHS, Air Con,


t Oilers

| \|i|)U'>;ir<l llr;iilt<ii(l | Nnrlli ItninK Slm-l. IVI: (II274) .V»443'>

i i BMW 5 3 5 i SE AUTO

F:reg.,'ln Cirrus metallic,; g ood s p e c : 1, owner,' .12;000 :milesvf ,FSH, . . . . . V . . . . / . . £22,995

L . J . T . M o t o r sTel. (0709) 531622

FORD SIERRA XR4X4X Dreg!:, w hlte. .ABS, U8ual 4x4 -

• re finem ents;: .48,000. miles; FSH.1 {

(V 'v '. Excellent c ond i t i on . ; ;

1 £7,995 o'.n.o.Tel.' Sheffield (0742) ,467259.

177 BARGAIN CARSIs • : U 1 ^ £ ] , 0 M

CORTINA-.-2.Or GL,-: 3 . • ■. ■.'■‘.'r e :fl^;^'fuU-^MiO.T.V‘; 2

: m o n t h s .tax .v spo rts w heels, GhlaM nterior,

• v/very-;^good o condition.y

" • '.•rXHRYStERrZ/^^HorlZon;'.- ' . ’: >?••''.1979; v2'f ow ners,:; low y :.y--:i--:fyiiiU eM e^tfi2!:fc month's*!

•■•MiO.Tv, £385. ,(0937).^ ■ ■ ' 8 4 3 3 8 4 ; ; o r:B 43278 r.

- ,-JLtALLEGRO 1300 -Estate, tl977: ? .. V-. 11 : m onths: 9 o o d(

,/.runnei\ i£350 0;n.0j ‘0tley; 4 6 7 6 0 7 ^ ’ t ;

C .O.-L'-T.V'S a 'p lp o'r:aV;

!. •• •'•(:.'M 'i o n .: u'90,;J door. s ’ /bD ttbm s^require vattentldn;‘y

y ./yo therw isev in rgood vc o n d l-, ... ’; ,.tion; i ban'; forces sale. £375'

: .v. ,o.n:ol'?BradfordJ661400.* •:

DAT5UN 100A, w hite, S • . r e “g r e c o n d i t i o n e d

.: engine; ' good , runner. ■ possible.>.,s!p a r e rand

“ -■ repa irs ,--£ 1 2 5 .-.T eh : 7y;. (0532) ..714824.

DIESEL. P e u g e o t . 305 Saloon.- V :,re g ,,ta x e d

, vand- long.-test;* engine .requires-’ s linh t'a tten -- ’

.> tion ;hence ‘£950 o.n.o.• VTei; Leeds 532501. ,

F IlA T .126: W-' reg : 8: •>. ^m onths ’-:M.o:T.y- w h ite .1 < .

, ; b rilliant - ru n n e r.: £95.‘r !■.r;;C‘<p532);:569206^--.;,

F I A T Panda, . X regii! , ': .f ■ good cond ition ,,rl,jy r; • t ■

. -"TM;0;T. £575 Oin.oi'Tel. v. Leeds 485773.• > ‘ ‘1:.. V -.*

: FORD. "G ranada 'E state 2.0, R- R eg.; 9 m onths

■ .; M .o/Ti 3 .m onths tax: . .4 . tyres • as new. good. - ,r u n n e r . . New car.• f o r e e s.: sale. £ 3 0 0

• , \ o ;.ii o , ::Tel;: .L e e d s• 755015 afte r 6 p.m.' -

MARINA r'Estate' .T ' reg., tested, and • taxed Aug.

; ’89. . new tyre3. £200: o .n 'o .r(0532) 812871.’. ••

MINI 850. S reg.. M.o.T.,. Dec. ‘-’89,. 37,OOb m iles .

only,:vew ; good condl- ' .•'j tlon. £525 o.n.o. TeL

MORRIS. - I t a I ; X regi,

good runner, -tested , ody> needs -a tte n tio n .. £ 3 0 o o .n .o .T e l.L ee d fl

• : 701032., lv/ r ••

MORRIS M arina. V regi. one m o n t-h ,-tax, 7

• m onths /. M.o;T/. ,-,many . . n i a w parts,) beige; good ./«: condition. £400- o.n.o.

' Tel.. Leeds 451685; ; 1 ; ;

.^RENAULT 18 ,TLi 19B0.1 t v,-’ . d a rk ; b lue ,;taxed Sep- :■ • 11 e m b e r v tested till rf,

Februaryr ;’90, f u 11 y • .•>,1 serviced, w -;.excellen t.;

, . . condiuon, * £750r Tel.• ' B r a d f o r d ‘ 669136 • v

, --b e fo re7 p.m., ^ . ••

• V - >v ;-1-' -’-sV -iv* •’ J VAUXHALL i Chevette; LV •1

v.-wft<'Hatch;v:l1978.:r.-l-:-vla'dy y^H.^owner.^fl'Oio d rc o n d l- . , ,

-i tlon, £375:6;n’.o. Goole *. / i (9405) 861312;v . . .*

VOLVO i24 4 -DLV P -reg., ■ ^- -1 - asm ew exhaust, rad ia- ; •-

• t’.tor, white. . Good con- dlUon £200J,Tel. Lseda

;. ---713275;:.'-i!.

I' . :CORTINA 1.3; V reg.j. whlte,' . : t a x e d . a n d tested ,: good ;; condltlohn- £ 8 5 0 .% (0405)

,p ;85667;;;:.r-v..,

FIESTA i950L, R regl; }(’77) • ‘ • ,green. ; M.o.T.; :Feb..l;1 9 9 0 . .', ftax .:Dec; (1989: :m any . new-' ... .p a r ts ..71,000 miles; reliable •

an d in g o o d . ’condition. ', : £695 o.n.o. Leed5 68S463.' 1 ■

RENAULT 5 GTL. 19811 12 m onths , M.o.T.y. lowvvmUe-'

. age. only £700. Ring /Terry Howe;.{Leeds. 7 0 3 6 3 2 day-

’ time. '|V '

TALBOT.JA l p i n e' ,N W reg., ■ ?M;o.T; Jan: ’90.;’£230 o.n.o. • -. -Leed»^6503B iv;-i,:

- BLUE >Flat; 127,': 1979.' taxed' ; - and M.o.T.,’ f a i rvcondltlon;

suit first .tim e.buyer, ££25: - o.n.o. Tel. Pudsey 579874. CAPRI 16GL. 1980; metalUc : , silver, radio i c a s/s e .t t e.,. tested , until- December; 4

alloy c a t '.w h .e e jl .s^ new : g j s ^ £ 8 5 0 1 o.n.p. ..Leeds

ESCORT 1.3 ; Popu lar Plus, 1979, 4 door. 12 m onths M . o . T . . radio /casse tte fitted, m a n y new parts.good condition/-£495 o.n.o. Tel. Leeds 638394 anytime.

ESCORT 1100, P reg .,lv lo ,T ,- Ju n e 1990. r 2- m onths tax;

Sood runner, : fa lr- condl- ^ n ^ ^ 4 0 o.n.o;, Tel. Leeds'

T rea;. B urn t orange,:taxed, t l 11 i Nov., iradio cassette,

. .M.o;T; tUi: S e p t.-£350 o;n.o.:• Tel. Leeds 489541 .after 6 J>.m..- '!! -;;v

RELIANT :R o b I n ; * 21,000 miles,., ta x a n d M :o ..T .. ju s t

• f u l l servlce. £300 o,n.o.- • TeL Pudsey 574451.v* : . ; : VAUXHALL -Viva Estate;

:1... real. • 1 • m onths .tax,- M.o.T. . t i l l -^Ma r c h 1990, good runner, - £ 2 4 5 . oln.o. Tel.

;W aKefield;.823393 a f t e r 5 / ;D,ml V ' n \

VW' P assa t1 GLS.i V rag., su p er/ '-v.clo:n.d I t 1 o n .v ;l2 m onths'; ■:i Mib;T.; tax -uptoV O ctober,J

r rad io -•/. cassette, very - re 11-1 l,o .ablej‘. 70,000 v mlles : only.:

:£750; rfo r; quick .sale. T e l." yLeBds,731894. ' .-f- -

yUGO 311,; F lat;type,, B .reg;.tax /tested , very^low mile-

V^age, : nice tidy: : car;; £700: •:*r: o.n;o. Leeds 5T------

’ 178 MOitM CYfLES/ 1‘ MOPEDS

-:t'iMWA8Aki-:''''2' x io;.,.\v -A u i t s t- 1988. mint

• -condition; ■8k + miles.; alarm,Vred and w h ite .1

V ‘FSH. M ,8S0. .T " l e - - ' Rlpnn (0765) •

3659 a ftc r 6 p.m. ,

B R A N D N E ] W 7 % T O N N O N :

H G V B R I T I S H ^

^ B U IM r T I P P E R S ^



FEATURES INCLUDE. • 6 ■cylinder PerkinslPHaser Turbo;Engine i ' ;

5-speed O/D Gearbox'# Power Steering, ;.'T- • 2 years .warranty • . Steel tipping bbdy & gear.- •-12 ' 6" or 14' ladder gantry: 9 All painting' & lettering •'R adio ' p., 12-riionths'road funH licence

PAI(T EXCHANGE TAKEN a s i n i t i a l p aym en t a (siibject. to. status) OTHER BODYWORK > k


Full repair maintenance. M.O.T. Testing, replacement vehicle and road fund Q'tC A A } y .\T

licence available from X 1 J»U U PER DAY


' V.V-j. 'f \ A WAlLAci ARNOLD COMPANY ; •>.' V


1 2 3 , H U N S L E T R O A D , L E E D S

TEL: L E E D S ( 0 5 3 2 ) 4 3 9 9 1 1


s u z u k i . i o ’occ -motorblke. taxed and

.-‘.lit e s t e d ■ 12;,- m ths, i-• -immaculate'‘ condition, ,

£240 (PJiJoi Ideal-first.731869.. .T6‘ - L ° ° dS

r CHILDS. Suzuki RM50.■ A y e r a g e ; : condition,

* ' ; 5Uit^6 .-. l l^ y e a r old, . £ 2 5 0 ,;o.n.o.- (0274);

C H I L D S T Y 8 0 . - goocl i •- r condition. '£300. Tel.

> . B radford 834049. -

V A M A H A W . 125 LC, 1984, black, lO m onths. M.o.T. an d -tax. good -condition.

.onIy : .3jpOO m i l e s . £55d -• o.n^o. ■ Tql, Gulgeley 74826 ; •anytlme.:'-r-"*'’'-':-1 -• •186J-Norton D.o m i n a t o r- ■ j650SSi? ‘ DunstaU’^.conver­

sion,: black; chrome, staln- v /less s tee l.M t t ln g s i, - i2

n \o n th .8- tax and tested.

screen iand carrie r,"‘£185

BMW.. KIOD. 'R S. 1986. clean : m achine, ,extras, low mile- ifl?* : re luctant sa le ,. £3,000.

moped,i D reo..- very goo d , .- condition. £ i t s o . n . o t. : Leeds 487160: ■;


-1986 Volvo. FY 30.ton Sleoper Cab:Wiicox BulkTipfMr, 16- .' speed, immaculate condHion, ex-owner driven... ’ ■'t

"1983 'A' reg. Volvo FY SIoeper Unit. in wtiite, ex-national:

1985 Scania P112 8x2 Sieeper.Unit, c/w hydraulics: . ' ■1985 Scania P92.Sleeper. Unh, c/w hydraulics: v : v !, '

■ 1987 'E' reg. ERF SleeperjUnit: c/w hydraulics, night heater, : ■!(2monthsM.o.T. . , ■ ’’C ’ '-1988 Loyland Constructor 8x4 30 ton Sloe! Tippor.

TO CLEAR; 80 DAF 2300 6 Wheel Tipper ; 79l^ylandOcUpus3btmd/sWlcoxbody. . .' 78 Scammell Louteman 30ton alloy AggrogatoTipper.71 M & G Triads Bulk ailoy Tipping Trailer.' -Vf.;:;;- ".'.--'vii.' 5'J

..' - We also have another 20 vehicles of dishes instock.


TEL. (0377) 70346 — IJP TILL 8 p.m.

ESCORT35 1300 cc Van ^i , - - ;..V, . . . X ^ Q Q C

ESCORT 35 V an £4'250NISSAN 1 Ton'Pickup : ■,'vy ■ • :■: -■ £3,995:

ESCORT 55 1.6 Diesel,Van£4,695

PELiGEbT'504 Diesel: Pickup

MAESTRO 500 City £2,695 TRANSIT 100' Van (riew. m o i d e l ) ........ £3 ,500;MERCEDES 207 Diesel Van

BEDFORD Rascal in white, complete,with Dog Cages

. . . £3,350TRANSIT 12 Seater Bus (new model)... £5,250TRANSIT 190 2.5 Diesel^ extra Ibng Chassis Gab ‘ i1):

r TRANS IT 190 Steel Tipper;, : 21,000.miles..............£7;495

83 W TRANSIT 190 CrewcabTipper 4x4............... £3;995

87 'E' RENAULT Master 35 LWEi;. Van . .,......'£5,750

88 'F' TRANSIT 100 Van ? Semi; High Roof, in wh ite; 18,000miles . ......... £5,995MERCEDES 307 Diesel

;j Platforin. Truck . A £7,995 TRANSIT • . i 90 y2 5.i-. Diesel: Curtainsider body...... iE;9,250CARGO 0813 Steel Tipper.

£7,995+ V A T at ruling rate

54, DOLLY LANE, off ROSEVILLE ROAD, LEEDS. Tel. (0532) 421222

8 7 'E '

8 8iB7 'E '

8 7 'E '

86 ' D r

86 ' D '

8 5 'C '

8 7 / 'E '

8 6

$ 7

8 7 ': '

8 8

8 8

8 4

V REG..SCANIA III12: m th s .i test,:;! good, tyres,;

unlettered ^

£4.000.'o .n.o;

1 9 8 2 4 b F T . r c / F . '

: F R i D G E V A N

new ' 'M lchelln . tyres, * tested ; . r ; until Jan u a ry • ;

’’ £4,000 oVn[p.rj;.^";V .:

V arious 40ft, . curtaln'i- aiders,.. ,6Jt: :and. 7ft. u n der p e lm et

.. HUDbERSFIELD 843271;:

BREAKING1S e d d o n A tk in s o n !'2 o 6 " two ax le-tipper; M6 ton gross. R

. reg.v recent new .'engine and dlff: M ost pa rts ayaUable. ; .

V" '/Cqnta'ct‘‘ [''.v

Churchill's Tractor Parts Ltd.,

G alnsborouoh.L lncs!1'' . ,. T61? (0652)

WREG. FODEN ;- B w heei RoUihg o ff i

I ^ :V '^ ''v / ''£ ii(25d"v ;;‘:

V REG.FODEN, 8 .w heel Rdllirig bff-. ’• i ;

. *£10,250;/;;

C REG. GOLF:\ ;n;D iesel'.P i^ 'up '^;;,^-1':'--; •

.■ ; v" y ; £2.575' ; ; :-:,;

TEL, 0325) 460831;;:

1 9 8 0 ;vV. reg ;,/ Leylad : : Clydesdale. 16J . to n . ■.

, ftlpner, a l l o y s body,• :t • suitable: / fori.,Jarmac?:'»!' •_ adam ,-good condition ,1'*. t e s t e d untll-.- M arch -Vvy

.1990, «taxed • 8 m onths. ), ;' - . P rice '£ 4 v 8 .0 0 '0 .n .o J -1.':-: ... Tel. (0977/)V792048.:; t.v

’' TWO; Ley Ian d-tippers,'; i 'V ' < constructor-; 2 4 /2 1 .; 1 V ;

Ley land R eiver/ both, i ix i-good;rcondltlon;'- J.v • . W»,fw llson:r.*{vO 9 6 4 ):V!

. ■> 562043.

ALLOY; drobslde wagon. r i ! . : -Mb o d-y,:-il6 'foot,’: good'-. .:

r -r.^condlUon.' £ 3 5 0 . ?no :r c;V A T : i Tel; B ra d fo rd ^ i i

541525 \ -

FORD'..; Cargo,1'' 0813,'.' -:;i::r.'e;B .-i- sfeel’rdropslde ': . tipper,.1good condition;;:;;:

£6^750 t . • VAT. i (0977) :i 68233T; ; :-r\3


H C,V sparesi ERF/ S/Atk;'.F.o d e n y Guy, -Transcon,

. M a r .a t h o n , . MargariuB • e n g , l n e s ; boxes;. axles,

■ b o g l e s ' , t l o p e r s etc.Hartw ood (0226> 7427S4.

HlAB 965; 1980 model, oh Leyland Boxer, will split:'

. HMF, crane type- A95 9:5 ton m e t r e . Tel... Leeds

. 872776.


^ 'cu rta in 'S lder.'ig ss.^ ;'-

M e r c e d e s . 1617i;

' r ,-vdrop’side,-,1985.'

CARGO 0811 , i

Tail,lift van?

“ CARGO 0811

' i ;'; Box'ya'nV;i9^.V:V' ' ;

": Tel. Leeds 435964.

■ L U T O N S • P I C K - U P S • T I P P E R S •



BARNSLEYW o m b w e l l L a n e , B a rn s le y




. 87; V Es«rt 55 1 4, BJ(N:'.M V lUg. Ma*«fro500/•- tr VJUg. Wawfro Pt—c VWtaU. 97 V. RsQ.Axtnsnax, Whiter

• «7'0* K ^ TraasHjl too Yon, WWte— ■ 87, 0* R*0. Tramlt.1 tonVa^WWto. , ! 7 i) 'K *0.T r« l» 1ta iV a irR«j.l^

•'’•7.WR*g.Tranrit1 tonYon,-1-lUd/WhH«li . , . . .1

1975 vLeyland Reiver,- 6 [ .iw heel 2 4 ■< to n . tipper,1 • ■

/alum inum ;d rop .-'slde'-'i i body,' double : d riv e ;: 2 v,r

■-■■■ m o n t h s t a x /ii 11 - • ^m onths .test; very tidy

. condition;. Surplus' - to :.. requirem ent. - £3.750.> .

..o ; n . o . ,;.TeI,' (0977)- ■•. : 661610. ' i V|, . ..-I':-/-.:

MERCEDES ( 814; 1986.: , non H.G V r caravan '

transporter, taxed and * tested * M arch ’90, fu ll •

• double ; s leeper ' c a b .. complete ‘w ith w in ch / ;

;. r a m p s . Ready ' f o r '; work now. c o n d itio n -.' •' good, . £8;750;: Skelton

•.VV'.TtansgorL ;Tel.\ (0724)

FORD . Cargo 1617; 1985,\2 4 ’ ft. box.van. taU llft,;16 'torn

- GVW, refurbished,; newly t e s t e d . (0422) 373619.; (T rade);-. . . . ' .

16FT. G body. ln_good. ., condition, >would fit Road- ■ ‘t u n n e r, . o r-C argo lorry,

£400 o.ri.o. (0535) 34067.-/ .604252 (eves.). ; . ; .

p t7.*r R^V.W. LTM■I.' K«gl Tran*H35 cwt.Dropilde,'

tT V ^T ra i^U cw f^ lv tb n .'1.:.| WM*.'."''---"-;"- ..I-,? ■

' • 87 *D' TranibU cwt, Tlp0«r,- ■:|• WWW - - ■ ' • > •— ; V.' * 84.‘0’R#g.'Tron*}t l5iff,.i«»(fftt*dTod»)J ..........

,'wtu 64,295; •' wa» £4,195

;Wa* £4,395' wmE4 95,

’;wof £4 95i woi ^ 9 5 ’

-Win £4,295;

;‘ vrcu £4 295 ' Wat '£6,995 ■

• wn* E^995..


''.ra £7,995;.

! wo* £7,995 mu 18J95

NOW 13,995. NOW £3,995 NOW £3,995 NOW £3,995 NOW £3,993 NOW £3,995 NOW £3,995'

NOW £3,995 NOW £6^95

NOW £6^95

NOW £6395'

NOW £7,595

NOW £7,395, NOW £8^95I • 87 *0’ Ri»0. TrarwH 15 Itr. But; Wfvts

,m w Tm i2 : ;

Mg. Cara 0813 Boit e/wToil lift ’wai £10,595 '' NOW £9,995 -1 *6 VMo. Coro3a^A^IWu^;.;'>«£13r995 NOW£lX495 j' ' Aii with fi MONiks WAiJtANrr7 . I

CiARDNER' en g ln es 'u rg en tly ;w anted ; dead > o r a liv e ,' In ’

, ;Or...;out..:of vehicles;- iAlso ^ (r e q:u 1 r.e dV -6 i cylinder- i Cummins. Leyland*- 6 8 0... ^vHartwood, (0226) 742784.:; 1978.;D odge,, 18ft. fla t wltli .- horse box- container;- tested : O d o b e r . £1,200. TeL T hlrsk 587405. - 1 v

BULK a l l o y grain tipping . trailers,^..Tandem ,. Neville. Nimrod, D af 2300 32 ton trac to r .units, ;l,9 8 0 and.

.1981 tip p e r ' j e a r s leeper' ; cabs. Tel.: (09W ), 49028a..'.-':

REFURBISHED 1 9 8 7 -non ,HGV 7. tsp o j kg, ; g v w i s 1 f t ; curtaln slder, reflnlshed

•; grey. curtains; body . . new a n d : unused,, venr,low- .: .mileage,- ‘tested Juner»*90.; 12. m ontlis .^warranty; lndls-

U n g u is h a b le .f r o m new. C rosshelohts, Holmflrth.

1980 D af 2300. tipper. 8 .x 4 •alloy, body, tested June:

. • S e d d o n Atkinsontipper, 8 x ;4 ateel-body ;

'E' rog. '88 FORD TRANSIT.190 , 35 cwt Van,1 finished in White,‘' 34 ,000 miles only, :• . : side loading door, MUST BE SEEN.' ' ' : . • • : J-' ‘ V''

‘ f refl. '88 IVECO.1 9 0 , 3 6 Attic U n fe .38 tonnes GVW, 75,000 Km.s. jonly,, . ; Ex-Demo Unit, fitted with fuli deflector kit, night heater,, twin bunk sleeper;,

radio/cassette. : ■. - r ■/,;

I 'D 'ro g .'A 'r e g .

O r reg

'F'-: rog/

D' rag

'E' reg

D ' ra g

'87': VOLVO FL7 8 W boel Tlppar Edbro, 5 ft. Ailoy .Aggregato hady, with Edhro Tipping Gear, DoE tested1 November '89; 8: new: typres.fitted, 126;000 kins, only, VERY GOOD CONDITION. , i - i T . ; ' 7 ;.’87 FORD ESCORT3 5 Popiiar Van,finished in Red: MUST BE SEEN. :'84 DAF 2600 8 W lieal l^ipar, 21 ft x 5 ft.. Alloy Aggregate Body, DoE tested February ’90. finished in-DarkGreen.Vreadyforimmediateuse.1' :) : '87.F0R D FIESTA i : e DIESEL Van, 31.000. miles only /fini^^.injR ed./veiy econdmiral with 5-speed ; ''88FORD.TOANSIT1oO.Vanr'2lltrePetroi;:Engine,l,1,OOOrnile3onIy.:side loadihatioor/:^..:-:: -'-':" v ‘i- ' =’ :. *86 FORD. CARGO 0811 20ftiyBox Van vyith l'Tonne'RatcIjffe Taij-jift, finished in Red, DoE tested November,f89. ? •" •: V r‘:'88 FORO TRANSIT 190 . 35 /cw t Tipper, 13,000 miles ohly. fin'ished in White; 2 litre Petroi Ehgine with S speed gear boxV IMMACULATE CONDltlONr:-.’'1:' '87 FORD TRANSIT 100 Van,--i 600cc Petrol Engine',': EXCELLENT CONDITON, choice of two;: ' • ;; i:r ■ ■ r ■ ‘f? X \ :.'87 FORD TRANSIT .190, 35 cwt. Pick-up,:2 litre'.Petrol:Engine,-17;000,miles onlyV:ioftAiioy drop-side body. ■ , * :

/:; ; ; y . ; ' b ; i ^ : ,8 7 ;r o H p i:.Ca««GO^^10813 ■7:5:'t6rine‘;GVW 'np[>er,:.DoE - ' ■" tested .March' gO. 12ft 6in. Steej Tippjng body with double

- ; drapsids, 15-speed gear box. finisHsd ih.White.f i 1 i reg ..’88 F0Rp.TRAN8IT'190 Pickup, 2 ,litre Petrol Engine,

‘ 70 ,000 milesonly. finished in Rki. -■ ■■ ' ■.D’ rag. '87 FORD TRANSIT 3 5 cw t. Diesel Rick-up DoE,tested

X - r v.^-April -90, finished in White. • • • • ; . . .P . f \ yrSV .CONTACT. . v . .


■ i

C U T L E R H E IG H T S L A N E , B R A D F O R D T e l . 0274 682224

,. 4 X 2 TRACTORS::.'1987 Dreg. S^don A ^nsopTractorU ni^fTtt^ 'w ith320.^m m insX.^r (.1,983 Y rag. &&ddo'n Atkinson Tra‘ctpr Unit; fitted with 29 d ’Rolls-R6>«e. - ’•'•rl 1985 ,B reg.; Seddon'Atkinson Tractbr.Uhit, fitted w th 32 0 Cummins. ; ,'.i , J

..i SSS AVeg. ljgvIand^ wth Cummins^QOE.' :V; :| .V1983Y_r^. Sa‘ddpnAtkinsonjTrart6fpni^_tittedvvi^'265^'Rolls;: ,-( -VV .198 3 Yreg. Leyland RoadTrainTractor,fittedywth;290Cummins: j •'

. 6 x 2 TRACTORSv 1985 B r&g.:Leyland Scammell,wit"h|320 Qjmmins/full test... ,'v '.. 198&E regV'S^d6n A ^nw n.vw ^ '320 i^m m ihs; . '’ i C ‘

1984 B r^j& 'ddon’Atkiniso.n Tralctpr;Unit,.fitted vyilh 320 Cjnimins.7 \,. 1986 p;feg.-;&d^n'Atkinson.Trectbr,ifitted with 320Cummlns. ..-'‘■._1985 B reg.':Seddon AtkipMn,Tractor, fitted vyith 2S0Ciinimins; V

■ TIPPERS}.i 983 Y.,reg;r8rx^4; Seddon. Atkinson. Bulk Alloy Tip per; - fitt^dwiih i 0 1 ''■:, .i', j'_:GBrdneK;-i- ;;V j.j.'- J : •’ i -''

I.1QM A ran 'Qiw.i4.C 'a« P. .IL AIU,", .. J.'l-W crt'X‘jL: '.V V-

commergiaJ SALES


^ T e l : 0 4 3 4 4 3 5 1 5 1 ’ \'If V-Vi RENAULT TlOOb• Traffic,-. LWB. High roof,: 'red;.-- ;excellent *.•' large, 'capacity , veh icle..; £5,495. if FV NISSAN; VANNETTE,. blue;'-2;000 . m iles only.:

;R epo.. slde door; Just like new.v.;..;;:;...;...:..:.. £5,195 ‘F’ RENAULT.- MASTER,

-■■LWB High Roof. Van; side- d o o r.5 sp ee d .su p e rb .’ : . /: -■ ” ’••• ;^^£6,995;‘F’ SUZUKI SUPERCAR-

■R Y ,' VAN; red , superb Vcondltldh,, 2 side . doors; lim m aculate cond ition '. - :-Vv -.V ;’t v, £4;095

‘F ' FORD ESCORT :.1:3‘ /BONUS -VAN. w hlte, 2;000 miles .on ly ,, sp lit mint,Repo;..!,’.v;v...; £4,995 ‘E ',T R A N SIT100 VANS, choice^‘‘of- . c o lo u r s ,a l l ,wlth- side doors, 2.0 litre.- 5 speeds......;..1..;...-. £5,295': .'CITROEN DIESELVISA VAN,a i w h ite ;.. 1 ow ner.ivery. low-mUea^e

< E : ” b e d f o R D *' -'MIDI: ,VAN,;.white; su p erb ,co n -.: d ltlon ,,5 speed, side door -

5,095'.‘D*.'’ ' ESCORT/ASTRAVANS; choice of* several from £2,995>C* : fO Y O fA HI-LUX• Pick up,, excellent condi­tion. 1 o w n e r - . . . £3,395 *D» - PEUGEOT 205- DIESEL . - VAN;’/ blue, 24J000 miles- only,* superb ...llv.:.-;;;..*..-.. £3,995

; PEUGEOT : , ' 30Sf DIESEL VAN; w lilte, ex- ■ cellent. l ow ner vehicle - : £2.»SSS.We have over '30 quality llgh t\vans In stock a t all tlm es'iing us fo r details^


----- INVITED* > ; ; ,* FREE WARRANTY *

All prices sub ject to VAT


- Then spend |1 Op by.phoning1


; . Bradford (0274) 564008 - ■ ' L M d i (0532) 304808


D iesel/ unlettered, side load- ing door, 7,000; miles o n ly ; ,

■ :Today8'Prtce ^ ,3 0 0 . ; ' .Special Offer £6,900


il'ow iier, 29,000 miles .o n ly ;; :■ ’Todays Price £6,300. ,- , Special Offer £5,300.

LD< TILLOTSON,1 HULtT e l . '(0482) 795111. o r-a f to r '

: h o u r s 447521: ' :

< n T f


C O M M E R C I A L Sl .Have;a:continuous :-

supply of/:; > Quality tised ;; >;

VC^L\;0 TRUCKS• vans, , ; ;• -curtainsidesv' ■

. • tippers etc. 'TELEPHONE: Daytime inc Sat'

am: 0274-8S illi

0924-477067 ' or 0532-862907


A ppiN tihr B r id g e :^ Bndford . . ,.;r

1987 E Ford Cargo' 811 .3 r Car Transporter; ;B lac(c/ sijver,; ; ; 5-speed gearbox, electric winch, only, :40;0p0 : kms.,. our iown',:*Vehidle,FSH, \jone dr i ver , ' 12 V months M.o:T„ no'HGV. . .

£ 1 9 ,0 0 0 : + VAT T «l.0532

502776/503430 or < 0 8 6 0 6 2 2 5 1 4 ;

. FORO D. 1010. V red.. ■ ; tested- six m o n t h s .

> taxed : two m onths. 18- r -foot 6 -flat,.good:con* - -d-i.t-1 o n , throughout.- : £ 1 . ;0 0 0 o.n.o„. TeL H- Bradford;544057; . .


H E A V Y C O M M E R C IA L V E H IC L E S A L EON THURSDAY 10th AUGUST, 1989 at 11 a.m. v


'■:: . ' ■ ■ . ' ' 1987- e S C W I A P 3 2 T / U n l i : . : ' M z - ' .;■ 1986.'D!!-FORD CARGO 0811: BbfrVariiV;’?.:1')' ; .

v .-: 1986•£? VOLVOFl i24fLCurtainslder . ' '. : 1985 'C ?D A F 25008*4B ulkA ll6yTS ior...

1985 “B" MAN 30^81:8x4 Bulk'AJioy .Tippor. x.'19B4 !B‘ LEVLAND ROADRUNNER S ^ B o x Vans.

■ '.■•■ w • 1984"A "E R F:C S E R IE S 6x2T/Unit. C ' '■ i : x .1984 "A" FORD CA R G 01313 Fridge Box Vans. .

3 X 1984 -A- FORD C A R G 01615 Fridge Box V ans.: .. .: 1984 “A’ SCANIAP1124x2T/Unil. . n .

■ r 1984 “A" FORD CARGO 0813 Box Van. v•7. • ' / : 1982-V?VOLVOF104x2TAJnlti.

1982 -X- SCANIA P1126x2T/Un!t> •

’ l/\ X . I DIRECT LOCAL AUTHORITIES .; i ' 2 X 1984“A" DOOGES46 Crewcab.Tippera.

1982"Y?DODGES50Panel Van.' :V ■:1>.K 3 X 19 8 0 -W LEYtAND TERRIER 735 Tippers. - i v ' J-*:;'.H 4 x>1977 "S -S 4 D:Re(use Co ldctoraJ

■ 4 X -197 6 ‘P;BEDFO RDTKBtrt V a n s -: ■

TRAILERSv :. - 1985 GOU.INGWORTH Tlijaxle CuitaTnslder. • ■ :•

1984 TASKER Tri-axle Bulk Alloy Tbper. . v : . ' 'V * ' 3 x 1979 CRANE FRUEHAUF Slngle^axle Box Vans.' ? X V . -

1977 CRANE FRUEHAUF 40ft. TrtraxbPSK. . . ; . :, • :1OTYORK•Sl! IMxleCul j rtd9rv?s?. t •.y.i.« ' >•,•:

DIRECT BURTON GROUP TO BE OFFERED AT2 pirn/: '2 0 x 1982/3“X/Y" FO RbCARGO .t11724ft. Box Vans', - i . y !: i

; . . : 1982 "X” LEYLAND feOXER 1Z5 ton Box V a n .' • ‘ ■ ' 1982-X- BEDFORD 12.5 t« l Box Van; : ‘

. For further detaiia, contact.-PETER HARRISON on LEEDS (0532) 828686 ; : CENTRAL M O lpR AUCTIONS

Pontefract Roadj Rothwell, Leeds . . . ' n o e n tr ie s A c c e p te d a f t e r s p.m. on ■



SUBARU 7004WD Vya n . 1 9 8 8 .' E reg.,'' colour w h ite ,: 21,OOOi'mUes.< very good condltlon.V;

■ ^ ■■ .. ^ ^ P h c e .;" -" ';.

£4,200 o.n.o, + VAT.;TbI. 0836 680884.: .’ •■

i - ’ < V «a ■

; A s s u r e d , , ; ;

P r e - o w p e ^ V c i h i c l e ^

& ' ; ^ N G I C ;-- 'R O y E R j ^ ^ : ' ; A u t o i M t i c ; ^ ^ ) ^42,000 miles i-;87.-.- RANGE'. ROVER;.’Vogue ^Automatic, Cassis?

87 RANGE ROVER Vogue Automatic, typresl green, 25,000 nules ^

87 LAND ROVER 90 ; Coiiiity Station Wason,;white, 14j500miles ;; -/V*:.-''^ ■ ■ ■ f t : -86' LAND ROVER-90 ■ iSiiboSlKesd:flaii ton,'' i blue,34,000miles' ■•:. ,87 LAND ROVER 90 Turbo D i« d ' H a n lv T ^ 1white,.,iS0,000. miles' '. .;. ‘/.:i ;'- v ~:

' '-v

■■ j-..1 . t " 1 . • »Tj

89.ROVER827Vitesse, bla& ^.89 ROVER 820SE, Pulsar silver; ;89®OVER 820 Fastback, redi ddivery miie^e.;Ai:i 89 ROVER 820E Fastback, fed, delivery niileage'v;

JT l I l hoTe Mc l e i abo j t q r eVQr a r s c i t ^ l hoLa ndBoF, ! ' . : ; * * Anyr n dWar j anl y Pl an. I I Includf l j mechanl ca l ’: ■ br«a)!down.9xpBni8i : (or;up lti iwo je a r t and'com ei with m any.voluablsiqddltlonal benoi'lti'inclu'dlnff AA and \? i ;' . "cd'nllnehinl'co»»r. :p;ieo»«'aiii.Ior:delairi^v::-

THE NORTHS NOlC e n tr e R A N G E ;


w i lBradford Road, White cross, Cuiseley. Tel: (0943) 73263

Quality used Commercials

;86'Ct BEDFORD ASTBAMAX1600;DwsbI^:.‘ £2 B50 •:87'D;ESeORTi:6 D i^l, dioi(»;of2 £3^50^i;87 'E' ESCORT 351300,35,000 miles £3,450 A88 ‘E‘, ESCORT; T'B diBsei/ifed^^i; AM :ZM #O O f 87 'E'TRANSIT 80 POP.............. V..;;.. £4,850 |v:

. t u r o r ' s . w Q r r f l n t y M . . . i ^ ■ £2;850itt89 'F' TRANSIT 120 2.0 Petrol, manufacturer's war- y ranty. .. ...:..\.'..%;.:..;./,.i;iiV.'..V.;...';.;,.::£6,650 ^87 'D TRANSIT 190LUTQN _ ______— __^ , i

87'D'TRANSIT190CHASSISCAB.;.;:;..V;....::£5i^87 *D' CAHGO 0811 Bb^G.R.R:.B^i»i?M^f9,iB5Q t

,£ 6 ,2 ()q ; |

, A ll prices subject to.^VAT and s o ld ^ fth ^ rra n ty .fe ;);A

Tel. COLIN WEEKS on LEEDS 713751; BALM ROAD^ HUNSLET. ■: ;'. n |

MOTOR AUCTIONSL E E D SThursday, 10th Auj^Ktt at 12.30 |Mn.

Heavy & Light GpninieVciais; 4 ; Wheel Drives, Diesel Saloons.

M in is try ofD efen 'ceV eh ic les ,, D irect’F le e t& ’ , S ;■. (^ m p a n y E n tri& etc. e tc;:'

Contact Brian Crawford on (0532) 772644:.Entries invrited-t''':'

Exit 46 M1 Hillidge Road, Leeds 10

^ -' D flES1-9 8 5 . T ran s it 100 ’ popular van, .diesel : (d irect Injection) s id e ' and i rear. • doors; fully, lined, blue. - R eally - excellent comUtfon*. ;.

: £ 2 ,795 + VATl£ 8 3 ; C avalier; 1:6L, diesel; 4 . d o o r . saloon.; excellent all r o .u n d-.condition,: m u st-b e . seen... r.v; ;

,£2 ,350_ ^ ;’ T E tA U T O L IN E ,; i.'

7 0 0 ^ . 4 ? ; v ’ ';v

. ASTRA', v a n> diesel,-,‘G '^ f refl.;'-vl986,^ w -h l.t^ 'v b-'i.

, good r u n n 'e r . very !V;•* economlcali.-taxed and IV

• . tested , o n l y 60.000 miles.- sunroof;.: P u r- Vi . cfaase . ofC fam ily1 rear f o r c e s sale/>£3.000 !'t

. o . n . o v . T e i ; (0&52) 492966^-.-j ■ - - - i'll ,





: - 1986 choice


■ ■ • 19B6 choIce^. ;


; ;Pannel Van 1986 D ”


-;1986 Dl.-.-.ti;.'.-

IrEL^ LEEDS 4 3 5 9 6 4 .;

FREIGHT- R O v e r ■ 300 .■>'! series, ^D. reg.v WWte, .,

- unlettered;- LWB. slde ;.; loading . d o o r , clean

condition.'' taxed and * ' tested .n ew -c lu tch and . b r,.a I cbb ; ready - fo r '

i -. w:.o r k v ;-ln: daily use. ,1 V . lined <out. Q uick"sale.• • • ‘.hence' £4,295 o.n:o.'N or ; Ai^V AT., • TeI.: ,-( 0 2 7 4 ) . v. 8 8 3 6 8 4 , o r (0836) •

‘•.'..563268.-'i'1 -- • ••

BEDFORD'CF 250.1982. u n le t te r e d .t a x e d a n d

4 .'{ tested ointil Dec. Nice • :condltionj: l : o w n e r ' y.- driver, from new. £700 } ^ o .n :p ; (0964) 670814. •:

Prk*» sufafwt to VJLT.

IM II.'M :].!

• L I G H T V A N S • M E D I U M V A N S •

Northern Commercials (Mirfield) Ltd. Leyland DAf Main Dealer

C r a g . D af 2 8 0 0 DK TO,’ Sleeper cab, goad condition,',night heater etc. M.O.T: NoV. '8 9 .............£ 1 3 ,9 5 0 :+ VAT

;V ptyo SL6 C reg. 1 7 tdri, 8 ie e ^ r cab;..24ft. curtain'.vsided body, excellentconditidnVMio.T: Dec.,'8 9 ': ' ' •;

£ 1 2 ,9 5 0 + VAT

• D af 9 5 S e rie s E regV 88;; Sleeper cab, tracto run it. mint : cohdition. lbwm ileage/airnorm al extras ;l. - i . * ! , . , 3 r - ?;.A. . ; r £ 2 7 ,6 0 0 + VAT

Leyland F reigh tar 1816;'::.i,987/Tipper, very. ioiy mile-" age,iex.ovurier-driver;mintcdriditibn:..'.:£1B ,9B O ,+ 'yA T:

Phone 0924 495933 \. - orofterhoura 0484606896



. Rubber suepenrioiv Autolub©,; ' ' •'. toetod Feb. *90. Veiy dean; •.PHONE 0709 861156

■ EVENINGS0302 858292

„ H.A.N. 7 ^ ton box: van. : N ovem ber1 1 9 8 7 - ; (E •

' r e o s l e e p e r : pod, . n igh t > heater, r pow er :

•• steering ; good - condi-:;.1 £ 9 , -------- -----• tlon.- £ 9 , 7 5 0 .:- Tel.' ; '

. “ (0422) 347262- -/after •, r i 5 3 0 or- week-

-ends. y-

TIPPING bodies and gears in •steel, o r alloy. U p ‘ ^ 3 0 • tons gross, F o r .a competl-- tlve jarlce tel. John B urton o r Vic L i s t e r : (0484) ’715544. : '

TL* 1280 .19 ft. horse-catile container, resprayed; excel­len t condition, tested June *90. ( 0 2 2 6 ) ,7 5 3 0 6 3: (T rade). .

i V.reg:, 9 tonne.

' FORD FLAT’Wlil down- rate. One ■ ow ner,. ]o\v mileage, tested December

£1 r750 l l f a x : 3 4 S ^ ';

. ai^ tlrne .-S

- TOYOTA \H i l ii x , .4X4 - ^ : d l e s e . i : y p l c k ; up.

1. unregistered, w o u l d . -accept slmllar. in p a rt . ;y exchange/ Tel..- (0642) -

; t . ‘ 676313 o r;585699. .

^WANTED.’ 'B edford 500 y . ;enplne.i(0270) 74393.:. ;

TWO aonne Benford dum per. £1,800 + VAT. 3 t o n n e

. Wingate., dumper. £ 2 ^ 0 0 + VAT.:Rlpon (0765) 87X16.

1987. Leyland F r e i g h t e r sleeper cab: r 17. ton, 24 ft. drop- slde body, c l e a n ,

; t e s t e d .yv Woods (0422) 375893. .

CARGO dropslde tipper, m int-.condtlon. tested;:resprayed; *

• (0226) 753063 (Trade >


COXHOE . Commercials i Ltd. •- .A lways a huge selection of. • h igh grade used 'vehicles In

stock, van, , pick-ups -etc.;. up to 7.5 ton. Tel. Durham

(091) 3770494.- : i

LANDROVER 90 T u r b o diesel, 1 9 8 8 .E;;..Stratos b lu e / PAS. •:delux Interior,

:.17,000 miles. £9,500 plus VAT. ^C aw thom e; Carxiage Co..,„B a r n s i e 'y .(0226) 790385. • ;V

B E D F O R D CF, 1 9 83.V : reco v ery /car -transporter,’ w ln th a n d : beacons fitted /

'In* good condition.; would s u i t . m any ■ applications eg.

• • -*,P1 a n t etc. i £3,750'' o.n.o.’

Slus VAT o r exchange 4 x f. Tel. (0532) ;520520 ''o r 1 ‘ • -0836 634935;:’; :VV,:- r - V-

1985 B. Volkswagen1 Trans-..

fiorter, - 60 - p s , . in . white,*, ow, mileage, excellent con-’ .. .Edition: v- finance '- /available ( w r . l t t .e n : details: :von;

.• ;reque8tj;^£4;499.v (S ubject1 , \to v V A t1‘a t1 ruling ra te ) .: j iB ristol'. S treet iMotora;- Tel.-

; :(0532) 438091; (Lie. credit ■-'••^brokers)’.'-. ;y.,

. LANDROVER ii Centre; H ud-'’ ;;dersfield; .v A'> c.r e g ^ SWB,

petro l \-7 seater;v County.; vMasi red, itw eed; trlny.fnlTy •

•\ m e ,c h a n l e a 11 y.v and . (cosm etically^ refurbished.

/•stock*list and*;further.: de- ta lls .’-y

ESCORT ;dlesel' 55 STD van,;: red . javerage -mileage.< J u ly .

• ’85; 10 . m .o n t h s . M.o.T, '

682218.VW T ranspo rte r . V a n v to

clear, rY reg;.vduff. engine. £500f+-VATv MUIshaw p ark Autos, Elland Rd.. (bottom

.of - Churw ell Hill), Leeds 716706. -

'■-k C H ^ E T T E :>:.v a n ;- i9 8 2 ,I,' y.full -M.o.T:,; low tm ile-- ! >. r yage. looks and drives- * y -well, private use only. .r

\t»“/£695. o . n . o ; .Leeds • { efMS^T-after-eVp^m.:.;.:

;.TOVOTA HI ace van,: D regi; ,:4iOOO. m i l e ’s .

* .■ ! taxed ;.until . Oct. ’89.'e x c e lle n t' 'condition .

:»- £4.450 + VAT. Leeds . '502351/after 6 .30;p.m. -

>1987 .E: N issan Diesel.:E24 U r v a n . - la te s t v

' -. .model, . 27,000 miles, ,. ‘ .; white,. serv iced : .m ain -. . •dealer, ? su p erb -co n d i-: •: tlon.. ’ Ring ( 0 5 3 5 ) '

> : • 606153/273484. -v , :' - • f

X ' REG;-'* P eu g eo tr dlesel;plck •up. 86.000 m iles,,fa ir con-

: Ldltlon,- 6 m onths • M.o.T,; r genulne. ; reason , for.1 sale. £ 1-. 1 5 0 no V A T-, ••■Tel.i


. LAND Rovers. A good select t lo n -o f top. qualiW petrol

y a n d . - d l e s e l - SWB -Land- R overs available from Jake

;/ i W right L a n d - R o V:eT.s ,'!v Burley-ln-W harfedale tf;; •' ; ( 0 9 W 863530. • •FORD Translts, for. sale.. All,

V models fu lly- overhauled,'; . inc. 12 m onths g u aran tee / . M;o.T.- and free- AA- mem-

V1 f b e r s h lp .T ra n s i t ' . Centre," .H uddersfield: 4 6 0 0 4 5 .'0836 653802. • rr. : •’* -

NISSAN Pick-up, ’87 (fD ) ;'p e tro l, w ide>w h e e ls /m a n y

v • ex tras. 20,000. miles; exce l-:- l e n t co n d itio n . £ 5 : 1 0 0jo .n .o . +. VATi:. Tel. Kettle- . well 361. •-! ‘v,: • y •.

TOYOTA '.H i a c e , pick up:. 1 9 8 1 fulI -M.o.T.;. ooocl

.. condition, £950. 0.n.o. 'Coll-

OI;TRANSIT .100i Auto • van, D• reg.. 48,000 : m iles.:rclean

, condition:.- £3,950.-+ VAT.‘:- Sissons (0943) 73848. • .- MARINA 1300 Van, V reg; 8 v : m onths r M.b;T.<» excellent '■ _r runner.. Tidy at. £375, T e ll ': W etherby; 61706. yy .' ; v‘V

TOYOTA 4 WD pickup, 1983>: ' in clean condition; £2,600/.

• ; 'T e L ^ 0 3 4 76) -437 o r ';6836v

FORD Pl'oo, pick u p '1 A ireg .; long- M.O.T., good ' condl-

• tlon; £1,800 no -VAT; Pri- vate. Leeds 868517.

IVECO dally 35.8 pick up ;. 1985 .. O f f e r s . (0347) 810852. Trade.


; :,’--';B;HEG) y .... T a x e d a n d tes te d . Good cp^dition. t .y

£3;500 o:n.o.;: •-Tel. Huddersfield ,

, .TTade.. ■ :: ■ •: .

TOYOTA Hl-Ace plck- .■ up,--1980; J v .re g ;..; 9>

- m onths ^M.o.T.-; : very reliable ..and * in:: good ::

. condition;: £550- o,n;o. „ 'Leeds. 797627.'a fte r 6' ‘

lng ivery -high cash pricesff .m o s t 'm o d e is . ip e trb - l 'b r c ,

j .'diesel, 1977: o n w a r d s . ] r .. M O b i 1 e OB36 ;7 2 2 3 41.41 ■? /.(Q535) /;680572, /- 664795r i: (nights) :,'Trade.''.‘,yv.'V:-r,i i. '£&■: ■ -

4WD :(R ange ;*R6vers>v. et&>-.„ and prestige v e h I c 1 e«&. urgen tly w anted ‘ for.?cashf' ■' ~ RlngAGreenbeltr Autopolnt]'' .Y ort (0 904 )‘422909.'

BEST<‘ prices!'^ory latey rnodejj

9on> distance y no * oblecfc Norwoody G arage^1' (0274g

. . 5 8 3 0 1 7 . - ' f r ' i i *:■ PORSCHE'S, ,911's^ a n y - 'y e ir j;

mileage o r iconditlon,‘4 evert In need of'renovatlompDes!Winks C ars.' (0723) 85447<£

VOLVO Estates,vl979;.toTa 9 S E . ,t ,d e jbuyet^

'm otbrcydes.y arij? : ;(0 4 8 2 ) 8405774^

w anted iby • TeL ’1 ( 0 9 4 5 ) v 0860 729798.!:' OLD 'cars/m otb i 5 - condition,-------


B L A C K Hawk body #<t- ; : a lignm ent ;gtg • P . 1 8 8 '^

; M a r k Two; p r 1 c 'e ^ b , - V £5 .5 0 0 .-T e I V' (0 2 7 4 )‘5 b '■

572110. .

GREY, ^Series ; 3, diesel, w .;. Landrover., 1982,> l l ..y.

i months" M.o.T. ■:/. ^ ta x /;f . ' only - 5 6 ; 0 OOMniles,^'::

m any ex tras inc;' radio / cassette, spotlight./^ '

. G arage . m am tainedy ' £3L9 S ^ T e l.;H a rro g a te :.711856.- ,!;

TRANSIT .Luton;; dle3eU. : £2,650.'

•• ford 834835.

-1984;':' B rad- .<

i f i s r i D U i iIP v lP K nuriV'

O N - lnstnictions^ from^ th'e.^ s; O f f . l c a 1; Receiver.-; larged :

g u a n t i t-y-of:'.<New''-.andQ i .: Second .-.Hand ' Motorcyclea ■

Spares fo r ;K a w a s a.K l',*3 ' .• Honda, Yamaha & Suzuki,^

: also..; h a n d ; tools & fittings.^• ;for: sale \b y . tender., Closing*]: f date-A ugust 15, .1989/ Ten*4

4.v,Her documents from A ustlin ■ yBarks. F o s s vHouse;: 20 a^ ■

Huntington R o a d., Y o rto Tel.' (0904) 611635:.^' ‘ -^ 0

PIONEER car,stereo,VKEX5dQ*>" c a s s e 11 e deck /I tu n e r/ .

E E X T S hideaway. tunpr; ; ;>/ CD x -2 i c o im p a c. t'r.dlscr, \* T S R 8 0 0 2; x>150w,*^1 vfiy!

?' :;8peakersy , £ 7 0 0 . - Leeds -••■V:(0532>m888^:-r-’,‘£ .TRAILERS; Van . and •; general:

p u rp o se : 5 cwt. to v3 - ton;: delivered.';>B a m b sv: andV

W inder;-Gulsoley;7 2 1 ^ ;:^ i? .


■ p a y i'■ContactCyntli[aonLeeds4 5 4 6 4 7 i '


^ 4 5 4 6 4 7 1 ^ 1 NISSAN I

' : !- i

K y.0532435964

INSTANTt car,: -h i r eA, v drive , S ^ ^ ^ T - 'd a y s Leeds'

LEEDS 441234


■■ FiestaEscortSMrra



M onths

C 1 9 9 ^

C 2 4 5 J

,C90 C299;• M M m y M '1

r'l1Cll9C<Bn'M''l. .1. ■AHptuBVAT >'

' Ydric646686V i j « Bradford 723338T ;-i

WakalMd 09241377778 ■ ' Lssds 489900

OPEN 7.30'a;m:-7]3Q p.m.:. 7 DAYS A WEEK r :t l

- ^ ^ *~t ,i~r tm ■