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2015 (1st edition)




























“When wisdom enters your heart, and knowledge is pleasant to your soul, discretion will

preserve you; Understanding will keep you…” [Proverbs 2:10-11]

Wisdom and knowledge are fundamentals in life hence those without it are always found

perishing because for whatsoever you are ignorant of you pay for it. Scripture says in Hosea 4:6

that God’s people perish because of lack of knowledge, meaning the reason why people suffer in

certain aspects of their life is because they do not possess the adequate knowledge in that area to

help them avoid such sufferings. Hence at the end of the day you need to always strive to get

wisdom and knowledge in order to prevent unnecessary perishing which can be avoided by just

gaining this wisdom and knowledge. Scrutinising people who have actually managed to live life

to the fullest, we can note that these very same people are people who have given their time and

inclined so much to wisdom and knowledge, a characteristic which has greatly distinguished

them from the rest especially those that are found without wisdom and knowledge and who are

perishing in their ignorance. After getting wisdom and knowledge you also need understanding

to rightly apply this wisdom and knowledge gained so that you not only acquire it but it also

works for you and your benefit.

With this understanding of the importance of wisdom, knowledge and understanding, Dose of

Revelation is a devotional which combines various teachings meant to equip you with these

relevant components so that you are uplifted and consequently equipping you to live life full of

wisdom, knowledge and understanding.

This wisdom and knowledge will preserve you, understanding will keep you …

Leeroy M. Mbangani



[Psalms 91:1_He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the

shadow of the Almighty]

The secret place is a place of fellowship. It is God's desire to have a communion of the God kind

with man, which is why in the cool of the day he would visit the Garden of Eden to fellowship

with man. In the book of Genesis as well we see Enoch walking with God until he was no more.

This just emphasises how God is always with the agenda to create a relationship with man and

that should be our agenda as well, to create a relationship with God, draw near to him and he will

draw near to you. The book of Hebrews goes on to talk of how through the blood of Jesus we can

now enter into the holy of holies, the abode of God's very presence. People of old were not so

privileged enough as the High Priest only could enter into this place where he communed with

God himself and the rest waited outside. They were deprived of that intimacy due to their nature

but when Jesus died, the veil which separated the courts of the temple was torn apart. Had I lived

in those times I would've raised my audacity and ran towards the holy of holies to enter into it

and experience the sweet presence of God for myself. One of the reasons why we never have the

secret place experience is due to sin consciousness and the acts we do which are ungodly. Notice

this, when Adam and Eve sinned, the voice of God, a personality, was heard walking in the

garden but this time instead of Adam and Eve meeting up with God they hid themselves. Did the

Almighty God not know that both of them had disobeyed him? No! He knew but still he wanted

to fellowship with him but it was both Adam and Eve that hid themselves from his presence that

God had to ask "where are you" many of us God is looking for us in the secret place where he

expects us to be but we are nowhere to be found. Some are visitors of the secret place that God

gets so amazed each time they enter into the secret place. Psalm 91:1 says "he who dwells in the

secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty..." He who dwells

not he who occasionally visits. In the secret place that's where mysteries are revealed, in the

secret place that's where you know God more and his heart revealed to you. The reason why God

said to Moses say that "I'm that I'm" is cause he manifests himself in different capacities based

on who you see him as and the more you know him in the secret place the better you'll see him

and more magnificent he becomes to you...



[Psalm 1:1_Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the

path of sinner, nor seat in the seat of the scornful;]

Principles guarantee us the life on earth and when it comes to association there's also a principle

which has eventual consequences to it, positive or negative. "Blessed is the man that walks not in

the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the path of sinners nor sits in the seat of the scornful..."

[Psalm 1:1] What we note from this scripture is the consequences of not keeping bad company

as the scripture begins with "blessed is the man" meaning good association attracts a blessing.

The opposite is actually quite true, if you chose to associate with bad company you attract a

curse instead of a blessing. That's just the simple explanation to the principle of association.

Proverbs 3:14 states "Don't enter the path of the wicked..." This means there are certain paths of

certain people that shouldn't cross with yours if you're to succeed in life cause each company you

keep has certain things that it attracts. The same book of Proverbs mentions of how wisdom will

keep you, therefore the company you keep is an exhibition of your level of wisdom, it therefore

takes wisdom to know the right company to associate with. Again the company you keep also

shows how big your life vision is, you'll never see an eagle associating with a chicken. If you

want to fly high even in the midst of a storm you associate with "eagles" for an eagle always flies

high and uses the pressure of the storm to fly even higher, chickens never fly high and always go

into hiding at any sign of trouble. Associate with people who have the same vision and mentality

as yours, in that way you always encourage each other to do better cause you have like visions, a

person who never dreams of millions of dollars can never tell you adequately how to be a

millionaire. Whenever you start talking of such they'll frequently tell you of how insane you are

to think you can be a millionaire because they've written themselves off. The principle of

association doesn't mean ignore bad company totally because they need ministration as well so

that they become better people. There are 3 categories of people that you have to hang around

with, 1 of those that are below you in life, another of those at your level and thirdly those that are

above you (especially those that are where you want to be), and this entails understanding the

roles of the people in these groups and what influence they should have (to be explained in the

book “Principles of Association”). Anyone who has a voice in your life has influence over it, it

can either be positive or negative and positive influence comes when you walk in the counsel of

the godly, stand in the path if the righteous and sit in the sit of those who are appreciative...



[Luke 2:52-And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and men.]

1Peter 2:2-Like new born babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow in your


In our spiritual walk there is growth that ought to be experienced at every stage of that walk but

we have a problem where growth is something we no longer value in the body of Christ. We

have people that are so content with staying spiritual babies yet it's a prerequisite that we grow,

that we experience growth is every sphere as we are on this walk.

Luke 2:52 tells us that "And Jesus grew" meaning even Jesus himself grew in wisdom, stature

and favour. For scripture to record this process of growth shows the importance of growth in our

lives. Your character and conduct reflects how mature you are, a baby will always act like a baby

and adult like an adult. Babies will crave for minor things, milk when adults no longer are

content with milk only but desire bones. Some of the requests and petitions that we submit to

God are like craving for milk, baby petitions. When you grow you pray better prayers, you

submit mature petitions to God not babyish ones.1Peter 2:2 talk of how like new born babies we

should crave for milk, but note like new born babies, what if you're not a baby anymore are you

not then compelled to crave for something better? How long have you been saved, do the years

tally with the growth and maturity? Self-evaluation. It's not about how long you've been saved

but how mature you've grown in those years, days etc. Growth is a consistent process that we all

have to experience, that is what separates some of us from the rest, maturity.

Let me just list down how you grow spiritually: There are ways or exercises that I call basic

principles of Christianity, will just list them for today and will elaborate further in teachings to

follow soon.

1. Meditation on the Word

2. Prayer

3. Fasting

With a clear understanding of these you are guaranteed of growth spiritually so that you no

longer qualify under the league of babies but of adults spiritually...



[Proverbs 1:7_The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge but fools despise wisdom

and discipline]

Mostly when the word fear is mentioned people think of being scared but that's not the fear that

scripture talks of. To fear in other words means to reverence, to awe, to respect. Therefore the

reverence of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge. As I lay the foundation, let me explain

what knowledge is, knowledge also refers to the having information. In other words when you

reverence God you have information and you are well informed on what you ought to do and not

to do in particular times. Jeremiah 33:3 says call unto me and I will show you great things that

you know not of... Knowledge. One way of calling is fearing the Lord, being in awe of him and

reverencing Him. Awe also talks of worship, meaning when you worship God you stand in awe

of Him and that is the beginning of knowledge. You can never be a worshipper and not have

knowledge, you cannot be in awe and reverence God and not be knowledgeable. That would

make God a liar yet He is not and there's not even a record of Him lying. If you want to gain

knowledge have the attitude of reverence, that's the secret.

Now what's so amazing is that in Proverbs 1:7 instead of continuing with "fools despise

knowledge" scripture says "fools despise wisdom and discipline" Let me explain, knowledge is

having information, right? But now wisdom is the right application of that information. Let me

set the foundation for my point. Knowledge is having information, understanding is

understanding the information you have and wisdom is the correct application of the information.

Fools don't despise knowledge, meaning they might gather all the information but that still leaves

them in the leagues of fools because they don't understand it and don't apply it. It takes discipline

to understand knowledge and wisdom to apply the knowledge now that's what fools despise.

Never be a fool, the one who knows a lot yet isn't changed a lot. Knowledge has to change you

but it won't without discipline to understand and wisdom to apply. In our generation we have a

lot of knowledgeable fools but may God help us.

May it be our desire to acquire knowledge through the fear of the Lord and wisdom to apply the

knowledge through discipline to understand knowledge otherwise knowledge without discipline

will kill you.

Proverbs 3:5, Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.

Understanding is fundamental after getting knowledge but it matters whose understanding you're

using. The secret to be firm in your standing is fear of the Lord. Acquiring knowledge as a

benefit of fearing the Lord overflows to divine health [Proverbs 3:7-8] ,with the knowledge

acquired from fearing the Lord also comes with sound, sober decision making and a better life

through knowledge that one would have been equipped with. Fear- reverence, awe, respect,

honour the Lord and enjoy the fruits thereof...



[1John 5:14-15_Now this the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything

according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us whatever we ask we know

that we have what we asked of him]

Many at time we have never asked ourselves the question as how to pray to get answers but we

tend to just open our mouths to utter words, fail to get answers and we get discouraged. At one

point the disciples had to ask Jesus the question, "teach us how to pray" Did it mean that they

didn't know how to pray? Not really, they needed to pray the effective way, they needed to pray

to get answers. That is why Jesus in Matthew 6 begins to teach on how to pray, showing us how

to really pray the right way we ought to. Praying to get answers isn't to pray for long hours

otherwise all of us would be far by now cause at one point or the other we attended all night

prayers! It’s possible that you go for an all-night prayer, you pray the whole night but never get


Most of us pray prayers of ignorance, prayers that are without understanding and that's why we

don't see answers. Now let's disseminate the theme verse: "Now this is the confidence we have in

approaching God" The first things is to approach God with confidence. Some of us pray without

anticipation of results, why then are you praying? You engage in prayer without any glimpse of

faith that whatever you pray for will come to pass, you're wasting your time if you do that

because that's not how to pray to get answers. Approach God with confidence, full assurance,

and conviction that whatever you shall ask of him you already have it after that prayer. You

receive your answer in prayer it’s your level of faith that now determines the time frame it takes

to manifest. Now, the approaching God part is mysterious to some. Matthew 6:9 says "This, then,

is how you should pray: Our Father in heaven..." You pray to God but God has 3 offices of

operation, the office of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, one God but function in 3 offices,

I will not dwell much on that for now, so you pray to the Father in the name of Jesus. Praying in

the name of Jesus doesn't necessarily mean saying "in the name of Jesus" after your prayer, it

becomes religious but it’s praying in the authority of Jesus, in the stead of Jesus. Jesus is the only

way to the Father so you approach Father through him, you don't pray to Jesus because it’s like

praying to yourself for you pray in the stead of Jesus, so meaning you are Jesus when you're


"...we know that we have we ask for" praying to get answers means you pray with a vision of

your answer, you pray with your answer in hand, you don't give up when it doesn't come as soon

as you expect because you have the audacity to say you have it for you have faith in God. Faith

is the substance of things hoped for and evidence of things not seen (Hebrews 11:1) so you also

exhibit your faith in prayer by standing on the word that if God hears us we know we have what

we ask of from him. From today purpose to pray to get answers not to wind up time or that

you're compelled to and as you do so you'll witness a major transformation in your prayer life.



[Jeremiah 29:11_For I know the thoughts that I think towards, says the Lord, thoughts of

peace and not of evil, to give you a future and hope]

Your existence on earth was and is never a mistake no matter the circumstances that surround

your birth. God has a specific purpose for your life that's why it’s fundamental to seek for the

purpose of God upon your life. As long as you are walking without knowledge of your purpose,

not living that purpose then you're just existing on earth, not living to make impact. It’s only

when one walks in the purpose of God that he begins to make impact.

Jesus at some point says "Not my will but your will be done" He understood he was not just not

on earth for his own purpose but for the purpose of God. He constantly reflected on what the will

of God was that constitutes as to why Jesus made impact than anyone else during his time on

earth and even till now.

Do you know your purpose of you being on earth and are you living in it? If not, seek for the

purpose of God concerning your life and start living in that purpose. Fellowshipping with God is

knowing your purpose for only God knows it, knows how you should walk in it and paths you

ought to take. As you commune with him, he reveals your purpose to you and expects you to

abide in that purpose in your day to day life. God’s purpose for us is never to give us fear or for

evil but always for good, to give us a future and expected end. We never reach that expected end

outside the purpose of God for we all were born for a purpose. What is yours...?



[Matthew 6:33_But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be

given to you as well]

Your initial priority as a believer should be to seek the kingdom of God and his righteousness,

you won't have to search for all that you might want money etc. cause all of that was already

given unto you. The reason why many of us tend to seek for these addition is that we are lazy to

seek for the kingdom and the righteousness of God, yet again we invest effort in a wrong search

and in vain at that.

Now question comes, what is the kingdom of God and his righteousness? Today we will deal

with the kingdom of God. Kingdom is a combination of the words king and domain. King is the

supreme ruler and in the kingdom of God there is no democracy, God doesn't have a predecessor

neither does he have a successor, case point of Lucifer will show you that. The moment this

setup changes, God ceases to be God, which is a solid impossibility. Domain is the territory

governed or ruled by a king. Now having built the foundation, the kingdom of God are the

statutes or decrees of God, in other words it’s a system not necessarily heaven as some or many

might assume. The bible instructs as on many occasions to follow the decrees/statutes of God,

that's the kingdom of God. We have been made subject to the devil's systems that's why it’s vital

to now seek for the kingdom (system) because we don't know it. Matthew 6:33 is very prophetic

in that many believers are living according to the system of the devil yet we don't know it and we

think "our" system is Gods'. In our generation there's much more need to seek the system of God

than ever cause of the advancement of technology which has resulted in rapid diffusion of the

devil's system through the media especially. You now hear abominable things normalised in the

church especially abuse of grace. Yet you now wonder is the world now in the church or what.

Romans 12:2 says don't conform to the pattern of this world. Pattern means system, don't be like

the world but be transformed as you seek the kingdom of God, as you get infused with the

decrees/statutes/system of God and impose it in your life so that there is a diff between you and

those in the world...



[Matthew 6:33_But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be

given to you as well]

[Romans 3:21-22_But now a righteousness from God apart from Law, has been made known,

to which the Law and the Prophets testify. This righteousness from God comes through faith

in Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference]

In the first part of the series, The kingdom of God, we dealt with the kingdom of God, what it is,

now we will look at the 2nd part of the main verse(Matt 6:33) the righteousness of God.

Righteousness is being in right standing with God, being as holy as God is. Now in the bible God

says “be holy as I am holy”, this is a command because its "be" holy not you can be holy. We

can never take pride in being righteous on our own accord lest we be proud foolish liars. We are

the righteousness of God through Jesus, meaning the only way you can have a right standing

with God is through Jesus. When the Father looks at Jesus he sees perfection, he sees an express

image of himself, the one in whom he's well pleased in. When God sees Jesus in you he sees

perfection, in the stead of Jesus you're made righteous, that's how you become the righteousness

of God through Jesus. Through believing in Jesus you're seeking of God's righteousness and you

find it, you have a right standing with God that when you speak God sees Jesus, not necessarily

you, your words hold authority when you're speaking in the position of Jesus. Seek the kingdom

and the righteousness of God, not material things. Does God want you to prosper? Yes, but don't

seek for it, its seeking for additions not the main thing and you don't get the additions without the

main thing. The kingdom of God and his righteousness first and all these things will be added

unto you...



[Ephesians 6:12_For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers,

against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces

of evil in the heavenly realms]

Naturalising spiritual battles is the worst mistake one can make for we never fight with natural

forces but with the rulers of the kingdom of darkness and the only way to win is to fight it on a

better platform, in the spiritual realm. Rulers, authorities, powers of darkness and spiritual forces

are ranks of the forces we fight against and our weapons of warfare shouldn't be canal but

spiritual. The devil never likes you and is always out to get those that are Christ's. Therefore,

weapons are always being forged to fight you that's why the bible then goes to say, no weapon

fashioned against you shall prosper(Isaiah 54:17) Now what the devil does is mostly he uses

people to fight you. Demons are spirits and for them to function on earth they need to have a

body just in the like manner that we need bodies to function on earth because we are spirit beings.

It’s now wise to see beyond the person fighting you and attack the root cause, approach at the

right angle.

However, amidst the devil's weapons that he might forge, we are always guaranteed of victory

because Christ did it already on the cross of Calvary and he said "It is finished" The weapons of

our warfare are mighty to cast down every stronghold and set us free.

There are principalities in heavenly places fighting us which fight us, Daniel 10:12-13 says

[Then he continued, "Do not be afraid, Daniel. Since the first day that you set your mind to gain

understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard and I have come

in response to them. (13) But the prince of the Persian kingdom resisted me twenty one days..."]

Daniel prayed and was answered on the first day but the angel could only come after 21 days,

why because of the prince of Persia, a demonic agent in the heavenly realm! What’s worth

noting is that there was a prince of Persia even on earth and the kingdom of Persia. Meaning a

spiritual entity was represented on earth with the same role to instil the system of the devil.

When your prayers don't get answered don't be weary, had Daniel given up what would've

happened? He continued earnestly for 21 days, just put on your armour and fight the rulers of the

kingdom of darkness the perpetrators. If God be for you they can't stand against you, it’s a

promise and guarantee. We have are more than conquerors, we conquered when Christ

conquered and this battle is just a replay where the rulers of the kingdom of darkness lose again.



[2 Corinthians 5:17_Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have

passed away; behold, all things have become new]

Believers tend to not understand what being in Christ truly means and its significance as well.

The bible tells us that by one man, Adam, sin entered into the world. This means the genes that

each born person are the “Adamic” genes which are corrupted and void of what God had wanted

and made in the very beginning. But however, sin left by one man, Christ but however we still

need to undergo the process of being born again. Take note of this, salvation and being born

again are two distinct events, you can't say you're born again because you received salvation.

Being born again means you're now in Christ, it means being born of water and fire. Existence

begins when you get born but life begins when you get born again. Meaning if you're not born

again you're dead, a corrupt nature still exists within you if you're not born again but when you

get born again, you're now in Christ, born after the order of Christ. You're restored to Adam's

rank and position before his fall and even better, you possess the authority of Christ, you become

Christ in carnet. As long as you have that understanding as a born again believer you will walk in

full knowledge of who you are, of the authority you possess. You'll know that you can't be

defeated because you're like Christ, that's what being a Christian means, being Christ like, being

in Christ, born after the order not of man but of Christ, that's why it is said that we are born not

of corruptible seed (Adam) but of the incorruptible seed (Christ). Hallelujah! With this

knowledge I'm armed for triumph, conditioned for success and equipped for the good life that

God predestined for me before the foundations of the earth. You need to keep on saying "I'm

born after the order of Christ", keep it in mind and walk in that understanding daily.



[Deutronomy30:19_I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set

before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life that both thou and thy

seed may live:]

When God made man he made him as a free moral agent. Meaning man has a will in every case

and you're governed by that will. That is why God never programmed Adam to be a "yes" man to

his command, with this understanding that is why Adam could go against God's command. God

instructed Adam never to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil but despite God

knowing Adam wouldn't hearken to instruction, because he's an all-knowing God, he still left it

to Adam's will to take course.

The foundation is laid, now you have to understand that you have the will power to change your

life, the will power to make positive choices. I hear people saying "I didn't have a choice" but I

rectify that by saying you always have a choice, your will power can never be taken from you by

anyone. If God himself can give you options and say choose what devil or man can do otherwise?

None. Even when death knocks at your door you have the will power to declare life, when

sickness tries to mess up with your body you can say health because you have that will power.

How the devil operates is that he fights your faith. Why you might ask. It’s because, once your

faith is great you have the audacity to exercise your will power and everything answers and

responds to your will power because as God is so are you and when you exercise your right

everything and anything has no choice but obey. That’s why the bible says whoever shall say to

this mountain be removed and be cast into the sea and doesn't doubt... meaning saying a word

with faith is exhibiting your will power and it yields results.

You have the will power to change your life today, you have the authority of Christ vested fully

in you, everything and anything answers to your will power. Go ahead, exercise your will power

and choose life not death, health and not sickness, wealth and not poverty, success not failure etc.

The choice is yours...



Now, spiritual warfare is also about fighting systems. Let me explain, Genesis 1:26 God comes

with a resolution to make man for him to have dominion. But before that Gen 1:2 we witness the

corruption of earth by the fallen angel, Lucifer. Genesis 1:2 says "Now the earth became

formless and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep" There was an earth before the

earth we are living now, that earth was corrupted by Lucifer after his rebellion thus the earth

became formless and void, and the presence of darkness. In other words that was an initiation of

the system of the devil. When Adam sinned the devil got his right to dominate and began

establishing his system on earth, he was in control. On earth there are principalities in different

places, now getting into deeper stuff. There are marine spirits, there are land spirits, and these are

just minors. There is a demonic world in the seas, that's why we witness plane crashes over the

seas and oceans, there's nothing as technical fault, its satanic agents that cause that, agents in seas

and oceans, and we can't just be told that it’s Satanists who cause that. There are agents who are

in positions of authority on earth, satanic agents, those are principalities. They represent the

higher principalities who are in the heavenly realms. In one of the Dose of Revelation devotional

teachings titled "Rulers of the kingdom of darkness" I explained from Daniel 10:12-13 how the

prince of Persia, a satanic agent in heavenly places, was also represented with an earthly prince

of Persia, another satanic agent. There is not one heaven, there's the blue sky we see, its heaven,

there's 2nd heaven that's where rulers of the air operate in&3rd heaven where God is. In the

beginning God created the heavens and the earth (Genesis 1:1). Won’t go deeper into how each,

marine and land agents function or the princes of the air. But why teach this, because the bible

says we are not ignorant of the devil's wiles. We don't understand the magnitude of our spiritual

warfare that's why we are still playing in the body of Christ. The devil never likes you, never will.

These demonic agents are there to make you in sync and flow in the devil's system, systems

which are also operational in the church yet we think its godly, may God help us.

Even before the falling of Adam, spiritual warfare started in heaven when Lucifer purposed in

his heart to rebel against God, that's when sin came into existence cause sin is corruption of will,

he had a choice to serve God and he corrupted that will cause of pride. By rebelling he was

saying I want my own system because God's isn't fair... By him being cast to earth that where he

would attempt to do that which he succeeded for some time but praise be to God who sent Jesus

and made the devil and his cohorts a public spectacle, returning the right to dominate to us. But

even though, we now need to fight the already established satanic systems, which isn't a natural

battle you can fight as a canal man and win.



[Matt 16: 6_Then Jesus said to them, “Take heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees

and the Sadducees.”]

[1 Timothy 4:1-2_Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the

faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, (2) speaking lies in hypocrisy,

having their own conscience seared with a hot iron,]

A sense of great awareness should be within us especially in these times that we are living in

where we have many false prophets in the body of Christ. There can never be any true doctrine

that can come from the mouth of a false prophet, only teachings meant to corrupt the body of

Christ. That is why we need to test every spirit in everything lest we be corrupted in led astray.

Only the sound teaching of the word can build you and edify the body of Christ. Jesus gave a

warning to the disciples of the leaven, meaning doctrines, of Pharisees and Seduces. Now, what's

shocking is they paraded in the name of serving God yet doing harm to the body of Christ it

meant to edify. There is a chance that a Pastor can tend to "advance the kingdom" in his way

which corrupts the body of Christ instead. You might be claiming to do God's will yet you're

persecuting him through his body, the church. Thus you need wisdom in all you do for the

kingdom and discernment so that you don't take heed to devilish doctrines guised as biblical and

kingdom advancing.

Guard against what you hear, even if it’s coming from a "man of God" for not all who are called

"man of God" are man of God and not all of them are for the kingdom of God, some go out of

their way and have their minds corrupted, working for the kingdom of darkness, with the aim of

corrupting the body of Christ through doctrines. But praise be to God who's raising a new breed

of kingdom ministers, advancing the kingdom agenda and preaching the sound doctrine that will

edify the body of Christ



[Hebrews 1: 4_having become so much better than the angels, as He has by inheritance

obtained a more excellent name than they.]

[Philippians 2: 9_Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which

is above every name, 10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven,

and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, 11 and that every tongue should confess

that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.]

Many have not understood the importance of a name in the spiritual realm. Name denotes

identification, it denotes a certain kind of authority, it denotes rank spiritually that's why Jesus as

the first born of all creation had to have a name that is above every name. Having been given a

name above every name that is why the name "Jesus" has all authority and all power. That is why

the sons of Sceva at one point were asked by evil spirits "Jesus we know, Paul we know but who

are you" (Acts 19:15) What it only meant was that their names held no authority in the spiritual

realm and thus in this essence were ranked lower than the demons they wanted to fight and hence

were thrashed thoroughly. Understand this in passing, know your rank in the spirit lest you try to

fight demons of higher rank than you, which is even an error if you understand how to use the

name of Jesus and if you have a covering who's rank you can use, the latter one will explain

some other day, today we'll focus on the authority in the name of Jesus.

Now, the bible then goes to say "at the name of that name" (Jesus) some have wrongly said "at

the mention of that name", no, it’s at the name and what this means is that at the authority of that

name every knee bows, tongue confesses that Jesus is Lord etc. Saying in the "name of Jesus"

doesn't necessary mean I'm now using the authority in that name otherwise many have turned so

religious that if you don't say "in the name of Jesus" means you're using another power, no. This

name has been given to us to make our rank higher above than any demon, even the devil

himself, understanding the authority in that name comes from within. You grasp the fact that

when you use that name, it’s no longer about your rank in the spirit but Jesus' and hence

everything becomes subject to your command just as its subject to Jesus', that's at the name, that

even without saying it out loud you're so much convicted that that name only has so much

authority. The Acting President of any country doesn't need to issue decrees saying "in the name

of the President" every time he issues decrees, why, because authority is in him already. Same

like us, authority is already given to us in the name of Jesus, go ahead and begin to effect

changes with that authority, don't suffer while holding on to the name that is above every name.



[1Corinthians 15: 58_Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always

abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.]

"It's not about how well you start but how well you continue and finish"

I'm going to take 2 definitions of "abound" which are being fruitful and to be available in plenty

numbers. Many started well, working for the Lord but lacked consistence due to their feeble

nature. The bible says be steadfast and immovable, it's only then can you abound in the Lord's

work. It's about understanding that whatever you do for God, you're exactly doing it for him not

for human praise or approval and if you don't understand this your consistency, your

steadfastness is compromised because it won’t be every day that you get appraisals, it might

never happen. That's why the bible says "do all for the glory of God" (1Corinthians 10:31). You

need God's well done thou faithful servant not mans'. Many backslid because "Pastor" never

congratulated them, maybe he even expressed disapproval but always keep in mind that do all

unto the glory of God, with this you'll continue to be steadfast and immovable for you have

kingdom advancement in mind.

Abounding also comes when you give yourself to the work of the Lord. Giving yourself means

your time, resources etc. to a point of even sacrificing your own desires and agendas for God's.

Jesus while he prayed at one point could have abandoned mission but I like what he said, "but

not my will but your will be done" Yes you want to be a doctor its good, yes you want to be a

lawyer, but let God's will come first let yours be at the end. You cannot be fruitful when you're

busy pursuing your own agendas but be available to work for God even at the expense of your

own will.

Will explain deeper in part 2 but for now keep this in mind, steadfast gives abounding,

abounding to crowns of glory for we are in a race, let's run...



[1Corinthians 15:58 Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always

abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.]

[Genesis 2:8 The LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden, and there He put the man

whom He had formed... (15) Then the LORD God took the man and put him in the Garden of

Eden to tend and keep it. (16) And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, “Of every

tree of the garden you may freely eat; (17) but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil

you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.”]

In part 1 of this teaching, "Abounding in the Lord's work", we learnt that we ought to be

steadfast as we do the Lord's work because that's what God desires and that it's a matter of

understanding that you do all for the glory of God not the appraisal of man. Also the aspect of

availability when it comes to doing the Lord's work is pivotal as God's will should always prevail,

even if it means yours taking the side-line, let God's will be engraved in you and become a part

of you.

The recap now done, abounding in the Lord's work needs focus, fixing your eyes on your own

assignment and instruction. In Genesis 2 God puts the man he had formed in the Garden of Eden

to tend and keep it, meaning Adam's assignment was to look after the Garden of Eden. What we

ought to learn here is that God puts you in a place for an assignment, you're not where you are

out of mere coincidence but by divine location, it's then your mandate to know why you're where

you are and your livelihood depends on doing that assignment. Adam was to tend the Garden of

Eden and out of every tree he had jurisdiction to eat from except the tree of knowledge of good

and evil meaning his sustenance was in the garden, in tending the garden, otherwise he had no

food to eat. For those wanting to know which career to venture in, there is your answer. Now, a

dilemma comes when Adam loses focus and starts wondering around territories that he shouldn't

wonder in. Who had he left to tend the garden that he had time to entertain the serpent, was it not

his duty to tend the garden? It's only when Adam lost focus of the assignment that the beginning

of his demise began. It's only when you begin to pursue other assignments that are not yours that

you begin to fall out and eventually lose your bigger destiny. Adam was given the whole world

to dominate but he had to start from the garden of Eden, maintain focus and be faithful in that

"little" to be entrusted with much afterwards but he lost that because he began to do what he was

not meant to do and entertaining thoughts from a serpent which knew not of his assignment.

Notice this, not everyone is meant to give you advice on how to accomplish your assignment

because some don't even know your assignment how then can they tell you how to run with it?

It's only when you be steadfast, abounding in the Lord's work, with diligence, excellence and

focus that you become fruitful and multiply, that you grow as you make your way to God's

intended destiny and possess God's specific promises over your life.



[Acts 2:11-12_(both Jews and converts to Judaism); Cretans and Arabs-we hear them

declaring the wonders of God in our own tongues!_Amazed and perplexed, they asked one

another,"what does this mean?"]

Many at times we don't realise the significance of declaring the wonders of God but the Acts 2

scenario clearly shows to us how the declaration of the wonders of God made so much impact to

those that listened. God has done much in our lives, we've seen much yet many keep silent about

the wonders of God, not knowing that declaration can be someone else's ticket to receiving

salvation. The kingdom of God isn't about being concealed underground, seeing signs and

wonders yet after that we keep silent and discreet about it but it's about boldly declaring the

wonders of God. Question, why is it every time a miracle happened, the Pharisees were so much

eager to keep that miracle a secret? It's the power that lies in declaring the wonders of God. Souls

are convicted to the kingdom of God by just these declarations that is why the disciples never

kept silent but boldly stood on what the Lord had done, declaring it all over the world so that this

kingdom might be noised abroad for all to hear and know of this wonder working God. Just

imagine what a declaration of God's wonders can do to someone in a complex situation, someone

dying, someone in need of answers, it would do much and make them realise that a solution is

there already.

Declaring the wonders of God includes many things amongst them, testifying, worshipping,

praising, preaching, and exhibiting the power of God etc. All these are just avenues we can

utilise to declare the wonders of God, how good he is and all powerful he is so that we minister

to a life and spread this kingdom to every part of the world. Purpose it in your heart not to be

silent but to boldly noise out the wonders of God everywhere, all the time.



[2Timothy 3:5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn


For years we have lived with a problem in the church of religious people, people with a form of

godliness but at the same time deny the power of God. Scripture clearly shows to us case and

point of the Pharisees for example. Look at how those people meditated on the word, kept the

laws yet never accepted the power of God at work. In other words they had the form of godliness

but denied its power. Now I like how scripture puts it, having a "form" of godliness, that

analysed means these ones don't have godliness per say, they have a form of godliness not

godliness. Meaning it might appear as if they a godly spiritual people but are none and as a result

they deny the power of God, religiosity.[ 1Co 2:14 But the natural man does not receive the

things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because

they are spiritually discerned.] If it be that these were godly the things of the spirit wouldn't

have been foolish to them, they wouldn't have been objecting the exhibition of the power of God

and this isn't just a scenario of those times, even in this generation we have the same. Only a

natural man can see the things of the spirit as foolish and can't comprehend it beyond the realm

where he operates in, in the natural. He might seem spiritual but having a form of godliness and

having godliness are two different things.

The kingdom of God isn't just in word but also in the demonstration of Spirit and power. God is

always associated with power, so deny God's power is like denying God himself. Acts 1 after the

resurrection of Jesus shows us how he not only spoke about the kingdom of God but did many

infallible, convincing proofs. We've now had/have churches that deny the working power of God

by rejecting things like casting of devils, healing the sick, miracles, prophecy etc. yet these are

exhibitions of the kingdom, that's what religiosity is all about. We claim to serve God, having the

form of God but not having godliness itself, denying the power of the God we claim to serve.

Persecuting even those that don't reject the power of God all in the name of upholding what’s

right and serving God. Religiosity is a deadly disease doing rounds in the body of Christ that we

need to shun ourselves away from. Only those who know the magnitude of the God they serve

will not deny his power but even those that know that God can do anything are still vulnerable to

denying the power of God because there are deeper levels of the working of God's power that

can puzzle the mind. Let’s have godliness and not deny the power of God so that we might

witness the full working of his power, never box this God or have a syllabus of how God works

for God works in mysterious ways and his power is unlimited...



[1 Corinthians 4:15 - For though ye have ten thousand instructors in Christ, yet have ye not

many fathers: for in Christ Jesus I have begotten you through the gospel.]

[Philippians 2:22 - But ye know the proof of him, that, as a son with the father, he hath served

with me in the gospel.]

[1 Timothy 1:2 - Unto Timothy, my own son in the faith: Grace, mercy, and peace, from God

our Father and Jesus Christ our Lord.]

The concept of fatherhood has been criticised in the body of Christ yet many don't know the

importance of fatherhood in their lives. Let me just break the dogma of basing on a verse in

Matthew which says "you have but only one Father in heaven" to say there's nothing as spiritual

fatherhood, firstly if that's way you'd want to put it then you don't have a biological father either,

isn't you have but one Father in heaven and don't regard the verses which talks of honouring your

father and mother... That makes no sense and also that verse in Matthew about having one Father

in heaven is conceptual more than literal, we have only one God who functions in one of the

offices of God that of fatherhood/the office of the Father...

Now, show me a man analyse his life and I will show a man who has a father and who's a

spiritual orphan. It’s important to have someone who's your spiritual father and I'm not talking

about mentorship, you don't need a mentor you need a father. It’s the art and principle of

submission. Where you humble yourself no matter how powerful you are under a man, whom

you're accountable to, who teaches you, under who's anointing and grace you function under as a

son. Paul often said I begot you through Christ, in other words he had sons through Christ,

fatherhood. In other words you have to be someone's son for you to excel. Get this no matter

how you might think you're excelling now without a father, it’s a mirage it’s not excelling.

Lacking a spiritual father means you're spiritually naked and vulnerable, you don't have an

anointing speaking for you. You labour and toil cause you don't have a father otherwise if you

had one you'd know that some things you don't toil for, you just operate under the anointing of

your spiritual father. You don't wrestle what you father wrestled and defeated and you lose, you

can't. Those are the benefits of a father. "Experience isn't the best teacher when you can just

learn from a man who's gone through the same thing, it’s actually foolishness" Look at what

experience does, it leaves you with bruises, you might win but look what you had to

unnecessarily go through when you could've just gone to a father who'd show you the clear way

avoiding all the bruises.

It’s good to want to hear God yourself but there are things God only reveals to his servants

(Amos 3:7) so in order to know those secret plans you need a father. You cover yourself when


you a father, you have a backing when you have a father, you increase rank in the spirit when

you have a father cause the demons that respect the father respect the son as well cause they

carry the same genes and rank and rank in the spiritual realm matters and nothing happens

without it in the spiritual realm. The reason why the sons of Sceva were thrashed by demons was

because they were not recognised in the spiritual realm, the demons asked who are you, but when

you have a father demons will know whose son you are and what authority/backing you carry

behind you.

Now, I can say a lot but conclusively, you need a father and you don't submit to anyone but

someone who's above you spiritually and it takes discernment to know your spiritual father cause

not every man is your father and humility cause it’s about giving away self to be accountable to

someone and at times submitting to someone younger than you in age. Fatherhood isn't about age

but spirituality, age isn't a factor... After David defeated Goliath amazing people asked whose

son he was not his name, but how so? Importance of whose son you are. Spiritual orphans

struggle a lot in life, they have to do everything themselves and suffer wounds that are not

necessary if a father is around...



[Isaiah 14:13_ For you have said in your heart: 'I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my

throne above the stars of God; I will also sit on the mount of the congregation on the farthest

sides of the north;]

[Habakkuk 2:2 Then the LORD answered me and said: "Write the vision and make it plain on

tablets, that he may run who reads it.]

In life we are governed by vision: how you see yourself, what you hope to achieve etc. and it’s

this vision that makes us to act the way we act. To be vision less is to just exist for no reason at

all, to be a place holder. However, the contents of your vision matters and wickedness comes

from selfish visions.

When we talk of wickedness many will tend to focus on witches, wizards, Satanists etc. but they

fail to realise the wicked people lurking around in every corner, those with selfish vision. Selfish

visions are visions that only accommodate you and no one else, you think of yourself, narrow

your vision to just you. Listen to the words that Lucifer utters before his fall, "I will ascend into

heaven, I will exalt my throne..." This were words or thoughts in his heart, denoting vision. This

was the vision that he had but let’s be aware of certain irregularities in this. The use of "I", that is

what many of us think, if only I can be rich, if only I can be seen, everything is about you and if

we truly ask what you want those things we'd discover it’s for your personal gain, your vision is

narrowed and limited to you not about anyone else, that's wickedness. You live to solve

problems, you're on earth to serve others, so its only wickedness to think of yourself and be

oblivious of the world around you. People with limited visions fail to see what they have in their

grasp and focus on getting what they already have, greed which causes people to be wicked.

Lucifer said in his heart "I will ascend into heaven" but was he not in heaven already, which

heaven was he fantasising? To be narrow visioned gives birth to greed, you fantasise of gaining

what you have already and this causes you to be wicked in order to get it. Sin came into being as

a result of Lucifer's narrow vision centered on himself, this caused him to influence a third of the

angels in heaven and cost them their place in heaven.

Habakkuk 2:2 says write the vision down so that he who sees it may run with it, there are

visions which even when someone sees it, they can't run with that vision cause it only has room

for one, you. That is wickedness, for your vision must be flexible enough to accommodate

anyone who sees it. The dilemma we have in the world are people who are narrow minded and

narrow visioned. Wicked people who only picture their prosperity and never seeking to

encompass anyone else. Once your vision has you written all over it you become wicked because

greed is birthed in you, you'll seek to exploit and not benefit, influence negatively and cost others

their prosperity.


May your vision be broad, be to help the world around, be so big to accommodate all that read it

so that they run with it. You weren't born for yourself but for others, to be a solution and problem

solver. You can't do that if you have a small vision fit for yourself.



[ Genesis 1:26 Then God said, "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let

them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over

all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth."]

We have been led to believe that man is the physical you but in actual reality, man first of all is a

spirit being. In Gen 1:26 God decides to make man in his own image and after his own likeness,

John 4:24 says "God is Spirit". Therefore, if God purposed to make man in his own image and

after his own likeness, and if he be Spirit that means man is a spirit being not a physical being.

So you are a spiritual man, born with the genes of God, with his characteristics.

1John 4:17 mentions that as He (God) is so are we in this world, not in any other world but in

this world. Now, earth was made as an extension of heaven, where the kingdom of heaven would

invade and colonise earth. With God being the supreme King of heaven, there had to be an

ambassador on earth to rule and dominate as he does, one just like him and hence man was first

made as a spiritual being in Gen 1:26, to dominate on earth as kings. The physical man only

manifested in Gen 2:7 when God formed man from the dust of the ground.

With this understanding, you need to keep it in mind that you're a spiritual man, it’s your

spiritual man that ought to have dominance over the physical man. The reason why many yield

to the fleshly desire is because of lack of this understanding, the flesh has its own mind that's

contrary to the mind of the spirit, its then good to subject it to the desires of the spirit, have it in

sync with the spirit man for you are a spirit man, you're not a human being but a spirit being.

And the spirit man is blessed with everything, that's why scripture says we are blessed with all

spiritual blessings, the dominion was proclaimed upon the spirit component of man, have the

spirit man exercise dominion over your flesh and over everything.


My prayer is that you have been blessed by this devotional as you went through the teachings in

it. As you have been taught make sure for it not to end there but instead also practice that which

you have been taught for knowledge is not for one to just acquire and shelf but to apply in

practical life. As you apply it in your life, it will most definitely work for you and to your benefit

and also do make sure to share the knowledge so that others may benefit as well just as you have.

For more info please do contact the author on the following details:

Phone number: +263772625402

Email: [email protected]

You can also follow the author on the following social networks

Facebook ID: LeeroyMbangani

Twitter: LeeroyMbangani

Whatsapp number: +263772625402

May the good Lord richly bless you and your household as you go through your life knowledge,

wisdom and understanding filled…