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dos n. (m. only R. vi , 1 , 3 ; nom. acc. sg. %{do4s} S3Br. ; du. %{doSI} Kaus3. ; %{dorbhyAm} n. MBh. Ka1v. ; pl. %{-bhis} Ma1lav. ; %{dohSu} BhP.) the fore-arm , the arm &c. = %{doSan} (q.v.) ; the part of an are defining its sine Su1ryas. ; the side of a triangle or square W. (cf. %{bAhu} and %{bhuja}). [499,1]

bhuja m. (ifc. f. %{A}) the arm MBh. Ka1v. &c. (%{bhujayor@antaram} , the breast Bhartr2. ; cf. %{bhujA7ntara}) ; the hand Pa1n2. 7-3 , 61 ; the trunk of an elephant MBh. iii , 15736 ; a branch , bough BhP. ; a bending , curve , coil (of a serpent ; see comp. below) ; the side of any geometrical figure Ka1tyS3r. Sch. ; the base of a triangle Su1ryas. ; the base of a shadow ib. ; the supplement of 2 or 4 right angles or the complement of 3 right angles MW. ; (%{A}) f. see col. 2.

bAhu 1 m. and (L.) f. (fr. %{bah} , %{baMh} ; for 2. %{bAhu} see col. 3) the arm , (esp.) the fore-arm , the arm between the elbow and the wrist (opp. to %{pra-gaNDa} q.v. ; in medic. the whole upper extremity of the body , as opp. to %{sakthi} , the lower extñextremity) RV. &c. &c. ; the arm as a measure of length (= 12 An3gulas) Sulbas. ; the fore-foot of an animal (esp. its upper part) RV. AV. Br. A1s3vGr2. ; the limb of a bow S3Br. ; the bar of a chariot-pole Gobh. ; the post (of a door ; see %{dvAra-b-}) ; the side of an angular figure (esp. the base of a right-angled triangle) Su1ryas. ; the shadow of the gnomon on a sun-dial ib. ; (also du.) the constellation A1rdra1 L. ; m. N. of a Daitya MBh. ;of a son of Vajra VP. [Cf. Gk. $ , $ ; &222225[730 ,2] Germ. {buog} , {Bug} ; Angl. Sax. {bo1g} ; Eng. {bough}.]

doSa alteration , affection , morbid element , disease (esp. of the 3 humours of the body , viz. %{pitta} , %{vAyu} , and %{zleSman} , 1 [cf. %{tridoSa} and %{dhAtu}] , applied also to the humours themselves) Sus3r. ; (also %{-Saka}) a calf L.

doSA 2 f. (for 1. see 1. %{doSa}) the arm L.

doSan n. (occurring only in nom. du. %{dosha4Ni1} AV. AitBr. ; gen. sg. %{doSNa4s} S3Br. ; instr.%{doSNA} loc. %{doSNi} [or %{doSaNi-} see below] gen. du. %{doSNos} Ra1jat. ; acc "' pl. [m.!] %{doSNas} Pa1n2. 6-1 , 63 ; the other forms are supplied by %{dos} q.v.) the fore-arm , the lower part of the fore-foot of an animal ; the arm in general.

bhuj , to bend , curve ; to be bent down or disheartened Hit. iv , 28. [Cf. Gk. $ ; Lat. {fugio} ; &230688[759 ,1] Goth. {biugan} , {baugjan} (?) ; Germ. {biogan} , {biegen} ; Angl. Sax. {bu4gan} ; Eng. {bow}.]bhuja m. (ifc. f. %{A}) the arm MBh. Ka1v. &c. (%{bhujayor@antaram} , the breast Bhartr2. ; cf. %{bhujA7ntara}) ; the hand Pa1n2. 7-3 , 61 ; the trunk of an elephant MBh. iii , 15736 ; a branch , bough BhP. ; a bending , curve , coil (of a serpent ; see comp. below) ; the side of any geometrical figure Ka1tyS3r. Sch. ; the base of a triangle Su1ryas. ; the base of a shadow ib. ; the supplement of 2 or 4 right angles or the complement of 3 right angles MW. ; (%{A}) f. see col.bhaujaMga (fr. %{bhujaM-ga}) mf(%{I})n. relating to a snake , serpent-like Ka1m. ; n. (scil. %{bha}) the serpent constellation , the Nakshatra A1s3lesha VarBr2S.bhoga 1 m. (1. %{bhuj}) any winding or curve , coil (of a serpent) RV. &c. &c. ; the expanded hood of a snake Hariv. Ka1m. Pan5cat. ; a partic. kind of military array Ka1m. ; a snake Suparn2. ; the body L.



antelopeAgni Southeast Oṃ Raṃ Agnaye Namaḥ

Śhula (spear) Svāhā Śukra (Venus) MeṣavāhinīAgni is symbolism for psychological and physiological aspects of life, states Maha Purana section LXVII.202–203. There are three kinds of Agni inside every

human being, states this text, the krodha-agni or "fire of anger", the kama-agni or "fire of passion and desire", and the udara-agni or "fire of digestion". These respectively

The Gujarati inscription is importantbecause Gujarati was a part of the Indus Valley civilization that used an Indus symbol,I believe it to mean bhuj to be enjoyed as a grant of land or goods. The Indus knotis on a square tablet samacaturbhuja.

To the right the copper tablet of the most used Indus symbol the Unicorn, that I believe to be the side of a bull the view of one horn. Same writing, two sizes of copper tables, the Unicorn and Axe, the Axe is both sides the bull is one. From a gloss of the two words Jirvi "old" or Ancient tradition of Medicine domestic use Pazu.pArzva fr. 1. %{parzu}) the region of the ribs (pl. the ribs) , side , flank (either of animate orinanimate objects) RV. &c. &c. ; the side = nearness , proximity (with gen. or ifc. ; %{ayaH} , on both sides ; %{am} , aside , towards ;pazu m. (instr. %{pazu4nA} or %{-zva} ; dat. %{pa4zve} or %{paza4ve} ; gen. %{pazva4s} or %{-zos} ; du. %{pazvA4} ; acc. pl. %{pazva4s} or %{-zU4n}) cattle , kine (orig. any tethered animal "' ; singly or collect. `" a herd "') , a domestic or sacrificial animal (as opp. to %{mRga} , `" wild animal ;jIrvi m. = %{pazu} or %{parzu} (axe or animal) Un2. iv , 54/55 ; a cart Un2. vr2. ; the body ib.jIrNa mfn. (Pa1n2. 3-2 ,

Pazu is opposed to Mrgasame rectangular tablet.

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BelowFig. 1b: An analytical classification of the copper tablets from Mohenjo-daro by Asko Parpola. Drawn by Mrs. Virpi Hämeen-Anttila. © 1992 by AP andVHA

VarBr2S.) ;

need introspective and voluntary offerings of forgiveness, detachment and fasting, if one desires spiritual freedom and liberation

rhinocerosNirṛti ( Southwest Oṃ Kṣaṃ Rakṣasāya Namaḥ Khaḍga (sword) Khadgini Rāhu (North Lunar Node) KhaḍgadhāriṇīAccording to Vedic astrology all the nine planets govern different types of energy and minerals in a person’s body and there are certain specified herbs which are said to act as a remedy for these malefic planets thereby helping the affected to come out of stressful, uncomfortable and painful situations.From the study of Vedic astrology it is predicted that all the planets are divided into auspicious planets and inauspicious planets. Not all people can go in for gemstones remedy for it is heavy on the pockets and for such people the sages and saints of ancient Vedic astrology have assigned with roots of some herbs which could be used to please the planets and also to cure the diseases associated with the concerned planets

Like Pazu and Parzu meaning ancient tradition here Nabha and seven naked saints tradition.sana 2 mf(%{A})n. (derivation doubtful ; for 1. see p. 1140 , col. 3) old , ancient (%{am} ind. "' of old , formerly "') RV. AV. ; lasting long BhP. ; m. N. of a R2ishi (one of the four or seven spiritual sons of Brahma1 ; cf. %{sanaka}) MBh. Hariv. [Cf. Lat. {senex} , {senior} ; Lith. {se4nas} ; Goth. {sinista}.]sanAbhi (%{sa4-}) mfn. having the same nave or centre (as the spokes of a wheel or the fingers of the hand) RV. (cf. Naigh. ii , 5) ; connected by the same navel or womb , uterine , of kindred blood , a blood-relation ; m. or f. an uterine brother or sister (accord. to some = %{sa-piNDa} , `" a kinsman as far as the seventh degree "') RV. AV. Mn. BhP. ; having a navel , naveled TS. ; resembling , like , equal to (gen. or comp.) Ba1lar. Vcar. Va1s.sanAbhya m. a blood-relation (to the seventh degree) Mn. v , 84.sanaka mfn. former , old , ancient (%{At} ind. `" from of old "') RV. ; m. N. of a R2ishi (one of the four mind-born sons of Brahma1 , described as one of the counsellors or companions of Vishn2u and as inhabiting the Janar-loka ; the other three are Sana , Sanatkuma1ra , and sa-nandana ; some reckon seven of these mind-born sons) MBh. Hariv. BhP. (cf. RTL. 422) ; of an inspired legislator W. [Cf. Lat. {Seneca} ; Goth. {sineigs}.]

nAbhi the navel [Cf. Angl. Sax. {nafu} , {nafela} ; Germ. {naba} , {Nabe} , {nabolo} , {Nabel}; Eng. {nave}

mRganAbhi m. `" deer'snavel "' , muskR2itus. Kum. &c.; a musk-deerRagh. (cf.%{nAbhi})

104) old , worn out , withered , wasted , decayed AV. x , 8 , 27 TS. i S3Br. &c. ;ancient (tradition)Ka1tyS3r. Sch. jivri mfn. (Pa1n2. 8-2 , 78 Va1rtt. 1 ; %{jrI}) old , worn out , decrepit , (du. %{-vrI}) RV. i ; iv , 19 , 2 and 36 , 3 ; viii , x ; (Nir. iii , 21) AV. viii , 1 , 6 and (%{ji4rvi}) xiv , 1 , 21 ; m.time Un2. v , 49/50 a bird ib.

sakthi n. (derivation doubtful ; the base %{saktha4n} [fr. which acc. pl. %{sakthAni} RV. v , 61 , 3] appears in later language only in the weakest cases e.g. sg. instr. %{sakthnA4} gen. abl. %{sakthna4s} loc. %{saktha4ni} , or %{sakthni4} cf. Pa1n2. 7-1 , 75 ; there occurs also nom. acc. du. %{sakthyau4} [RV. x , 86 , 16 AV. vi , 9 , 1] formed fr. a fem. base %{sakthI4}) , the thigh , thigh-bone ; the pole or shafts of a cart (du. euphemistically `" the female organ "') RV. &c. &c.

ubhayabhAga mfn. having part in both (night and day) ; %{-hara} mfn. taking two shares or parts ; applicable to two purposes ; (%{am}) n. a medicine that acts in two ways (as an emetic and a purge).

ubhayabhAj mfn. acting in two ways (as a medicine , cf. the last) Car.

bhAgya 2 mfn. ( %{bhaj}) to be shared or divided , divisible (= %{bhajya}) Vop.

bhAga 1 m. ( %{bhoj}) a part , portion , share , allotment , inheritance (in Ved. also = lot , esp.

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Varuṇa West Oṃ Vaṃ Varuṇāya Namaḥ Pāśa (noose) Nalani Śani (Saturn) VarunThe Vedic god Varuna, the god of the water and the ocean and guardian of the west. Varuna, rules over Shatbhishak nakshatra the nakshatra of 1000 healers and gives a person intelligence about all sorts of medicine.

fortunate lot , good fortune , luck , destiny) RV.

yajJabhAga m. a share in a sñsacrifice Hariv. Ka1v. Pur. ; %{-bhuj} m. enjoyer of a share in a sñsacrifice , a god Kum. Pur. -2.yajJabhAga mfn. having a share in a sñsacrifice , Ma1rkP. [840,1] ; m. a god , in %{-ge7zvara} m. `" lord of the gods "'N. of Indra S3ak.

ubhayatonAbhi mfn. having a nave on both sides (as wheels) BhP.

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Below there is 12 examples of the use of a system close to SI system that starts with waters volume equaling SI = 1. g/cm3 the Indus = 1.07 grams. The .07 is added to conform to a practical standard employing the Gunja seed that has a stable weight of .107 Eight Gunja's is the starting weight of the Indus Valley like the ideal density of bronze as brass has a density/volume of .8470 g/mm3. The Indus person familiar with the weight system would instantly see examples below 1, 2, 3, 4, and say 6 but it is exactly 5.992 for the first two and 30 ( 29.96) for the next two. The 6 is 5.992 that is .008 from the whole

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number. 5.992 / .107 = 56 the 7 thousandth of .107 makes 7 seven x 8 = 56 of .856 this was called a Gunja and Masa of .856 grams.

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nAbhi the navel [Cf. Angl. Sax. {nafu} , {nafela} ; Germ. {naba} , {Nabe} , {nabolo} , {Nabel} ; Eng. {nave}

mRganAbhi m. `" deer's navel "' , musk R2itus. Kum. &c. ; a musk-deer Ragh. (cf. %{nAbhi})

109.568 / 13.696 = 8

113.848 / 5.992 = 19

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mArga m. (in most meanings fr. %{mRga} , of which it is also the Vr2iddhi form in comp.) seeking , search , tracing out , hunting L. ; (exceptionally also n. ; ifc. f. %{A}) the track of a wild animal , any track , road , path , way to (loc. or comp.) or through (comp.) , course (also of the wind and the stars) Mn. MBh. &c. (%{mArgaM-dA} or %{yam} , with gen. of pers. , to give up the way to , allow to pass ; %{mAgeNa} ifc. = by way of i.e. through , across or along ; with %{yA} , to go the way of i.e. suffer the same fate as ; %{mArgais} ifc. , through ; %{mArgAya} , with gen. , in order to make way for any one ; %{mArge} , by the wayside or on the way ; with %{pra-cal} , to set out on one's way ; %{nijamArgaM-gam} , to go one's way) ; a walk , journey VarBr2S. ; reach , range Kir. ; a scar , mark (left by a wound &c.) Ragh. ; (in medic.) a way , passage , channel (in any part of the body , esp. the intestinal canal , anus) ; a way , expedient , means Ka1m. Katha1s. (%{mArgeNa} , by means of. VarBr2S.) ; a way , manner method , custom , usage Up. Ya1jn5. MBh. &c. ; the right way , proper course MBh. Hariv. (cf. %{AmArga} ;

mRgasaktha n. = %{mRgasya@sakthi} Pa1n2. 5-4 , 98. %{-sattama}. m. the best of antelopes MW.mRgaziras (%{mRga4-}) n. N. of the 3rd (or 5th) Nakshatra (q.v.) containing 3 stars (one of which is $ Orionis ; it is figured by an antelope's head) AV. Gr2S3rS. VarBr2SzIrSakti f. (prob. for %{zIrSa-sakti}) `" headseizure "' , pain in the head AV.

bAhu 1 m. and (L.) f. (fr. %{bah} , %{baMh} ; for 2. %{bAhu} see col. 3) the arm , (esp.) the fore-arm , the arm between the elbow and the wrist (opp. to %{pra-gaNDa} q.v. ; in medic. the whole upper extremity of the body , as opp. to %{sakthi} , the lower extñextremity) RV. &c. &c. ; the arm as a measure of length (= 12 An3gulas) Sulbas. ; the fore-foot of an animal (esp. its upper part) RV. AV. Br. A1s3vGr2. ; the limb of a bow S3Br. ; the bar of a chariot-pole Gobh. ; the post (of a door ; see %{dvAra-b-}) ; the side of an angular figure (esp. the base of a right-angled triangle) Su1ryas.

lubdhaka m. a hunter MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; a covetous or greedy man L. ; the star Sirius (so called because S3iva in the form of a hunter shot an arrow [represented by the three stars inthe belt of Orion] at Brahma1 transformed into a deer and pursuing his own daughter metamorphosed into a doe ; cf. %{mRga-vyAdha})Gan2it. Katha1s. ; N. of the hinder parts , Bhp.

doSa esp. of the 3 humours of the body , viz. %{pitta} , %{vAyu} , and

sana 2 mf(%{A})n. (derivation doubtful ; for 1. see p. 1140 , col. 3) old , ancient (%{am} ind. "' of old , formerly "') RV. AV. ; lasting long BhP. ; m. N. of a R2ishi (one of the four or seven spiritual sons of Brahma1 ; cf. %{sanaka}) MBh. Hariv. [Cf. Lat. {senex} , {senior} ; Lith. {se4nas} ; Goth. {sinista}.]sanAbhi (%{sa4-}) mfn. having the same nave or centre (as the spokes of a wheel or the fingers of the hand) RV. (cf. Naigh. ii , 5) ; connected by the same navel or womb , uterine , of kindred blood , a blood-relation ; m. or f. an uterine brother or sister (accord. to some = %{sa-piNDa} , `" a kinsman as far as the seventh degree "') RV. AV. Mn. BhP. ; having a navel , naveled TS. ; resembling , like , equal to (gen. or comp.) Ba1lar. Vcar. Va1s.sanAbhya m. a blood-relation (to the seventh degree) Mn. v , 84.sanaka mfn. former , old , ancient (%{At} ind. `" from of old "') RV. ; m. N. of a R2ishi (one of the four mind-born sons of Brahma1 , described as one of the counsellors or companions of Vishn2u and as inhabiting the Janar-loka ; the other three are Sana , Sanatkuma1ra , and sa-nandana ; some reckon seven of these mind-born sons) MBh. Hariv. BhP. (cf. RTL. 422) ; of an inspired legislator W. [Cf. Lat. {Seneca} ; Goth. {sineigs}.]

mRga m. (prob. `" ranger "' , `" rover "') a forest animal or wild beast , game of any kind , (esp.) a deer , fawn , gazelle , antelope , stag , musk-deer RV. &c. &c. ; the deer or antelope in the moon (i.e. the spots on the disk supposed to resemble those of an antelope as well as a hare) ; the dñdisk or antñantelope in the sky (either the Nakshatra Mr2iga-s3iras or the sign of the zodiac Capricorn ; also in general the 10th arc of 30 degrees in a circle) Su1ryas. VarBr2S. &c. ; an elephant with partic. marks (accord. to L. `" one the secondary marks of whose body are small "') R. Var. ; a large soaring bird RV. i , 182 , 7 &c. ; N. of a demon or Vr2itra in the form of a deer slain by Indra ib. i , 80 , 7 &c. ; of a celestial being (occupying a partic. place in an astrol. house divided into 81 compartments) VarBr2S. Hcat. ; of a partic. class of men whose conduct in coitus resembles that of the roebuck L. ; of the district in S3aka-dvi1pa inhabited principally by Bra1hdvipa themselves VP. (v.l. %{maga}) ; of a horse of the Moou VP. ; musk (= %{mRga-nAbhi} or %{-mada}) VarBr2S. ; a partic. Aja-pa1ia sacrifice L. ; search , seeking , asking , requesting L. ; (%{A}) f. = %{mRga-vIthI} L. ; (%{I}) f. a female deer or antelope , doe Hariv. R. &c. ; N. of the mythical progenitress of antelopes MBh. R. Pur. ; a partic. class of women L. ; a kind of metre Col. ; a partic. gait of a dancing girl Sam2gi1t. ; demoniacal possession , epilepsy L.mRganAbhi m. `" deer's navel "' , musk R2itus. Kum. &c. ; a musk-deer Ragh. (cf. %{nAbhi}) ; %{-ja} mf(%{A})n. coming from the mñmusk-deer Subh. ; (%{A}) f. musk L. ; %{-maya} mf(%{I}) n. made of musk Hariv.nabh 1 cl. 1. A1. %{na4bhate} , to burst be torn or rent asunder RV. viii , 39 , 1 ; x , 133 , 1 ; impf. P. %{na4bhas} , to break or destroy (?) , i , 174 , 8 (cf. Dha1tup. xviii , 13 Naigh. ii , 19) ; cl. 4. 9. P. %{nabhyati} , %{nabhnAti} (Dha1tup. xxvi , 130 , xxxi , 48) , to hurt , injure (pf. A1. %{nebhe} Bhat2t2.): Caus. %{nabhayati} , to cause to burst , tear open AitBr.21 nabh 2 f. or m. injury (Sa1y.) or injurer RV. i , 174 , 8 (only acc. pl. %{na4bhas} ; but cf. 1. %{nabh} above). [527,3]22 nAbh f. (1. %{nabh}) an opening , fissure , spring RV. ix , 74 , 6.23 nabha m. (rather fr. %{nabh} denoting `" bursting forth "' or `" expanding "' than fr. %{nah} `" connecting "' , scil. heaven and earth) the sky , atmosphere (= %{nabhas}) L. ; the month S3ra1van2a Car. ; N. of a son of Manu Sva1rocisha or of the 3rd MñManu (together with Nabhasya) Hariv. ; of one of 7 sages of the 6th Manv-antara ib. ; of a demon (son of Vipra-citti by Sin6hika1) ib. VP. ; of a son of Nala (Nishadha) and father of Pun2d2ari1ka (cf. %{nabhas}) Hariv. BhP. ; (%{A}) f. a spitting-pot (?) L. ; N. of the city of the sun W.

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%{zleSman} ,

iSustrikANDA (%{iSustrikANDA}) f. `" the threefold arrow "'N. of a constellation (perhaps the girdle of Orion) AitBr.iS 1 cl. 1. P. %{eSati} (see %{anu-} 1. %{iS} and %{pari-} 1. %{iS}) A1. %{eSate} , to seek , search BhP.: cl. 4. P. %{i4Syati} and 9. P. A1. %{iSNA4ti} (p. %{iSNa4t} RV. i , 181 , 6 , and %{iSNAna4} RV. i , 61 , 13 ; pf. 3. pl. %{ISus} RV. , and %{ISire4} AV. ; %{aiSIt} ; inf. %{iSa4dhyai} RV. vii , 43 , 1) to cause to move quickly , let fly , throw , cast , swing RV. ; to send out or off , stream out , pour out , discharge ; to deliver (a speech) , announce , proclaim AV. S3Br. ; to impel , incite , animate , promote RV. AV. VS. S3Br.

bAhu the arm , (esp.) the fore-arm , the arm between theelbow and the wrist; in medic. the whole upper extremity of the body ,as opp. to %{sakthi} , the lower extñextremity) RV. &c. &c. mRgasaktha n. = %{mRgasya@sakthi} Pa1n2. 5-4 , 98. %{-sattama}. m. the best of antelopes MW.mRgaziras (%{mRga4-}) n. N. of the 3rd (or 5th) Nakshatra (q.v.) containing 3 stars (one of which is $ Orionis ; it is figuredby an antelope's head) AV. Gr2S3rS. VarBr2S

24 nAbha ifc. (mfn.) = %{nAbhi} , nave , navel , central point (cf. %{abja-nAbha} , %{vajra-n-} , %{su-n-} &c.) ; m. N. of S3iva MBh. ; of a son of S3ruta and father of Sindhudvi1pa BhP.25 nAbhA loc. of %{nAbhi} (for %{-bhan}).26 nabhAga m. N. of a son of Manu Vaivasvata VP. (cf. %{nabha-ga} , %{nAbhAga}).

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pazu m. (instr. %{pazu4nA} or %{-zva} ; dat. %{pa4zve} or %{paza4ve} ; gen. %{pazva4s} or %{-zos} ; du. %{pazvA4} ; acc. pl. %{pazva4s} or %{-zU4n}) cattle , kine (orig. any tethered animal "' ; singly or collect. `" a herd "') , a domestic or sacrificial animal (as opp. to %{mRga} , `" wild animal ;

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Below the crested human is the day as the antelope is from midnight to morning. madhyama middle (used like Lat. {medius} e.g. ; (in astron.) mean (cf. %{madhya}) Su1ryas. ; relating to the meridian ib. ; midnight L. ;; a kind of antelope L. ;eNa %{as} , %{I4} mf. a species of deer or antelope (described as being of a black colour with beautiful eyes and short legs) AV. v , 14 , 11 VS. xxiv , 36 Mn. iii , 269 MBh. &c. ; m. (in astron.) Capricorn.

catuSpArzva n. the 4 sides (of a square &c.) W.pArzvamAnI f. the longer side of an oblong or the sñside of a square S3ulbas.jIrvi m. = %{pazu} or %{parzu} (axe or animal) Un2. iv , 54/55 ; a cart Un2. vr2. ; the body ib.jIrNa mfn. (Pa1n2. 3-2 , 104) old , worn out , withered , wasted , decayed AV. x , 8 , 27 TS. i S3Br. &c. ;ancient (tradition) Ka1tyS3r. Sch. jivri mfn. (Pa1n2. 8-2 , 78 Va1rtt. 1 ; %{jrI}) old , worn out , decrepit , (du. %{-vrI}) RV. i ; iv , 19 , 2 and 36 , 3 ; viii , x ; (Nir. iii , 21) AV. viii , 1 , 6 and (%{ji4rvi}) xiv , 1 , 21 ; m.time Un2. v , 49/50 a bird ib.

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eNabhRt m. `" bearing an antelope "' , the moon L.eNadRz f. the eye of an antelope Naish. ; (%{k}) m. (in astron.) Capricorn.eNa-mada m. the juice of the antelope , musk Naish.

prAcInagAthA f. an ancient story or tradition MW.pratna mf(%{A4})n. former , preceding ; ancient , old ; traditional , customary RV. AV. TS. Br. BhP.pratibAhu m. fore-arm Var. ; an opposite side (in a square or polygon) Col. ; N. of sev. men BhP.doSA 1^ f. darkness , night RV. AV. &c. (%{A4m} & %{A4} [instr. ; cf. g. %{svar-Adi}] ind. in the evening , at dusk , at night) ; Night personified (and regarded with Prabhs as wife of Pushpa7rn2a and mother of Pradosha or Evening , Nis3itha [!] or Midnight and Vyusht2a or Day-break) BhP. iv , 13 , 13 ; 14 (cf. %{doSa4s} , %{pazcA-doSa} , %{pra-doSa} , %{prati-doSam}) 1.pazcArdha m. the hinder side or part S3Br. Gr2S3rS. MBh. ; (%{e}. ind. with gen. `" behind "') S3ak. ; the west side or part S3Br. Gr2S3rS. ; %{-dhya4} mfn. being on the west side S3Br.pazcAdbhAga m. hind-part L. ; west side Var. ; mfn. whose conjunction with the moon begins in the afternoon ib.pArzvabhAga m. sñside-portion "' , the side or flank (of an elephant) L.bhAga 1 m. ( %{bhoj}) a part , portion , share , allotment , inheritance (in Ved. also = lot , esp. fortunate lot , good fortune , luck , destiny) RV. &c. &c.samatribhuja mfn. having 3 equal sides Col. ; m. n. any figure containing 3 equal sñsides MW. ; an equilateral triangle ib.tribhuja mfn. triangular ; m. a triangle A1ryabh. ii , 11.trikaraNI f. the side of a square 3 times as great as another (i.e. the diagonal of a quadrangle , the sides of which are formed by the side and the diagonal of the smaller square) S3ulbas.pArzva n. (rarely m. g. %{ardharcA7di} ; ifc. f. %{A} fr. 1. %{parzu}) the region of the ribs (pl. the ribs) , side , flank (either of animate or inanimate objects) RV. &c. &c. ; the side = nearness , proximity (with gen. or ifc. ; %{ayaH} , on both sides ; %{am} , aside , towards ; %{e} , at the side , near [opp. to %{dura-tas}] ; %{At} , away , from ; by means of , through) MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; a curved knife S3Br. ; a side of any square figure W. ; the curve or circumference of a wheel ib. ; (only n.) a multitude of ribs , the thorax W. [622,2] ; the extremity of the fore-axle nearest the wheel to which the outside horses of a four-horse chariot are attached L. ; a fraudulent or crooked expedient L. ; m. the side horse on a chariot MBh. ; N. of an ancient Buddhist teacher ; (with Jainas) N. of the 23rd Arhat of the present Ava-sarpin2i1 and of his servant ; (du.) heaven and earth L. ; mfn. near , proximate (cf. comp. below).pAzava mf(%{I})n. (fr. %{pazu}) derived from or belonging to cattle or animals (with %{mAMsa} n. anńanimals food) Kaus3. Vet. Sus3r. ; n. a flock , herd W.

Varuṇa West Oṃ Vaṃ Varuṇāya Namaḥ Pāśa (noose) Nalani Śani (Saturn) VarunThe Vedic god Varuna, the god of the water (phlegmic) and the ocean and guardian of the west. Varuna, rules over Shatbhishak nakshatra the nakshatra of 1000 healers and gives a person intelligence about all sorts of medicine.

pAza m. (once n. ifc. f. %{A} ; fr. 3. %{paz}) a snare , trap , noose , tie , bond , cord , chain , fetter (lit. and fig.) RV. &c. &c. ; (esp.) the noose as attribute of Siva or Yama RTL. 81 ; 290 ; (with Jainas) anything that binds or fetters the soul i.e. the outer world , nature Sarvad. (cf. also RTL. 89) ; selvage , edge , border (of anything woven) , S3rGr2S. ; a die , dice MBh.pazupAza m. the cord with which the victim is bound L. ; the chains which fetter the individual soul , the world of sense Prab.pazupati m. `" lord of animals "' (or `" lņlord of a servant named Pas3u "' or `" lņlord of the soul "' RTL. 89)N.puruSapazu m. a beast of man , a brutal man Pan5c. VP. ; a man as a sacrificial victim BhP. ; the soul compared with animal IW. 85 ; a human animal , man W.bhUripAza (%{bhU4ri-}) m. du. `" holders of many fetters "'N. of Mitra-Varun2a RV.nAgapAza m. a sort of magical noose (used in battles) , Mahidh. on VS. vi , 8 (cf. MBh. viii , 2586 &c.) ; N. of Varun2a's weapon L. ;pAzadhara m. `" holding a noose "'N. of Varun2a Hariv.pAzavat mfn. having or possessing a noose (as Varun2a) MBh.pazavya mfn. (fr. %{pazu4})u-pazaya mfn. lying near at hand or close by , lying ready for use S3Br. S3a1n3khS3r. ; m. one of the Yu1pas (or posts ; (in med.) the allaying (of diseases) by suitable remedies , suitableness , usefulness , advantageous medicine Car. ; the liking , predilection (of a sick person as for coolness &c.) ib. ; diagnosis by the effect of certain articles of food or medicine W. ;pazcA-ldikpati m. regent of the western region "' N. of Varun2a Gal.pAzin mfn. having a net or noose , laying snares ; m. a bird-catcher , trapper A1past. ; N. of Varun2a MBh. Hariv. ;s-paz 2 m. one who looks or beholds , a watcher , spy , messenger (esp. applied to the messengers of Varun2a) RV. AV. VS. [Cf. Lat. {spex} in {auspex} ; Gk. $.] &382924[1268 ,2]paz 1 only Pres. P. A1. %{pa4zyati} , %{-te} (cf. %{dRz} and Pa1n2. 7-3 , 78) , to see (with %{na} `" to be blind "') , behold , look at , observe , perceive , notice RV. &c. &c. ; to be a spectator , look on (esp. p. e.g. %{tasya@pazyataH} , while he looks on , before his eyes Mn. ; %{pazyantI@tiSThati} , she stands ind looks on S3ak.) ; to see a person (either `" visit "' or `" receive as a visitor "') MBh. R. &c.parzu 1 m. a rib AV. TS. Br. [cf. Zd. {perezu}] ; a curved knife , sickle AV. Kaus3. [cf. Lat. {falx} ; Gk. $]pArzvabhAga m. sñside-portion "' , the side or flank (of an elephant) L.u-pazuupazaya mfn. lying near at hand or close by , lying ready for use S3Br. S3a1n3khS3r. ; m. one of the Yu1pas (or posts to which the sacrificial animal is tied) TS. vi , 6 , 4 , 4 ; the lying near or by the side of ; a kind of hole in the ground (placed near the track of wild animals , for a hunter to conceal himself in Mall. on S3is3. ii , 80) ; (in med.) the allaying (of diseases) by suitable remedies , suitableness , usefulness , advantageous medicine Car. ; the liking , predilection (of a sick person as for coolness &c.) ib. ; diagnosis by the effect of certain articles of food or medicine W. ;

kalpa %{etena@kalpena} , in this way ; cf. %{pazu-k-} , ; (in medic.) treatment of the sick , manner of curing Sus3r. ii ; the art of preparing medicine , pharmacy Car. ; the doctrine of poisons and antidotes Sus3r. i ;

bAhu 1 m. and (L.) f. (fr. %{bah} , %{baMh} ; for 2. %{bAhu} see col. 3) the arm , (esp.) the fore-arm , the arm between the elbow and the wrist (opp. to %{pra-gaNDa} q.v. ; in medic. the whole upper extremity of the body , as opp. to %{sakthi} , the lower extñextremity) RV. &c. &c. ; the arm as a measure of length (= 12 An3gulas) Sulbas. ; the fore-foot of an animal (esp. its upper part) RV. AV. Br. A1s3vGr2. ; the limb of a bow S3Br. ; the bar of a chariot-pole Gobh. ; the post (of a door ; see %{dvAra-b-}) ; the side of an angular figure (esp. the base of a right-angled triangle) Su1ryas. ; the shadow of the gnomon on a sun-dial ib. ; (also du.) the constellation A1rdra1 L. ; m. N. of a Daitya MBh. ; of a prince (who brought ruin upon his family by his illegal actions) ib. ; of a son of Vr2ika Hariv. ; of a son of Vajra VP. [Cf. Gk. $ , $ ; &222225[730 ,2] Germ. {buog} , {Bug} ; Angl. Sax. {bo1g} ; Eng. {bough}.]

parikarman m. a servant , assistant L. ; n. attendance , worship , adoration BhP. ; dressing , painting or perfuming the body (esp. after bathing) MBh. Ka1lid. ; cleansing , purification S3is3. ; preparation Katha1s. (cf. %{-kara}) ; arithmetical computation or operation W. ; %{-makathA} f. prayer (?) DivyA7v. ; %{-mA7STaka} n. the 8 fundamental rules of arithmetic (viz. addition , subtraction , multiplication , division , finding the square , extracting the square root , finding the cube , extracting the cube root) Col.

karman %{a} n. (%{A} m. L.) , (%{kR} Un2. iv , 144) , act , action , performance , business RV. AV. S3Br. MBh. &c. physicking , medical attendance Car. ;; office , special duty , occupation , obligation (frequently ifc. , the first member of the compound being either the person who performs the action [e.g. %{vaNik-k-}] or the person or thing for or towards whom the action is performed [e.g. %{rAja-k-} , %{pazu-k-}] or a specification of the action [e.g. %{zaurya-k-} , %{prIti-k-}]) S3Br. Mn. Bhartr2. &c

dos n. (m. only R. vi , 1 , 3 ; nom. acc. sg. %{do4s} S3Br. ; du. %{doSI} Kaus3. ; %{dorbhyAm} n. MBh. Ka1v. ; pl. %{-bhis} Ma1lav. ; %{dohSu} BhP.) the fore-arm , the arm &c. = %{doSan} (q.v.) ; the part of an arc defining its sine Su1ryas. ; the side of a triangle or square W. (cf. %{bAhu} and %{bhuja}). [499,1]

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dō-To give.

Oldest form *deh3-, colored to *doh3-, becoming *dō-.▲ Derivatives include betray, surrender, vend, dose, antidote.

1.a. Zero-grade form *də-. dado, date1, dative, datum, die2; add, betray, edition, perdition, render, rent1, surrender, tradition, traitor, treason, vend from Latin dare, to give;b. Greek dosis, something given (see 4 below).2. Suffixed form *dō-no-. donation, donative, donor; condone, pardon from Latin dōnum, gift.3. Suffixed form *dō-t(i)-.a. dot2, dowager, dower, dowry; endow from Latin dōs (genitive dōtis), dowry;b. dacha from Russian dacha, gift, dacha, from Slavic *datja;c. samizdat from Russian samizdat, samizdat, from dat', to give.4. Suffixed form *dō-ro-. lobster thermidor, Pandora from Greek dōron, gift.5. Reduplicated form *di-dō-. dose; anecdote, antidote, apodosis, epidote from Greek didonai, to give, with zero-grade noun dosis (< *də-ti-), something given.[Pokorny dō- 223.]

Zero-grade form *də-. dado, date1, dative, datum, die2; add, betray, edition, perdition, render, rent1, surrender, tradition, traitor, treason, vend from Latin dare, to give;

.SanskritdoSa 2 m. rarely n. ( %{duS}) fault , vice , deficiency , want , inconvenience , disadvantage Up. Mn. MBh. Ka1v. &c. [498,3] ; badness , wickedness , sinfulness Mn. R. ; offence , transgression , guilt , crime (acc. with %{R} or %{labh} , to incur guilt) , SrS. Mn. MBh. &c. ; damage , harm , bad consequence , detrimental effect (%{nai9Sa@doSaH} , there is no harm ; %{ko'tra@d-} , what does it matter?) Mn. MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; accusation , reproach (%{-SaMkR} or %{-SeNa-gam} with acc. , to accuse) R. ; alteration , affection , morbid element , disease (esp. of the 3 humours of the body , viz. %{pitta} , %{vAyu} , and %{zleSman} , 1 [cf. %{tridoSa} and %{dhAtu}] , applied also to the humours themselves) Sus3r. ; (also %{-Saka}) a calf L.

dō-To give.

Oldest form *deh3-, colored to *doh3-, becoming *dō-.▲ Derivatives include betray, surrender, vend, dose, antidote.dosa dhatu1.a. Zero-grade form *də-. dado, date1, dative, datum, die2; add, betray, edition, perdition, render, rent1, surrender, tradition, traitor, treason, vend from Latin dare, to give;b. Greek dosis, something given (see 4 below).dhAtu 1 m. layer , stratum Ka1tyS3r. Kaus3. ; constituent part , ingredient (esp. [ and in RV. only] ifc. , where often= `" fold "' e.g. %{tri-dhA4tu} , threefold &c. ; cf. %{triviSTi-} , %{sapta-} , %{su-}) RV. TS. S3Br. &c. ; element , primitive matter (= %{mahA-bhUta} L.) MBh. Hariv. &c. (usually reckoned as 5 , viz. %{kha} or %{AkAza} , %{anila} , %{tejas} , %{jala} , %{bhU} ; to which is added %{brahma} Ya1jn5. iii , 145 ; or %{vijJAna} Buddh.) ; a constituent element or essential ingredient of the body (distinct from the 5 mentioned above and conceived either as 3 humours [called also %{doSa}] phlegm , wind and bile BhP. [cf. %{purISa} , %{mAMsa} , %{manas} , Cha1ndUp. vi , 5 , 1] ; or as the 5 organs of sense , %{indriyANi} .[cf. s.v. and MBh. xii , 6842 , where %{zrotra} , %{ghrANa} , %{Asya} , %{hRdaya} and %{koSTha} are mentioned as the 5 dhñdha1tu of the human body born from the either] and the 5 properties of the elements perceived by them , %{gandha} , %{rasa} , %{rUpa} , %{sparza} and %{zabda} L. ; or the 7 fluids or secretions , chyle , blood , flesh , fat , bone , marrow , semen Sus3r. [L. %{rasA7di} or %{rasa-raktA7di} , of which sometimes 10 are given , the above 7 and hair , skin , sinews BhP.]) ; primary element of the earth i.e. metal , mineral , are (esp. a mineral of a red colour) Mn. MBh. &c. element of words i.e. grammatical or verbal root or stem Nir. Pra1t. MBh. &c. (with the southern Buddhists %{dhAtu} means either the 6 elements [see above] Dharmas. xxv ; or the 18 elementary spheres [%{dhAtu-loka}] ib. lviii ; or the ashes of the body , relics L. [cf. %{-garbha}]).

Compare Sanskrit Dosa to the English Dose.

Dose means quantity (in units of energy/mass) in the fields of nutrition, medicine, and toxicology. Dosage is the rate of application of a dose, although in common and imprecise usage, the words are sometimes used synonymously.

Dose can also mean quantity (in units of number/area) in the fields of Surface science and Ion implantation. See the definition of dose in ISO18115-1, term 4.173 (and compare the related definition of fluence in term 4.217 of the same Standard).

Particular uses in this context including:

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Dose (biochemistry), the quantity of something that may be eaten by or administered to an organism, or that an organism may be exposed toOverdose, intaking more than your required dose.Absorbed dose, an amount of radiation receivedDefined daily dose, a World Health Organization statistical measure of drug consumptionDosage form, a mixture of active and inactive components used to administer a medicationDose profile, taken by a radiation detector in order to characterise the radiation beams from medical linear acceleratorsDosing, the process of administering a measured amount of a medicine or chemical to an inanimate object or non-human animalEffective dose (pharmacology), the amount of a substance required to produce an effect on a predefined percentage of a populationEquivalent dose, a measure of radiation dosage to tissueMaximum tolerated dose, the highest dose of a radiological or pharmacological treatment that will produce the desired effect without unacceptable toxicityMedian lethal dose, is the dose of a toxic substance or radiation required to kill half the members of a tested population after a specified test durationOptimal Biological Dose, the quantity of a radiological or pharmacological treatment that will produce the desired effect with acceptable toxicityPhysiologic dose, within the range of concentrations or potencies that would occur naturallyReference dose, the United States Environmental Protection Agency's maximum acceptable oral dose of a toxic substance