Download - Dorothy



Once upon a time there was a 18 year old named Dorothy, she was known by her friends as a rather inquisitive young girl, Dorothy's life was fine up an till a few weeks prior. Dorothy's mum had sadly past away of cancer at the age of 50 years old. Distraught by this Dorothy goes round to her grandmothers to pick up some of her mums old possessions and while clearing up finds a doll and realises she's seen this doll before. With this thought in her mind she decides to take this doll home with her, after getting home she decided to go to bed and realises that the doll she had found was in a picture of her mum on her death bed. Feeling tired she gets into bed and falls into a deep sleep, while asleep she has this peculiar dream.

Everywhere is totally dark and silent with tree branches swaying in the wind and in the distance a man is walking with what looks weirdly enough like a certain doll. Completely confused by this Dorothy wakes up in shock in the middle of the night and has this odd thought that that doll has somehow been removed from her bedside table to outside her house, confused by this Dorothy falls back to sleep without a single thought in her mind. The next morning Dorothy wakes up with a feeling of fear inside her she rushes to the door to find that the doll has made its way from her bedroom to outside her house. Without noticing what has happened to her mothers picture on her bedside table she runs downstairs to get the doll to bring it inside.

The next day was Dorothy's mums funeral she decided to bring the doll with her after having another strange dream that the doll wouldnt stop crying for its original owner, this freaked out Dorothy so she thought that maybe if she took the doll with her it would stop screaming at night. At the funeral Dorothy kept the doll enclosed in her bag as to not look childish. However through her bag she could feel the doll moving, thinking this is just a hallucination she ignores this and carrys on with the service.

That evening Dorothy decided to take an early rest after all that had happened, while she was asleep she had another strange dream this one was different too the last one she saw the dark man sitting in front of her. The man came over and whispered in her ear Tell me the truth Dorothy Tell you the truth about what? says Dorothy the truth about yourself youre not who your friends and family think perceive you to be. I see you walking around every day trying to find yourself, I see what you sometimes write in your diary, Im there when you get chills down your spine as you think something is passing through you, I know who you are. At this point Dorothy woke up in a state of shock to find that the doll had been removed from the picture of it and her mum.

The next day Dorothy decided the best thing to do was to go to church to confess to the priest about the dreams shes been having. If the end is the end she says dont bless me father for I have sinned Hello my child says the priest father what is happening to me these impure thoughts and feelings every time I fall asleep I see a dark man who keeps telling me Ive done wrong, that he sees me everywhere I go, I feel as if no matter what I do I cant steer myself away from it, its as if hes part of me. My child said the priest in his soft and caring tone You have just experienced trauma in your life first your father abused you and now your mother has past it is natural to have hallucinations about someone being there when you are alone.

That evening Dorothy went home and though maybe things would stop if she let it out in her diary.

Dear Diary

I know its been a while since we spoke you know Im not very good at keeping up with writing to you every night. Anyway I wanted to tell you of the strange things that have been happening to me recently I keep having these reoccurring dreams of this man who seems to see and know everything I do. It all started a few weeks ago just when my mother past, I went to my grandmothers house to pick up all my mothers things when I found this doll and I remembered seeing this doll in a portrait I have off my mother. However since finding the doll Ive been having these strange dreams about a dark man whose face I cant see, he tells me he knows everything about me, everything I do, everything Ive dont. Anyway at this point in the dream I get frightened and wake up. The last time this happened I woke up to find that the doll had gone from my mothers portrait. What does this man diary what is this man trying to tell me? Im scared of whats going to happen next, he sees me and knows everything I do, I dont want to end up like my mother Im frightened of death and what happens after you pass. Anyway well see what tomorrow brings goodnight.


Dorothy was found dead a week later