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Don’t Forget the Middle Child: What Graduate Students Want from the University LibrariesLucinda Rush, Instruction Librarian

Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA

Introduction Graduate Program Directors SurveyThe purpose of this project was to determine the needs for research support of graduate students at Old Dominion University, and how the University Libraries can support those needs.


• Liaison Model• Workshop Attendance• Increased Use of Online Support


• Establishment of the Graduate School• Focus on graduate student success

? What are the research support needs of graduate students at Old Dominion University (ODU)?

? What library services and resources do graduate students at ODU currently use?

? What untapped existing data exists that can help to answer these questions?

The study was conducted in two phases:

1. The researcher reviewed existing data for information about graduate student needs and perceptions: LibQual+ results from 2015, online guide and tutorial usage statistics for the past two years, research consultation numbers, and library workshop attendance.

2. The researcher distributed two separate surveys: one to graduate program directors and one to graduate students.

The final step in the process was to distribute and share the information with stakeholders and to develop an action plan based on the results.

Review of Existing Data

Use the physical library at least once a week45%

Access library resources online at least once a week75%

LibQual+ (2015)

Kudos! Library Services Librarians Interlibrary Loan

Wish List• Quiet Study Space• Easy to use tools for

independent, online research

Main Takeaways

Graduate students perceive that the Libraries are performing greater than their minimum expectations, they also perceive that the Libraries are performing less than their desired expectations.

In almost all areas, the University’s graduate students are slightly less satisfied than its undergraduates or faculty.

Fact:Use of LibGuides for Graduate Students went down from 2016-2017. Use of the Libraries’ YouTube Channel has gone up.

Average number of workshop participants over the past 3 years


University Facts• Graduate School

established, 2016• Decrease in Masters

degrees conferred • Increase in Doctorate

degrees conferred • Decrease in graduate

student FTE • 47 online graduate

programs offered

25 ParticipantsFrom all Colleges

The purpose of the survey of graduate program directors was to determine faculty perceptions of graduate student needs for research support at ODU. The survey consisted of two open-ended questions, which were assessed using Nvivo10 software.Question One: Based on your observations, what are graduate students’ biggest needs for research support?Question Two: What library workshops do you think are most needed for graduate students?

Top Three Needs for Research Support• Identifying databases and finding resources• Access to resources• Understanding scholarly research

Top Two Workshop Topics• How to use databases or do a literature search• EndNote or Citation Management

Graduate Student Survey

125 ParticipantsFrom all Colleges





0.00% 10.00% 20.00% 30.00% 40.00% 50.00% 60.00% 70.00%

0 TO 2

3 TO 4

5 TO 6


Years Enrolled in Program

Years Enrolled





0.00% 5.00% 10.00%15.00%20.00%25.00%30.00%35.00%40.00%45.00%50.00%





Preferred Methods of Support

In person, one-on-one assistance Live, Online WorkshopsOn-Campus Workshops Online, self-directed training




Type of Student

Combination All Distance All On-Campus

Current Use: Participants indicated that they are heavy users of library-subscribed databases and GoogleScholar (which links to library-subscribed resources). 40% use a citation manager such as EndNote and more than half use library services including Interlibrary Loan, Chat, or one-on-one assistance from a librarian.

Perceived Needs: Participants’ biggest needs for research support revolves around access to library resources: books, journals, or articles. The other theme that resonated is that students need research assistance or training and training in citation management.

Timing: The preference for online, self-directed training indicates that graduate students want to be able to access support at the time of need.

Recommendations & Future PlansRecommendations

Advertise and promote current online learning tools to graduate students

Market the services of Liaison Librarians, including research consultations and library instruction

Provide online workshops on EndNote, and subject-specific literature review research

Collaborate with campus partners such as the Graduate Student Organization and The Graduate School to better assess and meet the needs of graduate students

Provide quiet spaces in the physical Libraries for graduate students to work