Download - Done By:. Pg.3 Glossary Pg.4 Satellite Pictures Pg.5 Human Environment Pg.6 Physical Environment Pg.7 Urban Pg.8 Rural Pg.9 Resources Pg.10 Developed.

Page 2: Done By:. Pg.3 Glossary Pg.4 Satellite Pictures Pg.5 Human Environment Pg.6 Physical Environment Pg.7 Urban Pg.8 Rural Pg.9 Resources Pg.10 Developed.

Pg.3 Glossary Pg.4 Satellite Pictures Pg.5 Human Environment Pg.6 Physical Environment Pg.7 Urban Pg.8 Rural Pg.9 Resources Pg.10 Developed Country Pg.11 Developing Country Pg.12 Inter-Relationship Pg.13 Wilderness Pg.14 Bibliography Pg.15 Bibliography


Page 3: Done By:. Pg.3 Glossary Pg.4 Satellite Pictures Pg.5 Human Environment Pg.6 Physical Environment Pg.7 Urban Pg.8 Rural Pg.9 Resources Pg.10 Developed.

1.Human Environment-1.Human Environment- Where there are many humanWhere there are many humanfeatures (things made by humans) and activitiesfeatures (things made by humans) and activities

2.Physical Environment-2.Physical Environment- Where there are many natural features Where there are many natural features (mountains, river)(mountains, river)

3.Urban- 3.Urban- A place where people depend more on human environment A place where people depend more on human environment

4.Rural-4.Rural- A place where people depend more on physical environmentA place where people depend more on physical environment

5.Resource- 5.Resource- Something that humans use to satisfySomething that humans use to satisfy their needs.their needs.

6.Developed Country- 6.Developed Country- a country which has improveda country which has improved

7.Developing Country- 7.Developing Country- a country which is improvinga country which is improving

8.Inter-Relationship- 8.Inter-Relationship- It means the relationship between the It means the relationship between the human environment and the physical environment when humanshuman environment and the physical environment when humans try to use the physical environment for their needs.try to use the physical environment for their needs.

9.Wilderness- 9.Wilderness- Areas where human activities are smallAreas where human activities are small

10.Renewable Resource- Renewable resource is something that we 10.Renewable Resource- Renewable resource is something that we cancan

use again and that will never run out use again and that will never run out 3

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Picture 1Picture 2

*Most of my pictures are about these two places.4

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This picture is a picture of a road called Ga Ro Su Road in Cheong Ju, South Korea.This is an example of human environment because although it is not shown in this picture but from my experience, this road can be really crowded. Also, as you see from picture there is a road and trees that are planted by humans. Many people usethis road too. Thus, this is anexample of human environment.

These two pictures are the picturesof the place where president of Korea lives.It is called “Cheong Wa Dae”.These pictures are also good examplesof human environment becausethere are many human features. (buildings, roads) Also, it is modern and many people from other countries visit here for political reasons but also many people visit here just to look around. Thus, there are also many human activities.

Picture 3

Picture 4

Picture 5


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These two pictures are examplesof physical environments because thereare big mountains where human activities are small except tourists or people who hike and there are things that are natural (e.g. lake). There are very little human features and all these things are natural. Humans did not make much impact in these areas.

Picture 6 Picture 7

Picture 8

The name of this lakeis “Po Mun”. This lake is at Kyeong Ju, wherethere are many historical sites. This lake is also a good example of physical environment because it has natural featureslike mountain. Humans did not make much impact in this area.

Sang Dang San Sung


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These two pictures represent urbanbecause there are many human featureslike roads, cars and many tall buildings that you can see from picture 9 and 10.You can also see how crowded the buildingsare. There are many human activities likepeople driving their cars and going to worketc. Humans made a lot of impact in these areas and there is a strong link and relationship between people and these twoenvironments. Ramada Plaza, Cheong Ju

Picture 9 Picture 10Picture 11

Ramada Plaza is ahotel in Cheong Ju,Korea. Many peoplestay here and thisplace is modern andit is in a high standard which is also a goodexample of urban.


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These three pictures represent rural becausethere are no tall buildings, but there are trees and mountains surrounding picture 12 and picture 13 which are natural. The houses are not modern and they are traditional. There are very few human features. People living in these areas are more dependent to the physical environment than human environment because they need land for farming.

Picture 12

Picture 13

Picture 14

Jirye Artists’ ColonyThis is called “Hanok.” Thisis a traditionalKorean style house. Many people in the past in Korea used to live in this kind of house.


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Natural Resource

This drink is from thethe picture at the top.Thus, it is a natural resource.

These pictures are examples of resources that humans use in every day life basically. These three pictures are examples of resources. The first picture is a land which we use for farmingto grow our food and the rest of the picturesare about water that we drink. They are all needed for the survival of human. Water is at the same time natural resource and renewable resource. We can re-use it and it will never run out.

Picture 15

Picture 18

Picture 16

Picture 17


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These three pictures show Singapore, Korea and U.S.A respectively. Picture 19 shows Singapore, Picture 20 shows Seoul in Koreaand Picture 21 shows New York in U.S.A.These three countries are developed countries because all the three countries’economy has improved a lot over the years.Many things are made and constructed byhumans in these countries, they have high standard of living. There are lots of peopleliving in these three cities and many of themare rich. There are also many human features like buildings and roads.

Picture 20

Picture 21

Picture 19


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These three pictures are examples of developing countriesbecause as you see from the picturethe people in these pictures are nothaving high standard of living (the lack of facilities)and people may not have sufficient food or hospital services unlike some parts of these two countries like Shanghai or Beijing or New Delhi that are very developed.Many people are poor in these areas and theyneed help.

Picture 24

Picture 23

Picture 22

The studentsin these picturesdo not havehigh standard ofeducation unlikeus.


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This picture shows the inter-relationship between the physicaland human environment. As I mentionedin the glossary inter-relationship meansthe relationship between the human andthe environment when human try to usethe physical environment for their needs.This picture is a very good example toshow the inter-relationship between thehuman and the physical environment.As you can see from the picture, this place is where you export and importgoods and many other things in and out of the country.Thus, humans very much depend on the physical environment which is the sea where they use ship for transportation. This placeis very busy with many human activities and there is a very stronglink and relationship with humans and this place.


Picture 25

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Picture 26

Picture 27

These two pictures are about an island in Korea.This name of this island is ‘Dokdo Island’. Thereare very few human activities in this area. Apparently,nobody lives in this island and this island is one of Korea’s Natural Reserve. This island is considered as wilderness because this island is protected fromhuman activity in order to preserve its natural beautybut also the waves of the ocean around the islandis very strong which is quite dangerous. This feature ofthe island discourage human activities and that is whypeople made very little impact in this island.

*Some Facts About The Island-It is 0.186km² wide-It is 90km above the sea-It is formed with 36 small islands

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Picture 1,2 (Mar 13 2008)

Picture 3 (Mar 13 2008)

Picture 4 (Mar 16 2008)

Picture 5 (Mar 16 2008)

Picture 6 (Mar 13 2008)

Picture 7 (Mar 13 2008)

Picture 8**http%3A// (Mar 13 2008)

Picture 9 (Mar 13 2008)

Picture 10 (Mar 13 2008)

Picture 11 (Mar 13 2008)

Picture 12 (Mar 13 2008)

Picture 13 (Mar 13 2008)

Picture 14 (Mar 13 2008)



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Picture 15 (Mar 16 2008)

Picture 16 (Mar 16 2008)

Picture 17 (Mar 16 2008)

Picture 18 (Mar 19 2008)

Picture 19 (Mar 16 2008)

Picture 20 (Mar 16 2008)

Picture 21 city.jpg (Mar 16 2008)

Picture 22 (Mar 16 2008)

Picture 23 (Mar 16 2008)

Picture 24 (Mar 16 2008)

Picture 25 (Mar 20 2008)

Picture 26 (Mar 22 2008)

Picture 27 (Mar 22 2008) 15