Download - Donald Duck Spec Script

Page 1: Donald Duck Spec Script


Synopsis/Script – Lars Kram

Date – November 19

D 2011



Pic 1-4 Int. Supermarket – day. Donald, Huey, Louie and Dewey are doing

their shopping. Donald, engrossed in his shopping list, pushes a cart

that is already filled to the brim with various goods. The kids are

running towards him with their hands full of colourful candy.

Box: A returning ritual for the modern duck – shopping!

Huey: Unca Donald!

Louie: There's a huge discount-

Dewey: -On Fruity-fakes, Lolly-oes and jelly-jabbers!

Pic 5 Donald looks critically on some of the pieces of candy.

Donald : Hmpf! I can't see why you'd wanna fill yourselves with this artificial


Pic 6 Donald tries to force ahead, but the kids keep begging him. They're

not going to give up!

Donald : When I was your age I had an apple and then straight to bed! And that

was only when I was lucky!

The Kids: Pleeease Unca Donald! Fruity-fakes are so good! - And so are Lolly-

oes and Jelly-jabbers!

Pic 7 Close-up of Donald's face, he's giving in

Donald: Sigh, all right!!! Stop pestering me! If you really want to poison

yourselves go ahead!

Pic 8 The kids fill the cart, while Donald sees a lot of costumers who are

hurrying towards some other department in the supermarket.

Louie: Thanks Uncle! You're the best!

Donald: Say, where are all those people going?

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Pic 1 Donald pulls at the sleeve of one of the other costumers.

Donald: Can you tell me what's going on?

Costumer: Oh- it's Duck Henry Hudson! The famous wilderness explorer! He's

doing a signing his latest book!

Pic 2 Donald follows the other costumers

Donald: Huh, I might as well hear what that guy has to say while the kids

ravage the candy department.

Pic 3-4 Donald enters the book department where Duck-Henry Hudson is

giving a speech from a small stage. A bunch of fans and journalists are

gathered around.

Duck-Henry is an extremely masculine duck with stubble and

wearing a red and black plaid lumberjack-shirt.

Duck-Henry: ...and it's simply a shame how modern duck has forgotten that we

used to be hunters and gatherers who got our food from nature – not from

the supermarket!

Male fan: All men wishes they could be like Duck-Henry!

Female fan: -And all women wishes they could be with him!

Pic 5: Close-up of Duck-Henry.

Duck-Henry: ...Just look at the children! They are getting fat and lazy because they

sit in front of the computer all day!

Pic 6: On Donald. Duck-Henry's words obvious strikes a chord with Donald.

Donald: That Duck-Henry's onto something. I should take the kids out into

nature much more...

Pic 7: Duck-Henry's getting even more enthusiastic, and jumps up and down

on the little stage.

Duck-Henry: We should find back to our roots! Get out into nature and learn to

survive like our forefathers! Ask yourselves this – are you mice? Or

are you men?

Pic 8: The kids are on their way to the book dept. looking for Donald.

Hewey: I wonder where Unca Donald went?

Dewey: I think I saw him go this way...

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Pic 1: Donald comes rushing at the kids with a wild look in his eyes, and a

copy of Duck-Henry's book “Back To The Wild” in his hands!

Donald: Kids! We're going to read this amazing new book! And then we're

going on a survival trip!

Huey: A what-?

Louie: Where-?

Dewey: And why?!

Pic 2: (cont.) Donald and the kids are in the car, driving back to Webfoot


Donald: Kids, this modern life of luxury has made us soft! We need to toughen

up and get back in touch with our inner wild-ducks!

The kids: Sigh! But this is our holiday! We were hoping to relax and watch TV!

Pic 3-4: Back on Webfoot Walk 313 Donald starts packing the car. In the

background the kids are eating their candy.

Box: But there'll be none of that for poor Huey, Louie and Dewey.

Donald: Duck-Henry says our forefathers could survive on nothing but what

they could find in nature! They didn't need supermarkets or television

so neither do we!

Pic 5: Donald rips the candy out of the kids' hands.

Donald: -And certainly not Fruity-fake, lolly-oes and what else you call that

horrible slime you fill yourselves with!

Pic 6: The kids sneak their candy into their backpacks anyway. They wink at

each other.

Louie: That Duck-Henry's not gonna take our candy away!

Dewey: That's right, we need more than sticks and weeds to be happy!

Hewey: And we're smarter than the old cave-ducks anyway!

Pic 7: Donald and the kids drive out of Duckberg, heading for the

mountains. Dark clouds are gathering on the horizon.

Louie: Did you check the weather forecast Unca Donald?

Dewey: 'Cause it looks like there's a storm coming!

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Donald: Bah, our forefathers didn't have weather-forecasts, and they got along


Sound: Brrroumble...


Pic 1: Hewey, Louie and Dewey are looking out through the window of the

car as they are driving deep into an old forest.

Hewey: Let's hope this Uncle knows what he is doing.

Louie: Yeah, we've never been this deep into the woods-

Dewey: Even with the Junior Woodchucks!

Pic 2: Close-up on Donald, looking smug.

Donald: Heh heh, of course you haven't! This is not the little league, this is for

real ducks!

Pic 3: The road ends abruptly just before a steep decline. Donald breaks the

car in the last second before running over the edge.

Donald: This seems like a good place to start!

Pic 4: Donald is loading the kids with his old, worn-out mountaineering


Louie: Uh, when was the last time you used this equipment?

Dewey: 1864?

Pic 5: Donald straps a backpack on and starts walking towards the slope..

The kids follow.

Donald: That's enough out of you! Let's go!

Hewey: Did you at least bring-

Louie: A map?

Dewey: Or a compass?

Pic 6: Close-up on Donald as the four ducks climb down the slope.

Donald: Of course not! We can navigate after the sun and the stars!

Sound: Brrroumble!

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Pic 7: Donald and the kids reach the bottom of the slope where a big forest

starts. The kids look worriedly up at the sky where dark clouds are

shutting out the sun. Rain drops are starting to fall.

Dewey: Maybe getting lost won't be our biggest problem guys!

Pic 8: Dewey spots some weird markings on a tree trunk – it looks like

primitive cave paintings carved into the bark. Donald continues

without noticing anything.

Dewey: Do you see what I'm seeing brothers?!


Pic 1: The kids examine the carvings on the tree.

Louie: Looks like someone etched some kind of symbols into the bark of that


Dewey: But according to the Junior Woodchuck Guidebook, this part of the

Heureka Forest has never been explored!

Hewey: But someone must have made them!

Pic 2: Donald who is ahead of the kids stop and calls for them.

Donald: Quit stalling you lazy little ducklings! We better build a shelter until

this rain stops!

Pic 3: Huey, Louie and Dewey run towards Donald. Louie is looking over

his shoulder after the weird markings.

Louie: A shelter, that's something we know how to do!

Hewey: Yeah, and we better watch out for unca Donald so he doesn't hurt


Dewey: I still would have liked to know who made those carvings!

Pic 4: While the three nephews and Donald force through the thicket, a

strange Duck-like silhouette spies on them from behind a thick tree-

trunk. This is the WILD-DUCK that lives in the woods, and who the

ducks will eventually encounter.

Box: Maybe you'll find out sooner than you think Dewey!

Silhouette: Grummm....

Pic 5-6: The three nephews are huddled together under a make-shift shelter

made out of sticks and branches. Donald is trying to light a fire with a

couple of rocks while the rain is still pouring down, making it

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impossible. He is getting more and more angry.

Hewey: But unca Donald, you'll never get a fire going as long as it's raining!

Louie: Come inside before you catch a cold!

Donald : Nonsense! I can light a fire under water if I need to!

Pic 7: Donald looses his temper and throws the rocks into the nearest bush, where

they seem to hit someone – namely the wild-duck who has been spying on


Donald: These rocks aren't working properly!

Sound: Gonk!

Pic 8: Still hidden by the bush, the Wild-duck immediately throws the rocks back in

and hits Donald right in the face.

Sound: Brakk!

Donald: Uargh!


Pic 1: Hewey, Louie and Dewey are starting to look worried.

Hewey: I don't like this...

Louie: Yeah, something really strange is going on here!

Dewey: What animal could have thrown those rocks back?

Pic 2: The nephews are watching as Donald is tearing the bush apart, looking for

whoever threw the rocks.

Hewey: A gorilla?

Louie: A bear?

Dewey: ….or something else entirely?

Pic 3: Donald is jumping up and down on the bush, tearing it apart with his hands,

but the wild-duck is gone.

Donald: Grrr! I'm getting hopping-mad! If nature wants to fight dirty I'll show her

that two can play that game!

Pic 4: Donald walks determinedly into the thicket.

Donald: But first I'll need to find some dry wood and get that fire going! Then I'll burn

this whole cursed forest down if I have to!

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Pic 5: Donald spots the entrance to a cave!

Donald: Huh, maybe I can find some in there!

Pic 6: Donald walks into the cave, and starts picking branches up from the floor.

The wild-duck is hiding behind a huge rock, keeping an eye on Donald, but

still staying out of sight.

Donald: This is brilliant! Not only is it warm and dry in here, there's plenty of wood..

Pic 7: Donald hears a growling sound from behind him, and straightens up,

dropping the pieces of wood on the ground.

Wild-duck: Grrrr....

Donald: Uh-oh...

Pic 8: Donald storms out of the cave while the wild duck, from inside the cave, is


Donald: On the other hand, a little rain never hurt anyone!

Wild-duck (o.s.): Groarrr!


Pic 1-2: Meanwhile Dewey has climbed up to the top of one of the highest

trees in the area. He is holding his cellphone in one hand and shouts

down to his brothers on the ground.

Box: Meanwhile...

Dewey: No, I can't see Uncle anywhere –

Pic 2: Underneath the tree, Hewey and Louie are waiting. They both have their

backpacks on. Louie is looking in the direction of the sound of branches


Sound 1: Snap!

Sound 2: Crack!

Louie: Hang on, I hear someone coming-

Pic 3-4: Donald comes crashing through a Hawthorne scrub with scratches all over.

Right behind him the wild duck comes charging! He looks like a duck, but

bigger, more muscular and with a long, unruly beard. He is only wearing an

animal skin, and is swinging a huge club over his head as he's chasing


Donald: Run kids!

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Hewey: Who on earth-

Louie: Is that!

Pic 5: Donald jumps on his two nephew's heads like they were stepping stones in a

panicked attempt to get up the tree.

Huey: Ow!

Donald: Let's hope he's afraid of heights!

Louie: Wait for us Uncle!

Pic 6: Donald is climbing to the top with Louie under his arm, and Huey clinging to

his back. He is sweating and looking scared.

Donald: I just remembered, unfortunately – so am I!


Pic 1: Donald and the three kids are all clinging on for their life at the very top of

the pine tree. It's still raining and they are looking pretty miserable.

Huey: Well, at least he isn't following us!

Pic 2: Beneath them, the wild duck has taken up guard right at the foot of the tree –

like a watch dog.

Louie: But he doesn't look like he's going anywhere either!

Wild Duck: Grrr....

Pic 3: Close-up of the four ducks in the top of the tree.

Donald: And we don't have any food up here either!

Huey: Well Uncle, actually....

Pic 4: Huey pulls out a handful of Fruity-fakes from his backpack.

Huey: We have these...

Donald: Whaaat!

Pic 5: Donald knocks the candy bars out of Hueys hand.

Donald: I told you not to bring that garbage!

Pic 6: The candybar hits the ground in front of the wild-duck,

Wild Duck: Grruh?

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Pic 7: Donald is shaking Huey furiously, while Louie is looking down at the ground.

Donald: How dare you wave those things in my face-

Louie: Hey, hang on – look at the wild duck now!

Pic 8: The wild-duck has picked up the candy-bar and seems to be examining it.


Pic 1: The wild-duck takes a huge bite of the candybar-

Sound: Chomp!

Pic 2: -And his face lights up! He's never tasted anything like it.

Wild duck: Yummm!

Pic 3: Back on the top of the tree, where the kids are cheering and Donald is looking


Huey: Hooray! Candy soothes the savage beast!

Dewey: Seems wild-ducks are crazy about Fruity-fakes just like us!

Donald: Uh...

Pic 4: The three nephews are down on the ground. Huey, Louie and Dewey have

formed a line keeping a steady flow of candybars from their backpacks to the

wild-duck. Dewey is winking at Louie. Donald is the last to get

down, very watchful, still not too sure about the situation.

Louie: I think we might've made a new friend Brothers!

Dewey Yeah, at least as long as we have candy!

Pic 5: Donald, looking very agitated starts to walk back, while tearing out pages of

Duck-Henry's book.

Donald: I've had enough of the wild, kids. Let's go home!

Pic 6: The three nephews are right behind him – but so is the wild-duck, walking

almost like a dog after them, with a peaceful expression on its rugged face.

Huey: Uh, uncle Donald, there's a small problem...

Louie: I think the wild-duck wants to come with us!

Pic 7: Donald turns around, angry and waves his arms in the air.

Donald: What! No! No! Get back to your cave you smelly old-

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Pic 8: The wild-duck grabs Donald by the collar and growls at him.

Wild duck: Growl!

Donald: Ulp! Uh... of course you can come with us! (I just hope we have plenty of



Pic 1-2: Donald, the kids and The Wild Duck are standing on a stage along

with a moderator, in front of a huge audience of old men with beards,

glasses and brown and grey suits, who are clapping excitedly. The Wild Duck

is happily chewing on a Fruity-Fake.

Box: And so, safely home in Duckberg, Donald and the kids are honoured with

the Anthropological Society's special award.

Sound: Clap! Clap! Clap!

Moderator: So tell us Mr. Duck, how did you manage to tame this wild creature who had

never seen civilized ducks before?

Pic 3: Donald starts to puff out his feathers, but Louie cuts in.

Donald: Well, when you're a skilled survivalist such as I-

Louie: Actually we just found out he likes Fruity-fakes!

Pic 4: One of the gentlemen in the audience jumps up at the mention of Fruity-fake.

Gentleman: Did you say Fruity-fakes!? My name is Arty Ficial! and I happen to be

the owner of the company that produces Fruity-fakes! Anthropology just

happens to be my hobby!

Pic 5-6: Donald and the kids are at home on Webfoot Walk 313. The kids are lying on

the floor, with an enormous pile of Fruity-fakes behind them. On the TV is a

commercial for the same candy bars – starring the Wild Duck! Donald is

looking extremely agitated.

TV speak: Fruity-fakes – for your inner jungle animal!

Huey: What's the matter Uncle?

Louie: Just because Mr. Ficial made Wild Duck the star of his new commercials,

and gave us a whole year's supply of candy as thanks for discovering his new


Donald: Grrrr...


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