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APRIL 23. The Trump administration is requiring all countries to stop buying oil from Iran, or face U.S. sanctions, an escalation of a policy that could deeply upset world energy markets.

IRAN THREATENS TO CLOSE THE STRAIT OF HORMUZ (the entrance to the Persian Gulf). Tehran is prepared for the U.S. decision to end waivers granted to buyers of Iranian crude. In response, Iran’s Revolutionary Guards repeated their threat to close the strategic Strait of Hormuz to all commerce. The Strait of Hormuz is the narrow water-way into the Persian Gulf, where 18 million barrels of oil pass through each day.

International oil prices surged by about 3% at midday on April 22, hitting fresh 2019 highs, after the Trump administration announced that all oil buyers will have to end imports from Iran by May 2, or be subject to U.S. sanctions.

The State Department will cease granting sanctions waivers to any country still importing Iranian crude or condensate, an ultra-light form of crude oil. If President Trump is successful, it will eliminate approximately a million barrels of oil per day from the global market place. That is a big deal. And it comes at a time when oil prices have already been steadily rising. Iran doesn’t plan to take this move lying down, and their response could potentially spark a full-blown oil crisis. In what appears to be a response to the U.S. plan to end waivers on Iranian oil exports, Iran will close the Strait of Hormuz, a waterway vital for global oil shipments, if they (Iran) is prevented from using it.

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“If we are prevented from using it, we will close it,” the state-run Fars news agency reported, citing Alireza Tangsiri, the new head of the Revolutionary Guard Corps navy force. “In the event of any threats, we will not have the slightest hesitation to protect and defend Iran’s waterway,” he said

If this happens, it will throw global oil markets into a state of tremendous turmoil, and it would bring us much, much closer to war with Iran.

MIDDLE EAST FORCES ON HIGH ALERT The US has placed its Middle East forces on high alert on April 22, before announcing the cancellation of waivers that effects eight countries’ buying embargoed Iranian oil.

US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, said in an unprecedentedly tough statement. “We are going to zero across the board. We’ll continue to enforce sanctions and monitor compliance. Any nation or entity interacting with Iran should do its diligence and err on the side of caution; the risks are simply not going to be worth the benefits.”

He went on to say: “How long we’ll remain there at zero depends solely on the Islamic Republic of Iran’s senior leaders.”

The countries that will no longer benefit from the waivers are China, India, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, Italy, Greece and Turkey. They collectively imported a million barrels a day of Iranian oil.

Prior to sanctions, Iran was exporting 2.1 million barrels per day. That figure had already dropped to 700,000 barrels. Since oil is Iran’s single export commodity, its cut-off to zero is a virtual death blow to its economy.

Before the latest tightening of US sanctions, the first round had been devastatingly effective.

The official inflation rate had soared to an annual rate of 30.6%. Basic foods, water and tobacco were priced 85.3% higher than the corresponding period in the year before.

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IRAN’S HYPER-INFLATION DISASTER Whereas in 2018, the US dollar went for 40,000 Iranian rials, today the rate has sunk further to 140,000 rials to the dollar. Therefore, the zero-oil sales level projected by the US is tantamount to zero revenue for the Iranian revolutionary treasury.

Mr Pompeo said the sanctions will divert more than $10 billion away from the Iranian regime. “The goal remains simple,” as defined by Pompeo: is “to deprive the outlaw regime of the funds it has used to destabilise the Middle East for four decades, and to give Iran an incentive to behave like a normal country.”

This monumental and unprecedented US pressure on Tehran is compounded by the cruel effects on the Iranian population of the most severe weather disasters the Islamic republic has known for many years.

Weeks of incessant rainfall have caused wide-spread flooding in 25 of the country’s 31 provinces, forcing more than 2 million people to flee their homes. More than 150 homes were destroyed, crops amounting to 14% of Iran’s annual national product were destroyed; roads, bridges, and installations worth $2.5m for drinking and irrigation water were washed away.

The Trump administration is also turning the screws on Tehran’s allies because of their violent propagation, including Syria and proxies such as the Lebanese Hizballah and Iraqi Shiite militias.

Hizballah, whose fund-raising methods have long been targeted by Western law enforcement, was this week treated by Washington in the style of a wanted miscreant with the offer of a $10bn reward for information leading to the disruption of its finances. The State Department said the money would be paid to anyone who provides intelligence in such areas as Hizballah’s donors, financial institutions that assist its transactions and businesses controlled by the movement.

Hizballah is already feeling the pinch from the slow-down of its regular subsidy from sanctions-bound Iran and is appealing for donors.

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US financial pressure on Iran is so deep that even if China, Russia, Turkey, Indonesia, Malaysia and some West European countries try to bypass or defy the Trump administration by buying Iranian oil, regardless of sanctions, the quantities will be too negligible to affect the overall calamity.

This puts the Islamic Republic of Iran face to face with two options: to knuckle under to US demands, or resort to military measures to force Washington to ease the grip on its windpipe.

Tehran has often warned that if its oil exports are choked off, the Arab oil nations of the Gulf will be equally prevented from sending their product to market, either by a partial or total blockage of the Strait of Hormuz, through which one-fifth of the world’s daily consumption of fuel passes, or disruption of the oil tanker routes through the Red Sea.

Reliable military sources report that Iran lacks sufficient military strength to totally blockade Hormuz or the Red Sea oil routes.

However, a single attack on tanker traffic would send oil prices shooting skyward past $100 per barrel, creating market pressure on Washington. Other offensive options for Tehran would be attacks on US military bases in the Middle East, including Syria and Iraq, the Gulf and the Red Sea.

Local Shiite militias or Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) special units, would be activated to strike targets belonging to US allies, including Israel, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

With his mind focused on belligerency, Supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on April 21, replaced the veteran IRGC chief, General Ali Jafari, with a younger, more radical and dynamic figure, deputy Guards chief, Brigadier General Hossein Salami.

According to our sources, Salami, who stands out even among the radical IRGC officers as a hawk, was selected by the supreme leader to prepare a military campaign against the United States and its allies in the region for the purpose of breaking the

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back of American sanctions. He is being closely watched not just in Washington, but also in Riyadh and Jerusalem.

Stand by for further reports in the coming hours and days. This could be the catalyst for the coming turmoil in the region as foretold by the Biblical prophets for these days. Quite suddenly the whole region has been plunged into a new and very dangerous situation.

“IRAN WILL MAKE THE U.S. REGRET ITS DECISION TO SANCTION US” Iranian president demands US drop sanctions ‘and apologize’; and he vows to make America ‘regret’ sanctions on the Islamic republic.

US DEPLOYS TWO CARRIER STRIKE GROUPS IN MEDITERRANEAN APRIL 24, 2019. The John C. Stennis and Abraham Lincoln carrier strike groups have joined the US Mediterranean 6th Fleet for the first time in more than two years.

Reliable military sources add that this unusual concentration of US naval and air might in the region is intended to convey a warning to Iran against striking back at the US or its allies in the region in retribution for tightened Trump administration sanctions on its oil exports. This level of concentrated strength is capable of countering any Iranian attempt to interfere with the oil tanker shipping plying routes to market from the Gulf through the Strait of Hormuz, or the Gulf of Aden, or the Red Sea.

Vice Admiral Franchetti commented that it was a rare opportunity for two strike groups to work together alongside key allies and partners in the region. Our sources say she was referring to British, French and Israeli naval forces.

The vice admiral, who has served as 6th Fleet commander since early 2018, added: “The dual carrier operations in the Mediterranean, showcase the flexibility and scalability maritime forces provide to the joint force, while demonstrating our ironclad commitment to the stability and security of the region.”

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THE BIG GUNS ARE READY ! Comment by Jerry Golden, in Israel With Iran threatening to close the Strait of Hormuz over the new sanctions imposed by President Trump, the US is now moving the big guns into place in hopes of deterring Iran from making such a foolish mistake, it could bring about the destruction of Iran and Ezekiel 38:5.

Two of the most terrifying war machines ever made by mankind. Abraham Lincoln and the John C. Stennis aircraft car-riers enter the Mediterranean near the Syrian Coast. Keeping in mind these Carriers never travel without a full compliment of other ships, Battleships, Missile-ships, and never far away, is at least one Nuclear Submarine.

In my not so humble opinion, there is no way this kind of sabre rattling can continue before someone pulls a trigger to ignite the Third World War. With Russia now having two ports along the Syrian coast where they are docking their battleships, they now find they are pinned in with the two US carriers moving into the Eastern Mediterranean.

“You will be hearing of wars, rumours, reports of wars, but see to it that you do not become fright-ened. All these things must happen first, but the end is not yet. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom.” (Matthew 24:6-7)

IRAQ AND SAUDI ARABIA ARE READY TO INCREASE OIL OUTPUT AS US WITHDRAWS WAIVERS ON IRAN These two are preparing to reap the benefits of the Trump administration’s decision to end sanctions waivers on Iran’s oil customers, by increasing their oil output. 10

CHINA PLANS TO SCORN US SANCTIONS ON IRANIAN OIL China has signalled its intention to defy U.S. sanctions on Iran’s oil industry

IRAN’S NEW MILITARY COMMANDER VOWS TO WAGE WAR AGAINST ISRAEL AND US APR 23. Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khame-nei has appointed a new commander of the Islamic

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Revolutionary Guard Corps to replace Maj-Gen. Mohammad Ali Jafari, who led the military since 2007.

Brig. Gen Hossein Salami is the new Major General of Iran's military force and he has already vowed to “cleanse the planet of Israel and America.” In a speech aired, Feb. 19, on Iranian TV, Salami said Iran's sword has been “drawn out of its sheath” and the Islamic regime is preparing to fight Israel, America, and their allies. - Worthy News Pundits pointed out that "no Iranian commander has threatened the United States, Israel and Europe more than Salami."


Y’shua our Saviour warned: “If the world hates you, you know it has hated Me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love its own; but because you are not of the world, and because I chose you out of the world, the world hates you.

“Remember the word that I spoke to you, ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted Me, they will persecute you also. If they kept My word, they will keep yours also. But all this they will do to you because of My Name, for they do not know the One who sent Me.” (John 15:18-21)

The bombings in Sri Lanka on Easter Sunday, have once again put a spotlight on the rising tide of violence against Christians all over the world. According to Open Doors USA, an average of 105 churches and/or Christian buildings are burned or attacked every month.

SRI LANKA INTEL WARNED OF MUSLIM ATTACK ON CHURCHES Officials previously warned that terror elements, including radical Islamic group NTJ, would carry out suicide attacks at certain churches.

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Intelligence officials in Sri Lanka warned that terrorist elements, including the radical Islamic organization NTJ, would carry out a suicide attack in certain churches during Easter.

In the terror attack at Easter, 250+ people were killed and more than 500 were wounded during the bombings. Dozens of victims were evacuated to hospitals in the capital Colombo.

A source in the Sri Lankan security services, who spoke with the Associated Press, reported that six explosions occurred almost simultaneously. Accord-ing to him, a suspicion that suicide bombers blew themselves up at the entrance to the churches is being investigated.

About four hours later another blast was heard in Dehiwela, a suburb of the city of Colombo, in which at least two other people were killed. Among the dead are 35 foreigners, including French, Americans and Dutch. - Arutz Sheva Staff.

24 SUSPECTS ARRESTED IN SRI LANKA Sri Lanka imposes strict nationwide curfew, blocks social media after 8 blasts killed over 300 people, and injured hundreds. The defence minister said 24 suspects were arrested following the bombings that targeted hotels and churches during Easter services throughout the country, in what he called a terror attack by religious extremists.

Local security officials said at least two of the attacks may have been carried out by suicide bombers.

“A foreign intelligence agency has reported that the NTJ (National Thowheeth Jama’ath) was planning to carry out suicide attacks, targeting prominent churches as well as the Indian high commission in Colombo.”

The NTJ is a radical Muslim group in Sri Lanka that came to notice last year when it was linked to the vandalism of Buddhist statues.

ISIS CLAIMS RESPONSIBILITY The ISIS terrorist organization claims responsibility for the Easter bombings in Sri Lanka, and published

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photos and names of the terrorists involved.

IN RUSSIA . . . A MOSCOW YESHIVA SET ON FIRE DURING PASSOVER SEDER An arson fire was set at Torat Chaim Yeshiva (an educational institution) in eastern Moscow as 60 people gathered there for the Passover celebration.

An arson fire was started at the largest yeshiva in Russia during a Passover Seder, Jewish officials said. No one was reported injured in the fire at the Torat Chaim school in an eastern Moscow suburb.

IRANIAN MILITIAS TERRORIZING IRAQ'S CHRISTIANS Since the defeat of ISIS, some Christian families are beginning to move back to their communities in Iraq. However, they are now facing new threats from Iranian-back militia groups. - CBN News.

SHOCKING MASSACRES IN NIGERIA While the horrific mosque attacks in New Zealand that killed 50 people, were widely reported by the news media, there has been far less reporting of the massacre of scores of Christians by the hands of Muslim militants in many countries.

One of the most notorious Islamist groups in the world, Boko Haram, is responsible for killing thousands of Christians and displacing countless more in northern Nigeria. But Boko Haram isn't the only group targeting Christians in Africa.

Fulani jihadists killed over 120 Christians over three weeks in March in central Nigeria, employing machetes and gunfire to slaughter men, women, and children, burning down over 140 houses, destroying property, and spreading terror.

The Fulani is an ethnic group that are seeking to drive Christians out of the central area of Nigeria, in what is evidently an attempt at religious cleansing of the country. Christian leaders claim that "over 6,000 people - mostly children, women and the aged, have been maimed and killed in night raids by the armed Fulani herdsmen.

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“Nigerian Christian leaders have complained about the "continuous abduction of under-aged Christian girls who are forcefully-converted to Islam and taken in for marriage without the consent of their parents."

This is not headline news because Muslim radicals regularly kill Christians around the world.

“No one much cares about offending Christians,” wrote the coalition of African-American pastors in the USA. “In fact, mocking, belittling, and blaspheming Christianity is becoming a trend in our culture. “Anti-Christian bigotry truly is the last acceptable prejudice. The hypocrisy on display is astounding. Christianity is the dominant religion of our country. It is the foundation of our government and morality. And yet, Christians are treated as fair game for mockery and insult.”

Christians are by far the most persecuted religious group in the world, but the mainstream media routinely ignore this fact.

Many people do not even realize how widespread the persecution is, or that 75% of the victims of religious persecution around the world are Christians.

“They were stoned, they were tempted to renounce their faith, they were sawn in two, they were put to death with the sword. They went about in sheep- skins, in goatskins; being destitute, afflicted and cruelly treated — men of whom the world was not worthy. They wandered in deserts and mountains,

living in dens and caves of the earth. All these, having gained approval through their faith, did not receive what was promised.” (Hebrews 11:37-39)


RUSSIA AND TURKEY CREATE A $1 BILLION JOINT INVESTMENT FUND APR 17. Turkey’s Hurriyet Daily has confirmed Russia and Turkey have agreed to create a “Russia-Turkey Investment Fund” following President Erdoğan’s visit to Moscow last week, where he met with President Putin to more broadly discuss techno-logical co-operation, closer military ties and the future of action and local ceasefires in Syria. The bonds between Gog and Togarmah strengthen by the day.

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The initiative was announced by the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF), Russia’s sovereign wealth fund, and Turkey Wealth Fund (TWF) last week connected to the summit.

“At the initial stage the investments in the funds’ projects will amount to 200 million euros. The total size of the Russia-Turkey Investment Fund is 900 million euros,” the RDIF said in a statement.

The agreement of the new co-operative venture was signed in the presence of Erdoğan and Russian President Vladimir Putin, and will be central to assisting joint Russian-Turkish projects in the areas of technology, healthcare, and urban infrastructure. “This is an important milestone for TWF and we believe initiating investments through RTIF in focused sectors will cement the relationship of both sovereign investment funds and further strengthen the relationship between Turkey and Russia,” the managing director of the Turkey Wealth Fund, Zafer Sönmez, said in a media release.

The newly established Russia-Turkey Investment Fund further suggests that Turkey is fast moving into Moscow's orbit.


17 APR. Russia comes under fire from Damascus for the first time, since its 2015 intervention on behalf of the Assad regime, on the charge of collaborating with Israel. Unnamed Syrian military sources said on April 15:

“Israel possesses one of the most powerful military intelligence wings in the world,” and “not only benefits from close intelligence ties with the US coalition but also the Russian military.”

Syrian officials have never ventured to criticize the Russian military whose support was critical in rescuing Bashar Assad from an 8-year insurgency.

However, dissent was sparked in Syrian army rank and file and the general population by Israel’s aerial missile attack on Syria’s “Scientific Studies and

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Research Centre at Masyaf on April 13.

The most important Syrian-Iranian production hub for upgrading the surface missile and air defence capabilities of the Syrian army and Hizballah was gutted. Even more infuriating, the Russian S-300 air defence battery posted near Masyaf did not launch a single missile against the enemy assailants.

Still strongly implying Russian collusion, the Syrian military officials declared that the Israelis knew perfectly well that the S-300 was not ready for use and exploited this information.

They went on to say: “Russia may disapprove of the Israeli air strikes in Syria, but they will not intervene to stop them as they currently have an agreement with the Netanyahu administration.”

Syrian officials have never, in the more than two years of Israel air strikes in Syria against Iranian targets, referred to the Russian military’s non-interference, or to a Putin–Netanyahu deal. Damascus’ frustration is further compounded by its inability to take direct action against Israeli air strikes, because they are launched from Lebanon’s air space. CHINESE POLICE BEAT 60 CHRISTIANS, CLOSES CHURCH, AND BURIES ITS BIBLES 16 APR. 2019. More than 100 Chinese police officers and SWAT team members closed a newly constructed church and beat dozens of Christians who were guarding it, and then buried Bibles and hymn books before leaving.

The incident in Henan – China’s third largest province – took place in January and was reported by April 10. Chinese officials also seized the church’s cash and other possessions.

“As soon as they entered the church, they smashed the donation box and pocketed the money, which totalled thousands of yuan – likely hundreds in U.S. dollars. They also questioned us about where all of our church’s money was kept,” a church member told Bitter Winter, which monitors religious

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persecution in China.

The congregation, the True Jesus Church in Anping, had opened a new building in July 2018 that cost around U.S. $300,000. But the Chinese accused the congregation of being in contact with foreign governments. The Chinese plan on converting the building to a nursing home, Bitter Winter reported. Officials arrived January 4 in dozens of vehicles to take over the building. When 60 or so church members barricaded the entrance with benches, more officers were called to the scene and stormed into the church. They beat the believers, leaving about 15 Christians on the floor moaning in pain. One woman who is in her 70’s also was beaten.

CHINA’S HAN SUPERSTATE APR. 3. China’s ruler, Xi Jinping, demands that the five recognized religions “Sinicize, ie. China-ise. (Official recognition is a control. mechanism.) The Chinese, as a part of this ruthless and relent-less effort, are destroying mosques and churches, forcing devout Muslims to drink alcohol and eat pork, inserting Han officials to live in Muslim homes, and ending religious instruction for minors.

More than a million people, for no reason other than their ethnicity or religion, are held in concentration camps in what Beijing calls the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and what traditional inhabit-ants of the area, the Uighurs, say is East Turkestan. In addition to Uighurs, ethnic Kazakhs are also held in these facilities.

Families in this troubled area, shown on maps as the north-western portion of the People's Republic of China, are being torn apart. The children of imprisoned Uighur and Kazakh parents are "confined" to "schools" that are separated from the outside by barbed wire and heavy police patrols. They are denied instruction in their own language, forced to learn Mandarin Chinese. The controls are part of a so-called "Hanification" policy, a program of forced assimilation. "Han" is the name of China's dominant ethnic group. - By Gordon G. Chang


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"For YHWH, the Almighty GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD, that He gave His only begotten, His one-and-only, unique, eternal Son, so that whoever believes in Him, should not perish, but have eternal (everlasting) life."

“For God did not send the Son into the world to judge and condemn the world; but so that the world might be saved through Him.

“He who believes in Him is not condemned; he who does not believe has been condemned already, because he has not believed in the Name of the only begotten, the one-and-only unique, eternal Son of God.” (John 3:16-18)

JEWISH BELIEVERS NOW NUMBER . . . ONE MILLION Last year, a ground-breaking study was released by LifeWay Research revealing there are now, this Passover/Easter weekend, some 1 million Jewish followers of Jesus in the world.

There are 871,000 Jewish followers of Jesus in the United States alone.

Add in the 30,000 Jewish believers who live in Israel, and the many others who live in Europe, Latin America and elsewhere. So there are now about one million Jewish followers of Y’shua/Jesus in the world today.

That's an astonishing number, especially when you realize that in 1967 there were fewer than 2,000 Jewish believers in the entire world. I'm grateful to be one of them. - Joel Rosenberg

God’s promise to Israel. Romans 11:25-27 Paul wrote: “For I do not want you to be igno-rant of this mystery, brethren, lest you be wise in your own estimation; a temporary hardening

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has happened to Israel which will continue until the full number of Gentiles has come in.

“And so all Israel will be saved; just as it is written, ‘THE DELIVERER WILL COME FROM ZION, and He will remove ungodliness from Jacob. And this is My covenant with them, when I take away their sins’.”

MUSLIM KURDS ARE TURNING TO CHRIST IN WAR-TORN NORTHERN SYRIA Many Muslim Kurds, disillusioned with Islam, are converting to Christianity in the Syrian border town of Kobani. Praise Yah! While there are many millions of believers in Africa and South America . . . LESS THAN HALF OF BRITISH CHRISTIANS BELIEVE THAT JESUS DIED ON THE CROSS FOR THEIR SINS . . .

Only 46% of British Christians believe Jesus died on the cross to save them from their sins, a new poll has found. How tragic! That is in - Great Britain — the land of the evangelical Reformers!


APRIL 22. Imagine, a pure-blooded Jew with the appearance of a Shalom Aleichem (peace) protagonist, wins the Presidency by a landslide, in a country that glorifies Nazi criminals.

“I urge that petitions, prayers, intercessions and thanksgivings be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority.’’ (1 Timothy 2:1-2)

RELIGIOUS FREEDOM DETERIORATES IN NEPAL APR 24. International Christian Concern has learned that five Christians, including an American citizen and an Indian citizen, were arrested by authorities in Nepal and charged with attempted proselytization. The arrests come as religious freedom in Nepal continues to deteriorate under the country’s controversial anti-conversion law that was enacted in August 2018.

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According to local reports, the five Christians were arrested on April 23 in Nepal’s Dang District. Among those arrested were Pastor Dilli Ram Paudel, General Secretary of the Nepal Christian Society; Gaurav Srivastava, an Indian citizen; and Leanna Ciquanda, an American citizen.

The Christians were reportedly arrested by police after they visited local villages in the Dang District. Police seized the Christians’ Bibles, computers, and other items before transporting them to the local police station and accusing them of attempted proselytization.

According to local media reports, Ciquanda’s visa to Nepal has been cancelled. She may be deported and banned from returning to Nepal. Criminal charges have been filed against the other Christians who will likely face local courts.

Proselytization is now considered a criminal offense in Nepal. The process of criminalizing religious conversion began in 2015 when Nepal adopted a new constitution.

According to Article 26 (3) of the new constitution, “No person shall behave, act or make others act to dis-turb public law and order situation or convert a person of one religion to another or disturb the religion of other people…such an act shall be punished by law.”

On August 17, 2018, the Nepalese government enact-ed this controversial portion of the new constitution when it was added to the country’s criminal codes. Under these new laws, an individual found guilty of even encouraging religious conversion can be fined up to 50,000 Rupees ($600) and placed in prison for up to five years.

ICC’s Regional Manager, William Stark, said: “These arrests and potential deportation are truly concerning for Nepalese Christians and the future of religious freedom in Nepal. Since the new constitution was adopted in 2015, Nepalese Christians have been concerned that Article 26 and its enacting laws would be used against their community.

“In June 2016, seven Christians in Dolakha District

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were arrested for distributing handkerchiefs and Bible handbooks. In July 2018, a Christian couple was deported from Nepal after police claimed that they were involved in religious conversion because they participated in a church service in Kathmandu.

“Today, Nepalese Christians have seen their fears realized again. Nepal’s sweeping anti-conversion law must be repealed if religious freedom is truly a right to be enjoyed by the country’s citizens.” - Washington D.C. (International Christian Concern)

EVERYONE TO BE MICRO-CHIPPED BY 2030! APR 18. Editor, Cairnsnews. By 2030, the UN plans for each person to have a biometric identification, which will be approved worldwide. The information of every human being will be stored in a universal database, located in Geneva, Switzerland.

The organization of the United Nations is addressed to all the governments of the world which impose the “Universal Biometric Identification” card to its citizens. “This new program is a model for the New World Order, and if you enter the sub-projects for these new global goals, you will find things very alarming,” reports The Economic Collapse. The United Nations has implemented this project among refugees who have arrived in Europe. The system collects the face, the iris and the biometric data from the fingerprints, all in the one official documentation for refugees.

The information will be sent to the central database in Geneva, allowing its follow-up process.


“Come now, you rich, weep and wail because of the miseries that are coming upon you. Your wealth has become rotten, and your garments are moth-eaten. Your gold and silver have corroded, and their corrosion will testify against you and

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will consume your flesh like fire. You have hoarded wealth in the Last Days!” (James 5:1-3)

There was a time when people could depend on their "life savings" for a sense of security. Not anymore.

The world's economy is surprisingly fragile at the moment. There are even signs that the US economy might be headed for some instability or, at the least, sluggish growth.

These problems may turn out to be insignificant, temporary setbacks. But there is one warning sign that no one can dismiss: national debt.

Unsustainable levels of national debt hang like the sword of Damocles over the United States and the world.

In 1992, the US debt stood at 62% of our nation's annual Gross Domestic Product,( GDP). In 2009, our national debt reached 82% of our GDP. This year, it will be at least 106% of GDP. That's an explosion of debt! Remember, when I say "GDP," I'm not talking about the amount of money the government brings in through taxes and tariffs. I'm talking about all of the wealth generated by the ENTIRE nation in a year. Government debt now exceeds the annual amount of everything the nation produces!

In 1981, the US debt hit one trillion dollars. President Ronald Reagan tried to illustrate to Congress how much a trillion dollars is. He said, "If you had a stack of thousand-dollar bills in your hand only 4 inches high, you'd be a millionaire. A trillion dollars would be a stack of thousand-dollar bills 67 miles high. Last February, US debt hit 22 trillion dollars. That's a stack of thousand-dollar bills 1,474 miles high! But official Washington doesn't seem to care. Now they want to give Medicare to everyone and pay all college tuitions. They want to ban fossil fuels, build millions of massive windmills, and rebuild every building in America. Including your house.

The American Action Forum estimates that will require more than 90 trillion dollars! That's how you

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turn the most prosperous nation in human history into another Venezuela (bankruptcy) !

But it's not just happening in America. In 2017, nineteen nations had government debt higher than their GDP. Japan's national debt stands at a staggering 236% of its GDP!

History proves these numbers cannot be sustained. The world is headed for a financial disaster like nothing ever seen before. And it will set the stage for the emergence of the Antichrist.

If your hope is only in this world, your future is scary! Our “hope” - our expectation and security, is in the Lord Jesus who said:

“Let not your heart be troubled; believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father's House are many dwelling places; if it were not so, I would have told you, for I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself, so that you also may be where I am.” (John 14:1-3)

MOZAMBIQUES’ DOUBLE DISASTERS In March, Cyclone Idai struck three neighboring countries in southern Africa, bringing devastation to Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Malawi. It has been described as the worst natural disaster to hit the southern hemisphere. Around 2 million people in Mozambique are affected by the floods; in Malawi 900,000 were displaced, while in Zimbabwe, around 200,000 need food assistance.

A vast area of Mozambique was under water with homes destroyed, roads and bridges washed away and crops and cattle lost in flooded agricultural areas. 90% of the port city of Beira with 500,000 residents has been damaged or destroyed with all road ways to the city damaged or under water. Disease is rife as people are without food and clean water.

In late April, another savage cyclone named “Kenneth”, hit Mozambique with winds of 240km. It "wiped out" villages entirely. 30,000 people had to be evacuated from affected areas.

While “floods” are not at all new, the extent of

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many recent floods have been overwhelming. Last year a massive flood in Kerala, India, was more than horrific. In January, there was massive flooding in Philippines; and then in February, it was Australia’s turn to be flooded — in Queensland. This flooding followed two weeks of incessant rain after a period of prolonged drought in the area. It resulted in death of cattle and snakes and crocodiles being released into inhabited areas. Mass evacuations took place as the storms made landfall.

In March, historic flooding hit the Mid-West of the USA after a cyclone dropped heavy rain and triggered a massive snowmelt which led to an excess of runoff into rivers and waterways. The flooding led to several deaths, the evacuation of an entire town in Missouri, and over $1 billion in damages so far, putting more communities and farmland at risk.

Global warming is being linked to this increase in destructive storms.. But remember, Jesus warned about great disasters that would plague the world in the days before His return.

There will be . . . “On the earth, distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring; men's hearts failing them from fear and the expectation of those things which are coming on the earth, for the powers of the heavens will be shaken.” (Luke 21.25-26)

MUCH TO BE CONCERNED ABOUT, AND TO PRAY ABOUT !! The world certainly seems to be on a roller coaster ride to judgment day. The Middle East is on the brink of the war prophesied by the prophet Ezekiel. While there is a mighty movement of God that is graciously saving countless lives — “snatching,” as it were, “brands from the burning,” Christianity is un-der severe attacks. In the Western World, every type of corruption is ruining lives, and many anti-Biblical evils are being condoned and encouraged. Many Christians are distraught by the world that is sinking fast into anarchy. It is getting darker by the minute!

LATE NEWS - IRAN’S OIL WAR In reaction to the sanctions against it, Iran has threatened to close the Strait of Hormuz to oil traffic.

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Unfazed by this threat, the Trump administration has not backed off from its decision to cancel the oil embargo exemptions granted to eight of Iran’s biggest oil importers, including China, India and S. Korea. In fact, a new set of penalties are in store. Reliable sources report that the cancellation of the waivers will slash Iran’s oil sales down from 1.1m barrels per day to half a million. But that’s just for starters. The next round of penalties aims to lower the figure to zero. No-one in Washington or the Middle East expects the Iranians to take the loss of their primary source of income lying down. The US is making plans. April 27. US Central Command chief General Kenneth McKenzie stated: “The United States will deploy the necessary resources to counter any dangerous actions by Iran.”

The US administration is making a strong effort to replace Iranian oil with alternative energy supplies to the world markets, to prevent oil prices flying out of control. Even a partial closure of the two choke points for exported Gulf oil – the Strait of Hormuz and the Bab al-Mandeb entrance to the Red Sea – is likely to send oil prices “sky high.”

President Trump made a phone call to General Khalifa Haftar, head of the Libyan National Army (LNA) that is backed by Russia, Egypt, the UAE and France. Mr Trump is urging Haftar to take control of Libya’s oil terminals at Ras Lanuf and Es Sider on the Mediterranean coast, and to release its oil onto the world market.

The LNA is still fighting against the Libyan Govt. of National Accord (GNA), is seeking to “liberate” the Libyan capital, Tripoli.


ROMANS 13:11-12. “You know what time it is, and that it is high time for us to wake up from slumber; for our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed. The night is almost gone, and the day is at hand. Let us therefore cast away the deeds of darkness and put on the armour of light.” AMEN !