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Dominik Benger


It was a cold November. Most people stay inside of their houses watching TV or hanging out

with their family. Dominik was a different type of person. You’ve never seen that type of

dedication like he dedicated his all free time, and even sleep to get better as a basketball player.

Dominik was a basketball player, and although he started to play ball pretty late when he was 14,

the passion to the game that he created soon became so important o him that he cared about

basketball more than girls. During the whole summer, he was working out in the weight room to

get better, and stronger, spending multiple hours per days on the court.

The season was approaching and the first official day of practice was here. Dominik was

ready; he was in perfect shape, probably in the shape of his life. On the day of practice, he came

first to the gym, just to get some extra shots. The practice started; the practice that will change

his life.

`Dominik caught a rebound at his end of the court, and instead of passing the ball to the

point guard; he decided to push the ball. In his mind he thought he had a while open lane to the

basket, but there were two players on him. Instead of stopping and pulling the ball back, he

decided to continue. Probably not a good idea at that point of time. One of his teammates tripped

him and Dominik “blew up his whole knee.” Now he is badly injured, and stocked with acl, Lcl,

Pcl and meniscus torn. He is frustrated; he can’t play basketball for 8 months as the recovery

starts soon. Surgery was already done, and now is the time to focus on rehabilitation and fixing

the knee.

Although he is frustrated and it hurts him that something is taken away from him, he

stays positive. He already decided what is going to happened. He will get back and he will be

stronger and better that before. He will play college basketball at high level and all the dreams

that he had, he will accomplish trough dedication that he will put in. he is motivated than ever

before, and he is doing everything that doctor said to get better because that is the only way to

accomplish the goals that he has.

Reading is the ability that nobody can take away from you

When I was a little kid, I was always fascinated with the people like my mother who

would read newspapers every morning. It always impressed me how she was enjoying doing that

each day, even when she didn't fell well. For example when she had flu, reading was something

that brought a smile to her face. Even though at first I wasn’t sure how she got that ability, I fall

in love immediately. The desire to learn how to read was more important to me than playing

video games, which was odd to my parents. Although skeptic to that idea at first, my mom

agreed that she will show me how to read.

It was not easy at the beginning, and it took a lot of work to learn the skill. I remember

once my mom and I were setting in the living room, watching television and she realized that

with sitting on the couch will not develop my reading skills, in order to create a motivation, she

promised me a surprise gift if I learn to read in two weeks. “ I will take you to the movies and we

can see any movie you want.” she said, and at the time I was really into Jimmy Neutron, an

animated movie about kid genius. I took a couple of minutes of serious thinking before I respond

“ I accept the challenge, but only if I can get large popcorn in the movies?” The response was, on

my happiness, “ yes.”However, it took me a month or so, before I was able to read. Sometimes I

was thinking about quitting; I had days when I just could not focus on accomplishing my mission

at all, and no mater how much I tried, I would finish the day thinking about the worst- that I am

going to fail. My mom was always cheering for me, and being supportive when I was struggling

to overcome reading barriers really helped me a lot. I didn't want to disappoint her, but show her

that I can finish something what I started. Although I didn’t not learn how to read in two weeks,

Mom was still proud of me, that she took me to the movies anyways.

The problem was that I did not always understand what I was reading. I would read a

passage not understanding what I just read at all, which was really frustrating fact. Mom told me

that is another ability that will come with more experience, and it cannot happened over night.

My dream was shuttered; I learned how to read but what is the point of that if I cannot

understand the author’s thoughts? I wanted to understand the author and realize how he feels

through his text. To be honest it took me a while to accomplish that, and I still did not end with

developing that skill. Every book that I read with help me to improve my reasoning and

understanding skills, so the process is ongoing.

Since then, every single article, book or even a passage, I try to read with fully

understanding and to get improvement out of it. Only with hard work and trying you will

improve, and that works with pretty much everything in life. However, for topics that I am not

very interested in, I takes me a while to really focus on the book and what does author has to say

to me. Sometimes I asked myself why is that so, but I really can't figure it out. On the flip-side,

books that are related to the topics that I am in favor of, like sports, are easy to read and

understand. I was always a sport type of person. When I read newspapers, sports section is

always first on my list, and the same thing goes for internet news portals. Sport is something that

is big part of my life, so I guess I understand why I prefer sport literature.

What do I mean by understand the book? When the reader is able to acknowledge all the

metaphors and ideas that author is trying to present, then in my opinion you and

erstand the book. That is what I am trying to do when I’m reading any type of literature.

However, I am fan of sports books, which in some sense are easier to read; there are not a lot of

metaphors, if any, and the ideas are not twisted like in drama books or similar. So far in my

lifetime, I had a chance to read all type of literature, from Shakespeare to Phil Jackson, and each

book gave me different experience on how to better understand the author’s thoughts.

From this essay I learned that I am really passionate about sport literature and that

reading about sports makes me happy. I kinda have a passion to work for sports magazine or

network house like ESPN, because I think my passion for it would give me a lot of motivation to

successfully accomplish every day assignments.

Budha chillin

Once upon a time, a little while ago, there was a world religions class and their “weird show.”

Students were learning about religion and what it means to their lives, but nobody was able to

come up with the definition for question what is freedom. Majority of class said that having

money mean to be free, and as soon as teacher heard that, she said “guys I have a nice poster

with Buddha on the motorcycle.”

Really good prompts

1. After realizing that you need egg to make all that delicious treats, you had to take your

chance on go to the store out in the blizzard. You got happy because you overcome your

fear of being outside during the blizzard, but 30 yd before the store, you slipped and fall

on your head. That left a permanent damage to your bran cells.

2. You realized that one skeleton has four arms, and you were really confused. Although

you were thinking to call security and tell them to fix that, you decided to leave it as it is,

thinking that it might be alien skeleton.

4. The person slaps me because I am a total failure. How was I able to get a D in a science

project, that is impossible. However, you turned back and kick the hit out of that person


6. Jane realized that Greg is a really messed up guy, so instead of listening to his cute

messages hop he loves her and all that crap, he decided to live it up and go party and get

crunk as hard as she can.

12. The girl finds out 3 different passports, and although worried a little bit, she was really

impressed by saying “wow”, this men is really smart, if he needs an extra passport, he

doesn’t have to go and get another, he already has one.”


To live or die the Question is?

Run or Gun

Some people say the world we live in is cruel, fulfilled with pain and suffer. Others

would say it is the best time to explore a lot of opportunities that can provide you with a so called

“good life.” “You just have to go by the rules and everything is going to be fine, and don’t

forget, you always have to be honest,” they would say, not realizing that it is easier to say than to

accomplish it. However, when it comes down to how much you want certain things, all the rules

don’t matter anymore; or at least some of them. Materialism is a very complex thing to

understand. Some people can use it as a motivation to work harder in order to earn more money

for them and/or on the flipside; well bank robberies, stealing, and even fighting is subconsciously

caused by materialism. Or maybe not; decision is yours.

In my neighborhood back home there was a kid name Bruno; at first sight you would

think a regular kid from the block. And he was; he was going to high school, he occasionally did

his homework and he was listening to his parents to some extent. Oh yea, and did I mention he

was hustling on the streets. Yea you heard it right. Realizing that his parents were not able to

provide him with everything he wants, he decided to sell weed. That was a year ago, and by then

he joined the big league; weed became no profitable for him, cocaine and ex were the shit. Soon,

he was getting that money by all means, which he spent on fancy clothes and gadgets. The

problem that occurred was not the police or feds, or some internal government agency, but even

worse; jealous kids who wanted to have money like him, and more less stuff that he had. The fact

that he was born with a scar on his face made the situation even worse. Bruno was not very

friendly, and whenever somebody got close to his heart, he would pull out some prank to scare

them away. Going to the school where he had 35 kids in the classroom did not make the situation

easier. Students would steal his ipods and clothes that he was carrying with him. To prevent

further problems he got a gun; Glock 9 millimeter with a full clip that he was carrying with him

to school. He was saying to himself “maybe I should quit the business, but the money is good,

hmm…. Nah, I’ll be fine, especially now when I have my nine with me.”

Although the thinking process was there, he was not enough mentally strong to quit his

every day job. One day after the school, Bruno was on his way to the block, or to say more

precisely, to his spot. Strapped up as always, and listening to his ipod, he did not have a clue

what is going to happen. In a second three guys surrounded him in a circle; and those guys were

not a joke; they looked like a former convicts with two of them having visible scars on their

faces. “Give us your backpack and that pair of J’s, I kinda like them,” one of the guys said.

Going through the decision in his mind, Bruno thought about run away somehow, but if he

wanted to be in the BIG LEAGUE, some stuff had to go down. He pulled his nine quickly and

aimed at the biggest guy. Bruno was surprised that neither of them got scared or ran away; they

stood there barely holding their smile. In a split of a second all three of them pulled out their

knifes and Bruno realized that having a gun maybe is not that good of an idea. The decision had

to be made; Run or Gun.


I used to be good, but now I am a failure.


“Is he/she alive?” Most common question that people will ask you in my neighborhood. Either

you are future convict or an athlete. Since the money makes the world go around, people, and

especially teenagers would find funny ways to earn money fast; or maybe only funny to me?

They are going to school to earn money! To earn money if you know what I mean! Life is

sometimes not fair.

Life is unpredictable

Life is always unpredictable, and you never know what can happen the next day. People often

meet with the situations that change their opinion. It can be a simple commercial that you have

seen on television or event that can change your whole perception of life. Although I can say for

myself that once I start to believe in something, it's hard for me to change that thinking, the

situation that I faced with when I was 15 years old, changed my life and my way of looking at it.

When I was 15, I was still in Croatia and I was going to a public school that wasn't ideal

in terms of academics. Even though almost all my grades were A's, the only thing on my mind

was basketball. I was obsessed with basketball 24/7, and even during the night dreaming about it.

Me and my best friend Marko, who was 3 years older than me, shared the same dream; to

become a professional basketball player. In today's world a lot of times people judge others

based on their appearance. And that is what happened with me and Marko. When I was going to

school, I was dribbling basketball on my way, in order to improve my skills. Every lunch break

at my school I was spending at the nearest basketball court. People always thought I was a bad

student because of that habit. At the time Marko dropped high school, in order to pursue his

dream. The truth is he was a bad student just because he did not care about grades at all.

Considering him as my big brother, I was influenced by Marko a lot. He was the one who

showed me the passion for basketball and most importantly, hard work. However he did not use

his hard work attitude for academics.

Two months after he dropped from high school, he got hit by a car while he was on his

way to practice. He lost his left foot due the injury's that he suffered. His dream was crushed,

knowing that he was not able to play basketball anymore. Even worse, he did not finish high

school so in his eyes his life was ruined. After I heard what happened I felt terrible, like I

experienced the same thing. I couldn't believe that my best friend who had the same dream as me

is not able to accomplish that anymore. However, the thing that he did for me I will never forget.

After I visit him in hospital he told me that I should fully focus on school and my academics, and

that basketball should just be “a tool” to help me in life, because I don't want to end up like him.

At first I couldn't promise him that. However after realizing that my dream can be crushed by

some event like that at any point, I promised to him and to myself that I am going to mainly

focus on academics. Since then, I change my whole perception of life; that event change my

opinion about what matters in life, and what is going to help me succeed in it.

Wild card

I strongly believe that individuals personality can be a key factor that attracts people and makes

that individual more sociable among the community. In today's world, if a person is not able to

make friends because of its personality, most likely he is not going to be successful at his job. As

recent study at Harvard University showed, if your personality allows you to be sociable and

attract other people, there is 83 percent chance that you are going to be successful in life. A lot of

famous individuals embraced the statement “ personality is going to make you or break you,”

once said by Elvis Presley, realizing that for success they need more than a skill.

One of this famous individuals is the greatest basketball player of all time, Michael

Jordan. As a college player at the university of North Carolina, Michael was no very sociable. He

often got into a trouble because of his bad temper and personality that drag people away from

him. Once after his game, a fan asked him for autograph and instead of doing so, he spat on him

and cursed him. However realizing that his personality is going to prevent his long term success ,

he decided to change. 5 years after that incident, when he was already in the NBA, he was given

a “best personality” award, which is the one that the league gives every year to one player who

showed himself in the “bright light,” and the accomplishments was not just a coincidence; all of

the people who were nominated for the award, he was the one who received 96 percent of the

votes. All of his teammates once said that Michael 's personality is “something that improves

everybody's life, on and off the court.” he is truly the person whose personality helped him

achieve great things in life.

Although I am not famous, I had a similar experience like Michael Jordan. As a kid I was

always mad and angry for no reason and anytime somebody wanted to play with me I would start

a fight. During my 8th

grade I did not had close friends at all, and my group of friends did not

even existed. That was the time when I started to play basketball, and although I was very

talented, because of my temper I got kicked out of almost every other practice. Coach kept

telling me that I have to change my personality or I am not going to achieve anything. He even

mentioned that 90 percent of people with good personality succeed in life. Finally I realized that

with changing myself I am not going to achieve a lot, I spent following summer on fixing my

personality. When school started in the fall, people were surprised how much I changed. I was

not a angry guy anymore. My personality started to attracts people and soon I gain a group of

friends that were there always for me. Not to mention that I became one of the popular kids in

school, not for the things I did, but simply because of my improved personality.

Therefore, personality is something that can help you a lot in life; nobody can go through

it alone and by realizing that you can change you personality. Also, as I mentioned “personality

is going to make you or break you,”, and as soon as people realize that, their life is going to

become much better.

Another Wild Card

Basketball was always my first love, the sport that changed my life in a positive way. I would

use basketball to help me in my life; to get me from point A to point B. However, this

November, I injured my knee during basketball practice. At first it seemed as a minor injury, but

unfortunately I tore two ligaments in my knee: ACL and LCL. It required surgery to repair it

which I already had. At first I was depressed knowing that I am not going to able to play my

senior year season and be able to stand on the court with my teammates who had so much trust in

my. However, with the support of all my friends and school community I realized that this is just

another obstacle on the way to the top and final success. I started physical therapy, and although

at the beginning was painful and unpleasant, I came to the conclusion that I can and will come

back stronger and better than before. Hopefully one day I will use my story to help others with

similar problem and prove them that nothing is impossible.