Download - Dolls/Science6fc4991fb8b860157236-d45f86eb4bf2c8de4a93c18072674edb.r51.cf1.r… · head stamped in red Déposé Tête Jumeau 7, ... open mouth, fixed blue glass ... waistcoat and





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326.EEaarrllyy SSccèènnee MMééccaanniiqquuee AAuuttoommaattoonn QQuuaarrtteett,, probably byThéroude or Phalibois, of four parian-headed musicians, threeseated, one standing, playing (from left to right) the triangle,harp, violin and piano, all with painted eyes and molded hairfalling in waves from centre partings, the pianist with moldedbrown hair held in a net by ribbons, in well-preserved originalpolychrome silk costumes trimmed with tassels, lace and goldDresden paper, the two men in country tunics, capes and hats,the pianist in a long cape, under floral bower supported bypainted brick pillars, on ebonized base with tune-sheet, four-airpull-string cylinder movement and going-barrel movementdriving ten pinned wheels with runners and causing thefigures to move their heads and hands, under glass dome, ht.20 1/2 in. See color plate p. 60


327.BBéébbéé TTrriiccootteeuurr AAuuttoommaattoonn bbyy RRoouulllleett eett DDeeccaammppss,, with bisquehead stamped in red Déposé Tête Jumeau 7, closed mouth,straight neck, fixed blue paperweight eyes, feathered brows,pierced ears, brown hair wig, and bisque hands holdingknitting needles, sitting on turned chair with upholstered seat,the going-barrel movement in the body playing three airs andcausing the figure to rotate her hands rhythmically, nod herhead and raise and lower her right leg, in ivory silk costumewith lace overlay and brown leather shoes stamped Déposé,ht. 19 in. See color plate p. 58

Literature: Bailly, (1987), Automata, The Golden Age, p. 256.$6,000-8,000

328.LLeeooppoolldd LLaammbbeerrtt AAuuttoommaattoonn ooff aa FFlloowweerr SSeelllleerr,, with Jumeaubisque head stamped Déposé Tête Jumeau, Bte. S.G.D.G. 4,closed mouth, fixed blue paperweight eyes, pierced ears withearrings, and cork pate with blonde mohair wig, a wickerbasket suspended by ribbons at her waist, on velvet-coveredbase containing the going-barrel movement playing one airand causing the figure to turn and nod her head as she smellsthe flowers in one bisque hand and lifts the basket lid with theother, in pleated maroon satin skirt, fitted pink velvet-edgedjacket, lace bodice and matching straw hat trimmed withflowers and ribbons, ht. 19 in., with tune-sheet and lacquered-brass key, (professionally restored across forehead, eyebrowspartly repainted), under period glass dome.


329.RRoouulllleett eett DDeeccaammppss AAuuttoommaattoonn ooff aa GGiirrll TThhrroowwiinngg KKiisssseess,, c.1910, with bisque head impressed S.F.B.J. Paris, 24, France,open mouth, fixed blue glass eyes with painted lower lashesand mohair upper lashes, pierced ears with earrings andoriginal blonde mohair wig, the left arm holding a fur muff,the right arm articulated at the elbow and shoulder, on velvet-covered base with going-barrel movement playing one air andcausing the figure to turn her head, move her hands apart,slowly raise her right arm to throw kisses (in two simultaneousmovements), then return her hand to the muff and shrug hershoulders repeatedly, in the original fur-edged velvet wintercoat, matching hat and high side-buttoned white kid boots, ht.25 in., with Decamps stop/start and crank-key. See color platep. 58

Note: Although a later production model from Decamps, theautomaton has an unusually long cycle of movements drivenby a going-barrel (rather than open-spring) motor. Theshrugging movement is effective and unusual, particularly ona piece of this size.





330.BBéébbéé PPoouuddrreeuussee AAuuttoommaattoonn bbyy LLaammbbeerrtt,, with Lanternier bisquehead impressed (indistinctly) Limoges, Cherie 3, open mouth,blue paperweight eyes, pierced ears with earrings, blondemohair wig, and papier-mâché hands holding powder-puff anda mirror, standing before a draped cream-painted dressingtable with mirror, pitcher, flowers, and miniature photograph,on velvet-covered base with open-spring movement playing twoshort airs and causing the figure to turn and then nod her headas she powders and then slowly raises the mirror, in ivory satincostume with short train, decorated with appliqué flowers andmetal-thread borders, ht. 21 in., with cast LB key.


331.MMaanniivveellllee AAuuttoommaattoonn ooff aa VViillllaaggee DDaannccee,, with five Schoenau &Hoffmeister bisque-headed figures, two seated musicians withbanjos and three dancers in original polychrome satincostumes trimmed with metal-thread and beads, under goldenbower of metal-thread arches, flowers and fruit supported byturned and painted columns, on figured paper-covered basewith hand-turned mechanism playing two airs and causing themusicians to turn their heads and strum, and the dancers totwirl in circles, wd. 16 in. See color plate p. 59


332.EEaarrllyy MMaanniivveellllee AAuuttoommaattoonn ooff aa VViioolliinn--PPllaayyeerr,, probably byThéroude, c. 1860, with papier-mâché character head, paintedeyes, smiling mouth, pointed nose and chin, carved woodhands holding a violin and bow, the left arm articulated at thewrist, elbow and shoulder, the mahogany base with hand-turned mechanism driving two-air cylinder movement (possiblyL’Épée) No. 23055, three wood cams and steel starwheelcausing the figure to turn and bow his head and move his rightarm in time to the music, in the original mauve silk tailcoat,blue breeches, waistcoat and cravat trimmed with lace, brassrosettes, and metal-thread braid, ht. 12 in. See color plate p. 59

Note: Alexandre Théroude patented a design for a similar armmovement in a monkey violinist in 1863.


333.EEaarrllyy MMaanniivveellllee ooff aann OOrrggaann GGrriinnddeerr aanndd hhiiss DDaanncciinnggAAuuttoommaattaa,, c. 1850, with papier-mâché Sonnenberg-type headmodeled as a man with flowing hair and hat, standing behindpainted and paper-covered organ with crank and threeminiature dancing automata on top (cat, dog and articulatedsailor), on grain-painted base with hand-turned movementplaying one air and causing the grinder to crank the handleand move his head in time to the music while the three figuresdance wildly on the organ, in the original yellow cotton jacket,cravat and striped breeches, ht. 11 in. See color plate p. 59

Note: Pictured on the front cover of the MBSI News Bulletin,September/October 1991.


334.UUnnuussuuaall SSaannttaa MMaanniivveellllee AAuuttoommaattoonn,, Germany, early 20thcentury, the two Santa figures with papier-mâché heads, hands,and booted feet, in original red felt outfits, standing onrectangular snowy base containing hand-turned movementplaying Silent Night and causing the Santas to bend and wavegreen feather trees over a cloth bag of wooden toys and snowballs, ht. 8 1/2, wd. 9 1/2, dp. 4 1/8 in. See color plate p. 59


335.MMaaggiicc TThheeaattrree AAuuttoommaattoonn,, with two-air pull-string cylindermovement activated by lifting the lid of grained case, themirrored enclosure with marbleized corner pillars and maleand female dancing dolls with bisque heads, articulated legsand original Watteauesque silk costumes trimmed with cut-paper and lace, dolls ht. 3 1/2, wd. 10 in.



414 335

336.RRaarree AAuuttoommaattoonn ooff aa PPuuppppeetteeeerr wwiitthh TThheeaattrree,, probably byGustave Vichy, with early Tête Jumeau bisque head stampedin red Déposé Tête Jumeau, Bte. S.G.D.G. 9 and painter’s markH9, large paperweight eyes, feathered brows, closed mouthwith outline, pierced ears (small chips), straight neck, corkpate and long brown hair wig falling in ringlets, holding thestrings to a toy theatre in one papier-mâché hand, the otherarticulated at shoulder and elbow, the theatre’s prosceniumwith ivory satin and metal-thread curtains enclosing twomarionettes with parian heads and original French regionalcostumes, a third in Venetian costume reclining on the roof,the figure’s body containing single-air going-barrel movement,in drop-waisted burgundy satin costume with ruched front,pleated skirt, ribbons, and lace epaulets at the shoulders, ht.26 in., (old chip and hairline at back of head). See color platep. 61

Provenance: The collection of Alain Renard, Paris, 1983. Theautomaton in this lot is illustrated in the Japanese referencebook by Goto Keiichiro, (1982), Les Poupees de Paris, p. 179.

Note: A similar automaton was offered in the 1884 catalogueof the Parisian department store Au Louvre. With the additionof a Bébé Triste head, an acrobat (instead of marionettes) andan animated dog in her basket, the figure cost 290 francs andwas clearly a deluxe model. Only three examples of this otherpiece are known (two in museums, one in a private collection),while the lot offered here is believed to be the only example toinclude puppets. The figure turns and nods her head, raisesher right hand, throws four kisses, and twists the strings in herleft hand to make the puppets dance.


337.AAuuttoommaattoonn ooff aa CCaarroouusseell bbyy RReennoouu,, c. 1900, with two bisque-headed girls riding on rabbits and two boys dressed as clownsriding on horses suspended from a candystripe cotton canopytrimmed with metal-thread braid and glass balls, the centralrevolving pole with mirrored pillar and satin-covered base withthe going-barrel movement playing one air, ht. 18 in., (originalcostumes and covering, one horse lacking back legs). See colorplate p. 59


338.AAuuttoommaattoonn ooff aa CCaarroouusseell bbyy RReennoouu,, with four bisque-headedpassengers in original costumes (two girls, two boys) ridingwicker gondolas suspended from papier-mâché airships, onrevolving pole with candystripe canopy trimmed with pressed-brass cornice, metal-thread braid and glass baubles, oncircular base containing the going-barrel movement playingone air, on red-painted bun feet, ht. 18 in. See color plate p. 59


339.SSccèènnee MMééccaanniiqquuee AAuuttoommaattoonn ooff aa FFrreenncchh PPoorrtt,, c. 1860, thepapier-mâché and painted-card harbor scene with three-masted ship in estuary, viaduct and tower with sentry, onebonized base containing the two-air pull-string cylindermovement causing the ship to toss on tissue-paper waves, thesoldier to patrol in the tower and a steam train to cross theviaduct, under painted glass dome, ht. 21 in., (good originalcondition). See color plate p. 60


340.MMuussiiccaall AAuuttoommaattoonn PPhhoottooggrraapphh AAllbbuumm bbyy AAmmii RRiivveenncc,, withgilt-tooled leather binding, embossed pages, tune-sheet andplaque of Ami Rivenc, Fabricant a Geneve, the back page withglazed scene mecanique of a tissue-paper sea with three-masted rocking ship, windmill on cliffs, and painted horizon,with cylinder movement playing Il Baccio, Valse and GuillaumeTell, Priere and causing the waves to toss and windmill sails toturn, 10 x 12 in.


341.EEddwwaarrddiiaann MMuussiiccaall PPhhoottooggrraapphh AAllbbuumm,, containing a fullcomplement of cabinet cards in lithographed pages, withpressed celluloid cover depicting a neoclassical female figurereclining in floral bower, tune-sheet and two-air cylindermovement playing “Daisy Bell Waltz” and “One WhistlingCoon,” wd. 13 in., (minor edge loss on one side).



Lots 340 and 341

342.RRoouulllleett eett DDeeccaammppss AAuuttoommaattoonn ooff aa SSppaanniisshh SSeerreennaaddee,,depicting a matador playing his mandoline to a maiden in thetower, the matador with unmarked FG bisque head, closedmouth, fixed bright blue eyes, brown mohair wig, pleated shirt,cream satin breeches and bolero jacket with metal-threadedging, the maiden with closed-mouth bisque shoulder head,fixed blue eyes, blonde mohair wig, Spanish costume andheaddress, on sculptural papier-mâché base modeled as arocky outcrop with blossom tree above a painted-stonebuilding, a kennel with fur-covered guard dog beneath aglazed window surrounded by rose creepers rising to a tinturret with curved grain-painted door and pinnacle, withbellows and five-cam going-barrel movement in the baseplaying a single air, wd. 16, ht. 25 in. See color plate p. 60

Note: The matador strums the mandoline, turns his head andlooks up at the tower, as the door flies open and the maidenemerges, leaning over the parapet and throwing kisses withher right hand (articulated for two movements and the wristand elbow). The movement is repeated three times, before sheslowly withdraws and the door closes. The dog emerges fromthe kennel periodically, moving his lower jaw and “barking.”Originally advertised at 90 francs, this was one of the moreexpensive items in the Decamps catalogue. A similar piece isillustrated in Automata, The Golden Age, p. 150.


343.EEaarrllyy SSccèènnee MMééccaanniiqquuee AAuuttoommaattoonn ooff aa SSppaanniisshh SSeerreennaaddee,,possibly by Phalibois, c. 1870, modeled as an enclosed gardenwith painted brick wall and path leading to a rustic gate, onthe left a single-storey building of simulated stone with pitchedshingled roof, grain-painted French doors and glazed windowwith lace curtains screened by a striped silk canopy, at theright a papier-mâché tree with cut-fabric leaves shading a

basket chair with incumbent elderly woman knitting, a bulldogat her feet, a matador strumming a lute at the gate, and alady concealed in the inner room, the three figures witharticulated carved heads and hands, original wigs and silkcostumes trimmed with braid and gold Dreseden paper, onthree-tiered ebonized base containing the pull-string two-aircylinder movement with tune-sheet and large going-barrelautomaton movement driving twelve wood cams with brassrunners, two weighted see-saw levers (for the matador) and apainted-tin turntable to open the gate, ht. 24 in. See colorplate p. 61

Note: This exceptionally complex piece has thirteenmovements operated by tightly-cut wood cams arranged inthree groups on an extended shaft to accommodate the lengthof the base and the long sequence of actions. The five camsclosest to the mechanism operate the nodding dog and theold woman in the chair, who looks up-and-down while knittingwith both hands to the clacking sound of the needles. Whenthe gate opens and the matador emerges on the turntable,strumming the lute and nodding his head (operated by themiddle two cams, the pulley and the see-saw levers), the oldwoman stops knitting and turns her head to observe. Then thedouble windows of the tower swing inwards and the ladyemerges, leans forwards, nodding her head and throwingkisses, operated by four of the five cams in the final set. Thefifth cam in this set operates the spring-loaded action of thegate, which closes after the matador, the old woman resumesher knitting and the sequence begins again. Both Phaliboisand Théroude used wood cams in their automata, while thenumber and the complexity of the movements, the picturesquesubject, and the modeling of the figures is similar to the earlycoin-operated automata by English makers such as JohnDennison, which were acquired from Phalibois and later Vichy(amongst others) for conversion to coin-operation.



343 See color detail p. 61

344.SSccèènnee MMééccaanniiqquuee AAuuttoommaattoonn ooff aa PPoorrtt,, c. 1880, the papier-mâché and painted-card scene of a harbor, viaduct andChinoiserie buildings including a clock-tower Pagoda withFrench flag and circling soldiers, on ebonized base with pull-string cylinder movement playing two Chinese airs, drivingpulleys and causing windmill and watermill to turn, soldiers toparade on the tower, a ship to heave on tissue-paper wavesand the No. 108 train from Paris to Nancy to pass over theviaduct, under later glass dome, ht. 20 in.

Note: The oriental theme is unusual and suggests that thispiece was intended for export to the Eastern market.


345.GGuussttaavvee VViicchhyy AAuuttoommaattoonn ooff aa JJaappaanneessee MMaasskk SSeelllleerr,, withpapier-mâché head, brown paperweight eyes with articulatedlids, down lashes and arched feathered brows, open smilingmouth with inset teeth, pierced ears and black hair wig sweptback from the forehead and held in an elaborate bun by silkflowers, beads and combs, holding a large red paper parasolin her left hand, a noh mask in her right, and two more masksrepresenting male and female characters hanging from apainted tray suspended by a ribbon around her neck, thegoing-barrel movement in the body playing two airs andcausing the figure to bow her head and look from left to rightand then slowly raise the mask to her face, while blinking andtwirling the parasol in time to the music, in turquoise satinkimono with embroidered motifs of flamingo and flowers, goldsilk brocade underskirt, ochre satin sleeves, embroideredcopper obi, and upturned silver slippers, ht. 35, with parasol44 in., with pierced Vichy key and acorn stop/start, (goodmovement and tone). See front cover

Literature: Bailly, (1987), Automata, the Golden Age, pp. 70and 235.

Note: Paris in the 1890s was enthralled by the mysteries ofthe East, its culture, characters, and customs. Gustave Vichycreated a series of automata inspired by life in China andJapan, as seen through Western eyes. Other examples fromthis series include the Chinese smoker and his companionpiece, the tea-drinker. The Mask Seller is the largest of thethree, and her movements and costuming the mostsophisticated. Her mechanism is concealed entirely within thebody; the action which rotates the parasol is created by gearsturning in the shoulder.

Vichy called this model the “Japonaise” and “Marchante desMasques.” She appeared in the catalogue as a “modeledéposé,” the 19th century French equivalent of an Americanpatent, a process reserved only for a maker’s most importantpieces. With her lifelike movements and impressive size, theMask Seller is uniquely Vichy in design.




346.LLeeooppoolldd LLaammbbeerrtt AAuuttoommaattoonn ooff aa NNaarrgghhiillee SSmmookkeerr,, withpapier-mâché head, fixed brown paperweight eyes, archedbrows, parted lips and mohair moustache, sitting cross-leggedon velvet-covered base, a coffee cup in his left hand, in hisright a bone agizlik mouthpiece connected by silk rope to thehookah at his feet, the base with five-cam open-spring motorplaying two airs, bellows and LB key, in the original collarlessvelvet jacket edged in looped metal braid, metal-threadembroidered silk cummerbund, gold taffeta harem pants,Turkish slippers and turban, ht. 24 in. See color plate p. 60

Note: The smoker looks from left to right, inclines his head toinhale from the agizlik which he lifts in his right hand, looks inthe opposite direction to exhale, raises the coffee cup in hisleft hand (two movements) and tilts it to his lips, then lowershis head to take a sip, pauses for a few seconds and exhalesagain. The smoke is pulled by bellows from the hookah,through the base and body, and exhaled through the mouth.The smoking mechanism and the figure’s movements are ingood working order.

The Narghile Smoker in its two versions was one of Lambert’smost enduring automata. Its large size and long cycle (unlikemost smokers, this automaton exhales twice for every drag hetakes) made the Narghile equally at home in the drawingroom and the tobacconist’s window. Chapuis illustrates asimilar automaton in Automata, a Historical andTechnological Study, p. 331, and describes a visit in the earlypart of the 20th century to what was presumably LeopoldLambert’s workshop in the rue Portefoin: “Some years ago thepresent authors found their way into a little workshop in theCité, in Paris, where a humble workman spent the greater partof his life making smoking automata. These were admirablymade and richly dressed and he exported them to all parts ofthe world.”


347.GGuussttaavvee VViicchhyy AAuuttoommaattoonn ooff ““JJeeaann QQuuii PPlleeuurree,,”” with papier-mâché head, narrowed brown glass eyes, open-closed mouthwith painted teeth and tongue, brown mohair wig and flock-covered papier-mâché dunce’s cap with pencil name “ANE”(donkey) on the front and articulated metal donkey ears, abook in his left hand, sitting on a school bench with fretworkpanels, the going-barrel movement in the bench causing thedunce to nod and shake his head up-and-down and from side-to-side, raise his right arm to his eyes as though crying, kickhis left leg impatiently and flick his donkey ears, in the originalred-and-white wool vest, broderie-anglaise shirt, ribbed satinand polychrome striped waistcoat, striped breeches, stockingsand leather shoes, with Vichy key and acorn stop/start, ht. 19in., (fingers repaired). See color plate p. 61

Literature: Bailly, (1987), Automata, the Golden Age, pp. 104and 244. Inspired by the popular 19th century French song“Jeanne Qui Rit and Jean Qui Pleure,” this figure of the cryingdunce was the companion piece to Vichy’s “Jeanne WhoLaughs,” an automaton of a smiling girl on a school bench.The expressive features of both figures are said to have beenmodeled on the two-faced “Surprise” doll by Bru. (SeeSkinner’s auction of Toys and Dolls, May 3, 2005, lot 771 foran example of this doll).


348.RRaarree GGuussttaavvee VViicchhyy AAuuttoommaattoonn ooff aa DDrruunnkkaarrdd,, with papier-mâché character head, smiling brown glass eyes, featheredbrows, closed mouth, double-chin, dimpled cheeks, mohair wigand rotund stomach with molded shirt front, holding a paintedbeer-stein and leaning against a paneled cupboard onsimulated painted tiled floor and circular green papier-mâchébase containing the two-air going-barrel movement, in theoriginal olive-green breeches, striped stockings, leather shoes,tricorn hat, ruffled shirt, burgundy jacket with mother-of-pearlbuttons and later flowing cape, ht. 22 in., (good originalcondition), with Vichy stop/start and threaded brass key. Seecolor plate p. 59

Note: The figure raises the stein four times in a toast, nods hishead and rubs his stomach with his left hand, then rubs hisstomach and raises the stein simultaneously, swaying fromside to side to lean on the cupboard. This is the rarecompanion piece to Vichy’s Pumpkin Eater, a plump figure withthe identical head, body, and base, who slices open a pumpkinto reveal a mouse. The only other recorded example of thisautomaton was sold at Theriault in May 2004.

Provenance: Originally owned by the industrialist Curtzefamily of Erie, Pennsylvania, the automaton was given to thevendor’s great-aunt (who was a servant at the house), alongwith a tea service and an organette, when the family homewas turned into a museum. She named the automaton the“Music Man” and kept him in a cupboard, taking him outonce a year to show the children at Christmas.


349.GGuussttaavvee VViicchhyy AAuuttoommaattoonn ooff aa BBllaacckk BBaannjjoo PPllaayyeerr,, with papier-mâché head, brown paperweight eyes with articulated eyelidsand feather lashes, hinged lower jaw, moustache and longblack wig held in a plait, finely-modeled hands holding a five-string minstrel banjo with simulated tortoiseshell sides, thesculpted papier-mâché body containing going-barrelmovement playing two airs and causing the musician to strumthe banjo with his right hand, while blinking, turning andnodding his head, and moving his mouth as though singing, inred satin tailcoat over striped waistcoat and beaded vest,“jeweled” fobs, black breeches and original top hat, on velvet-covered base with plaque G. Vichy, Paris, Modele Déposé, ht.31 in., (good movements and tone), with pierced Vichy key andacorn stop/start. See color plate p. 59

Literature: Bailly, (1987), Automata, the Golden Age, p. 79.$15,000-20,000

350.GGuussttaavvee VViicchhyy AAuuttoommaattoonn ooff aa MMoorreessqquuee HHaarrppiisstt,, with papier-mâché head, brown glass eyes, articulated eyelids and slightlysmiling mouth with teeth, a harp resting on her knee, one armarticulated at the wrist, the other at the elbow, seated oncushioned octagonal high stool with incised painted designs ofstars, diamonds and flowers, the going-barrel movementplaying two airs and causing the figure to turn and incline herhead, blink and raise each arm while her hands movesimultaneously across the harp with plucking motion, inpolychrome brocaded bolero jacket over short metal-threadbodice, cream stain stomacher and net-covered skirt andturban, trimmed with brass coins, stars and blue glass beads,with matching earrings and crescent moon choker, ht. 29 in.,with Vichy key and “acorn” stop/start, (good movement andtone). See color plate p. 62

Literature: Bailly, (1987), Automata, the Golden Age, 1848-1914, pp. 72 and 237.



351.BBoonntteemmss SSiinnggiinngg BBiirrdd BBooccaaggee AAuuttoommaattoonn,, with two stationaryand two mechanical birds (one drinking, one bobbing andflapping wings) with iridescent plumage, in papier-mâchélandscape with blossom tree, foliage and mirror-stream fed byglass-twist waterfall, on ebonized base containing the going-barrel movement and bellows for birdsong, ht. 23 in., (onestationary bird missing head, otherwise good overallcondition).


352.PPhhaalliibbooiiss SSiinnggiinngg BBiirrdd oonn PPeerrcchh AAuuttoommaattoonn,, the exotic brightly-colored bird with iridescent green-and-blue plumage,articulated head, beak and tail, on reconstructed 42-inchperch to reeded circular giltwood base with bass relief, going-barrel movement and birdsong bellows, ht. 48 in. See colorplate p. 62

Literature: Christian Bailly, Flights of Fancy, p. 344.$6,000-8,000

353.TToorrttooiisseesshheellll SSiinnggiinngg BBiirrdd BBooxx,, possibly by Marguerat orFlajoulot, with going-barrel movement, the bird with movingbeak, wings and perch, in tortoiseshell case with floriate-pierced grille and pressed gilt-metal lid depicting a bird inflight with border garland of flowers, wd. 4 in., (oldreplacement baseboard). See color plate p. 63


354.SSiinnggiinngg BBiirrdd BBooxx bbyy RReeuuggee,, No. 3077, with going-barrelmovement, bird with iridescent plumage, moving beak, wingsand perch, in enameled blue case with gilt-metal mounts tocanted corners, grille, lid and roundels depicting pastoralscenes, wd. 4 1/2 in. See color plate p. 63


355.SSiinnggiinngg BBiirrdd BBooxx bbyy GGrriieessbbaauumm,, with going-barrel movement,bird with moving wings, beak and perch (sticking), in gilt-metalcase with floriate-pierced grille and overall repoussé designs ofgarlands and arabesques, the lid depicting two cherubsreleasing a caged bird, wd. 4 in., with bird-form key, in silk-lined leather-covered traveling case. See color plate p. 63


356.RReeuuggee SSiinnggiinngg BBiirrdd CCaaggee AAuuttoommaattoonn,, with going-barrelmovement, bird with red-and-black plumage, moving head,beak and tail, in ogee-shaped cage with suspension ring andgreen onyx base, ht. 13 in.


357.SSiinnggiinngg BBiirrdd AAuuttoommaattoonn,, No. 132, France, early 20th century,the yellow/black bird with moving head, beak, and tail, indomed brass cage with suspension ring, on circular base withturned feet and repoussé design of garlands and floral sprays,going-barrel movement and birdsong, ht. 12 in.


358.SSiinnggiinngg BBiirrdd AAuuttoommaattoonn,, Germany, with yellow plumage,moving head, beak, and tail, in domed brass cage, on circularbase with bun feet, going-barrel movement and birdsong, ht.12 in.


359.SSiinnggiinngg BBiirrdd AAuuttoommaattoonn,, France, early 20th century, withblack/red plumage, moving head, beak, and tail, intermittentgoing-barrel movement and birdsong, on ivy-draped perch indomed brass cage with suspension ring, turned feet andcircular base with repoussé decoration of intertwinedgarlands, ht. 12 in.



Lots 357-360

360.SSiinnggiinngg BBiirrdd AAuuttoommaattoonn,, Germany, with yellow/black plumage,moving head, beak, and tail, in domed cage on circular brassbase with going-barrel movement and birdsong, ht. 12 in.


361.DDoouubbllee SSiinnggiinngg BBiirrdd AAuuttoommaattoonn bbyy BBoonntteemmss,, No. 321, with redand gray plumage, moving heads and beaks, one with movingtail, in domed cage on circular brass base with repoussédesign of acanthus leaves, linked rings, and foliate-swags, theintermittent going-barrel movement with crank-key andbirdsong, ht. 21 in., (good movements and song, birdsrestored).


362.QQuuaaddrruuppllee SSiinnggiinngg BBiirrdd AAuuttoommaattoonn bbyy BBoonntteemmss,, the four birdswith brightly-colored plumage, articulated heads, beaks, wingsand tails, two on perches, one flapping in nest, and one sittingon the floor of the domed cage, on bow-fronted brass basedecorated with repoussé swags and gilt-metal corner mounts,containing going-barrel movement and birdsong, ht. 23 in. Seecolor plate p. 64


363.CCooiinn--OOppeerraatteedd DDoouubbllee SSiinnggiinngg BBiirrdd AAuuttoommaattoonn,, the birds witharticulated heads, beaks and tails, perched in sunken gardensurrounded by pressed gilt-metal borders and foliage, inreconstructed glazed case with turned ebonized cornercolumns with finials, mirror back, beveled glass top andmahogany base with fretwork grille flanked by quarter-veneered panels, the going-barrel movement with bellows forbirdsong, coin-slot and coin-drawer, ht. 20 x 15 in.

Literature: Bailly, (1987), Automata, the Golden Age, p. 53.$6,000-8,000

364.JJeeaann PPhhaalliibbooiiss AAuuttoommaattoonn ooff aa MMoonnkkeeyy AArrttiisstt,, c. 1870,stamped on the movement J. Phalibois à Paris, with papier-mâché head, articulated green glass eyes and leather-coveredjaw, sitting beneath a blossoming bower, with brush in onehand and palette in the other, his left foot resting on thelowest strut of an easel holding a miniature picture of amonkey sculptor, a bottle of wine and a paper-covered artist’scase at his feet, on ebonized base containing the two-air pull-string cylinder movement stamped J. Phalibois and the going-barrel automaton movement with six wood cams causing theartist to turn and nod his head, blink, chatter (visibly, notaudibly), move his right arm horizontally to take color from thepalette and then vertically as he applies it to the canvas, in theoriginal faded pink satin jacket trimmed with metal-threadbraid, lace-edged blue velvet breeches, ruffled shirt andmatching hat, ht. 23 1/2 in., with tune-sheet. See color plate p.64

Literature: Mary Hillier, (1976), Automata & Mechanical Toys,p. 116 for a Silber & Fleming advertisement for this piece.





365.RRaarree ““GGaammbblliinngg”” MMoonnkkeeyy MMaaggiicciiaann AAuuttoommaattoonn bbyy JJeeaannPPhhaalliibbooiiss,, with papier-mâché head, articulated lips, eyes andright arm (shoulder, elbow and wrist), a staff with sunmedallion in his left hand and a wand in his right, standingbeside a table with glass dome containing five dice, the going-barrel movement with six wood cams causing the monkey toturn and lower his head to look at the dice, rolling his eyes andmoving his lips as he taps the dome three times with his wand,then waves the wand in the air and rotates it to reveal that thenumbers and on the dice have changed, in conical magician’shat and black velvet robes edged in satin and decorated withcut-paper and metal-thread, on ebonized base with climbingivy trellis, two-air pull-string musical movement and (later)glass dome, ht. 22 in. See color plate p. 64

Note: Bailly, (1987), Automata, The Golden Age, 1848-1914,p. 162. Antonia Fraser, (1972), A History of Toys, p. 109, for asimilar magician. The movement to change the dice isextremely rare amongst magician automata: a cam wheel witha single projection slowly lowers the centre of the table

throughout the sequence and then rapidly releases it onceduring each rotation. When released, the spring-loaded partof the table throws the dice, changing their sequence.

It has been suggested that these “gambling” magicians wereoriginally used to entertain casino guests. Two models wereproduced. The first, described in an 1885 Silber & Flemingcatalogue, stands behind the table and places a brass coverover the dome while the dice change: “Mechanical Piece,under a glass shade, representing a Monkey Conjuror. Richlydressed figure standing behind a table, on which is a smallglass shade with three dice. The figure places a small brasscover over the shade and then raises it, the numbers on thedice changing meanwhile. Two airs of music.” The second, thismodel, stands beside the table and waves his wand while thedice change. The current costume is a copy of the original,which is included (in a reasonable state of preservation) withthe lot.



364 detail

365 detail

366.HHeennrryy PPhhaalliibbooiiss AAuuttoommaattoonn ooff aann AAddvvooccaattee,, c. 1895, withpapier-mâché head, brown glass eyes with articulated lids,hinged jaw with inset teeth and tongue, white mohair wig,whiskers, and beard, standing behind a wood lectern, withthree-air cylinder movement and seven-cam going-barrelautomaton movement causing the figure to turn his head,blink and move his mouth as though speaking, his right handraising a document which he inclines his head to read, his leftmoving in circles, alternately up-and-down and from side-to-side beating the document and berating his audience, in blacksatin ermine-trimmed robes, ht. 29 in. See color plate p. 62

Note: When Jean Phalibois retired in 1893, his son EdouardHenry inherited one of the oldest and most prestigiousautomata firms in Paris. However, he quickly realized that hewould need to modernize the business, if it was to ride thewave of the new century. Since the 1860s, Phalibois had beenknown for his tableaux, singing birds and intimate scenesunder glass domes. Now, thirty years later, Henry developedan entirely new type of automaton: larger, character-drivenand often electric, these pieces were instantly eye-catchingand also suitable for advertising purposes. The Advocate is agood example of a transitional piece, with the large size andconfident modeling characteristic of Henry’s work, yet stilldriven by wooden cams and the separate cylinder andautomaton movements that his father used.

Literature: Chapuis & Droz, (1958), Automata, A Historicaland Technical Study, p. 337.


367.GGuussttaavvee VViicchhyy AAuuttoommaattoonn ooff aa SSeewwiinngg LLaaddyy,, with papier-mâché head, brown eyes with articulated lids and downlashes, open smiling mouth with painted teeth, pierced earswith earrings, and long brown mohair wig held in a bun,sitting with one leg resting on the other on a turned cane-seated chair, embroidery in her right hand and needle and silkin her left, the going-barrel movement in the body playing twoairs and causing the figure to turn and then incline her headin concentration, raise the embroidery in her right hand andmove the needle with two sideways movements of the left,while her eyelids flutter and her breasts rise and fall tosimulate breathing, in period changeable-taffeta costume withlace bodice, choker and wing-collar spreading to full-skirt, ht.25 in., with pierced Vichy key and “acorn” stop/start. See colorplate p. 62

Note: One of a series of automata by Vichy depicting societyladies at work and play: attending the opera or the races,performing on the harpsichord, spinning or sewing. The samemold was used for the various figures and the movementconcealed in the torso, which is articulated to give the illusionof breathing.


368.GGuussttaavvee VViicchhyy AAuuttoommaattoonn ooff aa SSeewwiinngg LLaaddyy,, with papier-mâché head, brown eyes with articulated eyelids, open mouthwith teeth, pierced ears with earrings, and brown mohair wig,sitting with one ankle resting on the other on a turned andebonized chair, the going-barrel movement in the body playingtwo airs and causing the figure to turn and incline her head,flutter her eyelids, her breasts to rise and fall in simulation ofbreathing, as she raises the embroidery in her right hand andsews intermittently with her left, in whitework summer dressedged in lace and crimson satin sash, ht. 23 in., with “acorn”stop/start and early wrought-iron “batwing” key. See colorplate p. 62


369.MMuussiiccaall AAuuttoommaattoonn ooff aa SSlleeeeppiinngg CChhiilldd,, 20th century,recumbent poured-wax figure with molded hair, articulatedhead and eyelids, on wood base containing single-air Ladorcylinder movement, wd. 13 in.


370.CCuurriioouuss MMeemmeennttoo MMoorrii MMaarriioonneettttee,, probably 18th century,the carved and painted head with two faces, depicting ayoung man on one side, and on the other a skull, with stuffedtorso, fabric limbs with carved hands, the left modeled as aclenched fist with steel articulation ring and aperture(originally for a sword, or scythe ?), the legs with tenon jointsat the knees, remains of paint on the lower legs and carvedfeet with sandal straps, dressed in faded Ecclesiastical robewith white panels, metal-thread vest, and beaded panel on theskirt, the reverse in white shroud with red panels, the headwith steel suspension rod for rotating between the two, figureht. 31 in.

Provenance: Discovered in the attic of a farmhouse inNorthford, Connecticut.



366 detail

371.BBiimmbbuuss ((DDeevviill’’ss FFiiddddllee)),, Germany, with drum, cymbals, andbells on sprung-rod topped by carved and painted automaton-like head of a grinning character with glass eyes, mohair wig,cigar in mouth, nightcap with tassel, and two-color satinjester’s collar adorned with bells, ht. 74 in.


372.LLaarrggee RRoouulllleett eett DDeeccaammppss ““PPuussss iinn BBoooottss”” NNooddddiinnggAAuuttoommaattoonn,, c. 1900, the fur-covered cat with green glass eyes,articulated jaw, papier-mâché boots, and clockworkmechanism in the body causing him to nod and move hismouth as though speaking, with (replaced) cape and sword,ht. 26 in.


373.SSttoorree--FFrroonntt CClloocckkwwoorrkk AAddvveerrttiissiinngg AAuuttoommaattoonn ffoorr WW..WW..WW..GGuuaarraanntteeeedd RRiinnggss,, c. 1930, with two painted metal dwarveswith articulated arms rhythmically beating an anvil on blockmarked “Stones Do Stay In,” above two linked brass rings on aperpetually swinging diamond-shaped “pendulum” linked byeccentric crank to open-spring motor, in oak frame withplacard “Buy a W.W.W. GUARANTEED RING for Yourself, or asa GIFT. A GOOD RING is a sign of Prosperity and Success. Asa GIFT it is Always Acceptable,” wd. 16 x ht. 24 in.



370, front and reverse


374.LLiiffee--ssiizzee BBllaacckk LLeeaafflleett DDiissttrriibbuuttoorr AAddvveerrttiissiinngg AAuuttoommaattoonn bbyyJJ..AA..FF..,, c. 1925, with papier-mâché head, smiling mouth,upturned nose, articulated brown glass eyes, eyebrows andlower lip, the right arm articulated at the wrist and shoulder,the left hand with articulated wrist holding oak leaflet box, theelectric motor and pump in the body causing the figure to turnand nod his head, look from left to right, raise his eyebrowsand smile, while his right hand takes a leaflet from the boxand offers it to the customer in a smooth sweeping motion,dressed as a bell-boy in red felt double-breasted costume,matching hat and black leather shoes, on circular Art Decomahogany base, ht. 58 in. See color plate p. 97

Note: J.A.F. (Jouets et Automates Francaises) took over theVichy–Triboulet company in 1923.


375.EEaarrllyy KKaarrll GGrriieessbbaauumm HHiigghhllaanndd WWhhiissttlleerr AAuuttoommaattoonn,, thecarved and painted figure holding bagpipes in his finely-detailed hands, the going-barrel movement in the bodycausing figure to turn his head and whistle a Scottish tune, ht.14 in.


376.KKaarrll GGrriieessbbaauumm WWhhiissttlliinngg FFiigguurree ooff DDrr.. EEiisseennbbaarrtthh,, the carvedand painted figure with prominent beard and spectacles,holding a surgical knife in his left hand, a hook in the pocket ofhis laboratory coat, the going-barrel movement in the bodyplaying Ich bin der Doktor Eisenbarth, ht. 13 in.

Note: The figure commemorates Johann AnddreasEisenbarth, an early traveling medicine man, surgeon, andself-titled miracle worker. Born in 1663 in Oberviechtach,Germany, he was apprenticed as an optician in 1684, and by1686 was traveling the country, performing operations andselling medicine at fairs and markets, accompanied by a troopof 120 musicians, dancers, and jugglers. He would frequentlyperform operations in alehouses, hostels, and otherquestionable places. In 1703, Eisenbarth purchased TheGilded Apple, an ale house in Magdeburg, from which hecontinued to practice. Credited with the invention of a star-needle and polyp hook, he was given the title of “RoyalPrussian Court Advisor” by Konig Friedrich Wilhelm I. Despite– or maybe because of – his reputation, Dr. Eisenbarth’s namebecame associated with quackery after his death in 1727, andhe passed into legend as a medical charlatan. His reputationlives on in the German folk song “Ich bin de DoktorEisenbarth.”


377.KKaarrll GGrriieessbbaauumm WWhhiissttlliinngg AAuuttoommaattoonn ooff aa DDrruunnkkaarrdd,, thecarved and painted figure leaning against an illuminated lamppost, a newspaper rolled under his arm and a bottle in hispocket, with going-barrel movement in the body playing “LilyMarlene,” ht. 19 in., with “bird” key.


378.WWhhiissttlliinngg AAuuttoommaattoonn,, Japan, after the Griesbaum design, withplastic body, articulated head, working lantern and batterycompartment in base, ht. 14 in., in the original box.


379.WWhhiissttlliinngg AAuuttoommaattoonn,, Japan, after the Griesbaum original, theplastic figure holding an illuminated lantern, turning his headand whistling, with battery compartment in the base, ht. 14 in.


380.LLaarrggee CCoonntteemmppoorraarryy OOvvaall GGllaassss DDoommee,, for a clock orautomaton, interior dimensions wd. 16 x dp. 8, ht. 21 in., onebonized base with flattened bun feet.


381.OOvvaall GGllaassss DDoommee ffoorr aann AAuuttoommaattoonn,, 19th century, withpainted background, ht. 16, inside dimensions wd. 17 x dp. 81/2 in., (cracked and repaired).




382.RRoouulllleett eett DDeeccaammppss AAuuttoommaattoonn ooff aa CClloowwnn ÉÉqquuiilliibbrriissttee,, withJumeau bisque head impressed 4, open mouth with upperteeth, fixed blue paperweight eyes, heavy brows, pierced earsand gray pompadour lambswool wig trimmed with red pom-poms, standing with feet resting on the seat of a red andwhite painted chair, his papier-mâché hands resting on the toprail and the two-air going-barrel movement in the base, inperiod red and yellow figured silk costume edged in blackvelvet, satin slippers and beaded lace ruff, on velvet carpet, ht.extended 25 in., with Decamps stop/start, (fine hairline fromear to temple, repair at back of head). See color plate p. 97

Note: Unusual for an acrobat automaton, the movement iscontained in the chair seat rather than a swaying ladder.Roullet et Decamps made several versions of this smalleracrobat, balancing on the back of a ladder, a chair andbetween two parallel bars. The going-barrel movement causesthe clown to raise his body into a hand-stand position ofincreasing height with each attempt, until his body is verticaland his feet rise above his head. He looks from side to side asthough waiting for applause and then raises his right arm intothe air, his back appears to arch as he lifts away from thechair and his legs bend at the knee to increase the effect. Heperforms the trick three times, and then lowers his body backto a standing position, and the sequence begins again.

Literature: Bailly, (1987), Automata, The Golden Age, p. 354.$6,000-8,000

383.EEaarrllyy TTaabblleeaauu MMééccaanniiqquuee AAuuttoommaattoonn ooff aa MMaaggiicciiaann,, possiblyby Théroude, c. 1850, with parian head, molded blonde hair,closed mouth, painted eyes, wood body and carved handsholding two paper cups, standing behind a draped table withturned legs and paper-covered surface of hand-blocked stardesigns, in room setting with stage and original papers, thetwo-air pull-string cylinder movement driving three pinnedwheels and causing the magician to turn his head and lift thecups simultaneously to reveal a series of six changes: two dice,left die, right die, two yellow balls, two red balls, and nothing,in the original exotic blue satin robes with cape-sleeves andturban trimmed with gold Dresden borders and rosettes, ht.figure 7, in ebonized frame 17 x 14 x 5 in., (costume fadedand fragile). See color plate p. 64

Note: Alexandre Théroude was one of the earliest 19thcentury Parisian automata makers, active from around 1832-1878. The firm exhibited at international exhibitions in Londonand Paris, and held patents for a number of automata – frommanivelles and clockwork animals – to larger and morecomplex pieces. The near-miniature size and the pinnedmechanism are both unusual features in a magicianautomaton, and this is one of the earliest magicians of its typeto appear at auction in recent years.



Lots 374, 494, 495, 352 375 376 377

384.BBrreemmoonndd TTaabblleeaauu MMééccaanniiqquuee ooff aa HHaarrppiisstt,, c. 1860, the hand-tinted lithographed paper figure with articulated head andhands, hair parted at the centre and arranged in a laurelgarland, in flowing neoclassical costume tinted pale blue withyellow geometric borders, with pull-string two-air cylindermovement, No. 2253, driving a pulley connected to a pinnedwheel with three self-weighted steel levers causing the harpistto gently nod her head and move her arms, appearing to pluckthe strings, in giltwood frame with original French operatinginstructions and tune-sheet headed B.A. Bremond,Manufacturer. Golden Lyre House, Geneva Switzerland, Placedes Alpes, Facing the Brunswick Memorial, 18 x 23 in. Seecolor plate p. 63

Note: B.A. Bremond is well-documented as a maker andretailer of musical boxes but, until recently, was not known tohave been involved in the making or selling of automata.Another picture automaton, of a carpenter’s workshop, by thesame maker, was sold at Skinner in Mechanical Music, Science& Technology, May 2005, lot 120.


385.NNééggrree FFuummeeuurr AAuuttoommaattoonn bbyy RRoouulllleett eett DDeeccaammppss,, with papier-mâché head, black hair wig, brown eyes with articulated lids,and articulated lower jaw with painted teeth, sitting with pipein right hand on bamboo chair, the body containing bellowsand single-air going-barrel movement causing the boy to turnand nod his head, blink, raise the pipe to inhale while rubbinghis stomach with his left hand, the smoke drawn through theright arm and emitted from the mouth as he moves his lips toexhale, in figured gray silk knee-length breeches, satin shirtand red smoking jacket, ht. 25 1/2 in., with Roullet etDecamps stop/start. See color plate p. 97

Literature: Bailly, Automata, The Golden Age, p. 321. Theoriginal costume is included in this lot. The companion pieceto lot 386.


386.RRaarree NNééggrree BBuuvveeuurr AAuuttoommaattoonn bbyy RRoouulllleett eett DDeeccaammppss,,depicting a black boy sitting on a cane chair and drinking froma bottle of brandy, one leg outstretched, the other bent at theknee supporting a monkey who sits on his lap with her rightpaw resting on his shoulder, both figures with papier-mâchéheads and articulated lips, the boy with shaded andarticulated eyelids, brown paperweight eyes, black hair wig,and single-air going-barrel movement contained in the body, inthe original ivory silk shirt, waistcoat, striped silk breeches andsage-green velvet jacket, the monkey in tartan skirt, featheredhat, cummerbund and sleeves trimmed with metal-threadbraid, ht. 30 in., (boy’s breeches and monkey’s sleeves worn).See color plate p. 97

Literature: Bailly, Automata, the Golden Age, p. 321. Thislarge piece, incorporating eleven separate movements, wasproduced by Roullet et Decamps as the companion piece tothe Negre Fumeur (see the previous lot). The boy’s head andhands were produced from the same mold as their Tortoise-Charmer; both pieces have unusually complex sequences, andfew examples of either have survived. The boy turns his head,blinks continuously and moves his lower lip as though talkingto his pet monkey. He lowers his head and seems to offer hera sip of brandy, while she turns her head from side to side,opens her mouth to reveal teeth and tries to take the bottlefrom him. Before she succeeds, the boy raises the bottle to hislips and drinks from it himself and rubs his stomach withsatisfaction, while the monkey throws her head back and looksat her owner accusingly.



384 detail

387.RRaarree MMuussiiccaall CClloocckk AAuuttoommaattoonn ooff aa PPaappaall PPrroocceessssiioonn,probably by Tarin, with 4-inch enameled Roman dial, steelhands and ormolu bezel, two-train clock movement striking ongong and releasing the key-wind six-air cylinder movemementby Ducommun-Girod, No. 21275, with manual overide, silenceand change/repeat controls, and an Angelus-type movement(wound by a rod connected to the spring ratchet) striking ontwo gongs, in elaborate Rococo Revival giltwood and gessocase with arched crest and foliate relief flanking the dial,above a glazed hand-colored panoramic engraving of acathedral mass, the going-barrel automaton movement withpulley causing an endless train of maidens in white, clerics inred, nuns, candle-bearers, and an armed guard to moveacross the foreground in slow procession, wd. 38 x ht. 45 in.See color plate p. 63

Note: Believed to be one of three surviving examples (oneother clock and a mechanical picture), both in privatecollections.


388.SSiinnggiinngg BBiirrdd CClloocckk AAuuttoommaattoonn bbyy BBoonntteemmss,, with two-trainmovement by Japy Frères, Roman dial, gilt-brass bezel andcountwheel strike on bell, in rocky papier-mâché landscapewith iridescent beetles, verdure, foliage, glass-twist waterfall,one stationary and four moving birds (two flitting, onebobbing, one flapping wings and moving his head) in blossomtree, on ebonized base containing the going-barrel movementdriving pulleys, bellows and seven brass cams, ht. 25 in. Seecolor plate p. 98


389.SSiinnggiinngg BBiirrdd CClloocckk AAuuttoommaattoonn bbyy BBoonntteemmss,, the two-trainmovement by Japy Frères, No. 2380, with Roman enamel dial(repaired) and countwheel strike on bell, in papier-mâché rockylandscape with glass-twist waterfall, flowers and tree withthree stationary birds perching in the branches, and twomoving birds flitting from branch-to-branch and drinking fromthe stream, on ebonized base containing pull-string two-aircylinder movement, No. 105, and going-barrel automatonmovement driving pulleys, bellows for birdsong, and five woodcams, ht. 24 in., under glass dome.



387 detail 387 detail


Musical Clocks and Miniature Movements

390.BBllaacckkffoorreesstt CCuucckkoooo aanndd QQuuaaiill AAuuttoommaattoonn CClloocckk wwiitthhGGaarrnniittuurreess,, with three-train movement striking on gong andactivating the quail on the quarters and both cuckoo and quailon the hour, 7-inch dial with pierced Roman chapter ring andfoliate-pierced hands, in sculptural walnut case of carvedintertwining tree trunks surmounted by a pair of pheasantsand bordered at the roots by ferns and toadstools growing onrocky forest floor, ht. 27, and a matching pair of garnitureswith fluted cut-glass vases amidst carved bullrushes,pheasants, and foliage, ht. 17 1/2 in. See color plate p. 99


391.MMuussiiccaall CChhaalleett CClloocckk,, with two-train movement, No. 81407,carved dial, enamel Roman chapter ring, pierced hands andcountwheel striking bell on the hour and the half, inarchitectural carved walnut case in the form of a three-storeybuilding with mirror windows, wood stacks, chimney, andcentral stairs to balcony and side galleries, the plinth basewith balustrade, carved apron and controls for the eight-aircylinder movement, wd. 20, cylinder 9 in.


392.LLoouuiiss PPhhiilllliippee GGiilltt BBrroonnzzee AAuuttoommaattoonn MMaanntteell CClloocckk,, No. 915,the movement signed F.C and stamped Medaille d’Or, Paris,1827, with 3-inch engine-turned Roman dial, two-trainmovement with silk suspension and countwheel strike on bell,in sculptural case in the form of a grotto surrounded by shell-scrolls, ship’s anchor, cannon, barrel, and a mariner holding ascroll, the interior with painted harbor view and three-mastedrocking ship on painted tissue paper sea, on rosewood inlaidbase containing the going-barrel automaton movement andtwo-air pull-string cylinder movement, under glass dome, totalht. 20 in. See color plate p. 99


393.VViieennnneessee MMuussiiccaall WWaallll CClloocckk bbyy MM.. MMiilllleerr && SSoohhnn,, with three-train grande sonnerie movement striking on two gongs, silksuspension and brass six-inch Roman dial, in glazed giltwoodand gesso frame with gilt-metal spandrel and eagle mounts,housing two-air cylinder movement with reverse-bass combstamped Jos. Olbrich in Wien, No. 21824, 17 1/2 x 21 1/2,cylinder 4 1/4 in., (dial repainted, pendulum-bob replaced).



391 393