Download - DOCUMENT RESUME HE 004 993 TITLE Schoolcraft …Schoolcraft Community College District and the Faculty Forum of Schoolcraft College covers the period August 1972-August 1974. ... Sec.

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ED 086 088 HE 004 993

TITLE igreement Between the Board of Trustees ofSchoolcraft Community College District and theTaculty Forum of Schoolcraft College, August 1972 -August 1974.

INSTITUTION Schoolcraft Coll., Livonia, Mich.PUB DATE 23 Aug 72NOTE 76p.

EDRS PRICE MF-$0.65 HC-$3.29DESCRIPTORS Collective Negotiation; College Faculty; *Community

Colleges; *Contracts; Grievance Procedures; *HigherEducation; Leave of Absence; School Calendars;Teacher Salaries; *Teacher Welfare; *Teaching Load

IDENTIFIERS Michigan Education Association; *SchoolcraftCommunity College

ABSTRACTThis agreement between the board of trustees of

Schoolcraft Community College District and the Faculty Forum ofSchoolcraft College covers the period August 1972-August 1974.Articles of the agreement cover recognition and definitions; boardrights; faculty rights and responsibilities; faculty status; facultyload and assignments; department representatives; curriculuminstruction committee; leaves of absence; sick leave, personalbusiness, bereavement; grievance procedure; contracts; compensation;fringe benefits; miscellaneous; provisions; conformity to law; wholecontract; and termination of agreement. The appendices include thesalary schedule, salary agreement, request for change in trackplacement form, payroll schedule, grievance form, and the collegecalendar. (MJM)


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August 1972 - August 1974





Aso PRom









Adopted - August 23, 1972


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PageArticle Section Sec. Art.






Sec. 1 Recognition of ForumSec. 2 Definition of:

a) Faculty Member 1

b) Full-Time Instructor 1

c) Full-Time Counselor 1

d) Full-Time Assistant Librarian 1

e) Instructional College Year 2

Sec. 3 Negotiating with other Faculty Organizations 2

Sec. 4 Forum representing Full-Time Faculty Members 2



Sec. 1 Discrimination against Faculty Members 3

Sec. 2 Bulletin Boards 3

Sec. 3 Access to Faculty Mailboxes 3

Sec. 4 Use of College Facilities 3

Sec. 5 Furnish Forum Public Information 3

Sec. 6 Academic Freedom 3

Sec. 7 Departmental Assignment 3

Sec. 8 Personnel File 4

Sed. 9 Consent of Extra ContractUal Assignment 4

Sec. 10 Administrative Vacancies will be Posted 4

Sec,. 11 Presence of Cameras and Tape Recorders 4

Se..:. 12 Civil Rights 4

Sec. 13 Forum Representative 4


Sec. 1 Probationary Status Defined 5

Sec. 2 Evaluation of Probationary Employees 5

Sec. 3 Probationary Employee Notification 6

Sec. 4 Probationary Employee Termination 6

Sec. 5 Completed Probationary Period. 7

Sec. 6 Full Status Employee - General Provisions 7

a) Continuing Contract 7

b) Annual Salary Agreement 7

c) Termination of Full Status Contract 7

d) Suspension 8


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Article SectionPage

Sec. Art.

IV Sec. 7 Procedure for Terminating a FullStatus Contract 8

a) Notice of Intentionb) Request Hearing


c) Hearing Held within 15 Days 8

d) Written Decision by Registered Mail 8

e) Decision to Arbitration 8

f) Records of Proceedings 8

Sec. 8 Procedure for Suspending A Full.StatusFaculty Member 8

a) Notice of Suspension 8

b) Hearing Before the Board 9

c) Written Decision from the Board 9

d) Decision to Arbitration 9

e) Records of Proceedings 9

Sec. 9 Evaluation of Full Status Faculty 9

Sec. 10 Staff Reduction 10


Sec. 1 Length of Class Session 14Sec. 2 Basic Load Defined 14Sec. 3 Right to Assign 15Sec. 4 Multiple Sections and Mutiple Courses 15Sec. 5 Overloads 15Sec. 6 Course Preparations 16Sec. 7 Supplementary Teaching Limitation 16Sec. 8 Preference for Regular Faculty 17Sec. 9 Faculty Working Day Week 17Sec. 10 Office Hours 17Sec. 11 Extra Curricular Activities 18Sec. 12 Attendance at Formal Ceremonies 18Sec. 13 Counseling/Advising by Faculty 18Sec. 14 Faculty Absences 18Sec. 15 Class Size 18C.-c. 16 Re-Assigned Time 19Sec. 17 Registration 19


Sec. 1 Departments nefined 20Sec. 2 Election of Representative 20Sec. 3 Term of Office 20Sec. 4 Responsibilities of Representative 20Sec. 5 Compensation 21

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Article' SectionPage

Sec. Art.







Sec. 1 Committee PurposeSec. 2 Committee MembershipSec. 3 Ar4as of Responsibility


Sec. 1 Professional Leaves and General Provisions 22Sec. 2 Advanced Study 23Sec. 3 Sabbatical Leave 23Sec. 4 Exchange Teaching or Assignment 25Sec. 5 Foreign Country or Military School Teaching 25Sec. 6 National Defense Graduate Fellowship and

National Science Foundation Program 25Sec. 7 Other Professional Leaves 25Sec. 8 Personal Leaves Defined 26Sec. 9 Health Leave 26Sec. 10 Maternity Leave 26Sec. 11 Illness in the Immediate Family 27Sec. 12 Military Leaves 27Sec. 13 Public Service 27

)Sec. 14 Teacher Organization Duty 28Sec. 15 Jury Duty 28


Sec. 1 Sick Leave 29Sec. 2 Personal Business 29Sec. 3 Bereavement 29


Sec. 1 Definitions 302 General Provisions 30

Sec. 3 Procedure 3i


Sec. 1 Full-Time Contract Defined 33Sec. 2 Supplemental Contracts 33Sec. 3 Temporary Contracts 33


Sec. 1 Basic Salary 35Sec. 2 General Provisions 35Sec. 3 Initial Placement 35


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Article SectionPage

Sec. Art.

XII Sec. 4 Extra Curricular Activities-Compensation 36Sec. 5 Salary Payments-General Provisions 37Sec. 6 Compensation-26 Installment 37Sec. 7 Compensation-19 or 26 Installments 37Sec. 8 Compensation-Supplemental Contract 37Sec. 9 Method of Payment for Overtime, 38Sec. 10 Overloads, Overtime, and Supplemental

Instruction 38


Sec. 1 Insurance 1972-1973 39Sec. 2 Insurance 1973-1974 40Sec. 3 Faculty Grant Fund! 40Sec. 4 Severance Pay 40Sec. 5 Travel Allowance 41


Sec. 1 Discrimination 42Sec. 2 Certificate of Health 42Sec. 3 Retirement 42Sec. 4 Parking Space 42Sec. 5 Faculty Meetings 42Sec. 6 Released Time - Forum 42Sec. 7 Contract Conformity 42Sec. 8 Payment Under Supplemental Contract 42Sec. 9 Copies of Agreement 43Sec. 10 Holiday Work Schedule 43Sec. 11 Service Fee 43




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APPENDICES- Basic Salary Schedule, 36 Weeks 1972-73 A- Salary Agreement 1973-74 A-1- Request for Change in Track Placement Form B- Payroll Schedule, 1972-73 and 1973-74-Grievance Form- College Calendar 1972-73 E-College Calendar 1973-74 E-1


Assistant Librarian - Audio-Visual Materials FAssistant Librarian - General AssistantAssistant Librarian - Periodicals & Documents HAssistant Librarian - ReferenceAssistant Librarian - Classifier and

CatalogerHead of IntramuralsAutomotive Laboratory InstructorCooperative Training Coordinator/Instructors MCounselorsAdmissions/Counselor N-1Counselor in Charge of Student Activities N-2Instructors 0Occupational Therapy Assistant Coordinator/

InstructorMedical Records Technology Coordinator./


Sabbatical Leave Contract

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This Agreement, entered into this 21st day of August,1972, by and between the Board of Trustees of SchoolcraftCommunity College District (hereinafter called the "Board")and the Schoolcraft College Faculty Forum, a local unit ofthe Michigan Education Association and the NationalEducation Association, (hereinafter called the "Forum").

PREAMBLEWHEREAS, the Board and the Forum recognize and declare

that providing quality higher education consistent withcommunity resources for the people of this College Districtis their mutual aim and that the character of such educationdepends, (in part), upon the quality and morale of theprofessional personnel, and

WHEREAS, the Faculty recognize that their primaryresponsibility is to perform their professional dutiesfully, properly, and ethically, and

WHEREAS, the Board has a statutory obligation, pursuantto Act 336 of the Michigan Public Acts of 1947, as amended,to bargain with the Forum as the representative of the facultywith respect to hours, wages, terms, and conditions ofemployment.

NOW THEREFORE, it is agreed:


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Section 1. The Board recognizes the Forum as thesole and exclusive bargaining representative, as definedin Section 11 of Act 379, Public Acts of Michigan, 1965,for all instructors, counselors, and assistant librarians(referred to in this Agreement as "faculty") employedfull-time by Schoolcraft College excluding all employeeson administrative contracts, part-time, and substitutefaculty. References to male faculty shall includefemale faculty.

Section 2. . For the purpose of this Agreement thefollowing terms shall mean:

a) Faculty Member the term "faculty member" shallmean all instructors, coop-instructors, counselors,and assistant librarians employed full-time bySchoolcraft College and represented by theForum.

b) Full-Time Instructor - is an instructor whoeither:

(1) Teaches one (1) or more courses 'thetotal of which constitutes nine (9)or more:contact hours per semester; or

(2) Teaches in culinary arts and satisfiesthe definition of a basic load in Article V,Section 2 (e) for a'semester; or

(3) Performs the functions of a cooperativeinstructor and satisfies the definition ofa basic Idad as defined in Article V,Section 2 (f) for a semester; or

(4) Performs the function of an automotive servicelaboratory instructor and satisfies thedefinition of a basic load in Appendix L.

c) Full-Time Counselor the term "full -time counselor"shall mean a counselor who is employed bySchoolcraft College under a probationary or fullstatus contract for a twelve (12) month` period andwho has a regular work load of thirty-five (35)hours a week.

d) Full-Time Assistant Librarian - the term "full-timeassistant librarian" shall mean any assistantlibrarian who is employed by Schoolcraft Collegeunder a probationary or a full status contract fora twelve (12) month period and who has a regularwork load of thirty-five (35) hours a week.

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ARTICLE I (cont'd)

e) Definition of Instructional Year - aninstructional college yeat for the purposes ofthis contract is defined as consisting of thefall and winter semesters, an aggregate ofthirty-six (36) weeks. A semester is definedas a period of eighteen (18) weeks, more orless, of which sixteen (16) weeks, more orless, is assigned. Two semesters constitutea thirty-six (36) week contract period forall full-time instructors. (See Appendix E -College Calendar).

Section 3. The Board agrees not to negotiate withany faculty organization other than the Forum withrespect to wages, hours, terms, and conditions ofemployment for faculty members covered by thisAgreement for the duration of this Agreement.

Section 4. The Forum will continue to represent allmembers of the bargaining unit, equally, withoutregard to membership in the Forum.



Section 1. Except as modified by the terms of thisAgreement, the Board shall retain all rights and powersto manage Schoolcraft College and to direct its facultyas conferred by the laws and constitution of the Stateof Michigan and of the United States and encompassed inthe Board's responsibility to manage the Community CollegeDistrict. These rights and powers shall include, butshall not be limited to:

a) The executive management and administrativedirectionof its properties, facilities, and faculty.

b) The hiring, assignment, firing, and suspensionof faculty subject to provisions of law.

c) The establishment or elimination of curricula,courses of instruction, and extra curricularprograms.

The exercise of these rights shall be limited only by theterms of the Agreement and provisions of law.


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Section 1. The Board will not discriminate against anyfaculty member with respect to wages, hours, terms orconditions °employment by reason of his membership inor participation in the activities of the Forum.

Section 2. The Board shall designate bulletin boardsor adequate portions thereof for the posting of Forumbusiness notices or social announcements. All suchnotices or announcements shall be furnished to the VicePresident of Business Affairs or his designee prior toposting.

Section 3. The Forum shall have access to facultymailboxes for its business notices and social announcements.All such notices or announcements shall contain the signa-ture of a Forum official and a copy shall be furnished tothe Vice President of Business Affairs or his designee priorto distribution.

-Section 4. The Forum shall. have the right to use CollegefacIlaies and equipment for meetings providing the use ofsuch facilities and equipment is scheduled through theoffice of Business Affairs. The Forum shall pay any over-time costs incurred as a result of the use of college fa-cilities, and shall pay for the cost of all materials andsupplies incidental to the use of college equipment. Collegeclassified personnel shall not be utilized for Forum businessduring their working hours.

Section 5. The Board agrees to furnish to the Forum inresponse to official requests available public informationwhich shall assist the Forum in preparing for negotiations.The Board shall not be expected to compile information butshall provide such information in the form available.

6. Each instructor shall be entitled to freedomcf discussion within the classroom on all matters withinthe framework of the course being taught, which are rele-vant to the course and within his area of competence.

Section 7. Any full status faculty member may requesta change in departmental assignment to another area withinhis compeLency by giving official written notice to theappropriate administrator with a copy to the appropriateVice President. Such notice must be received prior toFebruary 1, of the contract year. Faculty members makingsuch a request will be given first consideration for anyexisting opening. Assignments shall be made at the dis-cretion of the Board.


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ARTICLE III (cont'd)

Section 8. Each faculty member shall have the right uponreasonable request and notice to review the contents of hispersonnel file, excluding letters of recommendation andemployment credentials, with an appropriate administrator.The faculty member may be accompanied by a Forum representativeif he so desires. When material is placed in an individual'spersonnel file the faculty member shall he furnished acopy of said material and shall have ten (10) days to writea rebuttal which shall be attached to the original materialin the file.

Section 9. The Board shall not require any faculty memberto assume an extra contractual assignment without hisprior written consent.

Section 10. Any and all administrative vacancies will beposted. Such notice will contain a list of qualificationsnecessary to hold a position and a closing date for acceptingapplications. The Forum is encouraged to submit a recommendationon any person who it thinks is qualified to hold the position.Any application and/or recommendation must be in writing,addressed to the Director of Personnel. The Board shall havethe sole authority to fill these vacancies.

Section 11. The presence of cameras, tape recorders orsimilar recording devices during the meeting of a class shallbe subject to the permission of the instructor.

Section 12. The faculty member is entitled to the enjoymentof his constitutionally guaranteed rights. When he acts asa private citizen, he shall be free from institutionaldiscipline. The faculty Nlember, mindful of his responsibilityto protect his own and the institution's integrity, shallexercise reasonable care to show that he is acting as aprivate citizen and does not speak for nor represent the College.

Section 13. A faculty member shall at all times be entitledh -ive present a representative of the Forum when he is

being reprimanded or disciplined.


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Section 1. Probationary Status

a) Faculty members shall be employed in aprobationary status during the firsttwo (2) years of their employment atSchoolcraft College. However, if hisevaluations should be less than catisfactoryhe may be offered a probationary contractfor his third year of employment. Shouldthe third year evaluations be satisfactory,the faculty member shall be offered a fullstatus contract.

Section 2. EvaluationI

a) During the probationary period, probationaryfaculty members shall be subject to a continuousformal evaluation.

b) The following evaluation procedure will be utilizedby the Office of Instruction and/or the Office ofStudent Affairs in evaluating probationaryfaculty members:

1) There will be three evaluations peryear by each evaluator, two in the fallsemester, one in the winter semester.

2) Evaluations will be conducted by theappropriate Director, Head Librarian or Vice-President for Student Affairs, and by theDepartment Representative..

3) Evaluations will be carried on in the classroom,the laboratory, or other locations where thefaculty member performs his duties.

4) Written reports made of eachevaluation.

5) After each written evaluation, a conference willbe held between the probationary faculty memberand the two evaluators. The written evaluationwill be discussed with the probationary facultymember and initialed by him before the evalu-.ation is placed in his personnel file.

6) The probationary faculty member may make awritLen response to the evaluation. The responsemust be made within ten (10) working clays afterthe conference with the two evaluators and will


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ARTICLE IV (cont'd)

be attached to the evaluation.

7) The evaluation and response will be forwardedto the appropriate Vice President.

8) Student evaluation may be requested byeither or both of the evaluators or by thefaculty member.

9) Where a probationary performance shows defic-iencies, the deficiency must be stated inwriting along with a plan for improvement.Such a plan must be jointly formulated byboth evaluators and presented to theprobationary faculty member in a conferencewith the appropriate Dean and appropriateVice President. Should'the evaluators beunable to agree on such a plan, it shall bedevised by the appropriate Dean or VicePresident.

10) Should it be necessary to revise or developan evaluation form, such form will berevised or developed by the appropriate VicePresident in consultation with the CurriculumInstruction Committee or Counselors or AssistantLibrarians.

Section 3. Each probationary faculty member will benotified in writing by March 15 of one of the following:

a) The continuation of the probationarycontract.

b) The placement of said probationary facultymember on a full status contract.

c) Termination of employment.

Section 4. Probal:ionary status may beiterminated inthe following manner:

a) By mutual consent at any time.

b) By resignation of the faculty member at theend of the Instructional College Year, providedwritten notice of such resignation is givenas soon as possible but not later than forty-five(45) days before the end of the InstructionalCollege Year.

c) By administrative action during the course


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of the Instructional College Year. Termination ofprobationary status during the course of theInstructional College Year shall be for cause. Awritten notice of termination, setting forth thereason for such action, shall be furnished thefaculty member. Within fifteen (15) days afterthe receipt of such notice, the faculty member mayrequest a hearing before the Board by presenting awritten request to the Chairman of the Board, witha copy to the President of the College. The pro-cedure set out in Article IV, Section 7 shall befollowed.

d) By administrative action at the end of the InstructionalCollege Year. The release of a faculty member onprobationary status may take place at the end of theInstructional College Year without recourse to thegrievance procedure. At least forty-five (45) daysprior to the end of the Instructional College Yearthe probationary faculty member shall be notified ofhis. release and the reasons therefor in accordancewith the provisions of Section 3 of this Article.Within ten (10) days of the receipt of such noticethe probationary faculty member may request a hearingbefore the Board. Such request shall be in writing.The Board shall schedule the hearing within thirty(30) days from the date.of the receipt of such writtenrequest. In reaching its decision the Board shall re.-view and consider the employee's probationary evalua-tion reports. The Board may consider all other mattersit deems relevant in reaching its decision.

Section 5. Faculty members who have successfully completedtheir probationary period shall be employed under a fullstatus contract.

Section 6. Full Status Faculty Member

:a) A full status faculty member shall receive a contractthat will guarantee his continued services exceptfor the following conditions:' termination, staffreduction,' retirement, resignation.

b) An annual salary agreement (See Appendix A) isrequired for use with this continuing contract.

c) A full status contract may be terminated by the Board(See Section 7 of this Article, Procedure for Terminatinga Full Status Contract) for the following reason'(s),:of retirement due to age; or good and adequate cause


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ARTICLE IV (cont'd)

(good and adequate cause includesimmorality, conviction of a felony,insubordination, and incompetency);or as an outgrowth of the suspension.procedure.

d) A full status faculty member may besuspended with pay for good and adequatecause (See Section 8 of this ArticleProcedure for Suspending a Full StatusFaculty member).

Section 7. Procedure for Terminating a Full Status Contract

a) A notice of intention to terminate the contractmust be furnished by registered mail to theFaculty member by March-I. A Faculty membermay terminate his contract by notifying theBoard by April 1. Such notices must beaccompanied by a written statement outliningthe specific reason (s).for such action.

b) Within, fifteen (15) days of the receipt of thetermination notice, the Faculty member may

. request a hearing before the Board by presentinga written request to the Chairman of the Board.

c) Such a hearing must be held within fifteen (15)days after the Chairman has received the request.The Faculty member may be represented by counsel,by representatives of the Forum and may callwitnesses. At the. Faculty member's option, thehearing may be open or closed.

d) Within ten (10) days from the date of the hearingthe Board shall tender a written decision to theFaculty member by registered mail.

e) If the Faculty member is not satisfied with thedecision of the Board, he may within five (5) dayssubmit the decision to arbitration by servinga written notice to the Board at which timeStep Four of the Grievance Procedure shall becomeoperable.

t) All records of these proceedings shall be keptseparate from the personnel file of the Facultymember.

Section 8. Procedure for Suspending a Full StatusFaculLy212mber.

A notice of suspension must be furniShed inwriting by registered mail to the Faculty


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member. Such a notice must be accompanied by awritten statement outlining the specific reason (s)

for such action.

b) A hearing before the Board of Trustees shall beheld not later than the next regularly scheduledmeeting of the Board. The Faculty member may berepresented by counsel, by representatives of theForum, and may call witnesses. At the Facultymember's option, the hearing may be open or closed.

c) Within ten (10) days frofin the date of the hearing,the Board shall tender a written decision.


d) If the FacUlty member is .not satisfied with thedecision of the Board, he may within five (5)days submit the decision to arbitration by servinga written notice to the Board at which time Step Fourof the Grievance Procedure shall become operable.

e) All records of these proceedings shall be keptseparate from the personnel file of the Faculty member.

Section 9. Evaluation of Full Status Faculty

a) All full status faculty members shall be evaluatedonce every three (3) years by the appropriate director,head librarian or Vice President for Student Affairsand by. the Department Representative or his designeein the event of his own evaluation. No more thanone third (1/3) of the full status faculty shall beevaluated in any one (1) academic year, the order tobe determined by beginning with the top of thefaculty seniority list and extending to it'sconclusion;

1) The evaluation will be based on separate visitsof not less than one ..(1) class period duringthe same semester by each evaluator-at a timemutually agreed upon between the faculty memberand the evaluator.

2) Evaluations will be conducted in the classroom,laboratory or other location where the faculty'member performs his duties.

3). Within ten .(10) working days after the second(2nd) evaluation a joint conference will beheld between the faculty member and the evaluators.


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ARTICLE IV (cont'd)

Their written evaluations will be discussedwith the faculty member and initialedby him before they are placed in hispersonnel file. The faculty member mayat his discretion have a Forum representativepresent during the evaluation conference.

4) The faculty member may make a written responseto the evaluations. The response must bemade within ten (10) working days after theconference with the evaluators and will beattached to the evaluations.

5) Student evaluation may be requested byagreement between both of the evaluatorsor by the faculty member. When such anevaluation occurs it must take place in thesame semester during which the-formal eval-uation has occurred. Such an evaluation mustinclude all classes currently being taughtby that instructor, or a sampling of fifty(50) students from that counselor's load.

6) Where performance shows deficiencies, thedeficiencies must be stated in writing alongwith a plan for improvement. Such a planmust be formulated by the evaluators andpresented to the faculty member in.a conferencewith the Director or Head Librarian and theappropriate Dean and appropriate Vice President.

7) The form (s) necessary to carry out theevaluation shall be developed by the ForumSenate at which time they shall becomeappendices to the Master Contract. In anyevent, such forms shall be completed andavailable for use by November 1,.197.2, butin no case later than the beginning of the1972-73 Winter Semester.

Section 10. Staff Reduction

A) Seniority

1. A faculty member shall be entered on theseniority list of the College from hisinitial date,of full time employment. Incase of equal seniority higher rank shallbe determined alphabetically beginning with r

the letter A,

2. Seniority rank shall be maintained duringabsence from the College due to staff reduction.


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ARTICLE IV (cont'd)

3. A faculty Member shall lose senioritywith the College if he resigns, quits,is discharged or is laid off for longerthan three (3) years.

4. A faculty member shall accrue facultyseniority only for the time during which hewas employed as a full time faculty member,on a professional leave or on involuntarymilitary leave.

B) Reduction of Faculty

1 Whenever necessary, beCause of insufficientstudent enrollment as defined in paragraph Dbelow, to decrease the size of the full timefaculty in any discipline, (e.g. economics)counseling service or library facility, theBoard, upon redommendatiOn of the Presidentmay lay off-the necessary number of facultyin the discipline (s) or areas affected.

1. The placement of facultyin the affected discipline or areaon lay orf shall begin with. probationaryfaculty in that discipline or area,and then full status faculty from thatdiscipline or area in inverse order oftheir seniority.

2 Whenever necessary to decrease the size ofthe full time faculty staff because of insuffic-ient funds, the Board, upon recommendation ofthe President, may cause the necessary numberof faculty, beginning with those servingprobationary periods, to be placed on lay offwithout pay, but only in inverse order of theiraccrued faculty seniority. Should it becomeevident that a particular department will beunable to function because of seniority reduc-tion of staff, inter-departmental transfersof qualified staff members shall be allowed.If a position cannot be filled With a qualifiedstaff member in accordance with seniority aninstructor with lower seniority may be retainedin order to maintain continuance of the program.Should. this not resolve the problem, the Bo5rd'srepresentatives shall negotiate with theFaculty-Forum for a satisfactory solution.

3. Relation to filling positions, Supplementalsand Part-time Faculty.

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a) A faculty member about to be laid off shallbe given preference based on seniority foranother full-time position for which he' isqualified. The secondary faculty memberaffected by this procedure shall also havethe right based on seniority: and qualificationsto displace (bump) -a faculty member. Thelast faculty member affected shall then bethe one who is laid off.

b) A faculty member who does not have a fullload in any given semester shall be givenpriority to acquire a full load by assumingany open class or classes which he isqualified to teach.

c) A faculty member who is on lay of shall begiven preference as a part-time instructorto teach courses for which he is qualifiedat the Supplemental rate.

C) Reinstatement of Faculty Members

1. When circumstances shall be appropriate eachfaculty member placed on lay off, asaforementioned, shall be, reinstated in inverseorder of his placement on lay off.

2. Faculty members who return from lay off definedabove, shall not be subject to loss of creditfor previous years of service.

3 The Personnel. office shall notify faculty .

members on lay off of openings for which theyare qualified. No new appointments shall bemade where there are available faculty memberson lay off who are qualified to fill the va-cancies, unless such faculty members shall failto advise the Personnel Office of their acceptanceof employment within 15 calendar days from thedate of mailing of their notification. Suchnotification shall be sent by registered mail,return receipt requested.

4., If more than one qualified faculty member onlay off applies to fill a vacancy, the .

applicant having the greatest seniority shallbe offered the position.


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D) Insufficient enrollment is defined as one ofthe following:

1) In the second consecutive semester inwhich every member of a given discipline didnot have a basic load staff reduction maybe implemented. Such notice of layoffmust be given no later than March 15th.This means that the layoff becomes effectivewith the beginning of the next instructionalyear.

2) In case any member of a given disciplinecannot be assigned any part of a load,staff reduction may be implemented totake effect at the end of that semester.

3) Should the head count load for counselorsfall below an average of 200:1 (based onday head count) for two (2) consecutivesemesters then staff reduction may beimplemented. Such notice of lay off mustbe given on or before March 15th. Thismeans that the layoff becomes effectivewith the beginning of the next instructionalyear.

-7. 3

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Section 1. Length of Class Session A class scheduledfor one hour shall include fifty (50) minutes of instructionand ten (10) minutes of passing time. In classes scheduledfor more than one (1) hour in the same session, theinstructor may schedule a break equivalent to ten (10)minutes per hour for each hour except the last hour wherethe ten (10)minutes shall be used for passing time.Any variation must have the approval of the instructorand the appropriate director or dean.

Section 2. The basic load of a faculty member shall beone of the following:

a) Faculty members who ire assigned lecture coursesexclusively-shall have a basic load of fourteento sixteen (14-16) contact hours per semester,with a minimum of thirty (30) contact hours.for'the Instructional College Year. Provided,:however, that the English Composition Courses(English 51, 85, 101, 102, 116, 201,202) shallbe equated on thle basis of four/(4) contacthours for each three (3) contact hours taught.

b) Faculty members who are assigned either laboratory-lectUre courses, or a combination of lecture andlecture-laboratory courses, or combinations oflecture and laboratory courses shall have a basicload.offifteen to sixteen (15-16)contact hoursper semester, with a minimum of thirty (30)contact hours for the Instructional College Year.

c) Faculty members who are assigned courses in health,and vocational-technical areas (Budget Series200 and 300, excluding culinary arts) shall havea basic load of sixteen (16) contact hours persemester with a minimum of thirty-two (32)* contacthours for the Instructional:College Year. Thebasic load for instructors in the associate degree,practical nursing and medical records. programsshall be thirty-two (32) contact hours averaged overthe Instructional College Year. Any hours overthirty-two (32) for thefInstructional College Yearshall be considered an overload and compensated for.

d) Faculty members who are assigned to any of thefollowing programs shall have a basic load of thirty-five (35) clock hours per week:


(1) Assistant Librarians(2) Counselors

The basic load for instructors who teach in CulinaryArts'is the time required to perform all dutiesnecessary to meet their assigned schedule'. Thetime required to perform their duties exceeds


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ARTICLE V (Cont'd)

a thirty-five (35) clock-hour week. (See Article12, Section 10)

f) Faculty members performing the function of a co-operative education-instructor shall be assigned atleast forty-five (45) but no more than sixty-five(65) cooperative students a semester. For purposesof establishing an underload or an overload three andone-half (3 1/2) students shall be equated to one (1)

contact hour per semester. Cooperative educationinstructors having less than the minimum number ofassigned students in a semester may be assigned anadditional class in accordance with Section 3 of thisArticle in order to meet the requirements of abasic load. For every three and one-half (3 1/2)students in excess of sixty-five (65) the cooperativeeducation instructor shall be compensated for one(1) hour of overload.

g) Community Service program assignments shall notbe considered as part of a faculty members load.

Section 3. The basic load of an instructor shall' be scheduledprior to registration. The basic load shall not includecombined courses taught in one assembly unless otherwise agreedto by the instructor. No class offered may be cancelled untilformal registration is completed. Should the load of aninstructor be less than basic load,a.t any time he shall beassigned an open day or evening class or.classes to establishhis basic load. When such assignments are made:

No more than one (1) class per semester shall beassigned outside of the time span as set out inArticle V, Section 9a, unless mutually agreed to.

b) Such assignments are made in consultation withinstructor.-

c) No classes within a discipline will be assigned toanyone outside -the .bargaining unit until basic loadswithin that discipline are satisfied.

Section 4. For the purpose of establishing a baSic load,courses taught in combination in one assembly shall be treatedas one course or section and shall be given the weight of thatcourse or section having the greatest number of contact hours.Where multiple sections of the same course are assigned to aninstructor to be taught in one assembly, the combined sectionsshall he treated as separate sections for the purpose ofestablishing a basic load.

Section 5. If, in scheduling the load of an instructor'tomeet the requirements of a basic load, the instructor


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is scheduled to teach contact hours in excessof the maximum necessary for a basic load inSection 2 of this Article, the contact hours inexcess of the maximum necessary for a basicload shall be considered overload.

Section 6. A course preparation is the time neededto prepare one (1) or more sections of a singlecourse or combined sections of two (2) courses taughtin one (1) assembly. The number of course preparationzassigned to an instructor ps part of his basic loadat any one time during a semester shall not, exceptby mutual agreement between the faculty member ajndthe appropriate administrator, exceed three (3) preparationsprovided:

a) Multiple sectionsfof the same coursetaught in one (1) assembly or combined sectionsof two (2) courses taught in one (1) assemblyshall be the same as teaching one section of one (1)course and shall only be considered as one (1)preparation.

b) Preparations in Physical Education shall beset at four (4) .

c) Preparations in the Apprenticeship Programshall be set at five (5). Where these coursesare taught in combination with course offeringsin other disciplines single preparations shallbe equated one (1) for two (2) .

d) Applied music courses_ shall be excluded fromcourse preparations.

e) Such agreed upon additional preparations shallbe compensated for at the rate of three hundred($300) dollars.

Section 7. Where an instructor desires to ba assigned toteach a class or classes in addition to his basic load,such assignment shall be considered' as a supplementalassignment. Supplemental assignments made during theInstructional College Year shall be limited to four (4)

contact hours per semester or one (1) class persemesterwhichever has the greater contact hours.

Supplemental assignments made during the Spring orSummer sessions shall be'limited to either:

a) One class having more than eight (8) contacthours per-session, or

b) Two (2).classes or eight (8) contact hourswhichever. has the gyeater number of contacthours.


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ARTICLE V (cont'd)

Except during the Spring and Summer session whichwill be based on the department rotational policy,no instructor may be given a supplemental assignmentprior to registration, and then only after all basicloads have been assigned within the department.

Section 8. Preference shall be given for supplementalteaching assignments to full-time members of theinstructional staff provided such assignments fallwithin their area of competence.

Section 9. Faculty Working Day/Week The professionalobligations of a faculty member shall be fulfilledbetween the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Mondaythrough Friday. Faculty members are not required tobe physically present at all times during these hours.Nothing herein shall prohibit an instructor fromaccepting a seven (7) hour span outside these timelimits as mutually agreed to between an instructor andthe Administration.

a) The time required to fulfill an instructor'sbasic load shall not exceed a span of seven (7)hours.

b) The work day for counselors and librarians shallconsist of seven (7) hours exclusive of lunchhours. The college reserves the right, whennecessary, to include one (1) evening per workweek as a regular extension of the work week forcounselors. This extension of the work weekshall be compensated for either at the rate indicatedunder Article XII, Section 10, or through the useof compensatory time.

c Between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. andwithout the consent of the instructor, an instructorwill not be required to teach in continuous sequence:

(1) A lecture class or classes for more thantwo (2) consecutive hours.

(2) A lab-lecture or laboratory class for morethan three (3) consecutive hours.

(3) A lecture hour immediately preceding or'following a separate laboratory session.

Instructors in Health Careers and Culinary ArtsPrograms, and instructors teaching outside ofthe college week are expressly exempt from theseprovisions.

Section 10.0ffice Hours. The instructor shall post atleast five (5) office hours during the college week inwhich students may make appointments. In the eventan instructor is unable to meet all or part of a scheduled


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ARTICLE V (Cont'd)

office hour, he shall post suitable notification.

Section 11. Extra Curricular Activities. Each facultymember shall be assigned to not more than one (1)extra curricular activity per college year. Suchactivities shall include and be limited to dances andstudent club sponsored activities. Assignments shallbe made by the Vice President of Student Affairs orhis designee.

Section 12. Attendance at Formal Ceremonies. It isexpected that all faculty will be in attendance at theCollege graduation ceremonies. Formal receptions ordedications may be attended by the faculty on avoluntary basis.

Section 13. Counseling/Advising - The counseling andadvising of students shall be the responsibility of theVice President for Student Affairs and the Director ofCounseling.

a) Whenever the Vice President for StucatAffairs and the Director of Counselingdeem it necessary, they may seek the assistanceof full status instructors to assist with theadvising of students. The decision as to thenumber of instructors necessary shall be madeby the Vice President for Student Affairs andthe Director of Counseling.

b) Such additional advising responsibility shallbe considered as an extra contractual assignmentto be paid to the instructor at the rate ofOne Hundred ($100) Dollars per semester.

c) The Board shall make every effort to maintain astudent counselor ratio of 400:1 (based on dayhead count).

Section 14. Faculty Absences - It is expected that allscheduled class and/or office commitments will be met bythe faculty member. Absences from classes or office hours,except in case of personal illness or emergcncy shall be

_arranged at least 24 hours in advance with the appropriatedirector or dean. In the case of personal illness oremergency, the appropriate administrator shall be notifiedas far in advance as possible of the first class oroffice commitment to be missed.

Section 15. Class Size - Class size will he establishedat no more than thirty-two (32) students in any recitationsection and no more than twenty-nine (29) in any EnglishComposition section.


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ARTICLE V (cont'd)

However, no instructor's assignment shall exceedan average of thirty (30) students per recitationsection or twenty-seven (27) per English Compositionsection. In no case shall the number of students ina laboratory section exceed the number of fixed stationscontained in .the room to which the laboratory sectionis assigned. Nothing contained herein shall preventan instructor from accepting additional studentsas agreed upon between the instructor and the student (s).

Section 16. Re-Assigned Time

a) The value of reassigned time in the form ofa reduction of basic load, to pursue problemsessential to college functioning, is recognizedby both parties.

b) In determining his recommendations on requestfor reassigned time, the appropriate directorshall consider the following items:

(1) Identification of the problem.(2) Organized plan to approach solution.(3) Significance and degree of innovation

involved in solution.

c) Once the request for reassigned time has beenapproved by the Director the recommendation willbe subject to the approval of the appropriateVice President.

-Section 17. Registration - Faculty members shall not, beassigned any clerical duties during registration. However,this provision in no way precludes the possibility offaculty members volunteering their services. A facultymember, if he wishes; may assist the Vice President forStudent Affairs and his staff in any capacity.


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Ai :%':CLE V!


:;..ction 1. YII1 be established inaccordanc.! with tne following:


1. Mathics2. Biology I.

3. Chemistry4. Geology/Physics/Geography5. Art/Music6. SpeeCh/Drzim-1/1..tti:7.

8.,1 1:r;:.sing/Gcneral Eusincss/Co-op9. Sec.

10. Health CIrrs: ira::tical Nursing,Medical ke.;:)rds, :iceupational Therapy,A.D. Nursi:;

11. ArL:hCivil 7:.c;:/Automotive12. Drafl_ing.;Welding/Electronics/R.I.13. History/Philophy/Political Science14. Econ,:,mcs/Sociology/Psychology15. Physi.,:n1 Ed.,:cation16. Counsolor:;/A::st. Librarians/Cul. Arts

Section 2. ."'Lu d aca:;c',' occurs, a Department Representativeshall be elected fro::' th full-time members of a department bya majority vole of all full-ti..oe-mer.bers of the department.

Section 3. ehc, term of office of the Department Representativebeor one (1) year commencing on the 15th of September.

7,,,..t ion 4. The.Department Representative shall assist the.ippropriato a.i7!inistr7itor in the following:

a) Analysis of staff needs and recommendations con-cerning individuals to fill full time vacancies.

b) To formulate recommendations for the Office ofInstruction in the planning and equipping offacilities Cal. :I:. nay be utilized by the department.

c) The 1-(::niulatif)n of the dt*artmental budget request.

a) Coop. in h Co.._mu1ation of and, whennc:cury. a).toration of master class schedules

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ARTICLE VI (cont'd)

for the department.

e) The participation in (and attendance at)departmental meetings. The DepartmentRepresentative shall conduct at least onemeeting per month.

Section 5. Department Representatives shall be paid$206--a7a7an additional $20 for each additional fulltime faculty member assigned to his department.

The Department collectively shall:

1. Establish Textbook policy.

2. Formulate recommendations to be.made to theCurriculum Instruction Committee (See Article VII)regarding curriculum or course changes within.the department. All recommendations shall befurnished to the 'Director or the appropriateadministrator for comments prior to presentationto the Curriculum Instruction Committee bythe Department Representative.



Section 1. In order to facilitate communicationsbetween the faculty and the administration concerninginstructional and curriculum development,,a.Curriculum

:-Instruction Committee will be maintained:

2. The committee will consist of twenty (20'.

:-imbers including eight (8) administrators; four (4)department representatives from the Applied Sciences area;five (5) department representatives from Arts and Sciences;one (1) counselor, and two (2) students. The eight (8)administrators shall include: the Vice President ofInstruction (who shall serve as chairman of the committee);

the Director of Corpunity Cervices; two (2) Deans, namely,Dean of Applied Sciences and the Dean of Arts and Sciences,and four (4) Directors of Instruction.

Section 3. The committee shall be advisory to the Vice Pres-leent of Instruction and shall act upon all Curriculum andcourse changes proposed by the departments and/or the Officeof instruction prior to recommendations being made to thePresident and the Doard. The committee yill also considerother matters relative to the curriculum and instructionalprocess. All matters refered to the committee shall beplaced on the agenda.


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Professional and Personal Leaves of Absence may begranted only for the purposes enumerated in this Article.Unless otherwise specifically provided, such leaves shallbe unpaid leaves of absence..

Section 1. Professional Leaves and General Provisions

Full status faculty members shall be eligible to reauestprofessional leaves. The following general provisionsshall apply for all professional leaves of absence:

a) A professional leave of absence may begranted for one of the following purposes:

(1) Advanced study.(2) Sabbatical(3) Exchange teaching or assignment.(4) Foreign Country or Overseas Military

School teaching or assignment.(5) Participation in National Defense Graduate

Fellowship.(6) Other professional leaves:

(a) An assignment within Schoolcraft College; or(b) For employment outside of Schoolcraft College.

b) Application for a professional leave ofabsence(except sabbatical) shall be filed with theappropriate director and submitted to the Presidentthrough proper dhannels not later than March ist_for a leave requested for the succeeding Fallsemester and not later than November 1st for aleave requested for the succeeding Winter semester.

c) A facUlty member shall receive credit for timespent on a professional leave of absence forpurposes of any salary increases granted while onsuch leave.

P. Benefits .or rights accumulated by a faculty memberprior to the effective date of the leave of absenceshall be carried forward and credited to thefaculty\member.upon his return.

e) At lea7,t sixty (60) days before the expiration dateof the professional leave, the faculty member mustsubmit in writing to the President of the Collegeeither his return, or request for anextension of the professional leave. Failureto so comply shall constitute termination of employment.The only exception shall be in the case of aSabbatical Leave where a separate contract containingan agreement to retuY..n is signed.

f) Facllty members who have been.on a profr.ssional


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leave shall not be eligible for anotherprofessional leave for a two (2) yearperiod after their return.

g).. Unless otherwise specified, all professionalleaves shall be for a period of one (1)

year. However, with the approval of thePresident, such leaves may be extended foran additional period not to exceed one (1) year.

h) A'faculty member returning from a professionalleave of absence shall return to his formerposition or one of like status. This is subjectto the provisions of the staff reduction article.

Section 2. Advanced Study With the approval of thePresident an eligible faculty member may be granted aleave of absence without pay for advanced study.

Section 3. Sabbatical Leave The purpose of a sabbaticalleave is to provide for professional growth of the facultythat is not possible whi]e teaching a basic load orfulfilling a full -time appointment. The sabbatical leaveshould not only be of value to the individual but must havean impact on the quality of instruction at.SchoolcraftCollege. Sabbatical leaves may be granted for advancedstudy, research or other cognate purposes.

Sabbatical leaves may be granted for the Fall and/or WinterSemester for instructors, and for periods of six (6) ortwelve (12) calendar months for Assistant Librarians andCounselors. Payment for such leaves-will be at fullsalary for a semester for instructors and for a six (6)

month period for Counselors and Assistant Librarians, andat the rate of one-half (1/2) pay if for two semestersor for twelve (12) calendarmonths.

a) Sabbatical leaves May be taken at seven(7) year intervals. To be eligible fora sabbatical leave a faculty member musthave been employed for seven (7) conse-cutive years by Schoolcraft College. Timespent on leave without pay shall not counttoward consideration for sabbatical leave.

b) All requests for sabbatical leaves Shall besubmitted to the appropriate Vice President,who in turn will present the request to theSabbatical Selection Committee. The initialrequest shall include:

(1) The nature of the leave.(2), The outline of the experiences to

provided the applicant.(3) The anticipated value of the 1,_ave


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to the College.(4) The timing and length of the leave.

c) The request for a sabbatical leave must befiled no later than February 1 of the fiscalyear preceeding the fiscal year in which thefaculty member desires the leave.

d) A Sabbatical Leave Selection Committee shall beselected each year to evaluate the requestssubmitted. The Committee shall be composedof five (5) faculty members, selected by theForum, the Dean of Applied Sciences, and theDean of Arts and Sciences. In the event a mem-ber of the Selection Committee requests asabbatical leave, he shall resign from theCommittee prior to the submission of thatrequest.

e) Sabbatical leaves shall be limited to purposesthat clearly\promise reciprocal advantage tothe College and to the applicant. In makingtheir recommendations, the Committee shall alsoconsider the following points:

.(1) The extent to which plans submitted foruse of time while on leave are definitiveand educationally constructive.

(2) The extent to which a leave could have animmediate impact on the quality ofinstruction or service at the College throughthe faculty member's increased competence in-his field and/or instructional techniques.

(3) The recency of advanced graduate work orprofessional study completed by the applicant.

(4) Reasonable and equitable distribution ofleaves across the College organizationalstructure.

The Committee has the authority to request addition-al or supplemental information from the .applicantas well as to establish additional guidelines. Ifthe Committee feels that a conference with theapplicant would be helpful, they have the right toschedule such an interview.

f) Granting of Sabbatical Leaves The SabbaticalLeave Selection Committee shall'submit theirrecommendations to,the President. The Presidentshall-submit the recommendations of the Committee

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as well as his recommendations to the Board.All applicants shall be notified of theaction of the Board of Trustees by April 1.

(1) It shall be understood that afaculty member on a sabbatical leaveshall not engage in any remunerativework without the written approvalOf the President.

(2) During the sabbatical leave, a facultymember shall neither accrue vacationdays nor shall he be eligible to takevacation days.

Section 4. Exchange Teaching or Assignment - Eligiblefaculty members may be granted professional leaves ofabsence for exchange teaching and/or assignments. Suchleaves must have the approval of the President.

Section 5. Foreign Country or Overseas Military SchoolTeaching.

Eligible faculty members may be granted. professional leavesof absence for foreign country or overseas military schoolteaching. Such leaves must have the approval of thePresident.

Section 6. National Defense Graduate Fellowship andNational Science Foundation Program.

Eligible faculty members may be granted professionalleaves of absence for up to three (3) years in order topursue a graduate program under a National DefenseGraduate Fellowship or National Science Foundation Fellow-shi.p. Such leaves must have the approval of the President.

Section 7. Other Professional Leaves Eligible facultymembers may be granted professional leaves in-order toundertake another assignment with Schoolcraft College orto pursue employment outside of Schoolcraft College. Suchleaves must have the approval of the President.


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Section 8. Personal Leaves Defined Unpaid personalleaves of absence may be taken for the following reasons:

a) Healthb) Maternityc) Illness in the immediate familyd) Military Servicee) Public Servicef) Jury Dutyg) National, State or local teacher association duties..

All personal leaves of absence shall be subject to theapprovalof the President.

Leaves of absence for (e) and (g) shall be limited tofull status faculty members.

Applications for such leaves shall be made in writing andfiled with the appropriate director for submission to thePresident. 4.1

Unless it is a physical impossibility to do, so before 2/3rdsof the leave time has elapsed, unless otherwise specified,the faculty member must notify the President of his intentionto return or his request for an extension of such leave.Failure to do' so or failure to return at the end of suchleave will constitute termination of employment.

`Section 9. Health Leave An extended health leave dueto physical or mental causes which do not fall within thesick leave. policy may be granted to full status facultymembers upon the request of the faculty member and with theapproval of the President. Such requests shall be accompaniedby a written diagnosis by the attending physician.

Extended health leaves may be renewed with the approval ofthe President.

Requests for extensions of such leave or notice of anintention to return must be accompanied by a physician's state-In,:nt attesting to the faculty member's fitness to resumehis duties. The College may at its expense require aconcurring opinion from its physician before agreeing tothe faculty member's return. In the absence of concurrenceadditional medical evidence may be required at the Board'sexpense from a mutually agreeable source.' If said leaveor extension is denied the faculty member has the rightto appeal to the Board.

Section-10. Maternity Leave A faculty member who is anexpectant mother shall be granted a leave of absence fora period not to exceed two (2) semesters beyond the endof the semester in which the leave takes effect. Faculty


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members desiring maternity leaves must notify in writing theappropriate director no later (1) monthprior to the date the leave,is to take effect.In an emergency situatiop the above requirementswould be waived. Whenever possible, maternity leaveswill be scheduled to commence at the beginning of asemester. Return to the College prior to the expirationdate of the leave shall be permitted only upon theadvice of'a physician and the concurrence of the President.

Section 11. Illness in the Immediate Family A leavemay be granted to faculty members to care for ill membersof his immediate family upon the request.of the facultyMember and with the approval of the President. At leastsixty (60) days before the expiration date of the leave,the faculty member must submit in writing to the Presidenteither his intention to return, as agreed, or a requestfor an extension of the leave.

Section 12. Military Leaves - Any faculty member who maybe conscripted into the Armed Forces of the United Statesfor military service or training or who enlists thereinwhen conscription appears imminent shall be granted militaryleave of absence and shall be reinstated following completionof the leave providing it is for the minimum enlistment orconscription term. His salary upon return shall include allannual increments accrued under the salary schedule. Afaculty member who enlists when conscription is not imminentmay be granted a military leave upon the recommendation ofthe President. Request to return from leave must be madeat least sixty (60) days prior to the beginning of the semesterin which the faculty member requests to return.

When a faculty member must take temporary military leave(not to exceed fourteen (14). school days) during the.instructional college year, the Board of Trustees shallcompensate the faculty member involved for the differencebetween his pay and the Military pay and shall provide asulitute for his position if necessary. The manner ofpayment during this period will be specified by the CollegeBusiness Office.

Section 13. Public Service Faculty members may begraliTed-1eaves for public service. Written request for suchleaves shall be made no later than one (1) month prior todate such leave would take effect. Public Service leavesshall be for one (1) or two (2) semesters and are limited to:

a) Campaign for public office.b) Serving as a. public offiCial.


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c) Serving in the Peace Corps.

Section 14. Teacher Organization Duty - Upon therecommendation of the President' a faculty membermay be granted leave for National, State, localteacher organization duty and/or employment.Sufficient notice must be given to enable theBoard to make adequate provisions for replacement.No more than five (5) members of the instructionalstaff shall be allowed such leave at any one time.

Section 15. Jury Duty Any faculty member who iscalled for and reports for jury duty shall be paidan amount equal to the difference between the facultymember's salary as computed on a daily basis andthe daily jurly duty fee paid by the court for eachday he performs jury duty. In'order to receivepayment under this section the faculty member mustgive the appropriate Vice President prior notice thathe has been summoned for jury duty and must furnishsatisfactory evidence that jury duty was performedon the days for which he claims payment. Theprovisions of this section are not applicable to anyfaculty member who, without being summoned, volunteersfor jury duty.


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Section 1.- Sick Leave Fifteen (15) days per year,credited annually, will be granted to each facultymember, with accumulation to one hundred twenty (120)days. Prior to the exhaustion of the one hundredtwenty (120) days, should additional days be needed,the individual may withdraw additional days from asick leave bank to a combined maximum of one hundredtwenty (120) days. Application for such withdrawalwill be made to the Personnel Office upon recommendationof the Forum. The bank will be developed by taxingeach faculty member three (3) days annually untila maximum of one thousand (1000) days is accumulatedin the bank. When the bank is reduced to a minimumof seven hundred fifty (750) days each member willagain be taxed three (3) days. Each faculty member shallbe informed by the Personnel Office of his accumulatedsick leave days and the status of the bank. A facultymember requesting days from the Sick Leave Bank mustsubwit evidence of need to the President of the FacultyForum with a copy to the Director of Personnel priorto approval except when physically impossible to do so.

Section 2. Personal Business Days - The number of daysallowed annually for reasons of personal business islimited to four (4) days.

Section 3. In case of bereavement, the number of daysgranted will be those deemed necessary by the appropriateDeah or Vice President for Student Affairs. Leaves.granted Will not be deducted from the accumulatedsick leave.


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Section 1. Definitions

a) The term "grievance" shall mean a claim of analleged violation, misinterpretation, or mis-application of this Agreement or of an allegedviolation, misinterpretation, or misapplicationof existing Board rules, regulations, or policies.

b) The term "grievant" shall mean any faculty member,group of faculty members, or the Forum asserting theclaim.

c) The term "clay" shall mean calendar days and shallexclude Saturdays, Sundays, and Holidiys definedin the College Calendar.

Section 2. Gcne. al Provisions

a) All discussions shall be kept confidential among thegrievant, the Forum representative, if any, and theadministration in the absence of the consent of thegrievant.

b) All grievances shall be filed and processed on theforms developed by the Board and the Forum. (SeeAppendix D)

c) The time limits indicated at each level shall beconsidered as a maximum; however, said time limits.may be extended by mutual consent in writing.

d) If the grievant, the administrator, the board, orits designee fails to meet the specified time limits,the grievance shall be advanced to the next step.The grievant, however, may withdraw the grievanceat any step by notifying the appropriate administrator,thereby accepting the decision previously rendered.

e) All documents, communications, and records dealingwith a grievance shall be filed separately from thepersonnel ;files of the yrievant.

f) The grievant shall at all levels of the procedure havethe right to counsel..

g) Hearings and conferadoes held under this procedure shallbe conducted at a time and place which will afforda fair and reasonable opportunity for all persons,including witnesses, entitled to be present to attend.V.Ihen.such hearings and conferences are held during theCollege Day, all employees -whose presence is required

be e.::cu::.ed for that purpose.


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ARTICLE X (cont'd)

h) The primary purpose of this -,Drc.u.,:e is to secureat the lowest possible levcuitable solutionsto grievances arisinc under this A,,7renmr2nt. Nothingcontained herein shall be construed as limiting theright of any faculty me :per with a grevance to discussthe matter informally iith the aporopriate administratoror proceeding independently as described in thisprocedure.

Section 3. Procedure

a) In the event that the grievance cannot be resolvedinformally between the grievant and the ).ppronriateadministrator or his designee, the grievant shall,within fifteen (15) days from the discovery of theevent upon which the grievance is 1::ased, but in nocase later than one (1) full semeszer after thesemester in which the ezit o(:(1:12r.cccd (excludingspring and summer terms), serw.! a. 1:,ritten grievanceupon the appropriate administor r.Ind discuss thesame with such administrator, either irdividually ortogther with his Forum representa,Live. Suchadministrator or his designee shaLl attempt to resolvethe formal grievance within -Ave (5) (Elys of itspresentation by filing a ,.:ritteL

b) In the event the grievant is not E;atisfied with thedisposition of the grievance at Stec a) , he grievantmay, if he is either an instructor or an assistantlibrarian, submit the ariewmce to the Vice Prsidentfor Instruction or his ,LeE:ign..:2 wiin ten (10) daysfrom the date the grivrc::- :!:f the grievantis a counselor, the griv;a11J_ -, [3v)), 'aa Tsievanceto the Vico Pre5idc,:nt for or 17isdesignee within ten (JO) (.1 vs : (..ite thegrievance was filnd. In t.hc2 grfavant mustinform the appropYiate rrezidit of why he rejectedthe previous answer. Within ten (10) days from thereceipt of the grievance, the appropriate administratoror his designee shall mr of with the jilterestod partiesand render a written decision c : ;i1,1 qv::vant.

c) In the event the v-ievant act with thedisposition of his grievancr.- at b) , Le may withinthirty (30) days from the date of initial filing submitthe grievance to the President or hts th,2:2ignee. Thegrievant must inform the Prczident or ;As designee whyhe rejected Ache previous Wi%7:hin ten (10) daysfrom the rereeipt of the (2?:ivne, the Prctsident orhis designee shall meet the in;17,rested partiesand render a written deci:iic,1 to 'cue cp_vant.

d) If the grievant is not satisfd .hcof the grievance in Step c) , %,;,..r.ce may,

within fifty (50) days from the iaiLial filing, be sub-mitted to arbitration by si:-.rvinc; a request

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ARTICLE X (cont'd)

for arbitration to the Chairman of the Board, witha copy to the President. Following the writtennotice of the request for arbitration the grievantor his designee and the Director of Personnel orhis designee shall attempt to select an arbitrator.If mutual agreement on the selection of an arbitratorcannot be reached within five (5) days after thedate of the request for submission to arbitrationthe arbitrator shall be selected according to therules of the American Arbitration Association. Thearbitrator shall have no power to add to, subtractfrom, alter, or in any way modify the terms of thisAgreement or any ,3xisting Board rule, regulation, orpolicy. He shall give no opinion with respect toany matter left by this Agreement or by law to thediscretion of the Board of Trustees or administration.The result of the decision shall be impl,-ment:ed withinfifteen (15) days of receipt of the decision.

e) The Board of Trustees and the grievant will each payone-half (1/2) the arbitrator's fees and expenses.


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Section 1. I_ full- cont,:act for thirty -six (36) ortorty-eigHt (,:S) weeks be issued to all faculty membersas defined in agreement. Such contracts shall be eitherfull status, temporaLy or probationary.

All full-time counselors and assistant librarians will beissued twelve (12) month conti-acts containing forty-six (46)weeks of assigned duties.

a) A full ::1,tatus (c.mtinuing) contract shall be issuedto :-Lch faculty Pro.ber after successfully completingtheir prob,%tionary period. Such contract is issuedonly orlco and is updated annually by issuing asalary addendum.

b) 1;ew faculty 1;; :.7.C.-:-72rs will he i!w;ued p::obationary

centcts y2ar dnri:Ig their probationc3xypc?,riod.

In the f_n-nt that ifaculty member is not offered the secondor thi::d -,,obaticnary contract, he will be notified in writingby 15. In the dent that a faculty member is not offereda Zull L' contract, he will be notified by March 15.

ction 2. Supplemeatal contracts will be issued for exten-sions of the Instructional College Year and for certain speci-fied re i-1::cno listed bc:low:

a) dln-i-Ag the Instructional College

1)) tn cutsiee of the

c) c::cricular assignments,;:;ection 4.

Certain Epecified extra preparations, Article V,G.

3. , (t1.1:7ix,a1) contract shall be issuedto c:. J, cnL; Lncil to he temporary at the time of

a) fjlall he either:

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ARTICLE XI (cont'd)

(1) In the cv,:nt of an emergency that results inthe -cempo.zary absence of a full-time facultymemlJer, or

(2) To temporarily replace a faculty member who ison extended personal or professional leave. Inno case shall a temporary contract be issuedfor a period greater than one (1) year, normay it be renewed more than once, unless mutuallyagreed to by the Board Representatives and the Forum.

When such contracts are issued, the Forum will benotified as to its purpose and duration.

b) The temporary contract will be equivalent to a pro-bationary contract in the event that a faculty memberis later issued a probationary or full status contract.

c) All provisions of the Master Cont: act will be in fullforce- and effect except that a failure to renew oroffer a probationary contract or a full status con-tract is not subject to the grievance procedure.

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Section 1. The be!;ic sale.ries of faculty members coveredby this Agreement ree7e set forth in Appendix A.

Section 2. General Provisions

a) The halary schedule has four tracks; namely,Bachelor's Degree or equivalent; Master'sDegree or equivalent; Master's Degree plus30 semester hours or more; and Doctorate.The degree must be earned from an institutionaccredited by a nationally recognized regionalaccreditation association.

b) Faculty members earning graduate college creditsin addition !:hose ased for initial placementmay file credit.: with the appropriate VicePresident for new track assignment. Applicationfor such new assignment must be made within thirty(30) days of th.1 opening of each semester, andmust be substantiated by an official transcript.Contracts shall be adjusted accordingly beginningwith the semester in which application is made.

Section' 3. Initial placement on a stop in an assigned tracksnail be accomplished in the following manner:

a) For De(lree fielders - credit for up to seven (7)y3Le:s or e;-13erence will be allowed upon thebasis o thre _:actors set forth below.

(1) College teaching, counseling, or librarianoxl:oriece will be oet"ta1y one for one.

(2) Industrial, and/or public school (K-12)teaching, counseling, or librarian experienceand related non-teaching experience will beequated two for three.

(3) Teaching felicws or teaching assistant(eey,erieYlee /41)1 be ee,uated two for thl:ee.

b) Decree 2(euivalency - The following criteria shallhe used for of equivalency:

(J.) To 1-:e given credit for a be.ccalaureate degreefeeulLy meber fust have Leen employed in.

an occv.ea ion direetly related to his contractas ..Cor a minimum period of five (5) .years.

(2) To b,qivc:!-, credit for a master's degree, theIriust hod a bacealaureato degree and

L,.vo been cr,lp:coyed in an occupation directly1.-(21t:t, to C..o.f,tysact azIsignment for a minimum


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ARTICLE XII (cont'd)


period of four (4) years.

(3) Where the work experience of the instructorexceeds the minimum requirements listed above,the excess may be used for track placementpurposes, but experience once allocated forequivalency purposes cannot be used again fortrack placement.

(4) A Juris Doctorate degree shall be equated toa Master's degree.

c) For either case a) or b) above (degree holders anddegree equivalency)

(1) Any fractions appearing in the total figurewill be rounded to the nearest whole number.

(2) The determination of such credit is the re-sponsibility Jf the appropriate Vice PresidentfollewThg ccnsultation with the DepartmentRepr,s(_ntatiye and the applicant. A record ofey.Derince so allocated must be properly notedand made part of the faculty member's personnelrecord and a copy will be furnished to thefaculty member and the Forum within two (2)weeks of the applicant's first day of employment.

Section 4.

a) When full-time faculty members are employed under asupplemental contractual agreement as a coach ininter-cc,llegiate athletics he shall be paid inaccorclance with the schedule contained herein:

Baskeltball $1400Basketball Assistant 600Cross Country 700Golif 700Soccer 900Swimming 1025Tennis 700Wrestling 1125Women's Basketball 540Women's Field noC:ey 450Gymnar,tics 700

When the Pro,iiCc:nt for Student Affairs or hisdesiiince (et<,!mines that a oualificd individualis r.luired to .ist in an instiLutionally funded

.1cLiviLyp:(..cgraim, that person shall beis3uld a soppleni-al contract. In addition,


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rft'ICE Xli (cont'd)


incaividu:tls may assist student clubs ororganitions on a voluntary basis.

c) When a full-time faculty member acts as atimer or scorer in an inter-collegiate athleticcontest he shall be paid Ten ($10.00) Dollarsper activity.

d) When a full-time faculty member is appointedas Had of Intramurals he shall be given aupplemntal contract for four (4) contacthours T)er semester.

Section 5. Salary Favme.lts - General P;.:ovisions Faculty1mbers shell b,a oa.:;.ca e7ery when ascheduled payday r:alls on a holiday or at the beginning ofa vacati.on c;erio:.1. In these oases the paycheck shall bemade available :lot inter than the last instructional daypreceding the h..plidav or the beginning of the vacationperiod. (See nay roll schedule, Appendix C)

St:et:Len 6. Compensation to ;:aculty members issued twelve(12) monLi, contracts will be paid in twenty-six (26) equalinstallments.

Section 7. Compen:,_ation to faculty members issued regularcontract or salar..; ddenduz::,:] for the Instructional College"'ear (thrty7six (;) we..?.ks) will :)a::.d in nineteen (19)or twenty-six (26 installm.J:nLs at -!:heir option. Oncean option is 5-31cd it sh.7!al cc cotinued for an annualpe-iod. In .2.;,:n2: a fr_tcnitv nn at:wenty-ix E'.lest after May 1,the balz,nce o his ::,Javy

t_7, faculty members issued asupplemel contract will be. paid in accordance with one ofthe followThg:

Cv(i.rl.c;3ds !n-s):lic::.:io:)al year

polLi ).2-1 ;7) ctclual insta4mentsthe 'Jli:cd regularly scheduled

in tIle semester

b) of the in5Lx:Uctional year will be(4) eur.:1 installc:w.nts beginning

the cla.te aNtonsion


-.-111:Ist7r1 of thL

F.:tivity is long in nature,will_ he T37.Th with ;:.1e last pay p.:,:rioca of

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AXPICLE XII (cont'd)


Section 9. Overtime compensation shall be recorded andapproved in a manner prescribed by the Personnel Office andwill be paid at the first regularly scheduled payrolloccurring after the period in which such compenstibn wasearned.

Section 10. Overloads, overtime, and supplemental instructionsh11Toe compensated for in the following manner:

a) Overloads and supplemental instruction shallbe paid at the rate of Two Hundred ($200) Dollarsper course contact hour. (i.e. Accounting 201(4-1) shall have five (5) course contact hours.5 x $200 = $1000);

b) Work in excess of the basic load for assistantlibrarians, counselors, and culinary artspersonnel shall be paid at the rate of NineDollars and 50/100 ($9.50) per clock hour.

c) Culinary Arts personnel shall have an overloadof Three Hundred Sixty (360) hours for .theInstructional College Year which shall be anintegral part of their basic load assigrment.Such work shall be compensated for in the mannerset forth in subsection (b) above.

d) The coordination oortion of the Medical Pc2cordsprogram, when asighed, shall be equated tofour (4) corAtact hours and shall be includedin the basic load.


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Section 1. Insurance 1972-73

A. The Board will provide without cost to the facultymember the current college insurance packagecovering both the faculty member and his family.

B. The College insurance plan as it is currentlyconstituted is shown below. This section isillustrative but not inclusive.

1) Hospital (Room and Board); 120 days,semiprivate room actual expense, hospital.A.scellaneous expense ($500 limit), doctors'visits ($8.00 daily) and out - patient benefits($500 limit) are included.

Benefits covering diagnostic procedures,ordered by a dbctor, and supplementalaccident,. not resulting in hospitalization,are also included.,

2) Surgery actual expense at reasonable andcustomary charges.

3) Major Medical; $100 individual deductible,31)=.3 payment thereafter, $50,000. lifnit.

C. The Board will also provide without cost to thefaculty member a long ter:,1 disability benefitcommencing the 121.,,1 day of disability at 70% ofsalary with a Maximum payment of $1,250 monthly.

D. The Board will also provide without cost to thefaculty member a ravel accident life inso-7ance_benefit in the amount of nnn for all employeestraveling on college business.

E. The Board will also provide group life insuranceprotection in the amount of $8,000 that will be

the faculty members designated beneficiary.In the event of accidental death, the insurance willpay twice the specified amount. Additional lifeinsurance is available at the-aculty member's option.

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Section 4. Cont'd)

($2,000) Dollars. Payment in the case of adeceased employee will be made to the beneficiary orthe estate of the deceased. Any faculty member whoretires under the provisions of the Michigan Retire-ment Act on or before July 1, 1974, is guaranteedthe base amount of One Thousand ($1,000) Dollars.

Section 5.

a) The Board will budget the sum of fifty ($50.00)Dollars per full-time faculty member for purposesof travel to professional r eetings or forcollege business.

Specific-approval for travel allotments -ustbe obtained by the faculty member from theappropriate administrator through the recuisition-)rocedure.


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Section 2. Neither the Board nor the Forum shall discri-minate acainst any faculty member on the basis of race,creed, color, sex, or national origin.

Section 2.. Each faculty member shall prior to employMentfurnish the Board with a certificate of health on a formprovided by the College.

Section 3. FaCulty members shall retire at the end of theCollege Year during which the iculty member attains the ageof sixty-five (65) . No 'faculty member will be offered aregular contract after reaching the age of sixty-five (65)e-zcept upon the recommendation of the President and the ap--proval of the Board. Any extension granted shall be reviewedannually by the Board.

Section 4. In the absence of a State: directive or legisla-tion, the Board shall continue to provide free parking spacefor all faculty members.

Section General Faculty meetings called by the administra-tion or Vice President for Instruction shall be limited to anaverage of one (1) meeting per month during the InstructionalCollege Year. An orientation meeting of new faculty and aceneral faculty meeting may be scheduled prior to the beginningof the fall semester in addition to the meetings noted above.

Section 5. Up to 'fourteen (14) individual work days .may heused annually at the discretion of the Forum, for attendanceat state, regional or national activities requiring Forumreprsentation, provided that_t,:rior notification is given tothe F.pprk-priate administrator and the utilization of suchtime shall not impair the nstzuctional Program.

!?,.?ctc)n 7. This Agooment'shall supersede any rules, regula-LIGns, or practices of the Board which shall be contrary toor inconsistent with its terms. This Agreement shall liko'ise..,lorsede any contrary or incOnsistent terms contained in anyindividual faculty member's contrr4ctl: ht,?.toroo in_eff:2ct.All nc:IiiCual faculty member: contracts shall b made expresslyubje(..t tar Ms of this .7,(Jament. Unless specificallysatd, no pl:cvision of this contract may be waived or alteredby the Lmpjoyer of the em2ioyee,

::tic.n a. Unless .,.)acif.ically provided to the contrary, theot this :Allan -be inpplicable to

for work u:Ider supplewntal cont):z.-ct:;, ec...-!ptjon rail be ao follows:

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a) The provisions of Art. VIII shall apply whensaid individuals perform work under:supplementalcontracts issued for the Spring and/or SummerSessions. Payments. under Art. VIII for absencesoccurring during such sessions shall be limitedto the daily supplemental contract rate.

b) The provisions of Art. VIII, Section 1, shallapply to full-time faculty members while performingwork under supplemental contracts during the In-structional College Year. A full-time facultymember using such leave under this provision shallnot receive his daily supplemental contract ratein those cases where a substitute is compensatedfor teaching his class.

Section 9. Official copies of this agreement shall beprinted by the Board within sixty (60) days after theAgreement is ratified. A copy shall be presented to allfaculty now employed, or hereafter employed by the Board.The Board will ale-;o supply to the Forum free of charge,fifty (50) copies of the Agreement, plus more as needed,at reasonable cost.

Section 10. The Christmas Holidays designated in the Collegecalendar will apply to all members of the faculty.

However, counselors and librarians will-provide adeauateservices to guarantee that these operations may continueon a reduced basis during this period to the satisfactionof the appropriate administrator.

Individual work schedules will be developed in consultationwith the appropriate members of the faculty.

Section 11. Sel-vice Fee

a) To insure a fair and ecuitable sharing of theFaculty Forum's cost of serving as the statutorybargaining agent for all faculty members, includingthe cost involved in the negotiation and administrationof the collective bargaining agreement-andthe processing of grievances uner such -agreeent, all mem-.bers of the 'bargaining unit shall pay a service feet o the Faculty Forum. This fee will be dethicted bythe Board from faculty salaries, pursuant to writtenauhorization and transmitted to the Faculty Forumas hereinafter provided. For Fadulty membes whochoose to join the Faculty Forum, the fee will be thedues of the Faculty F6rum.and its affiliate. parent

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Section 11. Service Fee (Cont'd)

orqanizations, and for non-members, it is agreedthat the fair amount of this fee shall be equiv-alent to the dues of the Faculty Forum and itsaffiliate parent organizations. No member of theunit shall be required to become a member of theF7.culty 'Forum and its affiliate parent organizations.Any mc-mber of the bargaining unit will, however,have the privilege of membership. In the eventthat a faculty mc:mber shall refuse to either jointhe Faculty Forum or authorize the payment of theaforementioned service fee in accordance with theprovision of paragraph b, the Board agrees to terminatethe employment of such faculty mmber, such terminationto be subject to the same review as are terminationsof emplovment for other reasons, as specified inArt. IV, Section 4 d or Section' 7, whichever is applicable,of this agreement. The parties expressly recognize-that the failure of any faculty member to comply withthe provisions of this article is good and adequatecaue for discharge from employment.

b) Within t,:m (10) dayS after the first clay of thefirst serusster, or within ten (10) days of the firstdate of a faculty member's employment, whicheverdate is earlier, the faculty member must sign anddelii,er to the Personnel Office, a written assignmentauthoizing deCluction of either the dues of the FacultyForum and its affiliate organizations, 0- the above-mentiond service fee. Such authorization shallcontinu:-i in effetthroughout the life of this agreementor 1,1ntij. ;:he emp,o.,;ment of the faculty member has beenterminat.,ed.

c) The deduction of the service fee shall be in uniformamounts and shall be made biweekly from regular pay-roll periods, beginning with the.. second (2nd) payrollin October and euding not later than the 1:T,st payrollin 2,7i7L.

d) The Board :igre.:is to promptlyremit all monies so de-(7ur:ted, ae,:Jording to written directions of the Forumand to.acompany such monies with a list of faculty

1:nd amoants from whom deductions have been made.

oJ The T'VJ::Lx, shall, no later t.hanFcibfury 1st, sub,..1,it to Director of Personnel,the nr,:es of all Taculty fiIing to conform to thisartAcl(i.



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Section 11. Service Fee (Cont'd)

f) Temporary faculty members holding a temporarycontract for less than one full semester shallbe exempt from the terms of this article. Thosetemporary individuals holding a full semestercontract shall pay at the rate of one-half (1/2)the total service fee. Those holding a full yeartemporary contract shall pay the full'service fee.

g) The Forum will protect and save harmless theBoard from any and all claims, demands, suits,and other forms of liability, including attorneys'fees incurred in connection therewith, by reasonof action taken, or not taken by the Board forthe purpose of complying with SeCtion 11 of Art.XIV subject however, to the following conditions:

1. File d:::mages have not resulted from thenegligence, misfeasance, or malfeasanceof the Board or its agents.

2. The Forum, after consultation with theBoard, has the right to decide whetherto defend any said action or whether ornot to appeal the decision of any courtor r.)thr tribunal regarding the validityof ti2 section or the defense which maybe asessed against the Board by any courtcr trbunal.

3. ne Forum has the right to choose the legalcounsel to defend any said suit or action.

4. The Forum shall have the right to compromiseor settle any claim made acjainst the Boardune,er nis section.


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This Agreement is subject in all respects to the laws of theState of Michigan. In the event that any provision osf this Agree-ment shall at any time be held contrary to law by a court of competentjurisdiction, such provision shall be void and inoperative.All other provisions of this Agreement shall continue in effect.



This contract constitutes the entire agreement between theparties but it may be amended in writing by mutual agreement ofthe parties. Such amendment must be ratified by both parties.


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SGction 1. This Agc,:'met shall remain in full force and..ff:.11ct through the le ;:h of August, 1974, and thereafter forsuccessive periods of one (1) year unless eitlar party shall, onor before the sixtieth (60 th) day prior to expiration, servea written notice on the other party of a desire to terminate,modify or change this Agreement. Such notice shall be sent byregistered mail to the other party and shall specify the changesdesired.

IN ;ITNESS WHEREOF, the parties h2zato have set their signatureson the day and year first written above.


Richard Arlen, Chief Negotiator Dr. -T:--176-bert Geake, aarman

-.*tur,rt 115-.0cm Mary E. Dumas, Ser:::et7iry


7.41,.-f J:CW,I,y Gerald i° ?. Munro, Chi et Negotiator

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Livonia, MI








+ 30 Hours














, 310757

































*Step numbers correspond to

years of experience prior to the

time a

person occupies a step.

Persons.employed in 1972-73 will-on

August 21, 1972 be placed

on the 1972-73 Salary Schedule.

Credit will be

given for an additional

experience step when such

step is accessible.

A factor of 1.25 shall

be utilized to

determine salary schedules

for Assistant


Counselors, and forty-eight

(43) week'Instructors.

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1. The Salary Schedule shall be amended as of August 20, 1973to reflect the addition of a cost of living allowance. Theamount of the Cost of Living allowance shall be determinedon the basis of the Consumers Price Index for Urban wageearners and Clerical Workers, for the Detroit MetropolitanArea, published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Departmentof Labor (1967 = 100) and hereinafter referred to as the"Index."

2. The Cost c)-: Living allowance shall be contingent upon theavailability of the Index in its present. form and calculatedon the same basis as the Index for the month.of June 1972unless otherwise areed to by the parties.

The amount of the Cost of Living allowance shall be follows:

Index for June 1973

Index for June 1972 126.0

Net Change'

4. If the net change between the June 1972.Index and the June1973 Index -does not exceed 2%, a minimum 2% Cost of LivingAllowance is guaranteed..

If the net change between the June 1972 Index and. the June1973 Index exceeds 4%, no more than a 4% Cost of Livingallowance shall be allowed. The COLA % shall be applied tothe 197273 base salary and added to it to arrive at the1973-74 base salary schedule. .Such a schedule shall be

edevloped mutually by the Forum and the Administration.

5. ,Persons employed in '1973-74 will on August 20, 1973 beplaced on the 1973-74 Salary Schedule. Credit will be givenfor an additional experience step when such step isaocessble.

A factor of 1.25 shall. be utilized to determine salaryschedules for counselors, assistant librarians, and forty-eight week instructors.


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Date of Firing

, Budget Center

request that my track and step placement be changed as follows:



Reason for .):quested change:

(Attach necessary documentation)

NOTE: This request must he made to the appropriate Vice Presidentnot later than thirty (30) days after the opening of thesemester. (See Art. XII Sect. 2 of the current Master Contract)

App:ovd by Date



Oricjinal applic:Putr 7.nd oics

3rd copy - retainE.d for file



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217 16


December 1 December 1415 2829

January 12 January 1126 25

February 9 February 823 22

Marc h : 9 March 823 22

April 6 April 520 19

V;ri.y 4 May 318 17


,Thne 1 June3.5

. 2829

July 13 July 1227 26

10 .7-`-o gust 9

5 17

Page 59: DOCUMENT RESUME HE 004 993 TITLE Schoolcraft …Schoolcraft Community College District and the Faculty Forum of Schoolcraft College covers the period August 1972-August 1974. ... Sec.


(ior fill±ng out the Grievance Forms)

1. Notice that the grievance must be filed in three copies.Each copy is complete with its own routing system, in orderthat all concerned individuals and groups are constantly keptaware of the progress of the grievance.

2. It is imperative that you be very specific in filling outthe forms. Improper wording or an omission, no matter howslight, may invalidate your grievance, and cause you to'losethe opportunity to refile. It is urged that you consultwith the GRIEVANCE COMMITTEE of-the Faculty before you file.

3. Routing of the gri.:vance will be as follows:

a) All three .forms must be filed at Step 1. After thatpoint, only the blue form need be used to .pursue thegrievance. The white copy will remain in the PersonnelOffice, and th,. yellow copy is for the grievant's files.

b) Answers will 'za ittacLed thereto by the appropriate ad-ministrator and The xppropriate be chced offat the bottom of the answer sheet by.the grievant or thecaseworker ..

When Tou have accepted a :ei:tlement be sure to advise theFaculty Forum (1:ievance Cc::limittee.

5. If you feel that the Forum might well file a grievance, or ifyou feel that the Forum should support your grievance,' presentyour case to ':he Grievance C27:mitte before the original filing.


Note: The vini'l...(71 (;ooy of the qrievancEl form f:ollows theinst),:ucti..)nLt. A complte set: white, yellow, and

pl,as "Alltive): to racuity-Grievance" may berefiestnd the of P.ersonnel ,...n.3./or the


Page 60: DOCUMENT RESUME HE 004 993 TITLE Schoolcraft …Schoolcraft Community College District and the Faculty Forum of Schoolcraft College covers the period August 1972-August 1974. ... Sec.



Name of Grievant Copy 1: ADMINISTRATION

Initials DatePosition Routi9Rectd.

Date Filed Step I Area Director

Alleged viola :Lion, misiter:Dretation,or misapplication of extiAg noardrules, regulations, or policies: Step II Vice President

Article ,Section , orBoard ,No. Step III President

I Will :-.:epres:.:tnt myself in the disposition of this grievance.

The Forum reserves the right to be represented at allmeetings and hearings conducted pursuant to this grievanceprocedure and privy to all settlements reached.

I authorizethe Forum to reprsent me.


Specifics of the alleged'violation (Append additional sheets, ifneeded)

Settlement desired (Be specific)

SIGNATURE OF GRIEVANT.(Appropr1a.:.7.e adminiSfrators will append copies of their proposedF.olutions to each page of grievanceievance form.)


Page 61: DOCUMENT RESUME HE 004 993 TITLE Schoolcraft …Schoolcraft Community College District and the Faculty Forum of Schoolcraft College covers the period August 1972-August 1974. ... Sec.



August 17August 21, 22August 21, 22, 23August 24September 4September 5November 23, 24November 27December 9December 11, 12, 13,recembPr 18


January 3, 4January 3, 4, 5

January 6April 19April 20

23, 24,Apri:L 27April 29



2%pril 301.

2329 21June 22





New faculty orientationR,:gistrationFaculty Meetings -All faculty on cami,usClasses beginLabor Day - No classesClasses resumeThanksgiving. Recess - No classesClasses resumeLast day of classesFinal ExaminationsGrades due by noon

RegistrationFaculty -meetings-- All faculty on c.J.mpusClasses 1-,ginLast day of classesGood Friday - No classesTinal E:-;minationsG17acles 611.e by _3300 p.m.Comff,ncement..

RegistrationClasses 1:F:rjj.n

Dv - Lo c1,7.;.srsCIases .j2SIJC12

of noon

17.fistrationClasses beginIndapendenceDay- No claes(.!ls resume

of (.0.0sda by .0)on.

Rec,;ition 2 Jaya74 days

Wecls of instuctionCvs

2 clysin 74Wcc.-,s 15

4 days

1 0.ay

1 day

Page 62: DOCUMENT RESUME HE 004 993 TITLE Schoolcraft …Schoolcraft Community College District and the Faculty Forum of Schoolcraft College covers the period August 1972-August 1974. ... Sec.



August 15Augw:t 20, 21August 20, 21, 22August 23September 3Seintenber 41.;Tz, 22, 23November 26December 8Deco:ober 10, 11, 12,Deceer 17


Janury 2, 3anua::y 2, 3, 4

Janu.E..s.ry 5

April 12.16

Apri1.20April 22, 23, 94;

26Jl 26


A-oril 29

!y 27.!.:,%v 23 -

j::ine 20.



New faculy orientationRegistratirmFaculty eetings - AllClasses eginLabor Day - No classesClasses resumeThanksgiving recess - No classesClazEf-:s resume

of classes13. inal Examinations

7:&:A due by noon


faculty on campus

RegistratiDnFaculty mcangs - All rfaculty on campusClssc,s beginCTCd Fricley - NO classes

',ast c.lay of classes7inal (-2.minations

ccs dlie by 3:00 pM.:.:6:wr,cismcement

Ciasnesc.:113!.: (-33


C1JLsses baginIndependeaeo Day ro

by on



Page 63: DOCUMENT RESUME HE 004 993 TITLE Schoolcraft …Schoolcraft Community College District and the Faculty Forum of Schoolcraft College covers the period August 1972-August 1974. ... Sec.

ND 1 Y. F



The AssistT,nt rdbrarian in charge of Thdio-Visual Materials isElsponsibl. a to the Libra.cian. The chief duts Ti;A

of this positn are: .

1. To with the facty to determine the nci"4.: the Lild:o-val depaJ:;:mct in of the

of the conige.

2. To formulate policies the audf.o-Visolwhich will best serve the nee the f :uity andstudets and to srlymit L r liTies to he Librarianfor aw:r..)val.

3. To selectao-vi...ual

4. To in:_tite o:f.'ers for Juciio-N,isual materials and equip--ment or the .s?roval of the Librarian and in the mannerpre;cribcd by 1.1e bustn:J!ss office.

5. To c.:1.12siy, c;.-1.alog, and p.E.ocer;s the.library's collectionof Rudio-vival materials.

6. To be responsible for the circulation of audie-viSmalmatocials ani.l.kcep accurate .:-ccords of this arftculation.'


7. To be on-m:)1.2 for the mLinten<anco of the 15.)x:ary'silnd-eqrtont.

8. To E,,t. Of f iJns s , (7)-:7.11e)..


). To-To): by tha

TO rs

Page 64: DOCUMENT RESUME HE 004 993 TITLE Schoolcraft …Schoolcraft Community College District and the Faculty Forum of Schoolcraft College covers the period August 1972-August 1974. ... Sec.



The Ceneral :ssistant Librarian is respon:Able to the Librarian.The duties of this position spring primarily from the fact thattwo other assistant Librarians - the Reference Librarian and theClassification and Cataloging Librarian - need professional help inaccomplishing all of their duties. Therefore the chief Cuties andresponsibilities of the General Assistant Librarian Ll:e:

1. To serve a portion of each week as reference 1ih:7:arianin the reading room.

2. To serve as assigned as classifier and cataloger underthe direction of the Assistant Librarian in charge ofthis function.

Other duties are:

3. De re7Tonsible Zor the sal,Jtion of books in certain subjectareas and work closely with members teLching in these areas.

4. Participate in the activities of professional libraryassociations and junior college organizations.

5. Perform other professio.rIal duties as agreed upon betuen.the Librarian and the Assistant Librarian.

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The Assistant Librarian in charge of periodicals and documents isresponsible to the Librarian. The chir-f duties and responsibilitiesoil tHis position are:

1. To take care of the order, receipt, and circulation ofall pericaical, newspaper, and similar serial publications.

2. To prepare periodical publications for binding.

3. To cooperate with the faclilty in selting periodicalp=nlicati-ns to be added 0.-). the lthral:y.

4. To LH care of Hire oyC:er, ,7yAd use of allgovern-lent docuimr includfng those received by the

in its role as a government depository library.

5. aitnin efficient records of th.: library's holdings ofserial lyoblictions and docllonts.

6. Handle all correspondence concrning serial publicationsand government documents.

7. FoY:tulaq:e c±xcu1ation of T)ricl.calgovel:Annt Puhi

Q. foy..

and to the.

2 ..o

10- 7.7-1.;.?


12. !Th-.,:ve li;pra:cian :1J-1 the

1 3



Page 66: DOCUMENT RESUME HE 004 993 TITLE Schoolcraft …Schoolcraft Community College District and the Faculty Forum of Schoolcraft College covers the period August 1972-August 1974. ... Sec.




The Reference Librarian is r;:cponsible to the Librarian. The chiefduties and responsibilities are:

1. To select materials f:r the library's reference collection.

2. To spend a portion cf each day as reference librarian inthe reading roc71.

3. 'o be resonsible for he selection of hooks in spc:Hfiad:.-tbject areas ant closely with the facility tz:Ich-ing in the-e ars.

4. To provi0e the facility with bibliographic assistance.

5. To perform other 1.1;.:n by thei.bral:ian and A sif,tcnt

Page 67: DOCUMENT RESUME HE 004 993 TITLE Schoolcraft …Schoolcraft Community College District and the Faculty Forum of Schoolcraft College covers the period August 1972-August 1974. ... Sec.



1\PPEIMIX J. _ . . _ .

1. Assist the librarian in &_veloping policies pertinent tothe classing and cataloging of library materials.

2. Classify and catalog library materials under :i.rcltion ofthe librarian.

3. Assume responihility ordering and.checking in printedL.C. and Wilson c-talog cards.

4. Supervise typing and preparation of atalog cards for filing.

5. Supervise the filing of catalcg cards nd e responsibilityfor the maintenance of the cox,1 cataloj.

6. AsLI,uma -J:or

in book de1iv.

7. Assist the lnrarian in developing policies pertinent to theprocessing of lib.:ary

8 'rvise and (lirct student as';-istan in the mcehanica.1reparation of li:.yrary material, for use by the reading


9. Assume responsibility for book repair.

with the of 1-)r,o]cs biv1(:;*-1(:i and

11; 11.,.-....;LYt the 1 ;1(.:c.11..fling the p:,:%.:;(tile

.by :;tvnts, ;facnly and p.o.;)Tic.

12. of (7..(.7..h vycek as y:ofc:r..c.:::nce librarian inLj13. T::,7Ht



t..1.;:a if ':c.he

Page 68: DOCUMENT RESUME HE 004 993 TITLE Schoolcraft …Schoolcraft Community College District and the Faculty Forum of Schoolcraft College covers the period August 1972-August 1974. ... Sec.



The 17 ad of intrarallrals i5 : onibi to thc. Nreccor of Jeaith,Physi :al Educatirm, and 2.;..hle;:.ics. 1k is resr...--nsible

1. Scheduling all activities.

2. Publicizing all activities (before, during, .7.ftc*A..)

3. Keeping records of all activities.

:1:..ranging or all facilities.

5. Lt.:Lag all braC




Assigning all of.cials.

p:--,.117..ej 1:17

). T. king r:ace of .11 (,;-;.,:::.a=u--_nre.

10. Attending Jti:).ties ,.7hen na.cacy.

11. Suprz!rveall inl:re!raw:al activitic:s that (21.2n 01'3 ;-:;_:.1(2

12. Handling all prcts.

13. 7.;1,7sntol..y:ing all -11J;:.:.nt.

I all.

15. ,\11 .;

16. g

Page 69: DOCUMENT RESUME HE 004 993 TITLE Schoolcraft …Schoolcraft Community College District and the Faculty Forum of Schoolcraft College covers the period August 1972-August 1974. ... Sec.




Under the direction of the Director, the Automotive LaboratoryInrtructor serves as a "sr2vice manager" as far as the physical facil-ities of the autom-tive laboratory are concerned.

will normally be in the Automotive Department during the hours of3:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., 1:onday-through '2riday. During this ti,Ae, he

receive ...plpropriato cars for irtructional purposes -: flpropriate in terl:s of the _tlst::uction being c(Indnctedat that time.

:0 Will out a job ticket 1!_cating operationsto 1):: 17. .)11 the vehicle.

b) will te repairof tha iJid the purchai,e of parts for said

c) Will )1_:)tain pi7.ts as needed following ti 2 purchasingproccdu:.a estiY.Jished by the College.

d) Parts used on 'the car will be billed to the customeron the job ticket following College procedure.

a) Will 3:oad test o:: test as needed or 5.11fT-!ctb2.ZoJ:o IVZO. to ctlr1),.13): ,r;nd

tha ?:17Lay :J05: (101.3.. :y.

i7.11 0): in ;.lc('ord;. wihd 12. bcyro vc:1i(;lo

r.,11):chaing r.nd 131115. inLwocoftcwos. This will incluCt(1:

Page 70: DOCUMENT RESUME HE 004 993 TITLE Schoolcraft …Schoolcraft Community College District and the Faculty Forum of Schoolcraft College covers the period August 1972-August 1974. ... Sec.


f) Bills, invoices, creei.t hlemos, returned parts,laundry, etc. will be accounted for at the endof each month in accordance with College procedure.

g) All toos, sv:.licd by the School for instructionalpurposes, will be ccounted for by proper storage.(tool racks, etc.) and will be :Y :;:;sued to students orinstructors only by College approved procedure.

h) Supplies and parts used for ..astructional purposeswill be accounted for by following approved procedures.

3. Laboratory Ilaintenance:

a) Mainta.J.n all equipment i.e. heists, alignment racks,dynamometers, diagnosis cq11411 in the laboratory.Che labol:atory includs t's.e 1 ft ara.

b) e Director oJI the Tecaical Division anyrepairs or 1-inten;:tnce problems whch the Autc:,ilotiveDepartment is not equipped to handle.

c) Asists instructors when "mock-ups" are needed i.e.cut away brakes, carburetors, etc,

d) ,Asists instructor with the problems of enginemounting - component imunting, etc. for instructional7,1190213S.

Vi-rr,r- 01: rn,,7.

pz'lx%:1,nu ;:).Ang

7;) :

n';7: o.



r:t - 5

Page 71: DOCUMENT RESUME HE 004 993 TITLE Schoolcraft …Schoolcraft Community College District and the Faculty Forum of Schoolcraft College covers the period August 1972-August 1974. ... Sec.




The duties and responsibilities are as follows:


1. To coordinate cooperative training programs in the Businessand Secretarial departments of the Applied Science Division.

2. To recruit and select appropriate training 'stations. 'Co

visit industrial/bsiness firs to provide employment adcommunity service information.

3. To interview, select, and place ..:ooperative training s;;rent!5.Visit area schools and work N-ith the coordinators andcolInselors..

4. To conduct c.1.0loyr77: stud=t 'avaluat3.on.

5. To ccfal.c.t sturThnt job f.mprovcntevaltion.

6. To instruct Business Cooperative Training classes.

7. '7o provide special instruction, assignments, projectsto strengthen students' job p.,:lf,DrItlu.nce.

8. To assist in full-time placement of Business cooperativetraining graduates.

9. '2, i:taintain and 1.

10. To zAs upon bythe C,:o(3.5.11.-i:.,.-».1T..1si-:Aicto!..: and the Di5:c;:or.

11 ::e -re eligible to acoz)tract in t%1.: of

12, :lo:-Irnt-with . ccozor will be:::.";0).1 to

Page 72: DOCUMENT RESUME HE 004 993 TITLE Schoolcraft …Schoolcraft Community College District and the Faculty Forum of Schoolcraft College covers the period August 1972-August 1974. ... Sec.



The Coiln rescns:ble to the Vice Presidonl-! for Sudent/,ffairs and to te Director of Counseling. The duties and responsi-bilities assigned to this position are:

1. Paricipating in the total guidance. and counseling, program,including academic, vocational, and personal counseling.

2. Interview ne; tudants and develop individual programswith them.

3. Counsel stu3nts transfelring to othe'.c colleges and. . prepare necary forms, except official.transcripts.

4. Administer individual interest, aptitude end interesttests as needed. .

Plan and conduct he f2:.n orcgram.

6. Maintain voL:atinal inaprmati)n files .

7., Maintain information pertaining to scholarships at four-yflar.institutions.

8. Participate in 7,tudent .ithdrawal and rtcademic dismissalstudies.

9. Visit with senior colleges and high schools to developarticulation ':tween Schclraft College and other educa:lional

10. Visit ovocati1',J31


.12. of their:71c-cifie nd

Page 73: DOCUMENT RESUME HE 004 993 TITLE Schoolcraft …Schoolcraft Community College District and the Faculty Forum of Schoolcraft College covers the period August 1972-August 1974. ... Sec.


The AdmisL7ions Counsclor is responsible to the Vice. Presidentfor Student Aff:* cj to the Director of Admissions.


1. Interview and counsel ineoming students who are applyingto the College and desire assistance with procedures orcurriculum choice....

2. Assist in the progr.-_m:; to zecruit le.w applicants and tointerpret the to the community.

3. Visit Junior and senior high schools to Jevelop.articul tionbetween the College and the schools in the Collegecommunity.

4 Ad-Ase prof7.)ective students about the -vocational andeducatio,.al avenues open to them.

5. Assist in the application and registration of applicantsduring the registration periods.

0. interviel:: and readmit students who have h3on abE3cant fromcz-mpus more ihan ne Gamester.

7. Assistewith the GED testing program in all phases includingadministration, analysis and interpretation.

R. RcavirAL 11111 Coilcje

9. Az-:;sj.s'i.-. ththe

of Studant

10. Asist:i n the 11c*:11

).Dy...;t:le Office

Page 74: DOCUMENT RESUME HE 004 993 TITLE Schoolcraft …Schoolcraft Community College District and the Faculty Forum of Schoolcraft College covers the period August 1972-August 1974. ... Sec.


This counselor is directly n-!!3::,onsible to the Vice-Prsident for1 Student Affairs.


1.N. To plan, ,.7-,rganize,:and direct all functions related tothe Stud.ent Activities Office.

2. To encourage the :involvement of students and studentorganization:3 in the development and impleMentation ofa calendar of education, cultural, and social activities.

3. To supervise and coordite faculty advisew5 consultants,and other organiational-assistnts to student, organizations

4. To supervise th-,:). secretarial personnel and stude.t aidesassigni to the Student Activities Office.

5. To coun2e1 c :-:dents on academic, financial, vocational,peronal

6. '..Co act as 3);:ty:-,.n the Student Snnate thcr)

OfCce of ;:!Tzjrs.

7. To ;advise and the Senate.8. To make-r.:Imil.cions to the Vice President for

Student 1:.fairs on matters relating to procedures andpolicies,in'the area of student activities.

9. To 'approve all poc.,,lors and establish procedures fortheir display,

10. To approve all announcements for the student bullet nboards, and schedule the use of display-cases.

11. To assist students to form new clubs and organizationsand to help draft constitutions,

12. To all o.f: li'ltions and"in eolicThed

1.3. To -m-:1,-)!U;71-1:, of forfunds.

14. To 0.:e.21:1:e !m'..-Ai7. to the VL-:c2 for :31;13.ktTh*.r3. the S'cu:Int

TS. 10 .:c-).nrIcre g7T-w7:s

an(1;,y(.3,(::ylt fox. S'cl.nt

11. he Y

-.! 1 -

20. cools,1-

Page 75: DOCUMENT RESUME HE 004 993 TITLE Schoolcraft …Schoolcraft Community College District and the Faculty Forum of Schoolcraft College covers the period August 1972-August 1974. ... Sec.



Members o the faculty at Schooleraft College designated by thetitle "Instructor" are responsible to the Vice President forInstruction. The primary duty of the instructor is to teach. ThefolloWing responsibilities are considered significant.

I. Teach Joursos in accordance with the description publish :din the catalog.-

Schedule kice 1-urs for cadent consultation and postthese hours prominently.

3. Meet all scheduled classp o.iffic commitments, and finalexaminations as scheduled,.

4. Attend and participate in a.11-scheduld faculty meetingsunless exou3ed by the appropriate adriuLlistr;:..tive officeror unless classes --inglict.

5. Maintain atten&mcc 73cords of students and submitrequired reports to Registar's of:Liee.

G. Prepare and submit to the Rogistar grade re-)orts on schedule.

7. Submit to the Director of Counseling reports on alltluidents who the faculty member, believes aro in need of


8. and carticipate in all-schduled department

9: Coon ol: his Ocl:.a-rnt (-71veloing c -rouse s.

10. ,2ssis'c. the Director in the ;aa-intIncc! of i-Jita laho-ratory1;.Wortol:y et-[uint T.nstructOr.

Page 76: DOCUMENT RESUME HE 004 993 TITLE Schoolcraft …Schoolcraft Community College District and the Faculty Forum of Schoolcraft College covers the period August 1972-August 1974. ... Sec.




A. Instructional Duties and Responsibilities:

The instructional duties and responsibilities are the samefor any instructor.

B. C(JoL:dination Duts and Rc.ponsibilities:

The coordination duties and responsibilities are described.below.

1. Evaluate and ?.:ecommend zIpT:ooriate Ates for0:..:cu1ational Therapy dirc,.ctd .;ffilii4tion tothe Director of Health Careers.

2. nlist the assistance of hospital -0cupational TherapyAdministrator as Affiliation Supervisors and conduct .

appropriate orientation sessions.

3. Dvelop the instructional directed protice aSsignmentsfor ur:e 711pervisors.


. 4. Schedule all aeshmen and sophomore Occupational Therapystunts on a rotation.basis so that each student completes

dirci;i72d cr tra,irijng'in .the various

6. C 2 1 C 1-1 7:z."1:c) for (7) n

T. t4.7....,nc.: in pro1lc:m...-.1::os.

2 3nitrator, act ;...s.s

L,Y ..on a





Page 77: DOCUMENT RESUME HE 004 993 TITLE Schoolcraft …Schoolcraft Community College District and the Faculty Forum of Schoolcraft College covers the period August 1972-August 1974. ... Sec.




A. Instructional Duties and Responsibilities :

Th,,?. instructional duties and responsibilities are the same asfor any instructor.

B. Coordination Duties and Responsibilities:

The coordination duties and 'responsibilities are described:low. The coordination portion of the Mdic:al,Rords TechnologyCoordinator/Instructor load will 1 ecluat::.d to four hours.

1. valuate and rece,..71mondop,:iate hosal sites forcal record dirocted t cc ' fil: '.on to no DivecH)r

of Health Cr..F:!crs.

2. ist the assistance of hospital Medical Record Administratoras Affi34ation Supervisors and conduct appropriote orient-


3. Oc.:veloo the instructional directed pr.tice assi,JnIc:ens oruse by Affiliation Supervisors.

Schedule all 'freshmen and sophomore medical record studentson a rotation bais so that each student completes the

qvictice traink,g in the v..ioussites. . .

5. Conduct r.;_fdtations forstudent (..!valua-Lion a o_ach

6. oordinator-stuc.q.cnt con...11:-.Incc:o for ovalur.i.tion,sr:';:i...-3t.7.nco. in T..):201.)1('.0 a:cf.l.s.


; flJ

I 17I ;:.

9. (7:(7,11.,Acion with ;he ot+7,7,'2112*01').r.71.
