Download - Doc.: IEEE 802.11-11/1184r4 Submission March 2012 Robert Stacey, AppleSlide 1 802.11 TGac Editors Report Date: 2012-03-12 Authors:

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doc.: IEEE 802.11-11/1184r4


March 2012

Robert Stacey, AppleSlide 1

802.11 TGac Editor’s Report

Date: 2012-03-12Authors:

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doc.: IEEE 802.11-11/1184r4


March 2012

Robert Stacey, AppleSlide 2


• This document summarises editorial activities on the TGac Draft since the last meeting

• Status of the draft

• Status of the comments

• This document is cumulative, newer data at the front – i.e., it will be revised per meeting to show updated status.

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doc.: IEEE 802.11-11/1184r4


March 2012 (Hawaii)

March 2012

Slide 3 Robert Stacey, Apple

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doc.: IEEE 802.11-11/1184r4


Draft status

• At the January session, the WG approved a 30 day LB:– “Should P802.11ac D2.0 be forwarded to sponsor ballot?”

• LB187 closed 18 February 2012

• 271 votes:– 223 yes (88.8%)

– 28 no

– 19 abstain

• Motion passes

• We received 1492 comments

March 2012

Robert Stacey, AppleSlide 4

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doc.: IEEE 802.11-11/1184r4


Initial comment break down

• 1492 comments:– 655 editorial

– 59 general

– 778 technical

• The general and technical have been assigned to ad-hocs

• Some editorial comments have since been reclassified technical and assigned to ad-hocs

March 2012

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doc.: IEEE 802.11-11/1184r4


Status following March 7-9 ad-hocDuplicate of CID Draft CID

 All All All


state1 state  Unresolved Other Grand TotalUnassigned Assigned Ad-hoc Notes Total Resolved Duplicate Total

LB Owning Ad-hoc Comment Group Count Count Count Count Count Count Count Count187 COEX (Blank) 24 2 26 26

COEX_2012_03_09_adhoc 4 4 4COEX_2012_03_10_adhoc 3 3 3Total 24 2 26 7 7 33

EDITOR (Blank) 2 1 3 3Editorial 398 398 240 4 244 642Total 398 398 242 5 247 645

GEN (Blank) 1 1 1PICS 22 22 22Total 23 23 23

MAC (Blank) 8 261 20 289 289MAC_2012_03_08_adhoc 90 90 90MAC_2012_03_09_adhoc 58 58 58MIB 1 12 13 13Total 9 273 20 302 148 148 450

MU (Blank) 48 1 49 49MU20120308+09 5 5 5Total 48 1 49 5 5 54

PHY (Blank) 9 174 14 197 19740+40 4 4 4PHY_20120307_adhoc 47 47 47PHY_20120308_adhoc_SP_passed 39 39 39Total 9 178 14 201 86 86 287

Total 416 546 37 999 488 5 493 1492Grand Total 416 546 37 999 488 5 493 1492

March 2012

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March 2012

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January 2012 (Jacksonville)

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doc.: IEEE 802.11-11/1184r4


Draft status

• At November session, the TG instructed the editor to produce a D2.0 for ballot based on resolved comments and a few motions (y/n/a=59/1/4=98.3%)

• However, the WG motion to take the draft to ballot failed (y/n/a=33/12/9=73.3%)

• As a result, D1.4 (instead of D2.0) was released following the November session

• D1.4 is effectively the draft motioned by the TG for D2.0 at the November session

March 2012

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Expectation for D2.0

• D2.0 = D1.4 plus the following– Incorporate revised resolution for CID 3398 in 11/1566r1

(Antenna Indication in VHT Capabilities Info)• Editor missed this when preparing D1.4

– Any additional changes approved this session

March 2012

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March 2012

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November 2011 (Atlanta)

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Database status





Unassigned Assigned Resolved Approved Editorial Unresolved Duplicate Editorial Approved Editorial Resolved Grand Total

Owning Ad-hoc Count Count Count Count Count Count Count Count Count

COEX 4 5 9

EDITOR 1 260 564 2 147 12 627 1613

MAC 2 59 4 1 61 127

MU 3 20 23

PHY 18 1 27 46

Grand Total 3 84 265 565 2 260 12 627 1818

March 2012

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Comment status

• Comments resolved since the September session: 260

• Unresolved comments:– GEN: 0

– COEX: 4

– MU: 3

– PHY: 18

– MAC: 59

• See “11/1430r2 LB178 D1.0 comments for motion”

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Process for motioning resolutions

• Change from what we did last time

• A single document, “11/1430 LB178 D1.0 comments for motion”, will contain resolutions ready for motion

• 11/1430r2 reflects resolutions through end of ad-hoc last week

• Tabs in the spreadsheet list comments awaiting motion

• Tabs labeled with ad-hoc name (GEN, MU, COEX, MAC, PHY) and the date the resolution was strawpolled

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doc.: IEEE 802.11-11/1184r4


Draft status

• D1.2 was released 7 October 2011– Reflects resolutions that passed motion during the September 2011


• D1.3 is available in the member’s area– Reflects resolutions that passed strawpoll during the telecons since

September and a few resolutions from November ad-hoc at Cisco

– See spreadsheet in 11/1430r2:• Look for non-blank “Edit status”

– I = implemented, N = not implemented

• Also, look at “Edited in draft” column– Indicates draft revision where change was made

March 2012

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March 2012

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Sept 2011 (Okinawa)

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Current Database Status

March 2012

Robert Stacey, AppleSlide 16





Unassigned Assigned Resolved Approved Editorial Unresolved Duplicate Editorial Approved Editorial Resolved Grand Total

Owning Ad-hoc Count Count Count Count Count Count Count Count Count

COEX 20 11 8 39

EDITOR 1 2 18 236 39 116 1 587 1000

GEN 28 20 4 2 54

MAC 7 156 107 76 346

MU 68 23 21 112

PHY 2 166 70 29 267

Grand Total 38 432 233 236 39 252 1 587 1818

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Resolved Comments

• At the ad-hoc in Seoul we resolved:– 4 GEN comments

• see 11/1236, GEN-2011-09-15-AD-HOC tab

– 76 MAC comments• see 11/1132, MAC-09-14-ADHOC and MAC-09-15-ADHOC tabs

– 23 MU comments• See 11/1245, MU-Seoul-20110915-20110916 tab

– 10 COEX comments• See 11/yyyy, Coex for Motion 201109 tab

– 40 PHY comments• See 11/yyyy, PHY_09_14_11 and PHY_09_15_11 tabs

• These will be motioned this week

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Unresolved: GEN

• 28 Security (GCMP)

• 18 PICS

• 2 Misc

March 2012

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Unresolved MAC(assignees)

• Matt: 21

• Hongyuan: 28

• Illsoo: 16

• Peter Loc: 13

• Osama: 12

• Jae Seung: 14

• Chao-Chun: 10

• Reza: 6

• Liwen: 6

• Mark Rison: 3

• Simone: 4

• Robert: 4

• Tianyu: 2

• Minho: 2

• David Yang: 1

• Kaiying: 1

• Yongho: 1

• Yong Liu: 1

• Unassigned: 7

March 2012

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doc.: IEEE 802.11-11/1184r4


Unresolved PHY(assignees)

• Minho: 65

• Sean: 30

• Vinko: 24

• Roy: 19

• Youhan: 3

• Brian: 8

• Mark Rison: 6

• Raja: 5

• Reza: 5

• Yongho: 5

• Illsoo: 3

• Peter Loc: 2

March 2012

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doc.: IEEE 802.11-11/1184r4


Unresolved MU(assignees)

• Yong Liu: 18

• Illsoo: 14

• Brian: 11

• Joonsuk: 7

• David Yang: 5

• Wei Shi: 3

• Robert: 2

• Osama: 1

March 2012

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Unresolved COEX(assignees)

• Yongho: 8

• Peter Loc: 5

• Jae Seung: 5

• Brian: 2

March 2012

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March 2012

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Sept 2011 Ad-hoc (Seoul)

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Current Database Status





Unassigned Assigned Resolved Approved Editorial Unresolved Duplicate Editorial Approved Editorial Resolved Grand Total

Owning Ad-hoc Count Count Count Count Count Count Count Count Count

COEX 31 1 8 40

EDITOR 1 2 17 236 39 116 1 587 999

GEN 28 24 2 54

MAC 7 233 31 76 347

MU 91 21 112

PHY 2 225 11 28 266

Grand Total 38 606 60 236 39 251 1 587 1818

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Resolved Comments

• At the July meeting we adopted resolutions to 237 comments

• The editor has resolved a further 587 editorial comments

• The motioned and resolved editorial comments are captured in D1.1

• On the subsequent teleconferences, we have resolved a further– 31 MAC, 11 PHY, 1 COEX

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Unresolved Comments• EDITOR


• GEN– 28 comments on GCMP restriction (unassigned, TG discussion)

– 17 comments on PICS assigned to Osama

– 7 others assigned

• MAC– 240 comments (7 unassigned)

• PHY– 227 comments (2 unassigned)

• MU– 91 comments

• COEX– 31 comments

March 2012

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