

Dr.T.V.Rao MD

Do something every day that you don't want to do; this is the golden rule for acquiring the habit of

doing your duty without pain.”

― Mark Twain The major component of our lives are centred on the work or job we are

assigned, what we do and how good we are with circumstances we work

means our survival. A few decades back there are no ideals to work or progress

with career, with the growing commercialization and work competitiveness,

the great question arises can we do our job well and it only makes us to survive

in the turbulent world where the game of equations changes with ever

growing competitive manpower, waiting to occupy our own position. Just think

about doing a simple things, just start loving your job how little or complex it

can be, just analyse your own lacunae. In many of my careers, which I

frequently changed and analysed to depth many failures are contributed by

myself not understanding the potentials of the job, which I am assigned. In

my terms failure, means the job is disinteresting. With many failures I realise

that the great success comes if we develop passion to work with a purpose.

Remember you’ll never be truly great at what you do. If you don’t have any

passion for your work, and you’re not spending time and energy upgrading

your skills, how will you ever improve in your field? Wish to be respected do

not be Time watcher, we find in working circumstances some are just with

clock to quit the job, and have no passion to work , and soon they are most

ignored by system.. When we lack passion you’ll always have that feeling like

you’re missing out on something. You’ll spend your days watching the clock,

waiting until you can leave the office to do what you really want to be doing.

Bad times start and opportunities shrink. We medical professionals have plenty

of opportunities we can earn a living with just about any skill. Luckily for

Doctors, but not for many there are opportunities abound and not for

everyone there’s a huge spectrum of Hospitals and health care centres that put

Doctors to work in hundreds of different roles. Never forget life is moving too

and do not become a static object in the system, try to go forward or else we

are lost just try to develop a passion with even a little thing in life which alone

makes you going up the ladder of our life.

Moving Forward


Just, decide for yourself if you’re passionate about what you do. If you’re not,

No matter analyse your work chart At least a half of our waking hours spent at

work. If we are upset about being at work because you don’t love what you do,

you’re an average and a sad person. Failed to do job well, .Never mind no job is

ideal to work and satisfy many in the work place in this process we slog to back

stage ignored by many around and if you are boss you will the most

disappointed person, how small, you need to commit to doing something to

change your situation. Be a man of change to Social networking, there are

unknown people who too love your creativity and will be your followers, share

many good thoughts with many, someone many be more creative just try to

follow, never mind imitating, just start Sharing with other readers what you’re

doing, what’s working and what’s not. If you ask me what personally makes

you to continue in the job even with aging is simple .I love my job because it

gives me room to acquire more skills and learn about how to deal/cope with

people's characters, ultimately our success depends upon with the characters

we live, one my friends with wisdom said the world is like Mahabharata as two

character is not equal to other. Off late I have written my little thoughts as

many good things go viral as equally the bad ideas. I love my job as a Freelance

writer--I'm able to use my education and experiences to help others, I can

work flexibly and creatively, and I never get bored. Doctors should not forget

our future is with adoption to the social changes which are rapidly changing be

a man to convince the community and not just few patients. Never forget

passion to work Create Miracles in Life.

Dr.T.V.Rao MD Professor of Microbiology Freelance writer