Download - Dnx Mobile Marketing Golden Rules

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Mobile Marketing

Adam Troman & Dom Young

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1. Why go mobile?

2. Best Practices

3. Email on mobile devices

4. Apps

5. b2b mobile marketing

6. Geotargeting

7. Mobile sites

8. dnx & mobile

9. Summary, rules and checklists

10. Contact us

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Why go mobile?

• Reaching new audiences: who may never visit website on a PC

or spend hours in front of a TV

• Deepening relationships: by finding new ways to reach

customers and new ways to inform or entertain them

• Delivering new services: including things you can only do (or

would only want to do) on a mobile

• Demonstrating your brand values: mobile campaigns say

you’re innovative and customer-oriented

• Tying in with wider campaigns: completing your integrated


• Selling stuff: as mobile transactions skyrocket, there’s plenty of

potential to make the sale right from the handset

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Some stats for the geeks

55% of UK smartphone owners use the mobile web every day, while 49% said they use it multiple times a day Source: Google and the Mobile

Marketing Association.

In 2015, $119 billion worth of goods and services will be purchased via mobile phones. Source: ABI Research

The UK mobile ad market is set to grow by 840% over the next five years (from £27.47 million to £258.27 million) Source: mobileSQUARED

Ebay makes one sale per second via mobile Source: Ebay

iPhone traffic accounts for almost 4.5% of all UK website traffic – not just mobile traffic Source: Tecmark Mobile Internet research paper

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Even more stats for the super geeks…

Source: Microsoft Tag

Source: Microsoft Tag

Source: Microsoft Tag

70% of executives under 40 consider mobile their primary communication tool. Source:

Source: Microsoft Tag

8% of online

shoppers making

a purchase from

their phones



up from just 2%

of 2009. Source: E-Consultancy

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Best Practice

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Best Practices for mobile marketing

• Mobile websites

• Ensure your site is responsive

• Provide content people need while on the move

• Prioritise key offerings

• Think small – less text, simplify forms

• Social

• Over 30% of Facebook’s users use FB Mobile and 50% of Twitter’s users use Twitter Mobile

• Always make sure content can be shared easily and involve customers in conversations

• Integrated effort

• Mobile should of course be integrated and not stand alone

• View mobile as another way to reach your customers but one that should tie-in with other efforts

(DM, edm, Outdoor etc.)

• Think local

• Make use of the features mobile present: GPS, Camera, Location services, etc.

BPs for the perfectionists

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Email on mobile devices

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• A massive consideration is emails being read on mobile devices.

• As mobile usage goes up, it is natural that more people check their

emails on the go – but from a marketing perspective this raises a few


• Are you linking through to a site? If so it will need to be mobile


• Are people even less likely to open a email if it is not from a

colleague/friend on a mobile device? (people are usually reading

the most important emails, saving the others for when they are

on a desktop/laptop)

• Have you considered how your email will look on a mobile


Email – now showing on a small screen near you

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• A recent study (Unica) found that 52% of mobile phone users

access the same email account across multiple devices (PCs,

laptops, mobile phones etc.) with the other 48% using a distinct

account for mobile-email only

• Make sure you properly execute for mobile

• Use single-column layouts

• Consider font size, easily-clickable links and keep it simple

• Short subject lines

• Limit images

• Clear message on action to take

Email – now showing on a small screen near you

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Native apps vs. Web apps

• Why get a native app when web ‘apps’ are becoming so good?

• Why invest in Apple’s approval process and store (and soon

Google’s and others) when you can build an HTML 5 mobile

friendly experience?

• As good as web ‘apps’ may be, they are still a far cry from their

native app cousins

• What’s the difference I hear you non-digital people ask...

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Native apps vs. Web apps

The Issues Native Apps Web Apps Internet access Not required Required, except for rare apps with

offline capability

Installation/updates Must be deployed or downloaded Hit refresh

User interface Native apps are responsive and functional Browsers can be clunky

Device compatibility Platform-dependent, hardware-dependent Platform-agnostic

Animation/Graphics Fast and responsive Web apps are getting closer, but will

probably always lag

Fonts Tight control over typefaces, layout Almost on par

Is my content searchable? Not on the web By default

Sharable/Tweetable? Only if you build it in Web links are shared freely. Social

APIs and widgets allow easy one-

click posting

Access to hardware sensors Yes, all of them: camera, gyroscope,

microphone, compass, accelerometer,


Access through the browser is

limited, though geo-location is


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Native apps vs. Web apps

The Issues Native Apps Web Apps

Development Specific tools required for some platforms

(like Apple’s). You have to build a new app

for each target platform

Write once, publish once, view it

anywhere. Multiple tools and

libraries to choose from

Distribution Most app stores require approval. And you

have to wait for this!

No such hassle

Outside access to your


No, the reader must download your app Yep, just click a link

Advertising Control over design and rate More choices for design, plus

access to web analytics. Rates vary


Examples Sky News, Sky Sports, Angry Birds, The

Trainline, Shazam, IMDb

WebEx, iTrailers, MTV News, World

weather, TV Catch up plus many


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Top b2b apps

WebEx – allows you to attend meetings on the go with high-quality, streaming video

that takes mobile web conferencing to a whole new level. - connects to your version of Create new leads,

convert them, log phone calls, all from a native iphone app that syncs with the cloud


Regus –Uses GPS and augmented reality to locate a Regus office near you to use

for meetings etc.

Hoover’s Near Here – Location based app to find sales leads. Identify, filter, contact

and get directions to nearby leads everywhere you travel

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Top b2c apps

Amazon – Allows consumers fun, fast and convenient access to thousands of

products at the touch of a button. Most importantly offers a secure server so

purchases can be made.

Domino’s – Allows users to order their favourite pizza from their handset. Uses GPS to

automatically locate your nearest store, lets you keep tabs on what stage of the cooking

process your pizza is at. What’s more it has delivered well over £1million in sales!

Foursquare – Give consumers the latest rewards and discounts where they are. Let

them inform friends and get insider tips.

Sky News – Allow users to browse the latest news from around the world on their phone

and share using Twitter, Facebook and email. App also runs regular advertising at bottom

of screen.

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Apps – do’s and don'ts

• Make use of the unique smart phone features: camera, calendar, motion sensor or GPS

• Encourage users to share content with friends/colleagues through social media

• Performs a function that is actually useful to your customers

• Mobile apps and sites need to solve problems for individuals on the go versus re-creating

the desktop experience

• Use social media in your apps (such as sharing game scores)

• Make an App without a clear strategy

• Sacrifice a mobile site over an app (there are so many apps – how will yours stand out

unless it is useful and unique)

• Only have functions that are easier to use on a mobile website

• Focus on transactions where customers will want to do research outside the app



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b2b mobile marketing

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A business professional without a mobile device simply doesn’t exist anymore, so how

can you engage with your increasingly ‘switched-on’ customers?

• Users expect their mobile experience to be as good as their desktop experience

• 57% of users say they won’t recommend a business with a poorly designed mobile site

• Up to 30% of email opens come from mobile - Test how your email is going to look on

Smartphones before broadcasting

• Provide only relevant content on your mobile site/emails

• Make your mobile marketing seamless with your other efforts

• Design for visibility, make it quick and easy, simplify navigation

b2b mobile marketing

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• What is geotargeting?

• “Geo targeting is the method of determining the geolocation of a website visitor and

delivering different content to that visitor based on his or her location, such as country,

region, city, post code, organisation, IP address, ISP or other criteria”

• Common usage of geo targeting is found in online advertising, as well as internet

television with sites such as iPlayer restricting content to those geolocated in specific


• How can it benefit you and your clients?

• It allows you to send specific content to your clients/customers based

on where they are in the country/world e.g.

• How does it work?

1. Geotargeting happens on the server, before the page is sent

to the browser.

2. When a user requests a page from the server, the server queries the

user's IP address against a database of worldwide IP addresses.

3. The database identifies the locations of the user's IP address,

and then the server decides what to do.

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New opportunities in location based services

• New opportunities in location based services include augmented reality, blippar, Aurasma – think

about how these might fit into your strategy

• Location based services will become increasingly important, but don’t forget other tactics such

as SMS

• It takes 90 mins for the average person to respond to an email, but only 90 seconds for a

text message

Blippar is world's first mobile augmented reality and image recognition platform enabling advertisers to reach consumers via outdoor ads, billboards, magazine

Aurasma is the world's first visual browser, bringing the physical and virtual worlds together.

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Mobile sites

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The good…

Concise content, simple


Simple layout, simple


Only most important

features on homepage.

Easy to see ‘contact us’


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The bad…

Have to zoom in and out

to see navigation Only works with Flash –

ignores ALL iPhone users


Too much content.

Have to zoom to see


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The ugly (and stupid)…

There is a trainline app, but there is no

excuse for having the website on a mobile

with no optimisation for the device.

You’d think they would realise that people

probably access this site in a hurry

looking for the next train – why make it so


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dnx & mobile

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Mobile sites

Gatwick Good Buys

Cisco L2012 site

14,107 visits using a mobile device

Since 27th June 2011

26,950 Visits using a mobile device

Since 19th July 2011

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QR codes / Video

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What can dnx do for you?


• Integrated strategies for mobile


• Concepts, designs and build of mobile solutions

(mobile sites, banners, apps, QR codes…)


• Planning and buying mobile media

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In summary

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Golden Rules for mobile marketing

• If a site is going to get traffic from people on the go – make sure it is mobile


• 36% of mobile users look at industry news sites – consider which sites in

your clients’ industries you could target for advertising

• (Beware however – for technology both The Register and IT Business Edge

aren’t mobile-optimised sites at the moment)

• Mobile is fluid – users expect real-time news/updates and personalisation

• There are thousands of apps – consider the impact yours will have, will it

stand out from the crowd?

• Location based marketing is growing in importance for brands – how can

your clients take advantage of this?

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Checklist – make sure you do the following

• Is mobile part of the current marketing mix – if not, why not?

• Identify how your target audience are using mobile devices

• Sales funnel

• Upper funnel

• Mobile used to explore products and/or services

• Lower funnel

• User needs to act quickly and on the move

• Adapt the website to maximise user experience

• Make sure your audience can find you

• Google sponsored links only show two at the top

• Tracking, reporting and testing

• Use Google Analytics to get stats on unique visitors, time on site

etc. to optimise the mobile user experience and ad campaigns

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If you want to find out more, or just have a chat about how you can begin

utilising mobile marketing, give us a call or email:

Adam Troman

[email protected]

01483 202 949

Dom Young

[email protected]

01483 202 949

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