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AUGUST 1, 2021 2

:K\�LV�6WHZDUGVKLS�WKH�$QVZHU" The principle of living stewardship is, at its core, very simple. God calls and we answer. Answering God’s call to practice good stewardship as a way of life, however, may sound like a warm and fuzzy platitude rather than a tangible solution to real world problems. Successful stewardship parishes take practical steps; do solid planning, maintain clear and constant communication with parishioners, and practice sound development strategies – all within the context of faith. This is what we will strive to do here at Corpus Christi. Parishes that plan well and work hard to establish and nurture a stewardship culture, experience a remarkable up swell in the spiritual “attitude” of individuals, reflected throughout the parish community as a whole. This communal refocusing on the real meaning of good stewardship produces concrete, quantifiable benefits. ,Q�D�6XFFHVVIXO�6WHZDUGVKLS�3DULVK¬

· Vitality and spirit are evident. · Parishioner involvement is overflowing. · Financial giving is proportionate; sufficient to support and increase ministries. · Community Outreach increases. · All parishioners, including newcomers, feel at home.

Successful stewardship parishes recognize that establishing a stewardship culture does not happen overnight. It takes prayer, planning, commitment and effort. They continue the work of enhancing stewardship because it is the answer to reaching the ultimate goal; a spiritually vibrant, therefore financially secure parish where all are needed and valued strive together as a community.

God bless, Fr. Jerry




AUGUST 1, 2021 3


*RVSHO�0HGLWDWLRQ� “You cannot see the forest for the trees” is a widely known saying that can bring wisdom to our understanding of our journey. Often, our sight becomes limited to what is immediately before us. We lose touch with lessons and experiences from the past and promises and hope for the future. As human beings, we have the privilege of being able to choose things. What I like and don’t like, want, and don’t want can be major preoccupations of our minds and hearts. Our preferences and desires begin to define us more than the simple fact of our being. Who we are matters more than what we are or what we have. If we don’t move beyond the external and superficial stuff to what really is of essence, we risk becoming very unsettled, disorientated, angry, and unhappy. We fail to see the bigger picture of hope and promise that lies ahead and the Divine Presence that has sustained and carried us before.

We like it when the “now” time of our lives satisfy us. Even the people who witnessed Jesus feed the five thousand got confused and distracted. It felt good when thousands of people were able to eat. They wanted to know what they could do to get this to happen again! But Jesus quickly reminds them that this is not the point of this sign. As much as the now time of our lives is of concern, it is not what is ultimately important. We need to learn the difference between being and doing, drawing more strength from who we are and who God is rather than what is happening around us and the choices we can make. Jesus is the true bread that came down from heaven. Jesus is the very incarnate presence of God who sustains life and assures us that we will not perish. This is not easy to understand and feel. We have to practice being in the presence of ourselves, others, creation, and God. We are brought to a holy place when we encounter the sacredness of being. This is real prayer.

Then, we learn to trust. It is when we cease trusting that we start to become afraid, uncertain, apprehensive, and doubtful, and overly self-concerned. We even start to grumble. God has our back. That is the essential powerful message of the living bread come down from heaven. God, who is alpha is also omega, the beginning and the end, and has everything in between in his care as well. A woman once remarked that her most powerful God moment happened when she and her husband cuddled with their new baby for a time. Without exchanging words and using only the affection communicated through sight and touch, they rested in being with each other. This brought them to the sacred, where they realized that a greater Being was with them. It was real. They knew that they were part of something bigger, intimate, and profound. When we rest in the Living Source of life, we will find that our souls are no longer hungry or thirsty.��©LPi

6RFLDO�&RQFHUQV��-XVWLFH�&RPPLWWHH After an initial gathering of parish leadership about areas of outreach to those in need, we would like to invite all interested to our next gathering of the new "Social Concerns and Justice Committee" here at Corpus Christi. At this gathering, we will spend some time in reflection on what "social concerns and justice" means to us, and share what talents and gifts those in attendance might bring to this ministry. This ministry will coordinate all current and future service opportunities such as Family Promise, LINK, Catholic Charities, Gift from the Heart, etc. If interested, please come to Fr. Jim Shaughnessy Hall on Wednesday, August 18th at 6:30 pm. %LEOH�6WXG\ Based on a series on FORMED called Our Story: A Basic Introduction to the Bible for Catholics that can be completed in three classes: Tuesday, Sept 7, 14, and 21 from 7:00-8:15 pm. The first class will be a brisk walk through the Old Testament using the three 5-minute videos (plus multiple suggested readings); the second class will quickly take us through the New Testament (3 more videos and readings); and the third class will take us through the Mass, how to read/interpret the Bible, as well as how Catholic Doctrines are based on the Bible. 3DULVK�$GYRFDWH�IRU�3HRSOH�ZLWK�6SHFLDO�1HHGV My name is Melanie Smith. My husband, Jay, and I along with our children are members of Corpus Christi. Fr. Jerry asked me to take on the role of parish advocate for people with special needs. My job is to help any person or family who has a disability connect to parish and archdiocesan resources in order to ensure participation in the liturgy, faith formation including sacramental preparation, and the social life of the parish. Please reach out to me by phone 785-764-1994 or by email: [email protected]. *ULHI6KDUH It may be hard for you to feel optimistic about the future right now. If you’ve lost a spouse, child, family member, or friend, you’ve probably found there are not many people who understand the deep hurt you feel. This can be a confusing time when you feel isolated and have many questions about things you’ve never faced before. Starting September 7th, we will start a 13 week GriefShare program for our parish and others in our community for those who have suffered loss from the death of a loved one. GriefShare is a National Christian based support group and will be led by one of our own parishioners. Sessions will be held every Tuesday at Corpus Christi. To take part in this program, email Caleb Regan at [email protected].

AUGUST 1, 2021 4


Mrs. Kirsten Wondra, Principal [email protected]

Mr. Brian McCaffrey, Vice-Principal [email protected]

Mission Statement: “With Christ as our teacher, the Corpus Christi Catholic Community will prepare students academically, socially, and spiritually to be lifelong learners in a faith-filled environment.”


,FH�&UHDP�6RFLDO�� We are excited to announce that the parish is

providing an Ice Cream Social for everyone after the 4 p m M a s s o n Saturday, August 14. Thanks to the Empty Nesters for scooping out the ice cream for this annual end of summer event. We hope that you will take time after church to enjoy

a bowl of ice cream with toppings! This is a great opportunity for fellowship and fun! Everyone is invited! 5&,$ With the gift of Jesus’ Precious Blood on the Cross and in the Eucharist, let us reflect on the freedom given to us through our Baptism into him - to be heirs of the promise and liberated from sin. The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the way by which persons become “citizens of the Kingdom” through Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist. For more information, please contact [email protected].

&RQILUPDWLRQ�-�6DYH�WKH�'DWH The Sacrament of Confirmation for our candidates who have completed their Confirmation curriculum, will be celebrated on Wednesday, October 20th at 7:00 pm by Abbot James Albers. We ask that All Confirmation Candidates, please meet in the church by 6:30 pm for a quick picture, and please be prompt!

There will be a 30 minute Confirmation practice for all Confirmation Candidates and their sponsors following the 10 am liturgy on Sunday, October 17th in the church. If sponsors can be present for the practice, please have them join. More details will be communicated directly to families. For more information contact [email protected].

)LUVW�)ULGD\�+RO\�+RXU There will be no First Friday Holy Hour in August from 6:00-7:00 pm. Adoration will be from 7:00-8:00 pm.

&RUSXV�&KULVWL�&DWKROLF�6FKRRO�,V�+LULQJ�([WHQGHG�&DUH�:RUNHUV� We are currently looking for staff for our 2021-2022 after-school program to supervise students in grades K-8. Our program runs Monday-Friday from 3:30 pm-6:00 pm. We will also offer our families supervision days approximately once a month during staff in-service days from 8:00 am-6:00 pm. Pay starts at $10.00 an hour! Staff will need to be Virtus certified (see registration information below). Come work in a fun, loving environment where we eat, play, and pray together! %DQG�DQG�2UFKHVWUD�7HDFKHU�V��1HHGHG� Corpus Christi Catholic School is seeking a person or persons to teach Band and/or Orchestra. This part-time position (maximum 10 hours a week) provides instruction to band and string students in grades 5th through 8th and organizes concerts and music-related events in cooperation with other music teachers. If you, or someone you know, has a passion for teaching instrumental music to eager students, please contact Mrs. Wondra at [email protected] or Mr. McCaffrey at [email protected].


AUGUST 1, 2021 5

Stewardship:Returning God’s Gifts

Regular Collection Collections July 25, 2021 ............................................... $48,634.58 ’21-’22 Income to Date ............................................... $159,602.71 Collection Income Compared to Budget May Actual Collection Income ..................................... $110,214.15 May Budgeted Collection Income ............................... $182,437.83 *Debt Reduction Collection Collections July 25, 2021 .................................................. $8,182.25 ’21-’22 Debt Reduction to Date ................................... $15,476.09 Loan Balances Owed as of 7/4/2021 Sealed as the Body of Christ Loan ............................. $755,404.93 Forged in Faith Loan ..................................................... $706,326.74 Total Debt Amount Due by 2028 ........................... $1,461,731.67

Liturgy Intentions )RU�WKH�:HHN�RI�$XJXVW��������

Monday, 8/2, Ordinary Weekday 8:15 am † Dennis Massey

Tuesday, 8/3, Ordinary Weekday 8:15 am † Steve Lewis

Wednesday, 8/4, St. John Vianney 8:15 am † Dana Prijatel

Thursday, 8/5, Ordinary Weekday 8:15 am † Nicholas Parscale

Friday, 8/6, Transfiguration of the Lord 8:15 am † Tom Orzulak

Saturday, 8/7, 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time 4:00 pm † Larry Keating

Sunday, 8/8, 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:30 am † Jim French 10:00 am † Sr. Mariam John

$XJXVW��������� ��WK�6XQGD\�LQ�2UGLQDU\�7LPH

“Each day the people are to go out and gather their daily portion; thus will I test them, to see whether they

follow my instructions or not.” Exodus 16:4

When the Israelites gathered more than their daily portion of manna, the surplus became wormy and rotten. In the same way today, self-reliance, pride and ego leads to hoarding and excessive surplus of goods and money. Living a stewardship lifestyle helps us discern our “wants” from our “needs”. Living a grateful and generous lifestyle reminds us that God will provide all that we need and that we have plenty to share.

Together We Grow as a Community!

,QWURGXFLQJ�2XU�1HZ�2QOLQH�*LYLQJ�3URYLGHU We are excited to share with you that we are switching our online payment processing company, from Flipcause to WeShare. Corpus Christi Catholic Parish has teamed up with WeShare from Liturgical Publications, the publisher of our bulletin. LPi has been

a wonderful partner for many parishes besides us, and they are a trusted, secure partner in online giving for a large number of churches in our diocese. Using WeShare makes the act of donating simple and easy, while at the same time keeping the process safe and secure. It is available for parishioners who would like to make online donations to our weekly offerings, as well as other parish collections. You can set up a recurring weekly or monthly payment, allocate different amounts for different collections, and view complete, accurate financial records at any time.

Those who wish to continue to use traditional methods of offering may do so, however please consider using WeShare. Some of the benefits for the parishioner include: no need to write checks; you can give even if you are unable to attend Sunday services; and your contribution amount can easily be adjusted. The benefits for the parish include: less time necessary to process the collection; more consistent giving with recurring contributions; online donation summaries for record-keeping; and accommodates all special parish collections and appeals. Please visit our website at http://www.cccparish.churchgiving.


Prayers for healing...

Sacramental Guidelines BAPTISM: Baptism preparation classes for the parent/s are offered the first Saturday of the month at 9:00 am with Fr. Jerry. Parents are encouraged to take the class early in the pregnancy. Register at

1st RECONCILIATION & 1st EUCHARIST: Preparation is a 2 year program that begins with 1st Graders who are enrolled in Religious Education or Catholic School. During the 2nd year of preparation, the 2nd grade students will complete First Reconciliation and First Eucharist. Any questions can be addressed to [email protected].

CONFIRMATION: Preparation is a 2 year process that begins for 7th Graders who have been enrolled in the RE or Catholic School. The Sacrament of Confirmation will be celebrated in the Fall of their 9th Grade Year. Contact [email protected].

MATRIMONY: The Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas requires couples to make arrangements at least six months in advance of the date of marriage. Please call the parish office for an appt. and arrange for marriage prep. classes. Marriages are not celebrated during Lent.

Liturgy Schedule Weekdays Monday-Friday at 8:15 am

Weekends Saturday at 4:00 pm, Sunday at 8:30 & 10:00 am

Streaming or Corpus Church Stream YouTube Channel

Reconciliation ................ Saturday, 3:00-3:45 pm, or by appointment with Fr. Jerry

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Tuesdays 9:00 am-12:00 noon, 7:00 pm-9:00 pm, First Friday, 7:00-8:00 pm. First Friday Holy Hour .................. 6:00-7:00 pm (Not in August) Adoration will be from 7:00-8:00 pm in August

Anointing of the Sick ................................... call the parish office.

Pastoral Council Chair .......................................... John Dahlstrand Finance Council Chair ....................................... Ashley Senestraro

Parish Office Hours: Monday-Thursday ............................................... 8:00 am-4:00 pm Church Office Phone ............................................... 785-843-6286

School Office Hours Monday-Friday .................................................... 7:30 am-4:00 pm School Phone ............................................................. 785-331-3374

Parish Professional Staff Pastor ...................................................................... Fr. Jerry Volz

[email protected] Deacon ........................................................... Deacon Chris Allen

[email protected] Principal .............................................................. Kirsten Wondra

[email protected] Director of Parish Advancement .......................... Caleb Regan

[email protected] Pastor’s Executive Secretary .............................. Cristy Sullivan

[email protected] Accounting Office .......................................... Christine Lipscomb

[email protected] ............................................................................. Ginger Williams

[email protected] Director of Faith Formation .................................. Laura Hulcher

[email protected] Director of Music .................................................. Shaun Whisler

[email protected] Liturgist/Bulletin Editor ................................. Maureen Brogren

[email protected] Parish Support Staff Receptionist .............................. Emily Kyle & Kathleen Johnson

[email protected] Bulletin Deadline Monday by Noon. Please email announcements to [email protected] or call the parish office.

Please pray for the repose of the soul of John Messer, husband of Darinda Messer and Laura Kelly, daughter of Don & Virginia Heinman. May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

Welcome to Corpus Christi Community, we are pleased to have you join us in worship. If you regularly worship at Corpus Christi, we ask that you please register with us by visiting our website If you are unable to register online please call the church office.

Please pray for the following people who are ill. May they be strengthened and healed.

Andrea Atkinson, Margaretta Horner, Martin Geeding, Veronica Zielinski,

Cathy Waller, Tom Waller, Don Boucher

If you have a loved one that needs extra prayers, please send an email to [email protected] or call 785-843-6286 with their name. Names will only be listed 4 weeks. If you wish to keep your loved one in the bulletin you will need to email or call the church office after 4 weeks to keep them in the bulletin.