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  • 7/29/2019 Dm Neuropathy in Makati



    We would like to take this opportunity to give our greatest

    gratitude to the people who have given us love and care ever since.

    To our parents : Thank you for giving life for us, and for

    supporting us morally, emotionally and financially, and we thank

    you for being there for us no matter what, we love you with all my


    To our relatives :Thank you for guiding us and being just like

    a parent to us, we love you all;

    To our friends: Thank you for sharing your life with us and for

    giving us right attention and importance and thank you for being

    there for us and for giving us suggestions in able for us to finish

    this project

    To our professor who have given me this task; Thank you for

    giving us this project, and with this project we have proven that we

    all have discipline and good intention to the group and have given

  • 7/29/2019 Dm Neuropathy in Makati


    us the experience of researching and sharing comments and

    suggestions for this project of ours;

    And most especially to God ; thank you for guiding us and

    giving us these wonderful people around us. Thank you God for

    giving us the strength and knowledge in able for us to finish this


  • 7/29/2019 Dm Neuropathy in Makati





    The research is entitled Lifestyle of Diabetes Mellitus Patient

    who is high risk in developing DM neuropathy, would focus on the

    lifestyle and practices of these patients that is diagnose with

    diabetes mellitus. In order to further understand this condition, the

    research has been brooded. And to be able to determine the status

    of a person with diabetes mellitus, their lifestyle and practices has

    been observed and thus, this research came up with using

    questionnaire, to be able to hear out their views and understanding

    about this disease and what are their lifestyle after diagnose with it.

    This research paper would tackle about diabetes mellitus. It

    will discuss the meaning of diabetes mellitus, its symptoms , how

    one can avoid it and how can we cope up with it. The research

    doesnt only tackle about diabetes mellitus but also the lifestyle on

    how these patients cope up with this illness.

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    Diabetes Mellitus is a disorder of carbohydrate metabolism

    characterized by the impaired ability of the body to produce or

    respond to insulin and thereby maintain proper levels of sugar

    (glucose) in the blood. In diabetes mellitus low insulin levels or

    poor response to insulin prevent cells from absorbing glucose. As a

    result, glucose builds up in the blood. When glucose-laden blood

    passes through the kidneys, the organs that remove blood

    impurities, the kidneys cannot absorb all of the excess glucose. This

    excess glucose spills into the urine, accompanied by water and

    electrolytesions required by cells to regulate the electric charge

    and flow of water molecules across the cell membrane. This causes

    frequent urination to get rid of the additional water drawn into the

    urine; excessive thirst to trigger replacement of lost water; and

    hunger to replace the glucose lost in urination. Additional symptoms

    may include blurred vision, dramatic weight loss, irritability,

    weakness and fatigue, and nausea and vomiting.

    We all know that diabetes mellitus is an illness that are well-

    known to us, at first hear of this word we always think of people

    who take insulin because they are lack of it, and others think of

    these people that they always avoid foods with sugar. From this

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    research paper, we can be knowledgeable about this illness and

    how does these people diagnosed with this illness cope up with it.

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    The researchers sought to assess the Lifestyle of Diabetes

    Mellitus Patients who is high risk in developing DM neuropathy : an


    Specifically it tries to answer the following questions:

    1. What is the profile of the respondents as to:

    a. Age

    b. Sex

    c. Educational attainment

    d. Position in the workplace

    e. Monthly income

    f. Family history of the disease

    g. Duration of the illness

    2. What are the lifestyle practices of diabetic neuropathy

    patient with regards to the following aspects:

    2.2 nutrition

    2.3 physical ability

    2.4 medical regimen

    2.5 relationship with others

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    2.6 view about self

    3. What problems are encountered by patients in terms of:

    a. Family relationship

    b. Self-care ability

    c. Interpersonal relationship

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    Null Hypothesis:

    There is no significant relationship between the extent

    of perception on the lifestyle and practices on patients who are

    diagnose with diabetes mellitus and who is high risk in developing

    DM neuropathy with their knowledge and understanding in this kind

    of disease.

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    This study entitled the Lifestyle of Diabetes Mellitus Patients

    who is high risk in developing DM neuropathy, therefore, the

    following will benefit from this study:

    Students. They will gain knowledge and understanding on

    the history, meaning, and complications of diabetes mellitus.

    Teachers. They would be guided accordingly on how to

    teach their students about this disease.

    Family. They would understand why it is important they

    should know about diabetes mellitus and how they can teach their

    children to understand this kind of disease.

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    This study deals mainly with the Diabetic neuropathy patients

    of their age, sex, educational attainment, position in the workplace,

    monthly income, family history of the disease, and duration of the


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    medical disorder producing excessive urine: a medical disorder,

    especially diabetes mellitus, that causes the body to produce an

    excessive amount of urine

    Diabetes mellitus

    metabolic disorder affecting blood sugar levels: a disorder in which

    there is no control of blood sugar, through inadequate insulin

    production Type 1 or decreased sensitivity to insulin Type 2,

    causing kidney, eye, and nerve damage.

    Type 1 usually develops in childhood and requires lifelong injection

    of insulin, while Type 2 typically develops in middle age and can

    usually be controlled by diet and drugs.


    1. having diabetes: having diabetes, especially diabetes mellitus

    2. relating to diabetes: relating to or caused by diabetes, especially

    diabetes mellitus

    3. intended for somebody with diabetes: made without sugar and

    therefore suitable for somebody who has diabetes mellitus

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    hormone regulating glucose level in blood: a hormone produced in

    the pancreas that regulates the level of glucose in the blood

    Insulin resistance

    failure of insulin to function normally: a condition associated with

    non-insulin-dependent diabetes in which normal levels of insulin in

    the blood do not produce the normal biological response


    1. disease or sickness: a disease, sickness, or indisposition

    2. bad health: a state of bad health

    Health care

    activities to maintain health: the provision of medical and related

    services aimed at maintaining good health, especially through the

    prevention and treatment of disease


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    1. medical condition: a condition in humans, plants, or animals

    that results in pathological symptoms and is not the direct result of

    physical injury

    2. specific disorder: a disorder in humans, animals, or plants with

    recognizable signs and often having a known cause

    3. problem in society: a serious problem in society or with a group

    of people


    1. sugar energy source: a six-carbon monosaccharide produced in

    plants by photosynthesis and in animals by the metabolism of


    The commonest form, dextrose, is used by all living organisms.

    2. syrupy mixture: a syrup containing dextrose, maltose, dextrin,

    and water that is obtained from starch. Use: food manufacture,

    alcoholic fermentation.


    manner of living: the way of life characteristic of a particular

    person, group, or culture

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    indication of illness felt by patient: an indication of a disease

    or other disorder, especially one experienced by the patient, e.g.

    pain, dizziness, or itching, as opposed to one observed by the

    doctor sign


    1. shortage: an inadequate supply of something necessary,

    especially a nutrient

    2. poor provision: a weakness in the provision or performance of


    serious deficiencies in the provision of cleaning services

    3. amount lacking: the amount by which something falls short of

    being complete


    1. difficult state: a difficult or confused state caused by many

    interrelated factors

    2. difficulty: something that makes something else more difficult or


    Far from being helpful, this is just a further complication.

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    3. introduction of difficulty: the act of making something complex

    or difficult

    4. plot device: an event or character whose introduction into a

    story causes difficulty

    5. medical problem: a disease or problem that arises in addition to

    the initial condition or during a surgical operation

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    This chapter presents the review related literature and

    review related studies utilized for the purpose of enhancing the

    premise of the research.

    Literature, including research studies related to the present

    study were viewed in this chapter.

    There is a large collection of literature and studies written

    diabetes mellitus topics. Foreign studies as well as local studies are

    reviewed and presented in this chapter.

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    According to Smeltzer & Bare(2008), many people with

    diabetes mellitus are unaware that they have diabetes. Their

    lifestyles are the most important reasons of having the disease.

    And because of this, people are unaware that their lifestyle

    might contribute a lot. If ever it would be detected, compliance is

    poor because it would be difficult for them to change their lifestyle.

    If that will happen, is there still a chance for them to fully comply

    on prevention regimen of diabetes mellitus?

    Diabetes mellitus is a group of metabolic disease

    characterized by increased levels of glucose in the blood

    (hyperglycemia) resulting from defects in insulin secretion, insulin

    action, or both . It is the number 6 leading causes of deaths in USA

    according to 2001 data from the United States National Center for

    Health Statistics. It is more prevalent in the elderly; as many as 50

    % of people older than 65 years of age have some degree of

    glucose intolerance. People 65 years and older account for almost

    40 % of people with diabetes.

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    To understand why insulin is important, it helps to know more

    about how the body uses food for energy. Your body is made up of

    millions of cells. To make energy, these cells need food in a very

    simple form. When you eat or drink, much of your food is broken

    down into a simple sugar called glucose. Then, glucose is

    transported through the bloodstream to the cells of your body

    where it can be used to provide some of the energy your body

    needs for daily activities.

    The amount of glucose in your bloodstream is tightly

    regulated by a hormone called insulin. Insulin is always being

    released in small amounts by the pancreas. When the amount of

    glucose in your blood rises to a certain level, your pancreas

    releases more insulin to push more glucose into the cells. This

    causes the glucose levels in your blood (blood glucose levels) to


    To keep your blood glucose levels from getting too low

    (hypoglycemia or low blood sugar), your body signals you to eat to

    increase glucose levels and releases some glucose from the stores

    kept in the liver.People with diabetes either don't make insulin or

    their body's cells no longer are able to recognize insulin, leading to

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    high blood sugars. By definition, diabetes is having a blood glucose

    level of 126 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL) or more after an

    overnight fast (not eating anything) (Nazario, 2003)

    Risk factors. Although the causes of diabetes are unknown,

    the following risk factors may increase your chance of developing

    diabetes. In family history, if a parent or sibling in your family has

    diabetes, your risk of developing diabetes increases. Another factor

    is the race or ethnic background. The risk of diabetes is greater in

    Hispanics, blacks, Native Americans, and Asians. Being overweight,

    increase your risk of developing diabetes if you are 20% or more

    over your optimal body weight.Hypertension,wherein high blood

    pressure increases the risk of developing diabetes.

    Abnormal cholesterol levels like HDL, or "good" cholesterol,

    levels under 45 mg/dL for men and 55 mg/dL for women, and/or a

    triglyceride level over 150 mg/dL increases also your risk. Age is

    also a risk of developing diabetes increases progressively as you get

    older. Use of certain drugs: Blood pressure medicines, such as

    thiazides; Steroid medicines, such as prednisone or Decadron;

    Hydantoin medicines, such as Dilantin; Medicines for transplant

    recipients, such as cyclosporine, can increase the risk of diabetes.

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    Alcohol Use: Years of heavy alcohol intake increases your risk

    of developing diabetes. Smoking, according to one study, 16 to 25

    cigarettes a day increases your risk for type 2 diabetes to three

    times that of a non-smoker. History of gestational

    diabetes(developing diabetes during pregnancy) or of delivering a

    baby over nine pounds can increase your risk.

    Autoimmune disease can cause your body's defense system

    (immune system) to attack healthy insulin-producing beta cells in

    your pancreas increasing your risk of diabetes. Lastly, Some viruses

    are thought to play a part in diabetes development. (Nazario, 2003)

    Classification of Diabetes Mellitus. The major

    classifications of diabetes are type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes,

    gestational diabetes, and diabetes mellitus associated with other

    conditions or syndromes.

    Type 1 diabetes occurs because the insulin-producing cells of

    the pancreas (called beta cells) are destroyed by the immune

    system. People with type 1 diabetes produce no insulin. They must

    use insulin injections to control their blood glucose.

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    The damage to the insulin-producing cells in type 1 diabetes

    occurs over a variable period of time. However, the symptoms of

    type 1 diabetes may occur over a period of days to weeks. Type 1

    diabetes most commonly starts in people under the age of 20, but

    may occur at any age.

    In type 2 diabetes, unlike people with type 1 diabetes, people

    with type 2 diabetes produce insulin. However, the insulin their

    pancreas secretes is either not enough or the body is unable to

    recognize the insulin and use it properly.When there isn't enough

    insulin or the insulin is not used as it should be, glucose can't get

    into the body's cells.

    Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes

    mellitus, affecting almost 16 million Americans. While over 91% of

    these cases can be prevented, it remains for adults the leading

    cause of related complications such as blindness, non-traumatic

    amputations and chronic kidney failure requiring dialysis. Type 2

    diabetes usually starts in people over age 40 that are overweight;

    but can occur in people who are not overweight. Sometimes

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    referred to as "adult-onset diabetes," type 2 diabetes has started to

    appear in children because of the rise in obesity in young people.

    Gestational Diabetes on the other hand, is triggered by

    pregnancy. The condition occurs in 4-7% of all pregnancies.

    Hormone changes during pregnancy can affect insulin's ability to

    work properly. Pregnant women who have an increased risk of

    developing gestational diabetes are those who are over 25 years

    old, are above their normal body weight before pregnancy, have a

    family history of diabetes or are Hispanic, black, Native American,

    or Asian.

    Screening for gestational diabetes is important and is

    performed during pregnancy. Left untreated, gestational diabetes

    increases the risk of complications to both the mother and her

    unborn child. Usually, blood glucose levels return to normal within

    six weeks of childbirth. However, women who have had gestational

    diabetes have an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes later

    in life (Nazario, 2003)

    Symptoms of Diabetes Mellitus. The first symptoms of

    diabetes are related to the direct effects of high blood sugar levels.

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    When the blood sugar level rises above 160 to 180 mg/dL, glucose

    passes into the urine. When the level rises even higher, the kidneys

    excrete additional water to dilute the large amounts of glucose lost.

    Because the kidneys produce excessive urine, a person with

    diabetes urinates large volumes frequently (polyuria). The

    excessive urination creates abnormal thirst (polydipsia). Because

    excessive calories are lost in the urine, the person loses weight. To

    compensate, the person often feels excessively hungry

    (polyphagia). Other symptoms include blurred vision, drowsiness,

    nausea, and decreased endurance during exercise. In addition,

    people whose diabetes is poorly controlled are more susceptible to

    infections. Because of the severity of insulin deficiency, people with

    type I diabetes almost always lose weight before undergoing

    treatment. Most people with type II diabetes don't lose weight.

    How is diabetes diagnosed?. The fasting blood glucose

    (sugar) test is the preferred way to diagnose diabetes. It is easy to

    perform and convenient. After the person has fasted overnight (at

    least 8 hours), a single sample of blood is drawn and sent to the

    laboratory for analysis. This can also be done accurately in a

    doctor's office using a glucose meter. Normal fasting plasma

    glucose levels are less than 100 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dl).

    Fasting plasma glucose levels of more than 126 mg/dl on two or

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    more tests on different days indicate diabetes. A random blood

    glucose test can also be used to diagnose diabetes. A blood glucose

    level of 200 mg/dl or higher indicates diabetes.

    When fasting blood glucose stays above 100mg/dl, but in

    the range of 100-126mg/dl, this is known as impaired fasting

    glucose (IFG). While patients with IFG do not have the diagnosis of

    diabetes, this condition carries with it its own risks and concerns,

    and is addressed elsewhere.

    Though not routinely used anymore, the oral glucose

    tolerance test is a gold standard for making the diagnosis of type 2

    diabetes. It is still commonly used for diagnosing gestational

    diabetes and in conditions of pre-diabetes. With an oral glucose

    tolerance test, the person fasts overnight (at least eight but not

    more than 16 hours). Then first, the fasting plasma glucose is

    tested. After this test, the person receives 75 grams of glucose

    (100 grams for pregnant women). There are several methods

    employed by obstetricians to do this test, but the one described

    here is standard. Usually, the glucose is in a sweet-tasting liquid

    that the person drinks. Blood samples are taken at specific intervals

    to measure the blood glucose.

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    For the test to give reliable results, the person must be in

    good health (not have any other illnesses, not even a cold); the

    person should be normally active (not lying down, for example, as

    an inpatient in a hospital), and the person should not be taking

    medicines that could affect the blood glucose. For three days before

    the test, the person should have eaten a diet high in carbohydrates

    (200-300 grams per day). The morning of the test, the person

    should not smoke or drink coffee.

    The classic oral glucose tolerance test measures blood glucose

    levels five times over a period of three hours. Some physicians

    simply get a baseline blood sample followed by a sample two hours

    after drinking the glucose solution. In a person without diabetes,

    the glucose levels rise and then fall quickly. In someone with

    diabetes, glucose levels rise higher than normal and fail to come

    back down as fast.

    People with glucose levels between normal and diabetic have

    impaired glucose tolerance (IGT). People with impaired glucose

    tolerance do not have diabetes, but are at high risk for progressing

    diabetes. Each year, 1%-5% of people whose test results show

    impaired glucose tolerance actually eventually develop diabetes.

    Weight loss and exercise may help people with impaired glucose

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    tolerance return their glucose levels to normal. In addition, some

    physicians advocate the use of medications, such as metformin

    (Glucophage), to help prevent/delay the onset of overt diabetes.

    Recent studies have shown that impaired glucose tolerance

    itself may be a risk factor for the development of heart disease. In

    the medical community, most physicians are now understanding

    that impaired glucose tolerance is nor simply a precursor of

    diabetes, but is its own clinical disease entity that requires

    treatment and monitoring.

    Evaluating the results of the oral glucose tolerance test

    . Glucose tolerance tests may lead to one of the following

    diagnoses: Normal response, a person is said to have a normal

    response when the 2-hour glucose level is less than 140 mg/dl, and

    all values between 0 and 2 hours are less than 200 mg/dl. Impaired

    glucose tolerance, a person is said to have impaired glucose

    tolerance when the fasting plasma glucose is less than 126 mg/dl

    and the 2-hour glucose level is between 140 and 199 mg/dl.

    Diabetes, A person has diabetes when two diagnostic tests done on

    different days show that the blood glucose level is high. Gestational

    diabetes, A woman has gestational diabetes when she has any two

    of the following: a 100g OGTT, a fasting plasma glucose of more

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    than 95 mg/dl, a 1-hour glucose level of more than 180 mg/dl, a 2-

    hour glucose level of more than 155 mg/dl, or a 3-hour glucose

    level of more than 140 mg/dl.

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    International and local diabetes experts believe that the

    disease is emerging, especially among developing countries in Asia.

    In the Philippines, the death rate from diabetes has risen by an

    alarming 63 percent in 10 years time, from 4.3 per in 1984 to 7.1

    per 100,000 population in 1993 (PHS). Local studies have shown

    that there is under-reporting of deaths due to diabetes because

    they are misclassified as deaths from cardiovascular or renal

    disease. A 1995 nationwide prevalence survey on diabetes by the

    DOH showed that four

    out of 100 Filipinos are diabetics (4.1 percent prevalence). The

    prevalence was higher in urban (6.8 percent) than in rural areas

    (2.5 percent). The prevalence increases with age with a dramatic

    rise observed in the 50 year old age group.

    However, about 63 percent of those with the disease were

    unaware that they had diabetes. The WHO estimates that diabetes

    prevalence in Southeast Asia doubles every 5-10 years based on

    the Singapore experience. With this assumption, prevalence of

    diabetes in the country today could be in the range of 8-16 percent

    and may approximate that of Singapore, an industrialized country

    in Southeast Asia.

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    The mortality trend for DM is slowly increasing from 3.4

    deaths per 100,000

    population in 1980 to 14.1 deaths per 100,000 population in 2010.

    Prevention and control of the different risk factors in the

    development of this disease should be pushed and persons with a

    family history of diabetes mellitus should undergo lifestyle


    Monitoring blood sugar. If you've just received a

    diagnosis of diabetes, monitoring your blood sugar may seem like

    an overwhelming task. But once you learn to measure your blood

    sugar and understand how important it is, you'll feel more

    comfortable with the procedure and more in control of your disease.

    Testing is crucial because it tells you whether you're keeping your

    glucose levels in the range you and your doctor have agreed on.

    The best range for you depends on your age and the type of

    diabetes you have. For younger adults who don't have

    complications of diabetes, a typical target range might be 80 to 120

    mg/dL before meals, and below 180 mg/dL after eating. Older

    adults who have complications from their disease may have a

    fasting target goal of 100 to 140 mg/dL and below 200 mg/dL after

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    meals. That's because blood sugar that falls too low in older adults

    can be more dangerous than in younger people.

    How often you test your blood sugar depends on the type of

    diabetes you have. If you take insulin, test your blood sugar at

    least twice a day, and preferably three or four times a day. But if

    you have type 2 diabetes and don't use insulin, you may need to

    test your blood sugar levels only once a day or as little as twice a


    Keep in mind that the amount of sugar in your blood is

    constantly changing. Self-monitoring helps you learn what makes

    your blood sugar levels rise and fall, so you can make adjustments

    in your treatment.

    Medications. When diet, exercise and maintaining a healthy

    weight aren't enough, you may need the help of medication.

    Medications used to treat diabetes include insulin. Everyone with

    type 1 diabetes and some people with type 2 diabetes must take

    insulin every day to replace what their pancreas is unable to

    produce. Unfortunately, insulin can't be taken in pill form because

    enzymes in your stomach break it down so that it becomes

    ineffective. For that reason, many people inject themselves with

    insulin using a syringe or an insulin pen injector ? a device that

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    looks like a pen, except the cartridge is filled with insulin. Others

    may use an insulin pump, which provides a continuous supply of

    insulin, eliminating the need for daily shots.

    An insulin pump is a pumping device about the size of a deck

    of cards. You wear it outside your body. A small tube connects the

    reservoir of insulin to a catheter that's inserted under the skin of

    your abdomen. The pump dispenses the desired amount of insulin

    into your body and can be adjusted to infuse more or less insulin

    depending on meals, activity and glucose level. Insulin pumps

    aren't for everyone. But for some people they provide improved

    blood sugar control and a more flexible lifestyle.

    The most widely used form of insulin is synthetic human

    insulin, which is chemically identical to human insulin but

    manufactured in a laboratory. Unfortunately, synthetic human

    insulin isn't perfect. One of its chief failings is that it doesn't mimic

    the way natural insulin is secreted. But newer types of insulin,

    known as insulin analogs, more closely resemble the way natural

    insulin acts in your body. Among these are lispro (Humalog), insulin

    aspart (NovoLog) and glargine (Lantus).

    Transplantation. In recent years, researchers have

    focused increasing attention on transplantation for people with type

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    1 diabetes. Current procedures include: Pancreas

    transplantation. Pancreas transplants have been performed since

    the late 1960s. Most are done in conjunction with or after a kidney

    transplant. Kidney failure is one of the most common complications

    of diabetes, and receiving a new pancreas when you receive a new

    kidney may actually improve kidney survival. Furthermore, after a

    successful pancreas transplant, many people with diabetes no

    longer need to use insulin. Unfortunately, pancreas transplants

    aren't always successful. Your body may reject the new organ days

    or even years after the transplant, which means you'll need to take

    immunosuppressive drugs the rest of your life. These drugs are

    costly and can have serious side effects, including a high risk of

    infection and organ injury. Because the side effects can be more

    dangerous to your health than your diabetes, you're usually not

    considered a candidate for transplantation unless your diabetes

    can't be controlled or you're experiencing serious complications. On

    the other hand, pancreas transplantation may be an option if you

    are age 45 or younger, have type 1 diabetes and need or have had

    a kidney transplant, or if insulin doesn't control your blood sugar.

    Islet cell transplantation. Your pancreas contains about 1

    million islet cells, 75 percent to 80 percent of which produce insulin.

    The beta cells that produce insulin reside in the islets. Although still

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    considered an experimental procedure, transplanting these cells

    may offer a less invasive, less expensive and less risky option than

    a pancreas transplant for people with diabetes. In islet cell

    transplantation, doctors infuse fresh pancreas cells into the liver of

    the person with diabetes. The cells spread throughout the liver and

    soon begin to produce insulin. The liver, not the pancreas, is the

    site of the transplant because it's easier to access the large portal

    vein in your liver than it is to access a vein in your pancreas. What's

    more, cells that grow in the liver secrete insulin much like cells in

    the pancreas do.

    Dietary Changes. Changing the type and amount of food

    eaten can help people with diabetes to lose weight, improve blood

    glucose control, and lower blood cholesterol levels and blood

    pressure. A separate topic discusses these issues in detail.

    Exercise Exercise is beneficial for all individuals, with or

    without diabetes. Even persons with longstanding diabetes or

    diabetic complications can benefit from exercise.

    For diabetics, exercise promotes cardiovascular fitness and

    weight loss, lowers high blood pressure, improves lipid profiles,

    improves blood glucose control in some cases, and leads to an

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    overall sense of well-being. It may even help prevent type 2

    diabetes in some people.

    General exercise precautions. It is important to balance

    enthusiasm and common sense when beginning an exercise

    program. These precautions encourage patients to stay safe and

    ensure that exercise is productive.

    Wear well-fitting, protective footwear, Drink adequate liquids

    before, during, and after exercise to prevent dehydration, which

    can upset blood glucose levels.

    Diabetics who use insulin should also: Measure blood

    glucose before, during, and after exercise to determine their body's

    typical response to exercise. If the pre-exercise blood glucose

    reading is 250 mg/dL or higher, exercise should be postponed until

    the level is under control. Consider a decrease in insulin dose by

    about 30 percent during exercise. Choose an insulin injection site

    away from exercising muscles (for example, avoid the legs if

    running) Keeping rapidly absorbed carbohydrates on hand (glucose

    tablets, hard candies, or juice). Eat a snack 15 to 30 minutes before

    exercise, and again every 30 minutes during exercise.

    Eat a source of slowly absorbed carbohydrates (dried fruit,

    fruit jerky, granola bars, or trail mix) immediately after exercise.

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    This will counter a post-exercise drop in blood glucose levels.

    (Microsoft Encarta Reference Library 2004)

    Medication and Blood Glucose Monitoring. The day-

    to-day management of blood glucose levels can be complicated.

    Management may require a schedule of oral medications and/or

    insulin, frequent blood glucose monitoring, and carefully planned

    meals and snacks.

    However, successful management of diabetes does not have

    to take the enjoyment out of life. It can be difficult to establish a

    routine that incorporates all aspects of diabetes care, though many

    people find that the routine becomes second nature once

    established. Written schedules may help patients to remember the

    details of a routine until they are committed to memory. It is also

    important to carefully manage situations that can complicate blood

    glucose control, such as sick days and vacations.

    People with diabetes may need to take several medications

    throughout the day. Medications to lower high blood pressure, lower

    cholesterol levels, and low-dose aspirin may be used to manage

    and prevent complications. Each prescription should be taken

    exactly as directed on a daily basis. If the medication schedule is

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    complex, a pill organizer or written outline may be helpful in

    remembering to take specific medications at specific times.

    Routine Medical Care. Making lifestyle changes is an

    excellent step towards diabetes management. However, routine

    medical care is important for people with diabetes; this may include

    frequent medical appointments and screening tests. Your healthcare

    team will periodically reevaluate the diabetes management plan,

    and can work to detect health problems that do not cause

    symptoms in the early stages.

    Finally, it is important to listen to your body and seek care if

    questions or problems arise. This may require calling and seeing a

    clinician between scheduled appointments. Even persons who have

    had diabetes for many years have difficulty some times, and

    clinicians are skilled in helping to solve problems. (Imaginus 2001)

    Factors of DIET. Diet is one of the most important

    factors triggering diabetes mellitus, indeed diabetes mellitus is a

    condition in which the blood sugar increases, and so, any diet that

    contains carbohydrates (or more specifically sugar), in it, are

    directly responsible for increasing the overall blood sugar level.

    Diabetes mellitus is not easy to control, proper monitoring of

    blood sugar level must be done at all times, so that it is not allowed

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    to go up, this is indeed one of the most frustrating aspect of the

    disease. The following foods are directly responsible possible for the

    development and aggravation of diabetes mellitus and they should

    be strictly avoided:

    All food containing sugar or jaggery, such as jam, jelly,

    marmalade, chocolates, deserts, ice cream, candy, etc.

    Honey in all forms

    Cola, coke drinks, in all such artificially sweetened cold drinks

    Milk, and milk products, including cheese, butter and

    condensed milk

    Fruits with high sugar content and their juices

    Oily foods

    Alcoholic beverages, include wines

    Factors Related to lifestyle. Diabetes mellitus is a lifestyle

    disease. It has been observe that this disease is more rampant in

    the upper classes, since they tend to binge more on unhealthy

    foods. For this reason diabetes mellitus is termed as a rich man

    disease. Expostulating on this trend, it can be said that diabetes

    mellitus is more urban disease than a rural disease. People who

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    migrate to advance countries stand a higher risk of contracting

    diabetes mellitus.

    It has been observe that people who lead sedentary lifestyle

    are more vulnerable to non- insulin dependent diabetes or diabetes

    type 2 such people have unexercised muscles and tissues, which

    can affect the overall action of insulin and reduced its capacity in

    the utilization of glucose.

    STRESS is another very important cause of diabetes mellitus.

    In some high risk people, STRESS can cause malfunctioning of the

    pancreas, and hence secretion of insulin. Several reasons can bring

    on stress and trauma. The following is the most common of the

    stress causing factors:





    Different kinds of mental tension and worries

    Environmental and external factor. In many instances,

    Diabetes mellitus can be originated from outside the body rather

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    than from within. The following are some of the more obvious of

    this extrinsic factor:

    People who take steroids and other drug that alter the

    hormonal balance are very susceptible to diabetes mellitus, as the

    amount of insulin can be reduced.

    Some people can develop diabetes due to chemical contained

    in certain vegetable such as beans.

    Infections can also cause diabetes mellitus some

    microorganisms can infect the pancreas and reduce its functioning.

    The insulin dependent diabetes mellitus or diabetes mellitus type 1

    is believed the cause, among other causes, due to the infection of

    the coxsackie virus on the pancreas.

    Hereditary Factors. Diabetes mellitus shows a very strong

    hereditary connection. People who have the human leukocyte

    antigen in their blood, which is obtained from the parents, they

    have strong propensity towards developing diabetes mellitus type

    1. Thought it is believed that diabetes mellitus type 1 is not

    hereditary it seen like the disease is more common on people who

    have a relative suffering from other of diabetes. Diabetes mellitus

    type 2 is definitely hereditary, but it is compounded in future

    generations due to other problems such as obesity, hypertension,

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    and High blood pressure. People can also get a defective

    mechanism from their preceding generation to which the beta cells

    of the islets of Langerhans can be impaired in their functions.

    Factors Related to age. Though diabetes mellitus can occur

    in any age, there are few points to be considered diabetes mellitus

    type 2 mostly occurs in the adulthood. It can begin in youth, but its

    repercussions on the overall health are found in later stage of life,

    when the person riches middle age, on the hand, diabetes mellitus

    type 2 was one called juvenile diabetes because it was found to be

    prevalent in children and adolescent predominantly, however it

    have been found out now that this type of diabetes too can occur

    later stage of life.

    In this manner, there are several factors that strongly

    indicated to be responsible for diabetes mellitus. For this reason,

    the prevention and control of the disease become exceeding

    difficult. Proper knowledge is needed for the disease.

    (Dr. Stephen Pascual 2002)


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    Dr.Sandeep Chaudhary, M.D., earned a double board

    certification in both Internal Medicine and Pediatrics at Loma Linda

    University Medical School and later earned his board certification in

    Endocrinology at the University of California, San Diego. He is

    currently the Medical Director of Wellspring Endocrinology at

    Scripps Memorial Hospital in La Jolla, California.

    According to Dr. Chaudhary Diabetes mellitus is a chronic

    disease involving abnormalities in the body's ability to use sugar.

    Diabetes is characterized by:

    Elevated blood sugars for months to years.

    Both hereditary and environmental factors leading to its

    development and progression.

    A relative or absolute deficiency of effective circulating

    insulin. Insulin is a substance made by the pancreas which

    lowers blood sugar in conjunction with meals. Diabetes is

    characterized by either: (1) an inability of the pancreas to

    produce insulin (type 1 or insulin-dependent diabetes

    mellitus) or an inability of insulin to exert its normal

    physiological actions (type 2 or non-insulin dependent

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    Often recognized in patients and their families by excessive

    urination, thirst, weight loss and/or a lack of energy. But

    diabetes is often silent and may exist for many years without

    the individual's noticing it.

    Effects certain "target tissues," that is, tissues which are

    vulnerable to the damaging effects of chronically high blood

    sugar levels. These target tissues are the eye, the kidney, the

    nerves and the large blood vessels, such as in the heart.

    Dr. Sandeep Chaudhary: When you look at diabetes as a process

    of manifesting disease in several stages, in the initial stages the

    person develops insulin resistance. This means that your insulin is

    not working as efficiently as it should, and consequently your blood

    sugars start to rise.

    As a secondary consequence, when the pancreas has been

    overworked for decades, it starts secreting less and less insulin.

    Now you need more insulin, but your pancreas cant make any

    more; in fact, it slowly starts to die off because its been

    overworked for years.

    Research published in the Archives of Internal Medicine in

    2006 shows that the practice of the Transcendental Meditation

    technique can help during the initial stages, by lowering insulin

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    resistance. So even though its true that some damage has been

    done to your pancreas over the years of developing diabetes, it

    doesnt mean you cant still be helped.

    Dr. Sandeep Chaudhary: If someone starts eating healthier

    foodssuch as complex carbohydrates, healthier proteins and

    cooked vegetables with high fiber contenthis pancreas will tend to

    secrete less insulin because he is not stressing his pancreas as


    If, on the other hand, he eats junk food, his blood sugars will

    go sky high; and because of that the pancreas will have to work

    extra hard to secrete more insulin, to bring the sugar

    Dr. Sandeep Chaudhary: Most people with Type 2 diabetes

    have a family member who also has it. As a nation were getting

    more and more obese, and because of that each subsequent

    generation has more insulin resistance than the previous

    generation. This is one reason why Type 2 diabetes is becoming

    more prevalent in children.

    Add to that our national habits of eating fast food, exercising

    too little and living a stressful lifestyle, and you have a nation that

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    is becoming more and more obese and has a higher and higher

    incidence of Type 2 diabetes.

    This is where the Transcendental Meditation program can

    really help, because if people can decrease stress, take time twice a

    day to get in tune with their own nature, they might find

    themselves thinking, Hey, Im not eating so much all the time, now

    that Im not as anxious or stressed, or Lets go for a walk in

    nature instead of sitting in front of the TV. Then you start fixing

    many of these problems.

    According to Dr. Chaudhary Symptoms for Type I dont really

    show up until the destruction of the beta cells is almost complete.

    The symptoms start to show when the insulin production is almost

    done, and then they appear rather suddenly. Symptoms include

    frequent urination, excessive thirst, especially for sweet drinks,

    extreme hunger along with sudden weight loss, weakness, extreme

    fatigue, visual changes especially blurred vision, and irritability.

    Severe cases may have no symptoms, then be diagnosed by a

    sudden onset of a diabetic coma caused by the extremely high

    levels of blood sugar.

    According to Dr. Chaudhary Type 2 diabetes is associated

    with older age, obesity, family history of diabetes, history of

  • 7/29/2019 Dm Neuropathy in Makati


    gestational diabetes, impaired glucose metabolism, physical

    inactivity, and race/ethnicity. African Americans, Hispanic/Latino

    Americans, American Indians, and some Asian Americans and

    Native Hawaiians or Other Pacific Islanders are at particularly high

    risk for type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is increasingly being

    diagnosed in children and adolescents.

    Type 2, previously defined as non-insulin-dependent diabetes

    mellitus (NIDDM) is the most common form, affecting 90 percent to

    95 percent of all people who develop diabetes.An insulin deficiency

    or resistance characterizes type 2 diabetes. The symptoms of this

    disorder develop gradually and are often overlooked. The Centers

    for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that nearly 30

    percent of the people with type 2 diabetes are undiagnosed.

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    ALEXANDRIA, Va., Nov. 23 /PRNewswire/ -- Diabetes, long

    known to be a costly disease because of high medical expenses and

    lost wages, can also take a big bite out of the local economy,

    according to a study published in the December issue of Diabetes

    Care. Numerous studies have analyzed the direct and indirect costs

    of diabetes at the national level. This study, by researchers at

    several universities in Texas, examined for the first time the

    financial impact of diabetes upon local communities. The study

    found that, for every $1 of lost income due to diabetes, another 36

    cents is lost in reduced local spending."No matter how you look at

    it, diabetes is a costly disease," said lead researcher Dr. H. Shelton

    Brown, III, PhD, in the Division of Management Policy and

    Community Health at the University of Texas School of Public

    Health. "Those costs extend well beyond the price of medical care

    and lost wages when people become incapacitated due to illness."

    "Adults with diabetes who are not working spend less, hurting the

    localeconomy," the study concluded. "In a small community with a

    high prevalence of diabetes, the indirect costs of diabetes are quite

    high and are not limited to adults with diabetes alone. Given these

    results, policies to prevent diabetes should be especially supported

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    in communities with a high prevalence of diabetes precisely

    because of its broad economic impact on the entire community."

    The study looked at the financial impact of lost income due

    to diabetes in four counties (Cameron, Hidalgo, Starr and Willacy)

    in the Lower Rio Grande Valley of South Texas. In this region, the

    largely Mexican-American community has a 25 percent prevalence

    of type 2 diabetes. The study was paid for by a grant from the

    National Institutes of Health entitled "Creation of a Hispanic Health

    Research Center in the Lower Rio Grande." Previous studies have

    shown that men and women with diabetes were roughly 7.5 percent

    less likely to work than men and women without diabetes; that

    women with diabetes earn $3,584.53 less than women without

    diabetes; and that men with diabetes earn $1,584.66 less than men

    without diabetes (Brown, Pagan and Bastida 2005 and Bastida and

    Pagan 2002).

    This study showed that, because people with diabetes

    worked less, and earned less when they did work, than those who

    did not have diabetes, they also spent less in the local economy.

    Lower local spending can lead to layoffs and further reduced

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    spending by others in the community who do not have diabetes but

    are impacted by its cost to the community at large.

    Diabetes Care, published by the American Diabetes

    Association, is the leading peer-reviewed journal of clinical research

    into the nation's fifth leading cause of death by disease. Diabetes

    also is a leading cause of heart disease and stroke, as well as the

    leading cause of adult blindness, kidney failure and non-traumatic


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    Rakel Edwin Robert said that Many people are unaware

    that they have diabetes. In the late 20th century, for example, it

    was estimated that more than 5 million of the 15.7 million American

    cases were undiagnosed. The disease is usually discovered when

    there are typical symptoms and a clearly high blood sugar level, as

    defined by a daytime level greater than 200 milligrams per decilitre

    or a fasting level greater than 140 milligrams per decilitre.

    Occasionally a more detailed oral glucose tolerance test is required

    for accurate diagnosis.

    Before the isolation of insulin in the 1920s, most patients died

    within a short time after onset. Untreated diabetes leads to

    ketoacidosis, the accumulation of ketones (products of fat

    breakdown) and acid in the blood. Continued buildup of the toxic

    products of disordered carbohydrate and fat metabolism result in

    nausea and vomiting, and eventually the patient goes into a

    diabetic coma.

    Treatment aimed at controlling diabetes is highly successful.

    All patients are put on restrictive diets designed to help them reach

    and maintain normal body weight and to limit their intake of sugars

    and fats. Frequently they are encouraged to exercise regularly,

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    which enhances the movement of glucose into muscle cells and

    blunts the rise in blood glucose that follows carbohydrate ingestion.

    Diabetics who are unable to produce insulin in their bodies receive

    regular injections of the hormone, often customized according to

    their individual and variable requirements. In addition to

    conventional beef-pork insulinwhich is the pancreatic extract of

    pigs and cattlehuman insulin, based on recombinant

    deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) technology, became available for use

    in the 1980s.

    Research into other areas of insulin delivery include pancreas

    transplantation and implantable mechanical insulin infusion

    systems. Medications in the form of oral hypoglycemic (blood-

    sugar-lowering) agents are also available.

    The objective of all forms of treatment of diabetes is to keep

    the level of blood sugar within normal limits and thus reduce the

    complications, primarily cardiovascular, that account for most

    diabetes-related deaths. Other serious complications include a

    condition known as diabetic retinopathy (retinal changes that can

    lead to blindness), kidney disease, and frequent infection.

    According to Jean Weininger, Diabetes Mellitus is often

    accompanied by hypertension, high blood triglyceride levels, and

  • 7/29/2019 Dm Neuropathy in Makati


    obesityis an important risk factor for heart disease and also

    warrants aggressive intervention. Furthermore, for people with

    diabetes who have a heart attack, there is an unusually high death

    rate, immediately or in the ensuing years. If blood glucose levels

    are strictly controlled, vascular complications will be decreased.

    At present no cure exists for diabetes, and scientists are

    unsure of the exact cause, although researchers are investigating a

    combination of genetic and environmental factors. So far

    researchers have identified 20 genes involved in Type 1 diabetes,

    and they are working to determine each genes role in causing the

    disease. The inheritance patterns of Type 1 diabetes are

    complicated, with many different genes influencing a persons risk.

    For instance, a gene known as DR plays a role in Type 1 diabetes.

    Two forms of this gene, called DR3 and DR4, are present in 95

    percent of people with Type 1 diabetes. People who inherit DR3

    alone develop diabetes at an older age and have antibodies that

    destroy insulin-producing beta cells. Those who inherit DR4 tend to

    develop diabetes earlier in life and have antibodies that destroy

    insulin. A person with both DR3 and DR4 typically develops diabetes

    at a very young age and has the highest level of insulin-destroying


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    William A. Redmond cited that researchers were surprised to

    find that a variation of a gene called Caplain-10, which is not

    involved in glucose metabolism, is associated with the development

    of Type 2 diabetes. One form of this gene produces a small amount

    of protein, and researchers are studying how this decrease in

    protein increases a persons risk for diabetes. Other genetic studies

    indicate that certain genes cause a variation of Type 2 diabetes

    called maturity onset diabetes of the young (MODY), which

    develops in people under the age of 25. Although scientists do not

    yet understand how these genes cause MODY, the genes are known

    to be active in the liver, intestine, kidney, and pancreas.

    Other scientists hope to identify the environmental factors

    that trigger Type 1 diabetes in people with a genetic predisposition

    for the disease. If they can determine what causes the immune

    system to attack the cells that produce insulin, they may discover

    how to prevent the condition from developing. For instance, studies

    suggest that certain viruses, such as coxsackie B, rubella, and

    mumps, may trigger an immune reaction against beta cells or in

    some cases directly infect and destroy these cells.

    Researchers attribute most cases of Type 2 diabetes to

    obesity. Studies show that the risk for developing Type 2 diabetes

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    increases by 4 percent for every pound of excess weight a person

    carries. Researchers are investigating the exact role that extra

    weight plays in preventing the proper utilization of insulin and why

    some overweight people develop the disease while others do not.

    Research also focuses on transplanting a healthy pancreas or

    its insulin-producing beta cells into a person with Type 1 diabetes to

    provide a natural source of insulin. Some patients who have

    received pancreas transplants have experienced considerable

    improvements in their health, but positive, long-term results with

    beta-cell transplants have not yet occurred. In both types of

    transplants recipients must take drugs that suppress their immune

    systems so the body will not reject the new pancreas or cells. These

    drugs can cause life-threatening side effects because the patients

    body can no longer protect itself from other harmful substances. In

    most people with diabetes, these drugs pose a greater risk to

    health than living with diabetes. Scientists are also studying the

    development of an artificial pancreas and ways to genetically

    manipulate non-insulin-producing cells into making insulin.

    New methods for accurately measuring blood glucose levels

    may improve the quality of life for many individuals with diabetes.

    New techniques include the use of laser beams and infrared

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    technology. For example, a tiny computer using infrared light can

    be used to measure a persons blood sugar level. The computer

    automatically delivers the reading to an insulin pump carried on the

    diabetics body that injects the appropriate amount of insulin.

    Other advances include new drugs that control blood sugar.

    In April 2000 the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

    approved glargine, an insulin drug that needs to be injected only

    once a day. Sold under the brand name Lantus, this drug can be

    used by people with Type 1 diabetes, as well as by those with Type

    2 diabetes who require insulin injections. And, as mentioned earlier,

    in 2006 the FDA approved a form of insulin that can be inhaled.

    Physicians have long known that some insulin-dependent diabetics

    fail to take the drug as often as needed because of the discomfort

    of injections. Doctors hoped the inhalant form of insulin would lead

    to better patient compliance.

    A number of drugs have been developed to help people with

    Type 2 diabetes. Examples include acarbose, (sold under the brand

    name Precose), which controls blood sugar by slowing the digestion

    of carbohydrates; and metformin (sold under the brand name

    Glucophage), which controls liver production of sugar, causes

    weight loss, and reduces total cholesterol. Pioglitazone (brand

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    name, Actos) and rosiglitazone (brand name, Avandia) are drugs

    that make the cells more sensitive to insulin.

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    FIGURE 1

    Profile of the

    respondents in terms of:

    AgeSexEducational attainment

    Position (work)

    Monthly incomeFamily history in this


    Length of having the


    Lifestyle perceive in

    terms of:


    ExerciseTherapeutic regiment

    Activities of daily living

    Relationship with othersViews in life


    Descriptive survey

    Statistical treatment

    The lifestyle of diabetes

    mellitus patients their

    knowledge and practices

    in coping on it is provenin this thesis.

  • 7/29/2019 Dm Neuropathy in Makati



    Figure 1 describes the conceptual framework of the study

    wherein the input is consisting of the following: Age, Sex,

    Educational attainment, Position (work), Monthly income, Family

    history in this disease, and Length of having the illness, it also

    includes the Lifestyle perceive of the patients in terms of: Nutrition,

    Exercise, Therapeutic regiment, Activities of daily living,

    Relationship with others and Views in life.

    On the other side, the process being used is through

    questionnaire, descriptive-survey and statistical treatment such as

    percentage, mean and tallied. The output is the lifestyle of diabetes

    mellitus patients their knowledge and practices in coping on it.

    The researchers want to find out the lifestyle of diabetes mellitus

    patients their knowledge and practices in coping on it. The table

    shows how the researchers researched, surveyed and solved their

    thesis statement.

  • 7/29/2019 Dm Neuropathy in Makati




    This chapter presents the procedures used the

    subject/respondents and how they were chosen the techniques in

    the collection of the data and the statistics in the treatment of the



    The research used the survey method. Specifically, questions

    were used as the techniques and questionnaires to be answered

    were diabetes mellitus patients as an instrument. The survey

    method goes beyond mere gathering and tabulation of data. It

    involves the elements of interpretation of the meaning or

    significance of what is being described. Thus, it is often combined

    with comparison and contrast involving measurement,

    classification, interpretation and evaluation. Through the use of

    survey, the researchers were able to gather directly, first hand

    information about the subject study. This kind of information is

    more accurate, more valid and more reliable than any other


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    The survey method is used as instrument, specifically in case

    studies through giving of questionnaire to be read and answered by

    the respondents. This is used when an extensively thorough and

    comprehensive study of a particular individual, group, institution

    involved over a period of time.

    The researchers used structured type of questionnaire

    wherein it involves questions pertinent to the study. The analysis

    of the respondents helped the researcher to gather factual and

    accurate data.


    The respondents of the study are patients who are diagnosed

    with diabetes mellitus who is high risk in developing DM

    neuropathy. We choose them to be able to justify our findings

    about their lifestyle and practices after finding out about their

    health having a disease like this.

    There would be 50 respondents who are diagnosed with

    diabetes mellitus from different hospitals in Makati namely,

    Makati Medical Center, Medical City and Ospital ng Makati.

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    For the collection of data, the researchers used volunteer

    sampling as part of their sample strategy. The researchers have

    had one hundred students from the two selected schools volunteer.

    The researchers conducted the study at separate dates,

    because the survey cannot be done simultaneously in the two

    schools. During the students vacant periods, the researchers asked

    their permission to take part in this study as respondents.


    All data gathered were presented a tabular form using a

    simple statistical tool in analyzing the data. The frequency and

    percentage were arrived at by applying the formula below:

    P= f/n X 100

    Where : P = resulting change

    F = Frequency and

    N = total number of respondents

  • 7/29/2019 Dm Neuropathy in Makati


    WM= x/n

    Where: WM = weighted mean

    X = sum total of answers

    Order each variable

    N = total number of respondents

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    This chapter reveals the presentation, analysis and

    interpretation of the data gathered by the researchers from the

    respondents regarding their lifestyle when they have been

    diagnosed by diabetes mellitus.

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    TABLE 1



    20-25 10 20

    26-30 12 24

    31-35 18 36

    36-above 10 20

    TOTAL 50 100%

    The table shows the distribution of the respondents according

    to age group.

    This table shows that there are more respondents who had

    diabetes mellitus who aged 31-35.

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  • 7/29/2019 Dm Neuropathy in Makati


    TABLE 2



    MALE 35 70

    FEMALE 15 30

    TOTAL 50 100%

    This table shows that there are more male respondents who

    had diabetes mellitus with 35 in numbers and with 70% out of




  • 7/29/2019 Dm Neuropathy in Makati


    TABLE 3



    High school graduate 5 10College level 8 16

    College graduate 29 58

    Others/vocational 8 16

    TOTAL 50 100%

    This only shows that 58% out of 100% respondents are

    college graduate and this means that they are knowledgeable about

    their disease

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  • 7/29/2019 Dm Neuropathy in Makati


    TABLE 4



    Staff/Crew 4 8Medical field 3 6

    Technology field 2 4

    Others/entrepreneur 41 82

    TOTAL 50 100%

    This only shows that 82% of the respondents is self-employed

    or they are entrepreneur, they have hold their own time, and rather

    can support themselves on maintaining their health after

    discovering they had diabetes mellitus.

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  • 7/29/2019 Dm Neuropathy in Makati


    TABLE 5



    5,000-10,000 5 1011,000-20,000 14 28

    21,000-30,000 29 58

    30,000-above 2 4

    TOTAL 50 100%

    This means that these people, some of them are insulin

    dependent, can ensure or rather support their expenses for their

    diabetes mellitus maintenance.

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  • 7/29/2019 Dm Neuropathy in Makati


    TABLE 6



    Father 10 20Mother 12 24

    Father side 18 36

    Mother side 10 20

    TOTAL 50 100%

    The table shows the family history of the respondents

    according to group. The respondents who had a father and

    relatives from their mother side with diabetes mellitus is 20%, 24%

    respondents claimed that their mother has diabetes mellitus, and

    on the highest rank in the group is relatives with diabetes mellitus

    on their fathers side.

    This table means that all of the respondents acquired their

    diabetes mellitus from familial tendency or it is in the genes.

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  • 7/29/2019 Dm Neuropathy in Makati


    TABLE 7



    0-5 years 5 106-10 years 14 28

    11-15 years 29 58

    16 years-above 2 4

    TOTAL 50 100%

    The table shows the patients length of the having the disease,

    11-15 years is the highest, meaning that 58% of the respondents

    already know their disease even before it is diagnosed.

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  • 7/29/2019 Dm Neuropathy in Makati


    TABLE 8


    does your daily routine is affected when you are diagnosed

    with the diabetes mellitus?


    YES 35 70

    NO 9 18

    MAYBE 6 12TOTAL 50 100%

    70 percent answers that they agree that their daily routine is really

    affected, most of them answers that their routines are decreased.

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  • 7/29/2019 Dm Neuropathy in Makati


    TABLE 9


    does your diet or way of eating affected?


    YES 35 70

    NO 9 18

    MAYBE 6 12

    TOTAL 50 100%

    70 percent said that their dies is really affected after they are

    diagnosed with the disease.

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  • 7/29/2019 Dm Neuropathy in Makati


    TABLE 10


    do you think that diabetes mellitus affects views in life?


    YES 27 54

    NO 8 16

    MAYBE 15 30

    TOTAL 50 100%

    27 our of 50 respondents nodded with this question, meaning that

    after they know that they have diabetes mellitus they have changed

    their views in life, but still they remain energetic for the time being.

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  • 7/29/2019 Dm Neuropathy in Makati


    TABLE 11


    are you informed about the causes of this disease?


    YES 45 90

    NO 0 0

    MAYBE 5 10

    TOTAL 50 100%

    Accordingly, this only shows that most of the respondents are

    informed with the cause of the disease.

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    TABLE 12


    are you aware that you might have DM neuropathy?


    YES 3 7

    NO 26 52

    MAYBE 21 41

    TOTAL 50 100%

    52 percent of the respondents that not aware that they might have

    infections, 41 percent said that maybe they do know and only 7

    percent relatively answers yes.

    Meaning these respondents doesnt know that they might have

    infection after having a diabetes mellitus

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  • 7/29/2019 Dm Neuropathy in Makati


    TABLE 13


    do you think that not having this disease will decrease your

    sexual drive?


    YES 50 100%

    NO 0 0

    MAYBE 0 0TOTAL 50 100%

    All of the 50 respondents agrees that they will loose their sex drive

    because of this disease.

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    Diabetes is detected by measuring the amount of glucose in

    the blood after an individual has fasted (abstained from food) for

    about eight hours. In some cases, physicians diagnose diabetes by

    administering an oral glucose tolerance test, which measures

    glucose levels before and after a specific amount of sugar has been


    Once diabetes is diagnosed, treatment consists of controlling

    the amount of glucose in the blood and preventing complications.

    Depending on the type of diabetes, this can be accomplished

    through regular physical exercise, a carefully controlled diet, and


    Individuals with Type 1 diabetes must receive insulin, often

    two to four times a day, to provide the body with the hormone it

    does not produce. Insulin cannot be taken orally, because it is

    destroyed in the digestive system. Consequently, insulin-dependent

    diabetics have historically injected the drug using a hypodermic

    needle or a beeper-sized pump connected to a needle inserted

    under the skin. In 2006, the United States Food and Drug

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    Administration approved a form of insulin that can be inhaled and

    then is absorbed by blood in the lungs.

    The amount of insulin needed varies from person to person

    and may be influenced by factors such as a persons level of

    physical activity, diet, and the presence of other health disorders.

    Typically, individuals with Type 1 diabetes use a meter several

    times a day to measure the level of glucose in a drop of their blood

    obtained by pricking a fingertip. They can then adjust the dosage of

    insulin, physical exercise, or food intake to maintain the blood sugar

    at a normal level. People with Type 1 diabetes must carefully

    control their diets by distributing meals and snacks throughout the

    day so as not to overwhelm the ability of the insulin supply to help

    cells absorb glucose. They also need to eat foods that contain

    complex sugars, which break down slowly and cause a slower rise

    in blood sugar levels.

    Although most persons with Type 1 diabetes strive to lower

    the amount of glucose in their blood, levels that are too low can

    also cause health problems. For example, if a person with Type 1

    diabetes takes too much insulin, it can produce low blood sugar

    levels. This may result in hypoglycemia, a condition characterized

    by shakiness, confusion, and anxiety. A person who develops

  • 7/29/2019 Dm Neuropathy in Makati


    hypoglycemia can combat symptoms by ingesting glucose tablets or

    by consuming foods with high sugar content, such as fruit juices or

    hard candy.

    In order to control insulin levels, people with Type 1 diabetes

    must monitor their glucose levels several times a day. In 1983 a

    group of 1,441 Type 1 diabetics aged 13 to 39 began participating

    in the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT), the largest

    scientific study of diabetes treatment ever undertaken. The DCCT

    studied the potential for reducing diabetes-related complications,

    such as nerve or kidney disease or eye disorders, by having

    patients closely monitor their blood sugar levels four to six times a

    day, maintaining the levels as close to normal as possible. The

    results of the study, reported in 1993, showed a 50 to 75 percent

    reduction of diabetic complications in people who aggressively

    monitored and controlled their glucose levels. Although the study

    was performed on people with Type 1 diabetes, researchers believe

    that close monitoring of blood sugar levels would also benefit

    people with Type 2 diabetes.

    For persons with Type 2 diabetes, treatment begins with diet

    control, exercise, and weight reduction, although over time this

    treatment may not be adequate. People with Type 2 diabetes

  • 7/29/2019 Dm Neuropathy in Makati


    typically work with nutritionists to formulate a diet plan that

    regulates blood sugar levels so that they do not rise too swiftly

    after a meal. A recommended meal is usually low in fat (30 percent

    or less of total calories), provides moderate protein (10 to 20

    percent of total calories), and contains a variety of carbohydrates,

    such as beans, vegetables, and grains. Regular exercise helps body

    cells absorb glucoseeven ten minutes of exercise a day can be

    effective. Diet control and exercise may also play a role in weight

    reduction, which appears to partially reverse the bodys inability to

    use insulin.

    For some people with Type 2 diabetes, diet, exercise, and

    weight reduction alone may work initially, but eventually this

    regimen does not help control high blood sugar levels. In these

    cases, oral medication may be prescribed. If oral medications are

    ineffective, a person with Type 2 diabetes may need insulin doses

    or a combination of oral medication and insulin. About 50 percent of

    individuals with Type 2 diabetes require oral medications, 40

    percent require insulin or a combination of insulin and oral

    medications, and 10 percent use diet and exercise alone.

    And thus, diabetes mellitus does not affect the daily activities

    of the person diagnosed with it. Thus, they reduced these activities

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    and have several changes in dies especially the people who are

    insulin dependent.

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    According to the information gathered the following are the

    conclusions drawn:

    At present no cure exists for diabetes, and scientists are

    unsure of the exact cause, although researchers are

    investigating a combination of genetic and environmental


    A person with both DR3 and DR4 typically develops diabetes

    at a very young age and has the highest level of insulin-

    destroying antibodies.

    New methods for accurately measuring blood glucose levels

    may improve the quality of life for many individuals with


    some insulin-dependent diabetics fail to take the drug as

    often as needed because of the discomfort of injections.

    If left untreated, diabetes mellitus may cause life-threatening


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    Blockages of large blood vessels in diabetics can lead to many

    cardiovascular problems, including high blood pressure, heart

    attack, and stroke.


    After writing the conclusions the following are recommended

    to read the research:





    This research would give them information about the disease

    and how to cope up with it, and the changes it does to our lifestyle.

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    1. Close, EJ, Wiles, PG, Lockton, JA, et al. The degree of day-to-

    day variation in food intake in diabetic patients. Diabet Med 1993;


    2. Pan, XR, Li, GW, Hu, YH, et al. Effects of diet and exercise in

    preventing NIDDM in people with impaired glucose tolerance. The

    Da Qing IGT study. Diabetes Care 1997; 20:537.

    3. American Diabetes Association. Nutritional Recommendations

    and Principles for People with Diabetes Mellitus. Diabetes Care

    1994; 17:519.

    4. Torjesen, PA, Birkeland, KI, Anderssen, SA, et al. Lifestyle

    changes may reverse development of the insulin resistance

    syndrome. The Oslo diet and exercise study: A randomized trial.

    Diabetes Care 1997; 20:26.
  • 7/29/2019 Dm Neuropathy in Makati



    5. Word power dictionary pp 499 vol iv 4998

    6. The new lexicon websters dictionary ; 1995 vol II pp579

    7. World book dictionary pp 487 year 1995

    8. Readers digest word dictionary ; first edition 1998 pp 135

    9. The new websters dictionary of the English language ;

    international edition 1995 pp 104

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    INSTRUCTION: Please fill up the data by placing a check on the

    space provided. (no erasure)









  • 7/29/2019 Dm Neuropathy in Makati



    _____High school graduate

    _____College level

    _____College graduate




    _____Medical field

    _____Technology field







  • 7/29/2019 Dm Neuropathy in Makati





    _____Father side

    _____Mother side



    _____0-5 years

    _____6-10 years

    _____11-15 years

    _____16 years-above

    does your daily routine is affected when you are diagnosed with

    the diabetes mellitus?




  • 7/29/2019 Dm Neuropathy in Makati


    does your diet or way of eating affected?




    do you think that diabetes mellitus affects views in life?




    are you informed about the causes of this disease?




  • 7/29/2019 Dm Neuropathy in Makati


    are you aware that you might have DM neuropathy?




    do you think that not having this disease will decrease your sexual



