Download - DIY Push Pull Sled Plans




Height adjustable horiz push bar (I'll let you think of a solution for the rings)

Std 'fitness' plate horrn (?) is adjustable too...

That's the pretties outta the way...

Now the details (there's no B3 by the way, uhm!)

Download and print at A3

Note the T-joint is designed to pivot, if reqd, for storage/travel.

For the tube-in-tube stuff you may need to file down the seams;

but it isn't too big of a job. If you only plan to use this only on solid/well

compacted soilthen you could make the skis out of SHS/RHS box section

- if you can't get the plates bent.(they generally have well radiused corners)

Again - non of the above dims are set in stone; any competent Smithy should

be able to take the drgs and fashion something serviceable up!