Download - Divine Mercy Catholic Ascension of our Lord is an event that is commemorat-ed by a feast day, usually

Page 1: Divine Mercy Catholic Ascension of our Lord is an event that is commemorat-ed by a feast day, usually

Divine Mercy Catholic Church

2231 Club Center Drive, Sacramento, CA 95835

Tel: (916) 256-3134

Parish Email: [email protected]

Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00 am-4:00 pm

MISSION STATEMENT ~ To establish a faith-filled community bonded by love. To

proclaim the good news, foster personal encounters with the living Christ and strengthen the

family by witnessing the gospel values of love, mercy, justice, forgiveness and service to all.

PASTOR Rev. Soane Kaniseli [email protected]

Deacon Rick Morales [email protected]

Deacon James Ogbonna [email protected]

Sacraments Mass


Mon - Sat

8:30 AM

10:00 AM


9:30 am

My parish App

Church Office Lines, M-F 9:00am-4:00 (916) 256-3134

Your email box.


of the Sick


Please call the Parish Office.


In this e-bulletin you will find:

-The Importance of Ministry/Workplace Relationships p2

-Saints and Readings for the Week p2

-Welcome Father Flores p2

-Hebrews 1:12 and the New Church p2

-Ecclesiastes 3:1-11 A Holy Moment p3

-Father Soane Retires at the End of June p3

-Prayers of the Faithful p3

-The Ascension and a Prayer p3

-The Gift of Presence p3

-Celebrant Schedule and Mass Intentions p4

-Confession Schedule p4

-Treasury Report and Financial Statement p5

-What to Expect When the Church Opens p6

“But you know him, because he remains “But you know him, because he remains “But you know him, because he remains

with you, and will be in you. I will not leave with you, and will be in you. I will not leave with you, and will be in you. I will not leave

you orphans; I will come to you “you orphans; I will come to you “you orphans; I will come to you “

John 14:17John 14:17John 14:17---181818

Sixth Sunday of EasterSixth Sunday of Easter

May 17, 2020May 17, 2020

Ecclesiastes 3:1-11 A Time for Everything

What should we expect when we return?

Page 2: Divine Mercy Catholic Ascension of our Lord is an event that is commemorat-ed by a feast day, usually

Page 2 A Word From...


Sunday, May 17 St. Paschal Baylon

ACTS 8:5-8, 14-17; PS 66:1-3, 4-5, 6-7, 16, 20; 1 PT 3:15-18; JN 14:23;

JN 14:15-21

Monday, May 18 St. Pope John I

ACTS 16:11-15; PS 149:1B-2, 3-4, 5-6A AND 9B; JN 15:26B, 27A;

JN 15:26—16:4A Tuesday, May 19 St. Celestine

ACTS 16:22-34; PS 138:1-2AB, 2CDE-3, 7C-8; JN 16:7, 13; JN 16:5-11

Wednesday, May 20 St. Bernardine of Siena

ACTS 17:15, 22—18:1; PS 148:1-2, 11-12, 13, 14; JN 14:16; JN 16:12-15

Thursday, May 21 The Ascension of the Lord

ACTS 1:1-11; PS 47:2-3, 6-7, 8-9; EPH 1:17-23; MT 28:19A, 20B;

MT 28:16-20 Friday, May 22 St. Rita

ACTS 18:9-18; PS 47:2-3, 4-5, 6-7; LK 24:46, 26; JN 16:20-23

Saturday, May 23 St. John Baptist de Rossi

ACTS 18:23-28; PS 47:2-3, 8-9, 10; JN 16:28; JN 16:23B-28

An emphasis on personal

relationships suffuses the

theology of these chapters,

John 14-17. Jesus calls the

disciples “no longer serv-

ants…but friends” (John

15:15, NASB). They work

for him, but in a spirit of

friendship and collegiality. It

is in the fullest sense of the

term a family business. The work and the relationships intertwine, for Je-

sus is not working on his own. “The words that I say to you I do not speak

on my own; but the Father who dwells in me does his works. Believe me

that I am in the Father and the Father is in me” (John 14:10-11). Neither

will the disciples be left as orphans to muddle through the world as best

they can (John 14:18). Through the Spirit, Jesus will be with them, and

they will do the same things he has been doing (John 14:12).

This is deeper than it may appear. It does not mean merely that after Je-

sus dies, his disciple/friends can still experience him in prayer. It means

that they are active participants in the world-creation/restoration that fuels

the loving relationship between the Father and the Son. They do the work

of the Son and Father, and they join the intimacy of the Son and Father

(and the Spirit, as we shall see in a moment). The Father shows his love

for the Son by allowing him to share in the glory of world formation and re-

creation. The Son shows his love for the Father by ever and only doing his

will, making and remaking the world for the Father’s glory according to the

Father’s wishes in the power of the Spirit. The disciple/friends enter into

this ever-flowing love of the Father, Son, and Spirit, not only by mystical

reflection but also by embracing the Son’s mission and working as he did.

The call to share in the love is inextricable from the call to share in the

labor. The prayer, “I in them and you in me, that they may become com-

pletely one” (John 17:23), is matched by, “As you sent me into the world, I

have sent them into the world” (John 17:18), and it issues forth in “Do you

love me?...Feed my sheep” (John 21:17).

An essential aspect of human labor is the opportunity it provides for fel-

lowship through common projects. For many people, ministry/workplace

provides the most significant context outside family for personal relation-

ships. Even those who work alone — inside or outside their own homes—

are typically enmeshed in a web of relationships. We have seen that Je-

sus calls his disciples not only as co-laborers but also as a community of

friends. The relational aspect of work is not an accidental by-product of an

essentially utilitarian enterprise of labor. Rather, it is an absolutely critical

component of work itself, going back to the time when Adam and Eve

worked together in the garden. “Then the LORD God said, ‘It is not good

that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper as his partner,’”

says the Lord God (Genesis 2:18). The creation becomes the means of

interpersonal connection as humans work alongside one another, and in

so doing enter into God’s labor to bring creation to its fulfillment.

This can be a tremendous encouragement to project-oriented people who

are sometimes made to feel unspiritual because of their reluctance to

spend an abundance of time talking about their feelings. Talking with other

people is a necessary activity for developing relationships, but we should

not neglect the importance of doing work as a means for nurturing rela-

tionships. Working together can build relationships in and of itself. It is no

accident that we spend a great deal of time working with and for other

people. Modeled on God’s own work within the Trinity, we are able to

find relationship in work. Work toward a common goal is one of the chief

ways God brings us together and makes us truly human. +

The Importance of



(John 14:17)

Bible Commentary

Produced by TOW Project

St Paul writes to the Hebrews of the early church in Hebrews 1:12 about change.

In short we are reminded that the more things change the more they will become

the same which is expressive of the immutability of Christ, in his nature and perfec-

tions, in his person, and offices, in the virtue of his blood, righteousness, and sacri-

fice; and of his duration or continuance, in opposition to the fading and transitory

nature of the heavens and earth, and of all outward enjoyments: and this may

serve to take off the heart from the one, and set it upon the other; and to strength-

en our faith in Christ, and encourage us to expect a continuance of blessings from

him; all supplies of grace now, and eternal glory hereafter.

Change: Covid 19 has brought change to our ways of worship and social distanc-

ing has brought change in the way we fellowship. But the one forever constant is

that God will always provide for His sheep in His way. We are grateful for our

Lord’s Mercy and look forward to welcoming our new Parish Priest Father Eric

Flores as the new priest at Divine Mercy Catholic Church on July 1st.

Father Eric Flores

Page 3: Divine Mercy Catholic Ascension of our Lord is an event that is commemorat-ed by a feast day, usually

Page 3 “Pray without ceasing-”...I Thessalonians 5:17

Prayers of the Faithful, May 17, 2020

In the joy of the risen Lord we present our petitions to our heavenly


For the Holy Father, that he will have good health and faithfully fulfill his

role as the successor of Peter.

For the priests serving in this Diocese, that they will be given the grace

they need to persevere through the challenges brought by the Covid-19


For all those called to the priesthood or consecrated life in this Diocese,

that they will keep the commandments and come to know and respond

joyfully to the plan God has for their lives.

For all CFF students, parents and catechists that the Holy Spirit will

guide them in all that they do.

For unity in our nation and respect for life from conception to natural


For all those in authority in our Local, State and Federal Government,

that they will be guided by the Holy Spirit in their decision making.

For peace and joy in our hearts, our homes, our families and in the


For a cure for the coronavirus, healing for the sick, strength for their

families and courage and protection for those who care for them.

That God will have mercy on all those that have died and console those

that mourn their passing.

In Ecclesiastes 3 we learn

that God who made every-

thing suitable for its time is

also the one placing a

sense of past and future,

literally eternity, into human

consciousness, although

paradoxically despite know-

ing the reality of this eternity

(transcending the moment),

human beings can cope only with the moment. (Remember? One Holy

Moment at a time!)

We learn that everything has an appointed season and there is a time for

every matter under the heaven. There is a time for new beginnings; there’s a

time for endings; a time to start new plans, projects, ministries and a time to

grow those already planted. We soon will come to our time to heal from

Covid 19 and reunite with one another. And we will at that time continue to

climb our stairway to heaven and take as many of the faithful as we can

with us. And it will be time for Father Soane to retire.

Father Soane will close the everyday chapter of his priestly life at Divine

Mercy and open a new one as a retired priest

on June 28th. Father has been our Shepherd

for the last 10 years. He’s been heard to say as

he retires that he is thankful to all of those in the

ministries, and councils that he has worked with

for the work they have done for God. He will

look forward to saying Mass at various parish-

es, especially where he has served before. He

will spend time between South Sacramento,

where he has purchased a home and his home

island of Tonga. In Tonga he will spend time

with his mother who is now 93.

As he starts his retired life at the end of June we will ask that God richly

bless and watch over him; and grant him peace. +

The Ascension of our Lord is

an event that is commemorat-

ed by a feast day, usually

Thursday in the Sixth Week of

Easter. It’s also one of

the Glorious Mysteries of the

Rosary. When meditating on

the Ascension, I often think of

a good homily I heard a few

years ago at St. Patrick’s

Cathedral, given by a priest

who summarized our Lord’s

message before He ascended

into heaven in one word:


As Jesus told His Apostles right before His Ascension “Thus it is written...that

repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his [Christ's] name to

all the nations, beginning from Jerusalem. You yourselves are witnesses of

these things” (Luke 24:46-48).

He also said: “You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you,

[see Acts 2:1-11] and you shall be witnesses for me in Jerusalem and in all

Judea and Samaria and even to the very ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8).

This prayer below brings our Lord’s stirring words to mind:

Dear Lord Jesus Christ, right before your

Ascension into heaven you told your

apostles to be His witnesses to the ends

of the earth upon receiving the Holy

Spirit. May I be similarly inspired to

spread your Gospel message in word

and deed, according to your will for me.

And may I do so prudently and joyfully,

with your help, your guidance, and your grace! And remembering this glorious

event, help me to seek what is above, Heaven, where you are seated at the

right hand of God the Father!

In this scene, it's been forty days since Christ astounded His Apostles and

disciples by His Resurrection. Now, after ministering to them since then, it is

time for Him to return to His Father in heaven. Jesus fervently desires to make

heaven our true home as well.

Indeed, that’s why He sacrificed His life in His brutal Passion, to open the gates

of heaven and redeem sinful humanity! Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen confirmed

this when he said once that “Thanks to the death of Christ there was access to

heaven, access to the heavenly Father.”…+

The Gift of Presence

...on waking, I shall be content in your presence. Psalm 17:15

Do you greet the Lord when you wake? Some days I am sluggish and slow

to rouse, but I enjoy a few minutes resting in God’s loving presence before I

start the day. Other times I wake up alert and ready to go. But before I

start making my to-do list, I take a moment to remember that God was up

before me, doing more while I slept than I’ll do all day! This helps me

shape my own priorities for the day-and to make sure that God is one of

them. However you wake up, consider taking a moment to recognize that

the Lord is already present. He watches over you in the night and is ready

to be with you throughout the day. Then decide how you will respond to his

presence. Lord, when I wake, let me be filled with your presence!

Page 4: Divine Mercy Catholic Ascension of our Lord is an event that is commemorat-ed by a feast day, usually

Page 4 Approach God….Luke 11:1-28

Sunday, May 17 Live Streaming You Tube 9:30 am Bess Dagcasin + Fr. Soane Consolacion Gamboa Naniong + Tess Cruz Vicente + Merritt C. Van Ostrand + Grace Smith + Makasini Otuhiva + Monday, May 18 8:30 am Fr Ho 10:00 am Live Streaming You Tube Consolacion Gamboa Naniong + Fr. Soane Makasini Otuhiva + Tuesday, May 19 Live Streaming You Tube (Both Masses) 8:30 am Fr Michael 10:00 am Live Streaming You Tube Fr Soane Abel Ontiveros (Birthday Thanksgiving) Makasini Otuhiva + Wed, May 20 8:30 am Fr Ho 10:00 am Live Streaming You Tube Fr Soane Estrella Santos + Makasini Otuhiva + Thursday, May 21 8:30 am Fr Michael 10:00 am Live Streaming You Tube Fr Soane Makasini Otuhiva + Divina Malabunga Valencia + Lourdes Malabunga + Friday, May 22 8:30 am Fr Ho 10:00 am Live Streaming You Tube Fr Soane Adoracion Mascarenas Ravanes + Makasini Otuhiva + 3:00 pm Holy Hour/Live Streaming You Tube Fr Soane Saturday, May 23 8:30 am Fr Michael 10:00 am Live Streaming You Tube Fr Soane Jojo Rosario (Special Intention) Makasini Otuhiva + Sunday, May 24 Live Streaming You Tube 9:30 am Bess Dagcasin + Fr Soane Tess Cruz Vicente + May Arancillo (Birthday) Natividad Mascarenas + Makasini Otuhiva +

[email protected]

It’s an unprecedented time for everyone. Even

though we cannot attend mass in person,

we’re humbly asking you to continue your

financial support for our Church; if you are

able to, by sending your check donations by

mail or via Online Giving from the conven-

ience of your homes. Your support is greatly appreciated!

+Live Streaming Until We Can Meet Again+

We are live streaming the Masses and Friday Holy Hour on You Tube. You can

paste this link into your

browser or go to scroll down to the bottom right

hand side of the screen to "External Links" click on Divine Mercy You Tube.

Mass Schedule and Intentions

Adoration at Divine Mercy

Catholic Church

Unless Father announces otherwise, Divine

Mercy Catholic Church will be live streaming

Holy Hour/Adoration on Fridays at 3:00 pm.

Just tune into the Divine Mercy You Tube Chan-

nel. If you copy and paste this link into your

browser it will take you right there: https://

w w w . y o u t u b e . c o m / c h a n n e l /

UC6U5T3eVct8F6m2ni48ctJQ Due to Covid and social distancing we can-

not adore in the church. But we can adore from home. For more infor-

mation and ideas on Adoration from home go to:


Would you like to

have a Mass said?

You still can! Just follow these easy steps!

1. Go to


2. Click on Mass Intention Request Form

3. Fill the form out and print it out to mail to the church, or you can scan it

and email it to [email protected]

4. You can take care of the donation by clicking on the “Big Blue Button!”

and then going to Mass Intentions.

Giving/dmcc or you can just click here:

App/Giving/dmcc and it will take you right there. Choose Mass Inten-

tions and then submit.

5. Or you can mail the $10 donation to the Church Office at 2231 Club

Center Drive, Sacramento CA 95835.

6. Because we’re remote, we can’t take specific days, it's really first come

first serve. You still can call the office and see if we can “save” the

spot, and we’ll try.

Coming to the disciples, He found them sleeping and,

in Matthew 26:40, asked Peter:

"So, could you not watch with Me one hour?"

Confessions at Divine Mercy

Catholic Church

May 22nd, 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. (Friday)

May 29th, 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. (Friday)

No appointment necessary

First come, first serve basis

(If the Narthex is full please wait in your car

for next available opening

Father Memo pre-

pared for hearing

confessions, and

using social distanc-

ing recommenda-


Page 5: Divine Mercy Catholic Ascension of our Lord is an event that is commemorat-ed by a feast day, usually

Page 5 Giving Time, Talent, Treasure






Fiscal Year July 2019- June 2020


Don’t have a Connect Now Giving account? Follow these easy steps….

1. Go to the Church website:

2. Click on the big blue button

3. Click on “sign in” (you aren’t registered yet, but this is one step to get

you on.

4. Under the blue sign in button you will see “New? Register for an ac-


5. Click there and then fill out the form and submit.

Email [email protected] if you have any questions!

Week ending: May 3, 2020

OFFERTORY REQUIREMENTS (July 2019 - June 2020)

Average 5 week Month Requirement $ 75,000

Weekly Average Requirements $ 15,000

Week of: 3-May wk 1 $ 15,853

Week of: 10-May wk 2

Week of: 17-May wk 3

Week of: 24-May wk 4

Week of: 31-May wk 5

Total Collections This Month $ 15,853

Note: The Above Amounts Do Not Include Fundraising Donations.


Mortgage Loan Balance 5/1/2020 $ 2,011,654

This Week:

Live Streaming Attendance Was 137

Offertory Donations From Checks = $4,755

Offertory Donations From Connect Now Giving = $4,674

Mortgage Reduction Donations (Checks) = $2,315 Mortgage Reduction Donations (CNG) = $3,499

Cup of Sacrifice Donations = $610

Plan ahead, sign up for Connect Now Giving

God Bless You for Your Continuing Generosity

Have your gift recorded by using envelopes. We will provide you with a record of your tax-deductible donations every year. Don’t have enve-

lopes? Call Parish office to request – it’s easy!


Monthly Statement of Activity

April 30,



Offertory Donations $38,254.00

Fundraising $0.00

Other Receipts $1,636.00

TOTAL Income $39,890.00


Payroll & Benefits $22,090.00

Maint & Supplies $7,312.00

Utilities $3,704.00

Prop Taxes & Insurance $3,234.00

Other Expenses $1,277.00

Fundraising Expenses $0.00

Diocesan Assessment Fees* $7,946.00

TOTAL Expense $45,563.00



* Fundraising events have not been adjusted for expense

Mortgage Reduction Do-nations $32,749.00

Mortgage Balance $2,045,849.00

Mortgage Payment Paid $32,195.00

Mortgage Interest $0.00

Ending Mortgage Balance $2,013,654.00

Page 6: Divine Mercy Catholic Ascension of our Lord is an event that is commemorat-ed by a feast day, usually

Page 6 Divine Mercy Catholic Church Ministries

“For I was hungry and you gave me

food, I was thirsty and you gave me

drink, a stranger and you welcomed

me,” Matthew 25:35

Your donations of food

and water provided

groceries for 45 households and 6 cases of bottled water for the cathe-


Thank you all for your generous donations and thanks to our food distri-

bution team.!

We will continue our Monday morning drop off of donations. Just drive

up to the Church between 9-10am. Include food items for pantry and

water for homeless.

God is good all the time!


Our catechists continue to send weekly CFF

lessons to their students through

emails. Some of them use Zoom to allow for

live interaction between them and the children

in their class. One catechist records a You

Tube video of him teaching and sends the link

to the parents so that the children could

watch. There were two catechists who went to

the CFF families’ houses to give the CFF text-

book to the children. Wow! Talk about how creative and resourceful our catechists

are in helping their charges get to know and love our Lord Jesus more and more!

May 17th/ 18th is the last day of CFF. Even if CFF ends on this day, all CFF fami-

lies are encouraged to give time to knowing the Lord Jesus more through (1) attend-

ing the weekly or daily Mass online, (2) Bible reading, Bible study, praying with

Scripture, (3) praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet and the Rosary (especially this

month being the month dedicated to our Blessed Mother), and (4) being extra kind to

others. +

CFF News May 2020

Marriage and Family Life

Ministry continues during



Divine Mercy is complying with the

shutdown to protect our parishioners,

but Marriage and Family Life is pleased to be able to work virtually to continue

some parts of the marriage preparation program, when appropriate and safe.

We are continuing to look forward to completing our work with couples for those

parts that require in person visits later in the year when those type of visits are

permitted again.

For example, the Marriage and Family Life ministry has obtained approval from

the relationship Inventory program (FOCCUS) used in this diocese, to offer

some follow up classes for this portion of marriage prep virtually. We are com-

plying with the specific recommendations for conducting these virtual classes.

There are several couples in various stages of completing the requirements for

marriage preparation at Divine Mercy. We are excited to keep contact with the

couples preparing for marriage by zoom, email and by phone as appropriate.

We look forward to the day we can also have meetings in person, so all required

classes can be completed.


Our focus has been on Marriage Preparation, but we are also encouraging mar-

ried couples to access other resources for their marriage enrichment.

The pandemic has changed so many things in our lives, but we are able at Di-

vine Mercy to turn to our parish for virtual Mass, adoration and prayer. We are

blessed during this difficult time with resources for Catholics through so many

groups- such as Dynamic Catholic, Relevant Radio, Ascension Press and many

other on line resources. Checkout these marriage enrichment sites: thecou- and the




go to:


to see Father’s full video, detail-

ing these points.

Mathew 5:7 Blessed are the Merciful for

They Will Be Shown Mercy

The following topics and information are taken from the video that

Father (and Phil Serrano) made to answer some of our Parishioner

questions. To see the full video paste into your browser https:// , you can go to

the church website at and you will

find a link that takes you to youtube on the bottom right side of the


Are Masses allowed in our Diocese yet?

There hasn’t been any new updates from the Bishop, so the situation

remains the same as it was last Sunday.

Is our Parish prepared for public Masses Yet?

We are preparing. The Diocese has given instruction to each


For example, what is the capacity of each church? Our church was

550 seated capacity pre-covid 19. When we are allowed to come

back we will only have 190 people that can be seated in our church.

If we use the Narthex, seating can be increased to 200.

Cont. page 7

Page 7: Divine Mercy Catholic Ascension of our Lord is an event that is commemorat-ed by a feast day, usually


Cont. from page 6


How many public Masses will be celebrated?

We will focus on one Mass at first. We have to make sure the Church is

sanitized before the people come in and again after the Mass. We are

going to ask all of the people to follow the Covid 19 guidelines and pro-

tect themselves and those around them by keeping social distance (6

feet or more), wearing a mask, and using sanitizer or washing your

hands often. If we are organized, we may have two Masses.

Our Bishop, Jaime Soto has given all parishes directions as to what to

do and what to prepare for when the time comes to allow people to

come back to public Mass. He has asked us to check our church to

make sure we have space and make sure there is 6 feet of space be-

tween seating areas, the families of 3 or 4 (as an example) may sit to-

gether. When we enter the Church, we will enter through one door.

Going out we will be able to use both of the doors.

With this there will be a need for more Ushers, to comfortably direct

people on where they should go.

Will the Parish be able to facilitate baptisms, weddings and funer-


For Funeral and grave site services:

Again only 10. The funeral director, priest, lay

persons, etc. are included as part of the 10.


Still allowed the baptisms, no more than 10 people.

(There should be more information coming about

prep classes, etc...but for now this rule has been

announced.) There will be only 1 child per baptism.

First communion:

is postponed.


for the young people is also postponed.

For RCIA :

The candidates who have already been bap-

tized, should be prepared to be accepted into

the church of course after their first commun-

ion. There are other items that will need to be

addressed, for example first confession; but for this moment in time the

rule is announced.) These celebrations will be conducted with the local

public health regulations in mind.


The direction from the Bishop about the Sacra-

ment of Marriage may be celebrated with groups

of no more than 10.


will continue as they have been at Divine Mercy and

the schedule is announced in the bulletin. For con-

fession you are reminded to maintain social distance

and wear a mask. Please was and sanitize your


Thank you for support of our Parish in every way, prayers, all that you

have done. Father is encouraging everyone to please be patient in all

things, what’s going on in our state, and we are encouraged to remain

obedient to the Bishop, to the authorities and pray. Pray with hope, pray

that soon this will be over and we will be coming back together again in

our church as a family to celebrate Mass.

Pray for the fortitude to be obedient so you can receive the graces from

God. +

Knights Of Columbus

Council 14158

Virtual Meeting

@ Tue May 19, 2020 7:30pm

Brothers, check your email for details or contact

Nathan Hall at ([email protected])

Divine Mercy Parish will need more Ushers when the

Church begins the reopen. This will be a structured

setting due to the details that we will need to adhere to.

We need volunteers. Father is actively reaching out for

help. If you are able to help please email

[email protected] or

[email protected]

May God bless you abundantly for your willingness to

serve your Parish family and friends to make His chil-

dren feel safe and comfortable.

Page 8: Divine Mercy Catholic Ascension of our Lord is an event that is commemorat-ed by a feast day, usually

Call the

Church Office

at 916-256-3134

for a quote!