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  • 8/12/2019 District Technology Teaching Plan


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    District Technology Training Plan

    Prince Georges County Public SchoolsUpper Marlboro, MD

    Angela KitchensJune 9, 2014

    EDTC 640University of Maryland University College

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    Prince Georges County Public School District

    Prince Georges County Public Schools (PGCPS) is the nations 19thlargest school district,

    has 205 schools, over 125,000 students and more than 23,000 employees. The district serves a

    diverse student population from urban, suburban and rural communities within the DC Metropolitan

    area. The county has a north and south side referred to as Northern PG County and Southern PG

    County. There were 125,136 students enrolled in PGCPS during the 2013-2014 school year. The

    population enrolled includes 5,641 pre-kindergarten students, 10,260 kindergarten students, 47,569

    elementary students (grades1-5), 26,492 middle school students (grades 6-8), and 35,174 high school

    students (grades 9-12). The following two charts show the percentage of students within a specific

    race and a snapshot of how many students make up each race represented in the county (Prince

    Georges County Public Schools, 2014).

    Source: PGCPS Facts and Figures, 2013.

    Chart B: Demographic Snapshot, PGCPS, SY2012-13

    Student Subgroup Number Percent

    LatinoAll Races 27,983 22.6%

    Native American 636 0.5%

    Asian 3,606 2.9%

    African American 83,419 67.4%

    Native Hawaiian/

    Pacific Islander

    265 0.2%

    White 5,710 4.6%

    Two or More Races 2,121 1.7%

    Total 123,741 100.0%

    Special Education


    13,757 11.1%

    Limited English

    Proficient (LEP)

    15,372 13.6%

    FARMs 73,980 60%

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    received feedback from all of my colleagues, I found that most of these teachers had the same

    concerns. The survey showed that the teachers are only somewhat comfortable with using

    technology in the classroom and feel that there is a lack of knowledge and training related to the

    various technologies within their school building. Furthermore, 60% of the teachers that took the

    survey noted that their low comfortable levels with using their SMART Boards have made them opt

    to use the whiteboard as an overhead projector or not at all. A common thread seen in the survey was

    that teachers did not feel they had proper training, if any, on how to incorporate SMART Boards into

    their curriculum.

    The survey indicated that 40% of teachers are somewhat comfortable with using technology,

    40% are not comfortable, and 20% are very comfortable with using technology in the classroom.

    Also, the survey showed that the reasons for teachers not utilizing the technology in their classroom

    was 50% have little no training, 20% lack interest in using the technology, and 30% have little

    knowledge about incorporating technology into their curriculum. These numbers prove that there is a

    major need for training on incorporating technology into instruction. Furthermore, trainings need to

    be engaging to increase teachers interest in using the technology within their classroom. Since, most

    classrooms and schools are supplied with SMART Boards; this is a technology that can be focused

    on. Teachers have already been noted saying that they do not know how to create lessons for their

    SMART Boards or even use them, so a training for the county on SMART Boards is needed to help

    teachers being utilizing the benefits of their SMART Boards.

    The needs of PGCPS in regards to SMART Boards are that teachers are not properly trained

    to use SMART Boards for instructional purposes. Teachers are not aware of the software license for

    SMART Notebook that the county has bought or do not know how to use the software to create

    lessons. SMART Board training is only provided sporadically throughout the year and by request

    from schools administration. There is no ongoing support for incorporating SMART Notebook

    lessons or the effectiveness of lessons that teachers are using in their classrooms. The development

    of the District Technology Training Plan will address these problems and needs.

    The Audience

    The audience for this training will consist of classroom based teachers across the county. This

    includes any teacher that works inside the classroom with students at any given point. In PGCPS, the

    teachers educational backgrounds range from having Bachelors, Masters, and Doctorate degrees.

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    Over the past two years, the county has experienced an increase in retiring teachers and new

    teachers. Although, there has been no survey to assess the recent increase in teachers retiring more

    over the past two years, a common theme that is being seen across the county is these teachers do not

    understand how to incorporate all the new technology into curriculum and feel overwhelmed with

    meeting the demand of using technology in the classroom. Although, the training is geared towards

    classroom based teachers, principals and other administrators are encouraged to attend the training to

    see what the SMART Board and SMART Notebook lessons entail and how they can assess their

    staffs effectiveness with using SMART Boards for meeting instructional goals and state standards.

    The Goals/Objectives

    o Teachers will learn the basics of SMART Notebook lesson software to create lessons for the

    SMART Board.


    Teachers will learn how to present a SMART Notebook lesson.

    o Teachers will learn how to create a SMART Notebook lesson.

    o Teachers will learn how to share a SMART Notebook lesson with the rest of the district.

    o Teachers will be able to create SMART Notebook lessons in different content areas.


    Title Target Audience Description

    SMART Notebook LessonBasics Elementary K-5


    The K-5t grade teachers will learn informationabout SMART Notebook Lessons and allowteachers to familiarize themselves with SMARTNotebook software and hardware.

    SMART NotebookLessons Elementary MathK-2


    The K-2ndgrade teachers will learn to createtheir own SMART Notebook lessons for Math.

    SMART NotebookLessons ElementaryReading/Language Arts(RELA)K-2


    The K-2ndgrade teachers will learn to createtheir own SMART Notebook lessons forReading/Language Arts.

    SMART Notebook LessonElementary Math 3-5

    3rd-5thMath Teachers

    The 3r -5t grade Math teachers will learn tocreate their own SMART Notebook lessons forMath.

    SMART Notebook LessonElementaryReading/Language Arts

    3r -5t Reading/Language

    Arts Teachers

    The 3r -5t grade Math teachers will learn tocreate their own SMART Notebook lessons forReading/Language Arts.

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    (RELA) 3-5

    SMART Notebook LessonElementary Related Arts


    Teachers will learn to create their own SMARTNotebook lessons for their content area.

    SMART Notebook LessonBasics Middle School


    The 6t -8t grade teachers will learn informationabout SMART Notebook Lessons and allowteachers to familiarize themselves with SMARTNotebook software and hardware.

    SMART NotebookLessons Middle SchoolReading/Language Arts

    6t -8t Reading/Language

    Arts Teachers

    The 6t -8t grade teachers will learn to createtheir own SMART Notebook lessons forReading/Language Arts.

    SMART NotebookLessons Middle SchoolMath

    6th-8thMath Teachers

    The 6t -8t grade Math teachers will learn tocreate their own SMART Notebook lessons forMath.

    SMART Notebook Lesson

    Middle School Science


    Science Teachers

    The 6t -8t grade Science teachers will learn tocreate their own SMART Notebook lessons for


    SMART Notebook LessonMiddle School RelatedArts

    6t -8t Social Studies


    The 6t -8t grade Social Studies teachers willlearn to create their own SMART Notebooklessons for Social Studies.

    SMART Notebook LessonBasics High School


    The 9t -12t grade teachers will learninformation about SMART Notebook Lessonsand allow teachers to familiarize themselveswith SMART Notebook software and hardware.

    SMART NotebookLessons High School

    Reading/Language Arts

    9t -12t Reading/Language

    Arts Teachers

    The 9t -12t grade RELA teachers will learn tocreate their own SMART Notebook lessons for

    Reading/Language Arts.

    SMART NotebookLessons High School Math

    9th-12thMath Teachers

    The 9t -12t grade Math teachers will learn tocreate their own SMART Notebook lessons forMath.

    SMART Notebook LessonHigh School Science

    9th-12thScience Teachers

    The 9t -12t grade Science teachers will learn tocreate their own SMART Notebook lessons forScience.

    SMART Notebook LessonHigh School Social Studies

    9t -12t Social Studies


    The 9t -12t grade Social Studies teachers willlearn to create their own SMART Notebooklessons for Social Studies.

    SMART Notebook LessonHigh School Specialists


    Specialists (music, art, P.E., etc.) will createSMART Notebook lessons related to theircontent areas.

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    Instructional Strategies

    The main objective of the training is for teachers to familiarize and become confident with using

    SMART Notebook software and hardware to create SMART lessons for instruction. In order to

    reach this objective, I will have teachers engage in hands on lessons and activities. Each teacher

    attending the training will go to a session that teaches them the basics of SMART Notebook lessons

    are and how to present these lessons. I will teach material through lecture and incorporate having

    teachers come up and demonstrate tasks and what Ive taught during the lessons. Teachers will

    evaluate some SMART Notebook lessons that they find in the online database to assess their

    effectiveness for teaching (the lesson can be effective or ineffective). The evaluation of lessons will

    provide teachers the opportunity to determine which lessons theyve found are effective for meeting

    Common Core State Standards and curriculum objectives and can be used for instruction.

    Teachers will attend a content area training where they will create their own SMART Notebook

    lessons in small groups. Incorporating a hands on method of teaching will help teachers become

    comfortable with using the SMART Board and SMART Notebook software to create lessons for

    different purposes. Teachers will be more likely to retain the knowledge they gain from this training

    by being able to physically interact with what they are learning.

    Lesson Plans for Five Day Workshop

    Day 1-SMART Notebook Lesson and Hardware Basics AM Session-K-2


    Subject:SMART Notebook Lesson and Hardware Basics

    Prerequisite: Basic Computer Skills


    This lesson will introduce staff to set up procedures, hardware components, and how to use and

    operate the interactive whiteboard. Installation and features of the Notebook software will be

    introduced with emphasis on the on-line available resources.


    -Teachers will be aware of a SMART Notebook Lesson and learn how to locate the online database.

    -Teachers will assess previously created SMART Notebook Lessons for effectiveness and meeting

    state standards.

    -Teachers will learn the basics of how to create a SMART Notebook lesson.

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    -Teachers will learn about the hardware of the SMART Board.

    How will you teach the lesson?

    Teachers will be engaged with the instructors throughout the lesson. During the lesson, I will model

    how to locate the database in Notebook and how to open previously made lessons on the Promethean

    Planet website. There will be a brief lecture on how to evaluate this type of lesson and then the

    teachers will use a guide sheet to evaluate several lessons in small groups. There will be a brief

    demonstration of how to create a SMART Notebook lesson and teachers from the audience will be

    called to the front to help.


    SMART Board

    LCD Projector

    Laptop-Use of SMART Notebook software and internet access

    Microphone-for presenter

    Evaluation Guide Sheet

    Evaluation Strategies

    1. During group work, the instructor will walk from group to group and observe and listen.

    2. Evaluation sheets will be compared to completed lessons.

    3. Teachers will also complete an exit slip stating the top two most important things they learned

    from the days lesson.

    Day 1 -Notebook Lesson PM Session: K-2nd

    Reading/Language Arts

    Subject:SMART Notebook Content Lessons

    Prerequisite:Basic Computer Skills, SMART Notebook Lesson Basics


    Teachers will gain practice creating a SMART Board with their small groups and evaluate another

    groups lesson.


    -Teachers will learn how to create a new SMART Notebook lesson.

    -Teachers will evaluate another groups lesson.

    -Teachers will make adjustments to their lesson based on the evaluation.

    -Teachers will learn how to submit their lessons to the online database.

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    How will you teach the lesson?

    After my introduction , I will ask the teachers to break back into their small groups. Each group will

    have no more than 4-5 members. Once the groups are established, each group will be given a topic

    from their grade level curriculum and asked to create a lesson related to their topic. I will emphasize

    that this is just practice with creating a lesson to test the skills theyve learned today. The groups will

    be provided an hour and fifteen minutes to complete their lesson and once time is up, each group

    will be assigned another groups lesson to evaluate. After the evaluations are complete, groups will

    combine to share their feedback on each others lessons. If changes need to be made, groups will be

    provided twenty minutes. Lastly, the teachers will learn how they can submit their lessons to the

    online database.

    Additional Materials:

    SMART Boardsone for each group to use during learning activities

    LCD Projector-Used to display SMART lessons

    Laptop-Use of SMART Notebook software and internet access

    Microphone-for presenter

    Evaluation Guide Sheet- each participant will fill out and provide feedback on the days lesson

    Evaluation Strategies

    1. During group work, the instructor will walk from group to group and observe and listen.

    2. Evaluation sheets will be compared to completed lessons.

    3. Teachers will also complete an exit slip stating the top two most important things they learned

    from the days lesson.

    Day 1-SMART Notebook Lesson PM Session Math K-2nd

    Subject: SMART Notebook Content Lessons

    Prerequisite: Basic Computer Skills, SMART Notebook Lesson Basics


    Teachers will work in small groups by grade level to create a new SMART Notebook lesson for their

    content area.


    -Teachers will learn how to create a new SMART Notebook lesson.

    -Teachers will evaluate another groups lesson.

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    -Teachers will be aware of a SMART Notebook Lesson and learn how to locate the online database.

    -Teachers will assess previously created SMART Notebook Lessons for effectiveness and meeting

    state standards.

    -Teachers will learn the basics of how to create a SMART Notebook lesson.

    -Teachers will learn about the hardware of the SMART Board.

    How will you teach the lesson?

    After my introduction , I will ask the teachers to break back into their small groups. Each group will

    have no more than 4-5 members. Once the groups are established, each group will be given a topic

    from their grade level curriculum and asked to create a lesson related to their topic. I will emphasize

    that this is just practice with creating a lesson to test the skills theyve learned today. The groups will

    be provided an hour and fifteen minutes to complete their lesson and once time is up, each group

    will be assigned another groups lesson to evaluate. After the evaluations are complete, groups will

    combine to share their feedback on each others lessons. If changes need to be made, groups will be

    provided twenty minutes. Lastly, the teachers will learn how they can submit their lessons to the

    online database.

    Additional Materials

    SMART Boardsone for each group to use during learning activities

    LCD Projector-Used to display SMART lessons

    Laptop-Use of SMART Notebook software and internet access

    Microphone-for presenter

    Evaluation Guide Sheet- each participant will fill out and provide feedback on the days lesson

    Evaluation Strategies

    1. During group work, the instructor will walk from group to group and observe and listen.

    2. Evaluation sheets will be compared to completed lessons.

    3. Teachers will also complete an exit slip stating the top two most important things they learned

    from the days lesson.

    Day 2-SMART Notebook Lesson PM Session 3rd


    Reading/Language Arts

    Subject: SMART Notebook Content Lessons

    Prerequisite: Basic Computer Skills, SMART Notebook Lesson Basics

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    Teachers will work in small groups by grade level to create a new SMART Notebook lesson for their

    content area.


    -Teachers will learn how to create a new SMART Notebook lesson.

    -Teachers will evaluate another groups lesson.

    -Teachers will make adjustments to their lesson based on the evaluation.

    -Teachers will submit their lessons to the online database.

    How will you teach the lesson?

    After my introduction , I will ask the teachers to break back into their small groups. Each group will

    have no more than 4-5 members. Once the groups are established, each group will be given a topic

    from their grade level curriculum and asked to create a lesson related to their topic. I will emphasize

    that this is just practice with creating a lesson to test the skills theyve learned today. The groups will

    be provided an hour and fifteen minutes to complete their lesson and once time is up, each group

    will be assigned another groups lesson to evaluate. After the evaluations are complete, groups will

    combine to share their feedback on each others lessons. If changes need to be made, groups will be

    provided twenty minutes. Lastly, the teachers will learn how they can submit their lessons to the

    online database.

    Additional Materials:

    SMART Boardsone for each group to use during learning activities

    LCD Projector-Used to display SMART lessons

    Laptop-Use of SMART Notebook software and internet access

    Microphone-for presenter

    Evaluation Guide Sheet- each participant will fill out and provide feedback on the days lesson

    Evaluation Strategies

    1. During group work, the instructor will walk from group to group and observe and listen.

    2. Evaluation sheets will be compared to completed lessons.

    3. Teachers will also complete an exit slip stating the top two most important things they learned

    from the days lesson.

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    Day 2-SMART Notebook Lesson PM Session 3rd



    Subject: SMART Notebook Content Lessons

    Prerequisite: Basic Computer Skills, SMART Notebook Lesson Basics


    Teachers will work in small groups by grade level to create a new SMART Notebook lesson for their

    content area.


    -Teachers will learn how to create a new SMART Notebook lesson.

    -Teachers will evaluate another groups lesson.

    -Teachers will make adjustments to their lesson based on the evaluation.

    -Teachers will submit their lessons to the online database.

    How will you teach the lesson?

    After my introduction , I will ask the teachers to break back into their small groups. Each group will

    have no more than 4-5 members. Once the groups are established, each group will be given a topic

    from their grade level curriculum and asked to create a lesson related to their topic. I will emphasize

    that this is just practice with creating a lesson to test the skills theyve learned today. The groups will

    be provided an hour and fifteen minutes to complete their lesson and once time is up, each group

    will be assigned another groups lesson to evaluate. After the evaluations are complete, groups will

    combine to share their feedback on each others lessons. If changes need to be made, groups will be

    provided twenty minutes. Lastly, the teachers will learn how they can submit their lessons to the

    online database.

    Additional Materials:

    SMART Boardsone for each group to use during learning activities

    LCD Projector-Used to display SMART lessons

    Laptop-Use of SMART Notebook software and internet access

    Microphone-for presenter

    Evaluation Guide Sheet- each participant will fill out and provide feedback on the days lesson

    Evaluation Strategies

    1. During group work, the instructor will walk from group to group and observe and listen.

    2. Evaluation sheets will be compared to completed lessons.

    3. Teachers will also complete an exit slip stating the top two most important things they learned

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    from the days lesson.

    Day 2-SMART Notebook Lesson PM Session Elementary Specialists

    Subject: SMART Notebook Content Lessons

    Prerequisite: Basic Computer Skills, SMART Notebook Lesson Basics


    Teachers will work in small groups by to create a new SMART Notebook lesson for their content



    -Teachers will learn how to create a new SMART Notebook lesson.

    -Teachers will evaluate another groups lesson.

    -Teachers will make adjustments to their lesson based on the evaluation.

    -Teachers will submit their lessons to the online database.

    How will you teach the lesson?

    After my introduction , I will ask the teachers to break back into their small groups. Each group will

    have no more than 4-5 members. Once the groups are established, each group will be given a topic

    from their grade level curriculum and asked to create a lesson related to their topic. I will emphasize

    that this is just practice with creating a lesson to test the skills theyve learned today. The groups will

    be provided an hour and fifteen minutes to complete their lesson and once time is up, each group

    will be assigned another groups lesson to evaluate. After the evaluations are complete, groups will

    combine to share their feedback on each others lessons. If changes need to be made, groups will be

    provided twenty minutes. Lastly, the teachers will learn how they can submit their lessons to the

    online database.

    Additional Materials:

    SMART Boardsone for each group to use during learning activities

    LCD Projector-Used to display SMART lessons

    Laptop-Use of SMART Notebook software and internet access

    Microphone-for presenter

    Evaluation Guide Sheet- each participant will fill out and provide feedback on the days lesson

    Evaluation Strategies

    1. During group work, the instructor will walk from group to group and observe and listen.

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    2. Evaluation sheets will be compared to completed lessons.

    3. Teachers will also complete an exit slip stating the top two most important things they learned

    from the days lesson.

    Day 3-SMART Notebook Lesson AM Session Basics Middle School

    Subject: SMART Notebook Lesson Basics

    Prerequisite: Basic Computer Skills


    This lesson will introduce staff to set up procedures, hardware components, and how to use and

    operate the interactive whiteboard. Installation and features of the Notebook software will be

    introduced with emphasis on the on-line available resources.


    -Teachers will be aware of a SMART Notebook Lesson and learn how to locate the online database.

    -Teachers will assess previously created SMART Notebook Lessons for effectiveness and meeting

    state standards.

    -Teachers will learn the basics of how to create a SMART Notebook lesson.

    -Teachers will learn about the hardware of the SMART Board.

    How will you teach the lesson?

    After my introduction , I will ask the teachers to break back into their small groups. Each group will

    have no more than 4-5 members. Once the groups are established, each group will be given a topic

    from their grade level curriculum and asked to create a lesson related to their topic. I will emphasize

    that this is just practice with creating a lesson to test the skills theyve learned today. The groups will

    be provided an hour and fifteen minutes to complete their lesson and once time is up, each group

    will be assigned another groups lesson to evaluate. After the evaluations are complete, groups will

    combine to share their feedback on each others lessons. If changes need to be made, groups will be

    provided twenty minutes. Lastly, the teachers will learn how they can submit their lessons to the

    online database.

    Additional Materials:

    SMART Boardsone for each group to use during learning activities

    LCD Projector-Used to display SMART lessons

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    Laptop-Use of SMART Notebook software and internet access

    Microphone-for presenter

    Evaluation Guide Sheet- each participant will fill out and provide feedback on the days lesson

    Evaluation Strategies

    1. During group work, the instructor will walk from group to group and observe and listen.

    2. Evaluation sheets will be compared to completed lessons.

    3. Teachers will also complete an exit slip stating the top two most important things they learned

    from the days lesson.

    Day 3-SMART Notebook Lesson PM Session Middle School Reading/Language Arts

    Subject: SMART Notebook Content Lessons

    Prerequisite: Basic Computer Skills, SMART Notebook Lesson Basics


    Teachers will work in small groups by grade level to create a new SMART Notebook lesson for their

    content area.


    -Teachers will learn how to create a new SMART Notebook lesson.

    -Teachers will evaluate another groups lesson.

    -Teachers will make adjustments to their lesson based on the evaluation.

    -Teachers will submit their lessons to the online database.

    How will you teach the lesson?

    After my introduction , I will ask the teachers to break back into their small groups. Each group will

    have no more than 4-5 members. Once the groups are established, each group will be given a topic

    from their grade level curriculum and asked to create a lesson related to their topic. I will emphasize

    that this is just practice with creating a lesson to test the skills theyve learned today. The groups will

    be provided an hour and fifteen minutes to complete their lesson and once time is up, each group

    will be assigned another groups lesson to evaluate. After the evaluations are complete, groups will

    combine to share their feedback on each others lessons. If changes need to be made, groups will be

    provided twenty minutes. Lastly, the teachers will learn how they can submit their lessons to the

    online database.

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    provided twenty minutes. Lastly, the teachers will learn how they can submit their lessons to the

    online database.

    Additional Materials:

    SMART Boardsone for each group to use during learning activities

    LCD Projector-Used to display SMART lessons

    Laptop-Use of SMART Notebook software and internet access

    Microphone-for presenter

    Evaluation Guide Sheet- each participant will fill out and provide feedback on the days lesson

    Evaluation Strategies

    1. During group work, the instructor will walk from group to group and observe and listen.

    2. Evaluation sheets will be compared to completed lessons.

    3. Teachers will also complete an exit slip stating the top two most important things they learned

    from the days lesson.

    Day 3-SMART Notebook Lesson PM Session Middle School Science

    Subject: SMART Notebook Content Lessons

    Prerequisite: Basic Computer Skills, SMART Notebook Lesson Basics


    Teachers will work in small groups by grade level to create a new SMART Notebook lesson for their

    content area.


    -Teachers will learn how to create a new SMART Notebook lesson.

    -Teachers will evaluate another groups lesson.

    -Teachers will make adjustments to their lesson based on the evaluation.

    -Teachers will submit their lessons to the online database.

    How will you teach the lesson?

    After my introduction , I will ask the teachers to break back into their small groups. Each group will

    have no more than 4-5 members. Once the groups are established, each group will be given a topic

    from their grade level curriculum and asked to create a lesson related to their topic. I will emphasize

    that this is just practice with creating a lesson to test the skills theyve learned today. The groups will

    be provided an hour and fifteen minutes to complete their lesson and once time is up, each group

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    will be assigned another groups lesson to evaluate. After the evaluations are complete, groups will

    combine to share their feedback on each others lessons. If changes need to be made, groups will be

    provided twenty minutes. Lastly, the teachers will learn how they can submit their lessons to the

    online database.

    Additional Materials:

    SMART Boardsone for each group to use during learning activities

    LCD Projector-Used to display SMART lessons

    Laptop-Use of SMART Notebook software and internet access

    Microphone-for presenter

    Evaluation Guide Sheet- each participant will fill out and provide feedback on the days lesson

    Evaluation Strategies

    1. During group work, the instructor will walk from group to group and observe and listen.

    2. Evaluation sheets will be compared to completed lessons.

    3. Teachers will also complete an exit slip stating the top two most important things they learned

    from the days lesson.

    Day-3 SMART Notebook Lesson PM Session Middle School Social Studies

    Subject: SMART Notebook Content Lessons

    Prerequisite: Basic Computer Skills, SMART Notebook Lesson Basics


    Teachers will work in small groups by grade level to create a new SMART Notebook lesson for their

    content area.


    -Teachers will learn how to create a new SMART Notebook lesson.

    -Teachers will evaluate another groups lesson.

    -Teachers will make adjustments to their lesson based on the evaluation.

    -Teachers will submit their lessons to the online database.

    How will you teach the lesson?

    After my introduction , I will ask the teachers to break back into their small groups. Each group will

    have no more than 4-5 members. Once the groups are established, each group will be given a topic

    from their grade level curriculum and asked to create a lesson related to their topic. I will emphasize

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    that this is just practice with creating a lesson to test the skills theyve learned today. The groups will

    be provided an hour and fifteen minutes to complete their lesson and once time is up, each group

    will be assigned another groups lesson to evaluate. After the evaluations are complete, groups will

    combine to share their feedback on each others lessons. If changes need to be made, groups will be

    provided twenty minutes. Lastly, the teachers will learn how they can submit their lessons to the

    online database.

    Additional Materials:

    SMART Boardsone for each group to use during learning activities

    LCD Projector-Used to display SMART lessons

    Laptop-Use of SMART Notebook software and internet access

    Microphone-for presenter

    Evaluation Guide Sheet- each participant will fill out and provide feedback on the days lesson

    Evaluation Strategies

    1. During group work, the instructor will walk from group to group and observe and listen.

    2. Evaluation sheets will be compared to completed lessons.

    3. Teachers will also complete an exit slip stating the top two most important things they learned

    from the days lesson.

    Day-3 SMART Notebook Lesson PM Session Middle School SpecialistsSubject: SMART Notebook Content Lessons

    Prerequisite: Basic Computer Skills, SMART Notebook Lesson Basics


    Teachers will work in small groups by grade level to create a new SMART Notebook lesson for their

    content area.


    -Teachers will learn how to create a new SMART Notebook lesson.

    -Teachers will evaluate another groups lesson.

    -Teachers will make adjustments to their lesson based on the evaluation.

    -Teachers will submit their lessons to the online database.

    How will you teach the lesson?

    After my introduction , I will ask the teachers to break back into their small groups. Each group will

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    have no more than 4-5 members. Once the groups are established, each group will be given a topic

    from their grade level curriculum and asked to create a lesson related to their topic. I will emphasize

    that this is just practice with creating a lesson to test the skills theyve learned today. The groups will

    be provided an hour and fifteen minutes to complete their lesson and once time is up, each group

    will be assigned another groups lesson to evaluate. After the evaluations are complete, groups will

    combine to share their feedback on each others lessons. If changes need to be made, groups will be

    provided twenty minutes. Lastly, the teachers will learn how they can submit their lessons to the

    online database.

    Additional Materials:

    SMART Boardsone for each group to use during learning activities

    LCD Projector-Used to display SMART lessons

    Laptop-Use of SMART Notebook software and internet access

    Microphone-for presenter

    Evaluation Guide Sheet- each participant will fill out and provide feedback on the days lesson

    Evaluation Strategies

    1. During group work, the instructor will walk from group to group and observe and listen.

    2. Evaluation sheets will be compared to completed lessons.

    3. Teachers will also complete an exit slip stating the top two most important things they learned

    from the days lesson.

    Day-4 SMART Notebook Lesson AM Session 9th



    Subject: SMART Notebook Lesson Basics

    Prerequisite:Basic Computer Skills


    This lesson will introduce staff to set up procedures, hardware components, and how to use and

    operate the interactive whiteboard. Installation and features of the Notebook software will be

    introduced with emphasis on the on-line available resources.


    -Teachers will be aware of a SMART Notebook Lesson and learn how to locate the online database.

    -Teachers will assess previously created SMART Notebook Lessons for effectiveness and meeting

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    -Teachers will learn how to create a new SMART Notebook lesson.

    -Teachers will evaluate another groups lesson.

    -Teachers will make adjustments to their lesson based on the evaluation.

    -Teachers will submit their lessons to the online database.

    How will you teach the lesson?

    After my introduction , I will ask the teachers to break back into their small groups. Each group will

    have no more than 4-5 members. Once the groups are established, each group will be given a topic

    from their grade level curriculum and asked to create a lesson related to their topic. I will emphasize

    that this is just practice with creating a lesson to test the skills theyve learned today. The groups will

    be provided an hour and fifteen minutes to complete their lesson and once time is up, each group

    will be assigned another groups lesson to evaluate. After the evaluations are complete, groups will

    combine to share their feedback on each others lessons. If changes need to be made, groups will be

    provided twenty minutes. Lastly, the teachers will learn how they can submit their lessons to the

    online database.

    Additional Materials:

    SMART Boardsone for each group to use during learning activities

    LCD Projector-Used to display SMART lessons

    Laptop-Use of SMART Notebook software and internet access

    Microphone-for presenter

    Evaluation Guide Sheet- each participant will fill out and provide feedback on the days lesson

    Evaluation Strategies

    1. During group work, the instructor will walk from group to group and observe and listen.

    2. Evaluation sheets will be compared to completed lessons.

    3. Teachers will also complete an exit slip stating the top two most important things they learned

    from the days lesson.

    Day-4 SMART Notebook Lesson PM Session 9th



    Subject: SMART Notebook Content Lessons

    Prerequisite:Basic Computer Skills, SMART Notebook Lesson Basics


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    Teachers will work in small groups by grade level to create a new SMART Notebook lesson for their

    content area.


    -Teachers will learn how to create a new SMART Notebook lesson.

    -Teachers will evaluate another groups lesson.

    -Teachers will make adjustments to their lesson based on the evaluation.

    -Teachers will submit their lessons to the online database.

    How will you teach the lesson?

    After my introduction , I will ask the teachers to break back into their small groups. Each group will

    have no more than 4-5 members. Once the groups are established, each group will be given a topic

    from their grade level curriculum and asked to create a lesson related to their topic. I will emphasize

    that this is just practice with creating a lesson to test the skills theyve learned today. The groups will

    be provided an hour and fifteen minutes to complete their lesson and once time is up, each group

    will be assigned another groups lesson to evaluate. After the evaluations are complete, groups will

    combine to share their feedback on each others lessons. If changes need to be made, groups will be

    provided twenty minutes. Lastly, the teachers will learn how they can submit their lessons to the

    online database.

    Additional Materials:

    SMART Boardsone for each group to use during learning activities

    LCD Projector-Used to display SMART lessons

    Laptop-Use of SMART Notebook software and internet access

    Microphone-for presenter

    Evaluation Guide Sheet- each participant will fill out and provide feedback on the days lesson

    Evaluation Strategies

    1. During group work, the instructor will walk from group to group and observe and listen.

    2. Evaluation sheets will be compared to completed lessons.

    3. Teachers will also complete an exit slip stating the top two most important things they learned

    from the days lesson.

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    Day-4 SMART Notebook Lesson PM Session 9th



    Subject: SMART Notebook Content Lessons

    Prerequisite:Basic Computer Skills, SMART Notebook Lesson Basics


    Teachers will work in small groups by grade level to create a new SMART Notebook lesson for their

    content area.


    -Teachers will learn how to create a new SMART Notebook lesson.

    -Teachers will evaluate another groups lesson.

    -Teachers will make adjustments to their lesson based on the evaluation.

    -Teachers will submit their lessons to the online database.

    How will you teach the lesson?

    After my introduction , I will ask the teachers to break back into their small groups. Each group will

    have no more than 4-5 members. Once the groups are established, each group will be given a topic

    from their grade level curriculum and asked to create a lesson related to their topic. I will emphasize

    that this is just practice with creating a lesson to test the skills theyve learned today. The groups will

    be provided an hour and fifteen minutes to complete their lesson and once time is up, each group

    will be assigned another groups lesson to evaluate. After the evaluations are complete, groups will

    combine to share their feedback on each others lessons. If changes need to be made, groups will be

    provided twenty minutes. Lastly, the teachers will learn how they can submit their lessons to the

    online database.

    Additional Materials you will use and how you will use them.

    SMART Boardsone for each group to use during learning activities

    LCD Projector-Used to display SMART lessons

    Laptop-Use of SMART Notebook software and internet access

    Microphone-for presenter

    Evaluation Guide Sheet- each participant will fill out and provide feedback on the days lesson

    Evaluation Strategies

    1. During group work, the instructor will walk from group to group and observe and listen.

    2. Evaluation sheets will be compared to completed lessons.

    3. Teachers will also complete an exit slip stating the top two most important things they learned

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    from the days lesson.

    Day-4 SMART Notebook Lesson PM 9th


    Social Studies

    Subject: SMART Notebook Content Lessons

    Prerequisite:Basic Computer Skills, SMART Notebook Lesson Basics


    Teachers will work in small groups by grade level to create a new SMART Notebook lesson for their

    content area.


    -Teachers will learn how to create a new SMART Notebook lesson.

    -Teachers will evaluate another groups lesson.

    -Teachers will make adjustments to their lesson based on the evaluation.

    -Teachers will submit their lessons to the online database.

    How will you teach the lesson?

    After my introduction, I will ask the teachers to break back into their small groups. Each group will

    have no more than 4-5 members. Once the groups are established, each group will be given a topic

    from their grade level curriculum and asked to create a lesson related to their topic. I will emphasize

    that this is just practice with creating a lesson to test the skills theyve learned today. The groups will

    be provided an hour and fifteen minutes to complete their lesson and once time is up, each group

    will be assigned another groups lesson to evaluate. After the evaluations are complete, groups will

    combine to share their feedback on each others lessons. If changes need to be made, groups will be

    provided twenty minutes. Lastly, the teachers will learn how they can submit their lessons to the

    online database.

    Additional Materials:

    SMART Boardsone for each group to use during learning activities

    LCD Projector-Used to display SMART lessons

    Laptop-Use of SMART Notebook software and internet access

    Microphone-for presenter

    Evaluation Guide Sheet- each participant will fill out and provide feedback on the days lesson

    Evaluation Strategies

    1. During group work, the instructor will walk from group to group and observe and listen.

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    2. Evaluation sheets will be compared to completed lessons.

    3. Teachers will also complete an exit slip stating the top two most important things they learned

    from the days lesson.

    Day 4-SMART Notebook Lesson PM Session 9th



    Subject: SMART Notebook Content Lessons

    Prerequisite:Basic Computer Skills, SMART Notebook Lesson Basics


    Teachers will work in small groups by grade level to create a new SMART Notebook lesson for their

    content area.


    -Teachers will learn how to create a new SMART Notebook lesson.

    -Teachers will evaluate another groups lesson.

    -Teachers will make adjustments to their lesson based on the evaluation.

    -Teachers will submit their lessons to the online database.

    How will you teach the lesson?

    The teachers will be in small groups by grade level, no more than 3-4 per group. They will be given

    a lesson topic from the curriculum and create their own lesson. After one hour, they will exchange

    lessons with another group and evaluate the other lesson. They will receive and give feedback and

    then adjust the lesson they created. They will learn how to submit their lesson for addition to the


    Additional Materials:

    SMART Boardsone for each group to use during learning activities

    LCD Projector-Used to display SMART lessons

    Laptop-Use of SMART Notebook software and internet access

    Microphone-for presenter

    Evaluation Guide Sheet- each participant will fill out and provide feedback on the days lesson

    Evaluation Strategies

    1. During group work, the instructor will walk from group to group and observe and listen.

    2. Evaluation sheets will be compared to completed lessons.

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    3. Teachers will also complete an exit slip stating the top two most important things they learned

    from the days lesson.

    Day 5-SMART Notebook Lesson PM Session K-12th


    Subject: SMART Notebook Content Lessons

    Prerequisite:Basic Computer Skills, SMART Notebook Lesson Basics


    Teachers will use skills and knowledge of SMART Notebook to create a five day SMART lesson.


    -Teachers will use the skills theyve acquired with creating SMART lessons.

    -Teachers will construct a five day SMART lesson for a unit.

    -Teachers will partner with another group and teach their lesson to that group.

    -Teachers will provide feedback to a groups five day SMART lesson

    -Teachers will submit their lessons to the online database.

    How will you teach the lesson?

    The teachers will be work in the small groups theyve been in all week. They will work

    together to select a unit of study in their content areas. I will explain to them that they will be using

    the skills and knowledge theyve learned this weekto create a five day lesson on a unit of study.

    After one hour and fifteen minutes, each group will join with another. They will receive and give

    feedback on each others lessons. They will learn how they submit their lesson for to the online


    Additional Materials:

    SMART Boardsone for each group to use during learning activities

    LCD Projector-Used to display SMART lessons

    Laptop-Use of SMART Notebook software and internet access

    Microphone-for presenter

    Evaluation Guide Sheet- each participant will fill out and provide feedback on the days lesson

    Evaluation Strategies

    1. The instructor will walk around to see who is using the different skills taught with SMART

    Notebook to create the unit lessons.

    2. Evaluation sheets will be compared to completed lessons.

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    3.Teachers will complete an evaluation of the training as a whole on the final day.


    Daily Evaluation/Exit Ticket


    Name of Lesson: _______________________________________________________________

    Date: ____________________________________________

    1. What are the two important things you learned about the SMART Board today?

    2. What are some of the features you used while creating your SMART lesson today?

    3. What were some of the difficulties you had while creating your lesson? How did your group solve

    these difficulties?

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    4. How confident are you that you will use todays lesson in your classroom? If youre not very

    confident that you will, please explain.

    5.Do you have any other feedback or suggestions you would like to give the instructor about todays


    Field Test

    I will conduct a field test for the training at a school that has been identified as having

    SMART Boards that are not used and majority of the teachers have no training. The level of

    knowledge the teachers at this school have will vary which will provide me the opportunity of

    testing the training to teachers with different levels of understanding SMART Notebook lessons. The

    field test will be conducted in one day, and consist of teaching the SMART Notebook basics and

    creating a lesson for a specific grade level or content area (depending on whether there is

    departmentalization in the school). The teachers will be broken into small groups based on grade

    level or content area after learning the basics of the SMART Notebook software to use their new

    knowledge and skills to create a SMART lesson. Participants in the field test will provide feedback

    on the instructional strategies they found most effective and the ones they found ineffective. I will

    use the feedback to make proper adjustments to my lessons before doing the actual training.

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    The feedback I receive from the teachers that were part of the field test will help me address

    where I need to make changes. I will use the feedback and suggestions the teachers provide about

    each of the lessons to make revisions to the method of my training. Furthermore, I will use my

    informal observations of whether teachers are able to create SMART lessons on their own after my

    lessons or did they struggle and require a lot of assistance? This type of information will help me

    decide whether I need to lengthen or change the format of my lesson to meet the goal of teachers

    knowing how to create their own SMART lessons. Also, the feedback I receive and observations

    will help me with knowing whether I will need support staff, more resources, or extend the period of

    time the teachers work in small groups.


    Over the course of the weeks training, teachers were required to fill out evaluation/exit

    tickets before leaving the training. I will compile the feedback provided on these evaluations and

    make a chart of the common threads seen in the teachers responses. I will use this chartto gather

    data and assess how effective the training was in reaching my objectives. Also, on the last day of the

    workshop, teachers will be given a survey to assess the effectiveness of the overall training. The

    survey will be aimed at having teachers identify which parts of the lessons were most effective for

    them and the probability of them creating more lessons throughout the school year to reach Common

    Core State Standards and learning objectives for students.


    Item Price CostInstructor $40 x 25 hours $1,000.00

    Teacher Stipend $150 x 3,000 $450,000.00

    Venue Henry G. Wise HS-Included $0.00

    Equipment (SMART Board,laptops, LCD projectors, etc.)

    Provided by county $0.00

    Interpreter for hearingimpaired

    $30 x 25 hours $750.00

    Total Cost $452,750.00

    Follow Up

    Once the training is completed, I will send out a survey to the technology chairpersons in

    each school to assess whether they have observed teachers/other staff that attended the workshop

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