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Commitment to Public Interest

How can you show your commitment to public interest?

As a student and a future public servant, I will prioritize the public interests over my own

interests. In the process of serving the Philippine government, I am also serving for the interest

of the Filipino people. I understand the oath that every public servants pledge with and that

includes commitment to the public interest. In my situation as a student of a state owned

university, I can show my commitment to the public interest by simply turning off the air-

condition units, the lights, fans, and any other appliances that consume electricity which are paid

by the Filipino people.

By the time I entered public service, I can show my commitment to the public interest by simply

working overtime or even during the holidays.

I believe that little things have a large effect on many people. I will serve the Filipino people

through my very own little ways which in no time can be very huge.

A public servant must prioritize the interest of the public. I acknowledge that it is only a

discretionary power of the government to do social welfare for the people. But there are several

things which can be done for the people which will indirectly affect them. By simply cutting the

costs of the government offices that were paid by the taxes of the people, it could help them as it

will improve their economic status or lessen their burden of the taxes.

Working for the government is a real sacrifice for anyone because despite of the lower

compensation than those offered by private firms, public servants decide to serve the government

not only for their own interests but for the public.

Serving for the sake of Public interest, for the Filipinos does not necessarily mean that we should

run for mayor or congressman. By simple ways, the public interest can be protected.