Download - Distance Learning and Accreditation Heather G. Hartman, Ph.D. Brenau University Online Studies and SACS Liaison.

Page 1: Distance Learning and Accreditation Heather G. Hartman, Ph.D. Brenau University Online Studies and SACS Liaison.

Distance Learning and AccreditationHeather G. Hartman, Ph.D.Brenau UniversityOnline Studies and SACS Liaison

Page 2: Distance Learning and Accreditation Heather G. Hartman, Ph.D. Brenau University Online Studies and SACS Liaison.


The regional accreditation process, whether it’s your first or 50th, is a challenge.

With the proliferation of for-profit institutions and the resulting increase in Federal government oversight of accreditation, It’s more important than ever to watch your P’s and Q’s.

What do you need to know? Distance education is not addressed in one section of the compliance certificate, but should be addressed in many. What are they?

Page 3: Distance Learning and Accreditation Heather G. Hartman, Ph.D. Brenau University Online Studies and SACS Liaison.

Distance Ed Defined

SACS Definition:

“Formal educational process in which the majority of the instruction (interaction between students and instructor and among students) in a course occurs when students and instructors are not in the same place.

Instruction may be synchronous or asynchronous. A distance education course may employ correspondence study, or audio, video, or computer technologies.”

Page 4: Distance Learning and Accreditation Heather G. Hartman, Ph.D. Brenau University Online Studies and SACS Liaison.

Substantive Changes

Substantive Changes require notification and/or permission prior to beginning programs.

Distance Ed items include offering distance education as part of a program. Threshold percentage triggers notification and/or permission prior.

Offering an existing program at a new street address.

Offering an existing program in the online format.

Offering a new Distance Ed program.

Page 5: Distance Learning and Accreditation Heather G. Hartman, Ph.D. Brenau University Online Studies and SACS Liaison.


Distance Education Policy Statement (updated December 2006; endorsed June 2009)

Defines Distance Ed. Suggests relevant information to be addressed in certain sections of the compliance certificate for distance education, specifically.

Distance Education and the Principles of Accreditation: Documenting Compliance: Guidelines (not dated; added to the SACS website January 2010)

Provides expectations, questions for consideration, and best practices for documenting compliance.

Page 6: Distance Learning and Accreditation Heather G. Hartman, Ph.D. Brenau University Online Studies and SACS Liaison.

Policy Statement1997/2006

What is the benefit of this document?

• Distance Learning Administrators can use these items as a guide for establishing policies and procedures.

• While preparing the compliance certificate, authors of each section should have the items that refer to the section so they will include specific language to indicate compliance.

Page 7: Distance Learning and Accreditation Heather G. Hartman, Ph.D. Brenau University Online Studies and SACS Liaison.

GuidelinesJanuary 2010

What is the benefit of this document?

The Guidelines intro:

“Institutions are responsible for the quality of programs and courses delivered by means of distance education …complemented by support structures and resources that allow for the total growth and development of their distance education students.”

Use the guidelines to establish needed structures and resources for distance students, regardless of your reaccreditation schedule.

Page 8: Distance Learning and Accreditation Heather G. Hartman, Ph.D. Brenau University Online Studies and SACS Liaison.

Mission & Org Structure

1. Expectation: Distance education should be reflected in the institution’s mission & approved by the Board.

Best Practice: 5-Year technology plan addressing goals for distance education related to enrollment, academic and student services, course development, & faculty support.

Question: Does the institution’s organizational chart reflect Distance Ed?

Page 9: Distance Learning and Accreditation Heather G. Hartman, Ph.D. Brenau University Online Studies and SACS Liaison.

Institutional Effectiveness

2. Expectation: The institution’s assessment process should involve Distance Ed courses along with others.

Expectation: Distance Ed program should have purpose & outcomes “as a whole” (independent of academic program & course outcomes).

Best Practice: Demonstrate that the institution uses data to improve Distance Ed courses & programs.

Page 10: Distance Learning and Accreditation Heather G. Hartman, Ph.D. Brenau University Online Studies and SACS Liaison.

Educational Programs

3. Expectation: In consortial arrangements, institutions must ensure the effectiveness and quality of courses & programs offered by all participants.

Questions: Are provisions of the agreement, contract, arrangement clearly delineated? Is there provision for regular evaluation of the effectiveness of the arrangement?

Best Practice: Evidence of regular review of contracts & agreements for distance education.

Page 11: Distance Learning and Accreditation Heather G. Hartman, Ph.D. Brenau University Online Studies and SACS Liaison.

Educational Programs (cont.)

4. Expectation: Faculty have played an appropriate role in designing the courses/programs to be offered by Distance Ed.

Best Practices: Logical course development schedule involving faculty input & ensuring course availability. Schedule of course offerings is available for students to plan their programs.

“Consistency in course format.”

Support system for faculty teaching Distance Ed courses.

Page 12: Distance Learning and Accreditation Heather G. Hartman, Ph.D. Brenau University Online Studies and SACS Liaison.

Educational Programs (cont.)

5. Expectation: Technology adequate to support courses/programs. Faculty members should be proficient in the use of the technology. Students should know what technological expertise they will need and what technology they will need to successfully complete Distance Ed courses.

Questions: Is technology training available to faculty teaching Distance Ed courses?

Do students have access to assistance in using technology?

Page 13: Distance Learning and Accreditation Heather G. Hartman, Ph.D. Brenau University Online Studies and SACS Liaison.


6. Expectation: Institution employs sufficient full-time faculty to support its mission.

Question: Are faculty members expected to plan for, design, and teach Distance Ed courses?

Best Practices: Institutional policies regarding expectations of faculty regarding Distance Ed.

“Evidence that consideration is given to the demands of teaching distance education courses. Faculty loads reflect this consideration.”

Page 14: Distance Learning and Accreditation Heather G. Hartman, Ph.D. Brenau University Online Studies and SACS Liaison.

Faculty (cont.)

7. Expectation: Institution should consider and define unique qualifications for faculty members teaching Distance Ed courses. Faculty teaching Distance Ed courses are qualified to teach them.

Question: Has the institution considered differences between teaching Distance Ed and teaching using “traditional” methodologies?

Best Practice: Institution documents appropriate qualifications for Distance Ed faculty members.

Page 15: Distance Learning and Accreditation Heather G. Hartman, Ph.D. Brenau University Online Studies and SACS Liaison.

Faculty (cont.)

8. Expectation: Institution regularly evaluates effectiveness of faculty teaching in Distance Ed. Criteria by which Distance Ed faculty will be evaluated is clear. Professional development activities and training is available to Distance Ed faculty members & ensures they engage.

Best Practices: Institution publishes criteria for evaluation of and expectations for teaching in Distance Ed courses.

Evidence in faculty files of evaluation of Distance Ed faculty members using published criteria.

Page 16: Distance Learning and Accreditation Heather G. Hartman, Ph.D. Brenau University Online Studies and SACS Liaison.

Learning Resources

9. Expectation: All Distance Ed students have access to library/learning resources adequate to support courses. Orientation for Distance Ed students regarding use of resources. Staff available to assist students. Effectiveness assessed regularly.

Best Practices: Regularly scheduled orientation sessions for Distance Ed students.

Data showing provision of learning resources is effective and regularly evaluated for improvement.

Page 17: Distance Learning and Accreditation Heather G. Hartman, Ph.D. Brenau University Online Studies and SACS Liaison.

Student Support Services

10.Expectation: Institution should consider support needs of Distance Ed students & provide for them.

Admissions and counseling support available. Academic assistance available. Institution informs students how to access services and makes sure services are available when advertised.

Best Practices: Distance students are provided a list of services available and how to access them. Services are available at reasonable times.

Outcomes established for services to show that services are effective.

Page 18: Distance Learning and Accreditation Heather G. Hartman, Ph.D. Brenau University Online Studies and SACS Liaison.

Student Support Services (cont.)

11.Expectation: Institution is expected to monitor success of Distance Ed students including drop out rates, failure rates, and completion rates.

Best Practices: Institution can identify its Distance Ed students.

The institution identifies Distance Ed students who need academic assistance AND intervenes to provide it.

Distance Ed students are tracked as a group for the achievement of learning outcomes.

Page 19: Distance Learning and Accreditation Heather G. Hartman, Ph.D. Brenau University Online Studies and SACS Liaison.

Student Support Services (cont.)

12.Distance Ed students have a process for submitting complaints.

Best Practices: At registration, students are provided information about the student complaint process.

Documentation exists that shows the institution is responsive to student complaints. (Actual completed forms & files.)

Page 20: Distance Learning and Accreditation Heather G. Hartman, Ph.D. Brenau University Online Studies and SACS Liaison.

Financial Resources

11.Expectation: Institution makes Distance Ed courses & programs part of its mission, so it must provide adequate funding for faculty, staff, services, and technology to support it.

Question: Does the budget reflect the provision of funding for needs of Distance Ed?

Best Practices: Adequate funding for: technology, faculty, staff, administrative personnel, learning resources, and services.

Funding needs are reflected in long-range budget projections for the institution.

Page 21: Distance Learning and Accreditation Heather G. Hartman, Ph.D. Brenau University Online Studies and SACS Liaison.

Physical Resources

12.Expectation: Institution provides adequate technology resources to offer high quality Distance Ed courses & programs.

Question: What technology does the institution use for Distance Ed?

Best Practice: Technology resources, means of delivery, and other physical resources are available, maintained, staffed, and upgraded on a regular basis.

Page 22: Distance Learning and Accreditation Heather G. Hartman, Ph.D. Brenau University Online Studies and SACS Liaison.


Thank you!

Dr. Heather Hartman

Brenau University

Gainesville, GA

[email protected]
