Download - DISD Citizen Feedback to budget cuts 3-29-11

Page 1: DISD Citizen Feedback to budget cuts 3-29-11

2011--12 Budget Community Feedback As of 3-29-11

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2 Cathy [email protected] Cut Hinojosa's salary by about 40%, cut the upper leveladministration by 20%, and cut out consultants. Do awaywith the 14 hours staff development that will save moneyin paying presentors as well as the cost of opening theschools for the day.

02/25/2011, 08:24 AM

3 citizen [email protected] How about cutting DSTV. I think the School Zone programis great if you have money. Cutting the department and theprogram will have zero impact on classroom instruction

02/25/2011, 08:26 AM

4 citizen [email protected] You could consolidate some of the technology applicationsthat have redundant functionality. An example would be:grade book software, student assessment software. Revisitthe dashboard and look for other solutions for the parentportal. Region 10 and others offer the SAME technologiesfor 1/3 of the ongoing price to manage and maintain theapplications

02/25/2011, 08:27 AM

5 Amy Fox [email protected] Eliminate the stipend for CILT. Eliminate the staffdevelopment for CILT. Other districts manage leadershipwithout special staff development and stipends in factmost of them do. There are too many stipends attached tosalaries in this district.The one exception I would makewould be LPAC chair but even that could be eliminatedwith less paper work which IS possible.

02/25/2011, 08:27 AM

6 Anita Schuessler [email protected] How about cutting the Superintendent's salary along withother extremely high salaried administrative personnel by

02/25/2011, 08:28 AM

about half and then boot out ineffective or redundantpersonnel. That ought to save a whole lot.

7 Javier cano [email protected] You can save money by eliminating Breakfast.Parentsshould be responsible for feeding their children beforegoing to school. Also eliminate Pre K, that's a free daycare!!Parents also need to be responsible for their children'scare. You can also charge a school fee. If parents can afforda fancy and expensive phone, beer drinking, etc, theyshould also contribute to their children's education. If itworks in the Caribbean, it can work here too!! Make thesepeople more responsible.

02/25/2011, 08:29 AM

8 Jane Moore [email protected] Continued training is EXPENSIVE. The department isEXPENSIVE. Recruitment can be done online out of countryas well as in the country. Course completion andcertifications can be done through other throughaccredited institutions.Let people first get certified andthen get hired. Certifying our own teachers has outlived itsneed. There are too many avenues to certification availablenow

02/25/2011, 08:30 AM


Page 2: DISD Citizen Feedback to budget cuts 3-29-11

2011--12 Budget Community Feedback As of 3-29-11

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10 Sandra Loyd [email protected] Have classes Monday Thursday only but extend each dayby one hour Close all facilities on Friday to save operatingexpense Reduce all employees salary by one day betterthan having no job These savings times number of schoolsin district should be substantial The four day week could becarried over to the administrative office also Studentswould not really loose that many hours per week of classtime Stop free breakfast program and have only free lunch.

02/25/2011, 08:32 AM

11 MorrineCarpenter

[email protected] DISD can eliminate the cost of staff development (salaries,materials, record keeping, etc) by allowing teachers to earntheir staff development hours from Region 10 or onlinesources. Has the Board considered this option?

02/25/2011, 08:33 AM

12 Nancy Raine [email protected] There is over $800,000 for instruction and instructionrelated services. Use more in house training by principalsand VP and other admin. Don't replace admin jobs whenpeople leave. Can any data processing be consolidated?Can teachers who teach web mastering/design also bedesigned in house IT people? Do you have real property tosell?

02/25/2011, 08:34 AM

13 PedroZambrano

[email protected] Yes i believe that we should freeze the budget on all noneducational programs to try to keep this district's missionalive. By doing this we may not have to fire so manypeople. As a student i believe that by firing the people whoteach us to to be productive and responsible citizens you as

02/25/2011, 08:34 AM

p p ya district will FAIL. I also think that we should also cut somehigh earning employees salary by 25% this will give us thechance to promote more after school programs. I also wishto have more space.

14 Dennis [email protected] Its obvious to me, the huge finacial shortfall is mainly dueto the burden of educating the children of Mexicancitizens. The grade school I attended is 98 percent hispanic.Half of the video channels listed on the DISD site are inspanish.In 5 years will they ALL be Spanish?

02/25/2011, 08:34 AM

15 Sarah [email protected] Eliminate all retire rehire employees. They are receivingretirement benefits from trs and being paid a salary byDISD. They are double dipping so to speak from the system.This creates a budgetary strain on TRS and the district.

02/25/2011, 08:35 AM

16 Terry Sheppard [email protected] Make certain that ALL central staff positions have salaryreductions double that of classroom teachers before anyclassroom teacher's salary is reduced. The classroomteacher is the front line of the education process and trulyshould have the highest salary in the district to begin with.

02/25/2011, 08:35 AM


Page 3: DISD Citizen Feedback to budget cuts 3-29-11

2011--12 Budget Community Feedback As of 3-29-11

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17 Vicente RuizNava

[email protected] No free lunch for any student. Strong enforcement ofelectricity reduction at schools. At this time there areteachers with only 8 students. No more mandatorytrainings. Only one Principal per school with no AssistantPrincipals at all. Eliminate departments like AlternativeCertification. It is no longer needed. No school reading andscience couches. No art and PE classes. Instead, 20 minutesof free playground in a daily basis. Stop immediatelyconstruction of new schools.

02/25/2011, 08:36 AM

18 Vicente RuizNava

[email protected] Reduce all cafeteria personnel by asking parents to beresponsible of their children�’s breakfast at home andsending a lunch for them everyday. No more extra tutoringtime for any school. No after school tutoring . No beforeschool tutoring. No Saturday School tutoring. No schoolmeetings after school. Instead, turn off air conditioner tosave electricity. Reduce all top administration salaries atthe level of the teachers.I am willing to have any of thosepositions with my present salary.

02/25/2011, 08:36 AM

19 Vicente RuizNava

[email protected] Charge a monthly fee to parents for having a child in apublic school.

02/25/2011, 08:36 AM

20 Ann Pace [email protected] I have 12 years with Disd. I need to buy back 6 years of mytime in order to retire at a salary that I can live with (44%of my salary.). If I could get some financial institution toloan me $27,800 thousand dollars I could retire. Theywould get paid back with the lump sum(grandfathered(plus interest) that I would get, (lump sum) around

02/25/2011, 08:37 AM

(p ) g , ( p )$70,000. This would not hurt TRS. It would benefit me andthe economy. I know of several teachers who wouldbenefit from this proposal and would retire.

21 Ann Pace [email protected] I have 12 years with Disd. I need to buy back 6 years of mytime in order to retire at a salary that I can live with (44%of my salary.). If I could get some financial institution toloan me $27,800 thousand dollars I could retire. Theywould get paid back with the lump sum(grandfathered(plus interest) that I would get, (lump sum) around$70,000. This would not hurt TRS. It would benefit me andthe economy. I know of several teachers who wouldbenefit from this proposal and would retire.

02/25/2011, 08:38 AM


Page 4: DISD Citizen Feedback to budget cuts 3-29-11

2011--12 Budget Community Feedback As of 3-29-11

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22 Bari N. Ramirez [email protected] A major concern for effective schooling in the 2011 12school year is the number of students projected to be in aclassroom with one teacher, specifically at the secondarylevel. The district may consider a combination of online andclassroom schooling. This approach would lower thenumber of students in a classroom, provide fordifferenciation of instruction, and individualizedinstruction. Students could come to class two days a weekfor instruction and one day for assessments. I can help.

02/25/2011, 08:38 AM

23 Betsy Whitfill [email protected] A look at the size of the DISD Police Department, and thesalaries involved seems way too big. Why not spend moneyon teachers instead of police? Then the children can beeducated to not expect police everywhere in their lives,and educated to be good citizens.

02/25/2011, 08:39 AM

24 Beverly Fain [email protected] I think retirees serving in part time positions would be anexcellent and effective way to cut the budget. They couldwork in critical areas that could get overcrowded due toincreased class sizes. A full time teacher and a part timeteacher could replace two full time teachers. This ischeaper, but you still give students a quality education.

02/25/2011, 08:39 AM

25 Susan Schuerger [email protected] Use central admin staff to find a business partner for everyprincipal go over budgets critically and find ways to savelocally. Think creatively. Use community partners to helpmanage non instrucional components of school operations.

02/25/2011, 08:39 AM

Economize, recycle, make community actual instead oftheoretical partners.

26 Kathy Shockley [email protected] *Substitute principals seem unnecessary if a campus istoo small to have a vice principal, the counselor shouldassume the role of campus leadership *Do we still idleschool buses? huge waste of fuel and pollutes theenvironment *Townview has multiple high schools eachwith their own set of administrative staff. Is it not possibleto combine some of those responsibilities and reduce thenumber of support staff needed overall? *Student code ofconduct put it online save paper each year

02/25/2011, 08:40 AM

27 Cheryl Franklin [email protected] offer people close to retirement an incentive to retire ...Anextra 2.3 percent on retirement as if they had worked thatyear . A financial incentive equivalent to 20% of their basesalary for retirees if they can not clear the 2.3% with TRS.

02/25/2011, 08:40 AM


Page 5: DISD Citizen Feedback to budget cuts 3-29-11

2011--12 Budget Community Feedback As of 3-29-11

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28 Charlie T. Davis [email protected] Get rid of AC program. Don't need requiters. Here on workvisa? Goodbye, you are taking away jobs from us.Portables: AC/Heat is left on all night and weekends. Getrid of Athletics (boy, that will get people calling their Statereps!). More suggestions to come! Charlie

02/25/2011, 08:42 AM

29 Susan Schuerger [email protected] Add input from Principals to criteria for evaluation in RIFpolicy absolutely necessary to have local input in additionto test scores and other existing measures. Even considerinput from students and peers at appropriate levels.

02/25/2011, 08:42 AM

30 Rochelle Seaton [email protected] Cutting the Staff Development Department. Region 10offers staff development & training for our teachers. Thedistrict should revise its current staff development policyand allow teachers more autonomy to obtain theirrequired hours through trainings at Region 10, educationalconferences and workshops, and even graduate levelclasses pertaining to education. This would alleviate thefunding of the Staff Development department, trainers,and the money that it costs to hold summer sessions.

02/25/2011, 08:43 AM

31 DorothyWilliams

[email protected] I believe the district should eliminate ALL staff memberswho or not certified (this includes probationarycertification). How does it look to the citizens of Dallas andour parents to fire a teacher who is certified and keep onewho is not? It should not matter if that teacher is in a hardto fill area (bil, math or science). We can create split grade

02/25/2011, 08:43 AM

( , ) p glevels. One teacher can teach, for example, a 1st and 2ndgrade class of bilingual students. Or we can freeze the bil.program for 3 5 yrs.

32 David Shipp [email protected] I would be willing to give up my library's new book budgetof $9.50 per student for a year or two if that would helpsave a job. I think other librarians would do the same.

02/25/2011, 08:44 AM

33 Estella Martinez [email protected] School supply lists at beginning of the year should includeitems such as tissue hand sanitizer copy paper Also,anytime I walk into a school building I am amazed howmany lights are on that are not necessary, even whennatural sunlight is coming in.

02/25/2011, 08:45 AM

34 Susan Schuerger [email protected] Immediately beef up all grant writing operations. Findcommunity resources to partner with schools or at leastclusters to research grant sources and identify grantwriters. Make DISD the outstanding grant recipient in theUS.

02/25/2011, 08:45 AM


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2011--12 Budget Community Feedback As of 3-29-11

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35 Adriana Torres [email protected] Im not sure how feasable this would be but what aboutcutting central staff from 226 to 216, and cutting salaries,and ensuring that for those two weeks during the summer,the building is completely shut down, no air, no lights,other than security alarm. It would be going green too.Speaking of going green, reducing the amount of resourcesused through out the district. Purchasing recyled products,and having specific brands that must be used by everyone,not allowing for discretion

02/25/2011, 08:45 AM

36 Tracie [email protected] What if DISD reduced the graduation requirements andaligned with the state plan? The reduction of the requiredhealth credit and .5 PE credit and following the stategraduation plan reduces the number of credits andtherefore reduces staffing needs.

02/25/2011, 08:45 AM

37 JacintaHernandez.RN.

[email protected] Re evaluate the program that goes to Spain and othercountries to bring teachers instead give this jobs to USAteachers first and then help soport our youth to completeteaching or other on demand careers.T/A's to tutor stsonly.Reduce suplies budget.

02/25/2011, 08:46 AM

38 Julio Mendez [email protected] One of my suggestions would be to close the New TachHigh Schoool at A. Maceo Smith because that muchtechnology would take a lot of money away from thedistrict. I think closing down Townview is a bad ideabecause Townview is one of the top schools in the district

02/25/2011, 08:47 AM

pand closing the school would bring our academic statusdown. Another suggestion would be all the teachers thedistrict cut off should work at Wilmer Hutchins HighSchool. I hope you will take my suggesion intoconsideration.

39 John Gallagher [email protected] CBTs (Campus Based Technicians) where are they on thereduction sheets which department? There were 60 hiredthis year DISD does not run any better it will run withoutthem. Instructional Technology 12 pictures on the website.I don't see them listed anywhere. The sun will still shineand technology instruction would still go on if they werecut to four. Get Austin to spend the "Rainy Day" fund.Board raises taxes to the maximum allowable. Definitely nomore campus level cuts above the 3000

02/25/2011, 08:47 AM


Page 7: DISD Citizen Feedback to budget cuts 3-29-11

2011--12 Budget Community Feedback As of 3-29-11

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40 Jan Daulton [email protected] first streamline the staff at the District headquarters...thereis just too much red tape.too many bosses and not enoughpeople actually doing the work. I would look at each schooland see where to cut...from non essential staffers andcleaning people, teachers last. Implement some programsat school to let the kids help.maybe the freshmen emptytrash for 2 weeks..rotate the jobs like that...make the kidsresponsible for some of the workI would utilize the PSTA'smore.get parent volunteers more

02/25/2011, 08:48 AM

41 John R. Smith [email protected] Close the magnet schools and have those teachers teach atthe comprehensive high schools. The students who attendmagnet schools can enroll where the magnet schoolteachers have been reassigned.

02/25/2011, 08:48 AM

42 Susan Schuerger [email protected] This is controversial but I suggest DISD stop spendingmoney on busing students to magnet schools. Either find amore economical way to transport a few students from acampus across town (from our schools buses transport <10students in a big bus some days) smaller vehicles? orhave families find ways to carpool and be responsible fortransportation otherwise. At Woodrow we have kids whocome to us via DART as transfer students and they don'tget free busing but manage to get to school.

02/25/2011, 08:48 AM

43 Monica [email protected] I feel that you could cut the budget by reducing overtime 02/25/2011, 08:49 AMfor office personell who are just asnwering phone callsafter school has ended...they need to clock out and gohome. I also feel that copy paper is wasted and poster andlamination is expensive and mostly not needed at this time.lots of waste.too many assistant principals in high schools.when we first started we only had three assistants. thereonly needs to be one community laision in a high school.

44 Monica [email protected] Make sure that employees that have been hired areactually doing what their title says and not work beneathor over them...schools can also cut down on electives notbeneficial to students so they can graduate with lesscredits but the district will save money by not offeringthose classes

02/25/2011, 08:49 AM

45 RC [email protected] Scrap extracurricular sports and events that are not directlyrelated to the teaching and learning of students, especiallyin low performing schools. Until a school can get itsacademics under control, there should be no distractions inthe way of cheerleading, soccer, sports, or employeeswhose only job is to coach or lead those groups

02/25/2011, 08:49 AM


Page 8: DISD Citizen Feedback to budget cuts 3-29-11

2011--12 Budget Community Feedback As of 3-29-11

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46 T [email protected] I'm sure that many individuals including myself would bewilling to sacrifice their step raise and perhaps even take a1 3% decrease in their salary rather than see so manypeople lose their jobs. This crisis has caused so much stressin my personal life as well as my professional life.Freeze allraises and ask employees to take a slight pay cut so that somany can keep jobs.Reach out to the community and askfor help including tax increase as other districts have done.We all need our jobs!

02/25/2011, 08:50 AM

47 Lisa Jones [email protected] Where are the cuts to athletics and special education? 02/25/2011, 08:50 AM

48 david poole [email protected] gather groups of parent volunteers to handle the landscapemaintenance at all schools so that maintenance staff canbe laid off instead of teachers.if the parents are given thechoice of doing some school yard work maybe every twoweeks or losing teachers i think they will choose to keepthe teachers.

02/25/2011, 09:15 AM

49 Anita Schuessler [email protected] Dallas spends over $190 million on the Calatrava Bridgewhen a much cheaper bridge could have been used. Dallasputs in Woodall Rodgers Deck Park with the basic park costof over $67 million while amenities will be extra. Those twoprojects alone would have covered the $250 millionshortfall. Where is the city planning here? There is none.Only people wanting to make a name for themselves.

02/25/2011, 02:16 PM

/ /50 Concerned AFTCLIO Member

[email protected] If the district retains the best and veteran teachers, then itis quite logical to let go of instructional support (newteacher development, instructional coaches, etc.) that willnot help these highly qualified teachers. The main focusshould be how to redirect resources that will maximizebenefit for the kids and the teachers that decide to stay.

02/25/2011, 02:25 PM

51 Jennifer Cruce [email protected] As a former teacher, I cannot imagine how someone issupposed to teach at the expected high level with classsizes up to 36 students to 1 teacher. There is no possibleway these wonderful teachers will be able to uphold thestandards of the mandatory state testing under theseupcoming pressures. We need to use the Rainy Day Fundand cut out state testing for the next 3 years. Why are wecreating a "new" test for next year when the state is insuch a financial crisis?

02/25/2011, 02:35 PM


Page 9: DISD Citizen Feedback to budget cuts 3-29-11

2011--12 Budget Community Feedback As of 3-29-11

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52 Jennifer Cruce [email protected] My son is grateful to attend BTWHSPVA. These teachersare the most remarkable teachers I have ever come incontact with. These are the smartest, most talented kids inthe area. The requirements of this school are tough. It isunfair to put the school in jeopardy. A diploma fromanother high school isn't the same as one from BTW.Colleges will not look at their coursework and GPA thesame coming from somewhere else. Don't you want DISDto represent well to colleges? Do the right thing.

02/25/2011, 02:42 PM

53 Peter Dapice [email protected] Fire administration bureaucrats. 02/25/2011, 03:38 PM54 Zulema Ortiz [email protected] I would recommend that we release all foreign teachers

who have expired working VISA's or are in the process ofrenewing their working VISAs. Our first obligation shouldbe to certified US citizens.

02/25/2011, 04:18 PM

55 Patrick L. BoydLloyd

[email protected] One way the DISD can help the budget is by selling off theolder buildings to developers for condos and office space. Adeal could be brokered so that the developer puts moneyup front to help the school district build out newer schools.Then when the new schools are open the developer canbegin renovating the older buildings. Details to work outsure, but it's a start

02/25/2011, 04:31 PM

56 Pat Johnson RN [email protected] First would be to put the responsibilty for professionaldevelopment back on each individual. For instance I needcertain credits to maintain my license..I should get them onmy own time. Don"t make us attend classes/hire speakers.

02/25/2011, 05:00 PM

There are other methods to accomplish this.Nurses and counselors(non teaching) staff should onlywork when students are here. We do not need to start aweek early with the teachers, cut our days down.

57 John Pullman [email protected] I do not know what the district has budgeted for groundsmaintenance and building maintenance but I do know thatwhen I was a kid I mowed grass all summer and weekendsuntil it snowed. It kept me fit and gave me folding money.Why not put some of your able bodied students to workand cut back the hours of some full time maintenancepeople. You help the students who may need extra incomeand you clean out some of the dead wood who you keepon payroll for grins. It could be part of the curriculum.

02/25/2011, 05:42 PM

58 Kathy [email protected] Set up text account w 5 or 10$ donations like folks did forred cross!!!

02/25/2011, 06:35 PM


Page 10: DISD Citizen Feedback to budget cuts 3-29-11

2011--12 Budget Community Feedback As of 3-29-11

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59 David W. Tuthill [email protected] Cut spending for football (and other sports relatedspending). Cut administrative spending, staff, and salaries.Control yourself with our bond monies (that you purposelymisled us on by delaying the audit report)

02/25/2011, 06:46 PM

60 Deborah S.Wade

[email protected] One suggestion would be something that a few principalsand office managers have suggested and it would savesome money to help at least a couple of either professionalor support staff. Since you were talking about a ten dayfurlough. Cut back on Summer School or have the studentpay. I feel that if our students are not doing what theyshould be doing during the year, they should pay forSummer School. Outside trainers when we have greatinside DISD staff, who would know best than our own.

02/25/2011, 07:30 PM

61 Howard C.Parker

[email protected] Stop spending $$$ to build screens around dumpsters atour schools.

02/25/2011, 08:15 PM

62 Cheryl Franklin [email protected] Now with this incentive the district has attracted peoplewho were planning to retire and teachers who werepregnant and not planning to come back and people whowere not coming back for other reasons.

For teachers who are really close to retirement but need towork another year or two a plan aimed at their particularneeds would be effective to most likely lure another 500 orso with high salaries toretire. If possible another year credit with TRS more moneyor a retire part time rehire

02/26/2011, 08:50 AM

or a retire part time rehire.

63 Cheryl Franklin [email protected] If an incentive was offered that appealed to teachers thatwanted to re tire but needed to continue to work theycould be re hired at 49.9% and assist in the classrooms thatare going to be so large. Helping the teacher with paperwork, parent conferences, tutoring, lesson plans and beingin the classroom part time. This would benefiteveryone.Parents would be relieved to know that therewas a plan to improve the larger classroom situation. Iknow some school districts in Florida use this model

02/26/2011, 08:59 AM

64 Louisa Meyer [email protected] Similar to college work study programs, we should hirestudents. We would save on salary and benefit costs whilekeeping the students connected to their schoolcommunities. They could work on their home campus or aneighboring campus or stadium. They are capable ofhandling a variety of jobs from custodial, clerical, foodservice and teacher assistant. And they can handle money.DISD stifles student responsibilities while their externalemployers make them store managers.

02/26/2011, 09:23 AM


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2011--12 Budget Community Feedback As of 3-29-11

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65 Louisa Meyer [email protected] Transfer stadium concession management from athletics tofood services as is done by Mesquite ISD so to pass ondiscounts earned by the department's purchasing power.Allow student and parent groups to work under theirsupervision as a means to earn money for their programs.The reputation of the external vendor(s) is that they areinefficient and discourage student group participation.Only Hillcrest, by taking over the entire operation atFranklin, has been able to make this work.

02/26/2011, 09:54 AM

67 Louisa Meyer [email protected] Assuming changes to student/teacher ratios will reduce theclassroom utilization at Townview, move Travis to thatcampus and close the Travis location.

02/26/2011, 10:31 AM

68 DISD Teacher [email protected] Start cutting the incompetents in administration, such asTela Maupin at Seagoville Middle School. She harasses theteachers, can't plan or organize schedules, cannotcommunicate, shows favoritism, and tampers with testscores. She, and others like her, need to go. The rest inadministration, consulting, and facilitating, etc., shouldhave their salaries greatly reduced. Do not discriminateagainst the experienced, dedicated, hardworking teachersby cutting them! Students need their teachers.

02/26/2011, 10:53 AM

69 Louisa Meyer [email protected] Even if the state doesn't continue to fund full day PK, weshould still have class space and teachers to offer a tuition

02/26/2011, 01:12 PM

based program. ~$400/month tuition x ~9 months x ~22students = $80K and should cover the cost of a teacher plusbenefits.

Wherever increased class sizes result in vacant classrooms,all tuition based programs from piano to karate should beconsidered

70 MichaelCampione

[email protected] Cut some of the needless administrator jobs and outsidecontractors. Also, all upper management including thesuperintendent, take at least a 10% pay cut. Everyone elsetook a pay cut in this country and the schooladministration should not try place themselves abovedoing that.When you have covered every angle of senseless spending,then you can start cutting teachers. Stop using the teacherissue to pull the wool over our eyes as justification to raisetaxes or cry about funding.

02/26/2011, 01:39 PM


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2011--12 Budget Community Feedback As of 3-29-11

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71 Concernedemployee

[email protected] I am a 226 day employee, not a teacher. Instead of thestate approving furlough days, just reduce my number ofdays to 215 or 216. You don't affect my salary (daily rate)and it's not furloughs, you just change my days. Or if thestate does approve furloughs, allow people to accept 15 20furloughs similar to what you are now doing with the 10Kfor teachers to resign.

02/26/2011, 01:47 PM

72 Jose Karam [email protected] Due to what appears to be a success in giving incentives toteachers who decide to resign, I think it would be a goodidea to extend that courtesy to 1,000 more teachers. In thelong run, it is going to save money in DISD. Thank you.

02/26/2011, 02:42 PM

73 wanda cardona [email protected] 1. Opening up windows for 15 and 20 year old teacherveterans to take their retirements now2. Look at school report cards, if the school has beenacademically unacceptable for 2 or more yearsconsecutively, it should be shut down and send thoseteachers and principals to the back of the line.3. Look at teachers educational background. Teachers withMaster degrees in education, should not be laid off.4. DISD should ask other ISD's if they can pick up some ofthe teacher overload.

02/26/2011, 04:24 PM

74 Walter Kilroy [email protected] If you are serious, look at the Mission Statement of DISDand focus on providing an education to the children. Cutthe number of Administration staff by 50%, from top to

02/26/2011, 09:01 PM

bottom before one teacher is cut. Cut the salaries of theremaining administration staff, including theSuperintendent by at least 30%,sliding scale from 25% to60%suspend all perks until they can be afforded. Get abusiness centered CEO to run the business of thedistrict.Run Building maintanance like a business. NOHOME DEPO

75 Walter Kilroy [email protected] If you are serious, look at the Mission Statement of DISDand focus on providing an education to the children. Cutthe number of Administration staff by 50%, from top tobottom before one teacher is cut. Cut the salaries of theremaining administration staff, including theSuperintendent by at least 30%,sliding scale from 25% to60%suspend all perks until they can be afforded. Get abusiness centered CEO to run the business of thedistrict.Run Building maintanance like a business. NOHOME DEPO

02/26/2011, 09:01 PM


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2011--12 Budget Community Feedback As of 3-29-11

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76 concerned again [email protected] The district has close to 160,000 students and 20,000 staff.The DISD Police & Security Department is only 233 (+/ afew) staff. With the proposed cuts, higher ratios, andcontinued gang, drug, and security concerns, cutting anystaff from police & security may not be wise. From thechief to the security officers and the analysts andspecialists in between, they are all essential to the safety ofthe students and employees of the district and thecommunity's trust in the safety as well

02/26/2011, 10:23 PM

77 Judy Nelson [email protected] As a teacher, I would be open to taking professionaldevelopment online for graduate credit. DISD already hasa partnership with University of Texas Arlington. DISDcould greatly downsize the amount of personnel andclassroom space needed to train teachers if professionaldevelopment was outsourced. Perhaps a group rate couldbe negotiated with an area university. Teachers would savetime, the district would save money, trainers could behired by area universities.

Thanks,Judy Nelson

02/27/2011, 10:28 AM

79 Stephen S.Rodrigues, MD

[email protected] Get financial support for the major league sportsorganizations. Since public schools prepare ALL of themajor leagues professionals, why not have them cover a lot

02/27/2011, 10:43 PM

of the cost of stadiums, coaches, uniforms, travel,insurance and equipment. Twist their arms and make themfeel guilty and obligated.orMove all these extracurricular activities to the privatesector.

Hey, why not do the same for major corporations!Steve

80 Mary MargaretMeggs Harms

[email protected] Could we go to a 4 day week? We could add 45 60 minutesto each day for an additional core class. This wouldimmediately reduce transportation, food, and utility costsby 20%. We could add the Red Cross Babysitting class tothe curriculum for students who might be interested intaking care of younger students on the lost day. We coulduse the Community Liasons to contact community servicesand churches near each school to help. I would suggesttaking Monday off, because of federal holidays.

02/28/2011, 08:58 AM


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2011--12 Budget Community Feedback As of 3-29-11

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81 Alice Johnson [email protected] Increase the end of the school day by several minutes. Thiscould allow for a reduction of the number of days schoolsare in operation, therefore decreasing overheadcosts/building operating expense. With the extendedschool day, students could receive more instructionalinterventions, and reduce the teacher after school tutoringexpense be reduced.(This plan could make the school year more "familyfriendly" by starting after Labor Day and ending beforeMemorial,curbing student absenteeism.)

02/28/2011, 09:02 AM

82 cristianonascimento

[email protected] Hello,

I believe DISD should post on the website measures thatare not allowed by law or DISD to implement the budgetreduction.

Example: Such as salary reduction and limit of class size.

Likewise people responding would be aware of laws andpossibilities for improvement. Consequently, peopleresponding would read what is not possible and would notbe wasting your time reading improvements that cannottake place.

02/28/2011, 10:52 AM


02/28/2011, 11:51 AM

84 Patricia Lee [email protected] Allow librarians at small schools where they will be half 02/28/2011, 12:03 PMtime to take on another school or tob be the computertech and librarian as they have done in Grand Prairie ISD.

85 Jorge Abrego [email protected] Teachers need to be in the classroom to teach everyday.The district spends huge amount of money in substitutes.Now at a time of need we must ask teachers to pay forthier sub when thier absent. Let them also pay some sort offine when thier late.

02/28/2011, 12:07 PM

86 Leslie Daroche [email protected] Turn 226 day employees who work with curriculum to 215day employees allowing for a 1 month summer breakinstead of a two week summer break. If furlough days areimplemented, allow employees to pick when to use them,or put them together with the summer break.

02/28/2011, 12:17 PM


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87 Kimberly Dugan [email protected] 1. Staff Development to cut operating costs and payrollcosts for staff development, I suggest offering the courseson line. There could also be a nominal charge for these online classes that would create a little revenue. Manyprofessional occupations offer on line classes for a charge.

2. Curriculum Specialists It seems to me that there are toomany specialists assigned to schools. There could be asmaller pool of them available for principal requests.

3. Charge for summer school

02/28/2011, 02:51 PM

88 Wilma Stone [email protected] TOO MANY ADMINISTRATORS. How can so many chiefsrule over so few Indians?

02/28/2011, 08:43 PM

89 Jonathan Smith [email protected] Was driving last night near N. Dallas HS and saw PALMTREES out front. Those are expensive to buy and maintainand difficult to grow in Dallas. Why spend money on palmtrees?

02/28/2011, 09:15 PM

90 Susan Bell bell [email protected] With the upcoming teacher shortage, the BroadcastDepartment should be developing on line distance learningprograms.

03/01/2011, 07:41 AM

91 erma mcknight [email protected] I would like to know why there aren't any incentive forteacher assistants. a lot of us have worked long and hardjust like the contract teachers. Just curious to know,because i feel like my job is important and would jump atthe chance if i was offerd an incentive.

03/01/2011, 07:52 AM

/ /92 Sarah Cavazos [email protected] I am a parent and a taxpayer in DISD. My suggestion is:Aledo ISD took a pay cut across the board a few years agoto avoid having to cut staff. If a 10% salary reduction willyield a savings of $88 million and a ten day furlough willyield $44 million (annual costs) If this was done over twoyears the total savings would be $264 million. This is morethan the amount needed to cover the worst case scenarioof $253 million. NO STAFF LOSES THEIR JOBS!

03/01/2011, 07:54 AM

93 Cynthia Baker [email protected] I would like to know how you can afford this incentive forteachersto retire early in 2010 2011 when you could not afford topay teacherswho retired in 2009 2010 for the sick days never used.Paying retiring teachers for unused sick days was long thecustom in DISD.This seems contradictory to me, and if you would pay the2010 retirees the pay of a substitute for unused sick dayswhich we reallyneed, we would feel like we were valued as much as 2011ti

03/01/2011, 08:27 AM


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94 Joanne Alvizo [email protected] Consider doing away with the benchmark. The resultsalmost never correlate well with TAKS/TAKS release andtherefore don't help in measuring their success on stateassessments. Teacher made tests and assessments inSendereos/journeys are enough to measure short termprogress. With all 3 State tests, classroom tests andbenchmark tests, we lose a lot of instructional time. It isalso a burden the the test coordinator, who in our school isthe counselor. Let's save paper too!!

03/01/2011, 09:50 AM

95 Kathy Graves [email protected] Offer employees the opportunity to buy years through TRS.This could make employees eligible for retirement who arealready very close.

03/01/2011, 10:37 AM

96 andrea [email protected] The District should Offer retirement packages/initiatives tosupport/central staff to resign.

03/01/2011, 10:43 AM

97 Marla Plocheck [email protected] I am the office manager at Booker T Washington HighSchool and one way that we could reduce budget costs isstop doing TWO sets of books on Student Activity FundAccounting. We currently us a system called EPES(Educational Progams & Software)and Oracle FinancialSystems. In 2004 all Secondary Campuses went toCentralized Activity Fund Accounting, the process wassuppose to run parallel for ONE year and now it is 2011 andwe are still doing this process!!

03/01/2011, 11:06 AM

98 Beth Weller [email protected] charge students a fee from $10 $50 for each activity inwhich they participate which requires a teacher to be paid

03/01/2011, 02:28 PM

a stipend for supervising afterschool activities. Lessexpensive activities/sports would have lower fees whilesome, such as football which requires lots of equipment,would have higher fees.These are extracurricular activities which do not counttowards graduation requirements and are not required bythe State. Students who want these opportunities shouldbe required to pay.

99 Carl E. Johnson [email protected] There are several suggestions I would propose to savemoney in areas.First our middle school and high schoolathletic programs could have some cost saving measures.Inmiddle school we can have a combined 7th and 8th gradeathletic teams like it was years ago.Instead of having twosets of games,transportation,officials etc.have only onecombined team representing the s school.In high schoolsyou only need varsity and sub varsity teams.Not enoughparticipation in most schools to justify three.

03/01/2011, 02:41 PM


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100 Alice Johnson [email protected] Allow teachers to roll over all unsed paid sick/personaldays. Therefore, reducing the teacher absents due to "usethem or lose them". This could also reduce sub teacherpayroll expemse.

03/01/2011, 04:00 PM

101 beth weller [email protected] Replace sports uniforms less often. Some sports NEVER getuniforms (tennis) and others get new every 2 3 yrs. Mostuniforms don't need replaced that often.Buy uniforms and other sports equipment from lowestvendor bid regardless of MWBE status.Have some teams share uniforms. Middle school girlsvolleyball, basketball & softball can share shirts; crosscountry (fall) & track (spring) can share. Order genericuniforms to be used by multiple teams and replace onlyworn out uniforms replace.

03/01/2011, 04:28 PM

102 beth weller [email protected] do not have one person selling tickets and another takingthem up a few feet away at athletic events. One person isenough. At some venues, there is a ticket seller, a tickettaker and a security person standing within a few feet ofeach other. Big games may need more people, but 3 for amiddle school volleyball game or soccer game is ridiculous.Staff according to actual need girls soccer has many fewerfans than HS football, and fewer ticket sellers/takers areneeded.

03/01/2011, 04:30 PM

103 Mr. Anderson [email protected] My first suggestions would be as follows: First, if any cuts 03/01/2011, 05:17 PMare to be made, they should be across the board, top tobottom, no one and nothing excluded. My coworkers and Ihad to live with a 5.6% pay cut two years ago. I had tolearn to live within my means. If I can do it, DISD can do it,too. So, my suggestion is to start with a 5.6% DISD widecut and go up from there until you are within the budget. Iam sure most would prefer that to unemployment.

104 Mr. Anderson [email protected] Second, I live in ZIP Code 75218, right next to Richardsonand Garland. Why can�’t my kids and others go toRichardson or Garland to relieve DISD of some of theburden? My daughter currently goes by contractedtransportation from RT Hill all the way to ED Walker, 10miles, on the NCLB program. Why not just send her toRichardson or Garland? From my home, Lake HighlandsJunior High and O�’Bannon Middle School are the samedistance as RT Hill, roughly 3 miles each.

03/01/2011, 05:18 PM


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105 Judy Nelson [email protected] First, I wanted to say that lay offs will greatly diminish thequality of DISD. However,I still want to chime in on thecriteria for teacher lay offs. CEIs are not an objective or fairenough measure for lay offs.

Criteria should be ranked in order of importance.1. Written record of misconduct.2. Compliance with training requirements. (ex. up to dateGT Hours)3. Non participation in committees that contribute to thewelfare of the school.4. Seniority in DISD.

Thanks for the forum to share

03/01/2011, 09:10 PM

106 Sherry Rowe [email protected] I just had a few ideas that would save millions of dollarsand hundreds of jobs. 1. Why don't we have schoolMonday Thursday, and cut out all stipends? These are justa few suggestions that might help.

03/01/2011, 09:34 PM

107 Sabrinna [email protected] Raises??? Really!!! No raises for central admin people. Howinsensitive can you be my goodness. Teachers are about tolose jobs and you gave out a raise??? Is this really fair. Thataction needs to be revoked.

03/01/2011, 10:56 PM

108 Charles Teeter [email protected] 1. Eliminate chief of staff position and all learningcommunity positions.2. eliminate superflous departments (i.e. office of

03/02/2011, 04:37 AM

professional responsiblity)3. Sell all unused or underused property4 Limit testing to only TAKS and ITBS

109 Asani Charles [email protected] In the called board meeting yesterday Mr. Hinojosa saidpayroll runs about $4 million per day. We were out 5 daysdue to weather. If we make none of those days up, we save$20 million. Hinojosa also reported at $50 million dollarsavings from the teachers who opted to resign early thispast Saturday, leaving us with a total of $70 million.Therefore it is fiscally fit for the district to consider theinclement weather days as an embedded furlough.

03/02/2011, 05:37 AM

110 Carl E. Johnson [email protected] Students should take some responsibility for summerschool and assessed a fee to attend to recovercredits.Something to the tune of 20.00 25.00 per coursewould make it a little more serious for these students.Toomany start out and have to be dropped from summerschool due to attendance or discipline issues.

03/02/2011, 07:32 AM


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111 Donna Marquet [email protected] LIBRARIAN FULL TIME. They are vital to the education ofmy children. COUNSELOR HALF TIME. I am sure on paperthe counselor is supposed to have other primary duties butconsidering the only defense of the counselor positionfrom our principal was for test distribution one wondershow much else the counselor is really contributing.RECORDS CLERK HALF TIME. This position seems to havemore than ample time to complete their work.Pleasecontact me if you would like more information. Good Luck.

03/02/2011, 08:29 AM

112 StephanieBurgard

[email protected] I'm not sure if it would save money or not but what about a4 day school week? Kids would go to school from 8 4:30,parents wouldn't need to get care for those days and thenyou would only need care on 1 day a week.

The folks that don't need care would get a 3 day weekend.


03/02/2011, 08:30 AM

113 Graciela [email protected] Has there been consideration in reducing contract days forspecific job titles? ie. principal, office mangagers, centraloffice personnel, specialists, special education managers,psychologists, etc.

03/02/2011, 09:07 AM

114 Mary Smith [email protected] *Stop pulling teachers out of the classroom to go totraining which requires us to pay for a sub to babysit theclass at a cost $75.00 $100.00 each. We have staff

03/02/2011, 09:27 AM

development days figured in to the calender use thosedays for this training or take them out of the calendarwhich would shorten the school year saving the fundsrequired to run the building.Staff Development days should be used for StaffDevelopment/training.* Change to 4 day week and save cost of running a bldg for3 day

115 Melanie Clinton [email protected] Where are the figures for athletic endeavors? How muchmoney does the district allocate for sport activities beyondthe classroom day?

How much money would be saved if we eliminate all afterschool sports programs for two years?

If a school wanted to compete, the school would have toraise the funds for transportation,facility costs, uniforms,equipment etc.

Schools would need corporate sponsors. (Oil Companies)

03/02/2011, 09:50 AM


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116 Rachel Ayala [email protected] If you have all principals meet in 2 or 3 schools in thesummer and close down all the schools, we can saveelectricity. They can be assigned a school they have toreport to all summer and you can house all of themtogether by High School, Middle School and Elementary.This way when they meet, they are all there. This will alsosave from paying custodians all year. Custodians don'tneed all that time to clean a school. Give them 1 month,not 3 months.

03/02/2011, 11:22 AM

117 Kevin Spurgin [email protected]

In working with DISD over the years via after schoolprograms, I see district level administrators making way toomuch money for far too little work. I worked very hard toconnect with these administrators whom I had met inperson and urged me to contact them so we could worktogether on behalf of the students. Time after time, emailsand phone calls went unanswered. Bottom line: keepcampus level employees especially teachers and cutunnecessary district level employees.

03/02/2011, 11:42 AM

118 Yulanda Nealy [email protected] I think we should cut out the excessive testing andassociated costs. The ACP final examinations and the stateassessments are enough. Additionally, some of us have toprepare students for the the end of couse and AdvancedPlacement exams. The additional "common assessments"that we are being required to administer are excessive anddistracting to the learning process. Teachers are capable of

03/02/2011, 01:14 PM

distracting to the learning process. Teachers are capable ofdetermining when and how frequently their studentsshould be assessed.

119 Yulanda Nealy [email protected] Some campuses and counselors are pushing dual creditprograms. Students are encouraged to apply for dualcredit, but not all colleges and universities accept dualcredit classes as core hours. Additionally, because theCollege Board had conducted an audit of each AP class andsyllabus, AP courses must have sufficient academic rigorbefore schools are allowed to use the AP designation onstudents' transcripts.Dual credit instructors must have graduate degrees, but

there is also no oversight.

03/02/2011, 01:49 PM


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120 rosamariablanco

[email protected] hello. Ive worked for DISD for 8 years now and im a teacherassistant goin to school for my education degree and verysaddened by the fact that I am about lose my job. I reallytry to understand why education is always the 1st to getcut when the budget is in crisis. I hope this situation issolved by NOT cutting peoples job but by cutting programsthat are not being used properly by students. Money canbe saved by doing this, I believe.

03/02/2011, 02:41 PM

121 citizen of Dallas [email protected] If Pre K and Kinder are not cumplotory in Texas they shouldbe the first to go.

Along with the AC department.

And all school athletic and enrichment programs afterschool.

Academics first

03/02/2011, 02:42 PM

122 Nancy Brown [email protected] Keep the instructional coaches! 03/02/2011, 03:56 PM123 name [email protected] As a district, the Dallas ISD should put student success at

the top of its list of goals. That being said, any support thatis given should remain in place. Teachers and instructionalcoaches should remain with a cut of the stipend or a cut indays. One or the other not both. All other staff shouldreceive a percentage cut in pay as well. Counselors andsped should remain but cut so they are assigned tomultiple campuses just like speech therapist.Hiring freeze and pay freeze.

03/02/2011, 04:11 PM

Hiring freeze and pay freeze.

124 Hugh F.X.McMahon

[email protected] 500 Characters is not enough. To whom can I send mysuggestions?

03/02/2011, 07:29 PM

125 ConcernedElementaryParent

[email protected] While I understand cuts are necessary at the campus level.I truly feel that if we are to cut at that level, the cuts shouldaddress everyone on the campuses that is in a position thatis not a grade level teacher. For example, cut specials suchas library and computers and music. Those classes can betaught by the classroom teacher in the classroom as part ofthe daily curriculum. Also, cut academic coord, elem.counselors, clerks, and rdg/sc campus coaches.

03/02/2011, 08:34 PM


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126 Rashawn L.Collins Sr.

[email protected] Millennium Health Plan1600 Rose StreetIrving, TX 75062Phone (972) 607 [email protected]

To Whom it may Concern:Millennium Health Plan is aware of the current budgetissues your School District is currently experiencing. It isMillennium�’s goal to assist your district with obtainingaffordable insurance for your employees. Millennium hasworked very hard to understand what schools are lookingfor when looking for an insurance carrier. Millennium is aninsurance dedicated to

03/02/2011, 08:54 PM

127 Kate Simpson [email protected] I urge you to find other means of balancing the budgetother than cutting vital classroom impacting resources,such as our teachers. I further urge you to not cut specialprograms like TAG schools which help our district'sadvanced students. Our schools have already facedsignificant cuts over the past several years, and additionalcuts will be traumatic. Please make a stand for ourchildren. Thank you.

03/02/2011, 09:01 PM

128 Heath Simpson [email protected] I am astonished and appalled that DISD is yet again facing afiscal crisis. Our children deserve better. It is time forthose in charge to be held accountable for fiscalirresponsibility. Please, figure this out. Don't cut teachers.

03/02/2011, 10:32 PM

p y gDon't cut magnet and TAG programs. Petition the state.Petition the federal government. Be creative. Ourchildren's educations are too precious to be put at risk.

129 Gary L.Brueggeman,Esq.

[email protected] Teacher cuts should be a last resort administrative jobsshould be on the block first.

03/03/2011, 01:32 AM

130 johnny.mckenzie

[email protected] close down the print shop it will save thousands of dollars,outsource all printing an graphic.or create CATE programtrain students in digital printing have students to print allprintingmaterials.

03/03/2011, 06:43 AM


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131 Maria Cardenas [email protected] I feel the district should look at special programs to cutinstead of teachers.I know that within this district, thereare a lot of programs that are good but not needed at thistime. The early childhood department have a programserving 2 3 years old and teachers that don't even have 2years of education they also have a hippy program thatstaff almost 30 people. These positions can be cut to givethe certified teachers a chance to keep their jobs. We haveto go with the necessity right now.

03/03/2011, 07:58 AM

132 L. Royal [email protected] The TAs are a vital part of getting the students in thebuilding and ensuring that they are escorted safely andchaos free to classes.

03/03/2011, 08:42 AM

133 Heath Simpson [email protected] To solve the budget crisis I urge you to close non schoolfacilities such as the Nolan Estes Plaza facility. Surely thereare similar old, under utilized and/or inefficient facilitiesthat can be closed and consolidated. There must be othernon teacher employees that can be let go, or have payreduced. Don't put the burden on teachers, and pleasedon't increase student to teacher ratios to the point ofridiculousness. And by all means, save the TAG/magnetprograms, don't butcher them!

03/03/2011, 09:58 AM

134 Beth Moss [email protected] use rainy day fundaccess $830 million federal money that Gov. Perry did nottakeraise taxes if necessary how can a state operate onfunding from 5 to 6 years ago...the way the economy has

03/03/2011, 10:12 AM

g y g y ygone up?go to a 4 day school weekI would like to be on the committee to address these needsfrom a teacher view pointBeth MossLakewood Elem135 Kim Glick [email protected] I think discontinuing the Alternative Certification Programand the Bilingual Stipends and recruiting would be a goodidea to cut expenses. I think with a large population ofcertified experienced teachers to fill positions, theseprograms are unnecessary.

03/03/2011, 11:20 AM


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137 Kathy Brown [email protected] I have not heard any suggestion regarding sports and otherextracurricular activities that go on during the school year.It would seem to me that would help out in cutting some ofthe games played during the year. Once you factor inbasketball, football, volleyball, golf, softball, cheerleading,choir, chees clubs, debate teams, track and field andanything else that I might have left out. Reducing thenumbers of games played would save to salvage acutalteaching positions. Think about it.

03/03/2011, 01:03 PM

138 Elizabeth Brown [email protected] Charge a transportation fee for magnet school students toride the bus.Charge an activity/supply fee for sports.Charge a general activity/supply fee for students in certainelectives or extra curricular programs.

03/03/2011, 03:00 PM

139 C. Dunlap [email protected] I think the early incentive should be extended to 3rd yearprobationary contract teachers. They fall in the "gray area"category because they are about to earn a standardcontract. I know a lot of teachers who would gladly takeadvantage of the incentive but are ineligible for thisreason

03/03/2011, 03:42 PM

140 Juan Pecina [email protected] I suggest that all microwaves and compact refrigerators beremoved from the classrooms and offices. We have manyemployees who have their own personal units at work. Ifan employee would like to use their personal units at workthen they should be required to pay an electricityconsumption fee. Also, no employee should be allowed to

03/03/2011, 04:27 PM

p , p ycharge their cell phone, ipod, personal computer,nor anyother electical devise at work. The district will save moneyin electricity cost.

141 beth weller [email protected] One place I worked saved on employee time lost for drappointments etc by working an 8 9 8 schedule. For a 2week pay period, employees worked 9 hours a day for 8days, 8 hours one day and had one day off. Everyone goteither a mon or fri off every other week, so didn�’t take asmuch vacation or sick time to take the car to the shop, waitfor cable guy, etc. It really increased productivity.I think this would help with central office and admin staffto work such a schedule

03/03/2011, 04:56 PM


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142 Delia Lopez [email protected] Office managers work same hours as E.D.C's come in 1 or 2days during summer to do payroll.

Part time workers.Those who leave the district and comeback.

Contract Workers that are not need or cur the Hours.

Stop moving departments from building to building.

Staff Development Hours done in each school.

Change the structure of teachers going toworkshops,trainings,Out of town workshops during theday. Students Benefit from not having a substitute.

Stop remodeling Executive offices.

03/03/2011, 05:01 PM

143 David look [email protected] How much is paid to substitutes? How about all admin staffmust sub at least one day a semesterGross Pay >100k/yr 1 sub day per semGross Pay >40,000<99,9999 1 sub per month

If it makes sense to close payroll dept one day a month forsub reasons do it otherwise on a rotating personnel basis

03/03/2011, 05:16 PM

I keeps admin close to the scene

144 Rachel Ayala [email protected] Closing the schools during the summer. Forming groups ofcustodians to go in and clean certain schools. Like pick 10schools a day and send a team in to clean. This way yougive them a time schedule to finish and everyone isworking together and keeping an eye on each other. Youcan have a team of 50 to 100 custodians at a time. Thisshould have all the schools cleaned in one month. Thecustodians would work only 10 months a year. This wouldalso save electricity.

03/04/2011, 08:31 AM


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145 Lisa Greene [email protected] 1. Do not cut magnets, tag. Bright students are our besthope2. Cut ineffective teachers, not LIFO you will need the bestteachers to be effective with higher ratios3. Add office supplies (paper, etc) to school supply lists4. Go to part time, flex, telecommute with administrativeoffices5. Halt school improvements temporarily6. Thurs folder, other parent communication by email7. Cut salaries of highest paid8. Food program made $6 million last year, ask them forhelp

03/04/2011, 09:40 AM

146 Dana Lovette [email protected] Allow job sharing. Some teachers would willingly work parttime if they had a partner to share their duties. Forexample, one teacher works MWF and the other Tuesdayand Thursday.

03/04/2011, 09:54 AM

147 Maricella [email protected] I have a couple of suggestions: 1)support employees work32 hours a week and have 1 day furlough. This will cutexpense in pay, electricity and other general dailyexpenditures. 2) Reduce office supply budgets 3) Freeze alltravel & training/conference expenses

03/04/2011, 09:59 AM

148 Nancy Vela [email protected] I suggest Office Managers work less than 226. I have beenat some campus's in the summer and you can not find theOffice Managers. Or the doors are locked at the schools.

03/04/2011, 10:07 AM

) / / /149 regina pelton [email protected] 1) eliminate retire / rehires 1st2) eliminate bi lingual stipend and teach all childrenspanish andenglish together, giving all children the same opportunity


3) keep the support for the core subjects in high school inorderto adequately prepare our students for success in the

real world4) increase the number of slots for enrollment to the earlycollegecampus's to allow more students an opportunity to be


03/04/2011, 10:11 AM


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150 Dr. Tabiri H.Tabasuri

[email protected] If any layoffs are made in the District, it seems reasonablethat the determining criteria should be based on seniority.Those employees who have contributed the greaternumber of years of service to the District should be the lastto be cut. In fact, using this criteria which is normallyaccepted in most major U.S. formal organizations results inless internal and public criticism. Another less desirable butreasonable solution is to reduce the salary of all employeesby the same percentage.

03/04/2011, 10:29 AM

151 Cloteal Davis [email protected] I think the 10 furlough days is a great idea because it willalso makeemployees take fewer days off work. It could be a win, winsituation.

Have more on line workshops and conferences.

Utilize some of our buildings for retreats.

Put some new programs on hold.

The 10% cut in salary will allow more teachers to keep jobs.

03/04/2011, 10:33 AM

152 Gilda Velasco [email protected] Since Bilingual Teachers are losing their Stipends next year(and others who receive stipends), are we going to be "HIT"twice with a cut in our salary as well? Seems like "allothers" who HAVE NOT been affected already should bereduced first. It's not fair we get a double reduction in

03/04/2011, 10:57 AM

gpay!! For most of us, that would mean between $8,000$10,000 cut in pay...Something to think about...IF THOSESALARY CUTS do take place.

thanks for listening,Gilda Velaco

153 Euranie Patin [email protected] Students at the beginning of their learning experience needto learn the language of the land they reside in as aprimary language not secondary language. I believe thatbilingual education should be apart of the elementary levelbut as an enrichment for ALL students in the schools, likeArt, Music, Technology, and P.E. This change can save thedistrict thousands of dollars. Bring back ESL in elementaryto help students learn in English.

03/04/2011, 11:03 AM

154 Jasen [email protected] Increase the hours of the school day Monday Thursday,close schools on Fridays. This should save the district.

03/04/2011, 12:02 PM

155 KimberlyMatthewson

[email protected] How can I become a member of the Citizens' BudgetReview Commission? I am very interested.

03/04/2011, 12:03 PM


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156 tricia tamayo [email protected] Copy paper. We make copies of everything! Especiallystudents records when students move school within thedistrict. Why?

I have and idea to put choice sheets (more paper) in a ipadtype tablet. That also allows signatures and input the infointo a data base and email

03/04/2011, 12:36 PM

157 KimberlyMatthewson

[email protected] If you reduce the campus level employees you will greatlyimpact our ability to maintain order ( the little there is).noone wants to see how our day to day operations takeplace just as noone wants to see the day to day operationsof war, but it's real to those of us who are in the trenches.Cuts should be made at the top(6 figures); that would savealot of needed personnel. 1 executive salary=3+ campusemployee salaries. It's not rocket science!

03/04/2011, 12:40 PM

158 Dana Phlatts [email protected] Reduce the number of contract days for principals, officemanagers, and assistant principals to 200. I know lots ofprincipals and office managers that would not mind havingmore vacation days even if it is less pay.

03/04/2011, 01:53 PM

159 Vickie Sallee [email protected] With the new Dallas ISD Chancery System, all schools in thedistrict can print out enrollment forms for each returningstudent at their schools. Many other school districts usethis method. As a parent I have used it for 4 years. Parentscan review, correct and sign. A photo copy or scan copycan be used for other documentational areas. This would

03/04/2011, 02:20 PM

save on the cost of the 3 part enrollment forms now beingused for each student. We would only need to use oldforms for incoming new students.

160 Andrea Pelzel [email protected] While I hate for anyone to loose their job, it seems thatthere are programs in place that are "nice" to have but donot directly relate to the students. Some of them includethe many newsletters we recieve on e mail. ExampleIntegrity Insights.I hope that this is only part of a person'sresponsibility, but is a project that could be eliminateduntil we have them money again. Also, the question of theweek. Good for morale, yes, however, who tracks, choosesand responds to this contest?Time=$$

03/04/2011, 02:24 PM

161 Larry BGoodman

[email protected] If the district must implement furlough days, I suggest a 32hour four day work week rather than a 40 hour four daywork week during the summer. Employees wouldcontriubte 10 days during this period to help reduce salaryexpense.

03/04/2011, 03:19 PM


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162 MarzenaBarcinska

[email protected] Dallas schools are overairconditioned, that would be agood place to start saving money. We can have millins ofdollars saved each year if the temeratures are raised from55 degree in the hallways and 64 in the classroms (thereality at Travis Academy) to at least 75 or 77 degrees!Please consider that easy buget aid that would also allowteachers take less time off! We all are getting sick and feelparalized by the cold!Marzena Barcinska

03/04/2011, 06:13 PM

163 Tammie Brooks [email protected] Please do not cut Class Reduction Teachers automatically.Some of them are our best teachers. It is our hope that wecan keep our teachers and teacher assistants. They are allvaluable to our children. Thank you for doing everythingyou can to resolve the budget crisis.

03/05/2011, 01:42 PM

164 Judy Nelson [email protected] Average TAKS passing rates may be a fairer way to assesseffective teachers than CEIs. CEIs are punitive to teachersin difficult assignments and for other reasons. If a teacherhas an average TAKs rate over their career at DISD that is15 percent below average for the campus, district, or state(you decide) than this teacher could be classed asineffective. It would also be fair to subtract truant studentscores from the average. One weakness is that teacherswho don't give TAKS aren't ranked

03/05/2011, 02:10 PM

165 Julie Long [email protected] PLEASE cut salaries by capping them at $75K until the crisisis over (including every district employee). Ask teachers

03/05/2011, 03:44 PM

and others (including superintendent) to accept theselower salaries (those who make more) for 2 3 years buyingtime to get a long term resolution to the budget issues.PLEASE lay off adminstrators and ancillary staff beforecutting teachers.PLEASE stop giving away money to entice teachers to quit.BAD policy and example to set for students.

166 MariaRuiz [email protected] While working morning duty at the cafeteria at my school Inotice that a lot of food goes to waste. Students dispose ofmost of their food during breakfast. I know that maybe youcan not eliminate breakfast or lunch for the sake of theirnutrition but something is got to be done.Can we at leasttake juices out of their menu? Because they do get fruitand other items to supplement vitamin C and juice has a lotof sugar.Caft. empl. make them take it and Ss just turnaround and throw them away.

03/06/2011, 09:18 AM


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167 Stephanie Curry [email protected] StephanieDallas ISD could save a lot of money if they shut down theirAlternative Ceritification Program. Why do they need torecruit uncertified teachers if certified teachers are gettinglaid off? There is a lot of waste in Dallas ISD, They have awebsite recruiting teachers for next year:

03/06/2011, 11:14 AM

168 PamelaHansmire

[email protected] Cost savings: HR has a 16.70% increase. If we are laying offemployees why the increase? Who will need to be hired?

Alternative Certification: $2,106,185 or 316.72% increase.There should be plenty of certified teachers being laid offthroughout the state. Why would we hire alternativecertified teachers?

Benchmark Assessment: eliminate this testing all together.Teaching is more benefical than testing 35.07% increase.$2,738,006.

A million here and million there will add up.

03/06/2011, 09:15 PM

169 Dr. V. Finn,Ph.D.

[email protected] Eliminate all non certified or prob./emergency certifiedpersonnel.Eliminate all non US citizen personnel.Eliminate 100% of bilingual stipends many of our

bilingual staff are not abiding by the programs and/or donot speak English well enough to teach it.

03/07/2011, 12:21 PM

p g gReview the PDAS evaluations and use this as the first

criteria to eliminate certified US citizens. Why have theeval program if it does not hold water.STOP using seniority as a reason to keep the ill equipped.

170 shwanda [email protected] test 03/07/2011, 12:42 PM171 Denise Harris [email protected] Reading Improvement is a CRITICAL part of curriculum. If

students cannot read, they cannot function. ReadingImprovement should be kept and reserved for thosestruggling readers so they will not be left behind.

03/07/2011, 12:47 PM


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172 Terry Savage [email protected] To whom it may concern:

I have an idea to save money for the district. Has it everbeen considered to have the district's coaches to obtaintheir Commercial Driver's License? This could save thedistrict quite a lot of money over a period time. There areother districts in the county that do this and have thecoaches drive their respective teams to their events.

Thank you,

Terry SavageADL teacherMedrano Middle School

03/07/2011, 12:49 PM

173 Elizabeth Davis [email protected] We waste so much food at lunch time. Perhaps studentscan select what they will be eating in lunch in the morningso the cafeteria knows how much to prepare of exactelyeverything. This would hopefully cut down on waste andoverspending on food that is not eaten.

03/07/2011, 02:17 PM

174 Elizabeth Davis [email protected] We have a new Math adoption and a new Readingadoption that both have great curriculum written for them.We should be looking at curriculum departments to cutback on staff as well and we can simply use what is oncurriculum central now. There is no need to have oneperson per grade, per subject running an online source thatdoes not need to be changed for the next few year.

03/07/2011, 02:19 PM

does not need to be changed for the next few year.Becides, it is supposed to be a guideline anyway.

175 Melinda Fagin [email protected] Save the purple! Retain teachers. Do NOT fill Mr.Viramontes position reallocate his responsibilities amongMr. Hinajosa and the other upper level positions. Eliminatefunding for car allowances; personal drivers; all boardmeetings and other staff meetings at sites other thanschools (no more meetings at the Anatole or theRitz/Carlton); and employee travel. Stop funding staffmembers obtaining higher education. Charge fees for outof district students attending schools if allowed by law.

03/07/2011, 03:40 PM

176 Melinda Fagin [email protected] Eliminate the DISD police. It has only been in existence for7 years, surely we can do without it! Reduce GeneralAdministation. Get rid of some of the supervisory positions.Have a moratorium on new building for 2 years. Eliminateemployee travel reimbursements for all out of districttravel. Have all meetings at schools.

03/07/2011, 03:44 PM


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177 miguel morales [email protected] ok if the district clese school for money and they will try toput 40 kids in one class room that will be doens't workbecause the class rooms are so small so every student isvery close to each other so they the only think that will bedo is talk and they don't do the work so think about

03/08/2011, 06:51 AM

178 GwenetteSimmons

[email protected] Good Morning,I am a title one teacher asst. about to complete my studiesin Interdis.Studies ESL @ U.N.T.Dallas. I also intend tocertify in Special Ed. However, things look pretty bleektowards the education field. Yes, I feel a bit discouragedbut still hopeful that somehow things will take a turn forthe better. On my journey as a T.A. I've met so manywonderful people. My prayer is that I become a successfulclassroom teacher and principal. Where does it mentiontitle 1 T.A.'s? (14 yrs)

03/08/2011, 07:00 AM

179 GwenetteSimmons

[email protected] Hello Again,Let's start with high school. 12th grd. students return foronly one credit. Graduate these guys in the 11th grd. CloseA.C.positions alone with the Science Lab, Music,andcomputer labs. Teachers could intergrate computers inthier lessons and take students to the lab as a part of theclass.Revisit lunch menus, so much food is being thrownaway.Have all employees pay for the use of microwavesand refrig. Also, everyone turn off lites when out the thierclassrooms.

03/08/2011, 07:46 AM

/ /180 Laura O'Brien [email protected] Would it be financially beneficial to offer some type ofincentive to support staff members, like the one offered toteachers, to resign? Of course, not as much, but maybeoffer to pay them their PTO days or a blanket amount toresign. I think this would eliminate the unemploymentcosts that could happen if the projections of layoffs arereal

03/08/2011, 08:06 AM

181 Noel Reed [email protected] Have all emp;oyees clock in and clock out each day. 03/08/2011, 08:31 AM182 Alice Johnson [email protected] Incentive plan for schools which significantly

improve/reduce their energy costs.(For example: energyconservation by lowering of the most current school year'sutility costs from the costs of the prior school year.)

03/08/2011, 10:26 AM


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183 sylvia saenz [email protected] Hi,

it's time to do away with the black white worksheets.Scientists have proven it hurts the brain plus it would savemoney. Replace with games that teach.Students need social interaction skills. This helps our brain.Please visit utube sylvia delua click on Save our Schools forsong about this.

Sylvia Saenz M.Ed. Licensed Brain Gym Consultant

03/08/2011, 11:07 AM

184 tanis flanigan [email protected] 1. eliminate nurses and place teacher assistants in theirplace.2. eliminate the counselor supervisors; their function islimited.3. eliminate pre K classes4. eliminate bilingual teacher assistants5 eliminate consultants

03/08/2011, 12:54 PM

185 Susan Clark [email protected] I believe that GT teachers at all grade levels could now beeliminated since we are being trained in the GT Modules(30 hours) at the campus level. I believe the GT officecould incorporate the strategies in the CPG plans across theboard for easy access and use.

I noted that the first budget presented stated that MiddleSchool programs were to be gone. Elementary should goas well.

03/08/2011, 01:05 PM

/ /186 Monica S. Garza [email protected] Their are positions in central staff that may not benecessary, yet important, for DISD to function. Teacherassistanta are very necessary for each school. They help theteachers in their classrooms as well as perform other dutiesthat are out of the limits for their position. Some of us alsocover classes in the absence of a teacher. Therefor, I thinkthat you should start cutting on those central staff jobsthat earn much more than us teacher assistants.

03/08/2011, 01:35 PM

187 Wade Crowder [email protected] Start making cuts from the top down.Look at other Texas ISDs and see how disproportionate theCentral Administration ratio of administrators/teachers isin DISD.Look at Cyprus Fairbanks as an example of how to trim fatat the top.If DISD is going to transform the way we teach, let's put ourmoney and best people in the classroom.The teachers I work with are wonderful educators. Theyreally don't need the oversight or micromanaging for CPGsor layers and layers of beaurocratic overkill.

03/08/2011, 03:44 PM


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188 Wade Crowder [email protected] Generate teacher training from the campuses where themost experienced and successful teachers work. CPGs, staffdevelopment, curriculum development, and basic newteacher training can all be done by veteran teachers in acost effective manner without layers of centraladministration. The best teachers are often hand picked tomove to central administration. What a waste. Tap theresouces that exist on campuses and jettison theredundant positions downtown. Look at CHAMPs for nextyear.

03/08/2011, 03:59 PM

189 Wade Crowder [email protected] Generate teacher training from the campuses where themost experienced and successful teachers work. CPGs, staffdevelopment, curriculum development, and basic newteacher training can all be done by veteran teachers in acost effective manner without layers of centraladministration. The best teachers are often hand picked tomove to central administration. What a waste. Tap theresouces that exist on campuses and jettison theredundant positions downtown. Look at CHAMPs for nextyear.

03/08/2011, 04:02 PM

190 Cherie Davis [email protected] I believe the superintendent should forgo his salary as longas there is a budget shortfall. I believe the position shouldbe open every four years as a voluntary position with nomonetary benefits or compensation. It is only fair. If ourstudents, teachers, and other support staff should the superintendent. If you REALLY love a

03/08/2011, 04:11 PM

p yjob, you would do it for free anyway. Signed..parent of 07'S.E.M. graduate..and future Class of 2013 BTW/ArtsMagnet graduate.THANKS!!! :)

191 ab [email protected] Stop paying for the Raptor system to save money. 03/08/2011, 10:46 PM192 Maureen

[email protected] Please look to the classroom and teachers as a last resort

for budget cuts. Administration should be cut first,unnecessary jobs on Ross Avenue along with unnecessarytesting such as the benchmark tests. These tests take awayinstruction time and cost thousands to reproduce for eachstudent. The person in charge of this test could use theirtime more wisely in other areas.

Also, please examine the extra paperwork put on teachersto report back to Ross Avenue. Thank you

03/09/2011, 02:11 AM


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193 John S. Kennedy [email protected] Reduce the cost of substitutes by having administrators,central staff, and teaching assistants substitute 3 daysduring the school year.

Play all football games during the day, such as Saturdaymornings or afternoons to reduce energy cost.

Perform all professional development during the schoolyear so building are not opened during summer and saveon air conditioning.

Contact the HEB School District on water well project towater athletic fields at high schools.

03/09/2011, 07:28 AM

194 Karon Cogdill [email protected] 1. Reduce the number of auxillary personnel2. Furlough U.I.L. for two years.3. Reduce graduation requirements to those that of thestate requiredments.

03/09/2011, 08:14 AM

195 cathy jackson [email protected] In the midst of already poor test scores, it is not feasible toincrease class sizes. It is also not reasonable to increaseclass sizes and delete ISS.NO MORE STIPENDS TO DO YOUR JOB! NO HOUSINGALLOWANCES FOR HISPANICS FROM OTHER COUNTRIES.

RELEASE "double dippers." Retirees receiving two checks."Specialist" that are suppose to aid teachers back in theclassroom.Central staff reduced. Too many duplicated jobs. Redefine

03/09/2011, 08:46 AM

Central staff reduced. Too many duplicated jobs. Redefinejobs in central offices to maximize efficiency.

196 Ruth Kirk [email protected] I think the breakfast program can be cut. Parents can servebreakfast and be responsible for feeding their children inthe morning. Many of these students already receivesubsidized benefits (i.e. foodstamps, medicare). Parentsare getting the monies this way to provide food for theirchildren. If you can't cut the low income children, let thelow income children be the only beneficiaries to thebreakfast program, excluding the other income brackets.

03/09/2011, 01:41 PM

197 testsp [email protected] asdfasdfasdf 03/09/2011, 02:55 PM


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198 VeronicaRosales Villegas

[email protected] You all need to look at cutting the budget on each schoolbefore letting staff go. I went to eat lunch with my child theother day and instead of having reusable washable trayslike years ago when i was in school they had foam trays. Ifthere are 800 students that eat the school lunch x 5 days =4000 foam trays per week. Do the math...How many traysare in a package and what is the cost of each package?How many are they purchasing per week? Things like thisneed to be looked at before teachers

03/09/2011, 03:49 PM

199 Kay Bettis [email protected] I believe the position of counselor supervisor should beeliminated. They provide no direct services to the childrenof the District and little help for the counselors themselves.The money saved should be used to hire more counselors,who DO provide direct assistance to students. Counselorsalready have a supervisor their principal with whomthey work closely.

03/10/2011, 06:27 AM

200 Jennie Williams [email protected] As a science instructional coach for the district, instead ofeliminating the positions, reduce contract days from 215 to187. Coaches not only support K 5 campus teachers butalso write the curriculum and provide staff developmentfor campuses,learning communities and the district as awhole.

03/10/2011, 08:10 AM

201 Jennie Williams [email protected] As a science instructional coach for the district, instead ofeliminating the positions, reduce contract days from 215 to

03/10/2011, 08:10 AM

187. Coaches not only support K 5 campus teachers butalso write the curriculum and provide staff developmentfor campuses,learning communities and the district as awhole.

202 Jennie Williams [email protected] As a science instructional coach for the district, instead ofeliminating the positions, reduce contract days from 215 to187. Coaches not only support K 5 campus teachers butalso write the curriculum and provide staff developmentfor campuses,learning communities and the district as awhole.

03/10/2011, 08:10 AM

203 Jennie Williams [email protected] As a science instructional coach for the district, instead ofeliminating the positions, reduce contract days from 215 to187. Coaches not only support K 5 campus teachers butalso write the curriculum and provide staff developmentfor campuses,learning communities and the district as awhole.

03/10/2011, 08:10 AM


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204 A. Sanchez [email protected] Eliminate all athletics from DISD for a two year period. Thecost savings will be huge from maintenance of fields andathletic complexes. Invite Jerry Jones and Mark Cuban tosupport and fund athletic programs in DISD.Eliminate ALL electric space heaters in ALL DISD buildings.Electric heaters are dangerous and terribly inefficient. Toocold, wear a sweater.Magnet school application fee of $100, I am a MagnetSchool parent living on a fixed income but everyone canscrape together $100.

03/10/2011, 08:46 AM

205 Katie Bowery [email protected] Garcia MS has a softball field yet almost all the games arebeing played "away" forcing the district to bus both teamsrather than just 1. Last year most games were played here,but coaches complained about an advantage I am notsure that it is worth the cost incurred. I love that you areaccepting ideas, thanks for the chance to help!

03/10/2011, 09:06 AM

206 Muriel JohnsonRedd

mjohnson [email protected] *Would it help our finances any if the District investigatedinto looking into securing a less expensive insurancecarrier?

03/10/2011, 09:42 AM

207 terendarobinson

[email protected] moving to a four day work week,building maintenanceevery other day,no summer school, staff developments aredone within our students holidays, no staff developmentsin the summer, no stipends, elementary campus buildingcloses at a certain time, middle and high, no campus isopened after 8 for any reason any contracted services needto be cut down as well such as lawn no signing bonus

03/10/2011, 11:48 AM

to be cut down as well such as lawn no signing bonuslonger work day for the 4 days district as a wholedowntown and campus cut budget by 10 to 20%

208 Silvia Garcia [email protected] Trabajar solo 4 dias a la semana de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm, deesa forma se ahorra en transporte, alimentacion y serviciosun dia por semana en cada escuela. Ademas, utilizarinteligentemente el dinero asignado a las escuelas para suscompras (office supplies).Los coaches pueden recibir un porcentaje menos por estalabor, y que ese dia que no trabajamos por semana no sepague.

03/10/2011, 01:03 PM


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209 Joe Sanchez [email protected] Dear Sir,My suggestions for reducing the budget is as follow:1. Elimination of Academic Coaches in all areas such as inMath, LA. History. However, allow the coaches to teach

intheir respective areas especially in low performing

schools.2. Only allow rehired/retired teachers in critical areas suchas Math or Science.

3. Extended days (M TH) No school on Friday (Savings inUtilities and Transportation cost.)

4. Only 1 Principal and 1 asst. principal per bldg.

03/10/2011, 03:10 PM

210 Joe Sanchez [email protected] Dear Sir,My suggestions for reducing the budget is as follow:1. Elimination of Academic Coaches in all areas such as inMath, LA. History. However, allow the coaches to teach

intheir respective areas especially in low performing

schools.2. Only allow rehired/retired teachers in critical areas suchas Math or Science.

3. Extended days (M TH) No school on Friday (Savings inUtilities and Transportation cost.)

4 Only 1 Principal and 1 asst principal per bldg

03/10/2011, 03:11 PM

4. Only 1 Principal and 1 asst. principal per bldg.

211 Joyce Palmer [email protected] I thought your idea of asking teachers to volunteer toresign/take early retirement was an excellent one. I do,however, wish it would be expanded to includeprobationary teachers. After all, it makes more sense atonly $10,000 or less to allow people who would not mindleaving to do so rather than laying off a bunch of peoplewho absolutely must continue working.

Thank you.

03/10/2011, 03:54 PM

212 Dr. Leonardo R.Ledezma

[email protected] We could do a survey employees in all ranks in theadministration with enough time of service in the Districtthat could retire and request from them to retire at thistime. This would be a reasonable request and it wouldaliviate the pressure on newer employees. It would alsorenew management ranks bringing fresher views on how tosolve contingencies that the District faces.

03/10/2011, 04:41 PM


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213 Dr. Leonardo R.Ledezma

[email protected] We could do a survey employees in all ranks in theadministration with enough time of service in the Districtthat could retire and request from them to retire at thistime. This would be a reasonable request and it wouldaliviate the pressure on newer employees. It would alsorenew management ranks bringing fresher views on how tosolve contingencies that the District faces. It would benecessary to prepare those employees who would take theplace of those retiring to ocupy their new position.

03/10/2011, 04:42 PM

214 Charlotte Currey [email protected] 1. The business world is English: Adopt an ESL program forALL our students so all children receive an equal education.

2. Don't translate materials for TEACHERS into Spanish.

3. Cut out Benchmarks

4. Cut out all things that are not mandatory by the state

5. Take advantage of Region 10 offerings for training.

6. Cut out all consultants and use the Experts in the House

7. Limit football games to Dallas high schools playing otherDallas high schools; save the gas

03/10/2011, 05:14 PM

215 Simon Barton [email protected] 1. ELIMINATE TOP ADMINISTRATORS....WE HAVE TOOMANY CHIEFS THAT ARE NOT NEEDED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!2. Stop giving stipends to Math and Science teacher. Mostcore teachers receive extra money that is costing thedistrict too much. NON CORE CLASS TEACHERS TEACHMORE STUDENTS AND RECEIVE NO STIPENDS!3. Eliminate some of the administration postitions at eachschool. Principals at Seagoville High School are noteffective and make too much money for what they do.

03/10/2011, 06:01 PM

216 Fred Garza [email protected] I am requesting absolute transparancey for expendatures.The district is funded by Dallas tax payers. Itemized reportsfor the following:

03/10/2011, 06:25 PM


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217 Fred Garza [email protected] Itemized reports for the following:Salaries: teachers teacher aids administratorsadministrative aids+ancilary staff(please define positions)+maintenence staff (grounds, facility, plumbers,electricians)+technology (computers for schools, laptops for staff,smartphones (PDA) for staff.+operating budget, utility bills, others fees+security, staff,equipment+motor vehicles define use

03/10/2011, 06:26 PM

218 NatalieMcCandless

[email protected] Ideas to reduce the budget....

eliminate benchmark testing and allow each campus to usereleased state tests for that purpose at a timeframesuitable for them

eliminate or greatly reduce stipends

have staff development be on campus and in house

have parent conference days (fall and spring the 4 hourseach time ) be a furlough day and instead give us a weekto schedule conferences before and after school anddocument them

03/10/2011, 06:32 PM

219 pokeypaks [email protected] There are rumbling and they are getting louder and gaining 03/10/2011, 06:35 PMforce.Bilingual children are getting a distinct teachingadvantages of reading, writing and speaking a languageother than english. The rumblings are talking about gettinga lawyer and filing a discrimination case against DISD. Justlike back when blacks were discriminated against by whitesthe whites and blacks are being discriminated against bynot being given the same eduactional opportunity. CanDISD afford his case? Get rid of bilin

220 Fred Garza [email protected] How much is spent on direct curriculum, and textbooks.How are teachers rated? Are they held up to performancebased evaluations? Who conducts the districtadministrators' evaluations? What budget cuts are made inthe administrative offices? Are the school district'saccountants overseen and their work quality reviewed.Have they been deemed competent? A list of all districtemployees that are authorized to obligate district funding.Requesting the review of DISD Standard OperatingProcedures.

03/10/2011, 06:38 PM


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221 Karri [email protected] I would like to know if the firer marshal will have input percampus on the classroom capacity, because of safetycodes. Has the size of the classroom been taken intoconsideration, since some of the buildings can not holdthirty or more students?

03/10/2011, 06:40 PM

222 Nature MSargent

[email protected] 1. All central staff, learning community staff should subone day per month. It should be a preassigned date. 1st,2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursdayor Friday of each month.Example: Sue Ellen will sub at School Y on the 1st Mondayof each month.

2. All staff development delivered via webcam and logonprocess. Participants can post comments and questions toa real time whiteboard.

03/10/2011, 07:00 PM

223 morgana [email protected] close schools of principals that are retiring and are small innumbers. why hire a new prinicpal if going to close thatschool in 2013 go ahead and do those few now.

03/11/2011, 07:08 AM

224 dkemp [email protected] I dont think that we need all of the adminstrator cut someof them and keep the teachers. and that is main officedown town and some of the campus.

03/11/2011, 07:29 AM

225 Deborah Toler [email protected] Consider part time nursing positions please. 03/11/2011, 07:59 AM

226 Annonimous [email protected] All I want to know is if we have such a major budget cutthen why did Superintendent Michael Hinojosa support the

03/11/2011, 08:22 AM

creation of A. Maceo Smith New Tech High School. Thisnew school is exactly like the magnet school and thereforehas everything that he is complaining about. The teacherstudent ratio is of 1: 12.5 when he willing to cut so manyteachers so other schools have a ratio of 1: 35. This plainlydoes not make sense. Please explain

227 VeronicaEstrada

estrada [email protected] Do a district wide employee drug test. That will probablyreduce a percentage of the staff.

03/11/2011, 08:29 AM

228 J. Alexander [email protected] Put SPED teachers back in the classroom to alleviate highstudent/teacher ratios. Charge tuition for students whoenroll from out of state and, especially out of thecountry.Do away with the PLC.

03/11/2011, 08:40 AM


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229 Wendy WoodsJackson

[email protected] On line staff development. Same concept as on line collegebut each discipline would have deadlines to complete online mini coursework which would count as staffdevelopment. You will eliminate building usage, set up,paying staff to facilitate, cost of printed materials. Districtcan also require more hours of staff develpment with aprogram like this and require teachers who do not reviewwell to get more staff development hours. It can becustomized to the need of the teacher in that way.

03/11/2011, 08:44 AM

230 AgathaRichardson

[email protected] Propose a school tax increase. Many are willing and able toaccepta proposal of this nature.

03/11/2011, 08:57 AM

231 Kathryn Tharp [email protected] Go entirely paperless as a district. Encourage teachers topresent material digitally. Allow all employees to submitlesson plans, PDAS reports etc digitally. For individualswanting a paper copy of anything, assess a small fee (like abank).We would save money not just on paper, but on toner,printers, copiers and document destruction. Additionally, itwould reduce waste.Also take a look at other consumables, such as Styrofoamcafeteria trays

03/11/2011, 09:44 AM

232 teresa davis [email protected] Please do not touch P K Teacher and Teacher Asst.I thinkour student at this age need a early start in thereeducation at this age.Please Keep in mind that our studentare the future.Thanks!!!

03/11/2011, 10:06 AM

/ /233 Gloria Patrick [email protected] With the great improvement in performance for schoolsacross the district, it is a good time to visit the model ofsupervisor/coaches being utilized in the Curriculum andInstruction Department. Instead of a supervisor for everylearning community, consider one or two supervisors forelementary and secondary with coaches serving areas. Thiswould reduce the number of supervisors and the numberof coaches. They can be placed at campuses as teachers orwhatever their certification support

03/11/2011, 10:09 AM

234 W.Fannie [email protected] A cheif proposed cut can come from the top first. With asalary of $400,000, The Super can cut his salary more than1/2. Aside from that, each area represented in DallasISDhas 9 Area Supers. These Supers serve as the voice forPrincipals, Faculty/Staff, Businesses, and Communityleaders; because of this, the district has NO need for AreaCommunity Leaders, nor an Assistant that aids theCommunity Leader. Content Area Coaches have been inplace long before Assistant Community Leaders.

03/11/2011, 10:20 AM


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235 James Beckers [email protected] Change the school schedule: It could be from Monday toThursday from 7:50 to 6:00 so the School district could cutexpenses on power, school busses, water, andmaintenance.

03/11/2011, 10:29 AM

236 James Beckers [email protected] Parent involvement: We should ask parents to donate atleast 1 hour per class weekly. A) Have in each school aVolunteer Center or Station where teachers drop theirwork and instructions so volunteers could help 1st hour inthe morning on certain teacher preparation tasks (likesorting class sets, having crafts ready to use, sharpenpencils, �…..) . B) Tutor during school 1st hour in themorning students on Reading or Math. The school districtcould cover some of the teacher needs

03/11/2011, 10:30 AM

237 Susan Copeland [email protected] Educator, 20 yr. K 12 vendor, grandmother or 8 grandchildren, recommends:

* Cut TEA funding, NOT efficient, nor achieving criticalgoals, NOT teachers* Optimize school's intellectual capital resources toimprove financial efficiencyteacher incentives for after school tutoring, CANCEL

outsourcingpeer tutoring, w/credits, improving at risk success, off

seting bullying* Optimize TECHNOLOGY, on line teacher training,data/decision use, free inst. resources* f d

03/11/2011, 10:35 AM

/ /238 Corey Browder [email protected] Not sure if it has already been suggested but what aboutthe idea of a 4 day work week like we do doing thesummer. It would save the district money on utilities andgas for district vehicles. Are the top administratorsconsidering a pay cut perhaps 35 40%?

03/11/2011, 11:01 AM

239 Gregory Schopf [email protected] (1)End PreK Band,PE,Art,Wood Shop,Drama Club nonessentials for college(2)Replace elem.sch. with laptops loaded with cirriculumtest once a semester.

(3)Hire teachers through temp services one year fire worst20%Ask older teachers retire health cost reasons.

(4)End bus service end obesity, save gas, environment(5) Rollback teacher pay 18% to save jobs. Millions ofunemployed

would take teacher job at 18 % less.(6) Use substitutes Fridays cut back sports

03/11/2011, 11:35 AM


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240 Talitha Cook [email protected] Good Morning,I work in corporate america and I wanted to be a teacherbut I was afraid of things like this to happen. I don't knowhow the education budget works but how about using thecorporate american way of budget cut. This cut will keepjobs but less pay.Take the amount of "all employees"Take your budget cut amount and divide it by the # of allemployeesThen that would be the amount of the budget that willneed to be cut from each employeetake a % from those who make 60Kup.

03/11/2011, 11:47 AM

241 LoLecia Day [email protected] When cutting staff, where the schools are located shouldbe a factor. Schools located in traditionally "hard to staff"areas obviously need more teachers, administration andsecurity than schools located in places where applicationsfor employment are plentiful.Also, eliminate paper: mandate that all campus/centraladmin utilize the district e mail for communication asmuch as possible and use 1/2 sheets when possible.

03/11/2011, 01:41 PM

242 Mrs.Dessommes

[email protected] If you reduce the hours of work, you could reduce theexpenses too. Instead of dismissal at 3pm, it could be at2pm, cutting the salary a little bit more.Second, eliminate CRC, since teachers are already takingattendance, you don't need that personnel, intead, hire

03/11/2011, 02:02 PM

, y p , ,one or two persons for 1 month (per school), to do theenrollment when needed and it's done. You don't need FTEto do that job.those are my suggestionsthanks

243 Mary A. Garcia [email protected] I am an employee close to retirement and would like forthe district to offer an incentive for us teachers,administrators, etc. to retire this year. I would like to beable to have the opportunity to retire with some incentivefrom the district. I would do this today.Thank you.MAGarcia

03/11/2011, 02:54 PM

244 Mary A. Garcia [email protected] I am an employee close to retirement and would like forthe district to offer an incentive for us teachers,administrators, etc. to retire this year. I would like to beable to have the opportunity to retire with some incentivefrom the district. I would do this today.Thank you.MAGarcia

03/11/2011, 02:55 PM


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245 janet fuller [email protected] I think one of the reasons the last RIF was so painful, wasthe teachers were let go in Oct after all the other districtshad finalized their hiring. Is there any way we can know inJune our status, in case we need to find another job?Thanks.

03/11/2011, 03:03 PM

246 G.J. [email protected] Help laid off teachers retrain them in demand high salarynew careers as Software Engineers ( companies in LasColinas & Dallas)also Air Traffic Controllers & DentalHygenists. The Texas Workforce Comm. has job retrainingfor over age 55 for some professions

Hire teachers aides as teachers for 70% teacher pay.4 day workweek longer hours save electricity.

Allow students to use distance learning similar to Univ. ofPhoenix but for DISD. eliminates bullying,gangs drugs @school

03/11/2011, 03:35 PM

247 Schopf [email protected] One of thing you can do is see if Wisconsin schools willhire Dallas teachers, at Dallas salaries, since Wisconsinlabor costs are higher than Texas, that will save jobs forDISD teachers that move up there, and be cheaper forWisconsin too. Also will allow DISD the ability to lay offteachers to balancethe DISD budget too. Providence, Rhode Island also fired all1926 of its teachers. They might be willing to hire

03/11/2011, 03:45 PM

1926 of its teachers. They might be willing to hireDallas teachers @ cheaper Texas labor costs too. TryDetroit,MI too.

248 BarneyGrossman

[email protected]

Specialists are a great idea, in theory. However the practicehas been underwhelming in it's effectiveness. Cut therefirst. Then cut the layer upon layer of bureacracy thatprevents smart decisions from being made. Lastly, redeploypersonell to where it is meaningful. That is, smaller Pre k, K2 classrooms. And please don't pay bonuses to teachers toretire who are already planning to leave again. That is thedumbest public relations stunt I have seen in a long time!

03/11/2011, 05:23 PM

249 Melinda Moses [email protected] The district needs to cut uncertified probationary teachersacross the board. If the district could do this, there wouldbe no need to cut certified teachers which the studentsneed.

03/11/2011, 09:22 PM

250 Melinda Moses [email protected] The district needs to cut uncertified probationary teachersacross the board. If the district could do this, there wouldbe no need to cut certified teachers which the studentsneed.

03/11/2011, 09:22 PM


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251 Evan Austin Ott [email protected] As all schools in the district are very different (examplethe magnets don't have costly athletic programs), I suggestthat each campus be permitted to form a committee todiscuss campus specific potential cuts (maybe Townview'sAC need not be so cold in the summer; maybe a school canwait a year or two to repaint). Then, have representativespresent to the Board, ensuring that the best ideas arepresented from those with intimate knowledge of eachschool.

03/11/2011, 10:12 PM

252 Evan Austin Ott [email protected] If a forum could be created (on this site or another) forsupporters of DISD to discuss the situation, this could helpspark new ideas about how to save money. Instead ofpeople just submitting ideas to DISD, they submit them topeer review, so others can refine the idea, helpinggenerate out of the box solutions to save the precious andinvaluable jobs of our teachers and staff.

03/11/2011, 10:14 PM

253 Winifred Bell [email protected] After working for over 7 years in the District and attendingall mandatory trainings each year,I know some budgetmoney could be saved by eliminating some of thosetrainings. Most of the information covered in thosetrainings is repeat info.We have a warehouse full of unusedequipment, classrooms full of unused materials thatteachers order and they never use it. Too many paystipends and bonuses for undeserving teachers. They arelate each day, unorganized, and not consistent. Stop, stop,

03/12/2011, 06:40 PM

late each day, unorganized, and not consistent. Stop, stop,stop!

254 John Ramirez [email protected] There are many full time custodians who are not campusbased ie, facility and lead supervisors who not assigned toany campus and are being used as floaters making samepay as if they were assigned to a school. Expediters, andmany clerks that have been added to custodial services. Alook at staffing levels for custodial services over the last 6years. The cuts should not be made at campuses to savethe jobs of non campus, non assigned custodians. This iswhat always happens when there are cuts

03/13/2011, 08:35 PM


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255 Greg [email protected] I am not sympathetic to your DISD budget woes. With theSupt. making 300K + a year, more than a US Senator.Taxpayers are rebelling . Teachers gripe about Gov. Perry.But, he has a lot more than just teachers to consider DISDgot in a jam a short time ago with a 64 million dollar deficit.A differentDist. near Dallas spent 60 million on a football stadium butwhines about teachers now.Your Sat. protests had only 12K people= to Snyder,TXThere are far far more taxpayers than teachers

03/14/2011, 11:22 AM

256 Donna Jones [email protected] Go to a 9.5 hour day for 4 days as apposed to a 7.5 hourday for 5 days. This would cut down in custodial daysneeds as well as the monies it takes to keep the schoolopen since we now close it down for a 2 day weekend closeit for a 3 day weekend instead.

For campuses that currently run Saturday schools for TAKSreasons they cound run a Friday school still cutting downthe cost for maintaining the school.

03/15/2011, 01:18 AM

257 DISD employee [email protected] In my department (State/Local Assessment) my bossgrossly abuses the privlige of having PT staff. It is disgustingto see people being called in to do absolutely nothing(except watch TV & eat), and get paid for it. We have anoffice with full time personel that are more than able to dothe job. This has been going on for quite some time and

03/15/2011, 07:20 AM

j g g qcomplaints have been filed but no one seems to belistening.

258 tomas [email protected] I recommend that DISD start at the top. I am not talkngabout cutting positions at the top but instead pay cuts atthe top. Some of the upper staff received pay raises justbefore the budget talks and this cut could actually save ateachers position. The nucleus of the organization is in theclassroom and those positions should be cut last. If theadmin is trully for the children then they can prove theirintent by bitting the bullet.

03/15/2011, 08:38 AM

259 Chris [email protected] Get rid of all "visiting teacher" positions. They come in, geton a computer for a few hours and catch up on emails,then observe, ask if we need anything, then leave. What awaste. Pay other teachers from other schools to go afterschool and be mentors. Save hundred of thousands bypaying good teachers to help those after school. I thinkthat in a two hour block from 4 6, a lot could be done tohelp others. Of course, paying a person their hourly ratebased on their salary is only fair.

03/15/2011, 02:21 PM


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260 Laura Lozano [email protected] I think you should cut off all the campus coaches. Wereally dont need them, we have enough staff developmentcourses all year, the most important is to keep the roomteachers who are the ones in the classrooms in charge ofchildren education.

03/18/2011, 11:30 AM

261 Judy Nelson [email protected] Are any of the new Citizens Budget Committee teachers? Itwould be a shame to miss out on the input from peoplewith first hand knowledge of the impact of the budget cuts.Also, it would nice to have representative to speak for us.Teachers feel as though decisions are made effectingwithout any say in the matter.

03/18/2011, 12:47 PM

262 Judy Nelson [email protected] Will the use of the Rainy Day Fund for 2011 be factoredinto the budget? Will the 2012 Budget factor in the newSenate proposal to cut 4 Billion from 2012/2013 ratherthan 9.8 Billion?

03/18/2011, 12:52 PM

263 Judy Nelson [email protected] How are the teacher cuts going to be implemented? Itlooks like from the charts that high schools and middleschools are taking the biggest cuts. Like my campus needsto cut 18. What if their aren't enough vacancies andresignations to get that number? Are employees going tobe shifted down to Elementary vacancies? Some MSteachers are certified 4 8, but how many HS have K 12Certification? Just curious how this will play out w/o havingto hire out of district defeating the purpose.

03/18/2011, 01:34 PM

264 Debra Walker [email protected] We need to consider the retire rehires first because the do 03/18/2011, 02:48 PMreceive an income. The younger teachers only have onincome and that is their checks. The retirees receive aretirement check. I think it is wrong to to give the principalsthe option to base l don't principals should have the optionto decide based on performance because that is totallysubjective. I also feel that the district is too top heavy and alot of the Area Directors and Dean of Instuction positionsshould be eliminated.

265 nash perez [email protected] i think you should start with administrative salary cuts andfreeze any future company cut my wages twoyears ago and i have not been able to get them back todate.i do not understand high salaries and perks takeprecedence over our children.

03/19/2011, 09:54 PM

266 Manuel Meza [email protected] The superintendent should take a pay cut. He should alsolook into cutting jobs that are unnecessary for example ifhe has a driver then that should be a position that shouldbe vacated if he has more than one personal assisstantthen get rid of one. Look into all nonclassroom positions tosee where cuts can be made.

03/21/2011, 08:04 AM


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267 anonymous [email protected] If Special needs students are all in regular educationclasses. What are the needs of the special needs teachers,case workers, and teacher aide? I work with special needsstudents in my regular education class. All of my classes areover the sate guidelines for the number of special needschildren that I have in my class. I am able to function alongin my class with out assistant. Please check into this and areduction in force will not hurt the students. Check theMCMC School.

03/21/2011, 08:55 AM

268 janis ekanem [email protected] My ideas are the following: stop staff developmenttemporarily, cut salaries of administrators across the boardincluding the superintendent, cut out all stipends, anddelay the opening of the eight new schools for a year or so.

Don't cut the Reconnection Center. Without it you will seethe graduation numbers decline significantly.

03/21/2011, 09:09 AM

269 charlotte kirk [email protected] I think some teachers would like to retire but missed theMarch deadline. Can't this resignation incentive forteachers be offered again? It seemed to be a very goodidea!

03/21/2011, 09:42 AM

270 H. M. MartinezClass

[email protected] Recently we had a "$1.00 Jeans Day Friday" to benefit theUnited Way.

A colleage and I were remarking that, surely, we teacherswould all gladly repeat this, every Friday through the rest

03/21/2011, 09:43 AM

g y p , y y gof the school year, to benefit the DISD budget; if it meantthat just one more teacher would get to keep their job thatway. =)

~*Hilda M. Martinez ClassHawthorne ElementarySecond GradeCILT Bili l271 D'Jamalia

[email protected] One way of generating budget, is to require all students to

pay for summer school programs. Hopefully, this idea willencourage parents to be more involved throughout theyear and not think of summer school as a last ditch effort.It is a waste of the districts money. Also how can thedistrict get their hands on the percentage of fines and feesthat parents have to pay for truancy, misconduct, etc.These ideas could possibly help keep budget down andhelp parents to be more involved.

03/21/2011, 11:30 AM


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272 Vonette Walker [email protected] Eliminate AC ProgramEliminate all the second "off period" for core teachers.Eliminate instructional coaches.Assist Principals and Counselors in schools with less than500 students could share two schools.

03/21/2011, 11:46 AM

273 Joyce Gulley [email protected] I believe since we have to have staff development everyyear, it should be done at the school campus. Do awaywith unnecessary departments such as MLEP, etc. If weare guided by standarized based instruction, why shouldwe have these departments.

03/21/2011, 12:06 PM

274 Linda Rogers [email protected] I am not clear on the furlough process that is beingconsidered, however, I am not opposed to having one daya month off if I know in advance and can work thereduction in pay in to my budget. Several people that Ihave spoken with agree that if 10 days are what areproposed and they are spread out over the school year atone day a month from August to May it would be morethan acceptable. It might even help reduce teacherabsenteeism, because we could know when they would beand plan ahead.

03/21/2011, 03:21 PM

275 John Flemons [email protected] Move orchestra from elementary to middle school/6thgrade as was done with band programs 4 years ago. Thisresults in higher enrollment in the high school programsbecause there is only one transition point, middle school toHS. Currently with two transition points more students

03/21/2011, 04:23 PM

y pdrop out over time.In some cases 1 teacher could teach 3classes at one middle school and 3 at another school,making it even more efficient.Inventory is positivelyaffected as well since fewer schools need supplies.

276 Theresa SneedHardy

[email protected] Cut back on athletics program that have low number ofparticipants.

03/21/2011, 04:30 PM

277 Mary AnnMcPhaul

[email protected] Has anyone investigated the savings, if any, by eliminatingthe school lunch program. Starting with the Sr. HighSchools and work down until the deficit is eliminated. In2012 3013 the unused cafateria floor space could berented to vendors who provide healthy foods choices tothe student body.

03/21/2011, 06:41 PM

278 Mary Segura [email protected] My suggestion to help with this crises is to eliminate the 14hours of training given to support staff. I would suggestthis also be a consideration for teachers although I do notknow if the teacher training is a State requirement, butcertainly for support staff the training is not necessary.

03/22/2011, 09:12 AM


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279 Greg Schaefers [email protected] Drastic times call for drastic measures. You are aneducation system. Maybe it is time to shut down theextracurricular activities. DISD should cut all sports andband programs. If parents want their kids to play in sportsor other activities they should pay additional fees. TheMagnet program and reconnect program have been verysuccessful for DISD and therefore should stay. You all arehere to educate our children. It seems maybe you all haveforgot about that.

03/22/2011, 11:10 AM

280 Iris Mellman [email protected] 1. Pershing Elementary School has a TAG teacher with a .5position. She is paid as a full time teacher and only works1/2 day.

2. Math Instructional Coach doesn't work with all the mathclasses. She comes into a class, teaches an impromptulesson for 10 minutes, logs an hour lesson and leaves. Shehas never been to the third grade math class.

3. It would be more cost effective if we immersed all nonenglish speaking students into the gen ed classroom(including spanish speakers)

03/22/2011, 11:48 AM

281 Robin Murray [email protected] I have a son that attends El Centro Middle College and havebecome aware of the plan to cut 8 of the high schoolteachers there. This would result in the closing of theprogram at El Centro. This is unacceptable!! Why are thehard working, advanced students who strive to take

03/23/2011, 08:33 AM

g,advantage of a wonderful opportunity to make somethingof their lives instead of the bullying, drugs, alcohol andtrauma and drama found in public schools!! Please keepthese teachers in place at El Centro!!

282 PresentacionVillapa

[email protected] I don't see any logic behind cutting more high schoolteacher positions than in elementary. The truth is,discipline is tougher in high school than in elementary. Thisis the reason why many teachers prefer to teach inElementary than in High School. Discipline top the reasonswhy many students in high school fail in Math. Making theclass sizes big in high school especially in Math will be adisaster which will pull down our world rank in math whichby the way is already very low.

03/23/2011, 09:49 AM


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283 Robin Murray [email protected] I have a son that attends El Centro Middle College. I havebecome aware that DISD is looking to cut 8 of the highschool teachers which would close the program. This is notacceptable!! Please do not cut our teachers and close ourschool for the talented and gifted!! It is rare that you findstudents that want to learn and strive to be successful inlife and to make a difference!! If you cut our teachers, youcripple our children by forcing them back into their homeschools.

03/23/2011, 09:49 AM

284 Robin Murray [email protected] If you force our students back to the home schools, notonly are they not on the same teaching scale as those inthe public schools, but you also subject them to the traumaand drama that plagues the public schools such as drugs,gangs, bullying, isolation and possibly raising the drop rate.I don't understand why Hinahosa doesn't take a pay cuthimself to offset the budge!!

03/23/2011, 09:53 AM

285 Debbie Berry [email protected] Frankie Murray goes to this school. I would hate for him togo back to Bryan Adams. He loves El Centro. and theteachers are great.

From Mrs. Debbie Berry

03/23/2011, 10:27 AM

286 Cinnamon Boyle [email protected] Please do not close the El Centro Middle College programdown. My cousin Frank Murray is in this program and it isimperative he stay there so he can acheive the success inschool he so deserves and to be able to get the job hewants and contribute back to society when he graduates.

03/23/2011, 10:42 AM

y gIf you send him back to Bryan Adams, he will have a verydifficult time as he did before and he's done extremely wellsince he's moved into this program.Thank you for reconsidering this.

287 Maria Vargas [email protected] A quien coresponda:Mi pregunta y sugerencia a la misma vez, porque tienenque ser las assistentes bilingues a las que les tengan quequitar el trabajo, cuando hay personas que ganan muchomas dinero que las ass.Y las ass,cubren clases,cafeteria,oficina,cocina,y todo loque se nesecita la ass,hace la mayoria de las cosas y esonadie lo aprecia.Y porque nada mas a los que tienen titulo le estan dandocompensacion?que es la diferencia todos son trabajadoresdel Distrito.

03/23/2011, 10:54 AM


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288 Gordon M.Markley

[email protected] Please make an immediate plea to the Department ofDefense to add many more ROTC instructors to HScampuses. The clearly stated reason is that the Districtwould be seeking 100% of our juvenile alternative schoolsto be staffed by ROTC instructors. Also, within thecomprehensive high schools, turn 100% of all disciplineprocessing over to the ROTC teachers, meaning that theother administrators tasked with discipline are freed up formore valuable pursuits. Recruiting for DOD & Funds forDISD!

03/23/2011, 11:41 AM

289 Todd White [email protected] I run a company that provides FREE online apparel storesfor schools as a fundraising opportunity. We provide theonline store technology completely free, parents canpurchase apparel directly from the schools website whileeach school receives 20% of every sale back in the form ofa donation. As a PTO representative for my daughtersschool, we love the spirit and the money, without theinventory, paperwork, or hassles. visit www.ssastores.comfor info.

Ciontact Todd White 509 953 2469

03/23/2011, 12:23 PM

290 Jane Moore [email protected] From our school community (will be sent in several emailsdue to character limit:Do away with AlternativeCertification dept. Recruitment is EXPENSIVE. Summertraining is EXPENSIVE. Continued training is EXPENSIVE.The department is EXPENSIVE. Recruitment can be done

03/23/2011, 01:00 PM

ponline out of country as well as in the country. Coursecompletion and certifications can be done through otherthrough accredited sources. Let them first get certified andthen get hired.

291 Jane Moore [email protected] From our school community (will be sent in several emailsdue to character limit:Do away with dual languageprogram. Sounds good, but class size shrinks as thestudents progress through the grades. It is too EXPENSIVEto have small classes throughout the district while otherclasses are large.

Contract night/cleaning custodial services. Banks and manybusiness do it. No need for salary and benefits. Big savings.

03/23/2011, 01:02 PM


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292 Jane Moore [email protected] Suggestions from our school community (several emailsdue to character limit):Elementary could have half timelibrarians. Teachers learn the check out system for ordinaryclass browsing and check out time. Parent volunteers orafter school groups could manage re shelving of books.Minimize or eliminate library budgets for two years. Letschools hold book fairs to get new books for the schools.This would have to be a temporary measure, though, aslibraries could get totally ruined after too long

03/23/2011, 01:05 PM

293 Jane Moore [email protected] Suggestions from our school community (several emailsdue to character limit):Eliminate all non campus basedcoaches. Many of the schools, and even fewer teachers,ever see an instructional coach. If we eliminated 80 of thepositions (conservative) we would save at least$5,600,000.00 never mind another $480, 000.00 fromstipends they receive. (Based on an average salary of70,000.00 and a 6,000.00 stipend). Supervisors could doWEB BASED trainings, modules on MOODLE U, andinvitation.

03/23/2011, 01:06 PM

294 Jane Moore [email protected] Reduce individual curriculum departments to one�… forcingspecialists to integrate the curriculum and write together.Fewer office staff and support staff needed.

Close the GT department at all levels. Let schoolsdetermine who their GT kids are based on a set criteria.

03/23/2011, 01:08 PM

Teacher training and certifications can replace the need forpull out; more project based learning and differentiatedinstruction will meet the student needs. Isn�’t that wherewe want our classrooms to be heading anyway?

295 Jane Moore [email protected] Do away with staff development dept. more training needsto be school based. New adoptions can be trained bypublishing companies. Teachers have declared for yearsthat what the staff development department has managedis compliance issue. Allow more state CEI accreditedsessions. Teachers pay to attend trainings they wantoffered elsewhere. Allow more Region 10 trainings tosupplant the now mandated requirements. Allow for moreMOODLE U trainings.

03/23/2011, 01:08 PM


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296 GeorgiaThompson

[email protected] Reconfigure Technology services: desktop services forimmediate needs, continue contract/outsourcingpersonnel for school troubleshooting. Place trainers andothers that are knowledgeable that are left into thecurriculum department so that we finally havecollaboration between technology and what really works inthe classroom and someone who can train the teachershow to use their equipment. This is even more importantwith the new adoptions since so much is whiteboradtechnology. They can then

03/23/2011, 01:09 PM

297 Jane Moore [email protected] Have large group training sessions via web! Stop pullingteachers off campus!Reduce contract days of central staff members, clerks,office managers, and principals that are 226 by at least 10days. If this affected a conservative 800 personnel countthat would save about $2,400,000.00 (based on an averagedaily rate of $300.00 (very conservative). (NOT FURLOUGH)Reduce contract days of 215personnel by at least 5 10days. This would conservatively net at least anotherquarter of a million.

03/23/2011, 01:11 PM

298 Kim Lynch [email protected] Please do not close the El Centro Middle College program. 03/23/2011, 04:53 PM

299 Steve Roberts [email protected] My nephew is a student of El Centro Middle College andloves it there! He feels like he is receiving the besteducation and is among his peers. He enjoys his teachersand the opportunities he has there. Please do not cut any

03/23/2011, 05:39 PM

of the teachers with the El Centro Middle Collegeprogram!! It is very important to leave this location intact.Our future leaders depend on the best education that isdrug free, gang free and the advanced education that ismolded to their required necessities. Thank you.

300 Tracy Musgrove [email protected] Change the standard settings on the computers toautomatically delete temporary internet files whenbrowser closes, delete history after 5 days, shrink theinternet temp file size to windows recommended levels.Also, the district wouldn't need as many IT people if theypurchased Malwarebytes anti malware and virus programs.They are compatible with Kaspersky but catch things that itdoesn't. I did this at the college level very successfully. Allof which keep computers running smoothly.

03/24/2011, 10:15 AM

301 Tracy Musgrove [email protected] Also set the computers to automatically run Scan Disk andDefrag on a regular basis as well as compacting files to savespace.

03/24/2011, 10:17 AM


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2011--12 Budget Community Feedback As of 3-29-11

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302 Vince Curtis [email protected] A virtual unknown is; school districts are spending abouttwice as much as they should on water for irrigation. Withyour budget shortfall, just imagine the undesirable choicesthat can be avoided with these millions in savings. Titanwants to help your district save money and ultimately,jobs. I would like to set up a time for us to meet for about10 minutes and review your district's specific needs andguaranteed savings. If this is of interest to you, please callme anytime at 214 732 4259.

03/24/2011, 11:00 AM

303 KarenShaughnessyWyse

[email protected] When a teacher's work visa has expired why are werenewing it? We are putting united states citizens out ofjobs and renewing work visas for people who are notcitizens of this country.

Specialists in Reading, Math, Social Studies and Sciencedepartments can be cut. When they visit a school one daya month for a few hours, they are not making any impacton instruction. Schools are capable of having their own inhouse expertise and can provide their own staffdevelopment for their school.

03/24/2011, 11:01 AM

304 Robert Flores [email protected] I like to see the school principles work with their staff tohelp reduce the budget. If each school can reduce theirbudgets by 10% this can help with the staff reduction. Forexample, If some programs have a budget of say, $4000maybe we can reduce their budget by $2000 and safe somemoney and jobs.

03/24/2011, 11:52 AM

y j

305 Jennifer Frazier [email protected] I think that the district should first look at eliminating ALLstipends and not simply reducing them. Rather than areduction in the amount received it should be COMPLETELYdone away with (all of the stipends)!!! I also think that thedistrict should look at eliminating signing bonuses for newteachers that are hired. It should also look at reducing thenumber of teachers that are hired from outside of theUnited States.

03/24/2011, 12:12 PM

306 Jennifer Frazier [email protected] I think that the district should look at cutting teachers whohave probationary contracts and those teachers who havehad consistent evaluations that are unnaceptable. Itconcerns me that the district is simply randomly pickingthose that are to be laid off.

03/24/2011, 12:14 PM


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2011--12 Budget Community Feedback As of 3-29-11

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307 Rosalyn Olds [email protected] I vote in every election.My 3 children graduated fromDISD.I was active in PTA,sports & other volunteering.Theexcess in Admin. on Ross Ave needs to be cut beforeclassroom. ESL needs restructure.As it is now it is wasteful& detrimental to all. Students' progress is delayed b/c thesystem expects less of them instead of requiring more.Ihave friends that are Hispanic teachers who agree theexisting ESL system fails. The entire education systemshows MORE MONEY DOES NOT GUARANTEE BETTERRESULTS.

03/25/2011, 07:05 AM

308 Cosmo Brown [email protected] All non class type of things ... athletics, theater, band.

AC department if were letting teachers go we do not needto be training new ones.

All travel from the board to teachers.

DISD TV productions

All stipends

Coaches / Academic Coordinators / Parent Liaison

64 Computer Campus Techs

CILT Meetings / Rental of Facilities .. Infomart

03/25/2011, 10:06 AM

/ /309 Halema Tyler [email protected] Alter Professional Development to DVDs that can bewatched and require a test to be passed by a certainperiod.

03/25/2011, 10:52 AM

310 ChrisDeMetsenaere

[email protected] By what date will "RIF" teachers be notified? Isn't there apolicy that they must be notified a certain number of daysbefore the end of the school year so as to potentially seekother employment opportunities?

Thank you.

03/25/2011, 01:40 PM

311 Carmen Taylor [email protected] I am currently an office manager in a small (355 students)elementary school. One of the proposals is to cut ourcounselor to a .5 position. In my humble opinion, we reallyneed our counselor here full time to be acting principalwhen the principal is pulled out of the building formeetings, trainings, and anything else that "pops" up.Small campuses benefit from having a full time counselorto step in and take that administrative role. Thank you foryour consideration in this matter.

03/25/2011, 02:03 PM


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2011--12 Budget Community Feedback As of 3-29-11

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312 Vbernstein [email protected] Take away the billingual stipend. I teach duel language andthere is not a stipend offered.Teaching is the same whetherthe language is Spanish or English.

Hire teachers that are degreed from this country. How sadthat so many native born Americans graduate with ateaching degree, and can't find jobs. Why are we looking toother countries to educate our children?

03/25/2011, 03:22 PM

313 Jamie Davis [email protected] Do CILT on a volunteer basis or not at all. I realize theimportance of cooperation and the sharing of ideas.However, the benefits do not seem to equal the costs. Withthe stipend, summer training, materials, trainers, etc. itseems as though there is some money to be cut there.There may be restrictions or other reasons that keep thisfrom being an option; however, as a teacher, I am not privyto those circumstances. If that's the case, then it's adifferent story, I suppose.

03/28/2011, 08:46 AM

314 MartanianNewborn

[email protected] I am currently a sped teacher at Pinkston I worked in thebusiness world for 10 years made good money but couldntget any satisfaction. Afer being a substitute for a fewmonths my principal made me a teachers assistant. Soonafter that I got promoted to special ed teacher. The lookon the students faces when they know you are helpingthem and they appreciate it is priceless. I pray that whenthe decisions are made I get to continue to do something

03/28/2011, 09:32 AM

the decisions are made I get to continue to do somethingthat I love which is help students.

315 Stephanie Silva [email protected] Four day school weeks have been used in districts acrossthe country. This has worked out well for these districs,cutting cost including cost of heating and cooling buildings,cost of fuel for buses, and saleries. It has even shown thatboth student and staff attendance increased. Trainingclasses need to be relevant to our students otherwise weare wasting district money on paying instructors, pay staffto attend and the cost of keeping a district building openfor these training sessions.

03/28/2011, 11:20 AM

316 Kathy Heath [email protected] Can we do some Region 10 online courses for professionaldevelopment? Or do ones like we had to for thecomputers around Christmas? This would save money bynot having to pay all the people to train us or to sit arounda read a book while we are at the sessions.

03/28/2011, 12:00 PM

317 03/28/2011, 12:25 PM


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2011--12 Budget Community Feedback As of 3-29-11

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318 ConcernedTaxpayer &Educator

[email protected] Schools should be for citizens & taxpayers. Why are weemploying non citizens? Offer extracurricular at a fee toparents (sports, fine arts, etc). Eliminate after schoolprograms...parents' responsibility. No academic coachesneeded. Free lunch no more. 4 day week 8 4:00. Nobilingual parents' responsiblity...or offer bilingual for ALLstudents before entering into a lawsuit for discriminatingagainst the black/white populations they deserveeducation in two languages as much as hispanics.

03/28/2011, 12:33 PM

319 ConcernedTaxpayer andEducator

[email protected] I am a special education teacher and have watched as thedistrict's adopted "inclusion" program is used as a "blanketsolution" for all SpEd students. This is faulty. Allow SpEdteachers to determine student needs (resource, selfcontained classes, or inclusion) based on individual studentneeds and not the "easy out" the "inclusion" programprovides. Inclusion benefits the bubble SpEd students, notthe sped students 1.5 2 years behind grade level. Utilizeyour SpEd funds with quality programs.

03/28/2011, 12:37 PM

320 ConcernedTaxpayer andEducator

[email protected] We have a handful of persons on each campus who haveothers carrying their workloads, and yet they stayemployeed. Then we talk about keeping ALL teachers at apaycut. Hello why? Keep the workers and keep their pay.Remove the dead weight the worker bees are alreadycarrying their own workload and the loads of their

03/28/2011, 12:45 PM

y gcoworkers (if you can call them "workers"). Stop with thepolitically correct business...separate the fat from themuscle. Weight needs to be lost start there!

321 Teacher [email protected] reduce some of these salaries! salaries/search/?q=Dallas+ISD

03/28/2011, 02:11 PM

322 Alice Johnson [email protected] Instead renovating several old small schools,tear themdown and a build a small number of new & larger ones toreplace them.

03/28/2011, 02:57 PM

323 Paula Harrison [email protected] Not that this will help with the immediate problem, butlong term some sort of campus incentive should be createdfor NOT spending all the money in a campus budget. Thereis a tremendous rush in March and April of each year tospend ALL the budgeted money and it is not expendedwisely. As long as academic levels continue to indicatepositive growth campuses should be allowed to preserve(carry over) some amount (perhaps a percentage) of theirassigned monies up to a capped level.

03/28/2011, 05:15 PM


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2011--12 Budget Community Feedback As of 3-29-11

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324 Aundrita Smith [email protected] Suggestion:Provide principals with a base guideline to follow whenselecting staff for 2011 2012. This will show the communityand the many employees of Dallas Independent SchoolDistrict that the pending moves and various cutbacks arefair and equitable across the board. Many employees areloyal to the students and the District and would like to seethat daily instruction continues to increase during thisdifficult transition.

Thank you

03/29/2011, 08:25 AM

325 Aundrita Smith [email protected] Suggestion:Provide principals with a base guideline to follow whenselecting staff for 2011 2012. This will show the communityand the many employees of Dallas Independent SchoolDistrict that the pending moves and various cutbacks arefair and equitable across the board. Many employees areloyal to the students and the District and would like to seethat daily instruction continues to increase during thisdifficult transition.

Thank you

03/29/2011, 08:25 AM

326 Grace Kakrada [email protected] Hello to all trustees...This is a concerned parent of MIDDLE COLLEGE HIGHSCHOOL(located inside elcentro college).The number ofteachers are set to be reduced drastically from 14 to 8 due

03/29/2011, 10:10 AM

yto the budget crisis.Knowledge gained through EDUCATIONis one thing these kids can claim to themselves.Most ofthese kids have come so far with these TEACHERS help.Theteachers have made them and the school to what it istoday EXEMPLARY!!!.Please take a trip to the school beforemaking final decision..

327 mary helen hall [email protected] It's a shame that on a day like today, the heat is on all overour building (WH Gaston Middle School) and it gets so hot,that we have to open doors and windows all day, while theheat continues to run. This seems to be a huge waste to meof not only natural resources but dollars to pay for heatingthat is not needed. Multiply this by all the schools in thedistrict that I feel sure have similar issues and I would guessthe wasted revenue would be in the millions.

03/29/2011, 03:09 PM