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I S S U E 9 | S E P T E M B E R 2014


P R O M O T I N G B E L G I U M , T H E N E T H E R L A N D S A N D L U X E M B O U R G

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Issue 9 | September 2014 | 3



Known as the Flemish Hollywood wife goneclothing designer and, now, Hollywood film star– Bryan has quite a few stories to tell. Openingup to Discover Benelux, she talks about hardwork, that breakup and how to stay true to one-self around slightly aggressive gossip press.

SPECIAL THEMES22 Communication Solutions

There might not be many things all businessescan agree on, but the importance of direct, clut-ter-free and proactive communication will surelymake the cut. Whether concentrated to an in-ternal base or provided as a service to externaloperators, communication in all its forms wel-comes continuous innovation and development.Our theme presents groundbreaking communi-cators looking to make themselves, and you,heard.

29 Professional Training & Development

Developing existing talent within establishedbusiness structures can be one of the most im-portant investments you can make for your com-pany. With a commitment to going above andbeyond in qualitative business development,Luxembourg has emerged as a European focalpoint for professional training – and after readingthis month’s special, you will understand why.

35 Yacht Design and Engineering

For a complete low-down on the best of the bestin yacht engineering, architecture and design,look no further than this section. We’ve spoken

to award-winning companies dedicated to deli-cate crafts and traditional constructions, sup-porting the luxury that is yachting with a personalapproach.

54 Wellness and Beauty

We never tire of learning about the newest treat-ments, products, tips and tricks to make us lookhealthy and glowing, do we? Exactly. Relish inbeautifying tips from ANBOS, our introductionpartner, and let our featured beauty and wellnesscompanies guide your way through the beautyjungle.

FEATURES12 The Eye behind the RedThread

Swedish-born Staffan Tollgård is a purveyor ofinterior design perfection – something BarbaraChandler, design writer at the London EveningStandard, found out when visiting his superbChelsea showroom.

18 Honouring Sax in his City

November this year marks the 200th anniversaryof the birth of Adolphe Sax, Dinant’s homegrownmusical genius. A quirky musical invention laternamed the saxophone was to make his nameknown around the world, and there is no lack ofpride in the creative musician’s hometown.

52 Architecture special

Epure Architects boast the depth and the widthof equally qualified services spread across an en-tire industry and more. The Belgium-based com-pany believes masterful architecture lies in per-fect balance between the client’s and the user’sneeds, a philosophy that has got us swayed.

60 Hotels of the Month

Our handpicked Hotels of the Month have an ar-ray of quality features to offer; everything fromgolf courses and spas to top-class restaurantsand stunning views – all in the beautiful companyof enthralling Benelux sceneries. What morecould you want?

62 Restaurant of the Month

With some of the highest regarded – not tomention Michelin-starred – restaurants in theworld, the Benelux region has proved itself aworthy contender at the top of the culinary prizepodium. Let our Restaurant of the Month ticklethose taste buds!

63 Attraction of the Month

Few attractions manage the high venture ofcombining educational value with riveting expe-riences. C-mine in Belgium is, however, a mas-ter of the trade.

BUSINESS66 Regulars & Events

Steve Flinders looks into English as a businesslanguage and Josiah Fisk is confused by coffeeterms. Also, soak up some business inspirationfrom our monthly calendar, guiding you throughthe eventful landscape of business happeningsin the Benelux countries, as well as the UK.

PLUS9 Desirable Designs from Benelux | 10 Fashion Picks67 Lifestyle Columns | 68 Out & About

ContentsSEPTEMBER 2014

Discover Benelux | Contents



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Discover Benelux | Editor’s Note

Dear Reader,

September is the perfect time to startafresh, following a summer of (hopefully)lazy days and time to recharge your bat-teries. The air is crisp and clear, and pos-sibilities are endless – in fact, many peo-ple see the autumn as a better time tomake changes in their lives than the all-too-familiar New Year’s Eve. Alterationsdo require inspiration, however, which is

something I hope this issue of Discover Benelux will give youplenty of.

Speaking of alterations and inspiration, we’re off to a strongstart this month with an appropriately solid theme on the insand outs of yachting – from keel to deck, passerelles to interi-ors, parading the best of the best in naval architecture, engi-neering and design. And with Monaco Yacht Show kicking offon 24 September, what could be more suitable than have thecoveted show introduce the theme?

Continuing the topic of high quality alterations we delve into theprofessional training industry in Luxembourg, lining up an ar-ray of companies devoted to helping your business develop,advance and grow – with experience-backed solutions athand.

We also catch a candid moment with inspirational cover starand ex Hollywood wife Astrid Bryan, who tells all about her tri-als on the small screen, challenging changes she’s gonethrough and the numerous projects up her chic sleeves (hint…future projects are sure to involve bigger screens…).

Topping it all off are autumn fashion reports hot off the runway,features on Dutch design and an homage to Dinant-born mu-sical genius Adolphe Sax. What more could you wish for?

Enjoy your autumn!

Julie Lindén,Acting Editor

Discover Benelux

Issue 9, September 2014

Published 09.2014

ISSN 2054-7218

Published by

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6 | Issue 9 | September 2014

Discover Benelux | Cover Feature | Astrid Bryan

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Issue 9 | September 2014 | 7

Discover Benelux | Cover Feature | Astrid Bryan

While reality TV is for many the ticket toovernight fame, the five-foot-ten Belgian’sevolution has been a lot lengthier and moreorganic than you’d expect – although shehas appeared on no fewer than six realityTV series in the past few years. On 2010’sVlaamse Hollywood Vrouwen (Flemish Hol-lywood Wives), yet another European spin-off of the popular American reality show,Astrid’s rather unique approach to the Eng-lish language, dubbed ‘Antwengels’ givenher distinct Antwerp accent and her pen-chant for throwing in Americanisms, ren-dered her the show’s most beloved char-acter. She rapidly gained her own showentitled Astrid in Wonderland, which ran forfive seasons on the Belgian channel Vijf.Chronicling her life in Hollywood with herthen-husband American businessmanJohn Bryan, millions of Dutch speakerswatched in awe as she strutted aroundher LA mansion, from walk-in wardrobe toglamorous pool parties, from lunches withladies who dine to supermarket shenani-gans with her real-life brother Laurens, allthe while behind the wheel of her “pimpedout, chromed out” Jeep (tastefully namedher “pussywagon”).

The prodigal violinist’s evolutionFrom a child violin prodigy to a teen modelspotted on catwalks across the globe, anaspirational young twenty-something cha-

sing the American dream to a Belgian Hol-lywood Wife and author of two booksturned clothing designer and big screenactress, Astrid’s talents run far deeper thanfrivolous reality TV. The journey hasn’t al-ways been smooth, she explains. As achild star shouldered with the pressure ofviolin practice and as an 18-year-old modeltrying to make it big in a foreign city and aruthless business, she admits that it waslonely at times.

She was no stranger to fame when she atsix years of age was confronted by a na-tional television audience with just her vio-lin and a pianist for company. She’d startedlessons as a four-year-old and her remark-able aptitude was immediately evident. “Itwas the only thing I did actually,” shelaughs. “We used to listen to classical mu-sic with my dad every evening and this re-ally made me want to play as well asthem.”

Today, as she reflects on her childhoodfrom her home in LA, she admits sacrific-ing a great deal of socialising and youthfulfreedom as she was forever practising orattending private lessons, but she’sadamant that she bears no grudges to herparents – often the driving force behindsuccessful children. “My parents are thestrong bones in my body, they support me

with absolutely everything. It was com-pletely my decision to focus on the violin,”she says with an emphatic nod, “and mydecision to stop as well when it conflictedtoo much with travelling as a teenager.”After signing with the Milanese modellingagency aged 18, she gave up the string in-strument virtually overnight, and admitsthat she barely at all plays these days. “Idon’t even miss it,” she says with a coygrin.

The ebbs and flows of popularityOpen and candid, Astrid shows that herdual citizenship is clearly more than just apiece of paper, as the typically Belgiancharacteristics of discretion and reserveseem to have merged with Americanbrazenness. Now a resident of West Hol-lywood, “just on the border of BeverlyHills”, she may have settled into the Holly-wood way of life but back home in Belgiumthe press are constantly clamouring for herattention. Given today’s obsession with thecult of celebrity, Belgian tabloids are des-perate to get a piece of the Astrid action –and never more so than when she’s at herlowest. “During the divorce the gossippress were really aggressive. FortunatelyI’m so far away so I don’t have to see it butI feel really bad for my family. I’ve alwayssaid ‘no comment’; no matter how manylies they write about me. I think that’s my

A S T R I D B R Y A N :

Adopting AmericaIt’s tricky to pin down where professional meets personal with the Antwerp-born beauty

Astrid Bryan. Confident and a lot less brash than she appears on TV, she chats candidly andunreservedly to Discover Benelux about the American dream, her latest dream-come-true

moment and life since the very public breakdown of her marriage last year.


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smartest decision – and now most of themhave given up trying to get a commentfrom me,” she laughs in her typically down-to-earth manner.

Despite perhaps not always being juicyenough for the gossip press, she appreci-ates her huge popularity back home. Infact, she was voted Woman of the Year2012 by the well-liked Belgian magazineHumo for the genuinely cited reason thatso many women, gays and teenagers con-sider her prime BFF (Best Female Friend)material. Now inundated with requests forher presence at openings, parties and fes-tivals during her thrice-yearly visits to herhome country, the trips back aren’t that re-laxing anymore, she explains with a wearysigh, as she’s recognised everywhere shegoes.

No stranger to hard workOnce content to study, marry and settle inBelgium, it was a chance entry into an EliteModels Competition aged 17 that sparkedher decade-spanning international model-ling career. Growing up she always half-ex-

pected to follow in her father’s footsteps bybecoming a lawyer, but these days she’smore professionally involved with her cloth-ing collection and being media-savvy.Often found at her desk sketching or outlooking for inspiration, throwing herself intothe design process of Astrid by AstridBryan has given the 31-year-old a newlease of life. The current line (for whichshe’s now working on the followingSS2015 collection) is wisely aimed at her“biggest fans”. A fresh and fun collectionfor Belgian high-street chain ZEB consist-ing of casual and affordable pieces, verymuch in vogue, and very much inspired byAstrid’s perceptions of Los Angeles. “It’s allabout the Sunset Strip, the palm trees andeverything you associate with LA. I’m really‘in’ the collection,” she explains.

An arbiter of cool, her 1.78m frame has in-spired envy and copycats for years – andfrom the way she talks about female friend-ships it’s clear that she’s perhaps hadsome scrapes. “Growing up I didn’t havethat many friends,” she reveals bashfully,“as I was taller and skinnier than the older

kids they used to tease me.” Given theoriginal Hollywood Wives show and its ma-licious gossip, Astrid was palpably relievedthat the friendships struck up by the Flem-ish wives were much more genuine. “Ourswasn’t scripted reality. As Europeans we’vegot completely different mentalities toAmericans. I wouldn’t be able to backstabeven if they asked me to. I like to stay trueto myself and I never make reckless deci-sions.”

The biggest decision of allDespite the doubt cast by the tabloids af-ter a typically Hollywood-esque opulentwedding to American businessman JohnBryan in 2006, the seven-year-marriageappeared to be as solid and wonderful asanyone would hope. Yet last year’s break-up came as a “huge shock” and left Astridreeling. One year later, she admits thatshe’s much happier in this new chapterand life has moved on.

In fact, life has moved into another realmentirely she tells me excitedly, as next onthe agenda for the Belgian polymath is arole in an American film. “Filming starts thisweek so I’ve been really busy learning thescript and getting to know my character,”she says with a broad grin. “I’ve got tovisit a speech teacher to work on getting aFrench twinge in my English accent.” Shecontinues with a self-deprecating laugh:“Obviously I’ve not got the main role but it’sstill a really big deal for me! I’d love to getinto film, so if this can lead somewhere or-ganically then I’d be over the moon.” Thepsychological thriller entitled Broken Vowsis due out late 2015 and stars Americanheartthrobs Wes Bentley and the HungerGames’ Jamie Alexander.

Bringing the best of Belgium to the UnitedStates, Astrid’s charming mannerisms havegarnered her a real following in the Beneluxand now she’s set to conquer the Statestoo. From a talented Belgian gene pool,she’s fortunately grown up with the quin-tessentially Belgian traits of self-deprecat-ing humour. Never one to take herself tooseriously, she may have acquired a twingeof American swagger, but that’s just to getahead in Hollywood. It’s certainly workingso far.

Discover Benelux | Cover Feature | Astrid Bryan

From child violin prodigy to model spotted on catwalks around the globe – Astrid Bryan’s talents span multiple dis-ciplines and industries. Still, the rise to fame was not all smooth sailing.

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Issue 9 | September 2014 | 9

Discover Benelux | Design | Desirable Designs

2: Linen bedding set

This 100% Belgian linen set appeals to our rustictastes. As autumn knocks on our doors, it’s a goodidea to invest in good-quality linens that will last youfor seasons. The best thing about linen materials?They keep you cool in the summer, while nice andcosy in the winter. How’s that for investment?(Pillow cover: €43.50 and coverlet: from €257.50)

3: NewWave Cities of the World Mugs

We absolutely adore this line of city cups and platesfrom Villeroy & Boch – and even more so now thatAmsterdam’s got a place! Each one inspired by aworld metropolis, they make it easy to drink yourwarm beverage to even warmer memories of citybreaks. A cuppa in the classic London designs, per-haps? Or why not a flat white decorated by the Syd-ney Opera House? (From €16)

4: 85 Lamps for Droog by RodyGraumans

This übercool lamp is made for DutchDroog by Rody Graumans, and cre-ates a natural focal point in any mod-ern living space. Or why not combinethe old with the new? Hang this re-vamped version of a chandelier overa rusty bed frame or antique tableand you’ve got yourself a designstatement with a punch.(€2,695)

1: BOTTLER bottle holder

Who said decorating was only for your home?BOTTLER is the ultimate yacht accessory available ina range of materials (even pure gold!) – each craftedwith a watchmaker’s precision in the Netherlands. Welove that each BOTTLER is unique, and that eachpiece can be engraved with a name or message.Read more about BOTTLER on page 45.(From. €5,000)

Desirable Designs from BeneluxRustic classics and colourful prints come together in an early autumn feast of scrumptious Benelux design.Mix vintage materials with contemporary expressions to revamp your home for the most important design

season of all. Happy decorating!


5: Twirre cushions

This September we’re dreaming about these candy-coloured Twirre cushions from SNURK. “Promotinghorizontal living” is a tagline we’re definitely into, andwe’re not going to be the last ones to try it out.(€39.95)

6: AA black glasses

Droog continues to impress uswith this line of matte blackglasses that gives just the rightkind of old-school glamour to atable setup. Part of Droog’s col-lection for the Rijksmuseum,the line celebrates history witha nod to present-day glass.(€21)







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Discover Benelux | Design | Fashion Picks

WOMEN1: Jumpsuit, double apron and sneaker-bootsby Maison Martin Margiela, AW14 collection

Photo: Maison Martin Margiela

Call it rustic chic; call it madness. Margiela is, nomatter what you say, not famous for playing it safe –and we love it. This season saw the Belgian wonderson match English tartans with his signature split-toeboot, this time a glowing jewel tone. Talk aboutgolden boy.



S E P T E M B E R F A S H I O N P I C K S :

Bold autumn statementsSeptember, widely known as the fashion highlight of the year, is upon us with all its statement wear and darker nuances.Maison Martin Margiela leads the way as always, pairing bold golden textures with an edgy cut; altogether sharpening

your style for sartorial success.




5: Zoe Karssen sweatshirt

(From €100) Photo: Zoe Karssen

Dutch brand Zoe Karssen has got urban just-rolled-out-of-the-bed chic down. This azure soft sweatshirt caneasily and successfully be combined with everythingfrom slouchy culottes to skinnies, or a simple leatherskirt.

Available at

3: Peter Pilotto embellished crepe top

(€740) Photo: Net-a-Porter

The quarter-Belgian duo behind Peter Pilotto keepbringing the goods, and this embellished shirt ispractically sweet enough to nibble (don’t thosebeads look like candy to you?). Pair with a leatherskirt and boots for a look of attitude, or dress itdown with skinny jeans and flats.

Available at

2: Hilly leather bag from Smaak Amsterdam

(€179) Photo: Smaak Amsterdam

This leather bag from Smaak Amsterdam is a versa-tile wardrobe lifesaver in the making. Spacious butclean-cut, this piece is simple enough to work with amultitude of looks, while retaining uniqueness in thestandout shade of ochre.

Available at


4: Michael van der Ham skirt

(€790) Photo: Net-a-Porter

We love this appliquéd bouclé skirt from Michael vander Ham. Pair with black stockings and cognacleather boots for a chic, autumnal look.

Available at

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5: Ann Demeulemeester Suede high-tops

(€610) Photo: Mr Porter

Complete your smart-casual look with theseblack, suede trainers. After all, what would thispage be without a completely black AnnDemeulemeester piece?

Available at

Issue 9 | September 2014 | 11

Discover Benelux | Design | Fashion Picks


MEN1: Cashmere coat, leather satchel jacket, classictrousers and boots by Maison Martin Margiela,AW14 collection.

Photo: Maison Martin Margiela

In vogue with a twist: Margiela does autumn elegancewith impeccable detailing. An otherwise simple look iscompletely altered by mixing leather and wool – agentle nod to the “I-just-threw-this-on” boho influence.





2: Raf Simons printed cotton T-shirt,

(€225) Photo: Mr Porter

This Raf Simons tee proves why the Belgian designerpractically invented casual cool. Wear under an openshirt for a laidback appearance, and under a blazerfor an occasion requiring a smarter silhouette.

Available at

3: Raf Simons cotton-jersey sweatshirt

(€200) Photo: Mr Porter

Alright, so we like Raf Simons. But how can you notwhen orange has been given centre stage in his au-tumn collection? You can’t go wrong with a state-ment-coloured slim sweatshirt. You just can’t.

Available at

4: Ann Demeulemeester long-length textured cot-ton shirt

(€410) Photo: Mr Porter

Famously dark – and yet there is occasional light tobe found in Ann Demeulemeester’s design. This shirtis a great addition to any wardrobe, with its interest-ing pattern and long frame – not to mention the char-acteristically barely-there seam details.

Available at

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Outside, around an imposing newly-pavedsquare with contemporary sculptures andlinked by elegant walkways, is one of Lon-don’s most exclusive recent developments:the Grosvenor Waterside complex of 800high-end apartments. There is the faintsound of rushing water from a dramaticweir alongside a private waterway thatleads, via a series of locks, directly into theriver itself.

Inside, where I am sitting, is a double-height über-modern space on the groundfloor of an otherwise residential building,the sun flooding in through tall windows. Itis exquisitely furnished and has the relaxed,

comfortable feeling of a luxury home – in-deed, many passers-by think it is one. Buteverything I can see all around, from thedramatic chandeliers to the sofas, rugs,tables and chairs – even the artwork on thewalls – is for sale.

This superb showroom is the result of oneman’s passion, vision and determination,and took Swedish-born, London-based in-terior architect Staffan Tollgård around twoyears to make happen.

“Everyone wants a place in London”Tollgård, brought up in Stockholm andtrained here in London at the prestigious

I have come to London’s fashionable Chelsea, just a stone’s throw from the lush green grounds of the Royal Hospitaland the upmarket antiques and interior design boutiques of Pimlico Road.


Staffan Tollgård- the eye behind the red thread

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Issue 9 | September 2014 | 13

Discover Benelux | Feature | Staffan Tollgård

Inchbald School of De-sign, has been practisingas an interior designersince January 2005.Through skill, hard workand personal recommen-dations, he now has aninternational clientele thatincludes financiers, en-trepreneurs, politicians,doctors, lawyers, andpeople in the media andthe arts, including a con-ductor of world renown.He has been namedtwice in House & Gar-den’s portfolio of 100Leading Designers andwas on the SundayTimes’ recent list of theLeading 30 UK DesignPractices.

Whilst Tollgård’s practicefulfils commissions world-wide – from a chalet inSwitzerland to a Saudipalace and Portuguesevillas – London homes forLondon-based interna-tional clients are the mainthrust of his work:

“Nowadays, it seems, everyone wants tohave a place in London.”

Tollgård, with his empathy, flair for original-ity and meticulous attention to detail, hasbuilt up a reputation for sourcing appropri-ate and interesting pieces for his clients,who benefit from his travels to trade fairs,factories and workshops worldwide in anongoing quest for beautiful things. Overthe past few years, he became aware thatmuch of what he was tracking down wasnot available elsewhere in London, or wasnot being shown to best advantage.

Domestic space of complete designSo was born an audacious idea: to fill themost beautiful showroom he could findwith beautiful, exclusive furnishings – andto use his skill as an interior designer tocreate the feeling of a home rather than

shop: “Yes, above all, I wanted my spaceto be domestic… and a place where peo-ple can see complete design, all of a piece,not lots of separate pieces standing ontheir own,” he says.

Finding the right premises was a challenge,involving long searches on the internet andvisits to around 20 disappointingly unsuit-able units. Finally, success – a combinationof luck and very shrewd judgment. Thespace in which we sit is conspicuous for itssix-metre height, but was being used bythe developers up to completion as a siteoffice, with a lowered false ceiling, whenTollgård came to view it. He quickly re-alised the potential of the space up aboveand clinched the deal. Now, he not onlyhas his beautiful, lofty showroom, but alsoa mezzanine for his 14-strong interior de-sign team.

Thus, someone is always on hand to helpwith details of any piece of interest. “Webelieve that great design deserves to besold by designers who can tell its story,”says Tollgård. Everything in his showroomis for sale or can be specified, from the ar-chitectural lighting and invisible wall speak-ers to the sleek, polished concrete floorand the sophisticated, textured silver greytimber cladding salvaged from Austrianbarns. He adds: “And, of course, wegreatly value the humans behind a piece:the designer and the maker.”

Stories of treasured suppliersThe better to tell his stories, Tollgård hastravelled all over the world visiting the de-signers and makers behind the exclusivebrands he represents – around 40 in all. Hebecomes increasingly animated as we chatabout some of his most treasured suppli-ers.

First, the background to the chair I am sit-ting in: with graceful tapered legs, its backis a slender arch of solid wood, made, Ilearn, by Porada, an old, established Italianfirm. “This chair is virtually backless,” Toll-gård points out, “so you can see rightthrough it. This means that all the details ofa table beyond are visible – and stops that

LEFT: A home rather than a shop: Tollgård’s Chelseashowroom has the feeling of a luxury home – indeed,many passers-by think it is one. BELOW: Dutch brandLinteloo, established 20 years ago and named after itsfounder, crafts elegant and striking design pieces.Photos: Linteloo

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Discover Benelux | Feature | Staffan Tollgård

closed-in look you can get with a line ofsolid chairs.” Back or no back, it was verycomfortable.

Other Italian brands which Tollgård repre-sents are Porro (with a tradition of crafts-manship dating back to 1925) and Driade,with distinctive and often quirky signature

provided by a huge stable of modern de-signers that includes many pieces by ar-guably the world’s best-known modern fur-niture designer, Philippe Starck from Paris.Also find Flos, a leader in technology forcontemporary lighting, and the pioneers ofgreat modern classics. Behind me aremore chairs, each one set in its own boxed

display, like a piece of art. Tollgård takesdown another favourite in solid wood witha woven wicker seat by J. L. Møller,founded in Denmark in 1944. He empha-sises with a loving caress the lovely way thewood is shaped. “Each one arrives fully-as-sembled; it is literally impossible to takethese chairs apart.”

Tollgård’s originality and meticulous attention todetail has earned him a reputation for sourcingappropriate and interesting pieces for his clients.

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Discover Benelux | Feature | Staffan Tollgård

Another of his favourites is the charmingMy Chair, made by the Swedish firm ofStolab, also with an impressive pedigree –they started making solid wood furniture inSmålandsstenar in 1907. Now the designstudio of Space Copenhagen has broughtthem right up to date with a playful and po-etic shape.

Holland in recent times has become fa-mous for its own brand of modern design,and new companies deliver a style that islight-hearted, witty – irreverent even. Moooiis a good example, founded by the mav-erick Marcel Wanders only in 2002. Moooiis the Dutch word for beauty: “We justadded an extra o for extra beauty,” Wan-ders once remarked. Now his graceful yetbulbous white chandelier for Flos is sus-pended as an arresting feature of theshowroom. Also from Holland is Linteloo,established 20 years ago and named afterits founder. Now working with them is PietBoon, famous for his signature furniturepieces, lending his name to the companyhe founded in 1983.

Also from Europe comes Eggersmann,crafting tailor-made kitchens in Germanyfor more than a hundred years. Brokisglass lights come from the Czech Repub-lic where master glassmakers can blowthin transparent shades for their Balloonrange to an enormous size. These lampscan sit on the floor, or be adapted to wallor ceiling. De La Espada is a Portuguesecompany making edgy modern furniture bythe likes of Turkish Autoban, and British de-signer Matthew Hilton. From Spain comesBD Barcelona with pieces by design greatssuch as Ross Lovegrove, Jaime Hayon,and Konstantin Grcic.

Further afield furniture and flooringTravelling further afield, Staffan has recentlybeen to the States to discover Mark Al-brecht, whose furniture is slender in the ex-treme: steel sections, latticed leather andsolid wood. Also from the States isChilewich, who has, a little improbably,made woven vinyl chic for rugs, tablematsand more. From Canada comes Bocci,with blown glass spheres grouped into ahuge choice of chandeliers – a colouredone hangs in the entrance of the show-

room. EOQ is a new brand from HongKong, and Neri & Hu are Chinese archi-tects whose furniture designs are madeby De La Espada.

Flooring here is as intriguing as the furni-ture. Tollgård tells me about Kasthall, withperhaps the oldest credentials of all, weav-ing rugs in Sweden since 1889. Yet the de-sign of the Glimmer rug on display is cooland contemporary, with its silky shades ofgrey and distressed texture.

Shortly, Tollgård will launch his own rangeof rugs for German JAB, significantly calledRed Thread. ‘Röda tråden’ is a powerfulScandinavian metaphor to describe a uni-fying principle in any creative work, be it acolour repeated in a painting or a refrain ina piece of music. Certainly, walking roundTollgård’s showroom you can sense a redthread at work in the personal and creativeedit, which uses natural materials, valuedcraftsmanship, and subtle down colours ina restful, neutral palette with shades ofcream, beige and grey, enlivened with sub-tle textures.

You cannot see the thread of course, andit would rather jar the eye if you could. Buta unifying force there certainly is – and oneto enjoy, admire and trust.

ABOVE & FAR LEFT BOTTOM: Piet Boon, famous for his signature furniture pieces, has conceived many of thepieces shown at Tollgård’s showroom, many defined by their minimalist elegance. Photos: Piet Boon

Dubbed ‘the sharpesteye in London’, BarbaraChandler is a best-sellingphotographer and spe-cialist writer on designand the home, amongother things contributingregularly to Homes &Property at the London Evening Standard for thepast 20 years and more.

Chandler has won countless awards, includ-ing Contribution to the Design Industry, FurnitureWriter of the Year, and Home Improvements Jour-nalist of the Year, and she has written numerousbooks and sat as the chair of judges of manycoveted designer awards.

Staffan TollgårdGrosvenor Waterside, Gatliff Road,London SW1W 8QN; 020 7952

Mark Albrecht, Credenza. Photo: Mark Albrecht

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Discover Benelux | Interview | Hi There... Anouk Yve!

DB: Hi there, Anouk! You know Amster-dam like the back of your hand. What’sthe best thing about the city?

AY: The best thing about Amsterdam mustbe the open-minded people living there.They are very direct and honest, whichmight take some getting used to, but trustme – it is all you wish for. We don't goaround life – we go right through it. That'swhy Amsterdam is never boring; there's al-ways something to do.

DB: Sounds wonderful! So on a day off,where do you go?

AY: I love going to Westerpark, the site ofAmsterdam’s former gasworks. It’s an ur-ban, cultural meeting point for young andold, and it’s perfect for a lazy stroll or justrelaxing in one of the cool, hipster venues.

DB: It’s time for a bite and something todrink. Where do you take us?

AY: I always avoid the touristy areas andwander around the local neighborhood“the Pijp” with all its lovely coffee bars, the“Albert Cuypmarkt” and cool little conceptstores. Try Sla, Boca’s or popular localhangout Het Paardje.

DB: So you’re quite the foodie then!More importantly, your know-how in thefashion world is as noted as it is out-standing. How will you stay in voguethis autumn?

AY: People who make an effort are alwaysin vogue if you ask me. Apart from that:bring on the knits (the bigger the better!),because they’re definitely one of this au-tumn's key trends.

DB: You've started your own fashionblog network, Creators of Desire, whichhas become the favourite daily onlinestop for more than one million women.What is the secret behind the Dutchsense of entrepreneurship?

AY: The Dutch are very punctual andstraightforward. We know what we wantand are not afraid to ask for it. Right therelies the key.

DB: Thanks for your time, Anouk! Tellus, what's next for you?

AY: Besides Creators of Desire I've justlaunched two new companies to advisebrands in their content strategies. I alsohave plans to create my own clothing lineand I'm working on a book. It’s going to bea busy season!

Visit Anouk’s blog

Hi there…AnoukYve!Every month Discover Benelux catches up with one of the region’s notable faces to uncover their secrets

about the place they call home. First up is Dutch fashion icon AnoukYve, founder and Executive Director ofonline fashion network Creators of Desire, taking us on a tour of her country’s capital.


A fan of Amsterdam’s urban quarters and hipster hangouts, Anouk Yve, founder and creator of blog platform Cre-ators of Desire, answers our questions on autumn trends, her upcoming projects and that sought-after Dutch en-trepreneurial spirit.

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Discover Benelux | Dutch Design Special | Fatboy

“There is only one bean bag!” proclaimsthe advert. That’s certainly true in main-land Europe, and Fatboy’s products,particularly their best-selling trademarkbeanbags, are growing in popularity atan immense rate in the UK.

The reason for this is the consistency withwhich Fatboy designers create good qual-ity, original, fun and useful products thatmeet stringent requirements regardingsafety, sustainability and ethical standards.

In fact, every Fatboy item shows a designquality, zest for life and depth of thought intheir design that’s rare. The designers; whocollaborate with suppliers, producers,thinkers and creatives all over the world inthe development of a collection that repre-sents an attitude to life as much as thebrand, take inspiration from everyday prod-ucts. They take away everything unneces-sary (including the idea that products aresupposed to feel and look a certain way),then give the designs an original Fatboy

twist until they are left with somethingiconic. It is this deep and careful consider-ation that makes the Fatboy collection sogreat.

It all started when Alex Bergman saw thepotential of a new way of seating whenthe first bean bag was created in Finland.From this, the Fatboy brand was intro-duced into the Netherlands in 2002. Twelveyears later, every piece of the Fatboy Col-lection resists pigeonholing. The pieces arebold, unexpected and oversized. They’rebright, brash and fun, and they are used inthe strangest of places. You’ll find them insuperyachts and marinas, trendy outdoorcafés and museums, in festivals, peoples’homes and even stylish kindergardens.The only thing these places have in com-mon is that they show an appreciation ofthe original and a desire to relax, have funand be different.

Even if you don’t yet recognize the brandyou’ll know the products, which are avail-

able online or from retail stores throughoutthe UK. One thing’s for sure, whether it’sthe super-comfortable CH-AIR (an air-filledsofa with securing anchor), CO9 (abemused-looking bunny bean bag thatcomes in the three sizes of bigger-than-bean-bag, comfortable-for-three and ab-solutely huge), the tablet tuxedo (a protec-tive envelope that’s a cool combination ofclassic design and colourful fun) or Rock-Coco (the first outdoor LED chandelier inthe world) your Fatboy product will be auseful, well designed, unconventional anda valuable asset.

The one and only beanbagTEXT: CAROLE EDRICH | PHOTOS: FATBOY

Fatboy stands for good quality, original, fun and useful products – items that can take the wear and tear of everyday life and still look great.

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In front of the town hall in the charmingriverside town of Dinant in Belgium, a clockslowly ticks away the hours, but it’s unlikeany clock you’ve ever seen. Designed bythe Belgian master glassmaker BernardTirtiaux, a three and a half metre high glasssaxophone rises out of a striated aqua-marine base that represents the riverMeuse. This striking sculpture is in fact awater clock, and every eight seconds adrop of tinted water splashes down into thebody of the saxophone. If all goes to plan,the saxophone will be full on 6 November2014, a day that marks the bicentenary of

the birth of Adolphe Sax – inventor of thesaxophone and Dinant’s most famous son.

The inventiveness of a mastermind,and a saxophone played by Bill ClintonAs Belgium gears up for a solemn four-yearperiod commemorating wars and battlesthat shaped the course of world history, theBelgians are keen not to overlook theirhome-grown musical genius who throughhis quirky musical invention enriched thecultural lives of millions and inadvertentlyprovided the soundtrack of the 20th cen-tury. There’s no better place to learn about

Sax’s extraordinary life than in Brussels’sinternationally acclaimed Museum of Mu-sical Instruments. Until January 2015, MIMis running a Sax200 exhibition that includesdisplays taken from its own extensive col-lection of original Sax instruments, alsofeaturing iconic saxophones from all overthe world. This includes one played by thatjazz-loving president, Bill Clinton.

What immediately strikes the visitor is thesheer inventiveness of Sax. The saxophonewas just one of many weird and wonderfulmusical instruments he created. Some,

As the year of 2014 marks the bicentenary of the birth of Adolphe Sax, his hometown Dinantis pulling out all the stops to celebrate the life of the musical genius.


Sax and the City

Discover Benelux | Culture Feature | Sax and the City

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such as saxhorns, proved immensely pop-ular with military bands while instrumentssuch as the extraordinary triffid-shapedseven-bell trombone became musicalwhite elephants. Although the saxophonewas universally admired by composers(Bizet praised its “restrained affection andpassion tinged with reserve”), it was onlywhen American street musicians adoptedit in the late 19th century that the saxo-phone’s popularity really took off. With thebirth of the Jazz Age, the rest is – as theysay – history.

A grand image of a small cityNowhere more than in Dinant can Sax’slegacy be best appreciated. The town is in-ordinately proud of its most celebrated cit-izen and everywhere you look you see thesinuous contours of saxophones. Theserange from saxophone-shaped couquesde dinant, reputedly the world’s hardestbiscuit, to a collection of surreal publicworks of art. The most conspicuous ofthese is the Art on Sax installation on Di-nant’s Charles de Gaulle Bridge. Commis-sioned in 2010 by the InternationalAdolphe Sax Association and the MaisonTourisme de la Haute Meuse, the installa-tion consists of 28 three metre high saxo-phones painted in colourful graphic de-signs representing the countries of theEuropean Union. Designs vary from luckygreen shamrocks depicting Ireland to

ghoulish splashes of blood representingDracula and Romania. The view of thesegiant saxophones framing Dinant’s famousonion-domed Gothic cathedral has be-come the definitive image of this tiny city,and what started out as a temporary in-stallation has now become a much lovedpermanent landmark.

Adolphe Sax was born just a stone’s throwaway from the cathedral, and although hishouse is no longer standing, the road nownamed after him is full of tributes to thegreat man. A line of “totem poles” dubbedThe Anamorphoses Trail represents theseven members of the saxophone familyand leads up to a delightful casual statue ofSax who sits languidly on a bench with asaxophone on his lap. Behind the statue,La Maison du Monsieur Sax is a free per-

Issue 9 | September 2014 | 19

Discover Benelux | Culture Feature | Sax and the City

OPPOSITE PAGE AND ABOVE LEFT: Dinant is a small city immeasurably proud of its most celebrated citizen,Adolphe Sax (Photos: WBT, Alessandra Petrosino/JP Remy). TOP RIGHT: La Clepsydre de Monsieur Sax (Photo:AIAS, Ph. Dehuit). RIGHT: This year marks the 200th century mark since the birth of Belgium’s home-grown mu-sical genius (Photo: MIM).

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Discover Benelux | Culture Feature | Sax and the City

manent exhibition that guides visitors infrom the street along a short saxophone-shaped trail. Highlights include informativevideos of his life, audio excerpts from sax-ophone classics including Ravel’s Boleroand a giant book hinged to the wall whichopens up to reveal quotes in praise of thesaxophone from the likes of Berlioz.

As you stroll along Rue Adolphe Sax you’llnotice several shop windows emblazonedwith humorous cartoons lampooning Sax’slife. They are part of the Vitrines de Mon-sieur Sax exhibition in which top Belgiancartoonists such as Serdu and Vadot havebeen commissioned to celebrate Sax’s bi-centenary. Drawing on Belgium’s world fa-mous comic strip tradition, the 28 cartoonsare proving to be every bit as popular as thegiant saxophones lining Dinant’s Bridge.

Sax’s Sundays and solemncelebrationsPerhaps the most enjoyable tradition in Di-nant inspired by Adolphe Sax is Mr Sax’sSundays. Each Sunday afternoon in Julyand August, a different jazz band amblesalong the river Meuse pausing at the manybrasseries that line its banks. Built along ariver gorge, Dinant is a natural amphithe-atre for sound. Above the chug of pleasureboats and the chink of glasses filled withLeffe (a beer that originated in Dinant), themellow strains of saxophones and trom-

bones lend an infectiously upbeat ambi-ence to summer street life here.

A more serious musical tribute takes placeevery four years when Dinant hosts theAdolphe Sax International Competition forclassical saxophonists. The competitionnormally takes place during the summerbut this year it has been deferred until lateOctober with the finals taking place duringthe bicentennial weekend celebrations on8 November. Other events planned includea mass gathering of saxophonists in whatpromises to be one of the biggest streetparties Dinant has ever seen.

Finally, while you’re in Dinant don’t miss theMaison de la Pataphonie, a learning centrededicated to the exploration of innovativemusical sounds. Housed in two delightfulhalf-timbered houses dating back to the15th century, Michel Rossi Mori, an ac-complished percussionist, guides schoolgroups and adults alike around Pata-phonie, a fantasy land where everyday ob-jects become the most unlikely musical in-struments. Some are truly surprising, likewhen Mori dips flower pots into water cre-ating strange warbling sounds worthy of aStar Trek episode. Listening to the beauti-ful strains of harps made from nails andtennis racquet violins, you feel that the in-ventive Monsieur Sax would thoroughlyapprove.

There’s no better place to learn about Sax’s extraordi-nary life than in Brussels’ internationally acclaimed Mu-seum of Musical Instruments. Until January 2015, MIMis running a Sax200 exhibition that includes displaystaken from its own extensive collection of original Saxinstruments, also featuring iconic saxophones from allover the world (Photos: MIM).

Dinant. Photo: WBT, JP Remy

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The kitchen is open

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LONG PURA | Rozengracht 46-48, 1016 ND Amsterdam | Tel +31(0)20-6238950 |


From 15-100 guests

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22 | Issue 9 | September 2014

Founded in Hungary in 2001 by GyörgyGattyán, Docler Holding has grown into amultinational enterprise employing morethan 1,000 people across various fields,ranging from technology to entertainmentand investment. At its Luxembourg head-quarters, great care is taken to removethe normal boundaries that separate em-ployees and encourage free dialogue.CEO Laszlo Czero can often be foundwalking through the open plan office chat-ting to one of his many teams. “We wantto never stop improving,” he says, “and wefeel the best way to do that is to encour-age people to come up with ideas and

then give them the opportunity to explorethat concept.”

A receptive company philosophyThis openness also informs themethodCzeroand his teams use to approach decision-making. Their training programme – knownas the Expert Operator System – has provenso successful that they plan to introducecourses in the US in the near future. Justas the company philosophy that spawnedit, EOS is built around receptiveness.

“It is a way to open up a person’s creativ-ity and imagination to the information that

surrounds us and then make decisionsbased on this,” Czero explains.

From the outside, this method might seemrisky. A lot of more conservative businessesrely solely on market research and figures,but this is only one aspect of life. “We arelooking to create a state of mind,” he con-tinues, “I compare it to playing poker andthat special moment when you know youwill win, without even looking at the cards.”

“Don’t overanalyse”This approach was the genesis, one of Docler Holding’s many

Any enterprise wishing to thrive must keep open lines of dialogue between themselves and their customers,as well as investors. Docler Holding takes this concept one step further and is constantly coming up with innovative

new ways to encourage their employees to also talk to each other.


D O C L E R H O L D I N G :

An open-minded approach tobusiness and investment

Discover Benelux | Special Theme | Communication Solutions

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projects. Oranum is an online spiritual com-munity, and though this might seem astrange enterprise for a tech-driven busi-ness, it now generates increasing revenuefor the company. The idea for Oranumgrew from a single discussion and cur-rently boasts over one million psychic read-ings. “We don’t overanalyse. If we likesomething, we go for it,” Czero says.

Indeed this mindset is crucial in an entre-preneur, but he seems to elevate it to philo-sophical levels – and it appears to be pay-ing off. Docler Holding recently opened aluxury goods shopping complex, Il Bacio Di

Stile in Budapest, which is quickly becom-ing the premiere showcase for luxurybrands in the region. The newly renovatedseven-story building houses such namesas Tom Ford, Sergio Rossi and Oscar de laRenta while offering discerning shoppersfirst class dining and numerous other serv-ices as well.

In addition to investments such as this,Docler Holding is also branching out intofilms. In 2013 Docler Entertainment re-leased its first feature film, a taut thrillerentitled Open Grave starring Sharto Cop-ley. They then followed it up with Six DanceLessons in Six Weeks based on the award-winning play of the same name, and plansare in the works to produce and distributeseveral more films in the next few years.

Strengthening connections andforging new partnershipsDocler Holding’s online division is probablyits most visible. They are one of the largestdomain registers in the EU and house someof the biggest servers in Europe. Indeed,one of their single largest components istheir adult entertainment section, which

Czero admits is a delicate subject givenhow some people might react to it. How-ever, he doesn’t shy away from the topic,demonstrating yet another example of hisopen approach to business and invest-ment.

When Czero talks about the future of thecompany, he has quite a bit to say. Withsuch a diverse range of interests and proj-ects, he never seems to be short on plans.“We have a lot of good ideas and a lot ofgood people,” he says, “and we are alwayslooking to expand and attract investors.”

Since moving their headquarters to Lux-embourg in 2013, Czero and his teams arelooking forward to strengthening the com-pany’s connections in the Benelux regionwhile continuing to forge new partnershipsthroughout the rest of Europe. With theirpenchant for open expression and willing-ness to explore ideas, there is little wonderwhy they have expanded so rapidly in sucha short time. It will be interesting to seewhat the future holds for Docler Holding.

Issue 9 | September 2014 | 23

Discover Benelux | Special Theme | Communication Solutions

Docler Holding is constantly looking to invest in exciting projects. With a noted, open-minded business philoso-phy and extensive communicative skills on board, opportunities are boundless. ABOVE LEFT: Laszlo Czero, CEOof Docler Holding, believes open lines of dialogue are imperative to his company’s great success

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Launched by web entrepreneurs Nourd-dine Sli and Romuald Brisson in 2009,Luxembourg City’s Explose agency hascome a long way in the past six years –with major digital projects for a range ofEuropean household names and interna-tional companies under their belt. It’s asuccess story that Sli admits could haveseemed unlikely at the time. “There wewere, starting on our own, just two young-sters who knew almost no-one in the in-dustry,” he recalls. The bravery paid off,and the pair continues to stand by their

daring approach. “We’ve always been au-dacious,” adds Sli with a grin.

Diverse clientsSli’s job title is User Interface designer, al-though he refers to himself as the “cre-ative”. Brisson, meanwhile, is a developer,ensuring the company’s outlook is astechnologically advanced as it is stylish.Over the years, the brand has gradually in-creased in size to accommodate their ex-panding portfolios, and there are now sixteam members working at the company.

“I mean, already with just two of us wehad the main bases covered, but now thatthere are six of us in the team, it allows usto offer a really specialised service,” heexplains.

Specialising in graphic design and the de-velopment of interactive media, Explosehas a diverse client list and offers a widerange of digital strategy services, includingweb design, e-commerce, social network-ing, brand content, mobile platforms andapps.

From starting out six years ago as a pair of “audacious”web entrepreneurs, the duo behind Luxembourg-basedagency Explose has gone on to make waves in the realms of web design.With creative flair and an egalitarian approach,

it’s their commitment to always delivering the utmost quality that has earned them an impressive list ofclients from across Europe and internationally.


Exploding onto the web scene

Discover Benelux | Special Theme | Communication Solutions

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Stylish aestheticRecent projects include working with long-term collaborators Minale Design Strategyon their rebranding of Luxembourg’s postalservice – formerly known as "P&T" andnow simply called "Post". Minale DesignStrategy focused on the rebranding whileExplose took care of all things digital suchas web design and mobile apps.

Sli is also particularly proud of creating thenew website for American cycling teamTrek Factory Racing. “We wanted to ensurethe user was transported into the world ofcycling, all the while ensuring the site hada modern design and stylish aesthetic,” hesays. “They gave us free rein to use all the

technology we thought would make theproject work,” he enthuses.

It’s this freedom which Sli argues is funda-mental when it comes to his job. “Ourclients tend to have complete confidence inus, and trust that we know how to do ourjob well, and to the highest quality,” headds.

Specialist knowledgeWhether a sports website or a fashionbrand, according to Sli, the type of com-pany he’s working for on a project is irrel-evant because the same passion for tech-nology and creativity emerges in every job.“We bring originality to any area we’re

working on and we always enjoy what wedo,” he explains. It’s this passion which Slibelieves sets Explose apart from thecrowd, along with his team’s dedicatedknowledge.

“We’re constantly seeing an increase inthe number of web agencies, but therearen’t many that can call themselves realspecialists – people who have been therefrom the beginning,” he asserts. “Every-one in our team comes from a differentworking and cultural background, butwe’re all specialists in our field.”

Strong teamThe majority of Explose’s clients come fromBelgium, Luxembourg and France, and it’sin the former that Sli can see the most po-tential for growth. “If we ever did expand itwould probably be by opening a newagency in Belgium,” he muses. “We havea fair amount of clients there – yes – thatcould be the next step.” That said, the cre-ative is wary of expansion, and wouldn’trush into it. “We’re happy with the size weare at the moment – we’d never want to bean office of 100 people. Being a small teamis what makes us strong,” he says.

With just six current team members at Ex-plose, there are no office politics as every-one gets along and teamwork is funda-mental. “No employee is considered moreimportant than anyone else here. We’velearnt to work together and we really enjoyit,” he smiles. “We’re a small team andthat’s the way we like it!”

Issue 9 | September 2014 | 25

Discover Benelux | Special Theme | Communication Solutions

OPPOSITE PAGE: The Explose team. From left to right, from top to bottom: Ilir, Gaëtan, Thomas, Romuald,Pauline, Nourddine. Photo: Copyright Bernard De Keyzer. THIS PAGE, TOP: Website for Trek Factory Racing,international pro cycling team. BELOW LEFT: Website for POST Luxembourg, Luxembourg’s first postal andtelecommunications service. RIGHT: Website for David Soner, street artist.

ABOVE:Website for Bonn Steichen and Partners, oneof the largest law firms in Luxembourg. RIGHT: TheExplose team brainstorming.

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Discover Benelux | Special Theme | Communication Solutions

Boasting over 2000 specialist inde-pendent translators across the globe,this young, Belgium-based translationcompany began business less than adecade ago, quickly going on to play aninstrumental part in breaking countlessbig brands into burgeoning internationalmarkets.

Precision is everything to SFX Translateddirector and project manager François-Xavier Pâque, who founded the rapidly ex-panding company in 2009 and cites acompany policy of perfectionism amongthe many reasons for its success. “Ourwork must be spot on,” says the linguist.“The simple misplacement of a commacan change everything in a sentence.”

A stickler for language learning, the youngBelgian counts English, French, German,Russian and Dutch within his own linguis-tic repertoire. Although a small company at

heart, there’s a sprawling team of globalfreelancers on hand, speaking everythingfrom Chinese to Italian. “We aim to coverevery language in the world,” says the en-trepreneur.

All translators must successfully completea highly rigorous selection process beforejoining the SFX Translated team. Whilemost specialise in at least two languages ormore, they will only ever translate into theirmother tongue, guaranteeing nothing getslost in translation.

With an average age of 25 at the core ofthe team, this young, dynamic companyaims to assist brands hoping to enter intonew international markets, spanning in-dustries as different as automotive tohealthcare, via robotics. “Whichever areayou’re targeting, or whichever marketyou're doing business in, we have alreadybeen involved there,” enthuses Pâque.

Clients range from governments to multi-national brands, so translators are specif-ically matched to jobs in relation to theirfield of expertise. “Our translations could belegal, medical, commercial, or even literary,so expert knowledge is crucial,” he ex-plains.

In addition to translation, other availableservices include proofreading, post-edit-ing, transcription, subtitling and termino-logical research. Flexibility is fundamental toPâque, and not just when it comes to thespecialities of his translators. A self-con-fessed workaholic, the project managerensures his team can cater to even themost urgent of cases around the clock.“There’s no Monday to Friday in this in-dustry. We’re available seven days aweek…you can even call us on a Sundaymorning!”


This young, dynamic company aims to assist brands hoping to enter into new international markets, spanning all kinds of different industries. TOP RIGHT: “We aim to coverevery language in the world,” says entrepreneur and director François-Xavier Pâque (pictured to the far right).

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Discover Benelux | Special Theme | Communication Solutions

With themes like CSR and team-build-ing becoming ever more popular forcompanies, Gilles Reuland´s Luxem-bourg-based company Incentive Eventshave found a real niche in the GrandDuchy. As specialists in corporate andprivate events management, they covera broad repertoire with distinctive, tai-lor-made concepts and thrive on thefounder’s determination to impress.

“Instead of relying on tried-and-testedmethods,” explains the ambitious Luxem-bourger Reuland, “we’re all about realisingthe wishes of clients; our philosophy is tocreate something new, together!”

After founding Incentive Events in 2013, hegleefully ticked off a lifelong dream: “Towork independently and create somethingentirely novel.” No stranger to party plan-ning, Reuland’s background in InternationalTourism Management and experience insocial events, festivals, and the non-profitfield have honed his strategic organisa-tional skills.

A big success on the growing electroniccircuit too, Incentive Events collaboratedon August’s Amphitronic Festival and planto host more music events in 2015. Reu-land also manages the eminent music col-lective MAUVE, a platform for local musicproducers.

A trained cook, Reuland certainly knowswhat’s cooking on his tailor-made tastingtrips. “Luxembourg,” he says with achuckle, “is a small island within Europe,but unfortunately” the eloquent event plan-ner hesitates, “it’s so small that it isn’t onmost people’s radars. But for those whofind their way here, they won’t be disap-pointed.” Reuland believes that each ofLuxembourg’s five regions can delight anygeneration, making a trip more than worth-while – although he sees a lot of untappedpotential in the entertainment industry.

Confident and creative, Incentive Eventsthrives on Reuland’s boundless energy forwhat he does. His popular bi-monthly travelclub, a social gathering of like-minded indi-

viduals hungry for travel, is currently bur-rowing away planning the ideal route toEuro 2016.

For team-building activities, Reulandexplains that “the achieved result is imma-terial, the process that the group or indi-vidual go through to reach the culminationis what counts.” This also reflects thedeeper meaning behind the action paintingworkshops (available in basic, pro and pre-mium packages). Hilarious and prettymessy, participants not only take home averitable work of art, but also share an ex-perience with their colleagues outside ofthe daily grind.

By placing Incentive Events at the helm ofyour private or corporate function, you’rechoosing a dedicated and experiencedteam – a team that’ll work tirelessly toimpress your guests. Create somethingnew, together!

Create something new, together!TEXT: EMMIE COLLINGE | PHOTOS: INCENTIVE EVENTS

TOP AND BOTTOM LEFT: Incentive Events’From Dawn to Dawn party is a perfect example of thecompany’s creative reach. MIDDLE: First meeting ofthe Travel Club, Reuland’s popular gathering of like-minded, travel-hungry individuals. ABOVE RIGHT:AAFC Folklorama’s Robin Hood-themed party.

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Discover Benelux | Special Theme | Communication Solutions

When in 1998 Mike Welter set up acompany dedicated to internet market-ing communications in Luxembourg,the web was a wild frontier; and he wasa pioneer.

“We were one of the first in Luxembourg tocreate internet sites. With time we’vechanged and developed. A lot of smallplayers followed with cheap and basicsites, so pointCOMM grew in other ways,and we’re now a 100 per cent full serviceagency.”

The internet has made the world a globalvillage but Mike is convinced local know-ledge remains vital in his field: “Luxembourgis a cultural and economic microcosm, soto succeed with a publicity campaign hereyou need total understanding of the mar-ket’s idiosyncrasies,” he says, noticeablyproud that what they do is very muchMade in Luxembourg: “All of our develop-

ment is done here in the Grand Duchy – wedon’t work with ready-made packages.”

He’s seen too many web service competi-tors come and go since the businessstarted: “Sadly some of them disappearwithout the customer getting any realbenefit from their collaboration. We’vebeen around for 16 years now, the samecompany and me at the head, that’s longestablished when it comes to the net! Butof course technology and how it’s usedhas altered hugely over that time, and wehave to stay ahead of the game with anysuch changes.”

If you’re in Luxembourg for any time, evenif you don’t touch the web, you’ll almostcertainly encounter pointCOMM’s work onthe radio or TV, via in-store advertising pan-els or on posters, their client-base includ-ing ubiquitous companies like Aral servicestations and BricoWelt, and shopping cen-

tre La Maroquinerie du Passage in the cap-ital. For Esch-sur-Alzette’s Eschopping Citythey’ve provided everything from the con-cept to logo, via net and Facebook mate-rial, and even in-store marketing research.

“We’ve come a long way since 1998, andwe keep developing relationships with newcustomers,” he says, “but it means a lot tous – and I think shows our professionalism– that many of those we won at the outsetare still with us.”


Keeping relationships intact: “We’ve come a long way since 1998, and we keep developing relationships with new customers,” says pointCOMM founder Mike Welter.

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In a world of competition, rapid changesand pressure on performance, the Luxem-bourgish economy must constantly de-velop its human capital to ensure its sus-tainable competitiveness. Attracting andretaining a qualified workforce is a strategicrequirement. Companies must be able torely on employees who can make gooddecisions and act appropriately when deal-ing with challenges or situations. The issueis to develop the skills of the company's in-ternal forces by regularly training them tomeet requirements in re-organisation, pro-ductivity gains, flexibility and versatility. Theaim is to provide employees with themeans to do their job to the best of theirability, in order to contribute to overall per-formance. In this context, continuing pro-fessional training is a driving force for eco-nomic and social development and is atopic of common interest: the companyincreases the value of its work and em-ployees obtain multiple benefits for theircareer development, employability and per-sonal development.

Luxembourgish companies have fullygrasped this issue, as they voluntarily carryout training policies and devote an ever-increasing budget to training each year. Asfor the state, since 2000, it strongly supportsthis training effort through financial aid worthup to 20 per cent of the amount invested an-nually by companies. Up until 2013, some€275 million in total had been paid to com-panies. This aid currently benefits one inevery two people in paid employment inLuxembourg. In addition, this state-backedlever is contributing to the growth of thetraining market and is broadening and di-versifying the types of training available,thereby improving its overall quality. Thereare nowmore than 350 training bodies pro-viding training courses in a variety of fields.

As for individual access to training, the ex-isting legislative framework ensures indi-

viduals play an active role in their trainingprocess and encourages them to assumeresponsibility thanks to schemes such asthe individual training leave, language train-ing leave and the validation process of non-formal and informal learning.

Issue 9 | September 2014 | 29

Discover Benelux | Special Theme | Professional Training & Development

D E V E L O P I N G S K I L L S :

A major challengeTEXT: INFPC | PRESS PHOTO

About INFPCThe national institute for the developmentof continuing vocational training (InstitutNational pour le développement de la For-mation Professionnelle Continue, INFPC)is a state institution under the supervi-sion of the Ministry of Education, Chil-dren and Youth (Ministère de l’Éducationnationale, de l’Enfance et de la Jeunesse,MENJE).

The INFPC promotes training, directs re-quests for co-funding, follows trends intraining and leads the

Dominique Matera, CEO, INFPC

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Discover Benelux | Special Theme | Professional Training & Development

As such, the Public Research Centre HenriTudor is a pioneer in the Benelux countries.Founded in the late 1980s, the organisa-tion launched, one year later, a knowledgetransfer activity dedicated to adding valueto the technologies and processes devel-oped in-house as well as supporting andcreating an impact on the Luxembourgisheconomy.

Crossroad between researchand the marketToday the knowledge transfer departmentof the CRP Henri Tudor counts three prod-uct lines: Vocational Education and Train-ing, a Master’s degree and finally, regularconferences, all focusing on seven main ar-eas – ICT, construction, environment, theindustrial markets, materials, transport andlogistics, as well as public services.

Managed by Frederic Girs, the VocationalEducation and Training aspect of the cen-tre helps some 1,300 people and holds

around 100 training activities each year.“Because the centre is at such a crossroadbetween research and the market, we areable to create very specific programmesand workshops,” explains Girs. “We workclosely with the EU and have developed anetwork of domestic and international

partners, which allows us to offer the mostcoherent trainings in sync with the actualdemand of the market.”

Answering precise needsThe trainings that the CRP Henri Tudor of-fers can be chosen from a set list or cus-

In a very competitive world with markets driven to outsource as many unqualified jobs as possible, investing incompetence-building has become a must for growth. All the actors, from companies and private institutions to govern-

mental bodies, have understood that training the workforce is one of the most effective ways to create wealth.


When Education Becomes Relevant

CRP Henri Tudor Knowledge Transfer and Training Centre works closely with the EU, and has therefore developed a network of professional partners. Thus the centre is ableto offer coherent training in sync with actual demands, explains Frederic Girs (above right), in charge of the training department.

Caroline Morilhat, in charge of theMaster’s programme

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Discover Benelux | Special Theme | Professional Training & Development

tom-made to answer to the very preciseneeds of companies. These types of train-ing courses have proven a great compro-mise for all the stakeholders. On the oneend of the bargain companies are gettingemployees with the optimal qualifications,on the other professionals are able to geta specialisation, become aware of a newlegislation or simply learn new techniquesand methods – all while keeping their pro-fessional activity.

Moreover, for over fifteen years, the CRPHenri Tudor has been offering a Master’sprogramme for professionals. Overseen byCaroline Morilhat, the two-year programmeis held only on Fridays and Saturdays sothat participants can remain activethroughout the course of the Master. “Wecurrently have four Master’s programmes,”explains Morilhat, “ICT and innovation,supply chain management, quality man-agement and IT security.”

“The training that I followed,” explains Va-nia Martins, a student in Master of QualityManagement, “allowed me to gain a strongorganisational basis for apprehending veryconcrete situations at work and let me fore-see very fulfilling opportunities in the fu-ture.” For Cyril Deom, who just graduatedwith a Paul Wuth S.A. Master in ICT and In-novation in July 2014, the programmeallowed him to learn aspects rarely tackledin a company – from adapting to change tocommunication techniques.

“Generally speaking,” adds Morilhat, “theparticipants hold a Master 1 diploma be-fore entering our programme, but for pro-fessionals who can attest of a minimum ofthree years in the field, there are also waysof being accepted in the Master course.Our attendants are very heterogeneous,aged between 25 and 55, and they are at-tracted to our courses for varied reasons.Some want to change fields, others wantto specialise or validate skills learned on thejob with a diploma, and finally some of our

students simply want to get a better quali-fication to reach new responsibilities duringtheir career.”

Update your knowledge baseand networkThe trainings are often paid in part by thecompany who regards it with high interestbut it does happen that students invest inthe course in order to advance profes-sionally. At the end of the curriculum theparticipants receive an EU-recognised

Master 2 Diploma with 300 ECTS (Euro-pean Credits Transfer System) deliveredby partnering universities.

For professionals or scientists who want toupdate their knowledge and/or meet peerson a specific subject, the CRP Henri Tudoralso organises conferences with variousthemes. There are around fifty scientificand best practice events, networkingmeetings and seminars that the CRP or-ganises each year.

Those interested should mark the date –17 October is the start of the academicschool year. One is never knowledgeableenough, so in a few days only, be on thelookout for the Calendar of Trainings for the2014/2015 year, as they will be made avail-able on the centre’s website.

CRP Henri Tudor learning programmes appealto everyone who is considering changing their career,specialise in their current field or validate their skills

with a diploma. TOP RIGHT: Vania Martinsdefending her thesis.

The training calendar iscoming soon

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Discover Benelux | Special Theme | Professional Training & Development

A doctoral programme for practisingmanagers begins in Luxembourg thisOctober. Professor Michel Kalika, Sci-entific Advisor at the Business ScienceInstitute, is convinced the DBA offershuge advantages over other doctoralroutes.

“This is above all an Executive DBA,” he ex-plains, “we created it for managers whomay be 10 or 15 years into their career andwant to step back to reflect on what they dowhile remaining within their organisations.”

It is that focus and continuity that Michelfeels differentiates the BSI offer from, say,university-based PhD studies: “Universitiescan have difficulties accommodating prac-tising managers, with their goals perhapsconflicting and with time management is-sues,” he says. It would bewrong to see any-thing less than full academic rigour in theBSI programme, however: “More than 60

internationally-reputed professors from a va-riety of countries – the USA, UK, France,andCanada among them – have establishedthis Executive DBA and teach it as well.”

Michel sees a further difference in candi-dates’ preparedness: “Most managers ar-rive with a good idea of their doctoral the-sis topic, not always the case with youngPhD students!”

The Institute’s DBA is already running atcentres in Canada, Switzerland, Tunisiaand Senegal, and the BSI is in a way com-ing home with the Luxembourg pro-gramme about to start, its administrationrun from Chateau Wiltz in the north of thecountry. The five three-day seminars in thefirst year will, however, take place in Lux-embourg City: “In the seminars we helpmanagers hone and formalise their topics,and tutor them in research methodology.We also identify a professor to supervise

the thesis that candidates write and refinein the second year, during which they at-tend three further one-day seminars.”

As a career academic Professor Kalika haswelcomed the resulting three-dimensionalknowledge transfer: students benefit fromthe experience of their fellows as well astheir teachers, and those teachers learnfrom contemporary managerial practice too.

He’s excited about prospects for the newcentre: “It’s at the heart of the EuropeanUnion, with a high density of senior man-agers within reach of such a central point.We’re still recruiting for the October intake,and it underlines the international nature ofthe programme that we’re drawing stu-dents not just from Luxemburg but neigh-bouring countries.”

Email: [email protected]

Cure management ills with anexecutive doctorate


LEFT: The BSI is administered from Chateau Wiltz. RIGHT: ProfessorMichel Kalika, Scientific Advisor at the Business Science Institute.The institute DBA is for experienced managers.

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Ecole d’ rt Contemporain

Any teaching requires an active participation

Any training is a value on the initiative

Any training undertaken opens in expressed potential


The Ecole d’Art Contemporain is a free establishment of artistic education, approved, eligible, in projects partnership

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34 | Issue 9 | September 2014

Discover Benelux | Special Theme | Professional Training & Development

Fromworking as a psychologist with theLuxembourg army to treading theboards as a professional actor, FredericFrenay has a CV as varied as the im-pressive portfolio of clients he coachesunder the brand name Trigger Solutions.

Working independently in Luxembourg, 42-year-old psychologist Frederic Frenay hasmade a name for himself as the go-to guyfor individuals and companies seeking helpwhen it comes to dealing with emotions.Frenay’s clients span the corporate world,while he also works with armies and organ-isations including NATO, preparing peoplefor deployment abroad.

Adhering to the slogan “Find the right trig-ger for your change”, Frenay uses his wealthof experience to ensure every client’s pro-gramme is personalised. Projects rangefrom giving talks on leadership and com-munication to helping workers manage theiranger and cope with stress; one of his main

training programmes is on how to react toarmed threats in the workplace. “I alwaysdeal with every case individually, althoughthere are certain techniques that I adhereto,” explains Frenay, who read psychologyat Belgium’s Liège University.

The psychologist also studied theatre atLuxembourg’s performing arts school, andenjoyed a stint working in film and television.Thanks to this, Frenay now has a network ofprofessional actors on hand to assist him

with workshops. “This makes activities suchas role plays far more realistic,” he says. “Of-ten in the morning we’ll do theory, and thenactually put it into action in the afternoon.”

Multilingual Frenay, who has German andBelgian roots, offers coaching in French,English, German and Luxembourgish. “Itkeeps things fresh!” he smiles.

He has an equally flexible approach when itcomes to locations – with most clients pre-ferring him to come to their own offices.Despite having a packed schedule and ahost of long-term clients, Frenay is keen toexpand into a new area in the next fewmonths, helping organisations such as theemergency services in using hypnotherapyto manage people in times of crisis. “It’s a lit-tle too complicated to explain it in a short ar-ticle, but if you’d like to knowmore you cancontact me!” he laughs.


With “Find the right trigger for your change” as his slogan, Frederic Frenay (right) has made a name for himself as the go-to guy for people seeking to improve their man-agement, communication and leadership skills. Frenay has helped countless people deal with stress and anger, and teaches varied and personalised programmes to helpyou reach your true potential (Portrait photo: Fabrizio Maltese).

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Issue 9 | September 2014 | 35

The extension reflects the increasing de-mand for exhibiting bigger yachts in thePort. Last year’s event hinted at the begin-nings of a recovery in the yachting marketand it seems today that some yachtingstatistics are approaching pre-crisis fig-ures, in terms of volume, with order booksand the demand for finance on the in-crease. During the last two or three yearsthere has been a noticeable increase inthe demand for vessels over 100m andfrom the 2014 event and into the future theMonaco Yacht Show will be able to berththese giants for all to see.

A one-of-a-kind eventFor all to see – and for a few that will be vis-iting the show – a chance to buy them! Thisannual, one-of-a-kind event attracts bil-lionaires from around the world, many whowill be inconspicuously walking the docksas they catch up on the latest superyacht

trends. This princely destination is a well-known staple amongst Mediterraneancruising grounds and has long been thedestination of choice for superyacht own-ers and guests, making Monaco a naturalhome for this unique event.

Of the 115 floating palaces from 25 to 100mthat will be exhibited at Monaco in Sep-tember, around 40 will be unveiled to thepublic for the first time. This is the annualevent that the builders of the world’s largestyachts look forward to; it is their chance toshowcase their finest luxury yachts.

The Haute Couture of the seaThese few examples of 2014 launches aretypical of the ultra chic and sophisticatedfleet of superyachts that will be unveiled atthe Monaco Yacht Show. For Gaëlle Tallar-ida, the show’s Managing Director, thecomparison of Monaco’s superyacht of-

fering with Haute Couture collections isclearly obvious: “In superyachting, as wellas in Haute Couture, everything is possible,harmonious and luxurious, and only thebest of the best materials are used. De-signers enjoy saying that the only limit tocreating a yacht is the limit of the owner’simagination! Each yacht is made possibleby the work of hundreds of specialisedand passionate employees.”

The MYS attracts industry leaders and anultra wealthy clientele from around theworld. It offers top-class services to meetthe demands of this elite clientele: VIPpasses, luxury courtesy car services, heli-copters and bus or boat shuttles.

In the heart of the show area, the UpperDeck Lounge is designed as a place wherebusinessmen can hold their meetings, ormaybe invite their favorite clients to dine.

This year the world’s no. 1 showcase for superyachts afloat will be the best ever, with 115 spectacular yachts, about 30luxury tenders and an extended exhibition that will host the finest and most renowned suppliers to the industry.


Welcome to the 2014 MonacoYacht Show:

The home of fine yachtingWednesday 24 to Saturday 27 September 2014

Discover Benelux | Special Theme | Yacht Design & Engineering

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36 | Issue 9 | September 2014

Discover Benelux | Special Theme | Yacht Design & Engineering

Catering the restaurant is Private Diningby Fairmont Monte Carlo, where you canalso enjoy a glass of champagne by Tait-tinger in a luxurious setting designed by in-terior decorator Sabrina Monte-Carlo incollaboration with Italian designer PaolaLenti, the French crystal manufacturer Bac-carat and the art gallery Opera Gallery. TheUpper Deck Lounge also includes severalreception areas reserved exclusively for theexecutives of exhibiting companies – areaswhere they can talk with their customers inconfidence.

Luxury manufacturers and exclusiveservicesOn display in the lounge will be the finesttimekeepers manufactured by the Swiss

luxury watchmaker Ulysse Nardin, officialsponsor of the MYS for the sixth consec-utive year.

New this 2014, the MYS will be hosting thesuperyacht captains and crews in an ex-clusive lounge for the four days of theshow. Located in the show venue, besidethe new Monaco Yacht Club, the MYSC&C Lounge will offer services of high qual-ity: animations, a relaxation area with mas-sages – simply a lounge area where cap-tains and crew can meet up and chill out.

What also makes Monaco so special dur-ing the show is the hundreds of socialevents organised by the exhibitors: pressconferences, debates with market lead-

ers, and friendly happy hours at stands.Cocktail or evening parties on board theyachts, yacht awards or gala dinners inthe luxury hotels in the Principality are alsosome of the many highlights that enableformal and informal networking and oftenattract those that can afford and do buysuperyachts.

USEFUL INFORMATION:24th Monaco Yacht Show

From Wednesday 24 toSaturday 27 September 2014

Port Hercules, Boulevard Albert 1er– Principality of Monaco

Opening hours: 10am to 6.30pm

Main entrance: Darse Sud.

Other entrances: Quai Louis II andParvis Piscine.

Public rates: €150/day.

Professional visitors (luxury and yachtingindustries): From €480/4-day.

The Monaco Yacht Show attracts more than 100 of the world’s finest yachts and luxury tenders

Photo: Tom Vano

Photo: Tom Vano

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Issue 9 | September 2014 | 37

Discover Benelux | Special Theme | Yacht Design & Engineering

A small company that makes big solu-tions for your yacht: 2ME is a mechani-cal engineering office that creates aes-thetic designs that make your yachtglister and your eyes twinkle.

If you are having a yacht built and are look-ing for a solution to a problem you en-counter, 2ME is the company to contact.Founders and owners Martin de Meij andMenko van Hylckama Vlieg design themost beautiful solutions when it comes topractical applications, complicated tech-niques and saving space. “The designs wemake are usually a result of a specific re-quest from our customer,” explains Martin.

Every yacht owner has their own wishesand demands. Some are quite JamesBond-ish. Imagine a speed boat in a secretspace behind a wall, which can slide openwhile a crane lifts the boat out on the wa-

ter. Or how about a submarine lifting cranethat blends in with the floor of the yacht, ora pool that can be closed and transformedinto a helicopter platform? “Those are themost eye catching requests we got in thelast couple of years,” explains Martin. “Ofcourse we also design more simple things,like cranes for rescue boats.”

No matter what your problem is, ask 2MEand they will design your solution. They of-fer custom-made shutters, hinges, cranes,doors and more. All designs are safe: theowners have over twenty years’ experi-ence, work in accordance with the regula-tions of Lloyds Register, Veritas or GL DNVand collaborate with famous shipyards.

During their work since the start of 2ME in2003, Martin and Menko have gathered ahuge portfolio of solutions. Besides cus-tom-made solutions, they also design their

own products – like the Telearc hinge, abuilt-in hinge that is hidden when the ob-ject it is attached to is closed, but looksbeautiful when opened.

All 2ME’s designs are made in the mostmodern 3D software, and calculations willbe done analytically or by computer analy-sis – whatever solves the problem.

What is most typical for designs of 2ME, isthat Martin and Menko do not hide thetechnique, but make it look elegant. “Min-imalistic and aesthetic designs are our fo-cus areas when we are designing,” ex-plains Martin. “Many of our solutions haveno effect on the initial design, because theyblend in perfectly, no matter if you can stillsee the moving parts or if they are totallyhidden.”

Aesthetic and James Bond-ishyacht solutions


Founders and owners Martin de Meij and Menko van Hylckama design beautiful solutions to practical applications.

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The partnership between the younger vanOossanen and Moerke, assumed in 2012,has proved highly fruitful. Oossanen is pri-marily concerned with yachts over 24mwhile Moerke takes on the smaller yachts.Apart from the naval architecture of yachts,Moerke is responsible for the Computa-tional Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analysis that isall about flow visualisation and resistancedetermination, while Oossanen has a spe-cial interest in the development and appli-cation of new hull forms such as thepatented Fast Displacement Hull Form(FDHF). Their naval architecture focuseson luxury mega yachts and their CFD con-sultancy is primarily targeted on commer-cial shipping.

An award-winning teamSuperachievers from the start, Van Oossa-nen Naval Architects have won the WorldSuperyacht Award (the yachting world’s

equivalent to the Oscars) four times, mostrecently for Galactica Star, in the categoryBest Semi-Displacement or Planning ThreeDeck Motos Yacht of 45m and above. Thissame yacht has won the best part of tenother prestigious awards and is currentlynominated for the KNVTS Ship of the YearAward. The company itself has achievedsuch an impressive list of awards and sig-nificant new developments that it’s difficultto understand why anyone would want totheir yachts designed elsewhere.

Van Oossanen Naval Architects are com-mitted to developing faster, more efficient,and more comfortable ships, and so theydo a large amount of their own researchand development. The vast knowledgethey have accrued in this way, combinedwith the thrill of challenging projects on thedrawing board, means that the company isable to create uniquely efficient yachts and

sailing vessels that excel in terms of per-formance, fuel efficiency and ease of use.They also regularly assist many otheryards, designers, owners and shippingcompanies worldwide in the field of hydro-dynamics and superyacht consultancy.

Advanced technology programmesTheir in-house software is a key valueadded component of the firm’s unique serv-ice and since the company’s inception Pietvan Oossanen has worked on the VelocityPrediction Program (VPP) for sailboats andthe Power Prediction Program (PPP) formotor yachts and ships. As technology andcomputers have advanced, the softwarehas been extended until today, where theprediction scope includes everything fromDutch traditional sailing vessels to hydrofoilsand catamarans, while the PPP can handlea range of craft from planing speedboats to300+m containerships.

Founder of the original company, Dr Piet Oossanen, became world famous for developing the ‘winged keel’of Australis II, which in 1983, was the first yacht to take the coveted Americas Cup out of American hands since thecompetition started in 1851. After this he became involved in several Americas Cup campaigns that could not becombined with his work for the marine research institute MARIN.That’s why he created his own business,

which Perry van Oossanen and Niels Moerke took over.


Van Oossanen Naval Architects– faster, more efficient and more luxurious

Discover Benelux | Special Theme | Yacht Design & Engineering

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The last few years have seen the com-pany sail from strength to strength. Thefirst application of their patented FDHF; ahybrid hull form that optimises both highspeed and cruising speed for vessels, hasproved wrong conventional wisdom (thatone could optimise for one or the otherbut not for both). This hull form was firstapplied on the 65m motor yacht GalacticaStar. With a hull approximately 20 per centmore efficient at top speed and 30-40 percent at cruising speed, the owner nolonger has to compromise between speedand fuel efficiency. They’ve recently alsocompleted an aluminium yacht that cancarry 10 people to and from its 75mmother yacht even in bad weather, im-proved a commercial ship-owner hullform, reducing resistance by 20 per centwith consequential reduction in CO2emissions, and innovated the Lemster-aken class of traditional Dutch competi-

tion sailing by applying their state-of-the-art techniques.

The fuel-saving HullVane®

Van Oossanen Naval Architects’ latest inno-vation is the result of a 10 year long researchproject to create a patented Hull Vane®. Thisis a fuel-saving ‘wing’ underneath the waternear the ship’s stern. Tests on a 55m crewsupply vessel provided an independentlymeasured 11-15 per cent fuel saving andthere’s currently a 42m motor yacht under-going a Hull Vane® construction with ex-pected fuel savings of over 20 per cent.

Like all good companies, Van OossanenNaval Architects have a strong internal phi-losophy. Brainstorming sessions on difficultissues are particularly productive becauseeveryone has in-depth knowledge of a subtopic as well as their own professional spe-cialism. Since every team member is giventime each week to work on their own re-search too, it’s no surprise that the com-pany is maintaining its leading edge.

Issue 9 | September 2014 | 39

Discover Benelux | Special Theme | Yacht Design & Engineering

FAR LEFT: The new Heesen 42m featuring both a Hull Vane® and FDHF. The most efficient yacht in her category.MIDDLE: Assisting ship yards, designers, owners and shipping companies around the world is part of the VanOossanen success story. ABOVE RIGHT: The BS2, a Dutch traditional labour sailing vessel. She won both theDutch championship and overall year prize.

Van Oossanen recently won the World Superyacht Award for Best Semi-Displacement or PlanningThree Deck Motor Yacht of 45m and above for Galactica Star.

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Discover Benelux | Special Theme | Yacht Design & Engineering

As the seas glisten with glamorous ves-sels, boasting some of the most charm-ing interiors and adventurous souls, it’sonly right that these yachts should betransported in style too, with the high-est standards of safety and security.

Conceived 25 years ago as a response tothe rising demand from conscientiousyacht owners, the Amsterdam-based Sev-enstar Yacht Transport has steadily evolvedinto the world leader of lift-on-lift-off yachtshipping. Now partnered with DYT, whosefloat-on-float-off style of transport is equallypopular, the Dutch company Sevenstar, anindependent subsidiary of Spliethoff, ben-efits greatly from its ability to call upon theservices of their fellow divisions worldwide.

“Even if all of our yacht carriers are in ac-tion then we’ll certainly be able to sourcean alternative option,” explains Sevenstar’sCarla Domburg. She cites the most popu-lar routes from Europe to the USA, the

Caribbean, Australia and Hong Kong, but“anywhere is possible”.

Passionate sailors, she and her husbandrecently undertook a Sevenstar Contestaround-the-world trip, during which theyrelied upon Sevenstar’s services. “Weloaded it in Palm Beach, missing out thenotoriously windy section to avoid burden-ing the boat, and three days later we set offagain from St Thomas,” he says with agleam in his eye.

The process of transporting yachts is al-most as impressive as the trips undertakenand the company refers to it as a “syn-chronised dance”. Magnificent structuresensure that few yachts are too large or tooheavy, and while current maximums are52 metres and 640 tonnes, Domburg saysassuredly that options are always avail-able.

A synchronised dance from A to BBY EMMIE COLLINGE | PRESS PHOTOS

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Discover Benelux | Special Theme | Yacht Design & Engineering

With a long history in yacht engineering,SDSI engineering and drawing studioprides itself on luxurious, modern andclassic designs fit for a multitude of ex-traordinary yachts.

Collaborating with some of the world’smost famous interior designers, the stu-dio’s portfolio has grown to include exam-ples such as MY Paraffin, MY Rasselas,MY Ocean Victory as well as the largestyacht ever built in the Netherlands – a trueode to greatness, if any.

The studio name, an acronym for Support,Design, Styling and Illustration, is perhapsthe best descriptor of the multiple disci-plines that make up individual parts of thecompany’s esteemed portfolio work. Hav-ing worked on yachts from 40 to 100 me-tres (as well as a few even longer exam-ples), SDSI is backed by 17 years ofexperience in all disciplines, and is keen toconstantly refine and perfect the method-

ology and technology to support demand-ing customers.

SDSI has decided to focus as much en-ergy as possible towards the initial engi-neering designs and drawings enabling fur-ther design processes. The uniquecombination of methodology, technologyand resources enables the customer tosave both time and money. “Thinking inan engineering kind of way,” SDSI founderErik van Dongen enthuses, “has made itpossible for us to be both more effectiveand efficient in delivering better systemsand designs, without spending extramoney.”

Although the super yacht industry is notimmediately associated with a lack offunds, it is imperative to SDSI not to wasteassets that could, and in all respectsshould, be used to provide best value formoney. “There’s definitely a flexible thoughtbehind it as well, tailored to suit customers

and end-users’ needs,” van Dongen says,never underestimating that in an industryso pinned on wealth, there is value in qual-ity thinking. That is also why the companyhas enjoyed great success in refitting en-gineering systems altogether, as ownerscan lengthen the lives of their yachts inclose collaboration with SDSI’s engineers,all trained in separate disciplines.

As of today, the engineering scheme com-prises detail design, including assemblyand layout drawings, as well as interiorproduction drawings. This also includesany other technical overviews needed,forming a process van Dongen says is“powered by finding optimal, integratedsolutions and great design matches.”

“Looking for solutions that best match theclient and their yacht – that’s what it’s allabout.”

SDSI: Engineering yourSuperYacht interior


TOP: MY Paraffin – one of the many yachts forming part of the SDSI portfolio. LEFT: The SDSI team use a unique combination of methodology, technology and resources tosave the customer both time andmoney.RIGHT: The engineering scheme comprises detail design, including assembly and layout drawings, as well as interior production drawings.

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With a contagious passion for sailing and a profound love for timeless classics, Olivier van Meer is one of the most prolific andoutspoken naval architects in the Netherlands. Known for its sailing yachts that cross the world’s seven seas, Olivier van Meer

Design – or OVM for short – has much to offer to seasoned sailors who cannot bear to stay ashore for too long.


Conquer the open oceanwith classical elegance

“We attract people who really want to sail,”explains van Meer. “Many want to be outon the sea for months on end, if not per-manently, so our ships often end up goingon long trips. Designing show yachts thatonly leave the harbour a few times a yearis not quite our cup of tea.”

A multifaceted skillsetApart from completely new builds, OVMalso does restorations, makeovers andrefurbishments of existing ships. The em-phasis is on classical design but its cur-rent portfolio ranges from small yachts toimpressive, four-masted clippers. Theirfleet even includes a polar expedition

cruiser, large aluminium luxury boats andeverything in between.

“I personally have a strong interest in clas-sic and timeless shapes and this is re-flected in our customer base. While we

specialise in sailing yachts, some peoplewill specifically ask us to draw them a mo-tor yacht. Somehow, we always create adistinctive outline that mirrors our love forclassical ships,” he says.

Discover Benelux | Special Theme | Yacht Design & Engineering

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Discover Benelux | Special Theme | Yacht Design & Engineering

Having sailed his whole life, it was a natu-ral career progression for Van Meer to starthis own company in 1985. In his late teens,he became a licensed captain and as soonas he hit 25 he had already clocked100,000 miles out on the sea.

The youngest licensed captain inthe Netherlands“I was actually born on board a sailboat, asmy parents lived on a ship. At 18, I becamethe youngest licensed captain in theNetherlands. This was quite unusual, but itwas simply my way of making a living,” herecalls. “In fact, until recently I still lived ona boat, but now that the family has ex-panded somewhat we’ve decided to moveashore.”

Extensive sailing experience is a key re-quirement for everyone working at OVM.van Meer believes this is an important factorthat sets them apart from the competition.

“We have a team of very skilled and expe-rienced people, who are all very good atwhat they do and can work autonomously.Having a background in sailing makes iteasier to understand and implement feed-back from owners or captains so we cancontinue to improve our boats.”

This drive to learn and improve also ex-tends towards the production process.From start to finish, OVM closely monitorsand directs its projects and always keepsa close watch during construction. “At theshipyard we act as the owner’s represen-tative so we’re confronted with the waythings are put together,” van Meer contin-ues. “I tell my team to imagine hangingupside down in the ship while putting theengine in – will there be enough room? Wealways listen out for advice from mechan-ics to help them speed up their work byadjusting our designs.”

Functional ships with traditionaleleganceOne thing van Meer will never do is createa futuristic, hyper-fashionable super yacht– and he is not afraid to say it. “It just isn’tsomething we’re interested in. It’s part ofour company values to create functionalships with traditional elegance but using

the most modern materials and technicalsystems. The fact that most of them hap-pen to have sails stems from our deeprooted passion for these ships.”

Characteristic for an OVM design is theirpractical technical layout, so a ship canbe used, maintained and enjoyed in thelong run. Van Meer says: “Space is al-ways limited. Some clients want us tosqueeze in as many features as physicallypossible, but in terms of construction, orworse still, in case of emergency mainte-nance, this could lead to big problems.We build for intensive use so we keep itfunctional.”

Work at OVM consists of three tiers; firstlyit has its own production boats like thebrands Puffin and Zaca. “Think of them likeour house wines. These are a popular,tried and tested yachts that are ready to

go or alternatively can be customized onrequest.”

Secondly, clients can come to OVM withtheir own ideas to design a bespoke ship.Van Meer comments: “I will almost alwaysvisit these clients at home so I can seehow they live and what they’re interestedin. Usually, after only a few hours into thefirst conversation, I tend to have a verygood idea what they’re after.”

Lastly, designs can be made following afixed list of demands like speed, length, ca-pacity and budget. “This may sound a lit-tle unromantic but that’s how it works,mainly for commercial projects. When thedesign is finished, we’ll pitch these to theclient and hopefully they find a connectionwith our style and philosophy.”

TOP AND RIGHT: OVM is known for creating some of the most advanced sailing yachts around and prides itselfon their gracious, classic designs. LEFT: Olivier van Meer (left) with his “right hand” Arjen Keer during trials of oneof their recent projects.

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Discover Benelux | Special Theme | Yacht Design & Engineering

Satellite Yacht Design is renowned fortheir high-performance sailing yachts.Founded in 1996, the agency is re-sponsible for producing over 150 boatsin a range of eight to 25 metres that arenow sailing on national and inter-national waters.

Owner Kees van de Stadt designs for pri-vate owners and companies in a modern orclassical style, but all within the premise ofabsolute safety, fast speeds and comfort.His customers are people that predomi-nantly sail the world and who want a cus-tom-made boat – for example with a re-tractable keel to get into shallow harbours orsail closer to shore. On the other hand Keesvan de Stadt also designs for competitivesailors who want a fast and exciting boat.

As a keen sailor himself, with a backgroundin competitive sailing, Kees van de Stadthas a strong affinity with his designs.“When I draw something, I’ll know how itwill feel on board and this helps me to pickthe right materials;” he says. Most of hisdesigns are built with composites and alu-minium and the client always makes thefinal decision on what is used. Both mate-

rials allow for lightweight yachts that arealso comfortable.

Kees van de Stadt finds it important tohave personal contact with each client andhas made the conscious decision to keephis company small. This way all the de-tailed requests from clients will be includedin the design. Personal contact is especiallyimportant in the Chinese market, whereSatellite Yacht Design has been active foryears. In the case of bigger projects, Keesvan de Stadt will work together with interiordesigners and constructors.

Currently, Kees van de Stadt is workingon a 29ft yacht, the New D29, a projectcommissioned by New Dimension Yachtswho asked him to design a new concept.

He says: “The New D29 is aimed at peoplewho enjoy sailing but also want a uniquedesign with quality and comfort.”

The look of the New D29 is defined by thehigh side decks, modern lines and reversebow. A lot of attention has been paid to de-tails like the furler underneath the deck, aflush hatch and changeable colour LED-lights – everything finished with high-qual-ity materials. Instead of a traditional look, ithas a trendy and warm interior.

The New D29 stands out from competitionbecause of inspiration taken from moderntrends and lifestyle. It is expected to be onsale from mid-2015.


Satellite Yacht Design work with the most modern technologies to design fast, comfortable and safe sailing yachts.



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Discover Benelux | Special Theme | Yacht Design & Engineering

It was when naval architect and interioryacht designer Erik van Dongen – theman behind the classic interior designof, for instance, the Super Yacht Paraf-fin – was on holiday in the Caribbeanthat he had an idea that would graceyachting interiors with a truly goldenrim. Do you enjoy fine wine and cham-pagne? Let BOTTLER support yourtastes.

Imagine sitting on the aft deck of your su-per yacht glancing from your watch to yourBOTTLER, realising it’s time for somechampagne. You walk over to your per-fectly balanced, immaculately temperedbottle – and for a moment, you’re some-where else. Somewhere only the combi-nation of good design, world-exclusivecraftsmanship and unmatchable luxury cantake you.

“The BOTTLER is a symbol of top-of-the-range luxury; priceless beyond any cur-

rency,” van Dongen says proudly, adding:“Every piece is made with a watchmaker’sprecision, and is polished for an entirety of40 hours. Still, no two pieces will ever bethe same, something that ensures perfectuniqueness.”

Spawned from van Dongen’s passion foryachting combined with his impressive CVlisting multiple design projects, the BOT-TLER attained its illustrious form. Knowingthe customary solution had been drilling ahole in the table interiors to support thelength of the bottle, he saw less wastage ofveneered wood and more design potentialin constructing a detached, one-of-a-kindpiece.

BOTTLER, which was literally created witha surgeon’s meticulousness (van Dongenenlisted a retired surgeon to carefully as-semble the pieces of the finished product)has since its formation become a must-have yachting accessory for Super yacht

owners with excellent tastes in wine andchampagne. Today the luxurious piece isavailable in brass, nickel and even puregold, materials to which every client canput their personal touch.

“All BOTTLERs, which are handcrafted inthe Netherlands to the ultimate precision,can be personalised to mirror the name ofthe client, the yacht or its crest by a spe-cial engraving,” van Dongen tells me.

Add a range of beautifully enveloped up-keep and safeguarding items, such as apolishing kit, cooling items and a luxurygift box crafted in the owner’s requiredwood type, and the BOTTLER is an im-peccable experience in matchless crafts-manship. The BOTTLER keeps your pre-cious beverage still, and yet, it moveseveryone.


BOTTLER is the must-have on boardaccessory for any yacht owner with finetastes in wine and champagne.

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Thanks to his time living by the seaside,Mezas knows like none other how to enjoythe ocean. Apart from being an experi-enced sailor he is also a keen fisher, wakeboarder and diver. This experience helpshim on a daily basis to find practical solu-tions to enhance ergonomics and optimisethe use of the ship’s space.

Creating memories throughmeticulous design“For me it is all about the experience onboard and creating memories with lovedones,” says Mezas. “Details like the heightand the angle of the seats or even the dis-tance to the table top all make the differencein the way you perceive your surround-ings. Whether you are inside or outside, Imake sure guests receive the level of pri-vacy they desire but can still fully enjoy thelocation and the views.”

With every client’s unique set of requests andwide-ranging ideas about style and appear-

ance, each project becomes a new chal-lenge. He continues: “For example, wherewill the yacht be sailing? Does it need a tra-ditional or a modern look? Is it for private useor for the charter industry? These are all fac-tors that influence the design. For me, it is re-

ally exciting to find out exactly what a clientwants and then translate this into sketches.”

The client’s dream as your ownAfter a selection process, these sketchesare then turned into detailed drawings to

Growing up by the tropical waters of Curaçao, a small island in the Caribbean, Nick Mezas knew from a young age hewanted to design yachts.“I could spend hours looking at the Superyachts anchored in Fuik Bay, painting an image in mymind so I could sketch their designs when I would eventually go home.”Mezas now runs his own company – Nick

MezasYacht Design, founded in 2011 – and is becoming a rising star in the world of Superyacht design.


Set sail for your sea of dreams

Discover Benelux | Special Theme | Yacht Design & Engineering

With sunbathing areas on three decks, this 55-metre motor yacht is designed forsun worshippers. She has room for 12 guests, 12 crew and a captain.

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capture the design the client is looking for.Mezas adds: “The client’s dream becomesyour own dream and together you try torealise the perfect yacht.” Next, side andtop views of the yacht are drawn, as wellas the deck layout – or general arrange-ment. These are ultimately turned intodigital 3D models of the entire exterior ofthe ship. Mezas says: “This is by far themost time-consuming step, but it is alsothe part I enjoy the most. It really brings thedesign to life.”

Mezas prides himself on having two trade-mark styles; his designs either have softand flowing outlines or they feature cleanlines with sharp angles. He explains: “I aimto create a modern but classic look thathas a sense of timelessness. I want to beinnovative with my designs but I also make

sure they’ll still look fresh and moderntwenty years from now.”

Prestigious designsShortly after he graduated in naval archi-tecture at the university of Delft, the Nether-lands, Mezas entered a prestigious inter-national yacht design competition.He created a concept for a 75-metre motor yacht that included aunique deck layout allowing for anintimate interaction betweenguests and the yacht’s natural sur-roundings. With his design, R & R– which stands for Rest andRecreation – he became the run-ner up for the 2011 Young De-signer of The Year award and alsogained the judges’ commenda-tion.

“I was invited to attend the SuperyachtDesign Symposium before joining theShowBoats Design Awards ceremony inMiami. Here I met many famous yacht de-signers,” he fondly recalls. “Together withmy fellow finalists I also got a two-day tourof the renowned Lürssen ship builders inGermany.”

Collaborating with Studio DeltaAt the moment Mezas is about to launch anew design for a 30-metre motor yacht.When he finished the full exterior and lookof the ship, he joined forces with naval ar-chitect Menno van Dijk to make the designproduction ready. Mezas expects the fin-ished yacht design will hit the market soon:“The experience I’ve gained over the yearshas inspired me to create a sharp andmodern design. Menno is the director atnaval architecture agency Studio Delta andwe’ve known each other for years. So thedecision to work on a project together wasquickly made,” he says.

Looking into the future, Mezas says he isvery interested in finding out about newways of propulsion and other hull design in-novations. He is also closely following cur-rent developments in terms of new buildingmaterials and is excited to try and imple-ment these in his designs. “It would begreat if new materials could make it easier,cheaper or more environmentally friendly tocreate complex shapes. This could helpme to push the boundaries of design andstand at the forefront of innovation.” Headds: “In general, I believe this could bringyacht design to a much higher level.”

Issue 9 | September 2014 | 47

Discover Benelux | Special Theme | Yacht Design & Engineering

ABOVE LEFT:Mezas created this 30-metre motor yacht design in collaboration with Menno van Dijk of Studio Delta– read more about van Dijk on page 51. RIGHT:With a capacity of 80,000 litres of fuel, this 49-metre motor yachtcan sail up to 4,600 nautical miles and comfortably cross the Atlantic Ocean.

This 24-metre motor yacht has intricate window details, atop speed of 20 knots (23 miles per hour) and a capacityof eight guests plus two crew members.

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Sea Level co-founder Jeroen van derKnaap explains: “We take good care ofour clients and make them feel attended toas soon as they walk in. We want to makethe designing process a pleasant experi-ence for ourselves and our clients. Thisway, we will enjoy our work even more andget better results.”

Friendship and entrepreneurialambitionsThe company was founded in 1998 by vander Knaap and his fellow graduate, BastiënLigthart. Several years after they finishedstudying naval architecture together, theybecame colleagues at Feadship, a mayorDutch shipyard. When they found out

about each other’s entrepreneurial ambi-tions they decided to start a company.

“When we told our boss about our planshe was actually very encouraging. In fact,he said he would welcome us back if ourcompany didn’t work out!” he says, laugh-ing. “We still have very good relations with

him, as with all the other major shipyards inthe Netherlands, and now we occasionallyend up working with our old boss again.”

Great results through cooperationand technical experienceThanks to their background in engineering,van der Knaap and Ligthart were able touse their technical knowledge in makingexisting designs production ready andsoon started to produce their own. “Tomake beautiful yachts that are also techni-cally feasible, you need to have a lot ofknowledge so you avoid surprises at theend. We started with designing smalleryachts, but by now we have built upenough experience to become a major

The journey of the yacht of your dreams starts long before it even hits the water. At Sea Level Yacht Design andEngineering, creating a custom built yacht is an experience in itself. They will accommodate your personal desires, come

up with innovative technical solutions and make sure you feel right at home during the process.


Discover Benelux | Special Theme | Yacht Design & Engineering

Yacht design that navigatesyour every need

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competitor in super yacht design,” van derKnaap says.

Knowing about both design and engineer-ing is quite extraordinary for a small com-pany such as Sea Level, van der Knaapsays. With a staff of 12 people, they areproud to have everything under one roofwhile still offering the personal treatmentand flexibility that bigger companies lack.He adds: “Everyone in the office knowswhat is going on with each project. This ispart of our work ethos; we always continueto expand our knowledge. We do thisthrough external collaborations but also in-ternally. For example, during a project wewill get everyone together to comment ona draft design. This always leads to im-provements.”

Sea Level caters for private clients andshipyards and is always keen to match theright design to the client. Van der Knaapexplains: “When we design for a shipyard,we always incorporate their particularbrand, image and history and not neces-sarily just our own style. While our cre-ations will always bear a small Sea Levelsignature, we find it important to createlines and features according to the client’sidentity.”

Close communication and crewfeedbackWith this mind set, Sea Level is currentlydesigning a collection of super yachts forship builder Acico Yachts of three differentlengths: 33, 42 and 52 metres. With theirdrive to innovate, they have taken a criticallook at current models and asked crews tohelp improve on-board logistics.

“We always communicate closely with ourclients, so if they tell us a small changecould lead to a shorter production time,then we try to implement this,” he says.“From crew feedback, we found out thatthe salon, usually located on the maindeck, is hardly ever used. So we are goingto turn that space into an open verandaadjacent to the sun deck and increase theoutdoor experience for guests.”

One project van der Knaap recalls withmuch joy is an 18-metre motor yacht for aprivate client, who wanted to sail the wa-ters off Mauritius. “The reef that stretchesaround island is very shallow, only one me-tre deep. Normally a yacht this size wouldsit too deep in the water, so we had tomake the boat as lightweight as possible,”he says.

The project was completed in collabora-tion with stylist Eric Kuster. He created amodern interior using mainly marble andsolid wood, which are relatively heavy ma-terials. To complicate matters, the clientwas an avid chef and requested a sizablekitchen. “Kitchen appliances are of coursequite heavy and he also wanted a dinghywith an internal garage, so everything thatwent on board was put on the scales.While it is not a very big boat it was an ex-traordinary project that was technicallyvery challenging.”

Van der Knaap continues: “In the end, wecreated a design for a high speed motoryacht with a very shallow draught that sat-isfied all the client’s wishes. The yacht,Tommy, was delivered last year and is cur-rently cruising along the tropical Mauritianwaters.”

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Discover Benelux | Special Theme | Yacht Design & Engineering

Sea Level caters for private clients and shipyards and is always keen to match the right design to the client. Withtheir drive to innovate, Sea Level has taken a critical look at current models and asked crews to help improve on-board logistics. LEFT: 42m motor yacht design for Acico Yachts

Sea Level specialises in designing yachts according to their clients’ requirements, resulting in a diversity of yacht styles and specifications.

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50 | Issue 9 | September 2014

Discover Benelux | Special Theme | Yacht Design & Engineering

Now a large and successful enterpriseproviding custom-designed hydraulicequipment, complete solutions, highlyqualified maintenance specialists andassociated consultancy, services andtechnology, CRAMM Yachting Systemshas grown much since its founding yearof 1954.

Commitment to their clients is so embed-ded in their culture that it affects the waythey talk. Director Rob Knoop says: “Thecompany worked for farmers by providingsmall hydraulic equipment and electric mo-tors. Then in the ’60s and ’70s the yards innorthern Holland asked for a ladder orpasserelle.” The business grew further, andnow they make all the hydraulic equipmentthat ships and yards require.

Excellent maintenance and servicing is key,and recruitment (which looks for a combi-

nation of excellent education, demonstra-ble mechanical and electrical engineeringskills, clarity of thought and ability to learn)is just the start, with annual professionaldevelopment training as well as biannualupdates on new products and techniques.“You have to have a failure-free operation,especially for rescue conditions. If the life-saving equipment isn’t in shape that’s it,”explains Knoop. “We have people wher-ever they’re needed and make sure they’reavailable around the clock.”

Meanwhile, CRAMM engineers continueto work on innovative solutions. Knoop ex-plains: “We are totally customer-focused.The customer decides what he wants andthat is what we build, if he has the budget.”Knoop continues: “There’s a constant de-mand for lighter and smaller constructionsand we are looking to keep ourselves at thetop of the market. That means we never

stop our internal development and wesometimes partner with naval architectstoo. Those who copy our designs don’tsleep, but they can only copy what is onthe market. By that time we are alreadybusy working on the next generation ofproducts.”

True to form, with a delight in the quality ofservice and challenge of a commissionrather than its size, Knoop’s special mem-ories come from a vast reference list. Thisincludes the creation of a thin and tinypasserelle for the 18-metre day-sailing Siz-zler, and work on big yachts like the 160-metre MY Dubai. The future is bright andcustomers of CRAMM Yachting Systemswill benefit.

Sizzlingly special hydraulics CRAMM’dtogether with excellent service


CRAMM Yachting Systems take great pride in offeringsafe, flexible and complete solutions for your yacht.

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Discover Benelux | Special Theme | Yacht Design & Engineering

What started as a sole proprietorship isnow a vibrant company celebratingtheir 15-year anniversary. The naval ar-chitectures of Studio Delta have a widespread and detailed specialisation inthe field of yacht design. That is whytechnical design agency Studio Deltais recognised as a key player in thesuperyacht industry.

Studio Delta designs non-standard yachtsand refit ships from the 50m range and up.“We design stylish yachts for passionateyachtsmen,” says Menno van Dijk, founderof Studio Delta. “It all starts with the inten-tions and expectations of the customer. Isthe goal relaxation in the Mediterraneanwith friends or an adventure to the Arctic?A slim hull uses less fuel on long journeysand a wide hull gives more space for theinterior. It is all about the clients’ require-ments,” says van Dijk.

Studio Delta provides complete, designedyachts. This means that everything is takencare of: weight, stability, motorising, safetyand efficiency. The company is fully spe-cialised in the design and naval architectureof yachts and small commercial vessels.With customers in China, Dubai, Turkeyand England, Studio Delta has gained avast amount of knowledge in various dis-ciplines and regulations in the yacht build-ing industry. Van Dijk says: “We have

knowledge and insight in all aspects. Weknow what to expect. Therefore we candesign a yacht exactly the way the cus-tomer wants.”

There are some other and rather specialprojects Studio Delta has worked on. “Wehave developed a helicopter hangar in aship,” says van Dijk. “This also illustratesour consulting services, which handle spe-cific and specialised items of ships.” Cur-rently Studio Delta is finishing a specialproject. Van Dijk explains: “We are on theverge of releasing a new design. A 30-me-tre motor yacht created in cooperation withdesigner Nick Mezas.”

Read more about the project with NickMezas on page 46.

Stylish yachts for passionateyachtsmen


For the Studio Delta team it’s all aboutmeeting the wish of the client to find viable,practical and sleek solutions.

Studio Delta provides complete, designed yachts withattention to all safety and efficiency requirements.

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52 | Issue 9 | September 2014

Christophe Bichara, the founder of the Bel-gian company, started his career as an ar-chitect in 1996. Based in Brussels, Epurestarted working on different scales of pro-jects, from urban planning to object design,and of course architecture. Quickly theystarted contracting with large multination-als and helping private clients with assetmanagement, two areas that today are themain focus for Epure, both on its domes-tic market and overseas.

A masterful adequacyEpure’s team believes that masterful ar-chitecture lies in the perfect adequacy be-

tween the client’s and the user’s needs onone side, and the project on another. Thus,whichever type or size of project – housing,offices, retail, renovation or new construc-tion – the approach follows the same pro-cedure. In close collaboration with theclient, Epure will first assess the context inwhich the project will be developed (client’s

needs, timing, as well as financial, social,physical and environmental aspects). Thisassessment will also highlight the prioritiesand constraints, and thus contribute in de-signing a consistent project.

“Our goal,” explains Bichara, “was alwaysto grow organically while keeping a humanscale; this is what allows us to deliver ser-vices tailored to our clients’ needs.”

For corporate clients, Epure’s approach isto start working on the project very early byhelping the managing team understandwhat they really want and what the com-

There are companies who specialize in one field – their expertise is unmatched in the services they provide– and other companies that will offer a large range of services in the same industry; they will never go into detail,but allow you to understand the full scope of the project at stake. Rarely do we come across a company that has

both the depth and the width, an equal quality of services spread across an entire industry and more.This is exactly the type of company Epure strives to be.


Architects and much more

Discover Benelux | Architecture Special | Epure Architects

The client’s needs, timing, as well as financial, social, physical and environmental aspects are thoroughly considered and analysed before each project is started.

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Discover Benelux | Architecture Special | Epure Architects

pany really needs. It isn’t rare that compa-nies have a goal in mind without fully know-ing how to reach it architecturally, an ap-proach that sometimes sees Bichara andhis colleagues tackling topics that wouldnot be instinctively classified in the archi-tecture of things. Although it is difficult toestimate the impact of an architecture proj-ect on the performance of a company, itseems evident that Epure’s approach con-tributes to it.

Optimising space and internalorganisation“We have had clients who wanted to dou-ble their staff and so, asked us to doublethe working space. What we proposed in-stead was finding ways to optimise thespace and internal organisation so that ourclient would understand how architecturecould help in the everyday process; bottomline, the client realized that by optimisingspace they could reach the same goals ina better way,” explains Bichara. For himand his colleagues, considering the well-being of their clients’ employees, optimis-ing process to optimise business, creatingbeautiful and innovative buildings and of-fices are all parts of creating an environ-ment where people will not only work butalso enjoy living in.

In essence, Epure’s philosophy is to use ar-chitecture in the larger sense to solve itsclients’ problems. As Bichara says: “Theidea is to act as an orchestra director; wemanage the project in all its details, makingsure every aspect is handled with a lot ofcare.”

For private clients, Epure has the sameapproach. Generally speaking, private realestate developers who want to invest andare looking for a trustworthy partner tohandle the entire project, contact the com-pany. From the selection of properties withhigh return potential to legal and financialcounseling all the way to delivery and exitstrategy; Epure does it all. “Whenever wespeak of architecture,” continues Bichara,“we mean the entire process.” In every

project, Epure will thus design the tailor-made furniture all the way down to theideal way for the joiner to build them.

The main reason for Epure’s success is theconfidentiality with which they treat eachclient, as well as their involvement in everystage of the process – allowing the com-pany to really understand the needs of theclients and ultimately find satisfactory solu-tions. Holding the loyalty of its clients as aproof of quality, Bichara insists on the factthat at Epure, the projects are always con-ceived in collaboration with all stakeholders.

With contemporary, future-oriented and in-novative architecture, Epure strives to be-come the ideal partner for companies whowant to relocate to Brussels, change of-fices or simply renovate their workingspace. Bichara’s team will also continuecreating the best investment opportunitiesfor their clients, in the Benelux region butalso in France or elsewhere – and whoknows, maybe one day work with you.

Epure helps companies understand what they want and reach their goal architecturally, helping out each step ofthe way.

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It’s important to remember that we’ve onlygot one skin, the body’s largest organ, sowe should take care of it. Fluctuations toour hormone levels and changes in ourlifestyle have an effect on our skin, andthese can’t always be combated with aspecific cream or treatment method.

Massages keep you youngDo you know just how many types of skin-boosting massages exist? With their recu-perative and stimulatory effects, they reallycan enhance your skin. As you get older,you have an ever-diminishing level of col-lagen – this is what keeps your skin elasticand wrinkle-free. Alongside special prod-

ucts that stimulate collagen production,you can also try massages to boost colla-gen. A skin-improving massage is actuallya sort of workout for your skin. Just asyour improve your physical condition bypartaking in sport, it’s the same concept foryour skin; as cells from deeper layers ofyour skin are awakened and stimulated,your skin’s functions improve and this re-sults in radiant, healthy skin. If you want toimprove the condition of skin then a per-sonal treatment is recommended. De-pending on the current condition of yourskin, it might be wise initially to come reg-ularly in order to give your skin the much-needed boost. After that, monthly visits

are ideal. By treating your skin to a regularskin-boosting massage, you’ll keep it intop condition.

What about problematic skin?If you’ve got troublesome skin, plagued byspots or even acne, then you’re probablykeen to do something about it. Difficult tocombat entirely, there are still efforts youcan make against acne. As teenagers, wewere all hit to a certain extent by this skinissue, and for some, it just hasn’t goneaway. There are several factors at playhere: hormones, genetics, stress or oilypores. Depending on your situation, thebeauty specialists will come up with a cus-

Do you believe that well looked-after and radient skin is important? If so, you probably wash on a daily basis, whiletaking care that you have a good diet and ensuring you get sufficient sleep. Of course this is commendable, but these

results could be bolstered by working together with a beauty specialist.


Get serious with your skin

54 | Issue 9 | September 2014

Discover Benelux | Special Theme | Wellness & Beauty

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Discover Benelux | Special Theme | Wellness & Beauty

tomised plan. As we age, women are morelikely to get acne than men and the causeof this could be inbalances in the skin. Bytaking control of our skin with the help of aprofessional, we can do our best to avoidany recurrences of a teenage nightmare.Some spots that just won’t go away? It’sdefinitely best to make an appointmentwith an acne specialist right away.

After treatmentNaturally, after a thorough treatment, yourskin is busy working, and may perhapslook a little red for several hours. After a fewmore days your skin will be glowing radi-ently. To ensure that the treatment doesn’twear off, there are special products that

you can use at home. Keen to get your skininto prime condition? Come and find yourlocal skin speciaiist.

This article is courtesy of the winners of theBeauty Award 2014 and ANBOS, the Bran-cheorganisatie Schoonheidsverzorging (TheAssociation for Care and Beauty). ANBOScounts approximately 5,000 beauticians andbeauty specialists as members. Thesemembers are all qualified as beauticians andmany are certified in several areas of beauty,so you’re in safe hands with one ofANBOS’s members.

To find your local ANBOS specialist, pleasevisit:

Seven tips from beauty land

1. Wrinkle reduction therapy: an intensive formof connective tissue massage that results inimproved blood flow, a higher intake of oxy-gen and therefore a more balanced com-plexion and an improved skin condition.

2. Beauty bootcamp: a tailor-made packageincluding treatments, advice and productsto use at home.

3. VIP treatment: Head to the salon at specifictimes on certain days and a beautician willbe on hand whenever you need new pro-ducts.

4. Permanent make-up: Using the latest tech-nology, ultra-thin hair strokes can be appliedto form great, natural-looking eyebrows.

5. Training programme: By combining beautytreatments, products, super foods and ex-ercises, your body will feel the benefits andit’ll show.

6. Promote collagen: To get an optimal colla-gen boost use products with a slightlyhigher concentration of active ingredients,connective tissue massages, an ampouleand a collagen face mask.

7. Peeling: Treat your skin to a hydration boostwith a high concentration of fruit acids,which will increase the water-binding ca-pacity of the epidermis.

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Discover Benelux | Special Theme | Wellness & Beauty

There is, in the heart of Luxembourg, ahaven of beauty like no other. Created in2010, Wellnext is a salon that aims tooffer the best of both worlds: ancestralknow-how combined with the hightechnology of the 21st century.

“We are not your traditional beauty salon,”Florence Grillière, owner of the salon, ex-plains. “We use Medicare equipment ofthe most advanced kind. In that sense,Wellnext is what you could call an aes-thetic treatment centre.”

With over three hundred square metres ofspace, Wellnext welcomes ladies and gen-tlemen looking for expertise as well as fastand durable results. Along with three beau-ticians and one masseuse, Wellnext is alsohome of a resident medical aesthetic prac-titioner who carries out anti-aging and mor-pho-aesthetic procedures.

As such, Wellnext is a pioneer of cosme-ceuticals in Luxembourg using ingredientsactive on the dermis. “We always take apicture before we start the treatments, andshow the clients the change,” explains

Grillière, “it never fails to amaze, even aftera single session.”

Whether you are visiting for a slimming oran anti-aging treatment, laser hair removalor even power plates to tone the muscles,Wellnext will offer you the most advancedproducts and devices currently on the mar-ket. For instance, the Luxembourgish salontreats nasty wrinkles through meso-ther-apy, the latest needle-free technology withno side effects or associated risks, “a sim-ple procedure to help you age better,” asGrillière explains.

With several formulas available, Wellnextwill help you prepare for any coming event.How about a two-hour relaxing birthday

manicure and face treatment with tea andcupcakes, or a four-hour wedding day for-mula starting with a tone “hydramemory”?Or why not try a “recovery touch” facetreatment followed by a lunch break andfinished off with hand and feet care, nailpolish and makeup?

If you are coming to Luxembourg for busi-ness or visiting the city more leisurely, thesalon awaits you in the Kirchberg, near theEuropean Union institutions. Not only willyou have a nice time, but it might also giveyou that extra edge and fresh look to makethe difference.

Beauty at the crossroadsof tradition and technology


Wellnext combines ancestral know-how with high technology of the 21st century to give you fast and durable results.

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Issue 9 | September 2014 | 57

Discover Benelux | Special Theme | Wellness & Beauty

After a sunny summer, it is time to pre-pare for autumn! We are fully energised,but our skin could use some new en-ergy after all the UV it has absorbed.The autumn is the perfect moment torestore the skin and bring it back intotop condition.

Damage to the skin as a result of too muchsun or an unhealthy lifestyle is only visibleyears later. Good news: if you already knowwhat the damage to your skin is, futuredamage can be prevented!

Prevent the signs of agingBut how do you find out? Kazem Aesthet-ica offers a Visia face scan, which looksdeep into the skin and exposes all futurewrinkles, expanded pores, pigmentationand other skin damage.

“It is not fun to see, but it is the perfecttechnique to make a skin analysis and to

make a personal treatment plan,” explainsaesthetic surgeon Dr. Farid Kazem. Headds: “Besides applying day cream, al-ways use sun screen with factor 30. Applya generous amount of sun screen everytime you go out.”

After sun skin solutionEspecially after summer, your skin coulduse a boost. UV radiation damages colla-gen and elastine, which are the founda-tions of a tight and smooth skin. The stateof the art NEFERA™ Skincare Collection isdeveloped by Dr. Kazem. It is a skincarethat contains a very active peptide that re-stores, protects and renews the collagenfrom as deep as possible inside the skin. DrKazem says: “It is the perfect skincare foreveryone who wants to enjoy the benefitsof a healthy skin for a long time.”


About Dr. Farid Kazem

Plastic surgeon Farid Kazem is well

known for his extensive experience and

high-quality results in skin rejuvenation

with surgical and non-surgical proce-

dures. Do you want to prevent your skin

from aging and keep that youthful look

and feel as long as possible? Visit & or get

in touch at [email protected]

Laser treatments

The laser treatments with Clear + Bril-

liant® en Fraxel® repair sun-caused

damage in the face, neck, décolleté and

hands. Both lasers replace damaged skin

cells with healthy new ones. Opposed to

the common laser techniques, these

lasers do not treat the whole surface of

the skin, but only the parts that have been

damaged. This leads to a quick recovery.

ABOVE: NEFERA™ Skincare Collection is developed by Dr. Kazem and contains active peptides that restore and protect your natural collagen production. TOP RIGHT: TheViasia face scan looks deep into the skin and reveals future wrinkles, pigmentation and other damage.

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58 | Issue 9 | September 2014

Discover Benelux | Special Theme | Wellness & Beauty

With its revolutionary technique tofight baldness and restore hairlines,the Hair Science Institute is taking theworld by storm. Its self-developedHairStemcell Transplantation technol-ogy does not simply move hair, it mul-tiplies it. The institute has clinics inMaastricht, Amsterdam, London, Vi-enna and Jakarta and is about to openin Germany, France and the UnitedArab Emirates.

The enthusiasm of CEO Jos Dohmenquickly catches on as he lists the benefits:“Does it hurt? No. Does it bleed? Hardly.Does it leave scars? No. Does it look nat-ural? Absolutely. You can even return towork the next day.”

The institute was set up in 2005 byDohmen and Coen Gho, who developedthe technique. “Coen has a medical back-ground and knew this was something big.He needed help to set up a business andas a graduate in marketing and economics,that’s where I came in,” Dohmen says.

It works as follows: with a hollow needle,hairs in the donor area are split around thecentre and taken out individually. These‘grafts’ contain hair stem cells and are sub-sequently inserted one-by-one into littleholes in the treatment area. Dohmen con-tinues: “Because only a tiny part of thedonor hair follicle is removed, almost allthe hairs grow back. In the treatment area,these stem cells grow into full hairs so weactually create multiple hairs out of one.We’re able to do this several times withoutextra loss of hair.”

It’s impossible not to be impressed by thestriking cases Dohmen presents, particu-larly the story of Igli. This 14-year-old fromAlbania sufferedhorrendous burnwounds as a babyand large patchesof his hair were af-fected. Thanks toHSI, he can nowgrow a full head ofhair again.

Dohmen says: “Burn wound patients havesuffered enough. Our technique doesn’tadd another scar and is completely pain-less so it’s particularly suited for childrenlike Igli. In fact, it’s the only procedure avail-able that works on burn wounds.”

As the evidence of the procedure fadeswithinmonths, HSI regularly gets stunned phonecalls from friends, relatives and even medicalstaff. “They simply don’t believe our formerpatients when they say they had a proceduredone,” Dohmen says proudly. “This reallyshows how good the technique is.”

A HairStemcell Transplantation procedure,patented in Europe, takes six hours to a

full day includingbreaks. The web-site has more infor-mation – also onIgli’s dossier – andis available in sev-eral languages.

Splitting hairs in the battleagainst baldnessTEXT: MYRIAM GWYNNED DIJCK | PHOTOS: HAIR SCIENCE INSTITUTE

Igli, before and after HairStemcell Transplation.

BELOW: Restoring a hairline also restores confidence, whether it applies to burn wound sufferers, men with baldness or women for aesthetic purposes. ABOVE:Jos Dohmen, CEO (middle) and Coen Gho, CSO (right).

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Discover Benelux | Dutch Design Special | ÉtoileMaastricht

Transient yet eternal, ÉtoileMaastricht’snewest collection Vienna Woods hastaken an all-embracing novel approachto aging by incorporating the processinto their newest jewellery range.

“Everything ages – even us,” beginsPhilippe Disse, the jewellery design mas-termind of ÉtoileMaastricht’s husband andwife duo. “Items that we treasure, shoesthat we wear on a daily basis, our favouritesofa – these all deteriorate, it’s unavoidablebut we should embrace it,” he says with anemphatic nod.

Unafraid of complexity, Disse’s partner Mar-tijne van Vught, responsible for the Maas-tricht-based studio’s R&D, has worked un-relentingly to perfect the art of aging,fine-tuning the concept to meet their highstandards. Gold, explains Disse, is naturallymore expensive, but gold-plated silver hasuntold qualities that evolve to shape the ir-

refutable beauty of Vienna Woods. Bystacking the delicate rings, each encrustedwith a single colourful gem, the nowchunky and very en trend rings boast a del-icately textured surface. “Over time,” con-tinues Disse excitedly, “the gold will wearaway from certain areas but it’ll remain inthe grooves, at the core of the ring.”

The rings were intensively road-tested forthree months before the grand unveiling inthe middle of July. Now stocked in their ex-clusive store on Maastricht’s Stokstraat, thecollection includes four types of rings, in-cluding the Vienna Woods Silver or goldplated twig-like Stacking Rings, the singleband Sunrise with its vibrant gems and thesubtle fragility of the silver or gold platedMar-lin. Beguiling for many, Vienna Woods’s ap-peal lies in its heartfelt acceptance of aging.

As the shine wears off


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60 | Issue 9 | September 2014

“We’re in stunningly calm and peaceful sur-roundings, with no shops or urban bustleto take people’s minds off what they arethere to do,” he says. “The trump card forthe hotel is that it is very much a ‘hotel inthe green’, in pleasant rolling countryside,so it suits for example major banks basedin Luxembourg because there’s no trafficnoise, no shops, no city distractions. It’sthe perfect environment for training andintegration sessions where people are at a

meeting to learn something and they needto have 100 per cent focus.”

The“kick”in KikuokaThe Kikuoka, managed by Maximilian vonHochberg, is part of the Accor Group, withall the understated professionalism thatcomes with the association and the facili-ties that business people and leisure userswould expect of it. “We have a very lovelyindoor pool, solarium, and saunas in our

wellness centres, and guests can evenbook sessions with a beauty therapist-masseuse,” says Luc.

But the hotel does boast something thatfew, if any, of its sister hotels possess: an18-hole championship-standard golfcourse that has hosted numerous profes-sional events since it opened in 1991,something that speaks volumes about itsstandards. “The par-71 course, designed

Luxembourg City punches well above its weight when it comes to attracting international corporations, but thecosmopolitan buzz and round-the-clock lifestyle can also be distracting. That’s one of the major reasons why the

Mercure Kikuoka Golf Club Hotel, 20 minutes’drive eastwards from the city, attracts so many business travellers, andespecially business conferences, according to its Sales and Marketing Manager Luc Degrave.


Discover Benelux | Hotel of the Month | Luxembourg

H O T E L O F T H E M O N T H , L U X E M B O U R G

A Hotel in the Green:A place to make your presentations

– then maybe your putts

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by Japanese golf-architect Iwao Uematsu,is 18 hectares of fabulously green andbeautifully manicured land around whichanother 100 hectares of our woods, forestsand parkland stretch,” enthuses Luc.

With a driving range and putting greens toget the game ready for the bigger chal-lenge it does seem possible some of thosedriven banking executives may allow theirthoughts to wander momentarily, everynow and then at least, to a different sort ofdrive. And with nearly 90 bunkers awaitingthe careless, along with some trickily-placed water hazards, that drive had bestbe well executed, or as Luc adds: “Forsure you’ll get the kick in Kikuoka.”

Putts, relaxing atmosphere andLuxembourg’s wine countryThe 18th is said to be a particular favouritewith visiting golfers as a fun part of thegreen, and naturally the 19th hole – the bar– can follow immediately afterwards if de-sired. Relaxing here or enjoying thepanorama from the extensive terrace, yourputts are sure to magically lengthen, andbad shots will surely decrease in numberas the hospitality begins to flow.

Given that the Kikuoka is situated at theedge of Luxembourg’s Mosel wine country,an important element of that hospitality ishaving the fruity white wines available in thehotel restaurant and bar. Chilled and readyto refresh, these wines are made fromgrapes grown just a few kilometres furthereast. For enthusiasts, the hotel can assistwith arrangements to take visitors to thewine rather than the other way around.“We are situated right by Remich, and nogreat distance from what is regarded as theunofficial capital of Luxembourg’s wine in-dustry, Grevenmacher, so it’s easy for trips

to be organised to the caves of some ofthe top Luxembourg wine makers for dé-gustations, and to see some fine wine-making country,” says Luc.

Centre for multi-nationalcorporationsThis, perhaps, is one of the draws for thefinanciers and industrialists who attendconferences at the hotel. “Luxembourg iswell known as a centre for multi-nationalcorporations, many of which host confer-ences here on a regular basis,” says Luc.“We handle everything from big gather-ings in our main conference room, whichholds up to 250 people, to smaller ormulti-room events for which this room canbe split into three sous-salles, with twoadditional rooms also available dependingon needs.”

As regards geography it’s not just the ho-tel’s proximity to the beautiful wine coun-try that makes it an excellent location forbusiness and leisure travellers, given thatthe country’s main airport is just 15 kilo-metres distant. But Kikuoka is a worldaway from such noisy environments, withthe soughing of the wind in its trees or therustle of swaying corn on a neighbouringfarm the likely background sounds (and onoccasion the sound of a golfer quietlycursing a duffed chip!). The more intrusiveclamour of the modern world will not per-meate the living sound insulation withwhich the hotel is surrounded: “We are al-most hermetically enclosed within what isthe biggest green garden in Luxembourg,”Luc concludes.

Issue 9 | September 2014 | 61

Discover Benelux | Hotel of the Month | Luxembourg

The hotel is situated in calm and peaceful surroundings, far from urban bustle. OPPOSITE PAGE: Kikuoka’s cham-pionship-standard 18-hole golf course that has played host to numerous professional events.

ABOVE LEFT AND MIDDLE: Enjoy the hotel’s top-of-the-range wellness center with pools and the chance to book beauty therapy sessions and massages. RIGHT: Vastconference and meeting spaces can accommodate you and your business in the heart of hospitality.

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Discover Benelux | Restaurant of the Month | Luxembourg

Out of all of the countries in the Beneluxregion, Luxembourg has quite possiblythe highest standard of cuisine. Withmore Michelin Stars per capita thananywhere in Europe, it really is a coun-try with a refined palate. That is whatmakes September’s restaurant of themonth, Schéiss aux Arquebusiers, atruly interesting proposition.

Situated in a chic residential neighbour-hood of Luxembourg, it is immediatelyclear upon entering Schéiss aux Arque-busiers that the restaurant is somethingspecial. Its large French window permitsthe diners a wide vista of a local park, al-lowing them to savour the delights on themenu in a calm and welcoming ambience.

The building that houses this gastronomicgem was recently renovated to a very high

degree by the local council, explains restau-rant manager Serge Pinot: “We haveworked hard to create a nice contrast be-tween the contemporary and warm aes-thetics of the restaurant and the traditionalbuilding that houses it. It has the same styleas the Cultural Centre next door, built at thesame time by the city, which can be hiredout and used for events that we cater for.”

There is also the ability to make the mostof days with good weather here, as therestaurant houses a courtyard terrace andlounge in which you can escape the city.

With the restaurant’s atmosphere and de-sign functioning as an enhancement to thefood on offer, Schéiss aux Arquebusierscertainly lives up to Luxembourg’s highgastronomic bar. Under the guidance ofMichelin-starred chef Thierry Duhr, the

other half of the association that set up therestaurant, a delightful menu of French-in-spired dishes is on offer. Though not work-ing behind the stoves, Duhr, who works inhis own restaurant, guides kitchen chefStéphane de Vrée in creating a menu usinglocal and seasonal produce.

Pinot continues: “The team works hard toadapt the menu to the seasonal produce,so it changes every two months.”

Perfect for business lunches, family dinnersor functions, this city centre restaurant withits delectable cuisine, relaxed and con-temporary atmosphere and ability to holdfunctions, should definitely be added tothe list of places to come back to againand again.

R E S TA U R A N T O F T H E M O N T H , L U X E M B O U R G

Schéiss aux Arquebusiers– Chic Luxembourg cuisine


Contemporary meets history in the design of this restaurant.

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Issue 9 | September 2014 | 63

Discover Benelux | Attraction of the Month | Belgium

Dominated by the now defunct mineshaft towers, the western city of Genk inLimburg has a veritable gold mine'sworth of cultural offerings. Since open-ing in 2011, C-mine attracts hordes ofvisitors, drawn to its vibrant creativenest in the former Winterslag mine.

Perhaps more than any other destination,Genk is committed to reinvigorating its ur-ban sprawl. Surrounded by Limburg’sgreenery, this industrial heritage has beentransformed into creative impulses. “Whatyou see here,” explains C-mine’s HanneStrobbe, “is the successful union betweenpast and present, combining spectacularindustrial heritage with the creativity thatabounds today.”

“Respect and admiration for the past,”continues Strobbe, “go hand in hand withcontemporary creativity; it’s a thriving lo-cation for artists, students, culture vulturesand entrepreneurs.” Buzzing with inspira-tion, the multi-functional C-mine site is a

great place to spend a day; restaurants,Studio Pieter Stockmans, a cinema andthe interactive C-mine expedition combineto fulfil the hours.

Speaking of C-mine’s strikingly varied of-ferings, Strobbe is contagiously enthusias-tic. “Come and visit,” Strobbe says per-suasively, “have a wander and exploreunderground on our C-mine expedition.”Featuring 1.5 kilometres of tunnels, the in-teractive expedition begins in the struc-turally impressive former compressor hall,where you’re struck by the giant turbines,which although dormant today, were oncethe heart of the mine. Once on the expe-dition, you’re hit by a wealth of creativityfused with historic mining tales. With in-stallations from eminent artists such asStijn Meuris, the mine is cast in a new light.The interactive “sound cell” is your chanceto emulate the once deafening sounds.According to Strobbe, the highlight is the380 steps up mineshaft tower and the well-earned view over Limburg.

Since claiming the land of the once prolificcoalmine, Genk called upon the youngBrussels-based architecture firm 51n4e toredevelop the energy building. Remarkableat first glance, the appeal runs deeper asthe mine’s tunnels, which once reached825m underground, are now accessibleon the C-mine expedition, which was de-signed by Ghent’s NU Architectuuratelier.

With coal as one raw material, food is an-other and this can be found in abundancein the nearby Vennestraat. Top-notch in-ternational cuisine has arrived here enmasse and the “Vennestraat’s Journey ofIngredients” takes you to cafes, restaurantsand delicatessens from across the globe.

With iPod tours available too, conferencerooms to hire and treasure hunts, C-mineis continuing to extract sufficient raw ma-terials to keep you entertained.

A T T R A C T I O N O F T H E M O N T H , B E L G I U M

A marriage of past and presentTEXT: EMMIE COLLINGE | PHOTOS: STIJN BOLLAERT


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Discover Benelux | Hotel of the Month | The Netherlands

The perfect place to stay or meet whenyou are in Rotterdam: the nostalgic Ho-tel New York. With a gorgeous harbourview and recently renovated rooms, youcan enjoy luxury and history at thesame time.

The building that harbours Hotel New York,is the former head office of the HollandAmerica line. From its location on the bankof the river Maas, many emigrants left thecountry hoping for a better life in America.You can still feel the excitement and sadgoodbyes lingering in the quarters. Whenwalking through the original wooden re-volving door and up the wrought iron stairs,it feels like you are back in the early nine-teen hundreds - with a lot more modern fa-cilities, however.

Hotel New York has 72 hotel rooms thathave been renovated in the last three

years. “The rooms are modern, but with anostalgic twist,” explains general managerRoel Dusseldorp. “Many original parts havebeen maintained.”

With high ceilings, old safes as walk-inclosets and trunks everywhere, there is nodenying the building’s history. Other high-lights of the hotel are definitely the formerboardrooms, which have been transformedinto luxurious suites. There is even a bath-tub by the window, with a beautiful viewover the harbour.

The two biggest boardrooms have beenturned into stylish meeting rooms and arenamed after the founders of the HollandAmerica Line: Reuchlin and Plate. Dussel-dorp explains: “Thanks to the interior andthe magnificent view, the rooms offer a veryinspiring environment. They are a perfect fitfor meetings with up to 20 persons.” The

five other rooms are also worth meeting in:with a different atmosphere each, there willdefinitely be one that suits your wishes!

Even before entering Hotel New York, youwill be stunned by its appearance. Its strik-ing architecture stands out between themodern buildings, and the best thing is:you can see it from anywhere around theharbour. There is no wonder that HotelNew York is an icon in Rotterdam.

Besides sleep and meetings, you can alsoenjoy an exquisite meal in the oyster bar, anafternoon tea or ride on a typical Dutchelectric bike.

Hotel New York is easily accessible by carand the water taxi can bring you right up tothe hotel.

H O T E L O F T H E M O N T H , T H E N E T H E R L A N D S


ABOVE: Hotel New York combines effortless elegance with both old and new design elements.MIDDLE: Enjoy delicious meals in the hotel oyster bar. RIGHT:Make the mostout of your stay in the newly renovated rooms: relax, eat, drink and use the location as a prime spot to explore Rotterdam.

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Issue 9 | September 2014 | 65

Discover Benelux | Feature | Atomium

Brussels 1958. Europe is back on itsfeet and the world is looking towardsBelgium. It is the World Fair. With bothEast and West represented, the Expo’stitle “A World View: A New Humanism”is seen as a statement of hope, futurepeace and prosperity.

EXPO 58 welcomed 42 million visitors tothe pavilions of 46 nationalities, drasticallychanging the architectural landscape ofBrussels. As is common for the WorldExpo, the Belgian Pavilion, the Atomium,was originally built as a 6-month temporarystructure, but as Inge Van Eycken, pressofficer at the eye-catching building, ex-plains: “It was just too popular. It immedi-ately became regarded as a symbol of Bel-gium so it was decided that it should stay.It’s been open ever since, but during 2004and 2006 it was renovated – remember, itwas already pretty old!”

Today, the humongous spaceship-esquestructure still delights and astounds its600,000 visitors every year. According toVan Eycken, visitors’ jaws literally drop asthey are faced with the momentous size ofthe nine interconnected spheres in Brus-sels’ Heysel Park. “You hear them gasp,amazed by its futuristic architecture. It’sjust so unique – people ask if it’s going totake off!” Her advice to visitors? “Seriously,just walk slowly,” she pleads, “the inside isjust as special as the outside.” Details onthe banisters of the stairs and escalatorswhich connect the spheres are definitelyworth noticing, and one of the escalatortunnels plays host to an awe-inspiring lightand sound installation, referred to by kidsas the ‘disco escalator’.

Six of the nine spheres can be explored, in-cluding a restaurant, a 92m high panoramasphere and one designated for conferencehire. “It’s definitely somewhere special tohold a meeting or dinner for any business.

TV recordings, music videos, telecommu-nication companies – we’ve had them all,”recounts Van Eycken.

The lowest sphere houses the vast per-manent exhibition dedicated to Expo 58,and two other spheres offer temporary de-sign, fine art and architecture exhibitions.

A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for primaryschool children involves an overnight stayin one of the spheres, sleeping inside spe-

cial pods for 3 children. Activities and cater-ing ensure that the stay is as comfortableas possible – although they’ll no doubt betoo excited to sleep much. The academicyear 2014/2015 still has some nights avail-able.

As the structure was built in 1958, wheelchairaccess is limited but Van Eycken guaran-tees that any extra needs can be met.

A T O M I U M :

As futuristic now as it was in 1958TEXT: EMMIE COLLINGE | PRESS PHOTOS

Hire a sphere for your business events where up to200 people can attend. Photo: Axel Addington

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66 | Issue 9 | September 2014

Discover Benelux | Business | Columns

Confused by coffee terms? That might beexactly the point.

Benelux has always loved its coffee. In fact, al-though coffee first came to Europe via Venice, itwas Dutch traders who built the European marketfor it.

But these days, merely loving coffee isn’tenough. If you don’t know the difference betweena latte, a macchiato, a latte macchiato and a flatwhite, you’re not ready to order.

Some coffee terms may seem to cut it a bit fine.Add hot water to espresso and you’ve got an Amer-icano. Combine the same ingredients in the oppo-site order and you’ve got a long black.

Even if we limit the conversation just to the dif-ferent words for “espresso” there are still enoughterms to confuse. A solo, doppio and triplo areabout the same size, respectively, as a ristretto, nor-male and lungo, but they’re not made the sameway.

At least not in theory. But in practice, what’s ac-tually in your cup owes a lot to the house interpre-tation of these terms. That can depend on manyfactors, some intentional (national custom, brand

style), some economic or just plain random (typeand condition of the equipment, skill of the barista).This variability adds a whole new level of muddle.

So wouldn’t it be better for everyone if coffeewere less confusing? For consumers, possibly. Butfor the €70 billion a year coffee industry, probablynot.

The explanation involves a communications par-adox. While the coffee terms themselves can beelusive, the mere existence of so many terms sendsa larger message that is very clear: coffee isn’t justcoffee, it’s an entire world of experiences. And it’s

worth getting toknow.

How will youdo that? By buy-ing and samplinga lot of coffeedrinks from a lotof places. Youmight also askfriends or checkout web sites.From the coffeeindustry’s viewpoint, this is all to the good. Themore time people spend thinking, tasting, and ar-guing about coffee, the less their question will be“coffee or no coffee?” and the more it will be “whatkind of coffee do I want?”

So to the addictiveness of caffeine has beenadded the seductiveness of connoisseurship andpersonal preference. And you thought it was just acup of coffee.


Josiah Fisk

Here are ten principles for good internationalcommunication between native speakers ofEnglish (NSs) and non-native speakers (NNSs)that I think NSs should adopt; and which I thinkNNSs should ask, and indeed require NSs touse. My guidelines are addressed to nativespeakers.

1 KISS - Keep It Short and Simple. The longeryou talk, the less clear you will be. Signal the struc-ture of what you want to say.

2 Use simple words. Don’t use long words andcomplicated expressions when simple ones will dojust as well.

3 Be direct. (Or at least as far as the situation al-lows: it’s not only the British who may prefer har-mony over transparency). British indirectness canbe baffling to NNSs. “I think it’s very hot. May I opena window?” is better than “It’s terribly stuffy in here”.

4 Speak slowly.When asked, NSs generally slowdown for about 15 seconds and then revert. NNSsshould ask and keep on asking. Everyone sharesthe responsibility for ensuring that communicationis successful.

5 Don’t try to be funny. There are few thingsmore painful in international exchanges than NSs

making jokes and then spending the next five min-utes failing to explain them. Of course humour canhelp to break the ice but please use KISS for jokestoo.

6 Avoid local cultural references. Your inter-locutors will not be as familiar with your country’sminor TV celebrities, soap operas and footballteams as you are.

7 Avoid idiom. “We’re batting on a sticky wickethere” or “We’re going to have to play hardball withthem”. ¿Qué?

8 Check and clarify frequently. Do lots of this.International communication takes longer.

9 Summarise. This is critical. Follow up in writingtoo.

10 Take turns when you speak. It’s particularlyhard to follow a discussion in a foreign languagewhen several people are speaking at once.

Of course, NNSs assertiveness is more difficult if thepolitical power in the room lies with the NSs buteveryone should recognise that the linguistic powerexercised by NSs is often hollow.

The irony is that most NSs could radically improvetheir international communication strategies with

just an afternoon’s training. Meanwhile, all power tothe non-native speakers. May your education ofthose pesky native speakers be successful.

Steve Flinders is a freelance trainer, consultant, writerand coach who helps people develop their communi-cation skills for working internationally. He’s also a mem-ber of the steering group of Coaching York whichaspires to make York the coaching capital of the UK( [email protected]

Getting English speakers to speak International EnglishTEXT: STEVE FLINDERS | PRESS PHOTO

Steve Flinders

Josiah Fisk is the head of More Carrot LLC, a clear communi-

cations company with offices in Boston and Luxembourg.

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Issue 9 | September 2014 | 67

Discover Benelux | Business | Benelux Buiness Calendar

The long and warm summer has left us re-plenished and hungry for new inspiration toboost our business plans. Behold our Sep-tember business calendar, bursting with ex-citing events made to entice your creativityand enlighten your mind.

53rd NBCC KLM UK Golf EventWentworth Club, UK, 16 SeptemberOn 16 September it is the 53rd time the NBCC KLMUK Golf Event is organised by The Netherlands BritishChamber of Commerce with KLM Royal Dutch Air-lines as the main sponsor at the famous WentworthClub. The event’s winner will receive the KLM Golf Tro-phy and the grand prize of two business class returntickets to any destination within the KLM EuropeanNetwork.More information on this golf event is available on thewebsite

Deloitte 7th Art & Finance conferenceLuxembourg City, Luxembourg, 18 SeptemberInternational experts and local players discuss practi-cal issues and visions of the future. Explore the ‘finan-cialisation’ of the art market and the many business op-portunities linked to a global art culture, and thespecialised services made to support it.

European Ports and Shipping ConferenceAmsterdam, Netherlands, 18-19 SeptemberThis two-day international conference is to focus on in-vestment strategies, maintenance of ports and en-hancing intermodal links as it brings together the largestports, logistics and shipping companies in the world.Hosted by United Market Insight the conference will ex-plore policy, legal frameworks, port infrastructure andenvironmental challenges, to name but a few topics. At-tracting practitioners from across the industry, the eventis bound to be both educational and enriching.

MODX Weekend 2014Utrecht, the Netherlands, 19-22 SeptemberTaking place in the middle of a private forest, the MODXWeekend is an all-inclusive conference that shines lighton everything to do with a rapidly changing web in-dustry. The ticket includes 20 sessions on MODX andthe web as well as dinners, pick-ups and any otherservice you need. Update yourself on the MODX toolsto manage your web presence.

Benelux Business CalendarTEXT: JULIE LINDÉN

Last year’s NBCC KLM UK golf event winner, David Chappel ofLotus Business Travel, shakes hands with General Manager ofAir France KLM UK/Ireland, Warner Rootliep.

Take part in the European Ports and Shipping Conference inAmsterdam on 18-19 September. Photo: Netherlands Board ofTourism.

It’s summer holiday season in the north-ern hemisphere and most people areoff to tan their bodies under the sun, ex-plore old and new cities, or embark ona far-away exotic adventure.

Most Luxembourgers love travelling and Idon’t know anyone who isn’t looking for-ward to their ‘vakanz’ (holidays). We workto live, and it’s rare for us not to have one– or often several – upcoming trips linedup. Luxembourgers appreciate comfort-able accommodation and good food andfor us these are important factors whentravelling. We are even willing to pay a bitmore in order to have these aspects guar-anteed.

We are lucky that our geographical locationallows us to quickly hop to all main Euro-pean cities. Judging from my Facebookfeed, I would say that the most popular

summer destinations are southern Europe,North Africa, the US, and Southeast Asia.

The average Luxembourger goes on fourto ten trips per year, which may or may notinclude business trips. Some of my friends’“problems” involve finding a new destina-tion. When you have been to more than 60countries, it does get tricky to find some-where new that appeals to you and thatyou can get excited about. Luckily, we cantravel freely to many destinations and rarelyhave hassles with visa requirements.

Once abroad, it’snot unusual tohear “you are thefirst person that Imeet from Luxem-bourg”. Sure, weare a rare breed,but amongst eachother we have cer-

tainly covered most countries on this planet.

As for my summer trips, I have revisited afew European capitals: Milan, London,Madrid and Paris. Given the fact that sinceJanuary I have been to Vienna, Rio deJaneiro, Berlin, Copenhagen and Bu-dapest, one may say that I have done myshare of travelling this year. Well, I still havetwo weeks left to take until the end of theyear, and I will hopefully get to go to an-other exciting place that I have never seenbefore.


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I know we shouldn’t be thinking about winter yetbut before the evenings get too dark andgloomy, now is a good time to make the most ofthe season. Fun summery events are still hap-pening – trust us, you just have to know whereto look.

Toneelgroep Amsterdam’sThe Fountainhead18 September 2014,Amsterdam, The NetherlandsWith director Ivo van Hove (our August coverstar) regarded as a pioneer in the world of the-atre, his rendition of Ayn Rand’s The Fountain-head is unmissable. As always, Van Hove con-fronts current issues head-on, taking theatre toa new level of intimacy and antagonism in hisown wonderfully distinct manner. Two perform-

ances this month have English

Film Festival Ostend12 – 20 September 2014Ostend, BelgiumGhent Film Festival’s little brother, this Septem-ber festival has a broad spectrum of films readyto start

Amsterdam Heritage Days13 and 14 SeptemberAmsterdam, the NetherlandsA rare occasion to cross the threshold of Ams-terdam’s most important buildings, monumentsand private homes all free of charge. With thisyear’s theme marked as ‘travel’, visitors can at-

tend lectures, guided tours and visit exhibitions.Inspiring, eye-opening and at times surprising atwhat lurks behind doorways, these two days arecertainly worth wandering the streets

Laura van Dolron - Liefhebben25 – 27 September 2014Vooruit, Ghent, BelgiumLove in all its facets is tackled in Laura van Dol-ron’s now beloved style. At times hilarious, oth-ers cringeworthy, it’s both poetic and recognis-able. In her words: “Stop asking yourself howmuch you love you’re getting and think abouthow much love you’re giving. I suggest that westop thinking and just give it a go. We begin to-day.”

OUT &ABOUTAsSeptember rolls in gently, life settles once more into its rhythm of school, work and socialising. This is the month

for sporty types who are keen to discover Amsterdam by water, on foot or on two wheels.


Discover Benelux | Culture | Out & About

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Issue 9 | September 2014 | 69

Discover Benelux | Culture | Out & About

Pierre-Laurent Aimard18 September 2014Philharmonie Luxembourg, LuxembourgWith an international career spanning fourdecades, the Frenchman Pierre-Laurent Aimardisn’t slowing down yet. Dubbed by the Los An-geles Times as “a pianist of illumination andcolour”, he makes everything he plays clear andvibrant. A finer way to spend an evening in Lux-embourg City would be hard to come by whenhe’s in

Unseen Photo Fair18 – 21 September 2014Westergasfabriek, Amsterdam, the NetherlandsMuch more than just a typical photography ex-hibition, this one is a true hotbed of young talent,as diverse and debauched as you’d expect fromthe Dutch capital. Buying, browsing or attendingone of the hip peripheral events and parties,this is as good a reason as any to take an inter-est in the art of photography, as these photog-raphers won’t be unseen for much

Rotterdamse Kost18 – 21 September 2014Museum Park Rotterdam, the NetherlandsLast year saw the creation of the now annualRotterdamse Kost [Rotterdam’s Food], a col-lection of food stalls from the city’s best eateries,from the Michelin-starred restaurant Parkheuvelto the very best meatballs from the Ballentent.Fusing culture, creativity and culinary treats,these are three days when you don’t want to beon a

Heavy Traffic, railway traffic andother means of transport at Poperinge1914-191819 September 2014 – 5 September 2015Poperinge, BelgiumIn the Gasthuiskapel (Hospital chapel), Poperingeis proud to present a spectacular diorama (1:76)giving you a glimpse behind the curtains at thecity in movement as well as an outdoor exhibitionwith authentic railway relics. Trains and theirtracks took on great importance during the war,transporting goods and soldiers and nowheremore so than Poperinge, logistically vital duringthe war, its transport connections proved invalu-able to those wounded on the

The Moderns. Art during the Great War20 September 2014 – 11 January 2015Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp, BelgiumDealing with war in all its guises, this exhibition

shows how artists and writers (including RikWouters, Emile Verhaeren and Paul van Ostaijen)confronted the topic in their pre- and post-warwork. Whether they fled or remained in Belgium,they were forced to encounter another side ofsociety and this extensive exhibition allows us tocompare their respective developmentsthroughout the earlier part of the last

Dam tot Dam Running Race Weekend21 September 2014Amsterdam, the NetherlandsTaking on the tough ten-mile city route or justsoaking up the atmosphere and showing somewell deserved enthusiastic support, whateveryou’re in Amsterdam for, give the 35,000 com-petitors a clap and a seat on a tram once therace from Amsterdam to Zaandam is over! Ifyou’re half interested but lacking the real oomphto give the run a go, there is a mass participa-

tion walk on the Saturday and a selection of bikesportives ranging from 40km to 145km. Some-thing for everyone

Far from the War? Belgian immigrantsin America during World War I26 September 2014 – 5 April 2015Red Star Line Museum, Antwerp, BelgiumOn the eve of the Red Star Line Museum’s firstbirthday, this Antwerp museum tackles the massexodus of Belgians pre-1914. As the First WorldWar broke out, thousands fled to the UnitedStates of America. Dealing with the sacrifice ofthe home country and conflicting feelings ofidentity with their adopted home, how did thesemigrants experience the Great War on the otherside of the ocean?

Ypres Memorial Tattoo28 September 2014Ypres, BelgiumDespite being relatively young, the now annualYpres Memorial Tattoo, organised by the LastPost Association and Ypres Surrey Pipes &Drums, has grown in significance and no moreso than this year’s event with pipers, marchingbands and drummers. Beginning at 4.00pm inYpres market place in the shadow of the fa-mous cloth hall, it marks the centenary of theFirst World War with a certain

Yoga & Music30 September 2014Luxembourg Philharmonie, Luxembourg City,A perfect symbiosis of tranquillity and relaxation.After a 75-minute hatha yoga session with LisaSteph, Christian Wallumrød’s piano could not bea more welcome way to round off the

Unseen Photo Fair

Dam tot Dam takes 35,000 runnerson a ten-mile route from Amsterdamto Zaandam. Photo Le Champion

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70 | Issue 9 | September 2014

Discover Benelux | Columns | Shallow Man / States of Art

Plenty has been written about the MH17 dis-aster and its immediate aftermath. As an ex-patriate resident of the Netherlands for overten years, I wanted to express my personalobservations. Even though I didn’t know anyof the victims of the crash personally, severalof them were connected to people that I’mclose to.

The initial reaction in the Netherlands was ofcourse one of shock. This quickly turned intodisbelief and then anger at the delays in gain-ing access to the crash site. Frans Timmer-mans, the Dutch foreign minister, delivered themost incredible speech. It perfectly capturedthe feelings people had and asked the ques-tions that many had been asking since the timeof the crash. It captured the moment and hu-manised a major geopolitical incident andbrought the focus firmly back to the victims andtheir families. He asked important questionsabout the sheer lack of respect with which thebodies of the crash victims had been treated,and why the militia allegedly backed by theRussian government had failed to allow ac-

cess to the crash site. Below is an excerptfrom the speech.

“I’ve been thinking how horrible it must havebeen — the final moments of their lives whenthey knew the plane was goingdown. Did they lock hands withtheir loved ones? Did they holdtheir children close to theirhearts? Did they look eachother in the eyes, one final time,in a wordless goodbye? We willnever know.”

One thing that will stay with mefor a long time is the dignity ofthe official ceremony that washeld once access to the sitehad finally been provided andarrangements made to returnthe bodies of the victims to theNetherlands. The Dutch Gov-ernment held their first day ofnational mourning in over 50years. The King and Queen of

the Netherlands, along with a number of digni-taries and relatives of some of the 298 peoplekilled in the crash, attended a moving ceremonyin Eindhoven, which was quite rightly praisedthroughout the world.

Schiphol Airport be-came a mourningground as thousands offlowers were laid downin commemoration ofthe victims of the disas-ter, a tragic and de-pressing thing to see.As this continues, mymind is firmly on the sur-viving family members ofthe victims, who cruellylost loved ones on whatshould have been a rou-tine commercial flight.


For more of the Shallow’sMan Guide to Amsterdamsee @Expatshallowman

Harold Ancart has been “stuttering” for awhile now. His works for the past few yearshave been a continuous examination ofboth recurring themes and recurring im-ages in what he himself terms as a “stut-ter”. Images of paradise islands, tropicalbeaches, and jungles have all been scruti-nised and tweaked with the use of oil, ink,soot, and pigment as well as with the in-genious use of fire. Trawling the Internet forlong-lost holiday and tourist agency pho-tographs, Ancart then reinvigorates eachimage by repeatedly burning traces of fireinto them. His motive is somewhat unclear,and it is left for the viewer to extract whatmeaning they wish. I for one cannot tellwhether they are meant as a nostalgic,lustful look at the past or a forebodingglimpse into the future, but either way I

find them completely compelling. As wellas these photographic works, Ancart pro-duces painting-cum-drawings of vibrantand lush foliage. Repetition is once againa key tool for Ancart as he uses cut-outtemplates to make shapes for his pieces,so although made from the same compo-

nent parts each painting differs slightly fromthe next. They occasionally border on theabstract and often touch on the exotic,yet, like the photo works, they toy andtease us and ultimately refuse to revealtheir true intent.

This exhibition, Winning Colors, at XavierHufkens promises to be an exciting insightinto this young Belgian’s current state ofmind regarding our world. It is a brilliantopportunity to see Ancart’s work on homesoil and will surely only further enhance theman with a penchant for parrots and palmtrees’ blossoming reputation.

Harold Ancart: Winning Colors

Xavier Hufkens, 6 rue St-Georges/St-Jorisstraat

4 September – 4 October 2014



Untitled (Seascape) by Harold Ancart, 2014.

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Issue 9 | September 2014 | 71

Discover Benelux | Thoughts on / Featured Contributors

STEVE FLINDERSUntil recently, Steve Flinders spent twenty yearsas a director of York Associates, a UK trainingcompany which supports people working inter-nationally through programmes to improve com-munication, intercultural and leadership skills. Be-fore that he lived and worked in the UK, France,Ireland, Sweden and Pakistan doing a variety ofthings, including teaching, management, and

sometimes just walking around. He is now starting a new career as a free-lance coach and writer, based in Malta. He likes yoga, swimming, litera-ture, theatre, watching birds and talking politics. He’s a strong believer inwhat Theodore Zeldin calls “the transforming power of conversation”.

ANOUK KALMESAnouk Kalmes grew up in Luxembourg before shemoved to London, after secondary school, to studylanguages and literature. After graduating with anMA in International Studies from The School of Ori-ental and African Studies, she moved to Moscowfor a diplomatic assignment. Back in Luxembourg,she started working for a financial institution and inher free time created her lifestyle blog, LUXESSED,

where she has been documenting her life in Luxembourg, travels and gas-tronomic adventures. When she is not working or blogging, Anouk loves trav-elling, learning the piano, or spending quality time with friends.

HARUN OSMANOVICHarun likes to cultivate harmonious incongruity.He was born in Yugoslavia, and then becameFrench. He has studied business and holds anMBA from St John University in NYC. In his freetime he reads Dostojevski and Rimbaud but lis-tens to Nas, Tupac and Thelonious Monk (actu-ally, he even recorded his own hip hop album).There are very few jobs he has not had in his pre-

vious lives in Paris, London and New York, but he always goes back tothe Mediterranean shores to laze around and shoot analog. His short sto-ries and literary work can be found in Whattaroll Magazine and ParallelPlanets.

MARTIN PILKINGTONIn 2006 Martin Pilkington quit industrial marketingfor freelance journalism, and has since written formore than 40 different magazines and websites.He loves the writing process and the job’s endlessvariety, citing in evidence pieces on PostmanPat’s author, snuff making, Orwell’s allotments,and wherry sailing. Aged 47 he attained a jour-nalism MA (to add to an MBA and Law Masters),

and was shortlisted for PTC’s most promising student. A languages grad-uate, Martin used French daily in his business life, and is delighted to keepit from getting rusty by writing regularly for Discover Benelux.

Featured Contributors

During every season, there’s a mo-ment when the next season an-nounces itself. As autumn is myfavourite season, I always look for-ward to that one day at the end ofsummer, when everything turnsgrey and rainy.

I know rainy days are not everyone’sfavourite, let alone autumn, and evenfor me it’s not all fun and games. Rid-ing your bike through the rain or carsdriving through puddles near you, splash-ing muddy water in your face – no fun at all.But I still can’t think of a better time ofyear. The time when the days get a littleshorter, the nights a little longer and whenraindrops give the cobblestones on thestreet a darker tone.

Autumn changes everything. People goback to work, children back to school. The

streets of Amsterdam get quieter again,less crowded. There’s more room to walkand explore. Different produce for sale atthe market, different hot beverages to buyat the coffee shop.

Autumn also changes the mood of peo-ple on the street. On the one hand peopletend to get grumpy when it’s cold andrainy. On the other hand, that same

grumpiness brings people together.It’s something most people have gotin common.

Not me, mind you, but that does-n’t mean I don’t enjoy the companyof other people. That’s actually thebiggest part of why I always lookforward to autumn. Coming togetherfor coffee, drinks or dinner. Being in-doors, where it is warm, looking out-side at the dark and wet, almostempty streets. That one moment in

September, when the chatter of summerdays slowly subsides and all you can hearand see are the rain drops falling from thesky. In that moment, to me, all is well.

Dutch writer Silvia de Vries blogs about her everydaylife and food at as well as reg-ularly contributing her thoughts on everything Dutch toDiscover Benelux.

Thoughts on… the autumn seasonTEXT & PHOTO: SILVIA DE VRIES

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