Download - Discordia, A Little Game about a Lot of Chaos

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DDDiiisssCCCoooRRRdddIIIaaa!!! AAA LLLiiittttttllleee GGGaaammmeee aaabbbooouuuttt aaa LLLooottt ooofff CCChhhaaaooosss

TTTrrruuuttthhhsss RRReeevvveeeaaallleeeddd tttooo Reverend John Wick

CCCooovvveeerrr bbbyyy

The Most Holy Aaron Acevedo, M.P.E.S.A.X. X.X.

TTTrrruuuttthhhsss EEEdddiiittteeeddd,,, AAAbbbbbbrrreeevvviiiaaattteeeddd,,, TTTrrruuunnncccaaattteeeddd,,, aaannnddd AAAlllttteeerrreeeddd bbbyyy

Annie Rush, Pope

MMMooosssttt DDDiiivvviiinnneee OOOrrraaacccllleeesss Robert Anton Wilson, Robin Laws, Kerry Thornley, Gregory Hill, Steve Jackson

FFFooorrr ttthhheee PPPrrreeettttttyyy OOOnnneee

(you know who you are)

All chapter headings were created with William Burrough’s cut up method; an idea I stole from Robin Laws’ brilliant book Weather the Cuckoo Likes. Go buy it and read it.


To that end, POEE (the Paratheo-Anametamysikhood of Eris Esoteric) proposes the countergame of NONSENSE AS SALVATION. Salvation from an ugly and barbarous existence that is the result of taking order so seriously and so seriously fearing contrary orders and disorder, that GAMES are taken as more important than LIFE; rather than

taking LIFE AS THE ART OF PLAYING GAMES. – The Principia Discordia

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PPPEEERRRIIIOOODDDIIICCC TTTAAABBBLLLEEE OOOFFF CCCOOONNNTTTIIINNNEEENNNTTTSSS PART NONE: THE CIRCULATION OF THE COSMOS IS RESTRICTED AS IT UNFOLDS ......................................................................................................................... 5

PART WON: STRETCH THE INTERNAL STEEL.................................................... 6 THE FIVE COMMANDMENTS (THE PENTABARF) ............................................................... 6

PART TOO: THE VAPOR DRAGON TOOK ITS REVENGE ON THE MAZE KING.................................................................................................................................. 8

BACKGROUNDS................................................................................................................ 8 High Weirdness: The Free Background ...................................................................... 9

CONSPIRACIES ................................................................................................................. 9 The Bavarian Illuminati............................................................................................ 10 The Hashashin .......................................................................................................... 10 Rosicrucians.............................................................................................................. 10 Knights Templar ........................................................................................................ 10 Aliens......................................................................................................................... 10 Priests of the Secret Sign .......................................................................................... 10

CATMA & DOGMA.......................................................................................................... 10

PART FOR: MAKE FIVES, SURRENDER THE SUDDEN ....................................11 TAKING RISKS................................................................................................................ 11

Making Fives..............................................................................................................11 Risk Difficulty............................................................................................................ 12

Re-Tries................................................................................................................. 12 Advantage Dice......................................................................................................... 12 Weird Risks................................................................................................................ 12 Contested Risks ......................................................................................................... 13

COMBAT......................................................................................................................... 13 Initiative .................................................................................................................... 13 Actions & Rounds ..................................................................................................... 13

What is an Action? ................................................................................................ 13 Long Actions......................................................................................................... 14

Attack & Defend........................................................................................................ 14 Attacker Wins the Round ...................................................................................... 14 Defender Wins the Round..................................................................................... 15

Wounds ...................................................................................................................... 15 The Timing of Wounds ......................................................................................... 15

Winning & Losing ..................................................................................................... 15 Combat Details ......................................................................................................... 15

Weapons ................................................................................................................ 15 Maneuvers............................................................................................................. 16

Healing...................................................................................................................... 16 NON-VIOLENT COMBAT .................................................................................................. 16

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Optional Repartee Rules ........................................................................................... 16 Bonus Dice............................................................................................................ 16 The Repartee Reserve ........................................................................................... 16

OTHER STUFF................................................................................................................. 17 Falling....................................................................................................................... 17 Fire............................................................................................................................ 17 Poison ....................................................................................................................... 17 Knock Outs................................................................................................................ 17

PART V: VOX COOKIES THWART PAIN AND REVENGE................................. 18 CATMA........................................................................................................................... 18

What Can I Do With Catma? .................................................................................... 18 Using High Weirdness............................................................................................... 19

DOGMA .......................................................................................................................... 19 Using Dogma ............................................................................................................ 19 Conspiracies and Dogma.......................................................................................... 20 The Bavarian Illuminati............................................................................................ 20 The Hashashin .......................................................................................................... 20 Rosicrucians.............................................................................................................. 20 Knights Templar ........................................................................................................ 21 Aliens......................................................................................................................... 21 Priests of the Secret Sign .......................................................................................... 21 Others........................................................................................................................ 21

PART ATE: SPARSE SMOKE IN THE DIAMOND SUMMONS THE NETHER ARMADA ........................................................................................................................ 22

RUNNING DISCORDIA! ................................................................................................... 22 GENERATING DISCORDIAN ADVENTURES....................................................................... 23

The Circulation of the Cosmos is Restricted as it Unfolds ....................................... 23 Stretch the Internal Steel ........................................................................................... 23 The Vapor Dragon took its Revenge on the Maze King ............................................ 24 Make Fives, Surrender the Sudden ........................................................................... 24 Vox Cookies Thwart Pain and Revenge .................................................................... 24

NEED MORE? ................................................................................................................. 24 AFTER WORD

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PPPaaarrrttt NNNooonnneee::: TTThhheee CCCiiirrrcccuuulllaaatttiiiooonnn ooofff ttthhheee CCCooosssmmmooosss iiisss RRReeessstttrrriiicccttteeeddd aaasss iiittt UUUnnnfffooollldddsss I’m doing this because it’s cool.

May 5, 2005. Man, that’s gotta be a magic number.

Actually, I wrote this book because I needed a breather after Thirty. It is so dense and serious and symbolic and… well, it is what it is and I love it and I’m proud of it… but I needed something else. I needed that little slice of ginger you eat between the sushi.

I looked through my “Works in Progress” folder where I keep half-written ideas and I came across a little document called DISCORDIA! I remembered writing the first notes for it, running into a wall, and putting it away. Then, I thought, “Let’s take a look at this,” because I had forgotten where the wall was that I hit.

And before I knew it, I started writing. Now, you’ve got this.

No layout. No graphics. Just the words. Just like the original Principia. Just a madcap exchange/dialogue/regurgitation of ideas. That’s it.

* * *

This book is free. It is also All Rights Reversed. You have the right to copy any part of it and distribute it as you see fit.

Go ahead. I want you to.

I’m doing this because I love Discordia.

I love Her. I love Her. I love Her. I love Her. I love Her.

I love the Men who brought Her to me. Their names are Robert Anton Wilson, Robin Laws, Kerry Thornley, Gregory Hill, and Steve Jackson. I owe them a lot.

You may want to read the Principia Discordia before you read this book. Then again, you may not. Besides, you shouldn’t believe anything you read.

Have fun. This is all you get.

* * *

PS: I will make a real version of this game and charge money for it. But not today. Not on Her Day.

On Her day, Truth is Free.

Tomorrow, it’s $4.99 plus tax.

All Hail Eris!

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PPPaaarrrttt WWWooonnn::: SSStttrrreeetttccchhh ttthhheee IIInnnttteeerrrnnnaaalll SSSttteeeeeelll TTThhheee FFFiiivvveee CCCooommmmmmaaannndddmmmeeennntttsss (((TTThhheee PPPeeennntttaaabbbaaarrrfff)))


I - There is no Goddess but Goddess and She is Your Goddess. There is no Erisian Movement but The Erisian Movement and it is The Erisian Movement. And every

Golden Apple Corps is the beloved home of a Golden Worm.

II - A Discordian Shall Always use the Official Discordian Document Numbering System.

III - A Discordian is Required during his early Illumination to Go Off Alone & Partake Joyously of a Hot Dog on a Friday; this Devotive Ceremony to Remonstrate against the

popular Paganisms of the Day: of Catholic Christendom (no meat on Friday), of Judaism (no meat of Pork), of Hindic Peoples (no meat of Beef), of Buddhists (no meat of

animal), and of Discordians (no Hot Dog Buns).

IV - A Discordian shall Partake of No Hot Dog Buns, for Such was the Solace of Our Goddess when She was Confronted with The Original Snub.

V - A Discordian is Prohibited of Believing what he reads.

– The Principia Discordia

Chaos is the Natural Condition of Reality. Those who see order see their own dogma. Any religion or scientific truth can be easily taken apart with some well-aimed questions. Both quantum theory and relativity are true, but they oppose each other. Just because two things oppose each other does not mean one is false. Theology is just a debate over who we should blame for reality.

There is no debate that the placement of the stars has no order, and yet, we place order there with our connect the dots games. This is reality. Without reason, without logic. Chaos. We impose Order onto the Chaos, but the Chaos persists. It cannot be put down, it cannot be gagged, it cannot be leashed, (although, sometimes it wants to be).

So, why do the Kings and Queens of Order continue the illusion? Why do they cling so desperately to their insistences? Because it gives them power. Because it gives them freedom. If they dictate the terms of reality, they can put themselves in charge. They can be the Kings and Queens, just as long as nobody else questions why they’re in charge?

Ever notice the worst possible people in the world are in positions of authority? It doesn’t matter if it’s Left or Right, Liberal or Conservative; they’re all the same: clueless morons with enough money to convince the world they know what they’re doing. The honest-to-Eris answer is this: in America, we have two parties: the Pro-Abortion Corporate Party and the Anti-Abortion Corporate Party, each playing to their constituent’s heartstrings, singing songs everybody already knows, preaching to the converted. Nobody’s really fooled by anything they say; they’re all hearing what they want to hear: We’re right and everybody else is wrong. We’re saved, and everybody else is damned. Our God is real and everybody else is following faerie tales.

That’s Order. One side against the other. Conflict. Characterization of the opposition. Obfuscation of the Truth. And what’s the Truth?

Order breeds conflict.

In Chaos, there is no conflict.

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Nobody knows anything. There is no Order, there is only Chaos. And the sooner we learn that, the easier life gets.

Order preaches dogma. Discord teaches catma. One is blind belief, but the other is the absolute refusal to believe in anything. This means, of course, that you acknowledge the Grand Truth that anything might be true. And this means, quite possibly, that everything might be true.

Don’t ask me, man. I didn’t do it. She did.

And who’s “She?” Glad you asked.

You see, a few thousand years ago, the Greeks were having a party. They invited all their Gods except one. Eris. Discordia. Chaos. They didn’t invite Her. This event is what we like to call “The Snub.”

In retaliation for The Snub, the Goddess showed up to the party in disguise and threw a golden apple into the center of the party. On the apple were the words, “For the Fairest.” This caused all the Goddesses to go bugfug crazy because each one was convinced the apple was for her. Eris smiled quietly to herself, left the party, and soon thereafter, the Trojan War started.

Ever since then, we the Enlightened have followed her lead, throwing Golden Apples everywhere we go. To honor her retaliatory strike following The Snub, we know and understand the proper way to respond to Authority, Order, and Control.

We fuck with it.

We throw Golden Apples. We refuse to acknowledge what they think reality is, knowing in our heart of hearts that no-one knows what is real or illusion. Nobody. Not even us. Not even the Goddess.

Ok, maybe the Goddess knows, but if she does, she isn’t telling. Not without serious tickling.

In the meantime, we are here. You are there. You believe in things you can’t explain. Things you don’t understand. And not even the “big things” like Heaven, Hell, God, the Devil, or Buddha. No, we mean little things like: How does the TV work? How does the car work? Why does my alarm clock know when to ring? It’s magic, my friend. All magic. Or maybe it’s science. Or maybe it’s both. Maybe aliens are here on Earth, ruling our society with an iron fist, making slaves of us all. Or maybe the whole universe is a single drop of dew on a withering weed in the center of an abandoned basketball court. Or, maybe both things are true.

Everything is true.

Even false things.

Don’t look at me, man. I didn’t do it. She did.

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PPPaaarrrttt TTToooooo::: TTThhheee VVVaaapppooorrr DDDrrraaagggooonnn TTTooooookkk iiitttsss RRReeevvveeennngggeee ooonnn ttthhheee MMMaaazzzeee KKKiiinnnggg If you want in on the Discordian Society then declare yourself what you wish do what you like and tell us about it or if you prefer don't.

There are no rules anywhere. The Goddess Prevails.

– The Principia Discordia

This is a roleplaying game. That means you play a role. The role you’ll be playing is a Discordian Double Agent, fighting against the tyranny of Order and those who would impose their dogma upon others. Sure, those others are just sleeping sheep who want to be lead around, but that doesn’t mean they deserve to be lead around, does it? Hell no. You’ve got a right and duty to do something about it. One of those things is more important than the other – right and duty, I mean – but I’m not telling which is which.

To begin, you need a character: your Discordian Double Agent. While you are a Discordian and you worship Eris with all your heart, you’ve also managed to infiltrate one of the Illumanati: the true masters of the world. Forget world governments; they’re just puppets on strings. The true masters of the world are organizations so vast, ancient and faceless that they can never be stopped. Especially by the likes of you.

(This is a truth. Remember that just because two things are opposed does not mean that one of them must be true and the other must be false.)

BBBaaaccckkkgggrrrooouuunnndddsss Your DDA has a number of Backgrounds: these are important aspects of your Agent’s personality and background. You have 10 points to spend on Backgrounds. The more points you spend on it, the more important it is. You cannot allocate more than 4 points to a single Background.

When you choose your Backgrounds, think about what you did in your previous life, before you became enlightened, before you joined the ranks of the Elite Apple Corps and infiltrated the Secret Master’s Sacred Gardens. This could be something as simple as Record Company Executive or could be something straight out of High Weirdness such as Alien Redneck Abductor. It’s entirely up to you. Just remember the first truth of this game:


Aliens exist and abduct farmers, give them anal probes, slaughter their cattle and leave behind strange patterns in their fields.

The world is really flat. And hollow. And a secret civilization of Atlanteans exists at its center. They’re in league with secret powers to enslave humanity, keeping mankind stupid, limp, and easy to control. The reason? Atlanteans do not have souls. They make us mindless drones because the less you think, the easier it is to separate you from your soul. And Atlanteans wear souls like jewelry.

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The Loch Ness monster is actually one of many “monsters,” sent here from another dimension to steal imagination. The more we fixate on them, the more energy they send back to their original dimension. Bigfoot was their King before he was killed in a hunting accident.

Anything you can imagine is true. It doesn’t matter if it contradicts another thing that’s true: EVERYTHING IS TRUE. (There is only one rule about picking a Primary Background: you cannot be a prophet; you would jeopardize the organization’s non-prophet status.)

So, with this in mind, consider what or who you were before you became a Discordian Double Agent. Before you found the Goddess. Before you embraced catma.

Here are some examples:

19th Century Mountain Man, Alien Criminal Mastermind, Alien Redneck Abductor

Baseball Player, Bear God, Bicycle Delivery Boy

Breakfast Cereal Mogul, Breakfast of Champions, CIAn Agent

College Professor, Computer Programmer, Con Man

Quality Assurance Tester, Customs Agent, Djinn

Elder God, False Messiah, FBI Agent

Fountain Pen, Galactic Bounty Hunter, Gymnast

Hermetic Proctologist, High School Teacher, Historical Figure

Kabbalic Assassin, Kung Fu Gorilla, Literary Character

Mafia Hitman, Mason, Mythical Hero

Park Ranger, Playboy Editor, Pro Wrestler

Quantum Physics Racer, Queen of Cookies, Rasputin

Real Estate Agent, Record company executive, Rock ‘n’ Roll Messiah

Science Fiction Author, Scientologist, Sentient Computer Program

Sentient Penguin, Stage Magician, Street Hot Dog Vendor

TV Sitcom Character, The Ghost of Baseball Past, Time Traveler

Trekhead, True Messiah, Water Elemental

For example, my Double Agent has the Backgrounds: Occult Investigator 4, Gunman 2, Street Smart 2, Dilettante 2. He’s a private eye who looks into strange and bizarre occurrences. If you need an exorcism, he’s your man. You think you’ve got vampires in town, you call him. But he’s also a pretty good shot with his “rune gun,” he’s got street contacts, and he knows how to get around in high society if he needs to.

High Weirdness: The Free Background All Double Agent Discordians get one Background for free: High Weirdness. This Background starts at Rank 2 and cannot increase normally. Be warned! It can also decrease. More on High Weirdness in the Catma section, below.

CCCooonnnssspppiiirrraaaccciiieeesss Now that you’ve joined the Elite Golden Apple Corp, it’s time to decide which Illuminati you’ve infiltrated. Read the listing below and make your decision:

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The Bavarian Illuminati One of the most famous and powerful Illuminati (the one that gave the others their names), the Bavarians are more powerful than anyone can imagine. The problem is, they’ve gotten too big; the left hand doesn’t know what the right is doing anymore.

The Bavarian Dogma is powered by sheer Power. A Bavarian can make commands that bend another’s will to his own.

The Hashashin The Hashashin were started in the Middle East by a mysterious figure known as “the Old Man on the Mountain.” They are the world’s most dangerous killers.

The Hashashin Dogma teaches its followers absolute Will; a Background that can overcome almost any obstacle.

Rosicrucians The Order of the Rose and Cross is one of the more well-intentioned Illuminati, but still misguided by their restrictive Dogma. They seek to overthrow tyranny and promote enlightenment, but they do so through an adherence to alchemical thought.

The Rosicrucian Dogma is Alchemy; transforming elements into other elements.

Knights Templar It was believed the Poor Knights of the Temple of Solomon were destroyed hundreds of years ago, but they survived with their secret treasure intact. The Knights guard the sacred bloodline of a messiah born more than two thousand years ago… and fail to recognize that they are all equally capable of becoming messiahs themselves.

The Dogma of the Knights Templar is Purity. They can resist almost any temptation… even temptations that are good for them.

Aliens There is no Alien Conspiracy. There are, in fact, many Alien Conspiracies. The invasion of Earth has been going on since the 1940’s with dozens of alien races trying to take over the Earth. Each alien race promises powers beyond human understanding in exchange for influence over terrestrial affairs.

The most successful Alien Conspiracy – the Grays – follow the Dogma of Fear. As long as mankind is afraid, it will be easy to dominate.

Priests of the Secret Sign One of the most dangerous Conspiracies of all, the PotSS worship long forgotten and nameless Gods. The priests of these unspeakable entities know that one day their gods will return… they just want to be the ones responsible.

The Dogma of the Priests of the Secret Sign is Madness. It is a dangerous, infectious power… one that even the most competent Double Agents fear to approach.

CCCaaatttmmmaaa &&& DDDooogggmmmaaa dogma: 1a: something held as an established opinion; especially : a definite authoritative tenet b: a code of such tenets <pedagogical dogma> c: a point of view or tenet put forth as authoritative without adequate grounds

catma: 1: the absolute refusal to believe in anything.

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Every Double Agent has two very important Backgrounds: Catma and Dogma.

Catma is your understanding of Discordian thought’s primary principle (nothing is true). Meanwhile, to completely integrate yourself into your chosen Conspiracy’s organization, you had to absorb some of their belief structure: some of their Dogma.

Catma is used to activate the various “powers” every Discordian Double Agent can learn. Meanwhile, Dogma is used to activate the powers espoused by your chosen Conspiracy.

Every Agent must be careful not to let his chosen Dogma become too powerful. The mind-wiping, soul stealing powers of the various Conspiracies are immense, capable of brain washing even the most devoted and faithful Discordian. Using these powers can turn you to their way of thinking… turn you into a dangerous Triple Agent, bent on destroying Discordianism once and for all.

PPPaaarrrttt FFFooorrr::: MMMaaakkkeee FFFiiivvveeesss,,, SSSuuurrrrrreeennndddeeerrr ttthhheee SSSuuuddddddeeennn The game system for DISCORDIA uses Risks and Advantage Dice (which should be familiar to you if you’ve bought any other Wicked Dead products). In short, Advantage Dice work like this:

TTTaaakkkiiinnnggg RRRiiissskkksss “The only time a thief should have to bother rolling dice to pick a lock is if there’s a big monster chasing him.” – Jared Sorensen

Most days, an Agent can get by without ever rolling a die. He doesn’t need to roll dice for most actions, just the ones that are really risky. Eventually, Jared’s aforementioned thief will pick the lock; otherwise, the story sits still with the thief on one side of the door and the adventure on the other while the player keeps rolling and rolling and rolling…

Rolling dice should only occur if:

1. The success of the Agent’s action is in question, and/or

2. Rolling dice adds tension and drama to the situation.

So, instead of using the standard “Task Resolution System” cliché, I’ve chosen to call it “taking risks.” Or, in this case, I call it “making fives.”

Making Fives Whenever your Agent takes a Risk, you roll a bunch of six-sided dice. Then, take a look at the numbers you’ve rolled. The object here is to “make fives.” You make fives by adding and subtracting face values in any way that creates a number divisible by five. The more fives you make, the better. Each five counts as a “success” to match the Risk’s Difficulty (see below).

If a number is divisible by five, it is worth a number of fives equal to how many times it can be divided by five.

You can add or subtract (but not multiply or divide) your numbers in any way you want to make fives. You may only use each number once.

The following examples are all valid ways of making fives:

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(One five) If a single die rolls five, it counts as a single five.

(Two fives) You roll 3, 2, 6, 4, and 1; you can combine the 3+2 for one five. Then, you can combine the 6+4=10 for two more fives. The 1 stands alone. Poor guy.

Risk Difficulty Each Risk has a degree of Difficulty. You roll your dice, count the fives you made and compare them to the Difficulty assigned by the GM.

Easy Risks = Diff 1

Normal Risks = Diff 2

Difficult Risks = Diff 3

Hard Risks = Diff 4

Weird Risks = Diff 6

Your GM picks the Risk Difficulty depending on how hard he feels the Risk is. We recommend most actions be set to a 3 Difficulty or even a 2 Difficulty. That way, most Agents (who are Agents, after all) succeed most of the time on most of the tasks they want to accomplish.

A Hard Risk is something that requires an incredible amount of effort. A Weird Risk that defies logic and reason. Agents should have to spend Catma Points (see below) to do something Weird.

All mundane tasks – such as tying sandals, picking up a piece of paper and successfully sneezing into a handkerchief – are actions requiring no dice roll: they’re just not risky. You should only roll dice if the success of the Agent’s action is either important, or in doubt. In other words, if the success of a simple action means the life and death of thousands, by all means, force a roll. But if it means stalling the game for an hour while we determine if Alfred Agent can count to three, ignore it and move on. There are many more important (and dramatic) actions in store for our Agents and we’ve only got until midnight before the GM’s girlfriend starts calling on his cell phone.

Re-Tries If your Agent screws up on his first attempt, he can try again, but he loses one die from his original die total. For every subsequent re-try, subtract an additional die until the Agent has no more dice to roll. Then, he has to give up and try something different.

Advantage Dice One of the most important elements of the Discordia! system is Advantage Dice. These are dice the GM hands out to players for showing initiative and for good roleplaying. Each Advantage Die is another die the player can roll for a chance of rolling another success.

Advantage Dice represent advantages your Agent has in any given Risk. GMs should not be shy about giving Advantage Dice; they are here to reward good roleplaying, planning, and innovative thinking. Here are some examples of when the GM should award Advantage Dice.

A player says, “I have three advantages over my opponent. My Agent has a sword. My opponent doesn’t. Also, I’m on higher ground. Finally, my Agent has the sun behind him, shining in my opponent’s eyes.”

The GM agrees and says, “Okay. You have three advantages. You can roll three additional dice on your attack.”

In many ways, an Agent’s Backgrounds are like permanent Advantage Dice. Because an Agent has a past, he can use the skills he learned from that past as Advantage Dice.

Weird Risks Whenever an Agent wants to do something completely off the wall, the GM will call for a Weird Risk. Weird Risks have a Difficulty of 6, which makes them all but impossible to attain without using catma.

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Some examples of Weird Risks include:

Falling out a of tenth story window in New Orleans (on Mardi Gras, no less) with nothing but confetti in your hair and walking away without a scratch;

Bluffing the President of the United States into believing he’s really an alien duplicate of the real President who’s being held by Communists in a secret prison under Australia; or

Figuring seventh dimensional unEuclidian geometry while poison bullets fired from electroguns held by shadowmen from Deep Dimension 9 whisper by your cheek, caressing it like a long-lost lover.

We did say “weird.”

Contested Risks Actions that directly test your skills against another Agent or Adversary are called Contested Risks. Here’s how they’re handled.

First, the GM calls a Difficulty.

Second, both contestants roll dice (add any Advantage Dice) and keep the evens. Who succeeds depends on the result of both rolls.

If both Agents beat the Difficulty, whoever got the most successes gets a Moderate Success.

If one Agent beat the Difficulty and the other didn’t, the successful Agent has a Complete Success.

If neither Agent succeeded, both fail.

Just what Complete and Moderate Successes mean is up to the GM and the players. It’s just a handy tool to make the process less binary and more colorful.

CCCooommmbbbaaattt It’s gonna happen; a firefight in the middle of the mall with Illuminati Agents or Hashashin assassins. When it does, use these rules.

Initiative Everybody rolls one die (plus any Advantage or Background dice) for Initiative, counting fives. The character with the most fives goes first with all other characters acting in a descending order, based on their rolls.

Tied rolls act simultaneously.

Actions & Rounds Combat occurs in rounds. Every Agent (and non-Agent) gets two actions per round. When everyone has taken two actions, the round is over and the next round begins.

What is an Action? An action is anything you could conceivably do within the span of a moment. Like these things:

• Move ten feet

• Pick up something

• Drop something

• Fire a gun

• Swing a sword at someone’s head

• Kick

• Swim five feet

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• Climb five feet

• Crack open an egg

• Read a sentence

• Eat some popcorn

• Light a cigarette

• Chug a pint before the world explodes

Those kinds of things.

Long Actions Some Actions take more than one Action to complete. The GM will tell you how many Actions you need to spend on a Long Action. Here are some examples:

• Summon Cthulhu (1 – 6 Actions)

• Pick a lock (1-4 Actions)

• Sing a song (1-4 Actions)

• Seduce the barmaid (1-40 Actions)

• Pop a bag of popcorn (48 Actions)

• Change a tire (120 Actions)

• Conduct a Masonic Ritual (480 Actions)

You get the idea.

Of course, most of these Long Actions could be summed up with a single roll. But, if you want to be completely accurate and adhere to reality…

… hey wait. Who’s reality? Aw, let’s talk about fighting.

Attack & Defend When an Agent attacks another character, follow this process:

The attacker declares his attack.

The defender declares his defense.

The GM announces Difficulty for each Agent’s action. The standard Difficulty for a combat attack or Defense is 3. The GM may increase or decrease the Difficulty of a combat Risk depending on the circumstances. He may also give Advantage Dice, depending on the circumstances.

The attacker rolls his Devotion to Dyr… I mean, rolls his dice and the defending character does the same, both players applying whatever Advantage Dice they may have.

Whoever rolled highest is the winner of the round.

If the attacker and defender both succeed, whoever rolled higher wins a Moderate Success.

If the attacker or defender succeeds and his opponent fails, the winner gains a Complete Success.

If neither attacker nor defender succeeds, there is no success for either of them.

Attacker Wins the Round If the attacker gains a Moderate Success, the defender gets a single Wound.

If the attacker gains a Complete Success, the defender takes a number of Wounds equal to the difference between the attacker and defender’s rolls.

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Defender Wins the Round If the defender gains a Moderate Success, the attacker’s strike fails. If the defender gains a Complete Success, the attacker loses a die from his next attack or the defender gains a die for his next attack.

Wounds A Wound is a description of a cut, bruise, bump or otherwise slightly incapacitating injury.

Wounds not only give your character scars, they also affect his actions. Whenever your character makes an action, check your Wounds. If a Wound is applicable to that action, your Agent loses one die from his action. For example, if I get shot in the hand, any actions I take with that hand are done with one less die.

In case you’re wondering, the effects of multiple Wounds can apply to one action. Thus, if I’m trying to fire a bow and I have a cut on my hand and over my eye, plus some bruised ribs, I could suffer up to a –3 penalty for that roll.

The Timing of Wounds If you get hit in combat and gain a Wound, the effects of that Wound don’t affect your Agent until the end of the current round, after all actions have taken place. This rule only applies to Agents (and certain villainous NPCs).

Winning & Losing If a combatant’s Wounds are equal to or outnumber the number of dice he would roll for an action, he may not take that action. For example, if an Agent has 3 Wounds and a Gunplay 2, he may not take any actions that would use guns. Actually, let’s be more specific: he may not accurately use guns. His coordination is just too battered.

If an Agent is confronted with an attack and has no dice to defend himself, the attacker automatically wins and determines what happens to the loser. Yes, this means your opponent can say, “I kill him.”

Remember: all effects of combat do not occur until the end of the current combat round. That means the effects of “I kill him” do not occur until everyone has taken their action. This gives other Agents the opportunity to pull your fat out of the fire at the last moment.

Combat Details Weapons, armor, tactics… all of these are represented by Advantage Dice. Here are the details.

Weapons Weapons provide advantages during combat, so weapons are reflected in the system as Advantage Dice.

When it really comes down to it, a knife can kill you just as quickly as a sword can. This whole notion of a knife doing d4 hit points while a sword does d8 or d10 and a gun shoots d12 hits is really very silly. In the hands of a professional (and let’s assume our Agents are professionals; they do get paid for what they do), a knife and a shotgun are really the same thing. They’re just means to the same end: doing enough damage to your opponent so he can’t fight back.

A weapon provides an advantage. If you have a weapon and your opponent does not, it gives you an advantage. Thus, guns, swords, knives, and back-of-the-hand claws all provide your character an advantage over an opponent who is unarmed. You have a weapon, you get bonus dice over an opponent who doesn’t: one, two or three, depending on the circumstances. If both you and your opponent have equal weaponry, your skills should carry out the fate of the battle rather than the weapon. However, some weapons are more advantageous than others. If you have a knife and your opponent has a pole arm, one of you has a definite advantage – and it ain’t you. On the other hand, if you can get by your opponent’s pole arm and get into some tight fighting, the advantage of a pole arm disappears.

In a fight between professionals, the advantages weapons give are entirely circumstantial, depending on the fight, the fighting ground and the fighters. A good GM takes that into account when the fun starts and applies the bonuses as necessary.

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On the other hand, there’s no doubt a skilled sharp shooter with a sniper rifle at five hundred yards has a definite advantage.

When an Agent uses a ranged weapon, give him 3 Advantage Dice. Ain’t ranged weapons cool?

Maneuvers An ingenious playtester (I won’t tell you her name, but her initials are Annie Rush) came up with the idea of incorporating maneuvers into the above system. A maneuver involves dropping a die from your current roll to make your opponent drop a die from his subsequent roll.

For example, if you want to get cancel an opponent’s Advantage Dice he gets because of weapon reach, drop one die from your roll. If you make the roll, your opponent has to drop one Advantage Die out of his next roll.

The same can work with Advantage Dice gained from armor, advantageous ground, etc. Dropping dice allows a more naturally skilled fighter to cancel the circumstantial advantage of his opponent.

If your Agent’s Wounds cancel out any dice he’d get to use for a Risk, he cannot take that Risk and must choose to do something else.

Healing How do I get rid of my Wounds? Well, a good night’s rest will take care of little Wounds like cuts and abrasions, but more serious Wounds stick around a lot longer. Like everything else in this section, there’s “reality” and “how it is in the books.” I personally like characters having to deal with Wounds; I think it adds drama to the situation. However, a more Agentic campaign should emphasize the Agent’s ability to overcome his Wounds.

NNNooonnn---vvviiiooollleeennnttt cccooommmbbbaaattt Not all contests are physical; some are mental or even social. For example, let’s use the classic fantasy RPG contest, better known as “seducing the barmaid.”

My character has 3 Smooth Talker Background. The GM (playing the barmaid) decides the barmaid has a 4 Refute Sleazy Come On Lines Background. We both roll dice and we keep rolling using the same method described in Contested Risks, above: I keep all my evens, the barmaid keeps all of hers and we keep rolling until one of us doesn’t have any more dice. Whether my character gets a kiss or a slap depends on the outcome of the contest.

Optional Repartee Rules Now, some players are very witty and some are not. Some can be funny on the fly while some get a good line in every once in a while, and there are a few you just have to pry out of their shells with a big, fat character reward crowbar. While this is a roleplaying game, which intimates good roleplaying should be rewarded with bonuses and bad roleplaying punished with penalties, I don’t see why a player who isn’t clever or crafty can’t get a reward for trying. So, here’s what I do to make sure everybody gets a chance to get a kiss from the barmaid.

Bonus Dice First, if the player just rolls dice for the exchange with the barmaid without even trying to be clever, charming or witty, he gets no help from me. (If you don’t try, you don’t get the prize.) If he makes even a simple attempt at being witty, I give him one bonus die for the effort. If he lives up to his own abilities at being clever, I give him two dice (that way, both the clever and non-clever player both get the same reward for living up to their own potential). If the player goes above and beyond his usual level of performance, I give him three bonus dice to roll. But, that’s just me. You may like giving “roleplaying bonuses” or you may not. That’s why this here is what we call an “optional rule.”

The Repartee Reserve This is a pool of dice the player adds to whenever he’s clever, witty or just plain funny. In other words, if the player roleplays well, actively contributes to conversations and otherwise makes his character seem

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“real,” I give him one Point to add to his Repartee Reserve at the end of each session. He keeps these Points between sessions and can trade them in for dice he uses during any verbal exchange. And once they’ve been spent, you can’t get them back unless you earn yourself more.

OOOttthhheeerrr SSStttuuuffffff Now we come to all the nitty gritty details. How much damage does fire do? How about poison? How about falling damage? Well, to be honest, I usually handle this stuff on the fly when I’m the GM, even in games that give me specific rules for it (I don’t like pausing the game to look up a rule). So, I’ll give you a few guidelines and encourage you to be creative and treat every circumstance as its own specific rule.

Falling If you have to wonder if an Agent can survive a fall, he probably can’t. My buddy the forensic specialist tells me if the human body takes a 20 to 30 foot fall, it generally doesn’t get back up on its own. Anything higher than that is risking internal hemorrhaging and a slow, painful death. If you want something a bit more “Agentic,” roll one die per ten feet the character falls. Every even is a Wound.

Fire Getting burned for real isn’t like getting burned in the movies. You can’t out-run an explosion: you have mass, fire has next to none. However, it is fun to watch the Agent run down the corridor away from the tumbling pillar of flame, so lets work something out. Once fire hits you, it continues to burn. You’ve got to get any burning clothes or accoutrements off before they get to your skin (as opposed to real life where the fire just melts your clothes and skin together). I’d say roll dice equal to the size of the fire and every even does one Wound until the fire is put out. A small fire (campfire) is three dice. A large fire (like your classic fireball) is five dice. For every item of clothing, the GM gets to roll once for the fire. Thus, if your shirt and pants are on fire, the GM gets to roll twice.

Poison Most poisons kill you right on the spot, rather than just make you sick or kill you over time. But in fantasy literature, there’s a rich tradition of the slow poison, giving the Agent ample opportunity to find an exotic cure for his impending doom. Thus, I’d suggest giving each poison a deadline and divide the amount of time between contact and that deadline into even segments. Thus, if a poison has a twenty-four hour deadline (you get poisoned on Saturday at noon, you die on Sunday at noon), divide those twenty-four hours into 4 segments. Each segment gives the character a cumulative –1 to all actions. So, every 6 hours he gets another penalty. If the deadline is one month (now that’s a slow poison), divide into days. If the deadline is minutes, divide the penalties into seconds. That’s how I’d do poisons.

Knock Outs I don’t know about you, but if someone walked up behind me and hit me over the head with something heavy, I wouldn’t be checking for hit points, I’d be on the floor, bleeding from the head, suffering from a concussion, throwing up all over myself and the guy who hit me. Of course, we want a system that simulates the literature that inspired it, so let’s handle it a bit easier. If you successfully sneak up on someone and hit them over the head with a heavy object, they’re knocked out and won’t wake up… until it’s absolutely the most inopportune time for them to do so.

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PPPaaarrrttt VVV::: VVVoooxxx CCCooooookkkiiieeesss TTThhhwwwaaarrrttt PPPaaaiiinnn aaannnddd RRReeevvveeennngggeee This section details the various rules for using Catma and Dogma. In other words, this is where I explain all the really keen super cool powers you get to use when you play the game.

Catma and Dogma are not contradictory forces, nor are they in contest, however, if you aren’t careful, your Dogma can eat Catma. It’s a matter of opposing forces facing off.

First, we’ll talk about how to use Catma, then we’ll discuss the EEEEVVVVIIIILLL powers bestowed to those who subscribe to Dogma.

CCCaaatttmmmaaa Catma represents your Agent’s ability to summon the power of disbelief. Not just disbelief, but also in absolute belief that nothing in true and everything is true. Here’s how it works.

Whenever your character wants something supernatural to occur, he has to invoke Catma. If he wants to read someone’s mind, if he wants frogs to fall from the sky at an opportune time, if he wants to create technology not available or even conceivable under the laws of physics as they are currently understood, he has to use Catma.

Every Agent has a certain amount of Catma represented in points. When you want to cause a Weird event or take a Weird risk, you must spend one of your Catma points. This does two things:

First, it allows you to bend the laws of reality. Well, you aren’t really bending the laws at all because the laws don’t really exist. Or, at least, they do exist, but the possibility that they don’t exist is always there too, so you are in fact, invoking the understanding that the laws both do and do not exist, allowing you to get away with whatever Weird thing you happen to be doing at the moment.

Second, when you spend your Catma point, double the number of dice you roll for your next risk.

Catma is hard to come by and you don’t want to spend it willy nilly here and there. Take care of it. Love it. Cherish it. Because if you don’t, someone will come along and take it away from you. Kind of like what happened with your boyfriend.

What Can I Do With Catma? Good question!

You can do almost anything with Catma. Anything you can imagine. However, it helps if you have a Background that facilitates your imagination.

Remember: the rule for Catma is that it doubles the dice of your next action. If you aren’t rolling any dice, your Catma really doesn’t do anything. You must be undertaking a risk in order for Catma to be useful. If it isn’t risky, Discordia doesn’t care.

So, get creative with your use of Catma. Here are some examples.

You’re getting shot at by a Rosicrucian Alchemist. He’s got those strange orichalcum bullets firing from his gold and silver gun. (The bastard!) When you make your defense roll, you decide to use your Catma. But how will it invoke itself?

A Background like Queen of Cookies isn’t very helpful in dodging bullets… unless she has a satchel of specially baked cookies to block alchemical bullets. A Double Agent with the Gunman Background could argue he understands firearms so well that he knows how to get out of the way. A Playboy Editor… well, he’s screwed. But, I’m sure someone could think of a good one for him.

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It all comes down to creativity. You have to use your Backgrounds. A stretch is a stretch, of course, and if you try it, your GM will call you on it. He’s got the final veto on which Backgrounds are appropriate for the risk.

Hey! Wait! I know what to do with the Playboy Editor! Just as the Rosicrucian levels his gun, the Editor gets swarmed by beautiful girls looking for a chance to be Miss June! The Alchemist gets distracted and loses his shot. No wanting to fire into a crowd of beautiful, nubile girls (he is a Rosicrucian, not a Hashashin, after all), the shot never fires.

Using High Weirdness I’ve included High Weirdness for players who are completely stuck. If you’ve got nothing else on your side, you’ve got this little Background to pull your fat out of the fire.

High Weirdness represents the fact that all Discordian Double Agents are worshipers of Eris and she tends to look out for those who serve her. So, every once in a while, something completely bizarre happens. Not all the time, not even some of the time, but every once in a great, long while… frogs fall out of the sky.

Every time you invoke High Weirdness, it drops one Rank. This is your freebie. Invoking High Weirdness costs one Catma Point. It doubles your High Weirdness rank and you roll. If you get just one success, something completely random occurs. Then, your High Weirdness drops by one point.

The only way to increase High Weirdness is by increasing chaos. On very rare occasions, if you completely befuddle the Game Master and other players with a moment of complete lunacy… if you bewilder everybody at the table with a stunt so ridiculous, everybody wonders what happened to your marbles… if you pull this off, the GM may feel obligated to give you a point of High Weirdness.

But don’t count on it.

DDDooogggmmmaaa Dogma, on the other hand, represents a certainty about the way the world works. Specifically, each Conspiracy believes the world works a certain way and that everyone else’s method of understanding/controlling the world is wrong.

Each Discordian Double Agent is a member of one of the Conspiracies and in order to infiltrate as far as he has, he had to adopt a certain amount of that Conspiracy’s Dogma. Here’s how you use your Dogma… and how not to get eaten by it.

Using Dogma Each Conspiracy is listed below. Each has its own Dogma. The Dogmas are themes, not specific powers. Like Catma, Dogma is used to create special effects created by the Agent. For example, if an Agent possesses the Assassin’s Dogma of Will, he can spend a Dogma point to control the world through Will. The Hashashin are incredibly difficult to defeat because their Dogma refuses to let them fail. “I will not” is a phrase that starts most Hashashin statements. “I will not fall,” “I will not feel pain,” “I will not miss.”

Meanwhile, the Rosicrucians control the world through Alchemy: a specific kind of magic that makes mundane elements “pure.” They drink pure water, forge weapons with pure fire, fly through the air on pure wind, and build their temples out of pure earth.

Here’s the problem with Dogma: whenever you use it, you don’t lose a point, you gain a point. That’s right. When you spend a Dogma Point, at the end of that game session, you must make a Catma vs. Dogma test. Roll your current Dogma vs. your current Catma. If you roll more Dogma successes than Catma successes, your Catma goes down by one.

If your Catma ever reaches zero, you enter the next game as a Triple Agent, working against the Discordian movement for your adopted Conspiracy.

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If you’ve turned on your fellow Discordians don’t tell them!!! That’s part of the danger of fighting the Conspiracies! Keep your roll to yourself. Never let on that you’ve turned. After all, if you truly did turn against your best friends, would you announce it to them?

Once turned, you may be saved by your fellow Discordians… or you may not. That’s the risk you take. Like Super Chicken says, “You knew the job was dangerous when you took it!”

Conspiracies and Dogma Once you’ve become a Triple Agent, Dogma works a little differently. Now that the Conspiracy has you, it isn’t so interested in tempting you anymore. That means getting Dogma is harder. (This is also true of Adversarys the Agents face during play.)

Triple Agents and Adversarys get Dogma from the GM when he feels they’ve fulfilled the goals/themes of the Conspiracy.

The Bavarian Illuminati The Bavarian Dogma is Power. Specifically, the Bavarians can force behaviors from others.

The Bavarian begins each command with the phrase “You will…” and makes a command. He spends a Dogma Point and the subject must obey the command. The command can only include a number of actions equal to the Bavarian’s Dogma Rank.

It has been said some willful Double Agents have been able to resist this power (spend a Catma Point), but only those of absolute resolution…

The Hashashin The Hashashin Dogma teaches its followers absolute Will. More than any other Conspiracy, Hashashin agents are resilient bastards who just won’t go down.

As a member of the Assassins, an Agent simply spends a Dogma point and begins a sentence with the phrase “I will not…” Whatever he says is true, but it is only true for that round. After that round, if he wishes to continue the effect, he must spend another Dogma Point.

Rosicrucians The Rosicrucian Dogma is Alchemy: transforming base elements into pure elements. Through a magical viewpoint in the world, Rosicrucians capture spiritual truths. In other words, they have a conscious understanding of their unconscious minds.

Using Rosicrucian Alchemy requires one Dogma Point. Alchemy usually requires some kind of magical ritual, although the Rose and Cross have streamlined these rituals over the centuries, so they can do them with one or two actions. The ritual usually involves some kind of symbolic weapon: a knife (or sword), a staff (or rod), a cup, or a coin. Once the object has been used, it cannot be used for another ritual.

It takes one Action to transform one element into another: earth into water, water into fire, fire into air, air into earth, etc. The Rosicrucian can only transform something he can carry. He cannot transform a car into mud, but he can transform the door or the wheels or the steering column. He must either touch it or be in direct line of sight of the object (no transformation through cameras, please).

It takes two Actions to transform base material into pure material.

Transforming base earth into pure earth makes the soil stronger and more potent. Rosicrucians use pure earth to make their temples. Each Rosicrucian temple build from pure earth counts as a symbolic weapon. Each Rosicrucian may only use it as a symbolic weapon four times a day.

Transforming base fire into pure fire allows for the making of alchemical weapons, such as orichalcum pistols. These count as Advantages. An orichalcum pistol (or other weapon) provides its user with 6 Advantage Dice. Each Rosicrucian may have only one orichalcum weapon (the purity is too strong for a

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mortal to wield more than one). Owning an orichalcum weapon counts as a use of Rosicrucian Dogma and the user should test for it at the end of each game session.

Transforming base air into pure air allows a Rosicrucian to fly. He may fly a number of rounds equal to his Dogma. (It’s more like wire fu than actual flight.)

Transforming base water into pure water allows the Rosicrucian to scry. He may see into any room he has been in before. The effect lasts a number of rounds equal to his Dogma.

Knights Templar The Dogma of the Knights Templar is Fraternitas. More than any other Conspiracy, the Knights are brothers, pure and true.

Fraternitas allows a Knight to lend his strength to his Brother Knight if necessary. Using one Dogma Point, the Knight may lend any Advantages or Backgrounds he may have to any other character – Agent, Adversary or otherwise. These Advantage Dice are cumulative with any others the target has.

Aliens The most successful Alien Conspiracy – the Grays – follow the Dogma of Fear. As long as mankind is afraid, it will be easy to dominate. By spending a Dogma point, the Alien summons up a human’s darkest fear. This paralyzes the human for a number of rounds equal to the Alien’s Dogma Rank.

Some Discordians have found they can fight through the Alien Cloud of Fear (spend a Catma Point), but only in moments of pure desperation.

Priests of the Secret Sign The Dogma of the Priests of the Secret Sign is Madness. It is a dangerous, infectious power… one that even the most competent Double Agents fear to approach.

The Priests worship dark gods from long ago… abysmal horrors without names spoken of in moldy books written by madmen. By spending a Dogma Point, the Priest can summon the power of Madness, infecting as many targets as he has Ranks in Dogma. He shows the targets the true nature of the Universe (as his Dogma teaches it to him): that the Universe is vast and malignant. The Universe doesn’t even hate mankind, mankind is simply beneath it’s notice.

This powerful strike against the minds of rational men can cripple the targets. When hit with Madness, the target adopts a particular kind of insanity: he loses one die from all his actions.

Madness is like a psychological wound: once you cannot roll any more dice, you cannot take any more actions. In addition, the Agent develops a neurosis specific to the circumstances. He becomes phobic, develops obsessive compulsive behavior, or even falls into a schizophrenic break. The effects last a number of turns equal to the Priest’s Dogma.

Others There are many organizations in the world forcing their dogma down other people’s throats. Just turn on the TV, flip a couple of channels and you’ll find them. If you’re looking for a group to add to this list, all you have to do is find anyone touting “The Truth.” Then, boil that truth down to a single word and you’ve got yourself a Conspiracy.

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PPPaaarrrttt AAAttteee::: SSSpppaaarrrssseee SSSmmmoookkkeee iiinnn ttthhheee DDDiiiaaammmooonnnddd SSSuuummmmmmooonnnsss ttthhheee NNNeeettthhheeerrr AAArrrmmmaaadddaaa“My girlfriend summoned my nether armada last night!”

– Matthew Colville, Discordian Double Agent, currently embedded in the Knights Templar

So, now you’ve got the game, you’ve got Double Agents, you’ve got dice, paper, Cokes and Cheetos… what do you do now? What the Hell do you do with this game?

Throw Golden Apples, of course!

And a word of warning to players. This is the GM Section. You know what that means…


RRRuuunnnnnniiinnnggg DDDiiissscccooorrrdddiiiaaa!!! What do you do with these guys? Well, consider the notion that everything is true.

Just think about that for a while. Every single thing you’ve ever learned is true.

That means the plot of every movie is true. Your favorite literary villain? He lived! He may still be alive! Check this out.

Professor Moriarty is still alive and living well in Britain. Using the geo-energies of Masonic Temples, he’s created a web of magical force across the entire island, focusing it into Stone Henge. Now, the Atlanteans, they don’t like this and neither do the Grays. Both of them want to capture the energy themselves (and don’t even get me started on all the magical secret societies who lost out to Moriarty in the early ‘20s).

Aleister Crowley tried to stop him, but he failed, putting all of Britain’s magical power in the Professor’s hands. Both the Grays and the Atlanteans want to steal it for themselves. Your Discordians have to stop them… but how?

Or, try this:

The Agents must go back in time to prevent Mozart’s murder. No, not that murder, the other murder! As it turns out, Mozart was a Double Agent as well. He revealed key esoteric secrets in his opera, The Magic Flute. The Assassins have been hired to murder Mozart before he can finish it. So, the Agents have to use a magic conk shell (it goes round and round and round, see?) to move back into the past and prevent Mozart’s murder.

Or, how’s this:

There’s a gang of brigands out to kidnap Santa Claus. Yeah, I said Santa Claus. You didn’t think he was just a myth, did you? If they snatch St. Nick, there’s no Christmas. Lucky for them, they’ve got a band of magical gingerbread men to help them out. Yeah, I said gingerbread men.

Maybe this:

NASA is fake. Really. No space shots, no moon walks, no Hubble telescope. Everything we know about space is true, but we didn’t learn it from NASA. Instead, we learned everything from the real Aztec calendar. We use hidden math on the calendar to go through space. Calculus and the rest of it… that’s all bunk. We have sent men to the Moon, to Mars, and to Venus. In fact, we’re sending them to Venus next week. Your mission? Infiltrate the mission and get your ass to Venus! Why? Because there’s an artifact there the Aztec boys want. You have to make sure they don’t get it. What is it? Well, we’re not really sure, but we know they want it, so that can’t be good.

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Want more? Man… maybe I should just teach you how to make your own…

GGGeeennneeerrraaatttiiinnnggg DDDiiissscccooorrrdddiiiaaannn AAAdddvvveeennntttuuurrreeesss The first thing you have to do is learn the Cut-Ups Method. William Burroughs invented it (we think). It involves getting a bunch of random words together, throwing them in a pot, then drawing them out and making sense out of them. I’ve done it for all the chapter headers of this book. Not only are they chapter headers, but they’re also adventure hooks! All you have to do is get a bunch of words together (make them exciting words; don’t use boring ones), toss them in a pot (or a hat), and take out five of them. Put them together in any order that makes sense (or even doesn’t) and make an adventure out of it.

Here’s what I came up with out of the chapter headers. You may come up with something different… that’s the beauty of the Method. Different people pulling different ideas out of the very same words.

(I’ve made the words I pulled out of the hat red.)

The Circulation of the Cosmos is Restricted as it Unfolds The Universe is alive. We’re all part of it. It’s a huge (and I mean huuuuuuuuuuge) organism and we’re all organs inside it. The living energy that makes us… um… that makes us live is called a lot of different things by a lot of different people, but I like to call it Song. See, each and every one of us, we’ve got our own Song. When we meet other people, we sing to each other. Sometimes, our Songs compliment each other. Sometimes, we even harmonize. Sometimes, we clash.

The Circulation of the Cosmos are our Songs. Every living thing it the Universe has its own Song. By Circulation, I mean blood. Blood flow, to be exact. The flow of music through the Universe keeps it together. Each and every Song makes some part of the Universe work. When we die, some part of the Universe stops and some other Song picks up where we left off. Murder, on the other hand, stops the Song completely, meaning a part of the Universe is broken.

Someone is stealing Songs and wounding the Universe, causing problems in its Circulation. It may even be causing clots. If that happens and the clots get to the brain, we’re all done for.

As the Universe falls apart, it’s unfolding. The larger it gets, the thinner it gets. The thinner it gets, the more fragile it becomes, and the easier it is to break.

You have to find who is stealing the Songs and stop them.

Stretch the Internal Steel There’s a new alien race on the planet. They invaded two years ago and nobody noticed. The reason? Their ships fell in raindrops.

A strange storm cloud formed over Moscow, dropping large, cold raindrops over the city. Each raindrop contained thousands of tiny ships. Those ships sometimes crashed on the ground, sometimes ricocheted off umbrellas, but some found skin. Some found mouths and noses and eyes. These tiny invaders are machines invading our biological bodies.

These machines invade biological bodies and replace all its host’s internal biological organs, making the host a combination machine and living being. All these new creatures can communicate to each other, they can change their facial muscles to alter their appearance, they are resilient (due to metal internal organs), and can create body weapons under their skin.

What’s worse, they can move from one biological organism to another through water. These creatures cannot exist outside of water; they break down in less than thirty seconds outside of water.

Your mission? Stop the invasion. As soon as the Movemnt gets hold of one of these things, it can develop an antibody that kills any alien parasites.

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The Vapor Dragon took its Revenge on the Maze King The word “Dragon” isn’t just a creature: it’s an idea. Dragons are eternal creatures of Imagination. The purest and most potent kind of energy. Whenever two true lovers kiss, a Dragon’s wings open and fold around them. When a battle rages, the Dragon’s wings reach over the battlefield, it’s breath burning all below. When a Truth is found, a Dragon’s eye shines in the man’s eye who found it.

Dragons are Ideas. They’re the biggest Ideas. They are avatars of our Imagination.

One particular Dragon was captured by a man calling himself the Maze King. He captured the Dragon in a magic bottle that transformed the Idea into a kind of misty smoke. Whenever he wanted inspiration, he opened a filter on the bottle and breathed in the smoke, summoning an Avatar of Imagination.

The Maze King captured this particular Dragon on Christmas Day, 1818 in the Church of St. Nikolaus in Oberndorf, Austria. That was the first day “Silent Night” was performed. The moment was beautiful and full of awe… and a Dragon appeared over the Church, it’s tears rolling down its scaled cheeks…

And in a heartbeat, it was captured. The Maze King, a man named Johann von Volpius, is now well into his second century (he was born in 1749). He will remain alive until the Dragon is freed. And it has had a long, long hate building…

Make Fives, Surrender the Sudden (Yes, I actually pulled “make fives” out of the hat and those two words inspired the whole mechanic.)

“The Sudden” is a new drug on the streets. It’s cheaper than pot and more potent than crank. In fact, what it does is spit you through the time/space continuum for just a millimeter of a second (you read that right). The rush is so intense, it knocks you out for a long damn time.

The problem with the Sudden is that it isn’t a drug at all. At least, not in the traditional sense. Sudden is not a liquid or powder or pill. It is a touch. Sudden must be given by a past user (“the pusher”) to a new user in a dark room (“the receiver”). Both must be very quiet and very still. They touch hands, close their eyes and… in a moment… the drug takes effect. Both users are pushed through the time/space continuum and experience all of time and space all at once. The experience is overwhelming.

Some pushers charge new receivers cash, some charge sex, some don’t charge anything at all because the only way to re-experience the drug is to pass it on to another. It takes two to tango.

Your mission? If you think it’s “Get this drug off the streets,” you’d be wrong. Your mission is to become a pusher so the Discordian Movement can get it and study it.

Vox Cookies Thwart Pain and Revenge Last week, the Queen of Cookies revealed her latest creation: vox cookies. “They’re hugs you can eat!” she said, her smile wide and warm. When eaten, vox cookies fill you with hope, peace and a love for the world.

Of course, there are people who want to make sure that nobody ever eats those cookies.

Your job, should you choose to accept it, is to protect the Queen of Cookies. We have to get her to a safe place. She is a young woman, the most recent inheritor of the title, and not quite in full possession of her powers. Getting her to a “safe place” is not easy; there are many who wish to capture her and turn her inheritance to their own benefit.

What exactly are the Queen’s “powers?” Very simple: she makes delicious magical powers. She carries her vox cookies with her as well as her little gingerbread men helpers and a magic oven that fits in her pocket. (Yeah, I said gingerbread men.)

NNNeeeeeeddd MMMooorrreee??? Okay, then go check out the Principia Discordia. Read it. You’ll never look the same way again.

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AAAfffttteeerrr WWWooorrrdddsss A Morality Tale: Akhenaten Amenhotep IV, who later called himself Akhenaten, began a tradition of self-deification. He married Neferititi, one of the Great Historical Hotties, and declared himself the Son of God. He invented Egyptian monotheism, but unfortunately, most people missed the point, and Amen’s own dogma got the better of him. He turned into a tyrant, tried to force his own catma on others and thus, turned it into dogma.

His people killed him shortly thereafter. And rightfully so, the bastard.

Charles Fort We live in a prankster universe governed by laws we can't begin to guess. After reading of at least 300 instances of animals raining from the sky, one may be inclined to agree. Second, our secular priesthood of scientists isn't much closer to the Truth than the religious one they're supplanting. Unless a new phenomenon slaps science in the face with its obviousness, it will never make the holy writ of the textbooks. Until the mid-1800s orthodox science held that meteors didn't exist. If a stone was seen to fall from the sky, its observer was mistaken. The astronomers reasoned: there are no stones in the sky. Therefore stones do not fall from the sky.

A Morality Tale: Emperor Norton He declared himself Emperor of the United States and got away with it. For the rest of his days, this penniless San Franciscan was recognized as America’s first and only Emperor. Mark Twain based “the King” in Huck Finn on the Emperor.

The day after he died, the San Francisco Chronicle ran the event as its headline story. The accompanying article read, "On the reeking pavement, in the darkness of a moonless night under the dripping rain..., Norton I, by the grace of God, Emperor of the United States and Protector of Mexico, departed this life".

When he died, his funeral was attended by over 100,000 people.

He was America’s first and last Emperor… because he said he was.

Edward Derby, Lord Strange We’ve been deprogrammed. We’ve been reprogrammed. We’ve been destroyed. We’ve been remade. Remade in another image. We are no longer hunter gatherers. We are just gatherers. We collect. We study our collections. We study the collections of others. We do not create. We study the creations of others. We become experts in other people’s accomplishments. We are walking dead. We are afraid to live. Muscle is grown from pain. Strength is built from sorrow. And we live in a culture obsessed with luxury. We are the first culture to associate obesity with poverty.

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Our poor are fat. Our rich are thin. We pay money for things our ancestors made themselves. We trust everything we want to believe. We question anything that challenges our bliss. We sit on padded couches watching colored lights that tell us everything we want to hear. And we pitch a fit when we have to find the clicker. There are people who have more money than governments. There are people who have sex whenever they want. There are people who buy slaves for more money than you make in a year. If you are worth what you earn… you are worth less than those slaves. If God exists, he hates the weak. That’s why he made strong people to beat them up. If God exists, he hates the poor. That’s why he made rich people to keep them that way. If God exists, he hates the ugly. That’s why he made beautiful people to shame them. If God exists, he hates you. Because there’s someone out there who does what you do, but better. They want you think you’re afraid. But you don’t have to be. They want you to think you’re weak. But you don’t have to be. They want you to think you’re poor. But you don’t have to be. They want you to think you’re ugly. But you’re not. There is one thing you will always be. There is one thing they can never tax. There is one thing they cannot have. There is one thing you will always be. Free.

John Kenneth Galbraith Economics is extremely useful as a form of employment for economists.

Aechylus "Discord is the last of the gods to close an argument."

– Antigone

G. C. Lichtenberg Some men come by the name of genius in the same way as an insect comes by the name of centipede -- not because it has a hundred feet, but because most people can't count above fourteen.

Robert Anton Wilson Reality is not a singular noun, it is a plural verb.

Kerry Thornley If organized religion is the opium of the masses, then disorganized religion is the marijuana of the lunatic fringe.

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Sir Winston Churchill All the great things are simple, and many can be expressed in a single word: freedom; justice; honor; duty; mercy; hope.

Bergen Evans Freedom of speech and freedom of action are meaningless without freedom to think. And there is no freedom of thought without doubt

-- The Natural History of Nonsense

Frederick Douglass Those who profess to favor freedom, and yet deprecate agitation, are men who want crops without plowing up the ground, they want rain without thunder and lightning. They want the ocean without the awful roar of its many waters.

Nietzche You need chaos in your soul to give birth to a dancing star.

Richard Garriott Chaos and Order are not enemies, only opposites.

Steve Martin Chaos in the midst of chaos isn't funny, but chaos in the midst of order is.