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Direct Visual Odometry for a Fisheye-Stereo Camera

Peidong Liu1, Lionel Heng2, Torsten Sattler1, Andreas Geiger1,3, and Marc Pollefeys1,4

Abstract— We present a direct visual odometry algorithm fora fisheye-stereo camera. Our algorithm performs simultaneouscamera motion estimation and semi-dense reconstruction. Thepipeline consists of two threads: a tracking thread and amapping thread. In the tracking thread, we estimate the camerapose via semi-dense direct image alignment. To have a widerfield of view (FoV) which is important for robotic perception,we use fisheye images directly without converting them toconventional pinhole images which come with a limited FoV.To address the epipolar curve problem, plane-sweeping stereois used for stereo matching and depth initialization. Multipledepth hypotheses are tracked for selected pixels to bettercapture the uncertainty characteristics of stereo matching.Temporal motion stereo is then used to refine the depth andremove false positive depth hypotheses. Our implementationruns at an average of 20 Hz on a low-end PC. We runexperiments in outdoor environments to validate our algorithm,and discuss the experimental results. We experimentally showthat we are able to estimate 6D poses with low drift, andat the same time, do semi-dense 3D reconstruction with highaccuracy. To the best of our knowledge, there is no other existingsemi-dense direct visual odometry algorithm for a fisheye-stereocamera.

I. INTRODUCTIONForster et al. [8] and Engel et al. [5] started a new wave

of semi-direct and direct visual odometry (VO) methodsrespectively for high-speed motion estimation. Previously,traditional feature-based visual odometry methods [19, 10]were dominant, but have fallen out of favor as they involvethe computationally expensive tasks of feature descriptorcomputation and outlier identification in a set of featurecorrespondences. These tasks have been made redundant bysemi-direct and direct visual odometry methods which di-rectly use pixel intensity values instead of hand-crafted high-dimensional feature descriptors. Consequently, these meth-ods are able to run at high frame rates and with less compu-tational resources, and are most suited for computationally-constrained mobile robotic applications.

Semi-direct and direct visual odometry methods gener-ally follow the simultaneous-tracking-and-mapping paradigm[14]. These two types of methods are similar in the aspectthat pixel intensity values are used for both motion estimationand stereo matching. However, semi-direct methods useindirect pose and structure optimization which minimizesfeature-based reprojection errors while direct methods usedirect pose and structure optimization which minimizes

1Computer Vision and Geometry Group, Department of Computer Sci-ence, ETH Zurich, Switzerland

2Robotics Autonomy Lab, Manned - Unmanned Programme, InformationDivision, DSO National Laboratories, Singapore

3Autonomous Vision Group, MPI for Intelligent Systems, Tubingen,Germany

4Microsoft, Redmond, USA

photometric errors. The semi-direct approach of Forster et al.[8] has both direct and feature-based characteristics. Thedirect method of image alignment is used to estimate theinitial motion. At the same time, feature-based methods areused to implicitly obtain feature correspondences throughfeature alignment, and feature-based optimization is used tooptimize the pose and landmark coordinates based on featurecorrespondences over a window of frames. In contrast, Engelet al. [5] exclusively uses direct techniques. A semi-densedepth map is propagated from frame to frame, and refinedwith depth values that are obtained from variable-baselinestereo matching for pixels with high gradient values. Atthe same time, the depth map with respect to the mostrecent keyframe is used to track current frame via directimage alignment. Another difference between the semi-directapproach of Forster et al. [8] and the direct approach of Engelet al. [5] is the number of pixels used for motion estimation.Similarly to conventional feature-based VO methods, thesemi-direct approach samples features very sparsely whilethe direct approach uses a much larger number of pixels withhigh gradients. In other words, the direct approach is ableto do motion estimation and semi-dense 3D reconstructionsimultaneously. This motivates us to follow the formulationof the direct method proposed by Engel et al. [5] for ouralgorithm.

The use of a monocular pinhole camera in [5, 8, 20] leadsto scale drift. Researchers have proposed the use of inertialmeasurement units (IMUs) [15, 17] and stereo cameras[4, 16] to eliminate scale drift. We see a stereo camera asmore robust than an IMU; noisy accelerometer measurementson vehicle platforms with considerable amounts of vibrationdo not allow precise observations of scale whereas a stereocamera is immune to effects of vibration as long as themount does not allow the vibration to distort the extrinsicstereo parameters. Furthermore, fisheye cameras improverobustness by significantly increasing the number of imagepixels corresponding to static areas in dynamic environmentsand which can be used for accurate motion estimation.

Therefore, we propose a direct visual odometry algorithmfor a fisheye-stereo camera in this paper. The proposedalgorithm enables mobile robots to do motion estimation andsemi-dense 3D reconstruction simultaneously. Real worldexperimental results show that our algorithm not only giveslow-drift motion estimation but also is able to do accuratesemi-dense 3D reconstruction.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section IIprovides an overview of the related work. Section III liststhe main contributions of our method. Section IV and Sec-tion V describes the formulations of our algorithm in detail.

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Section VI discusses the evaluation results of our proposedmethod with real-world datasets.


A. Monocular vs. Stereo

Forster et al. [9] and Engel et al. [7] make extensionsto their seminal work in semi-direct [8] and direct visualodometry [5] respectively for monocular cameras moving athigh speeds. In [9], edgelet features are tracked in addition tocorner features. In turn, motion estimates are more accurate,especially in environments lacking in corner features. Theyuse motion priors from either a constant velocity model orgyroscopic measurements to make tracking more robust andfaster. With motion priors, the initial motion estimate forimage alignment is closer to the actual value, resulting inconvergence at the global minimum, especially in the pres-ence of local minima. Furthermore, convergence is faster dueto a fewer number of iterations in optimisation. In contrast toForster et al. [9] which both minimizes photometric and geo-metric (reprojection) errors, Engel et al. [7] only minimizesphotometric errors. In this case, for more accurate results,a photometric calibration is used in addition to a standardgeometric calibration that models image projection and lensdistortion. Such a photometric calibration accounts for a non-linear response function, lens vignetting, and exposure time.Besides camera poses, they also optimize affine brightnessparameters, inverse depth values, and camera intrinsics.

Stereo visual odometry resolves scale ambiguity in monoc-ular visual odometry by estimating metric depth from stereoimages with a known baseline. Forster et al. [9] expand theiroriginal semi-direct visual odometry method [8] for monocu-lar cameras to multi-camera systems. Omari et al. [18] followthe direct approach advocated by Engel et al. [5] but neitherpropagate nor update a semi-dense depth map. Instead, theydirectly obtain the depth map from stereo block matchingapplied to rectified stereo images, and uses this depth map totrack new frames. Engel et al. [6] improve on their originaldirect visual odometry method [5] by incorporating depthmeasurements from static stereo in addition to those fromtemporal stereo.

B. Pinhole vs. Fisheye

With a fisheye camera comes a large field of view. Thiscan be advantageous in urban settings with many movingvehicles which can otherwise occlude a pinhole camera’sfield of view, making tracking impossible. Both semi-directand direct visual odometry methods for pinhole camerastypically perform disparity search along the epipolar line.However, epipolar curves instead of epipolar lines exist infisheye images. A fisheye camera brings added computationalcomplexity to epipolar stereo matching as epipolar curvesare much more expensive to compute. Caruso et al. [3]do a disparity search along the epipolar curve. We cancircumvent the problem of epipolar curves by using thenaıve step of extracting rectified pinhole images from fisheyeimages at the expense of a significant loss of field-of-view.Heng and Choi [13] propose a semi-direct approach for a

fisheye-stereo camera and which directly operates on fisheyeimages. They use a fisheye camera model in both imagealignment, and pose and structure refinement, and leverageplane-sweeping stereo for direct stereo matching with fisheyeimages. However, there exists no direct approach for afisheye-stereo camera to the best of our knowledge.

III. CONTRIBUTIONSThe main contribution of this paper is a direct visual

odometry algorithm for a fisheye-stereo camera. To the bestof our knowledge, no direct visual odometry algorithm existsfor a fisheye-stereo camera.

Our paper is most similar in spirit to that of Engel et al.[5] with three key differences:

1) We use fisheye cameras instead of pinhole cameras.2) We avoid scale ambiguity by using depth measure-

ments from wide-baseline stereo.3) We keep track of multiple depth hypotheses when

initializing depth values for new pixels to track.In wide-baseline stereo, it is common to encounter many

local minima, making it difficult to find correct depth values.We solve this problem by keeping track of multiple depthhypotheses corresponding to local minima, and eliminatingincorrect hypotheses over time until we are left with a singledepth hypothesis.

IV. NOTATIONWe denote the world reference frame as F�!W , the stereo-

camera reference frame as F�!S , and the individual camerareference frames as F�!C1 and F�!C2 . Here, C1 is the referencecamera in the stereo camera, and thus, F�!C1 coincides withF�!S . We denote the image from camera Ci at time step k asIkCi

, and the stereo frame at time step k as F kS = {IkC1

, IkC2}.

IkCi(u) is the intensity of the pixel with image coordinate u.

The camera projection model ⇡ : R3 7! R2 projects alandmark with coordinates Ci

p = [x y z]T in F�!Ci to animage point u = [u v]T in ICi :

u = ⇡(Cip). (1)

We use the unified projection model [2, 11] whose intrinsicparameters are known from calibration. Given the inverseprojection function ⇡�1, we recover the coordinates of thelandmark corresponding to an image point u in ICi for whichthe depth du 2 R is known:

Cip = ⇡�1(u, du). (2)

If the depth is not known, we recover the ray fu in F�!Ci

and passing through the landmark that corresponds to theimage point u in Ci:

Cifu = ⇡�1(u). (3)

We denote the stereo camera pose at time step k as arigid body transformation Tk

SW 2 SE(3) from F�!W toF�!S and whose rotation matrix part is Rk

SW , correspondingquaternion part is qk

SW , and translation part is tkSW . Simi-larly, we denote the pose of camera Ci at time step k with

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Plane-sweeping stereo

Model-based motion prediction

Motion stereo

Direct image alignment


Local map

Request KF



Tracker Mapper

Fig. 1: System overview


= TCiSTkSW . TCiS is known from calibration. The

rigid body transformation TkCiW

maps a 3D point Wp inF�!W to a 3D point Ci

p in F�!Ci :

Cip = Tk

CiW Wp. (4)

Given the fact that a rigid body transformation matrixis over-parameterized, on-manifold optimization requires aminimal representation of the rigid body transformation. Inthis case, we use the Lie algebra se(3) corresponding to thetangent space of SE(3). We denote the algebra elements,also known as twist coordinates, with ⇠ = [v !]T where vis the linear velocity and ! is the angular velocity. We usethe exponential map to map the twist coordinates ⇠ in se(3)to a rigid body transformation T in SE(3):

T(⇠) = exp(⇠). (5)

Similarly, we use the logarithm map to map a rigid bodytransform T in SE(3) to twist coordinates ⇠ in se(3):

⇠ = log(T(⇠)). (6)


In this section, we describe our semi-sense visual odome-try algorithm for a fisheye-stereo camera. As shown in Fig. 1,we follow the simultaneous-tracking-and-mapping paradigm[14], which encompasses a tracking thread and a mappingthread. The tracking thread tracks the current frame withrespect to a keyframe. The mapping thread initializes andrefines the depth map corresponding to the current keyframe;binocular stereo and temporal stereo are used for depthinitialization and refinement respectively. The tracking threadonly processes images from the reference camera in thestereo pair for efficiency considerations while the mappingthread processes images from both cameras. We describeeach step in the pipeline in detail.

A. Semi-Dense Image Alignment

The tracking thread of our pipeline tracks the currentframe against a keyframe by using semi-dense direct im-age alignment. In particular, we estimate the camera posecorresponding to the stereo-camera reference frame at time

step r by minimizing the following cost function which isthe sum of squared photometric errors:


) =X


r2i (7)



(IrC1(ui)� IkC1


⇡�1(ui, dui)))2,


where ⌦(IrC1) is the set of high-gradient pixels in the

keyframe, and Tk,rC1

is the transformation from the keyframeto the current frame at time k. The camera pose correspond-ing to the current frame can be recovered from the knowncamera pose corresponding to the keyframe.

The above cost function is minimized iteratively by usingthe Gauss-Newton method. To achieve better efficiency, weemploy the inverse compositional algorithm from [1]. Here,we do a one-time computation of the Jacobian and Hessianmatrices instead of re-computing them for each iteration.Specifically, we minimize the following cost function foreach iteration,

E(⇠) =X


(IrC1(⇡(T(⇠)⇡�1(ui, dui))� (9)


C1⇡�1(ui, dui)))

2. (10)

Using the chain rule, we derive the Jacobian matrix:

Ji =@ri(⇠)

@⇠= rIrC1

· @⇡




@⇠. (11)

According to the Gauss-Newton method, we can computethe update ⇠:

⇠ = �(X


JTi Ji)



riJTi . (12)

The motion estimate between the current frame and thekeyframe is then updated:


= Tk,rC1

T(⇠)�1. (13)

We use the Huber robust weighting scheme for the resid-ual error of each pixel to suppress the effect of outliers.To achieve better convergence performance, a coarse-to-fine approach using multiple pyramid levels is used in theoptimization method. Furthermore, the initial camera posefor the above optimization procedure is estimated using aconstant velocity motion model as shown in Fig. 1.

B. Plane-Sweeping Stereo

For a fisheye-stereo frame, pixel correspondences lie onepipolar curves instead of straight epipolar lines. Thus,conventional epipolar line disparity search algorithms cannotbe used for fisheye stereo matching. To use fisheye imagesdirectly without rectifying them to pinhole images, we usethe plane-sweeping stereo algorithm [12] for fisheye stereomatching to initialize the depth map of the keyframe. Plane-sweeping stereo assumes that scenes are locally planar andtests a set of plane hypotheses. These plane hypotheses are

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used to warp pixels from a reference view to the currentview for similarity matching. The plane hypothesis whichgives the maximum similarity measure is recorded and usedto compute the ray depth for the corresponding pixel. Thealgorithm is implemented based on [12], and we will discussthe details as follows.

We define a set of plane hypotheses {n1, d1},. . . ,{nm, dm}, . . . ,{nM , dM} where nm and dm are the normaland depth respectively of the mth plane in F�!C1 . For eachhigh-gradient pixel in the keyframe image IrC1

, we evaluateeach plane hypothesis by computing the corresponding ho-mography HC2C1 and using it to warp an image patch fromIrC1

to IrC2such that the warped 7x7 image patch in IrC1

iscentered on the selected pixel point:

HC2C1 = RC2C1 �tC2C1nm


dm. (14)

For the plane hypotheses, we use all possible permutationsdrawn from 64 depth values over the range [0.5 30] mwith a constant disparity step size, and fronto-parallel andground plane orientations. In total, 128 plane hypotheses aregenerated.

We compute the similarity score based on zero-meannormalized cross-correlation (ZNCC) between the imagepatch in IrC1

centered on the selected high-gradient pixelpoint, and warped image patch from IrC2

. For a given planehypothesis {ni, di}, the depth du of the selected pixel u inIrC1

can be further computed as:

du = � difu · ni

. (15)

Stereo matching usually has ambiguities due to repetitivetextures, occlusions, and so on. Experimentally, we find theestimated depth map using a winner-takes-all approach to berather noisy. To better capture the uncertainty characteristicsof the estimated depth, we propose to keep track of multipledepth hypotheses for each pixel. Since the procedure toget these depth hypotheses are the same for all pixels, weillustrate the concept for one pixel. For each pixel, weaccumulate a 1D (⇢i,Si) volume, where ⇢i is the inversedepth and Si is its corresponding ZNCC score. We selectonly the elements in the volume such that their ZNCC scoresSi are larger than a pre-defined threshold. We use a thresholdvalue of 0.85 in our experiments; a ZNCC score of 1.0is considered perfect. All the selected elements from thisvolume are then clustered according to ⇢i. In particular,we sort the elements according to ⇢i. We separate twoneighboring elements ⇢i and ⇢j into two different clustersif their inverse ray depth difference |⇢i� ⇢j | is larger than apre-defined separation distance. We use a cluster separationdistance of 0.1. We fit a Gaussian model to each cluster as

µ =

Pi Si · ⇢iP

i Si, (16)

�2 =

Pi Si · (⇢i � µ)2P

i Si. (17)

Furthermore, we choose the best score among all Si be-longing to the current cluster as the representative score for

the current cluster. The cluster with the best score for eachpixel is used for direct image alignment. All clusters foreach pixel are tracked for temporal motion stereo so thatdepth ambiguities can be eliminated and the ray depth canbe refined iteratively.

C. Temporal Motion Stereo

We use temporal motion stereo to refine the estimateddepth and to eliminate depth ambiguity in the case that thereis more than one inverse depth cluster for each pixel. Dueto the epipolar curve issue for fisheye images mentionedearlier, we cannot use the conventional epipolar line disparitysearch method for stereo matching. Instead, we propose atechnique to refine the mean depth estimate for each raysegment corresponding to a cluster, which is bounded bya two-sigma distance from the mean inverse depth of thatcluster. Since this technique is applied in the same way toeach cluster and each pixel, we use one cluster to explainthe concept.

Each cluster or each depth hypothesis is parameterizedby five parameters: its mean inverse ray depth µ⇢, thevariance of its inverse ray depth �2

⇢, its best matching scoreSbest, a good matching count nInliers, and a bad matchingcount nOutliers. µ⇢, �2

⇢ and Sbest are initialized fromplane-sweeping stereo. Both nInliers and nOutliers areinitialized to be 2 in our experiment to avoid the zero divisionproblem when we compute either the inlier ratio or theoutlier ratio. Based on the initial µ⇢ and �2

⇢, we assumethat the correct inverse ray depth would lie in the interval[µ⇢ � 2�⇢, µ⇢ + 2�⇢], which has a probability of 95.45%statistically. To get subpixel projection matching accuracy,we subdivide this interval iteratively until the pixel distancebetween two neighboring projected pixels falls below 1 pixel.For all the sampled inverse ray depths within this interval, wecompute their ZNCC matching scores between the referenceimage and the current image in the same way we compute thescores in plane-sweeping stereo. We use the fronto-paralleland ground plane orientations and current sampled inverseray depth to compute the homography matrices. Using thesehomography matrices, we then compute the ZNCC scoresfor a 7⇥7 patch with the current refined pixel centered atthe patch. As in plane-sweeping stereo, each cluster willthen accumulate its own local volume. If this volume is notempty, we fit a new Gaussian model for it and fuse it withthe original model:

µrefined =



+ µcur



+ 1�2cur

, (18)

�2refined =



+ 1�2cur

. (19)

If no good matching (i.e., Sbest < 0.85) is found, thenwe increment nOutliers by 1. Otherwise, we incrementnInliers by 1. If the outlier ratio (i.e., nOutliers

nInliers+nOutliers )is larger than a pre-defined threshold, we label the currentcluster or depth hypothesis as an outlier and stop trackingit. If only one cluster remains after several motion stereo

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refinement iterations, and its corresponding variance fallsbelow a certain threshold, we mark the current hypothesis asthe true depth estimate and further mark this pixel’s depth asconverged. If all hypotheses are marked as outliers, we labelthis pixel as a bad pixel and consider its ray depth estimationto have diverged. Only pixels not labeled as either convergedor diverged are refined in the next iteration.


We evaluate our direct fisheye-stereo visual odometrypipeline using real world datasets. In addition, we compareour direct fisheye-stereo visual odometry pipeline against thesemi-direct fisheye-stereo visual odometry pipeline of Hengand Choi [13]. The data was collected on a ground vehicleas shown in Fig. 4. Datasets from two different environmentsare used to evaluate our pipeline: a vegetated environmentand an urban environment. Fig. 2 and Fig. 3 show sampleimages captured on our ground vehicle in both environments.We describe our testbed platform in Section VI-A andshow and discuss experimental results in Section VI-B. Forground truth data, we use the post-processed pose estimatesfrom a GPS/INS system, which according to manufacturerspecifications, has a position error of 2 cm in the absence ofGPS outages.

Fig. 2: A view of the vegetatedenvironment.

Fig. 3: A view of the urbanenvironment.

A. Testbed Platform

We have two fisheye-stereo cameras with a 50 cm baselineon our vehicle platform. Fig. 4 shows the locations of thefisheye-stereo cameras marked by red ellipses. The left andright fisheye-stereo cameras look 45� to the left and rightrespectively. All cameras output 1280⇥960 color images at30 frames per second, and are hardware-time-synchronizedwith the GPS/INS system.

We calibrate the multi-camera system using a grid ofAprilTag markers, and use hand-eye calibration to computethe transformation between the reference frames of the multi-camera system and the INS. This transformation allows directcomparison of visual odometry pose estimates with the post-processed GPS/INS pose estimates which are used as groundtruth.

B. Experiments

To achieve real-time performance, we use downsampled640⇥480 images from the left fisheye-stereo camera as inputto our direct visual odometry pipeline. The vehicle wasdriven with a speed range of 10-15 km/h for both datasets.

Fig. 4: DSO’s Isuzu D-Max platform equipped with two fisheye-stereo cameras which are shown enclosed in red ellipses.

The trajectory lengths are 289 m and 199 m for the vegetatedand urban datasets respectively. Fig. 5 and Fig. 8 show thepost-processed pose estimates from the GPS/INS system,our visual odometry implementation, and a state-of-the-artsemi-direct visual odometry implementation from Heng andChoi [13] in red, green and blue respectively. A black circlemarks the starting point, while red, green and blue circlesmark the end of the trajectories. Fig. 6 and Fig. 9 plot theabsolute x � y position errors against traveled distance forthe vegetated and urban environments respectively. Similarly,Fig. 7 and Fig. 10 plot the absolute yaw errors for thevegetated and urban environments. We compute the positionerror at a given time by computing the norm of the differencebetween the x � y components of the pose estimates fromvisual odometry implementations and the GPS/INS system.We compute the yaw error at a given time by computing theabsolute difference between the estimated yaw from visualodometry and the GPS/INS system at that time.

xy-drift yaw-driftVO-vegetated-ours 0.86% 0.013 deg/mVO-vegetated-Heng 0.96% 0.0138 deg/mVO-urban-ours 0.6% 0.0063 deg/mVO-urban-Heng 1.6% 0.011 deg/m

TABLE I: Pose accuracy comparison between our direct visualodometry implementation and [13]

We compare the accuracy of our direct visual odome-try implementation against that of [13] using position andorientation drift metrics. We compute the x � y and yawerrors averaged over all possible subsequences of length{100, 200} meters. Table I shows that our direct visualodometry implementation outperforms Heng and Choi [13]for both the vegetated and urban environments. In addition,we are able to generate a semi-dense point cloud that canbe used for dense mapping. Furthermore, Fig. 11 shows thereconstructed and colored point cloud generated by our visualodometry pipeline. The point cloud only includes pointswhich are labeled as converged by our motion stereo. To

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better show the reconstruction quality of our pipeline, wechoose different viewpoints for purposes of comparison. Asupplementary video showing the experimental results canbe found at

Our pipeline is implemented and evaluated on a PC withan Intel i7 CPU @ 2.9 GHz and a low-end Nvidia GTX480 GPU. We run our tracking thread at 20 Hz on one CPUcore. Both plane sweeping stereo and motion stereo run onthe GPU at around 5 Hz.

One possible reason that our algorithm performs betterthan that of [13] could be the use of more informationfrom observed images. Our algorithm uses most of thehigh gradient pixels (>20k) while [13] only samples severalhundred sparse feature points. The use of more informationincreases the robustness of the whole algorithm, especiallyin poorly textured environments where [13] does not performwell as shown in Fig. 10.


We present a direct visual odometry algorithm for a fisheyestereo camera in this paper. Our algorithm uses fisheyeimages directly instead of converting them to conventionalpinhole images, and in turn, reducing the field of view. Plane-sweeping stereo is used to do stereo matching for fisheyeimages which cannot be processed by traditional epipolarline disparity search algorithms. The estimated depths arefurther refined via temporal stereo. By using the refined semi-dense depth map, a direct image alignment tracker is used toestimate the current camera pose in real-time. Experimentalresults show that our pipeline not only achieves significantlyaccurate motion estimates but also outputs a high-qualitypoint cloud at the same time. In other words, our pipelinecan facilitate real-time localization and dense mapping formobile robots.


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-20 -10 0 10 20 30 40-10







x (meters)

y (m


s) Ground Truth Odometry-ours Odometry-Heng

Fig. 5: Red, green, and blue lines representthe trajectories estimated by the GPS/INSsystem, our implementation, and [13] re-spectively in the vegetated environment.

0 50 100 150 200 250 3000







Distance (meters)




t (m



xy-drift-ours xy-drift-Heng

Fig. 6: Red and green lines represent thex � y position drift of the pose estimatesoutput by our implementation and [13] inthe vegetated environment.

0 50 100 150 200 250 3000






Distance (meters)




t (de



Yaw-drift-ours Yaw-drift-Heng

Fig. 7: Red and green lines represent theyaw drift of the pose estimates output byour implementation and [13] in the vegetatedenvironment.

-60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60-80






x (meters)

y (m



Ground Truth Odometry-ours Odometry-Heng

Fig. 8: Red, green, and blue lines representthe trajectories estimated by the GPS/INSsystem, our implementation, and [13] re-spectively in the urban environment.

0 50 100 150 2000








Distance (meters)




t (m


s) xy-drift-ours xy-drift-Heng

Fig. 9: Red and green lines represent the x�y position drift of the pose estimates outputby our implementation and [13] in the urbanenvironment.

0 50 100 150 2000






Distance (meters)




t (de



Yaw-drift-ours Yaw-drift-Heng

Fig. 10: Red and green lines represent theyaw drift of the pose estimates output byour implementation and [13] in the urbanenvironment.

Fig. 11: Each subfigure shows a reconstructed point cloud from our VO pipeline and the corresponding image as well as estimatedsemi-dense depth maps.