Download - Direct Professional Sales Essentials · 3. You must be familiar with the three Vertical / Horizontal market guides.

Page 1: Direct Professional Sales Essentials · 3. You must be familiar with the three Vertical / Horizontal market guides.

Professional Sales Essentials

(For the Direct Sales Representative)

“Professionalism Always”

We would like to offer our welcome and congratulations as you join this exciting Professional Sales Essentials training program. As your sales management team has discussed with you, this program has been designed to give you the skills you will need to sell our solutions much more effectively. This training workshop has two distinct phases, each of which is addressed during either Week One or Week Two of the program.

Topics addressed during Week 1 include:

• An overview of our company and history

• Sales resources

• Vertical and horizontal market sales approaches

• Time and territory management strategies

• Communication skills

• Building a solution value statement

• Leasing strategies Topics addressed during Week 2 center on the Collaborative Selling Style using the language of business improvement to create sales opportunities and follow the New Ricoh Sales Process, including:

• Prospect

• Qualify

• Analyze

• Propose

• Close

• Grow

As you can see, this is a very comprehensive program. Pre-class preparation, study topics and homework assignments are all building blocks that will enable you to get the most from this workshop. It is important that you prepare well, and plan to attend each day of the class. If you know now that that you are not able to attend the entire program due to some earlier commitment, discuss it with your manager now. Do not attempt to attend the class if you are not able to attend the entire class. We are willing to enroll you in a subsequent class.

Pre-course assignments and prerequisites

You will find three Vertical Market/Application Sales Accelerators as attachments to this e-mail. These

describe selling to specific Horizontal or Vertical markets. In addition, you will find another attachment

titled the “Ricoh Story”. Open these attachments now, print them and review them after reading this letter.

1. “HR”, “Finance” and “Real Estate Vertical Market / Application Sales Accelerators” - Each document is

four duplex pages. The student is required to read and familiarize themselves with these documents and

selling strategies prior to the start of class.

2. The "Ricoh Story". This document provides a powerful message that, when presented to a customer,

will significantly differentiate you from your competition. The Ricoh Story consists of a 7-second, a 30-

second and 60-second story. Each student MUST BE ABLE TO DELIVER ALL THREE VERSIONS OF

THE STORY FROM MEMORY when you arrive at class. Numerous class exercises are built on the

student's delivering this story in a conversational business setting.

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Page 2: Direct Professional Sales Essentials · 3. You must be familiar with the three Vertical / Horizontal market guides.

By the time you complete this class, you will be able to comfortably tell the “Ricoh Story” to your customers and prospects. In order to do so, you will need to learn the content of the message on your own prior to coming to class. Prerequisites:

1. You must have completed the 10-Day Branch Orientation prior to departing for class. 2. You must have committed the “Ricoh Story” to memory. 3. You must be familiar with the three Vertical / Horizontal market guides.

The Class Day The class begins at 8:00 AM and concludes by approximately 4:30 PM each day. Hotel shuttle service is available to insure that you arrive at class before 8:00am and to return to the hotel after class is dismissed. “Professionalism Always”

• As you begin the training experience, be reminded that you are expected to be a Ricoh Professional all the time. Your behaviors in and out of the classroom are a reflection on yourself, your sales team and your company. Reasonable behavior requires the exercise of good judgment and common sense in every situation. This level of reasonable behavior is expected of you whether in class, commuting to/from class, in the evenings at the hotel or during weekend leisure activity. In addition, you are expected to manage your own schedule to insure that you get sufficient rest, arrive prepared to work every day and apply yourself during the class.

• Homework assignments are given on most evenings and will be reviewed the following day. You must allow sufficient time to complete these assignments.

• Dress code for the class is business casual. General Items

• Personal Computers – PCs are not required in class, but can be used for completing homework assignments and team activities. Please note that you may use your laptop to access e-mail only during lunch and breaks. All laptops must be shut down and put away completely during class time.

• Cell Phones – All cell phones must be turned off during class, but can be used during lunch and breaks.

• At the conclusion of Week 1, a written test will be given to confirm your understanding of key items that were covered.

• A written test on material covered in Week 2 will be given on Thursday of Week 2. At the conclusion of Week 2 (Friday), you will be videotaped as you deliver a role-play of the first appointment with a new prospect during the Qualify phase of the sales process. In this role-play setting, your skill with the “Ricoh Story” (as well as the rest of the customer interaction) will be demonstrated on camera. This process will confirm that you have, in fact, learned this important step in the sales process; developed good communication skills and can effectively use the Ricoh Story to create customer interest and differentiate yourself from your competition.

Your thorough preparation and attention to these guidelines will ensure a positive experience…and ultimately your success.

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Page 3: Direct Professional Sales Essentials · 3. You must be familiar with the three Vertical / Horizontal market guides.

The Ricoh Story Let’s just suppose that you were in an elevator traveling up to the 2nd floor to see a customer, and two people got on the elevator with you who are obviously executives with another company in the building. One of them looks at you, concludes that you are in sales, and asks, “So, what do you sell?” What would your answer be?

The purpose of the Ricoh Story is to enable you to provide a statement of business capability to a prospect on an elevator, in an initial meeting or as an introduction to a demonstration for a group of prospects where some may be unfamiliar with you or Ricoh.

Committing this to memory will increase your confidence as a sales rep. It will also help you do a better job of articulating how you and a Ricoh solution can have a positive impact on your customer’s business.

Your job is to memorize these statements in preparation for your Ricoh Professional Sales Essentials Training Program.

7 Second Ricoh Story Ricoh is dedicated to helping our customers manage the lifecycle of documents through the efficient use of systems, software and solutions.

30 Second Ricoh Story Since 1936, Ricoh’s client strategy has been to enable organizations to better manage the flow of information and ideas. Specifically, as the fastest growing provider of digital technology in the market place today, we provide document-handling processes that increase performance and reduce costs of document input, output, and management.

Page 4: Direct Professional Sales Essentials · 3. You must be familiar with the three Vertical / Horizontal market guides.

Since we have local support, we are committed to being faster, simpler and easier to do business with. Our corporate mission is to deliver outstanding customer value through innovative solutions, efficient processes, and exceptional customer service. Above all, Ricoh is dedicated to the success of our customers, employees, and our communities.

The following is a 30 second add-on to be used to create a:

60 Second Ricoh Story

Ricoh recognizes that in today’s business climate, if we are to help our customers remain competitive we must provide the vision and solutions that enables them to:

1. Develop business methodologies that focus on Process Improvement and increasing workflow efficiency

2. Control or lower the Total Cost of Ownership associated with document management processes

3. Strengthen collaboration and Document Security while sharing information

4. Minimize Environmental impact and develop “Green” document management initiatives.

5. Easily meet new Compliance laws and regulations

Through our client partnerships, we deliver value added solutions that apply our document management technology to better control costs, increase adaptability and your competitive edge performance.

Page 5: Direct Professional Sales Essentials · 3. You must be familiar with the three Vertical / Horizontal market guides.

Horizontal Market/Application Sales Accelerators

Finance Departments

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Finance Departments


The finance department impacts all segments of an organization’s activities. It acquires funds, allocates resources, and tracks performance. It becomes the focal point for managerial attention, decision-making, and accountability.

Finance is the focal point for information requested by creditors, contributors, and stockholders regarding the financial posture of the organization. The preparation of legally and contractually required information and maintenance of proper relationships with past and potential sources of capital has become a significant and time-consuming activity in recent years.

As dollars are harder to come by and the risk for a bad decision is greater, more and more decision makers at higher levels (i.e. CFO and controllers/comptrollers) are getting involved because of the seriousness of each and every investment.

The finance department is impacted greatly by advancing technology. This same department also contains the economic buyers (CFOs, controllers/comptrollers) of the RFG products and services.

Key People in Finance Department

Each job function within a finance department represents opportunities where documents are created, shared, distributed, processed, managed, stored, retrieved and printed/copied. Market Strategy

Key to the market strategy is to capture all the eligible Total Document Volume (TDV). By understanding the account, you can best determine how to achieve this goal. The strategy is to sell to the technical buyers, user buyers and economic buyers (CFO and controller/comptroller) on the benefits of the RFG Products and Services. Naturally, you will want to determine where the greatest potential for success lies within the account and concentrate your sales efforts on that opportunity.





Controller (General Business) Comptroller (Government Education)

Accounts Receivable

Accounts Payable

Payroll Financial Planning

* Inventory


Page 7: Direct Professional Sales Essentials · 3. You must be familiar with the three Vertical / Horizontal market guides.

Finance Departments

Who, What, Where, How and Why are the basic questions you will need ask when working with finance department. Here is some background information to

give you a head start.

• “Who” (who cares) in an organization? These will be Decision Makers and Document Owners. Document Owners are the people who own the problems or applications and are your best

contacts to serve as a champion for your recommendation and get a decision made.

• “What” are the Key Applications and Documents? Understanding document characteristics like current workflow, who needs the document and why, frequency of creation and printing,

volume, etc. will help you identify opportunities for improvement.

• “What” are the needs, problems, opportunities of these applications/documents and what are the “Hot Buttons” of these people?

• “Where” can I find these accounts in my territory? This is covered on the next page in “Getting Started” Step 1.1.1.

• “How” can RFG Products and Solutions have an impact/improve upon on these applications/documents?

• “Why” should the prospect/customer act to change from their existing state to a future desired state? This is often known as customer “benefits”.

“Who” to Call On

(Decision Makers)

Sales Approach?

“What” are the Key Applications/


“What” are the needs, problems,

and opportunities of these

applications and documents and

“Hot Buttons” of these people?

“How” to improve with RFG

Product Solutions?

“Why” act (Benefits)?

Decision Makers


• Controller/Comptroller

Key Documents

• Business Plans

• Financial Performance


• Presentation

High Level Objectives

• Increase workflow efficiency

• Lower cost of doing business

• Convert all documents to

same format

Consultative Sales Initiative

• PageTelligence

• PrintWise

• Print Analysis Software

• Docushow

• Docutivity

High Level Call to Action

• Executive Summary

presents compelling case how

continuous improvement can

be achieved

• Cashflow, Cost/Benefit

and other financial reports

present how Lower Cost of

Business results can be


• Summary of opportunity

and problem areas where

efficiencies of information

flow, productivity and selling

and marketing time can be


Talk with the Document Owners.

• Accounts Receivable

• Accounts Payable

• Payroll

• Financial Management

• Inventory Management

Departmental Documents

• Invoices

• Purchase Order (PO’s)

• Receiving Documents

• Statement

• Checks

• Credit/Debit Memos

• Credit Policy

• Expense Reports

• W-9 Forms

• Payroll Forms

• Time Sheets

Needs/Problems/Improvement Areas

• Document Composition

• Color Printing

• Variable Data Printing


• Model 38 Color Printer

• 60/70 ipm MFP

• Desktop Binder

• Global Scan

• DocuLex, e-Cabinet

• Doc Builder Pro

Operations Improvements

• Improve workflow


• Color Scanning and

sending to clients via e-mail.

• Variable Data Printing at

a low cost

• High Speed Color


• Low Cost Color Printing

Page 8: Direct Professional Sales Essentials · 3. You must be familiar with the three Vertical / Horizontal market guides.

Getting Started

Steps/Stages/Phases Desired Accomplishments Events

1. Target/Prospect 1.1 Target Account and Executive

Level and Document Owners

Created, Delegated, Updated and

Maintained in SFA Tool

1.1.1 Review your accounts in your territory - Use your SFA Tool and sort by revenue sales of companies.




Target the finance department of the 50 largest companies in your territory.

Determine if there is any RFG equipment in these accounts.

Ascertain whether we have any existing relationships inside these accounts.

1.1.5 Call Decision Makers and Document Owners in Territory using SFA Tool (buckets/segments/tasks/activities)

1.1.6 Record e-mail address and update Decision Makers and Document Owners information in

SFA Tool (Account and Contact Records)

1.2 Executive Level Contacted 1.2.1 Send intro e-mail/letter from SFA Tool to Decision Makers and Document Owners (Mail Merge and activity


1.3 Appointment Scheduled 1.3.1 Call Prospect, Make Appointment & Track Results

(Reached Voice Mail, Call Back, etc.) in SFA Tool (Activity & Notes)

Send follow-up e-mail/Letter from SFA Tool (Mail Merge and activity recorded)

2. Initial Appointment/

Qualify the Opportunity

2.1 Prepared for Initial Meeting 2.1.1 Go to Prospect Web Site and/or get Annual Report

2.1.2 Create/gather RFG presentation(s), references, sample PageTelligence Summary, etc.

2.1.3 Create specific call objectives and sales strategy supported by resources (materials and

people) needed to execute call objectives. Record in SFA (Key Account Information)

2.2 Initial Appointment Conducted and

Needs Assessment Analysis


2.2.1 Initial Sales Call

2.2.2 Record Call Results in SFA Tool (Activities and Notes)

3. Assess Customer Needs 3.1 Analysis Completed 3.1.1 Call on each department, use CSI Data Gather Tools and Techniques and determine:

What are the applications, issues, problems and priorities?

Are there any existing or potential color applications?

What documents generate the most volume from this department?

Are there work/document processes that can be re-engineered?

3.1.2 Determine how decisions are made: Who signs? Who approves? Who recommends? Etc.

3.2 Ricoh Value Proposition Identified

and Executive Summary Created

3.2.1 Input data into PrintWise/PageTelligence, create financial reports, Analysis Data collected and determine

RFG Options that will deliver best value for customer

3.2.2 Plan how you might justify a solution in terms of intangible benefits (quality, customer satisfaction) and

tangible savings (cost of capital, and reduction of waste).

3.2.3 Build a RFG Business Case why customer should make a decision to implement RFG Solution(s)

3.3. Opportunity and Findings

Confirmed by Customer

3.3.1 Set and attend Appointment where findings, opportunities and RFG approaches are discussed

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Vertical Market/Application Sales Accelerators



“You can make a career out-of-it.”

Page 10: Direct Professional Sales Essentials · 3. You must be familiar with the three Vertical / Horizontal market guides.


Human Resources (HR) Management is

all about people: finding and recruiting

them, hiring them; training and developing

them; paying them; creating an

environment that’s safe, healthy, and

productive for them; communicating with

them; and doing whatever’s reasonably

possible to find that delicate balance

between what best serves the basic needs

of the employees and what best serves the

market-driven needs of the company.


Personnel Management is a set of

activities focusing on the ongoing

management of human resources within an


Human Resource Management is the

strategic planning and management of

human resources for an organization.

Key Trends

Outsourcing: HR Departments either

have and/or are moving their

administration of several aspects of their

operations to outsource organizations.

Several examples of this are: Payroll (i.e.

Paychex, ADP, etc.), Workers

Compensation, Pension and or 401K

Administration, etc.

Self Service Systems: For many different

types of forms and simple transactional

types of processes, HR Departments are

allowing employees and/or their managers

to access HR Forms and fill these in on-

line and print and/or rout and/or process

the transaction. A simple example of this,

maybe an employee change of address that

the employee could update on-line.

Organizational/Activity Structure

Centralized versus Decentralized HR Departments

How HR activities are coordinated and structured varies considerably from organization to organization. Some

organizations have centralized HR departments, while others have decentralized HR activities.

Centralization and decentralization are end points on the continuum, as organizations are seldom totally centralized

or decentralized. Instead, the degree to which authority to make HR decisions is concentrated or dispersed

determines the amount of decentralization that exists. Centralization is the extent to which decision-making

authority/responsibility is concentrated upward in the organization; whereas decentralization exists when that

decision-making authority/responsibility is distributed downward throughout the organization.

In large organizations there usually is greater decentralization of administrative and operational aspects of HR

management. In smaller organizations with less than 200 employees with operations concentrated in one locale,

the HR staff is likely to be small; therefore, specialized HR activities are concentrated and decision-making is


Generalists vs. Specialists

HR Generalists. As a firm grows large enough to need someone to focus primarily on HR activities, the role of

the HR generalist emerges. Someone who has responsibility for performing a variety of HR activities is a HR


HR Specialists. Individuals who have in-depth knowledge and expertise in a limited area are HR Specialists.


Market Strategy

Key to this horizontal market (HR) strategy is to capture all the eligible Total Document Volume (TDV). By

understanding the account and how a HR department is structured, you can best determine how to achieve this

goal. The strategy is to sell to the end user (Document/Activity Owner(s)), HR Information Services (HRIS) and the

Central Reproduction Department (CRD) that may significantly support (training documentation/binders) HR on

the benefits of the RFG Products and Services. Naturally, you will want to determine where the greatest potential

for success lies within the account and concentrate your sales efforts on that opportunity.

Strategic Human

Resource Planning

Equal Employment

Opportunity Compliance

Job Analysis Staffing

(Recruitment and Selection)

Health and


Training and





and Benefits

Union Relations Information, Communication,

and Research Systems

Human Resources

Page 11: Direct Professional Sales Essentials · 3. You must be familiar with the three Vertical / Horizontal market guides.

Who, What, Where, How and Why are the basic questions you will need to find out and address within a Human Resources departments. For a general

understanding to get you started here is some background information to give you a head start.

• “Who” (who cares) in an organization will be Decision Makers and Document/Activity Owners? Document Owners are the people who own the problems or applications are your best

contact to serve as a champion for your recommendation and get a decision made.

• “What” are the Key Applications and Documents? Understanding document characteristics like current workflow, who needs the document and why, frequency of creation and printing,

volume, etc. will help you identify opportunities for improvement.

• “What” are the needs, problems, opportunities of these applications/documents and what are the “Hot Buttons” of these people?

• “Where” can I find these accounts in my territory? This is covered on the next page in “Getting Started” in step 1.1.1.

• “How” can RFG Products and Solution have an impact/improve upon on these applications/documents?

• “Why” should the prospect/customer act or otherwise known as “benefits” to change from their existing state to a future desired state?

“Who” to Call On

(Decision Makers)

Sales Approach?

“What” are the Key Applications/


“What” are the needs, problems,

and opportunities of these

applications and documents and

“Hot Buttons” of these people?

“How” to improve with RFG

Product Solutions?

“Why” act (Benefits)?

Decision Makers

• VP Human Resources


• HR Director(s)



Key Documents

• Strategic Plans, HRIS Reports,


• Strategic Plans, HRIS Reports,


High Level Objectives

• Right Sizing Organization

• Return-on-Investment

• Expense/Cost Control

• Lower cost of doing business

• Achieve Profitability Targets

• Improved HR Information


Consultative Sales Initiative

• PageTelligence

• PrintWise

• Print Analysis Software

• Docushow

• Docutivity

High Level Call to Action

• Executive Summary

presents compelling case how

reducing expense and cost

can be achieved

• Cashflow, Cost/Benefit

and other financial reports

present how Lower Cost of

Business and Profitability

Targets results can be


• Summary of opportunity

areas where information flow

and HR systems can be


Talk with Document/Activity


• Staffing, Performance

Appraisal, Compensation

• Compensation/Benefits

• Training and Development

• Information,Communication

and Research Systems

• Government/Legal

Compliance (EEO, Health

and Safety, Union


Departmental Documents

• Employment Files, Payroll Files

• Benefits Files

• Course Development

Outlines/Drafts, Course

Material/Binders, Instructor

Guides/Binders, Posters

• Human Resources Reports,


• EEO & Affirmative Action

Plans, OSHA Plans, Union


Needs/Problems/Improvement Areas

• Reduce Labor and Space


• Improve Customer


• Minimize File


• Document Distribution

• Same as Employment


• Reduce Labor and Space


• Print-on-demand

• Print-on-demand

• Compliance

Reduce Costs based on non-



• DocuLex, e-Cabinet

• Global Scan

• DocuLex, e-Cabinet

• DocuMall

• Model 38 Color Printer

• TR Systems

• Aficio HV MFP

• Wide Format

• Model 38 Color Printer

• DocuLex, e-Cabinet

• Aficio MFP

Operations Improvements

• Reduce Costs

• Respond to customer

Inquiries Faster

• Improve File Integrity

• Lower Distribution Cost

• Same as Employment


• Improved Version


• Quick turnaround

• Improved workflow

• Reduce printing cycle


• Reduce Outsourcing


• Reduce Time to Produce

• Lower Prod. Cost &


• Improved File Integrity

Page 12: Direct Professional Sales Essentials · 3. You must be familiar with the three Vertical / Horizontal market guides.

Getting Started

Steps/Stages/Phases Desired Accomplishments Events

1. Target/Prospect 1.1 Target Account and Executive

Level and Document Owners

Created, Delegated, Updated and

Maintained in SFA Tool

1.1.1 Review your accounts in your territory - Use your SFA Tool and/or D&B (or other database source) and

search for prospects and customers in your territory.




Determine which prospects and customers you want to call on.

Determine if there is any RFG equipment in these accounts.

Ascertain whether we have any existing relationships inside these accounts.

1.1.5 Call Decision Makers and Document Owners in Territory using SFA Tool (buckets/segments/tasks/activities)

1.1.6 Record e-mail address and update Decision Makers and Document Owners information in

SFA Tool (Account and Contact Records)

1.2 Executive Level Contacted 1.2.1 Send intro e-mail/letter from SFA Tool to Decision Makers and Document Owners (Mail Merge and activity


1.3 Appointment Scheduled 1.3.1 Call Prospect, Make Appointment & Track Results

(Reached Voice Mail, Call Back, etc.) in SFA Tool (Activity & Notes)

Send follow-up e-mail/Letter from SFA Tool (Mail Merge and activity recorded)

2. Initial Appointment/

Qualify the Opportunity

2.1 Prepared for Initial Meeting 2.1.1 Go to Prospect Web Site and/or get Annual Report

2.1.2 Create/gather RFG presentation(s), references, sample PageTelligence Summary, etc.

2.1.3 Create specific call objectives and sales strategy supported by resources (materials and

people) needed to execute call objectives. Record in SFA (Key Account Information)

2.2 Initial Appointment Conducted and

Needs Assessment Analysis


2.2.1 Initial Sales Call

2.2.2 Record Call Results in SFA Tool (Activities and Notes)

3. Assess Customer Needs 3.1 Analysis Completed 3.1.1 Call on each department, use CSI Data Gather Tools and Techniques and determine:

What are the applications, issues, problems and priorities?

Are there any existing or potential color applications?

What documents generate the most volume from this department?

Are there work/document processes that can be re-engineered?

3.1.2 Determine how decisions are made: Who signs? Who approves? Who recommends? Etc.

3.2 Ricoh Value Proposition Identified

and Executive Summary Created

3.2.1 Input data into PrintWise/PageTelligence, create financial reports, Analysis Data collected and determine

RFG Options that will deliver best value for customer

3.2.2 Plan how you might justify a solution in terms of intangible benefits (quality, customer satisfaction) and

tangible savings (cost of capital, and reduction of waste).

3.2.3 Build a RFG Business Case why customer should make a decision to implement RFG Solution(s)

3.3. Opportunity and Findings

Confirmed by Customer

3.3.1 Set and attend Appointment where findings, opportunities and RFG approaches are discussed

For more details on Human Resources and how to increase your sales to this lucrative horizontal application/market, see the Human Resources Market

Manager “Core Knowledge for Understanding Human Resources” and Glossary.

Page 13: Direct Professional Sales Essentials · 3. You must be familiar with the three Vertical / Horizontal market guides.

Vertical Market/Application Sales Accelerators

Real Estate

“A market ready to make you feel like you’re at home with your sales knowledge

and success.”

Page 14: Direct Professional Sales Essentials · 3. You must be familiar with the three Vertical / Horizontal market guides.


The real estate market consists mostly of real estate brokers and property management agencies. Most real estate agents and brokers sell residential property. A smaller number, usually in larger firms or specialized smaller firms, sell

commercial, industrial, agricultural or other types of real estate. A real estate broker’s office typically includes one or more brokers, agents, office managers and support personnel. In the fast-paced real estate market,

intense competition is ever present among agents and brokers for property listings.

Advancing technology is forcing

agents and brokers to be more technically inclined e.g. web, digital cameras, etc. Early adopters of emerging technology are gaining a competitive edge in the market.

Advances in printing are affecting

the industry as well. For example, color printing has become not only

necessary, but is expected in real estate marketing materials. Both sellers and buyers expect professional-looking color flyers, brochures, postcards and other collateral materials.

An Overview of a Real Estate Transaction

In Real Estate, job functions are centered on sale and rental of property.

Each element of a Real Estate Transaction represents opportunity where documents are created, shared, distributed, processed, managed, stored, retrieved and printed/copied. Market Strategy

Key to the market strategy is to capture all the eligible Total Document Volume (TDV). By understanding the account, you can best determine how to achieve this goal. The strategy is to sell to the end user /Brokers/Agents (Document Owner), Realtor (Business Owner) and the Support Staff/Office Manager on the benefits of the RFG Products and Services. Naturally, you will want to determine where the greatest potential for success lies within the account and concentrate your sales efforts on that opportunity.

An Overview of a Real Estate Transaction


Owner Decides

to Sell


Becomes a


Real Estate


Identify the













Property Rights


Buyer Evaluates






Value the




Sources of


Forms of




Taxes and




Condo, Co-op,

And P.U.D.




Title Search

And Insurance

Deed of



Page 15: Direct Professional Sales Essentials · 3. You must be familiar with the three Vertical / Horizontal market guides.

Who, What, Where, How and Why are the basic questions you will need to find out and address within a Realtor. For a general understanding to get you started

here is some background information to give you a head start.

• “Who” (who cares) in an organization will be Decision Makers and Document Owners? Document Owners are the people who own the problems or applications are your best contact to serve

as a champion for your recommendation and get a decision made.

• “What” are the Key Applications and Documents? Understanding document characteristics like current workflow, who needs the document and why, frequency of creation and printing,

volume, etc. will help you identify opportunities for improvement.

• “What” are the needs, problems, opportunities of these applications/documents and what are the “Hot Buttons” of these people?

• “Where” can I find these accounts in my territory? This is covered on the next page in “Getting Started” in step 1.1.1.

• “How” can RFG Products and Solution have an impact/improve upon on these applications/documents?

• “Why” should the prospect/customer act or otherwise known as “benefits” to change from their existing state to a future desired state?

“Who” to Call On

(Decision Makers)

Sales Approach?

“What” are the Key Applications/


“What” are the needs, problems,

and opportunities of these

applications and documents and

“Hot Buttons” of these people?

“How” to improve with RFG

Product Solutions?

“Why” act (Benefits)?

Decision Makers

• Realtor/Owner

Key Documents

High Level Objectives

• New Business Development

• Increased productivity per


• Lower cost of doing business

• Reduced time to sell/rent

property listings

Consultative Sales Initiative

• PageTelligence

• PrintWise

• Print Analysis Software

• Docushow

• Docutivity

High Level Call to Action

• Executive Summary

presents compelling case how

continuous improvement can

be achieved

• Cashflow, Cost/Benefit

and other financial reports

present how Lower Cost of

Business results can be


• Summary of opportunity

and problem areas where

efficiencies of information

flow, productivity and selling

and marketing time can be


Talk with the Document Owners.

• Brokers/Agents

Departmental Documents

• Color highlight sheets

• MLS listings

• Contracts

• Company Prospectus

• Appraisals

• Newsletters & Post cards

• Labels & Envelopes • Mailers

• Property Flyers

• Window Displays

• Information Sheets


• Calendars

• Brochures

Needs/Problems/Improvement Areas

• Document Composition

• Color Printing

• Variable Data Printing


• EFI Color Controllers,

• Model 38 Color Printer

• EFI Color Utilities

• Global Scan

• DocuLex, e-Cabinet

Operations Improvements

• Color Helps Sell Real


• Color Scanning and

sending to clients via e-mail.

• Variable Data Printing at

a low cost

• High Speed Color


• Low Cost Color Printing

Page 16: Direct Professional Sales Essentials · 3. You must be familiar with the three Vertical / Horizontal market guides.

Getting Started

Steps/Stages/Phases Desired Accomplishments Events

1. Target/Prospect 1.1 Target Account and Executive

Level and Document Owners

Created, Delegated, Updated and

Maintained in SFA Tool

1.1.1 Review your accounts in your territory - Use your SFA Tool and/or D&B (or other database source) and

search for the following SIC Codes 65 in your territory.




Determine which Real Estate Companies you have.

Determine if there is any RFG equipment in these accounts.

Ascertain whether we have any existing relationships inside these accounts.

1.1.5 Call Decision Makers and Document Owners in Territory using SFA Tool (buckets/segments/tasks/activities)

1.1.6 Record e-mail address and update Decision Makers and Document Owners information in

SFA Tool (Account and Contact Records)

1.2 Executive Level Contacted 1.2.1 Send intro e-mail/letter from SFA Tool to Decision Makers and Document Owners (Mail Merge and activity


1.3 Appointment Scheduled 1.3.1 Call Prospect, Make Appointment & Track Results

(Reached Voice Mail, Call Back, etc.) in SFA Tool (Activity & Notes)

Send follow-up e-mail/Letter from SFA Tool (Mail Merge and activity recorded)

2. Initial Appointment/

Qualify the Opportunity

2.1 Prepared for Initial Meeting 2.1.1 Go to Prospect Web Site and/or get Annual Report

2.1.2 Create/gather RFG presentation(s), references, sample PageTelligence Summary, etc.

2.1.3 Create specific call objectives and sales strategy supported by resources (materials and

people) needed to execute call objectives. Record in SFA (Key Account Information)

2.2 Initial Appointment Conducted and

Needs Assessment Analysis


2.2.1 Initial Sales Call

2.2.2 Record Call Results in SFA Tool (Activities and Notes)

3. Assess Customer Needs 3.1 Analysis Completed 3.1.1 Call on each department, use CSI Data Gather Tools and Techniques and determine:

What are the applications, issues, problems and priorities?

Are there any existing or potential color applications?

What documents generate the most volume from this department?

Are there work/document processes that can be re-engineered?

3.1.2 Determine how decisions are made: Who signs? Who approves? Who recommends? Etc.

3.2 Ricoh Value Proposition Identified

and Executive Summary Created

3.2.1 Input data into PrintWise/PageTelligence, create financial reports, Analysis Data collected and determine

RFG Options that will deliver best value for customer

3.2.2 Plan how you might justify a solution in terms of intangible benefits (quality, customer satisfaction) and

tangible savings (cost of capital, and reduction of waste).

3.2.3 Build a RFG Business Case why customer should make a decision to implement RFG Solution(s)

3.3. Opportunity and Findings

Confirmed by Customer

3.3.1 Set and attend Appointment where findings, opportunities and RFG approaches are discussed
