Download - Direct Access Flexible Sigmoidoscopy

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Mr Sanjay Wijeyekoon – Consultant Colorectal Surgeon

Dr Rob Palmer – GPwSI Gastroenterology

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Direct Access Flexible SigmoidoscopyA diagnostic service for GPs to assist them

with the management of patients under the age of 55yrs presenting to primary care with rectal bleeding.

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Patient presents with rectal bleeding

No red flag sx, but other GI symptoms - Abdominal pain - Weight loss - Normocytic anaemia - Previous colonic polyps - Past history IBD - Strong FH CRC Age >55yrs (not meeting 2ww criteria)

Red flag symptoms or signs

No other GI sx Age <55yrs

History - Age of onset - Nature of rectal bleeding - Weight loss, altered bowel habit, abdominal pain - FH of cancer, polyps or IBD Examination - Abdominal - Rectal examination (+/- proctoscopy) Investigations - FBC, CRP, ESR - Stool culture (if increased frequency)

Refer under 2 week rule

Consider routine referral to secondary care – to consider colonoscopy and other Ix

Referral for Direct Access Flexible Sigmoidoscopy

If symptoms settle <4wks reassure

Treat pathology found

If symptoms persist >4w, if symptoms recur or if no perianal pathology found

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History & Examination

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2 week wait referral criteria All ages

Definite, palpable, right sided, abdominal mass Definite, palpable, rectal (not pelvic) mass Unexplained iron deficiency anaemia

AND: [ ] Male with a Hb of < 11g/dl [ ] Non menstruating female with a Hb of <

10g/dl Over 40 years

Rectal bleeding WITH a change of bowel habit towards looser stools &/or increased frequency 6 wks


Over 60 years Rectal bleeding persisting 6wks WITHOUT a change in

bowel habit or anal symptoms (e.g. soreness, discomfort, itching, prolapse, pain)

Change in bowel habit to looser stools &/or more frequent stools persisting 6 wks WITHOUT rectal bleeding

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Routine Referral to Secondary CareNo red flag sx, but other GI

symptoms- Abdominal pain- Weight loss- Normocytic anaemia- Previous colonic polyps- Past history IBD- Strong FH CRC

Age >55yrs (not meeting 2ww criteria)

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Direct Access Flexible Sigmoidoscopy

If age <55 and no colonic sx:-Treat pathology-Monitor

Consider referral if:-Symptoms persist >4w-Symptoms recur-?If no perianal pathology found-Patient anxious

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Referral for DAFSChoose and Book

Under Diagnostic EndoscopyDirectly bookable appointment

Appointments available on Monday afternoons

Complete referral form and send electronically with CAB

Give patient information leaflet to patient

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Information for patients - medicationsAspirin & Clopidogrel:

ContinueNo contraindication to diagnostic procedure +/- biopsies

on aspirin or clopidogrel

Warfarin: ContinueGP to check INR 1 week before endoscopy date If INR within therapeutic range, continue usual daily

dose If INR above therapeutic range but <5, reduce daily dose

until INR returns to therapeutic range

Iron tablets:Stop 1 week before procedure

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Information for patients – the procedureBowel prepConsentProcedure

Advocacy / Transport

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Unsuitable PatientsAcute anal pain suggestive of anal fissure

(procedure unlikely to be tolerated)Recent MI or CVA within 6wObesity (overall weight >135kg)DementiaPoor mobility (need to be able to transfer

from chair to bed)

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Follow-upAll patients will be discharged back to

primary care following this procedure unless diagnosis of serious pathology found:malignancyIBDadenomatous polyps

The report will include detailed advice on management