Download - Diploma of Vocation Part 1


April, 2021 Immanuel Lutheran Church, School and Child Care Center

604 S Chestnut Ave., Marshfield, WI Website:

Diploma of Vocation Part 1

Soon Immanuel will be considering candidates to call as the next pastor. One of the things

that goes into the calling of the pastor is the Diploma of Vocation, otherwise known as the

“Call Document.” This document is signed on behalf of the congregation and the pastor

who accepts the solemn call to serve at Immanuel Lutheran Church, School, and Child

Care. The Diploma of Vocation sets in place the primary agreement between congrega-

tion and pastor. This month we consider the responsibilities of the pastor.

In the name of the Triune God and by His authority, in order that we might carry out His

mission to the world, we hereby authorize and obligate you:

To administer to us the Word of God in its full truth and purity as contained in the Sacred

Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments and as set forth in the confessional writings

of the Evangelical Lutheran Church as found in the Book of Concord;

To administer the holy sacraments in accordance with their divine institution;

To demonstrate the mind and spirit of Christ as your serve the members of this congre-

gation and equip them for Christ’s mission to seek and save the lost;

To equip and enable the members of the congregation to serve one another and those

outside the fellowship of the congregation;

To perform the functions of a pastor in an evangelical manner; to aid, counsel, and

guide members of all ages and social conditions; to visit the sick and the dying; to

admonish the indifferent and erring; to support the members of the congregation as

they extend that evangelical ministry to others;

To guard and promote faithfully the spiritual welfare of the members of this congrega-

tion, in particular to see to the instruction of the catechumens, both children and

adults, in the Word and prepare them for communicant membership in the church;

To guide the congregation in the divinely ordained discipline of the church according

to the Word of God and to assist and lead the members of the congregation in

practicing the forgiven life with one another;

To promote and guide the mission activity of the congregation as it is related to the

local community and endeavors of the Synod and its Districts, in particular to train

workers and guide them in evangelism and to enlist the support of the congregation

for mission work; (Continued on Page 2)

Diploma of Vocation Part 1 (Continued)

To serve as a resource and guide for members of the congregation as they participate in the

ministry of Christian education, and to train parents to teach the Christian faith to their


To assist the congregation in adopting administrative policies and procedures that will help it

carry out the mission of a Christian congregation;

To serve the congregation as an example of Christian conduct; to endeavor earnestly to live

in Christian unity with the members of the congregation, fellow workers, and sister congre-

gations in the Synod; and by the grace of God to do everything possible for the edifica-

tion of the congregation and the upbuilding of the Church in Christ.

In these eleven points the pastor is authorized and obligated by you to administer Word and

Sacrament according to the Sacred Scriptures and the Lutheran Confessions.

The pastor is to enable and equip you to seek and save the lost, serve one another and those

outside the congregation. Notice that the pastor is not the sole person in doing these things.

The pastor is to guard and promote the spiritual welfare of the congregation by preparing

children and adults in the Word of God and preparing them to receive the Lord’s Supper.

The pastor is to guide the congregation in church discipline and relating to one another as

forgiven sinners.

The pastor is to be a guide and resource in promoting evangelism and outreach, Christian

education, and administration to carry out Christ’s mission.

These are not things that the pastor does in a vacuum. The pastor is always guided by the

Scriptures and the mission Christ has given to his church on earth. That mission is spelled out by

our Lord:

And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and

of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.

And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age” (Matthew 28:18-20).

Then he said to them, “These are my words that I spoke to you while I was still with you, that

everything written about me in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms must be

fulfilled.” Then he opened their minds to understand the Scriptures, and said to them, “Thus

it is written, that the Christ should suffer and on the third day rise from the dead, and that

repentance for the forgiveness of sins should be proclaimed in his name to all nations,

beginning from Jerusalem. You are witnesses of these things. And behold, I am sending the

promise of my Father upon you. But stay in the city until you are clothed with power from on

high” (Luke 24:44-49).

These are not things that the pastor does in a vacuum. He equips and guides you as members of

the church to carry out the mission Christ sets before us.

Next month we look at what the congregation agrees to with the called pastor.

In Christ’s service, Pastor Mark

April, 2021 Page 3

Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Please prayerfully consider the answers to the questions on this survey. We know some of these

questions require some time and thought to consider, but we need input from everyone to

conduct a successful pastoral call. Thank you for your patience as we work through this process.

Please pray for wisdom and discernment for all leaders of the congregation. Please also pray for

the man God already knows will be our next pastor. All surveys are due in the church office by

April 14th at the close of business.

In Christ,

Immanuel Call Committee

Congregational Goals

What is the purpose of Immanuel Lutheran, Marshfield?

List at least 3 areas where the congregation is strong.

List any new opportunities ,or activities, that our church should try starting.

What can Immanuel do better?

What are two things that you believe your congregation needs more than anything else

right now, to be most effective?

Page 4 April, 2021

Pastoral Expectations

We recognize that the following may be very difficult to do, but we hope this description

will be helpful to you. Please try to rank the following pastoral functions according to what

you feel is the order of importance for your parish. Please rate each item with a number

from 1 to 10, with a 1 rating meaning “of no importance,” and a 10 rating meaning of

utmost importance. A description of each ministry area is listed on page 5 of the REJOICE.

What do you believe are the most important characteristics for a pastor to have?

(example: patience)

What things do you think are most necessary for maintaining good relationships between

pastor and people?

Do you believe that the congregation is sensitive to the pastor’s need for “private

time?” (For prayer, study, family, recreation.)

What should the Pastoral role be in the School/Child care center?

Singles ministry

Older adult ministry

Family ministry

Ministry to inactives

Small group ministries

Assimilation of new members

Lay leadership development

Personal witnessing


Preaching content

Preaching delivery

Teaching ability



Sick & shut-in visitation

Children’s ministry

School ministry

Child care ministry

Youth ministry

PROFILE DEFINITIONS for the Pastoral Survey CHILDREN’S MINISTRY: Relates well to children, and communicates effectively with them. Has a high regard for the Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, and other children’s ministries in the congregation.

YOUTH MINISTRY: Has an interest in and skill for working with young people. Understands that young people are also the church and works to equip them with God’s Word, saving faith, and the ability to live the Christian life. Is patient with youth, and understands the special challenges that they face.

YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY: Works well with this age group (18 – 30), and is sensitive to their special perspective on things and the needs in their lives.

SINGLES MINISTRY: Is comfortable and able to work with single adults and is sensitive to their special challenges and circumstances in the world. He understands that they do not at times fit into social structure that caters to couples and families.

OLDER ADULT MINISTRY: Has an interest in and skill for working with older adults. Is sensitive to their needs, willing to listen to their concerns, and gentle and patient with them in their weaknesses. Is faithful and conscientious in providing Word and Sacrament ministry to the shut-ins.

FAMILY MINISTRY: Is sensitive to the needs of families, is helpful in bringing biblical truth to bear on such issues as parenting, discipline in the family, and special issues arising in single parent families.

MINISTRY TO INACTIVES: Is concerned about members who are not active in the parish, visits in their homes, and works at bringing them back into the active life and service of the congregation.

SMALL GROUP MINISTRIES: Works well with small groups, such as Bible study groups, peer groups, special interest groups, and the like. He understands small group dynamics, and can identify and train small group leaders.

ASSIMILATION OF NEW MEMBERS: Is good at nurturing new members and helping them feel at home in the congregation. He assists the new members in becoming active and contributing members of the parish. He is sensitive to the special needs of people who are new to a congregation.

LAY LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT: Is capable of identifying people with good leadership qualities and then training and encouraging these people to assume leadership roles in the parish. Works at equipping people to carry out duties and responsibilities in the congrega-tion.

PERSONAL WITNESSING: Has a genuine concern for the lost, and conveys that concern to the people of the parish. Makes evangel-ism calls and encourages and trains the congregation to do the same. In his personal life he is an example of a good witness to the Gos-pel of Jesus Christ.

COUNSELING: Is open and accessible as a pastoral counselor to God’s people with God’s Word, but clearly understands his limits in terms of needs outside of the spiritual realm. Knows when he can help, and when he should refer to others. Carefully keeps all informa-tion in regard to counseling confidential. Is a good listener, is not judgmental, and uses God’s Word appropriately.

PREACHING CONTENT: Understands that preaching is more than a presentation of biblical narrative and Confessional soundness, but must communicate and proclaim Law and Gospel. Knows that preaching which edifies is presenting Law and Gospel in such a way that even a child can understand it. Makes the Gospel prominent in preaching, but preaches the whole Word of God with faithfulness. Makes clear application of the Word of God to lives of the people of the congregation. Is faithful to the Scriptures and Confessions in his sermons.

PREACHING DELIVERY: Preaches in a manner that makes the sermon interesting and understandable. Preaches with confidence and with a passion for the Word of God and for the people that God has placed in his care. Preaches in an engaging manner using good communication skills, and makes good use of illustrations.

TEACHING ABILITY: Understands that teaching is more than lecturing, and uses methods appropriate to his hearers, whether children or adults. Works to present material so that people grow in knowledge, attitude, and skill in regard to the Christian faith and life. Works to train teachers in the parish so that others in Sunday School classes or Bible classes may assist him in his work of teaching God’s Word in the congregation.

WORSHIP: Understands the nature of worship and leads the congregation in worship on a regular basis, and in appropriate manner and form. Carefully prepares for each worship service, and leads the congregation in understanding that in true Christian worship, that God is present in His Word and Sacraments and through these means of grace is delivering to His people the gifts that He has for them in Jesus Christ. He teaches and encourages the people to attend the worship services in God’s House faithfully, and works hard to make each service spiritually rich and nourishing.

STEWARDSHIP: Teaches God’s people the biblical principles of Christian stewardship, and models those principles in his own life. Works to help the people understand and practice what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ.

VISITATION (SICK AND SHUT-IN, OUTREACH, AND HOME): Understands that personal contact with members of the congregation and prospective members is very important. Makes visits to the homes of the people of the congregation, and also maintains a posture of availability to members who want to come and visit with him. Reaches out to people and is accessible to all, and is sensitive to the needs of the sick and shut-in. Gives high priority to individual soul care.

SCHOOL MINISTRY: Understands that personal contact with students, staff and school famil ies is very important. Partici-pates in outreach to students and school famil ies in and out of the classroom. Provides pastoral counsel to pr incipal and teaching staff as needed. Leads school chapel in rotat ion with other area pastors. Promotes the school when appropriate.

CHILD CARE MINISTRY: Understands that personal contact with students, staff and child care famil ies is very important. Part icipates in outreach to child care famil ies in and out of the classroom. Provides pastoral counsel to pr incipal and child care staff as needed.

April, 2021 Page 6


604 South Chestnut Avenue, Marshfield, WI 54449

Phone (715) 384-5121

Office Hours: 7:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Rejoice is published by Immanuel Lutheran Church,

Marshfield, WI to inform the congregation of

upcoming events as well as to promote Christian love,

fellowship and understanding.


Rev. Mark Wilkens

Rev. Donn Radde-Visitation Pastor


Dr. Karen Bahn – Principal, (715) 384-7968

7 & 8 Grade Teacher & 5-6 Health

Stephanie Wolf —7 & 8 grades’

Literature & Social Studies;

Rebecca Belt—Grades 3—8 Art

Renee Hammond—Grades 5—6

Courtney Gable—Grade 4

Lori Steingraber – Grade 3/School Music

Jill Helgerson – Grade 2

Brenda Kuhnau– Grade 1

Lindsay Meyer– Kindergarten

Renee Griepentrog —4K T,Th

Becky Weber—Computer/4K M,W,F

Jamie Henderson—P.E.

Dr. Karen Bahn—5-8 Spanish

Charles Jennings—Athletic Director

Diane Zimmermann — Nutrition Services

Lynn Hutchinson — Nutrition Services Assistant


Brooke Draves, Child Care Supervisor

Sheena Brunzo

Taylor Furgason

Jordyn Helgerson

Lynn Hutchinson

Makenna Johnson

Jeanine Kaszuba

Lindsay Nack

Emma Tarter

Christine Yang


Christine Garbisch—Business Manager

Heidi Schwanz—Administrative Assistant

Elected Board Members Randy McLellan—President

JJ Jensen—Vice President

Sarah Venzke—Secretary

Board of Education:

Kimberly Bernarde, Holly Klumb, Megan Korntvedt,

Hannah Barth, Amanda Sessions

Board of Elders:

Steve Steingraber, John Hart, John Scheppa, Sr.,

Glen Buth, Brian Mortvedt,

Board of Administration:

Corey Kuhnau, Linda Hart, Dustin Henderson,

Jake Bernarde, Rachelle Meyer,

Immanuel Lutheran School is now enrolling

3P, 4K & Kindergarten through 8th Grade

A small school with a big heart!

Sharing the love of Jesus everyday!


We are in the final quarter of the 2020-2021 school year. The year has certainly gone by quickly, but we still have important events happening. There will be no school on Good Friday or Easter Monday. Classes will resume on Tuesday, April 6th. Achievement testing is set for the week of April 12-16. Testing allows us to measure the academic growth of our students throughout the school year. Our students historically score highly on these tests. We are thank-ful to offer such a great Christian education here at Immanuel! Our annual Scholastic Book Fair will be the week of achievement testing. Stay tuned for more information coming on the book fair. Mid-quarter will fall on April 23rd Mid-quarter reports will be live on Fast Direct on that day. We are enrolling students for the 2021-2022 school year. If you are interested in our quality, Christian edu-cation, please stop by the office for information or give us a call. We would be happy to serve you and your children here at Immanuel Lutheran School. May God bless you all during this wonderful Easter season! Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia! In Christ, Dr. Karen Bahn, Principal

Immanuel Lutheran

Scholastic Book Fair

April 10-April 18, 2021

Transfer Membership to Immanuel Lindsay Meyer

From St. Peter’s Lutheran Church, LCMS Reedsburg, WI

Dennis Plemon

From Peace Lutheran Church, LCMS

Eau Claire, WI

Mission Statement "Immanuel Lutheran Church, School and Child Care Center:

Reaching out to all people, teaching and sharing God’s gift of Jesus Christ, with the values of

empowering, equipping and encouraging all the saints.”

FaceBook Live during Worship Service times.

Parking Lot Worship Sunday 9am,

On 98.1FM

View Sunday worship services on

Charter/Spectrum Cable Digital 989 :

Wed. 7am Fri. 3am & 11am Sun. 6pm

Midweek/special services are broadcast on

channel 990. Maundy Thurs.: 4/7-11:00am;4/9-7:00am;4/11-4pm

Good Friday: 4/7-12:00pm; 4/9-8:30am; 4/11-5:00pm

Immanuel Worship Broadcast

Page 7 April, 2021

“Sunday School” Saturdays at 4:00pm There will be no Saturday School on Easter

weekend. Join us April 10, 17 & 24th!

High School Bible Study on Wednesdays

at 7:15-8:00pm

The Elders voted at our March Elders meeting to try out a temporary test of a Sunday evening

5pm Contemporary service from Memorial Day to Labor Day in summer 2021. There would be no

Saturday 5pm service during this period.

We have several reasons for this summer trial. First, this would help families make it to a ser-

vice returning from weekend trips. Secondly, this change would help with special events like

weddings or other church school/events. Finally, This would put the service back on one unifying

day, the Sabbath. It could be that the time between services becomes a time of connection for

the whole church, with the potential for events and outreach that we haven't even thought of


We will re-evaluate the service at the first Elders meeting in July and would appreciate

your comments going forward. We currently do not foresee this to be a permanent year long

change and will see how this new service time is received this summer in our annual planning.

Our next Elders meeting will be on Tuesday, May 11th at 6:30 pm.

We as elders do realize this is a pretty big departure from what we as Immanuel have tradition-

ally done in the past. There have been so many changes in 2020 that this may seem like another

in a litany of lifestyle changes. I choose to believe that with all the humbling we have endured

for a little while this year, we are ready for growth. We are Immanuel.

Peace in Christ, Steven Steingraber , Chair, Board of Elders 715-281-0085

Immanuel Lutheran Child Care Center is

now enrolling for Summer Care 2021.

Immanuel Lutheran Child Care Center is


If you or someone you know is looking to fill

some hours and loves kids, please fill out an

application, available in the church office.


Page 8 April, 2021


Steve & Lori Steingraber

Patty Farnsworth


Len Kleinschmidt


Chandra Barrett


John & Linda Hart

Len Kleinschmidt


Patty Farnsworth

Bertha Bucknell

Bernice Neumann

Brad Neumann

SPECIAL OFFERINGS SPECIAL OFFERINGS SPECIAL OFFERINGS RECEIVED THROUGH RECEIVED THROUGH RECEIVED THROUGH MAR. 29th, 2021: MAR. 29th, 2021: MAR. 29th, 2021: (Please note on offering envelope which project you choose to sponsor)


Randy & Darlene McLellan

Steve & Lori Steingraber

QUILTERS Carol Luepke

TUITION ASSISTANCE Wayne & Barb Coblentz


In memory


In memory

Immanuel Lutheran

604 S Chestnut Ave

Marshfield, WI 54449

Immanuel Lutheran

604 S Chestnut Ave

Marshfield, WI 54449

Immanuel Lutheran

604 S Chestnut Ave

Marshfield, WI 54449

Housing for Pastor Mark Wilkens

Immanuel Family,

We have been blessed for the school year to have a member provide temporary housing to Pastor Mark in a cabin that was not being used in the off-season over the winter. This has been a tremendous savings to Immanuel.

We have found reasonable housing in an apartment. The cost of the apartment is over and above Pastor’s normal pay. (His normal pay goes to support his fam-ily home in Sheboygan.) The cost of this apartment is $400/month.

Please prayerfully consider contributing to the cost of Pastor’s apartment.

In Christ, Steven Steingraber Chair, Board of Elders 715-281-0085

The Annual voters Assembly is set For June 6, 2021. The Nomination Committee is being assembled. The boards can submit names of members up for reelection. I am accepting volunteers for the Nomination Committee and the Constitutional/Bi-Law Review Committee. Review Committee input is desired and will be accepted through the E-Mail process. Thank You. May the peace of our redeeming Savior comfort you. Randy McLellan President 715-207-9933 Cell 715-389-2775 Home [email protected]

Annual Voter’s Meeting

Immanuel Lutheran Women in Mission, LWML, collect their coins each month to support local, regional, national and international missions. This calendar is a tool you can use for yourself and your family to reflect on every day and also collect your coins for donation to good causes. At the end of the month, please do any of the following with your Mites: drop it off to the office, mail it in or place in envelope in offering plate labelled for LWML. Thank you!

Easter greetings to all from LWML Nine members joined in the phone meeting in March.

Please consider joining us for our April Meeting at 6:30pm on April 13th.

There will be no Salad Luncheon this year.

Easter, Confirmation and Graduation cards are available in the office.

Dial 1-312-626-6799 Enter Meeting ID: 868 9569 6950 Enter Passcode: 879887

If you would like to participate, and are not sure how to dial in, please let Eva Scheppa know. Lutheran Women in Mission