Download - Digital Natives Go Wild Pitch at CityCamp2

  • 1. Digital Natives Go Wild! A 21st Century Afterschool Club for Brighton & Hove

2. A 21st Century Afterschool ClubWe want the digital natives in our city to be: Digital creators not just digital consumers To play safe but learn to take risks Supporting schools, teachers and families Sharing ideas and participating fully in theircommunity Building skills, knowledge and values to supportthe well-being of the 3. Step 1: Getting the model right Workshop yesterday at CityCamp2 Get started Primary schools Elm Grove + 3 schools in Brighton & Hove Showcase event in Brighton Digital Festival Business plan Lots of questions to answer Social business, volunteers, workshops Links with health, education and business sectors Digital literacy research 4. Step 1: Getting the model right 5. Step 1: Getting the model rightApril September 2012Costs 4 SCHOOLS @ 10 WEEKSFacilitator (2 hours prep, 2 hours delivery, 20 p/hour = 80 p/session)Digital agent (2 hours delivery, 20 p/hour = 40 p/session)Materials + Refreshments + Venue hire CELEBRATION EVENT - DIGITAL FESTIVAL (SEPTEMBER) EQUIPMENT : 5 x iPad2TOTAL COSTS 9,062Income SESSION FEES3 kids on free school meals (B&H average 25%) p/session17 kids charged @ 7 p/sessionCELEBRATION EVENT (DIGITAL FESTIVAL)CITY CAMP BRIGHTON GRANT 5,000TOTAL INCOME 9,080 6. Step 2: Making it work at scale 7. Step 2: Making it work at scale More primary schools Resources + Materials Community links Fathers Network Black History/Brighton & Hove Told Volunteering Intergenerational 8. OutcomesHow the community gains What the children learn Social inclusion Active brains/active bodies Digital inclusion Interactive learning Digital literacy Family learning 100 kids and their Social interactionfamilies in the next 12 Collaborative skillsmonths and growing Entrepreneurshiprapidly Technology skills 9. Equalities Digital inclusion Free school dinners B&H ave = 25% Social franchise/not for profit Disability/accessibility Community connections Intergenerational, family learning Fathers project, boys literacy Light touch CPD for teachers 10.