Download - DigiDrill - Realtime - 2015_04


I.  About DigiDrill

II.  Aggregation Options

A.  MWD DataLogger

B.  Data Aggregator

III.  Command Center

A.  Functionality

B.  Display Examples

C.  WITSML Connections and 3rd Party Software

D.  Livelog Administration

IV.  Monitoring Service & Livelog

V.  IT Integration

VI.  Summary and Benefits

VII.  Contacting DigiDrill

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§  In Business since 2005

§  World’s Leading Provider of MWD Logging Systems

§  Leading Hardware and software provider in upstream Oil and Gas Industry

§  U.S. Company Headquartered in Houston, Texas

§  Development Team, Co-Location Server Bank, and Operations in Dallas, Texas

§  Currently operating in every major field in the United States

§  Currently over 1300 rigs worldwide are utilizing Digidrill products

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About DigiDrill

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Aggregation Options - Field Two Options Currently for Data Aggregation

■  Data Logger MWD/LWD Logging Suite

■  WITS Aggregator Data from MWD, Rig Sensors (EDR), and MudLogging

MWD Log / Trajectory MudLogger Rig Sensor


DataLogger MWD Logging Software


OR Rig Internet

Cell Phone Internet

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Aggregation – Server to Office

Server / Data Store Co-Location Dallas, Texas

Rig Site

Basic Mobile Logs

DigiDrill Monitoring 3rd Party

Applications <WITSML/>

Customizable Office Displays

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Command Center Dashboard

§  Map based overview of your wells drilling status §  Realtime “snap shot” of curve and directional parameters

Realtime Displays §  Create fully customizable logs with limitless tracks and curves per

track §  Chat functionality enables users to communicate any where in the

world §  Export custom PDF and LAS files §  Tool face, surveys, and log plots are viewed in realtime

Bulk Reporting §  Ability to create Planned Vs. Actual, Daily Logs, Survey Reports, etc.. §  One Click Auto Compiler to Email or Share logs from System with

other users

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Command Center Security

§  All data is backed up on a secure server co-location in Dallas, Texas

§  All data fully encrypted from wellsite to server §  User access and control given to company “custodian”, who can

add/remove users from any individual well. §  HTTPS available §  Data Monitored §  Can be setup on Company internal network

Archival §  Well data stays on the server for 6 months §  Afterwards data archival CD available upon request

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Command Center Google Style Map w/Roads

Rig Sites Color Coordinated by Activity

“Snap Shot” of last data received, version and last sync

Well Details, Current Status/Activity Double Click Well to

bring up Realtime Displays

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Command Center Customizable Gauges with Alarms

Fully Customizable Logs

Add as many tracks & curves as needed

Survey Data and ability to export to Excel

Steering Rose Bud with GTF / MTF and last 4 values received

Chat allows for people to talk that have access to displays

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Command Center

Switch between Vertical or Horizontal Log Plots

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Command Center

Planned Vs. Actual Displays §  Tabular Survey Data Chart §  Plan View §  Section View §  Easily Import Planned Data throughout Drilling Phase

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Command Center

Curve Properties §  Rename Curves §  Scaling §  Start and End Depth §  Wrapping §  Color and Line Weight §  Apply Formulas §  Change Data Gap §  Apply Customizable Smoothing

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Command Center

Fully Customizable Alarms §  Audio Default Sound or Custom §  Apply Calculations to Alarms §  Visual Notification §  Outlook Style Pop-Up §  Email and/or SMS Available Upon


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Command Center

Full Screen Log Plot or View With Gauges

Transparency Functionality for Quick Correlation

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Command Center Schlumberger Petrel

Halliburton Landmark

ROGII Geosteering

Paradigm Applications

BHL Boresight Geosteering

Smart 4D

Historian Software

Many more…

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Monitoring Service

■  Last data sent times visible in Command Center dashboard

■  24 hour help line ready to assist at anytime of day

■  All data backed up and redundant in case of data loss

■  State-of-the-art servers and co-location server banks minimize delay to your data

■  All Operations located in Dallas, Texas and ran by U.S. Employees

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Purpose §  “Snap Shot” of log data in viewer §  Manages User and Company Accounts §  Export PDF and LAS files §  License Management §  Reports §  Download Software and Release Notes

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Operations - Self Managed or Managed

Service / Monitoring Options

1.  Managed Service

a.  DigiDrill Monitors Wells from Dallas, Texas Operations

b.  Remote Displays available through Command Center

c.  Hosted on DigiDrill Dallas Co-Location Servers

d.  Integrate with your Internal Corporate DB

2.  Self Managed Service

a.  Your Operations / RTOC Monitors Wells

b.  Hosted on Your Server or DigiDrill Co-Location Server

c.  Training and Support Available

d.  Integrate with your Internal Corporate DB

24 Hour Help and Support Line is Always Available!

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IT Integration ■  Web Services to simplify Data Transfers between current business


■  Highly secure – HTTPS, No Public IP, No open ports required, and Encrypted.

■  Share data across multiple data bases and divisions

■  Feed analytical applications with up to the second realtime data and catch historical changes

■  Store data in local infrastructure

■  Willing to integrate with your current server and workstation environment.

Take Control of YOUR Data!

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Summary Geo-­‐Steering  

• Planned  Vs.  Actual  • Export  PDF  Logs  and  LAS  • RealMme  Depth  and  Time  Data  • Chat  funcMonality  with  MWD  Crew  

Safety  • Less  Field  Personal  • Smart  Alarms  • High  Frequency  Time  Data  


• Planned  Vs.  Actual  • Downhole  RealMme  Depth  and  Time  Data  • Custom  CalculaMons  • Accurate  Trajectory  


• High  Frequency  Time  Data  • Custom  CalculaMons  • Accurate  Trajectory  • Chat  funcMonality  with  MWD  Crew  


• Accurate  Trajectory  • BeXer  Well  Placement  • RealMme  Depth  Data  • Planned  Vs.  Actual  

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Summary ■  WITSML Connection available from Server for all enabled 3rd Party

Application (Interact, Landmark, SES, ROGII, etc..)

■  Accurate surveys and data directly from Vendors (MWD)

■  Highly secure – HTTPS, No Public IP, No open ports required

■  Highly customizable visualizations and logs

■  Developments came directly from customers/clients

■  Data available for 6 months after well TD, then archival options available

■  U.S. Operations, Servers, and Company. Your data and well information never leave the country.

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Day Tracker – Future Development

Benefits  §  AcMvity  Tracking  for  NPT  Analysis  and  opMmizaMon    §  Historical  data  analysis  at  your  fingerMps  in  one  database  §  KPI  Reports  §  Safety  Reports  §  Asset  Management  §  Company/Vendor  Management  §  Personnel  Management  §  Performance  ForecasMng  §  Benchmark  Analysis  §  Failure  StaMcs  §  Export  directly  to  Excel  

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Contacts James Spencer Account Manager Office: (866) 455-6894 Mobile: (281) 682-1377 [email protected]

Digital Drilling Data Systems, LLC 5929 W. Sam Houston Parkway N., Suite 808 Houston, Texas 77041 Office: (866) 455-6894 [email protected]

We thank you for your time and the opportunity to meet. Let us know if you have any questions.

About DigiDrill



Command Center


Day Tracker





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