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Digi-pack analysis

Page 2: Digi-Pack Analysis

Front Cover

It is interesting that Ed Sheeran has used a symbol for the title of his album instead of words. Therefore, this makes it easy for fans to associate this international symbol with this particular artist.

The fact that the cover is quite simple links to Ed Sheeran's image as an artists which is to be quite and ordinary person and not to actually look like a celebrity, from this the artist comes across as being very approachable person.

The artist is looking straight into the camera, which creates a sense of more direct address between Ed and his audience. For this reason it makes the purchase of this album a lot more personal and not just entertainment pleasure.

The main colour of the album is orange therefore, it makes it a lot more eye-catching and attracts individuals to the album. It is also fascinating that this was the choice of colour is orange because it contributed to part of Ed’s Sheeran image of which is his ginger hair. Therefore, this makes an iconic statement without having to state it clearly.

Ed Sheeran facial expression is quite neutral. This is interesting because it represents the style of music he makes, which is both upbeat but also quite slow. This is something which I want to symbolise on my album cover as well.

This information informs the audience of extra bonus context which the audience might be interested in.

Page 3: Digi-Pack Analysis

Back Cover

It is interesting that Ed Sheeran's website is printed on the left hand side of the album. Therefore, this means that fans are able to find out more updates from Ed in terms of his new realises of songs, merchandise or tour dates

There is a contrast between the orange background and white writing on the back. This allows the songs to stand out so the audience is able to clearly see what songs are featured on the album.

Also the songs on the list are in the centre of the back cover, white text which matches the theme used throughout the album.

The barcode in the bottom right hand corner on the back of the album is where it features on many albums today.

It is interesting that the album features the name of the record label on the back. Therefore, this is promotion for the company along with other information.

The font that has been used almost look like a type writer. Which gives the album it’s a more old fashioned fell and uniqueness which other albums might not necessary have.

Page 4: Digi-Pack Analysis

Front Cover On the front of the album the artist is looking down to the floor and has her eyes closed, this gives the album a more serious tone as she is not giving the audience any eye contact. It also creates a more peaceful tone, which reflects the album to represent a lot of emotion which she might not show within her other songs.

Her little clothing makes her appear more sexy and seductive, which Is part of her main image as an artist. However, it contributes to pop genre as the artist is wearing unique clothing. Which might inspire her female audience to be individual in the clothing and to stand out and have a your own identities as a person.

The contrast between the two different fonts represents the two sides that she has, although it may be hidden as she is often represented to be this “pop princess” who is glamorous and also sexy.

The font used here is Serif, which is a lot more traditional and formal.

However, this font is san-serif, which is a lot more playful and more informal. It almost looks like it has been hand-written.

There has only been one solid colour used on the front cover, although it is not very bright. Meaning it does not take away the main focus from the artist.

This album might appeal to mean due the sex appeal on the front cover. Therefore, some people might view her as being represented in a voyeuristic manner.

The album features a long shot of the artist which reveals her body and image.

Page 5: Digi-Pack Analysis

Back Cover The back cover is quite simple and plain like the front cover. Therefore, this suggest there is a theme which has been carried throughout the Digi-pack.

The back cover also includes a bar code, this is something which is featured on most albums.

It also includes the name of the record label Ariana is singed to. Therefore, this giving them promotion and more awareness in today’s music industry.

Unlike, the front where there is a contrast between the different fonts. The entire track list has been written in a san-serif font. This particular font was used on this track in order to make it stand out and more recognisable by the fans who will buy the album.

The font that the name of the songs has been written in, is the same font that Ariana names was on the front cover. Therefore, this suggests that the songs are personal to her.