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  • 7/28/2019 Didyou Know


    Ashley Stockton

    Period 3


    Did You Know?

    The Pickens Plan is a practical solution to the oil crisis we are going through.

    However will it ever become a reality? I hope so but congress is not going to make any

    changes unless the people insist on it by making a big priority in this election. A lot of

    false promises have been made by presidents from both partys regarding oil but this is

    due to our lack of follow through. As a country we need to demand that this issue is fixed

    and the Pickens Plan could be a way of doing that. We import an immense amount of oil

    from other countries 70% to be exact and it is costing us greatly. Not only is it making us

    dependent on these foreign countries it is also attributing to all our debt. By using

    alternative methods mentioned in the Pickens Plan such as wind power we will decrease

    our dependency on foreign countries hopefully one day being completely self-sufficient.

    The Pickens Plan is a great idea in theory but it is up to the voters to make sure action is

    taken. Without people demanding a change one will not occur because it is easier to leave

    the problems to the next generation.

    Did You Know

    that for more than 35 years, every President has promised to make the US energy

    independent, but over that same period, we went from importing 24% of our oil to

    importing almost 70%?

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    Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Bill

    Clinton and George W. Bush each meant it when they said it, but because oil was cheap,

    it was easier to kick the problem down the road. Over the past year, however, when

    worldwide demand began to exceed worldwide production, the price of oil has gone up

    and now has everyones attention.

    that the Pickens Plan creates economic activity, particularly in rural America?

    Sweetwater, Texas was typical of many small towns in middle-America. With a shortage

    of good jobs, the young people were leaving in search of better jobs. The town's

    population dropped from 12,000 to under 10,000.

    When a large wind power facility was built outside of town, Sweetwater experienced a

    revival. New economic opportunity brought the town back to life and the population has

    grown back up to 12,000. Not only that, but nearly a quarter of all the jobs in Sweetwater

    are connected to the wind farms.

    The wind corridor in the United States runs from West Texas all the way to the

    Canadian border east of the Rocky Mountains. In addition to creating new local jobs,

    thousands of Americans in other parts of the country will manufacture the turbines and

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    blades and help build and maintain the transmission facilities. These are good, high

    paying jobs here in the US.

    that wind turbines have little or no influence on agriculture?

    Compared to the size of land on which they will sit, wind turbines have minimal impact

    on the land. They dont interfere with farming and grazing, so they don't threaten food

    production or existing local economies. Farms will continue to operate in normal

    fashion. In addition to putting food on American tables, farmers will also produce the

    power needed to reduce our dependence on foreign oil.

    Farmers lease their land to the wind generation companies just the same way as they

    would have a lease for the oil and gas UNDER their property. This is extra income with

    no adverse environmental impact.

    that the Pickens Plan does not oppose additional drilling in the U.S.?

    In order to reduce our dependence on foreign oil, we must use all of our available

    domestic resources. We will eventually need everything that we can produce in this

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    country, whether it is new sources of domestic oil, additional natural gas, coal, nuclear or

    renewable fuels to replace imported oil and stop shipping dollars overseas.

    But remember we are importing 12 million barrels of oil each day. There is not enough

    oil left in the Outer Continental Shelf, off the East and West Coasts, and in Alaska

    combined to make up that oil deficit.

    that natural gas is cheaper, more abundant and is an America resource to cover us until

    a more permanent solution to our transportation needs is developed?

    More than 70% of US imported oil is used in transportation. Of all of the domestic

    energy resources available (domestic oil, natural gas, nuclear, coal, wind, solar, hydro,

    geo-thermal and bio fuels), only natural gas is easily used as a transportation fuel today.

    It is significantly less expensive than gasoline or diesel with prices in the range of $1.50

    a gallon.

    Electric cars like the General Motors Volt use battery power, but they are light-duty

    vehicles. You cant run a Semi on battery power.

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    that Natural Gas Vehicles (NGVs) are already in wide use?

    Using natural gas for transportation is not a new idea; it is a proven technology. Public

    transportation across the country has been using Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) for

    decades. Currently, approximately 20% of public transit buses in the U.S. run on CNG.

    There are approximately 8.7 million NGVs worldwide and that number is growing

    rapidly. But, there are only about 143,000 in the United States. There are numerous

    manufacturers of natural gas vehicles for the world market, including Ford, Honda and

    General Motors, which, alone, makes 19 different models of CNG vehicles, but none in


    that the Pickens Plan does not depend on your family vehicle to succeed?

    It is not family automobiles which will make the biggest, fastest impact. Of all the oil

    used for transportation, 38% is used by fleet vehicles trucks, buses, municipal and

    utility vehicles.

    About one out of every three barrels of imported oil goes into the manufacture of diesel

    fuel for tractor-trailers to move goods around the country. If, over the next decade,

    trucking companies large and small replaced their diesel vehicles with trucks running on

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    either Compressed or Liquified Natural Gas, we would very nearly meet our goal of

    cutting oil imports by 30% right there.

    We need to start with the largest fleets and then move into Main Street America. It will

    take some time but standing still and continuing down the imported oil path is not a

    realistic option.

    that Natural Gas Vehicles are safe?

    You probably use natural gas in your home for cooking, heating, hot water, etc. If its

    safe for use inside your home, it is safe to use to power a vehicle.

    Federally mandated tests, including collision, fire and high pressure tests prove that

    natural gas vehicles are safe. Unlike gasoline which can spill and remain on the ground

    at an accident scene, natural gas quickly dissipates as it is lighter than air. Natural gas

    has an ignition temperature double that of gasoline so accidental fire is unlikely.

    that we have plenty of natural gas to do this?

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    Natural gas is our country's second largest energy resource (behind coal) and a vital

    component of our energy supply98% of the natural gas used in the United States is

    from North America.

    Domestic natural gas reserves are twice that of petroleum, and new discoveries of natural

    gas and ongoing development of renewable biogas are continually adding to existing

    reserves. Largely because of improved drilling technology, our reserves have doubled

    over the last five years and are expected to double again in the next five.

    A recent study released by the American Clean Skies Foundation indicates that we have

    enough natural gas to last more than 100 years.

    that Natural Gas burns significantly cleaner than gas or diesel?

    Natural gas is the cleanest transportation fuel in widespread use today today. According

    to the California Energy Commission, greenhouse gas emissions from natural gas are

    23% lower than diesel and 30% lower than gasoline. In fact, the natural gas Honda Civic

    GXwhich is assembled in Ohiois rated as the cleanest production vehicle in the

    world. You can learn more about this car by clicking here.

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    that the wind doesnt always blow?

    Of course we all know that the wind doesnt blow all the time in every place! Small-

    scale wind farms are susceptible to periods of low production because of lack of wind.

    But what the Pickens Plan proposes is a series of wind farms that would stretch from

    Texas to Canada, over 1,500 miles long.

    Research shows that this corridor has the most consistent winds anywhere in the country.

    Its what makes us the Saudi Arabia of wind.

    While it is possible that some areas in this corridor may not have optimal wind conditions

    at any one time, it is highly unlikely that large portions would be idle at the same time.

    That is the reason that the Pickens Plan doesnt propose to completely eliminate natural

    gas for power generation. It will be needed to augment periods of peak demand.

    that Congress has an important role in making the Pickens Plan a reality?

    There are three important roles for Congress.

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    First they need to extend the renewable Production Tax Credit (PTC) for 10 years

    instead of two. This will cost about $15 billion a year (which is nothing compared to the

    $700 billion we pay for imported oil) but will give manufacturers the opportunity to do

    long-range planning and investment.

    Second we need to have new transmission corridors to bring the power from the wind

    corridor to the cities where it is needed most. When President Dwight Eisenhower called

    for the building of the interstate highway system in 1956, it moved quickly.

    If the government commits to modernizing our nations power grid in the same fashion

    that we modernized our highways, we can make some serious progress in a relatively

    short time.

    Finally the federal government has a fleet of over 200,000 vehicles. The government

    should take the lead and mandate all new federal government fleet vehicles use natural

    gas as their fuel. Because the fuel is cheaper than gasoline, they would immediately start

    saving taxpayer money and have a positive impact on the environment.

    that Boone Pickens is not in this for the money??

    As Boone has said in town hall meetings:

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    Im 80 years old and have more money than I will ever need. Ive given nearly $700

    million to various charities.

    All of the proceeds from my book, The First Billion is the Hardest go to the Brook

    Army Medical Center and the Fisher House where the families of severely wounded

    soldiers can come and live to be near their loved ones while they recuperate.

    This isnt for me. This is for my and your children and grandchildren. We are at a

    unique crossroads where we have the ability to confront this problem head on and do

    something that is critical for the future of our country.