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Page 1: Did The Moon Split

Did the moon split?

Page 2: Did The Moon Split

Contents What caused this ?

What Quran says ?

What Prophet Muhammad saww said?

What the science says?

Page 3: Did The Moon Split

The Lunar Surface

What caused this long crack on the moon??

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Lunar Surface

In many places the lunar surface is broken and a portion is down dropped, forming trench like features known as rimae

or rilles.

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Lunar Rille/Rimae

A Lunar Rille

Explanation: Discovered 200 years ago with

a small telescope

Three types of rilles are now recognized: Sinuous rilles – these have many

meandering curves, Arcuate rilles – these form

sweeping arcs. Straight rilles -- like

Ariadaeus Rille pictured left.

What could cause a long indentation on the Moon?

Photo Credit: Apollo 10, NASA

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Ariadaeus Rille

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Ariadaeus Rille

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Ariadaeus Rille

So what caused these Rilles?

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Ariadaeus Rille

This linear rille called Ariadaeus Rille was photographed by the Apollo 10 crew in 1969 during their historic approach to only 14-kilometers above the lunar surface.

Ariadaeus Rille is over 300 km in length; a portion of the central section of the rille about 120 km in length is pictured here

A linear section of the crust is dropped down along parallel faults or breaks in the crust to form a graben or fault trough.

The faulting must be relatively young because so few craters appear to be younger than the faults, and because the edges of the trough appear to be crisp and little affected by slumping and other mass wasting.

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What Allah Says in Quran?

Allah Subhana Tala says in

Surah:54: Al-Qamar:Ayah:1

“The hour has drawn near, and the moon has been cleft asunder” 54:1

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What Muhammad (saw) said? ~ Book of Bukhari

Vol 005, Book 058, Hadith Number 208.-----------------------------------------Narated By Anas bin Malik : The people of Mecca asked Allah's Apostle to

show them a miracle. So he showed them the moon split in two halves between which they saw the Hiram' mountain.

Vol 005, Book 058, Hadith Number 209.-----------------------------------------Narated By 'Abdullah : The moon was split (into two pieces) while we were with

the Prophet in Mina. He said, "Be witnesses." Then a Piece of the moon went towards the mountain.

Vol 004, Book 056, Hadith Number 832.-----------------------------------------Narated By Ibn 'Abbas : The moon was split into two parts during the lifetime of

the Prophet.

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Volumn 006, Book 060, Hadith Number 387. ----------------------------------------Narated By Ibn Masud : During the lifetime of Allah's Apostle the moon was split into

two parts; one part remained over the mountain, and the other part went beyond the mountain. On that, Allah's Apostle said, "Witness this miracle."

Volumn 006, Book 060, Hadith Number 388.-----------------------------------------Narated By Abdullah : The moon was cleft asunder while we were in the company of

the Prophet, and it became two parts. The Prophet said, Witness, witness (this miracle)."

Volumn 006, Book 060, Hadith Number 389.-----------------------------------------Narated By Ibn Abbas : The moon was cleft asunder during the lifetime of the


Book of Bukhari

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What Science says?Cause of Rilles?

Science is NOT YET SURE! Sinuous rilles are now thought to be remnants of

ancient lava flows, The origins of arcuate and linear rilles –like the

Ariadaeous rilles are still being researched See topic of research.

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Will you wait for science?

Or will you believe in Allah’s Words?

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