Download - Diary of a Psychopath-Isabelle's Story, Third Draft


Diary of a PsychopathIsabelles Story 3rd Draft- three chapters completed 3-16-2009Written by- Brianne Hawks

Chapter 106/24/2008So Ive been having the dream again. The dream I always have, where Im a kid, and I just have been given a kitten for my birthday. In the dream, Im playing with the kitten when it suddenly sinks its nails into me, and I throw it across the room. I still to this day remember that sound, the sound of its head hitting the wall. The dull thudding sound it made, and then its eyes glaze over, and blood pours out its nose, not a gush like you would see with a human getting hit, just a small little trickle of blood. After that, I continued to play with the dead kitten for over an hour. I liked it better that way; it let me pet it, try cuddling, brushing it, almost anything you could want but better. Ever since that day, Ive been fascinated with death. Fascinated with a need to see those few seconds of the in between when crossed over from life to death. To see what they saw when they crossed over, and every time I kill one, sometimes I think, you know, I am just a little bit closer to seeing it, seeing through their eyes what comes next. I began to kill more animals to see what they saw as they crossed over, being a licensed and well respected veterinarian in your field has that perk, and when an animal comes along that just might not make it, you get a that perk. Their eyes would have a dawning peace come over them then just cut out to blank after that. Ive never told anyone about my fascination with death. Ever since my first kitten, and of courseher, Ive always wanted to see what they saw as they crossed over; you know make sure there WAS something waiting for them on the other side. Sometimes I just wanted to see their reaction to what came next to see what they saw. But, there is no thrill with animals, on peace and sweet release. Last night I took it one step further. Luke and I had our usual date night in, where I agreed to cook and we would just spend the night in. I was reaching my three month limit him. Thats usually when I let them go, because they start to get so close, to the truth about me. I cant let that happen. So, Luke was sitting on the couch while I was making dinner and was talking about his parents. "Youll really like them," He said,

"Theyre really laid back and love animals, so youll get along really well." Yuck, I thought to myself as I contemplated meeting his parents. Guess Ive reached the fight or flight moment. I had finished with making the salad and started to reheat the soup I had made earlier. I just wish there was an easier way to do this. I thought with distance as I stirred the soup. I cant meet his parents; parents have built in radar to detect things in people. If I try to use my mask on them, Ill just end up being called a faker by them. I thought while furrowing my brow in thought. Jason was still on the couch just yammering away. Really he had become a nuisance, and meeting his parents were just like the straw that broke the camels back. Decision made I thought as I nodded my head quickly and walked over to the pantry for my spice to add. I opened the pantry in my small little kitchen and reached down to the bottom shelf, way in the back, for my special spice. It was in an un-marked, brown clay jug and was sealed with a cork lid. I brought it over to the pot of soup and pulled out some of the stalks and flowers that were in the jug. I know there was a time I would need these, and the rainy day had come. Grabbing up my large chopping knife I give them a run through and carefully wash the milky white substance that came out of the stalks, off my hands and the knife. Really one must be careful! I smiled to myself, he would never know what was coming and I would get to see a unique sight for the first time in my life. I placed the bowls onto the table and told Luke that dinner was ready, in a voice that I could muster as calmly as possible. We sat in relative silence as he began to eat the soup. He didnt even notice I was just sitting there watching him eat, not touching mine at all. He ate the whole soup, without complaint; in fact he actually made sounds that meant he liked it! "What are these, he asked holding up the secret ingredient. I smiled back at him and said with a laugh, "I thought you would recognize leeks by now honey." He scrunched up his face for second longer looking at them then shrugged and ate them quickly. Soon his bowl was empty. "That was delicious Isabelle! What was that, a veggie recipe you got off the food network?" He said looking down the table at my bowl. "Actually its an old family recipe," I started and met his eyes as he gave me a questioning look, "And I didnt eat because Ive had terrible heartburn all day, I thought it wouldve dispersed by now but its not let up even a little bit." I grimaced and held my chest as I said this and he smiled and just said, "Well then, do you mind if I have yours?" I couldnt believe my ears, HE WANTED MORE!?!?!?! I tried to keep my smile innocent but it came out devious I know.

"Sure Hun, but do you think youre really hungry enough to be able to eat both?" I asked innocent as a lamb. He was eyeing my soup and licking his lips, "Yeah I can give it some room in my stomach." I just laughed and walked the soup over to him and set it down. As I carried the other bowl away I could hear Luke say, "Boy its getting hot in here isnt it? Dont you think we should open a window or something?" I just kept smiling because I knew the drug I used was working. I walked back in from the kitchen to see Luke just sitting there, trembling. He looked scared. "What is it Luke?"I said slowly and with a smile. "I-I dont know, Im sweating, and trembling, andAND I CANT MOVE MY BODY!!" He said in a loud panicked voice. Thats when I knew my time to unmask had come. I started to giggle and walk slowly over to him. "Gee Luke; Im sorry youre feeling that way I hope it wasnt something you ATE!!" And I gave him a wicked little smile. He just continued to look scared and this is when I realized he couldnt even talk. So I reached his side and pushed him out of the chair, and he landed- on his side, I rolled him over, just so I could stare into those pretty baby blues. They were just wide as saucers and the pupils were actually huge! I mean like he was on acid, huge! Youd think theyd be pinpoints because of the fear. And then I thought about it. Ahh yes, the "herb" I sat down on Lukes lap and smiled down at him while he just stared up at me his eyes huge with fear. "You know those Leeks that you were so happy to munch on Luke? Well they werent Leeks. In fact, youre really not supposed to eat them at all. Its an herb called Hemlock, see. And I ordered it awhile ago. Thinking it would come to this in our relationship. Now you started out sweating, then came the trembling, and of course the muscle movements restricted. But you dont know what the final result is." I paused in my narration to smile down at him. He tried to open and close his mouth, like he wanted to say something but couldnt. So I give him my sweet smile and pinch his cheeks, "Oh its okay Luke, you dont need to say anything. I understand it all. And soon so will you because the last symptom is the freezing up of the lungs. You wont be able to breathe. So of course, in a matter of mere minutes, youll choke to death, suffocation, man thats got to be a horrible way to go." I said all this with a pathetic attempt of pretending to be sorry for him. But I was having too much fun and my face reflected my glee. Suddenly I could hear faint half gasps coming from his mouth, short and tiny like he was quietly trying to gasp for air. I wasnt making it any easier as I was sitting on his chest, but it was fun to of course be a weight that helped to strengthen the hemlocks power. So I sat there and keenly watched his eyes, his mouth bobbed open and shut for quite a few minutes reminding me of a fish that I had caught once when I was about 14, it just opened and closed its mouth several times, then stopped as it could no longer breath above water. Lukes eyes were absolutely bulging now, like he could pop a vein at any minute and his hands began to faintly slap against the floor, looking for anything to helpbut of course, there was nothing. I sat back and clapped,

laughing with glee, this had felt better than any Christmas I could remember. Finally his mouth was opening and closing much slower. And his gasps were like tiny hiccups. He jerked, once, twice, and then was still. I stared into his eyes for a few seconds while checking his pulse on the side of his neck No pulse, and there seemed to be no change in his eyesight. Damn! How did I miss it? I thought in bitter disappointment. I slapped his face and pushed against his chest to stand up. I could feel the scowl formed on my face. I would definitely have to think more on the next one. Since I did this one, I knew I was going to be another. Who is the question, and When. Suddenly I hear a voice, a little girls voice, "Promise me! Promise youll make them pay!" Not wanting to deal with that voice right at the time. I decided to get it together for the task I pulled on Lukes arms and dragged him towards the bathroom, based on his size I knew it was shear adrenaline that was working with me at the moment. I then took off his shirt pants and underwear, not forgetting his socks and shoes. Thank God for me he wasnt wearing any jewelry or a sports watch or anything. Getting rid of those things wouldve been hard and had a chance of always ending up leading back to me. I laid him in the bathtub and had done up the whole room in plastic with silver duct tape. It was a trick I borrowed from someone else but it was a good one. I had as tools a power chainsaw and my trusty electric carving knife. Both of which I somehow received as presents and never have used them. I started the bathwater to run and added a half cup of bleach. I knew that it wouldnt stop the police from discovering blood in my apartment but it would at least distort it from being recognized as to whose it was. I pulled out my carving knife, thanking Aunt Ruth for giving me what could potentially be my favorite new toy. I picked up Lukes arm and cut straight down into his flesh, a squirt of blood came popping out but not as much as you see on the movies. Moving the knife at an angle and down I began to form the first slice of what would become animal food for the wolves and bores that hunt in the desert for food at night. It went pretty quickly and cleanly, actually. Pretty soon I had about three garbage bags full of meat, organs, and bone. I took my presents out to Jasons car. I drove about an hour and a half out of the city on the way towards Primm. I then, got busy on burying the bones of my now ex-boyfriend. I smashed his skull into fragments and buried all the pieces four feet deep and 16 feet away from each other. Keeping the fingers and burying them a mile away. I was making sure that no one would be able to identify him and trace it back to me. Then as dawn broke, I was finally done, and I drove Lukes car to an empty apartment parking lot. I picked this lot because it and the one next one, doesnt have camera. I felt secured in the fact that I had disposed of him properly. I also, scoured my apartment with a bleach cleanup, just to make sure no DNA or blood existed to link me to his disappearance. I would have to call it in the next day that he was missing. I sat on my couch and feeling proud of myself,

immediately fell asleep and slept all night, for the first time since I was a child. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

06/25/2008 6:57a.m.Charlie Davidson was sitting at her desk poring over her case files; sure she'd find something that a thousand other eyes had just seemed to miss. She knew better, smarter, had something that they...well just didn't have. But this was why she always worked alone. Of course all her partners ended up not being able to work with her, but mostly they just couldn't keep up. They couldn't see the picture that she could. Charlie sat back and pinched the bridge of her nose together. She sighed and quickly lopped her head from one side to the other and the sound of bones popping echoed through the empty squad room. She looked around her in the semi-darkened area and again sighed, she knew it was late and her shift was over for a long time. She stood up and stuffed some files into her duffel bag and started the long stretch of hallway down towards the stairs and out. Maybe if she got some sleep, her fresh mind would catch something her tired mind wouldn't. There was one squad room left with lights on, weird. She paused just at the edge of their entrance to listen in on the conversation. She knew it was the day shift because night was all condensed and downstairs. She had to lean in closer and strain her ears to pick up even a whisper of their conversation, that's how quiet they were being, but she could hear them. "Well all I'm saying is a car turns up, in a side of town that he doesn't go to, with no cameras looking, the car is devoid of any trace...EVEN HIS, and no one can find gotta think it's a pro job." That was voice one. Voice two starts in with, "Pro? PRO???? NO WAY!! A PRO job would have the guy sitting IN the front seat with his brains sprayed on the windshield AND no trace!! No this is someone who knows Crime Scenes enough clean up but left something on or in the body to where they had to get rid of it." Voice one, "Well if we know it's not just a missing person then why we holding on it, we should just walk it up to the know-it-all she's still up there ya know. I can't stand her but the bitch has got a nose and can sniff out the body AND the perp. in real quick time:" Voice two, "HER!?!? NO WAY!! I'd rather give it to Simmons than to that cunt, she's so frigid and uppity. She acts like she's got the shit wrapped up when she gets it. Damn I can't STAND her!" Voice one, "What happened, she turn you down for a date? Hahaha, even the ugly and lonely meter maids won't date you pencil dick! I'm telling you take it to Davidson in the morning, if you know what's good!" Davidson was good and ready to walk in and just snatch it from them, and shove shit in their nose, but really she expected crap like this from the men of the squad. She usually was right, and being hot, smart, and unwilling to date anyone she worked with made her very unlikable at the station. Without pausing to see

if they noticed, she walked by the doorway to missing person's squad room and continued to walk down the stairs and then out and on towards home.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.

Chapter 206/25/2008The sun intruded through my blinds, and glared into my eyes brutally. I peeked one of my eyes open and chanced a glance at my alarm clock 5:53 a.m. I still have time before I have to be in the clinic. Then the memory of last night came flooding in. Flashes of Luke's eyes and the spurting of blood as I sawed through his skin and muscle, and the smell of burnt bone, reminding you of when you go to the dentist and have a toot drilled, all came back at once. 'Holy Shit!' Adrenaline surged through my body as I realized what I did. I felt alive, wired, excited, like it was a dream, and hadn't really happened. Again I thought of his eyes, they weren't peaceful as animals were, his were questioning like, why did this happen to me. I now knew I would never again be satisfied with the deaths of animals. I had upgraded. Yet still I wasn't satisfied, his eyes had not shown me the answer, those last few seconds, didn't give me insight as to what it was that was waiting on the other side. I shook myself from those philosophic thoughts and did a mental checklist to make sure I had thought of everything. I did not want to get caught like others. Cops said killers always wanted to get caught and that's why they left things behind. They did it either consciously or subconsciously. Well even though there had been no blood in the house I had scrubbed the pathway I used with bleach, just to make sure. I had washed the entire bathroom with bleach. Which any CSI watcher knew it diluted the blood sample and made it impossible to tell the DNA or blood type, they could tell if blood was present, but any lame ass story could cover that. I even cleaned the drain. I tossed the hemlock in my favorite keepsake brown jar into garbage dumpster...five miles away. I drove his car to another city and left it in a parking lot with no cameras. And, wiped the car clean of all fingerprints and used a unique and powerful lint cleaner to pull all hairs and fibers from the car then followed it up with a dual wind tunnel hand vac that promises if you have very sensitive allergies that NOTHING will be left behind. I didn't have that problem but somehow I knew when I bought it back three months ago I would be using it for a special reason. Wow, no wonder I slept so well. I was exhausted from all the work. I thought about what I would do next, who would I kill next? Should I kill guys? I thought about trying to seduce girls but I got slightly sick to my stomach. Okay so I would stick to guys, and maybe to be safe I should stick to strangers, yeah

the more you don't know about them the more random it would be and the less likely for me to be caught, My mind was drawn in a daze to his eyes, and I remembered how glazed over they got after he finally passed. His eyes became dilated and were big as saucers, the only time his blue eyes were completely black. Then like a scream I saw her eyes. It was the cold blast of reality that I needed to get my butt moving again. 'Damn,' I thought, 'All these years, and I had almost forgotten her....almost.' But I hadn't, not really. I could never forget that day, and my promise to her. I snapped my head up from drying my hair, the promise!!! I HAD forgotten. But now I remembered and now knew exactly the type of guy I would be going after and why. The look in their eyes will be an after effect, pleasure after the work. I WILL DO WHAT I SAID I WOULD DO!! And then it was like I was back there again, and I could hear her, 'you promise me, promise me.' "I promise! I pinky swear promise I'll get every SINGLE last one of them!!" I said it out loud as if she could hear me, well maybe she could. And with that I made my decision. All day I tried to get my puppy love feeling back, the excitement that tingled my hairs, but the thought of her just turned and soured my stomach. I felt itchy and hot, like I was too full of energy and needed to release this pent up anger. I realized that I would have to strike again, and soon. This feeling, knawing at my stomach would not be abated until I had satiated it. At the clinic, I worked in silence as I was checking a beagle for worms. He whined as I stuck my finger up his rectum to get a sample. My mouth curled up on one side and I dug in a little deeper. The pup whined a little more, and that brought a brief smile to my face. "Dr. Burns?" said Lahna, my dumpy assistant. She was 5'4" about 180lbs. I'd say and had dirty blonde hair with brown eyes. BORING! She would stand by me wringing her hands, ALWAYS wringing her hands, and open and close her mouth a fish! I knew she wanted to say something most of the time but was too nervous. I know I could turn to her and say 'Yes Lahna?' But that would be inviting a conversation, and implying that I cared which I DON'T! And besides she sweated, ALL THE TIME, and she- well she just bothered me. I hired her because she was smart, didn't talk back, was eager and a hard worker, and not once had asked for a day off or a raise. "Yes?" I said again, as pleasant as possible .Really, I couldn't stand any of the girls I worked with, but then again I was a great actress and couldn't stand anyone. "Are you...okay? I mean, you usually don't talk about your private life or even talk unless to give orders...and that's fine, but you seem...distressed." She paused and then pursed her lips as if she was practicing to be a therapist "Did you break up with your boyfriend?" "Why no Lahna, but I did have trouble sleeping last night, maybe that's it." And left it at that. It was really none of her business and I let her know that by turning my back on her. It angered me that she would dare to ask a personal

question and angered me even more that my mask slipped, and with that I gave an extra little dig into the beagle which in response he whined a little more. Damn people! After dealing with all my appointments and walk-ins for the afternoon I went into my office and closed the door. I was still feeling distressed from that mornings revelation and already I wanted that thrill back, to feel that warmth in my body again. To look into another person's face and see what their last look would be. I decided I would keep my promise and keep to men, assholes to be exact; I would look for them in bars. Men, well assholes especially are...dumber, and more trusting at least when it came to women. I laughed derisively at this and turned to catch myself in the mirror. My even white teeth gleamed perfectly against my evenly tanned skin. Should be evenly tanned, I paid a fortune for this tan. Went in once a week for two hours, twenty for the tan, hour for the pedicure and manicure, also get my roots touched up, well I'm a natural blonde but it is a nasty dark ash blonde, I get my eyebrows, and OTHER places waxed, all so I can look good enough to turn down 90% of men! I stopped and turned to face myself squarely in the face and to observe myself. I have mid-elbow length honey blonde hair, blue eyes with yellow streaks, eyes that mother later swore were witch eyes, with this thought I widened my eyes a little and laughed some more, then kept up the scrutiny. I had teeth that my dentist said I could be a model with, lips that any guy would want to kiss. Not to mention legs that go on for days, and breasts that would make a pinup jealous. An ass any dancer would kill for and a stomach that I work on three times a week for twenty minutes in the morning. Hmmph! Basically I'm perfect. Just had to make sure, because I have to be able to seduce any dope into taking me home with them. Even better I have to make them totally unaware of what I was eventually going to do to them. I stood up from behind my cherry oak desk that was in front of a double bay window, to the right was a single frosted glass window that let out onto a flat cement terrace where I had a wrought iron chair and a hidden pack of cigarettes and coffee can, a sordid secret I didn't want anyone to know about, to the left in the corner opposite of my patio, I had a small 1.5 bathroom that had a toilet that I could take comfort in knowing that only I use it, a pedestal sink with a gold handle fixture, a cherry wooden framed mirror, and powder blue towels that hung on the right wall. On the wall following the bathroom were ceiling to floor cherry wood (are you detecting a theme here?) bookcases that followed to the edge of the wall where there was an indentation and a sort of alcove in the wall just behind the dark wood door. The bookcases were of course filled with books on animal anatomy and surgery and sicknesses, as well as prescriptions and suggested amounts. I walked right by these bookcases through the expanse of my office to the little alcove to the calendar that was almost hidden behind the

door. With the marker that hung there I wrote down three days from that day 'T.S.K.' and stood back with a smile. On Wednesday I would go hunting for "The Second Kill".

06/25/2009 10:54p.m.Detective Charlie Davidson, walked into the patrol station with the thoughts of that conversation and the peculiar missing person's case on her mind. Would she have to hunt those two down and ask for the case? Or would they find her and give it to her? She was so deep in thought that she almost didn't hear her boss calling her. "Davidson! Get your head out of your ass!! I need to see you" She snapped her head up and was blushing by the comment he'd said. He must've called her name several times to have been that sarcastic. Usually he's very amicable. So she tossed down her duffel bag and chanced a glance around, but everybody was busy with talking, working or on the phone. So with a sigh and feeling very much like getting sent to the principal's office she walked up to the lieutenant's office. She quietly stepped in and said, "You wanted to see me?" "Yes, Detective, it seems you have fans...oh shut the door please" She turned to close the door and Lieutenant Franze waved her into a chair facing his desk. Charlie settled in and with a questioning look she parroted, "I have fans?" Lt.Franze replied, "Yes fans, a peculiar missing case has come in and the cops who got the call think you're the one who will best solve it" At this Charlie had to keep from smiling, it seemed the two cops had decided to bring her the case anyways. Maybe they HAD seen her and that's why Lt. Franze was assigning it to her now. So to test the waters...Charlie said, "Which cops were those, Lt.?" He replied, "I don't really know, they're Sergeant brought it to me and said they thought it required an analytical mind and requested you specifically. So you up for it?" He gave her, his one eyebrow raised and his lips pursed as if to say, you don't really have a choice here, so you better say yes. Charlie responded with, "Lt. I'd be honored." She quickly grabbed the file and started to read it. It was just as she overheard it. Car was left in a parking lot with no cameras; it was devoid of any trace, even of his own. Car had been identified by his family....her eyes skimmed down and then caught on a name...ALEX SILVERHAWK!?!?! HIs brother??? Oh crap. That meant it was a family member of a cop! Charlie was stunned and now knew why those two guys wanted the best on it. Boy in blue deserves to know what happened to his family. "Hey...Davidson. Can't you read that at your desk? Better yet, why don't you go down and check out the crime scene. They held it for you." Lt. Franze said with a dismissing annoyance. Blushing again for being caught as the 'tard, Charlie stood up quickly muttered something that she didn't even know what is was and was out and into her car

within minutes. When she reached the scene, the car was there just like the Lt. said but CSU was not. So she called them down. And started to her usual checkpoints. She noted that the parking lot she was in indeed did not have cameras and neither did the one next to it...BUT!!! AHA!! She thought to herself. Looking across the street she noticed the parking lots there HAD cameras! And there was a bus stop within the view of one of the cameras, Of course all this took about an hour for her to figure out but as soon as she did, she called and got a report of when the buses came through that stop, and a copy of that camera that was in viewing of the stop. It was a stop motion camera, so she just had to hope it caught a view. For now she stuck up shit creek because none of the other cameras showed when the car was parked. No one knew how long it had been there or who had parked it. So she made pictures of all the people that got on that bus from the night before until when it was discovered. That was when she made a call to her brother in blue, Alex Silverhawk. She felt a little choked doing this, knowing it might be hard for him to have to do this, but he'd also want to know where and what had happened to his brother. Alex picked up after one ring, "Hello?"

Chapter 306/26/2008I was enjoying a quiet night at home, something I had forgotten how much I loved while Luke was around. I was cuddled up on a huge red velvet couch watching Nova on PBS and eating a huge salad with Salmon bites, (I'm a vegetarian, and I do eat fish and chicken once in awhile but no sashimi. Sushi is NOT for me) when the doorbell rang. 'Shit! Who could that be at this hour' I never felt ill at ease answering my door, like fearing it was a rapist or a burglar. I was a black belt in several forms of power martial arts, and lived in a nice neighborhood. Just the same I always played it safe. "Who is it?" I called out through the door while I peeked through the peephole. I saw a tall man with curly black hair, olive tan skin and dark brown eyes; he sort of looked like a younger Benjamin Bratt. "Umm, Sorry to bother you like this Ms. Burns. You don't know me but I am a friend of Lukes."

He said haltingly. "Yes?" I said still not wanting to open the door. Damn! I knew Luke had friends but I didn't know he'd opened his damn mouth about where I lived! "Well...uhh, you were the one to report him missing. So I thought I'd come by and see if there was anything you remembered or knew that could help me in my personal search." He paused, sighed and ran his hand through his mess of curls. "Look I know it's late, I'm sorry, it's just he was my best friend since grade school. I don't know if I trust the police to do the best of jobs in this case." I sighed in turn and realized this was going to be tricky. If I turned him away it would look like I didn't care and then they might become suspicious of me. So I put on my best exhausted and caring face and answered the door. "Hi" I said with a sad note in my voice, not looking at him but at the floor. "I just can't believe he disappeared in my neighborhood of all places. It's usually so safe here; sorry I gave you the runaround. I just was spooked." I blurted out like I was a nervous and frightened woman who suddenly saw the city closing in on her. I glanced up to see if he bought my routine. He gave a grievous look for even knocking on my door at such an hour, and he also looked shocked, either he didn't know I looked this or he recognized me but was trying to hide it. I continued to look down as I swung my door open wider and invited him in to my penthouse apartment. My apartment was the envy of everyone in the building. Dark wood floors covered in oriental rugs My red velvet couch with oversized cushions that sunk in comfortably when you sat on them. I had a modest TV. since I was not yet ready for a hi-def whatchamacallit. I had three walls covered from ceiling to floor books in side by side dark cherry wood bookcases (yes again with the dark cherry okay so it was my favorite). I had wooden floors in a rustic bamboo, not only because it was durable but it was green and I was an eco-friendly person, mostly so I could shove it down other peoples' throats about how they should be. The den had the couch that faced the TV. wall with a shelf on either side, painted a dark stain, and on opposite sides of the couch were small table stands in dark stain each with a white porcelain based lamps, the shades were covered in a myriad of oranges and reds, causing a fire-like look to the lamp. The room recessed even further back, to where there was supposed to be an eat-in or breakfast nook, but here I just had bookshelves, in...You guessed it! Dark cherry wood. Filled once from floor to ceiling in chilling mysteries, crime novels, true serial killers life stories, and books by cops about the ones they'd arrested who'd almost gotten away with it. Not to mention the criminology and Crime Scene technology books I'd consumed like a pig all those months ago. Keeping up to date, yes not consciously knowing what was to come, but all those books were gone, and

replaced, quickly I might add, with all my old college books of necropsy books, English, Shakespeare(pervert, trust me on this one), mathematics, philosophy, physics, and psychology, hmmm I always considered that a "soft science" really. I mean after fifty years of invasive testing, shock therapy, and even questioning under duress, they still know nothing concrete. Its funny when I was eight, my mother really started to worry about me and had an IQ test, a psychology test, and psychiatry test done on me. She never told me the results, but she did wring her hands a lot more. She would look at me with this almost, frantic expression. It would make me smile, I used to fantasize about hiding behind the couch or the hallway and jumping out and scaring her, just so I could see her worry more. Anyways, my apartment is antique but has traces of modern and I can tell asHe, walks in he is purveying this front living area with interest, looking at the ceiling, the floor, over at my small and modest kitchen, and...Then to my couch, where I offer him a seat. I turned the TV. off so I could focus on him straight off and as I looked forward I could see from the corner of my eyes that he was looking at me, studying me. I would say that I could already tell he wanted me, as if I could see that like any other guy in his situation he was looking for consolation and to feel good again. I looked at him directly, but he didn't look away. Again I got the sense he was a Benjamin Bratt Look-a-like. And with that a thought started to tug at my mind, like my subconscious was trying desperately to tell me or warn me of something, but I was too focused on Him to listen. His face softened a little and he looked, wistful, almost longing, I felt hooked on his gaze and had to tear myself from his hypnosis to even get out a sentence"So what is your name? And what are you hoping for me to tell you?" I asked directly and I knew a little too harshly, I was supposed to be playing the bereaved with him and so I dropped my eyelids and turned the corners of my mouth downwards to ease the harshness of what I had just said. "My name is Alex, Alex SilverHawk and I just wanted to know if he was acting unusual when he left or if you actually saw him leave that night. Or if you saw his car still here in the morning or if you remember anything unusual? "Well, Alex, I'm Isabelle. Umm to be perfectly honest the night ended like any other. I mean I walked him to the door, we said good night. And I really didn't think to look out the window to see if he got to his car alright. I mean I thought this was a good neighborhood." Again I looked him directly in the eyes, but I lowered my lashes and chewed on this inside corner of my mouth, trying to look thought provoking. "How did you first discover he was missing?" he asked, and this time he gave me a piercing look, much like the one I had given him moments before. It was unsettling. 'Uh-Oh, I thought quickly, 'How did I notice he was missing....' But my subconscious, genius that it was supplied the answer smoothly from my brain down to my mouth, before I even had to think on it. "Well his work called me saying they couldn't reach him on his home phone, business cell, or personal. So I tried calling them and it went straight to voicemail. At first the cops tried to give me the runaround that I had to wait 24

hours, but I pushed and finally got them to say they would at least check into it for me." He sat back and thought on that for a minute, chewing on the inside of his lip as his mind processed this new bit of info. I couldn't help but stare at his mouth while he chewed, and his eyes darted to mine, catching me in the act, I looked up startled. And that's when I saw it, saw him, HIS EYES. I knew then I wanted to see his eyes when they crossed over. But put that from my mind to talk. Now I have a question for you. Did anyone not like him? Have a grudge? Anything like that?" I asked softly as if to say it nicely but still like I was probing him as much as he was me. He sat back on the couch for a moment and thought. His eyes looked off somewhere in the distance, again, that I couldn't see and again I imagined what his eyes would look like when he took his final breath. This time it was so strong it caught my breath in my chest. "You know," He started, "There was this one girl. She was what I called the 'Trifecta of Scary' She stalked him for about six months afterwards. Hacked into his email accounts. Called him day and night. Peeped into his bedroom. And followed him home from work." "Wow." I said genuinely amazed. To think a girl that desperate for such a despicable gender. Mind bending. Really. I shook off the thought and got back to what Alex said..."He finally got a Temporary Restraining Order against her and managed to keep her away. That was a year ago. "Well, did you tell the cops about her?" "Of Course." "What did they say?" "Just...We'll look into that." I made my face into a mask of crestfallen. "Oh" "Yeah doesn't sound very promising" "Well I am sure cops don't want to give false hope" I looked at the clock. 3:30 a.m. flashed on the DVD player. Crap. "Umm I hate to break up our sleuthing team thing...but I have to be at work in five hours and really need sleep. I have a minor surgery to perform tomorrow." "Wow. You're a doctor?" I made a small modest smile. Damn right Mother Fucker. "Well just a veterinarian" "Oh that's so great, you love animals because so do I! "Well, He said, as he stood, "I'll let you get your Z's" Call me at the office tomorrow, I said with a grin. "Maybe we can have lunch and do the whole Scooby Doo thing again" 'And

maybe I can get just close enough to see what you're eyes will look like as you take your last breath. The thought was dizzying. I felt a like a hunter purveying the land, picking out her prey. I felt....powerful. Alex smiled back, "You got it." And he headed for the door. Oh, I will have fun watching his eyes snuff out. I lay against the closed front door just letting my mind imagine what that heavenly creature would look like as he winked out of existence. I pictured his eyes, looking at me with fear and understanding, like he realized it was me that bested him. But then her eyes pierced the reverie and the moment was ruined. I felt ill to my stomach again. And reality came crashing in as I realized if both of them went missing both so quickly and also both last in the company of me, I'd be picked up so quick it'd make my head spin. 'For now it seems Alex, you will have to be a fantasy,' I sighed with that sullen thought and just stalked off to my bedroom passing straight out on bed without changing.

06/26/2008 3:47a.m.Charlie anxiously sat beside her desk, waiting for an update. She had sat at the desk practically all night last night only going to the lights out room for a nap because she was dead tired. She couldn't believe she had allowed Silverhawk to do this risky undercover operation by himself. But it had seemed she'd been bamboozled from the beginning. Yesterday she'd called Narcotics Detective Second Grade, Alex Silverhawk, first to tell him she was on his brother's case, and second that she might have a lead. She told him to come over and look at some photographs. He said that he'd not yet met his brother's (adopted brother) girlfriend but she was the person he was last with before he'd disappeared and she'd called it in herself. He knew what her basic looks were and described them to Charlie. Lo and behold about 1:20a.m. A woman fitting her description is seen crossing over to the bus stop and getting on eight minutes later. They wanted to keep the element of surprise for as long as possible on and to keep her from suspecting that they knew it was her. Alex surmised the easiest way to guile her, would be to pose as a grieving friend and act like he was just there to reach out to anyone else who was sad to lose Luke as well. "If she is just as manipulative as I think she will be, she'll try to act and play this out as best as possible. I'll lay on the guilt and keep it on thick and she'll break. Trust me; I eat girls like her for breakfast." Alex said with a cold look in his eyes. Charlie had seen that look plenty of times, since she's the one to either clear a cops name or to hunt down a killer of a cop's loved one. But to Charlie, Alex looked like a softie, like he'll get eaten alive. 'If that girl is even half what I think she is, and I think she's a sociopath...just starting out. He'll be dead if he tangles with her too much' Charlie thought with a piercing look at Alex. "Well, just be careful, one night Silverhawk. You hear me? You're only going to identify her, because that's all we need." Charlie said sounding like mother but

her warning fell on death ears as Alex walked out the door. And now Charlie was basically tearing her hair out as she waited for that call. She was just about to get another cup of coffee when- RING RING!!! 'OH THANK GOD!!! She rushes to pick the phone up and almost drops it in her fervor, but finally she grasps it correctly and says, "Davidson here" "Charlie? It's Alex....It's her! Isabelle is the one in the photo! I am not just giving up though. I think I can study her and get a working profile of her criminal behavior. Actually figure out her method of madness to a precise enough point as to when she'll next strike, what sets her off, and how she might attack next. I can get her, I know I can, just give me time! I saw her mask today all perfect in place, but I also saw it slip...she doesn't even suspect me. I'll nail her three sheets to the wind before she'll smell me coming!" He said this so vehemently. Charlie could tell he sounded different, weird...almost. You would think he was on drugs but You'd know better, 'No' thought Charlie, 'He's out for vengeance and thinks that he has an in, thinks he can take this monster down by himself and that's worse!' but before she could say anything, the line was dead and she sat back and stared at the phone in disbelief. Silverhawk was doing this totally off the clock and Davidson and Silverhawk made a deal that if he was let in on the case, no mention of him or his help would go in the jacket. Now Charlie wasn't so sure her deal was such a great idea. But she knew if the tables were turned...she'd want in on it. 'Damn' She thought running her hair though the long tangled waves of mess that was her hair, 'I wanted so badly to connect to another cop even in a different precinct I was willing to throw out the one rule when helping a brother in blue. Never, EVER let them get involved in a case that involves someone they're close to. It always ends badly.' Charlie sat back and stared hard at nothing, hoping, daring against her instincts that what she'd initially done was wrong.

Chapter 4 06/27/2008Today, just didn't feel like a good day all around. I was spaced in and out of my file work in the morning, forgot to sign the updated forms and okay the use of which medications for which disease and in what doses. After 10:30a.m. I just gave up and stared blankly at the wall in front of me. I had no energy, no desire to help or care for the animals to come in before me. Not like thats different from any other day really. I didn't care if those pests came in at any time with their various infections or disorders because their owners can't properly care for them. But today was different; usually I could walk around with my mask perched so perfectly on my face that no one could tell I was faking my smiles or easy laughter at one of their incredibly dumb and cheesy jokes. So I did a rarity, I put myself on call and for all routine visits, they would be

handled by technicians, anything serious or any emergencies that could come up then they could contact me and I would come in. I walked out of the veterinary hospital and looked around, the sky was a perfect shade of blue, the trees were green, it was warm and the city was teeming with life. But it had made me agitated and unruly. So I got into my car and drove aimlessly. I drove down to the Strip and looked at the throngs of tourists like I was hunting for my prey. I even slowed down to stare at a few men that I thought I could smell "asshole" coming off of them. But I knew I was being silly. I had no power over the day, this was not my stomping grounds and I had to find something to do with my time til my hunting hours began. 'Hmmm, I could go home and pull up the board in the back of my closet, re-read the definition on the hunter/prey mentality from my sophomore psychology college text.' But that was tossed as soon as I thought of it. I had that chapter down pat. And even though I knew I was hunting a hunter I was also aware I was a hunter myself and the dizzying prospect of self-analyzation was pointless and since the whole pseudo science was still soft and guesswork at best, it was a pointless form of study. But then an idea to pass the time came to me, 'I could go to the library and brush up on my research for hospital standards', boring, yes...but it would sufficiently pass the time and will definitely keep me up on OSHA, a definite need to keep my livelihood standing. So I headed back to the I-15 and towards my neck of the woods to my local library. Settling in at a computer I started a search engine on all research of new methods of euthanization up to code with quick and sufficient death when properly administered. I didn't input the information correctly into the engine though because over 200,000 hits came back from the search. I was shocked. I expected to get a few and one of them to be Janji Utay's method of euthanization more humane to animals with quick efficiency dated 2008. Instead I got all sorts of research methods to killing with quick assuredly and all research guaranteed. But I was intrigued! I was after all on a college intranet research publish site and had the latest and greatest on killing....maybe I could find the new and untraceable way to kill someone!!! 'This is too delicious!' I thought with wicked intent. I began poring over page after page, looking at each published paper with piercing eyes, not missing a word or mark. It took hours and page after page. I went back years. In fact it probably wasn't until I went seven pages back that I found something interesting. It was a paper that when you clicked on the link it lead to a URL that said the paper had been removed because it failed to meet safety standards of something or other. This really piqued my interest. The name of the paper was 'The Effects of Red Phosphate under Heat When Mixed with Water-RED PHOSPHATE GAS'. What got me interested was that it failed safety standards of a college site, I mean if a hippie, left winged, forward thinking college wouldn't post a link to a paper because it was too dangerous then it must be something really good!! I actually giggled out loud in the library I was so excited. I opened a second browser and under a normal brand name search

engine started looking for it. Still the search returned no results. I mean it brought up all these digital encyclopedia versions of what red phosphate was and what it does when mixed with moisture but nothing else. It brought up pages and pages about how they're harnessing natural levels of red phosphate from the earth's crust. I searched under different parameters for like...hours!! It was just beginning to become a light shade of dusk outside and I still knew nothing about this mysterious paper. BUT- I knew it was SOMETHING!!! And I couldn't drop it. So I sat back frustrated in my chair and thought for a minute. 'HA!!!' It came to me like a lightning bolt from the heavens! 'The chat boards on the colleges forum sites! They're a HAVEN for gossip and would surely have something about this mysteriously dangerous paper so I went to the general college site and typed in another students name and password that I had swiped when I went there, and wouldn't you know it, it still worked. Man! If there really was such a thin as luck then I have it in spades. So I quickly went to the chat boards and started looking through posted forum topics. It took a little digging but suddenly I found it. "Mysterious Missing Research Paper" "-Hey have any of you tried to look up that research paper on red phosphate gas that was removed for safety reasons? What gives? Aren't we too old to be preschooled on what's too dangerous for us?" "- Yeah that is totally moronic but there are about five papers that have been removed from the database here is the link for the paper and just use that site to find all the "dangerous papers" from now on... " "- Awesome, the link you provided has satiated my curiosity!" Oh this was too good to be true! I quickly copy and pasted the link into my browser and went straight to the paper I couldn't find before and there it was all neatly written out for me! I was so excited!! I wrote down the directions and realized I had just enough time to go shopping, get home and get ready and pick my new stomping grounds for tonight. Oh this was going to be good!!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

6/27/2008 9:45p.m.I stepped out of the house with excitement and butterflies in my stomach. I was dressed to kill in a black lycra skirt that cut three inches above my knee but had a dangerous slit half way up my thigh and a very slutty top cut so low that you could see almost to my navel. This time I carried more than just my I.D. and some bus money. I carried a mid-sized purse filled with my i.d., money for the

bus and maybe one drink (damned if I really need to buy one) lipstick (for appearance of a normal purse) and in a secret zippered compartment my ammo, and a surgical mask (protection of course). The night air was pleasant and the birds were chirping a happy tune (crazy bipolar birds, chirp 24/7 in Vegas). God was I excited!! First time I had actually planned a killing in advance. Walking to the bust stop I was looking up at the sky and humming to myself happily, I almost felt like skipping, like I was some school girl out to sell cookies for her school's choir trip. It took me a second to realize but I was actually humming Zipidee doo daa. 'Whoa Girl!' Reality check! You're going to fulfill a promise, see your mystery and watch another one bite the dust. NOT SKIP TO FIRST GRADE' But that couldn't dampen my spirits. I was excited to try my new weapon. It just might become my Modus Operandi... I looked at my watch humming again. Damn do I time it or what? Five minutes on the dot and it should technically be here. This time I noticed I was humming 'Another One Bites The Dust' that made me feel a little better. The bus didn't come in five minutes on the dot, but it was there within ten. So I wasn't all agitated and filled with anxiety. I got on and sat back for my longest ride yet. Going out to a loner part of the 215 and an area I didnt know. I had only seen this place in passing it was called the Cauldron something, Leaky or whatever. So I zoned out on the trees passing by and thought about who I might meet. I hoped it was a semi-full bar being it was on a highway coming from out of town and there would be travelers and truckers coming in from somewhere else to sit a spell and have a drink. It would sure as hell make me blend in better. I kept thinking some more on my ideal target. A trucker or a guy staying in a nearby motel would be the best, the more enclosed the place is, the better and quicker the reaction to the bomb. I caught a glance of myself in the window's reflection as we passed a darkened area on the street. I definitely looked the slinky sexpot part tonight. Like I had left some party and came down from on high to mingle with the regulars. This showed the reflection chewing on their lip. I wanted to look irresistibly sexy but not out of reach, but I was sick of wearing jeans and puffin fresh top. The reflection raised a critically appraising eyebrow at her image. Hmmm, well the outfit might say keep away but slutty in any form invites attraction of any sort. 'And besides, I told myself, I will seek it out in my normal fashion if no sharks approach off the bat' and the reflection smiled back. I also got sick of the baseball caps which would've looked ridiculous with the outfit so my hair got swept up but only in a French twist pony tail. It wasn't too up class. Simply says, I want my hair up but just really to get it out of the way. Maybe I look like a hostess from a nearby restaurant just getting off work. 'Nice,' I told myself, 'thats my story, and I'm sticking to it' I thought quoting a famous Country song. A store caught my eye passed the reflection as we passed it and I realized we were already coming close to my area, or as close as we were going to get to it. The bus only ran so far to that area and then cut out and turned back.

I would have to hoof it from there but it was a short walk down. I got off the bus and started to walk the slightly deserted and almost completely dark area as there were mostly stop signs at the intersections and not stoplights out here; I stopped to light a cigarette and looked up at the starry sky, still not much a view. I remembered the place, the secret place I went to as a kid that had the whole night sky as an array of glittering diamonds. But then the shrieks of her voice cut into mind and I buried the memory quickly and trudged along the road. I was a block from the Cauldron bar when I noticed a car slowing down behind me. I looked over my shoulder for a second and kept walking. It stopped next to me and rolled down its passenger window. 'Fuck, getting picked up before I even got to the bar...well on the bright side...' I thought with wariness. I turned to the faceless voice and leaned in to hear what he had to say. "Such a pretty girl shouldn't be wandering out here like this in an area like this at night. Where are you going to?" "Well I didn't think this area was so bad. But I am just heading to that bar right there." "Well me too. Hop in I'll take you the rest of the way and even buy you a round! I could use some company, especially a beautiful one like you. I promise I am not a psycho." said the shadow in the dark. Well he seemed harmless but my prickles were up, he was either a predator himself or he had an unmistakable odor of a dark side to him that I could smell laying in wait for an attack to present itself. Either way he was a potential target and I wouldve invited an insane argument to have turned down the ride, really, it would've called more attention to me that was not wanted. "Sure, why not. I just got off work and these heels are unbearable." I said in my falsely cheerfully agreeable voice. I climbed into the vehicle and turned to look at the man of mystery and saw an averagely good looking guy with an agreeable persona. He reached out his hand with a readymade smile on his face, "Hi, I'm Bruce. What's your name?" he said and we shook hands. His hands were large and enveloping, I could feel large calluses that had had years to develop. Hmm, was he a carpenter? Was he an Artist or maybe musician? I queried quietly in my head. My mouth was already doing its best...working without me, "I'm Brenda, and I work over at that fancy restaurant. Just started today, and instead of catching the bus right home I decided to head over to the bar. Could use a drink right now." and I flashed the same readymade smile back at him. I find that when youre ready to volunteer information about yourself, no matter how small, it shows people your easily honest, which most find refreshing and it puts them to ease quickly. Also makes them vulnerable, they don't really suspect you of an angle right away. We continued to make small talk til we reached the bar and he of course kept his word buying me my preference of drink, vodka and Coke. He wrinkled his nose at it and I laughed...not too many people think of drinking the concoction but I like the acid of the coke to cut the syrupy almost sweetness of its vodka. It suits

me anyways. What I am trying to figure out is this guy, Bruce. My spidey senses are all off the radar, it's saying his smile and facial reactions are too much like my...face, he's definitely hiding an alternate reality, another side....but what? And I keep feeling by his demeanor that he is carefully veiling rage. But he is acting like, well not a perfect gentleman, but definitely a nice guy....Shit I am bamboozled. Well the night went on and we talked some more. And I was baffled. We went a little longer talking back and forth and then I suddenly noticed it. His left hand went for the drink and on his left ring finger was an indentation of a ring. 'Aha!! He's married!! That makes him the perfect kind of scumbag.' I thought with relief and resolution. I had received my indication that this would be a righteous kill. He was still talking but I had been so focused on his finger that I had blocked him out. I abruptly turned back to the reality of the conversation in time to here, "Well I don't stay too far from here, just in town for a few days then heading off to Cali. Would you like to head over to my hotel room and have a few drinks there?" he said it casually but I could see the anticipation dancing in his eyes. I thought about my plan, how would I carry it out? But again my subconscious was nudging me to let it take over when the time was right. So I shrugged and said Sure and we walked out and into the night. We headed on the 215 west towards the Charleston exit and Red Rock Station Casino. Seemed a long way to go but I didn't worry. The casino was amazing, really just breathtaking inside. There was a chandelier that reached two floors from floor to ceiling and glittered like it was made with diamonds, the whole place was done in beautiful colors of red and gold. We headed up a set of elevators to a room near the top that had a luminous panoramic view of the strip and the entire Vegas Valley. I stared for a few minutes in awe, and then turned towards my victim. He was pouring drinks for us and getting himself comfortable there was a fireplace in the middle of the room and I knew now what I had to do to make my plan work. I walked over to Bruce, and wrapped my arms around his lower torso. "This is such a beautiful place you've got. You know what would really top off the evening? Is if you set a fire in the fireplace...can you imagine me and you on the floor in front of the fire..." I said it in a sultry voice and purposely let it drift off. He turned around to face me with a smile on his face that could only be called a shit eating grin. He responded in agreement and handed me a drink then went to the task of lighting the fire. Within minutes a fire is blazing in the white marble fireplace and he is stoking it slowly to turn it into a long burner. I am sitting on the couch carefully removing my ammo. A balloon filled with liquid water and one filled with red phosphate. I grab my mask and walk up to Bruce and put my hand on his back, my arsenal in the other hand. And I smile at him in a luxuriously sexy way. He grins at me hungrily and goes to add some more fire wood. I throw one balloon into the fire and slam the next on top of it. And then quickly put my

mask on and turn away from the fireplace before the bomb ensued. They break each other and the smoke rises in a thick funnel. Suddenly an explosion of poisonous gas and a flare of fire come out of the fireplace and knock him back onto his side. I rolled him completely onto his back and stare at him as he chokes and sputters. He grasped at his throat and choked wildly. But suddenly a problem occurred, the fire began to rage out of the fireplace and the fire goes nuts causing the fire alarm to go off and I had to run out of the there before I could see him die. 'Damn Damn DAMN!!!' I thought cursing wildly. 'I DIDN'T GET TO SEE HIM DIE!!!' And that phosphate gas had reacted unlike what I expected. Fuck always another night I suppose. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

6/28/2008 2:37a.m.Charlie got a call from the M.E. in charge of the arson case. Apparently all got out okay except one man and she said that Charlie should see him. The M.E. on shift said one thing and Charlie jumped up like a Jack in the Box, "I don't know why but I think it's Isabelle's work. Get down here before all the evidence is processed." Charlie was at Red Rock Casino in less than twenty minutes. As Charlie walked in the master suite she saw posh white furniture everywhere draped in deep red tones and accents of gold. It was definitely classy. But there was a soot streak billowing up the front of the fireplace, and burnt areas of rugs and drapery. They found the guy with blisters and burns on his face and hands. The M.E. called out to Charlie and motioned her over. "He's covered in a red dust, and has second degree burns on his face and hands, shouldn't have enough to kill him." Suddenly the man groaned and coughed, then started screaming about the pain. The M.E. looked shocked. "Didn't any of you check for a pulse on this guy?!?" She screamed out to the EMT's on the job. They all looked down and one said, "We just figured he had to be dead due to smoke inhalation and burns." M.E. just shook her head and yelled at them to bring morphine over and quick. She administered 5 ccs and the guy mellowed out but was still whimpering. The EMTS hauled him to the burn intensive care unit at the hospital and the M.E. gave her collections of evidence off the body to CSU to do their digging around with the evidence. Charlie took her time purveying the scene, her gloved fingers felt ever surface looked everywhere for finger prints and CSU you dust everywhere. Finding balloon remnants in the fireplace she had them grab that too for evidence. And that's when she noticed, Glasses for two. Could she hope? Dare to

hope? So she had the glasses bagged and tagged. Charlie went through the information that had been premlinarily grabbed by the Crime Scene Unit and asked what they had found. They had matched up the red dust to a common mineral found in the earth and it was known as Red Phosphate, but it was still beyond them as to why the victim had it on his person. "Well mostly it's used in a variety of experiments used by chemists." said one CSI, "But in mostly benign ways." "Yeah this'll take some digging to find out the why." "Well hate to push here, but this is the progress of a very dangerous woman, one I am beginning to believe is good at being very elusive and is increasing in her attacks. We need to be on the ball with her attacks and victims." The leader of the team came forward and said in an authorative manner to both Charlie and his team, We understand the gravity of the 'Isabelle Killings'. We will put them as top priority, we will do things by the book and that is all. You will have the best information at your service and as fast as we learn it." "I really appreciate you putting forth you hardest for this. I want to nail that bitch to the wall. And make sure she has no out when the time comes." Charlotte said with a far off vindictive stare. Like she was seeing something or someone that no one else could. She was making an oath that person. Swearing she would get the killer if it was the least thing she ever did. She snapped out of reverie, nodded to the CSU team and walked out to drive to the hospital. She reached the hospital in a record time given that she abused her police privileges and got ahead of every traffic holdup and every stoplight. And walked up to the main desk, flashed her badge and started to ask questions about the doctor in charge of Bruce's condition. He was immediately called to the desk where Charlie got her news. "The good news is, he will pull through the burns on his face and hands are second degree and that has a greater likelihood of survival. But we had to induce him into a coma to save him from the most painful parts," He paused there and looked at Charlie for a moment, furrowing his brows at the delicacy of the situation, but Charlie looked hard as he continued. "See we have to scrub off all the damaged skin and begin grafts of new skin onto his face. Then we'll begin the healing process. Eventually we'll pull him out of the coma, and if all things are successful he will be back to normal and will have the most minor of scarring and pain by then." "When can I talk to him, when he gets out of the coma?" Charlie asked with her teeth held tightly together. "Well, yeah, by then he'll be slightly groggy from the pain meds, but he'll be coherent to talk." The doctor said thoughtfully, his head was cocked at an angle, and his eyes were drawn upwards at an angle as he chewed over this thought. He looked like a kind doctor, the kind of one you'd want checking on you if you were in the hospital. Mid-to late fifties, but in shape, short, side-swept silver,

laughing blue eyes, pleasant smile, And also a nice voice like he would say things to cheer you up. "Well when does he get out of the coma?" Charlie asked getting more and more impatient as the minutes drag out, come this guy should know what a cop wants when coming to visit a patient as a hospital. "Well, if all things go well then I'd say about two-maybe three weeks. And that's a tops figure; we've got a great intensive burn unit that knows the importance of working fast to present a chance of new skin developing and the start of positive attitude adjustments and such." SHIT! SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT!, Thought Charlie. 'I need a new strategy. Looks like I really will have to call in that FBI criminal profilers see what he gets from her Kills.' Charlie is walking away down the hospital hallway after saying her goodbyes to the Doc. She finally starts to realize how frustrated she felt. It was a horrible feeling, being outsmarted by a serial Killer. 'That does it, when I am off duty today, at about 8:30a I'll set up a meeting with that Criminal Profiler...Whats his name?' She stopped for a second, sitting in her car, her nose scrunched up in concentration... 'Corey, Corey St. James! That's it. He'll do it, he loves this shit.' She nodded her head once in decision, so it was decided she'd call him tomorrow to get a better read on the girl. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CHAPTER FIVE

6/28/2008 1:21p.m.Well Alex had called and we had a date for 2:30p.m. which was when our schedules would allow us to take a break. I had tried to keep my focus on the American Eskimo on the table in front of me, he had swallowed staples and they were stuck in his intestines. I worked delicately, around the lower intestines with long scissor like instruments, trying to extract the staples. I had gotten lucky, they were industrial sized staples. My assistant went right after my scissors with a microscopic camera so that we could see where we were poking and prodding. "Right there!" I said triumphantly after what seemed like an hour. I grabbed for the staples looping them up one side of the scissors and then closing down on them with the other end of the scissors, I clamped on the middle of the staple to bend it and make sure it wasn't hooked on anything and ready to tear, then pulled it slowly out and managed to not tear any of the remaining intestine. With a sigh of relief, from the rest of the team we closed up the animal and I left the nurses to clean up the scene and tell the owners the dog was okay. Normally, I wouldn't have let an opportunity pass me by to kill off an animal and look in their eyes, but I had to be careful. I couldn't let too many die or suspicion would arise. But now that I had moved onto humans....well animals just didn't seem like viable targets anymore. "Dr Burns?" Called out one of my assistants behind me while I cleaned up in my bathroom. I could see her in the reflection of my mirror. Like my other assistant,she also wasn't very attractive. Chesnut brown hair, nice green eyes I must admit, but covered in freckles that gave her the look of a child, not to mention she had a pug nose and horribly widely spaced eyes. "Yes?" I said in my professional voice, tinged with niceness.

"There is a man here to see you. He says his name is Alex Silverhawk." Shit! How did he know where I worked! We were supposed to meet at the restaurant! "Okay, tell him I'll be right out" I said, and kept my demeanor under control. No one ever got me to break my mask of acting or lose my cool. I always kept myself under control. I touched up my makeup, added a little lip gloss, flipped my hair, and smiled in the mirror so it wouldn't look fake when I went to smile at Alex. 'Perfect.' I said to myself I walked back out of my office down the hall and through the employees door to the front of the clinic. There stood in a little triangle trio was Alex, and two older people smiling as if they were waiting for a view of the Pope. The older woman was tiny, bony, had a wide, pleasing smile, and orange curly hair. The gentleman looked as if he was tall at one time but had a hump in his back that prevented him from standing tall anymore. His hair was slicked back and pure black. He too was smiling but they looked like dentures. Alex had them both by the arms and was smiling at me from head to toe. I walked over to him and through smiling teeth so the older couple wouldn't hear, I said, "Alex could you please explain what is going on? I thought I said I would meet you at the restaurant." "I know I know," He said back quite loudly looking pleased as punch, "But when Lukes' parents heard that I was meeting you they just had to meet you, since Luke talked so highly of you. And they were about to meet you when he disappeared." There was one of two ways I could take this, I could smile and just be estatic that I was getting to meet them and play off that I considered them like family and just was happy the whole time. Or, I could just be sad the whole time, even with the fact that they were there. Well a good girlfriend would want the parents to be happy I surmised, so I put out my 'million watt smile' and said, "Oh my Gosh! It is just so great to finally meet you! Luke talked about you so much!" and I leaned forward to give them each a bear hug. "So you don't mind me springing them on you as a surprise?" Alex said with a surprised smile. "No way!" I tossed back laughing "I am just so happy that we could all be together in this great time of need." They looked at me with a neediness of all their own. Their beloved child was gone and they looked to me as the one who could give them their happiness back. I was disgusted by their neediness. I stepped between Alice and George(as I learned their names were) and looped my arms through theirs and Alex looped his through Alice's. We went down the street to the bistro I had suggested and began talking in that needless waste of chitchat that I really can't stand at all, but I was a great pretender and wore my smile like a badge. We talked about things like the weather and who was playing who in whatever sport was in season. We all avoided the one thing that was on their minds, Luke. Their thoughts were obviously on what information they could glean from me, as if the police weren't competent in their jobs. My thoughts were on whose eyes did Luke have, his mothers? or his fathers? I finally decided on the mothers' eyes and set about lifiting my spirits by reliving the snuffing out of those eyes. Eventually, the conversation turned to Luke, mostly about what he was like as a child and all that stupid stuff parents like to go on about. "Well I don't know if Luke or Alex ever told you but we adopted Alex when he was seven, and he's also been our son ever since. He's like the younger son we've always wanted but could never have." said Alice with pride in her voice and watery, blue eyes as she shifted a shining gaze up to him. I looked over at Alex shocked, so there is more to this man than meets the eyes, huh. Looking at him looking so vulnerable there he took on a look of honest earnest. Like he wanted so desperately for me to accept him. I thought again with such a deep excitement that it would definitely be fun to look into his eyes to see what he would see when he died to eat all that emotion on his face up in a moment of time. Of course during all this rhetoric, my eyes showed sympathy and a(gasp could that be? Oh I am so evil) dawning love. Alex looked at me with excitement and hope in eyes. As if he couldn't hope for more.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------That night, after work I got a call from Alex. He wanted to come over, hang out and watch movies or whatever, he said, 'He just really wanted to be around me at that time' I knew why he did. He was a very good looking guy, but shy. He was used to blonde model Luke, with his wonderful personality stealing the scene. Well it's Alex's time. I will make Alex feel wonderful. Give him the greatest time for his last few months on Earth. And then I will lovingly and gently take his life away. And while he gasps for his last few breaths. He will not only know that I did it, but that I did Luke that way too. Half an hour later, Alex was standing at my door. With a grin on his face. I pulled him inside the door in almost a haste, and I pushed him up against the closed side of the door with an almost passioned move, I was lost in his face, he was so different than most guys, showing all his emotions on his face. You can actually tell exactly what he was thinking and feeling by the expression on his face. Suddenly, that passioned move was more, I wanted him and in the worst way. I led him through the den. He made like he was going to sit down but I wagged my finger at him, he looked at me questiongly( I was almost getting high off his facial expressions), I smiled what I knew to be a sultry sexual expression. and licked my lips slowly. He suddenly knew what I wanted. And the eagerness for it came through on his face. We walked down a small hall passed the bathroom on the right and the guest bedroom on the left. down to the end, to the master suite. I had always loved a feminine side of things when it came to my room, It had gauzy, billowing, white curtains. And the bed was four postered, with a canopy, done in the same white gauze material. I had a flowing of dark natural wood(would you guess dark cherry wood again, hmm is a theme developing here?) and little tiffany knock off lamps on either side of the bed on night tables. There were tons of cushy pillows and a nicely stitched comforter done with accents of pink rosebuds done on it to cover my bed. I loved the sense of beauty and calmness it brought. But at that moment I could think of only one thing. One of the very few situations where I can masterfully let go of my masks and let the true me shine through is when I am killing, and when I am having sex. I pulled off the robe I was wearing and showed him the black lace bra, slip, and lace stockings clipped to it to my g-string underneath.It may seem funny to you but I also like to feel beautiful underneath, so yeah I wear this kind of thing underneath my clothing everyday. Maybe I subconsciously knew what I would do to Alex and left it on for effect. To any account, when I showed it to him,he swallowed, hard. I laughed. God this feeling of wanting and being wanted was a high like any other, to him I was the most desirable woman out there, and I felt like a queen! I was high on the confidence it gave me. I stepped toward him and undid his belt and slid it off in one smooth motion. Then I pulled off his shirt and undershirt. I started to go for the pants and he made a move towards me, I danced out of his grasp and waved my finger at him,' no no no...' I moved towards him again and pulled down his pants and boxers at the same time. I bent down to get his shoes and socks off so I could get his pants all the way off. The act of undressing him was a domination and submission at the same time. I was caring for him in the undressing movement but I was also making him vulnerable to me since I still had some semblance of clothing on. He stood there naked, and no longer shy at all. I reached for him and pulled him close, he was already hard but as soon as he felt the lace and the silk of my neglige as it rubbed up against him ,his hardness shot up another inch or two, I swear. I smiled, and made a show for him as I slowly and seductively slid off each layer of my undergarments. I stood there naked, proud of my body and dared him to find fault.He just stared. Gawking at me like he was in the desert and I was the first drink of water he'd had in weeks. I couldn't stand the suspense anymore so I pushed him down on the bed and start to run kisses all over his body, I started at his neck with a soft bite on his carotid, a lick on the outer edge of his ear, which drew a quick inhalation of breath from him, then I moved lower to his chest and lower still worked my way down the middle of his stomach til I was right over the most intimate part of him, I just breathed on it, so close but not touching, my hot breath changing the temperature in

just the right spot. His mini-me did a jump right there, like it wanted to hop up into my mouth, but that wasn't the game I was playing. He overcame his shyness and jumped to life, he rolled over on top of me, and started the ultimate pleasure sensation, he licked and sucked on my nipples.He then rubbed his cock on my clit, which drove me nuts. Kissing the whole of my body, I bit his lower ear and on his neck, just on a little. He moaned. "Do you want it?" He says muffled by my ear. Ooh that was new, no one had ever teased me before, I thought. I kind of like this. "Tell me you want it." He says licking my nipples, teasing them with his teeth and still rubbing his masterful cock on my clit. Oh this tease, I am not very good at being teased. So I whisper, "Yes" "What did you say?" he asked rubbing his lips against my neck, pretended he would bite but wouldn't drawing out my desire. "Yes I want it!" I said as loud as I could. He took a handful of my hair and yanked my head backwards, not harshly but firmly, and it tingled down my spine. He pushed his mouth insistantly onto mine, demanding I give in and kiss him back. He straddled me beneath him and teased my pussy, with tiny tip intrusions. Not fully giving himself to me. I whined, and said in response, "Just fucking stick in already." His eyes flashed as he looked down on me, I saw something in his eyes that almost mirrored my own. Hunger, a need to take, and be fulfilled. "Just for that," he said as he smiled at me," I think I'll tease you somemore." While he kept my hands held above my head with one of his, he reached his other hand down towards my flushed pussy and starts to tickle my clit. It sent shocks and waves of tingles through my body. I gasped, and tilted my hips up and down in time to his circled touch. 'I can't believe it!' I thought wildly,' am I really giving my control over to someone else?' Just when I was about to cum from his touch alone, he took his swollen and massive rod and shoved it into me as fully and roughly as he possibly could. I sighed in ecstacy. This man I thought I would control, just took control of the situation! To this I was shocked, it was like I saw a whole other side of him, and I was liking it!! I looked in the eyes, trying to find some grasp of the what I had before, He looked down at me the way I had looked at him before, Animalistic, like he wanted to devour me alive. Eat me, hunt me as I was his prey. And watch the last second of my life. 'Oh! Wow!' And suddenly, we were riding. Riding back and forth, the sensation was amazing the rhythm was right on, we were moving together, him down and I met him up against his thrust to get the max feeling. Just this back and forth, animal to animal. Feral and totally just fucking. There was no "making love" in that room. It was pure primal. My legs were up against his chest,and he pushed down deep into me, just when I thought I would get that pleasure of sweet release, his tease, his control measure. His dominance(oh I ate it up), would slow down a little then start the build up all over again. Suddenly the ride got faster and faster, I was spun out of control, the look was locked though we stared at each other with a desire to tear into each other. I had never had felt that with anyone else before. We kept the rhythm going built it up to a fast frenzy,moved in a way that only made sense to us. I thought I would lose it, I couldn't let him win though, so just when I thought I would lose it. I switched control and Rolled over on top of him.I was stupid, really, I had almost orgasmed in that position, but I wanted to show him my dominate nature to. But he was underneath me and looked up at me, I grabbed his hands and had him grab my breasts, and he squeezed them. I rocked back and forth on top. I arched my back and leaned back to gain pleasure. I tilted my head back flipping my hair down my back then looked down at him. He stared up at me with that same animal expression. Suddenly I could feel myself lose it. And I could tell by how he looked he was about to lose it too. The sensation was overwhelming, and then I it tingled, started at my pussy and worked up to my whole body, the tickle was amazing, it rocked my whole body, and then, and then... "OH MY GOD!" I screamed. I heard him let out a yell and felt him as he released inside me.

I collapsed on top of him. I rolled off of him and he flipped over onto his stomach. After a minute I lifted his head to see what his eyes looked like. But they were closed. I needed to see his eyes, To see Well to know, is he just like me? A killer? And if so, What will I do? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

6/29/2008 12:06a.m.Charlie sat in the hospital with the comatose man. Bruce. It would be nice if he suddenly woke up. But Charlie knew that wouldn't happen and wasn't safe for him. She came to visit him because he successful completed his first among many of his graft surgeries. She knew if he was awake he'd only be screaming in pain, and it would be terrible to see and of course would still be no help to the investigation. But this guy was all they were riding on. She sat back and watched his bandaged face sleep in slacked repose. Dreamless, floating in nothingness, and wondered if he thought, felt, dreamt, anything. Could he hear or sense anything of the outside world? The doctors all say that a comatose patient can hear voices out around them when their under. It was a tragedy, he had no familar voices to bring him comfort and support. Recently divorced, no children and no living family members left. It was as if no one was left to care for him in the world. 'What is Isabelle's reason for killing? I have can't wait til that Profiler gets here!' She thought with vicious determination. Thankfully the profiler from the FBI school of training in Langely, Virginia was willing to work with her schedule and would be in, in about an hour. Charlie was tense, couldn't wait to hear what Dr.John Yew had to say. And then her mind skipped, like on a record but really to a different subject altogether. 'Hey, I haven't heard from Alex for a day or two' she thought. Alex Silverhawk was the brother of Luke Davenport who happen to go missing after seeing Isabelle one night.He also happened to be a detective of narcotics at a nearby precinct. Alex was definitely wanting to help and agreed to go in and see if Isabelle matched a photo they found from a nearby parking lot of where Luke's car was dumped. He'd called the first two times he met with her. Which really he was supposed to only meet her once, ID her and be gone but he wanted to get closer and get an indepth look at her mind. Charlie advised against it but relented because really Alex was doing this on his own time. He wasn't acting as a detective so she had no say in it. She hadn't heard from him in, thinking back on it, about three days now. Which was unusual for a light weight undercover job. So she called him and reached voicemail. she hung up knowing he would see the number and call back when he could. She focused on other things in the meantime and twenty minutes later her cell rang. "Davidson" She answered, "It's Silverhawk, what's up?" Alex said on the other line sounding like he was in a rush to somewhere. "Well you haven't checked in with a report or any new info. but basically you just haven't reported in, so I was just checking to make sure Isabelle didn't make a suit out of you or anything." Charlie joked. A silence ensued for a second. "Yeah....see...I've spent time around Isabelle, and she's not faking or a sociopath. She really does care about finding Luke, and the way she treats those animals...there's no way she could be a killer. Honestly, you know I smell a user a mile away, well I think I could smell a killer just as easy." Alex, said this uncomfortably and hesitantly like he didn't know if he was trying to convince Charlie or himself. "NO SHIT!! DAMNIT ALEX YOU"RE NOT SUPPOSED TO FALL IN LOVE WITH HER YOU

DUMBASS!! Think with your brain not your prick!! Now we have that picture of her!" Charlie yelled into the phone, and before Alex could respond, "And there's another victim, this one alive, but badly burned and in a coma. But when he's out and coherent, who do you think he'll say attacked him?" "I honestly don't know Davidson, but I know it won't be Isabelle." He said in a challenging voice. "Well listen, " Charlie said somewhat deflated and just giving in for now, Her stress levels had reached peak. "A criminal profiler is coming in from Langely in less than an hour and we'll have a profile soon that will give a clearer definition of who we're dealing with regardless of Isabelle's guilt or not." "Great," replied Alex stiffly, "Keep me posted" And he hung up his end of the phone. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dr. Yew had insisted on taking a cab to the station and met Charlie at the front desk promptly at 1:00a.m.he was a tall man of about 60 and appeared to be some mix of Asian. He had kind almond shaped brown eyes, a straight nose, and easy smile. His build was also appealing, that of a swimmers build, toned and tall, but not too thin. Charlie had not expected this at all when she set the appointment up with him over the phone. Sure he sounded an indefinable age but she really guessed he would at least be in his fifties. Not a man who looked to be early to mid thirties. When he came up to shake hands with her. He tossed off a laugh and said, I am taking it, that you were not expecting me to be so young. Dont worry most people expect an aged professor when dealing with such a field of expertise. His eyes sparkled almost with a sense of mischief and Charlie had to tear herself from the hypnotic quality that his gaze had on her. She led him up into the station and up to her floor. There in the back of the squad room was a sort of brainstorming room for a task force to gather and set up on a mission. They called it the boiler room. She had up pictures of crime scenes, the photo of Isabelle, detailed reports of the murders and other various information shed collected from the grisly affairs. This is what I have to go on, either by the murder scenes alone or by a confidential informant that has given limited information so far. Charlie said almost dismissively, because as she looked at the boards assembled before her she felt deflated, like she had not gathered enough information for a clear report. Dr. Yew looked at her and smiled that genuine smile of encouragement and said, Dont worry this is more than enough for a complete profile. Ive gone on much less before, now lets start discussing everything in detail. For about an hour and a half, the Dr. and Charlie went over every murder, positioning, evidence left behind, what they knew about the intent and so on and so forth. Strange thing was that Dr. Yew didnt even want to look at the photo of Isabelle. He said it would cloud his judgment. So finally after dissecting everything, Dr. Yew took to writing a basic outline and said he would type up his report on a computer there and promise to have a profile on the serial killer in just over an hour. I can tell you this detective Davidson, you were at least right about one thing, It is a Female serial killer. He said with a look over his nerdy but cute studious glasses and left to go type up his report. Later on Dr. Yew came back to Charlie and handed her the report. Charlie read it and her heart skipped about two beats, she felt vindicated in her beliefs the whole time. Tomorrow in the morning, I will call the day shift policemen and detectives for both shifts and give them this report! And a hunting we will go! She thought in excitement. Thank you Dr. Yew for everything, this was truly a great help and will be able to start a search and formal investigation focused on one demographic. Charlie said in happiness while shaking his hand in pumped up action. Dr. Yew delicately removed his hand from her claw grasp and said with warmness, Call me John, and this was really a delight, to see such a methodical mind. If you would please, let me study each scene as the next cases come in if there are any, and I will be able to help you even more if youd like. Plus, he eluded, it will maybe give inspiration to my next published paperyou know doctors, publish or perish!! he said in a laughing manner and his eyes sparkled once more. Now, He said in a more decisive tone, Do you know of a great and not so bu