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2. JORLEY,,, STEPHANIE,,, DAYANARA,,, 3. STEPHANIE,,, Name:Stephanie Acua. Age:19 years old. Occupation:Student Marital State:Single. 4. STEPHANIE,,,

  • She is short, and thin she is blackand curly hair, she is black eyes and she isdark-skinned clear

5. Personality

  • She is friendly, solidarity, studies, extrovert, but with very sensitive, but mainly is a person of great heart to make a great friend..
  • Likes and Dislikes
  • Is a very creative person so she likes to draw, likes to read much and comment this , his favorite kind of music is the regueton, pop and their favorite music group is Nicki -Clan, and her favorite color is Pink, and her favorite animal is the dog

6. Name:Dayanara Baos. Age:20 years old. Occupation: Student and children garden"s teacher. Marital State:Single DAYANARA 7. PHYSICAL APPEARANCE.,.

  • She is short, and thin she is blackhair, she is black eyes and she is
  • light skin ...

8. Personality

  • She is very friendly, cheerful, studious, sincere, compassionate, finally a person with many qualities that make a great person.
  • Likes and Dislikes
  • She likes dancing and her favorite music is the tropical and the cumbia. Is a very creative person so she likes to draw, likes to read much and comment this .

9. Name: Jorley Reyes. Age:17 yeras old. Marital State: Single. Occupation : Student 10.

  • She is short, and thin she is blackand curly hair, she is brown clear eyes and she is ligth skin

11. Personality

  • She is very friendly, cheerful, studious, sincere, compassionate, in generally is a person very
  • nice
  • Likes and Dislikes
  • She likes to read and write much, her favorite color is pink, likes to laugh a lot and his sentence typical is: smiling is to live with joy


  • If the life give to you thousand reasons for cry demonstrate that you have thousand one reasons for smile.. GOD BLESS YOU MY FRIENDS !