Download - D&I Briefing for CWU Meeting · D&I Briefing for CWU Meeting 16.01.2020 2 Session Overview Presenter Jackie Beer (Head of Group D & I) Aims of Session • To update Union stakeholders

Page 1: D&I Briefing for CWU Meeting · D&I Briefing for CWU Meeting 16.01.2020 2 Session Overview Presenter Jackie Beer (Head of Group D & I) Aims of Session • To update Union stakeholders

D&I Briefing for CWU Meeting 16th January 2020

(11.30am – 1.30pm)

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D&I Briefing for CWU Meeting 16.01.2020


Session Overview

Presenter Jackie Beer (Head of Group D & I)

Aims of Session • To update Union stakeholders about D&I milestones achieved since the D & I strategy was shared with Union reps

• To present the findings from the recent (December 2019) Data Declaration Campaign Pilot

• To present proposals for key D & I activities for the next six months – to get feedback from Union stakeholders

Key messages • Focus for the past 6 months has been on equipping HR colleagues and D & I leads with more relevant and

modern skills and approaches to D&I.

• You say, we did

• Lessons learnt from activities carried out over the past 6 months will shape future plans

• Our proposals for the next 6 months will require input from key stakeholders e.g. Unions, CFU stakeholders and


Areas requiring

feedback / input

• Declaration campaign plans

• What works?

• Key D & I concerns from CWU colleagues

• Feedback regarding ctivities planned for the next 6 months

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Diversity & Inclusion at BT – Strategic


Today 10




• In order to achieve true diverse workforce representation, we will need to implement the most ambitious proposals where necessary e.g. financial target setting/ positive action for under-

represented groups in accordance with S 159 of the Equality Act 2010.

A differentiated colleague and customer value proposition that sets

a global standard for inclusion, where inclusive design is the norm.

Inclusive, innovative culture where people feel respected, engaged and

able to speak out and this translates into inclusive design for customers-

creating differentiation for BT.

• 90% engagement on colleague survey (70% declaration rate

across all Protected Characteristics within survey participants)

• Brand reputation and positive societal contribution cited as

reason for joining BT by 50% of applicants.

• Pan-BT talent attraction strategy that contributes to boosting

BT’s brand reputation as an inclusive employer

Clearly understood and consistently applied policies that ensure

everyone is included.

Well established and consistently applied flexible working policy and

policies to accommodate varying life stages.

• All policies adhere to best practice and progressive D & I


• Consistent Inclusive design principles understood and

embedded in design and planning processes

• 95% of employees feel included at work

Leveraging our strengths to drive improved outcomes for disadvantaged

groups in society.

• Skills for Tomorrow Reach: 10m people in the UK by

2025/26 (Future 2030 and global ambition may be developed

as part of Ambitions 2030 work – TBC in Q4)

Externally recognised for our role in tackling the serious and complex D & I

Issues within business, and for playing a key part in shaping and

contributing to solutions. Strong external reputation for leading the agenda

through bold action, research, influencing others in industry and sharing best practice.

• Strategic partnerships with influential, external, change

making organisations

• Consistent positive rating for role in tackling D&I issues

(social media, press and competitor analysis)

• Brand recognition for attracting STEM candidates (media,

Glassdoor, Indeed)

Measured by



A balanced workforce that reflects all aspects of the diverse societies

in which we operate. A gender balanced and representative workforce

that reflects the different regions in which BT works and consistently future

proofs with strategic workforce planning. Internationally recognised diverse

Graduate scheme and UK recognised Apprentice schemes.

• Workforce that represents national/regional statistics in relation

to gender/ ethnicity/ disability and sexual orientation

• Pan BT SLT/SMT Gender representation that reflects national


• 80% declaration rates across all protected characteristics.

• Graduate & Apprentice schemes that attract and retain diverse

candidates that reflect national demographics

• Workforce planning across BT (all CFUs/CUs) involving Unions

and D&I leads





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D & I Activities over the past 6 months


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Our focus to date…

The newly created D & I team has had a primary focus on

consolidating and super charging the knowledge amongst

our HR community, BT’s key changemakers.

Through this multifaceted, accelerated education and

capacity building, our HR colleagues will be best placed to

ensure we achieve all our strategic priorities.

The next slide shows the various activities we have

delivered to boost the expertise of our HR colleagues.

These initial activities have been aligned with three of our

strategic priorities: SP1, SP2 and SP3.



A balanced workforce that

reflects all aspects of the diverse

societies in which we operate

A differentiated employee and

customer value proposition that

sets a global standard for

inclusion, where inclusive design

is the norm.

Clearly understood and

consistently applied policies that

ensure everyone is included.


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g HR



New D & I





of D & I



BT D & I






Monthly D & I


Roundup (HR &




D & I

training for

D & I leads



D &

I CFU calls



D & I


Calls for



D & I Impact



delivered to



D & I








nt pilots



approach to







n pilot



approach to




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A balanced workforce that

reflects all aspects of the diverse

societies in which we operate

A differentiated employee and

customer value proposition that

sets a global standard for

inclusion, where inclusive

design is the norm.

Clearly understood and

consistently applied policies

that ensure everyone is


Supporting colleagues

across BTTo embed our five Strategic priorities and ensure our

collective efforts contribute to making BT an

inclusive innovator, we have supported colleagues

across BT and Openreach.

The next slide shows the various activities we have

delivered to support colleagues.

Leveraging our strengths to

drive improved outcomes for

disadvantaged groups in


Externally recognised for our

role in tackling the serious and

complex D & I issues within

business, and for playing a key

part in shaping and contributing

to solutions.






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across BT







Launch of



r Transition






with TBWP,



Network on BT

office move

D & I







ed Tech




ent of three







nch of






e 500






ent Pilot



of D&I

EOY Collate




rt with


nt planning










review of



for women


Launch of


Pilot to attract

more women

into the

Business Unit

D & I


with The Better

Work Place



leads launched



, Inclusion








r D & I




ed People





approach to



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Declaration Campaign Pilot


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• Successful inclusion initiatives are driven by a thorough understanding of exclusion

• Robust diversity data will give us the information needed to identify where interventions ae needed to boost


• BT has low diversity declaration rates across all the CFUs/CUs.

• We aim to improve our rates. The better diversity data we have, the more certain we can be that:

– BT is as diverse and inclusive as it can be

– we are attracting a range of talented people to come and work for us

– we are effective in offering equality of opportunity and treatment to different groups

– our internal policies are having the desired inclusion outcomes


Reasons for the Pilot

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Pilot Approach

• We wanted an approach that would encourage improved engagement and completion.

• We knew that requesting personal sensitive data from colleagues requires sensitivity and careful


• Rather than sending an email request to all UK based colleagues in the BT Group, we sought to pilot the

effectiveness of different messages.

• Working with MoreThanNow, our behavioural science partners, we co-designed four different messages

that had different motivating factors. The messages sought to test the following:

1. whether colleagues would responded better to a message that was influenced by the behaviour of

others. (Social Norms)

2. whether colleagues would respond better to a message framed around a psychological attachment to

the organisation (Organisational Commitment)

3. whether colleagues would respond better to a message requesting them to provide their information

because the organisation wanted to improve declaration rates (Control)

4. whether colleagues would respond better to a message that highlighted our commitment to out

customers. (Customer Commitment).

• The results from the pilot will be used to determine what type of message we use in the full campaign

across BT (UK based colleagues only).11

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• To ensure sensitive data was secure, we used two internal methods of data capture.

1. Fusion – This method requested colleagues to input their own data using a deep URL link which directed

to their “My Details” page on the HR Fusion System.

2. Formwize - The second method requested colleagues update their data using Formwize.

• A total of 6,400 colleagues across each CFU/CU were invited to take part in this Pilot. (3200 were invited to

update their diversity data via Formwize - and 3200 via Fusion).

• For the purposes of the Pilot, we only requested data from colleagues that used the HR “Fusion” system.

• Limitations with the Fusion system meant we were unable to request data on all 9 Protected Characteristics

(consequently data on Marriage and Civil Partnerships, gender reassignment and Pregnancy and maternity

were not requested as they are not currently captured on Fusion). We did not seek to capture data on age and

gender as this data is captured as a matter of course for tax purposes when colleagues join BT.

• The pilot group was randomised and grouped to ensure that there was proportionate gender representation.

Each of the four messages requesting data was tested across both the “Formwize” and “Fusion” groups.


Pilot Methodology

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Headline findings

• 731 (11%) of colleagues completed their data using both the and Fusion platforms

• A total of 6,400 colleagues across each CFU/CU were directed to update their Diversity Data (3200 via

Formwize and 3200 via Fusion).

• 731 (11%) of colleagues completed their data using both the Formwize and Fusion platforms

• 9% (288) of the 3200 colleagues invited via Fusion updated their records.

• 14% (443) of the 3200 colleagues invited via Formwize updated their records.

• Of the 4 messages* used to request the data, the “Control” message prompted the greatest number of

responses. This message stated - “Please update your diversity data. Currently we have gaps in our

workforce diversity information. We would like you to complete your personal diversity data and help us

achieve a 100% response rate across the BT Group”.

• Colleagues in Technology and Corporate Functions that used Fusion were particularly receptive to the

control message with a 35% response rate in both areas.

• For those that used the Formwize platform, the highest response rate to the control message was from

colleagues in the Enterprise and Openreach with respective rates of 6% and 8%

• Of the colleagues who responded, 93% did so within the first 7 days of the pilot

* See appendix for the four messages used

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Formwize vs Fusion – the Pros and Cons of each approach

14 Security classification. Published version. Owner's name.2/12/2020 2:32 PM



• Formwize was designed by the team to be easy to use including all

diversity data on one page.

• Formwize allows us to upload data provided by colleagues onto the

HR Systems on their behalf, making it easier for them to declare.


• We were only able to use an internal version of Formwize to

capture required data. This is because the external version was not

authorised for security reasons.

• Formwize could not be accessed by every colleague targeted by

this pilot e.g. Openreach engineers are unable to access Formwize.

• Information captured through Formwize is downloadable via an

Excel file that can then be analysed. However, the information is

not encrypted.

• Collecting the data via Formwize requires the information to be

reloaded back onto each of the HR systems.



• This option requires colleagues to enter their own information. This

provides a more secure way of capturing data.

• There is no additional cost incurred when colleagues enter their

own data themselves.


• The current Fusion system uses outdated terminology. For example,

certain fields require colleagues to enter information in relation to

their “Civil Service Joining date” and “Multiple Civil Service


• The data captured by Fusion is not held in a cohesive manner. For

example, the disability data request sits on a separate page from

other data requested. This makes data entry quite complicated.

• Fusion is not user-friendly as it is challenging to navigate. It is also

not particularly intuitive.

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Proposed D & I Plans for the next 6 months


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A balanced workforce that reflects all

aspects of the diverse societies in which we


A differentiated employee and customer

value proposition that sets a global standard

for inclusion, where inclusive design is the


Clearly understood and consistently applied

policies that ensure everyone is included.

Leveraging our strengths to drive improved

outcomes for disadvantaged groups in


Externally recognised for our role in tackling

the serious and complex D & I issues within

business, and for playing a key part in

shaping and contributing to solutions.






• Delivery of D & I Immersion training for ExCo

• D & I expertise within TBWP to ensure geo-footprint plans recognise regional nuances

• Use outcomes of Behavioural Science review to inform 2021 graduate recruitment campaign

• Target driven CFU bespoke approaches to recruitment campaigns and internal movement

• Diversity Declaration Campaign delivered

• Scoping D & I training and education packages for our HR community

• Talent Sponsorship programme pilot delivered in CFU (specific CFU to be identified following

analysis of existing programmes)

• Inclusive design principles launched with associated online training

• Inclusive design principles launched & trained

• Launch of Pan BT D & I Working Group (Customers and Society)

• BT Flexible Working Review Group established

• Leadership training to Chairs and Co-Chairs of Colleague Networks and roll out of revised network


• Publish Gender Pay Gap Report

• Confirm approach to Ethnicity pay gap subject to Government comms

• Consultation on impact of Language and Social Identity launched

• Disability Innovation Network launched in conjunction with Global Disability Innovation Hub


• UN LGBTI Standards and Trans Charter announcement

• Strategic Partnership with Global Disability Innovation Hub (GDIH) established

• Initial findings from research partnership with More than Now announced

• Valuable 500 signatory

Our proposed focus for the next 6 months and beyond – Key


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Areas requiring feedback / input


• Declaration campaign plans

• D & I issues across BT - What works?

• Key D & I concerns from CWU colleagues

• Feedback regarding activities planned for the next 6 months

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Diversity Data Declaration Pilot campaign – BT Group messages

(Fusion requests)


Message Type - “Control” – The message sought to test whether colleagues were motivated by a method aimed at allowing them to take action within the wider context of improving our declaration rates.

Please update your diversity data.

Currently we have gaps in our workforce diversity information. We’d like you to complete your personal diversity data and help us achieve 100% response rate across the BT Group.

We want to create inclusive work environments where everyone can succeed and achieve their full potential, regardless of their age, disability, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation or any other difference.

You may feel it’s no one’s business what your sexual orientation, gender identity or any other diversity characteristic is. It isn’t compulsory for you to share anything that you do not want to. However, we’d ask that rather than providing no information at all, you use the ‘prefer not to say’ option if you feel it’s appropriate.

We can’t fully measure our progress on diversity and inclusion unless all your diversity information is completed. So please take 2 minutes to update your information.

Your privacy is very important to us. Any data you provide won’t be shared with anyone on your team including your line manager and will be treated in strictest confidence. The diversity information we’re asking for is requested under the provisions of the Data Protection Act 2018 and for the purpose of its collection is to help us achieve equality of opportunity or treatment. For more information about why we’re asking you to provide your information and how we’ll use it, please refer to the FAQ document which will provide you with some answers.

Thanks for your help.

Jackie BeerSenior HR Manager, Diversity and Inclusion

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Message type - “Customer Commitment” The message aimed to see whether colleagues were motivated by a message that links the commitments we’ve made to our customers with the request for their private information.

We’re committed to doing the best for our customers and to do that we need to reflect them.

We want to create inclusive work environments where everyone can succeed and achieve their full potential, regardless of their age, disability, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation or any other difference.

To help us achieve that ambition, we need your help to understand what we look like now.

We’d be grateful if you would take 2 minutes completing your diversity data Even if you feel you have already provided this information in the past, we’d still like you to take part.

Your privacy is very important to us. Any data you provide won’t be shared with anyone on your team including your line manager and will be treated in strictest confidence. The diversity information we’re asking for is requested under the provisions of the Data Protection Act 2018 and for the purpose of its collection is to help us achieve equality of opportunity or treatment. For more information about why we’re asking you to provide your information and how we’ll use it, please refer to the FAQ document which will provide you with some answers.

Thanks for your help.

Jackie BeerSenior HR Manager, Diversity and Inclusion

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Message Type - “Norms” - Social norms signal appropriate behaviour and are classed as behavioural expectations or rules within a group of people. The message sought to test whether colleagues responded to a message that was influenced by the behaviour of others.

Thousands of people around the company have provided their diversity data, have you?

We want to create inclusive work environments where everyone can succeed and achieve their full potential, regardless of their age, disability, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation or any other difference.

Our records show that quite a few people have not provided their data. To help us become more inclusive, we need a complete set of diversity data from everyone. We’d therefore be grateful if you would take 2 minutes to complete your diversity data.

Your privacy is very important to us. Any data you provide won’t be shared with anyone on your team including your line manager and will be treated in strictest confidence. The diversity information we’re asking for is requested under the provisions of the Data Protection Act 2018 and for the purpose of its collection is to help us achieve equality of opportunity or treatment. For more information about why we’re asking you to provide your information and how we’ll use it, please refer to the FAQ document which will provide you with some answers.

Thanks for your help.

Jackie BeerSenior HR Manager, Diversity and Inclusion

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Message type - “Organisational Commitment” – Message aimed to test whether a psychological attachment to the organisation would compel colleagues to provide their personal data.

Our new mission Beyond Limits allows us to tell our true story.

We’re on a mission to help customers, communities and businesses overcome barriers and release their potential, every day. And at BT we don’t want there to be any barriers to our people being their best selves at work.

We want to create inclusive work environments where everyone can succeed and achieve their full potential, regardless of their age, disability, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation or any other difference.

Sharing your diversity information with us now will help turn our aspiration to go Beyond Limits into an everyday reality for all colleagues and help us do the best for our country.

We’d be grateful if you would take 2 minutes completing your diversity data. Even if you feel you have already provided this information in the past, we’d still like you to take part.

Your privacy is very important to us. Any data you provide won’t be shared with anyone on your team including your line manager and will be treated in strictest confidence. The diversity information we’re asking for is requested under the provisions of the Data Protection Act 2018 and for the purpose of its collection is to help us achieve equality of opportunity or treatment. For more information about why we’re asking you to provide your information and how we’ll use it, please refer to the FAQ document which will provide you with some answers.

Thanks for your help.

Jackie BeerSenior HR Manager, Diversity and Inclusion

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12/02/2020© British Telecommunications plc