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This book is written by A G Krishnamurthy, the author of the bestseller “The Invisible CEO”. A G Krishnamurthy is the founder chairman and managing director of Mudra Communications.

Mudra is one of India’s largest advertising agency. A G Krishnamurthy is also credited with starting one of the world’s largest and only one of its kind advertising educational institution in the world, MICA.

Author is a graduate from University of Andhra Pradesh, and had the opportunity to be a pupil to great leaders like Dhirubhai Ambani, Dr. Verghese Kurien and Giraben Sarabhai.

In December 1998, ‘Media International’ the British Magazine recognized him as one of the 25 key personalities in the international advertising industry.

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The Book titled "Dhirubhaism" written by AG Krishnamurthy was released by Mukesh Ambani,Chairman and Managing Director, Reliance Industries Limited in a simple function in Mumbai on May 03, 2007. The remarkable work philosophy of Dhirubhai Ambani - by A G Krishnamurthyis an attempt to capture the unique insights that Dhirubhai shared with the author during their long association. Accompanied by a Foreword by Mukesh Ambani, the Chairman of Reliance Industries Ltd., in which he reaffirms his father Dhirubhai's unique ability to bring out the extraordinary in ordinary folk, this book is a handy compendium for all those who have often been curious about the ability of Reliance to build mammoth projects in seemingly impossible environments.

Dhirubhaism, like most other isms is a philosophy or an attitude. The author, having closely observed Dhirubhai's style of functioning has presented fifteen of them. They are not complicated attitudes either - they are simple viewpoints.

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1. Roll up your sleeves and help

2. Be a safety net for your team

3. Be a silent benefactor

4. Dream big cut dream with your eyes open

5. The arm-around-the-shoulder leader

6. The Dhirubhai theory: Supply creates demand

7. Money is not a product by itself

8. Leave the professional alone

9. Change your orbit, constantly

10. Optimism, the core of Dhirubhaism

11. You can find a friend in every human being

12. Think big

13. Hold on to your dreams?

14. Bet on your people

15. Be Positive

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•Be a silent benifactor•I live the Gita - Dhirubhai Ambani

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•Money is not product by itself.It is a by-product, so don't chase it•If you work with determination and with perfection, success will follow.

•Leave the professional alone•Give (your people) the youth a proper environment. Motivate them.Extend them the support they need. Each one of them has infinite source of energy. They will deliver.

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• Think Big• For those who dare to dream, there is a whole world to win....Dream and dare

•BE POSITIVE•My advice to the young Entrepreneurs is not to accept defeat in the face of the odds, and challenge negative forces with hope, self-confidence and conviction.I believe that ambition and initiative will ultimately triumph.The success of the young entrepreneur will be the key to India's transformation in the new millennium - Dhirubhai Ambani.

•Bet on your people• People in Reliance are our core strength and it is very important to bet on them.

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Dhirubhai gave management a whole new 'ism‘Dhirubhai Ambani was no ordinary leader. He was a man who gave management a whole new "ism". There is a new "ism" to add to the vast world of words for quite a while now. Because, without exaggeration, it's a word for which no synonym can do full justice: "Dhirubhaism“.

"Small men like me don't inspire big words!" Inspired by the truly phenomenal Dhirubhai H Ambani, it denotes a characteristic, tendency or syndrome as demonstrated by its inspirer. Dhirubhai, on his part, had he been around, would have laughed heartily and declared, "Small men like me don't inspire big words!"

“Help your employees”A manager should understand the situation and then act appropriately. He should help his team and believe in their abilities.

“A manager should be a safety net”A manager should be a safety net for his team and the team will perform wonders. A Manager should be empathetic towards the employees. He should fight the battles for them, if they ever need him to. He should be a safety net for them so that they would come out with great results.

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“Management requires trusting”Trust and transparency stimulates Entrepreneurship. A manager must have the uncanny knack of knowing exactly how the market is going to behave. Money is the value of your product, and can never be a product on its own. So don’t chase it. Never compromise on quality. A good product is like your personal ambassador who will forge long lasting relationships with your clients.

“Be positive”Accept the inadequacies of the day as a given and try and try not to let what was missing stop you from getting what you want .Don’t aim low and blame it on circumstances.

“Money is not a product by itself”Money is the value of your product, and can never be a product on its own. So don’t chase it. Never compromise on quality. A good product is like your personal ambassador who will forge long lasting relationships with your clients.

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These were some of the principles which Dhirubhai ambani followed to achieve success in his life.

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Dhirajlal Hirachand Ambani, was a Indian rags-to-riches business tycoon who founded Reliance Industries in Mumbai with his cousin. Ambani took his company (Reliance)public in 1977, and by 2007 the combined fortune of the family was 60 billion dollars, making the Ambanis RICHEST in the world.

The list of Dhirubhai’s achievement is endless. This was our small way to tell you what all it takes to have a life larger than way of living which Mr Dhirubhai Ambani achieved by putting his soul and life.

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