Download - · Grade and Tonnage Data Used to Construct Models for the Regional Alaskan Mineral Resources Assessment Program

Page 1: · Grade and Tonnage Data Used to Construct Models for the Regional Alaskan Mineral Resources Assessment Program

Grade and Tonnage Data Used t o Construct

Models f o r t h e Regional Alaskan Mineral Resources

Assessment Program

D.A. S inger , W . D , Menzie, 3 .H. DeYoung, Jr . ,

M. ~ a n d e r L 1 , a n d A . Lo t t

1/ Stanford Univers i ty , S tanford , Ca l i fo rn i a 94305 -

pmpE;R' 2' g:!t' U . S. Geological Survey & I SF.,,:. ~4 Y'

F? - I . I * 2 Open-f j 1 e Report 80-.799 s*g)$ly% d l ? A L i : X- .

wyps;Q&? (4 ET QEaLeCICWI. B U i W E I

T h i s r e p o r t i s pre l iminary and has n o t been ed i t ed o r r e v i e w e d f o r conformity w i t h U.S. Geological Survey stan- dards and nomenclature.

Page 2: · Grade and Tonnage Data Used to Construct Models for the Regional Alaskan Mineral Resources Assessment Program


In ea r ly 1973, t he U.S. Geological Survey published four regional

s t ud i e s (U .S .G .S. Open-file Reports 78-1A t o E ) describing the metal 1 i-

ferous mineral resource potent ia l of 80 percent of t he S t a t e of Alaska.

These s tud ies were pa r t o f the Regional Alaskan Mineral Resource Assess-

ment Program (RAMRAP). Basic s teps in these repor ts included del inea-

t i on of areas favorable o r permissive f o r various types of mineral de-

posits, est imation o f the number of deposits o f each type w i t h i n each. \

dcl i n ~ a t e d area where poss ib le , and f o r 11 deposi t types, construction

of grade-tonnage o r contained metal models. Because o f space and tirne

1 imi ta t ions , documentation o f the ' c r i t e r i a f o r the se lect ion of deposits

used i n the grade-tonnage models, grade and tonnage values, sources o f

information, and l i n ~ i t a t i o n s of the grade and tonnage values were not

included i n the repor ts ; this paper meets these needs.

Tonnages and average grades o f incompletely explored deposi ts are

seldom well known and, of course, a r e not known f o r unfound deposits.

Variat ion of grades and tonnages of we1 1-explored deposits is qui te large

b u t much of this var ia t ion i s due t o d i f ferences i n deposit types. W i t h -

i n spec i f i ed deposi t types t he var ia t ion can be much l e s s and can be

represented by frequency des t r ibu t ions of g rade and tonnage f o r well-

e;:plored deposi ts of each type. Frequency d i s t r i bu t i ons o f th is type

were used i n t he mineral resource repor ts of Alaska a s models of ton-.

nages and average grades o f the yet-to-be discovered and incompletely ex-

plored deposi ts . T h u s the asse r t ion t h a t an area i s geologically f-avor-

ab le f o r the occurrence o f a specif ied type o f mineral deposit can be

fu r the r defined by quan t i t a t ive information about t h e qual i ty and quantity

Page 3: · Grade and Tonnage Data Used to Construct Models for the Regional Alaskan Mineral Resources Assessment Program

o f mineral commodities contained i n such deposits.

Total tonnages and average grades for known deposits were calcu-

la ted on the basis of p a s t production plus estimated reserves o r , where

avai lable , estimated resources. These estimates, plus deposit names,

general locations, and data sources are l is ted i n this report i n tables

f o r each o f the depos i t types fo r which models were constructed (Tables

1-10). Preceding each table i s a short description of the c r i t e r i a used

t o c lass i fy the deposits. Data used i n the grade-tonnage o r contained-

metal models f o r the following deposit types a r e presented; podiform

chroni t e , porphyry copper, porphyry molybdenum, skarn tungsten, mercury,

nickel i n small i n t r u s i o n s , vein gold, mafic volcanogenic s u l f i d e , felsic

and intermediate volcanoyenic su l f ide , and skarn copper. Data sources , i

f o r each tab le a re 7isted separately a t the end. Location codes are

l i s t e d in Table 11. Revised grade-tonnage models are presented i n 'Cable

12. A discuss<on o f er rors t h a t can ex i s t i n t h i s type o f d a t a i s pro-

vided in the following section.

Data Errors

Because the grade-tonnage models a re supposed t o add irrforiiiation

about the mineral resource potential of an area, i t i s important t h a t

models of grades and tonnages be representative of those t h a t occur i n

the del i n e a t e d areas. The niodels may n o t be represent3 t i v e i f t he wrong

d e p o s i t type model is applied t o an area, o r i f the grsdes o r tonnages

used to construct the model are not r e p r e s e n t a t i v e o f t he depos i t type.

bJi th careful considerat ion of the geology a n d known depasits of a n area,

such as was the case in the mineral resource assessnients of Alaska, errors

due t o misspecification of deposit types tend t o be quite small. Errors

Page 4: · Grade and Tonnage Data Used to Construct Models for the Regional Alaskan Mineral Resources Assessment Program

due t o non-representative grades o r tonnages can be a r e s u l t of the in-

co r r ec t values of properly c l a s s i f i e d d e p o s i t s o r of incorrect ly c l a s s i -

f ied deposi ts used i n the models.

A deposi t of one type can be placed w i t h a group o f depos i ts of

another type through a c l a s s i f i c a t i o n mistake. Combinations of h o s t and

associa ted rock types, conta ined metals , mineralogy, g2010gic se t t i ngs ,

and comparison with recognized mineral deposits of ezch type were used

t o i den t i f y deposi ts t h a t belonged t o the various deposit types. Mis-

takes i n c l a s s i f i c a t i o n can be a r e s u l t o f e r ro r s i n the geologic de-

scriptSon o f a deposit i n the l i t e r a t u r e o r i n our in te rpre ta t ion of the

geologic descr ipt ion. A few e r ro r s of both types probably exist i n the

data sets presented here. I t i s unl ikely , however, t h a t discovery and

correct ion of these e r r o r s would s i gn i f i c an t l y changz the grade.-tonnage

models used i n the resource assessments;

Errors re la ted t o incor rec t deposi ts used i n t h o nodels can a l so be

due t o unrecognized regional d i f ferences i n grades and/or tonnages with in

a mineral deposi t type. Regional d i f ferences i n grades and/or tonnages.

a r e knom t o e x i s t f o r porphyry copper deposits and for podiforrn chromite

deposits and may e x i s t but n o t be recognized f o r saxe o f t h e other d e p o s i t

types . Incorrect values can conie about i n several ways and may cause the

grade-tonnage model developed frointhe values t o not 52 rep resen ta t i ve of

the population of i n t e r e s t . A l though report ing e r ro r s e x i s t in the l i t e r -

a t u r e , gross e r ro r s a r e usually detected by p lo t t ing the data and by ex-

amining d a t a from several sources.

A f i n a l source of e r r o r i s due t o the e f f e c t s of economics on the

Page 5: · Grade and Tonnage Data Used to Construct Models for the Regional Alaskan Mineral Resources Assessment Program

q u a l i t y of d a t a a v a i l a b l e . Grade and t o n n a g e s e s t i m a t e s are u s u a l l y based

on d r i l l i n g o f t h e d e p o s i t s . Because of the expense i n v o l v e d i n d r i l l i n g ,

mining c o n c e r n s commonly d r i l l enough h o l e s t o p rove o r disprove the

economic v i a b i l i t y of t h e mining t h e d e p o s i t . This p r o c e s s can l e a d t o a

tonnage , and i n some c a s e s a g r a d e e s t i m a t e t h a t i s b i a s e d w i t h r e s p e c t

t o t h e g r a d e and tonnage o f t h e m i n e r a l i z e d rock i n a d e p o s i t . Wi th in

i n d i v i d u a l d e p o s i t s , t onnage e s t i m a t e s t e n d t o be b i a s e d downword and

g r a d e estimates b i a s e d upward. A r e l a t e d problem is t h e t e n d e n c y o f

l o w e r g r a d e d e p o s i t s n o t t o be r e p o r t e d because t h e y may n o t be economic

t o mine a t the time they a r e e x p l o r e d . Ba lanc ing t h e s e b i a s e s t o some

e x t e n t i s the i n c l u s i o n of p a s t p r o d u c t i o n which, f o r o l d e r d e p a s i t s a t I

o r n e a r d e p l e t i o n , t e n d s t o r e d u c e t h e biases. For t h e more r e c e n t l y

d i s c o v e r e d and the l a r g e r t o n n a g e d e p o s i t s , d r i l l i n g and the r e s u l t a n t

e s t i m a t e s a r e o f t e n more comple te because mining c o n c e r n s at tempt t o de-

v e l o p long- range mine p l a n s now. I t i s a l s o more common i n recent yea r s

f o r governments and p r i v a t e i n d u s t r y t o r e p o r t grades and t o n n a g e e s t i -

ma tes of uneconomic d e p o s i t s .


The d a t a were o b t a i n e d f rom a v a r i e t y of s o u r c e s and many i n d i v i d u a l s

among them Paul Schruben, Gus Goudarz i , Maureen Johnson, and J o c e l y n

P e t e r s o n .

Page 6: · Grade and Tonnage Data Used to Construct Models for the Regional Alaskan Mineral Resources Assessment Program

Podi form Chromi t e

Chromite deposi ts were c l a s s i f i e d a s podiforrn i f t h e i r form was

t h a t of l e n t i c u l a r or approximately tabular pods occuring i n i r regu la r

pe r ido t i t e masses o r peridoti te-gabbro complexes of the a lp ine type.

Data used f o r the RAMRAP podiform chromite model were a l l from Cali-

fo rn ia because of reported s i m i l a r i t i e s o f the California depos i ts t o

many i n Alaska and because of the exce l len t documentation of the Cali-

fo rn ia deposits. Reported grades should be used w i t h caution; they may

represent the shipped grade which had been concentrated o r t h e grade i n

place. A f e w of t he grades and tonnages from the l a rge r deposits re-

present the combination of several deposi ts from a d i s t r i c t . Reports

of mult iple grades from d i f f e r e n t p a r t s of a deposi t were handled by

recalculating the grades and tonnages t o - an average g r a d e f o r the t o t a l


Page 7: · Grade and Tonnage Data Used to Construct Models for the Regional Alaskan Mineral Resources Assessment Program

Table 1.--Chromi t e Deposits from California

( d a t a sources 1 isted i n references)

Deposi t name Locat ion Grade Tonnage (County) (Pe rcen t (Ms t r i c tons)


Newinon Mine

A1 1 an (Johnson Lease)

Courtwright ( ~ a g g e t t Lease) Courtwright

Detert Ellis

Kremmel and F r o e l i c h

Wai t

A n t i - A x i s

A1 ameda


. . .do.. .

. .

. . .do.. .

. . .do. . .

. . .do.. .

. . .do.. . Butte

B i g Bend B i g Pine Claim

Chr i s t a i n Place

Dickey and D r i s b a c h Prospect Green ridge

Hendricks No. 2


Liberty Bond Claim

L i t t l e Hope

Mary Jane

North S t a r (Red Mtn)


Pa rk ' s Ranch

P.U.P. (Zen i th )



Suzy Bell (Lucky Str ike)


War Bond

War Eagl e and fili 1 Je r Depos i ts

. .do. . . .;:do..

. . .do.. .

... do.. .

. . .do.. .

. . .do.. .

... do.. .

. . . do . . .

. .

. . .do.. .

... do.. .

... do.. .

... do.. .

. * .do.. .

... do . . .

... do . . .

... d o . . .

. . .do. . .

... do. . .

... d o . . .

Page 8: · Grade and Tonnage Data Used to Construct Models for the Regional Alaskan Mineral Resources Assessment Program

Deposit Location Grade Tonnage (County) (percent (Metric tons)

Cr203 --

Gillan Cal averas 3 3 1.4 x lo2

Fields and Stoker ... do . . . 4 3 2.12 x 10 2

... do. .. 3 8 5.0 x lo2 rl

Bowie Estate . . .do.. . 37 4.0 x loL

American Asbestos Co. .. .do.. . 3 5 1.0 x 10 2

Clary and Langford ... do.. . 46 3.48 x lo2

Holbrook and McGuire . . . d o - . . 4 7 8.5 x 10 2



Mayf l ower



Vogel gzsang


Ward and Lyons Alyce and Blue Jay Claims


' Big Dipper (Robr)


Chrome H i 1 1 No 1

Coon M t . Nos. 1-3

Copper Creek (Low divide)

Fourth of July

French Hill

... do.. . 32 1.4 x 10 3

. . .do.. .

... do. . .

. . .do. . .

. . .do.. . Del Iblorte

. . .do.. .

. . .do.. .

... do.. .

. . .do.. .

. . .do.. .

. . .do. . .

. . . do* . .

. , .do. . .

. . .do.. . High Dome ; . . do . . . 45 2.95 x lo2

High Pla teau . . . do . . . 53 1.5 x I0 4

Judy (H icks) ... d o . . . 44 3.85 x 10 2

Fluzzl el oader (Stevens t\lo. 1) ... do.. . 50 1.69 x lo2

Lone Gravel . . . do . . . 4 2 2.8 x 10 2

b l t . View

Rattlesnake M t .

. . .do.. . 42 9.35 lo3

... d o . . . 4 2 3.36 x lo3

Richey, U.S. and S.J . . . .do. . . 4 0 2.3 x 10'


Page 9: · Grade and Tonnage Data Used to Construct Models for the Regional Alaskan Mineral Resources Assessment Program


S t . Patrick (Camp 8)

Skyline Nine


Toujours Gai

White Feather



Gold Bug Claims

Green Mine

He1 emar H i 11 -Top Chrome

Hof f


P i l l i k in

She1 l y

Sheppard Mine



A1 i ce Mine

Black Bow C l a i m (Avery)

Blue Brush

Butler, Estate chrome, etc .

Camden Mine

Clara ti

Chrome Gulch Group

Jack Sprat Group


L e t t y

Long Ledge Group Lo t t y

L i t t l e Rock ~ i ' n e

Lucky Boy

Location Grade Tonnage (County) (Percent (Metric tons)


Del l o r t e 4 0 1.27 x l o2

... do . . . 4 7 2.64 x l o 2

... do. . . 3 8 6.5 x 10' El Dorado 45 8.0 x loo . . 45 2.2 lo4 . . .do.. . 40 2.0 x 10 2

... do.. . 4 7 1.5 x lo2

. . 3 8 8.7 x 10'

... do. . . 45 9.0 x+.1oo

... do.. . 3 1 2 . O x 1 o 2

... do.. . 10 5.0 x 10 3

. . .do.. . 43 1 . 1 ~ 1 0 ~

. . .do.. . 3 0 1.28 x lo3

. . .do.. . 34 1.2 x 10 2

. . .do.. . 35 1.05 x lo2

. . .do.. . 4 5 1.98 x l o 2

Fresno 40 4.5 x lo1

... do. . .

... do.. .

... do.. .

... do.. .

. . . d o . . .

... d o . . .

... do . . .

... d o . . .

. . .do.. .

... do.. .

... do.. .

. . .do.. .

. .

Page 10: · Grade and Tonnage Data Used to Construct Models for the Regional Alaskan Mineral Resources Assessment Program

Deposi t name Location (county)

Manches ter Mine Fresno McCurty . . .do. . . Red Slide Group ... do. . . Rock Wren Mine . . .do.. . Rose Claims . . .do.. . S a i n t ... do.. . Sunset ... do.. . Black Diamond or Grey Eagle Group Glenn

Binder 20. 1 Humbol d t

Blue Creek Tunnel . . .do.. . Lass ic Peak . . .do.. . Pecwan . . Pyramid ... do.. . White Cedar ... do.. . Wilder ( F i s h Creek) . . .do., . Black Bart (Great Western) Lake

But ler C l aims . . . do . . . Gunn Claims ... do. . . Harp and Sons Ranch Depos i t s ... do, . . Kangaroo Court Mines . . .do.. . Sutro Mine

Lucky Strike Mine

Daisy (Aldelabron)

Elder Claim

t~loore Pli ne

F.2ullaly Mine

f i i chel i n i Mine

Alta Hi l l

Bowden Prospect

Codd Prospect D i ckerson


. . .do.. .

. .do.. . Monterey

Na pa

. . .do.. .

... do. . .

... do. . . Nevada

-. . .do.. . . . .do.. . . . .do.. . . .*do. . .

Tonnage (Metric tons)

Page 11: · Grade and Tonnage Data Used to Construct Models for the Regional Alaskan Mineral Resources Assessment Program

Depos i t name Locat ion (County)

Grade Tonnage (Percent (Metric tons) Cr203 )

Geach Gillis Prospect

Half Chrome

Hol seman (and others) Merrif ield

Moscatelli ho. 1

Moscatel l i No. 2

Mu1 cahy Prospect 01 sen

Porter P rope r ty

Red Ledge

Sp r ing Hi1 1


Tomki n

Wai te Wo1 f Creek Area

Beat B o i l e r P i t

Black Rock Chrome

Bunker Buttercup Chrome

Esther and Phyllis F i ddl e r ' s Green

Gas Canyon

Green (Americus)

Green's Capco Leases Hodge Ranch


Ju1 i an

Maralls' Capco Leases

Mou'ntain View Group

New Hope

North Fork Chrome


. . .do. . .

... do.. .

. . .do. . .

. . .do.. .

. . .do. *

. . ,do.. .

. . .do.. .

... do.. .

. . .do.. .

. . .do.. .

... do.

... do. . .

... do.. .

... do. . .

. . .do. *. Placer

. .do.. .

. .*do.. .

. . .do. . .

. . .do.. .

... do. * .

. . .do. . .

.* .do . . .

. . . d o . . .

. . . d o . . .

. . . d o * . .

. . .do. . .

... do. . .

. . .do. . .

... do.. .

. . .do.. *

. . .do.. . 10

Page 12: · Grade and Tonnage Data Used to Construct Models for the Regional Alaskan Mineral Resources Assessment Program

Deposit name

Parker Poco Tie~npo Quartz Randal 1

Snakehead (Jumbo)

S o u t h e r n Pac i f ic p r o p e r t y

S u n s e t


West Chrome

Cattle S p r i n g s

C h i c a p

Clover Leaf


D i amofid

Edel irie

Hudson (Full er Claims)

Jack Forth

Mc Carty

Poodl e Dog Skyline No. I

Sky1 i n e No. 2

S p o t

White P i n e Mine

Wolf Creek

!4estern Magnesi t e E l Frimero

, C a s t r o Mine

Z e r f i r g Ranch

P i n e M t . Claims

T r i n i d a d

Souss Ranch

N o r c r o s s

Lucky Strike Mine

Victory No. 3

Location Grade (County) (Percent

Cr203 J

Tonnage (Me t r i c tons)

P I acer ... do.. . . . .do.. . ... do. . . . . .do.. . . . .do.. . . . .do, . . . . .do.. . P l umas

... do. . .

. . .do.. .

. . .do.. . , . . . .do.. . . . .do.. . . . - . . .do.. . ... do.. . . . . d o . . . . . .do. * . . . .do. . . * .do.. . ... do.. . Santa Clara

San L u i s Obispo

. . .do.. .

. * . do . . .

. . .do

... do. . .

... do.. .

... do . . .

. . *. .do.. .

Page 13: · Grade and Tonnage Data Used to Construct Models for the Regional Alaskan Mineral Resources Assessment Program

Deposit name

Srdee t w a ter Sunshine


Shotgun Creek

Round Bottom

Location Grade (County) (Percent


San Luis Obispo 45

. . .do.. . 38

... do . . . 51

Shas t a 4 4

... do . . . 49

Tonnage (Metric tans)

Li t t l e Castle Creek Mine . 4 6 1.67 x 10 4

Forest Queen ... do.. . 43 1.88 lo3 Dorriss Sie r ra 4 5 7.5 x lo1

Fi nan ... do.. . 47 8.0 x lo0

Gi bsonvi 11 e . . 4 4 2.62 x 10'

Golconda Fraction . . .do.. . 39 1.2 x lo2

Mi 1 t.on ... do. . . 4 1 2.5 x 10 2

Qxford ... do.. . 3 8 4-0 x 10 3 ,

Roupe . . .do . . . 44 4.0 x 10 2

White Bear . . .do.. . 4 1 3*75 x 10 2

Cogg i ns S i s kiyou 39 4.22 x lo3

Cyclone Gap . -. 47 2.4 x lo3

Doe F l a t . . 36 2.4 x lo3 Dozi e r . . .do.. . 4 2 4.65 x 10' E l k Creek Claim . . 4 1 1.87 x lo2

Fai rvi cw ... do. . . 3 9 2.26 x lo3

Hayden and Hi1 t . . .do.. . 5 0 6.9 x 10'

Josephine . . .do.. . 45 1.0 lo3

McGuffy Creek Group ... do. . . 5 5 8.25 x lo3 R

Moffet t Creek Group . . .do. . . 4 9 4.25 x loL

Peg Ley (Lambert) ... do. . . 5 4 6.31 x lo2 . . .do . . , 3 6 6.0 x 10

4 Se iad Creek (bit. View)

Snowy Ridge . . .do . . . 39 2.98 x 10'

Laton Mine Sonoma 4 8 3.0 lo3

b d e i r a ... do.. . 3 4 1.0 x lo2

Meeker (Sonoma Chrome, lnc ) . . .do. . . 4 0 2.0 x 10 3

We1 ch Prospect . . .do.. . 43 2.0 x 10 1

Page 14: · Grade and Tonnage Data Used to Construct Models for the Regional Alaskan Mineral Resources Assessment Program

Deposi t name Location (County)

Grade (Percent

Creo3 1

Tonnage ( l b l e t r i c tons)

No 5

Lucky Girl Mine

Chrome Camp Mine

Black Bear Mine

Black Bart Group

Adobe Canyon Group

Black Chrome Blue Sky (Lucky S t a r )

Elder Creek

Elder Crsek Group

Kl ei nsorge Group

Noble Electric Co.

S t a t e School


Crow Creek Group

tlappy Go Lucky

I Wonder

Mule Creek

Oak Ridge

,Reds ki n

September Morn Shamrock

S t a r k Bee

Sunnysl ope

Yellow Pine

Tangle Blue D i v i d e

Earl Smith

Gill (Gill Ranch)

Holston (Vaughn)

Ace o f Spades

Booker Lease Don Pedro

E g g l i n g and Williams

Stani sl aus ... do . . . . . .do*. . . . .do . . . . . .do*. . ... do.. . Tehama

. . .do.. .

. . .do.. .

... do.. .

. . .do . . .

... do.. .

... do.. . T r i n i t y

. . .do.. .

. . .do. . . 4 9 1.7 x 10'

... d o . . . 42. 1.0 x 10 2

. . . d o . . . 4 8 6.4 x 10'

... do.. . 43 5.0 x 10 P

. . .do.. .

... do. . .

...* 0.. .

... do. . . Tul a r e

... do. . .

. . .do. . . Tuol umne

. . .do.. .

... do.. .

. . .do. . .

Page 15: · Grade and Tonnage Data Used to Construct Models for the Regional Alaskan Mineral Resources Assessment Program

Deposit name Loca-ti on Grade Tonnage ( C o u n t y ) (Percent ( l 9 e t r i c t o n s )


Mc Cormick Tuol umne 4 6 3.85 lo3 Mac kay ... do.. . 37 4.15 x 1.0


Mum and Alice June cla ims . . .do.. . 17 2.5 x lo4

North End, West End and ... do.. . 3 8 3.5 x 10 3

Spotted Fawn 1

Perconi Ranch Deposits . . .do., . 33 5.0 x IQ* . . .do.. . 3 5 1.70, x 10

3 Quigy Richards ... do.. . 23 8.45 x lo3 Shafer lease


. . .do.. . 3 1 8.5 x lo0

... do. . . 3 7 2.9 x 10 1

Sull i van and Kahl ... do. . . 31 8.5 x 10 2

Chall enge Area ... do. .. 3 3 1.75 x 10'

Camptonvi 1 1 e Area . . .do . . . 3 8 3 . 8 6 ~ 10' ;

Page 16: · Grade and Tonnage Data Used to Construct Models for the Regional Alaskan Mineral Resources Assessment Program

Porphyry Copper

Deposits were placed in the c lass i f they included disseminated

pyr i te , chal copyri t e , and frequently molybdeni te and borni t e in o r near

f e l s i c t o intermediate intrusive rocks. Most deposits had a t l eas t one

porphyry f a c i e s o f intrusive. In most cases, deposits were placed i n

t h i s class i f they were called porphyries i n the l i t e ra tu re . Deposits

from western Canada and Alaska were selected as the nost appropriate

nodel for Alaskan deposits because the average grades and tonnages of

porphyry copper deposits tend t o be lower fo r deposits located farther

north along the trend o f deposi ts from Chile, through the southwestern

U.S., t o British Columbia and Alaska. In s p i t e o f t h i s precaution, the

grades of the Canadian deposits appeared t o be t o o h i g h compared to

those reported i n preliminary d r i l l i ng of t he Alaskan deposits; the

grade model used i n the RAMRAP reports was therefore a result of a sub-

j ec t ive adjustment o f the observed d is t r ibut ion . Both grade models are

presented i n Table 12.

Page 17: · Grade and Tonnage Data Used to Construct Models for the Regional Alaskan Mineral Resources Assessment Program

Table 2.--Porphyry Copper Deposits

Deposit name ~ o c a t i o n d C o p p e r Molybdenum Tonnage Reference grade grade (fletric (Percent) (.Percent) tons

x 106)

Bell Capper CNBC 0.48 0.006 100. 3

tlorri son CNBC .42 -013 95. 3

Dorothy CNBC .25 .01 45. 5

Krai n (Keystone) CNBC .45 -013 18. 1

Axe CNBC .45 .012 45.4 2

Ann (Gravel Mt.) CNBC .27 ,003 43.4 2

Poison Mountain CNBC .33 -035 175. 3

Berg CNBC .40 -03 363. 2

Schaf t Creek (Laird)

Paramount Mining

P a t t o n H i 11 (Casino)

R i g h m o u n t ( I d e )

Bethlehem (a1 1 properties)


Gi 1 bra1 tor




Is1 and Copper Caribou

Bond Crcek

Orange Hil l

0 K
















Af ton CbIBC -90

Grani sl e CNGC .43

Ingerbei 1 ( + Simi 1 karneen) CNBC .53

Galore ( S t i k i ne) CNBC 1.00

Valley C o p p e r CNBC .48

Sam Goosly CPJBC .33

Redgroup CNUC .56

Page 18: · Grade and Tonnage Data Used to Construct Models for the Regional Alaskan Mineral Resources Assessment Program

Deposit name ~ o c a t i o n g Copper Malybdenum Tonnage Reference grade g r a d e (Met r ic (percent) (.Percent) tons

x 106)

Evening S t a r & Galaxy copper CNBC .58 5.4 1

June (Dease take) CNBC -389 30. 1

Primer CNBC -20 23. 5

Kwani ka CNBC .20 36, 5

B i g Onion CNBC -36 18. 5

Catface CNBC .47 209. 1

Lorraine CNBC "70 PO. 3

)/heal Tamar ( A j a x ) Ck!BC -50 9 1

Copper Mtn. CNBC -41 140. 9

Eagle CNBC .50 .039 272. 10

Earnbier Is. CNEC .28 297. 11

a/ See T a b l e 11 f o r l oca t ion codes. -

Page 19: · Grade and Tonnage Data Used to Construct Models for the Regional Alaskan Mineral Resources Assessment Program

Porphyry Molybdenum

Depos i ts were c l a s s i f i e d i n t h i s g roup i f molybdenite occurs as d i s -

seminated grains o r stockworks o f quartz veins and ve in le t s i n fractured

o r brecciated, altered granitic i n t rus i ve rocks and the associated country

rocks o r i f deposi ts were reported t o be of t he porphyry molybdenum type

birt no information on the geology was presented. Subsequent t o the col-

l e c t i a n of these da ta and t h e i r use i n the RAMRAP est imates, rapid develop-

ments have occurred i n exploration for and know1 edge about molybdenum

depos5ts. Several deposi ts , such a s Quartz Mill and Thompson Creek, are

now known t o be much l a rge r than our o r i g i n a l - d a t a showed. According t o

T. Theodore (personal communication, 1979), theoret ical considerations I '

resu l t ing f rom recent research suggest t h a t deposits i n Colorado may he of

a specia l type n o t l i k e l y t o occur i n Alaska. In Table 12 , a reyi.sed

grade-tonnage model t h a t reflects the r e v i s e d grade and tonnage est imates

and t h e dele t ion of Colorado and New Mexico deposi ts , i s presented,

Page 20: · Grade and Tonnage Data Used to Construct Models for the Regional Alaskan Mineral Resources Assessment Program

Tab1 e 3.--Porphyry Molybdenum Deposits

a/ Deposit name - b / Location - Molybdenum grade

- (Percent)

C l imax* USCO 0.20

Henderson* USCO .297

Ques ta* USNM -10

Quartz Hi l l USAK .081

M t . Emmons* USCO .26

Enda ko CNBC .86

Boss Mountain CNBC -22

A1 i c e ( ~ i m e Creek,BC Moly) CNBC .12

Moly (Bell) NCBC -066

Adera-Ruby Creek (Adanac) CNBC .096

S t . Elmo CNBC .20

Giant CNBC .I69

Canam CNBC .033

E l k CNBC .I39

Glacier Gulch CNBC .17

Sunshine Creek (combined) CNBC .098

Has k i n Mountain Cr!EC .09

Carmi & Lake CNBC -09

Gem (Bailey, Meg) CNBC .16

Lucky Ship CNBC .084

Karen CNBC .I6

Roundy Creek CXBC .OG4

Red Mountain CNBC .24

Red Bi rd CNBC .15

Pitrnan (JB) CNBC . 08

Ajax CNBC .073

S t o r i e Moly CNBC .072

Thompson Creek USID .ll

bla 1 :nb j erg g r l d .15

Cannivan G US!.ZT .096

M t . Tolman USbJA .063

Tonnage References (Metric tons x 106)

800. 7

a/ * Deposits not used i n revised grade-tonnage model - b/ See Table 11 f o r locat ion codes. -


Page 21: · Grade and Tonnage Data Used to Construct Models for the Regional Alaskan Mineral Resources Assessment Program

SkarnlTacti te Tungsten

Tungsten-bearing deposits were placed i n t h i s class if they

occurred near the contact of limestone or dolomite with i n t r u s i v e

igneous rocks. The t a c t i t e minerals include garnet, epidote, and

magnetite, and the tungsten occurs only as scheel i te. A variety of

data sources were used,including some company-confidential sources.

Some of the deposits are listed without d e p o s i t names, l o c a l i t i e s ,

or sources i n order to preserve the confidential nature of the data.

The g~c:graph ic distribution o f t h e deposi ts is world-wide, but the

unidentified depos i t s are located in the United States.

Page 22: · Grade and Tonnage Data Used to Construct Models for the Regional Alaskan Mineral Resources Assessment Program

Tab1 E 4 . - - S k a r n / T a c t i t e T u n g s t e n Deposits

Deposit name ~ o c a t i on&/ T u n g s t e n Tonnage Reference Wade (Metric - ( P e r c e n t W ) tons

x 103)


Tempi ute A T u n g s t e n d e p o s i t



K i n g Island

Jer,sey-Emeral d

Osgood Mountains

S t a rb r i g h t

Tyrny- Auz


Red B u t t o n

Iron Mountain

S a n Dong

U1 udag

L o s t Creek

C u p r i c

















Page 23: · Grade and Tonnage Data Used to Construct Models for the Regional Alaskan Mineral Resources Assessment Program

Deposit name ~ o c a t i o n d Tungsten Tonnage Reference (Metric

aEt:ent W ) tons 103)

Ysxjoberg SbJDN .26 2,500. 12

Victory GI CNBC .40 83.8 8

a/ See Table I1 for loca t ion codes. -

Page 24: · Grade and Tonnage Data Used to Construct Models for the Regional Alaskan Mineral Resources Assessment Program


Depos i ts were selected for the RAMRAP mercury model on t h o b a s i s of

recomnena.tions of geologists fami 1 iar w i t h the mercury depos i ts of

A1 aska. For example, Sainsbury and EilacKev3tt (1965) state: "The Alaskan

deposits, therefore, may be expected t o be roughly comparable t o similar /

deposits i n Nevada i n general ways." Similarly, deposits from California

erere n o t selected for the model on the basis o f i n f o r i x d recom~endations.

For mercury deposits, da t a on grades and tonnages i s n o t generally

reported, t h o u g h t he contained metal o f the deposits is .

Data for t h i s model were obtained through t h e ef for t s of f-1, Johnson

and J . Peterson from ,the U.S. Geological Survey C R I B f i l e (Peterson and I

others, 1977), and is available to the public through the G . E . timesharing


Page 25: · Grade and Tonnage Data Used to Construct Models for the Regional Alaskan Mineral Resources Assessment Program

Table 5.--Mercury Deposits

(da ta source 1 is t e d i n references)

Depos i t name ~ o c a t i on?-/ Mercury cantent ( M e t r i c tons)

A & B USNY 7.9

A1 exander Mine

Allen Mine

Allison Prospect A1 pine Prospect Ames & Bancroft

Arni t y

Andi es Property

Angel Peak

Antel ope

Axel andl e

B & B


Barnes Butte

Barnum - McDonnell

B e o w a w

Berry Creek

Betty Mine

B i r t h d a y Group Black B u t t e

Black Hawk

B l a c k L i z a r d

Blue Can

Blue Ridge



Bretz B u c k s k i n

B u c k s k i n P e a k

Buena V i s t a



USOR -10

USNY .034

USOR .24

USOR 11,

USNV 120.

USOR 1.2

USNV -14





















Page 26: · Grade and Tonnage Data Used to Construct Models for the Regional Alaskan Mineral Resources Assessment Program

Deposit name ~ o c a t i o n g

Bunker Hi l l

Butte Quicksilver


Cahi 11


Cast1 e Peak Mine

Cast le Rock Prospect

Champion Mine


C i n n a b a r Hills

C i n n a b a r Mountain

Col eman

Container Mine


Costa Crawford

Currier Drew Mine

Dutch F l a t Mine

Eastern S t a r

E l dorado

E l khead Mine

F & L

Fau l t Line

Fern t,line


Fi s her-Roy Mine

Flower Group Freckles

Glass Buttes

Goldbanks Quicksilver

Govenor Group

Gray Prospect













usriv USNV




















Mercury content (Metric tons)

* 34







1 .3









- 10 140.




3 .6


- 2 1


. l o








Page 27: · Grade and Tonnage Data Used to Construct Models for the Regional Alaskan Mineral Resources Assessment Program

Deposit name


Hard1 uc k Property


Hasbrouke Property

Hermes Hi l l s i de

Hi t h Mine

Horse Canyon I

Horse Heaven

Horse Mountain Horton Mine

Hot gratlp

. Humbol d t

Idaho Aimaden

Inman Mine

Jackpot Property

Jimmie Ann

Juniper Mine

Juniper Hill Mine

Kigg ins Mine

King George

Lakevi ew Property

Lark Group

Last Chance Prospect Li t t le L inda

Lost Steers Group

Luckey Boy Mine

l y t l e - Lynch

M & ril


~ o c a ti o d Mercury content (Metric tons)

USNV 3.4

USNV 1.4

usrlv 2.4

USHV .38

US I D 920.

USNV 5.5

USNV 2.4

USNV 21.

USOR 390.

USNV 6.5

USMV 17.

USNV 7.3

USOR .17

USID 620.

USNV 2.4

USNV .14

USOR * 15.

USNV 110.

USID -069

USOR 2.4

USMV 11.

USNV .069

USNV 1.7

USFIV .034

USNV .59

USNV 16.

USUT 21.

USWA .34

USNV 3.4

USNV 2.4

flari posa Prospect

Maud S. Mine

blaury Mountain Mine




Page 28: · Grade and Tonnage Data Used to Construct Models for the Regional Alaskan Mineral Resources Assessment Program

Deposit name ~ o c a t i o r d 1-lercury content (Pletric tons)

l4cAdoo US I i V 57.

14cCoy USNV 11.

McDermi tt

bli 1 1 er Nina Development

Mogul Group

/don tgornery


t,lotheriode Mine

M o u n t Tobin

Mountain King

Nevada Cinnabar

Nevada S u l f u r

blei bu h r Prospect

Misbet Mine


N o r t h Fork

O.K. P r o s p e c t 01 d Timer Property

O p a l i t e Mine

O r o n o g o

Pershing Mine


Poinset ta Mine

Prohert Mine

R a b b i t Hole

R a t Hole

Rat t l esnake

Red Bird Group

Red Bird Mine

Red Cloud M i n e

Red Ore Mine

Red Rock M i n e

Red Rose





















usoa USNV











Page 29: · Grade and Tonnage Data Used to Construct Models for the Regional Alaskan Mineral Resources Assessment Program

Deposit name

Reward Property

Rick Property

Rimrock and Homestake


Rosebud Prospect

Round Mountain


Royal Reward

Sacramento Go1 d Pli ne San Pedro Group Sena tcr S h e e b a ~

S i 1 ver Cloud

S t a r l i g h t Mine

Steamboat Sp r ings

Steens Mountain Mine

Stockton Property St ick1 and Butte

Taylor Ranch

Teapot Prospect Tiptop Praspect


Val entine Van Wess

V i r g i n i a Claims


Wal ker Mine

blar Eagle

Washington Hill

Watson Glhite Peaks Group



usr4v USNV


























usr4v USOR



Mercury content ( M e t r i c tons)

Page 30: · Grade and Tonnage Data Used to Construct Models for the Regional Alaskan Mineral Resources Assessment Program

Deposit name Location&/ Mercury content ( P k t r i c tons)

Wi ldhorse USNV 30.

Ye1 lowcat USNV .69

a/ See Table 11 f o r loca t ion codes. -

Page 31: · Grade and Tonnage Data Used to Construct Models for the Regional Alaskan Mineral Resources Assessment Program

1ntrus.ive [\lickel Su l f ide

The c l a s s i f i c a t i o n of nickel deposits (Maldre t t , 1973) has changed

rap id ly i n the l a s t t e n years a s the r e s u l t of new information about the

geology o f these deposi ts . T h u s a se t of three empirical c r i t e r i a were

used t o obtain a se t of da ta f o r the RAMRAP nickel deposit model. The

c r i t e r i a used t o s e l e c t data f o r the i n t ru s ive nickel sulfide model

were: deposits from orogenic be1 t s only were se lec ted , deposits only

w i t h r e p o r t e d nickel and copper grades a n d a n associated tonnage were

selected, and deposits suspscted of h a v i n g e x t r u s i v e ul t rabas ic hos t

rocks were n o t selected.

Page 32: · Grade and Tonnage Data Used to Construct Models for the Regional Alaskan Mineral Resources Assessment Program

Table 6 .--Intrusive IJickeI S u l f i d e Deposits

Deposit name ~ocatio,niL/ N i grade Cu grade ( Percent) ( ~ e r c e n t)

Ax is Lake

Bird River

Carr Boyd

Giant Mascot

Gordon Lake

Kelly Lake K l uane Lake

La kemon t Limerick


Lynn Lake


Mas kwa


Nembeiben Lake


Pickle. Crow

Populus Lake

Renzy Lake

S t . Fabien

S t . Stephen

Temacjami Mine

Zul apa Be1 1 e tz r re

Canal a sk

Juneau lake

ke t t y Lake

Chance Lake































Tonnage Reference (Metric tons x 106)

Page 33: · Grade and Tonnage Data Used to Construct Models for the Regional Alaskan Mineral Resources Assessment Program

Deposit name ~ o c a t i b g j W i grade Cu grade Tonnage Reference- (Percent) (percent) (Netri c

tons x 106)

Fiicobi Lake

Sudbury Shakespeare

P!cVi ttie - Graham Renner Prospect P:i copar Jacobus Prospect

Diadem Prospect

Cat Lake

Ivy Groc;p

E & L Cons Flogador

Dumont [\{endel I )

I?. Iil. Nickel

):at tagan i Lake


Flew Dominion

Keevil , etc.

Ore Faul t






CNOI.1 '











t4ontcalm Township CNON 1.00 .35 2.7 2

a/ See Table 11 for locat ion codes. -

Page 34: · Grade and Tonnage Data Used to Construct Models for the Regional Alaskan Mineral Resources Assessment Program

Vein Gold

The d e f i n i t i o n o f what c o n s t i t u t e s a deposit is perhaps most

d i f f i c u l t fo r vein deposits. Often several mines operate i n the same

ve in o r a mine may operate i n several veins. Thus, several mines may

be combined t o represent one depos i t . As w i t h mercury deposits, data

on the contained metal o f t h e d e p o s i t s , rather than on t h e grades and

tonna~es, is generally reported.

Page 35: · Grade and Tonnage Data Used to Construct Models for the Regional Alaskan Mineral Resources Assessment Program

Tab1 e 7 .--Vein Gold Deposits

Deposit name ~ o c a t i a n d - Aurum Deposit CP!BC

Artic Mine CiJY U

B ig Missouri CiiBC

Bralorne-Pioneer CflSC

Brown McDade CNY U

SK #3 Vein CNBC Cariboo Gold Quartz - I s l a n d Ntn. CNBC

Cari bbo-McKi nney CK3C

Zeballos-Spud Val1 ey-Privateer CNBC Mount Zeballos-Cen t r a l Zeballos

Detoni a


Grani te Poorman

H i Do


Le Roi-Centre Star-War Eagle

Lucky Seven

M t . Nansen

Pola r i s Taku Premier











Salmon Gold CNBC Sheep Creek-Gold Be1 t, Kootenay CNBC

Be1 1 -Reno

Arl ington

Er ie Creek

Roche Deboule Mine

Smith Nash Surf In le t

Union Frank1 i n

V e l v e t

Venus Mine



cr.iac CPIBC





Go1 d content Reference.. (Metric tons)

Page 36: · Grade and Tonnage Data Used to Construct Models for the Regional Alaskan Mineral Resources Assessment Program

Depos i t name ~ o c a t i o d Gold content References (Metric tons)

V i det te CNBC 1.2 1 ,3

Ymi r CbIBC 3.4 3

Alaska Juneau USAK 76. 4

Berness Say USAK 2.0 4

Early B i r d Mine CNBC 1.5 4

Fai rvi ew-01 i ver CNBC .43 4

Nighthawk U S1dA 1.4 4

Perseverance USAK 13. 4

Republ i r, USWA 24. 4

S l a t e Crcek US WA .83 4

Surf Po in t CNBC 11. 4

Treadwei i USAK 95 . 4

Wenatchee USlJA 5.4 4 4 Wingdam Mine CNBC 1.5 1 1

a/ See Tab le 11 for l o c a t i o n codes. -

Page 37: · Grade and Tonnage Data Used to Construct Models for the Regional Alaskan Mineral Resources Assessment Program

Mafic Volcanogenic Copper

Deposits were selected on the basis of the presence o f massive

and irregular sulfide bodies in or closely assoc ia ted w i t h mafic

vo lcan ic rocks in eugeosyncl ines. Su? f i d e r,i neral s inc lude py r i t e ,

chalcopyri te , and, for many deposi ' ts, sphal eri te. The rnafic volcanic

rocks generally present were basalt or other basic lavas; deposits

having any associated felsic or intermediate vo lcan ic rocks were

excluded. A copper grade and associated tonnage were required in order

fo r t he deposi t t o be i n c l u d e d i n t he d a t a used.

Page 38: · Grade and Tonnage Data Used to Construct Models for the Regional Alaskan Mineral Resources Assessment Program

*/- / I c Vol canogeni c Copper Depos i t s ..-- __---

Depos i ts name ~ ~ c a t i o n & / Copper L i nc Tonnage ~ e f e r e n c e grade grade (l,?etric (.Percent) ( Percen t ) tu;:-,

- x 105) - -- Besshi J PAN 3.80 190. 1

Sazare Su r i gad Cu-Zn

Sur igad Cu

M i ndanao


Balaba? is.

S l o v i nlig

Skouries Caracass i








GRC E .r

GRC E 1 Limogardi 1.53 29.3

Kure TRKY 2.10 .70 43.1 1 Asi koy- Kitrewest TR KY 1.90

Geda k TR KY 5.00

Apl i k i


CPRS 1.80 .60 16.5 1

CPRS 1.50 -70 24.7 1

Kynousa C PRS 2.30 3.40 5.15 1

Limnt CPRS 1.40 59.8 1

Mauri Sykia CPRS 2.00 3.5 1

blaurououni CPRS 4.00 .40 150 1

Petka CPRS 1.80 1.50 5.0 1

Skourioti ssa CPRS 2.30 66.8 1

Twin J-MT CNBC 2.80 .86 2.3 1

Campbell Chibougamau CNQS 3.00

Per i l1 Islm CNQB 2.00

Chi bougamau E x p l o r e s CNQB .90 5.4 1

O u t o k i epu FNLD 4.00 .80 200. 1

Ropkl ev N Rid G 2.60 5.00 2,34 1

V i gnas NRlJG 3.20 3.50 8.44 1

Lokken NRl4G 2.60 9.80 183 1

Page 39: · Grade and Tonnage Data Used to Construct Models for the Regional Alaskan Mineral Resources Assessment Program

-, Ceposit name ~ o c a t i o n g Copper Zinc Tonnage Reference

grade grade (Metric '(Percent) (Percent) tons

x 105)

Fordal NRWG 2.80 1.20 88.2 1

Roroscu NRWG 1.70 .07 67. 3

Ki 11 i ngdal N RlJG 1.80 .66 9.1 1

Gjersvi k NRWG 2.10 14.3 1

Tuerrejel 1 e t NRWG 2.50 1.50 8.0 I Stekenjokk SWDN 1.60 3.50 320. 1

S a i n Be1 1 -Chessy FRNC 5.0 6.00 400. 1

a/ See Tab12 11 fo r loca t ion codes. -

Page 40: · Grade and Tonnage Data Used to Construct Models for the Regional Alaskan Mineral Resources Assessment Program

Fels ic t o Intermediate Volcanogenic Sulfide

Deposits were c l a s s i f i ed i n t h i s group i f they consisted of massive

and i r r e g u l a r su l f i de bodies i n or c losely associated w i t h f e l s i c t o

intermediate volcanic rocks i n submarine Tlysch environments. The s u l f i d e

minerals consisted of chalcopyri te , py r i t e o r pyrrhoti t e , sphaler i te ,

and/or galena. In order t o be included i n the data se t , both a copper

grade and associated tonnage had t o have been reported. For some deposi ts

gold and/or s i l v e r grades and associated tonnages were reported. Many

o f the reported tonnages associated w i t h gold and s i l v e r grades were

s ign i f i c an t l y loerer t h a n the tonnages associated w i t h copper grades i n

t h e saze deposits . I t was assumed t h a t f o r many deposits only a por t ion ,

of t he d q o s i t had gold and s i l v e r grades h i g h enough t o be reported and

t h a t i t would there fore be misleading t o present these grades with the

nigher tonnages assoc ia ted w i t h the copper grades. Thus, for silver and

sold only contained metal i s reported. Six deposits from Newfoundland

t h z t , according t o the information ava i lab le , met the c r i t e r i a f o r t h i s

, d e p o s i t type have been i den t i f i ed by D . Cox (personal communication, 1979)

a s belonging t o t he mafic volcanogenic deposit type and are not used i n

the revised grade-tonnage model f o r f e l s i c t o intermediate volcanogenic

deposi ts .

Page 41: · Grade and Tonnage Data Used to Construct Models for the Regional Alaskan Mineral Resources Assessment Program

Table 9 , - -Fels ic t o Intermediate Volcanogenic Deposits

Deposit named Loca- Gold tior&/ ton-

nage (bletri c tons)

Suffield Mine CNQB .50

Sol b ~ c Mine CNQB .60

Cupra Mine CNQB .503

No. 5 Mine CNQB

No. 1 2 Mt ne-Anaconda CPiKB

Anaconda Crebady CNN3

Heath Steel? Orebody CNNB 4.07

Captain Minzs prope r ty C N M .02

Nigadoo R i v e r CNN3

B i g Hil l CriNi3

Banet Prospect USIwIE 2.5'

MS ndamar USbTE

York Harbor CNNS

Rambier Minz Property* CNNF 7.3

Ti1 t Cove Cu Pyri tes* CNNF 9.8

Ti1 t Cove Chalco* CNNF 6.8

B e t t s Cove* CRNF 1.2

Whal esback* CNNF

Gull Pond-Gull b r i d g e M.* CNiJF

Avoca Cu I RLD

Vanze Mine CNQB

Morbrun Property CNQS 4.5

Golden Mani tou Mine CNQB 6.0

Zulaka Mina CNQB

Normetal l,\i ne CNQB 4.32

Ke1 ly-Osmond Property CNQ6

Joutel Copper Mine CNQB

Orchan Mine CNQB 1.3

New Hosco Mine CNQB

Si 1 ver ton- nage (Metric tons)






















Copper g rade (Per- cent )

Z i n c Lead Tonnage Ref- grade g rade (Iletric er- (Per- (Per- tons ences cent) cent) x lo4)

Page 42: · Grade and Tonnage Data Used to Construct Models for the Regional Alaskan Mineral Resources Assessment Program

Deposit name%/ Loca- t i onkl

Go1 d S i l ve r Copper Zinc Lead Tonnage Ref- ton- ton- grade grad2 grade (M2tric er- nage nage (Per- (Per- (Per- tons ences (Metric (Metric cent) cent) cent) x lo4) t o n s ) tons )

Nori t a I4i ne

Garon Lake Property

Besa koa

Saxbergs t




Ely Min2

Elizabeth :b:i ne

t l u n t i ngdon !line

Harvey Hi1 1 Mine


Fl i n Elon Orebody

Mandy titine

Schis t Lake

Fl e x a r

S o u r d o u g h Bay

V a ~ p Lake

Morton L-Dickson L

Fox Lake

Nil 1 echo Property

Kotia-Kamiskotia Pline

Canadian Jarnieson Pr. Horne Mine

Wai t e Uuf a u l t Property

West Wasa Property

Munaz Property

Lake D u f a u l t [,lines

Idaite Amulet Nine

Cerro Roja Orebody

Santa Domingo

Azna l Col la r





SWDN -30 5.20 1000. 1

SWDN 12. 450. .20 2.60 1000. 1

FNLD -80 63.8 .85 2.80 .06 375. 1 USVT 3.50 50. 1

USVT 1.80 639. 1

CNSK 2.75 1.50 50. 1 i

Cr4MN 119. 1700. 2.99 4.40 5690. 1

CMMN 6.9 i6.8- 5.58 6.60 91.2 1

CNMN .20 - 9 4.11 -40 24.1 1

CNSK 3.00 7 5. 1

CNSK 1.01 6.8 1.10 1.60 50 .' 1

CNMN 2.53 3.20 57.7 1

CNMN 1.74 2.35 122. 1

CNO?J 97.1 -77 3.10 .01 243. 1


CNQB 257.



CNQB 11.2 354. 4.71 3.10 955. 1

SPAN 3 2 - 7 792. -80 4860, 1

PORT . 1.17 2150. 1

SPAN 2.20 500. 1

Page 43: · Grade and Tonnage Data Used to Construct Models for the Regional Alaskan Mineral Resources Assessment Program

Deposit nam& Loca- Gold tionll/ ton-

nage (Met r ic tons)

Porven i r Cu SPAN

Zyuzel ski URRS

Sal a i r URRS

B u r r a g a AUNW

Read Roseberry AUTS 16 .3

Anyox Hidden Creek CNBC 3.4

Britannia Mine CNBC 11.4

Iron M t . Mine USCA 7.0

Marmoth Mine USCA 3.4

United Verde Ext . Mine UZAZ 4.3

Iron King Kine UZAZ 12.2

Macuchi Mine ECDR 4.61

Aqui re C I L E

LaBalIads Mine NCLD

Mere t r i ce Mine NCLD

Heri n ITLY

Fabriche ITLY Knappenstube ASTR

Lahanos TRKY

I s r a i l TRKY

G i rlak-Gore1 e TRKY

Dzansul U R G R

Tchorokh URGR

Nyra-Fall s Lynx CNBC 10.9

Kidd Creek Mine CNON

White Lake C N M N .23

Vendome CNQB 1.23

Geco Mine CNON Matsuki J PAN

Shansanai JPAN

Mat tagarn i Mine CNBQ 9.08

Silver Copper Zinc Lead Tonnage Ref- t on - grade grade grade (Metric er- nage (Per- (Per- (Per- tons ences (Metric cent) cent) cent) x 134) tons )

10.00 2. 1

4.20 143. 1 -90 8.80 .90 1270. 1

3.70 50.3 1

1840. -95 20.00 6.00 1070. 1

187. 1.28 2390. 1 133. .95 -16 -03 4420. 1 520. 3.35 3.50 873. 1

202. 3.95 4.60 309. 1

185. 9.23 389. 1

524. 1.73 6.65 2.30 500. 1

5.2 5.00 62.4 1

2.03 340. 1

12.50 8.64 1

4.00 29.00 25.00 9.5 1

2.50 15. 9.

5.00 3.0 1

1.51) 10913. 1

2.00 12.5 1

2.55 25.8 1

2.00 250. 1 3.00 360. 1

4.50 50. 1

623. 8 .33 1.30 471. 1,2

15600. 2,43 7.00 -20 15700. 1,2

1.6 2.16 5.70 -40 4 4 - 1 1,2

57.1 .52 6.70 .30 112. 12

1510. 1.94 3.90 4720. 1,2

1-00 3.05 2.00 922. 2

1.49 2.22 .55 1030. 2

45. .55 6.75 2670. 1,2

a / *Deposits not used i n r e v i s e d grade-tonnage model. - bl See Table 11 f o r l o c a t i o n codes. -


Page 44: · Grade and Tonnage Data Used to Construct Models for the Regional Alaskan Mineral Resources Assessment Program

Copper Skarn

1 I D e p o s i t s were c l a s s i f i e d a s c o p p e r skarns if they i n c l uded dissemin- I

a ted c h a l c o p y r i t e and, i n most cases, magnetite i n s k a r n s . Typically,

the depos i ts occur i n ~netasomatized 1 irnestones i n con tac t w i t h younger

igneous rocks. A l t h o u g h many o f the deposi ts have gold and s i lver grades

reported, t h e reported v a l u e s a re i n some cases i n c o n s i s t e n t ; therefore

go ld 2nd s i l v e r g rades are n o t p r o v i d e d here. I t i s p o s s i b l e t h a t some

. of t h 2 va lues for i n d i v i d u a l deposits reported here may a c t u a l l y repre-

sent several d e p o s i t s i n a d i s t r i c t . Three d e p o s i t s used i n the grade-

t o n n a g e model developed f o r the RAMRAP r e p o r t s have been found t o be

d u p l i c a t e s and have been removed from t h i s l i s t ; seven other deposi . t s J i

were added t o t h e l i s t .

Page 45: · Grade and Tonnage Data Used to Construct Models for the Regional Alaskan Mineral Resources Assessment Program

Table 10.--Copper Skarn Deposits

Deposit name Location - a/ Grade Tonnage Reference (percent) (metric

tons x 104

Gaspe Copper-Murdochvi 1 l e

Wexford Mines Prop.

Tasu-Wesfrob Mine Cu

Yreka Benson Lake

Kasaan Peninsula

Craigmcflt Cu


Snowshow M. Phoenix

Meme Zone

Cassius Prop.

Cerro deCobte-Cundina fllarca

Cobri za

T i ntaya

Chal cobamba

Karnaish Cu-Ag-Au

Agdrdo and Brosso

Traverse1 l a

Sasca Montana-Neu. bloldova

Ma1 ko Trnova

Kedabeg Cu

Loei-Chiengkarn Area Cu

Mackey D i s t r i c t

Standzha D i s t r i c t

Cornel I

Elarble Bay

Jananda Ind ian Chie f

Blue Grouse






























Page 46: · Grade and Tonnage Data Used to Construct Models for the Regional Alaskan Mineral Resources Assessment Program

Deposit name Location a/ Grade Tonnage Reference C~crcen t ) (Iletri c

tons x 104

Filother Lode




Oro Denoro Queen Victor ia

Carr Fork

Copper Canyon

Johnscn Camp

Marble Peak

Pima-?(! ssion

Miarni E a s t

P i nos A.1 t o s














a/ See Table 11 f o r loca t ion codes. -

Page 47: · Grade and Tonnage Data Used to Construct Models for the Regional Alaskan Mineral Resources Assessment Program

Table 11 . --Location Codes














A u s t r i a KORA

Aus t r a l i a , New South \+la1 es MLGS II , Tasmania , N C L D 'I , Western Aus t r a l i a !1l?E4IG

Brazi 1 PERU

Bulgaria PLPN

C h i l e PORT

Co1 ornbi a RMNA

Canada, B r i t i s h Columbia SPAN

" , Manitoba SWDN

'I , New Erunswick THLD

" , Newfoundland TRKY

'I , Nova S c o t i a U RAZ


Hal egasy %.pub1 i c

Plerv Cal edonia


Peru P h i l i p p i n e s





Thai 1 and


U .S .S .R., Azerbaidzhan

CNNT " , Northwest T e r r i t o r y URGR 'I ., Georgia CNON 'I , Onta r io URRS I' , Russian Republic












" , Quebec

'I , Saskatchewan

I' Yukon



Ecuador Finland

France Greece Green1 and

H a i t i


I re1 and

I t a l y





USCA usco U S I D








11 5 1.IA


II , Turkrilcnia

U.S.A., Alaska

'I , Arizona

" , C a l i f o r n i a

'I , Colorado

" , Idaho

I' , Haine

'I , Montana " , New Mexico

" , Nevada

'I , Oregon

It , Utah

'I , Verro l? t

" , Washington


Page 48: · Grade and Tonnage Data Used to Construct Models for the Regional Alaskan Mineral Resources Assessment Program

Table 12.--Grade and Tonnage Yodels

(metr ic u n i t s )

tiS, no t s i g n i f i c a n t ; *. s i g n i f i c a n t a t 5-percent leve l ; '*, s i g n i f i c a n t a: 1-percent leve l

Deposit Type

topper Skarn

P o d i f o m Chromi te

Porphyry Polybdenurn

-. Porphyry C c p p r

-- b f i c

Var iab le ( u n i t s )

Tonnage ( m i l l i o n s o f tons)

Avergge copper grade (percent)

Average go ld grade l o c a l l y s t g n i f i c a n t bu t no t determined

Tonnage o f Cr203(tons)

Tonnage ( M i l l i o n s o f tons)

Average rx)lybdenum grade (percent Ho)

Tonnage ( m i l l i o n s o f tons)

Average copper grade (percent)

Averags cosper grade f o r A12ska (percent )

Average nolybdznum grade (percent Mo) -- Tonnage ( m i l l i o n s of tons)

Nu7b.r o f ~ o r r e y a t i o n 90 prrcerii 53-percen: 10 percent d e p o s i t s Coef f ic ients o f degosits o f d??ssits o f deposits used have a t t a . i e a: h a v ~ a t

l eas t 1e:st l e a s t

42 0.13 2.60 52.00

42 w i t h tonnagr 0.81 1.73 3.50 * -0.49+*

268 83.03 1100.00

27 1.50 25.00 430.00 '

27 w i t h t a n n a ~ e O.G6 0.11 0.19 = -0.31 1iS

4 1 19.00 93.00 450.00

41 w i t h tonnage 0.25 -0.09 N5

0.10 0.23

4 1 0.00 0.01 0.03

0.2: 1 2.30 22.00 Vclrar~ogenic Vdssive Average copper grade w i t h tonnage 1.10 ( 2.20 4.10 Sul f ide (percent) - -0.13 NS

wi th tonnage 0.30 1.30 5.50 exc lud ing depos i ts w i thout = 0.03 NS repor ted grades (percent)

Average go ld grade l o c a l l y s i g n i f i c a n t but no t determined

---.. f e l s i c and Tonnage ( m i l l i o n s o f tons) 0.19 2.00 21 .OO I n t e m e d i a t e Volcanoganic Average copper grade 86 w i t h tonnage 0.53 1.70 5.30 Passive S u l f i d e

Hicke l S u l f i d e i n %dl1 l n t rus i ves



Vein Gold

Tungsten 17.00

Average tungsten grade (percent W )

/ 31


Average z i nc grade (percent) exc lud ing depos l ts w i thout repor ted grades

Average l ead grade excluding depos i ts w f t hou t repor ted grades (percent)

Tonnage contained go ld excluding depos i ts w i thout repor ted go ld ( tons)

Tonnage contained s i l v e r exc lud ing depos i ts w i t hou t r e ~ o r t e d s i l v e r ( tons)

Tonnage ( m i l l i o n s o f tons)

Average n i c k e l grade (percent)

Average copper grad! (percent)


Tonnage o f contained mercury ( tons)

- Tonnare o f contained go ld {tons)

Tonnage (m i l 1 ions o f tons)

- -O.3ee

54 w i t h tonnage 0.90 3.80 15.70 = -0.16 NS

23 w i t h tonnage 0.07 0.72 7,90 -0.33 NS

35 w i t h tonnage 0.26 3.20 39. 00 * 0.78"

41 w i t h tonnage 10.03 120.03 1500.00 = 0.86"

4a 5.90

48 w i t h tonnage 0.32 -0.03 ti5

- 0.03 HS 43 w i t h tonnage 0.19

w i t h n i cke l grade - 0.04 HS

165 120.00

43 38.00

--- 31 0.024

Page 49: · Grade and Tonnage Data Used to Construct Models for the Regional Alaskan Mineral Resources Assessment Program

Chroni t e

Cal i fornia Division of fvlines, 1946-1965, Geological invest igat ions of chromite i n Cal i fornia : Cal i fornia D i v . Mines Bull. 134, published by chapers a s follows:

Par t I . Kl amath F,lountains Chap. I . Del Norte County, by F. G . \ le l l s , F. !,I. Cater, J r . , and

G. A. Rynearson, 1946, p . 1-76. Chap. 11. Siskiyou County, By F. G . Wells and F. W. Cater, J r . ,

1950, p. 77-127. Chap. 111. Shas ta , Tehama, Tr in i t y , and H u ~ ~ b o l d t Counties, by

F. G . GJells and H . E. Hawkes, 1966.

P a r t 11. Coast Ranges Chap. I . Northern Coast Ranges, by D. H . Dow and T. P. Thayer,

1946, p . 1-38. Chap. 11. Southern Coast Ranges, by G . bl . \,la1 ker and A. B. Griggs,

1953 , p. 39-88.

Par t 111. Sierra Mevada Chap. I . Tuolumne and Flariposa Counties, by F. 6 . Cater, J r . , 1948,

p. 1-32. Chap. 11. Calaveras and Amador Counties, by F. W. Cater, Jr . , 1948,

p . 33-60. Chap. 111. Tulare and eas tern Fresno Counties, by G . A. Rynearson,

1948, p . 61-104. Chap. IV. E l Dorada County, by F. W . Cater, G . A. Rynearson, and

D. H. DOW, 1351, p. 105-167. Chap. V. Northern Sierra Nevada (Placer , Nevada, Sie r r a , Yuba,

Butte, and Plumas Counties) By G . A . Rynearson, 1953, p. 169-323.

Page 50: · Grade and Tonnage Data Used to Construct Models for the Regional Alaskan Mineral Resources Assessment Program

Porphyry Copper

( 1 ) Annis, R . C . , Cranstone, D . A . , and allh he, f 4 . , 1976, A Survey of Known Mineral Deposi ts i n Canada That Are Not Being Mined, Canadian Dept. of Energy, Mines and Resources, Ottawa, (96) p. Inc ludes Addendum dated 27 May 1977.

(2 ) D r o l e t , Jean-Paul , The Demands and L imi t a t ions Governing the Mineral Product ion o f Western Canada t o 1990, 13 Oct. 1976, Vancouver,

( 3 ) Drurnmond, A.D., and Godwin, C. I . , 1976, "Hypogene Mineral izat ion: An Empirical Evaluat ion o f A l t e r a t i o n Zoning," i n, A.S., ed . , Porphyry Ceposits o f the Canadian ~ o r d i l l e r d , Can. I n s t . Mining a n d K e t a l . , Spec. Vol. 15, p. 52-63.

(4 ) Mining Magazine, 1972, Progress a t S i o i l kameen, v . 126, no. 3 , (Mar), p . 167.

(5 ) P i l c h e r , S . H . , and McDougall, J . J . , 1976, "Characteristics of Some Canadian C o r d i l l e r a n Porphyry Prospects," i n Brol;~n, A.S., ed., , .

Porphyry Deposits o f t h e Canadian C o r d i l l e r a , Can. I n s t , Mining and Meta l , , Spec. Vol. 15, p. 79-82.

( 6 ) R i c h t e r , D . H . , S inge r , D . A . , and Cox, D.P., 1975, blineral Resources Map o f t h e Rabesna Quadrangle, Alaska: U.S. Geological Survey Misc. F ie ld S t u d i e s Map MF - 655K, 1 sheet , s c a l e 1:250,000.

(7) Western Miner, 1973, "The Afton D i scovery , " v. 46, no. 2 , Feb., p.36.

(8) Indus t ry sources .

( 9 ) World Mining, 1978, What's Going on i n \dorld Mining, v. 31, no. 12, p. 88.

(10) Mining Jou r . , 1979, Major Canadian Copper Deposi t , 17 hug. 1979, v . 293, no. 7513, p . 126.

(11) {dining Jou r . , 1979, Canadian Copper-Moly Discovery, 14 Sept. 1979, v . 293, no. 7517, p. 217.

Page 51: · Grade and Tonnage Data Used to Construct Models for the Regional Alaskan Mineral Resources Assessment Program

Porphyry Wol ybdenun

American Metals Market, 1980, Quartz H i 11 ' s Koly Reserve Upgraded, 27 Feb. 1980, v o l . 88 , no. 39, p. 7.

Annis, R . C . , Cranstone, D . A . , and Vallee, M . , 1976, A Survey of Known Mineral Deposi ts i n Canada That Are Mot Being Mined, Canadian Dept. o f Energy, Mines afid Resources, Ottawa, (96) p. Includes Adderndurn dated 27 May 1977.

Drufimond, A . D . , and Godwin, C.I., 1976, "Hypogene Mineral izat ion: An Empirical Evalua t ion of A l t e r a t i o n Zoning," i n Brown, A.S., ed., Porphyry Deposits o f t h e Canadian Cord i l l e r a 7 C a n . I n s t . Mining and Metal. , Spec. vo l . 15, p. 52-63.

King, R.U., Shawe, D . R . , and MacKevett, E.Pl., J r . , 1973, "Plolybdenurn," i n Brobs t , D . A . , and P r a t t , W.P., editors, United S t a t e s Mineral - Resources, U.S. Geol . Survey Prof . Paper 820, p. 425-435.

M i K i n g Engineering, 1980, US and I n t e r n a t i o n a l Mineral Ikws Briefs, Jan . 1980, vo1.32, no. 1, p. 17.

P i l c h e r , S.H. and I4cDougal1, J .J., 1976, " C h a r a c t e r i s t i c s of Some Canad ian C o r d i l l e r a n Porphyry Prospec ts , " i n Brown, A.S.,ted., Porphyry Depos i t s of the Canadian c o r d i l l era , Can. Inst . and Metal. , Spec. vol . 15, p. 79-82.

Sutu lov , Alexander, 1976, Molybdenum and Rhenium, 1778-1977, Un ive r s i t y o f Conception, Ch i l e , 257 p.

Sutu lov , Alexander, 1978, I n t e r n a t i o n a l Molybdenunl Encyclopedia, 1778-1978, vol . 1, Resources and Product ion: Interrnet Pub1 i ca t ians, Sant iago , Ch i l e , 402 p.

Theodore, T.G., 1979, Personal communication.

World Mining, 1979, S i x Explora t ion Diamond D r i l l s a t Mount Emmons, June 1977, v o l . 32, no. 6, p . 101.

World Elining, 1980, Moly i n B r i t i s h Columbia, Fcb. 1930, vo l . 33, no. 2, p. 65.

Page 52: · Grade and Tonnage Data Used to Construct Models for the Regional Alaskan Mineral Resources Assessment Program
Page 53: · Grade and Tonnage Data Used to Construct Models for the Regional Alaskan Mineral Resources Assessment Program

(10) U.S. Bureau of Mines, 1944 , I ron tllountain Tunsten Project , Si.erra County, N - Plex., War Minerals Report No. 157, (~at iuary) . , 8 p.

(11). !.la1 1 Street Journal , 1977, Union Carbide advertisement, July 5, p. 7.

(12) Wright, Nancy, 1977, data from World Mineral Deposits Computer F i l e , U.S. Geological Survey, O f f i c e of Resource Ana1ysi.s.

Page 54: · Grade and Tonnage Data Used to Construct Models for the Regional Alaskan Mineral Resources Assessment Program

I:lercury D e p o s i t s

Peterson, J.A., Bergquist, J.R., and Gassaway, J.S., 1977, Mercury i n the Conterminous United States: Computerized Data File and Computer-Plotted Map o f Occurrences, U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 77-859, 29 p *

Sainsbury, C . L . and ElacKevett, E.M., J r . , 1965, Quicksilver Deposits o f southwestern Alaska, U.S. Geological Survey 8 u l l . 1187, 89 p.

U.S. Geological Survey, 1977, Computerized Resources Information Bank ( C R I B ) , a mineral resources d a t a f i l e of t he U.S. Geol ogi cal Survey.

Page 55: · Grade and Tonnage Data Used to Construct Models for the Regional Alaskan Mineral Resources Assessment Program

I n t r u s i v e Nickel S u l f i d e Deposits

(1) Naldrett , A. J . , 1973, Nickel S u l f i d e Deposits - Their C l a s s i f i c a t i o n and Genesis, w i t h Special Emphasis on Depos i ts o f Volcanic Association, Trans. Can. Ins t . f l i n . tilet., 76, 183-201.

( 2 ) Annis, R . C . , Cranstone, D . A . , and ValleP, M. 1976, A Survey o f Known Mineral Deposits i n Canada T h a t Are Not Being Flirted, Canadian Dept. of Energy, Mines and Resources, Ottawa, (96) p .

(3 ) Douglas, R.3 . \ J . , ed. 1970, Geology and Economic F l i neral s of Canada, Economic Geology Report No. 1, Canadian Dept. o f Energy, Mines and Resources, p. 838.

(4) M a ~ k ~ n z i e , B.W., 1968, Nickel - Canada and the World, M i n , Res. Div., Canadian Dept. o f Energy, Mines and Resources , O t t a w a , Mi n. Rept. 16, p. 176.

(5) Data from industry.

( 6 ) Laznicka, Peter, compiler, 1973, Manif i le; The University of Manitoba F i l e of Nonferrous Metal Deposi ts of the World: Manitoba Univ., Dept. Earth Sc i . , Centre Precambrian Studies Pub . 2 , 3 v. : P t . I , , 533 p.; P t . 2 , v . 1 , 698 p . ; P t . . 2 , v. 2, 767 p.

( 7 ) U.S. Geological Survzy , 1977, Computer Resources Information Bank ( C R I B ) , a mineral resource d a t a f i l e o f the U.S.G.S.

Page 56: · Grade and Tonnage Data Used to Construct Models for the Regional Alaskan Mineral Resources Assessment Program

Vein Gold

(1) Annis, R . C . , Cranstone, D .G . , and ~ a l l . k , b l . , 1976, A Survey o f Known Mineral Deposits i n Canada T h a t Are Not Being !<lined, Canadian Dept. of Energy, )lines and Resources, Ottawa, 96 p. Includes addendum dated 27 May 1977.

(2) Bostock, H.S., t . lull igan, R . and Douglas, R.J.W., 1957, The Cordi 11 eran Region, i n Stockwell , C. H. , ed., Geology and Economic Minerals o f T a n a d a , Geological Survey o f Canada, p. 283-392.

(3) Lazni cka , P e t e r , compi 1 er, 1973, f~lani f i 1 e ; The University o f Manitoba F i le of NonFerrous Pletal Deposi ts of the World: Nani toha Un-iv. Dept. Earth S c i . , Centre Precambrian Studies Pub. 2 , 3 v.: P t . 1, 533 p . ; P t . 2, v . 1, 698 p . ; P t . 2, 767 p.

(-4) i . i t t l e , H.i.l., Be lyea, H.R., Stott, D.F., Latour, B.A. and Douglas, R.J.W., 1968, Economic Minerals of Western Canada, i n ;:

Douglas, R. J-Id., ed., Geology and Economic Minerals of Canada, Canadian Dept. o f Energy, Elines and Resources, p , 489-546.

(5) S i n c l a i r , B I . D . , Plorin, J.A., Craig, D.B., and Marchand, M., 1976, Mineral Industry Report, 1975, Yukon Ter r i to ry , Canadian Dept. o f Indian and Northern A f f a i r s , Ottawa, 210 p .

Page 57: · Grade and Tonnage Data Used to Construct Models for the Regional Alaskan Mineral Resources Assessment Program

Mafic Volcanogenic Copper

(1) Larnicka, Peter, c o m p i l e r , 1973, Manifi le; The U n i v e r s i t y o f Mani toba File of Nonferrous Metal Deposits o f t h e \!orld; Manitoba Univ., Dept. E a r t h Sci., Cent re Precanbrian Studies Pub. 2, 3 v . : P t . 1, 533 p . ; Pt. 2, v, 1, 695p.; P t . 2, 767 p.

Page 58: · Grade and Tonnage Data Used to Construct Models for the Regional Alaskan Mineral Resources Assessment Program

Fel s ic t o Intermediate Volcanogenic

(1) Laznicka, Peter, compiler, 1973, manif i le ; the University of Manitoba F i l e o f Nonferrous r-lztal Deposits o f t he Iiorld: Manitoba Univ . , Dept. Ear th Sci. , Centre Precambrian Studies Pub. 2, 3 v.: P t . 1, 533 p . ; P t . 2, v . 1, 698 p . ; P t . 2, 767 p.

( 2 ) U.S Geological Survey, 1977, Computer Resources Information Bank ( C R I B ) , a mineral resources d a t a f i l e o f the U.S.G.S.

Page 59: · Grade and Tonnage Data Used to Construct Models for the Regional Alaskan Mineral Resources Assessment Program

Copper Skarn

(1 ) Douglas, R . J .W., ed., 1970, Geology and Economic Minerals o f Canada, Economic Geology Report No. 1, Dept. o f Energy, fili nes and Resources Canada, Geol. Survey of Canada, p. 838.

( 2 ) Laznicka, Peter , coxpi l e r , 1973, FSanifi l e ; The University of Manitoba F i l e o f Nonferrous Metal D e p o s i t s o f the World: i l an i toba Univ . , Dept. E a r t h Sci . , Centre Precanjbrian Studies Pub. 2 , 3 v . ; P t . 1, 533 p . ; P t . 2, v. 1, 698 p . ; P t . 2. v. 2, 767 p ,

( 3 ) Annis, R . C . , Cranston, D . A . , and Vallke, M., 1976, A Survey o f Known Mineral Deposits i n Canada T h a t Are Plot Being Mined, Canadian Dept. of Energy, Mines and Resources, Ottawa, 96 p. Includes addendum dated 27 May 1977.

(4) Pennzoil Corp., 1973, Prospectus da ted 10 May 1973.

( 5 ) Rosenkranz, R . D . , Davidoff, R.L., and Lernons, J.F., J r . , 1979, Copper a v a i l a b i l i t y - Domestic, U.S. Bureau of Mines, IC 8809, 31 p.