Download - DF News 1999 Winter

Page 1: DF News 1999 Winter










Page 2: DF News 1999 Winter

The Apologv IDaar All,

This is just a shon note Aom the Edito. to say how solry I am for the lateness ofthis edition ofDF news. The reason for this is that University course work crept upbchind me and took me by surprise. (It might also have been something to do with beingcompletely unorgarised too.) This sad and pathetic apology goes out to all butparticula y lan Sudbury the o.ganiser of 'Wintcr Wond€rland' and Anna Treadway theorganiser of 'DF lce Skate' whose events didn't get advertised because I didn't get myposterior out ofneutal. Anyway without futthqr ado, these are the araicles that I havebeen givern to amalgamat€:


{ i l . l

Valentine Weekend

Friday I th February -- Sunday the l3r'ofFebruary T


for those ofyou who are unaware ['m ths new South West Rep. 'I herefore, I would liketo make this year's Valentine hostel, which is being held in Glastonbury, really great. Forthose ofyou who have not yet exp€rienced this weekend let me tell you it is superbl Anexcellenl excusc to get together in the SOUTH W€ST and havc a mad weekend oflushlbod. lots ofdrinking. dancing and general c€lebrating ofthe colour pink (beingValentine weekend and alll!) It isn't a mass snogging competition (uoless you wish) butsimply a really 1'un weekend. I would love to s€e somc new faces, as this year the hostelis open to you all. Ifyou're a lone DF then give me a ring, or write to me, it wiil bo chance to experienoe true DF spirit. I think I've rambled enough I'm here ifyoune€d mel

Unfortunately places in Glastonbury hostel are limited so it's really first come fi(stserved. There are only around 20 places -nice and cosyl I suggest that ifyou don't booksoon tlren you phone me before sending your form so that you know there is definitely aplace.

The full price is tl5 but please could you send a t5 deposit with your booking form. Myaddress and phone number are:

Kate GreenlandThe Old Coach Housel58a Pennsylvania RdExeterEX4 6Dv Tel: (01392) 679519*Look forward to seeing you soon

.=.r S:r.. ,

- 'n t . , .

T€llVegeta an? YES/NO (Please circl€ or cross out)

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Page 3: DF News 1999 Winter


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Page 4: DF News 1999 Winter

there'$ nowt so @ueeri afolk ,*uu

RainbOW n etwofk ," ,onory and wanr rdends ro phonE and join ir, teaparties for on€ are not as much fun as tea partid for ... err..- mor€ than one.


lnt*e9vea '^

Caily's number

luone nt 'rl^fanb bo help ,rruc

,oTan)'G,,tfot.1or rnvol-Yed'

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0161 434 3035annail caitv @ item-z€

A Pfotty Story (you don't r€ally need to bcthsr roading)

On€uponalimetherewasacontus€d/worried/bored/lonelv/nic€/tn€ndlv/nothinq-todo-tn-he-add"break-ot-Zena dog called Derek. H€ wanted to talk to pebple and meel'lriends w-ho were also

ons or mor6 ot the above and he had read a fiap adC for something cal ed tho rainbow network in hiscopy ol DF n6ws.Th6 prl)blom was lhat Derek didn't know whethsr to phone the number because

h€ didn't now lh€ p€rson whose number it was. Then on€ day Derek looked at the blue skv andphonsd, he had b€on scared that ltr€ voic€ on thg olh€r end ofthe phone line mioht have b6lonoed

to a scary Alsatian or a none-lo.usetull Andrcx Puppy, but wlren he phoned he f,ouid out that adiallvil was a nice mongrel who wa6 friendly, gave him loads ol orher phono numbers of doqs hs mioht 'want to call as well as inviting him lo corn€ to rarnbow events whicn wer€ top....and thay all livfo

happily ever after



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Page 5: DF News 1999 Winter

I . , ' r , '. " I

29d' Jaulary 1 1:(X) onwards (O!erfl ight accommodation a1 Jeni's housr il requircul

Jcni's ltouso18 Swansweli RoadOloa,5-0.lrhl$892,2!!t.

\:ii.,.\iJ,) ii.-'1 ;l{ ', l('r,r.'ti, 'ttjl '

Ph.tne Ol2l2141211Mobile (t88tt 695 3(d) (Jeni)

Uni: Ols04 438 1!tt -mail J,cjri--a&@ltieb!!s!lll


' Villago co-ordin.tds

' Oftice for !!or,p €xchanges

,,;:; . i,',:i', r I tt ::]i .r ;Anybody inlcres{ed i1r. or who has anything to share on thc mattcr (i intc:.narional work,is invi tcd lo comctotr meedng orr rbe 29" of- lanuary. Inrybousc. l fanyorchasanymaterial to contributc brt caonot nlakc it plcase seD(l i1 to nrr, via cithcr Fost- or c-mail.

II you would likc to comc lo this cvcnl tleuse can you mc, .lcni bcfbro thc 19rd ol .'rruary."lhis js the lirct mectjng so alL infut will tre greally apprccizrtcd.

'l'hc aim will bc li' havc:* Sharing about old + new projects* A diFcussion lcading t(' a decislon on lvhat this group is going lo .bs'

' l hcrc wi l l t | lso hc :r 1 'arc and f ixxl t rx, l orgaoiscd and c()uld cvcryb(xly c( lni ing alon!1pl('asc brjng with thcnr r lixxl dish.

. IFM-SEI Childrcn's world crmo 2000

Ncxl $mmer the i.tcfralionrl falcoo movcmc i. holding it s camp in Wiesr.r, Austrr8Wc ne€d cn€rgclic peoplc to help or ihe ctntral r€snr ofihc crntp witl ipec'tic aros ofthe pogramnrc -THIS MEANS YOUI' Ilfyou erc int€rcat.d in comin8 to the camp but h.yc no group lo go wilh. rhen mrybe you can hclp ur'l her. ,..E a number olarc.s in the €amp itructurc that n.ed holpers


' Opming c.rcnony

' Disc/)s

Otr{oitla Activiri.l

t Cirl's t.nt

' lloy s tent' Children s calei Carnp radio

+ Cr8R

+ Csmp n.Espaper' Kuni' sporl$

lfvou like the sound ofboing pan oflh€ certral rcrm, jl would b€ grear lo herr from yo!. Crle me a cdl ifyou would lik€ io voluoteer or if you d like 10 Lnow morc aboul whar it would .nlail. You can lake oo asn'uch or rr little as you like, it d$*n'l have lo be 3 fildmoti taskl lfyoD dor\ fcel yor wlti to b. prn ofq sentml telm but h|ve idcas pl€as€ dtso c.ll mr ' }v€'rE d€ternined to mate this r cafip lo renlembe..como aloog r.d join the fun1

TamRi^(0r6011 60 05 12 ( lefmt (01225rJ125?4 (ho.c)

Page 6: DF News 1999 Winter


Dear Editor,I wa$ searchi[g through the iDtemel the other day when I carre across ttis

ralher useful, ifa littl€ alarming. pisoe of infomation. I thought that it would be best tob ng it to the attention of everyone in Woodcrafl, seeing as we all seem to find olrssivesin lar away countdes every now and again. So, note, this could save your life:

fhe foilowinq is froft the Eear€ colps l{a5uaL f,dr ils voLuDtee.s uho worL inLhe ,|j[Ezon dungle. It te]Ls what to do in case you ale attacled try aranaconda, Now an anaconda is tbe laigest snake ln the sor-Ld. It i6 alelatr le oi the boa const l l : tor , i t groHs to th i r ty- f ive f€et ln lenqt l andwelghs beiweer three and fcur hundred pounds at lhe ltaxiturn. This is ethatih€ rianual- saidr

1. l t !ou aip ar.E"cLer o! " i .naconda. do nor 'un. Ihe snale Ls f"s1€r LhanyoL arF.

2. Ll€ flat on lhe ground. Put your ar[$ tighi agains! yorir 3ides, yourleqs l ight against 5ne another

3, tuck your chin in.

4. The snake Hili corqe and beqin t.o nudge anc c!:I!b over yo\rr bady.

5. Do not pani.l

6. After the snake has eiantned you. it will beq:n lo swatlow you fior! lh€feet and - always iror 1]he end. lernit llre snaLe to swa]low !.our. feet €ndanklee, Do not panic

7. The snake will now h,eqan to suck your legs lnto itB body, rotr nu6l lteperrecr iy i - i l l . This uj l . l ra l (e a Io 'o t ine.

B. l{h6n the snake has reached your knees slorly ,nd rltl as Llitfe $owenre[tas possible, leac]l dowr,, tale you! knlf€ and very gently s1icl6 it in!6 theside of the snakes noul! betvr€en the edge of its {outh ard yolr leg' rip up,.{ards,severing tie snate?a lread.

9. Be sure lou have you! lDi fe,

10. Be sure yoJr kr i fe is sbdrp.

I do hope all the people intending to go to a far offshore have taken this on board.Furfher more I hope that every one who has visited the amazon, ot an} other tlopicalrainior€sty{ype places and havelived to tell the tale, thinks themselves very iucky to havesuNived u'itiloul this essendal piece ofknowledge. This is partially dedicaled to theinXernalional group setting themselves up at the momenl. If any body has any otrerinformation on wildlife-self del'ence I think the informatior should be pass€d on to themas a mattet ofsome urgenov.


Page 7: DF News 1999 Winter


'fhree simple strps ou wriring tour rerl own tu1iclf tor Dr nr$s:

At the firsl cver DF forum one of the things lhar was decided was to ger rid of "lhe clique", srr lo makeileven easier lo w.ite you.own a i.le we hare set upanetnail address eFp€ci ilyforDFnews. Tomake il even ersier lo gcl your a$icle I have wrttten thc Focess up jn thr€€ simplc stagcs

1. Thjnk ot somelhing 1o wdre2. Type it out in Tinles Ne\{ Ronlan pl123. Send iflia"email" 0o, - df- !ry |@)!tjt)!.!!:ul

Remenb€r if you don't have ac.€ss b lhe WWW rheD you can alwnls use ile posiat sysleln tllal somary of u6 rcly upon eaci da-v. To lil]d oul who is wril.rng €alh copy of DF news jxst call you rcgionalrcp. and lhey wili be more that happy tl] help you any time of lre day or nighl what ever your Fobl€irnig! tbe.

Calling nll W€lsh $F's, '3Your corntry nceds Jou"

Sotry it *,^\ th. clavst I .:oald Bet to a slepp

If you are a proper Welsh DIj or just a DF who ls living in Wales. for example at a Wclsh Lhiversrolikeme, you mnst c.onlacl ne. i]s I am sure tha! *rerc are more than six DIjs in Wales, Thercason youmust conlacl me is bec{use we ar€ shrring a W€lsh DF group. We afe goinS to Inive I ptrrty (m the I llhDe!- IIyou don'r livc i0 Wales but wor d like ro come ro the pirty you arc really quiLe welconr it isgoing to be somewherc iu nurlh Wales (probably my house!), lusr girc ll1e a ring for some morc details,my address is on ahe bark of DF rcws. Adan, Welsil rep-

Section 28

'Ihanks to all DFs that signod postcards et DF contbrence/althing io se.d to the local governmerrtn;nister calling for s*tion 28 [rle law itrlreduccd by tbe'l}raicher gowernDent which bamed LocnlAutholities fron1 For.t.aying homoseruality irr a F$itivc lightl to be r€pealed. This was menriancdin the Quedn's sp@ch t\rs weeks idtei, qnd should b€come l<gislarion during the nexl y€tr.Obviously this was rotjusi a resnlt ofour pos.cardli lots ofpcoplo have been campsigni g aboutthis s;rc€ il *?s iltroduced, but olr 30 a. Bo lEstcards will hawe h6rl some impaetr dd it's reatlynice when thinas chaage aftef you do somethi$A to try and ohthse tttem.

E'rrma Currin

T6 \ *rom it may concsrn.


It is now Oecamber, th.e€ .nontlrs sinca DF CA|vtp 99, On the booking tormtor camp, it wB3 m€d6 ol6ar lt|at ther6 t Dutd b€ a fara poot opeaating. Oncamp, hor\€ver, peopll' elairned to hav6 forgot qnd refue€d to Fray. This hasm€6rtt tlrat lhefa! ete a grorrp of {)Fs vfiom ar6 still o\^,ed mon€y, and a drucfilsrgsr groqp w'ro have got auray withoart paying. These psopb aBsum€ lhatthe DF mov€marrt will cover for thefi. letitng them get a\ /€y witholricornribrtirlg. Sl.rch bbrsr* disr€gBrd for the systqft will meaa th6t no ane winpay into tfi€ fsre pool, eine€ committ€€ witl. This wil mean either a muchhigl|6r oost tbr ev€n1s in ordet lo cov€f fare pool, or no fale po.t al ell- rnakingn6lional ev€rls a tflir€ ot th€ past. li may not 6€em important to you \ rito owBa fiver, but ptFaae psy. I c€n't foree j/o(, to p€y, nor c€n I tfrfe€t6; €ny ofy()u,blrt I trope thal | *ho{.tdrfi have ro becauB€ } jolned ttr€ l,taodcraft fotkrqd not


Page 8: DF News 1999 Winter

t;.. )/i iif a-) !,"l.\.'tl i: tL

First ofall the time I will be free as South London Df.Sunday evenings duling holidays and term time, my term ends on the 17th ofDecember from which point I will bc in Sheffield until about the 17'ofJanuary.

Sgqondujalenaj counE{

Please get involved in the all-new ftiendship festivals coming to an area neal you verysoon.These are open days held in many different areas of the country, which are to havefun and promote the Woodcraft Folk. If you want to find out when one is happeningnear you then contact your rcgional Worker.

If anyone is interested in joining a National council committee we really want a bigyouth presence to be seen nationally. The next meeting is on the 8/9 ofJanuary.

The conrnittees that vou can ioin are:

Develooment: This is how to increase new grcups

Inte.national: This is co-ordinating new projects, The intemational Falken movement,and th€ intemational camp2000.

eDq: This is curricuium and education it involves working on educatiotr packs anddeveloping new activities with Chris Pike the Education Worker.

Publicitv al1d External Relations: This is promoting the Woodcmft folk anddeveloping new merchandise

Staffingr This is discussing the staffing policy of the Woodcrafi folk.

If you arc interested the next meeting will be held in the midlands but I am not surewhere. If you are intercsted then you travel expenses will be paid but please get incontact with your DF reps on council, El1en Maftinez, Dan Hamrnond, KatyRedgrave, Tamsin Pierce.

Yours, Elien Mafiinez.

Page 9: DF News 1999 Winter

i Gi,1tii1.ry:lil,'tJ ird;lr q11 i,{r:lt,/ \i,'jfti'L'ererdlrL.del,ne. rur he Dr.ur(t le l lo" 'h p'nu\€T(nr.

Thjs sct ofCuidelines has been produced by theD.F s in conjunclion with the woodcraft Folk nationalguideljnes.It is io assist ahose D.F's ofgan;sirg a.d allendjng those DF nclivities. Although they are a nationalguide they have be€n developed to serve as a possibie model for any DF acnvities and dre intended tobe ilexible in adapting them to local needs.

Every participdnt in advance of any event should sign the guidelines. If the person attending is undereighteen a parent must sign a conse.! form. They are thcrofore applied cqoally and with consistcncy loall pa$icipants.

General Behaviourlnnguage and actions of a homophobic, sexist, racist, ageressive. ttueatening or olherwise oppressivcbehaviour are unacoeptable.Behaviour of A bull).rng teasing or manipulating Datue is not acceptable.



A set of appropriate activities will be organised for the e\rent. All of those attending will be encouragedIo lake pan in the said program.

All are enoouraged to get involved jn aclivilie,s fid take parl in the running of the event.

'Itey must keep thd personal space tidy.

Everybody should be inlolved in day to day tasks perhaps in rota groups these includelIiood preparations. washrng up, cleaning toilets but duties vary depending on the tlpe ofactivity.

Dfuqs Leqal and illesal

D.f s arc guided by lhe ztpproprjate laws, There{ore;

It is unacceptable for anyone unda l 8 to purchase alcohol

All pafiicipants l!1ll be rcsponsible lbr their own actjon s if over I 8. Everyone must be encouraged torespecl themselves and others with regafd to obsessive abuse of alcohol and drugs

The selling or dislnbution of illegal drugs will be unacceptable.

llealth advice aDd lealleis will be available ar every event- Pcrhaps a peer ied advice t)?c drop ins$vice can also be use full.

A rota slstem of sober drivers and sober non-drivers will be encouraged.


K.P's and those preparing food will follow general hygienerul.s.

Child hotoclion

Onlylhose people between lhe ages of 16 and twenty-one are allowed to attend a DF event. Urlessthere afe extenualing circumstances.Itnder sixreen's mlsr ask rhe pe.mission.lDF committee, thry mus! be an adult member and have anover eighteen year old to take responsibility for them.Over tlventy ores must also apply to DF commit&e and must condibule something towards the event.

Page 10: DF News 1999 Winter

Sarclions $rd ssanisatia'n

€t/liililiflll;tlNg6i R+lt foF /,,:il,\y5lijwTBach everl will have an orgdrkjng conjnittee thai would deal with ary b€havioural or brakiog of theguidelircs. These persons should !e nommaied in advance. rifithin tlre remit ofthis group ther6 mull6e nat$al juslice to aI parti€s and no1 lelierce ffr heaxsay and second h?nd informatiq).

Be awrre of prescdbhg speclfc responx€s lo spccifc keaches unless 6ere is a cotumitlftnt toappllflg the responses univdsaly and equilrbly.

Be a6 cledr as possiblg about the relative rights of the individual and the group. Remember 0ut lheWoodcraft fotk stards for co-operation and community and not for the alrsolute right$ qfth€ individualin all situadons.

Be cleal lhat respanses, suci as expul sion, ae made on grounds of Mfety and the overall collectivepurpose of the organisrtion,

Any comments, please write to: Ellen Martinez.They ar€ to be reviewed and voted on at next conference.

a3\Ti al lle D


Crot dableness of North ttndon Rcp.

Feel free lo oontact me at any time at the addresse$/numbcrs on the hack of DFNs\rvs-l don't bitc!

llowcve., I will spccifically be available for Wrxrdcrall is$ues on wcdnesdays fromspm and all day sunday, in the {irst two weeks of February, preceding the next DFForum,

lf you phone my flat nurnb€r, 0113 230 4'134, ask for Anna in flat 4.1.

The tirne I will be Aee as Souh London Df.Sunday evcnings dufing holidays {nd term tinre. my tcrm cnds on t}E l7' ofDecembcr from which poinr I will be in Sheffield until about the I ?' of January.

Plea from the Hditor: All the DF Reps who were at 'DF Allthing' were asked to givetimes for when they are most likely to be at home and contactable. I only received acouple which are inchded here, can all the Reps please make this inforrnatiotr leown tothe next Editor of DF news (which may be me, if this edition isn't a complete failure!)

Page 11: DF News 1999 Winter

Nattonal DF' Proi€ct Fund ApdieAdqLFsla.

Personal informalion

lndividual or group conlacl .- . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . .Narne,. . , . . , . . - . , . . . . . . . . , . . .Addrc.. . . . . .

Phone number.. . . - . . . . . . . - .Di.ricL or arc-..\ \ , rcd(rctr mcmbcahip n,rmbcr: . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Tl leor b;ef de.d pr i 'n ' r t lk p ' ' ie.r ' . ' .nt( tc.

Aimr. i rhc projcclet€f l c lc: . . . . . . . . . .

r Wrat does rhlr project/event involve?, (1.e. Plo8ram of activj lies) . . - . . . . . .

Na es and districs/ sr-ea! of people (Il applJirg as a Croup.) . . . . . . . . . . . .

Brealdowt of the,rrls:

Otlrer sources you have looke.dToral a$ourt you are applyingAre )ou lnply,ng for a loan?

CondifionB/criter la of fundingi

* the project must closely lollow the aims and principlos ol the Woodclatt Fblk.* Al the end of the pmlect a report n1usl be submitted ro DF Comrni ltee. including an ariicle for DF

* This application m sl be sent to your rcgional representative ln advance of a commitlee meehne* lndivi{:ll}als may apply for up to f-50. eroup6 of 10 or more up 10 nnd inclnding €2cr0* All receipts and any bills musl be sholvn belon linding is re.eived.* If rhe prcject does dol go alcad for any rea.ion any molre! thtt has mt beeir sp'en L on non-relunubl€

deposits must b€ retumed.

l/We" the undersigncd, d€€Lue th4t the pruJeci satisfies the crileria oudined and l/wc ngrce io the cnnditions

irf funding.

SiEf l rJ. . . . . . . . . . . . .

Send this applicabon to,vonr regional ppr€nentadre on DF comDrifiee. whcxe addrcss is on ihe back of dtis

issue of DF News.

r '1. ,

Page 12: DF News 1999 Winter

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Su-e &[cniru o\zTB nb i r3q


\ Fwqv$cn closs-, BrrcalnFeq B{\\ ttB