Download - Devoted to Dublin, Spring 2012


Johann and Andrea Vizagie





Dear friendsGreetings from the Emerald Isle again!

It has been a while since we last wrote our previous newsletter to update you on what God has been doing over here in Dublin. It has truly been a very exciting couple of months of ministry here for us and the church!!

Well, where do we start... In the beginning of the year our leadership team and members of the church had a real desire and conviction in our hearts to pray and focus more on evangelism and outreach on the campuses and in the community as this was an area that clearly needed some much needed prayer and direction. In March and April we decided to have two evenings where we taught on evangelism and received some practical training on evangelism and outreach from some gifted evangelists in Dublin city. One of the great tools that we used was the God Test. The God Test is a very practical tool and booklet designed to help you start a dialogue and conversation with someone with the aim to share the gospel and to also find out the individuals world view and beliefs.

Its has been wonderful to see and listen to some passionate prayer and intercession coming from some faithful prayer warriors with a heart for the city and people at our weekly Wednesday and Thursday night prayer meetings. It was clear that God was stirring something in our hearts where we would often receive prophetic words and visions of what God was calling us and already commissioned us to do in the city. We would often receive encouraging words for each other, but we believe God wanted us to take it a step further by actually using these gifts to pray for people on the streets of Dublin. This was truly a sign of greater things to come!

At one of our Wednesday night prayer meetings many of us witnessed a miracle in front of our own eyes when we prayed for our campus minister Erika Braun’s leg to grow. One of our doctors in our church decided to examine Erika’s legs and soon discovered that there is a noticeable difference in length after putting both legs together. The prayer team then prayed and commanded the leg to grow in Jesus name! What followed was truly amazing as we witnessed the left leg growing right in front of our own eyes! It only took less than five minutes of prayer as Erika felt a weird tingling and warm sensation in her left leg! It was truly an amazing experience and we were all reminded of the many signs and wonders that took place through out the life of Jesus and his disciples in the gospels and in the great book of Acts or better known to our church as the book of Actions!!

We also had three of our first-year medical students from Trinity College and RSCI examining Erika’s leg before and after and they could also confirm that it was truly a miracle. God demonstrated His power to us and also removed some scepticism and unbelief in our hearts and minds. God also gave the team a much needed ‘‘faith boost’’ before our outreach on the campus by showing us that all things are possible for those who believe in the finished work of the cross and His resurrection power!

Passionate Prayer Meetings


Left: Andrea and Erika with their good missionary friend Cari Read from Indianapolis, Indiana, USA posing by the Cliffs of Moher. Cari kindly volunteered to assist us for two weeks in Dublin at our annual Victory Weekend and God Test outreach on Trinity College. Thank you so much Cari for all that you deposited into many Irish hearts and into the church! On behalf of Every Nation Dublin we also want to thank all of you in the USA that supported Cari financially and enabling her to join us on this mission in Dublin! Thank you so much also for your generous financial contribution to our church and our Victory Weekend!

Top: On our way back from Tesco (similar to Walmart) with allot of groceries and food to feed our army at our Victory Weekend!

Thank You, Cari!

On the cover: Some of our students and youth that attended our 1st Annual Student ENGAGE Weekend Away in the picturesque Wicklow mountains.

far left: Pastor Wolfgang Eckleben from EN London and our European regional leader ordaining us as Pastors at our 10-Year Celebration service in March. So thankful for our spiritual family throughout Europe standing with us on this Irish mission!





On Friday, 20 April a team of eight met up on the Trinity College campus. After a great time of prayer walking on campus we broke up in groups of two and went in different directions. That morning we had the privilege to witness to many students and also pray with many anxious students before their big final exam! One of the ladies on our team lead one student to the Lord that morning! This testimony encouraged the team even more for the next day as we continued our God Test adventure on the busy streets of Dublin.




On Saturday myself and Andrea decided to walk through St. Stephen’s Green park, a park located close to the city centre of Dublin. We felt prompted by the Holy Spirit to go to a guy sitting on his own on one of the benches in the park. I asked him if he would like to do the God Test and he said, “Sure why not.” I asked him if he believes in ‘‘a God.’’ He then boldly replied and informed us that he is an agnostic and that he was about 50 percent sure of God’s existence but not convinced.

As he tried to explain and prove to us the reasons why he is not sure of God’s existence, I suddenly got a picture in my mind of a Bible next to a bed. The next moment I got another picture of a close up view of a Bible with some black tracks inserted between the pages. I then felt that I should tell him about the picture that I saw. I mentioned to him that I felt that this was a picture of his Bible that has been next to his bed since he was a young boy. I shared with him the next picture that I saw of these black tracks (leaflets between the pages of the Bible) that I felt was tracks that have tried to deceive him through the years (different world views, Agnostic views, Darwinism, humanism) and was trying to get him ‘‘off track’’ by confusing him and also made him question what he believed and learned through the years about God and Christianity.

I then told him that I believe God has laid a foundation in him through the years when he use to go to Sunday school and church and that the foundation in him will always stay in him. I don’t know why but I felt that I should say to him that you can not outrun God and that he should not be surprised if other people will approach him on his journey and tell him the exact same thing! Well he said, “You are not the first person that has approached me as this has happened to me twice in Berlin over the last year where people randomly approached me and shared about God!” He then confessed to us that he used to go to a big church in Texas where he used to be the worship leader for many years but then got confused by doctrine and also was hurt by some leaders and then decided to leave the church and the United States in pursuit of something new and fresh in his life. We both prayed with him and then gave him an invitation card with our church website and address on it.

Well....the next day, Sunday morning, he walks into our church and then sat down in the back of the church and sat through the whole service to the very end. At the end of the meeting I walked over to him and he then mentioned to me that he was so pleased that he came and confessed that he now knows that God has a plan for his life and that he will not question his existence anymore! He also mentioned that he had been thinking of moving to Dublin next year! I am currently in contact with him and I know God is in the process of restoring Sam’s life and bringing him back on track. Please pray for Sam and for God to heal him from any hurts from the past and also for a renewal to take place in his mind.

Another testimony was when one lady on our team ministering on the streets asked this one young lady if they could pray for her. ‘‘She said sure.’’ So while they prayed for her one of the ladies in the team received a word where she felt that God wanted the lady to know that He will grant her permission to study in Ireland and that she will receive her student visa soon! The young girl was blown away with this specific word and could not believe how they would know about her visa application which she tried to obtain for a while! The girl then burst into tears after some of the ladies shared and witnessed to her about God’s amazing love and the plan that He has for her life. This young lady then asked Jesus into her life and the team had the privilege to help her on her new adventure with God!

That weekend in April our team had the privilege to have led a total of FIVE people to the Lord and also witnessed and prayed with many desperate people around the city searching for some truth and some breakthrough in their life!

Testimony 1

Testimony 2





We had a wonderful 10-Year Celebration on the 24th and 25th of March and it was wonderful to have our PASSIONATE Pastors Wolfgang and Alison Eckleben over from Every Nation London! We had over 150+ people at our Sunday morning celebration service and it was wonderful to reflect back on 10 years of God’s faithfulness and all that He has done in and through this beautiful church in the heart of Dublin city!


24 & 25 March

EN Dublin, Bringing Hope to the Irish Nation Since 2002

Left: About 150+ people gathered together during the Sunday worship service and praised God for all He did over the last ten years.

Middle: Energetic Wolfgang Eckleben from Every Nation London preached a powerful word to our church on the Saturday and Sunday morning.

Right: Pastors Wolfgang and his wife Alison pose with the Senior Leadership team Johann and Andrea and Steve and Cheryl Gilmore.


We had the privilege to host two wonderful ambassadors and ministers from Jerusalem, Israel last week. Barry and Batya are the founders of Vision for Israel (Joseph Storehouse) and are also senior Pastors of congregations in Israel and the UK. Barry and Batya are also both gifted and well-known musicians and passionate Bible teachers with a desire to see both Jews and Gentiles come to know the true Messiah! Barry urged the Western church to pray for Israel and the Middle East at this very important time. Barry and Batya also shared

testimonies of God’s supernatural protection over families and churches in Israel. It is a great privilege to support Vision for Israel and we as a church have seen how God has personally blessed us as a church from the moment we started to partner, pray for Israel and sow into the Joseph Storehouse. They are actively supporting and providing humanitarian aid and funding children and victims of war throughout Israel and the Middle East. For more information about Vision for Israel please visit


Prayer PointsPray for us as we continue to build our Ministry Support Team.

For our protection and for a fruitful time in the United States as we connect and minister at a few churches in the US.

Pray for God to provide us the right building that is suitable for all our ministry needs.

Please continue to pray for the student ministry and for all the students that are currently writing exams.

Please pray for Sam and all the people that were reached over the last couple of months and that we can continue to connect with them and disciple them.






LAbove: We enjoyed a wonderful day out in Glendalough, Wicklow with Barry and Batya and the Gilmore family.


In March we had our first annual student weekend away in the beautiful Wicklow mountains with 25 of our students and youth members. During the weekend our volunteers had the opportunity to connect with all the new students and youth members in the church. It was a real fun time together as a group and it was wonderful to hear all the testimonies of how God impacted some of them over this weekend! The weekend was filled with many fun events where the scavenger hunt in the forest was one that the students are still talking about! We also had some teaching sessions with the group where we taught them about building strong spiritual foundations in their lives, how to discover their God-given identity and how to discover the purpose God has for their lives. The group also enjoyed making their own home made pizzas and we then ended the weekend with a big bonfire and marshmallow party! We are excited to see what God is doing in and through this very talented and gifted student and youth group!! Watch this space!!! :-)




Every Nation Student ENGAGE is a place to GATHER and connect with other university students, ASK questions, GROW in your relationship with God, and be EQUIPPED to face the challenges of Uni life.



Every Nation on Webwww.everynation.iealso on facebook

E-mail [email protected]

Address17 Findlater AptsHarbour RoadHowthDublin 13, Ireland

Phonejohann: 00353-087 9769881andrea: 00353-086 4113344

Skypejohann vizagie jrandreaebbz

Giving InformationPlease contact us via e-mail or see green box below.

Contact Info


We will be traveling to the United States from June 17 to July 29 visiting some of our friends, partners and some churches in Indianapolis, Evansville, and Kentucky. Johann will also be preaching and ministering at Andrea’s home church in Indianapolis, Indiana on July 8. The main purpose of our visit will be to connect with potential partners and also be sharing our vision with them and what God is currently doing in Dublin and Ireland through our ministry.

We are currently still in the process of raising our remaining financial goal to support and cover some of our ministry expenses in Ireland. Please continue to pray for us as we build our support team and minister and connect with people and churches in the US.

If you would like to become a ministry partner and would like to support us through prayer or would like to become a financial partner, or know of anyone who would be interested to support us on this God adventure, then please e-mail or contact us on the details provided on the right, so we can provide you with details on how you can support our ministry.

We would also love to connect with some of you during our time in the US, so please let us know so we can arrange a date to connect and update you on what God is doing in Ireland over a cup of coffee!!

We love and appreciate you all and are looking forward to updating you on all that God is going to do over the next couple of months of ministry!!

One way to support us is through Paypal!• Go to• Click on Church• Click on Giving• Click on Johann and Andrea Vizagie–Ministry Partnership


Check Out EN’s New Website!